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YEARS 20 • N° 11 • UK £ 6,50 - CH CHS 11,90 - CH Ticino CHS 9 - D € 9 - F € 8,50 - E € 7 - A € 9,90 - GR € 7 - P Cont € 8,10 - B € 7,50 NOVEMBER 2013 Only Italy EURO 6


• Festival de la Plaisance in Cannes• Monaco Classic Week• Valdettaro classic boats• Interboot 2013• Monaco Yacht Show 2013


• VSY 72m – Stella Maris• Vismara My 34 Cantoni

Ferretti 960







• America’s Cup• News

COVER Ferretti 960

TRADE & TECHNOLOGIES• Vibro-acoustic comfort

• The right fittings to improve the boat

TRADE & TECHNOLOGIES• Vibro-acoustic comfort

• The right fittings to improve the boat

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A boat is not a car

Why has one of the most important car manu-facturers in the world decided to put its nameon a boat? There might be any number of reasons, butwhat I don’t understand is who they think would buy a motoryacht just for its looks or because it was designed by someoneat Mercedes. Remember the Kineo put out by Porsche Designin the beginning of the ’90s? A runaboat that resembled a 911:lovely to look at but basically useless. I doubt many of themwere sold. At the time, they were going for 600 thousand Ger-man Marks. Big auto companies have long been trying toinvade nautical territory. Justthink of Pininfarina with theirnone-too-fortunate Azimut 65in 1993, the one and only timethey collaborated with the Turinboat builders. Giugiaro alsotried with the 47-meter Antalisby Baglietto, whose profile, inmy opinion, was way too com-plex, a far cry from the cleanlines of an automobile. But let’sget back to the Mercedes. Thescale model presented atMontecarlo looked like a luxury sedan without wheels. Peopletake to the sea to sail, sunbathe or spend time in the companyof friends. Spending at least a million on some beautiful design-er object to show off seems extravagant to me. Perhaps themarketing experts at the German design firm suppose thatamong the world’s many millionaires, some are willing to shellout that kind of money just to own something so semi-exclu-sive – “semi” because such an important investment means thecompany can’t afford to produce one-of-a-kind models. Per-

sonally, I have nothing against the intermingling and input fromother worlds, but I believe that a boat must first and foremostbe a boat. It must allow people to move safely from bow tostern, guarantee visibility to the helmsman, offer passengerssufficient room for their activities and move efficiently throughthe water. Probably the Mercedes boat possesses all thesecharacteristics and when we eventually see her actually on thewater, I will express a more informed opinion. For the moment,I will limit myself to observing that on a boat, form ought to bean expression of function, but in this case, of all the possible

functions her form suggests, sailingis not the first that comes tomind. Vaguely or evidentlyrecalling the trademark styleof a major car-making com-pany does not necessarilymake for an innovative boatdesign. The marketing expertsknow very well that the firststep in making a sale is toattract attention to the prod-uct’s appearance, but withouta clear relationship between

form and function, its design may be reduced to a mere exer-cise in style. From a leading multinational company with greateconomic means at its disposal, a history of attention to styleand well-respected manufacturing techniques, I would haveexpected something truly revolutionary. I would have liked themto have made a major contribution to the nautical world, so inneed of input influenced by entrepreneurial spirit, since we oftenfind that bold designs are thwarted by the conservative prac-tices of boat builders. While hiring a designer or architect com-ing from a completely different background may sometimes bea shortcut to immediate commercial success, I believe it is nota long-range solution for creating a product of lasting value.Such an attitude by automobile manufacturers is understand-able when you realize that many of their cars get sold at auc-tions for millions of euro and some of them end up in museums.But the nautical industry is complex and requires immense ded-ication, many years of experience and great skill that goes wellbeyond drawing board genius.

Francesco Michienzi

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Withoutcreativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the samepatterns.” Edward De Bono

Not all prisons have bars: manyare less evident and more difficult to escapefrom because the inmates do not realize

they are prisoners. These are the prisonscreated by cultural automatisms that castratethe imagination, the source of all creativity.

Henry Laborit


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November 2013contents


80 Ferretti 960

by Niccolò Volpati


22 News

34 Sport X-41 class World Championship

64 The ideas factory: Ghost G180F


30 America’s Cup by Niccolò Volpati

42 Novelties by Niccolò Volpati


36 Monaco Classic Week

by Barbara Borgonovo

40 Valdettaro classic boats

by Camilla Bianchi

48 Festival de la Plaisance in Cannes

by Angelo Colombo

ARCHEB8 November 2013

EVENTSMonaco Classic Week


SAILINGAmerica’s Cup






ON BOARDVSY 72m – Stella Maris


TESTED FOR YOUVismara My 34 Cantoni




TRADE & TECHNOLOGIESThe right fittings to improve the boat


IMP. SOMMARIO en 5-11-2013 16:20 Pagina 8

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November 2013contents


54 Interboot 2013

by Camilla Bianchi

56 Monaco Yacht Show 2013

by Maria Roberta Morso

On board

68 VSY 72m – Stella Maris by Maria Roberta Morso

Tested for you

88 Vismara My 34 Cantoni by Luciano Pau

Trade & Technologies

96 The right fittings to improve the boat

by Niccolò Volpati

108 Vibro-acoustic comfort

by Gianpiero Repetti

110 For sale

112 Broker

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Editor Francesco Michienzi ([email protected])

Art director Francesca Villirillo ([email protected])

Chief assistant Anna Tonelli ([email protected])

Photographer Andrea Muscatello ([email protected])

US writer Elisabetta Pianta ([email protected])

Event and special columns Andrea Dini ([email protected])

Editorial assistant [email protected]

Contributing editors/writers Camilla Bianchi, Alessia Cherubini, Angelo Colombo, Alberto Conti,

Francesco Mauri, Maria Roberta Morso, Luciano Pau, Niccolò Volpati

Magazine officeInternational Sea Press Srl, via Tartini, 13/C - 20158 Milano,ph.+39 02 39359111,fax +39 02 [email protected]


How to subscribeSubcription enquiries : InternationalSea Press Srl Via Tartini, 13/C -20158 Milano, ph.+39 02 39359121Subscription rates (one year) Italy € 60,00 - Europe € 110,00 - allover the world € 150,00.Published monthly .All rightsreserved: reproduction in whole or ina part of any article without priorwritten permission from thepublisher is strictly prohibited.Printed in Italy.

DistributorsItalyItalia Press-di S.r.l. - via Cassanese224, 20090 Segrate ( MI).InternationalSole Agent for DistributionAbroad A.I.E. - Agenzia Italiana diEsportazione Spa - via Manzoni, 12- 20089 Rozzano (MI) - ph. +39 02 575391 - fax +39 02 57512606 - [email protected]

Printer Tipografia Rossi (Nola, Napoli)


IMP. COLOPHON nov EN 5-11-2013 16:10 Pagina 12

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Landing in ChinaSanlorenzo and Sundiro Holding, a company listed on theShenzhen Stock Exchange, active in the production of Hondamotorbikes on license, have signed an agreement that will allowthe production of boats from 10 to 20 meters in China, as wellas to sell motoryachts from 22 to 62 metres built entirely in thethree Italian Sanlorenzo production sites of La Spezia, Viareg-gio and Massa Carrara on the Chinese market . The joint ven-ture between Sanlorenzo Spa and Sundiro Holding will leadto a capital increase of 30 million Euro, signed in part by Sundiroand in part by Sanlorenzo shareholders, which will not how-ever change the Italian majority shareholding of the Company,which will remain in the hands of Massimo Perotti, who said :«In this way Sanlorenzo enters a market of yachts that is nowmissing in our traditional range of products and which isabsolutely not in competition with the actual models built in Italy,from 22 to 62 meters. The start up of this first phase will takeapproximately two years before seeing these new models cruis-ing».

ARCHEB22 November 2013

Fishing TrophyPeter Nautica, a YamahaItalian dealer, has beenthe main sponsor of thedeep-sea fishing trophy“Albacore offshoretournament” which hasvivified Mola di Bari with asport fishing race. On thisoccasion it was possibleto test the Osia 315 byCapelli yard. On boardthere was also a nexceptional fisherman:Sandro Onofaro. Oft-times world champion,European record holder,the Neapolitan fishermanhas a record which is stillunbeaten on the Grouperclass of wire 20 poundsand weight catch of 16.2kg. The boat was equippedwith two Yamaha F300engines, the new joysticksystem and the Lowrancetouch screen instruments.

The laboratory BoatLecco Innovation Hub hascelebrated a major milestonewith the launch of theLaboratory Boat, an uniqueboat built by a team ofresearchers from theDepartment of MechanicalEngineering of the Polytechnicof Milan with the aim to createa test-bench for cutting-edgedevelopment of innovative

Green Plus to Stella Maris

During the Monaco Yacht Show , VSY with Stella Mariswon, the RINA Green Plus Platinum. «We are veryproud of this award,” said Cristiana Longarini, director

of VSY, “as it acknowledges the course the shipyard hastaken from early construction and helps support a newpathway that sees us engaged not only in the developmentand application of technologies with reduced environmentalimpact but also in structured programs of integratedsustainability ».



The Picchiotti FlagshipThe Perini Navi Group has launched at the Picchiotti yard in La Spezia Grace E , a 73 metermotor yacht. Grace E has the same particular hull and superstructure lines of the Vitruviusrange.It stands out for the innovative diesel-electric propulsion system and has two Azipod pro-pellers which are electrically powered. These are fitted on an adjustable pod. Grace E canreach a top speed of 16.5 knots.

(foto credits: courtesy of Boat International Media)

design methodologies. Theprofessor Fabio Fossati ,scientific coordinator of theproject, said: “The realization,given the high profile ofscientific competitors, hasbeen a challenge for thedesigners because there areonly three yachts in the worldwith similar functions”, whichhave been built by the MIT inBoston, the TechnologyUniversity in Berlin and theKanazawa Institute ofTechnology in Japan.“The tecnology fitted on thisboat allows one to obtainunpublished data such as thelevels of load acting on thesails, the dynamic behaviourof the yacht and theperformance of the yacht'ssail plan, which are offundamental importance for ascientific approach to marinedesign”.

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ARCHEB24 November 2013

Marina di Loano-Captain’s DayThe first Captain’s Day organized by the Italian Yacht Masterassociation, which gathers together the Italian captains of themost important pleasure ships’ fleets, took place in Marina diLoano.An initiative created to reaffirm the seriousness and profession-alism of the Italian mega-yacht captains in the internationalcommunity of yachting. Italy is a nation leader in the construc-tion of mega yachts, but the official statistics say that only 5%of megayacht crews is controlled and formed by Italian profes-sionals. «Our first aim is to do all that is necessary to takeadvantage of the opportunities offered by the market andensure more employment for Italian captains and crews - saidthe captain Gino Battaglia, promoter of the association - if themission that we propose is successful, all the Italian yachtingwill benefit greatly».

Seatec 2014The 12th edition will becharacterized by 'GreenPolicy'. Very rich will bethe part of the culturaldeepening of “Abitare ilmare” which since 2006is the container for eventsand conferences relatedto the topics of design,edited by G. Decio R.Carugati. The themeconference linked toMyda - MillenniumYacht Design Award -will be the boat as aproject for therehabilitation of smallsizes. The Compotecconference theme will bedesign and compositematerials. The QualitecDesign Award is theaward dedicated to thedesign. The QualitecTechnology Award is aprize given to thoseproducts that constitutetechnologicaladvancement.

The top team is growingFerruccio Luppi, one of theclosest collaborators ofSergio Marchionne at Fiatduring the relaunch of theautomotive group, is the newCEO of Azimut-Benetti

Group. «I’m sure – said thePresident Paolo Vitelli- thatFerruccio Luppi’s humanand professional qualities,together with thecommitment and passion ofmy employees, starting fromthe business lines’ CEOs,and the continuity of mypresence as president andshareholder of the company,will allow the enormouscapabilities of our group tobetter express themselves,which must continue tomaintain the marketleadership that hasbelonged to us from thebeginning».

Construction process

Fiart Mare is relying on Holonix, spin-off of MilanPolytechnic, to manage the life cycle of its products:

from the traceability of each single hull, to the phases ofcustom assembly, speeding up the processes and theresponse time to customers. At any time, each operatorshall receive clear and precise instructions on his handheld.«The boats are extremely complex products which don’tallow any margin of error. Starting from this need we havedeveloped the nautical version of the technological platformi-LiKe, which allows the use of the product’s data in anintelligent way », said Jacopo Cassina, Ceo of Holonix.


The attractive rounded sternWhyko Company has signed a contractrelated to the construction and delivery ofthe new 32.25m BSD 105 model by Benet-ti Sail Division. The boat was built in Viareg-gio for an owner who wants to use it as asecond home.The BSD-105 is an elegant reinterpretation

of a rounded stern motor yacht. It has asteel hull and a Peraluman 450 superstruc-ture , with classification C Malta Cross - HullMach; Ych , Short Range Navigation. It ispowered by two engines of 1,000 Hp eachand has a design speed of 14 knots, with arange of 3,000 nautical miles at 10 knotsand 1,900 miles at 12.7 knots.


IMP. NEWS VARIE en 5-11-2013 16:23 Pagina 24

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Discover the sailing experience: Rodman MUSE, the perfect balance between form and functionRediscover the sea aboard Rodman Muse and request a no-obligation trial to [email protected]

RODMAN en 6-11-2013 11:11 Pagina 1

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ARCHEB26 November 2013

Energy,yes pleaseThe Kohler generators’range by Saim Marineincludes models ofdifferent power, from 33to 150 kW, and anotherone of 200 kW is stillunder development.They are powered byJohn Deere dieselengines and are fittedwith a new “Frx”alternator and with theDec 3500 digitalcontroller, which allowsall the functions to bechecked. The newcontroller also has anincreased memorycapacity to incorporatesoftware upgrade. Thenew range featuresminimum noise levelsand reduced vibrationthanks to an anti-vibration systemdeveloped by Kohler,combustion andalternator cooling airentrance separated, heatexchanger keel cooledand water cooledconfigurations.The new range meetsTier II and Tier IIIregulations.

The limousineIt showcased at the Monaco Boat show and it has beenappreciated for its versatility and its navigation skills. TheLimo was designed by Michael Peters Yacht Design andbuilt by the American yard Hodgon Yachts. It can host 12guests. It is 10.5 meters long and about 3 meters wide. Ithas a top speed of 34 knots thanks to a Volvo Penta 370hp engine. This boat is built in infusion with fiberglass resinsand carbon reinforcements.

Suzuki and BènèteauAn important agreementbetween the Japanesecompany and the Frenchmarine group for the deliveryof the outboard engines for theFlyer, Antares and Barracudarange in France, Germany ,Italy and U.K. has been signed.Bènèteau has a wide range ofboats, from the sporty motorto the sailing ones, up to thereal cruising yachts. TheSuzuki’ outboard four strokeengines range goes from theDF2.5 of 2.5 Hp to the DF300APof 300 Hp.

Powerful and lightweight

In the Wave Runner watercraft range there is theYamaha FX with the Vortex Super High Output four-

stroke, four-cylinder, 1,812 cc, turbocharged with intercoolerhigh performance engine . The Svho engine has a new jetpump with a diameter of 160 mm to obtain maximum thrustand acceleration. The VX line features a large aft platform.Yamaha VX Cruiser and VX Deluxe thanks to the NanoXcelhull are more durable and lighter by 30 kg compared to theprevious models.



The Original WindlassThe Lofrans ‘s relaunch is based on respect for its history,know-how and design developed by Italian engineers. The fac-tory in Monza is fully operational and the orders are immediate-ly processed. New investments including the quality and war-ranty production systems, a new ERP and a new WMS, for agreater purchasing and logistics processes control have beenapproved.

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Performance and elegance.

JEANNEAU 6-11-2013 11:12 Pagina 1

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Stars and stripes powerMercury Diesel has presented the new sterndrive engines withsix and eight V turbocharged cylinders. They are made by theSmart Craft technology and can be used with all Mercuryaccessories. The powers go from 230 to 370 Hp. As optionalthere are the electronicthrottles, the SeaCore cor-rosion protec-tion systemand theAxius joy-stick.

For funThe Sea-DooSpark water-craft by Brp,w h i c hfeaturesthe newRotax 900ACE engine with threecylinders in line, is compact and designed withthe Exoskel architecture. It is made in Ploytec, alightweight, durable and recyclable material, which makes iteasy to drive and extremely fun.The Sea Doo Spark approaches the market with a very com-petitive price and promises a low fuel consumption.

