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P O R T F O L I OAPRIL 2015 • The Official Publication of International Container Terminal Services, Inc.

MICT wins first Chairman’s Cup

Page 2: April 2015 portfolio Philippine edition



COVER STORY4  MICT wins first  Chairman’s Cup5  The Shaft by Arturo Luz

ICTSI NEWSBREAK6  Terminal utilization at MICT reaches optimal efficiency levels

7  ICTSI holds 2015 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting8 2014 ICTSI Annual Report now available

ON BOARD11  MICTSI names new controller

9  CGSA:  an "eco-efficient" company 

DO GOOD9  VICT invites applicants for community grants10 ICTSI Foundation Scholars receive top honors11  ICTSI supports Antarctic expeditionICTSI NEWSBREAK11  MICTSI, union sign 5-year CBA


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .2

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MEETS & GREETS12  New Hyundai Merchant Marine MD visits MICT

TECH TALK12 ITSS implements new Help Desk system

LEVEL UP13  MICT, SBITC AMs enhance leadership skills

13  MICT launches STAR training for supervisors13  Trainer’s Training:  aiming for immediate impact ON BOARD14  New PortFolio correspondents from Pakistan

ANNOUNCEMENT14  ICTSI packaging materials now available at the PRO

PEOPLE14 Congratulations graduates!15 Movements - March15 Birthdays - May

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T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c . 3

InternationalContainer TerminalServices, Inc.

Page 4: April 2015 portfolio Philippine edition

MICT wins first Chairman’s Cup

Enrique K. Razon Jr. (left), ICTSI Chairman and President, awards the championship trophy to Mohamed Ghandar, MICT General Manager, during the ICTSI Senior Management and Regional Managers Meeting last 23 March a the Forum of the Solaire Resort and Casino Parañaque City.

International Container Terminal Services, Inc.’s (ICTSI) flagship operation Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) emerged as champion of the inaugural Chairman’s Cup after being adjudged as the best performing terminal in the ICTSI Group worldwide in 2014.



T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .4

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Hans Ole-Madsen (left photo), ICTSI Senior Vice President and Head of Europe and Middle East Region, and Jens Floe, ICTSI Senior Vice President for Africa Region (right photo) receive the runner-up trophies for Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) and Madagascar International Container Terminal Services, Limited (MICTSL), respectively.

The Shaft by Arturo Luz

Arturo Luz, Philippine National Artist

The championship trophy is a sculpture made by Arturo Rogerio Luz, a National Artist of the Philippines. Titled “SHAFT # 2 / 6 BENGUET MODEL,” the sculpture is made of aluminum with silver finish. A founding member of the modern Neo-realist school in Philippine art, he 

became a recipient of the National Artist Award back in 1997.ICTSI Chairman Enrique K. Razon Jr., an avid art enthusiast and benefactor, 

chose a masterpiece of a national artist as the championship trophy for the Chairman’s Cup to give credence to the ICTSI Group’s best terminals,This year’s winner gets to keep the trophy for a year before it is passed on to 

the next winner of the Chairman’s Cup.   Aside from this perpetual trophy, the winners get individual plaques.

Hans Ole-Madsen (left), hands the runner-up trophy to Krzysztof Szymborski, Baltic Container Terminal Chief Executive Officer and General Manager during the latter’s visit to ICTSI Dubai.

The Chairman’s Cup cites the best-performing terminals in the ICTSI Group for the preceding year. Management uses a comprehensive set of criteria to benchmark terminal performance, namely: (1) growth in revenue; (2) earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA); (3) net income; (4) improvements in return on invested capital (ROIC); and (5) cash distributions to parent company.

Aside from the champion terminal, two runner-up terminals were recognized: the Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) in Gdynia, Poland was first runner up, while Madagascar International Container Terminal Services Ltd. (MICTSL) in Toamasina,

The Chairman’s Cup serves as a way to motivate

subsidiaries to improve their performance. Considering

that different regions present different challenges,

every terminal needs to think outside the box and come up with solutions to overcome these hurdles.

The championship trophy

Madagascar emerged second runner up.

The Chairman’s Cup serves as a way to motivate subsidiaries to improve their performance. Considering that different regions present different challenges, every terminal needs to think outside the box and come up with solutions to overcome these hurdles.

The Chairman’s Cup awarding ceremony is held every March. A perpetual trophy, a sculpture by Philippine National Artist Arturo Luz, is awarded to the champion. The champion terminal will be the home of the trophy for a year before it gets passed on to the next year’s champion.

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T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c . 5

InternationalContainer TerminalServices, Inc.

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Terminal utilization at MICT reaches optimal efficiency levels

Despite growing container volume at the country’s largest and sole-dedicated container handling facility, utilization levels at the ICTSI flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) remained steady at 65 percent to 75 percent during the months of March and April.

