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Die nuus hierdie week dat die Valke hul ondersoek na bewerings van wanbestuur van die Pippie se Gesiggie Fonds laat vaar het, is met ope arms deur onder- steuners van die Kruger familie verwelkom.

Die Valke het die aankondiging Saterdag gemaak nadat daar in verskeie nasionale dagblaaie geskryf is dat die saak weer ondersoek gaan word. Die Valke se woordvoerder, Paul Ramaloko, het in ‘n verklaring aan die media gesê dat die ondersoek as afgehandel beskou word.

Die Kruger familie en ook hulle media verteenwoordiger, Lynne Zurnamer, wou nie hierdie week op vrae wat Noordelike Nuus aan hulle gestel het reageer nie. Dit is na wat verneem word in opdrag van prokureurs wat die Krugers se lastersaak teen Media 24, Johan Eybers, Peet Both-ma en Lindy Cant behartig.

Die betrokke fonds het betaal toe Isabella (Pippie) Kruger in Junie 2012 baanbreker chirurgie ontvang het waar haar eie gekloonde vel, wat in ‘n laborato-rium in Boston, VSA, gekweek is, op haar brandwonde oorgeplant is.

Sedertdien het die fonds ook betaal om vel te kweek en ‘n oorplanting te doen op Celiwe Maseko, ‘n vyf-jarige meisie van Northam wat ernstig verbrand het toe haar rokkie aan die brand geslaan het.

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Pippie se Gesiggie Fonds: Valke laat vaar ondersoek

Die Krugers in Lephalale tydens bekenstelling van die boek, Pippie. Foto: Dolla Költzow.

Page 2: Bbnn 7 2 web issuu

* Boublokke * Plaveisel* Pleisterstene (stocks)* Verskillende kleure en

patrone* Vir sypaadjies, huise,

besighede en plasebesighede en plasebesighede en plase

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* Boublokke * Plaveisel* Boublokke * Plaveisel

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HET JY GEWEET?Vier-en-twintig jaar gelede het Martin Piek ‘n visie gehad en Mar†in’s, Leaders in Funeral Industry, is gebore met 165 Franchise takke landwyd (sien, alreeds sy eie manier van ‘n ding sê!). Vandag glimlag hy breed, want sy naam, Martin, is nie sommer-net ‘n naam nie! God het aan hom ‘n betekenis, ‘n waarde, ‘n kleur gegee.Het jy al ooit gemerk dat die middelpunt van die naam Martin is ‘n † en die daaropvolgende letter is ‘n “i”, waarvan die kolletjie op die “i” toe ‘n geword het. Wat beteken dit dan alles?

Wel, die kruis simboliseer die dood en die ster simboliseer LEWE! Met ander woorde, om dood te gaan (die kruis) is nie die einde van alles nie, daar is Lewe (die sterretjie) na die Kruis van Jesus Christus. Pers is die kleur wat in Bybelse tyd gebruik is in die Tabernakel en in die Tempel. (Eksodus 26 vers 1 en 31). Die Grieks vir pers is “porphura” en verwys na die pers vis, ‘n spesie skulp vis of mossel wat gebruik is vir die verkryging van die pers kleursel. Omdat hierdie spesie baie skaars was, was pers kleursel baie kosbaar en duur. Dan is daar ook “porphuropolus” wat verwys na iemand wie pers kleursel of pers materiaal verkoop. (Handelinge 16 vers 14)Markus 15 vers 17 en trek Hom ‘n purperkleed aan en vleg ‘n kroon van dorings en sit dit vir Hom op; vers 20 En toe hulle Hom bespot het, trek hulle Hom die purperkleed uit en trek Hom Sy eie klere aan; en hulle lei Hom weg om Hom te kruisig.


Uit die pen van André, Carin en Chandré de Lange trotse konsessie eienaars van Mar†in’s Begrafnisdienste Mokopane die afgelope 12 jaar skryf….Dit is vir ons ‘n voorreg om mekaar gedurig te bemoedig en geestelik te versterk en op te bou. Ons is elkeen God se handewerk. Hy het ons so geskape dat ons die goeie werke wat Hy vir ons bestem het kan uitlewe (Efs. 2:10). Uit dankbaarheid word alle eer aan God gegee!

Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 7 FEBRUARIE 2014

Agang SA members in the Waterberg District were up in arms last week when the news broke that their president, Mamphela Ramphele, would serve as the DA’s presidential candidate in the coming election.

Agang SA Waterberg District chair-man, Busane Radingoana, told Northern News that his phone has not stopped ringing since the announcement was made . “Our members are upset that our president did not consult with the mem-bers of the party. Yes we agreed that there should be a close working relationship with the DA, but it was never agreed to that the party would be completely swallowed up by the DA.”

According to a joint statement issued by Ramphele and DA president Helen Zille last Friday, Ramphele were to be welcomed into the DA at a press conference in Johannesburg on Monday.

Soon after the announcement, a message from Ramphele uploaded on to Agang SA’s website stated:

“You may have by now seen a ‘joint’ statement issued by the Democratic

Waterberg Agang members relieved

Agang SA Waterberg District chairperson, Busane Radin-goana.Alliance in which it is claimed that I will be accepting DA membership on Monday. This is not true. Nor did I agree to any such statement.”

The DA announced to the media on Sunday that “Ramphele had reneged on the agreement to be the DA’s presidential candidate despite the party negotiating in good faith”.

Radingoana said on Tuesday that Agang SA members in the Waterberg are relieved, “We still want to work with the DA to somehow unite the opposition in the Waterberg. There are a lot of similari-ties between the DA and Agang SA, but the right democratic processes need to be followed. Our leaders cannot make these very important decisions without consulting with their members.”

With the Mogalakwena municipal manager, William Kekana, back in of-fice, the tour of the town that has be-come an institution between the munici-pality and the local business chamber seems to be back on track.

During this monthly excursion, municipal officials accompany business chamber management members on a drive-around which allows business leaders to highlight some of the munici-pal maintenance and enforcement issues that impact on the well-being of residents and business people.

Some of the issues highlighted during this month’s tour included informal dwellings in the industrial area, particu-larly at the Alert Steel building and also in Sussex and Simmentaler Streets.

Owners of industrial premises in the area are concerned that these structures may serve as places where thieves and burglars can hide their loot to retrieve it at a later stage.

The municipality was requested to remove these illegal structures,

The issue of hawkers once again came under discussion during this month’s tour. To emphasise its point the business chamber presented the munici-pal manager with a copy of the by-law governing hawkers in town.

“We understand the problem with political parties and the [upcoming] election but would like to have a solution to this problem,” the chamber said in a press release.

The MM proposed a stakeholders workshop which should be attended by the municipality, chamber of commerce, counsellors and hawkers. This workshop is to be arranged by the local municipa-lity, to address this problem.

Tour highlights poor maintenanceOther issues that were identified were:- Potholes and damaged road surfaces

as well as damaged pavements.- Long grass obscuring the view of

oncoming traffic and the stop sign at the corner of Pretorius and Hamer streets.

- Repair work to storm water drainage at the corner of Bonsmara and Sussex Streets was of a poor standard and badly done.

- There is no indication that there is a temporary 3-way stop at the new crossing of Dudu Madisha (South and North) and De Klerk Streets.

- Open manholes remain a problem and pose a safety risk to pedestrians. The pave-ment in Schoeman Street is also very untidy and needs to be cleaned.

- It was pointed out that there are lots of termites in the roof of the public swimming pool building that could weaken the struc-ture to the extent that it may pose a danger to people. The chamber also requested personnel to turn lights at these buildings off during daytime.

- The situation in Fourie Street is unchanged – there are still lots of grass and Sekelbos growing on the pavement and tar and damages the road surface.

- Some speed humps in HF Verwoerd Street are still too high and cause damage to cars. There is still no warning signs or re-flectors at any of the speed humps in town.

- Leaking water and sewage pipes are problematic and repairs to these leaks are not done properly. It is also a problem that contractors do not restore the road and pavement surfaces properly after they have done repair work to pipes and drains.

On the positive side the chamber commended the municipality that the traffic flow is much better at the corner of Retief and Dudu Madisha Streets since the road signs were changed.

