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Materials Science-Poland, 38(2), 2020, pp. 219-227 10.2478/msp-2020-0031

Dependence of defect concentration, optical andphotocatalytic properties of β -Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnO

composite powders on phase transformationSUMETHA SUWANBOON1,3∗, SARUNYA KLUBNUAN1 , MUKDAWAN HOMKAEW1 , PONGSATON


1Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla90110, Thailand

2Department of Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of SongklaUniversity, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand

3Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology for Energy (CENE), Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110,Thailand

β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method at 180 °C for 15 h whereasNiO/ZnO composite powders formed after the as-prepared powders were calcined at 800 °C for 1 h in air. The X-ray diffrac-tometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer were used to characterize the phase, parti-cle shape as well as size and optical properties, respectively. In this system, it was found that ZnO is a major phase whileβ-Ni(OH)2 and NiO are a minor phases. The altered particle shape of ZnO was influenced by addition of Ni(CH3COO)2 ·6H2Owhereas the particle shape of the minor phase was changed due to the calcination process. The optical band gap decreased whenthe amount of minor phase increased. For photocatalytic study, it was found that 6 mol% β -Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powdersexhibited the best decolorization of methylene blue aqueous solution.

Keywords: ZnO; composites; chemical synthesis; defects; optical properties

1. Introduction

Recently, the textile industry has been one ofthe largest polluters in the world because they man-ufacture many products each year. In a typical pro-cessing, several manufacturing processes such asdyeing and finishing release many chemicals in-cluding aromatic amines, heavy metals, ammoniasolutions, alkali salts and pigments, etc. to the sur-face water sources. Untreated dyes or these chemi-cals cause the water pollution crisis and this phe-nomenon significantly affects the trees, animalsand humans. Therefore, the treatment of these dan-gerous dyes or chemicals before being released tothe surface water sources is very important to cor-porate social responsibility that the textile indus-tries are always conscious. As far as we know, there

∗E-mail: [email protected]

are many methods [1–4] for textile wastewatertreatment, such as biological treatment, electroco-agulation, electrochemical oxidation, ozone, mem-brane filtration and photocatalytic route. Amongthese methods, heterogeneous photocatalysis us-ing semiconducting powder such as zinc oxide asa catalyst is of higher interest than the conven-tional method for removing organic species in thewastewater as it offers several advantages; for ex-ample, the reaction is made at room temperatureand ambient pressure, no additional reagent exceptcatalyst is used and the final products show lit-tle or no toxicity [5]. Variety of catalysts includ-ing TiO2 [6], Bi2MoO6 [7], ZnO [8], CuO [9] andm-BiVO4 [10], etc. have been used during thistime; however, many research groups paid atten-tion to ZnO powders. Not only the morphology,but also the synthetic method was taken into ac-count so that the photocatalytic efficiency could be


enhanced significantly. Focusing on the syntheticmethods, ZnO powders can be synthesized easilyby various methods such as ultrasonic method [11],combustion [12], hydrothermal [13], sol-gel [14]and precipitation [15]. Under different points ofview, hydrothermal method is still popular becauseof its numerous advantages such as low cost, easeof mass production, simple process, high-yielding,controllable process and unsophisticated appara-tus [16]. Additionally, a fabrication of metal ox-ide heterojunction or metal oxide composite is analternative way to improve the photocatalytic effi-ciency. It can retard the recombination of the pho-togenerated electrons and holes during the photo-catalytic processes. In this study, we investigatethe phase transformation, optical properties andphotocatalytic activities of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO andNiO/ZnO composites with different loading con-tents prepared by a hydrothermal method.

2. Experimental

2.1. Synthesis procedure

Zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(CH3COO)2 ·2H2O),nickel acetate hexahydrate (Ni(CH3COO)2 ·6H2O)have been obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Potas-sium hydroxide has been obtained from Emsure®and polyethylene-block-polypropylene (PEO19-b-PPO3, M.W. 1000) has been purchased from Jef-famine®. The reagents were used as received with-out further purification.

