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gB « aB8aggsgiBap«iBfiKm^iìiF-tTrf,ialfYi^B * -3 - ^ Ä -ti j i Ä ^ . ™ -££.-> ' L •■ . L j ^ — '* 1 '*• S *% ■ „¡Tt. _ ‘ â î - T V »t .. „ - »**>' . v * <.•Wo KMUror t t * 5ro- o U ; a d . b , V ^ n i * peraanent record Î Î i 8 * J * K : * W « - i « dJ î !I“ ".'<wi «tu n ed to »h«ì ■rörfc bebtfe end a i^ r* « a I prient them , Ì m that rthe report 9 th Ulastfatlons in thB t or. otherwise. ,

^ J ? ' N - C O LLIns Township Engin»

Tel. 422-W

)MEDY PROGRAM tupert HhglieX OTJ8 CURVE AHEI IEMON IS “The Baker Patlje Nows

A Y ' ■ ; ;r - E . FEATURE DAY LEN GIBSON in ’he. Wolverine” ' BABE RUTH in ' Headin Home”

ruction Co.!^ E W A R K , N . j.





& PI/U M B IN Gn tract Work. The bei ienced/nen. Our refer i cuitomers. ' Estimates

v E >kNFORD. N. I.

—« % - lo w e rPRICES ii'fp



' o f selling Consumer | ding year, 1 oposes to increased

f have re-

Iditi tional


lb .... 22c



You ng • t i ) l b ^ £

I A t

uu'red ■.■■■■•lb . . . 16c

than to- ition .)


>5r -

........-....T V %4

, GIVE BIBLE LECTURESWilliam B. Oliver o( New York I Will Lecture Every Ermine Next

Week in Walnut Arc, Church.¡ Mr. William B. Oliver, of New York City,Will give a series o f .Bible l^rtures on the Gospel of<8L John. |n tire Walnut. ATenue Methodist fiiurr li at eight o’eloek on the even- tgs January 15k 16, 17, 18. 19 and Jith. under the ansplees of the Pres- ■yu-rian and Methodist Churches.

' ? ! & f»V -■


I Sir Oliver comes as a speaker of lie Open Bible Crusade Alovcment. Ill-' <)pen Bible Crusade Movement ■ which Air. Oliver is leader, is in lie bands of a representative eorn- littee of ministers and laymen fining whom are the folfowing: leorge E. Hall of The-Worlds Sun- Jiy School Association. Edwin N. lardy, Ph. !>., of The American Fuet Society, Dr. Marshall Harring- gn, Synodical Sec'y ot Evangelism, t the Presbyterian Chnrch, Tren- ln,- Rev. Kenneth MacKensierHoly flnity Church, Westport, Conn, Vroy Cl' Smith, Pocket Testament lague, George K. Warner, Cran- Inl, and others.IMr. Oliver comes to us with the ■idlest of reeoniraendations3hs. a klpful teacher and speaker, trrhe ■any townis in which he'has given Is lectures unite In a feeling of liankfulness that they have been i-ivileged to study. the Word of |od under his direction. Speaking _■ lii-i work in Newport, R./L. the leirport News .says: "Mr. Oliver’s tork 'Is unique There have been yanfeelists without number, ■ elo- went.preachers and-fonndem of the .utli.nmny.butthis man for no Jlier remuneration than his bare fcpenses-and-the Joy-of Christian Tervice, is giving, himself to the


c H !£ , 'e* “ ,ar f e t in g o'f.the Lln- coln-Sherman Home and'»?School League was held Tuesday, in the Lincoln School auditorium. There îr'Ls..,m Interesting program given? L the,J?u.VUs irom the' two schools. Airs. Wallace and Miss McEwen gave instructive talks about their own work. Mr. England, from Ro­selle was tlie speaker of the aftfer- noon; lie urged the parents to »end tlielr children througli the entire courso_of liigli school and collega if possible, as the coming years will mean active competition with col

, ‘re<1 men and women. Tlie cldlds welfare committee liad a/e- port and Airs. Weir was coihpll-

on t he wo^kipf hw éominit-tee. _ Tlie..last. daiire yyas very^ifiicessful and tlie League hopes to give a dance evçrÿ móntli, so the young people .may liavo that enjoy- meut. ...Mls,s-:.51«Kwen - stioke in tlie

room for a dental ellnie. liaving re- Pisitly found that 500 out of 1400 Cranford children hai defective

|teetli. .The. League lias gone on record to work for this mUch-nced- ei| clinic. The Cracker Fund was re­ported making progress. Tills Is tlie Horace Mann; plan of giving çaeh child two crackers in tho middle, of ilio morning-as tho younger child vioivs greater elliciency after nour­ishment at htls.tlme. Donations may he sent to'Mrs; Hopkins, 307 Walnut avenue. .. . ../

After";'refreshments thè meeting adjourned, v.

POLICE NEWSAt 12:15 p. m„ on Saturday, Ofllcer

Martin arrested John Chappell, col­ored, 47 years old, of 251 Cranford avenue, on a charge of disorderly conduct and assaulting an officer. Lieutenant Grelss assisted in, bring­ing the prisoner to headquarters. A number of witnesses appeured to testify, and . Judge Buckley held Clinppell In ?300 ball to a|>pear be­fore tlie Grand Jury.' Walter TafT, also colored, of 238 Cranford uventio gave the necessary ball.

task of Jirlnglng the Christian and his God closer together through the essential medium of tho Bible. Without regard to sect or any other divlsjon o f thought or faith; by means of the wide reaching In­fluence of the “World’s Morning Watch,”, the ,Qulet Hour Movement, his own magazine, Daily Bible, and such, meetings as he lias been hold­ing here: and Jn other places—he; is devoting Ids life to tlie work of bringing into the, home and. person­al life'a deeper sense of the reallty —presence and power of Christ for daily living.” / .- ,

Those responsible for AIr.; Oliver’s' coming, to Cranford 'most cordially invite; everyone, witliout respoct to crass o r ' creed to come to " these meetings and lie partakers in the benefits of-tliis-course ot-Bible lcc tunes. • ' - .



J. H. McMAHON •Phone 237-R - High-Grade Groceries 23 N. Union Ave.


ÎWOPROMDIQirSfEÀKERSWill Addres Educational Meet ng

■ *1 Cleveland School Monday . Afternoon, Jap. 23rd.

i.„Ah A116, f <,ucatj Dn*1 Meeting toKcimC.iJ at xfP- j? ” H Cleveland bthool on Mopday, January 23, un­der the auspices of the Village Ini- pioyenient AssoclatiOn. / the“ Wed-

1 Club “ d the Prog-^]rs- Helen A*. Amelsen,

ihalriimn of the Educational De- hiaftment of the State Fedm-atlon W»r Womens Clubs will speak. Mrs Amelsen Is deeply Interested in the educational work in the State and

|»U woiuen whether- members ofcliilis-or-riot-are-iirged-to-attcndtbo meeting and hear this speaker

Another special „feature of this meeting will be an addross by the

of; S ta teo f - New V«tky-the-H(m:--^FraneirTltikanYlîü conies as a representative nf the National Surety Company, wTllcli Is planning to organize a National odlicatlpnal campaign throughout the public schools—of tills country f«ir Honesty. Air. Hugo is a speaker of established reputation. His sub­ject is one of vital moment to us now as a Nation.

Alore and more clearly It is being recognised . that while coerclvo mousures in repressing crime are necessary, they -are-inadequate as prevention, .because they „are a treatment of symptoms and hot of causes; and’ that the one effective means of ending crime Is to end tho desire to" commit It. This can only lu» aeliiçved by educating the young In riglit thinking As well as right acting. The contention of reform 01s In this matter is, that while chil­dren often, read of,, and sect movies representing the commission o f a sensational and exciting crime, they fur less often are shown a disas­trous issue for tho criminal. Even the newspapers give far nioro space to the personality and methods of a criminal than to his punishment, because the nows value of the for­mer Is greater. Hence the child often acquires tho Idea that tho law-breaker Is a romantic hero whoso offense remains undiscovered or condoned ; whereas in reality lie If-in-the great majority of cases de­tected,and subjected to humiliating punishment. In actual life, a sue cessful habitual criminal Is virtual ly unknown, and thlst should be given widespread publicity in order

. to destroy tho falso Ideal of trium­phant law breaking, built up on an ignorurico of facts. ■-The National Siiroty C ompany states that the losses of thlrt; surety arid burglary insurance coili panics lust year approximated.,$15, 000.000, and that such crlmes.cannpi belstppped by penalizing addlt drl minais. Tlie .effect of the/war has n u llmorallmnds.nrid tlicre lias been u niàrkemlncreaso of

, crime in the past tbrecr years. .[—The effect of w liatpiay bo tcrmcd tills criminal atmosphere is most unfortunate to .,tne rising genera­tion, and the /Companj' suggests that the best way to combat It 1» to Include In t l ie , curriculum of- all scliools simeifle instmetion In hon­esty, both-Hn- its -moral-aspect and us Ijeiiijj, in. the long run, tho best pnictl^nl. policy. The young should be shown , that all sharp practice gives but temporary advantage: and It offers for the consideration pt employers the slgnlflcunt-propo- sltlon, “The man who will steal for you will steal from you.” Alaterlul for use- In .schools, has hen prepared end will be furnished to Instructors.

The initiation of this,course Is un­der consideration In New York City, jm^has_not_yet been arranged. I t

" ‘ ~ “ who “

YOUNG MEN’S BIBLE GLASS_ JTlia_Bihlo Class. juet as usual on Sunday morning at 9:45, undor the leadership of Air. F. W. Lange. The usual class singing preceded the taking up of the lesson.. Air. Craw­ford led in tho reading of; the les­son. Four questions on the iessoh and the answers to them were pre­pared by Air. France,-who^ was in charge of the class discussion. Alem- bers o f the class gave their answers to, and | discussed the vnr.lous ques­tions for fifteen minutes' or more. Then Air. I.unge took tip Ills work omtlie lesson. - -•

Air. Lange expressed his pleasure on having an Increnseil number of older men out to-tlie meetings.-He. told them how they were depended on as the backbone, of the ciuss-tlie

nun'll tlielr example counted'with the young men. '


I u'fterTIioufrng tho speaker’,,.,,, talk of It at the 'Educational-Meet-' lng, this town decided to adopt the

I plan, Cranford will enjoy the dis­tinction of being the first commu­nity-in the United States to recog- ntee_nrid_put_In_ practise this val­uable principle. As a preliminary

, A t thi] close of tlie- meet lng the l^Osidejit. - All', .lack.. FenJslon, uriv sented to Air. Crawford, on lielinlf fo'the class and in apiimdiit'Ion of Ills faithful and helpful wrtrk. 11 pair of Held glasses, which it Is hoped ho will flnil useful on liTs tra­vels abroad when lie leaves us in the coming month. ■

On Monday evening 'a business meeting of the class was held and important items of business trans­acted. Satisfactory reports were received from tho various I'ommit- teoH- functioning in the class, worthy ojf special ciimmenilatiim was that of t,lie Benevolence Com- niittco whose report revealed what a; fine work theji-were doing In Cranford—relieving the 'distress of many needy families. The clossJuis been divided Into two teams for the purimso of a me.uiheislilp mid -at­tendance campaign. ■

Every non-memlmr of the class Is cordially Invited to come out next .Sunday morning at 9:45 ami cv member of thO class is stron urged to he present mid to ' 'atteinlmico rating as high sihle. :

IMPROVEMENT BONDS SOLDA. B. Licach & Co. Buy $212,767.09 , Slyjrt Term Improvement; Bonds

at 5% Per Cent Interest Rate - ' Plus Bonus of $500.

Fimi tecn~n’presentat Ives of lunitl dealers showed up last night to I" '! ' ' ' f or the advertised issiie; uL. ,7(17, - (l-yeur ImprovementItonds, bids to he mi rate of Interest for par Issue, lining in 11 country tawn ,aiiil friendly' towurds each ether the representatives of iilLhut one concern got together and pool­ed-issues putting in hut two bids each at ti'., with a siimi 1 hoims on H»!' J ’ hlda-wwa-iump».m tlie name of lì. \. Grant & Co. and George' 11. (llhhons & Co. \ [ 11. Leneli .V Co., also of New York..


Htpp towards ..this ther Cianfoid Board of Edueiilton atm is last ineel- ing decided to adout a resolution endorsing the plmi/Tliis resolution will lie presented at the meeting onJanuary 23ld. /• - .... ........

Formal lettorii of invitation to lie Iiresent at Gils meeting are being sent to lliiv'Boiirds of Education of Cranford./West Held arid lioseir«;- und to Hir. Associations of Uurent- Tencli/s. Tim movement in Cripi- fordhils not oply; secured the en- do/i-ment of the/Board 'of Educa­tion hut of Miss itdmonil, the super- /islng 1’ripelpal hr the schools mid of. Air! Landis. ITiricipal of the High School. Mrs. Ileeker, president : of the Grant mid Clocelmid Ument- Teuchers Associatiop, wflll speak at' the Educational Meeting.. Tills Is an open meeting and everyone will he welemueil________j _ _,



bid ‘i1/.,1; mid / " I heims imil giit

After tlie bids had been read and were being passed on hv the FI-. nance Coinmlttee. two of the young men buyers slipped out Into the hull ono coming bock shortly,/dat­ing that ho lmd como on front Phil­adelphia to bid hut was Hot pro­pared to put up tho nlonoy at onco. If given until tho following ;dny- he would hid 5/%. Mayor ,'lfonch stated the Committee would npt consider uny sutli bidding. The Leach firm’s nqiresentaf ive also protested any eolislderat toil, of;sudi a hbl made, alter tile o tte r ' bids were in. . /Everyone know "the terms aiul’ had had his chance. t...l'Vlh|\yh|g\±he meeting Interim cert llliqifes were delivered to the bn yi-!/in id eet tilled chocks covering llie .pnrrlmsy passed over to Town- shUi 'i'ri'asnrer/tiirtls. Tills com­pleted the/iiggest single Hnanclal transaction ttm Township has made to date. The riilQ. of Interest, It was I bought might, go to !>'/,% hilt- the sale Is considered Sittlsfactory as the terin .ot tho bonds Is.short. The Itonds tile Issued to cover the cost of various Improvements made in the Township dining tim- past two years. '

STANDARDL U M B E R s e x t e t t e

3d- H IG H S T . TE L . SOBTHERE’S only ono uvuy tliut • lumiier ’ eull prove It is worth

-wMle~ttnd<-tlmt~iN-by "tho"ondnr- anco .it/hows when it combats age nnd tho elements. Tlio lum­ber we sell lias been properly taken euro of and. propprly mil­led. It will serve you well.

r h-h- _ BA R . .



Ro b b i n s & a l l i s o nT e le p h o n e 3 7 0 <^W

I t South Avoue CKÂNfORD. N. L

K a h n - B r o s .34 ..North ' Avenue West­

-... ■

will hold their Semi-Annual

Clearance Sale January 14 th

to 28th, inclusive & <£ &

NEW POORMASTER NAMEDAt tlio-meetingof the Township

CdmiUoe last night, lifter tlio Im provemoiit Itonds were failit to Liqich’ A Co., ,Mayor Itoacli poml-

-rliiteil Warren Klrkmmi to ho Poor- master to lilt the vacancy created by the rcs'lgimllon of Martin Hess, and t he nominal Ion was promptly .confirmed by the. Township Com­mittee. - ■

Air. Kirknmii Ims lived hi Cran­ford many yeurs and through Jits business.'as agent.and collector for. the'Aletroppiltan Life Insurance Cy. Is in dose touch with a grent mim- her of families In, all .parts of town and (-ini more easily get first hand connflet« liiforiimtloiMiiwiisos coim ngMo him ns pooniiuster Ihim most people can. He w ill wil bout-doilht iiuiko-a-very-eHIcIhnl adiiilnistrator- of tills important ollice.

I ivlsfi lo inform mv imstomcrs and flu- public Mint"I have taken' the agency In Cranford for Philip Powers famous coffee and will fillall orders received for same.... -

....- .1. II- McMAHON,.....Telephone 237-R.

The weekly meeting of tlie Tm- wolm Campii re Girls was hold at I In- home of tlielr guardian, Aliss Anna Sharpless, last Tuesday af­ternoon. Gladys Nettleslilp Wife admitted to'meinherslilp. Tim girls are planning original filled,lugs for the next, few months,-fliese to dealwith the dTffereiilT-crafts (7f ___Campfire. The - next Council Fire will he hold at the' homo of Vir­ginia Kuhn, 19 Union'avellilo, next Tuesday evening. . . .

MURDEROUS ASSAULTAt » llttkr after 8 p. m, last Snn- -

day, there was a ring at the front fior Ijoll of Mr. and Airs. U C. Blge- loWMif Hnnipton street, Mrs. Viola Hiizel^Mm-key, employed by Mrs. / Bigelow, opened • t ho door and reo/ ognlzetl her Tinshand, James- \Y, Starke}1, of Kill WeStT?2mI street,New York. Sim tied to tho kltifliwi. where lie fellowtsl and without say­ing a word struck her In tho hetf/l ami shoulder with a kitchen knife. , fortunately Mr. and AJts. Bigelow were at home, and Alr/BIgelow for- cihly detained him while Mrs. Bige­low telephoned fo/the isillee. OIII- cer Wlnnns wii/sent, who took Sharkey to iieorlinmrlers, where lie . was searehed/and no money nor weapon found upon him. He stated, tharfinnots .irtS’ears oh(,.liml never liefore h/eu arrested, and did not take ilyiigs, also that lie did not use - it k'lire when lie attacked Ills wife,

however, jipon-L .. . tlie floor or the Bigelow kitchen.Xml was Identified by Airs, Starkey as one belonging in Imr own klteli- en in New York. The Injured wo­man, who is still at the Bigelow home, was attended by Dr. Sinclair, of Westfield, who pronounced her lira critical condition. She says that she is 25 years old, 1ms been married five years, and lifts had one child which is dead; that when tlie child- was is months old Starkey tried to choke'her, that five weeks i ego lie utteiiiptvit to stab Imr with selssors, Unit slm lies found dope In Ills possession and tlmt. two Week's "ago lie turned Imr out of her home - and, threatened to kill her. Slm asserts that she lias-given him two ~

¡(•bailees/tiej..conduct lllllisolf .prop- ......Icily and rmiClie never keeps Ilia- word, — -

Starkey was arraigned before Judge’ Buckley at 8 a. in., on Mon­day, on llm charge ill assault with intent to kill. Mr. and. Mrs. Blge- low wen« In court to testify. lie was held for tlm action of tho Grund .Itiry and was l.iiketi to tlm county jail at Kllzuhoth, by Nergt. Massa mol Olljcer Whuins, where lie frill he under ohservutioii. Dr, Sinclair- ■ ; lms wruiqied mid sealed tlm klllfo > fomnf by the victim of tlm uttack. lo preserve tlm finger marks, nnd/ ' it will Im produced in evidence:''

ç p r r s

ami ir ymuiny

tini im i-

V Ad

. i j iVile


»V f

- r '-

JR. O. U. A. M. ELECTS OFFICERSj Tlm following olllcers linve been 1 elected by the Jr. (). U. "A. M. and K. & 1». of L., I o’ serve during tlio year 1922:

■"Jr. Order United American . Mechanic«........... -

Councilor - Paul Anger.Jr Pust mmcilor -Clins. Hermann. VleisCoimcIlor-Lewis V. Ilobhs. Recording Secretary. -AV. E. Rein­

hurt. ... - . -— ^A. U. See.- I,. F. Rohihart ' I’limnelal Seeretary—Wjn. Krele.

’ Tri-astirer— D. T. PlorsOn.


ont lit :it

'lin in g hid Vig appara I I I - to t In- Vwi-r.Ill l.l-glllll

let 1er. (a ,gv lor tin- o-mhers id [itIt the n- . trial Pink,

-pot auilio ‘ .tesi or lo . IS nil I lie ’ the 'Havin'

-st Ion had led''. . .

I overeent of ig li aveline, (red lo I'.n

- * III-1 lolls to

repoited ,ll.sked. tile Ì dales tor- ills w as re to 91


( 'iiiiductor-xJqiims Srtong.- Warden Alonzo Harrow.I. S.—R. G. Norman.O. H. T'rriist.ersWTnriiiths<- ltvG. Nonna Sons and Daughters of Liberty

'mmHarold Ismkivood.

i8Tnriiiths<--RvG. Normali:


finmelloi' -Mi's. (Jeorgln,fXoH.Jr. Past-('olmellor—¡Mrs. B. Eloa-

mu:. Blinleiilmrgor. ............; ’X'ssoelate Councilor—Mrs;

Reinhart. yice-GouncIlor—Mrs. G e o r g ia

WTthuin --------— -— ;— :— ------------Asso. Vlee-Coimellor--Mrs. Annie"

lliumimr.Guide Airs. Bortliu Hermann. Recording

Halles. •A. Ree. Sec/-(leorgh Nick. 1

. Financial. Secretary -Mrs. MinnloGrulje. ... - , -

Tieasiiriii'-Wulter E, Reinhart. I.-G. -Mrs. Murguret Schafer.O. If.-Mrs. Ruth-G'zorney.

_Tm -tee —.(Jlnm . G.Shafcr. __




V iejtfr-

flfc'fe e *- frrx i-


Uncle Applies

Baseball.V " . ■


¿i. if|j, t>y,XicClur« N«w»p*p*r 8*a>iic»t«.

---“Ding! Dine !— Ding!Luclu stirred under the covers and

drowsily peeked over their tops at the face o f the little pest that roused

• i f " ' : ,¥■

• ft - , ß i « i

r i :r V- ■

n a z a z

I the monotonous life she lived. anil of ] Jus monotonous duties, Hastily don*

tilng her bathrobe and windinij her [ liair Into a .tight* .little wad at the i nape of her neck, she'sHpped her feet

. i into fudeet »Uppers.: then hastened to - the huthrtjom' bo\vl, where site n>n»r f pleted her’ waking \yllhu cold face- shower. Tims clad, she hurriedly pre-

i jian*d her husband’s breakfast. It did i not oretir tó LiÚH^ . tíó ap«>logize t*»! Torn for her appearance. A year had ; passed since tin* little alarm «.!*»« k had i been set with due .time ailowata-e'for

uttriK’tive dressing. .I Aral here you have a suuirb-ntly j Tirar pnrtmyivJ- nf— fhe ~ tnatrttafi | crisis of Lucía and Tom Holt.: 'A jolly-looking old , gentleman ■ ing l»ut

chuckled aloud as he read his neph- chap. :! evv’s letter. , ... ..... “'*’" ’ j ‘’The yellow

. H e ) cot to snow vs jrtieibar 6*1 tame, hasn't be. unclel? * -

“ I I I bet bp's a quitter, watch him 1» the lie 's not -the kind to playt t » gam*» Through.V Unde TbpHUtlwaa at that minute gifted with an In* spiraUon that be hoped would me&n Tom Holt’s happiness restored. .

“Oh. I do hope he sticks.. I bate a «¡o ilier!“ said Lucia vehemently.

Bat Unde lliom as » proved right. The “ toarveP tried all his tricks In the sixth, saw two more homers from hts-futile-balls—and—then—someth Ingrapparently, w as Wrong with ItU wrist. He felt it gingerly and made a wry face. He called the umpire’s attention

her every morning to realization of *.10.11; Uncle Thomas.and. LuçJa couldsee him trying to convince'that skep­tic gentleman ’ that something, was wrong. Another man was put In his place, and the “marvel** walked off the diamond, nursing bis wrist.

**Let,us go. Uncle. I don’t want to se. the finish now; I’ve rdud about that •fellow every day and It’s too much to

him drop out like this,** said Lu* thon hopefully, “ IVrlffips he reul-

ly sprained-it, we’ll try to find out.'1**L:sh*u 10 these two, they’re from

his «»at* clufr;,t whispered Uncle Thom­as,. drawing Lucia to one side, behind two players who were talking In low t«.»n<*>. . -

And coin he gets, too, lie’s noth- u quitter:” said the first

skunk 1 The. yellow,I .‘‘.Listen m thisrr.wife. /Dear? Untie f s k u n k m u tte m i4 Ifie i^ the^r-1 Tlmuyis—come to my rescue,-also Lu-i

da's. It was your match,- you know, and yo'u have ulwnys understood my j wife, even better than 1 have. Th\s thlDit which Is the cause of the S. O. j S.t hits ‘ gone beyond my cniuprehen-1 Blon.» Life has seemed to go stale with us lately, am! especially with Lucia, t Something has got to be done. Come r mid do It. With love, Tom.’ ” \

Walking home brought • bade to. Uncle Thomas one other day when a very gay arid happy young man had hevii with them.

“Seems like Tom ought to be with us today, doesn't It, Lucia?” he asked slyly. As a leading remark, lie could t*»i have chosen better. Lucia was not nhmo bidding for sympathy. .

“Oh. Uncle Thomas, we must be“My imiti li, indeed ï Ami «Il I ,11.1 ! » “ disnpointtuent to you. Tom

was Introduce the lucky-.young do Pmand |. have failed somehow. I have

>M;i, Is u word « f many iiirnnlngs« Í# en «t u 11 y spcnklng;''n plunder Ih an

to oe 'reproduced -by Imitation. Of course

•.> a model may represent u Ui?" perfect type that cannot

he Teprodiieed» Imt fur* * ,‘1>A idslics 'in Ideal aim. In 1h something mental* l.v cenccheil,' In foundries it is (he

' actual mold in wlib-h the melai is east. Living persons pie employed as models In art Ufe classes; women as demon- fitrators of the style* of—cost nines, in

•geography modids nre globes.' maps and- otjier representations.; In HÒulp* ture, ligures of .plastic materials; In itimtotny, repnidiietions of tin* titillimi

-form; In tneclmnlcal science, iimclilnCs. Mu pure mathematics nml geometry, rnodelH of i upler-muchc are Used to present the p/eclse forni of figures and curves. Models of.vessels are used to test their speed and rapacity.

The largest collection of móflela lu the world Is probably In the United Btiites 1'atent Ottico ut Washington, in* nsmuch ns iihhIcÌs of ninny of thè ar­ticles jmtented are to h e^ e m •

Having dlseov«*r»Ml/nVod«ds at Inst, America Is takitig very -kindly to theib. In view of their usefulness. Hie popul larlty <*f nuMlelK-lji-not- «iirprlslng, but conslilcrlng-Thelr-cXpelifl v\4iè^sltls. for a fine tnoilel may cost as mudi. nH,-ii comfortable house;


u b’weet girl w ho wasn't to«» stuck up i ire «! to „do’ my part, but don't seemto 'ta lk 'to mi oblnmn a fa bull garrte.j t«» get anywhere vèrÿ-'fast, and TomWonder what Tom’s done! Lucia's, sun* too good "a sport'not to play the güiiíe.” * . -, ! •; /

It was n few days .líder that Tom telephoned home to say that Uride

• Thomas was in town, and us usual

d»A*sn1 appreciate uie.’ The oral rec­itation of the situation .brought big tears to Luna’s eyes, u plaintive tone, to her voice.- AJmustv i f he had not »Y r;im Ri*ues In ids mind, Uncle Th<v?i3^ could have pitied, her. ' Lucia

would stay with them. buna was‘ i looked up Into ids fare "for the &vm-'

/ \

. “ Model” being a word comprehemb- lng such a great vnrlety-of thíugs. It should be explalnetl that the particular

- kind of model« herein referred id 'n re-... the -reproduction—rln—inUitntitn»"--nb

NtructuroH designed by nrchltectH. In nny case these scale mmlels, so-cnlle<l’ from their being proportional in some: •exact ratio to thi^roiiUstructure, w»rv«> the snme purpose that tin* sculptor’s

.... ciny study does; Hint Is. they embody. Ideas, In concrete forms, thus reveal*. ' lng fmiltH which may the more readily

ho C(»rrectijyU before Avc»rk on tho ae* tupi structure Is undertnken. ' ^

O f nrcldtectiirni m odels tliore^iire- .... .two. kinds L±ÍiC_sj:iií¿_jno<1els.l(fivhlch

After, the clay luis been approvisi t»y tlie nnhitrct It Is treated to a coat of shellac, then a light coat of grease. It I« tli«*n encased In a rough plaster form so that n moiled preparation mf ««•latine inny he poured-upon the face. When cold this gelatin«* Ih as elastic ns rutiher, su that It may be pulh*il from the-.Irregular face of the model without Injury, Atter1'heftig ìmnlem'il with ajumé this gelatine linjircssion serves ns u nmhl li tu which pilaster bf.parla 1h pouréd.„ Hurlai» « r Jute filier Is ' scattered over I lie-wet - plnster“ iliíj J.'!jL'L.tlie__brlt|l«V Ktvilt. toge!here'iíftter’ whhh another coating of plaster is poured ¿«in. , . ' ,

In making scale models

* ^ ;

niore loiiuaclotiM kind, und there ara no hotel hills to lu* paid.


_ . ____ wires <irstrips of metal may In* used* as rein­forcement. Whenever « detail, mich as a column,’ or a capimi or.u window or­li decorative «letali . Is~-repon tod Hit*

. u u a b * I« “r u 1 1 11; (’s _ j j __u n i d f u r __u r la g li*

.unit and then easts as many jiléeos''un- are -r«Hiulred. These nre then ns.sciu- 1»UmI aml .eemeiitedTii place \yttii fresh pliister. Finally the- ^ctlor.s nriM iis

Ilcnl estnl«* salesmen not LnfnHiuunt- ly use models of proper!leu to'effect' sales. This Is too «*x|u*iisla nietho«!, latwever. to he generallyused, unless Ihe .model, represents.a standard -typo «»f building or dwelling'which can 1>h erected any when*. . .

Ill tin*' of one American real* estate nhm a model showing both the Interior und exterior^ ,tlie top being ranioval»!«*, whs use«l.' Kuterprlsing 'nuHiufiicttirers - who support city' sale^ r«M*n»s have models «»f thelr-pInidSyfor I'Xltlbllioii ln the show w’in'do\v'H.//i:hts class in' tuo<lels, t«»getln»r wjtly" relief amps such us art* shown lU'^xiiosItlops, Ims pr«»ve«l «»f valuyviti tulyortisUig n manufacturer's ¡»rmlucts. / _

Models. «if-^itri»et corners, roadways, lirhl^sr-miUillngH.-nmU-tha-llko -nra ^tt^ii-useiFln'IlUgtttiotr Ttl courts, for .they muko clear to ‘u Jury u i fiotlffug

i... .u.»•I»* cu»¿ Uiu local«, of unJu'ddij'nt orB-...—- . - . . . . ' À- ’ . . '■/ ---- !-crlme.

st'ml.1,.,1 um rilio jy iótlíí. la ItuiÑtietl byup,"-or ■ ilrcs'ij

’¿ L I“ liolullin;-»p,"-or ilrcsijlii); down theriiiiKb imcts' mul imin« uj> Un|)orft‘i'tllUlM, " _________ ___ ,____ __


__ _________ ______ (b‘lH 1.......... ..,,tlie building- or ii'ny purtjjiproof Is

reproduced on n sjimll senio, nml the full-sired models rmtle for th^-Kultl-- linee o f tlie<itom“ cutter or (be \voml- enniçr In work of the IiIrIut iirnde. llotb nre mmle"of the snme nmlerinl. ' plnster of pnrls, direct from the archi­tect's) drnwIuKS. - : ’ -

The blauest Job of- ntcliitocturnl ....tnodeHns on jiHVi|M__vyiis-ilin-riir'c.m-

• necflon. with tlie bulldliii: of the' New York Public I.lhrury, now èonijileted.r Modelers.were-nt work'on tills croni -tusk for h period o f sovernl years'

: sometimes us many ns'twenty of them hein» enpipM Jit yttbe. .\lto«elhcr

• $ 12r>,000 ivns spent on models for this ten-iiillllon-dollnr structure. ’ '

The architectural uiudebiiiukt-r-tTfsT worka-out-the nrchlfeefs Idea In clay,«slug his tinners to daub the day upon

--¿Another Importimi use fur models Is «n Ihe biiiuilnn of slil|is. Lest anyone stiouid jMerestlniuto the- Importmice of the iimrliie. model It should be ex-

■ What Jertey Commuter 8oea. *“ The Jersey cuunnuter has out «rent

udvuntnKe over you subway! riders these November evenings," u muti who

pnthy that failed to reRlslor there.•'Little girl, life IsiTt much different

than tiaseliall, you eun’t quit and lie happy, or well thought of either. ’You cl,,--«- T«*m for-better or worse, hs (be saying goes,-und there's been u lot more tsdler than worse. Tom's done,

i and Is doing Ids share, under hnndl- cap. too. for his w ife has quit, cold.”

