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Page 2: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

Contents No. 86 2 月號 ★ 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 biz 部落:上班族

04biz 夯話題英語說

US$100 Bill Gets a Face Lift 新版百元美鈔高科技變臉

於本月發行的新版百元美鈔應用了最先進的 3D 科技以及重重功能杜絕偽鈔。開春好彩頭之



New Year’s Quotations編輯精選 過新年長智慧名人語錄歡度農曆新年的同時,來看看 biz 編輯為你精心



Festive February歡樂二月天 東西熱鬧迎新春 ▏PAGE 12


Festive February 歡樂二月天 東西熱鬧迎新春在東方,農曆新年揭開了春天的序幕;那西方


案,速翻至 p.12 一探究竟。


上班族拼幸福 English Only

Pooling Together for a Deal 春節美食團購速效英語團購速效辭彙 + 應用英會話速效特訓 + 不可不知最具代



Page 3: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86


Saying Yes or No to a Job 接受與婉拒錄取信函寫作訣竅接受 & 婉拒錄取信函:寫作速效句 + 接受 & 婉拒

錄取通知範例 + 不損人緣職涯 & 友情不扣分應用


58biz 英語本月財經辭彙

Stock 股票剛領了年終獎金,你對手頭上的股票或其他的投

資商品有何盤算呢?biz 本月就要帶你認識和股票



Learning English with Songs流行金曲學英語



Learning English with Movies 看電影英語輕鬆學



68 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題

77 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

互動光碟收錄精采電影預告片及 MV:“The Green Hornet”《青蜂俠》

“Little Fockers” 《門當父不對之我才是老大》

Daniel Powter ― Lose to Win 丹尼爾:〈失而復得〉

47360 行‧導演這一行

Tsui Hark — The Master of Wuxia 武俠江山――徐克既出 誰與爭鋒論及武俠影片,徐克可說是箇中佼佼者。本期 360 行帶您來認識這位東方武俠大師,讓您用英



Points of Interest上班族大小事日本婚活當道 + 你「愛瘋」了嗎? + 2011 年

薪資調幅 亞洲表現亮眼 + 大尺碼內褲 紐澳暢

銷 + 保命要訣:「坐」而言不如「起」而行

40biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國 Industry Focusbiz 產業大頭條臉書創辦人捐半數財產作公益 + 愛瑪仕創次品

牌進軍中國 + 2011 年十大策略性科技

20biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇巴士站旅館 + 便利馬桶 + 節能玻璃屋頂


The Battle for Motion-Control Gaming Heats Up體感遊戲發燒戰體感遊戲正發燒,微軟、索尼和任天堂紛紛搭



26biz 英語速效極短句




28上班族變聰明 How Smart Are You?上班族變聰明史上最暢銷的電玩系列?+ 知名建築玩具公司樂

高的根據地為何處?+ 規模最大的土撥鼠節慶祝



Lego: Rebuilding a Brand努斯托普領銜演出 樂高逆轉勝精彩秀 短短五年內,樂高從瀕臨破產到交出驚人的 980% 淨利成長率成績單。樂高谷底翻身的品


Page 4: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

圖片提供: Heinz Muller, Baita Design Studio、SolTech Energy、翻攝自網路

互動版》正常 MP3 - 5 / 慢速 MP3 - 29朗讀版》Audio CD - 5 7

Missed the last bus home and don’t want to shell out1 for a taxi? Don’t worry; Baita Design Studio has a novel solution. The Brazilian company proposes placing capsule hotels atop bus stops as a respite2 for the weary traveler. Hostation, as the design is known, would comprise four self-contained capsule units measuring 1.3 by 2 meters, a bathroom, and storage facilities.


Baita 設計工作室有個新穎的解決方法。這間巴西公司提出將膠囊狀旅館置於公車站之上,為疲憊旅客提供暫時休憩之處的點子。這項名為

Hostation 的設計是由四個配備齊全,直徑 1.3 公尺、長 2 公尺的膠囊狀睡房以及一間浴室和保管設施所組成。

1. shell out 花大錢

2. respite [r6`spa6t] n. 暫時休息

3. bedridden [`b5d%r6dx] adj. (因疾病、年老等)


Room up Top巴士站旅館

4. bidet [b6`de] n. 坐浴盆

5. automaton [7`t3m4t4n] n. 機器人;自動機器設備


聚焦 194國biz嚴選

Page 5: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

設計來幫助老年人和臥病在床者的 Nature’s Call 機器人馬桶,可透過遙控或聲音感測器召喚至使用者的床邊。支撐手




WC Handy便利馬桶

Designed to help the elderly or bedridden,3 the Nature’s Call robotic toilet can be summoned to a person’s bedside using remote control or voice sensors. Support arms help the user get off the bed and a bidet4 and drier mean there is no need for toilet paper. After use, the automaton5 returns to its station to self-wash.