Mokopane Police are looking for a gang of three armed robbers who attacked and assaulted and robbed Kenneth Goelst at his smalholding in the Percy Five area on Tuesday night.

The three overpowered Goelst while he was sleeping in his bed after they gained entry to his house by forcing open a sliding door and also the security gate in his hallway.

They attacked him with a knife while yelling: “You white bastard, you killed our brothers in Rhodesia.”

They ransacked the house looking for the safe’s keys, which he told them was with his wife who wasn’t there. They broke one small safe out of the

Smallholder attacked in his bedwall and also gained entry to the large safe in his study.

The robbers made off in Goelst’s with a Remington .22 pistol, 150 shotgun shells, a Mossberg Shotgun, a 100 7.65 rounds, a 7.65 pistol, 50 rounds for a .35, a Star pistol and some cash, leaving him tied up with shoe laces.

Goelst, whose hand was injured dur-ing the initial attack, managed to free himself and contacted his neighbour who alerted the police.

Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of these men must please contact Mokopane station com-mander, Col. Lucas Mogwaneng at tel: 082 565 7436.


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07 FEBRUARY 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus 3


Tel: 014 763 6143 / 014 763 2499Fax: 086 696 8569 / E-Mail: [email protected]

Shop 30 Lephalale Mall, C/o Apiesdoring & Nelson Mandela road Onverwacht.


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The Mogalakwena municipality hereby invites members of the pub-lic and interested parties/ stakeholders to view the 2012/2013 Draft Annual Report and provide written comments.

Copies of the draft Annual Report are open for inspection and comments at the Civic Centre, 54 Retief street or corner Ruiter and Retief street, Mokopane between 07h30 and 16h30 Mondays to Fridays from 07 February 2014 until 27 February 2014.

Copies of this document shall be made available on the website, SDA offices, Municipal Satellite Offices and reception at the Civic Centre. Comments must be in writing and submitted no later than 27 February 2014.

For more information please contact:• Chief Operations Officer: Mr. H. Ngoepe (015) 491 9612• Divisional Head PMS: Ms. L. Malibe (015) 491 9761 or, Fax to: 0865069880 E-mail: [email protected]

S.W. KekanaMunicipal Manager Notice Number: 33/2014

MOGALAKWENA MUNICIPALITYNotice in terms of Section 127(5) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance

Management Act, 56 of 2003


Terms & Conditions ApplyFSP: 18315


105 Nelson Mandela DriveBrendon: 071 504 0221

Terms & Conditions ApplyFSP: 18315 Terms & Conditions ApplyFSP: 18315

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Tour highlights poor maintenance

Eulogia de Wet (foto regs onder), bestuur-der van die Mokopane Noodforum, het Dinsdagaand skoon bewoë geraak toe sy tydens dié organisasie se 10de verjaardagviering by die Park Hotel gepraat het oor haar wedervaringe as maatskaplike werkster daar.

Sy het die hoogtepunte en mylpale van die Forum se werksaamhede uitgelig en die Mokopane gemeenskap geloof vir sy betrokkenheid en steun.

Die forum is in 2004 deur kerkleiers en gemeenskapslede op die been gebring om welsynsdienste in die dorp te koördineer, inisieer en uit te bou. Aan die einde van daardie jaar het die Noodforum reeds 753 kospakkies aan minder bevoorregte gesinne uitgedeel. Die projek is aanvanklik bestuur deur Annemie Coetzee en toe deur Johanna De Bruin. Eulogia het in 2005 die leisels daar oorgeneem.

Een van haar eerste projekte was die Slagoffer Ondersteuningsentrum wat sedertdien tot ‘n volwaardige projek op sy eie gegroei het met ‘n kantoor by die Polisiekantore in Mokopane en in Mawhelereng. Die Noodforum ondersteun die projek met ‘n 24-uur noodkamer vir vroue en kinders wat getraumatiseer is deur geweld.

“Ons Voedselpakkies projek het oor ‘n tydperk van 10 jaar reeds sowat 150 000 voedselpakkies aan families verskaf en min of meer 1040 bakkie vragte klere is ontvang gesorteer en versprei aan behoef-tiges, sending uitreike, skuilings, tehuise vir persone met gestremdhede en kinder-huise,” het Eulogia vertel.