“Overall productivity, yard utilization, truck turnaround time and vessel berthing have normalized at our terminal,” — Christian L. Lozano, ICTSI Commercial Director.

“Overall productivity, yard utilization, truck turnaround time and vessel berthing have normalized at our terminal,” said Christian L. Lozano, ICTSI Commercial Director. Saying that the Holy Week, a period during which the country’s roads are congested due to the influx of holiday travelers, was not an exception, Mr. Lozano cited utilization levels of 59 percent and 61 percent on Holy Wednesday and Easter Monday, respectively.

“These figures are indicative of a healthy terminal operating efficiency both in the quayside, yards and gates,” he added.

Pre-advise systemOn 16 March, MICT implemented a

pre-advise system for export containers. Designed to fast-track the return of containers to the terminal, the pre-advise system greatly reduced the waiting and queuing time for trucks resulting in improved terminal efficiency and productivity.

First quarter figures reveal that MICT had repositioned a record number of empty containers resulting in overall decrease in empty inventories within Metro Manila. Reports also indicate that depot utilization levels have also normalized.

A glimpse of operations at the Manila International Container Terminal.


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .6

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ICTSI holds 2015 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting

Enrique K. Razon, Jr. (left), ICTSI Chairman and President, delivers his report during the 2015 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. Seated (from left) at the directors’ table are Stephen Paradies, Andres Soriano III, ICTSI Directors; Atty. Silverio Benny Tan, ICTSI Assistant Corporate Secretary; and Octavio Victor Espiritu and Jose Ibazeta, ICTSI Directors. Behind them (from left) are Joel Sebastian, ICTSI Vice President and Controller, and Benjamin Gorospe III, ICTSI Assistant Corporate Secretary.

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“Cautious, yet decisive, we pulled through” – this was the story for International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) in 2014.

Delivering the Chairman’s Report, Enrique K. Razon Jr., ICTSI Chairman and President, shared Company’s milestones from the previous year, specifically noting that for the first time, ICTSI’s revenues breached the US$1 billion mark. Overall figures pointed to a strong year for the ICTSI Group.

Here is the full text of the Chairman’s Report:

The year 2014 was marked by a key and significant milestone for ICTSI. For the first time ever, our revenues breached the US1 billion mark. Revenue from port operations grew to US$1.1 billion, an increase of 24 percent over the US$852.4 million reported in 2013.

The robust growth in revenue was a result of the contributions from our new terminals, and a 45 percent revenue growth from the consolidation of the Yantai terminals in China. Without the new terminals, organic revenue growth would have been eight percent.

2014 HighlightsAnother highlight of the year was the inauguration in January

of our newly built terminal in Manzanillo, Mexico, managed by our wholly owned subsidiary, Contecon Manzanillo. The terminal is equipped with four super post-Panamax quay cranes, which are the fastest and largest cranes in the ICTSI Group. The second Specialized Container Terminal in the country’s busiest

port is the most dynamic and state of the art terminal in Mexico. Also in January, we formed a joint venture, ICTSI DR Congo,

with Simobile to develop a river port in Matadi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Matadi is the most important port on the Congo River, and we intend to optimize its location by implementing our brand of service in this part of Africa upon its completion in 2016.

In Nigeria, we signed an agreement to sell 25 percent of our shareholding in Lekki International Container Terminal to CMA Terminals, the world’s third largest carrier.

In April, we signed a contract with the General Company for Ports of Iraq (GCPI) to operate, develop and expand general cargo and container facilities at the Port of Umm Qasr. In November, our Iraqi operations were in full swing. The operations in Iraq are already doing well and we have started construction of the new container berth.

In May, we concluded our first port concession in Australia. Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) signed a contract with the Port of Melbourne for the development, management and operation of the Webb Dock Container Terminal. To be completed in early 2017, VICT will be our first fully automated terminal and the first of its kind in the Oceania region.

In June, we signed a termination agreement with Larsen & Toubro to cancel our contract for the Kattupalli Container

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T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c . 7

InternationalContainer TerminalServices, Inc.

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2014 ICTSI Annual Report now availableICTSI’s latest annual report, which offers a snapshot of the Company’s performance for the year 2014, is now available at the Public Relations Office located at the second floor of the Administration building. A softcopy of the annual report is also available for download on

Scan the QR code and see the online edition of the ICTSI 2014 Annual Report.

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Terminal in Tamil Nadu, India. This mutual decision came about after realizing that the contract was not beneficial to either party. The cancellation had no effect on our global operations, and we were reimbursed for all expenses related to Kattupalli. We will continue to actively search for opportunities in India.