Golden Compass The Azimut 43 HtMagellano has beenincluded in the ADIDesign Index in the"Design for theEnvironment" section.This selection allows theboat to compete on theinternational design awardGolden Compass . Ascale model of the yachthas been exhibited at theTriennale in Milan as partof the Design | Workexhibition dedicated tothe selected products forthe current edition by thePermanent Design Adi.

38 Sanlorenzo in TurkeyA 38 meter long has been sold to a Turkish owner, who came toItaly with his family and friends for the launch. With 4 bridges and122 feet in length, Theraoy joins the Sanlorenzo lines to theevocative forms of the great transatlantic of the '30s. For theinterior layout Sanlorenzo has suggested to the owner the mostimportant Italian design firms such as Minotti, Ceccotti, Giorgetti,Roda, Paola Lenti and Flos. The yacht can host up to 10 guests and6 crew members.

Beyond the traditionIn the Lavagna yard the Castagnola 38 WJ is still under construction. In September 2012the keel was laid. The new flagship, a megayacht of more than 38 meters long and 8.10meters wide, will be completely built in wood. The construction is the one of triple platingplus the fiberglass to make it stronger and more waterproof: 146 tons of displacement atfull load. It is one of the biggest wooden motoryachts ever built , with a hydrojet propulsion.The interiors and the external lines are by Andrea Borzelli and Sara Berta, together with Gio-vanni Castagnola.

La Spezia in partyThe 2013 Feast of the Navy edition was a great

success.The Tall Ships greeted La Spezia in the traditionalway in which ships thank the harbours and cities that have

hosted them, firing numerous guns with blanks. Guided by theAmerigo Vespucci, the 36 Tall Ships continued on to Lerici and

then south of the island of Tino, continuing for about two nauticalmiles to the Cinque Terre and finally aiming south, to the

respective ports of departure.

ARCHEB28 November 2013


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America’s CupSailing

ARCHEB30 November 2013

The comeback of the Americans is incredible andleaves many questions unanswered. It is still tooearly to draw up a final evaluation of this a little

surreal edition of the America's Cupby Niccolò Volpati ACEA / Photos: Gilles Martin-Raget,

Ricardo Pinto and Abner Kingman

We know who won. After a comeback out ofthe ordinary, Oracle won the America's Cup.The New Zealanders were a stone throw from the victory, butthen they started to lose a race after another, until the finaldefeat. Despite seven match points, at the end , the cupremained in the USA. It was a sport challenge that has noequal in the history. Maybe it is so. Certainly it is so for sailing.But there was little excitement. Even the final race betweendefenders and kiwis was so boring. Score aside, the showwas as exciting as watching the live Lotto draws. People tal-ked of "combine", but this is a specious argument, made onlyto have two lines in the newspapers. Everyone knows that forthe Kiwis, the America's Cup is a matter of life or death. Thereare two sports where they compete at high levels: sailing andrugby. The first and only time I have been in the Hauraki Gulf,it took only a glance to me to realize this. It was an afternoonon a weekday and at sea there were at least two thousandsailboats. I was aboard a daily cruise, a "big tar" cruise boatwhose deck had benches and tables in an English pub style.We sailed and drink beer. I asked the skipper why there wereso many boats around the bay. He replied that it was normal.In New Zealand, starting from the middle school, the gymclass is the hour of sailing; it was too important for them tothink they could sell themselves to the highest bidder. Of cour-se, on the other side there was Larry Ellison, Oracle's patronand one of the richest men on the planet. But the America'sCup for the kiwis is all. Not by chance Dean Barker, helmsmanof New Zealand refused all offers of engagement that hadcome from other teams. He decided to remain at the helm ofNew Zealand. Money was not his priority and therefore it is


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carrying wooden pallets. These however were nailed down.They looked like novices during an exit for obtaining the licen-se. It is not their fault. The catamarans of this 34th edition areungovernable. And the spinnaker? As long as there was amono hull it was an emotion to see them lift and haul down.Even the boat that had a considerable advantage in buoycould mistake the maneuver and lose precious seconds. Doyou remember Cayard, when side by side with his opponent,a few meters from the finish line, tried to cut the line at first bysuddenly letting the sheets of the spinnaker go? The sail wentforward and at the photo finish he was first. And what aboutthe Kiwis in Valencia? When his spinnaker exploded, reducedto a streamer hook up the mast with the crew in total panic?And the same can be said of the bowline. Of course, cata-marans slip at 40 knots, but it is a completely different planetcompared to the past match race. Where are the battles ofbanks? In San Francisco, even in the last and decisive racebetween Oracle and ETNZ , the boats went from to the twoopposite sides of the race course. The only suspense was tosee who was the first at the intersection. Little stuff compa-red to the last blood tacking or jibing along the edges of thestern that we saw in the two past editions. Even the crewsseemed ridiculous. Taken from the cameras mounted onhelicopters as they run from hull to another of the catama-ran with helmets on their heads. They looked like the com-petitors of those crazy Japanese shows. Those similar togames without frontiers, regularly teased by Gialappa's Bandor by the commentator on duty. They seemed more ridicu-lous than heroic. The smile passes quickly if you think thatthis edition of the America's Cup had to register the deathof Andrew Simpson for the "capsize" of Artemis. Perhapsthe problem is that sailing at 40 knots is dangerous, even ifyou have a helmet on your head. Why have we reduced tothis? For broadcasting needs, they say. The show must goon, but the show must also be short. Five hours of live showare too many , all must close in 40 minutes. That's why theultra-fast catamarans arrived. "They are the most televisionfit," Russell Coutts explained a few years ago. UnfortunatelyOracle won and we fear that next edition will look like this.What a pity.

difficult to imagine that he sold himself on the 7 to 1 for thetriumph of the Americans. The reversal of the final score wasthe only little emotion throughout this edition. It has been saidand written that they were true match race. We remembereddifferent America's Cup races. We spent the night attachedto the screen with Il Moro or Luna Rossa because, despitelong hours of waiting and endless paths between the buoys,there was heart-pounding excitement. We don’t like the multihulls of this edition. Of course they flew at 40 knots speed,but they seemed ungovernable. Try to split the screen and tocompare any regatta in Valencia or Auckland with one of thesein San Francisco. How was the prestart? Much better the onebetween mono hulls. The catamarans seemed intimidated.They did not come close to each other and when it happenedthey seemed to be in a stalemate, with hulls that slowly andinexorably ended up touching each other. Once the pre-startof a Cup regatta was thrilling. A bank after another and thenthe jibes, the recruitment and the research of penalty for theopponent. Within a few seconds everything went on andhelmsmen moved the boats as if they were driving a forklift

All we can do is to be

nostalgic. Give us back the

mono hulls, the long waits to

see if there is wind , circling

in the pre-start, the edges

fought upwind and stern

with the hoisted spinnakers.

And above all, let it cost less

so, perhaps , there will be a

bit more than four

competitors and the

America's Cup will again be

more exciting than the Lotto


America’s CupSailing

ARCHEB32 November 2013

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to graduate the rest of the podium and the same neo win-ners honored the last race in the best way, with technicaland competitive commitment, obtaining the fifth place. TheNeapolitan boat Malafemmena by the ship owner GiovanniArturo di Lorenzo, Italy CRV, won the final trial of the cham-pionship which dominated the final regatta. Two victories,three second places and two third places were the resultsthat enabled the team to win the World Cup: "We fearedsomething only in the penultimate day when we missed arace, finishing in sixth place, which allowed the rivals toapproach us in the rank - confirms the main sail trimmerAlberto Leghissa - doubts assailed us, but fortunately wewere able to react". A clear victory supported by the 5-point distance separatingWB Five from the second placed team. A much tighter fight,instead, for the rest of the podium where the team of Le CoqHardi conquered the place of honor, with a steady efficiencywith two victories and five third places, behind the crew ofSiderarcordis, outdistanced by a length, but ran into penaltyby the jury. Positive results also for the organizers: "A fierceand competitive world cup with crews at the highest level; itwas a good fight where who made no mistake won - says asatisfied Roberto Amato Mottola, president of the ItalianAssociation."

Bassetti wins

The capricious wind in the Gulf of Naplesinfluenced the X -41 class World Champi-onship. The world title in 2013 was won by the WB Fiveteam of the ship owner from Abruzzo Gianclaudio Bassetti .On the second step of the podium, Le Coq Hardi, by theowners Giampaolo and Maurizio Pavesi, CRV Italy, while onthe third there was Siderarcordis by the shipowner Pier Vet-tor Grimani, Compagnia della Vela of Venice. Technically, thetitle was awarded with an advance day because mathemat-ics gave an unassailable lead to WB Five, but the event had

X-41 class World Championship sport

WB Five of the ship owner from Abruzzo Gianclaudio Bassetti with theMarina di Salivoli pennant won the Class X-41World

Championship. Organized by the Row and Sail Association in NaplesItaly by Camilla Bianchi


1. WB Five Gianclaudio Bassetti Club Nautico Pescara 18 2.2.(4). . Le Coq Hardì Giamp/Maur.Pavesi CRV Italia 23 Sideracordis Pier Vettor Grimani Comp. Vela Venezia 24 1.(6). Technonicol Riho Taluma Kalev Yacht Club 25 (7). .Raffica Pasquale Orofino CNPTA Imp. Ischia 27 4.5.5.(7).2.2.2.(6).1.66. Malafemmena G.Arturo di Lorenzo CRV Italia 32 6.3.(6).4.5.(6). Capitani Coraggios Felcini e Santoro Yacht Club Chiavari 55 5.(8).8.(8). Irresistible 4 Kunio Yamada Kansai Yacht Club 56

ARCHEB34 November 2013

X-41 class World Championship

The chairman of the X-41

International Class, Maurizio

Pavesi, said: “X-41 is a well

alive one design, all boas are

even and we had a fanstatic

series of races with eight high

level crews finishing within

few metres”.

IMP. MONDIALE X 41 en 5-11-2013 16:20 Pagina 34

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Go Away than you imagine.

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ARCHEB36 November 2013

Monaco Classic WeekEvents

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During the 11th edition of the MonacoClassic Week there were record numbers. More than 1,000 people visited Belem, the award-winningFrench three-masted bark, built in 1896 for the chocola-tier Menier to transport cocoa from Brazil; pride of theFrench maritime heritage which in 1984 was classified ahistoric monument.58 sailing yachts , including 10 Big Boats, challenged eachother in the waters of the principality of Monaco.There were 6 races between the four 15M IRs Tuiga,Hispania, The Lady Anne and Mariska.37 powerboats, including 20 Rivas, took part in th regula-rity challenges. And for the first time in Monaco, 29 Dinghies raced together.On the starting line, the giants of the sea gave rise to a realbattle, parading neck and neck without incidents thanks tothe skill of their helmsmen.Allegra Gucci, owner of Creole which was built in 1927 andhas returned to the Principality after a 20-year absence,won the Monaco Classic Week Trophy.Palinodie II, designed by Stephens and built for GastonDeferire in 1962, ranked second in the Marconi Classiccategory.Nan of Five was on the podium in her class and also wonthe Best Restoration Prize.While some newcomers such as the Fife Caron II, the Her-reshoff Chinook, the Sangermani Bufeo Bianco and theStephen’s Skylark showed their excellent skills at racing,the Lady Anne won in the 15M IRs class and its crew, skip-pered by Paul Gross, also won the Elegance Parade prize.Surprises occurred on Friday evening when Hispania snappedits mast and Tuiga made available the one it had in reserve soquickly, so that carpenter Gilbert Pasqui, after a night’s work,

Record attendance by Riva boats with 20 units, their owners

are great enthusiasts.

They love their boats and carefully take care of them, the

repairs are always impeccable.

The Queens The Queens The 11th edition of the Monaco Classic Week will be remembered as a

total success.Wonderful boats, which entered the history of yachting havechallenged each other in a race regatta of great charm

by Barbara BorgonovoPhotos by Stefano Gattini, Andrea Pisappia e -®Guillaume Plisson

The 11th edition of the Monaco Classic Week will be remembered as atotal success.Wonderful boats, which entered the history of yachting have

challenged each other in a race regatta of great charmby Barbara Borgonovo

Photos by Stefano Gattini, Andrea Pisappia e -®Guillaume Plisson

IMP. MONACO CLASSIC WEEK en 5-11-2013 16:14 Pagina 37

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Monaco Classic WeekEvents

was able to repair the boat which arrived fourth. The Dinghyraces were also exciting. Flavia Giordano won in the Under12 with Hydra; first in the Junior category was Jolly Rogerhelmed by Romeo Giordano; the podium in the Classiccategory was won by Italo Baracca with Arch Melandri;while first Overall and first Master was Cicci helmed byFilippo Jannello. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston was voted asPesonnalité de la Mer 2013.

His Royal Highness Prince Albert is a great enthusiast. In his

past, not only sailing, but also motor racing in Class One.

ARCHEB38 November 2013

ResultsMonaco Classic Week Trophy 2013:Winner:Creole (Allegra Gucci)La Belle Classe Restoration Prize: Winner: Nanof Fife (Philippe Mehinick)Concours d’Elégance: Winner: The Lady Anne(Paul Goss)15 M IR Regatta Results1st: The Lady Anne (Paul Goss) 2nd: Tuiga (Nicolas Rouit)3rd: Mariska (Christian Niels)4th: Hispania (Andy Longarela) Big Boat Regatta Results1st: Elena of London (Steve MacLaren) 2nd: Moonbeam of Fife (Erwan Noblet)3rd: Mariquita (George Newman)Gaff Rigged Regatta Results

1st: Chinook (Graham Walker) 2nd: Bona Fide (Giuseppe Giordano)3rd: Nan of Fife (Philippe Menhinick)Bermudian Rigged Regatta Results1st: Carron (Nicolas Groux) 2nd: Jour de Fête (Elise Garcin)3rd: Aloha (Alex Foley)Classic Yachts Regatta Results1st: Buffeo Blanco (Marco Bjonanni) 2nd: Palynodi II (Patrick Teyssier)3rd: St Christopher (Valentin Martin)Dinghy 12’Youth Trophy: (<12): Hydra II (Flavia Giordano)1st Junior Jolly Roger, (Roméo Giordano)1st Wooden Dinghy 12’ (2nd overall) Arch Melandri(Italo Bertacca)2nd Wooden Dinghy 12’ (3rd overall), Damina(Alberto Patrone)

3rd Wooden Dinghy 12’ (4th overall), Spirit of Falena(Vincenzo Penagini)1st Overall & 1st Master: Cicci (Filippo Jannello)Cocktail Competition 1st: Pacha III (Keerthie Pelpola)2nd: Moonyeen (Tom Tuke-Hasting)3rd: Blue Leopard (John Parsons)Chefs’ Competition 1st: Creole (Juan Munoz) 2nd: Santandrea (Steeve Negouai)3rd: Oriole (Gisele Terrole)Whistle CompetitionSteamship: 1st: Lagavullin (Glazer Migges)Manuvrability Challenge Riva: 1st: Susanna (Mauro Zerial)Estimated Navigation Challenge1st: Moonyeen (Derrick Tuke-Hasting)

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ARCHEB40 November 2013

A success for the futureThe compliments of the ship owners andeven more the enthusiasm shown by thepeople, very numerous, which crowded onthe platform of Grazie to see the Queens ofthe Sea: these are the greatest satisfaction for thosewho, for months, have worked to consolidate, anchoring iteven more to the Gulf and the village of Grazie, an eventthat otherwise threatened to divert attention elsewhere."On the Route of Imperia" has changed name and look, bybecoming Valdettaro Classic Boats and really imposingitself as an event related to the town of Grazie and the the

Valdettaro classic boatsEvents

After being "reborn",thanks to the journalistand great lover ofvintage boats PaoloMaccione, themeeting of historicboats aims to be abiennial fixedappointmentby Camilla Bianchi photos by Davide Marcesini

Valdettaro shipyard, which is the "new home" for ship-wrights, whose tradition has always been the peculiarity ofthe village in Porto Venere. It was a challenge won becausethe Valdettaro Classic Boats has really allowed the truenautical culture to be revived for three days. 33 Queens ofthe Sea have attracted the fascinated and curious eyes ofthousands of people, but also those careful and experi-enced ones of many experts and fans. All have gatheredat the dock to admire these beautiful Queens of the Sea,each one with its own peculiarities and a detail to remem-ber and a particularly intriguing story to be listened to.From the blue hull and red sails of Nausicaa, the red ensignof Orion, with its 102 years, the oldest boat of the eventand with its more than 45 meters in length even the mostimposing; from the " battles" of yesterday and today ofCatholica, the green schooner by Legambiente, to anoth-er schooner, Royono, which belonged to John Kennedyand where, many times, even Marilyn Monroe was onboard. If it was very nice to admire these beautiful boats,really closely and in the complete details thanks to the"Welcome Aboard" initiative that allowed everyone to livethe magical atmosphere from inside; even more excitingwas to see those same vintage boats compete in the sea,in thrilling direct challenges, that no one, not even the mostimpressive boats, have escaped, thus demonstrating whatwas the climate and the genuine passion that could bebreathed at the Valdettaro Classic Boats event. And soexciting challenges went on stage, in an extraordinary land-scape, including Le Grazie, Portovenere, Palmaria Island