Verskeie vaardigheid- en opheffing-sprojekte is oor die jare geloods. Behoe-ftiges verdien by voorbeeld punte vir her-winbare materiale wat hulle by die Nood-forum inhandig wat aan hulle dan ruil vir kospakkies. Met hierdie projek verdien die Noodforum nagenoeg R2000 per jaar wat aangewend word om kos te koop wanneer

Tien jaar vir Noodforumskenkings nie aan al die behoeftes voor-sien nie. Dames van die plaaslike vroue landbou unies kom lei gereeld behoeftige vroue op om naaldwerk en borduurwerk te doen. Kwilt en plekmatjies word gestik en borduur om verkoop te word as verdere fondsinsamelingsprojek.

Danksy ‘n boorgat deur die plaaslike Rotariërs het die Noodforum ook groen-tetuine wat gesonde vars groente in die kospakkies aan behoeftiges verseker. Surplusse word ook aan die publiek verkoop om fondse in te samel.

Deur ‘n plaaslike rekenaarvaardigheid sentrum word behoeftiges in basiese rekenaar programmatuur opgelei om hulle te help om werk te kry.

Een van die Forum se sterk fokuspunte is om vir behoeftiges werk te kry en hulle so weer op hul voete te kry.

“Daar is niks so lekker as om individue en gesinne wat deur die lewe platgeslaan is tot op die vlak waar hulle moet bedel net om te kan eet weer te sien opstaan en mens word nie.” So het Dr. Roelf Opperman, een van die stigterslede van die Noodforum die bevrediging wat mens uit welsynswerk kry beskryf.

Hy het die Forum geloof vir sy werk.

“Julle is besig met ‘n ongelooflike job, ‘n suksess-torie - nie net vir Mokopane nie, maar vir Suid-Afrika. Daar is min plekke in die land waar mense so byme-kaarkom en dit vir so lank volhou. Ek wens julle ge-luk,” het hy aan Eulogia en haar span gesê.

Mokopane Noodforum bestuurder, Eulogia de Wet, sê sy wou eers nie ‘n maatskaplike werker word nie, maar weet vandag dat dit die werk is waartoe God haar geroep het.

Forum is soos soutDie voorsitter van die Mokopane Noodforum se bestuurskomitee, Pieter Prozesky, het die Forum se werk vergelyk met die sout waarna Jesus in Sy Bergprediking verwys.

Hy het daarop gewys dat soos sout smaak aan kos gee is die Forum die manier waarop die gemeen-skap van Mokopane weer smaak aan die lewe gee vir dié mense wat vanweë omstandighede hul moed en soms, lus, vir die lewe verloor het. Sout is ook ‘n preserveermiddel, het hy gesê, en net soos sout moet die Noodforum die samelewing preserveer en beskerm teen verrotting en lyding.

Laastens het hy gewys op die outydse gebruik van sout as ontsmettingsmiddel. “So moet ons ook die wonde van hulle wat sielkundig, emosioneel en soms fisies seergekry het in ons samelewing skoonmaak en genees,” het hy afgesluit.

Unrest breaks out in Ga-SelekaA public order policing commander, Lt Col M Lekwathi was injured at Ga-S eleka on Monday when disgruntled for-mer Medupi workers protested against the demobilisation of employees at the power station building site.

The protesters who demanded to be re-employed blocked the road with burning tyres to prevent commuters from going to work on Monday morning.

A truck, transporting fuel and tyres was damaged when protestors started throwing stones at passing vehicles. Lekgwathi was hit by a stone and was rushed to hospital, but released the next day. Shops were also looted.

The unrest spread to Abbotspoort on Tuesday. At the time of going to print rumours that violence could spread to Lephalale town, could not be confirmed.

According to W O Frans Mokoena 17 people were arrested in Ga-Seleka on Monday and 13 were arrested at Abbotspoort.

The 17 appeared in court on Wednesday and were released on R500 bail each. Their trial is scheduled for 25 February.

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07 FEBRUARY 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus

Learners from Mokopane Primary school go through the new books at their library with Barry Fagan, local Rotary president. The books were a donation from the Rotary Club.