強化英語競爭力,biz 英語播報台不可錯過,快上 biz 部落收看!

Through the Roof節能玻璃屋頂

Swedish solar power firm SolTech Energy has developed a glass roof that captures sun rays. The tiles sit upon a nylon canvas that absorbs heat. Underneath the canvas is a wooden frame with columns for trapping6 hot air, which is funneled7 into the home’s heating system.

瑞典的 SolTech Energy 太陽能公司研發出一款可捕捉陽光的玻璃屋頂。玻璃磚瓦下方鋪著一層可吸熱的尼龍帆



SolTech 節能屋頂系統運作圖示

Cooled air is returned to the roof.

The heated air is converted into a hot fluid.

The solar-heated air is collected.

A SolTech System combined with a waterborne central heating system




SolTech System 和以水來傳


6. trap [tr1p] v. 使(空氣等)聚集不散

7. funnel [`f9ny] v. (使)經過細管或窄道


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VIDEO-GAME systems have

evolved unbelievably over

the past few decades. These

days, motion-control gaming

i s a l l t h e r a g e , 1 a n d

M i c r o s o f t , S o n y , a n d

Nintendo have all fully jumped

on this bandwagon. Now that

Microsoft’s highly anticipated

Kinect is finally available in

stores, let’s take a closer look

a t these th ree sys tems,

examining their differences

a n d e v a l u a t i n g 2 t h e i r

strengths and weaknesses.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 6 / 慢速 MP3 - 30朗讀版》Audio CD - 68

Withou t a doubt , the

Microsof t K inect for the

Xbox 360 is at the cutting

edge of gaming. The Kinect

incorporates3 a video camera,

voice-recognition software, and

intelligent motion sensors to

provide players with an entirely

hands-free gaming experience.

No controllers or special

gadgets are needed; a mere

wave of the hand or a simple

vocal command lets users play

games. Consumers certainly

have connected with Kinect,

with millions already sold in the

first few months of its release.

Microsoft is not the only

company with a horse in this

race, however. Sony sold 2.5

million of its new PlayStation

3 Move controllers in the first

month of their release in 2010.

What’s more, the Internet has

been abuzzh with praise of the

圖片提供:flickr、Microsoft、Nintendo、Sony Computer Entertainment Asia

The Battle for Motion-Control

Gaming Heats Up

體感遊戲正發燒,微軟、索尼和任天堂紛紛搭上這班順風車,由於眾人引頸期盼的微軟 Kinect 終於上市,讓我們進一步了解這三個電玩系統,檢視它們的不同處,評估其優缺點吧。

Microsoft Kinect Controller-free 免控制器

The Battle for Motion-Control

Gaming Heats Up



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1. all the rage 非常流行

Glasses without lenses are all the rage in Taiwan at the moment.

2. evaluate [6`v1lj8%et] v. 評價

Your performance will be evaluated after your first three months at the company.

3. incorporate [6n`k7rp4%ret] v. 包含

My new smartphone incorporates some really cool functions.

4. pinpoint [`p6n%p76nt] adj. 非常精確的

The competitor in the shooting competition hit the target with pinpoint accuracy.

5. outdo [%a8t`du] v. 超越

Jake really outdid himself with the meal he cooked last night.

6. add-on [`1d%3n] n. 附加;附加元件

You need to download the add-ons for that software if you want it to work properly.

h abuzz [4`b9z] adj. 充滿(聲音等)的

h trailblazer [`trel%blez0] n. 先驅者


Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uat the cutting edge of sth 走在某事物的尖端 cutting edge 在此表「最先進;最尖端」的意思;當形容詞時須寫作 cutting-edge。

• The film studio was famous for being at the cutting edge of technology.


• Channing used cutting-edge software to design his Web site.


可用 on 代換

中文翻譯請見 pp. 77-78

system’s pinpoint4 precision.

Not to be outdone,5 Nintendo,

the trailblazerh in motion-

control gaming, is now offering

the Wii MotionPlus. According

to Nintendo, this add-on6 for

the Wiimote “senses gameplay

movements wi th g reate r

accuracy than ever before.”

Sony PlayStation Move Precision based with 360 degree tracking 具有根據 360 度動作追蹤的準確度

Nintendo Wii Easy to use for all ages 各年齡層皆易上手

biz 隨堂考 體感遊戲相關字彙填填看。

解答請見 p. 79

動作感應器 = motion sensor

無線控制器(搖桿) = w _ _ _ _ _ _ s c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r

免控制器 = c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-f _ _ e

動作辨識 = g _ _ _ _ _ e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n

光學感應器 = o _ _ _ _ _ l s _ _ _ _ r

聲音辨識 = v _ _ _ e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n

額外配件 = a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s


The Battle for Motion-Control Gaming Heats Up

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Microsoft Kinect

互動版》正常 MP3 - 7 /慢速 MP3 - 31 朗讀版》Audio CD - 79

To get a better idea of

how these three systems

stack up against1 each other,

let’s examine two important

categories — accuracy and


A s a n y h a r d - c o r e h

gamer will tell you, accuracy

— having the images on

the screen sync2 up with

a player’s movements as

closely as possible — is

crucial. In this sense, the

Wii is bot tom of the l ist,

Kinect sensor deviceKinect 感應器裝置

Kinect’s motion sensor tracks your entire body.Kinect 的動作感應器可


You are the Controller你的身體就是控制器

since many of its games use

preseth animations that don’t

match a player’s movements

at all. Microsoft’s Kinect is

a definite step-up,3 and it

is very good at replicating4

sweepingh motions. However,

Sony’s Move is clearly at the

top, since it enables real-time

movement, with the figures on

the screen moving at exactly

the same time as the player.

When it comes to games,

Nintendo struck gold first

with the Wii Sports range.

T h e c o n s o l e 5 n o w h a s

Photo by popculturegeek

Sony PlayStation Move

Nintendo Wii

Photo by popculturegeek

▲ Wii Sports 以網球、棒球、保齡球、高爾夫球、拳擊的模擬運動遊戲吸引消費者

▲ PlayStation Move 企圖以配合玩家動作的準確度和刺激的遊戲吸引死忠遊戲迷

The sensor captures your movement and puts you in the game.感應器捕捉你的動作,並轉




Page 9: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

a huge l ibrary6 of family-

friendly motion-control titles.

Microsoft is also definitely

targeting the family with the

Kinect, stressing that i ts

games are for everyone. Sony,

on the other hand, hopes to

appeal to hard-core gamers,

with offerings such as “The

Fight: Lights Out.”

A s m o t i o n - c o n t r o l

technology advances and

g a m e - s y s t e m s e v o l v e ,

consumers are rewarded7 with

better gaming experiences

and producers are able to

shift more units. Which of the

current systems is making the

right moves, though, has yet to

be decided.

1. stack up against [st1k] 與……相比

I don’t think the computer company’s new operating system stacks up well against the previous version.

2. sync [s6;k] v. 使同步;校準 (鐘錶)時間 (sync 等同 synchronize [`s6;kr4%na6z] )The fitness instructor asked us all to sync our stopwatches before we began exercising.

3. step-up [`st5p%9p] n. (數量、速度等的)增加;升級

Brandon’s new car was a definite step-up from the last one.

4. replicate [`r5pl4%ket] v. 複製

Try as he might, the scientist could not replicate his original findings in a second experiment.

5. console [`k3nsol] n. 遊戲機

The Magnavox Odyssey was the world’s first video games console.

6. library [`la6%br5r6] n. (由同公司生產,外觀相似的)一套書、CD、影片等; (書、唱片等)收藏

Dante has a large library of digital music on several portable hard drives.

7. reward [r6`w7rd] v. 報償

The woman rewarded the young man who found her lost cat.

h hard-core [`h3rd`kor] adj. 死忠的

h preset [`pri%s5t] n. 事先裝置

h sweeping [`swip6;] adj. 以大弧度移動、伸展或揮動著的


Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Ustrike gold 的用法a 表「(在體育賽事等)奪得金牌;拿下第一」 ,如本文用法。

• The cyclist struck gold for his country in the international event. 這名自行車手在國際賽事為他的國家奪得金牌。

b 表「突然變得很富有或很成功」。

• Discovering the valuable antiques in his attic, Ray realized he had struck gold. 在閣樓中發現貴重古董時,雷明白他要走財運了。

c 表「發現礦產、能源等」。

• The farmer struck gold while he was digging a ditch. 這名農夫在掘溝時發現黃金。

「發現石油」則可用 strike oil 表示。

中文翻譯請見 p. 78

預防體感遊戲運動傷害(Sports Injuries) 小訣竅

體感遊戲除了有娛樂、健身等效果,但也要注意其可能帶來的運動傷害,如 Wii 玩太久而出現的 Wii 手肘(Wii elbow)。以下小步驟幫你玩得盡興又健康。

1. 5-10 分鐘的熱身(warm-up)

2. 適當的伸展或拉筋運動

3. 維持正確姿勢(gesture)

4. 避免使力過度

5. 避免使用時間過長


Recreating History: The Doctor of Historic BuildingsThe Battle for Motion-Control Gaming Heats Up

Page 10: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86


Points of Interest 上班族大小事

互動版》正常 MP3 - 12 /慢速 MP3 - 36朗讀版》Audio CD - 1216


With a steady increase

in late marriages in Japan,

local governments are playing

matchmaker .1 Takeo City

Hall in Saga Prefecture2 has

created its own division for

the purpose. The div is ion

head receives a low basic

salary of 82,000 yen a month

(approximately NT$30,000),

but is entitled to a 30,000 yen

bonus for each match made.