, Ipioring the tears in the reproadiful eyes; Uncle Thomas continued. "Lust

; night .when your husband tried to je l f i * ; you al*out a business deal, ym; yaw!:t-(!

. in bis face, and lia- lianil Acith ivldell von sridol tlial y;ncit hail gray-edged

| nails, n d s niopuifig, too, you did not j look like ilie'kind of a wife to Inspire

laaa io .a hard day’s work.’'i’s face-worked painfully, worn-

t'an-like.• She wus glad that, they were on a by-sjret-t. iihe could see, inen-

S- tally, the pitcher leaving the box,: b.-ad down, another called to Ills work.’ There was a likeness between him mid

4:herself, a odd fear gripped her. heart, i »he could not bear to tliibk of further, simitarity.-...... ....- ------- i. -......... .—— fAm I n yellow skunkj too, am I?" she soblKil, now'keenly.'sensitive toher failure. .

-“ tVell. ijot exactly. Lucia. Yellow skunks do‘ not -change; their color, hut

J stake iny gwss lhat yours Is going to tilrn to true blue. Lucia, aui I right v" . '.......... . -


nidi high, mid 38 or 20 Inches wide; is

tiden . .

Helghls. according to Ibp NeW ', /Sun. 'Tlctween.4;30 und-0 o'Cloc

gets if view _froiu the rear of Ills ferry--hont^thnt ris-wquuledvnowhere^lso“ rDHie world. . . ' ! .. .. J

••Owing to' the short • days ,tlur sky­scrapers are lighted shortly after four o'clock nnd when the .c'ounuuter,. be-. ltl.ii» hla_y:uyuge ueross the/ Hudso’h; lower New York has been traiisformetl into a "fairyland of glittering crystal towers':", j- Tlie “.practical citizen from ' the WelgU)s_|igreed ; that it thust| he nice.

“ lint I couldn’t enjoy It," lie said, “ for specnlntldg -on the cost per-hourof nil tlie electricity tlicy'ro burning.“

" "

'In tlio Oranges remarked to lilallvia/Jifriend \vlu> lives la Washington

“Seems Like- Tom OuQht to Bs W ‘ Ue Today.” " ' Í

es. you are. I can see how blind I’ve twen. Yoa go Jnto Toni> oillce and take hitn to dinner. I've got to go horni\.aiid‘ dp soiiie things to the

[ jiotjse. to inyself. and to Tom’s clothe.«. | And l'ncle\rhomas,- please send him | home after dinner—alone."

hosing CO . «w e Lucia...hastened to-

York— i . . . ....................... o v e x ­

plained, that they, perform- muiiy.usi/-ful wryjocs, l-'.üL.«in!._üüjig. vaariiio-niodels have idayed au.Jiiq.,.rtaiit/iiart in inakliig-. l'higlund mistress iif the seas. Marine -museums, tile lirinolpui features of which are nioileJS of ship»,'are iiymerous In Kiiglaiiii ’- Al murino model nmv In ,. ..* iïïineuslons required/from. - llfu slze. down.'Visitors nf the Chicago World's

J> hoard, .liy lrnttlng. , pbu-hlng and . palling lie works the chi/hibrn'shnb/

occasionally using a fe\f carving tools or a loop o f wire to. Mulsh oiT/Wltli. Usually his Instructions urè t i/ n k e a

-Jathcr^iasvJatiirpiietari.m-o¿n<>-nrtiiPneiital—fotlier details, for t i le d

. lngs nre likely to he uu than sjn'oltlc.

ion of some rig! lui 1 draw- re suggestive

Fair in liSKt \viil/4ecnll;the' life.j.lze model o f the lmuio.shlp "llllnolS," d„nc la wood um l/ iiir, liConei of the lu- gooos in Jacks on 1’ark, - I’

Allinei g bfii n -. b ilo c t s on land nml sea nre tlib n r ' ' ’by-no yiieuns exhaust tlie lisi.

JTÿï-cently developed use for models, whli-li Is rapidly extending, is in sell' / g goods. • Some niaiiufactiirers of special ir.uchlnèry employ no .sulesnien. When ill! inquiry for u niacldno Is re- cclvedrà-wqrklifg model Is sow. This tells lis «K lLsiory iiiore convincingly thill! the liiost d onnent word*. . - — I'lw.LiqiilrerTeturus the model with Ids order, whereupon It goes, to' tlie next pt;0spective customer, i Fxpres's charges on the “silent siilesmau’“Tire cheuiHT than rallrdad. fares for the

wards her neglected duties.,“ There's noihii/ like n littlo base­

. . . . ... ball to straighten ¡Hit ot:r menial i,er-glad because she liked the kindly old spective,“ d m la re d ^ t,c ir “Thoi,ias to itwui. IlO ’ ulwuys muile n maMl^apeU [ himsvlf as he boarde7 Z 0fhIOVC t0 hcr’ M,ulí i,'f: '^rllíilP-k./á-W Ulc-lo tell -Tom tl^W hc-m atch. thntr-shc wns—n_Tiiutriiiionlal—qiriz*/ ' • - - - ■

i Playthlofl for Housej'Pet •­A plaything for-ents lias hewn pat­

ented liy'Kdith Í' , Kettle, hf Medford, Massi It-Is a stuoli, abort metal cyl-Imlcimoni


with performed, ends aud lat to contujn catnip J The end

pieces uro ' merely paper discs easily...„.-.’ted In rlng-sluiijeu openings pro­villi’ll for tliein.— Ttio_u>y-r«lhrTtbDtrr;■ <>% I i f t lK Oi l . . » . . i . . . , » . . I - .. . • “ . i ___lind for that reason is iittfuctlvu. The catnip Invites liy its snieTI7 ami pussy inumiges, after o'-while, to claw 1'hvough one, of tlie paper cuds unii get ut tlie contents'. ' ,

Teach Pleasant Ways••!• Quito : often ' really weil-menning

fhlblren nre «Jlslikeu because of ihelr i habit of saying disagreeable tilings, tniths perhnpB, but stIU best left un­wild. Telling.tniths tlintjlijirt-Is tlVf

- 7-ver^-«ur«¥t- nmFswtftespAvny to win ..on enemy und lose a friend, "ond the- «ftothef who-neglect» to add this enu-

. vtlpn to her "do’s" nnd .“don’ts" u - - - leevl n g on Important po lot -iteg] ect cd.

^ i\ ^ ^ i^ ^ y j^ J ^ a l le n o b l* birthright^

of a child It U love, nnd If Is almost criminal, negligence upoh the part of Unit 111 Other, who allows some disagree- n)de trait to nourish until it bus' de­stroyed tin- uttie one's chance for nf- fection and tenderness nt tlie Hands of

.ii'cjl-'.'i-Yi-’isc-Uint, ufter all. Judges so much by ..results, since U lins not Ibe time nor the patience to consider'the cuuse.-r-Detrolt News.

Superior’ and Ireland Samo-Size. Lake Superior, the Victoria Nyntnw

end Ireland.are abojit the eame olze

• - - Early Daya of Baseball.At tlie seeoml clumiplimsldp game

helween the Allautics of Ur.ooklyn mid tlie Alhleties of Philadelphia in 1300 the game was called-at-tlie end of the seventh liming on account of darkness. Tho score was tied ut 33 ruui— Union 1’aelUc ltulletlni: t

Lines to Be Remembered. 1 1Remember j thii—thut ' there' la ’ U

proper dignity and proportion to lie observed ln tho-performance of every' act of life.—Marcus Aurelius, '

Some things Tpin had .. said Jateiywere tii tlie very opposite In'effect.

"Unele Thomnsf) sitting nt the break- fust .table, was forced to draw un­pleasant comparisons. Tom llolt. eat­ing hls’ eereul, wosThe typical "rising young business imin." He was clean shaven,- -well, brush«/*).- But Lucia! She hud willingly nccepted -Uncle Thoitms’ suggysHon - that he-> be not made cqmpajiy" of, nnd hud appeared In her usual busty toilet. |t was/eas­ily _seen that It was an effort on Tom's part to Took nt Ids wife without pet­ting into words the. link o f complK ment her attire implied-.'

"Tom Is not guilty," thought Uncle Thomas. " ~ -

__;r,uess you nnd I. I.ucla; will have to see tills new fellow do his1 fancy pitching. .Must say he doesn’ t hate to talk, about hiiiisetf.' 'AVa!it" td go?” \

1 certainly would, .1 haven't s

the town car, _ . iLd



Odd Adventure in Maine That ' to Be Both Lucrative and

.' Interesting.

. . seen agame for ages. A llat uukes so much of one’s time when one Inis to do all the ,work." Lucia--hud not scorn««) the trivial opportunity, to declare her­self «bused. .

. Itvniisr the-fourtlr Inning, the" teams•.evenly hunched. Ny> better chance could; a man. of ability have had to prove his worth in the pitchers hex. The liiuilly-acclnliiied ami self-styled tmirvel df- the glove" was nut on fhe

dlnmbinl. With easy1 cvmtidenoe he .JlireW lds first hall. But somethingjvus going wrong, the ball was being hit! ’fw n .lio eo . .’«hvo,.home runs in the fourth. Could It he‘ that the man was not so good,ns he claimed? -

"If he’s a pitcher. I’m a millionaire's wife." remarked Lucia scornfully. She

- was n pretty picture, perched beside p.ncle Thomas,- her cheeks flushed.

'll* -

A butterfly ranch is the Interestin', apd lucrative venture of n Maine wom­an. says lVipular Mechunhs Magazine. While the ranch does not pay her so well as the chicken -farm w;hlch she als<>.owns. It calls for less work, small­er equipment and nowhere near so large an. Investment. A few boxes, some bark, moss, jrraveL and earth form the whole-outfit

In the early days of her venture she depemied upon finding the cocoons from which UieTiutterflles-and raqtlii are' h"atclie<| tn the woods near her -borne. tiurTor some time she has tiqcnfbreeding Them on the ranch. Hufcblng' boxes are manufactured .afiJmnie.

The great difficulty In the breeding of moths fropi home-produced; cocoons is that of keeping the caterpillars

-u'.neie.J« »s. Pfl$siMe. trii. grf. tKe-cbetwm- once It Is formed.. Therfioths I if J,-. thgtr eggs on the bark, of !ye<^. on 'leaves and ia other "places. /The eggs_ are closely observed nntif the caterpillar,- which Is tlie embryonic: buttertly or moth, hatches. Then the 'taterpUlnr' is placed on a tree branch-luntil tlie. cocoon has been formed. The hitler is placed In the hatching t;einali: until the. moth comes forth. -wheh iheprwess is repeated. The mofhs .are- mounted and sold to collectors, schixil^ and museums. . '

* •'•'


f t

I T ¡fim -y-* W WC«, «

: j

Crate Fattening is. One of the Moi Common Methods.


fure Is used In a New "York piiull fnrra: 100 pounds finely ground bnrld 100 pounds finely ground corn nml pounds finely 'ground-oats, (with hull sifted out). Buttermilk or skim Is used for mixing to-the" consistent of thick cream, the"bu(ternillk boM preferred. A little salt somethm1added..In this instance the birds mfed twice _a day nt Intervals «f hours and ufe fattened for_ub»utJhr' weckB, It Is Important that the vuls between the feedings should be neitrty equnl ns possible. zb- Another rntion.lB : 100 pounds gr<hijontB. _ t 0P-_pqmids —ground__cbcu, rpounds low-grade.flour.and A^pouu tallow. .... . *


Productive o f Good Money-Making Rl suite and May Be Fed Alone or f

. ,to Molsthn Mashea.


One class of feeds,that Is exccjl« ’qr poultry: and that can" be used'a1

Viintageously on dnlry fnrms, lncluij milk, skim milk, buttermilk, sour cottage cheese,';efcl/ /,Tlicse are- productive of good money-mhklng suits and,’whereJhey are ovalluble, Is wise practice to feed them. Tin may. be .fed .either. alone, or. iised. moisten the mashes. -

The mash, however, should not moistened one day and then ff/d the next. . Fpllow one or. the the two plans constantly. Fowls convert what many times would othn wise waste. Into meat and jeggs /f j the milk and its by-products Uiut.3| often obtainable bn the fnrrrt.

.o tW j


More than 2.000 uses o f pns'for mnnu- fdctunng purposes hate been found.

Fowls will keep themselves fre'e from vermin during the win­ter months lfglveü a c o n v e n ie n t

■pince to dust. A box 30 Inches ; square and 12 Inches-deep-inny -be built In'one corner of Un' bouse or pen, or such n box nm.v | lie made wlth legs bo ns to rube

; It lybove The floor. Almost any I ’ fine dry powder will make good | dusting .material. - -

4» « - f ,T-


M r. m y a n C ondw

Where Crates Ara Used Little Spie« I Necessary—CxerçUe la Not

. ? Desirable. -

(Fnpind by tha United It itn D«Pfcrt*nJ. of Afrteoltvn.) , ^

Threo methods of fattening poula we used Jp.,tW*.j3ilwkiyTpeii futtd lng, crate fattening and machine eml rolng. The first two are the moat euJ mon; the third is used only where I a fe\y-hlrds are to be fattened.

Pen fnjtlening Is practiced by persons who do not have tlie tlm«-, a Inclination to nse other methods, essentials of pen fattening me q;i;j darkness, except at feeding tlnie.-fij plenty of soft feed given at /regulur ¡1 tervals,'usually three times a i|J Birds may lie kept In flocks of l.i ,, but the sexes should be separated.

In.crate fattening a few eliickp. are kept In crates and fed fro trough. A crate 0 feet long,-181

1 ioUIAé

I r ^ M i5 4 P p i

1 1. . *♦ \ä.5*-xz.> c- ... •- - v. *. . v . is

m l " . - ■V lS ' l I

William Jennings Bryan now conduc litrlln- with n lnemhershlp of 35, It has loutJiiIrydjve hundred persons gather t

able nnd Is large enough for a birds. Sometimes the orate Is divlli Into two or three compnrtments, fJ to six birds being kept In each 01J

:pnnro?nt,_ LlttJe toouj Isdcsirahiei/H the less exercise the birds liuve more readily will they fatten.—If 1 crate Is to be left outdoors the should be covered. The sides slmd be made of slats about two.. IncbJ apart, so the birds can eat from.I trough which Is hung Just outside crate. The bottom of the crate si be of slats ubout an inch apart, to [ mlt Ihe droppings to full through, 1 dropping pans may be used anil crates arranged In tiers. In. liido/ feeding the crates should he put well-ventilated room. 'Usually birds are fed three times a day midi nlloWed to eat for half an hour,at| time, when the uneaten feed is 1 moved, ~

Crate and machine cramming arc d scribed In -Farmers’ Bulletin -Si', 1 sued by the United Stntes Depart™ of Agriculture, and It would be u«lti| able to procure u copy.

Crntc.fntteblng birds siiould nlw«; hnvo soft feed. As they liuve^no'fitl else they require a featl/Aliirt cmrJ digested easily nml quickly. This ml|

Trying to Force D<


ilds photograph, taken nt Cincinnati, Ilea i\ 1 111 4,000 tons of products of a sti Intly started from the' Smoky Cltydn an 1 rullriiiids. Since then two other tows li Ns ef produets south to Memphis nnd v

Mrs. H ard in g Gel


lme| ,t:\., ,ftrv " dmúi O. Harding, buying the tirsi

nei] la/tlie treasury from Secretary Ai UÍ several denimiinntlonH/ ------

Irish Prisoners A

V. -

Ft,la v r , i ,Ilt! R|Knlns of the Irisl

“"s prisons aud. Internmentti scone ut Kllinatnhum


freí '«--•'Í0",iü07 feet of lumliittii, the-Panama cnnnl|8om,. °rtI?s during 1020.tiv«,;'"r' 1,1(1 «nrgest railway l<

|>tts i.",fnctureilTn the Uni ’ rF used in the Islund bf Ji

onwhich motivi speeif

An pinte I en Its uld a



-y.A •

T l

'/» JV /• **

sning is. One of the Mot -ommon Methods.

id in a New "York, poullij iiounds finely ground tmrkl finely ground corn mid hi ily 'ground onts (with hull

Buttermilk or skim mill i mixing to • the-consisti-ntf ream, the buttermilk bt'lr| A little salt sometime» | this-Instance: the, bird» »1 a <lny nt intervals of re fattened.for_ubyntJI'rl la lmportnnt thnt the lnt<| n the feedings should be < il ns possible. ntlonlB: 100 pounds gran,] pounds ..-ground ....corn, r -grade flour, und 4/.pouua

C LIENT FOR FOflof Good Money-Making: R| i May Be Fed Alohe or Molstbn Mashes,-"

of feeds that Is exrellf| and that can" be used i

y on dnlry farms, lntludl milk, buttermilk, sour u)ll| itese, etc. .Those are of good money-making i /here they are available,! d ice to feed them, 'll'l il either alone .or. us«dJ h mashes. - . ■ -•i, however, should not line day and then fed ‘' I follow one o r the.other f ins constantly. Fowl» " I lit many times would otlt>’ Into meat and ■!

lid Its by-products tlmt j| table on the farm.

B ATH FOR FOW LSwill keep thenisehes |

it vermin during the « I" ids lfglven a convenient | dust. A box 30 !nr|li» nd 12 Inches deep-in.0 In' one corner of the |

pen, or such n box nin> wlth legs bo ns to nil»«' the floor. Almost nn> i powder will make good | nnterinl. - •

* CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE . I” ' • . ' 1 ."~*i : ’ - . » ' •• ij.( ,

Siri Ryan Conducting His ^uge Sunday Schòol ria«,

AL FATTENING WAY!tea Are Used Little Spac« J raiy— Exercise Is Not it Desirable. -

r tha United State« Depart*nJ i of A*rtculture.) “ethods of fattening pouM n .thfs .countu—pen futt* uttenlng and machine cmj first two are the most cud

hlrd is used only where bj i are to be fattened, lenlng is practiced by inns xt do not huve the tlnn, M to nse other methods ’r i of pen fattening arc except at feeding tlme-fa »ft feed given ut/rcguUir ¡| iiimlly three times n be kept In (locks of If, ,,r» ies should be separated

fattening a few cluck,. In crutes und fed fromi i crate 0 feet long, 18 -it., j 8 'o r 20"lnchDsrwltie~is b hwgc enough for a dn retimes the crute Is diviil ir three compartments, f. { ns being kept In each o„j_ I.lttle.roi»,dcslriUile.:f| iserclse the birds have t| ily will they fatten.— If i i) be left outdoors the tj icovered. The sides slim if sluts about two., inchj lie birds can eat from ell Is hung just outside tl| bottom of the crate .slum about an Inch apnrt, to. j loppings to full through, J mis may he used und til iinged In tiers. In lndof t crates should he put ini uteil room. Usuullv tl nd three times n tiny midil eat for half an|

■ the uneaten feed 'Is i

il mnchlnc cramming tired Farmers’ Bulletin 3So

it United States Depnrtinn lure, and It wuuld he mluj cure u copy, itcnlng birds should nlwt] eed. As they huve^no'fid retullre n feed-tlmt riitrlj isllv mid qulcklv. This ml|I ... ~ ■- ■ •

'" '"7 1''

- ■ - • p«*- - - ' . ,

Amazons of. the Kansas Coal Field in Action

InjssE I ,! V .s. V - IÆ Ê Ê’t > j | ” i / F r

>■> tl i . rfk.'V.VI. I ' / }

, William Jennings Brylin now conducts probahlv the Inrevst Sn,wi„vLrllng with a membership of 35. It has grown so ‘that It Is held In the dtv nark eallo lA , r " ” rl11 i" Mlni" 1' , ’1"- [■lit thirl)-lice hundred persons gather to hour “Th „. Commoner” ...... - *— - Ui. t <-u':''>'lut t, r i lu ' 111“ 1 'hele

Trying to Force D ow n Steel Rates

« « V*

I '* p

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'llils photograph, taken nt Cincinnati, shows the first tow of steel barges, Ili a i\ith 4,000 tons of products of n steel company nt Pittsburgh, which re- Intl} »tnrted from tlie'Kmoky Clty ln an effort to smash freight rates for steel 4 rullrnads. Shiee then two other tows liuve curried a total of ulmost 500 cur- bus of products south to Memphis and west to SL Louis.

Mrs. H ard in g Gets First BondRTTVCW.—

SSjfiV Â

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— « Ædett—

HER M ORNING CANTER ' I - r « . i r - , ^- - - ------------------ In is Is Fam ous P au l R evere Bell.f Æ m * M ’ 'y. cy* S* »W» T » TX» w v y y . >.v


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.Tacipies SuzAnnc, now u guide' nt Lake Placid, N. y „ with the lust ca­nine survivor .of Peary’s polar quest Suzniinc Is the only mini ever to walk nil the way from Purls to-Ainerlon He walked across Kurope nnd Klherln Olid,then picked his way across the lco of llorlug StrnltH,-srnne years ago.


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Ll'!im' ' V T ,, a Ii,,r,l(»K buying the first thrift bond o f the new Li/, .", '? ,lH‘ ,r™ sur-v from Secretary Andrew W f Mellon. The fr-u «! ! « several denominations; "

series- hc- bouds will

Irish P risoners A re Released

fi' Ì


— ¿líSn .


Mrs. Theodore Itoosevelt, wife of the assistant, seeretury of the navy,- .snapped-on her favorite horse daring tin-early morning ride In Washington. She still prefers Itile'side saddle!

Next to the Liberty hell in IiidcpeiidennJ liiill./l’hlliiileliilihi, there prole ably is ho more famous,hell In tilt* history o f Amerieh than tills one; rolled Mie I .mi Pevere hell, uhh-li hangs In (lie First Methodist church in Lvnn. Muss. It WHS tills loti lobi the world that the/CnloiilsIs were prepared for (liu British (roApj, us narrated In that filmed meiii, " l ’iml Itéve iêV ltlile," ' ’

Mie veil.

1 npimra il. M en


-,— -l oting ■ In«! / i ing n|i|iani/? id to t lyj

ewer.Ill 1.0]

" IHI/i . ill jgv Uir the jemfiers of (l(,ll I lie re ./rial l ’ni U.

/¡Illlt llTltlinfinsi' or I "

is on I In; ■ the Mavnr '.siimi litiii

/led".i.vmin iit of gli incline

imi ..tu Kn ^mtians t d .

.repol l ed Misfeed the it dui os lor Ills tilts to ’U tn ’

Thom as W ilfred and H is Color O rgan

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T o l lo s

01 n n u U tin signing o f the Irish peace trentjr, prisoners were rclensed prisons and. intenim.e.nt camps throngiiout Ireland. This photo­

scone ut Ivllmalnham lirlson, Dublin, when the prisoners were-


P'l'u " f i-.'40515D7 feet of lumber inrt'e tlle Panama cnnal toPciiil. oltI<!S during 1030.

' ,*lr‘ largest railway loco- plts 1,1,1 ¡.'hfnetured/ In the United

’ h! used in the Islund of Jnva.


Of English Invention is a device with which orders-enn bo delivered to loco­motive engineers without reducing the speeif o f their trains. '

An Inventor lms patented n resilient plnte to he clamped to n, shoe to length­en Its sole on the theory.that It will uld a wearer lp wnlklnj,

. - - r \ • ■ - ■

Mine. Lucia (l’KpIs^ o f Citlcngo, eel- ebrnted" her^ontf liuiidredlh Idriliduy the other day,"and a»number her "g irl friends" gave-her a party In the Old -Peoples’ home. -:where slid' lives, iuippy nnd In tnlrlyvgpod health.' -

Canada Raises Juvehlle Age. r..nge of Juvenility Ju Cufuidn lmsbeen, raised from sixteen to eighteen years-by nn nmendnient to existing laws. 'Formerly Juvenile- delinquents brought into court nt the nge of four­teen or fifteen w ere; dismissed Just nt. Jthe. critical . nge of sixteen, after only a few months' prohntlon. These children may now Imj retained In the custody of the court until they are eighteen, which will-afford' a- longer period' of constructive effort on the port, o f the prohntlon officer. Further; Juvenile .offenders of sixteen to eighteen may now he taken cure of In the Juvenile court Instead o f being associated with older criminals. •



All Improvements.Mrs. Grumergy— She seems ruthër

fussy .about' picking our u place to spend the winter. .— Mrs. Park— You see’ It must be n dl- vorce colony tlmt goes in for golf and where there’s u clmnce to capture hus­bands for her two daughters.__NewYork Suh. ,

Operuted like a firebox on tbe "brenk-glnss-nnd-ptill-liook’’ principle, nre tbeso public first hid hintIons, sof tip -err frequent intervals In the Berlin .streets, und Imudy In ■ case of riots. Each cnlilmtt contains a . Rtreteher; niedlplnus und first nld dressings.

All He Had.The endets were having rlfie Irrspec-

l tlon. A lleutennnt hud Just Inspected ! n rifle und handed It buck to the ybung I privatei In a most snapiiy manner! It j wqs the prlvnte's first year In high» ! school,' nnd he was trying-to be its! I smippy: ns - the bost*£«fl them, so lie I | made u very quick grub-for his ride.

Me grubbed the gun a bit off hulnnee. It ' swayed und lie almost committed the unpardonable sin -of dropping It. The yoking lleutennnt roared like u-vet­eran o f many cam paigns:___

‘‘Don't you _know where's the Iml- ;iiiee of tiint gun?". . .. . -

"No, sir; Hint's nil they gave me, sir," stammered the rookie. . ...

~ ~ r



nt ttll their

UK. Jlltlis ;ivo a I’lints, l 1)11» I' ilio lo . good •Ice


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iTcmrrr s « r ;

_2— THv.fifis WUfrid »«MtM] at lilsclnvll ux. or color orgmi, a-lilgiily-eompHcnted uieclmtiletil .lustrum«ut for the [iroiluclion id’ moving color and form iti rhythm width liuti its first public showing recently In New York. Mr. W ilfred Is ù naturalized Dane a ml vvell known here and abroad as n singer. ■ ■

Irish Couple Approves the T reaty

^ O L

» ■i s ” :.é » t : -;jjirul 25

More Suitable Nahull uncompanled

a me.Little Willie

mother to church, ' und ori_ his way home lie said: \ !

"Mninina. why do they call the minister, ’NeverendT "

■'•He Is culled. ‘Reverend,’ my dear, not ‘Neverend,"' explained ills mother.

“ Well.” said Willie, "I-thought he would never end today.” . .

Here are Joan unti Dartiy. two full-blooded Irish terriers owned by a faSinn Feiner. They look perfectly tbe Irish peace treaty. ■ /

[fed as they read nbçut-tbe t

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'•Ite the utlvun- «.itie.

y... ■ "1 •' • •am Packing ' •

.'and . lipping pecialty ^

S llness Ji^rs, .>i • iduse confer .

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c a « ;<» _____ 12. 1922gS3aifeafefflnn»i3EgaaBBsaeP!B!3 agg ^

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®hc€canforîi(ttifi|ewAND CHRONICLE '


Publish Ea_J£süy«v. Thürsdàv Union Avenue, Crtinforil, N, J.

jambs K. WAHNE». Kditiir' and tubtUhrr.

ruitU li»

_ nn:w si>,\v. .tan ta kv 12. 11122

Terms One Dollar end ■ Half »Year- Butrmi »l ilt«* » Tiuilonl l‘n»l Ofl*«r a*.Hecopd'HUiUtlltr '__

F16BWOaft«îC5U« lirjyuOTflHT

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P T ’ -’ ' - X » ? 'p « — —. v '.* M-*I ; ff . A*f"* ‘»v

I n 1 Im lilir (¡iu rgc *ì. T r llrr 1 « f„r tilt- «u ll i Tini«' ilH H il Director of ili.- Hoanl (ilmirmmii ut tilt'nrgamziit lon uiìi-liiig lu«t iciu-'k. \Vlui«* tlu- 1« an Iunior (or t ’runforil il almi 1« 11 illstlnrt Im iiiIU tu tilt l'otmty at. largì'. (or uìolcr M r.Tel-

—•«uiliiiini-t riti imi, III«- (louniy govi-ruini'tit li»« inaili; imii'li prog- ri-ev In tlu; ili 1 iM'lioii o f . tlioroUKl* Iìiikiiii'mi iimmigi'imiit o( tini nu- iiiito ii« ili'inirtini'iils o( « 'onnly itmk «n lim i I moli Conniv limi 1« votili h« 111nint Ilio Leni inunuKi'il

. Coinily in tlu' Muli'. TIii.m 1,1 ri­Mietili in ilio Coiinly lui rnli: in noli 111 In Ilio ix icllont ivuy Ilio uork fulllng iunior Ilio r in liolilori' oonImi '!« rtirrioii - , -,


TOWNSHIP ECONOMY(iovermir Miller, of Now Yoik

.Slat«, ilimm vt'H lngli prniio for Iiih HijncoHH in i)ffi!0tiU|{ ucouihiiiuh in Statu iiilmiuiHlrutioii lint ycur: Ho iuduutnl a none too willing lcgiH- latnro to- out it|>]irojirnitiouH in no or ten million dollar«, ami ho niki that n further cut of any ton mil­

- lion» lio tnuilo for tlio current jour. It iH common imuuglrfor canili- ilaltiu to prouiiHu ucodoiiiioh; it fH not so common U>j nnoli proiniHOH to Ini followed LyLluilillmtinL after

.....Budi cumlidutOH uro «looted," ButGovernor Miller points out that till) miinioijmlitoH o( Now York have not'generally adopted Iiih priigram of economy; unit herein

- in i hint for city, borough mid township uutlioritiuH in Now dori

. sey, iucjiuliiig tboHo who. lmvo tlio power of authorizing expenditure« in our own .township, ultimately our votern. At u time when busi­

. noun ¡h alowly trying tii gel <>u i|h "'"'feet-»gain, mid when tux ImrdciiH

: wero Hover ho luirileiiHouio, it | would lio well for np|>oulH for lurg or oipeudituriiH.for_towiiHlnp pur

l piiHOB to ho iiidhI eiirelully Hcruti- nizoil liofore being gmntud. There nro probably legitimate puldii" improvement« dependent on tnxu- lion that might well wuit uutil u

1 more proHporiniR timii ! '. Thooitmvnguiieo of^Joeiil gov­

ernments^ throughout" tluj eouutry hsiicoiuo todio'lf verilii1)le Heundui. PuldioilebiH have hnonpiled up to tuv-^ggrugiite of. frightful diiuiin-

^-''»louB, with the apuiidllirift'« notion ■ that a future ({(iiieration can Hoiiie-

how carry the load; and moun- whilo tax bill« increiiHii year by yonr. \\'t> offer mi eriticinm of

' ('ranford oflloialH iii~ thin hiatter. W owinoroly ndvise that foe nome- tuuo to conio tlioy oxerciBe a eiire-

/ fill scrutiny of plans for increased expenditures so far ub they nro in a position of iiitlueiico in tlio mat­tor. Perhaps also there in a timely hint herein for our Board of Edu­cation. . '

service. ‘ -Shipment of (reen cone* baa been

fouud Impracticable. The new plant w ill handle a' too and a half of Cooes every-aia-boo»«.—The--«®es wtU-t»*dried under hot air blast and as they open, the seed will full, from the dry- Iqk cylinder of fine mesh Into a hop­per^ Present requirements <*11 for d.UUO pounds each of Cr and spruce seed annually for which It will bs neceHsnry 'to-ffather Ub tuna of cones.