The β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnO compos-ite powders were synthesized in the same wayby hydrothermal method. In this study, a stoi-chiometric amount of Zn(CH3COO)2 · 2H2O andNi(CH3COO)2 ·6H2O was weighed to obtain a se-ries of × mol% loading contents (x = 0, 2, 4,6, 8 and 10). To synthesize pure ZnO powders,0.015 mol Zn(CH3COO)2 ·2H2O was dissolved in100 mL of distilled water and stirred by a mag-netic bar stirrer to obtain a clear solution, then11.25 mmol PEO19-b-PPO3 was added into thezinc precursor solution under a continuous stirringfor 10 min. Finally, 0.075 mol KOH that dissolvedin 100 mL of distilled water was slowly droppedinto the PEO19-b-PPO3-modified zinc precursor

solution. The white precipitates were formed dur-ing the addition of the aqueous KOH solutionand the precipitates were stirred continuously for15 min. After that, they were transferred into aTeflon-lined reactor and heated at 180 °C for 15 h.When the reactors were cooled to room tempera-ture, the precipitates were filtered and washed withdistilled water several times, rinsed with absoluteethanol and dried at room temperature.

To synthesize the β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO com-posite powder, Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O andNi(CH3COO)2·6H2O were first dissolved in100 mL of distilled water and the other processeswere followed as for synthesizing pure ZnOpowders. On the other hand, the NiO/ZnO com-posite powders formed when the as-synthesizedβ-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders were calcinedat 800 °C in air for 1 h.

2.2. Characterizations

X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was per-formed on powdered samples using a X’Pert PD,Philips with a CuKα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å).Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images weretaken by using Quanta 400, FEI. UV-Vis diffuse re-flectance spectra (DRS) were measured in a wave-length of 200 nm to 800 nm by Shimadzu 2450spectrophotometer equipped with an integratingsphere.

2.3. Photocatalytic degradation test

Methylene blue (MB) was used as a dye modelto evaluate a photocatalytic degradation of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnO nanocomposite pow-ders in this study. The photocatalytic activities werestudied under the irradiation of UV light. 150 mgof photocatalyst was suspended in a 250 mL aque-ous solution of 1 × 10−5 M in a glass beaker. Thesuspension was kept and stirred in the dark for30 min to ensure an establishment of adsorption-desorption equilibrium on the surface of photo-catalyst. Subsequently, the suspension was irradi-ated under three parallel black light fluorescenttubes (SYLVANIA, Blacklight Blue Lamp, wave-length of 316 nm to 400 nm, 18 W) positionedabout 15 cm away from the glass beaker. 3 mL of

Dependence of defect concentration, optical and photocatalytic. . . 221

working suspension was sampled at given time in-tervals (30 min) and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for3 min to separate the photocatalyst. The absorbanceof the degraded solution was measured usingUV-Vis spectrophotometer (UV-Vis Lambda 25,PerkinElmer) and the absorption peak at 664 nmwas monitored. The decolorization of MB was cal-culated by the following equation:

D =CC0



where D is the decolorization, C0 is the initial con-centration, C is the concentration at any time, A0and A are the initial and instantaneous absorbanceof MB solution at 664 nm, respectively.

3. Results and discussion3.1. Structural characteristics

Based on the X-ray analysis as shown in Fig. 1,it was observed that the as-prepared samples ex-hibited a major phase of ZnO (JCPDS Card No.36-1451) and a minor phase of β-Ni(OH)2 or theo-phrasite (JCPDS Card No. 14-0117). On the otherhand, the samples calcined at 800 °C for 1 hshowed that ZnO was a major phase as in the caseof no calcination process, whereas NiO was a mi-nor phase (JCPDS Card No. 04-0835). The amountof both β-Ni(OH)2 and NiO increased as a func-tion of Ni(CH3COO)2 ·6H2O concentration. In thisstudy, it was clearly seen that the calcination tem-perature significantly affected the transformationof nickel oxide as shown in equation 2 to equa-tion 4 [17–19]:

Ni(CH3COO)2 ·6H2O→ Ni2++2CH3COO−

+6H2O (2)

Ni2++2OH−→ Ni(OH)2 (3)

Ni(OH)2∆−→ NiO+H2O (4)

It has been well known that different structuralcharacteristics influence various properties of the

samples. Therefore, the different phases of nickeloxides resulted in the optical and photocatalyticproperties in a different way. The results were re-ported in other sections.