According to a survey by

360d HR, more than 30 percent

of Taiwan’s office workers have

purchased an iPhone, with

another 45 percent planning to

do so. Interestingly, 88 percent

of iPhone owners earn a monthly

salary of less than NT$30,000.

Those planning to

buy an iPhone intend

to do so by various

methods, including

credit card installments

and borrowing money

from family or friends.


Arafo [3 r3 fo] 阿拉佛 源自日本,為 around forty的簡稱,泛指「35-44歲的單身女性」。

eligible bachelor

[`el6d.4by] [`b1t]4l0] 黃金單身漢



Gold Miss 黃金女郎族 源自韓國,專指 30-40歲的單身女性,擁有高學歷、高收入

(年薪 4,000萬韓元)、高成就與高財富四大特質。

TWITs [tw6ts] 輕熟女 源自西方,為 Teenage Women in Their Thirties的首字縮語語,指「有著少


Courtesy of Apple




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•donotwring 不可扭擰

•washat30C 30度水洗

•donotbleach 不可漂白

•tumbledrywithlowheat 低溫烘乾

•dryflat 平放晾乾

•dripdry 滴乾

•dryintheshade 蔭乾

•ironatlowtemperature 低溫整燙

•dry-clean 乾洗

2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年(推算)

Points of Interest

互動版》正常 MP3 - 13 /慢速 MP3 - 37朗讀版》Audio CD - 1317

大尺碼內褲 紐澳暢銷

Despite providing underwear

to fit size 74 women with 104-inch

waistlines, a U.K.-based company

says its products are not big

enough. The Big Bloomers

Company, which provides

panties to obese4 women, says

there is demand for garments

for 285-kilogram customers

with 2.7-meter girths.5 The top

shipping destinations are New

Zealand and Australia.


2011年薪資調幅 亞洲表現亮眼

Wage increases in Europe

for 2011 will be under 2 percent,

a study by HR consultancy

Towers Watson reveals. In the

U.S., the figure will be around

the 2 percent mark, while Taiwan

and China may see hikes of

3.5 percent and 7 percent

respectively. Graham Shaw, the

global head of Towers Watson,

says the industries with the

highest wages in 2011 will be

technology, pharmaceuticals3

and finance.

2007-2011 年受僱員工平均經常性薪資

中文翻譯請見 p. 39



( 單位:新台幣 )

註:統計月份為該年度 1-10月2011 年的經常性薪資將為 5 年來最高,台灣上班族可望逐漸走出金融海嘯陰霾

Source: 104人力銀行














Page 12: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

Keep shoulders relaxed



People with a sedentary6 lifestyle have a greater risk of death according to research by the

American Cancer Society. Women who sit for more than six hours a day were 37 percent more

likely to die during the research period than those who spent fewer than three hours seated. The

corresponding7 figure for men was 18 percent.中文翻譯請見 p. 39

PictureDictionary:ProperSittingPosture 請你跟我這樣「坐」

Keep shoulders relaxed 肩膀保持放鬆

Comfortable viewing distance: 18-24 inches 舒適的視線距離:18-24 吋

Top of screen at or below eye level 螢幕頂端與視線等齊或稍低

Keyboard about elbow height 鍵盤位置約在手肘高度

Feet flat on the floor 雙腳平放於地板上

Keep thighs parallel to the floor 大腿保持與地板平行

Knees 90 degrees or slightly more 膝蓋維持在 90 度或多一點的角度

Adjust chair to support lower back 調整椅子以支撐下背

Maintain elbows in relaxed position 手肘維持放鬆的姿勢



Page 13: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

Points of Interest

1. matchmaker [`m1t]%mek0] n. 媒人

Eliza was annoyed by her mother’s attempts to play matchmaker.

2. prefecture [`pri%f5kt]0] n. (日、法、義等國的)地方行政區域、縣

Japan is made up of 47 prefectures.

3. pharmaceuticals [%f3rm4`sjut6kyz] n. 製藥 (學)

The scientist worked in the pharmaceuticals industry developing new drugs.

4. obese [o`bis] adj. 過胖的

The man was obese and had trouble walking.

5. girth [g-q] n. (腰身、樹幹等的)圍長

As I get older and exercise less, my girth is steadily increasing.

6. sedentary [`s5dx%t5r6] adj. (工作、活動等)須久座的

My friends are all office workers, so they lead sedentary lifestyles.