In July, and as previously mentioned, the Port Authority of Yantai in China consolidated all the container terminals handling foreign cargo into one terminal company, and ICTSI acquired 51 percent of the new company, Yantai International Container Terminal.

Group VolumesFor the year, the ICTSI Group handled consolidated volume

of 7,438,635 TEUs, 18 percent more than the 6,309,840 TEUs in 2013. The increase was mainly due to volumes generated by our new operations in Mexico and Honduras; the positive impact of the port consolidation in China; and a 20 percent volume growth in Poland.

Excluding new terminals, organic volume increased by slightly more than two percent. Our seven key operations in Manila, Brazil, Poland, Madagascar, China, Ecuador and Pakistan accounted for 70 percent of the Group’s consolidated volume.

Financial PerformanceRevenue from port operations grew 24 percent to US$1.1

billion over US$852.4 million in 2013. Consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation

and amortization (EBITDA) increased 17 percent to US$443 million from US$377.3 million in 2013.

Meanwhile, the EBITDA margin decreased slightly to 42 percent from 44 percent in the previous year mainly as a result of the impact of operating costs of the new terminals and higher business development expenses.

Net income increased six percent to US$182 million from US$172.4 recorded in 2013. Income growth was slightly tempered by start-up costs and operating expenses in Mexico and Honduras, higher depreciation, and increased interest expense.

Net income was affected by non-recurring items such as gains on the sale of a non-operating subsidiary in the Philippines, the termination of the contract in India, settlement of insurance claims, and the consolidation in China. These items were offset against an impairment charge by our subsidiary in Argentina. Excluding the non-recurring items, net income would have been flat at US$172.6 million.

Diluted earnings per share for the period was likewise higher by 5 percent at US$0.075 from US$0.071.

Consolidated cash operating expenses in 2014 grew 26 percent to US$454.5 million from US$359.5 million, again reflecting the ramp-up of operations. Excluding the cash operating expenses of the new terminals, total cash operating expenses would have increased by only seven percent.

Capital expenditure in 2014 amounted to US$279 million

against a full year capital expenditure budget of US$310 million. The year’s capital expenditure was primarily for the development in Mexico and Argentina, expansion in Croatia, facilities rehabilitation in Honduras, and the start of development in D.R. Congo.

The Group’s capital expenditure budget for 2015 is approximately US$530 million. This will be allocated for the development of D.R. Congo, capacity expansion in Manila, and the new terminals in Iraq and Australia.

For ICTSI’s joint venture terminal development project with PSA International in Colombia, the Company invested US$64.7 million in 2014, and we expect to invest approximately US$140 million in 2015 to complete phase one of the project.

Principal redemption profileThe Company undertook several fund raising, re-financing

and liability management exercises during the year. Given very favorable financial markets and the low interest rate environment, we took advantage of our Medium Term Note Programme.

Our liability management enabled us to reduce funding costs and extend maturities of our securities and bonds by successfully concluding exchange programs.

CitationsDuring the year in review, the ICTSI Group continued to be

recognized as a pioneering company not only in the Philippines but in the region as well.

In September, the ASEAN Business Advisory Council honored us with the highest business recognition in the country by bestowing on us the Corporate Excellence Award in the Large Enterprise Category. ICTSI was cited “not only for its outstanding growth performance, but also for its commitment to the welfare of its employees, as well as its impactful corporate social responsibility programs.”

In October, Hong Kong-based Corporate Governance Asia recognized ICTSI as an “Icon on Corporate Governance.” And in November, United Kingdom-based World Finance awarded ICTSI with the Port Project Sponsor Award for “exceptional work in sponsoring a wide variety of deals.” The Nikkei Asian Review also included ICTSI in its “ASEAN all-stars” listing, citing ICTSI as one of the region’s leading publicly listed companies.

Moving forwardAfter two decades in this business, the zest that we have for

our work is stronger than ever. The daily challenge of finding an even better way of operating our terminals, the effort to deliver world class service, the complexity of interacting with diverse cultures – all combine to motivate us to outdo ourselves. The next year will be no different.

We continue to be grateful to our host governments, our business partners, our clients and our employees. Thank you for your trust in ICTSI.


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .8

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CGSA: an "eco-efficient" company By Katty Ossa The Ministerio del Ambiente (MAE), Ecuador’s Ministry of Environment, awarded Contecon Guayaquil S. A. (CGSA) the Ecuadorean Environmental Certification for being an “eco-efficient” company.