Silks- «price cooes will be collected on the l}ueeo Charlotte Islands where the tree nourishes in abundance: The cones of the Douglas fir will be gath­ered on . the western slopes of tbs itocky mountains tributary to tbs Fraser river. . ’

This Is fur country of-the Hudson's llsy company, now cloning out 1U lnndnt»rbeppilrfepro»!nce*lofan» settlers. Tbe'coUipsn}'« posts are still dotted through this region of primeval wilderness. . ' v • _ ...

Investigations of the British com­mission working out the vast refor-

Hr and Sitka spruce; best adapted Tor, the purpose.

Centuries of tree cutting bare left Ibe Islands of the British group de­nuded of forests and reforestation Is uecyssary to replenish the timber.

—-- -DIED---aS¿ =^-rrJoseph Wllllami

'JoHPpli William«, a steel worker, In tlm employment of the Singer Manufacturing (?ot, illed nt bi« home

• 59 8. Union nytmiu' hud Sntn.riliu:. morning. •|riCw'ns"T)¡i n'tirs oltlrTuiil

. faine to UiIh coiintry-fñhii Kiiglnml__. ' , »v» »■»y-’ x tm iin j iiu iii la im mtwelve yeui's ugo.'. V'uruierlv~

^Jíougtlkeep.ile, N. Y.,- lie Im« heiresident In Cranford fur two years. .Mr. .Wllll.aiiiiiJcavtsit-ii-ixlihsis—»wd sTx-flillUreni Mrs, B. Crowley'ami Mm W. 1. Taylor, of Cranford; ,1m seph William«, of Newurkf Charles Williams, id Poughkeepsie; ami William nnd .lohn Williams, in En­gland. ‘.The funeral was hefd nt, L* p. m., last Tuesday, at Ills late home. Hie Rev, .\lr. Chrndl. of St. Puul'i Mi. E.-Church\ofllciatlng 'luiif the liurial Vas in Evergreen Cemetery. Elizabeth. -

■ Mrs. baballe O. - Hendrickson Funeral services for Mrs. Isabelle

O. .Mchdrlokson, mother- of ÛHenctrickson. of 15 SiirlngHeid fiv

‘ ’ ’ William P; Hen

TO RESTOCK BRITISH FOR ESTSImportations of Fir and Sprue* From

Canada At* to Bo Mad* fori-- / tho Purpooa.

The British Isle* are to be'refor­ested with Douglas fir and Sitka spruce from British Columbia. To ob­tain the Becessary seed. ■ seed .ex­tracting plant will be Established at Westminster br the dominion forestry

menta of the birds, are known to be \ln this country. They were all secured «>7 Oolonel. Boosevelt and are all In the National museuiq st Washington. '“'Th«” 'wbjfl*-headed:''stdrk''U''‘a'"TarKe -African bird found 6dty In the papy: ms marihaa of the Upper Nile and along the northern edge of Lake Vic­toria and on 'the. upper Lualatm. It l* • uncommon,. even where found, and ^ry wild, it is now carefully protected by all the European gov- emments which have colonies In Africa, special permission belDg re­quired for huntlng It. .

It Is of scientific Importance for the reason that It t may be related to the herons, laod 'if so, constitutes a very remarkable link between two orders of birds. In appearance It Is of gannt, gray figure, some flve_ feet In height -Its large head Is «ur mounted, by a little curled tuft Thie

Its huge bill, In shape similar io a j whale's head, la tipped with a for- mldable-Jiocdt. — ------- - _ -r - .... . ~

C O U LD N 'T READ T H E 'SIGNALS’Later, Mystlflsd NswooWMro to New

York War* Enliohtened, and aLini» EmbarrasMd. '

Newcomer* to Near York by. steam­ship begin to learn things about the city as soou as their vessel gets hesd- ed up the harbor. .There was a party. of such oo a vessel from Southern ports. . 1 " ' y / ■

lYum the roof of a high downtown ufilce building they, saw what ap­peared to b* s string of signal flags sriajiplng In the breeze. Some were white, some Were striped and on* big one was a fiSmfcg red. -

"If we only knew th* cods we could tell what they mean." said a member of the party. "Perhaps they Indicate what channel are are to take np the. river,” . ' ; .•

Or maybe, they ere. wealber warn- Inga of some kind.” guesaed another. "Let’s ask one of the officers.'..They ilhl. The officer with the...uiiked eye and tbeu wlth his glasses. '

'‘That's theJahTtfir's wash hung ont on the roofto dry." be announced, as

ished Ids survey. "The big red iine Is a tablecloth."—Pittsburgh Dls- patch. ' . , —

' Whence th* "Spit Curt."The curl over the forehead, as worn

by yuung Indies of today, has a very long literary t.lstory. having been men­tioned lief ore the timeof Shakespeare, and probably has existed for many centuries. A very antique statue de­picts Opportunity as having a bald bead, save for one lock of hair In the center of the forehead. This was to show that there was bat one chance to lake advantage of an opportunity. Doubtless the belle* of that day, tak- lug the lesson taught by ' the marbl* to heart, began to wÿar a similar lock. Tlu: practice baa coollnued - to -tha present day. 7 7 -

The curls arç made to adhere to th* forehead by the application of any one of many modem substance* made expressly for that purpose. Theme curls are called by tha commonslty. “spit curtsr bot thla ts a mlsnomer snd misleading. ’ ' '

W OULD PR ESERVE R AR E BIRDEarapaan Oovsmmsnu In Africa Unit*

In QlWng protection t* th*- Whala-Haadad Stork./ ■■

Whale-headed, or aboebtll storks are remarkably rare birds. ; The American Mosconi of Natural History has re- cslvad a akin and skeleton of ime of three nncommon members of the feath­ered world.— Only four-other sped

Next Wednesday, January 18th, tiie midwinter meeting of the Plain- Held District Sunduy School 'Teach-'

|ers' Association will he held in Cranford in the afternoon and even­ing, at Trinity Church. Supper will he served In tlie Parish House to

expression of its eyes’ ,1s scowling.


the delegates. / The Right Rev. Irving P. Johnson, Bishop of ('ojo­tado, will deliver an address at the 7:30 p. m. service. Bishop Johnson is a. powerful speaker, and the pub iftnäTSKIfSlIy IñvlíeiÍ” ío lícár liliii

The annua! iiiectjtig of the .Wo­man's. Auxiliary whs held in the Parish House last Tuesday after­noon. ...........-Thè Altar Culld's tirrmiul meet­

ing was hi'ld In tlie Parish House lids afternoon. '

.¿~ -Public Auction* ' Jan. 27, 1922

MOTOR CYCLE- -with Side Car •

Cranford Garage, Inc.31 North Ave. East .


Ptnare In Such Common' Use Today • Can 8* Traced to - an Old

. Latin Legend.

•To pour oil on' troubled'waters” means to smooth out a difference or to allay a commotion of any sort The original use of the phrase Was quite Uttral and goes way back to an old Latin legend. Utta, u priest, was.sent Into- Kent for Ennfied, the daughter of King. Edwlne, who was to be mar­ried to King Oswlrra. The priest went to the bishop to ask his prayere for a safe Journey, and tlie. bishop,. predict­ing a tempest nt sen, gave him a pot of oil, saying: ' ,

"Remember that you cast Into tlie seS this oyle that 1 give you, op-emon, the winds being Inled, comfortable, fayer weather ¿hull ensile on tho sen."

The tempest canté as predicted and the _sallors^afia passengers were-ex-pectlng-déath every minute, according tp^tlie, legend,-—when v the -priest, be-thfnUng himself of tho oil, cast It Into the sea. In a socmid tlio waves be­came calntand tlie wind died down.

that time, “pouring oil on trou­bled wuters" bccuine a popular meta­phor. ; 7“ 7" ~ ~ 7~

Honor Belongs to Frenchman." More than half a, century after the alto of tho present city of Itlo do Janeiro In Brazil bad been discovered by the Bpuulards, Andre Qojiciilves, a Frenchman, directed the construction of the first house that wns to prove tlie start of the capital of the greatSouth American republic. ’ ........... /

Uonculves lind entered wlmt Is now known: a«|*the hurhor of - JUo- de Janeiro on Januury 1, lOW.on Januury 1, lOffA He thought It was tlie mouth of a stream —hence, the name, "River, of Janu­ary." ' . ■ ' ■. In .1850 'Durand Vlllegnlgnon, tr French Huguenot,~ nccimipanled tiy'u company of compatriots and • co-re- llglonlsts, set foot oil Brazilian soil. He liked the country,'nnd Immediately

J founded- the.first_Cuhfuy of white mem In that section of tlie world. -

World Prsss Cahlblt at Pragu*.A uovet txhlbll »as slaked recently

>t_ Prague under, the auspices of the " Hcfaifl'-new»papeTa:~.~A~T« rgffJttgtgs THchid-newipapera:- . a large . . . ,, , - „

«aU^a. ret aside for the display of X i “ 1” „ .T^ UVleuspapers from all prlndpri cttle. 'H .tb^w xn-im -D nbeW -ttierew Vrem ^-XX^ban 4.U00, from Chtrm. japan. Pal«- , ^ « t t lo n W sdue, Australia. «arUt and soviet R»i»«U-1I) T:ll®^who1® -"*• *«*<** T°« India. Africa. Turkey And »«Id Si M e greativery country of Eurot*:ind A a ^ 'v ^ W lM l e a tlM^Re JtW-beyond the More than (W papers from Franca ^ Ch, f ,ho oM landmarks. • “Let were ahowrn Aa a m att« of fact tha k“ “wU‘d»,? *rmv ttm" more to more" ixhlblt comprised only, a mtnnte p ^ ^ T b U , reveal It In wholesome, lm portion-of the- world* . .erftpapera, : ,plrtn« couduct.-Lzctmiigc. auL-friah'lhe-vle*fpo(nt)of-the-Ciech»-~t

. Sat Up New Landmarks ,, Satisfaction rewards every forward

•top by Inspiring la s till, greater ud- vanre, Llm ltallons heenme mutter« of history as the modern -spirit- urges souls to their full posslhllltles.

__You have-to be- the-dlrector qf-yuurown future. You w ill do well to rev-

-erence-the otdr landmark»: Bur Abu tvlU dll belter to use them ns” means i f i—C8tahlliihlng_iiuiv—ones -Cling—to

hue, and wife of .......... ..tlrlckson, were held on Saturday af­

ternoon- in_t he chapel ot-Evorgreeh Cemetery, Elizabeth, Rev. N M Simmonds, pastor of tlie First Bap­tist Church. Elizabeth, of which tlie deceased.tvas a member, otlU-iatlng. Jlra Hendrickson died on Thursday last In Woodhaven, L. 1, after an

.lUness of nine months, 'she iva« "born in Elizabeth and was tlio :dhughter of-the late Moses and Eli­zabeth Ogden andivasi s’ dTrect de- scefident of one of the original set­tiers of. Ellzabetlitown. Site Is' sun- vlved. by her husband and three ronsj- L.-' E—Hendrickson, of Cran- fort: Waldo E. and Bert E. Hen­drickson, of Woodhaven, L. I.

«lorak public, U was very Instructive I- - < Th* Reason.ind successful. . . ' 1 A negro was brought up before the

on. a charge of dlsurderiy cuipr j duct "This man,” said Ids accuser, i "waa going on like n Jumillc last

/ Political Strategy: ,"After a, member of congrres ha* - - -- ....... ,,,,

lived In Washington for a time he eight ; curalng, grouidng, tdasphomlng, acquires the atra óf « statesman.'" # i... , ...

--- "MostT)fmy--ctvtte*gues'do,“ sal ISenator Snortsworthy. "hut persona ly 1 prefer-to look like a small tovri

kicking furniture. atirlokliTg, ' waiilnc’ Nöbödy- In tfiemeighborhood could get"

i^Text Wednesday evening the Bu­...... . IBtft» Men’s Association will hold a

5 ]4 iS !i iy ,art» f.4 oni the Newark theatres. - Julius Dreher is chair- ■-. ..’."/martTpi the committee in. charge ‘ " " ^ «a t e a tliat a large number of

'Vimve Bignlfled their intention ndlrur......................

•j » L in tv iuv « u a c ■ »m a il tuw JhasLllt'is man. I nuylnot! Impress foi ' elgn visitors as moct but It mike ■ me stronger with the folks back homje when a constituent of mine returns from a visit to Washington and tells th*. boys there are-oof rills about Jim Snortsworthy,—He’s just as much a friend of the plain people as be ever was-"—Birmingham Age-Herald.

, any sleeps ' "Wlmt have yon tir say SainT” risked the Judge. "Jedge," answered 8am. "Ah’s gwlne ter tell do truf. Ah dene got a «light visitation' uv religion. An' If Ah done'lulls loud; 'er ;n mos’ folks it am bekuse Áh sun' sm furder from de Lüwd dan odder nien.------------ ----- ------------

...Rtcord Ttliphen* CotnnmtlDn*A telephone cooTerutioo r»-

ceitly betd between a ship 100 miles ____ ■off the Atlantici coast of the »United extracted State* and Catalina island, XT miles frpilVnAceoff the coast, of California, wireless t i l e ' - - -

. Lemon Bath Luxury In India. iIn the West Indies a lemon bath Is :■

almost a dally luxury. Three or four 1 limes or lemons are sliced lntp the t water and allowed to lie for half an hour In order that the Juice may be ! extracted. 'A remarkable ,sense o f' freshness |s given to the skin.«


How filOO may iimigin a group of Hnk'ctcd lilted Btocku returning a dividcml every month in th¿ year. ’


Tlio outlook jo r Scars-Rocbuck.

Wliat PeiinrR. K. j«« facing.

JIoVv to UHO ,tl)0 Ib'BHOllB of 1921 in making good invcHt- luontB in 1922. ' -

These subjects comprehensively ' . treated in our (.'arreni

. Market Revino. IJ on may obtain a copy upon app/i-

—ration fo r Í 'C-S7


M tin l itrst 'oiiHdl Ida till Hltick Lxcliann»' ur " . New York • .

_84iBroad3t-^ NEVVARK-Tel. Market "HU

Main OlllrV- f.U llroud Ht,. New Ynrk ,* i New York, rit vclaii

IHrcti J'rlvBlf Wires rClili-aRo. I'itlslMMyli.' \ l,li¡l¡i(l«;l|)Jti;i. Mouton

R e p o r t o f t l^ e . C o n d itio n7 - ■ OP ' - ' I

GraDford TruM Companyof Cranford. N.JVal the close'of business.

December'31, 1921.' HESOpttCES.

Ikirids am! mort^ujfejif..................Stock» and trtjifdít................ '•••*•Time loan» ou ooîlàteral*.......Deuirind luán» oücoliaterals....Lf.ana u* eiltfjt and towtu» ..... ...Not«*« and bills purcliáaed..........TTVA-rdfiliU,


... 248.SÛO U7

144 taHue from tmiiks, ele.......;... iFurniture und llkture«.;.......Ciotti on liHfid....................('to-ckn and curdi items.........oilier assets........... ...........

IPi.vRW («5 43 OU1/07 07

3 an

. ' l i a b i u t i e h .capital fdrwk puld iu .........."*urolus tifnd ; ............ ..............t'ml¡vícIcmI profits (net)..7/.......-Tim« dt-pusiL*. ...... . . . . . . .Jft'imiod ttcpo.ilis .....................IfeinM cert if’s oUltfposlt ... a . ■ 1 'oiTUiotl checksT?.....................'t'n'iis.-HiïTKsm'tHt^id’ irTTiïïT. v.HÍIIhpayahie..... ...... f.HiVidends mlpuid.. ..................UtUer liabilities............... •......... o »»«*

.... 50UIOÜU

.,f** «.ÎWM

. . üiti.tJuaHi

. rid.iuifw . 3S:4’.fT»tkJ. ¿UK» w, ,......-7U(i W

US.UKf 00. y,o:ou)... • IS 11

Total ...........stiitoof S*ivw.lerM'y; ^'oiVTityor ruion. ss. y V. II Crary. Yicf-Mresidfiit. und Hour)’ '\ .

U’ hlpple, TrouwunT. *>t th « ubovc-imined com-, brink’ Nfveiully duly sworn, «iii’ l» »or»iJullrjf 'flrpoHrw ;i lilt .HRV* tllllt ttlO fon(lf«»iU|r

in true to llicbesl of his kliowkuli:«illid-ltrlief. . - ..... . '

, F. II. ClfAIfY, Vli^j rrc-blcnl.• , HLNMY \V. WHliM'liK/TreaNurcr.

Siili-rrilirtl and sworn to before motliislOlb day " - u 'i^ r r i r y r A r i r . - ' i t r i r

Frank Ü. Ham. _ Notary Pul/IUs.

Oorrerf— ,Att(*>t:, X. M UrocHcher,

W H. YiiwtftT, ' J- Directors. 'Mcrkcley U. AuntliL»

Ford Sales and Service

TOR SAUS.:FOR SA LE -A t 440 North a v W

Westfield. S. W.: Oak extension table 412, alto horn 416.50, netv not 1 stove 416.00, candlesticks $4 50 gat I

• stove 412, leather suite $os,’newl .strollers Il f , malt, parlor tabid 420. __ ___ ...

FOR SAI/E—Hosiery and . uniier-l wear tlirect frdtn tlio mill. Hosiery I jier box < four . pairsi.^hiiuren'. 1 41.00; ladies, 42.00; men's, ,<i (Jf

. Also single pairs sold. Orrok, is; I N. I.ehlgli avenue, Cranford. u|

F(JU SALE—Lady’s - skating shoes used once, like new, size 5',1-It,29 Arlington Routl ' '

FOR RENT—A 'comfortably ' fur-1 ltisned room, break fust if tlesirei) | 25 (trove street. '

FOR SALE—Large heavy,sofu, largel oak roll top dqik and leulhurl

->yw i veL"idtai ih—2IL-A idington—Hoaiti FOR SALIC - 1 large and 1 ~siualll ' ¡'hilloniei', % iron bed, brass lieiil

gas logs, kitchen tabl^ (seats h’l , ' people), 1. sideboard, platforml —waltt.s..ii»ctoi; ji»t.tiM!k:-2U,-ArMnpl ton Road. “ ■ r 1


Pleasure and Commercial Cars Farm Traclors and Business Bodies


Hersh Motor Car CoFoil ihfornuition cull

G F. POPE, Local AgentPhone Cruiiforii 249-W

N0TICE.o Tlu* t’oiiinilHHltmcrfixlu'rctoftirc ' appolntud tolliukè UH llHHL'SHHR’Ilt—L lf tllO' l)lTl(J ltH con • fu m i l>y .thu KrudliiR and puviug uml fnii- Htrni'tlnt’ - ctnirrt li* cnrhs nini jfuttc.rH dii iHith sldts of Ktlm'Iirouk I ’Ihfk aiul'Miuisloii. .Turrut-c ftòhi Nurlh Lthit'li Avrinìo tii ,Klni‘ Htrctl ami dii . IMiit*.J »Strici, .frolli Miinslon ÌITurrai p .tu thè ItahwHy Hlvcr, IiryIiir UIinI Ihtdr ri'txiri'.of biioIi usHt-nsiin-iitH willi accuniiiuiiyliiK nmp of (ho «ani»' In tlu* «lllt’c of Ilio Towiishin Clcrk, InUicu ls-:hen«hy-RTmi-Umt- ttiF-TowMxhljr Wlll iiippt 111_ lhe Tinvnslilp itaonia In/lti(* lMn- M'iili' MuildinR. Unluii Avi-mif.-and Ald/n Ktrci t,

\VKI»NKSDAY. .lANlIAHV 18, A922 at 8 :!I0 p. ni., tu. consider mild report aiitl'niap, .iimt nn opportunity will thon »ud Ouvre Pf glveii all parties Interested lu ‘Iw heard In renard to suhl iiiseannit*m.i. ; -

My order uf the Township CuHimUteeALVAN U. /DKNM NN.

. — ’v------ - ' • Tottiiahlp Clerk,Datei! Deupnilwr 21, 1A2L • 1 '.

Cordwood for Sale$13 a cord delivered,

cut any length

OSCEOLA FARMSPhone Cranford 77

„NOTICE—Tha parinerWhip las allcgt'd) or otherwlso

lit existió« between JIKOIKiE YOUNÍI AND MICHAEL HOHTINTO, dolufi huslneas as “ Tin.*; Itellatile .Market,” of No. 5 KusLimgi Htrvet, t’raurunt,. New .lepftey. tlissolvcnloir-Nqvemher' ¡¡nth, IU21, by tho withdrawal ofFieorRo Ymniir from Halil piirlnenihip, on ,which

’ i. interest in the Hamo was trans-«Liv all hin said. Interest in tho Hamo w!u ferriti to the m»id Michael Iloatlnto who Ih jiow coi.dilatine salti hiirtlinjfis at tho aforesäid'THaco, . MKTIAEL BOHTINTO.

Dated. Dtrembrr'28th, 1921._' • . , 1-19

fo DAVID.iTIDMFHON, late of rranford. New Jersey, . Yi/ti .are. hereby iiMtiflcd lliat a dual

rtile for divtnre lias been granted aKain.Ht you at tlie unit of Kinma_.Tho!ilpsoji,...your..wife. >'.L)i;h_jyjji_pi .ipyuil.JiL_.tliM.- Court of. Common I lens, No. 1, of Philadelphia County, Coin niunwcallh of I'ennsylvanla, of December Term, Clin. No. H)8. (ifi Monday, tho i:trd day of Januury A. D. on which dayyou inayappear ami «how cause. If any you have, why IpT. divorce should not he granted against

yon.JESSE 1!. FINN,

Attorney for LHa-llant, 307. Lincoln JBulldüig,

’ * Philadelphia, l ’a,

o-v!J Atlvtr fe s-tTm.

N E W S E L L I N O / P O L I C Y• . . . —Ol’’ THIS , . . i , .

Apollo Drug Store— ,JWe-have decided, commencing: the new year, to install a NEW SELLING POLICY in our drug, store. The close proximity of thearge metropolitan drug stores and their method of pricing and selling drugs and dj_ug.MQte.mcrchandisc prompts us_to establish this method of selling drugs at POPULAR PRICES;’ To do this, of course,’ we I?lM^_haVj?_yok'tllfc and- y6ur-co-operatton. :O tir business, thanfcs to to your patronage, has increased year by year during our 10 years inCranford and we hope by this new policy to mak^" 1922 our Jbanner year. You undoubtedly Will be greatly benefited by makirigi your dollar go further when purchasing at our stbre. For your patronage in jhe past we thanl^ you '

SuppliesWe carry, always in stock, a

full supply of sick room requisites:

Thermometers Syringes Bed'Pans Atomicèrs Feeding Spoons Gauzes..

Ice Bags Water Bottles 'Urinals - ■Cotton _ Gruel Tubes ■ Bandages -

. PRESCRIPTIONSThis department is fully equip­

ped to - take care of all your pre- senptions.! Our supply of fJ drugs and chemicals are such as to meet the requirements of the most exacting physicians We always have on hand a fresh supply of antitoxins and vaccines for yourprescriptions'.

The Apollo PharmacyTrust Building

E. F. MORRIS, Maiiager.

WÉá¿É¡ká m

ttephony bclox oxed orar tbe water and wire tclephooj over the land. This is the first time tlie voice of man ba a bstfi carried acres* a continent and trafehra oC tats gUpxat « « « ' ' .

Worth.Whil* Acquaintance, i\ ,It Is always gooil to know, if o'uly.

In passim*, u charming bumatrbetnK • it refrexlii'» ope like ITOwera and birds sad clear Qgvks.—Btfoy. j

, . Phone Cranford 3% -

CHAS. E. DOOLEY ESTATE Funeral Director and Embalmerv.. Use oi Modern Funeral Chapel If Desired /. Folding Cbfiirs and-Card . Tables-to Hire\

218 North Ave. West, Cranford, N. J.> AUTO CORTEGE EQUIPMENT

LOST—Between Humpton Ilall anil I , dam or on lee, small Mexican opaij - in u small Breen box. Rowanl ill " lctuined to 19 Grove street. LOST—Rubber ear phone, probubljl

left in store or possibly on street, 1 Reward, S. ciire Uitlzen-Clironirlal

WANTED.We bave tliree standards ot'ev l

clmiiBe—Current Funds, Ttiscaril . ed Funiltiire in ; exchange, :uni|l

tliom or mix them. WenUleM s i Creiiit, Yon can soleet any of| W. 440 North avenue. "

WANTED—To rent now or later, I small store or part of .store ini Cranford., L, cafe Citizon-Cliroli i

, ii'li'. ; ’ 1-121FOR RENT-Large, niecly furni.sii[

ed front room, with small uiljoinl ing room. Ligiit iiousekceiiuigl permitted. 1 (>. care Citiziiii-diiuiilicie. .............. I.-.:..-. •___ ' '2-1:1

WANTED—To buy a second-hum!I baby carriage,' in good conditiun, | l ’ luine (iranford lilS-J.

WANTED—Highest cash' prii'Ml paid lor old POSTAGE STAMPiil

' Write me, Frank Huilley, Plairif lieiil, N. .1. , 7

WANTED—Laundress und "cleaning! woman, two in family, Tel. PrunT ford lnO-W. or calI 2:C.F Itiversl(l('| cor. Orange avenue.

WANTED—Girl for general Iiousc-| .work. Apply 7 Holly street.

SURROGATE’S NOTICESKSTATK IO' SUSAN V. KllKTZ, Ovcramir 'I'urHuaut to Hid . order of €lmrk'H -Nv- l.'ml-L

(liny, Surroyutu o f Btl»e Cutmly uf Union, iruileI on ’ the tncnty-fourtli duy of December, A. I*r| 1921, upon -Uit-uppllcaliim of the uudersiyind. r its Executor of the estate o f said ' dei t JSi J, I iiotlce Ih hereby ylven to the creditors of »;>ld| dict ated lit I’Xhihit to, llib suhsu lber lindvC (latti I ■n aillrùiailuii fluir claims und demands ntr-unii I tin estoje of said deceased within six iiidMIj | troin the date of said order, nr they will br tcr^ver'barred from' prosecuting or reoo'Hihi tin* same against tlio subscriber,'

. RAYMOND T. PARKOT,' Execulnr.PARROT & PARROT, Proctors,

120 Proud Street, \! . Elizabeth, N. J..'.. • '

o»\v9w— 3-2 ... Fees - i I * WESTATE OF CHARLES L. PLUMB. D...a' 'l - Pwr«vjaht tojht-order-of ChivrieH S. ftJl.c.l. Hurrogat« of tliff County of Union» imnl' the'seventli day of December, A. D., 1921. up**1» tltP-appHeation of therinidcrslinied, 'aB"A'<innmv Hotrix-pf-tbe-cstato of-aald-deeeasud.-rUotlcd jl hereby Blven to the-credltora of said dfeuise'l to exhibit to the subscriber under oall> ()r nfTirmatton their claims And demands. in the. estate of said deceased withlii slx iii">iilu from date of said order, or they will lie fimur barred from prosecuting or reedverliig tin* against tlie suhscrlher;............... _______ — MARTHA (1. PIiUMIh-

........ .......... ....... —*■----- —— AdrulitlHlFaidVIt ia rctiuested that claims.agnhmt the

he presented to the Admlniamiitrlx, care of Mr. Leopold Cross, .25 Beaver •[street. New Ur* City.- - f • ■

12-8 oawflw Fees- _

ESTATE OF CARL 1UCUARD HIKH()NYM(,l i\ Deremied. ‘ - fPursuant' to tlie order of Charles N. Cod'linc, |

Hurrogate of the County of Union. mad<‘ " the seventh day of December, A. Ih, 1921. m"' the application o f the undersigned, as A(ni‘im< ttelrix of the estate o f said deceased. iioM**«' 1 _ Jierelty- given to the creditors of'sai(l..dV«‘v.i*i‘» l to exhibit to the suhscrlher under nalli-or| afhr»mtlnu\their claims *aml demands; aM.*»' .tlu.. estate of said deceased within sir ino“ tlts| from date of said order, or they Will In* for,,l,i| burred fnim.pros(*euting o f recovering-th** •S'|I;|,‘ B against tho 'subscriber. ...

t * - .XL18E WINCKLM* ,. — . AilnRnlstiJif* |

MILUA?if R. WILSON, Proctor, ‘>207 Broad Street, *"— . ,

"'• * KU*nibeth,-N. J. ,12-8 njiwthv • Fees


ADVERTISEMENTSAdvertising under this head not « c e t i inï 2 wo*ÿ ' 25 orati «adì huertion.

-Ovev 25 words, le. a\wotd. H \ ]FOR RENT. ^ ■ W.JI

FOFB iBENT—Cotnfortably lur'iisCH ed room for one or two gentlemen I ’ - ‘ ‘5%.

i board if desired. W . AValdinS ■3 Berkeley_ P Ia ea ... v ..... .: ■ 2Mjti

SHERIFF’S SALE—In Chanvery of New Jersey* —IR tween The WesUleld Trust Company, « i f eutor,... etc,, complainant, and -Alfred D*mplJ' Hlraughan, et als; , defendants. ,.FI. fa. for of mortgaged premises. ■ .

By virtue of the. above-stated writ of Deri by public vendue, at the Sheriff’s ofllco in u« Coitrf House, In the City o f Elizabeth. N* *■> 1,11

WEDNESDAY, THE s25TU DAY OF .‘ : JANUARY, A-’ 'D.. 1922.

a*, two o’clock In thtf aftt*riiooi;,’ o f said do. -All that certain lot, tract or. parcel, of. D»1«

nml..premises, hereinafter particularlyscribed, situate, lying and being lu tho Uoro"*'1 of (larwood. Id the County of Union, and M;‘ ,e of New Jersey. - • . • . . .

Beginning at the corner formed by. the »' terscetlon of the westerly side lino of MahlUl Street w ith tlie southerly side line of Finn1'» Avenue nnd running thence southwardly .min side line of Walnut Street forty eightt D' feet, more or less, to other lands of said Am 1 * Douglas Htraughan and Ruth Alvar«|,J Sirnughan: thence westwardly along s-ud D ' 1 mentioned lands and binding thereon one ht ' 1'1 re»l twenty-three and one half (123%) f*i t |5 lands o f Wallnce Kaylor ;• thence Northwanl^ nlong said last mentioned lands nnd hnm«1 . tlicreou forty eight (48) feet to said line «' I Fourth Avenue, and thence eastwardly. alcr said side line of Fourth Aveuuo one hundr*'1 twenty-three attd one*-half^'"(123HT'T«wvlaK’ o f Beginning^ • *..........Decree amounting approximately $725.00. .

I ..... CEORGE II. JOHNSTON.\ . , • —■ -.. SJxrnT.PAUL Q. OLIVER, Solicitor. .d2_g>.\Jq.r»* 12*10 EDJACC Fees. *

•Notice Is hcrebTTRUSTEE’S SETTLEMENT.- ...... ... ... -given, that tlie Intermediate account of tlu. ■

subscriber. Trustee under the last Will a, I Testament of -Hugo C. Fett, deceased, will ''<■ audited and stated by the Surrogate, and r« . ported tor settlement to tho Orphan's Court n I tho County of Union/ on Friday, the tweov seventh 'day of January next. • / ...