7. corresponding [%k7r4`sp3nd6;] adj. 相應的

The test asked students to match the images with the corresponding text.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 日本婚活當道



薪每月僅 82,000 日圓(約新台幣三萬元),但每促成一對佳偶就可獲得三萬日圓的獎金。


根據 360d 才庫人力資源的一項調查,超過三成的台灣上班族已是 iPhone 一族,另外有四成五的人正打算購買

iPhone。有趣的是,八成八的 iPhone 族月薪不到新台幣三萬元。打算購機者則計畫透過多種方式購得,包括信用卡分


2011 年薪資調幅 亞洲表現亮眼


的薪資漲幅將低於 2%。美國的數據則在 2% 上下,而台灣和中國分別可能有 3.5% 和 7% 的驚人漲幅。韜睿惠悅全球業務負責人葛萊姆 ‧ 蕭亦表示,二○一一年薪資最高的前


大尺碼內褲 紐澳暢銷

儘管已提供適合腰圍 104 吋、尺碼 74 的女性所穿的內褲,一家英國公司表示他們的這些產品尺寸還不夠看。這家名


285 公斤、腰圍 2.7 公尺的顧客也表達了需求。最熱門的運送區域為紐西蘭與澳洲。




小時的女性多出 37% 的死亡率。相對於男性,此比率則是18%。

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uthose . . . 句型分析以下這個句子是省略關係代名詞的寫法,來看看如何改寫:



Those planning to buy an iPhone intend to do so . . .

• Those buying two DVDs will get another one for free. 那些買兩片 DVD的人可獲得一片免費的。 (buying two DVDs用來修飾 those)

Those who plan to buy an iPhone intend to do so . . . 刪關係代名詞

原形動詞 plan改成現在分詞 planning


Page 14: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

3-D Security Ribbon 3D 立體防偽帶:隨轉動角

度變換鐘或數字 100 的圖樣

Portrait Watermark 富蘭克林


Color-shifting 100 隨角度變色


Bell in the Inkwell 內有大鐘的墨


Security Thread 安全防


USA 及 100 字樣

US$100 Bill Gets a Face Lift新版百元美鈔高科技變臉


• greenback 美鈔(因為美鈔多為綠色)

• C-note 百元鈔票(在羅馬數字中,C 代表一百)

• Benjamins 百元鈔票(由於上面印有班傑明 ‧ 富蘭克林的頭像)


(bank) note 紙幣;鈔票(= bill)

counterfeit [`ka8nt0%f6t] v. 偽造

currency [`k-4ns6] n. 貨幣

denomination [d6%n3m4`ne]4n] n. 面額

fake [fek] adj. 假的

in circulation [%s-kj4`le]4n] 流通中

issue [`6]u] v. 發行

value [`v1lju] n. (貨幣)價值


•I’dliketochangeUS$500. 我要兌換五百元美金。






新版百元美鈔 防偽設計

3D 風潮不僅吹進電影、電玩界,就連貨幣也要跟上流行,美國於二月發行的新版百元美鈔就應用了最先進

的(state-of-the-art)3D 科技,以重重高科技製作,企圖以此架高偽鈔仿造門檻以杜絕偽鈔橫行。由於技




biz 夯話題英語說

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Tsui Hark — The Master of Wuxia










FOR many outside Asia, Ang Lee’s “Crouching

Tiger, Hidden Dragon” provided the first

glimpse1 into the Chinese genre2 of wuxia.

Characters leap over rooftops, walk up walls, and

cross swords in breathtaking duels. The movie

wowed audiences worldwide and made them

realize that wuxia was more than just martial arts.

─ Kuang-Cheuh Lee

translated by Chen Shin-Hong, edited by James Baron

互動版》正常 MP3 - 14 /慢速 MP3 - 38朗讀版》Audio CD - 1418

360行 導演這一行


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Wuxia stories depict brave, kind

heroes with extraordinary

f ight ing sk i l ls . The s ty le

c h a l l e n g e s t r a d i t i o n a l

Hollywood boundaries, yet

shares themes with genres

such as westerns. While there

are many well-known directors

in the field, one name stands

out: Hong Kong’s Tsui Hark.

Tsui’s first feature, “The

Butterfly Murders,” was an

avant-gardeh fusion3 of murder

mystery, science fiction and

contemporary wuxia. The

twists and turns in narrative

perspective were atypical4

of wuxia movies, though the

depiction of righteous and

evil characters was familiar.

Following this impressive debut,

Tsui enjoyed success with

movies such as “Zu Warriors

from the Magic Mountain,” “The

Swordsman” series, and the

“Once Upon a Time in China”


Tsui is famous for his

technique of quick cuts, treating

audiences to a carnival-like visual

feast. He often assembles5

star-studded casts and makes

interesting casting choices.

In “The Swordsman II,” for

example, Taiwanese actress

Brigitte Lin plays the male

character Dongfang Bubai.†

Fans of the Jin Yong novel were

impressed by Tsui’s decision to

convert a relatively unimportant

character into the most popular

wuxia personality of the 1990s.


360行 導演這一行

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互動版》正常 MP3 - 15 /慢速 MP3 - 39朗讀版》Audio CD - 15 21

Following his domestic achievements, Tsui attempted to break

into the U.S. film industry with low-budget movies starring Jet Li

and Belgian martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme, but the films

enjoyed limited success. The onset of the 21st century saw Tsui

dabbling6 in computer-generated imagery. The resulting movie —

“The Legend of Zu,” a remake of the original “Zu” — gained a cult

following7 but was not a commercial hit. To add insult to injury,†

“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” was released around the same

time, and succeeded in drawing Western audiences where Tsui

had failed. Media reports claimed that Tsui was deeply hurt by the


Most recently, Tsui released “Detective Dee and the Mystery

of the Phantom Flame,” a film that re-created the Tsui Hark style

beloved by long-time fans. His next movie, a 3-D remake of one of

his old movies, “New Dragon Gate Inn,” remains firmly within the

wuxia fold.8 Tsui’s original is itself a retelling of a 1966 feature by

Taiwanese director King Hu.

With gravity-defying stunts, horrifying traps and spectacular

duels with deadly edged weapons, Tsui’s wuxia movies deliver a lot

more than just fist fights. His period stories often contain allusionsh

to politics and current affairs. As Tsui breathes new life into

classic tales, movie buffs of all ages will be anticipating9 another

blockbuster from the master of wuxia.中文翻譯請見 p. 79

▼ 1992 年 New Dragon Gate Inn

《新龍門客棧 》

▼ 2005 年 Seven Swords


▼ 2010 年 Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame [d6`t5kt6v] [`f1nt4m]


徐克 俠義經典電影 英片名正音班

▼ 1983 年

Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain[`w7r60z]

《新蜀山劍俠 》

(2001 年 《蜀山傳》 The Legend of Zu 翻拍自《新蜀山劍俠》)

▼ 1986 年

Peking Opera Blues 《刀馬旦》

▼ 1987 年

A Chinese Ghost Story《倩女幽魂》 (1989 年《人間道》/1991 年 《道道道》)

▼ 1990 年 The Swordsman[`sordzm4n]


(1992 年 《笑傲江湖之東方不敗》)

▼ 1979 年

The Butterfly Murders [`b9t0%fla6] [`m-d0z]


▼ 1991 年 Once Upon a Time in China

《黃飛鴻》(1992 年《黃飛鴻 2 男兒當自強》/1993 年 《黃飛鴻 3 獅王爭霸》)

biz 主播發音教學都在 biz 部落,



Tsui Hark — The Master of Wuxia

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Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. glimpse [gl6mps] n. 一瞥

Although she only caught a glimpse of him, Suzette was sure she saw a man at the window of the house.

2. genre [`.3nr4] n. (文學、藝術等的)類型

I love most kinds of music, but soul is my favorite genre.

3. fusion [`fju.4n] n. 融合

Casey found a great restaurant serving a fusion of Chinese and Western food.

4. atypical [e`t6p6ky] adj. 非典型的

After conducting the experiments, the research scientists noticed atypical behavior in the rats.

5. assemble [4`s5mby] v. 召集;配裝

My son assembled the model car very quickly.

6. dabble [`d1by] v. 涉足 (+ in)

News reports claimed the president had dabbled in drugs as a teenager.

7. cult following [k9lt] (某流行文化領域的)崇拜追


The band was never very famous but had a large cult following.

8. fold [fold] n. 有共同理念、目標的一群人;一起生活


Please help me welcome the new employees into the fold.

9. anticipate [1n`t6s4%pet] v. 預期

A survey of small business owners shows most of them anticipate growth over the next year.

h avant-garde [%3%v3n`g3rd] adj. 前衛的

h allusion [4`lu.4n] n. 暗指



betrayal [b6`tre4l] 背叛 villain [`v6l4n] 反派;壞人

duel [`dju4l] 決鬥

vengeance [`v5nd.4ns] 復仇 righteousness [`ra6t]4sn6s] 正義assassin [4`s1s4n] 刺客

martial arts [`m3r]4l] 武術 stunt [st9nt] 絕技

sect [s5kt] 派別

chivalry [`]6vyr6] 俠義行為 loyalty [`l764lt6] 忠誠

swordsman [`sordzm4n] 劍客

pupil [`pjupy] 徒弟

trap 陷阱

sword [sord] 劍

master 名家;師傅

opponent [4`pon4nt] 對手;敵手

protagonist [pro`t1g4n6st] 主角

heroic [h6`ro6k] 英雄的

justice [`d.9st6s] 公正

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 U複合形容詞的組成

gravity-defying stunts 輕功絕技(本文用法)

• The company introduced new cost-cutting plans. 這家公司引進了新的降低成本計畫。

star-studded casts 眾星雲集的卡司(本文用法)

• Belle was happy with her new custom-built computer. 貝兒很滿意為她量身打造的新電腦。

† Dongfang Bubai(東方不敗)為金庸小說《笑傲江湖》的


† add insult to injury 表示「使不好的情況更加惡化」,意近


† 補充說明

名詞 + - (連字號)+ =現在分詞(V-ing)



(V-ing 表主動意味,修飾後面的名詞)

(p.p. 表被動意味,修飾後面的名詞)

= stunts that defy gravity

= casts that are studded with star


360行 導演這一行

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Lego:Rebuilding a Brand

有世紀玩具(Toy of the Century)美


2004 年居然瀕臨破產的窘境,



以驚人的 980%淨利














Lego in Numbers 從數字看樂高


樂高二○○九年的稅後淨利約新台幣 120 億元。






樂高二○○九年的營收約新台幣 620 億元。




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▲ 樂高人形公仔(minifigure)的組裝情形

互動版》正常 MP3 - 10 /慢速 MP3 - 34朗讀版》Audio CD - 1014

THE little colored building

blocks are iconic1 and

h a v e b e e n b e l o v e d b y

gene ra t i ons o f ch i l d r en

around the world. The white

logo on a red background is

instantly identifiable.2 Even

with the onset3 of the digital

age, the company appeared

to have adapted. It seemed

like Lego could do no wrong.

However, all was not as it

seemed. Despite remaining

one of the world’s largest

t o y m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d

shifting4 US$1.35 billion of

merchandise, Lego was in

trouble by 2004. Sales had

dropped steadily and profits

were down 30 percent, with

Lego Group execs estimating

a loss in value of more than

US$300,000 a day. What was


Overdiversification and

competition from the video

games sector played a part,

and failed new designs like

the Galidor robot range didn’t

help. However, an outdated

supply chain was the biggest

problem. The company’s

system was established in the

1950s when delivery to small

retailers was the norm. By the

1990s, Lego’s competitors

were cater ing to big-box

stores.† Meanwhile, Lego was

focusing on brand building,

despite already having one of

the most recognized products

in the world.

A c k n o w l e d g i n g 5 t h e

need for a fresh approach,

CEO Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen,

grandson of the company’s

founder, gave up the reins.6 In

came Jørgen Vig Knudstorp

who immediately pushed for

a complete overhaul7 of the

supply chain. 中文翻譯請見 p. 78

▲ 樂高技師(technician)修理組裝機器的零件

█ 丹麥奧胡斯大學(University of Aarhus)經濟學學士與企業經濟學博士學位

█ 1998 年擔任麥肯錫公司(McKinsey & Company)顧問

█ 2001 年空降樂高集團策略發展總監

(Director of Strategic Development)█ 2003 年被提拔為樂高集團資深副總裁

(Senior Vice President)█ 2004 年就任樂高集團執行長至今




Page 21: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

首座樂高主題樂園 Legoland Billund 於 1968 年


預計於 2012 年在馬來西亞登場。


你 | 知 | 道 | 嗎?

biz 曾介紹過樂高主題樂園喔,速翻 2010 年 8 月號溫習一下吧!

Photo by hyku













2001 年 2002 年 2003 年 2004 年 2005 年 2006 年 2007 年 2008 年 2009 年

1. iconic [a6`k3n6k] adj. 具代表性的

The painting was an iconic work of art.

2. identifiable [a6`d5nt4%fa64by] adj. 可識別的

The robber was identifiable by the scar on his cheek.

3. onset [`3n%s5t] n. 開始

The weather began to get colder, signaling the onset of winter.

4. shift []6ft] v. 售出

The pop star’s new album shifted a million units in the first week of its release.

5. acknowledge [4k`n3l6d.] v. 承認;對……打招呼

Passing an old colleague in the street, Sarah acknowledged him with a nod and a smile.

6. rein [ren] n. 控制(常作複數)

The vice president of the company will take the reins while we look for a new CEO.

7. overhaul [`ov0%h7l] n. 改造

The politician called for a complete overhaul of the health care system.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

† big-box store「大型商場」亦可稱為 supercenter、superstore或 megastore,沃爾瑪(Walmart)即是其中的代表之一。

† 補充說明

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 UIn came . . . 地方副詞的倒裝地方副詞置於句首,而主詞為一般名詞時,動詞須移到主詞前,來看看文中句子的解析:


Jørgen Vig Knudstorp came in and immediately pushed for a complete overhaul of the supply chain.



• Round and round went the wheel in the hamster’s cage. 倉鼠籠子裡的輪子一直滾呀滾地。 (主詞 the wheel 為一般名詞,須和動詞 went 對調)

• The child let go of the balloon and up it went. 小孩把氣球放掉,它就這麼飄上去了。 (第二個子句的主詞 it 為代名詞,不用和動詞 went 對調)


倒裝後,原連接詞 and 須改成同樣具連接性質的關係代名詞 who

In came Jørgen Vig Knudstorp who immediately

pushed for a complete overhaul of the supply chain.