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of (a) β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and (b)NiO/ZnO composite powders at different load-ing contents.

To investigate the influence of nickel concen-tration on particle size and shape of the sam-ples, the SEM was used and the results are pre-sented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Considering Fig. 2,pure ZnO powders exhibit platelet structures. Asthe Ni(CH3COO)2·6H2O was added into the pre-cursor solution, the morphology of the samplesaltered to another shape. A bundle of hexagonalZnO prism and β-Ni(OH)2 platelet formed in theas-prepared samples. The β-Ni(OH)2 platelet ad-hered to the hexagonal ZnO prism. In this study,it has been found that the particle size of ZnOincreased when Ni(CH3COO)2·6H2O was addedinto the precursor solution because of the in-crease in nucleation of particles which enhanced


the grain growth of ZnO [20]. The morphologicalchange was not caused by the hydrothermal condi-tions because they were kept constant throughoutthe experiment. As we know, ZnO crystal is po-lar in nature. The crystal contains Zn terminated(0 0 0 1) positive plane and oxygen terminated(0 0 0 –1) negative plane. Generally, the positive(0 0 0 1) plane is more reactive than the negative(0 0 0 –1) plane and this gives rise to an improve-ment of anisotropic growth along the c-axis. Ad-ditionally, the higher symmetry (C6v) of positive(0 0 0 1) plane compared to the other planescauses the highest growth rate along the c-axis aswell [21]. In this study, pure ZnO powder exhib-ited a platelet structure since the positive (0 0 0 1)planes usually expose terminal OH− ligands to thesolution. This prevented the further extensive depo-sition of Zn species on (0 0 0 1) planes, giving riseto a suppression of crystal growth and its sidewaygrowth along the (2 –1 –1 0) direction resulting inthe forming of platelet shape. Interestingly, whenNi(CH3COO)2·6H2O was added into the precur-sor solution, the Ni2+ ions could react with OH−

and form a β-Ni(OH)2 phase. Therefore, the OH−

could react decreasingly at (0 0 0 1) positive planes.This phenomenon could accelerate the depositionof ZnO species on (0 0 0 1) planes instead, thebundle of hexagonal ZnO prism generated and β-Ni(OH)2 platelets were adhered to the hexagonalZnO prism [22].

For calcined samples as shown in Fig. 3, themorphology of ZnO structure did not change,but the β-Ni(OH)2 platelets changed to spheri-cal NiO particles. The particle size in the sampleslightly decreased when the samples were calcinedat 800 °C for 1 h. This might be due to the fact thatsome Ni2+ ions could substitute at the Zn2+ sites,when calcining at high temperature, but the ionicradii of Ni2+ and Zn2+ did mismatch. This gaverise to the suppression of the particle growth.

3.2. Optical properties

Optical properties of the samples wereinvestigated because they are important inmany applications. In this study, the effect ofNi(CH3COO)2·6H2O concentration on the optical

Fig. 2. SEM images of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO compositepowders at different loading contents.

band gap (Eg) was studied. The absorption behav-ior of the samples was characterized by diffusereflectance spectroscopy (DRS). It had beenobserved that the as-prepared composite powders(β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO) showed the different absorptionbehavior to the calcined composite powders(NiO/ZnO). In this study, β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO com-posite powders had a lower absorbance in a UVregion than pure ZnO powders and the absorbancedecreased when the Ni(CH3COO)2 · 6H2Oconcentration was increased. On the contrary,β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders showedlower absorbance than pure ZnO powders at thewavelength range of about 410 nm to 450 nmand 550 nm to 800 nm. The absorption edge ofthe β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders shiftedto the higher wavelength or lower energy com-pared to pure ZnO powders. This meant thatβ-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders had nar-rower Eg value than that of pure ZnO powders.