FIDELITY UNION TRUST . COMr.VN '*' (formerly Fidelity-Trust Company),w- . • . ■ xru it^ |fiated Deccmbm 20th, 1921,

oawSw—1-18 :\. . I

, mfi ___ •/t , '

ODWtf -und careful, conaclentous work t th establishment are responsihtsTo l van ford Dairy’s bottled .milk. On milk is famous, and tor the reaso; given above. Its unvarying excelvucf makes it the mÙk you shouli us« for every purpose milk la put te

Cranford DairyA u g u st T h erm am . Prop.

20 SOUTH A V E . Telephons 187...

AnnouncementBeginning May ist, we will/

deli ver.our liigh-grade. "

Ice Cream *IN CRANFORD ’

Orders for Sunday , iu the store by Satur­

day night

New York Candy Kitchen

173 Uroad'Street, Westfield, N. J. Telepboue 7S5

GAMILLO MASSAGeneral Contractor '

I Orading ........... Concrete Work

- Cellars Exeávated

■ Bewert, Sidewalks, Etc.


Venice Shoe Repairing Co.

11 Union Avenue

The Shoe Repairers Shoes Shined ~

Ali ' onr work i9 guaranteed, both as to quality and looks.' On the Second of May we . opened our. .... :

Hat Cleaning Department

mid are prepared to Clean- and c all kinds of Hats.Block i

Work called for and delivered Phone 116-J.---- ' .........

Tliono 36-M -----0 - ......

CHAS, s: GlVEf*pa in m ro a n d d e c o r a

~ ....Satisfaction Guar&nteei

38 Johnson Avenus, ..ORAN!

I blephone IS7'J -


tou*h Avenue, \ ORANTI

SMITH CRANE AND , TROLLEYIL I?°'J building Cranes and

— jej« from Vi to 3 ton capaq SPECIAL MACHINES BUZ

And Auto Parta MadeFactory 233-236 locust Avei

GARWOOD, N-.- J, ___ Telephone 733iL

FR ED H . J Au Successor to Philip Jahi House, Sign and - I

Fresco PaiPlain and Decorative Paper Hanging

n, . „ and dealer in.QLAS3' OO., PAINT, VARNiCr. . AND WALLPAPERCranford . --New.__Telephone. 26-SI

F. R O L FC a r P e n t e r a n d B u O d e

JOBBmo OP ALL KINDSpromptly attendéd to

tr*ena Repelrea and New Made■ ■ ■ .' Ordar V . - -

Eitiaatoa Ttaralshad yf * 0. Box 111 'GRANTOR

m .



i j y _mascarasrygfcspzsrTpizr&zv/

V S S I F J E D — '

î t i s e M e n t s□4 « thfe head not exceed. |,.Z5 centi each toiertion.> wocdit te. » »vont.


sen Uamiitun Hall and I Ice, small Mexican oiiajl green box. Reward i||

• IS Grove street, or ear phone, probablyl e or possibly on street, I care Citlzen-Cdironii-fef

WANTED.tree standards ot evl irrent Funds, Bisearil ire in : exchange, ittndl dx them. Westfield S.I on can select any ul| th avenue. "’o rent now or later, I

or part of .store ini Ij, cafe Citizon-Cliroul

' , Id.'I•Large, nicely furnish-1

'»in, with small adjoin l Light housekeeping I

G, care Citlzim-tdihuil....= . •________' J GI

o buy a second band Iige," in good condition. [ lt'ord 345,1.Ugliest cash' prircil d POSTAGE STAAI 1’S, I Frank Hadley, Plainf

■ 'J-'ilaiundress and clean lag I o in family. Tel. CrunT

or cal 1 23'.l~itiveisl(li| t avenue.!irl for general honsel ly 7 Holly street.

HATE’S NÖTIGESAN V. K1IKTZ, Oii’.aacJ ic.order of Üliurk'H -Nv- l'ml-1 ■fTlie County of Union, iiu-lel urtli duy of UpcoiuIkt, A. i»rl ppllettliuu of the umii-rsik'iud, I the estate o f suiti deci used, I then to Ute creditors ut snidi it to, llib su.hsu lber under tutti I ir ciulms and demands airutiiai I il dmaaed within six iiumtlJ I

said order, or .they will bri òiif prosecuting or rwoiVi’iu* | tiio subscriber,’

IAYMOND T. PARROT,Kxiviitur. IROT, Proctors,d Street, _ \...tli, N. J_,

• ' . iVcs-iiH*<j|1RLE8 h. PLUMB, Ihv.aM*.! Lorderr of-Charleu. iCXuil.liriE.

County of .Union» < ii If December, A. l>., Ilt21. uh»u I theruTidcrfllinied, 'atrA'dnmrvr I

Uoof-sald-deoeostid.-rUutltvill lie-creditors of said dt cuiie'l I e subscriber under on Ih <K | claims And demands , in alnsi I1 deceased within six . nmtuhil order, or they will be foreurl cuting or reedverliig the same. I rlber; I

— MARTHA (i.-H IjUMRv- I--------— AdminisuauU-1

flint claims .against the > st:nr| ie Adminismtitrix, care of MM 5 Beaver Street, New York I


ï .?


t * *"■*'

Tëm^ssmÊz ‘xsmsmsfë&Œ.


—Comfortably fiinib|,| r one or two gentlemen eslred. W. WaldmannPlace, - ,f


sAtw^° n f 1S. W.. Oak extension! lto horn *16.50, new no ! I, candlesticks $4 50 m .I leather suite $iis, new! If. mail, parlor table f-Hosiery and under. I ; trim the mill. Hosiery! four pairs)1._cl)lhlren’i| las, $2.00; men’s, si iof i pairs sold. Orrok, is; avenue, Cranford. r | -Lady's - skating shoe, [ Uke new, size, sf m Routl ' I’—A comfortably ' ftlr. I in, breakfast if desired f street. 'Large heavy,sofu, lurgel top dqsk and leal bur f 1 r;.2!l-A ilington-Hiiaii ■ i large and 1 -siuulll % iron bed, brass lieiil kitchen table (seats |J

sideboard, platforiul•or. iiaLmck;^20;Atliof|

I ThePlain Beld-Union Water Compan I supplies the in habitants o f Plain

®eW, North Plainfield, Fanwood Westfield, Garwood, C ran fo rd , itoselle, Uoeelle Park and Kenil worth with water for domestic use.

ra io o w t ..— f « - r t n -811,1 rarefui, conscientous work in] T h e* P u r e s t a n d S w e e t e s t til establishment are responslhts-foFf, , _ . • «Jw ceiesiCranford Dalrys bottled.mllk. Our th a t NaHir<* F a n V «»U ” milk Is famous, and for the reason'.. Y i e l d ..jjlvtn above. Its unvarying excel­len t makes It the milk you should uso for every purpose milk la put to

CranfordAugust Thekman. Prop.

20 SOUTH AVE. Telephons 187...

AnnouncementHeginniflg May ist, we will/

-... (lcli ver .our high-grade - '


Orders for Sunday , in the store by Satur­

day night

New York Candy Kitchen

173 Broad-Street, Westfield, N. J. Telepboue 756

The water soppli«] by the Tom pony has been analysed by Allen Bazen, Esq., a leading hydraulic ex­pert, formerly of Boston, now o f New York, and pronounced by him to be water o f “ great organic purity,” and in a letter to one o f the Company’s patrons he adds, “ Yon.are to be congratulated upon having so good a supply, and you need have" no anxiety whatever aa to .it« »b o le someness.” _r .

T h e C o m p a n y R e f e r s

t o a l t i tA M a t r o n s -. ' 'T.i

The interest ¿ f the Company isI Identified with the communities in I which its piantris located and it is I the policy o f the management to do I its full share to promote theirgrowtb and prosperity.

A representative of the Company will be pleased to call on parties w^o do not a t present use water fromits mains, and explain iatee, terms,method o f service, etc.

reached in 1020 Is Indicated in the crop bulletin. Issued by the jitaie De­partment o f Agriculture. Notwith­standing the drop, wages In souie In- itanetsi were duulile those prevuillng

fin 1815, Which marked the opening ofthe war period as it affected‘.labor conditions In this country.„ The report. indicates that th« monthly average for form iMi..,r-wit'p’'- boan] last year wus $ttT, ng compared With $Ta In neo and $S'irripTS7 The average lust year without Fount was $50 per month, as, cotupiircd «lilt

ASK FUND TO FIGH T T H E P S-I^n i?20 nntJ 133 ,n 10ir* . "■ The meru&o day utme for harvest \york last year with board 1s placwl ct $2.78, as against $j ••fh' lie’ll anil $1.80 In 1015, Tlib average tlay «•age Without board "lastr''yc.,r was i:i.or>, compared with f5 ’¡for--lirdil-uud !f2.2'> for 1015. The iivcrngejlay wage for other than harvest work hist year was$2.1(1, compared Willi f j l i j '

IN LEGISLATUREMeasures Designed to Redeem

Party Pfedges Slated for ln- troduction at 146th Session. .

Organisation of Sonata With 8onatrf Mackay of Bargen as President and William Alibright of Gloucester aa

Secretary—Rowland, Speaker.


~__ _ - — .. . I eoiujiureu wun XI!Trenton, The one hundred • and | ami• $1,25'-for 1015,. w ltll

sesalon, of »*» Now Jersey average lust yeni‘“wUhoul l.oard «-ns & « * * * 18 Trenton with the $2.00. compared will. $li>r, m liclii Bepubllcuns having a strong working I and $1.70 in 1015majority m both, bouses. The compo- Oompurullve llgiires in the bulletin sltlon of tlie Senate Is 10 Republicans; show ,hat jrer New .1 e r lv f,,nns•embGe^ 5Cinlm: iHntl th8t of the ^ Produced 0,004,000 bushels of min •embly, 45 Itepubllcans and 15 Demo- with u total vnlue (lf $5,2Sl,tH)o l,s

ln the Legls' I lng " value o f $LWlij)iw'ln

« i ï Â Â t b i s s ï , " - .n;s r f f l i «•*

CAMILLO MASSAIGeneral Contractor

I Grading .... .....Oonorets Work

- Gellara Excavated

■ Sewers, Sidewalks, Etc.i P. 0.' Box 53 CRANFORD

P la iq f ie ld - Ü q io q

W a t e r G o iq p a q y

f JT* North Avenue. PlainfTeld. N. A.

144 Rrosd Street, Westfield N


Venice Shoe Repairing Co.

11 Union Avenue

The Shoe Repairers Shoes, Shined ~ : .

All onr work is guaranteed',, both as to quality and looks.« On the Second of'May we

' opened our.Hat Cleaning Department

«'nd are prepared to Clean- and Block all kinds of Hats. ' * Work called for and delivered Phone-116-J. t .

the Republican caucus several months ago. Senator William B. Mackay, of Bferfeen County was elected President of the Senate; and Assemblyman T. Harry Rowland, of Camden, speaker.

The Democrats nlimod Senator Alex­ander S. Simpson of Hudson for mi­nority leader of the Senate, 'and As­semblyman Henry j. Uuede, of Hudson County, as Assembly .floor leader. Sen­ator Collins U. Allen, of Salem Coun­ty, Is slated for chairman of the. ap­propriations cobmitttoe','1 ;*. ....

In view of the election of a governor and United States senator this year, much Interest attaches to the session. .' Among Uie matters pending cbbsld- eraUon are proposals for financing the state highways, the abandonment of the..Morrls Canal, continuance of the state ■ police, reducing campaign ex­penses of United States Senators, and pure food legislation. ”

Repeal of the Van Ness act Is to be sought by the Democrats. The Repub­licans have not taken. an advanced posIUon, pending decision of the con-

aventge price‘ being » 1.15, making atotal of $1,72!>,U<)0 tia compared «|th1.181.000 busliels valued at ,*2.05 or-a total of $2.127,IKK) foe '1P20. The pro­duction of ouW in 1021 uggi’eggted1.728.000 hushels valued ut I'orty-flve ccnts„iLbushel or u total of $778,000; In 1020 the production , t>f .oips was PólOI.OOO husliels valued 'at soventy- five cents or 11 total of $1,728,000-

Decline In Rye Production Rye produced In 1021. aggregated

Odll.OOO bushels valued at $t 02 or- a totul. of $1,018,0(K>. In 1020 the rye production was 0i;2.0tK) huslnls valued at $1;70 or u totul of $i.SH5 000

Buckwheat..production hi 1021 «as 108,000bushels vuluod nt K| or uloial of $1,108,000. The huck« heal vleld In 1020 wus 141,000 husliels ' Valued ut $1.50 or n totul of S2J(IOdO

Tho potato yield last year Is iilactal at 0,025,000, the average price at $1M2 and the totul value of the crop itt*S12p 810,000. In 1020, 11.010,000 husliels of potatoes were produced,- the uveiage- ' - r ------ —a - » vw w m v*- wie VV4I- ■ - . • « -

stltutlonallty of the measure by tbo I I,r^v being "$1.25 mid j he total viiliu Court of .Errors and Appeals. Tbe| of t,IL‘ $17tr,(Ki.(«M>. Sweet pot tin Supreme Court bus upheld the act. I productlon last your mnuunted to

\ Pledges In Form of Bills ' | L070.00U huslnd.s ........ at $7.70 aRepublican platform pledges ln the In

form of hfils were presented tb.New.|o« , i'1,1"1 | l " l"l'."',lnM «asJersey’s leglslature lmmedlutdy fol-I $2,mo,ooo >nh K S !' ,'5,!’ " " ," '1

- 7 V . * ; v-.

t h e f o w l s o f t h e a ir \as well as the cattle on n -thousand b ills all contribute their share .of

l ’lione 36-M 0 — "

C H A S , s : Q 1 V E N Sp a in t in g a n d d e c o r a t in g

• _ ' y - , • K • • • ■ -Satisfaction Guaranteed

3« Johnson Avena* . . CRANFORD

i, uicuAitn» >. I Telephone IS7>J.-orUt-r of CliarlfH N. Umlilinc. | County of Union. ni;ul<k

r Dccvnibcr, A. I».. 1921. m»" | 1 the utulersIgiuHl, as te of suit] di'i'ensed. iioM***1 * lie creditors of said..«iV*‘v‘iS'‘*| i*. suhacrlher mider o;illi-°rl claims *and demands aM'1111'11 i deceased Within sir inoutltsl order, or tliey Will he ton-i'fl L'litlne of recoveHnc-lhe •s '1’1 rlber. '- -ELISE WINCKLKK. Aihdinisti iiii'L |

iSON, Troctor, • •'Cet, *" ...-N.- J. .

Fees'$1 'S'-V

C L Y D E C . D E L L


..REGISTEREDB«nth Avsnua,

ii Chancery of JNow Jer t Held Trust Company. >i lant, and -Alfred BonplJ'. ifendaiits. ..FI, fa. for

' . Iabove-stated writ of N'T* | the Sheriff’s ofllco in tli?

:ity of Elizabeth. N. J.. *l11 THE \25TU DAY OF . A.' D.. 1922. , ,tf afternoni;/ of said d.i).l i,_ tract or. parcel, of. li«« I Inafter particularly «''' [ and being In tho Boro"!,'» I nuhty of Union, and I

ip ebrner formed by.',the ¡"'I westerly side lino of Walnut I lutlierly side line of Fourt» I ig thence southwardly aloof I r’alnut 8trect forty eljihtt W|| to other lands of said -VlfretJ i in and Ruth Alvartii* Iwestwardly alonK said I

id binding thereon one hm|J' I nd ouc half (123%) fe*-t fa I Kaylor; • thence NorthwAnlb r entloned lands and bimli"h L t (48) feet to said line »■* I id thence eitstwardly. alonk I Fourth Avenue one humirni 1

Cr approximately $725.00. ORGE II. JOHNSTON. '-r. •'“* ... aiitTli-. Solicitor. . „„.LEDJ&CC -Fees. $1? '' |

SM ITH CRANE AND '. TROLLEY CO.Ar|P?«°'f bul 1,iR Cranes and Trol froni % to 3 ton capaqity


Factory 233-235 Locust Avenue, GARWOOD, » . J,

. Telephone 733-J:

FRED H. JAHN. (Successor to Philip Jahn) _

House, Sign and y IFresco Painting

Plain and Dacorativa.Hoper H v i g i n g f

o iA c an<t dealer in ASS OIL, PAINT, VARNISHES

Cr,n, ANI> WALLPAPER — — 0r<1’ f —----- -New Jersey__ _ Telephone 26-51 . y

LEMENT.- -Notice Is ,hcrel)T intermediate account of tn«-1

under the. last WlB 0,.ltl I C. Felt, deceased, will I’M by the Surrogate, and re' j

it to the Orphan's Court oi i on/ on Friday, the tweoD' mary next. ' ‘ ‘ I ...ilON TRUST. COMr.VM. ildellty -Trust Company) i- — s Truitd* | ISOUylMl, V

f . R O L FCarPenter and Builder

JOBBING o r ALL JONDSPromptly attended to

r«en* Repaired and New Hade to . ■ Order - - i

Bitiaataa Ftaralshad ’ J ■'!"‘ P- Box IU ,- CRANFORD

MEAT FOR YOU TO EIYTThis , handles none but the

choice, grades o f . -

LTRY AND MEATJ/s prices, are based on the many

sales and , small -profit 'principle. It 'wants - yorr - regular -trade ~anU we*II

et it if you > * t r only give us « In ti, •'he quality of thé meaCs and the moder­ate-prices’ are-what-we rely oo to lmi;d business. “ . ' '

Fish and Clams Every Friday


: ' Telephones 260; 261 T

Business Thóne 261L3 - Residence Phone l80>yT

Plumbing, Tinning, Heating

114 South Ave. E. Cranford

P.O.Box M4

Ralph A. MercaldiM ASON ’ •

Contractor And BuilderV ESTIMATES FURNISHED 'All work done, by experienced rneir. Monroe Avenue and 15th Street


lowing Its organization. Among them are :- • " . .

The New York Harbor Developineiu bill almost Identical with that Intro­duced . ln the New York- legislature.It will embrace the recommendation of the port , authority for development °,f New York; harbor. Attorney Gen­eral MqCran Was on® of the framers of the bill. .1 \ ! V, A bill for ah appropriation of $25,­

000 to gaslst the Public Utility Coni- mission dn fighting the Public Service Railway Company's litigation for a permanent 8-cent fare. ' \ .

Legislation, providing for a" referen-, dam on a $50,000,00(1 bond Issuo for I u'L'm1"' highways. ' . ' , | NO« .f' lm > fmtl

A resolution will T*h Introduced au- thorlzlngjs’evvj ers'ey to co-opefa’toWIt b Congress agdlnst pollution ulong the Atlantic seaboard and inland • water­ways. This- la in line with the. rec- ommendstlona ’Cohgressman Appleby Is making In Congress. ; > . ' " " *

! May Take Over Canal ,Action—by the legislature—toward

the state taking over the Morris Canal property, because , the franchise la no

longer used for the only-purpose lor

The talue of tho n|i|>it. (.|.np |H estlnnitcd at $l,.ri(il.nni) c.iiiijuiri'd «H i $3,500,(KK) In 1020. I lic I>|'|><111111 joiI ],,Ht year wus • only... i;i;7,mio i,u ;Ii,'Ih i ririi- pnred -with ncurlv .¡.000000 IiiimIii'Is ln 1020. .. 'J lie |u |i e |;is| yenr « us $2.70 ns coiuimreil «Itli 81.20 for J02O. Thè valile of the pinoli Crep lust' veur WHS $1,222,000 eiiui|iul eil vvirli 8 I iVl’y,., 0(K) In 102(1. 'i tie .eriinlie.iTv (Tn[, )usl year wiih-valued nf $2 .riOi; 0110 : ( 11111-pured with $!.::o*i r,oil -In- 1 flL'i 1..... : ’ ....

• ' Vari ^ • ■Tile Mil lilt, ef t Ilf. Su eillllld Vun

Ness net sjumini,rci!,|,.y thè tirsi wiuiiun i member of the legislnliire eleeli‘i|*fu'

. . . . . . . . siiii-e- lii'feutiM.. Iii'nmv '■ In le\,lcrt tu foie 1 In* ( u( i-t1 or I iTors ■ Ifrqd 'Appe/lls. tile lribi-mllt„ f hml .■is.r.i't hi. New .U'i'sey. ''I lie l'iipi imii,* . 1 'mirt '• buil-sufitulneil (bo ;e t. hut Hi,. f|:., ‘ .f „ , •Wns..<!L,Ì!V»l<'d, . Ijliuillil'.tliJ.luu'. r,,'- ile | dared . ubculislU ulluiuil, - ns ,iliir ihe lawyers.of U.10 siuie •ulllriu It to he, action by (lil.s-.jiessIiMi of the lirhirn- ture to meet suelisun "inergeiicv «mild ! apparently become neees.-.iirv, hee oisc \ nothing but the. old eu/oreeuient 'Would reuhiln. unii tliese provide f r trial,. by . jury,--runignl .0. - uh oboli

FOR SALE...A charming little home tor two ¡(mall families, liousd' contains...

contains 8 rooms, four rooms In each apartment, garage, „15 minutes walk 1 to station. Bargain._____ .............$4,500

Attractive small home, U rooins„ Jiatb, stcanr beat, oak ftoorfC- gas, eloctilrlty, glass' isucli, copper screens, Jour minutes ■ walk to station...... .......................... .......... ........ . ,$6,200

/Stucco'house, 5 rooms, bath, steam beat, gas ami electricity,'. comer property, excellent comlltIon.. . . , ................ $7,800 ’

A cosy home ot Militiimtini emisinictiont- stucco alpi sliinglo, conci et 0 porci»'«., open lire place, -leeplfig porcli. li roonisi balli, plot fiiixiu, * ............... $1050(1

An uuusual homo, 1 imtainlng 11 iooiih, 2 Imtli-, beautlfully labi ou(, si emù lieiit, parquet lloors, largo pondi, bpei) llrC'

' , iiliices, giungo........: .......1........................ ........ ...$15,000

InsuranceKvery form'of insifinnce « ritten tliioiigh this olile.«, «rarefili

attention given to all details, l'roinpt adjustments. -


G R A N F O R D , N . ) .-^3 , , • ' /


G R A S S M A N & K R E M• " ERNEST L, MEYkli, Incoffiorntoil • '

. Estnblisbod 1830 :


i ' C l . v I j . l ï u j j i n t ' t M ’ N *X? j S u r y i s y o t ’ N

onici« I Masonic lluiMuig. Griinlord, N. .1 1208 Blond Hlrocl, Kllznlmtli, N .1

It’s Getting Cold ! Warm Up Your Car L

Heaters of AH DescriptionsFOR O P E N A N D CLOSED CARS -

John H. Stoltz Garage13 Union Avenue, (rear) Cranford--------- “ Phone IT6-W ~ ~ _ ‘ ~

Otir Wnioirr, Fresi'.:

Tel. 23-WN. J. OamicuNiiKiiiiKa, Treim

OTIS WRIGHT, Iner332 North Ave. East, Cranford

L u m b e r M i l l w o r k M a s o n ’ s M a t e r i a l s

S t b r r n S a s h B l o c k a n d K i n d l i n g W o o d

G l a s s H o t B e d S a s h !

Raritan Valley FarmsFroduea Certified Milk Only

' 27c. Q t. ■ /- CRANFORD DAIRY

Phone 197

T h e M c C a r t e r S c h o o L .. • - -■ ■

8 Parker Avettbe, Craatord—1 ■

...dergartefl and Primaiy ClassesAlso classes.ln French after school hours, 50c per lesson. Tutoring ih other subjects, $ 1 per hour. ■ 1 ~

— McCa r t e r ,ALICEPhone 453-W

which it wasxranted,ils.urged b j Stltte I'beveragu as hgnl 11« ms or biiiPj mil •I,: j :bbkN'na s*0ator-.WIlUam-H.' Parry «rf-Ks»«TBale; aiid’ ri'gidiTt.ri'ii.' «„ine. Till' now C’.l!.TOVK county. '•., . ^1 Stunite rcpcnlH til« old. 80.'If It Is III-

TheXehlgh-YalleyJiaa-madean-offer-J vaildHt-rciinns inTTipiTuT?” ” ’ to the people Of New Jersey, «aid Jena- Guard Reorganization

Z 2 Assejnldyiirau eh.U. Cilirmxh-U, IMw- -tlie-state-turnlng-over-to-fiieTUilraSdl ¿ „^ all omcKr' the overseas forces company , the very valuable terminal the • wbrl.l war. has heen u de properties,ln Jersey City, known as the I custodian iin.1 Hp.,ns.,r for a bill forLittle Basin and Big Baata, wh!chTiave |,the reorganization of tbe Htute Na- a frontage of about 1,000 feet on the tl»n « (lunrd alongjire-wiir'lbies wbl . Hudson r!v^, directly.opporttMo^n- adhering to-the 'Risliiritr act • act'/con-

tfollln'i! ‘ " e .i"l<tW .'Sinbirsliment offrom:7Q0.Jteet to jover 2 )00.feet, with f^he states .■k- . " " ^ v —_ The Itepublluins nmlntnln tl.a) Cov-

Every attempt to aban^on the Mor- ernbmdunrfH i-+ mnde a p.dUln.l rls Canal In the past ,was defeated be- -plaything of ili.^ju.ird, uHAi./cMilt of cause of popular oppoaltlon to tbe Le- « bus In.»..., „In.osi eomprw.'ly. highs auempt to grab this valuable dissipated. "Thi'y..,iliiliu that, throng],

^t5‘e ,n Jersey City. I his direct Intlin.'iice, Ilinvun) H; Iionlo,r Hie Morris Canal and .Banking Com. la nilllloualro social dcmli'r, wasHiiide pany; the lessor of the Lehigh Valley brlgudler general In. coicimand of the .Railroad, was given a franchise by the Guard to the .■xHiiHl<,i/;:;r .»vr.,.ri. state to nse Hie basins _ arra: termlna! ehced Tcteran of »cer^f^experl.'Wc. for the Morris Canal. ' , , I- . As g.wp?-. many opr^Toid anil tried; ValU<t. lt Gearing lofllcerH %, e body. li[|.s_r('Hlgrn'il midSenator Parry said the LeMgh Val-1 btberg bL^-beon fou'cif (jut of the

ley as a basis for settlement accepts vylnu... 1ms become disorganizedthe figures of Louis Focht'of this city, I ***" disintegrated. . .who In 1912 appraised^this-property at I • e the results Ims been tbe re- 'about $3,500.00av “President Adolph “ ov,ul irom CnmilciT tojbderson, the Roeiler of the ClvicS .of the Oranges,” I ‘lcart<iunrt<»rs of the One IliindriHl jinil said Senator Parry, “ in a history - of ] 11 ‘’ y/^^nl'i- iJ'iiv^U - of- iiiraniry, the Morris Canal. publlshed over ten l “ *** «P wholly of South Jeregy units, years ago, asserts that a; conservative I ®n.d w, t!1 u ^ ort l ■,erM,i resbleiit ns pi estimate of the value of the. terminal 1 ,I11 ,,Tnn'« _ ~~ " g a f fproperty ln J e ^ y c i^ WM $30,000,-1, «e / 1 hllums •prapo.w.- tiierefiiiST■000. in a letter, iwhlchl have Just i.“ ,?.0 i : , ‘ 8 ‘M 11 ado ...e leglslfitlve received from Mr. Boeder,, he states “ f/ } ' . 1" a " J, to.1lie tbftthat his estimates were based on the “ veHest «"rtmages-.of .the whole; sea-opinion of experienced realtors. 'Mr. I __ • ' - „ , ' -Hogder alao asserts that the present L j ^ e,„C0 ? , T n ^value of the property Is at lealrt *85,- S?,“ 1 B ,tui d by.“ M“ te OOoW" ■ *00’ bill, but It Is not to be *50,000.000 as

___ _ I proposed IkhI year. It *s to be onlyo f f $433)00,000, and the people will, hate

■ chance 40 Bay at tl,e P «»h No­- a irJT1111 v« m,,cr whether they wunHt or m>t.

in a few years be worth $00,000,000. . I There Is iy>t likely to 1» any political\ Crop Bulletin I scrap ovef tills measure, however, as

Marked decline ln wages paid tdlboth parties saeui tty be agreed that: the:.. farm labos'tn'.New Jersey last year (people urc -strpngly lacklng the road a« eoaapared with tha hlgh-itetsr^naik Improvement p r o g r a m . .

20. Sonth, Avai.



T llF I fF me M'v.'ial ri'iiHon«. why .Mi. llupiiy I’lirty Is Imppy. Hi»

li1( H' rapid, transit way we - m lm lule onr deliveries. Your

I:« onr thno table.' We’ll get,.your order there when wo promised to. . ■ •

JACOB KLEINPotter BuilJing:..—Union Avenue

Telephone DU , ___

■ II


'iit, on

¡Tur |U'||l«t<‘In-

fur»* •on

to tmi

Tn.«I- hr.

ap|i.u ii11. Sh v

outil! al jMjwi r. i * u L -

tillUtT LidVW uppiua LI -Hi.. Uh* Ì\\i*r.Ul I •«’}! I* H *

M t f l ' to . ■ffV tor lia*JoihIm'I-s of ( i l l) th f n V in i Pa rk .; poi ant h<»,. loht ‘ U lo • is on tin*

( I n *

•>Uon Siati Ini '*vk

j 4\ ‘iit nl Vffil BVl’iUU*'noi! lo Imi hu ’lio n s (o

liporli«! ; askisl t ho t «hit«vs toi IìIh whs n*

' ro th


•#‘f l

at ' u,Il ; jiig Mielr

u, oiiths

. ;IVo u

. I’lint'«i bu,i dio lo , goml •Ice.


Meiats, Fish, Butter Eggs and Poultry

T P lio n e s 3 © ® 'I f YOU WANT, IT GOOD GET IT A T IRVlNd”

. : « VI,OHM) KVJCltY WKUmtsiiAY AKi'KHMOt/.Y,-1 - •

I .u i 1

Telephone 4!I5(J - 1 ■ ' /

JULIUS DREHER'A k o iìI M or K l l ' l '- S C1IOJCK M A 1/1- A N D


1■ JJoUh'H, «S to iip eg .s im d


h o p sT u b in g

mÎ ^ O L

»t it ,


Also to bo uad at Klein's Meat. Market


Renovate Your Grounds! '. PLAN YOUR SPRING WORK. , , ,

Let us Trim your Trees and Shrubs. . • , « (



a ntill 25

1 0 i N o r t h Ä V e . W c s t

fc r

« e Hie milan­- me. ■

Packing --and —

! ippingpecialty ■

lines« hours, - - touso confer

- •W.'(s.15$Vs5â titi5eU*â ------------- i : !

- , I<y4»afc*lr-S»‘ l*"*** W S F M M

‘ ? -


R r i e n :

: P o o »

242-] " V a E ^ i H i ! E . Broad S u W däS e id

: Szafiíj—ïk © l b . g w i f t i ; 22 zou. rnmfiar 4Seâ*a»; ::1S 9 Zywursi U *roc ; t ». su htcmU mt

1 «teäteüäu—f » au. jcwïw -ruralias*.

iS S


7 1 A N 0 T U N E R

■ be. EL. XL C e n a «59 p fs d i m r i ¿Sidfiky miiivnf actâ «HBBing «S SILl im i l i N .g-C 5sjEL---- .tt. -,........

f TLÚLT *&tE2lUUE dtt ÎMHüatf A ì i : **wj«Sy » ’ili luAß « iö w r 7 «l k i t e lutlte 1IÎ lite* f j m f RiTift«te.i w |i»»t

«g , <Qm fcd8WWlt.,, rrsss^xnsrsssxasà Xts: Wdaumfigy tvtcoLC' i t e

¡jfcayer m w íatf *ÍB ' te Jjtùi .%$ ¡is . .Ckcrui! ta m t ihuxnt .*£ k b v EBs» j ’Otmacnaa. ,Ü33 ítini «zw...