( 單位:百萬丹麥克朗 )

註:1 丹麥克朗約等於新台幣 5.28 元

一連串錯誤的營運策略導致樂高2003-2004 年營收創新低

新執行長努斯托普 2004 年上任策動改革,樂高 2005 年的營收即獲得改善

2009 年營收創新高

799 868



1,405 1,471





Lego: Rebuilding a Brand

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▲ 樂高的每件產品都須經過設計師的縝密構圖

hinder6 innovation but could

boost it by forcing designers

to be creat ive wi th less.

Production was refocused

closer to Lego’s biggest market,

Europe, and key customers

were invited to participate in

product development.

The results were immediate,

with Lego’s profits increasing

980 percent from 2005-2009

and sales growth of 27 percent

in 2010. This has allowed Lego

to focus on what’s important:

those little buildings blocks

that bring joy to millions of


Knudstorp and the Lego

leadership team analyzed the

core areas of the supply chain,

namely product development,

sourcing, manufacturing and

distribution. While Lego prides

itself on innovation, Knudstorp

realized cost constraints†

were being ignored. Of Lego’s

hundreds of products, just 30

generated 80 percent of sales.

F u r t h e r m o r e , t w o -

thirds of Lego’s 1,500-plus

stock keeping units† were

obsolete.1 Equally wasteful

was Lego’s sourcing. By

2004, the company had more

than 11,000 suppliers. New

designs sometimes needed a

tiny amount of a unique paint,

which could be bought only

in bulk, leaving thousands

o f d o l l a r s o f s u r p l u s . 2

Distribution was no better.

Lego didn’t differentiate3

between small stores and

the 200 larger chains that

accounted for two-thirds of

its revenue. Small orders were

labor intensive and costly.

In response, Knudstorp

drastically reduced the list of

互動版》正常 MP3 - 11 /慢速 MP3 - 35朗讀版》Audio CD - 1115

中文翻譯請見 p. 79

Lego’s Innovation in Management樂高的創新管理術

suppliers, halved the number

of brick colors, and phased

out4 smaller orders. The CEO

also drilled home5 the idea

that price constraints needn’t

Functional Group 功能小組


Concept Lab概念實驗小組


Product and Marketing Department (PMD) 產品行銷與開發小組


Community, Education and Direct (CED)社群、教育與直銷小組


The Executive Innovation Governance Group主管創新督導小組




Page 23: biz互動英語雜誌 No.86

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. obsolete [%3bs4`lit] adj. 過時的;淘汰的

Nowadays, new technology becomes obsolete very quickly.

2. surplus [`s-pl4s] n. 過剩

We had a surplus of vegetables and decided to use them to make soup.

3. differentiate [%d6f4`r5n]6%et] v. 區別

Nathalie couldn’t differentiate between the two brands of coffee.

4. phase out 逐步淘汰、廢除

The government planned to slowly phase out smoking in public places.

5. drill home 反覆講透(要點、想法等)

My father is constantly trying to drill home the importance of saving money to me.

6. hinder [`h6nd0] v. 阻礙

Research indicates that smoking can hinder the body’s ability to heal after an injury.

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 U

▲ 進行徹底改造後,樂高 2005 年至 2009 年的淨利成長了 980%

基數 one two three four five

序數 first second third fourth fifth

† cost constraint「成本約束」指維持企業正常生產與經營能力


† stock keeping unit (SKU) 指「庫存單位」,表示庫存進出計


† 補充說明

註:1 丹麥克朗約等於新台幣 5.28 元






02005 年 2006 年 2007 年 2008 年 2009 年






( 單位:百萬丹麥克朗 )

▲ 創新產品需要概念實驗小組成員不斷進行腦力激盪與研究

two-thirds 分數怎麼讀與寫



1 讀寫分數時,分子在前,分母在後。分子以基數表示,分母則用序數。 即讀作 one-third。

2 分子超過一時,分母須加 s, 即讀作 four-fifths。

3 帶有整數的分數,整數與分數之間用 and 來連接,如 6 讀作 six and three-sevenths。



分數 + of + 名詞

• Roughly three-quarters of the Earth is covered in water. 地球約四分之三的面積由水所覆蓋。

numerator [`num4%ret0] 分子2 3


denominator [d6`n3m4%net0] 分母

分母為 2 時須用 half 而非 second,因為 a second 指「一秒鐘」。 即讀作 one-half 或 a half。

分母為 4 時,除了 fourth,也可用 quarter 表示。

即讀作 one-quarter 或 a quarter。

1 2

1 3

1 4

4 5

3 7


Lego: Rebuilding a Brand

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