LEPHALALE - Winkeleienaars in Dopperkiaatstraat in Onverwacht is raadop oor karwassers wat krane leegtap om karre onwettig in die parkeerterein langs Marula Square te was.

Munisipale Bestuurder, Bob Naidoo, sê hy het onlangs die terein besoek en het selfs die kraan by die publieke toilet waar wa-ter getap word gesluit, maar die kraan is later weer oopgemaak.

Johan du Preez, eienaar van Matimba apteek, sê hy is keelvol vir die spul wat tot baie laat in die aande voor sy winkel staan en mense verhoed om te parkeer. Hy sê veral vroue word geïntimideer.

“Sedert hierdie karwasser hier begin werk het, het winkeldief-stal hier by ons ook toegeneem. Ons het nou al verskeie kere met die munisipaliteit hieroor gepraat, maar niks gebeur nie."

Etienne Victor, eienaar van Nguni Grill stem saam en sê dit help ook nie om die polisie te bel nie.

“Hier sit gereeld mense in die open-baar en drink terwyl hulle karre gewas word.”

Naidoo raai winkeleinaars aan om kriminele ak-tiwiteite soos win-keldiefstal by die polisie aan te meld. Hy sê hoewel dit munisipale wette is wat verbreek word, is dit die polisie se verantwoordelikheid om wet en orde te handhaaf.

Intussen word dit publiek gevra om eerder van wettige karwasplekke ge-bruik te maak.

The Potgietersrus Rotary Club last week opened a whole new world of knowledge and learning to the pupils of Mokopane Primary school, by presenting the school with a gift of close to 5000 books collected by fellow Rotarians in the USA.

Rotary Mokopane’s president, Barry Fagan, said the gift was made possible through Rotary International’s Humanata-rian Programme for Literacy. Through this programme Rotary Clubs collect books and make them available at centres in countries where they are needed.

In South Africa, there are two such centres. One in Bedfordview and one in Middleburg, Mpumalanga. Any school can apply for books and once it is vetted and approved by the local Rotary Club, that school can go and collect books at one of the book centres.

“In the case of Mokopane Primary, we were highly impressed with the way the principal, personnel and pupils look after their school, which to us is a clear indication that they would appreciate and take good care of the books we give them,” Fagan told Northern News.

The school’s department heads accompanied Fagan to the Bedfordview Centre last week to choose the books it wanted. Among the books there is a complete Britanica Encyclopedia set.

To date, more than 100 schools in South-Africa have ben-efitted from this initiative.

Keelvol vir die karwassers

Rotary fills empty library shelves

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PG Glass LephalaleTel: 014 763 3953Epos: [email protected] Lee Str, Winkel nr 3

Letter to the editor

Security – what security? Some security companies are professional, but I have been amazed at the service delivery of one company.

Our house is next to the secu-rity gate in our Estate. I cannot go into my little patio, as I can hear the security lady on her mobile phone or conversing with whoever passes. When the changing of the guard takes place at 5.30am, there is loud shouting. The music from their vehicle used to play such loud thumping music that our windows rattled.

We have no peace and I am confined to my house, as our patio is not a peaceful retreat. Neither is our house.

We have approached the secu-rity ladies for assistance, but have been met with a hostile response to our polite requests to speak quieter.

My husband has nearly been attacked by a driver and thank heavens for Vetus Schola which assisted him.

Recently my neighbour and I were threatened by our security lady. We both emailed the security company. We have had no re-sponse. I have visited them a few times but I am still waiting for the manager to come to see me.

We are trying to move but we cannot find suitable housing. It is a pity that good people feel intimi-dated and have to live behind bars while others do as they please.

Is it just a matter of education? Are they not told what their duties are? Is it not to serve and protect?

A house has been robbed here in broad daylight in our estate! I believe the people who have been tasked to do their jobs have no inclination to serve or protect us.- “Bosveld Betty”.

Free genealogy seminarConnie Haskell from Family Search International will be at the Palm Park Hotel in Lephalale on Thursday evening, 13 Febru-ary, from 17:00 for a free training session to anybody interested in trying to trace their ancestors. To book your place email her at [email protected] or phone 082 210 1956.