The certification, awarded in March, is given to companies who are able to implement four “cleanest production” processes in line with environmental licenses. In 2014, CMSA implemented the following projects, which was duly acknowledged by the MAE:

• Project 1: Electrification of eight rubber tired gantry (RTG) cranes, which reduced diesel consumption;• Project 2: Replacing power packs with reefers as power supply, which also reduced diesel consumption;• Project 3: Implementation of cargo weighing in cranes, which optimized cargo handling and lowered carbon dioxide emissions; and• Project 4: Using automatic power on RTGs, which reduced lubricant oil useCMSA is the first eco-efficient port operator in Ecuador and the second company in the country to receive the certification.

Photo shows (from left) Eduardo Arosemena, CGSA Chief Financial Officer; Javier Hrycaniuk, CGSA Director of Operations; Lorena Sanchez, MAE Deputy Minister; José Miguel Muñoz, CGSA CEO; Pablo Segale, MAE Director; and Gustavo Cercós, CGSA Director of Engineering.

VICT invites applicants for community grantsBy Claire Jordan-Whillans

Victoria International Container Terminal Ltd. (VICT) opened its Community Investment Fund (CIF) to applications, inviting local community organizations to apply for grants of up to AU$20,000.Announcing the details of the CIF, Anders Dømmestrup, 

VICT CEO, said:  “We are delighted to welcome applications from community groups and organizations whose work promotes positive and sustainable outcomes regarding the health and education of the youth and young people in our local communities.”Mr. Dømmestrup said the fund 

was just one part of VICT’s strong commitment to working closely and positively with neighboring communities around Webb Dock at the Port of Melbourne, particularly in Port Phillip and Hobson’s Bay.“Through our VICT Community 

Investment Fund, we seek to help future generations become happy, resilient individuals who will make good leaders with sound community values.  Health 

We are delighted to welcome applications from community groups and organizations whose work promotes positive and sustainable outcomes regarding the health and education of the youth and young people in our local communities.— Anders Dømmestrup, VICT CEO

and education are both critical to this outcome and through this Fund, we hope to make a contribution that will have a positive impact which sustains over the long term,” Mr. Dømmestrup said.Applications are open to not-for-profit, community 

organizations who meet the criteria.  VICT intends that the community fund be equitably allocated to as many worthy community organizations and initiatives as possible.  For this reason, grants are available in four tiers, ranging from approximately AUD 2,000 up to a maximum of AUD 20,000.Application started last 23 March 

and ended last 17 April.  Further information, including Grants criteria and details of how to apply, are outlined in the Guidelines available at


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ICTSI Foundation Scholars receive top honorsBy Francis BartolomeTwo scholars of the ICTSI Foundation, Inc. proved that hard work has its rewards as they graduated as valedictorians of their respective batches. Vincent Emannuel P. Salibio of Tondo, Manila and Shaina Jane Hugo of Davao City, 

two of the 95 Foundation scholars who recently graduated from high school, exemplified diligence and hard work in both their academic and extra-curricular activities. Mr. Salibio graduated from the Raja Soliman Science and Technology High 

School.  Aside from being the batch valedictorian, he also received several awards, which included Debater of the Year, Youth Associate of the Year and Best in Editorial Writing.  He is also one of the eight top applicants for the ICTSI-Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts) Scholarship Program.Ms. Hugo, a graduate of Francisco Bangoy National High School in Davao City, is 

also the recipient of several awards including the Youth Leadership Excellence Award and the Gerry Roxas Leadership Award.  According to her, the scholarship helped her improve her academic performance and extra-curricular involvement, attend school activities and submit academic requirements on time. The Foundation organized simple get-togethers for the scholar-graduates.  The 

scholars and their parents, Foundation staff, and teachers from partner public schools attended the events, which were held from March to April. Since its establishment in 2010, the Foundation was able to produce 134 

high school graduates from selected public schools within the ICTSI host communities in Manila, Olongapo, Bauan, Misamis Oriental, Davao and General Santos City. The Foundation is sponsoring a new batch of high school scholars for the 

academic year 2015 – 2016, and is also planning to expand the scholarship program to the college level.

Vincent Emmanuel P. Salibio, ICTSI scholar and batch valedictorian of Raja Soliman Science and Technology High School, saying a few words during the get-together event organized by the Foundation.

Julien C. Domingo (left), DIPSSCOR General Manager, poses with Shaina Jane Hugo, ICTSI scholar and batch valedictorian of Francisco Bangoy National High School and her mother, Garibaldi Alvin Enriquez, PBSP Mindanao Regional Center Manager and Francis J G. Bartolome, Foundation Program Head, during the awarding of the College Scholarship Grant.


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .10

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International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) sponsored one of the explorers participating in the International Antarctic Expedition 2015 (IAE 2015), a 13-day journey last March to the highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent on the planet.

ICTSI supports Antarctic expedition

Ny-Ann Nolasco (left) and Robert Swan (right), 2041 Founder, pose for a photo holding the ICTSI flag in Neko Harbor on the Antarctic Peninsula.