Dependence of defect concentration, optical and photocatalytic. . . 223

Fig. 3. SEM images of NiO/ZnO composite powders atdifferent loading contents.

For calcined samples, pure ZnO powders andNiO/ZnO composite powders exhibited similarabsorbance in UV region, but the NiO/ZnOcomposite powders showed higher absorbance invisible region. The absorbance in visible regionof NiO/ZnO composite powders is quite differentfrom β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders, namelythe NiO/ZnO composite powders showed theabsorbance consistently in the whole range ofvisible region.

From the DRS spectra, the Eg value can be es-timated by using the Tauc formula [2]. Typically,Tauc plot shows the quantity E on x-axis and thequantity (αE)1/n on the y-axis, where α is the ab-sorption coefficient of the material and E is the pho-ton energy. The value of the exponent n denotes thenature of the transition: n = 1/2 for direct allowedtransitions, n = 3/2 for indirect allowed transitions,n = 2 for indirect allowed transition and n = 3for indirect forbidden transitions. In this study, the

ZnO, β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnO powders ex-hibited a direct transition, and the Tauc plots forevaluating the Eg value of the samples are shownin Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The extrapolation of the lin-ear region to the x-axis gives the Eg value and theobtained Eg values are given in Table 1.

Fig. 4. Plots of (αE)2 versus E or photon energyfor evaluating the Eg value of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnOcomposite powders at different loading contents.

As shown in Table 1, it was found that theEg values of both β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnOcomposite powders decreased with the increase inNi(CH3COO)2·6H2O concentration. In this study,the particle size and shape of all samples obtainedin all studied synthetic conditions were quite equiv-alent as observed in SEM images, therefore, thedependence of Eg values on the particle size andparticle shape was not considered. As far as weare concerned, ZnO semiconductor powder con-tains numerous defects in its lattice, such as zincinterstitials, oxygen vacancies, zinc vacancies andoxygen antisites [2]. These defects normally gener-ate the energy bands between the conduction bandand valence band. This phenomenon could alter


Fig. 5. Plots of (αE)2 versus E or photon energy forevaluating the Eg value of NiO/ZnO compositepowders at different loading contents.

the density of states with the degenerated band tailstretched into the band gap, resulting in a reductionof band gap of ZnO powders. Therefore, in ZnOhaving higher defects concentration, the Eg valuesare narrower [23].

In this study, the Urbach law was applied todetermine the defect concentration and disorderedstructures. The relationship is presented as fol-lows [24]:

α = α0exp[(E−Eg)/Eu] (5)

where α is an absorption coefficient, α0 is a con-stant, E is the photon energy, Eg is a band gap andEu is the Urbach energy.

As shown in equation 5, the Eu value can beevaluated by plotting ln(α) versus E and the recip-rocal of a slope of straight line as shown in Fig. 6and Fig. 7 represents the Eu value of ZnO powders.The estimated Eu values are given in Table 1.

Fig. 6. Plots of ln(α) versus E or photon energy for eval-uating the Eu value of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO compos-ite powders at different loading contents.

3.3. Photocatalytic activities

In this study, the photocatalytic activity was in-vestigated by decolorization of aqueous MB solu-tion under UV irradiation for 180 min. The pho-tocatalytic activity was investigated by monitoringthe absorbance of degraded MB aqueous solution ata wavelength of 664 nm. The relationship betweenC/C0 and irradiation time for β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO andNiO/ZnO composite powders is presented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8a shows the photocatalytic degradationof MB aqueous solution using pure ZnO and β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders as a photocata-lyst. In this study, it was found that ZnO loadedwith 2 mol%, 4 mol% and 6 mol% exhibited bet-ter photocatalytic degradation of MB aqueous so-lution than pure ZnO powders. In the presenceof pure ZnO powders as a photocatalyst, it wasonly about 85 % of photocatalytic degradation af-ter being irradiated for 60 min, whereas, the pho-tocatalytic degradation of 95 %, 95 % and 97 %

Dependence of defect concentration, optical and photocatalytic. . . 225

Table 1. Dependence of Eg and Eu values on loading content.

Temperature [°C]NiO or β-Ni(OH)2

loading content[mol%]













Fig. 7. Plots of ln(α) versus E or photon energy for eval-uating the Eu value of NiO/ZnO composite pow-ders at different loading contents.

was obtained when the β-Ni(OH)2 content was in-creased from 2 mol% to 6 mol%, but the photocat-alytic degradation decreased when the β-Ni(OH)2content exceeded 6 mol%. It can be explained

as follows: when pure ZnO powders were usedas a photocatalyst, theoretically the photogener-ated electrons were excited to the conduction band(CB) and photogenerated holes were left in thevalence band (VB) when the ZnO photocatalystgained enough energy from light source. Never-theless, the rapid recombination of photogeneratedelectrons and holes occurred, influencing the re-duction in photocatalytic degradation of MB aque-ous solution. Once β-Ni(OH)2 was introduced toZnO system to form β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO compositepowders, the electrons photogenerated in the CBof ZnO powders could be transferred to the CBof β-Ni(OH)2 powders and then the recombina-tion of the photogenerated electrons and holescould be retarded [25, 26]. Therefore, the photocat-alytic degradation of MB aqueous solution by β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO could enhance. However, the photo-catalytic degradation decreased significantly whenthe β-Ni(OH)2 loading exceeded 6 mol%. Thismight be due to the fact that many β-Ni(OH)2 par-ticles formed and covered the ZnO particles, pre-venting the interaction of light and reactive specieson the surface of ZnO, resulting in the reduction ofthe photocatalytic degradation as mentioned in theprevious work [27].

Considering the photocatalytic degradation ofMB solution as shown in Fig. 8b, it wasfound that the photocatalytic degradation of MB


Fig. 8. Photocatalytic decolorization of (a) β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and (b) NiO/ZnO compositepowders at different loading contents under UVirradiation.

aqueous solution also increased as a function ofthe NiO loading content in a range of 0 mol% to6 mol% similar to the case of β-Ni(OH)2 loadedZnO composite powders. It is clearly observedfrom Fig. 8a and Fig. 8b that β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO com-posite powders can more degrade the MB aqueoussolution compared with NiO/ZnO composite. Thisphenomenon might be due to the narrower Eg valueof NiO (3.5 eV) [28] compared with β-Ni(OH)2(5.83 eV) [29], so the recombination of photogen-erated electrons and holes in NiO/ZnO compos-ite is faster than that of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO compos-ite powders and lower photocatalytic degradationis obtained for NiO/ZnO composite powders.

4. ConclusionsThe composite powders formed with a major

phase of ZnO and minor phase of β-Ni(OH)2 or

NiO, depending on calcination process. The ZnOplatelet altered to hexagonal prism structure afterNi(CH3COO)2·6H2O was added into the zinc pre-cursor solution, but its structure did not changeafter calcination process. On the other hand, theplatelet β-Ni(OH)2 shape changed to spherical NiOafter being calcined at 800 °C in air. The opticalcharacteristics of β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO and NiO/ZnOslightly differed due to the differences in minorphases. The Eg value estimated by Tauc formulashowed that the Eg value decreased as a functionof the loaded minor phase content because of thegenerated sub-energy level within the forbiddenzone of the samples. The β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO compos-ite powders exhibited better photocatalytic activ-ity compared to NiO/ZnO composite powder be-cause the recombination of photogenerated elec-trons and holes was more obstructed and then thephotocatalytic process could progress significantly.The most appropriate sample for decolorizing theMB aqueous solution is 6 mol% β-Ni(OH)2/ZnOcomposite powder, where the decolorization per-centage reached to 97 % within 60 min of UV irra-diation.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the budget revenue of the

Prince of Songkla University under the contract numberSCI580903S. The authors would like to thank the Center ofExcellence for Innovation in Chemistry (PERCH-CIC), Of-fice of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Educa-tion, Thailand. The authors would like to acknowledge AnnaChatthong and Steven John Barrett for assistance with the En-glish.

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Received 2017-03-08Accepted 2019-04-23