Dinge om te doen / Things to doSatanisme onder die kollig‘n Praatjie oor tekens en gevare van Satanisme deur Dr Kobus Jonker (voormalig van SAPS Okkulte-afdeling) word op 26 Februarie om 18:30 in die skoolsaal van Ellisras Hoërskool aangebied.

Orgideekwekers vergaderDie Vlakte Orgideevereniging (VOV) vergader Saterdag 1 Maart om 14:00 by Sarie Lancaster in Mookgopong.

Kontak gerus die sekretaresse, Delia Bogaards, by 081 477 7374 vir meer inligting en aanw-ysings.

Belangstellendes vir uitstal ruimte / tafels tydens die lente skou van 3-5 April by die Bokkie week, in Mookgopong, kan gerus so gou moontlik navraag doen. Beperkte spasie is beskikbaar.

ValentynsmarkMoet nie die Plaas Valentyn Mark by die Lephalale Square op Saterdag, 8 Februarie, misloop nie.

Daar is pragtige handgemaak-te geskenke en kunswerke, asook groot pryse te wen. Die mark begin 09:00 en gaan tot laat oopbly.

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07 FEBRUARY 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus 7




LEPHALALE - Two primary schools in Le-phalale were given the opportunity to join the National Archery in the Schools Programme (NASP-SA).

As the first runner up in the 2013 Jack Cheetham Memorial Award, NASP-SA is recogn-ised for its meaningful contribution to the devel-opment of sport in South Africa and the unifying effect that sport has in South African society.

This annual award is sponsored by Murray & Roberts and the substantial amount received by NASP-SA made it possible to fully equip Laer-skool Bosveld Primary and Lephalale primary to join the programme.

The headmasters and teachers of the two schools met with the NASP-SA team on Satur-day where the programme was introduced to them. Several teachers of both schools also got the opportunity to be trained as programme in-structors.

The programme will allow learners from both schools to be developed in the sport of archery. This will give them the opportunity to possibly participate, provincially, nationally as well as in-ternationally in archery tournaments.

According to NASP-SA president, Wilhelm Greeff, it is not a child’s age or size that matters, NASP is all about putting athletes and non-ath-letes on a level playing field.

“Probably the biggest advantage of this sport is that any child can participate, you don’t have to be an athlete. "The difference between an av-erage archer and an achiever is dedication and practice. The national champion for 2013 is for instance a Grade 8 learner from Rustenburg.”

According to Greeff studies have shown that participation in archery teaches a child disci-pline and respect; school attendance improve and children become physically more active.

The programme teaches children a physical discipline that they can enjoy as a lifelong acti-vity. It has also proven to transform previously unreachable “high risk” children by unlocking self-esteem.

“This programme has the ability to touch, transform, redirect, lift and change individual lives forever. We regularly receive testimonies from head masters, teachers, project leaders and parents witnessing the positive change in par-ticipating children, not to mention the feedback from our excited children themselves,” Greeff added.

Pretorius thanked NASP-SA and Murray & Robberts on behalf of both schools, saying that this is a wonderful opportunity for the two schools to work together and develop their lear-ners.

Schools join archery progammeFrom left: Heidi Carlton (NASP co-ordinator for Limpopo); Frik Birkenstock (NASP-SA secretary); Louwtjie Pretorius (headmaster, Laerskool Bosveld Primary); Petrus Maboga (headmaster, Lephalale Primary); Wilhelm Greeff (NASP-SA president).

Wage adjustment for farm workersThe department of labour announced this week that workers in the farming sector will get an upward wage adjustment effective from 1 March 2014.

“In terms of sectoral determination for farm workers, the minimum wages will be adjusted upwards to an hourly rate of R12.41 (previously: R11,66); a weekly rate of R558.60 (from R525), and monthly mini-mum wages of R2 420.41 (R2 274.82),” the department said.

The statement explained that sectoral de-termination covers the protection of workers in vulnerable sectors or areas of work. The determination sets minimum working hours, minimum wages, number of leave days and termination rules.

The determination is reviewed annually by the labour minister and the new determina-tion will be effective for a year.