IMP. VALDETTARO en 5-11-2013 16:15 Pagina 40

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and the island of Tino, animated by the right competitivespirit.The victory, in real time, went to Namib, while Vergilius wonthe prize for the first place among the centerboards;Miranda III, instead, conquered the title of winner amongthe 8 meters international size boats, at the end of anexciting challenge with Margaret. An award also went toOrion, for the willingness to "give itself a challenge"although its size makes the races very complex; while theaward, "Passion and Devotion" was won by Red, a beau-tiful 24-meter motor yacht by Piero Gibellini, President ofRiva Historical Society. Passion: it was this concept one ofthe keywords of the rally and the delivery of another award,the Mopi Award, could only happen in this context.Designed by Francesco Barthel, owner of the Mopi cutterfrom which it is named, the award, now at its fourth edi-tion, is attributed to the ship owner who has collected themost complete documentation on the history of his ownboat, because loving a boat also means to know andenhance its past. This year the winner was Thomas DeVargas Machuca, owner of Orianda, a beautiful schoonerof 1937, for him, as a tradition, a watercolor depicting hisboat, signed by the artist Emanuela Tenti. And there were many artists who, with canvas, brushesand colors, gathered on the quay of Grazie for a very suc-cessful live painting session. The subjects were wonderful,the context offered the right inspiration and so the resultswere really very beautiful and appreciated by the visitors,but also by the same owners who saw, translated into pic-tures, the same emotions that their Queens transmit tothose who admire them. On the artistic and spectacularside, of course, the highlight of the event was on Saturdaynight when, under a sky filled with stars, opposite the vil-lage of Grazie illuminated thanks for the contemporary andpatronal feast on top of a body of water moved only by aslight swash, "the Combat between the Sun and theMoon" went on stage by Studio Festi. Maxi colored balls,moved by actors, gave a unique show in the wake ofromance.The Valdettaro Classic Boats involved everything andeverybody: show in the sea, in the sky and even in thehalls of the shipyard Valdettaro, deus ex machina of theevent. Where the ancient tradition of shipwrights lives dayafter day, it was in fact set up a journey to discover thisfascinating job, to accompany the visitors on a journey thatallowed them to see how the historical boats have returnedto their former glory. Thanks to the photographic anddidactic exhibition edited by Davide Marcesini and DavideGazzarini, in fact, it was possible to go through more thanone hundred images and accurate captions, the refit worksof the Umiak Secondo Sangermani 1956. Different, butequally interesting , the path that has documented the sus-tainable recovery of Gozzo Pexino, a chronicle of amakeover written by five students of the Marconi Universi-ty Centre of La Spezia. Rather it was a trip back in time


that one proposed by the exhibition "From the bottom ofthe sea. Stories of underwater archeology", organized bythe Archaeological Superintendence of Liguria, whichallowed to admire, in many cases unveiling them to thepublic for the first time, many secrets held by the LigurianSea: amphorae, statues and other artifacts from Romantimes remained closed so far in the coffers of the Superin-tendent.In short, the three days of Valdettaro Classic Boats wereintense, full of emotion and true nautical passion. "Toorganize all of this was not easy, it took months andmonths of work, but these three days have paid off all ourhard work - says Ugo Vanelo satisfied, the managing direc-tor of the shipyard Valdettaro - it was really beautiful andnow of course we will not stop. The sails are unfurled."

After having won the challenge

of "rebirth", now the

organizers, pictured below,

have the intention of continuing

along the plotted course to

make sure that the Valdettaro

Classic Boats become a fixed

appointment on the

international sailing calendar.

Everybody looks, in fact,

already ahead in the wake of

the enthusiasm of these three

days full of authentic passion

for the nautical culture:

destination 2015.

IMP. VALDETTARO en 5-11-2013 16:15 Pagina 41

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Year zeroWe can get over the economic crisis.New sailboatsto suit every budget and taste are on the horizon for nextseason. And if a good beginning is anyindication…by Niccolò Volpati


ne, two. A hook to the jaw and ajab to the face. Sailing is like a punch-drunk boxer. The year that is coming to a closehas been a tough, decisive round. We are wait-ing anxiously for the bell to let us get back toour corner to catch our breath. We took plen-ty of punches, but didn’t get knocked out. Theboat yards were strong enough to survive theblows and now, though slightly stunned, areready to battle it out in the next round. The last

few months has witnessed the launch of plenty of boats, of allsizes and types. This is a good indication that the sector is offthe ropes, not ready to throw in the towel, or even give uppoints. The major European players are preparing to challengeone another in the 37/40 foot category. Between the Cannesand Genoa Boat Shows, five different boats in this catego-ry were introduced: Bénéteau, Bavaria, Dufour, Elan,Dehler. What have they got in common? Research intosailing in comfort, cruising DNA, affordability and vari-ety of layouts, both indoor and outdoor, to allow fortotal customization. Bénéteau’s Oceanis 38 wasdesigned by Finot Conq with interiors by NautaDesign. The lines are easily recognizable as typ-ical Oceanis profiles, but the Italian-designedinteriors are available in two versions: cruiseror daysailor. The cruiser layouts are avail-able with either two or three cabins, whilethe daysailor has only one night zoneand a living/dining area without a din-ing table. Price? Base price 115thousand euro, not including VAT.The new boat from the French


ARCHEB42 November 2013

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Below, two pictures of the

Dufour 410 Grand Large, the

interiors and on sailing.

Beneath, the Oceanis 38 by


new Elan 40. Also following the trend of European sailboatmanufacturers of outsourcing the project design, the Sloveniancompany Elan entrusted their project once again to RobHumphreys. Large sails and limited displacement means shecan run even in very light winds. Two layouts are available tosatisfy any cruiser’s needs. Prices start at 159,000 Euro. Theprudent optimism for the upcoming season is not evident onlyin the dynamism of the big European shipyards. Italy, too, isdoing its part in decidedly signaling a reversal of the tendencytowards stagnation experienced over the last few years. Themost interesting proposals are called Advanced Yacht and IceYacht which, despite the anglicized names, are fully Italianowned and run, from management to designers. What are theirstrong points? Composite materials, state-of-the-art construc-tion techniques and highly customizable production. Felci YachtDesign has designed the line of hulls for two projects which,perhaps not by chance, are very close in size: 60 feet forAdvanced and 62 for Ice Yacht.

There is cruise and

cruise. Cruiser or

Daysailer? Medium-

haul or day trips just for the

fun of sailing. The latest

novelty of the French

shipyard Bénéteau

allows you to

choose between

the two.


yard, Dufour, also bears a touch of Italianity, since it was Umber-to Felci who designed the hull and the deck. The Dufour 410Grand Large’s cockpit is roomy enough for eight people whocan move around easily thanks to the double helm station. Thestern platform can be lowered to form a beach when anchoredin harbor. It sells for 176,000 Euro, plus tax. Bavaria has con-tinued renewing its range with the new 37-foot model, fruit ofa collaboration between Farr Yacht Design and Design Unlim-ited, for the interiors. The deck has been redesigned to makeroom for a larger cockpit and a more spacious stern swim plat-form. She has the soul of a cruiser, and has been designed toperform well under sail. She goes for 91,900 Euro. From strict-ly cruisers, we pass to the combination cruising/racing yachts.The Dehler 38 from Hanse Groupe certainly belongs to thisfamily. The German yard has once again entrusted the designto Jodel and Vrolijk. There is also a purely racing model with adisplacement of only 6600 kilos, a larger sail and a 2.3 meterdraft. Another vessel that fits in the cruiser/racer category is the



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Fast, high-performance, yet comfortable boats, they areemblematic of the quality for which Italian-made products,including sailboats, are renowned - a dream come true for theevolved boat-owner,. And they are not the only examples: justthink of the 100-foot full-carbon that was recently launched byMaxi Dolphin from Erbusco in the province of Brescia. To winthe bid, they beat out a dozen other boat builders around theworld.

ARCHEB46 November 2013

It promises to be a

season full of many

beautiful projects in

the sailing world. In

particular in the range of 38

feet there is strong

competition between the

yards. On the right the

Bavaria C37, below on the

left, the Dehler 38 by Hanse

Groupe and below on the

right, the Elan 40.


ADVANCED 60Wide choice for the owner

who does not just want to

decide how many cabins

there will be below deck. For

Advanced 60 you can

decide how to build the hull,

the materials, the type of

deck, the equipment and the

size of the master. The result

is that it will be the owner to

establish whether its 18

meters will be more cruiser

or more racer.

ICE 62To keep a hull light and strong at the same time the yard has

used fiberglass and carbon in vacuum epoxy infusion. The Ice

62 is a true semi custom , because the owner can choose,

among other things, whether to have a fixed or mobile keel,

one or two rudder blades and the length of the draft.


IMP. VELA VOLPATI en 5-11-2013 16:21 Pagina 46

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Festival de la Plaisance in CannesEvents

ARCHEB48 November 2013

Festival de la Plaisance, the boat show thatopens the autumn season of internationalexhibitions, took place in Cannes fromSeptember 10th to the 15th.We were thereonce again, just like every year, to takeadvantage of the opportunity tosee what’s new on the market andespecially to glean the latest news from theindustry as a whole by Angelo Colombo



againFestival de la Plaisance, the boat show thatopens the autumn season of internationalexhibitions, took place in Cannes fromSeptember 10th to the 15th.We were thereonce again, just like every year, to takeadvantage of the opportunity tosee what’s new on the market andespecially to glean the latest news from theindustry as a whole by Angelo Colombo

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After an opening day that some describedas a bit humdrum, maybe because it wasa Tuesday, by the next day nearly all thevisitors, Italian or otherwise, we spokewith were enthusiastic. Some of them wanted tooffer us the results of the complex market research worktheir companies had commissioned from specializedinstitutes, comparing the results with those actuallyobtained and registered in the marketplace, thus notmerely hypothetical, mathematical models. Everythingleads us to believe this optimism is justified, but that itneeds to be tempered by realism, and we should notassume that we are headed towards a situation like thatof the season that preceded the crisis. But we are see-

ing the opening of a new

season with a market that is moving and growing, slow-ly perhaps, but bringing with it a hankering for activity, todevelop market and product strategies that are indica-tive of healthy commercial competition. Unfortunately,based on what everyone told us, we have found ourdoubts confirmed: the Italian market is at a standstill,even if not totally paralyzed, especially with regards tosmaller boats. But economic ripples, as the negativeeffects of the past five years have shown us, are felteven beyond national borders. So, as the Americaneconomy is again on the rise, Europe is also beginningto show signs of recovery, albeit in fits and starts. Thusmay we proceed with cautious optimism, keeping inmind that we’d best not “count our chickens before they


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ARCHEB50 November 2013

However, many yards have been selling boats in this 2013,even if almost all of them told us that the season was offto a slow start, as some importers and dealers have con-firmed. Patrizia Gobbi from Absolute, one of the people wespoke with, had this to say, “This last season has been areally important one for us. We are extremely satisfiedbecause we have been concentrating our energies ondeveloping our range and an international network of deal-ers, since the best results will obviously be coming fromabroad. We have met our expected sales quota, but wehave also managed to diversify our range as planned to be

able to respond to the needs of awide variety of clients. This hasmeant a lot of work for both at theyard and elsewhere, but we are

seeing our efforts pay off and weare justly proud. The future? Ibelieve I am right in remaining opti-

mistic. I think what’s important nowis to get through this crisis with prod-

ucts aimed at meeting market demands, taking advantageboth of customer loyalty and also of our sales network.”This enthusiastic declaration was not the only one. We alsospoke with Ferruccio Villa, vice president of Brunswick

At the top, the Mangusta 94 by Overmarine which in

the French Riviera has a lot of enthusiastic

shipowners. In the middle, the Mercury Diesel

with 6 and 8 V turbocharged cylinders,

powered from 203 to 370 Hp. Abreast, the

Benetti 125 equipped with Pod Rolls-Royce


Baglietto MV 13It takes up the theme of the

legendary Mas of the last


Riviera’s 5800 Sport YachtThe Australian 18 meter has

made its debut in Cannes.

Dominator 29 AvantgardeDesigned by Alberto

Mancini, it has a clean and

modern line.

AstondoaThe Spanish yard has

showcased an original boat

with folding stern bulkheads

which can be turned into a

wide beach.

The market crisis has caused the shipyards to buildbetter boats, safer, more comfortable,

more efficient and able to consume less.>

Festival de la Plaisance in CannesEvents

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Festival de la Plaisance in CannesEvents

Europe, who also confirmed that market analysis predictsthat economic recovery is just around the corner. Weasked other boat importers, dealers and builders what theythought and discovered, although the greatest recovery sofar has been from abroad, the Italian market, too, is begin-ning to show signs of growth. What more can we say,then? This can all be translated into renewed smiles, eventhough we shouldn’t hold our breath, since the economywill take a while to recover from such a long-lasting crisiswith such far-reaching consequences. In our opinion, themost important aspect of the tough times experiencedacross the board by all sectors of the economy, but whichhit ours particularly hard, is that future success will dependon solid principles: quality products and company relia-bility. Everyone’s been telling us how different today’s cus-tomers are compared to those of the past. They have aclearer idea of what it is they want and what the markethas to offer. This means that competition is based on ele-ments that make it healthy, like product quality, good qual-ity/price ratio and the capacity of each individual brand tocommand customer loyalty through an efficient sales andservice network.

From the top clockwise: Carla Demaria from Monte Carlo

Yachts, Alessandro Vismara, Ferruccio Rossi, Ceo of Ferretti

Group, the Dominator team with the designer Alberto Mancini,

Paolo Casani and Giovanna Vitelli from Azimut-Benetti, Ugo

Pellegrino and Francesco Guida from Arcadia. At the top, the

Cranchi fleet.

The Italian shipyards are the ones which always make the FrenchRiviera boat show interesting with their innovations. Being the first ofthe season, the Cannes boat show is often chosen to

present previews.


ARCHEB52 November 2013

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VOLVO en 29-07-2013 14:27 Pagina 1

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Boaters celebrating

The 489 exhibitors from twenty countries haveunderlined the success of an event moreand more current.«The mood among the dealers was very positive due tothe presence of a prepared audience and to the numer-ous sales, - said Klaus Wellmann, responsible for thetrade fair».

Thanks also to the good weather, the Interboot horbor was

Interboot 2013Events

There were 89,600 visitors at the international water sports expo.Interboor harbor is an attraction point on Lake Costance. The exhibitorsmade for the most part good sales, the next edition will be in 2014

from 20 to 28 Septemberby Camilla Bianchi

an attraction point and saw tens of thousands of spectators atsports events and water shows.The combination of harbor, exhibition halls and Lake Constancewas well received by the public again this year.Because of the beautiful weather and the excellent pro-gram, we saw a noticeable shift in the flow of visitors to theInterboot Harbor, which in our estimation made up for thereduction in visitors at the exhibition grounds. At the same time, with the sport and show program onLake Constance, we were able to generate enthusiasm forwater sports among the visitors and liven up the shorelinepromenade».«The use of the A-axis was welcomed by both visitors andexhibitors and the mood was good. Visitor numbers on theweekends were especially strong, while there was a preparedaudience at exhibitors’ stands during the week» – added proj-ect leader Dirk Kreidenweiß.This trend was also noticed by Gregor Zurfluh, CEO of Fallen-bach Werft AG, which exhibited and sold the largest sailingyacht at the show: «We are pleased with how this year’s showwent. Although it felt like less was happening during the week,the right customers were here. They were interested and readyto buy. We sold our largest boat, the Dufour 500, during theshow. I consider that a good sign, especially for boats of thissize. We have been coming to the Interboot for over 30 yearsand for us it is the most important show for our Swiss cus-tomers».Ed Houben, sales engineer at Linssen Yachts, had a similarview. «This year we are very satisfied with the visitor numbersand with the quality of the guests. Sales are certain to resultfrom this show, I’m sure of that. We are also very pleased withthe exhibition hall planning at the Interboot. Every visitor getshis money’s worth here. Friedrichshafen is a very high-qualityshow for us».Gerhard Schöchl, CEO of Sunbeam Yachts Schöchl YachtbauGmbH, was also satisfied: «The Interboot has always been agood show. The visitors are in a positive mood».