<«. 7'iíatxiLT.. - JtamacT r ii.- i t e

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F Í ¿ Ib t X « fTg*r írrtíti a be n í te ® «sd «ffiStea-

t » ä h . Itesr r&wtíBg teü4 Jto- Ttesdar preset*. _ Sa i t eXEftHtiL.if Htemif.. Tf«- oèwlv-rtâopîadlüic, t í iu jw rE g tîA fSîiC ite sSawS- arí Aswrie«ri rjzxaú Sor « o -finii t i iut>i &ggt *nfiíd gr«a£ir ta I te SSM**«-.«# -k b t-p n fm .—T w sew irmaites1» "V »üniÄciä t ® i t e '

icu¿ aee»J'ai\j;ci i»? a ïü r tl ttl- «n c . uuf ’¡ « « ‘.s .iD »i ;a t e fi-î-eti t e

* s * -c r x : R c r r 'i

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,»• » ...UIIHP5’ j w 2, - t n p e t r a i t étî*;îTüî ’•:»? T.îtë î<£jiH:caf

a.: s¿j*> EüH-2jr,f s*

"X"ü Preterii *vj=s? . A5 sunti z- zr.

EsE «a Site; :te te fax i zut*z.t

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r ! :>» >_tî rj? Goal âcrfcr. S^ç -TTr Gttt i

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.SsL-jL-inaisi S icj I/uimu-jiC. * L m . OhttniB fNiiiuui k 41 a ilMunuiif 5*sej'tr 3î a il

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Sb« Eep inr Wink Y « Wat>al r.llirt>J V im

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*Témhmm ZSZT

■ 3 A “ ' » - •*“ *-» -üJ ILA» «i.

a -i», Ï t»?02 ■nitte,511 ^ Ifam.fjaa Trate îinf ■;i§t stH Mî/I:rr* WSîd l»e ^

^nîi*« .11L TilL^4ÜtJ0,i»;HiJr>| pt'rifí. tC ii 1 !»**?»*• "'ï*e *ilS^«Vi4Ul*ir3-k H ~îl4 -*E*Î JJQÜHUÜK!» I l Waäf R.

W ■'"tefl-w»» fw c jjjr « J te ACitíntea »a snj H ll i * l t in “ in «uiijitis i i F i»- i l -- . . . . . .. .-■tunuitw: -

■J’te v ii) lit >iimrf«*'ias lu»-

ÏT 'V > '. VJ’I »* '‘HÎSf s


Ul-ltm. tUlfOS l IlltifCLJlLHlLl ]wrr. i-iiiiQ «aitfuajinud uiit larfiitr wrnn iiiKmic..- X .T,,-£Hciuiig. it. tiuuütteitel iiiif i i -Ji» i«ss udunutiii num i l*-te. üiiuiru?' nu ï w «nlÿius t e arïB iutt'-tiji mit! a: .»ûi! •uuuuwc.ïiGmUij te * ” 4rr -tiftiirisiul w ua -n i* man i i ilrmriiri! a?» n-rjintt

V u M . Stored a d i ^ â t dP p e n A l l N i g h t

L i

È .1 ‘ S í-— Pf . * ^ ï

i r“ 7“

Bake Goods of All Kinds

P h . K i v a t i n o sW * â a i i : * aá S u c î fc a .-siiü.. C r jm iw d N - J .


as Tì-ca* ïa-âraatlii-s. mV tiul^nmiui uác-iíteJ».;î.i

jmr.. nr< mni— ti «ir «■■Bi/ate••ua»tii ate (tmîïifi h iaatinir. Bte auuiter b eaaaiâiiE <¿r sha. jwm^- 4r iti tm»sgta7. ,T te«t «1« «a g f L tea « ï t te nscifertfcl «lisiHun £ùci4taikfi i ia watthu teperteea ’ *w n o a: » * i> « tena.— -Oms-zu& j S i »teMjp. pt. ir i fü » f » .

. , i* in l M ü t i M t t l «npripoMCL


Phone & .W

tznvjmu t t  m ci .n î it e ta s s iv i ■ •_ tfinamr FmûiaUacer'

_-í4l atiimiTtemc xuwsjuf ♦< ite i lin o {.‘imite 5»tasw¡ *'í F i teiioaûtc» w ut mut iiii ?riüET i«««nu ter :}llj ^üU. u i..:« j, il. siaùi «ni» jâimi<ad9 wwfca. - .. -,

Tin nHnnoLf m-u» l ie * ¿nâiüt ‘«¡yrc ii te i-lif iiufixfta lu» ïïte ytim

maint' aiaii agir.t:tnf, ~ d e n t e i ic- liiiaiiiMiU'iisn 'iiioisreiruf l in i { ' ¡a x e Cium.: ’ iiti-i ii.r -»‘¡II] ajçtiatr m ite»*- tu .i attilli. . '

R £ £ Xquestion bi rd

*r> .tua « ¿ g. fA n * y * f r : -

T K .« H eA lih ies t

<“î î?T l i r H EA trH iE ST p iít of a ... ~a& « »{]**- i í i¡adoclit<|Éi]f tke -•ji;-; <**•.. II ron’« wauideml aas? í.*vi2 fiLíipylaad ta le tho

>--» *k»i-'I»c: u* «rii you the :»m-OT j i_ 'lo»»í a lot. of foUts n u teil joa Ilia: we are tho-

c- Sttd that our» > bandied by ei-

■í#n í¿-í u i f i i t f . ; ■ .

REXALL STORE.. . l. R. 8EAb Prai ' -

S a itru f HaSiirHan : ito I A-;1L , 3to7P. M.

Phone 1 3 *7 ' '

Emergency Calla 387

u r m n s s T :

T H O B O tro s a r o n c yoo always get when w e do yoú rplumbing X'«a arili never findleaky Joints or paneleas aüUerbig in any trork done by os. Reiiability i- oor we Uve tip to it and «thereby are favored with the

.patronage o f t h e best *»milir-i Ln ' Cranford year In and year ont I W arn Too want scientific, expert plmNbtog hare it attended to by

HESS BROSHeatings Tinning

, Teiephooe 8 U ..—- .....;7 a. TTnioa A rsa«« -tn tAxr oHD

i f Yoa Suffer With. Chapped Hands


Dermatone Compound

S » I n Xn.mrpt u Ba*z4 ltsm tg .i ■ . . . Tbke» ■ ■ - .. ’ ’


Vte tmfirrt roe -»mi 1-y His d e c i imo '..tei;'* item* ui. eA^rijitni. « m »r ne, lEWt-iumt .

THte tnrtira.’ iK-.jiurti fnun; itue Stck i;'v jiif inaiaiaiLofit mw* ceeaíneid uno 'tc’fterei imni • • . ■—JCmtuIiniiniiiii. -Jiualfc-ait&uaa^«itliiK 1L.-UL I'.llal? JILTÍt. j&LgSlöta'* tifii«.. Htjunm;.: .vf rtiui»,- ecffiwy iiugmiiti— j eeaâeV'•t* oe-.-gi-.i* tu4 measn-’ie. n' liuer*' fianeii tr.f teiaiiieice*.. pc-ISC r-"i»ttriii» uzjZ ta iling*. Ejoseïnito » t- ternanttiiict. Habvay bridge*. Elir-

.teHfti.iciîf». pabileatloa*. -eleet toas.caw Jar pe <.1 pr¿MCiem. atationery. »tirai iVotsijtc.L boipitai m J lunacy.

Tte T :ta k e r s report »bows: .’&*.!**«* . : .KLSeajSiXlS.'a i¡ i ; i»c .: i .............4.WOM3«


210 S o u t h A v e n u e ,_C r a n f o r d , N . J .~ --- • ' •________ » • • • • ’ ik-

r - 7Fresh M ilk and Cream

...... R ig W Iro i i ith e iF a rm« r o i v e . u s ^ w A u ^ a i

W e deliver ia Ccaoford, «M elle at


and Roselle P ark Address M E vE R BROTHERS.

Orove Dairy Farm ............. r CRANFORD, N. J .

W *..'«teT.IW ».TWMbVMbseiar

r. B. UBiY Bh 't

Funeral DÌRctors and EmbalmenCUNTO«» Ntw v o i« o r n a

»4 Bart 39th strati

Him» BUI sut

i__ ^ m n r u >B Ï r.t'Braadi.Strati- , - N q tiiM 'ia

G L E N F : S T E E L Ei » T » e n t e r a n d B u i l d e r" T;^“ ESTIMATES FURNISHED -

J o b b i n g o f A l l K i n d s

fb o M S 7S .lL

G u i d e

SiLtow >:r_' iLteí.,-.... ‘ .11,5431413 ■ A -i-M-Att',,i-,rj. us»-dtog the budget

'afinnir-nrr ite ,smite-:.-; oí fulplú* re» «mute tcornocuLijiC t o a 3T¡l.S2áJi5 In- rubliJU» Ü wat aborted.

A :tmiüi3j:c ¡aakt-g transfers ofil&imt».'? IVLI L5ÇIM.I».!

Thi; co-apîlœated thente.nvteri ite. 5te welk do-ne-durini IJut ywar fffit -

-BiMtni MijitszZiid stoe die.. ...‘ BE.VJ KI.VG___

’ Clerk.

THE ORGAX1Z.VFION MEETIXG The <irg»ttuaiioa meeting of the

Boanl of Cboaen Freeholders of L’ nkin County was held at the Court House. Elliabetb. on Monday. Jan­uary 2nd. 1922. at 12:6*) o'clock noon»

The new members were sworn In by Jndge Carlton B. Pierce and the oaths'ot office filed with the County Clerk. The Clerk called the meet­ing to order and called the roll as follows: . . _

Elizabeth—Elias F. Applegate, -James Or-BrokawrThumas F.-Hi ‘ land, George J. Stewart. .

lfahway—Clifford B. Gehring. W il­liam H. Randolph. -«rnmmt^W’tttlani-l.-MeMane, Ste» pjicnKttNhllen.

Plain tie Id—J nines F. Buckle. R i­chard J.- Uarrigan. •

Westfield--Chas. M. Affleck. .Chai A. Smith. • . - . .

Clark—George A. Holland. Cranford—George G. Teller. - —Fanwood—Jolxn Z. Hatfield.......Hillside—1). Leeds Miller. Jr. Linden—Rutherford H.- Decker. Mountainside—Elston Darby.New Providence—John H. -Peck. Roselle—Emery L. Lllllbridge. Roselle Park—David j . Farren. Springfield—Peter If. MelseL .Union—Frederick A.- DolL ’Freeholder -George G. Teller- was

nominated and elected Director forthe ensuing year.-

Benjamin Ring was appointed Clerk of the Board for the next three'years at a salary ot=42.M<M».

N. RrLeavltt.vras appointed Treas­urer for the next three years at salary of fCSOBOa -The rales of the Board of 1S21

were-adopted as the rules of thia Board. -

The budget for the year 1922 was approved as follows: -Anticipated-»and surplus reve»

n«ea .................. .$412.402.01Amount to be raised by - -........

taxation ................... 980.00400

Total o f...........».IU&R&01Thg Treasurer 'was authorited_to

advance- M the Sheriff the sum of *2.000. 1

A. bond-’ ln the amount of *5(1000 ‘Pr the Treasurer was approved by the -Finance Committee.,

The. committees for the year 1922were announced by.thö Director r—

” led to raeetTburs- occaslon-or herSSnlblrthlaya knva .. ___was SD^ht U-lfh-Vnneiv*Board: adjou.

day,Januaiy it

Ttiii»» suiyr^ i® lit«-lluii ■ » jiijnerSagT ' ,

In iite- -!tec-i«riLti. ite So-Uwiring is| * jusri-iLi tea .:iit»riritt£ t i « fijw. * ir » nmujif ¡d llliBJ-. i^eme eawas}wliiiJi v : » c t :> r U i i jo ««cto&rtkci j w-j»Jj jii-rsiun- asjttiiiii wlijle.ailesDpi-

iiaLr; u i-jii.f ::l c s : l -i . j I n . '. i -p L s tw it t r r lg L l fm * *

iruMfii.- ..... ■--.-■ »" ic. MSJi—Pzisiecgeir. kiikdl - intt ,i»a i—Pawticfr:. firsie/ fiager

cnatHaama'"' . ..i m. Pa»w»G r»-:, ; t»*It leg

iciasiffi/ ,Jui- Sxii-'Snumng'i-T. ihvrzit -«it

as jKMLt . ‘ . ■ ■ - . ...-Jll .-£? ti—PaaseEgrr, left knee

rf-WtoSy a . /• - - - -‘J f c r - i i c i l a c e r a t i o n s

«>t liraeteEiis. etc. ■ ■ -. : ■. F-tiV. tiati—Pataenger. nose slight'

-¿TtenajiiSset--------:— ----- - - (. K t - f t -StbTT-Passenger, right! aa- ifef- Ifcily ipratoed. - .. I

3tan^i Sib—Passenger, left kneeand elbows.brul*«d.------ :— “ |

March 12th— Passenger, slightrttato left ankles------ --*■

»larch 13th—Passenger.. left knee bruised,

March &rth—Passenger, right an­kle sprained. ; i

March 26th— Passedger. ,Ieg sk|n- ced below knee. . '1

April 10th—Passenger, wrist cut and body bruised. i.. April Uth—Passenger, shin skin- nod. - — -— . ■

April ISth— Passenger, cut on head, hips bruised, etc.

April £"th—Passenger, slightlybruised. _ i

May. 0th—Passenger, gen: bruisesabout body, ...... , • • ....—May*th—Passen ger.-an klesprato-sxi. - ■ .■- • : _■ ■ .• May 15th—Passenger, right leg

wrenched.. - - - - :.. r ‘ ’. May 2ath—Passenger, left knee bruised. . .

May 29th—Passenger, ■ contusion oi knee, elbow and shoulder. : ..May. Jlst—Passenger, s lightly. sha-.ken.- --.................:■■■

June, fth—Passenger, cut and bruised knees, hands and face.

June 5th—Passenger; contusionhack, and side. Shock...............- Jane; 2fth»»».PsssengeT;sprained ankle and right knee: _ - _

.■»nraineiL Shock. * " 'Juno 30th-r-Passenger, spinal col-

umn,and general bnjlses..


w m u s

W ALL PAPEROiberv isfîtuie'tbrtr pnea

cos «s u b ibÿbot

Nothing Over l5 c Per Roll C H A I N

WaD Paper Store *: 27 Market Street ,

Opp. Court House, Newark

Wm. C. 6olding, Inc.


' Elizabeth, N. J

ThisTs only a partial list, but from vurrent reports In newspaper items, it , may be duplicated many hund­reds of times over if the lists- of similar, accidents~\upon other rail­roads were to be published.

In wlshing. our .patrons a Happy and-Prosperous New Year, will it be thought, presumptuous if we sug­gest the propriety of a New -Year’s resolution tp resist the temptation to iuiup on or off moving. trains. or u you. cannot resist It. or feel im­pelled to run across the tracks in front of a moving train, will you at least-proteef yourself or yoUr fani- ily, by immediately taking out an accident insurance policy?

But-why-not-adopt-theraltemaVO i l l . PgwAlt*n Fa - aKaamma »»o v i ■ V vtive, vlz^ resolve to observe -SAFE­TY. FIRST.- !



- - ~ 9 U n k » Avenue / -: • . Cranford - ' / '

■ Tdephouie II6-M-M j

1 if Its Mason Wörk

The Finest Preparatimi for- Cbap ped Hands. Face or ,U ps o r Any RoaghnesB ox the Skin -

It bs not sticky or. greasy, d o v e s can be worn immediately after washing. - '

. '. Z X H G A L E S ' : . ‘•• Family Liniment

for external use only. À powerfulliniment and pain destroyer." ......

Prepared by ’

Z içaks ’ D nç StoreWalnut and South I ttítim


’ Complete tine oí, / .

HardwareCoinè m in d see our

Oil and Gas Heaters-Let us quote y fupnces on

Weather Strip

PILE’SH ardware, E tt.

rat s t BciLDiyfrTeL 5t4-R



MN T. LOWERYlumbing and HeAtmg

Confaractor _Irthlfb Av*^ CRANFORD

/Have me come and etiimata No Job too large or too SainL Work-U ^ i L - an!l -IMteri^ - fSIWMteed

JAMES T. l^cGALLm ason contraotor

.102 Bum aide A W CRANFORD


Biqrde Repairing and Supplies

A ll makes bicycle tires and supplies < Lawn mowers and abates sharpened '

-l> Ht mmSmUtW JctmVw it>


A meeting of .the executive com­mittee of the. Men’s League-of the Presbyterian Cliurch'was held last Thursday evening at the home of My. anfi Mrs. N. P ; Stewart, Orchard street; 'with lOOYc“ attendance. At the . close,-jji -the business sessionsupper w as' served, and a social hour enjoyed,, which took the form of ahearty , welcome' to Mr. Montene- court. who. has lust returned from an absence, or - several months in South America.

r»v j■ • • v ■ tr ■ • 1 .A_surprlse was given-to Sirs. Em»

rna Severance.on.January- 9th, at the., home of Mrs. -Ott on Grove street, by- her'children, grandchil­dren and i great-grand child on_the

1922. at 2-%»'«_™’ l5íJ e^Ííi* .was.8pent|wlth'ihiSsici stag o».[tag..dancing and rètte'“ ......BENJ.NKDîa ^ " è^ V V WM the-

■ ‘ - . Ctek. many beauyïui-giR^lents. Mts. lipftnt of

M U I. G. HI C E

Wholaaal»Telephone 180J


Bathroom and' Kitchen . — T I L I N G ------ * „Fireplaces, Porches and Vestibules

THOMAS H. RQSS,. 270 Jackson Avenue -


Automobile Painting; . . , M 11S.R

COOK & BENNER_ J—. Crtiraalca-Graa -■ ’®-

15 Union' Avenue ' Cranford

GaH W aram dd & Son '


SO.Bnmside A r a n o ■

Telephone 155-R CRANFORD »

MARTIN SCHAFER ’ Masdn and Contr»ctor


CARPENTER WORK & CABINET MAKING'" f f A to Z. Abo Floor Reftnhhing

WM^SetiNtTZER. ! *<» Acchoc place» Gtrwood

, Rione- Westfield 809-31 ’ .

Estimator Furnished on aU elassM- - Of work . . ■ . •

— Telephone 15SJ— .

C. C. SchmitztXPRBSMdTRUCKiNG' ---ttHallyvood.Aronne-..: ....

Phone SST-W




OilltQSMf COOtCBtÖURE Vtcmm rs » eoMS AtTD tM ncs

---------** B /tH iU IHtkt

Phone Rahway «frW Pre-pl «' AIA KINDS OF


JAN. 15, 29 FEB. 12, 26 M AIL t2 , 26TRIP

iultiry Fed, tiiy,.siid Gnus mb a» iorGEORGE'HQLLAND ... , , .........

CU*.Towb* P.O. RthwayN. j ,NEW JERSEY CENTRAL,

3 .

.«» roc.iwa«l b o it e PU._______ ______>(s wVdnT* tkiMtlvkta' Ui*MU* Ttr’

- ~r~r

* i ï £ l i f s^psgg



[-1Town Notés.

fh'tie Herbert Ward exhibition of Jrinize sculpture/ and African cu­lms will open in; Washington, D. C. It tbi- end of this ijionth; ’----»■ ■*■«»! va«. . .

The Boys’ Lincoln: Club will linJd duiice; on January 2Cth. in the I

im-ulii Scliool auditonun The I It-m-ceils...lyill be used for the Union ! [’"unty ¡Tuberculosis Association; | Mr. Telfair Creighton died sudden- last .Monday .morning. -Mr. Creigh-I

si was the father of Mrs; diaries altdnbacb, of Tliouyis avenue, and ""'many friends in Cranford ’iiil/t _________.Mr. mid .Mrs. C: H.McCau! of Pine

lici t, wish to thank their neigli- nrs. and members of the Fire De- artinent, who prevented more sc- ;i»us damage to tlieir, lioina last riday evening.<>n Monday and Tuesday, January und.17, the Cranford Theatre pre* ntf George Arliss in "Disraeli."

Ir. Atli.-s, ut present is playing in [1 ia* iiieen Goddess," on Broadway Is-portrayal of “Disraeli" on the r<»n is considered a triumph of

lie .motion pictures. In addition lariild Lloyd will be seen in “All liroail” .)tr i\ :arrim'Clia|i[n'wasnfhar’rieU

,-sterday at 4:30, p..m., at the Little jhiiri-li Around the Corner, to Miss im-iui Mattliews, of New York City, la > sailed today for Europe, where a > u ill remain for two months. b»-mtm»-<liate Telntives o f the wed- ¡lag i ouple were the only guests at a- i aremony and the reception at of the, lirlde, 'The bride■ * , *r| "»»IUI., A 1IC uuuc?Ii.aam is the brother of Mr. Henry T i h.Hjuti.of Central avonqe.J Iia:_( luirity_Ball^Under/the aus- »a as of the V. 1. A. Is to h4 held on I.iiuiitiy ¡¡ith, ut tlie- Casino. • The lainiiuttci» ill -Charge-Is-aa follows:

I 1' / C - i Christy, Chairman; Mrs. L'.10. , 'Adonis. Mra Roger C. IMrli h Mrs. George H. Bates, Mrs. |"iif-it ;h,..Crane, Mrs. Jloses Craig, 1 1>. Philip W. Hall, Mrs./Wade H. | n>es. Mr,s: F. fit. John’ Richards,

■'«'*»» H. Low, Mrs. C. Hallock liikmim, Mrs. Frederick G. Sykes,I 's lbomns R, Tetley, Mrs. Rich- I r-I U i«arhouse and .Mrs. Frederickf fltiL ., 1

th'; Meeting of the.-Cleveland- l,ra,ni - l aient-Teachers’ Association | tin; Grant School-last Monday*la ,' ;\nn». hharpless spoke o f the liiiiatiorial value of story-telling ' ¡hildten;...Mrs. Rose's class gave

a. 'N;;rt bitty, and the Freshmen ofI I Miigli,School an illustrated'song. I'i'iioiimcnts were served In the

»tiiurii room under the- superln- aiaiuc of Mrs. Ray llarcombe.

■ '.I'1 -iJ/'t'tt-'n’s Missionary Society |.JlKt-l?reaUyteiiian-Church held aT„cn‘"' ,u"«‘t|ng iast Monday at[mi,1,11**»,, tll0 (.|1U|)ej T jle Re>,

V f <>Kl, wlm has been an active j •i|i,r|!i,y .for ay ygurs, gave a de- r .V 11;" ',r his work in Benito,l r i 1;fir r,'a’.,U'1!',1* ,n ny interest' I » p , " ‘ l1,0 llfe ot th0 * “U(lipnco.of mcrabers and ll ui MOC,fll hour foirow-

h til music, after which tea wasIhlLv ( ", ‘Mond“ y. -lanuary 23, an l«mi...i“ "inS n',ce,tlnK for -Benito lie . • w ,e *10 *n the-chapel, L ll1V,!".la,l hell,e Mrs. Howard lurkc!' ,c2? w1'1 be served • to " iimm ,or 1,0 cent8- i f Is hoped ■id h,‘5 “s- |)0Mib,e will com«? to

|Tb?i^QRP -P F I0 BOARirittiric- iV lV»B<?ar<1 at ,t8 regular Jv.-niif at.. B.ront School. Tuesday F xîEïïsl Hcusa tL the-*advisability l ïnhbnf t,î? r î,!?yparl£ heretoforeH W »!• "I“ "- “- a V.’ » . " i the Townshiprin,! J‘e/-ParLr -Secretary -Hay,

|wm,| ' ''fas directed to write the

requefltingIfin i^ hltjcm afon, Ilion, Presidqint Mc-' Ä 0 T f° “ PPPlnt a1 ‘f-faft’bills to-presentflic '“ “ teums to presentl

' ^ ‘Mature for the vbetter^r:; " 0„ au^>n>oblle traffic and

renv^tion of ’the public andI Mp. . ----- .I v' r>. O'Brianvii i r , Barrar and Pe-

Procure aüo?.nited a committee I'*1 ‘crvicL su*table medal for spe­" fireinon reild?re<? by the policeIl .wiûioiïw'~' fQHb" fns discussionS la is o■'• 7 s <Je*nsei nthu ti°u former President 'brig. v,r3 ,-ío.flo some timo In .thedm- -’lr . Hansel Hno

„"■fottags of the Board. " “ * bc offered for school

1 'dtaner01 Î0 j } ve «;testlmo- fir.l . G1 to . Ifll llinv* DdAflIfl/inl■nng. G. ir :uu “«me tuno m.the

,’ÿ in nut tins’ l l has done much L?ark *5?°PFh ‘ he Coun-r*rk anrt íü?- “ uu? * “ w e uoun- to lti^n ^8. wou¿ , be a partial “ °f Ala public sendee.

- W F«•' ¿rf-

- /■ '<&■ '

— w o r n * .■ ten « e d o j o u r ■rill Derer fiad

« J e » « A t e r ía # in u& Reliability í- id v e U re u p to it te w e d v i t i the best **m ilir-i ¡6

i .-. and ^ye*r ont. setesdite; expert attended t o by

BROS.è - - s.

■ t in g , T in n in g

ve 2 U J ...V....g r a j c t o r d

Softer— ped Handsit . » p *

C o m p o u n diration fo r CStap- i o r U p a o r ;A n y - le Skin. , • .v ■ -r g re u y . G loves m m edlately a fte r.

I 1 K P ; , . '■ ...

J n i m e n tonly. A pow erfu l >ain destroyer. -• ed by ’’ ...............

J r o g S t o r e

South A la rm — .'.,

>RD. * . J . /


pnces o n

i r - Fti1. - J ILD IX&




ad Kitchen .N G — ~ ,

s and Vestibules


a Avenue -

U X F IE L D ; N . J,

Paintingi# - » : . .........

B E N N E RG tea ■ '**■

C ran fo rd .


«TU'UBA*'TUMI NAkQOr e o w t u o n > u L A x c n e t E S » .

O O M rM É E k 'tV M M T rA rC D c a m « K A m u r a u tu o u *c o u M U ft t v u e v a s o u > ...

w n G S - M t c oo tcB tb u B E Va CMMftS » eoM S A tV D tM n a es

— — * * B t o u r R n t a i

OTS8 J ^ y ^ r t y r ^ J ^ ° ^ T* 0, , i * » u W COMPART K E K LXSouth^SideJtayia*6?^ ^ ? *,o i tbo ■ ' O m o iB S |M the stockholders J t Cran-e le c ted >ii™e -offlce™ *or l& were iYiiiL?*ust JpQBtymy reelected the

.The slate” presented h i ].,ir?<:tors who have served the Bant » L noni n it ne committee" in T)Z r Uiin i past year Viz.: Edward htt?i!er' " e!lt through without a Goodrich. George B. Caldwell. ! ‘ ch*. no opposition whatevrt- n,? JfiElXZ’ '^teKee, 8. R. Droescher, Wm.

Moon. b £

/-'Sr--- - -'(■ '■ ■ ^ "^ "• v3s i«Ä V ä K i* 5

d d db S o n


Avenue '

C R A N F O R D -


ContractorD. H . 3. -

d on * 1} classeslik . '. ■■■■■ .■■ ■i 15SJ— ,

t im itzTRUCKINGA venae .

SEW .. -



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J A N . 15, 29 F E B . 12, 26 M A R . 12, 26

imcUI (rala dal« lor M & t U A. X l>*rfcU Ufe*4l*C T*f’


Town Notes.

On motion o f Mr. Heinrirb t i,„ -unanimous Jen. se the „

' l l ' . , I * « * "wed new school on the ->I “ special commit' i* ° ! ' appointed to draw suitable ' v T , Ut. 0,1 and -advise (tie Board,,« action. • Fres!

k e ley Ç YA u stln , R<Æt.- E~ C rtoé, Fried k Crary. Kdw. H . M ille r . H . B :toegman and^eorge U. Batean^D *“ ï T,e tj\e stockholders meet-

Board o f D irectors òrgan- e lecttag Wm. - J. M cKee,

teABTttr ASSAULTED^aturday at the noon hour,

UAyfJ MiWi n.8 attentl°n was cal­led by a lady interested in & P cA-.w ork to the condition o f a horse' v i V n bI . ° ne H ow ard Anthony o f w m liWuiib1i' Barbage collector. \Vhile looking the horse over, John Chaplin (also colored ) o f Oranfonl avenue, offensively “ butted in ” mid

. was told by QfflceV M a r t in V it i. ^ 1 ' « s t o f - th e gatliorin it crowd to

niovo^on. Chapin said he didn'tM .'ilii0 ?ntl to it knocked .Martin down without warning,

p ' - s i i S S i K i «H “ s- >,u,*n./u. feed, ,• re-eiecting W m . - J M cifpp « «w n w ith ou t w arn ing I

.The Special Com m ittee appoint- Frederick c iw ry ^ l l u l|Ll nM0n ^ iln an,1J ukiniL llis clu ‘*

t r i » ' r e s i d e n c e ^ c G o n ? db,} t* : H - W . W h ip p le ,' 8 e « i ® i W y L . , PHl * f .t« r « « t e r arid others oh f e n T '* , T v pruI » s «T laundry yn.a. T ceasurer: Thonliw MacMeekln. l i j . J r , b8?lf ‘T f1 tht'y « “ »W on Centennial avenue jh io u g h i l r S ecre ta ry ; F. L Collins. Asst. M ' .;, a i . ,!',’,t . to llis fe,>t a!ul ' ' " 'w BetrifM rpnnrF^.i *»...« . ?> 3 lr* Treasurer, and Berkeley (> 'Au i*tIn |h,81 l1m ,iut not m v . it. Cliapln

s s i S l S dbnls:T fC ¿ iir e r l"á n d ’B e r k e . ^ ^ ^ i^ t T n *il,t"‘H‘ i 'n »»t* i

solution of the M Attorney y

« Ä S HIGHSCHOOL NEWS- * J J iìrv.'VhL‘j


urri'st I ' i 1L|! ¡ " '^ ^ ‘ 'Vcd

staled ids appreidaVidlf o f:'tiie^mfu HIGH SCHOOL NEWS- '* I hii-v ' m 'i ‘V ^ t,H' ''mil ("r 'l l i« Crnnd!