Bespreek jou advertensie! Skakel ons bermarkers gerus:

Cindy 083 303 8877 (Mokopane)Engela 083 309 4506 (Lephalale) Dolla 082 501 1278 (Lephalale)

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LEPHALALE MUNICIPALITYLephalale is one of the fastest growing towns in Limpopo due to the presence of natural coal reserves, huge industrial expansion projects initiated by main-ly coal mining processing and electricity generation. Dynamic persons who wish to take the leading role in the development and exposure of the Lepha-lale Municipality are hereby invited to apply for the challenging positions of:

1. 1 X POSITION: Cleaner: L16: (Corporate Support Services: Admin & Sec Division)Commencing Salary: R74 088 p/aRequirements:KPA’s Inter alia:

2. POSITION: Legal Of cer: L4 (Corporate Support Services: Legal Division)Commencing salary: R257 148 p/aRequirements:

KPA’s Inter alia:

3. POSITION: Electrician: L7(Infrastructure Services: Electrical Division)Commencing Salary: R168 708 p/aRequirements:

KPA’s inter alia:

4. POSITION: Financial Clerk: L8(Budget & Treasury: Expenditure)Commencing salary: R141 840 p/a.Requirements:

KPA’s inter alia:

5. POSITION: Mechanic: L7(Infrastructure Services: Mechanical & Electrical Division)Commencing salary: R168 708 p/aRequirements:

KPA’s inter alia:

Closing Date: 22/02/2014 Enquiries: Marius Matsoma: 014 763 2193

NB: Lephalale Municipality is an af rmative action and equal opportunity employer and is committed to transformation.



AS NAIDOOMunicipal Manager

Date: 29/01/2014Notice no.: V1/2014Ref NO: 4/3/2/1,2,3,7&9

Hoewel Laerskool Krugerpark se atlete verlede Donderddag tydens ‘n kring-atletiekbyeenkoms op hul tuisveld gewys het dat daar met dié skool se atlete en die kwaliteit van hul afrigting niks skort nie, was dit Mokopane Primary wat gewys het dat sy atlete weer ‘n krag gaan word om mee rekenskap te hou.

William Khumalo, bestuurder van die atletiekspan, sê dit was die beste wat Mokopane Primary in jare gevaar het by ‘n kring-byeenkoms.

“Verlede jaar het net ses van ons atlete deurgedring na die streeks-atletiekbyeen-koms toe. Hierdie jaar het ons 36 wat daar gaan deelneem,” het hy trots vertel.

Hier is van die dag se aksie op foto’s vasgevang.

Kyk hulle nou kant toe of boontoe? Hierdie Voortrekkers van Mokopane is onlangs tydens die saalopening by Laerskool Krugerpark afgeneem. Hulle staan bekend as die Kameeldoring Voortrekkers en kom Maandae middae vanaf 17:00 tot 18:00 by Krugerpark se lapa bymekaar. Indien daar Graad R to Graad 2 bulletjie rugbyspelers is wat betrokke wil raak kan daar vir hulle ‘n bymekaarkomtyd van 16:30 tot 17:30 gereël word. Bel Corné van Heerden vir meer inligting: 082 690 7729.

Laerskole wys hul staalJustin Nel van Krugerpark het die Spiesgooi vir Seuns o/13 gewen.

Links: Kensani Maimela was een van Mokopane Primary se uitblinkers. Sy het die verspring vir dogters o/13 gewen.

Heel links: Vincent Kekana van Magemme Primary het die 1200m vir seuns o/12 gewen.

Besoek Noordelike Nuus se Facebook bladsy vir meer foto’s.

Voortrekkers is sterk op dreef

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Bass can be notoriously difficult to catch during the ‘Dog-Days’ of sum-mer. Most anglers understand that as soon as fishing becomes tough, it is time to pick up the finesse baits.

One finesse technique that is often overlooked by bass anglers is the Dropshot Rig, either because they don’t know how to apply the technique, are intimidated by it, or have not had much success previously using the rig.

One very important factor to keep in mind when attempting to dropshot for bass - the impor-tance of understanding your electronics and being able to ‘see’ underwater. This is key! Dropshot fish-ing and a fishfinder go hand-in-hand, period!