MICTSI, union sign 5-year CBABy Rogel Mesias

The Mindanao International Container Terminal Services Inc. (MICTSI) and the MICTSI Labor Union – Federation of Democratic Labor Organization (MICTSILU-FDLO) signed a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) last 20 March. The five-year CBA, which was signed at the Limketkai Luxe Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City, covers guaranteed wage increases, wider insurance coverage and other additional employee benefits. The partnership between MICTSI and MICTSILU-FDLO raises the standard of employee welfare at MICTSI.

ICTSI supported Ms. Ny-Ann Nolasco, a Sustainable Management MBA and MPA candidate at the Presidio Graduate School. Out of the 6,000 applicants, she was one of the few selected by the 2041 organization to participate in this year’s Antarctic expedition and represent the Philippines.

Ms. Nolasco said in her crowdfunding campaign that “An expedition to Antarctica would be a learning experience to complement the impact I intend to effect in the Philippines. The goal is simple: to use the perspective gained to further sustainability efforts in the Philippines by engaging private and public sectors.

I fully intend to take my education on Sustainability Management back to the Philippines and give back in any way I can.”

ICTSI supported Ms. Nolasco through Fernando L. Gaspar, ICTSI Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer.

The expedition is part of the Leadership on the Edge Program of Rob Swan, founder of 2041. The IAE 2015, which started in 13 March and ended in 25 March, aims to enhance the leadership skills of every participant and increase their awareness on the effects of climate change.


MICTSI names new controllerBy Rogel MesiasMindanao International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (MICTSI) recently appointed Atty. Gemma E. Makalinggan-Gloria as its new Controller.“With her legal-financial expertise, 

we are confident that the department is in good hands.  She provides the kind of leadership that’s based on excellence, humility and integrity,” says Jose Manuel de Jesus, ICTSI Vice President for Business Development – Asia and MICTSI President and General Manager. Prior to her appointment at MICTSI, 

Atty. Makalinggan-Gloria served as the 

Atty. Gemma Makalinggan-Gloria, MICTSI’s new Controller.

Senior Financial Analyst of Accounts Management and Sales and Services Departments of the National Power Corporation for 10 years.  She was also involved in different sectors, holding various positions in the fields of law, accounting and audit.In 2000, Atty. Makalinggan-Gloria 

finished her Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at Mindanao State University with Magna Cum Laude honors and became a Certified Public Accountant in 2000.  Graduating with honors, she obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree at Mindanao 

State University – Iligan Institute of Technology and started her law practice in 2011. 

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Integrated with an asset management module, ServiceDesk Plus is a help desk software based on the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework – a set of IT services management practices that help match IT services with the needs of the business.  Some of ServiceDesk Plus’ functionalities include multi-channel support, service level agreement (SLA), knowledge base, workflow automation, notifications and reporting.  In addition, it also features 

automatic asset discovery and software and license management tools.For any service request or incidents involving hardware, 

software, business applications, email and phone systems, the user needs to email ServiceDesk Plus ([email protected]) or log in to the ServiceDesk Plus Portal ( using their log in credentials.  Once the user completes the incident report or service request, the system automatically 

sends a confirmation email to the user along with a corresponding ticket number acknowledging the request.  The support group then responds to the issue and updates the ticket accordingly.  Once the issue or request is resolved, the ticket is closed and the user is notified. “The new help desk system enables 

me to manage incidents and collaborate with end users and technical groups efficiently.  It also allows for paperless help desk transactions, enabling me to effectively track ticket status, monitor tasks and customize reports as needed.  For us, this is a significant step towards meeting our KPIs,” said Alejandra T. Tolentino, ITSS Help Desk Supervisor. MICT implemented ServiceDesk Plus 

with the help of the Global Information Technology Department.



New Hyundai Merchant Marine MD visits MICTHyundai Merchant Marine’s new Managing Director, John Kim (left) visited the Manila International Container Terminal last 18 March.  He was accompanied by (from left) Christian Lozano, ICTSI Commercial Director; Jay Valdez, ICTSI Operations Director; and Froilan Barcala, Hyundai Merchant Marine Operations Manager.  

ITSS implements new Help Desk systemBy Albert Joseph Canceran

The Information Technology Systems and Services (ITSS) Department of the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) recently rolled out ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, a new ticket-management platform for providing technical support on IT systems.

ServiceDesk Log In Page at


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .12

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Participants of the recent Managerial Enhancement Seminar from 2 to 3 March at Island Cove Resort in Cavite City.

MICT, SBITC AMs enhance leadership skillsWith reports from Conn DizonAssistant managers (AM) at the ICTSI flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) and Subic Bay International Terminal Corp. (SBITC) attended the Management Enhancement Seminar (MES) last 2 – 3 March at the Island Cove Resort in Cavite City.Organized by the MICT Human Resources Department, the MES provided the 

officers with knowledge and tools that would help them become effective leaders in their respective departments.  The two-day seminar highlighted how effective leaders should manage both tasks and manpower, which would allow them to contribute more significantly towards enhanced organizational productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.  Ruel Montenegro of CORE Consultants facilitated the seminar. From MICT, the following AMs attended:  Ralph Schlobohm, Elmer Merquita, 

Edward Bonilla, Arturo Valdez, Renato Mamaril, Adelino Vestil, Cesar Badua, Rafael Lauron, Henry Dungca and Mikkel Puyat III; and from SBITC:  Henry Dungca, Santiago Fuentes III and Donato Teodoro.

MICT launches STAR training for supervisorsWith reports from Conn Dizon

The Human Resources Department (HRD) of ICTSI flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) launched a leadership training program for supervisors, the Supervisory Training to Achieve Results (STAR).Launched last 4 – 6 March at the Island Cove Resort in Cavite City, the first 

batch of supervisors was trained on proven supervisory techniques that they can immediately apply.  Participants were trained to leverage both hard skills and people skills to manage everyday work functions more effectively as they meet new challenges that require increased confidence, respect and effectiveness.  HRD tapped CORE Consultants in the implementation of the STAR program.The first batch of trainees for the STAR


Trainer’s Training:  aiming for immediate impact By Geronimo Mangalus Jr.

The MICT Human Resources Department conducted the Trainer’s Training Program for 19 participants in two batches, on 24 – 27 February and 9 – 12 March, respectively. Held at the Island Cove Resort in 

Cavite City, the program aims to provide a more technical and tactical approach for the various technical and equipment training programs at the ICTSI Manila flagship.Over the course of four days, the 

participants learned to design and conduct trainings in their respective fields, tailor their approach using adult learning principles and to become more effective communicators. Eugenia Banta, a renowned trainer 

and human resources consultant, conducted the program.  Also present during the sessions were Rafael Lauron from the OP Resource Group, Jose Carlo Javier, HRD Director and Jay Valdez, ICTSI Operations Director.The trainers’ pool is expected to 

produce immediate results and impact the Company’s bottom line by boosting productivity, increasing moves-per-hour and setting a higher standard 

in equipment care and maintenance.  A follow-up and assessment of the program is scheduled by the end of May. First batch of participants were 

Michael Villarin, HRD Coordinator; Eammond Bryan Fraginal, Safety Inspector; Albert Villanueva, CY / Marine Supervisor; Cesar Badua, Gates Operations – Assistant Manager; Jovinel Yambao, MES Management Trainee; Alexander Laliag, Operations Center Superintendent; Geronimo Mangalus Jr., Industrial Relations Coordinator; Ramoncito Cua, CMS Electrical Technician; Rosaldo Salvacion, CY / Marine Supervisor; Armando Basco, Sidelifter Operator; and Cecilio Joel Saballegue, RTG Operator / Dispatcher.The second batch included  Patrick 

Jan Constantino, CY / Marine Supervisor; Sergio Hingzon Sr., Safety Officer; Edward Bonilla, Assistant Manager – Operations Center; Adelino Vestil, Assistant Manager – Gates Operations; Arturo Reyes, Reach Stacker Operator; Danny Garcia, Sidelifter / Stacker Operator; Wilfredo Baliwag, CY / Marine Superintendent; and Ramon Chito Calingo, Quay Crane Operator.

First batch, 24 – 27 February

Second batch, 9 – 12 March

APRIL 2015

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InternationalContainer TerminalServices, Inc.

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New PortFolio correspondents from PakistanThe PortFolio Team is happy to welcome Arif Raza and Syed Muhammad Imran Moosa, our new international correspondents from Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT).  Their addition to our growing team opens opportunities for us to hear about developments and other relevant stories from ICTSI’s operations in Pakistan.

Arif Raza, PICT Head of Human


Syed Muhammad Imran Moosa, PICT Marketing & Commercial Manager

Congratulations graduates!

Johanna Marie Bancoleta, daughter of Ismael Bancoleta, Admin Services Supervisor, is now college-bound after graduating from Jose P. Laurel Sr. High School last 27 March 2015.  The ceremony took place at the Camp Crame Multi-Purpose Center.

Angelica Jasmin Ramos Inosanto, a BS Medical Technology student and 

daughter of Ariel Inosanto, Anchorage Superintendent, graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honors from the Far Eastern University in Manila.  

ICTSI packaging materials now available at the PROICTSI packaging materials are now available at the Public Relations Office. These are:

1. Paper bag2. Folder kit 3. Document envelope4. CD sleeve5. Sticker sealInterested departments may get in

touch with Paolo Racelis at [email protected] for supplies. Please note that the packaging materials are for official use only.


T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c .14

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MOVEMENTS – MARCHCompiled by Rose Lobrin, Chiara May Atis, Rogel Dennis Mesias, Rejamna Pandangan and Belle Lucero

New HiresBryan Peter E. Garcia    IT Audit Manager, Audit & ComplianceIvan Ulyssis E. Yap    Management Trainee, EngineeringJeremia P. Beltran    Management Trainee, EngineeringTim Joseph D. Alvaro    Mech. Technician Trainee, CMSMargie Lyn C. Cuadera    Consultant, HRDGerald G. Cayao    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsLemie Van A. Futalan    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsMarc Niño T. Manalo    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsRostico M. Guibao    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsEriko A. Bautista    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsJohn Paul Luke V. Bautista    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsErickson N. Castillo    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsJose Edward G. Correa Jr.    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsAldrin O. Magsumbol    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsFrancisco F. Matic    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsJay Mark M. Pacheco    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsArnold D. Saldaña    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsJethro T. Terrado    GPW On call, CY Marine OperationsBenjie V. Barizo    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsRenold F. Fontamillas    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsFernandino S. Navarro    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsRyan O. Poquita    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsAlphert A. Padayao    RTG Operator, CY Marine OperationsRobert P. Alejandro    RTG Operator, CY Marine OperationsChristine Cagulada    Store/Tool Keeper, Engineering and Maintenance, MICTSI

Retirements / ResignationsEduardo V. Alcazar    Supervisor, CY Marine OperationsJan Lexver C. Tiangco    Management Trainee, EngineeringEmmanuel E. Tubilan    Prime Mover Operator, CY MarineDionisio Z. Ginto    Stevedore, Anchorage DivisionArmando N. Salonay    Stevedore, Anchorage DivisionAnselle C. Dimacali    GPW On call, CFS OperationsMelvin M. Gulapa    Prime Mover Operator, CY MarineVhermon J. Gerero    GPW On call, CFS OperationsReynaldo B. Torrecampo    GPW On call, CFS OperationsGarry O. Bergoro    Elec. Technician Trainee, Power PlantRodolf J. Abella    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsMark Anthony G. Asis    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsMarvin S. Pinson    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsJeran L. Valdehueza    PMO On call, CY Marine OperationsJohn Paul Canda    Winchman,Operations, SCIPSINey Barrion    Winchman,Operations, SCIPSIDandy Diaz    Stevedore,Operations, SCIPSILouise Gwen Taborete    Billing Clerk, SCIPSI

Kenneth Elecanal    Stevedore, Operations, SCIPSIRodante Gargoles    Stevedore, Operations, SCIPSIJason Polido, Jr.    Stevedore, Operations, SCIPSIJoener Torrecampo    HRD Clerk, SCIPSI 

Birthdays - May1  Oliver Lacap  Rey Francis Marigon, SCIPSI  Robinson Monterozo  Rolando Rañola2  Chiara Atis, DIPSSCOR  Orven Carmona  Lodegario Castro Jr., SCIPSI3  Epefanio Berre  Elinel Heradura, DIPSCCOR  Helbert Hosalla, SCIPSI  Mylene Icalla  Belle Lucero, BIPI  John Lito Lugod  Ricti Montañano4  Alfredo Bangcaya Sr., SCIPSI  Renato Cajayon  Elaine Pescuela, SCIPSI  Oliver Lañas5  Manny Balaoro  Rommel Bechayda  Edwin Buan  Herlyn Gutierez, SCIPSI  Romeo Mangalus Sr.  Mao Paredes  Delfin Pomarca Jr.6  Andreo De Quiroz  Anthony Dy  Norman Palmon, DIPSSCOR  Albert Villanueva 7  Balahim Bairulla, DIPSSCOR  Jose Boy Banaag  Christ Espera  Rene Logronio  Serafin Marigon, SCIPSI  Randy Verocil8  Edgardo Bautista, SCIPSI  Fruzzel Paul Dianzen  Danilo Magat  Victor Malait, SCIPSI  Sherwin Sanchez

9  Danny Belano  Delio Caber  Romeo Estabaya  Samuel Gayas  Fidel Orcullo, SCIPSI 10  Eduardo Alabastro Jr., BIPI  Vicente Campillo  Rodillo Irac  Michael Javier  Merly Loza  Marvin Martinez  Mark Ailo Ramos11  Lorevin Evangelio, SCIPSI  Rogelio Hingzon  Michael Quijano12  Ruben Campillo  Paul Bryan Pabayo, MICTSI  Bing Sumadchat13  Edgardo Arisgado, SCIPSI  Rolando Espinas  Michael Ignacio14  Melvin Canizares, DIPSSCOR  Justino Casao  Paolo Miguel Racelis  Jose Hans Polido, SCIPSI15  Romulo Ariñavo  Alexander Ayuson  Marvin Buenconsejo, BIPI  Rolly Bulanon, MICTSI  Jeffrey Chavez, MICTSI  Lorenzo Ebrole, Jr., DIPSSCOR  William Gulane  Ricardo Paglinawan  Sandro Perez  Eddie Solatar, DIPSSCOR  John Sumampong  Roldan Tilano, SCIPSI16  Simeon Abando Jr., BIPI  Ricky Gonzales Jr.  Annabelle Reyes

17  Artemio Alanza, SCIPSI  Macario Arzaga  Leopoldo Dorin Jr., SCIPSI  Felipe Espinosa  Joey Mores  J3 Tayag  Jessie Todoc  Salvador Torrefranca, SCIPSI18  Mario Echevarria  Loreto Locanas, SCIPSI19  Mary Jane Beron, SCIPSI  Joefren Ramirez20  Domingo Dela Cruz Jr.  Gerard Angelo Emilio Festin  Allan Jasojaso  Marilu Jolejole  Ruel Paredes  Marjun Trongco, SCIPSI 21  Tito Dacca Jr.  Randy David  Cecilio Reyes  Dayday Torres  Romil Turbanos, SCIPSI22  Ramie Agnes  Benjamin Blasé  Christian Dagsaan  Florentino Gas  Nato Magdaet23  Arsenio Abundo, Jr., DIPSSCOR  Danilo Bruza  Haje Cuaterno  Dennis Suriba24  Andrea Dawal  Antonio Notario, MICTSI25  Alfonso Atlobulan, SCIPSI  Millard Diaz, SCIPSI  Erick Manzano  Pepito Sanchez 

26  Arvin Abuan  Alfonso Atlobulan  Felipe Baldos  Florante Capatid, SCIPSI  Larry Esguerra, SCIPSI  Almon Salomon, DIPSSCOR  Ruel Malipot27   Cesar Azul  Ruben Bongco  Michael Fernando  Raldy Lido28  Leonilo Gabral  Danny Peliño  Sally Inonog29  Michael Babaran  Jesus Tristeza Jr.30  Ron Abapo, SCIPSI  James Paul Adula  Wilfredo Baliwag Sr.  Marlon Besa  Ben Nuguit  Patricia Marie Rebong31  Luis Belano  Froilan Magtalas  Evangeline Musni  John Paolo Siat  Ma Cresencia Urdaneta

APRIL 2015

T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n t a i n e r T e r m i n a l S e r v i c e s , I n c . 15

InternationalContainer TerminalServices, Inc.

Page 16: April 2015 portfolio Philippine edition

Stories should be work-related, highlighting the duties and accom-plishments of exemplary employees, company events and programs, as well as other relevant company happenings. Articles should not exceed 600 words and should include captioned photos.

Photography enthusiasts can submit creative shots of terminals, operations (non-sensitive/classi�ed), events and other happenings, along with simple captions. Submitted photos will be published and included in the Compa-ny’s repository of images for possible use in other promotional materials.

· Articles should be submitted either in word doc (email attachment) or plain text (as email text) format.

· Include the following: Title, Subtitle (if any), and Author. When identifying persons in captions, their names always come �rst followed by position.

· We encourage sending the original, high resolution images separately via Once images are uploaded to Copy, simply send the share link along with the email. Images should have a resolution of 300 dpi and above.

Employees may email their piece to the Associate Editor at [email protected] with the subject “PortFolio Contribu-tion.” Management reserves the right to choose stories and photos for publica-tion as well as to edit such stories as deemed �t.

As a token of appreciation, contributors of published stories and photos will receive limited edition PortFolio ID lanyards.

For the month of March, thank you for your contributions:

· Edward Bonilla

· Aris Palayad

· Belle Lucero

· Olga Ureta

· Anicia Magsino

· Teresa Vega

· Jelenie Tanagras

· Angela Carreno

· Renell John Maglalang

· Rico Cruz

Submission Guidelines



invites ICTSI employees worldwide to contribute to the monthly publication by sharing office and work-life stories, and by sending photos of ICTSI terminals and operations including Company happenings and events.

PortFolio is published by International Container Terminal Services, Inc.

for its employees, clients, and friends.

If you wish to receive a copy of the PortFolio, please write, call or e-mail us at:

Public Relations Office, ICTSI Administration Bldg.

Manila International Container Terminal, MICT South Access Road

Port of Manila, 1012 Manila, Philippines Telephone: +632 / 245 4101E-mail: [email protected]


































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