W ay am jjm 1 urehflbM s t r e i ? ^ « « U n i <W3l - ' V" “ “ ° mT ;MarV “ " ^ injured o j

H.rWHvV' u<. >(ien ?1(J, get tin e SiiI>tiomoreii_ botli had 'rop-l — .........jvm illl"'|l,P 1 ,,reli."linar>’ work. or‘ ls. o f l° °% fo r iiunctualitv w l o n . J „ I j ^ . . 1I]l>5liiesa--Alon^--Aw ,PiartOTr

— iiiss-“ Farrier hks » n S f f i h W j 01,11 » ^'^**»1 lug ton igiit S £ carry same to. the H « 1* ^ I 'o o l chorus, and is conduct- <1,1" 1> ( a>'' to discuss the Zoning commission. .^ ingM be assembly music on Fridays fprtM'osition.. . ■*’

o ivbe M mak.l.n,tf I,lttn» for an’ I . T ||Cn ‘\Ien,sJ ^ a gu e -A v ill Uieet a t j l °-v*-r th irty h igh seliooljHie^JJorsbyterte^^^I Mils have expressed an in terest » «O ' nieeting. Good entertainment, in the orchestra Miss Farrier has|1,I1(1. refreshments are cm the pro- .also been heartily welcomed in the Iffrairi. 1grades. I — ^ ...^

w i f l l ' u W p . t r i x c u a o onr^ T h e r " ’ S M u s ic in A i r , b y' ,ll>.n o t have clas-| R A D I O P H O N E


Pviic Herbert TWrd exhTbTtibn 'o f denrDV(,)wn'nmi1V^ “ fV 0" ' ' Tresi- Irmize sculpture/and African cu- i i ,!!; , . 7 " " «Wiointed .Messrs. Haas lies Will open in/WasTdnrton D C " " i ' !, ^tterhoiise. - - ' I t ibe end o f this ijionth; ’ ansl erf i - j i n ° lk ° f tlle llr6lll<,n inl:T ',<!_.I.1“Ts’-..ifnc0lp;;ciubLJSVJ11 hold highly-^Iii^^clilcusslon1“ n f " r 'onti.eti

. dance; on/January .26th,' in “the I sIloke-f l -•»rftlrl« n “ Q!-r^v1 -®oecke• .iiituln- Sc;hoo] auditorum. The or ccmts «»r'Sfirtl i'1' trouscrs tnicceds .will be used for the Union I a ccmoiiitf-,,«' V11 " ,ll'h lie stated

"inty ,Tuberculosis A s s ^ f f i f “ “ ^ " K c e ^ W « ? ,Mr Tolfair Creighton died sudden- clothes may be.fleuC to" either Simr

k best Monday morning. Mr. Creigh-. man or IJncolh Sci.oolA' ,,,■ to i^ L'^irP}* 1,0 of AIrs* ^^aries ^oockel’s v losidenoo, Xortii IzOhiuh'ka t/idiacli of Tliomps avenue, and fyiyonnc«. A letter from Mrs Ho., bid/many friends in; Cranford. ' kins Of (i.e Home and School Lea- Mr ami Mrs, <.?; H.McCaul of Pine I oskcd for contrilnitions to the

(re t , wish to thank their neigh- V,a,,ker Fund'' to help certain chli- ipis iin.l members of the Fire De- ‘ l,',on tlirouirli hungry time during artment, who prevented more s e - s e s s i o n s . ; Tiie Assciciation W s damuge to their, .home, last donated .?10 to the fund and reeoiii- riday evening, • Imeiuled ti. iiiejiibers- indivichml coti-<in .Mcmday and Tuesday, January 1 i , “ 1 OIi ’ , ■' /)> and 1/, the Cranford Theatre pre-1 Heports of the Ball'Committee

'•Ills George Arliss -ln "Disraeli ” I ” t-rt, cjoferroil, all returns not being IIr. Ai'liss, ut present is playing I n 1" ' Discussion on the proposed club I'li** Green Goddess,” on Broadway or plans brought bs-portrayal of “Disraeli" on the i , ■ I'r"l>osition’ isoon will■rcan is considered a triumph of I Ul , ,V'llni,<> ".l»dl»e i»n<f lie uctivelylie -motion jdetures. In addition ,ius ie(l' ' x ........ 'larobl 1,16yd will be seen in “All iliroail/’

* Biytos • -«ujr comv »hJ go ' •Spviy. t*ut on« títlnt; always I» stvU* li‘

—root! -hcaUTj.*'


H E A L T H T A L K N O . 10'■’ DV UR. C’ lIARLKS MII.I.HK

Ot Aiwiemy ami Chctai.i,, K,-tcin Cullrn t'f Climi,,ruclic

tien on the ldadder and (lie child V,, H i? an .ul,i,u‘i Gur- slcep Is not capable, o f , „ ,i ■„ -r ■ *■" unconsciousness o fcircumstances, is Hul,. |o.s.s , rVnih!äi; -<'htU' UIU,0r 8UC"

ed e liileli e'!" are ' mi ^ 'h is tV and' M« v'iGl*V’ ' j ' " / '1''/ aru* »ßame-nts

kidneys and ldadder Minus e>Vn,'u,-s> ,VZ," a,f *>f the C'- u m child,on, „U l „o, ,...^,,,1 " 1, ^ , , ®

s -s u fter tbut liour has grow n con- i,,, . , ,sieleirable for the month o f J a n u a r y . I , 'v * '1 lu'ar. r,,inilur Concorts. I 1 he fo llow ing seventeen pupils liad|M !I!,' ' j 1 M eatlior rorocasts, Ia tota l of. a t A ' in n i ! 7fi t i ’u *»»wi I . .U.IK I.. N 'ryice, - I 'a lr y -Storio« and-----1----0-—n ,— - uil” . ..IU--4J “ j- Ol 1Unad C a-am ong them-—n o ti u, » — - .......more tlian one 0 to each: I 11 ,Jollr. V01110 Gy R A D IO P H O N E /1

Klise A very, Esther B artle tt, Lesl m '.'f . ’ ’ I11 l,y Hruadcastihg Stations/1 d ia Buell, E leanor Beardslee, Caro-1 p lo ! ' v ' l '»'id lteisedl

lin e Daubert,! Marion Goll, Emily I •?, ' A' - . -H alg li ltebecca.Haigli; H elen Heck-|l.,,U“ ' ’e lna . 'Ji,r?,?iw Tele-idiono 1{+ . niun, M argaret Jones, Dolbres K ah l I 4, . ' J in your lie,me, uiid |Effa Maroneiy, M ar/ N inde, -F lo r ’ . „ l : “ ? slu ,‘ nntere'stlng ontertiiin ence/J^ipp Helen Tripp, H arry Sis-1 n,!<' 7soji, C lie s ld r rWooebv- .......- ...

Child Entirely Well. “ Suffered 10* Yea rs ' '

V 'k,‘,*r' auiTcri'd alno«* blrihImt aljp-rouTiT Hoi Z S T in Z l l * -

lui.! r i . I1,-.“ “ » / " " ' I " « ''1 Uwt llr. MllliT would

r s i «

«Ht fiüjuatim-ii.L y httvp *,**«*„ to othor ¿àîit*uu (lui aullcccd wait simlUr coudlllaus aik|S T .^,-nîm^‘f ô ,ràcllc c,r“ ln,T d0<'*

1 »111 giudi jr for If y UiU lUteuenL---- UAIUIY UANSSN,

/ ■ . 887 MullHwrjr Spool, NowtrS. N J

tiom pleto. Installation --of Tteceiv- !

from I

jMn-Warr im 'C lia ji [n 'w 'a s n tW F r je d f^ r ” ^ rR^ I ‘iZr^PlE R S O iiA I* r ' •* - I -Mis. II. .Alulilenhrock’s dm igiitcr

. .................... K sv u td » , ¡ttiMHi 1'ion, is recoviiring from an at-incrirrMlitthewsTof N e w ^ o r k ^ i^ ! t,u’k Gf ^iubcliitis. ------ J ~Jm -l" .y siiile(l today for Europe, where L , J,Ir- ,nn<l JIlx Buy H arcom lie o f w j » i l l remain fo r tw o months. 7 oliunhin avinno, entertained their beMMiniediato re latives o f the wed- b jld#czrliiir 'IaS r'S a tim lay nightr s ‘ oui,l,! were the on ly guests a t Mrs. \V. II. Addoms o f The R iver

; ccreinony and^the reception a t side, d il l bold a S i^ e f T e a T o r the C Ik'Iik? of tiie bride, T h e bride- benellt ,,f T r in ity C’iinndi

MF- Henry T i ,™ l , y - m J O & L ....... » - H O. S;

•on. t.nosier: Woods. i s»- - „ i>u.-i,o . u isiu iia iion o f .-ttrSemester - examinations in 't h c l '- riV m , ani* ' ' ‘ 'rials erected,

idgli scliijol w ill bo held on January I « , rn.n.*fl nB in /prices '6, 2« -ti;uT27. “ ~ uaf> 1118 to $250, A ll advice free.Miss Chase of the-English depart- !\n n y »;• complete line ,,f

ment .attenjied'tiio debating confer- u ', t-Jl!'l"iratlon of America uml ence at New Brunswick last Satur-1, Xi.1!: W6ctrlc & Manufac-day. Cranford* High School will ^Wireless Supplies, alsofirst meet Roselle Park on the riucs- U manufacturer s apparatus, t ion: Resolved, That Labor through I ' u culats upon reiiuest. 'reii.-eseiitation■ of- Its own choice P. J. Larseil Radio Co slmuld share In the management 16 Johnson Ave, Cranford- N J of c.irpowte industry. ■ . , Tel. Cranford Id'MI '' '

Sarirti Ismdls and.Katharine Pow-l( all between 7 and |() m ' iii w,.„l- t.-ll,,Who have been I I for the pit t luj ; “ and S , ^'u nlavs'month have returned to 8A-. I i • ciniuKiays.


0 -

m -



> t ’ . V / i . t s\ V - i

* 1 f i V / j : :

'Sí'L',A¿ ’a irT S s1¿g-^,¡5,¿isí3;.',*f í ílíírí'

^ Grane/.virs. Moses Craig, . •> Philip W. Hall, M rs./W ade H . L M,r.' »nd.M m Jrj?nderleck, and Mrs.

I l^ e i' .M^-r F; s t - -Jo»mv Richards, ' “ ««dprleck.- who are guests a t I s .lohn H. Low, Mrs. C. H a llock . le, R ivers ide ,,w ill leave for Ber- [ilkman, Mrs. Frederick G. 8ykes |mutla, a t Hie end o f th is week, irn-ulhomn» R. Tetléy, Mrs. Rich- M rs.-.Jolm 'F .-Pen iston entertain-

W i«crh ou sean d-M rs .F rederlck| ,‘ii 117 bridge yesterday afternoon ^ - P rizes, were won by Mrs. Kenyon

* he meeting o f the Cleveland- Messick an(l M.r« das. E. W arner. Parent-Teachers’ Association .M iss Corinne Ilow e, n iece o f MGrant -SplinnMiial— Joseilll—11 ! tv., I ,. f i ' ..............-

ill- |r<l. atiL At tiie-rant _________i Hu; i irant EcirooUiast 'A lon d^n Z ;'nnV sha,rple8S 8P °k e o i the iiiiationuP value o f story-telling

" ¡luld i en;_Mrs, Rose’s class gave I,* ‘in and the Freshmen of () .Higli Scliool an iilustrated song. iHiesliments were served hr the ■% imicli room under tha superln- n'lenceut Mrs, Ray Ilarcombe.

Ii ii'' - f/ ’bien's Missionary Society Uiit^Px-esbyrerian- Church held a

meeting last Alonday a t i,,"i' '1,1 u 'e chapel. T h e Rev.

i i « l , - ’ r< has been an active ri-iiinury.for 30 years, ga ve a de- nWion ,,r bis work In Benito,

ii a h f f in ‘ llfe o f the A fricans hiir < aU(iienco o f merabers and

r iriemls. A social hour follow- t.iu.sie, after which tea wasitp.1 r/, »»niun tea whs

llî-dav ° ni MontJû>r» January 23, an íoMbou meeting for -Benito (w !a . "Ih l,e held In the-chapël, I « l",1,1'" !aa heing Mrs. Howard Iwker'.1»110 'v,,, he served • to I ma u-,or 35 cl nt8- u 18 hoped Id hIL ™ Penible will com«* to 14 i,n it aijse. . - .

T|;|?AîfFrQRDLH n f l BO AR lTiktine-«V Cn ß ^a/ dn at ,t8 tegu lar f-,n|,f„ at., ®.ra7?t School, Tuesday : rJi i:: _4* iHfUBsud. tiie -adv isab ility

ark hereto fore M. Sperry oh

■hsrsb?. me^aavisaouityl«,m the park heretoforei S i l n i W 5{ M. Sperry on

. . M.Drive, ,by. the TownshipI* a tn)K,{47 1-At ‘ u> in e Township ■HnTifi jiic/ p ar^r -Seeretary Hay,

f e "kmiilG ?<1 t0 Wite t,le

K Ä ? K ^ » “|ßraSf/ 1/Acus,a,’ on. P residen t Mc- TSiKittl,, iî^e.^ed (o appoin t a P hio i L i f i (i ra ft-b llls to .présent h l a ,onE‘ Iat“ re for the -betterfcher Drm«HHUtí>nl<íbne traffic andh ia x ^ ie rs on ° f th^ ÍU b ,i¿ “ "d

F 'v ivciB0 lBria,n’ Farrar and Pe- É 1 Procure uün?in,ted a com m ittee l laI ^rviifo 9U^ab le medal fo r spe­I firemen re? d,?red by the police lyRcvioui?’™ fQJJPWlng discussion r « e - ,,Las,m eetings o f the Board.DfeaJ^o u ot the Board. paj-i, * ° " !“ bc offered for school

1 dinner dtbd t° give artestlmo- P*nsel. thiq ¿ °u former President pring. x{‘s to-be some time in .the ( 0tk in - Z r f n T l 1 has dcine much Lf»7k ma iSf- thro?Kh the Coun-

would be a partial n otTds public sendee.

-■ ------- vv«itMit, v.“( muL'c mJoseph- DItzel,- of -Greene—arentoor- with whom she iian^been making a stay o f two months. Is now visiting friends in Yonkers. ( ■ ' •, Hr. 'Valter Wagstuff of the Vieio ■Motor Corporation,* Is ''Visiting his mother, Mrs. .1, c. Wagstuff, of Hol­ly street, after an . absence of four years. .Mr. Wugstull’s liome is in Guleshurg. HI. ' ■IMr.-nnd-Mrs. O. B. McDTtfnnld

ga\-e n housewarming at their new home on Wultuit avenue,: lust Su't- unluy evening, entertaining 48 Cran­ford friends with a programme of games,. uii(iei'_ tlie- direction of Air. Fred Lange, There was music, and U supper was served.' . • ,

jin d Airs. W. W. Buckley o f Centrul avenue,.gave a card party on Friday -night in honor o f . tlio double. ehgagiJmerit recently occur­ring In-tli.oii- family; the betrothal of Aliss Anne Uiiekley to Air. Tlioni- as. Casey‘ Greene, son of the Rev. George Francis Greene: and of Miss Ltlilun Babcock, daughter of- Mrs. J. C. AIcGruynp, to Air. £ . P. Buck­ley haying just been announced:

Afr/and. Airs. Ilali B. Sims of*Nor­man Plaee. entertained a few of tlieic frlemis and neighbors'"lust Saturday night, on the occasion of a blrtliday anniversary of “Mrs. Sims. Guests for the evening were -Air.- and Airs. S. R. \ Droesfcher, Mr. and Airs. G. C. Llttle>Air. and Mrs. Elmer AToore. Mr. and Airs; T. N. Gilmore Alias Glimore. AIrs. J. C. Wagstaff, Aliss. Leslie Wagstaff and Mr. Wal ter Wagstaff. -

Airs. George H. Bates o f Hampton streeLJs-enteirtalningAlrSiHerbert Ward of London, England, and Rol- lebolse, France. .Mrs. Ward Is the jjyidow of , the 1/Tte Herbert -Ward, the well-Rnowjf Engjisli sculptor and explorer, dntKJs in America to arrange an ex/lbltlbn o f his statues of African l/e, und Abfe collection of curios hefw m ^in Afriea. whicii are In the nbssessloir-of the SnaithV sonian InstjfUtlotT in Washington.' The -atatues-are in bronze. Afr. Ward was. tiie / ‘Man in the Armchair’.’ written of by. F. Hopkinson Stojth.

V The luncheon rocim at the Cleve­land School, was opened last Tues­day. It is nr charge of Mias Shel­don, ; the Instructor In Domestic oeicncc, .

r a d io t e l e p h o n e s. '» 'U nn i Tube Sets $50.00 Up An ange for a demiiiistratiou at . - . _______ ynnr-Jumip. ------ ;------—

John H, Cozzeris, M. Ei !Cranford

ed a play entitled "Sing u Song-of Sleepyhead’’ for tho Parent-Teacli- ers’ -Associatinn on'Moiuluy after: noon, and tiie freshmen repeated their costume song; "The Old HomeFolks.” . ....... ...— —r_"

SB were tiie Soccer Ciiampions o f. . . . . _______ _tiie senson. The following players m North Lehigh Av« received C. G, b. honors.- I “

(JointIn Frazer, Captain, Leslie Brngdon, George Watson, Samuel Berry; Richard AlcFadden, Fred Kneelit, Houston Baker, Harry Tar- low, John Ydllovltz, Alalcolm Wal­lace, George^Aaron, Howell Penis­ton, Percy La Var, Fred Schnarr,Van Arnoldt, Warren Fairbanks,Kenneth Burton/ John Vogel, W ar­ren Koihenheyer, Joseph Leary.

Air. Wliiton has been confined to Ills home in Brooklyn for tho past two weeks. The Reverend Martin is teaching his classes In American History and- Latin.-

Air. Roselle of the manual train Jug department has also been con- dined to his“ home- during the-pasi vveek by illnesis.-— ; ‘ • .

The honor, roll of the Cleveland giudes-foFthemonth-ofDecember follows: ; , ' -

Grade 7A—Roberta Adams, W ll ■Ham Blake, Frederick Warnock.

Grade 8B—Urcella Bergman. .Grade 8A—Constance Burnett,

Arthur Condit,' Barbara- Franklin,Thereto Glolm, Sally Hayes, Mary Jlomack, Katliarlne Jahn, Hortense Nalil; Dorothy Krele, Zita Ridley,Florence Sisson Harriet Van, Saun.

The 'foTloVvlng' "cofrectl6nS“ "are made in the high school honor roll for tiie inpntli of December: Virgi­nia Kuhn, Sewing 2, A, .Home Nur­sing, B; Norris Brisco, Ancient His tiiiy.-B:- Ruth Weldon,-French

Splendid letters of appreciation have been received for the Chrlst-I



.ii/LUNOS /^\V liver

*vA stomach

^ S Z S S ”/- & \\ MOSEYS


c- . J ', . \BLADDFR bpm l e* O'unn 10MRUM8S






b t i ■

and it ^mutiny

” Mon

P I), -s

t i

WHEN HEALTH BEGINS. <lr|>t-n«ls ott » hrn » hi frlf-ptioiii. w

imjiptHiiutniriit. . • •

, Dr.CHARLES MILLER19 UN ION Ai/EN. It, N m il (Shapiro Building) CRANFO RD , N . J.

Office Hours, 'uesday, .Thursday and Salurdav- J-7-p -m -............N"l) UIAKI.K IdlU I'i iNriii -i*a-ri<>ik«VUAKOK I'OK CONSUMA rioN

NEWARK OFFICE.- 40 Sprue* St., Mon., Wtd., Frl.-2-é, 7-8 P. M.

vici- I bl­

eed. ....“ l ' i "11»1

V t ’W • "■ st0''J .< OUI lit III)T( - * im» er nut

T i i ’ * ouug bid -81 '• ’ ' (,;ik mumni

|il I h I In-in i-l.’ •

j,; y m l-*-it!«u. ,l i t . . ' ! u-l 1er !.. 1

:gv tur tile ieuil'i-rs e f III 11 I lie re

ili ] 'nini Purl;..; put nut Ii" i')nd ul' In -.1» un Un­tile Mayor -stiiiii lupi led". -

i'Veineiil o f gli livellile

reti I " Fupel ions toi I A? e


inns stockings-fllied by the student? of Cranford for the Fox Hills sol-, dints. ' 1 . . .

Mis If mi has made several Palmer penmanship awards for the splendid w ork done-by pupils In writing.

The Clevelannd School-lunchroom was opened Tuesday noon. Cocoa Tmd soups are served at flye cents a cup to augment lunclres. that stu­dents brlrig to school. Wednesday's storm brought a patronage o f over .100. " - - • . . '

Botli the high school and Cleve­land. grades will cinter the County Speaking--.Contests, on January 26 and 27 The high school will hold- a preliminary . contest to which the publict will be Invited. '

i n f < B j ? : - . -

• ■ ■ ■■ ■ '/ ■ $ $ ■ *- .? - . ■ • .. .

- ■ . ' • • ' . -


I f y° u ha^ 8t.arted. -^ying a few cents a week a year'ago today h?w much easier it would have been to buy gifts this y«iar.

mr £ er WOuld ‘ ^Christmas be with more and better gifta to hand to father or mother, sister or sweetheart wife oraugbter,_or.. to .the little Jciddies that want them most? - -

Join Our Christinas Club Which Started December 27thrn n ,^ ni *be ^TL3" Y*” - ° .” ^1 8nug ba^ account when Christmas comes again. The plan is simple, easy and satisfactory in every detail

fcKJSrClass 50— 50 cents each week, total, $ 25.00 ___*■/

. - • 1 Class 100— $ 1.00 each week,' total, ,50.00 -• . Class 200— $2.00 eack week,, total, «d)0 00 , ;

C a88 500— $5.00 each week, total, 250.00.v■fi> - ... '.v

! . Tl-polleil .aski-il Un­

ii datoH ■ for Ills was ro

- TO !H ,


at all1 jm g th e ir- I f l r f ns.. OIltllH

give a That's

. n hiisi_ r fillu to

1 good : rice. .

notJ f


, a n d 25

i i"*r- - ,

You-tnay join-an many classes, as you

Interest is Allowed on An Classes at this ite of 2 Per Cent.

qhe regular meeting of the La­dies’ Auxiliary to the Flake Post, will be held on Wednesday, January I 18th, in .-Masonic.-HaUrTt la; ear-1 neatly requested that-all members I he present, Intallatlon of officers will take place. Any new members! joining will be initiated prior to thel installation,' •

Provided Payments are Promptly Made ahd Compleled

^ m a y jo in , f r o m th e y o u n g e s t t o th eto % h . :NS,

A r M Shapiro, o f-17-19 N. Union I avenue, has arranged a few specials lo r this xyeek, o f shoes and over­shoes, most needed at, this season of the year. Men’s ¿buckle all rub­ber arctics, at $2.45; men’s high I boots,.at $395; child’s storm rubber! boots, $2.45, and a number of other! bargaina . . 1

- The Started on Tuesday, December 27th-(^ome into the Bank and let us tell ymTdUbout the plan.


’ , y 4— • • ...... r / " " '" ' '" " -

......~ .. - " ' ^ - - ■ "



' - - ' I

o the- advum_s ' - " ' ;

i ' 1-"'- .-v / ::

¡'■j;' Packing'

,, and . ^Upping '

K/V; -pecialty

tV/-', - ,‘ ,:«lness hours. ■

• tiouso confer• ' ------ 1 -

Audiences of50,000,000 Soon

Psmtëffl&SBfàmBgiC O B L E N Z ~


N e w Y Ö Ä W o m e n

E n g in e e rs F o re s e e - •,A m p lif ie rs I "

B e a rin g P re s id e n t 's V ìnce

tO “ E n t ire - f is t i (H V

IN IIS INFANCY, THEY SAY>urre»it From ArJifiQLOn Wa* Muîti* —F7ie<j 3 G0C.05Ü W'j.OOO.OOO.OOO.OOQ,-

O J-CviO T-mco— Ri. “Carr.*.

N‘"A Y-;-.. ÍIr is '


• v¡ i '• r >f'i ' >.’/r ; . .G: Ar.J 4 - ' .

i«?-*f • î i • - ». »

f e l l G E T S T O N E - F O R H E R O 'S T O M S

C arad -ar*Wifct

A rio fn ; tin* uï pursu its of theA tt!«t I«*íiti w -Míom tri î !h* arm y of occupò pntion In (Jòrimmy Is that of direct* ini: -IFttIlio S:i < T h is douuh-

_____ . , | ' hny I.M.jks <;:ipiihUy■ »? handling the job.

Ir* !.« !>j In Fruii*.'

P ave M em orial Chamber M arb le From Battle

F ie ld *

• lU-oiu*** of ti;«* nneii of extra-p.olice In iw orn In Kivt-n u iilfonns und placed <'ti duty.

- r iv i 'h i-n tin* duyS orders. i

• • . . - ■ ' , , ■■ • . - iNew Voric city during the u iilk wagon drivers* s tr ik e , 2.200 women wire -ty near the scLoo ls to d irect tr iiillc . lle r f i Is n squud of the "coppeltes"

1921bacillus automobllus, whose presence i behind the- wheel o f h is JuKgernuuK’an I J discovered •without aid fn »i11 the I

A M I ' 1

1 TBfa,/:***-* •<t' s R * . ^ » w


..•'a I*;

•‘V 'F : »h r -\•T - Ü


arid«-, also from Thdclm n. Y'olmmm .w ill he walks .of

savour. *<;r** sti»M\ from Francò. In _*l;A» IP 1*0 tío* ah u r of Great I ’.ritid u n iD * 1'! from a solid b lo ck .o f m .ir)*'r. * '

Year in Historytl I*!

V !..

f f \ * i Y p

L ì . ' - ' A '

pos-ii-hdv **•■• tii** -.j'ikt <:»«•»••'In (hi* \\ at " la v ., \,-rv Ti l ih Ilii- t-'nlri d J»V”"f rlrphoji»*- - « ¡ a - 5 4 » j icrh j i s '

They don I *nmth ill.- tins*. h'lajilTi •■er*. I.e r. ,’jhilltvY

arilin«' imian

¡.fie ni.O' tuli;. -ty. t 'nw v iiinl hum- - i î le s ïhutNs tapped

An a>idi*Mi‘ e “ f orh>* n ni n*\) !

■ ¡ink •aj"'!lL'Ur»*H like, 'ii< eniupany enclin*. M l*_*«»l5rr unnlei*-?ie*|,

- * liil»* liiM faces o f n Politimi o f ciphers.h/»r* hliii: m threes m ross t-rnit open w hite spin es. i,v .o jje _o f the '"}in,n*«ii|l*

~ t o ndnhihu about plmt unir*'A e l '^ is eontrhanee. Mjtf el*-t;.tr|eal am-

p llller, o f w lm ji H ie done! sfiea-klnpr,*de* xi; e Is only one in n lony lis i i>f prue*

’ t ira i iiJ'plirntloiiK. •• . . ¡5 -S ect.N a tion a* Audience *

For instane»*., the ifive tr lo il ru frên t t!mt i ir ib d p tes .d tn t lln rdlnu ’s fu liera i oration to .the ermv/lH u t.A rlln i^ ton, Sun .I n in d s o i mid New \ork wim

- ' tUUltlpbed ,‘t iWpil.Ono.lHSHMUMHNWjoO..- OtiO.fMlO.UtMh (lines before l! rolled'" «Mit,

eoiiNortjyF Into uruy-L-siiboroiiM sound waves, oyer the hrjpU of thro*»- nudi:

- eiue-% «* _

It took ¡HWkhxkiooo oootMXi nuiputl catloiH to inm ey the orutloji nml the o ilie r 1 ere mon le s to Snn t'riin<i*io ho that they cnulfi tim e been lumrd tluonyli an o id lnary telephone re<»H‘

~4>r-r—'! befi—th«\v-h«d itmillion tnlllloil tliniH vtiy~Mhe loud NIMUiklmt dev Ua*.

“ A mere ten m illion, billion* -10.000,* fKKMNMI.0tKt.UK>- nere'?Knryvtn hrliuf the ce-remonle* out c lear nt»d-strotijj In New V o r k .T e n

Ttboiisand'Were 'used the erre- inolile^ here, und tt m ljllnn nillllun to t i i Ihc* ’them to au d ib ility for tlie New

». York audience. The other million mil* Hon iimpliJlrnlloiiN .w efo ust'd to carry thc lYesident'a volcV t<i the. Arlington crowd.■ l ly provld lru: a few m ore sco re « of. thnu.saudH o f inilpM o f w ire , Home thou* Hu iu Ih o f ivud ’ spiUikln^ device?« and <u fe w .fnolHC4ip hIkhUs l^ le th \v lth ^J lp y cljriierH Indicntlntr tudr^\m|dltrcattons,

Jobless Girls Storm Ne w York

in s u ra n c e F ig u re s In d ic a te

: M a rk e d L o w e r in g of D e a th

R a te in U n ite d S t a t e s .



L a c k , o f 'W o r k F a i l s to R e ta rd

'C o u n t r y L a s s S e e k in g

, C ity C a re e r .- , \ . * ■ • 1 ei

SITUATION REALLY SERIOUSEm ploym ent -Bureau* Crow ded . W ith

W om en W h o H ave Been Throw n Out o f Employment*—W ar

W ork Jlrought Unre&t. ■

New ' Yfirlc,— Tin* MTlcmsm's.s o f' tlie uneniployrneiit situation an nu ii vvomen has iipp .in-m |y im i«*rrors fo r tín*, c irl from upMate.-the M iddlii West or tin*’South, Siiyn Miss Amy Talbot nf the (V m ru l lîruTioh Y . ^V. A ., •iiecord-liiii to tin* New York Sun. New York tH~'ti¡o íih'(TtTi~Touitrd w ilici» sin*1 turim- her Hti'ps. coldldeiU that once Jjhre there w ill In* J«*hs vvlthiMit^finiuher waiting her acceptance. ^Miss Talbot.

(if lim i,tinn itim i* » ,T P ! |M ,,f .tii^ ifL im ns Itm-MryService, luí« u n p íd n tth ' ilecrease Intin* number tkf^tppncatli«tis'''fT“r*''nioiiiHll s ,r n v l v i . ^ f n . m „u t-oM m vi, «m iim i i ' vl11 " f " 1' 11 w o ," ml r,'st,|'',,t

-the eat In* chujurjr'fiTlKht 'hear future puldlj^AvriuhTTtileH.Mr.*Kltiß said.^ l t >v<utbl be- re la tive ly alntple; he ile- elared, to set up luitiliunetit la the rapi-

tutes, tkrouch whlphYoO.OOd pA'isons la a*iu ,Ii d ly -H i totnl

siM‘kltiK cnrtl*rs fa the ht*»* city."A s- fa r as I Imve'heén aide to dis

ibVAji,” says iMlss Talbot, *‘j: lr ls are hoi i’otie»:rtn*d w ltli tta**«e repoçls of iiaemployamtit. Jobs.•Feein'of little im- potiance 4'funjmn‘d -with tin* fact that the youim Jidventurerjm s'feached Na*\v Y ork. Theim-I-*'ohT*'dltTereinv. t JIihI

JiuH'-tmw Hie demand Is almost entire­ly fo r.tin* Sr» r<yjm, where It iN 'il tii lie. toonis were soViÿlit,, not ho Hin d i for economy iis = f * » r convenient jloÂ’iitious. - ■ * . *. •; ‘ '

- Situation Is Serious.-“ The - situation is rapidly

serious proportions,^

iure inn»t carem tiy. p ìaces- 'tlilrty iea /s lim it. T h e .‘ n 'lito ji- i th K preference |s th

nssumltu: W o m en , old ami

Y.ii,XMXXb*’ cmild- hear a cer«*ij»oay. In i yoiim :. a re now h e ia « la id o ff h.v firms W»K!iItikMon i>r..elsewhere as illstln etly

..ft^ J Í_U i^ u w ére ..V en ted w Jthla.-U: fitw___ -i-.-xiA j »f F c e - j i i i ö i i k i i r . - _____

' . A Riditi of “Canned“ -Music.------------ J .(*iinm,d ’,-»tu»lr,- too, fares n"'pntenv«r**very


content to stay uuletlv at homo which- h iU v .employed thetù for lo u r:i lumped- into' a ll tin* hundred and one periods-.. Uiiti..eiüpí.oviuciH bure-aup «re ( activ ities that* suddenly reguirm i .the .i 'CuavjI ltI. w ith , wotuen a .vI m» h u y e .Imvii i. .sltxJ ccm o f ,\v omen. —They- f«*und; them - thrown otrf o f .*employment, and yet-» selves tn*cessary-In a wav .they had

tra in ,, .that c»»tues.... tuto nur-"ttever before .dreamed of.- T lie y swungtenijltm ls hrhm s U n ijui»ta • o f-, new -1 hlu jobs. sm alP jobs, inhhbNslzed J"bs,

h ae rs nay lhe .A rin l« tlce ‘ dny • comerN—nh“n f whom expert to he sup: | " U i i an etlnleaey that amazed them.

lh ]-fW "M 'e v0»y Mm should not -And | another one now.- - Th e Idea that Rood j positions a re . not ilo^tlii^ around to ! in- .M-oured at v. h i had evidently not i

iLt»*nJd her ndmi. ~ !"W e have daljj^ to send hack refus-

nN to <»ut-of-tiv.yn‘ af'p lieants who : uoubl like t*» Had r«HunlnK quarters In • »no of the Youm: Women's ('Iir ls t lan i uss«H*iat|on 1‘oardItiK 'houses. The ; waiting; l!H s show there w ill he no •vaenneios f.-r months. T h e p itifu l . part of It I« that-w e have so m a n y .

Records Show Suicides ánd Homicides•• . ■ . ■ ............... • y y ' «Four T»mea Normal Ratej-rlnfl.u- [

enz*' Alm ost Wiped Out— Dc- , crease in Tuberculosis.

New Yo rk .— Tin* year W ill was the healtlrjest year In the Iilstor^ of _both

‘ Oúiunñi,tin* Fnitt*»! uc-Stutos and Cun; cordltu; to .the rednrds- of ¡n leadlnj; American Insurance companies. The li^ures"for. tlie first ten-months ind i­cate a lowering of the .“death rate among pulley holders from -0.S0-jper (lmusand last year to 8.2-4 per thou*

om en‘ who are desperately U>"".Ba,1d In 11*21».need of .a place May. Jet nlótpr'Ìhe nuektl'*n o f—w«*rk to do. ^Idn* nnd more women well past th i^ th lrty-year mark are henm» fiip*ed opt by the stress of tlie times to earn the ir own bread and bu fhT . Th ey stand little ehimco pKheh ig met even !m lfw a y — tlic^jxinipctitlon Is too strong for them, .with These , eager - Intelligent younf? minds ready t»» snatch up every g md tiling that <orm*s along; Watch any line In nu emplo.vtm*nt-ònice and see bow ..many of the 'wom en on It are gnYy-halred. There are few bounlltig houses ami business women's chibs

Among the striking th ln p Miowu by the llgures, which cover 27,000,000 persons,' nn!L that ln ilucnza hus a l­most 'disappeared fro»} the United States ami (."umida,* and that pneu­monia Jm s decreased 50 per cent .from

W 20. A»n the otlier hand, m ortalities due to automobile accidents—“ bacillus HUtotm»bIllK~tt--liC-riiferre(l to fn the rep o rt-sh o w a 15 j»er cent Increase, w ltli an indication of* 10,(HX> deaths from th is cause. .Hom icides and sub

one In nine of nil deaths'that have oc­curred In .1021, we have in-m ind for purposes'of comparison the fact thut no longer than ten years ago Us ratio stood at one In four. Deaths from pneumonia, as reported In these tables,were only 1 ¡1,708 In 1021, ns compared

“ ¿ actual retine*w ltli 22.2J3 In 1020, an tbm fro in" t h is ’ cause alóne of *8;535 deaths^.orjrihp^vJi-10 per cent. I f we

iiileroscoiKbs -and whose, komicldca [ might he largely""prevented ~hy more elT^ctlve policing of our congested highways. Odr experience for ten months shows that 10JKH) human lives I will be brought to ptemnture deathj In 1021 by.motor-driven vehicles, at uu economic loss to the wortu of at least | $25,000,000. ‘

“ The death claims paid by the tif< I insurance 1 companies of • the; United States tfor the year 1020 amounted in ruuiid numbers to $350,000,000.. Mt*m | of tills was paid on Insured men. wmu:

^h.and children who died*premutim-\

tiicmhcrship W ithout . c.i»nshU»rlpg). her mrojiioM carefu lly . In mhhy of thesi*,

.. U]|i nth riG Is given tor

that since tlu-re arol tioY'acA’Aunmodution«-for a ll. It ls '(e lt that the \'A*m ger woman Is- m ore .in need of the protection afforded by\ these club«. . . ...

* W ar Work Brought Unrest. ^— ^J-UumuhivAlly^-tlw* - w anderlust-whlrlv hrlngs jh e . younger woinea fr<>m. the

i security .of their -to coin­bat. an .nLlmoM..laipi.'h'.ss..sltuntb»n In as phase of the unrest Which foih»wed •Knnl tipim the hods of the w ar. So ntanv of-m ir-g lrls wlm until that time

cldcs also show large Increases.'The figures were analyzed b y Rohr.

m - I.y tm ("ox nt tluV ant»un_t:conventfon o f ’the A ssL jehd jo n 'O fTn fe Insurance I'ri^ddebt^Tiold here last wej’k .. ;■

r^ 'T l ie ) ' .37_ co'nipaules constituting; these figure's - transact aland 80 . per cent of-H ie life insurjuu'e business pf the Tcountry," lie • said . -''Coitildniug both ordinary and Industrial life in- suranve Imsluess, these 37 <,«»mpunU‘s

Report that, while they <*xperiencvd 111 'Hie llr.-.t ten montlis, óf. 1020 deaths numbering- 205,0H , for the sanie"pert-

'"yV*ar •otir>r']v8j;SdO\deliths'hav'e cicCurrerl. T h is shows a redfietion of 21,0S1 ln\tlu.* •uetual. number of- their

-death losses tills year," ■ ~

J a la r into. ; cohsTrienitlon the g re a te r numher1 o f HVes ut r isk in ■ 1021 we miglit i pay that pneumonia ' Is only about one-half^ ns serious a fr iu se .o f death this year. as J t wtis la st year. The most am azing factor in the health, situation o.f the year Is tlie almost com pletr^ilKnppournnee of Influenza ak a cause of death. Only 1,730 -deaths are reported for ten mouths of 1U2Ì, as against l i . iM l fo r the_ correspond­ing period*of llC d , which was not re­garded ns an epidemic year. ♦

Increase-in Suicides. *“ R ut there ary* a lw ays same excep­

tions to be noted, nnd mention must now; he .made of certain causes of death that are showing increases oyer those!»? Inst year. Suicides and hom­icides amounting to >,4,174* have In­creased by -the num W r of 1,020, or tihout 'four times what the increase .would have' been had the rato per thousand o f 11)20 remained constant


FleeTng Eskimo Meets Danish King o i l . High Seas and Is Given a

" ; Cigar.

for 1 V. T h is u u d o iil.ifd lT T s S direct resu lt of w a r reliction's,, business de­pression, unemployment' and otlier plumes, of- ceonom'lc disturbance, nnd w ill lurtioly cure Itse lf ns times Im­prove., ' . ...... . ' .

iV n intter of no srunll concernamoiiK tlie ¡liHTensliiK causes of dentil. Is the* stead ily niountlnK mortnll ■nased .b y JiutdWob|les nnd other mo-


London.— A n amusing story of t l .t l s ing of D enm ark’s recent visit tu I Greenland wus recently told, by M.- Au-j gaard of the Danish legutlon, to laeiu-1 bers of the Danish club In London.

A s the royal yacht ¡was nppr.uK'liin; I Greenland, u dark speck became vUi-T hie uh tlie open.’sea. d t proved to In I a so litary K skim o In Ids litt le enyalt I (native ¿anoe), "TTie lisk lm o cauie>i) I board and b is loyalty In having brand I the perils o f 'th e sea in such u frail I ernft assured him' needless to say , tin | warmest of welcomes. „ T h e icing pre­seated him w ith a cigar unil what tlie| Esk im os most highly p rtze ru rltle.

On lundlng the king described the I Incident to .U ieJDunlsIi commissioner 1“ I Greenland nnd usked him who the uua | w u s .....................~ ..................................~ •

The commissioner In uecents of hor l ror, rep lied : . “ The man's an escaped I CdhvJet. . - l i e - broke prison,-• «tule j I canoe and put to sea. W e tliiiught In | hud been drowned." ' .

tor-driven vehicles:-*. T h e numbert of .deaths In 11) 1 reported hy-tlio IIfo In ­surance companies that furnished the irligures..fa r the compilation on whichtills paper Is 'lp iScd wns L’ .ICJI, which Is. nil Increase of nearly lb per cent over l ! i “ 0 : Wé ta lk .lea rn ed ly of bac­teria am i 11 m l 111. hut overlook tlie

ASK Q U EEN AD M ITTED T OLondon Templars Suggest She Be Firs* | • Englishwoman Formally—

. “ Called.” .

% .v Causes of Death. - •/Ihw nur>»'s ot ih'atli for the first

ten. months of 1!>21 w ith tho“\corre­sponding jierhul of 11)20 »re ns ful-

• U»ws;.... ................. \ -¡: • ................................. ............. ........ .....— J'lrst Ti’n 'F lrstTen

plii’il 'with ’siMue • menus of eumlng ] N*'w they Art? not content to fohl theirfhe.Tr 1 fvt'lltinoii.'— Not un - liou r iig«* f - luuu!-,'’----- ----------- ---- ~ _t^lUAMl^wlih it girl who lim) Just ro m e i' ••'Hie ynutiLvr^ gonor»tl(*n hns. »c- pe- fri*n>- upstnte. Nothing- I Mibl tn 1 qulred u nmrlwMl ilNtfiste fo ivstnylng ^xplnmillon «>f the serlouMieNM of this j at home, where they may h^nl-n nor-

j»r_i4dem_thiit J s e»»jfrontlne so luuny » m »LivJUJV«.Itluiy.JiniL-they- nf cmr’iiuon'nnil women tothiy hint any l and doing tm»l in ' the ir tnlndi Ne\v elTeet upon-- hetr; • She has uhvavs ’-York ls-the only phu*e ft»r their neflv- wanted U> rtune to New Y o rk ; she i h ies. 'I ho-question •\Vhero, frXv t*iehint a lw ays had a good Job, find she i Jobs for them?’

/nfiupnza ..............morda (nll-forniR)

H'iiberculosis .iají

Itrlgbt'R disi-aso . . . . . . . .r itra i «tiitè-',,,,,,,,

Mvn.slejr .......... ’.YWlmopl-ng cough

Jilidxi'eji^Anil.-ciucxU.iS'phohl fever ......... ;-Ceretn id henmrrhage

Captains of the Fencing Team s

•KxternM cjuTHos (exclud­ing milrtdoH.... boink'bles - and rtUUmjobllüuácold'.ta). 10.4 1

Miscellaneous ...........43,035

Months Month*1920 1921 -14.941 'n 1,730

. 131 .’4 ( x 13.7«^s). ^ \ 22,443

SCB ’"¡MW'' .... '2.732... I4,<2 14.339„ . - .3.12D - 23,

1,144 - 432... 8» - • MT... im ' - 7S2 !

L^:...s^ag- ------- 2p327-... j . s a •1.379 1.. ; « , m . •12;îOSirt C3.733 “ *24,415

R e c t o r B a n s . S h o r t -

S k i r t s a t W e d d in g s

J Rev . W. C . Robertson of t C h ris t Ep lscnpal chun-ti at Chat-' J—ta iu iiig ir Tetim has' Issued rules

lellnhig the lengGi of skirts, and hints that any one violating the rules will not he permitted to take part in a church' wedding . i ceremony. Tie asserts'that no J tlress called technically an "eve- tidtuT'dress"'\vllT ;ht~ulIdtvcii:.....

Skirts must not be higher than * where the . spring of the calf o f _J

-London.--The Interesting suggestietl Is being hrulted-uhout lit the Tempi* I tliut thé honor of being the llrst u'niiuo I to be "called” to the EngUsli bar slmuld I be proffered " to the Queen. The «¡ f vécûtes of this course urge' that tin I historic occasion on which a tvoiiianl for the Urst time- Is 'admitted to the I English bar would he observed lu.ji1* I most litting .manner - I f the . (tiiceaI

-would''consent- to stand ns the pio.liett| In tills great advance ^jiened to tl‘*|highest capacities of educateti wotto-'dTw o. yodng - women have already bcei| admitted to the lia r In Ire lund .'


i ' ttiV leg" begins, 'sleeves • must not • he shorter tlinii above the elbow* \

\ and lints jnust he worn. J y * * J

Found Eating Wasp N^'rkiinn, >A rk .— E a g c riy ea:Wjwasp nests, a' mnn wlio/hahl he, wail John Zing w a s fouyd the other ji jlajl

-iimlcr-u-i>ri<igeiitent'?vicnth—from-riat-|vatlon. H e said lie/hnd been umiW(l to phtnln sufjlclent .food by begginS-l IIo wns turned over to a charltable| Institution. / '

_ _ . _ ; • lS2;fi72C au ses of death showing

r rc n s o iii the death ra te :Cancer ....................... 14<V4PuU'bK'n. ................

Tr<nn5i-Mni»_....... .Automobil*». VccUlotits and •

lnlurlos ................................Fv ir ’vt f»»\er .....................Diphtheria- ,.. , , , , . , ' . ,7 ,^ .,, .

...153.3C4-1 [i ln- I

Interesting Visitors From .China

W :



G’(Y totivi (all ijmssosK. 3 3,341 1 _ •TiioULh • certaju tausos of iltxAth show fncrenM-s tn actual numher of deaths for

•5331 o\t:r tiw rate per thousand lq, tn fact; lower dwcaiiHO of ' the lnoneasod nutn her of Uvea ut risk In U<J1. .

\>. ll.m'.ycutt, captains of thé British and Washington. -

"W e 'c e at the outset that about ‘Jg per icn t of deaths during this je n r havo'liDen .n iuSeSriiy- diseases w h ic h un^ler ourl present" .habits of life are pretty sure to um tlm ie at high ratios mining the \a rm us.,causes of dejith,” said M r: Cox. , “ T liese diseases arc cerebral hcmorrhagci-organlc -tliseavcfsr of tlie heart and B rig ht's disease. -In the main they arc a ilm ents, of the

•(more in h aace d 'ye a rs of life . There­' fote " o turn f i r hope to the*- other

causes- o r death, constituting 72 per cent of-the total.. ” .

'Though ”we learn that tuberculo­sis has mused the enormous total tff Ysi'hkl. deaths, that Is to sny about

..y - !!

%Mrs. ij, T. Chuo, w ife of the director o f the Chinese educational 11''S*'1'

to the United States, with her two children, Merry May. end Y. William Clm11 photographed outside their hotel In Washington. ' .

A Binimeli Proposition


I r ...................................... r f f t i m j1SÏÏ. br itcCImr. N««iB«p«r S/iuUcKt.

“So ] think a m an 'la choosingI wife should go a t tt as ' he would i 1 business proposition; then he U ot

¿rotmd and not up in the cloud! I 'from which'he inay tumble later ot I with a bump.. I have studied a Hat ol joiailahle «Iris and have decided thal I jour (laughter Is the (one, Mr. Mnttl-I son-' H ave 'I your., permission to lay|ii:c matter before her?" ........ - .

Mr.Alattlson leaned back tn his deep llifirary chair and gazed through his llnc-hy hroivs at the frank, open fea- IHires of the man opposite lllm; The Bolder mini Smiled Inwardly ns he je- ItijiirKcd openly; "Mr. Andrews, I 'do liJit -ul.jcct to yqur laying, the matterI I cfoFc Ediia. I kilow . enoughs of you

Umov tliut as fur as character isjceiiccrnt'd add the ability , to give a ■girl ;i good’ home, yon are all right." Ls to making a business proposition I f the nintter o f a wife,' why.-1 have l r w;l‘:ics. f- would -Hkg to see youtry.

When Andrews' tall, muscular dgur vanished down the walk from "th

hlcasant Miittlsoirhonie, Mr. Mattlsoi lent for Edna. ' She came In, ros; ■coin some, outdoor recreation, he Irown eyes sparkling, her bright hnl J.olilhig still the Imprisoned sunlight

•Sit down, Ted; I must put yot • he,' as you say lj, to something,’

ier father announced. ■" ‘A secret—good!" she. answered.' You bet It is. Antirews has beer

lire, mid he— well, lie has n business lropo»[tlon."'MnUlson began, and wenl I'n'toTmtlhie Andrews’ Idea o f a love In'air. ' ,

Edtin listened wlth grnvo eyes that It the jnme thife were seething with |musement. “So I am' the purtyVof



W .'

/ -__... ./A Delightful 8pot.

f1« fécond.part?” she queried.In tll/ln t .. . .|n Idea! Go out a girl I^W.hiiy a suck of potatoes... , * i/uvuiw[ All,|rwys_ is simply out of h 'l. ihnr's uil,: Tle wns an f " np.ln.,one of"those schc r b|,,>M finding his way up „,S; s" he (loesli't know.”I should, think he didn’t I '

ra<h IrtTirr------ : " ‘LVwt lass, be good -to hlr t :!bl-Si ri .he, selected from y ’ f , r he l‘ud gone over th f _ «'h one. Anyway., don’t

^ .*'■blt ° * «‘ so' , You keep a v

» wit. dad, and see what hsI - tiilrews cnme the next dnj

lr ,ri "n wns rcn,|T for him I '.,,., l-s-he thought would be itiiT 11 InS "nfternoon withlii'elv She- <llscoveredKtin!!'"1 1,6 "'ouW need a

L1! ' 0'* , her to the. home : it,!: V mlgmfuI* 'sP°t' comn

L-Jr.'i.,h<! rlver nnrt tile s< lyT, >h"'i 'heir" stroll abo L ' 1 -"id said simply; “J v

•V.n this home, SIlss JTi

^"'l {ourself with. It?” s

course," he replied! n s to my character i;ij .. kiidiuLTi'

In,,.,; f'dher has all Ish - " 111 ÇO over the:lie it,.,,,. - . J.17, f , , eeeii edurntlng.1 . , ; Imrself. “ Yes. lm

° " t of your prop, tlY Ii;!v? ' “ "ctl ‘love.’ Do,

w h / 1, rt ’ minor" matter, 'Is • l,‘ - .course." , .

!¡. 'leinandetl, nW - , : ’ ’"I'ortnnt-to m<

‘ I tiinf won—andI lk1 « h" r. duletly,■Kt !ni . I'lsjpyes,?r Ik ' ' 'f t her suddenly'

| l f;,., , " I1 be w as des r ¡rue h ' ! ,''irat'tor of

’■b 'l-elr dèàd°miU1 MtU

P W ?

l,7S5f t «e f*T ”

A Business Proposition I

' ',. i i.’-- • ••. / iBy A. w . PEACH


rll;e, 2,200 women wi r» Iquud of the “ coupelles"

hobllus, whose presvnes 1-el of his Juggernaut can I1 w'il'llU'i- Jlli'_i l ,,l“ _-'US-liim] whose. houikMci [ i;ely prevented by m«ra liig of our . congested Ur experience f »r ten [ that 10(000 human lives

lit to ptermiture lietiilij or-d riven vehicles, at an to the world of at least |

claims pnld by the 111» I [upunles of ; the-> -Unitei |

year 1920 nmotmleil to $350,000,000. Mast ]

lid on Insured men. w«u: L who died- premature |


0 Meets Danish King o» | |ias and Is Given a


it am u s in g s to ry of the 11 m u rk 's re c e n t v is it to I

re c e n tly to ld b y M,-Aa-i b u ll is h le g a t io n , to mem-1 a iiis ii c lu b In London.I y u e lit iw u s .u p p r o u c l i 'p j dark sped; became visi-f en'sea. ,,I.t proved to' In I kiiiio in 'ids little cit.yuMI. T l ie E s k im o ciiu ie>n I lo y a lty lu h a v in g braved I th e sea in such u frail I

I l ia n need less to s a y , tin I e lc o m e s ., T h e k in g pro I 1th 11 c ig a r u m l w h a t die ]1 h ig h ly p r t z e r u rifle .. the king described the I > Danish^commissioner lu I i usked 1dm who the man I

isklner In accent's of bar-1 •The mail's an escaped I

|i - broke prison, stohmn I to ''«;«.' W e thiiught he|

Ivvned." ‘ ' ■.,

T inz. by UcCliurs- s m u t « Syndic»!«.

"So I think a man 'in choosing a wife should go at It as^be would a l^ihejssTifoposItlon; • then He is on ...lid irptiBd and not up In the clouds in',hi which he may tumble later on with a bump. I have studied a lis t o f mnihilde girls and have decided that u,'ur daughter Is the, one. Mr. Mqttl-

• n a v e 'I your, permission to layme maticr.before her?'' .............

Mr .Mattlson leaned back In his deep pl'c n-v chair and gazed through his I iidiv brows at the frank, open fea- IureJ of the man opposite him. T h e ( i([i r i.i'an smiled Inwardly ns he ;e- ('ursel openly: "Mr. Andrews. I ’doi, j,, „i.j.w't to your laying-the matter

- llilim. I know enough, of you „ i , i-_v that as fur as character Is ,-Hcrm'd and the ab ility ,to give a. il l ¡1 gin id home, you are all righ t

,vs in making a business proposition f tin- matter of a wife, why,--1 have

doubts...I-w on liU lk e to -see -y tn r

r j . ’ - - - - —When Andrews' tall, muscular figure

md vanished down the walk from "the '.tfiisant Maltison honie, Mr. Mattlson ,-nt for Edita. She came In, rosy n,in sorae% outdoor recreation, her irown eyes'sparkllng, her bright hair oldliig still the Imprisoned sunlight. •Sit down, Ted ; I must put you

. ¡se,' as you say 1|, to something,1 ,-r father 'announced. , '•‘A secret—good !'• she. answered.• You hot It Is. Andrews has been

ere, and he— well, bo has n business n po.-d11 on.” 'Malf!son began, and went 1,'I(> buillne Andrews’ Idea of a love (1'air. .Kdnn listened with, grave eyes that

t the same tlnfe were Beetbing with maseaient. "So I am' the purty.of


f-ook," « »■ said gently, " I wadt yon­to come to a little good'tim e et my borne tonight, " Now, »Son't say''you won't* - .

He came, looking the qaiet strength' fbat was In him. . Puzzled and awk-jg ward at first, he thawed; o a t One o f 1 the 'men who evidently knew some- thlng i>f him led him to tell stories of the lmnoer camps "of the- far North, where b is ' business coiled him each year. .. They w e re fascinating stales. A ll In all. It Was an interesting eve­ning. and she. knew that part_of his education hud begun. "

She saw to It tlm t'lt continued. She drew him.from his business luto her, pastimes. She discovpreiKa deep bub­bling stream 6fjjuJeL_fun ih ltliu; she saw that be w a s getting more and

ore 1 lovo with tier— liut he didn't ilpw It ! Now und then sheTabght

soiftj* o f her flirtatious friends trying to. play with him, attracted by bis grave .masculine ,nir of assurance-and command, but they gave 1dm up. She smiled as she watched, and gradually, though she fought it. she felt a feeling o f possession; lie belonged to tier. The replication amused uud sollercd her in tuin. . -

Then he came one evening unex­pectedly with ilie news that business called ldm North. As she faced him site saw in his eyes a great hunger fo r im r_ that-stilled- every-b lt-of "tnisc*chief In her. .................» " "

Suddenly, as he talked, he put ills arms on lien shoulder: "Edna, before I go, I must have your word that when I rdlurn you—you—will marry m e!"

"As a business proposition?” >lm asked gently. '

Ills expression changed. "Don’t, please. I was a fool. I didn't know then. I do now. I want you— wunt you—love you!"

With a sudden strength that fright­ened her he drew her to '.him. and In his eyes she save the Intense-tire, white and holy, of the love that .awakened beurts of strength cun show. "Tell me.. Edna, tell me I” .

She-relaxed In. his arms, n sense of peuebe and content upon her. She nodded for answer, nnd ids lips, firm, but gentle, rested on hers. . /1 When lie. had gone she found her­self In a hit o f daze. /"

lle r father appeared III the doorway. “Caleb.bus JusTTold me, honey. Ts it a business proposltlnir?"- /

She hugged lillii greedily. "It Is—- and a lot more I" / - ■


AD M ITTED J O Blars Suggest She Be Fid* | hwoman Formally

“ Called." ,

lie in te re s t in g s u g g e s tiv i :ed a b o u t l i i th e -T e m p « I ■ o f b e in g th e l ir s t w oiiw»l [ io th e E n g lis h hars liouW Ito the queen. Tim n •• I

Ills' course urge' tlmt 9« I iloti oil which U Woman | time. Is 'admitted to tini observed laJMJ. m a n n e r 4 f th e ^<nieeaj |t to s ta n d as t i le i i l1;»^ 11

lu h 'u n c e opened to >1'* | I tie s o f e d u c a te ti wonw» ■omen h a v e a lre a d y ,bcm | th e b a r In Ire la n d ;


Certain Quantity of ¿Different Ele* meats is Necessary to Pro

mote Plant Growth.X

GREEN CHOPS SUPPLY HUMUSMuch of Enriching} „ Propertlca Of

Stable Manure la Watted by Un­Wise Method»—Wheat and ~

Corn Need PotiSh.

lug vvÿeu nay lie a

^Prepared by thi* t ’nltfd S latti Department Agriculture.) *->w • •

U lc h u v s s a m i I v r i i l i t y a ro o f te n s u i^ posoil io tnoau th o tU lm

to Mill, luitrIhtittL mi w u lo says th e U n ito t i S ta le sL to |*a r tm v n t o fv A ^ r io u ltu n * . T U o d t t fo rouoo Is o n e U u u m a y m ouo success o r fa i lu r e lu tT o ii^ t^ K U ie tlo iv ,

l i y . f e r t i l i t y Is ln e a h i Uve n b lt l ty o f t l ie so il to lu o ilu c e a c ro p ./ A

.s y U is * c ic l i .a l* . It--C iu vtu m s ^ ^ » e o s U le r ^ulne quiuiiitv o f va ru of ihe-.clvmem«

"required liy "the pu nt In llie'Yiregesso f growth. Uniess. however, ''Uie.seelemvnis are avail une to the pfimtund ; muions of the soilare sueu as to protnote piutit growtli.tho son cumini-be ^riid to he fertile..Ccrtnin eiemeuts i re always uvalluble to the plant; briers must be acted upon by certab/substunees under suit­able eomlUloUs to become uvalluble or soluble. /

Svdls may be rendered infertile natural causes, such ns leucli-



'e reebnd pnfi?” she queried. “ What In ii|Cn! Go out n girl as you fotrlii.tiny a suck o f potatoes!” .“AU'lrevvs__is .simply hut o f .hlg ele»

f'ki. dinr's ull. "H e was an orphan, wv ,nne o f pilose schools, and 's been fighting his way up In bttsl-

Wcll, I'U

i a t in g W a s p N is ts .>Ark—Eivgcrly,

. nmn who/sald lie..»'aj| hs found/the other ilsIMI ?(wnenr';'dcattr-from-^8i,j ;ald lie/lind been uiuibWI rtlclent .food by b<‘*;L'l'1fj ,ed over to a chnrlta I


»•'S; so he (locaii't know.slniiddLthink he didn’t

i(,h 19111" !" ;'|2Xoa| lass, be good -to him. You p.iii(>_gl r] .he. selected from a long H fhcr he liad gone oyer the points ■ f?ch one. Anynmy,_doil't_rhe.JOO-

” &u"f a' bit o f education |!ibt help.“ . ' - , .

1 think so. You keep a weather- p out.- dad, nhd Bee what happens.”| Andrews came the next day In his

l.ilnn wns ready for him, ready' l r vvl,nl.she thought would be.ajiigh^ I 'Vermlning afternoon" with a new I " ; "f male. She discovered Immer I 11 (but lie. would need a lot of fnrntlng. ' - . ; , . ».Iflc tool: her to the. home he, hnd

a delightful/spot commanding I ' 1''" of the river and the sen. As (Ushntehed their" stroll about,'he

'l iiiul wild simply: "1 w ish to*’•Mu lids home. Miss Mattlson,

Apparently There/I« No Limit to the Credulity of- the Natives of

/ - South Africa. ---- - ,

Negroes thatwere brought, to Amer­ica as sljtves used to relate .stories of conjuror negroes, in Africa who could walk behind jinybody uml pick up tlii?lr tracks anil pul them- in a' bag/wlth poisonous spiders, Umdfrogs, tree-frogs, devils’ iiorses—grout big grasshoppers with red uml black

wings. Then dondiebiigs anil grub­worms would bo put In,'und Vat's fur arid a piece of lenther-wing hat's wing, and thousand-legged Worms und liz­ards’ , tails and scorpions.

When the conjuror's hag wns corn.- pletcd"!t was burleil under tlie“eaves of- tlu; bouse where tlie .victim of theConjuror-lived,..Tlioterrlf.vliig-pnlnswould Uort::hmko" theuiselvVs miiiil test, rind In tlie veins, the stoumch and the bowels ,of the unfortunate

\ person the vermin and Inseqts .would hold high cnnilvul. The victim was doomed. No doctor could relieve lilm Only by propitiating tlie conjuror was there any hope. Tills could some times he done by giving presents to the. conjuror. Tho poor conjured wretch w n s avoided by all ills ac­quaintances. People d id 'not like to wnlk on tlie side of the road where the dimmed mnn lived. When tlie “ conjur" was getting off, the vermin, and Insects worild sonietlnies lie heard Jumping out and fulling down kerflop on the ground. ' ..

Eleanor C. .GIbbi1 relates this story In the Atlnntic AJontlily us one told to her by ran old negro vvoman who was brought from. Africa,ujad who dc-' clnred slio knevv these things to lie. true froiu"personnl experience.

I f c ¿ourself with. I t r she’ .I-


ilL I

.^ *1

Inese educational lay- and Y. William Lh1

.'.course," he replied, a'bltVpnz.■ As to niy character and busl- ’Xsur father has all the facts, i|‘„J ' n i l! go over them If you

-—nei= .-iieeiJ edurntlrig.” she ex- 1,1 rself. “Yes. lint you left

■ ; tut of your proposition—a .r'( i lolled Move.’ Doesn’t ibaf

rfiiilhor matter, nnd willls'. , ll1'“ i course.'

I' ' 'bo deinandeU, a little nn- l( • i' diiptirtant'to me. , Iiwant I, ’ 1 t’ '* mur won—anil loved.1 : ‘ "k"l at her quietly, nnd She Vf,,,.'' ' I" lilsjeyes, dim and I'r ii '1.” ’ nml su,,(icnly It came rl f.',r *'.e" ' ns fleslrnblj!—clrian

a* 'harocter of the type who '' “no uotnan until the bills

* <*.Gr dead

Chartcis'ôT MMIrrlàge.'Tjbere have been compiled the fo l­

lowing statistic^ regarding a woman's chances of marriage at varying periods o f life. Between the-ages of fifteen^ind nineteen, there Is-n wedding for/only one In every seventy-two women; he- tween.. twenty -an d—twenty-fjiur, the chance Is one In every thirteen; he- tween twenty-five nnd tlilrty;'one wom­an In every eight finds'' a husband. Those who remain spljfstcrs between the ages of/thlrty atijl'jlilrty-four wiM

.Slid tlie chance oqliv one ln twerity- ifou r; while frpm/tlilrty-nve to thirty nine the chancd/ls one in twenty-eight. A t forty to forty-four the odds are lif- ty-slx. to one agnlnst the husband. hunter, nnd 'hetween forty-live nnd fiftythe-chancelsatonehm idrcdandeightto one, - -1 •; . ■ • • / ; _ .

Mnemonics. .“Here Is a wonderful hook on how

tb'tral.n. the memory,” said the private's e c r e t « ____ __,------• -rrr—- - - / ----

. “ I don’t want, anything to do/wlth. It,” -protested Senator Sorghum/ "A ft­er haying made speeches on nil kinds o f subjects', for 15' or' 20 -years 1 a m ipore Interestcd in something that will teach people to forget “ /

• The Way o f tL ' &“Well, Pencliy is goirig’ to be mrirried

again,” said Helolse o f the rapid fire restaurhnt. - /■,' -v .'