Before you attempt to dropshot, make sure you know how to ‘read’ the screen on your fishfinder. Do you know how to identify a hard bottom from a soft bottom? Can you tell the difference between a rock pile and a brush pile? And most importantly, do you know how to ‘spot’ a fish suspended close to or amongst the cover and structure? If your answer to all of these questions is yes, then you are ready to experi-ence the awesomeness of dropshot fishing.

A dropshot rig for bass fishing is recognised by the unique way the lure is pre-sented to the bass; the weight is attached to the end of the line, a light wire hook directly tied onto the line (Palomar- or Double-Clinch Knot) 15- to 30cm above the weight, and a light finesse worm nose-hooked, whacky-rigged or Texas-rigged.

The rig is traditionally fished vertically in deep water, and used to target suspend-ed fish. The direct attachment of the hook to the line imparts ‘action’ to the bait, even with the subtlest of twitches to the rod tip, which makes it ideal for fishing in one spot. However, there are no rules to presentation. This rig can be fished fast or slow, deep or shallow, vertical or horizon-tal, or any other way you may choose.

If a fish bites, think about why it bit – depth, speed, structure, etc, and then try to duplicate.

Terminal tackle should include the following: Aggressive fish / Heavier cover / tournament fishing = 6 ½- to 7-foot medium action baitcasting rod, 10- to 16-pound fluorocarbon line, and ¼- to ½-ounce dropshot weights. Inactive fish / Tough fishing / light cover – 6 ½- to 7-foot medium light spinning rod, 6- to 8-pound fluorocarbon line, and 1/8- to ¼-ounce dropshot weights.

Soft tackle may consist of any style of light or finesse-type plastic bait. Straight-tailed worms – 4” YUM Mighty Worm or Dinger, specially designed shaking baits – YUM Shakalicious, fluke-style baits - YUM Money Minnow, craw-style baits – YUM Big Show Craw, etc. can all be used in a dropshot presentation.

Hook any of these baits through the nose or halfway through the body (whacky-style) for optimal movement and action. By rigging the worm Texas-style, you will be able to fish the rig weed-less through cover (brush, grass or other aquatic weed).

Make sure to align the bait straight onto the hook, to avoid line twist during the retrieve. Line twist is caused when the worm ‘spins’ during the retrieve. You do not want this. Once you have rigged the worm, reel in and watch as it comes through the water. If it swims straight, without twisting, you are ready to start fishing.

Fishing with ChristieDropshot fishing for summer bass

By Christie Thomas

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Om atlete voor te berei op die strawwe kompetisie en streng reëls wat hulle

op 22 Februarie by die Inter-hoër atletiek byeenkoms en ook streek, distrik, provinsiale en dalk nasionale byeenkomste hierdie atletiekseisoen te wagte kan wees het Hoërskool Piet Potgieter verlede Vrydag ‘n vriendskaplike byeenkoms op sy sportvelde aangebied.

Hoërskole Piet Potgieter, Hans Strydom, Ellisras, Louis Trichardt en Tom Naudé het aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem met Piet Pot wat koning gekraai het met 775 punte.

Hans Strydom was tweede met 625 punte, Louis Trichardt derde en Ellisras Vierde.

Tom Naudé se tekort aan dogters atlete was duidelik met dié skool wat in die laaste plek geëindig het met 310 punte.

‘n Voorsmakie van Interhoër

Rudolf Jacobs van Piet Potgieter en Corman Vos van Ellisras het die toeskouers op hul voete gehad in hul kop-aan-kop 100m wedloop vir seuns o/10. Rudolf het met ‘n haarbreedte gewen.

Charlotte Eckard van Ellisras Hoërskool het die 100m vir dogters o/19 gemaklik gewen.

Soretha Kruger van Piet Potgieter het die skyfwerp vir dogters o/17 asook die 100m gewen. Sy is aangewys as Victrix Ludorum. Haar grootste kompetisie op provinsiale vlak, Johané Kruger van Lephalale ding op skole-vlak o/16 mee hierdie jaar. Sy is tans besig om te herstel van ‘n skouer besering.

Bo: Marnus Uys van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter is moontlik die vinnigste o/16 100m atleet in Suid-Afrika. Hy het Vrydag gewys hy is gereed vir interhoër en watookal daarop mag volg. Besoek Noordelike Nuus op Facebook vir meer atletiefoto’s.