ARCHEB54 November 2013

Shimmering waters, hoisted

sails and fast boats: this was

the show that you could see

at the Interboot harbor and

on Lake Constance. The

good weather attracted tens

of thousands of visitors.

IMP. INTERBOOT 2013 en 5-11-2013 16:00 Pagina 54

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Monaco Yacht Show 2013Events

ARCHEB56 November 2013

Showcase of

marvelsThe Monaco Boat Show wouldn’t be the same without Italian boats. So many new

proposals from our home country means that our leadership in the sectorremains unchallenged. We need to work on keeping it that way. The Italian

system needs to created greater synergyby Maria Roberta Morso

Showcase of

marvelsThe Monaco Boat Show wouldn’t be the same without Italian boats. So many new

proposals from our home country means that our leadership in the sectorremains unchallenged. We need to work on keeping it that way. The Italian

system needs to created greater synergyby Maria Roberta Morso

IMP. MONACO en 5-11-2013 16:19 Pagina 56

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he 23rd edition of the Monaco Yacht Show,which has become the most importantinternational nautical event for luxury boatenthusiasts over the last few years, tookplace September 25-28. No wonder it isheld in the Principality of Monaco, a tiny,timeless kingdom and protected paradisefor those who, for whatever reason, wish tokeep their worldly fortunes hidden fromprying eyes.

This year over 100 large yachts crowded the docks of Port

THercules, with at least as many again dotting the adjacentbay and accessible by tender for super private visits bypotential buyers. It’s difficult to give a quick overview of the yachts ondisplay at the Monaco Yacht Show. The scope andquality of the novelties makes it tough to present thehighlights without leaving anybody out. We will justlimit ourselves here to mentioning just a few of thesehighlights, leaving the reader to find out more aboutthe individual boats in upcoming articles over the nextfew months.

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Outstanding among the Italian yards present, all of which were dis-playing their finest splendor, was CRN, the brand formerly ownedby Gruppo Ferretti that was recently taken over by the Chinesecompany, Weichai. The Ancona-based yard showcased their 60mJ’Ade and their imposing 80 m Chopi Chopi at the show. Theexternal lines of both yachts, each with its own strong, distinctcharacter, were designed by Zuccon International Project, withChopi Chopi’s elegant interiors designed by Laura Sessa. Fromthe same nautical district located in the Marche region of Italy, ISAwas showing for this edition a “little” yacht, the 41-meter Azizadesigned by Vallicelli: a concentration of the stylistic flair and tech-nical advantages for which the yard is renowned. Benetti, asalways, exemplifies Italian pride, with a number of vessels on showat this edition, including the completely in-house designed 56 mOcean Paradise. A cavalcade of Italian-made products lined theQuai des Etats-Unis, from Mondo Marine with their most recentyacht, Nameless, to Baglietto, back in the spotlight with the launchof their Monokini, to Stella Maris, the 72-meter by Vsy.

At the top on the left, the 60 meter Perini Seahawk. Above, the 88 meter

Quattroelle by Lürssen designed by Nuvolari and Lenard. Below,

Galactica Star by Heesen. On the right, above the Crn J’Ade,

below the Crn Chopi Chopi. In the circle from the left, Luca Boldrini,

Gianni and Paola Zuccon, Lamberto Tacoli and Laura Sessa Romboli.


ARCHEB58 November 2013

Monaco Yacht Show 2013Events

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At the top, on the left

Aziza by Isa, on the

right Ocean Paradise

by Benetti. Above, Majesty

155 by Gulf Craft. On the

right the Overmarine team

with the model of their new

displacement ship range, the

Mangusta Oceano of 42

meters built in the new yard

in Pisa. The design is by

Alberto Mancini.


Newest of the new, the Columbus 40 m Hybrid, built by theNeapolitan boat yard Palumbo and designed by Sergio Cuto-lo/Hydro Tec. As for sailboats, Perini Navi premiered two mag-nificent additions to its prestigious collection: Seahawk, first ina new series of 60m vessels, and State of Grace, the first 40maluminum Fast Cruising produced entirely at their facilities inIstanbul. Both yachts were created in collaboration with RonHolland.Not to sound redundant, but the “star” of the showwas…Galactica Star, a sleek, 65 m craft recently launched byDutch boat builders Heesen, designed by FrankLaupman/Omega Architects with a super-efficient hull devel-oped by Van Oossanen. The biggest yacht on display at theMonaco show (wouldn’t you know it!) was Quattroelle, an 86 mLürssen, almost classic in design, considering that she is the

ARCHEB60 November 2013

Monaco Yacht Show 2013Events

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Approved Manufacturer

IMP. ROLLA 11-10-2013 12:15 Pagina 1

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ARCHEB62 November 2013

Monaco Yacht Show 2013Events

At the top,

Alessandro Falciai new

owner of Mondo Marine

together with Luca Dini,

designer of Nameless. In the

middle, the 49 meter by

Rossinavi. On the left,

Monokini by Baglietto. In

the circle the Vripack

engineeres, Marnix J.

Hoekstra and Bart

Bouwhuis. On the right,

above the Palumbo Yachts

Team, below the 33 meter

Woodenboats bt Marco


brainchild of two experimenters of the caliber of Nuvolari andLenard, who also exhibited the PJ 210, a 64 m steed built byPalmer Johnson, capable of reaching speeds of up to 30 knots.But the show is about more than just yachts. All major design-ers had booths there to showcase their latest concepts andprojects. The same goes for hardware and furniture manufac-turers, refitting specialists and engineering and design firms.Outstanding among the latter was the Vripack booth in theDutch pavilion, one of the largest design firms in the world,offering their services to all the major shipbuilders. Vripack hasbegun working profitably also in Italy, collaborating with Admi-ral Tecnomar and, at one of the dozens of press conferencesheld for professional visitors during the MYS, introduced plansfor a new 40 m yacht to be created by the Italian company.In closing, let me sum up the atmosphere of the show in a sin-gle word: Positive. And such positivity engenders hope.

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factoryThe ideas

Ghost G180F

The Feadship project is a three deck ship,designed for long cruises with an oceanic range and themaximum comfort on board, not to mention theperformances ( the top speed is around 29 knots). It looks likea refined and innovative megayacht, designed to get goodspeeds and at the same time maintaining the terms of shipclassification below the 500 GT.

The G180F neat and dynamic profile is characterized bysharp and sleek lines, designed by Stefano Carugno togetherwith the team of his studio Gloss Design. The inside layout isfeatured with plenty of space for guest relaxation and thecrew area that allows the crew to work in privacy andtranquillity.

De Voogt NavalArchitects hasdesigned a semidisplacement hull witha restrained weight,with the aim to reacha range of 4000nautical milesand a good speed.

ARCHEB64 November 2013

Ghost G180FThe 55 meter by Ghost Yachts, which will be builtby Feadship, is the result of the partnershipbetween the technical department of theDutch yard, Stefano Carugno(external styling) andAlberto Vismara(interior design)

The 55 meter by Ghost Yachts, which will be builtby Feadship, is the result of the partnershipbetween the technical department of theDutch yard, Stefano Carugno(external styling) andAlberto Vismara(interior design)

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Technical DetailsShipyard Feadship, The Nederlands, www.feadship.nlProject Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects (navalarchitecture) • Stefano Carugno by Gloss Design(exterior styling) • Alberto Vismara by Undicimetriquadri(interior styling)Hull Overall length 55 m • Waterline length 53.50 m •Beam 9.30 m • Draft 2.25 m • Fuel capacity 60,000 L •Water capacity 10,000 L • Engines 2 Mtu 12V4000M93Lof 3,460 Hp • Berths 10 + 9 • Estimated top speed 29knots • Estimated range at 11 knots 4,000 nmClassification Lloyd’s Register of Ship, Malta Cross 100A1 Ssc, Yacht Mono, G6 , Lmc, Ums Mca Ly3 <500GT


Alberto Vismara hasdeveloped asophisticated and

minimalist interior design toreflect the style of the exteriorthrough simple, clean lines,which are used together witha large variety of materialssuch as precious stones andaluminum panels.

Björn Moonen by GhostYachts said: «Thedevelopment of this shipwas a very challenging task.Given the size and thegeometric limitations, andstarting with a restrainedweight, we have exploredterritories never reached. Wewere able to create a yachtwith its own personality,pleasant and at the sametime respectful of theenvironment and of thecosts requested by theowner».


The night area features an owner suite, with walk-in closetand private bathroom, and four double guest cabins allensuite. Nine berths, in four double cabins plus a single onefor the captain, have been designed for the crew.

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

ARCHEB68 novembre 2013

Her Excellency,

Stella Maris Her Excellency,

Stella Maris Over 72 meters long and with a displacement of over 1600 tons,Stella Maris is the biggest yacht ever launched by VSY and one of thebiggest in Italy in the last few years

Text by Maria Roberta Morso photos by Massimo Listri, Beppe Raso and Guillaume Plisson

Over 72 meters long and with a displacement of over 1600 tons,Stella Maris is the biggest yacht ever launched by VSY and one of thebiggest in Italy in the last few years

Text by Maria Roberta Morso photos by Massimo Listri, Beppe Raso and Guillaume Plisson

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e’ve gotten used to mega-yachts so the excitementand admiration that shouldaccompany each newlaunch of these crucibles ofcreativity, technology, engi-neering and human ingenuityhas worn off. But the elegant andmodern exterior lines and sophisticat-

ed interior design of Stella Maris “dress” a vessel thatboasts state-of-the art technology and operating systems.The Tuscan boat yard is renowned for its excellence inconstruction, clearly demonstrated in the yachts launchedso far, two 62-meter models, RoMa and Candy Scape IIand the 72-meter Stella Maris. All VSY yachts share thesame top-level standards in profile, assigned to EspenØino, one of the greatest names in yacht design at an inter-national level. He has created the style of Stella Maris and,in collaboration with Laurent Giles Naval Architects,designed her very efficient naval architecture.

ExteriorsThe clean, sharp lines give this yacht an austere per-sonality, emphasized by the “gun-metal grey” (DuPontMetallic Grey) of her imposing hull. The main deck isflanked by a series of large, vertical windows, under-

Wscored, on the lower deck, by little round portholes incorrespondence with the crew quarters. To best exploitthe width of the hull, the main deck’s full-beam con-figuration extends beyond half her length and the high,grey sides meet the white of the superstructure on theupper deck. A salient feature of the exterior design isindubitably the helipad that takes up a wide “terrace”on the poop deck. Stella Maris is one of the very fewpleasure boats (you can count them on the fingers ofone hand) that sports a HCA-MCA-certified helipad,permitting it to sail with a helicopter on board which ispermitted take off or land even at night. This meansthat a number of additional safety features have beeninstalled and that the structure is particularly well re-enforced. The Helideck Certification Agency (HCA)required some modifications in the design of thesuperstructure’s stern in particular and the installationof a sprinkler system to cool the windows beneath thehelipad quickly in case of fire. Øino chose not to cam-ouflage the helipad, but rather to emphasize it andincorporate it as a distinctive stylistic and functionalelement of the overall design. Looking at the vessel from the outside, we see her com-pact structure interrupted by vast windows both on themain deck and the ones above, hinting at just how brightwe will find her interior spaces to be once we board.

Stella Maris was in the Marine Park of the Cinque Terre where was authorized to navigate within

a program of scientific research.

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

ARCHEB70 novembre 2013

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On the upper deck there is the dining room, which opens out to a stern terrace and

exemplifies the relationship of continuity between inside and outside that characterizes

this yacht.

The big garage that hosts two tenders can turn into a wide beach area with three “balconies”

on the sea: the opening of the stern hatch and the one of the two laterals hatches, from where

the tenders are launched, ensures a full continuity between interior and exterior.

> 71�

Creating such large, full-length, glass surfaces requires anaccurate structural project particularly regarding the win-dows of the saloon on the upper deck which supports thehelipad that must bear the weight of a 2.9 ton helicopter.These big windows weigh in themselves much more thanan equally large aluminum surface would and needed to besecurely fit into the metal frames that hold them in place tomake sure the glass is not adversely and dangerouslyaffected by vibrations. The glass is composed of a sand-wich material that guarantees protection from UV rays andminimizes noise transmission. Since keeping noise levelsdown is among the highest priorities for guaranteeingonboard comfort, the company turned to an expert, Amer-ican Joe Smullin from Soundown Corporation, to beassured of the best possible results.

Thanks to its austere exterior lines, its bright and functional

interiors and the application of technologies that ensure

compliance with the marine environment, Stella Maris is a

point of reference for the international marine industry.

IMP. STELLA MARIS en 5-11-2013 16:05 Pagina 71

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

The fulcrum of the movement on board is the lift for access to

all levels. The design of the bridges distributes the rooms over

seven floors. The staircase that wraps around the cylinder of

the lift is a decorative element that underlines the entire

onboard style.

Large ceiling windows offer plenty of light and create an

atmosphere of rarefied elegance.

ARCHEB72 novembre 2013

together with the enormous window, give a feeling of amazingspaciousness.Espen Øino has managed to create a great continuumbetween indoor and outdoor spaces. The presence oflarge openings allowing a visual continuity between interi-ors and exteriors was one of the inalterable design requi-sites of the project right from the start. The main lounge,flanked along the stern section by green houses full of lushplants, is furnished with just a few, high-end pieces in softpastel colors. It is the epitome of the lightness and bright-ness that permeates the furniture in all the rooms, pleas-antly decorated by Michela Reverberi. At the touch of abutton, two large, glass doors slide silently open to theconversation area and bar in the cockpit. The dining area,on the other hand, can be closed off by glass walls to sep-arate it from the rest of the lounge. On the upper deck,instead, it is the dining area, located aft in the large andluminous room, which opens out to a stern terrace. Thedelicacy and complexity of this system of sliding glass pan-els, both in terms of design and construction, goes with-out saying.

Let’s go back for a moment to taking an external view of theyacht. It is interesting to see how the well-planned compositionof the exterior volumes disguises an interior layout distributedon staggered levels to optimize the use of the space available. But let’s go aboard Stella Maris to discover her secrets.

The interiorsStella Maris, as I mentioned, has a very unusual layout distrib-uted on staggered decks/levels. As soon as we board, beforewe actually understand how the various social and private areasare laid out, we realize that the functional integration of thespaces is in no way penalized by the hallways and corridors. Allmovement on board circulates around a central glass columnthat houses the elevator that stops at each level (seven in all).A steel stairway curves around the elevator column which,beyond being merely functional, is an important decorative,architectural element. The common areas on each deck are located aft of the centralcolumn and benefit from the extraordinary height afforded themby the staggered sole levels. The saloons on the main and topdecks in particular have headroom over 2.7 meters which,

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

ARCHEB74 novembre 2013

WellnessRelaxing and being pampered in a Spa

with a sea view is a real luxury!

Upper saloonFull-height windows allow you to enjoythe view while sitting in the main hall.

CrewA crew of 21 people has spacious rooms,

finished with great care.

GuestLarge vertical windows light the guest

cabins located on the main deck.

TenderThe two tenders, Sport and Limo of 24’,

can be launched from the lateral hatches.

HelipadThe yacht sports a HCA-MCA-certified


IMP. STELLA MARIS en 5-11-2013 16:06 Pagina 74

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An entire floor hosts the owner’s suite. The master cabin , at prow, offers a magnificent

view and has a private terrace.>

Currently the yacht is appointed to host 12 guests, in addi-tion to the owners, but four of the six cabins have a thirdbed and the space occupied by the large fitness area onthe bridge deck could be used to create two VIP cabins. And, speaking of guests, the forward part of the main deckholds the six cabins dedicated to them, four doubles andtwo twins, all similar in size and décor. All are flooded withplenty of natural light pouring in from the large vertical win-dows that open onto the side deck, taking advantage ofthe full-beam configuration used in this part of the super-structure.The helm station is located at the prow of the so-calledBridge Deck which also holds a lovely lounge and a largegym. The staggered layout design allowed an entire levelto be constructed dedicated to the owners’ suite, half adeck higher than the Bridge Deck. The cabin area is accessed via a passageway leading to astudy on the starboard side and, forward, through avestibule/dressing room to sumptuous bathrooms in bluemarble on either side. The master cabin is situated foreand offers a magnificent forward view and a privatepanoramic deck area.Many levels down is a garage that represents one of themany innovative elements of this mega yacht. The garageis four steps lower than the beach club and the machineroom, located a bit forward of it. As Lorenzo Cerulli, thecompany’s Sales Manager, explained it, during my visit ona grey day, this space is completely watertight and in caseof flooding can be emptied in just 3 minutes thanks to fourpowerful centrifuge pumps. When the tenders are launched from two large, lateralhatches, their “garage” reveals itself to be a magnificentspace, beautifully clad in teak, which, together with thestern platform, becomes a spacious sea-level lounge, anactual beach club, replete with air conditioning.

IMP. STELLA MARIS en 5-11-2013 16:06 Pagina 75

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

ARCHEB76 novembre 2013

Technical DetailsShipyard:VSY, Via dei Pescatori 56, 55049 Viareggio - tel.+39 0584 39671; www.vsy.itProject:Espen Øino (external design) • Laurent Giles NavalArchitects (naval architecture) • Michela Reverberi (Interiordesign & decor) • VSY Technical Department (Engineering).Hull: Length 72.10 m • Waterline length 64.75m • Beam12.60 m • Draft 3.70 m • Building materials steel/aluminium• Full load displacement 1,637 tons • Gross TonnageT2,114 GT • Berths 14 • Crew 21 • Fuel capacity 170,000L • Top speed 17 knots • Cruising speed 12 knots • Rangeat 12 knots 5,500 nmEngines: Two Caterpillar 3516B HD Tier II, 2,682Hp,2,000kW at 1,600 rpmGenerators: Four Lindenberg LIAG/MAN D2876LE301,290ekW + one of emercency Lindenberg 149kWBow thruster Voith VITH1000/300 260kWStern thruster Schottel Pump Jet SPJ 82 RD 350kW -360°Stabilizers Quantum Zero speed QC2200 XTTender 1 x 24' Tender Limo; 1 x 24' tender Sport; 1 xCastoldi 14' Rescue tenderCertifications Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, LY2; helipadHCA/MCA

Stella Maris is one of the very few yachts that sports a HCA

certified helipad, permitting it to sail with a helicopter up to 2.9

ton on board. It can take off or land both day and night.

Cerulli also spoke with me about the sophisticated, fully-integrated system that manages all the on-board instru-mentation: navigational, communicational, Kongsbergautomation programs and the optic fiber audio/visual sys-tem. This not only speeds up reaction times enormously,the optic fiber has the additional advantage of being easyto install or replace if necessary. Special mention must be given to the care the yacht-build-ing company has dedicated to protecting the environment.These are a wide-ranging considerations coming from theyard’s environmental policies. VSY adheres to ISO 14001 standards’ rigid parametersregarding the emissions of pollutants, both into the atmos-phere and in the workplace, disposal of work waste mate-rial, etc. VSY is also the first shipyard to sign the Wood ForeverPact protocol which requires the origin of any woodemployed for building to be certified that it does not derivefrom trees indiscriminately cut down in tropical or other-wise protected forests.

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VSY 72m – Stella Marison board

ARCHEB78 novembre 2013

Stella Maris is equipped with a Dynamic Positioning Sys-tem (DPS) that prevents her from damaging sea beds inprotected areas. The K-POS system, developed in collab-oration with the Norwegian company Kongsberg, acts onthe bow and stern thruster to keep the yacht in positionwith extraordinary precision, unless the weather is partic-ularly bad. Other examples of the yard’s dedication to envi-ronmental protection are the waste treatment plant and thedouble-filtered catalytic converters fitted on the motors andgenerators, not to mention the use of the heat from theexhaust fumes to heat the water for the taps and for theswimming pool. All of these features have earned her the “EnvironmentalProtection” label from Lloyd’s Register.

Espen Øino hasdesigned all the threeVSY yachts. The twobefore Stelle Mariswere the 62m RoMaand Candy Scape II.Below on the left, theengine room fittedwith two Caterpillar3516B HD Tier II of2,682 Hp each, whichallow a topspeed of 17knots.

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ARCHEB80 November 2013

for you Ferretti 960tested

On the crest of the wave

More than 29 meters long with speeds ofover 31 knots, Zuccon InternationalProject and Advanced Yacht TechnologyFerretti Group have launched their newflagship by Niccolò Volpati

On the crest of the wave

More than 29 meters long with speeds ofover 31 knots, Zuccon InternationalProject and Advanced Yacht TechnologyFerretti Group have launched their newflagship by Niccolò Volpati

IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 80

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IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 81

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o be noticed, you have to be spe-cial. Now is the time to be daring.Don’t settle for being just another face in thecrowd. Over the last few years, the tendencyfor “XL” size yachts – those around 20-24meters – has been the realization of “slowmotion” projects: ferries, displacement andsemi-displacement hulls, hybrids and eco-boats. The imperative factor has been thereduction of fuel consumption, emissions andalso, or perhaps especially, speed. That Fer-

retti Yachts has chosen a different path is evident from the

ARCHEB82 November 2013

“We are very proud of this

new model , because marks

the entry of the new

flagship” – said Karin Paggi,

Sales Manager Emea of

Ferretti Yachts.

moment we set foot onboard. We are aboard the Ferretti 960,the company’s flagship, together with Fabio Marcellino andAntonio Campagnuolo, respectively Product Manager andProduct Management Director. She is the biggest planing yachtever built by Ferretti. We are accompanied by the crew andeveryone is laid-back and relaxed. No one seems excited orworried. Well, they’ve already circumnavigated the entire bootof Italy, from the Adriatic to the Ligurian Sea. They know thatshe handles well. They know that, even though she is a full 29feet long, the Ferretti 960 reaches top speeds of 31 knots.Everything is perfect for making a great impression. Before set-ting out, the two company managers give us a tour. The yachtbasically has two and a half decks. The fly is about 40 squaremeters and holds an helm station, a grill, a wet bar, a loungearea and a customizable stern section that can hold deck chairsand other seating or a small davit for the water-scooter. The ten-der has its own garage which sparked some curiosity duringthe press conference. It is particular because when the transomis lowered, the room “floods” making it very easy to launch thetender. The surface that the pram rests on, in fact, is tilted andthe capstan gently lets the boat into the sea. Hauling the ten-der back in is also decidedly simple. When the platform is low-ered, you enter the garage prow first, and disembark laterally.You just need to hook the eyebolts on the prow of the hull tothe steel cable of the capstan and lift the tender’s support base.Obviously, this is activated by an electro-hydraulic command.So what was so perplexing about that? When the garage isflooded, it makes the stern heavier, which makes planing more

Tfor you Ferretti 960


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Ferretti Yachts is a brand ofFerretti Group together withPershing, Itama, Bertram,Riva, Mochi Craft, CRN andFerretti Custom Line. A lothas been said and writtenabout this yard which isnow chaired by TanXuguang and FerruccioRossi, CEO. Ferretti groupAmerica and Ferretti GroupAsia and Pacific alsobelong to the network. Theyard together with itsbrands has offices in 80Countries all over theworld. Like others it suffersthe particular economic

situation. With the 960 itwants to show that it isfocusing on large boats,knowing that this slice ofthe market suffers lesscrisis than others. In recenttimes it has developed itsmarketing on emergingmarkets, in particular in theFar East, but the sales inAsia haven’t yet offset thelosses in Europe. The debutof the 960 was a realsuccess: in no time thefirst unit has already beensold and for three othersnegotiations are well underway.

The shipyards

IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 83

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ARCHEB84 November 2013

Shipyards Ferretti Yachts, Forlì, tel. 0543 787511, [email protected], www.ferretti-yachts.comProject Zuccon International Project (superstructure and interior)and Advanced Yacht Technology Ferretti Group (hull and pro-pulsion)Hull Overall length 29.20 m • Length 23.98 m • Waterline length22.34 m • Beam 6.72 m • Draft under propellers 2.20 m •

Unloaden displacement 87 tons • Full load displacement 99 tons• Fuel capacity 9,000 L • Water capacity 1,320 l • Max peopleon board 20Engines Two Mtu 16V 2000 M94 • 2,600 Hp (1,939 kW) •

2,450 rpm • Weight at dry 4,010 Kg • bore x stroke 135 x 156mm Certification CE A CategoryPrice (excl.VAT) € 7,300,000 equipped with 2 Mtu x 2,600 Hp• € 7,150,000 equipped with 2 Mtu x 2,435 Hp • € 7,000,000equipped with 2 Mtu x 2,180 Hp • € 7,947,293 (sea trial boatfitted with all the optionals)

Performances and detailsWeight/power ratio

kg/hpRatio L/H Max people on

boardCruising speed

range nmMaximum


31.9 370 19 4.34 20

7.5 17.512.5 22.5 27.5 32.5











Minimum of plan










100 300 500 700 900


















Total fuel consumptionRpm Knots lt/h dbA dbA dbA

dashboardmaster cabin saloon620 7.6 20 58 57 681,000 11.6 90 60 58 691,400 15.0 300 61 61 711,430 14.5 275 61 61 70 1,800 21.7 495 63 62 722,000 25.7 625 66 66 752,200 28.6 810 68 70 752,450 31.9 980 72 74 76

RangeMin of plan 474 nautical miles

Cruising Speed 370 nmTop speed 293 nm


Hull technical commentThe water line design is by the Ferretti Group EngineeringDepartment. It isn’t a new work because the Ferretti 960 hasthe same hull of the previous 881. Thanks to the 3D design, tothe navigation mode’s study, to the accuracy of numericalmilling the performances are guaranteed and tested.The hull is eight years old and it has had the opportunity toprove its worth on the field. The main characteristic is thelength which is 23.98 m and so the 960 is approved as a boatand not as a pleasure ship, even if its overall length is 29.20m


Speed in knots

Country Mar ligure

Wind between 3 and 5 knots

Sea a meter of wave abeam

People on board 9

Water 450 L

Fuel 3,370 litri

Water grey/black 80/95

Notes: it plans in 12 sec

for you Ferretti 960tested

IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 84

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Filling water ballasts takes six minutes, the same amount of timeFerretti estimates it takes to void the garage of water com-pletely. The difference is that the system used for the 960 isextremely simple and doesn’t require any particular instrumentsthat could break down.Besides, all youneed to do toempty thegarage isg i v eh e r

difficult. Suppose the tender has re-entered the “belly” of theFerretti 960 and soon after, she sets sail again. You press onthe throttle but the weight of the water in the garage slows youdown and makes the time to reach planing speed longer. Howmuch water has entered? How much does it weigh? How longwill it take to empty the garage? Pointless questions. Just onelook at the system shows how efficient it is. The garage floods,certainly, but this doesn’t mean the water reaches the ceiling.The quantity of water needed to launch the tender is minimal,so the added weight is negligible, as is the time needed toempty out the water when the Ferretti 960 takes off. I havecome across systems that required water ballasts to balancethe weight of the tender. On Wally Ace, a 26-meter displace-ment vessel, the garage has a lateral hatch which serves tocounterbalance the weight of the tender when it is pushed out.


The master cabin is on the

main deck, at prow. On the

lower deck there are four

guest cabins, all featured in

the same way with open

view windows. The layout is

completed by three crew

cabins with private entrance

from the galley.

It’s a warm June afternoon. As oftenhappens in the Gulf of Tigullio, a haze isrife. Macaia, it is called in these parts. Thehumidity is so high that shortly it will turninto rain. The sea is quite rough, with awave of the beam of about a meter. Wesailed at 4.20 pm from Santa MargheritaLigure and at 18.05 pm we docked at theyard in La Spezia.An hour and forty-five minutes to cover adistance of 38 miles

The cruising speed was 26.6 knots at 2,100rpm and the engines burned 690 liters perhour.In fact, on arrival, in the tank there were2,323 liters of the 3,370 on board at thestart. We have consumed 1,047 liters for 38miles, in 105 minutes by boat.It took 27.5 liters to cover a mile. It alsomeans that, every minute, the two MTUconsumed 9.97 liters of diesel at a cost ofabout 1,900 Euro for this transfer.

How much do you spend?

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ARCHEB86 November 2013

the volume is real: the saloon, lounge, dining room, separategalley and the master cabin are all found on the main deck,while the four guest cabins are found on the deck below. Thefirst advantage of having the master cabin on the main deck isits distance from the engine room. The further you are from themotors, the lower the decibels and the less you feel the vibra-tions. Another advantage is that you can exploit the entire beamso that the en-suite bathroom has room for a bathtub insteadof an enormous shower stall. The guest cabins below are trulyquadruplets. They are identical, all with queen sized beds anden-suite baths. The tour then takes us to the engine room. It’snot colossal, but the tender garage doesn’t take up muchspace. The motors, generator and all the other machinery canbe taken off the boat without needing to take them apart. Thedeck panels can also be easily removed to facilitate unloadingthe motors. The temperature is rising in the engine room; theFerretti 960 is ready to set sail. Outside the port of SantaMargherita we are greeted by a meter-high wave. The boatdoesn’t seem to mind, in fact she handles decidedly well, thehull is the same as the one used on the tried-and-true 881. Aguarantee. The 960, moreover, has a stern platform the takesher length to more than 29 meters overall. She has twin 2600hpMTU motors, the most potent propulsion of the three proposedversions. And these engines really pack a punch. In 12 secondsshe is planing, even though the garage is “flooded” and in 32she is up to top speed. The GPS registers 31.9 knots which isvery impressive, seeing as we are not aboard a dinghy but amega yacht. At the end of our tour, the captain leaves the throt-

some gas and start sailing, not like having to fill and empty bal-last tanks. The entire stern area is full of innovative ideas, notonly the “floodable” garage and possibility to launch the tenderwithout a davit. The platform can be set at a variety of heightsso that it can even be used by passengers to access the water.The platform’s hatch is covered by three large sunbathing matsto create a lounge area at the water’s edge. The main deck islined with picture windows that make it very bright and give afeel of interior spaciousness. But this isn’t a mere optical illusion,

When the transom is

lowered, the garage “floods”

making it very easy to

launch the tender, without

the davit support.

for you Ferretti 960tested

IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 86

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tle at 2100rpm, and a speed of 26.6 knots. I go below to testthe comfort of travelling in the cabins. The master suite is veryquiet: 61 decibels when planing, 66 at cruising speed and 74at top speed, with most of the noise coming from the craftjumping the waves. From the top deck, noise and vibration lev-els are minimal, but you really feel the roll in the current beamsea conditions. I descend belowdecks to inspect the four guestcabins. Here, noise and vibration levels are decidedly higher, buton the other hand, there is greater stability and rolling isreduced. All four cabins boast large windows providing a spec-tacular effect, especially when riding the waves. You can seethe wake and when she is rolling, you dip below the water.Through the glass you see only the blue of the water. You couldspend hours their enjoying the show and forget about the noiseand vibrations. Too bad the set up doesn’t really allow you toenjoy the show. The head of the bed is against the external walllooking in towards an ultra-flat TV screen inserted into the inte-rior wall of the cabin. Personally I would have preferred it theother way around, with the view looking outward. What else arewindows for? Better the live show of the sea and the wavesthan a virtual show on TV. Passing Bonassola, it stops raining.I go out to experience the boat from the fly and the cockpit.Despite waves vigorously slapping the sides, the deck stays dry,

Even though itsoverall length is

29.20 m , the Ferretti960 is approved as aboat and not as apleasure ship.At 2,100 rpm it hasreached a speed of26.6 knots with aconsumption of 690liters/hours for boththe engines

>even at the prow. Even the fly doesn’t get splashed. The onlything that perplexes me about this area is why there are self-inflatable dinghies here. Many are loaded on top of the fly, but Ithink that would make them very difficult to use in case of emer-gency. Perhaps, seeing how roomy the tender garage is, theycould set aside a dry space there to stow them that wouldmake accessibility more practical. At Punta Mesco it starts rain-ing again and I head back to the command post. Our speed isconstant, 26.6 knots in a beam sea. We pass Byron’s Cave,Portovenere and at Tino turn to enter the Gulf of La Spezia. Themeter-high waves are no longer approaching laterally, but strik-ing aft. The stern platform isn’t affected and the Ferretti startsto “surf.” Without giving any extra throttle, the boat gets upto 34 knots, eight more than we were doing in the beam sea.We have no choice but to moor at the yard. Ferretti is well-organized and prepared for such eventualities and they havea car ready to take me to the station. A fast, inter-regional(contradiction in terms) train is waiting to take me to Milan.The sleek hull surfing the waves at 34 knots is already justa distant memory. The train carriage I am riding in now ismore like a displacement barge shuffling in slow motion alongthe tracks.

IMP. FERRETTI 960 en 5-11-2013 15:57 Pagina 87

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ARCHEB88 November 2013

for you Vismara My 34 Cantonitested

A modern “old-fashioned”Lines that recall the 1930s refracted through a modern lens.The latest

model by Vismara has what it takes to catch your eye.She can sleep up to four belowdecks, while the outdoor space is roomy enough

to entertain friends or familyby Luciano Pau

Lines that recall the 1930s refracted through a modern lens.The latestmodel by Vismara has what it takes to catch your eye.She can sleep up to four belowdecks, while the outdoor space is roomy enough

to entertain friends or familyby Luciano Pau

A modern “old-fashioned”

IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 88

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IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 89

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o one chooses a Vismara bychance. A Vismara owner has given hisinput side by side with the designers tocreate a product according to what thecompany calls the “meta concept”. Thiscustomer/company partnership extendswell beyond the purchase date. Vismara isalways ready to update their products tomake sure they maintain their marketvalue. For this particular model, the cus-tomer who has the pleasure of owning the

very first specimen, having contributed to its design, alsohas the privilege of seeing his own name incorporated intothe name of the boat, alongside “MY 34.” We were invitedto Viareggio by the company to try her out. Here is whatwe saw and tested for you. Moored at the docks, the boatcuts an impressive figure. Not so much for her width, as

ARCHEB90 November 2013

for the height of her prow, with a deckhouse high abovethe waterline, not to mention the bright color chosen forher gel coat. We are immediately struck by her blue-greenacrylic windscreen, unusually shaped like upside-downspectacles, an original touch well-suited to her overalldesign. The deck is completely in teak and we immediate-ly notice that the prow has no anchor, and consequentlyno relative bow roller and winch. This is because, taking itscue from a system already used for sailboats, the anchorremains hidden from view, stowed inside a big locker acti-vated by means of a manually operated rotating arm. Ouronly doubt about it is that if you suddenly need to dropanchor in case of emergency, especially if the sea is rough,getting to the locker from the cockpit could be somethingof an ordeal. There is no quick access, nor even anyhandrails to help you reach the prow. An outstanding fea-ture of the deckhouse is the two skylight hatches thatserve to let light and air into the cabin areas below. Thecockpit is small but well laid-out, although the possibilitiesfor transforming it are a bit complicated, especially when“inhabited” by the crew. The pilot and co-pilot seat backscan be adjusted into two positions. The console has a retrolook with a semi-circular dashboard which holds engine-control instruments. The helm wheel is made of wood andsteel, while the depth spotlight (round and made of steel)is located just fore. The dinette is situated just aft of thepilots’ seats and features lateral lockers and a central tablewhich can be lowered to transform the entire area into asun bed, with the engines below the floor. To access theengine room, however, the entire crew is obliged to moveinto the cabin or up to the bow or as far aft as possible,otherwise the hatch doesn’t open. This highly innovative

Nfor you Vismara My 34 Cantoni


IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 90

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On the opposite page, the

dinette with sofas side by

side that can be used as

additional single beds, in the

middle there is a wooden

cabinet that includes the

extensible table and

kitchenette. Below, the

bathroom, beneath the prow


Vismara Marine – It was founded in 1984 and it is one of themost evolved Italian companies in terms of “concept”. It canguarantee tailormade solutions to its customers and it can buildhulls with low weight. The organization can follow the customerstarting from the idea, to the customization and the launch ofthe boat, which , at the end , corresponds fully to theexpectations of the owner.Cantoni – Is the Ginko owner’s name. Ginko is the MY ‘34 firstspecimen built by Vismara. This number one of the fleet wasdesigned by Cantoni’s ideas, necessities and creativity, so theyard has given him the privilege of seeing his own nameincorporated into the name of the boat, alongside “MY 34.”

The yard

solution for the dinette means there is room for a garagethat holds a 2.2 meter tender, which is a definite advan-tage. The garage door is opened by pressing a button onthe console that activates an electro-hydraulic piston.There is also a manually-operated bimini top that shadesthe entire dinette. When closed, it fits into a frame that sur-rounds the dinette. From the cockpit, a central hatch leadsto the cabin and galley belowdecks. Three steps downtakes you to a large living/dining area. Just forward of thisis another dinette and the master cabin.

TrialThough this first specimen for has been fitted with inboard,straight-shaft motors, future models may be equipped withan IPS transmission or something similar. This model hastwin 260hp Yanmar engines (6BY3) in her belly, with 18” x27”, 4-bladed propellers mounted. We’re going to trymounting different-sized propellers (14” x 29”) some otherday which should slightly increase performance, bringingher up almost to top speeds of 36 knots with cruisingspeeds of about 28 knots at 3000rpm. She is not particu-larly quick at gaining planing speed, but you have to keep

IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 91

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Shipyard Vismara Marine S.r.l.Piazza San Benedetto del Tronto, 1 – 55049 Viareggio (LU)Tel. +39 0584 371194 Fax +39 0584, [email protected] Vismara Marine & CantoniHull Building material: unidirectional and biaxial fiberglass“E” impregnated and vacuumed in epoxy resin + structuralcarbon reinforcements • Overall length 9.90 m • Beam 2.96m • Cabins 1 • Berths 2 + 2 • 1 Bathroom • Maximum power2 x 260 hp (2 x 191 Kw) • Fuel capacity 500 L • Water capa-city 400 L • Boiler capacity 25 LEngine Yanmar 6BY 3 • 4 Stroke • 6 cylinders with 4 valvesper cylinder • Electronic Injection Common Rail with com-pressor and intercooler • bore x stroke 84 x 90 mm • maxpower 260 Hp (191 kW) at 4.000 rpm • Weight at dry 315 Kg• Alternator 150 ACertification CE B CategoryPrice € 400,000.00 (excl.VAT) only the hull – referring to the triedboat

Performances and detailsDisplacement kg Ratio L/H Weight/power ratio


speed rangenm


35 230 5.200 3,34 10

Country Viareggio

Sea calm

Wind absent

People on board 2

Fuel lt 150 ca

Water lt. 120 circa

Propellers 14” x 29”

Notes: it plans in 12 sec

7.5 17.512.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 37.5











Minimum of planknots










30 50 70 90
















Total fuel consumption yard data

Rpm Knots Consumption Estimated Trim L/nMlt/h total range nm in % for two engines

700 7,3 -- 1.400 9,3 20 265 -- 1,881.800 11,3 30 215 -- 2,302.200 16,3 50 188 -- 2,652.600 21 62 197 20 2,563.000 27,6 70 228 20 2,183.600 31,2 85 213 50 2,343.800 35,7 98 208 50 2,39

Speed in knots yard data

The gelcoat that has been used for this unit is Cobalt blue,which contrasts with the one used for the deck, OysterWhite. Lacquered and polished teak (Burma and natural) is

widely used for the wooden components.


ARCHEB92 November 2013

for you Vismara My 34 Cantonitested

IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 92

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in mind the “reaction times” the engines need to activatethe turbines. In any case, getting out of displacement takesabout 11-12” while going from standstill to top speed takesabout 30 seconds. The sharp, deep-prowed hull isextremely directional and even though the straight-shaftengines make it difficult to execute tight turns, she canmanage to turn around with a certain speed and precision,coming full circle in a perfect way. On board comfort isguaranteed, whether the dining table is upfor people to sit around on thecouches, or down to create asafe and stable sunbathingarea. The noise level of theengines is low with a goodmuffler, so you can carryon a conversation withoutneeding to shout.

Hull technical commentThis is the first specimen of the range and has a sporty line( runabout style1930s ) that has a military look about it. Thedesign of this MY34, or better still the meta-concept asnamed by Vismara, has been developed by the yard’stechnical department and the architect Alessandro Vismaratogether with Cantoni. It was built using solid materials likethe sandwich of vacuum epoxy resin and unidirectionaland biaxial fiberglass, processed to a minimum pressuredifference of 0.8 bar, all combined with carbon thatstrengthens, without weighing down the points of thestructure subject to greater stress.

The stern platform can be

turned into a sunbathing

area and can be fitted with

an optional ladder in addition

to the retractable one.

IMP. VISMARA MY 34 en 6-11-2013 14:33 Pagina 93

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CARRARA 11-10-2013 12:16 Pagina 1

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Nautical hardware


Vulkan Italia


COP. BARCHE TRADE en 5-11-2013 11:47 Pagina 42

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mploy the latest technologies andapply them to improving on-boardcomfort and safety. This has alwaysbeen the main priority in boat building, and itstill is. It is a universal law which, particularly intimes of crisis, has become imperative to fol-low. The position of hardware manufacturersis like the view from the crow’s nest: they arethe first to notice a storm brewing on the hori-zon, but also the first to sight land. And that’s

how it’s been since 2008. Many companies found themselvesin trouble because yards were unable to pay for suppliesalready delivered. All this was further complicated by lengthydebt restructuring processes and law suits. How to get out ofthe tangle? By rolling up your sleeves and yelling, “Land Ho!!!”Probably the arduous crossing isn’t really over, but at least wearen’t lost at sea any more. The trend companies have beenfollowing and that seems to be the wave of the future is to aimfor the concrete, creating hardware that is truly useful and notfrivolous. It isn’t enough to change the look of a piece or inventa sort of 2.0 version to sell a product. This trendhas become de rigueur for a very simple reason:the end user has to be convinced. The end user inour case is the boat owner. The customer who isinterested in purchasing hardware already owns aboat, so needs to be convinced that additionalparts are needed or that existing parts should bereplaced. Hardware also gets sold by the ship-yards to new boat owners, who have,

however, become more wary and reluctant to invest in a bunchof superfluous gadgets that neither they nor their skippersknow how to use. Only necessary hardware, then, and onlyupgrading if the latest version is truly more useful, powerfulor high-performance than the preceding model. So what arethey willing to spend money on? Things that make life eas-ier. It’s no wonder that lately there has been a boom in stabi-lizers. There are many types to suit every need. The mostrecent model made its debut at the Genoa Boat Show a few

weeks ago, when CMC Marinepresented the newSE IntegratedSystem, whichintegrates stabilizing

fins and electricthrusters into a singlecontrol module. SEIntegrated System

allows you tochoose the best

components foryour individual craft,

without being limitedby size or power, creat-

ing a sort of custom-made stabilizing system.

Monitoring is effectuatedin real time on a single con-

trol panel or remotely via

ARCHEB96 November 2013

The Spring and Summer

& TechnologiesTrade

It isn’t fashion week and there aren’t runways. Here is the latest in nauticalhardware,destined for success. Why? Because they are useful

and that’s what owners are looking for by Niccolò Volpati


IMP. SPECIALE ACCESORI en 5-11-2013 16:04 Pagina 96

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SY Ethereal @Franco Pace.

IMP. SPECIALE ACCESORI en 5-11-2013 16:04 Pagina 97

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GPS. It isn’t only stabilizers which are experiencing a goldenage. Mooring systems are also basking in a favorable moment.Joysticks have been all the rage for quite some time, so muchso that there are even models for sailboats and outboardmotorboats. Besides the ones proposed by motor manufac-turers and boat yards, at the Genoa Boat Show, Yacht Con-

troller, the company known for having invent-ed the famous wireless, remote-controlledmooring system, presented the new JCS

Plus. What is particular about this joystick? Itis compatible with dozens of motors, as long as

the boat has an electronic throttle. It is easy to installand so can be retrofitted even on boats that have been aroundfor quite a while. It is extremely versatile because it has bothautomatic and manual options. In automatic mode, JCS worksboth the motors and the thrusters. In manual mode, instead,the owner decides when to activate the prow or stern pro-pellers and the motors. The entire system is monitored from adigital panel installed at the command station. The new ver-sion, in addition, is more ergonomic and has a non-slip cover-ing. Moreover, two buttons on the joystick allow you to regu-late the fore and aft propellers. Like I said, hardware needs tosimplify life on board, a trend which is not limited to electron-ic instrumentation, as evidenced by Tandem, the anchor

invented by theSlovenian company, Weber Marine. It’s sort of two

anchors in one. It isn’t enormous. There’s one for every sizestem head. The advantage of the Tandem lies in the fact thatyou can lower just one of them for stopping on a day trip incalm seas, but if the wind is strong or for longer stays, thesecond anchor can be dropped, to guarantee maximumanchorage. Safety-oriented innovation could be the motto ofPowertech Propellers, theAmerican firm that patented anew propeller with roundedblades for outboard motors.What are they good for? It isn’t aquestion of hydrodynamics nor per-formance, but survival for a manoverboard. While the propeller isspinning, you could stick your

Below, the Blue Coast 82'

Magic Cat 4.

On the opposite page , the

Bénéteau MC 5.

& TechnologiesTrade

ARCHEB98 November 2013

IMP. SPECIALE ACCESORI en 5-11-2013 16:04 Pagina 98

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arm into the moving blades without getting cut.This is really true. I tried it myself at METS, the Ams-terdam Nautical Hardware Exhibition, last year. No won-der this propeller was awarded the IBEX prize for innovation.This will be a great advantage for fish and marine animalsand also, and especially, for swimmers. It is ideal for raftsused by sailing and canoeing schools and things likethat. Speaking of safety products, the XS-Light madeby Ocean Safety is worth mentioning. This is atiny but very powerful light that can be insertedinto an inflatable life vest or attached to a life jacket. It lights upon contact with water, so as soon as someone falls overboard.What’s really unique about it is how long it stays lit: up to 60hours. Another pocket-sized safety device is the PLB1 pro-duced by Ocean Signal. “PBL” stands for Personal Locator

Beacon and this one is truly miniscule. Only 60grams, it easily fits into the pocket of a raincoat, life

jacket or even a swimsuit. It is manually, not automatical-ly activated. If you fall overboard you have to turn it on your-

self. It then emits a radio signal to alert help. The lithium bat-teries last up to seven years. To keep it small, the English

manufacturers decided not to equip it with a GPS receiv-er. This may make locating the person a bit more dif-

ficult, but the efficiency of theemergency signal is

guaranteed in

IMP. SPECIALE ACCESORI en 5-11-2013 16:04 Pagina 99

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ARCHEB100 November 2013

any case. Anothercompact device isthe mini fire extinguisher,Aereosol, put out by NRG Marine. This piece of equipment does not replacethe obligatory fire extinguishers, butsupplements them for added safetyon board. It is no bigger than a smartphone but can put outthe beginnings of any kind of fire. At only 33 pounds sterling,it has a very “friendly” price tag. The most innovative safetydevice, in our inestimable opinion, is the MOB Buddy, manu-factured by the German company PyroPol and imported to

Italy by F&B Yachting. A “two-in-one”device, it is a small, illuminated

buoy, to be tossed to theperson overboard

together with the life-saver, equipped witha smoke signal.What’s the advan-tage? The lightcan help identifythe location of the

person at night, butit isn’t very useful by

day. MOB Buddy emitsa bright orange smoke,

very visible in the daylight. Andfor sailing? If you think that nothing

new could be invented to outfit a sailboat, youare mistaken. Furlerboom is a brainchild of Danish ingenuity.It is a boom that holds a furlable mainsail. The fact that themainsail gets rolled up on the boom instead of on the mast,allows for a higher-performance sail to be used. Till now, if youwanted a furlable sail, you had to opt for manymeters less of sail surface. With Furlerboom this is nolonger the case and you don’t even have to give up the useof battens. The most innovative accessory in this department

& TechnologiesTrade

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comes from France, from a company called Pontos that hascreated a four-speed manual winch. How is that possible? To

“change gears” you just have to turn the handle inthe opposite direction. The winch

has been designed to recognizethe weight of the sheet. When therope is no longer tight, the Pontoswinch adjusts itself automatically tothe position for maximum recovery

speed. In the same way, the heavierthe load, the smaller the rota-

tion, to facilitate fine regula-tion and terminate the trimsearch when the turn hasbeen completed. Speakingof innovation and presentand future trends, we cannot

fail to devote a few words to the developments in electricmotors. The latest noteworthy products are the saildrivefeet for sailboats produced by the Finnish company,Oceanvolt. Looking like a traditional saildrive, but fully elec-

tric, this motor guarantees a high level of autonomyand enough propulsion to drive boats of up to 40 feet. It

is ideal for sailing on lakes where motorboating is prohibit-ed or limited, or in protected marine areas. Zero emissions,zero restrictions (or almost). Torqeedo, the German com-pany whose products are imported to Italy by Selva Marine,is also proposing an electric motor. After producing somesmall outboards, perfect for fishing boats, tenders and

other small craft, about a year ago they came out with

an 80hp model. With its huge, lithium batter-ies, it is quite expensive, keeping it a

decidedly niche market product for the moment.Our impression is that it was developed to

demonstrate just how potent an electricengine could be, rather than with the idea ofactually selling them. Less for show and more

for actual use is the outboard produced byHuracan Power which, despite the name, is

actually an Italian company. This motor’spower ranges from 20 to 35 kilowatts

and what is truly amaz-ing is that the bat-tery is inside the

hood of the motor.Contained in both

size and price, it is def-initely an attractive item,

especially for professionalboaters or anyone who travels

many miles. Concluding the cavalcade of

novelties are the new elec-tronic devices. At Genoa, the

On the opposite page,

The Noor 37 metri.

IMP. SPECIALE ACCESORI en 5-11-2013 16:04 Pagina 101

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& TechnologiesTrade

ARCHEB102 November 2013

The mentionedcompanies



Weber Marine


Ocean Safetywww.oceansafety.comItalian dealer: Safety


Pyropolwww.pyropol.deItalian dealer: F&


Torqeedowww.torqeedo.comItalian dealer Selva



company Ray-marine had many new

items on display. Almost all oftheir fishfinders are enhanced with Chirp

technology, their fixed VHF have been over-hauled, their echo-fathomer modules updated as well as

their series of multifunctional plotters, whether entry level,or those with a larger display. But the novelty that we

really want to highlight is the new interface to con-trol the drive-by-wire systems. Known as ECI-100, it iscompatible with many motors, including those equippedwith a drive-by-wire autopilot system. It is easy to install andeconomical, too, because it provides a single a link for all

the interfaces. All engine data as well as the autopilot’sremote control can thus be transmitted to any Raymarinedisplay on board. ECI-100 is not only useful for giga yachtswith their complex networks, but also for smaller craftbecause, thanks to this interface, all the navigational andmechanical data, as well as that coming from the fishfinderor radar, can be displayed on a single monitor. Finally, theGenoan boat-fest this year also hosted the Garmincompany, who premiered their GPSMAP 8000 series,a range of multifunctional, 8-, 12- and 15-inch displays, allof which equipped with multi-touch screens, pinch-to-zoomfunctions, and, most importantly, a processor 40% fasterand more powerful than earlier models.

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VINI VILLA 11-09-2013 14:32 Pagina 1

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inside the cabin and the chance to enjoy the pleasant feel-ing of being "en plein air" .The automatic movement is provided by the use of electricactuators managed by an electronic control unit (or, alter-natively, also by hydraulic cylinders) which controls theoperation.The panels, during the opening movement, remain alwaysparallel to the surface of the roof , are connected togetherand move simultaneously in synchronism.There is a wide choice of the material that can be used forthe structure. The panels are made of aluminum alloy, com-posite material, glass or fabric, with handling levers in AISI316 steel. Obviously, these solutions can be mixed as desiredto obtain a combination of transparent and "blind" sections.The project of the Turin company, which is also sensitive tothe contemporary theme of energy saving, involves theinstallation of solar panels on both the fixed and mobilesurfaces of the hard -top. It is expected that the energyproduced by the solar panels, can manage the users of theboat, and is also used to feed the handling of the hard-topitself.

The OPAC of Turin offers a dynamic roofwith solar energy that can be divided intoseveral sectors with a variable number,depending on the owner's requests. The hard- top is built by alternately balancing fixed and movablesections which can be obviously opened. These latter, byan automatic device, rise and turning parallel with the roof,create 'open ' spaces that promote the air circulation

The structure of the lamellar

roof can be installed on any

type of yacht, no matter if it

is “open” or “flying bridge”.

The system has been


Hard-top with a lamellarconfiguration The company of Turin is cutting the edge in the technological

research for the realization of cover for all types ofboat by Camilla Bianchi

ARCHEB104 November 2013

& TechnologiesTrade

IMP. OPACMARE en 5-11-2013 16:07 Pagina 104

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MASE 15-06-2012 10:12 Pagina 114

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After the Pod and outdrives it’s thetime for outboards. Thanks to Yamaha thathas designed and tested this system for threeyears . It's called Digitally Integrated Helm Mas-ter and consists of a joystick to maneuver and anelectronic throttle . How does it work? To insertit, it’s enough to press a button and the twooutboards position themselves slightlydiverging. In this way, the thrust centeradvances that matches, as much aspossible, with the center of gravity ofthe boat. In practice, it is as if thetwo motors that are parallel placethemselves in a triangle. Thisposition allows to rotate on theaxle. The joystick can bemaneuvered in a simple andintuitive way: the more it goesdown , the greater the thrust isand by turning it, there is a360 ° rotation on itself. Theelectronic throttle is complete-ly similar to the car’s one and

allows to adjust the cruise speed by pressing akey . The Single level, instead, is that functionthat allows to use a single lever for all the out-board engines which are mounted on the tran-som. The Helm Master only works with double or

triple installations and iscompatible with all the

new V6 and V8.You cannot

mount it whenthings arealready done. A new boatis neededand Yama-ha engi-neers, orthe con-s t r u c t i o nsite, mustc o n d u c tthe calibra-tion. The

system, in fact, provides different performancedepending on the type of boat. It is not a compli-cated task because it requires to choosebetween three modes from a minimum, mediumor maximum range. Center of gravity, weight, andwater lines of the hull affect the response time ofthe joystick. For this reason, it is necessary toperform calibration during the installation.Although it is not complicated , it is an operationnot allowed to the ship owner. Helm Master issold by the yard itself and not by Yamaha net-work. We tested it on board of the Sessa KL 34and even if it is a boat easy to handle and tenfeet long, the result was appreciated. The moor-ing at the quay is even easier, especially whenthere is a little crosswind.The software for Helm Master does not stillallowed to be interfaced with a bow thruster noreven with a GPS function for the "digital anchor",i.e. the one that allows to stand still in one spot.But the software can be modified in a quicklyway. In the future, therefore, it is likely that it alsowill have these features.

Thanks to theDigitallyIntegratedHelm Masterand an electronicthrottle the mooringmaneuvering becomeeasy also on boatswith Yamahaoverboard engines by Niccolò Volpati

ARCHEB106 November 2013

Joystick for overboard

& TechnologiesTrade

IMP. YAMAHA en 6-11-2013 14:22 Pagina 106

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GRANDBANKS 11-10-2013 12:10 Pagina 1

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In other words, it is known to all, or almost toall, that the noise propagates along two mainways, structural and by air. By air, insulation pan-els satisfy the purpose, while for the structural way it is nec-essary to cut the connection of the noise source. In partic-ular, it is compulsory that the hull structure is equipped withappropriate engine supports, the more they are soft , themore they can isolate. If we examine the main source ofnoise, the propulsion system, we see that in order to isolatethe sources we need to place a barrier between the engine

and the base, between the engine and the gearbox, betweenthe gear reducer and the base, between the gearbox and theaxle. This is not a very simple operation, but if we isolate theengine and the gearbox from the hull with appropriate sup-

ARCHEB108 November 2013

Often the vibro-acoustic comfort of aboat is connected tothe insulation panels,as if these alone couldkeep us away from theannoyance ofnoisegenerated by thepropulsion apparatuson board.Butnoise can Gianpiero Repetti

A solution for comfort

Transmitted Acoustic energyNoise – by air

Transmitted Acoustic energyNoise – structural way


Vibratoryenergy input

Vibratory energytransmitted to thestructure



Sources:engines, reducer1.Engine: excitations with multiple frequencies internalsemi-internal of the motor shaft’s rotation frequency (low-medium-high-frequencies, orders of combustion).2.Reducer: excitations with frequencies equal to the internalaxes rotation frequenciesmultiplied by the number ofgear teeth (medium-highfrequencies)

Ways of transmission of vibration - noise:structuralThe transmission/insulation of the two noise sources depend

on the apparatus on board

& TechnologiesTrade

IMP. VIBROACUSTICA en 6-11-2013 17:05 Pagina 108

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If on one handthe soft supports

are the solution toisolate vibration andnoise, they arecertainly not able tobear the thrust of thepropellers. One wayto solve this problemis the use ofPropflex-T by VulkanItalia.


Tail Shaft Coupling:1. To compensate the movements between engine and gearbox2. To minimize the excitations coming from the engine / gearbox and transmitted through the propflex shaft

Thrust bearingTo keep the propeller thrust

Flexible mountings1. For a very good vibratory isolation coming from engine/gearbox 2. To support the weight of the group and to oppose the upjet torque3. To limit the movements in transient operation (shut off, clutching, rolling fitching)

Noise spectrums in 1/3 octave band comparison- dB (A)Aft Vip Cabin 1800 rpm

Main Saloon 1800 Rpm

ports (and the softer they will be, the more they will iso-late) it’s a done deal. But, if on one hand the soft sup-ports are the solution to isolate vibration and noise, theyare certainly not able to bear the thrust of the propeller.One way to solve this problem is the use of Propflex-T: thecombination of a thrust with a coupling shaft motor and gear-box that allow the engine and the thrust to move freely as thebearing absorbs the thrust of the propeller and the joint com-pensates the misalignment. The experimental data confirm the theory with excellent results:with reference to the criteria of the Rina comfort class, the fig-ure of merit as a percentage changes dramatically with anappropriate joint thrust. The Propflex-T, made by Vulkan Italywith a simple, compact and reliable design, is the solution toeffectively solve the problem of transmission noise and vibra-tion due to the structural way.Made for axes from 60 to 160 mm it is today, with dozens ofinstallations, a definite answer to the needs of comfort onboard.

At 1800 rpm CoCoDeck Room SPL Vz 0-pk SPL min SPL max Cmr Vmin 0-pk

dB (A) mm/s dB (A) dB (A) mm/sUpper deck Dashboard 60 0.7 60 75 1 2Main deck Main saloon 64 1.4 60 75 0.73 2


navigazione a 1800 rpm costr. N° 15Deck Room SPL Vz 0-pk SPL min SPL max Cmr Vmin 0-pk

dB (A) mm/s dB (A) dB (A) mm/sUpper deck Dashboard 62 0.9 60 75 0.87 2Main deck Main saloon 68 1.8 60 75 0.47 2


Below, the Propflex-T, made

for axes from 60 to 160 mm,

available in both standard

and compact version.

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Vendo ApreaMare 28 SC Scafo blu - 2Motori VM 165, solo 260 ore di moto,sempre rimessato, full optional: Eco,Gps, Vhf, Inverter, Boiler, cucina, frigo,bagno, doccia esterna, tendalini da solee chiusura invernale, Tel/Lcd,stereo/int/est, Cuscini int/est, Pass.teak, tav.est.teak scal. mare, tender cal-legari 220, Honda 2,3 - usato poco -ottime condizioni. Prezzo euro 75K trat-tabili - Informazioni: tel. 3333602087.

Barca open di “angelo molinaro”, lar-ghezza 2 .00 mt, lunghezza 5,OO mt,motorizzazione Yamaha completa din’02 sebatoio di lt 30, una pompa disentina, cuscineria nuova come si vedenelle foto con un bel prendisole aprua,tendalino in tessuto, doccia, luci divia per navigare di notte,scaletta inlegno, remi,salvagente anulare concima, mezzo marinaio, ancora ecc labarca è completa di motore hamaha 2540 hp 3 cilindri 2 tempi perfettamentefunzionante con avviamento elettronicocon il relativo libretto !non esitare a con-tattarmi per qualsiasi info 3491300125,contatto michele.81rc@libero Prezzo €4.000.

Sciallino S34, 2009, larghezza 3,46 m,lunghezza 9,97 m, motorizzazione 2 x325 HP - Yanmar, prezzo € 220.000, [email protected]. Cabina arma-tore matrimoniale. Cabina ospiti matrimo-niale. Bagno con doccia. Trattamentoantiosmosi da cantiere. Cucina due fuo-chi. Frigorifero. Quadrato trasformabile.Boiler. Pilota automatico. GeneratoreMase 3,5 kw. Caricabatteria. Batteria 3x200 ah. Impianto 220 v. Salpa ancoraelettrico con ancoraggio completo. Dota-zioni di sicurezza complete. Tendalinoparasole. Gruetta e passerella.


Sessa KeyLargo 36, 2009, larghez-za 3,50 mt, lunghezza 11,50 mt,motorizzazione 3xMercury Verado300, imbarcazione unica, velocissimama confortevole con 2 cabine ebagno, finestre panoramiche,eccezio-nale tenuta di mare,finiture eccellenti,

porta laterale con scaletta bagno, T-top.Usata solo 10gg l’anno, tenutasempre in capannone al coperto,come nuova, 120ore motore. Leasinginteressante in corso. Prezzo €

20.500. Cell. 3337221717.


REGALIAMO scafo in legno m. 13 incostruzione ad interessato a completar-lo uso motoryacht ev. dislocamentooppure pesca turistica/sportiva – Visibi-le Cantiere Italnautica Palerno – 335242297.

Pershing 50, 2006, larghezza 4,31mt, lunghezza 15,23 mt, motorizzazio-ne entrobordo - Man cv 2 x 900, imbar-cazione fulloptional in condiozioni per-fette, leasing in corso. Visibile a Napoli,solo se realmente interessati societàvende. Cell. 3358445864. Prezzo: dadefinire in sede privata.


AZIMUT 55 EVO, anno 2006, larghez-za 4,75 m, lunghezza 16,70 mt,2x522KW – pochissime ore di moto –ottimo leasing in corso. ImpeccabileVERO AFFARE – da vedere tel. 3497514851.

Johnson 63 Fly, 1990, larghezza 5,70mt, lunghezza 19,10 mt, motorizzazio-











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Volete vendere, comprare o scambiare una barca, un motoreo un gommone? Compilate il tagliando qui sotto, allegate, sevolete, una fotografia e inviate il tutto al seguente indirizzo: “Compro-Vendo”, redazione di Barche, International Sea

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ne 2xMAN 1000hp. Ottimecondizioni,revisione motori 2009,580ore, full optional, 2 generatori, elicaprua/poppa,enormi spazi a bordo,soli-da e robustissima,da vedere, tagliandoe messa in acqua inclusi nel prezzo.Prezzo € 190000. Cell. 3337221717.

Abacus 70 Fly, 2007/2008, lar-ghezza 5,43 mt, lunghezza 21,47mt, motorizzazione 2xMAN 1550hp,eccezionali condizioni, 550ore, fulloptional, esposta ogni anno aGenova, armatore scrupoloso,sem-pre seguita da comandante esper-to,prezzo + leasing residuo. Prezzo€ 275.000. Cell. 3337221717.


ARCHEB110 November 2013


S 475, SACS s.r.l., anno 1999, larghez-za 2,17 mt, lunghezza 4,75 mt, motoriz-zazione YAMAHA Y40VETOL '9940,80CV 30KW 698CC. Buone condi-zioni generali sempre rimessaggio rego-lare pulizia ed attualmente in rimessapresso provincia di Pesaro. Completo ditendalino e ganci per sci nautico, con-tatto: 3294152369, prezzo € 6.200.


Fuoribordo a benzina a 2 tempi –20CV Evinrude – Sportster E 25BF del1982, funzionante. Matricola 18092 –richiesta di € 600. Alessandra Tel02/76013988 – 347/7376414.

IMP. COMPRO nov 2013 en 5-11-2013 12:42 Pagina 110

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… e ancora• Benetti 40 Cougar 2000 2x300 HP Mercruiser• Cantiere Azzurro Pilotina imm. 1998 2x90 HP Aifo• Cigarette 38 Top Gun vari anni• CNT Cayman 43 WA 2007 2x480 HP Volvo Penta• Colombo 29 Racing vari anni• Colombo 38 Atlantic SX 2003 2x300 HP Volvo• Donzi 35 ZR 2007 2x425 Mercruiser• Ekre Caicco 1993 vela + 360 HP Iveco• Ferretti Altura 44 S 1992 2x435 HP Caterpillar• Hampton 50 vari anni• Hatteras 45 Fly 1987 2x550 HP GM• Magnum Marine 63 1985 2x1550 HP Man• Novamarine Tecno 40 costr. 1993 – imm.1995 2x600 HP

Seatek 6L 4V 9D• Pershing 43 2003 2x630 HP Man D• Pershing 45 vari anni• Sarnico Spider vari anni• Sarnico 43 vari anni • Sarnico 45 vari anni• Sarnico 50 vari anni • Sarnico 60 vari anni• Sciallino 30 2006 2x200 HP Yanmar• Sealine S38 2004 2x285 HP Volvo• Sunseeker Portofino 46 2005 2x540 HP Cummins• Tornado 38 Classic 1992 2x285 HP Volvo• Wellcraft Scarab 38 2001 2x500 HP Mercruiser

usato garantitoCantieri di Sarnico 43costr. 2005, imm. 2006 • motori 2x370 HPVolvo • ore moto 520 ca

Cad 22

Cantieri di Sarnico 50costr. 2005, imm. 2006 • motori 2x900 HPMan • ore moto 640 ca

Pershing 45anno 2002 • motori 2x610 HP Man • oremoto 440 ca

usato selezionatoCigarette 42 Xanno 2007 • motori 2x662 HP Mercury •ore moto 253 ca

Colombo 29anno 1979 • motori 2x260 HP Mercruiser •ore moto // ca

Pershing 45anno 1989 • motori 2x375 HP Caterpillar •ore moto 1550 ca

Comar Comet 54anno 2000 • 1x110 HP Hino • ore moto181 ca

Cantieri di Sarnico 43 Cantieri di Sarnico 50 Cigarette 42 X Pershing 45

Comar Comet 54Colombo 29Pershing 45Cad 22

Rinker 280

Lunghezza 9,65 mt – Volvo Penta 300 GI - garanzia12 mesi – Totalmente accessoriata. Ottime condizio-ni Visibile Andora (SV) - € 73.000

� M3 servizi nautici tel. 018280180 [email protected]

Riviera 33

2006 2X330 Cummins, accessoriata, ottime condi-zioni, visibile a Santa Margherita Ligure

� Santa MargheritaSales [email protected]

Riviera 37

Conv. 2006 2x470 cummins, unico proprietario, 2cabine un bagno, ottime condizioni.

� Santa MargheritaSales [email protected]

2010 2x480 Yanmar. Full optionals.

� Santa MargheritaSales [email protected]

Austin Parker 42

Cayman 52

2006 2X800 Man scafo blu, numerosi accessori, 4cabine. ottime condizioni, prezzo interessante, pos-sibile parziale permuta.

� Santa MargheritaSales [email protected]

Goldstar 54S

2011 2x825 FTP; full optionals, possibile permuta

� Santa MargheritaSales [email protected]

Rinker 260

8,78 x 2,59 con 1 motore Volvo Penta 5.0 Gxi/DP EFBbenzina da 285 Hp, model year 2006, ben accesso-riato, garanzia 1 anno, consegna pronta.

� Cantieri Nautici Solcio Tel. 0322 77881 [email protected]

Solcio 21 cabin

mt. 6,40, 1x170 volvo benzina, splendido cabinatovintage ideale x weekend, consegna pronta.

� Cantieri Nautici Solcio Tel. 0322 77881 [email protected]

Larson 290

2x Volvo 5.0 anno 2005 perfetta aria condizionatageneratore Kohler unica in italia molto bella permu-ta possibile. Lago maggiore possibilità noleggio.

� Valbroker tel. [email protected]

Princess V50

2002 solo 280 ore di moto 2 Volvo 615 asse elicaperfetta rimessata 12 mesi anno in capannone affa-re solo subentro.

� Valbroker tel. [email protected]

Platinum 40 Open

2006, 12,30 mt, 2 Volvo Penta D6 310 DPH 310cv,2 cabine, condizioni impeccabili. Garanzia 12 mesi,€ 188.000, visibile Andora (SV).

� M3 Servizi Nautici Tel. [email protected]

2000, 2x150 HP Volvo Penta, eco 1200 mt., pompaacqua di mare, autopilota, GPS plotter, tendalino, im-pianto 12V/220V con presa in banchina € 62.500.

� Sciallino srl – Tel. +39 0182 [email protected]


Anno 2012 ? 1.990.000 iva esclusa. OTTIME CON-DIZIONI. MAN 2 X V12 1400 HP.

� Sanlorenzo AdriaticoT. +39 0431 71006T. +39 335 [email protected]

Sanlorenzo 72 Venere 75 � WHYKO s.r.l.Tel. +39 0187 590472 [email protected]

2009, lunghezza 22,86 m, 2 MTU x1524, cabine 3,€ 2.000.000 +IVA (se dovuta), La Spezia

Anno 2005, 2 x 2000 MTU, hard top, aria condizio-nata, vhf, pilota automatico, generatore, tender.

� Santa MarinaYachts. Tel. 0185285592. Cell. 335334192. [email protected]

Magnum 60 Scarab 35 Sport

Anno 2008 - 2 x 350 Yamaha 4T scafo nero e ar-gento - Imbarcazione ben accessoriata e in perfettecondizioni

� AcyachtbrokerTel. +39 0773/520047 [email protected]


BROKER nov 2013 en 5-11-2013 12:42 Pagina 111

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La Marina del Lago Maggiore

Marina di Verbella srlVia delle Ferriere, 15 - tel. 0331/92.11.08

21018 Sesto Calende (VA) Lago

Aperti anche i festivi e la domenica - giorno di chiusura mercoledì


Cerri 86’ Fly

2006 - 2 x 2000 MTU 4 cabine 4 bagni + equipag-gio Bandiera comunitaria, IVA assolta.

� Giacomo Gramaticatel. 0185.280695cell.

2007, 2 x Volvo Penta 4.3 Gxi, cuscineria comple-ta, capotte camper, elica di prua, crigor, cucina com-pleta, wc marino, vericello elettrico. € 56.000,00

� Marina di Verbellatel. 0331 921108 fax0331 [email protected]

� Carnevali CantieriNautici srl tel +39 0544 [email protected]

Stama 23 openBavaria 27 S

1997- Motore Johnson 1x130 in buone condizioni.Prezzo € 9.500 Visibile in cantiere a Marina diRavenna.

Airon Marine 401

1999, lungh 13,40, motori 2x 320 hp mercruiser 4,2, cabine 3, trasmissione piede poppiero ore moto: cir-ca 450. Visibile Puglia.

� Giorgi Marine, Via deiFontanili 28, 20141 (Mi)Tel 02 89511711, [email protected],


2009, motori 2x500 Hp Cummins elettronici, 4 cabine,3 bagni. Plancetta e pozzetto in teak, antivegetativa,generatore, elica di prua. Full optional. € 449.000,00

� Giorgi Marine, Via deiFontanili 28, 20141 (Mi)Tel 02 89511711, [email protected],

Quicksilver 535

2011 – lunghezza 5,08 mt – Motore fuoribordoMercury 40hp con 65ore –GARANZIA 12 MESI –Perfette condizioni. Visibile Andora (SV) - € 15.000 .

� M3 Servizi Nautici Tel. [email protected]

Dalla Pietà 72 HT� Dalla Pietà YachtOfficial Shipyardwww.dallapieta.itCell. 336.724198

2009 con 2x1825 Cat, super full accessoriata, elica pruae poppa, letto aggiunto per cabina marinaia, interni inolmo opaco, condizioni super perfette € 1.600.000.

Otam 45' Heritage

1996 - 2x600 CAT -2 cabine 2 bagni - scafo blue -Bandiera italiana, IVA assolta - visibile Liguria.

� Giacomo Gramaticadi Bellagio – Tel. 0185280695 – 333 [email protected]

Absolute 45

Anno 2007, con 2 Volvo D6-350 TD ben accesso-riato, possibilità leasing con IVA agevolata

� Cantieri Nautici Solcio Tel. 0322 77881 [email protected]

Four Winns 248

model year 2005, 1 VP EFB benzina da 270 Hp, na-tante. Usato solo lago.

� Cantieri Nautici Solcio Tel. 0322 77881 [email protected]

Vidoli Sport 23

Usata solo lago Maggiore 1 x Mercruiser entrofuori-bordo benzina.

� Valbroker tel. [email protected]

Hatteras 70

Unica tutte le info per telefono trattativa riservata.

� Valbroker tel. [email protected]

Monterey 270 CR

2010, motori 1xVolvo 320Hp, efb benzina, natante,lunghezza 8,80 x 2,60; 4 posti letto e bagno con WCe doccia, cucina, GPS, VHF. Visibile sul Lago Maggiore.

� Cantieri Nautici Solcio Tel. 0322 77881 [email protected]

� Asdec Tel. +39 [email protected]

RIVA 2000

1975 - nel 2003/2004 - Riverniciata interna ed ester-na. Revisionato: serbatoi, strumentazione, flap, eliche,assi, timoni. Prezzo € 45.000 vis. Lago di Garda.

Sessa C30

2003, 2 x Volvo Penta 4.3 Gxi, cuscineria completa,tendalino parasole, GPS, vericello elettrico, faro orien-tabile, lavello pozzetto,radio stereo, € 56.000,00.

� Marina di Verbellatel. 0331 921108 fax0331 [email protected]

Four winns 268

2005, lung. 8,61 mt, Volvo Penta 5.7 gi 300 dps 300cv, garanzia 12 mesi, visibile Andora (Sv) - € 56.000

� M3 servizi nautici tel. 018280180 [email protected]

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1988, motori: 2 x 160 Volvo Penta, € 70.000, rialle-stita nel 2011. Passerella idraulica GPS, ecoscanda-glio a scansione laterale. Moquett in ogni ambiente.

� Sciallino srl – Tel. +39 0182 [email protected]

S30 Cabin


Richiesta € 510.000 iva compresa Leasing in corso,bandiera italiana, Full optional, anno 2007 motori 2XCAT715 solo 200 ore motori, ottime condizioni.

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]


Richiesta € 495.000 Leasing in corso, full optional, anno2006, motori 2XMTU 1320, ottime condizioni, colore fian-cate amaranto.

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]

Cad 30

Anno 2008, 2 x Mercruiser 5.0 MPI, Cuscineriacompleta, Copripozzetto, Frigor, Fornello a gas, Wcmarino, Vericello elettrico. € 60.000,00 + iva

� Marina di Verbellatel. 0331 921108 fax0331 [email protected]

Gobbi 315 sc

2003, 9,85 mt, 2 Volvo Penta AQ 41 D DPE 200cv,1 cabina, plancetta ampliata di poppa, Garanzia 12mesi, € 89.000, visibile Andora (SV).

� M3 Servizi Nautici Tel. [email protected]

Cayman 30 Fly

1999 - 9,84 mt - totalmente revisionata e messa a nuo-vo. Pavimentazione fatta su misura in teak.Strumentazione completa. €82.000, visibile Andora (SV).

� M3 Servizi Nautici Tel. [email protected]

Astondoa A 44 fly

Richiesta € 360.000 Leasing – anno 2009 – motoriD6 IPS 600 - 400 ore motori – full optional - layout 3cabine 2 servizi – ottime condizioni – pronta alla boa

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]

Astondoa AS 43 fly

Richiesta € 215.000 – Full optional - Ottime condizio-ni - anno 2004 – Volvo Penta 2x430 hp - Pozzetto eplancetta in teak - Passerella idraulica - Elica di prua

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]

Richiesta €100.000 TRATTABILI, anno 2010, ottime con-dizioni, motori SUZUKI 2 X 250 HP ore motori +/- 100 - mt.10,44 x 3,90, cabina con 2 posti letto + servizi

� Futura YachtT. +39 335 [email protected]

Marli costruzioni

Richiesta € 590.000 Leasing – full optional - Ottime con-dizioni - anno 2009 – MAN 2 x 800 HP -ore motori +/-230 – colore fiancate blu – versione 3 cabine doppie

Maine 480

navetta 2008, 2x370 fpt, 3 cabine + 2 bagni, salo-ne, cucina. Elica di prua, eco, vhf, in ottime condizio-ni, possibilità subentro leasing. Visibile nord Adriatico

� Venice Boat Service tel. 335

Riva Sebino n° 99

1956, mt. 4,96 motore originale Chris Craft Mod.B.Perfettamente restaurato da meccanici e maestri d'a-scia di eleva professionalità specifica. Euro 80.000.

� Asdec Tel. +39 [email protected]

Riva Ariston 352

1961, mt. 6,45 motore originale Chrysler M80€ 75.000

� Asdec Tel. +39 [email protected]

Fairline 43

Targa anno 2004 2x Volvo 370 asse elica molto bel-la grande tenuta di mare, visibile Liguria- iva pagata.

� Valbroker tel. [email protected]

Fly, anno 2007, 2 x 575 CAT, 2 cabine 2 bagni, resi-duo leasing, visibile Liguria

� Giacomo Gramaticadi Bellagio – Tel. 0185280695 – 333 [email protected]

Riviera 42 fly Otam 65' HT

2009 - 2x1825 CAT -150 ore di moto - 3 cabine 2bagni + cabina equipaggio - full opts - bandiera co-munitaria IVA assolta.

� Giacomo Gramaticadi Bellagio – Tel. 0185280695 – 333 [email protected]

Astondoa A 53

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DORADO 36 FLY� Marina di Verbellatel. 0331 921108 fax0331 [email protected]

Absolute 52 STY

2010, 2xips 600 volvo d6, 3 cabine + 3 bagni: 2 ma-trimoniali, radar, gps - eco, vhf, visibile in nord adria-tico. venice boat service

� Venice Boat Service tel. 335

FAIRLINE TARGA 52� Marina di Verbellatel. 0331 921108 fax0331 [email protected]

Colombo 32S

2000, mt. 10,21, 2X375 hp Mercruiser, ore moto292 ca, refitting totale nel 2011 ottime condizioni,cabina con cuccetta a due piazze, gps, eco.

�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

Lombardi 41

1999, mt. 12,44, 2x370 hp Volvo, ore moto 812 ca, per-fette condizioni con garanzia, 2 cabine; 2 bagni, aria con-dizionata c/f, gen. Mase 3.5 kw, gps. Vis. Buccino (SA).

�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

Pershing 45

1989, mt. 13,80, 2x375 hp Caterpillar, ore moto1550 ca, perfette condizioni, cabina armatoriale, 2cabine ospiti, 2 bagni, salone, vis. Sardegna.

�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

Azimut 43 bali�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

Sarnico 43�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

Anno costr 1995, imm. 2006, mt. 14,44, 2x430 hpVolvo Penta, ottime condizioni, n. 3 cabine doppie,n.2 bagni, Vis. Ionio; tel +393481505874.

�Yacht Service Rapallotel. 0185 232024, cell. 335 8263146,[email protected]

2008, antivegetativa scafo, capottina pozzetto comple-ta, telo caricabatteria, pozzetto in teak, serbatoio setti-co con maceratore, speedometro, € 150.000,00

2008 2 X Volvo Penta D12-800 (775HP/cad.), antivege-tativa scafo, antenna satellitare Raymarine, aria condizion-ta, ecoscandaglio, € 320.000,00 + iva

2005, imm. 2006; mt. 13,37, 2x370 hp Volvo PentaIPS 500 D, ore moto 520 ca, perfetta, aria condizio-nata, battagliola alta, elica di prua, tender.

1979, mt. 12.60, 2x370 hp Isotta Fraschini, ore mo-to ca, buone condizioni, 3 cabine, 3 bagni, aria con-diz, cucina separata, bimini top.

Cigarette 42 X

Princess 440


2007; mt. 12.80; 2x662 hp Mercury High performan-ce ore moto 253 ca; ottime condizioni imp.elettrico eu-ropeo- piattaforma poppa in tubolare. Vis. Sardegna.

Dalla Pietà 56

2001 con 2x800 Man, h 500, 3 cabine 3 bagni, inter-ni in ciliegio, lavatrice, lavastoviglie, elica di prua, stru-mentazione elettronica, e full optional, € 350.000.

� Dalla Pietà YachtOfficial Shipyardwww.dallapieta.itCell. 336.724198

Hatteras 68 C

2006 con 2x2000 MTU velocità 29/32, ore moto 250,attrezzato per pesca d’altura, full optional, ponte e plan-cetta in teak, elica di prua, A/C, perfetta. € 1.200.000.

� Dalla Pietà YachtOfficial Shipyardwww.dallapieta.itCell. 336.724198

Capelli 32 wa

2007, lung. 9,70 mt, Yamaha 2x 250hp, garanzia 12mesi, visibile Andora (Sv), € 82.500.

� M3 servizi nautici tel. 018280180 [email protected]


1991, 2x425 Hp Caterpillar, motori revisionati nel 2013.3 cabine, 3 bagni. Gps, generatore. Antivegetativa ap-pena fatta. Visibile in Puglia. € 99.000,00.

� Giorgi Marine, Via deiFontanili 28, 20141 (Mi)Tel 02 89511711, [email protected],

Atomix 7500 sc

2009, 2x270 hp, lung. 8,25 mt, 60h moto. gps cart.colore, vhf, teak in cabina e pozzetto, garanzia 12mesi, visibile Andora (Sv), € 39.000.

� M3 servizi nautici tel. 018280180 [email protected]

Uniesse 65’ Sport

2009 2 x 1360 hp MAN 3 cabine 3 bagni + equipag-gio Bandiera comunitaria, IVA assolta.

� Giacomo Gramaticatel. 0185.280695cell.

BROKER nov 2013 en 5-11-2013 12:42 Pagina 114

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NUOVA JOLLY 43 en 31-10-2013 12:45 Pagina 1

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OFFICINA ITAL.DESIGN 11-09-2013 14:24 Pagina 1