“ ■\Vliy_geei" returned Clnudlne of the 'same estahllshmenL "She” ain't nriver been married, has she?” ■

“No,''but i she’s ¡been ‘going to b e 8whole lot of tlmes.” --Kunsa» City

■ Aigi '


Loss of 3200 00 0,00 0 Annually in United S ta te s.

To Effect Complete Extermination olRodent: P iiU United Efforts.'ot---

\ Ev*ry Homo Owner and Tenant Are Needed.

Royal Garment is Designed in Paris for Rumanian.

Dress Is of Plum Purple CharmeuM and Silver Lace ,. Beautifully

..... . .— Draped in Front- •,

\ _____

( f r e p e r e d ^ r th e V n lt r d S t e t « . t> n p .rlT n .n l Nq( A » r lc u llu / r .,)

Damage tdtullng /$2lH>,tXKl,(k)0 -In ston*d ftH'dstuffsVgrain, hold crops, und other Jiijuruhlu iiiliyorluls is done by ruts'Ih the UnitedN1ituios annually. Only tho united Wlori»''Hf every .homo owner und iCiilnit eun.efltVt tlie.aliuli- tlon of t h r o d e n t IH-'in. -'flu* l'.lo-- logieal ¡yorvey,, Uniied Slates Viepai l- ment, o f Agriculture, Is •Marling (l\liig cuiiqialgn against rodents throughout tlio/easterri United Slates. .Much ul ' r*gidy lias been accomplished In tlie mat­AST of eontnd lu tlie Westemand-Mid- dle \t estera states, where effective co. operation wus seeurod— On tlie oilier Itilftd, residents o f the Eastern and

A rarely lovely tea gown wha re- oet'lly designed 1ft Vurls for the queen o f lluuinnlu. Tills wonderful womnn — who has earned the title “ the busi­ness Queen," continues to Interest her­self in the revlvul of trade In - her country, sho is allowing an Interest in ltmiimilaii dris,smakeis, uilliiuers, etc. ’ '

A t t ie r sp e c ia l re q u e s t se v e ra l Im ­p o r t a n t , 1'i i r ls u ia ls o iis a r e p re p a i'l i ig to yqieiii l ir a m .li houses In th e l lm im i i - | In n c n p lla l a n d — ti le queen Lakes do­

S' l i t in » l|(iw iii|: . in i h e r ow n person , I- i M utest an d lo v e lie s t P a r is m odels . |

n i iu is , in a sense, u 'r o y a l in iii in e q u iii. i A n d H h ls l r o i i i t l ie n o b le s t an d m ost m is e itls U m o tiv e s . . .. i

’l l i e ten -g ow n in q u e s tio n w as s im p le |

How to Mako Garment for SmallChild;-Hangs From Shouldtrs and _

■ A itu rn Comfort.

l t ’a c o m fo r t th a t^ c o u n t * morik" lq c h ild re n 's C lo thes— e s p e c ia lly t l i e i r un- d e rc lo tlie s . T h e y o u g h t n o t to d r a w o r b in d u n y w h e re , th a t ’s w h y th e p e t­t ic o a t t h a t h m ig g fro m - t l ie jd m u ld e rs I * p r e fe r a b le to - th e o ld -f iis h lm ie d | ie t -

.t le o u ts jv 'L t li ’th e i r f i t te d w a is ts u n d h e u v i g u l l ie m l - o i i s k ir ts . T h e r e Is K o m e th lu g e ls e - In t l ie fu v o r o f t h l * - ( ic t t lc o u t— I t ’s c u t In Just cine p ie c e . .

M a k e a p a t te r n .as In d ia g ra m , I ’ ig . 1. E ro m A to 1-! Is 211 Vi in c h e s ; fro m 10 to 11. 2s 1S In c h e s ; fro m ( ! to E , k i l l in c lie s ; fro m E to 1. 3 In c h e s ; fro m G to l l . In c h e s ; fro m to Q and


tlirou^b^ln^, suul timuiph nrlUlolal tnusos.sucli n^"i>hii:le iTnj>i>lnE. Improper rotation, uml tho h»i>roi>or proportion of H v«- Ht,LH.*k to crop .production. .One-of Urn principal hicthoils oof Increasing soli fertility is thront;h mUlltlon of humus In the soil, either hy stable manure or i Krecn crops pUnviV, umler. 1

Leaching May_Waste Manure.Too much of the fertilizing proper*

tics of Hlahh* mamirc 1« anstt,<| either by lcaclili»ii In the haniyaril.or hy evaporation wjrim- spread on the land and left on the surface. I f tin? m a mi re is spread nnd cannot lx* plowed under quickly, it should lie disked, un-’ less the ground is frozen. I f ummirc must he left on the surfuee jif the i field, It is much better left In piles and spread just before It Is plowed- un­der; Tin* effect' o f stable manure on the land Is .cumulative, ami frequently Is more marked with the second crop than with the flr^t.

Oreen crops plowed under proviso another source o f soli Improvement, ttuch crops as peas, beaus, clover and alfalfa are nmnti^ tho best for sup­plying humus to the soli. These crops should be plowed under In tho soil so as to have abundant opportunity to decay before the growing season be* Kins the following spring. I f a legu­minous erop cannot be grown for Krcen manure, iOtlu*r crops, suih as ,oats, rye, barley, or even sorghum, may be used, | ■ ." I f 'th {‘"rrqnlred“ eh‘mr*nfs—are not 1n

tlie soil or are not readily available, the need should be supplied by com­mercial fertilizers. Tin* .composition

ru le rb av -e -b etas -f^ .lu — -but p a r t ic u la r ly Je f le c rh *e7 \ a ls o i t w us w e a ra b le . A w o m an w h o ‘ In d u lg e d h i a p h lu r e s q u e s ty le o f tU v sK h il; .tn ttfh t W A 'lK u e a r I t a t a d in - j n e r p a ih y , s ince th e \ (u £ h l im oti th e d a y Is In fa v o r o f truni*^ iir.ent. w ln « - s lee ves an d d ra p e r ie s a lta C h ed to th e b a c k , o f th e co rsag e , w h Ie n \ f o r m a s o r t o f t r a in . ' \

T h e d ress I t s e lf w us c o m p o s e d v o f c h a n u e u s e u iu l i t w a s b e a u tlfu ll d ra p e d ; ln fr o n t , .

T h e lin e s w e re a lm o s t (J reek, an d . th e w a y th e s o ft s a t in w a s arran ge» o y e r th e bust w a s s]H?ch»Ily a t t r a c t lY ^ T h e n ’ c a m e th e b ig Tucc m a n t le w h ic h fo rm e d sleeves, o r w h ic h , q l l u i i s f y e lle d th e a rm s , a in t^ th a t In a /m o s t be<-oinItiLf T iia im e r . ' a r -

exi>osod to w id e s p re a d ra vag e s anti u th ie k s f r o m ro d e n ts fo r such long .periods th a t th e y h a v e becom e so a c cu s to m ed to th e l i l l l ' i i lU V * ’ ila tO UC- c**p tstl iy m as h m a t te r o f course . U n d o 'S iim F* d o in g h is u tm o s t to nwaihvn

fii'v t lu u s to t h e m ,c(l fu r c r iu l iu i t - h v iy r a ts .' •

T ik l l l i is t r a tc t l ie e n o rm o u s (liin iago., ' \ v l i l c l i \ r a t s n i im in l ly n c c o in iills li In

g ra in i i i k I co rn tle lils , t l ie e x iie r le iic e o f th e B tn t t^ p e n lte t i t l i ir y fa rm , ebver-


Rata Menace Food Supplies With Di.»-, ease and Causo Much Loss and Waste.. ■ .. ' / ■

lag 2,500 neres, at Untoti Ilouge, tói,, is of Interest. I.ast .venr il 200/ncru (Iclil (if funi wiis pluiited «li thla/fnriu, Tlu* rat« wiirkcil tlielr wn.v /(ìiniugh thè lleld, steulliig all tlu» seeil lu'fme tlié kertiels eotiUl germlniile/^-Tlic lUdil was idmited a seemiil ti me. .litui agalli die rais «verrini tini pr«/pectl\e f(irtl- held, lenv^ng In tlielr /iuke |inlhs « f dealriictloii. timlctofred, tlu» furili iiquTnger idimtcd ttie lleld tu coni a llilrd tlme^aud uUlmniely secucL'il. a IKKir stand, wliielv resulted la thè tir«- ductlvu o f almut oue-thlrd o f u uur- limi curii ermi./' ' '■ / ' «'


nliig iiinmier.This Is a model cnpaldo (if^riiinslder-,

alile viirlely. Any c/dor nilgiit lie In­troduced In thè satin' ilrdss and'tlu» transparent iniiitle nilglrt he III Idaek or wl(lto luce, or In iieÿtrii'cod over ut Ilio border w ith metjrlllc threads. Or ngulu, It iulgld lie Wdfïon with a|de lieinslltcheiKliordcr.\T lie liiiiiorluuT thing Is Huit the

dreqs slnnild luysnft und fiiippli' mul tile inaliti^ trmiHimrent and .fragile-look­ing. For tin- latter fine Iliaci; laro would lie 'jho Idea, limi sudi a umilile might l )«/ ivhni aver several dllTeient leu gmviis. (ihi IdeiiH yOf the niiiiiient, In 1’iirls, Is line lihicK Ine« shown oyer white satin, wqli a touch of subtle color at the

C..V--- rrrrrr...,

f o r T o t 'a O n e -P Iec^ P e t t ic o a t

fv o u i P I t . InchV'H; fro m t } In K lY^il fro m N to H , In ch o n ; fr o m 1*

und f r o m ' l 1 to O . ;t h u h e -f. I ’o ln ti*l v l ’’ th u rk _ .lh e -to p o f th o s h o u ld o r ,- .....7—

T u b e t ip *n d n r f i»n th o n h o u ld e r. In* t»\ich u m t i^ n tH a h m ilnsA )ok,- p r Inn^r d o th , a KroiUdii HAunn n l ih o vm donvrm iilvA's it bou t Im tjd i. ' ‘

L a y tin? la c e em d h e r lR h t nldo o f Un> >d*4. iih d Htilt*)». aK h i K ltf. LV I t n l f ’

th e ed p > o f - t h e an d , on th inw ro n g s ide, s t itc h n Keco'ik»! tim e , ns In K ig :t. M n e h ln e - in a d e V c h a s a g a th e r th re a d w o ve n lu th o 1pp. . Hew

■h k .-o. . . \In H ew in g on la c e b y h a n d ,1 r^ M lT O '

edge o f th e goods a m ! w h ip on t l ie lm<tv w ith o v e r -u h d o v e r s tltcheH , ua l n \ 1-lg . I.

Ayiiist o r h rm is t. \y in » iK e o s iu m o zilils o r d e r v e ry lo w -^ u t b la c k h I k ; a m t w h i te s ilk s to c k in g s n r e w o rn .


Ordinarily It Doe* Not Pay to Uae Product for. Feed Except in Caw —

/ ' o f Chicken*.

. I t o r d in a r i ly casts c o n s ld ern h ly m o re to p ro d u c e 100 iio u n d s o f su n ­flo w e r seed th a n 100 p oun ds o f co rn or ea ts , an d f o r th a t re n so ri_ m in llo w 'e r- seed ls o r d in a r i ly so h ig h Tti p r ic e (lin t I t does not p a y t 9 Use I t ns n fe e d , ('X; cept p e rh a p s In th e case o f c lileken s , .S unflow er seed e o n tu ln s In e v e ry 1(K) poun ds. 11 o r 12 p oun ds ,o f d lg es tlh lo p ro tc ln in n d 112 u n lts o f e n e rg y , w h e re ­as corn c o n ta in s In e ii'T i UK) po lm ds.

-s h o u t bI x o r s e y e il.j)( ii|) id s -O f.(H g e s tlh h i ” p r<d e liL -«m L iri) u n its o f e n e rg y .. T h e o ­

re t ic a l ly , 1W p o iiii ils (if^sunfinw m r.liC l'ii s l io i i t i t t ie " w o r f l i ' n ru n m l - $1 . ( Z ) ( i h u n ­d re d w lien . c o rn Is w o r th TO ce n ts a bushe l. " i

Stable Man tFe' Inc/eases Fertility by Adding Humii* to the Soli. }

o f fe r t i l i z e r . use iT svlll ile p e n d u p o n th e re q u ire m e n ts o f th e 'c r o p to -h e g ro w na n d ...upo n th e .c o n d it io n o f th e so ilw h ic h Is usqti f o r c ro p p ro d u c tio n . A sugn'r b e e t /c r o p , fo r In s tn n ce , sho u ld h uve iih u f id a n t po tash , w h i le fo r n

'w h e a t o i fe o r n c ro p a t te n t io n s h o u ld b e ■given, t i t th e n itro g e n su p p ly . _

. F it Fertilizer to Soil Need*. ' ..A /c o m p le te fe r t i l i z e r con s is ts o f ■ni­

tro g en , p h o s p h o ric a c id a n d p o tash . IJ a te r in ls c o n ta in in g th e s e c lc in (U |ts s r e m lx e d ln d if fe re n t p ro p o rt io n s fo r d ilT e re h t c ro p s a n d fo r d i f f e r e n t ..poll, re q u ire m e n ts . I t . f r c q u e n U y njiiveiiYs

[ th a t a . c o m p le te f e r t i l i z e r Is n o t re ­q u ire d . F o r e x a m p le , th e re tn n y h e p re s e n t In ’ th e so il n q a b u n d a n t suj>- p l r of. a v n ila h le p o tash , b u t th e su it- p ly o f n it r / ig e n an d p h o s p h o ric a c id m a y h e d e f ic ie n t. I ’ - *- ' t in d e r - c e r ta in c o n d lt lo n .V c o m m c rc k l, ’ f e r t i l i z e r s -d h -n o t s o e p i/e ffe c tiv e ; " T h is m n y h e d u e to th e fa c t th i i t th e fer­tilizing e le m e n ts a r e n o t u se d In p ro p e r ' p ro p o rtio n s , o i i t tn ny h e d u e td ; th e p h y s ic a l 'c o n d itio n s o f t h e soil: T l ie

■greater, b e n e fits a r e o b ta in e d f r o m com - m c rc la i f e r t i l i z e r s - w h e n " t h e so il Is w e l j . su p p lie d , w i th hu m u s.: T h e n »should , o fjpcburse. lie a s u ffic ie n t su p ­p ly o f m o is tu re in th e so li to d isso lve a n d ’ h o ld In s o lu t io n th e p ln n t foocip th a t a r e a |r e a d j ‘ p re s e n t o r th a t m a y


P R E V E N T IN JU R Y IN .O R C H AR DClear Away All Litter., Such a* Weed* V . and Grass Front thé Base of -

' •• j -, . Fruit Troe*.-------- .—

Q tm rd ; a g a in s t m ic e n n d rn h h lts by f i r s t c le a r in g n w a y ./ t i l l U t te r , tm eh as m u lc h w ee d s a n d - g ru ss f r o m th e bane, o f f ru 1 tH re e S —-T ite y fo r m . Id e a l p lace s fo r m ic e to s p e n d th e w in te r . L i t t le d a m a g e o c c u r s ] In th e c u lt iv a te d or- e h iïrd e x c e p t, f r o m th e r id ih ltB . . S o l\ c a ll tie m o u n d e d a b o u t th e huse o f th e tre e s b e fo re , th e Bolt fre e z e s . I f t i l ls Is 'd o n e a n d th e g ra s s a n d w ee d s re ­m o ved , l i t t l e d a m a g e , c a n be e x p ec ted f r o m m ic e . S u c h ! m outid lng - Is n o t a p ro te c tio n a g u lt is t ra h l i l ts , h o w e v e r .

.T h e r e , a r e m a n y - tn e tli^U s o f tre e p ro te c tio n t h a t g iv e jg o o d . re su lt? .

O R IE N T A L S T Y L E S FO R 1922Nation.«! Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manu». (acturers Recommend Style* . ■ ,

for (Jomlng Season*.

O r ie n ta l s ty le s a n d lo w w a is t lin e s w i t h 'w i d e , g ra c e fu l s lee ves a n d tin t s k ir t s l ig h t ly lo n g e r , h u t s t i l l s h o r t en o u g h to re ta in iv " y o u th fu l a p p e a r ­an c e ," vveru re c o m m e n d e d fo r , th e s p r in g u m l h u m m e r o f 11122 h y tin» .N a t io n a l C lo n k 1,' S u it a m i Y ik lr t M a n u ­fa c tu re r s ’....a s K d e la tio ii, In . co n ven tio n )re c e n t ly a t - C le v e la n d . v

Th i> c o m b ln n llo n o f , la a le la s s e s , p la ld s K s a tin s o r ta lfe tn s \v l1li j i l a lu c lo tlm 1? s iig g e s te jl, w i th ( ) ra ii ie n tS |- o f c u t sm e! » m ill h ea d s , a n g o ra w o o l; b ra id s , s ll 'te h iiig , le u th e ij tr im m in g ^ .and in ii 'k h 'h .N ^ , | . .

S d lt , ro o tiiy . r ip o rt eon ts w i l l ho p o p ­u la r , I t Is b e lie v e d . H om e a r e to h a h e lle d , w h ile .-o t l ie rk fu ll In loose lin e s ." I ’l i lc h p o e k e lH ’.iin i l H io tr lie d , " Ih ro v v " nnd s o f t ro ll in g c o lln r^ s a re ex p e c te d lo he l l) d e in iin d . f l lm is e d c i i i i I h w i th w id e , v o ln iii lm m s s l e e v ^ a n d ' lo ww a is t l in e s -a ls o tiro ’deHlgneih--.- - .... - -

M’lire e -p le c e s u its l ir e e x p e id e d to ho p o p u la r , th e . d ress u m d e m i m ra lg h t« h a n g in g lin e s to lie w o rn w ith n J a u n ty l i t t le liioso ty p e c o a t o r n “ s n iu n " l i t t l e cape . \

- Soft blue velours fashions this ap­propriate little winter- turban. \ Its most Interesting . note- lies: in ‘ the twfsts. of- ktdskln ln ;blue, brown and red which finish tho brim. - .

'"■;". ■ Practical and Stylish. : -It Is particularly Ime lu children^!

wear that what Is practical ran ho I l i a d e stylish. Two tiny tots seen on a (old rnlny diiy acre wi »ring soft, rollili! “copie mittens and leggings ufi brown l e a t h e r . .


G A LT E S G E N T IA L FO R STOCKDairy Coyv Requjris Ounce .or-Mor*.. Daily— Best Plan .to Let Animals ,

’ . - Help Themselves.

SaltTs required by all aDjmals.. The United States Department o f Agricul­ture says that, the dairy cow requires

.an ounce or more a day and,.while sho should lie given nil she needs, sha should..riot be forced to take more than she wants. It is best, therefore, to give only , if small "quantity on tha feed, and to place- rock salt In the

•je supplied ip the form o f commercial | boxes In the yard, where the stock; c a lirtillzer. A lick It at will

Renovating and Dyeing Important;Tint Bath Makes Faded

. Linen Like New. . c

A very important step In the process o f renovation. Is dyeing. For that the new tints that eouio In’ powder or soap form are much easier, to handle than the1 older : kind of dyes that require boiling. .A faded linen, w ill look like new after I t lias had a dip ,In a tint hath nml been carefully Jhundered.

When your'materia! has been-thus freshened ’tlie, next- step Is to decide upon the kind of remodeling tlmt (Its It 'best. Sometimes n dress heeds only ii touch to give it liowno'ss and style. New colliirs and cults inndft !iy linnd after the style of the expensive sets In A|ieJshops, und trimmed, with- lace

‘ fyoirt your supply box, will Improve imy gown: Embroidered panels madefrom an old georgette frock will make, u silk gown fit fo r any dccnslon.

Any skirt worn Inst year can be al­tered by muklrig-'U- narrower and lengthening I f until It reaches the In-

1 Heavier Fabrics.There Is an Indication that wq.shall

soon udopt the heavier Weight fnhrll's tlmtiluzu so prominently featured in the shops. Women are tiring of truns- parent materials and-are glad to adopt tid^licavler crepes.- Silks are heavier hi quality than theyw ere last season nhil one-buyer Is o f the opinion that the new cotton fabrics are going to be hi the heavier weights. Satin.surface fabrics ore b Ibo appearing In great tpiaotlUeo. . . ... . .

sfep. The mnterinl gnlned by nar­rowing the skirt can" he used for ir yoke to teiigtlier^ff, or It can lie cut Into sect Ions o f vnrieus »widths nnd lengths, which enn hJL-sewed on’ a. fotinrliitlon skirt, w lU rfhe widest sec­tion nt tin top and the narrowest tit llie Imtlo’n- ‘Other mctliods of length­ening arc putting In rows of Insertion, letting our tucks and taking hut and facing herns. J ----.— \


cut,-ou rIm r’Hm!a i e '.

' , : un» . •en-

t<> tee 'm iiee .

! Im* .

— -p -| % ... I l / M r » -

ont hi ul fJH lU t 1 <lll»

»ìin ing bui , ig . ip p - i ' . i ■| d lo i lo ' - - ’,,"c i. ,in l.ogil'll

(|.| t t ‘ > .,gV .P ii ' t i« - (i.Illl'ol- ,,f iitll Ilio V .'nini l ’ iuk.I pivi nutle1 ■>w.i-l o r •» s u l l I l o * --------

t lu * M : iV « r ' . t i n t i l im i ‘le d ” . ■ v i-iin i i l .(‘ i ■ ,.

\ g tt l iv e l l i l e . *!; * A ; K « l iv e l l i le S r ' i S ' Iréd tu !'•"I’ I ^ r i uct inns tn

’ ! r e p e l l e díS -; .«as ke ll I l 'e < | . t i . h . t e - ’ ì n l

'v M I bis "»■ :


zKLK *a t o l l i

tlielr" US. O llt l lSr iv e a T i r o l s

.» b u s i allo le * K ",> f tee.....r


\ » i

a n d 25

F a n s o f C o q u e F é a th è rs . * A- .S e v e ra l o f . th e fo r e m o s t -c o iititr in rs ^ r— o f -J ' i i r ls l ire s h o w in g n o v e lty fu n s o fi ■coque fe a th e rs In d e l ig h t fu l sïm dçf» -.....o f fu é l la la , • c e rin e , j i i f le g re e n a n d ! -d o v e g r a y . ’ T h e s e a r e m o u n te d o r r tw o s tra ig h t s t ic k s o f to rto is e H h e jtr 'r ’i ’f ie ‘ c w p ii' fe a th e rs n re h lrg e n n d r a t h e r - s tra ig h t ,1w i t h o n ly n s lig h t c u r l ^ t theJi; t ip . T h e y a r c m o u n te d n t th e s id e s J o f th e s h e ll s tic k , so th a t th e y p r o je c t a t d lf fe re h t -n n g le s . ( Im 'f -g tv ln g ii veryV " : w ild And d is h e v e le d a p p e a ra n c e w h l lq m a k in g " n '. 'fa s h io n a b le a n d m o s t u n ­u s u a l fun. .... .

I d l -Ii;

"12Lingerie;" .

Whejti people still hud laundries la their houses and the washer woman ctune nnd tore up Aic&clothes at homo': Instead o f taking them away to do It^It ,wns custotmiry to fill one tub with blueing. The color of-the water pro­duced by . the sloshing bag is exactly! : the .shade of- the.newest Sets o f lingerie prepared for the’ holiday trade. It Isj ■ called “ wash ball’’ bine and la madeg In .radium silk,, heavy. crepe weave* , and .crepe-backed satin. . .■

— ' - f


2 , » i

-• - e the ailvau-

: Packing -

■(¿■:. - - ‘.and ,

' p ecialty

S' qlness hours, muse confer t

hi f 'ß - , - " ■ » V / ií;

r-'.'- - .

«fe /:•'**.-.a

< S £ G R A N F O R D1922

IH * B D CBOtS . 'The «-r jU r monthly mutine of

tbt rmr.!«rd Chaîner -oi th<- Azneri- - tan Kèci Cto-* v a» lu îd ut t he home

o f U n. Me—irk. the «hairman Ke» >I>ort« îri'L'r tV Civilian Kçlu-f andJunior KeJ t'rwMuvve.i botti <2i(te

t«i.»ie JittiTti — -...-.■ ....,....... -p^ irra-’^ e ti. ■itjiun £«'<• the

ftnal éf-';"-- Í ’ the Fiítb Hull CallSfltU». . ’ •• —- \ ut-w jmMh-arioa »tan» with the nèu jt-ar Thé H‘ “J Oy,“» .Courier Jt i » f t -per Jear-.amJ ¡ ‘ II» <■> the

,... .- IV 5ie.:l ( ne.» Iti ail KeVi JOltr sIlhM-liptlOI)

• ijj/trl? n. » ili A ila ,4-roNK'■ WVÍ.1 I» Cl"'a:iü* ' tCTntr

]•» C*»*l <}<»:> vii'- <ï<i]larf.■ I - . - , i

* H*<i• * r»*r*..tair.iv -fi» ¡il ih«/ jtounuilis

... iir i'T *¿-.7 *• m-. . íorlüB 1jlr: ni.

r W v

*'»rtluit .1 T ije. 1 .

av- H u»!i <'ftrr> t

î l H ! f O l i l i inarm* t :


SMhí ‘ J «Í. . . m

. . _ , £ W ‘.J«*«*

*» *»j.e - *-------- . -• |t»»-rs O] i l i t ’ tlU liit.»•■art that :?.l<a"i.*< -.ahj !» I through von. foi inalito thé oí tie t •me. and tufi je ¡,,r u, Mt.e that'lui t«. ::«■ U-r. .c*. ;>eojiit art [.atienté m ouiV-» kmc te •'■teht.> mori than a fu|. and me:ei*-r I—‘ -'■ te >a. .. oth't )md .oí xv ¡, j, they would 1 Ih* w* .!at. ( t tie wi.'Ud ,, it i,(,nt voiir Holend]

.-v* n week and kimW you!

Iwi l l tell tlmu they are CSrristmaa ¡irenentH from the üttle children who art members of the JuniorBed ( tohh, and i shall alno tell them of the work these children are doing ior tiifcéùnalid soldiers throughout the' country; as Weil a* for the chil­dren ot »Europe as L understand it. f am'-jioidt ive t he recipient» trill be mole, than grateful to1 these patrio- tiv children ior making it possible for tliem to liave a cheerful Christ­ina» ■ '...■.The management of. the Junior l;..,l ( yohh is doing a noble work in enrolling and Instructing the chll- rireh oi this country in a work for. ilie uplift oi suflering humanity; it iiliuses iiettcr thoughts .and broad­en-. their little inmds to greater Hungs so ttiat when they become grown up»they are more fitted to take their positions in lifts" than Uo'v would t*e by any othur, line 01 edueation that i know about.

i wi-li to take tliis opportunity m tfiafrk you, and the little mem-

,.-rs ut the- Junior . lied Cross making ¡it jKissible iat' thé suffering our hospital liave

•rry. Christmas_____ not have had

without your splendid donation.';,~ I tom ( amji lu x . -

1 viensige preparations viere made 1er a ( 'liristinas.celebration at

B t n m s * * n c * s w e l l ÏX TSntED

The revival services being con­ducted in the r i lapel o f the Chris-

Im ' ‘ ‘ “ ’tianiand Missionary Alliance Chapel are well, attended, and ' thé interest is growing. Many are coming from Koselie Park. Elizabeth. Garwood and Westfield, last night the ciiapel was filled-to capacity. '

Dr. Colby continues to speak with force and jiower.» He giverino quar­ter -to >in or . any prolesaionv of righteousness that—denies fundamentals of the “Faith once de­livered to the saints.” His convic­tion» are voiced with no uncertain M»un<l_and at 'times he seems 8 little liarsiu But'back of tills there is a tenderness that wins those who at first are not favorably impressed. He publicly admits ttiat there-are many that do not like his preach­ing. He warns .others ”1 wquld ratli- w you would not tell me that you enjoyed my message, but that you ENDL'KED IT.”

Last Sunday morning Dr. Colby

make' our world a burning planet. No one need fear this-who will Obey Jesus said Dr.’ Colby. ■

in closing tlie message, several jiictures of heaven and its inhabi­tants were given. Tbe last, a pic­ture o f the passing of a little: girl to her rest, and the things she told0.1 that idle saw beyoncl w as .espe­cially touching.

spoke on “ L’nity.” - Speaking . frdii .............' ' • ' dy iir '1 Cor, 12, lie admiraldy illustrate!

T '- ' 'IP-co me e «m ».Bed *'ros.-

Appreciate« Stockings , I U „„ ----The. i.;.-l*rr.a- -«!*•* kings. tj,„-auvthe sick boys in the Station j

it. t-fftlrHfl-tH''fh'Vv.irgl—ttHsurvti.


•?-■ -v Sii.— if e-jn>, , ™>s* ■*. f T H l tf„! %. y? d

• r’tiaju*-» Tu t>-ù Tur- tiiv Méi; aiidv* r i • xLijuun*'- ( *»‘ i IT i \ ariou**

- Zi tìk*' AiihDtji’ , l ‘n i»lotiw»-r> rv , .♦ h **•♦ * i\ *-rj »11ti much

■ìt'r&j ■ . . Di»-»»-).". c. ■j ißt i»*n. h Ult*J ** Tt.lit.Mi!.r t ;♦ rv Iimm

U A" ML-j> tua:.i; voti ívr tíi*-. ftTlf'-TJU« iiu1' : Ut Itili- <«T luìf t] httK'k«

■ 'À t U» t Î *♦,- ph! B( ttll»il'f'jjittu et ì 1>ì »i’ ;t *

-* V - ' Y mi iiH f U* ijri-f! tt«, filtri •i imuiyol tìl»e * ■1 ' I i*' •*■» M liti \t •'!4‘ IlRlMileliriit»-ti r¡ ÎjTi'Îjïijr il»* 11 tuay little

----*'"Fiirprni*‘*» ” ITI•ttt’ .-i Hi)v n 1»* — ' iupt.

r*r 5'* »TJ Sii a -MTV jiamiy

¡ t e r m , w h !

[ •Tilí n carne tiare' surprise element l imn our celebration. Tills was in

ids message by a few facts concern­ing-the function and coordination uf the--organs of tlie human,.body.

He said tlie Church, being one IsHly. yet iiaving many members, should function to protect itself from tlie many enemies manifested today ttiat seek to destroy it. To succensfully accomplish tills erj/,1 i hcJ**.-iimst.-iio: .... ,, .,.....,T 7 T a it^ 1 ^ T M l^ ^ -A r t tJ.Irs4Mȴ

I'nity ol Prayer—Acts 1: 54. ^

. turili, tlie Junior . ited Cross. it .ei-iricil Hs tliougii Santa Claus had

I \l I l l ' l l l i l t M D t A l l i e n W U V u u iw a w w v v wi itiliI liti: patients -told that they

l l | l [ i l r i lu i K in . » »»»■ »•• .»»»v ■ -iwho winked so hard and witli shell

py tor tlie sick ^ 'd iê r 'l»o> ;» r côUW tmvr witnessed line deligiit w itli w.liii;fi,ibeii. g ifts were recejved.

____ M a y I- tiause to comiiient on tliet S y .11. S. Hospital No 12. ! wéiniii’rfttkH dlne of-tlie Junior Bed

IVfryville. Maryland. M-niiN-, as evldiuiced by tin. . I* ! : . . . I I ; . . . . . f 4-1. t.. L 't ile if J i 1

New tear. . . .

Von*« