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Breakfast in france



- Makes 8 crepes:

- 250 g flour

- 4 eggs

- 1/2 liter of whole milk

- 50 g butter

- 10 g sugar

- 1 pinch of salt


Crepas are originating in the great bretain in western France, where they are called krampouezh; currently a dish consumed daily throughout the country, especially in the Chandeleur or Candlemas, as part of the local tradition (usually served with desidra). This French region two similar dishes are distinguished: crpes made with durum wheat and usually reserved for sweets and buckwheat galettes made contrigo (or buckwheat), generally reserved for savory fillings

The schedule of meals at noon is around 12:30, just as the other food that is also made early compared with the meal schedule of Spain, although in tourist cities restaurants have a schedule tailored to tourists. It is very typical the "confit de canard" ie duck confit, also the cassoulet, cheese. Here is detailed mealtimes more frequent: Le petit djeuner or breakfast: served the levantarseLe djeuner or lunch: noon meal (around 12h00 - 13h00) Le gouter or snack: served at 16h00: gteaux (cakes), th, coffee ... Le diner or dinner: Food the evening (served between 19h et 21h) In restaurants, the final price of the card includes taxes (19.6%) and service (15%). But usually leave a tip if the service you deserve.
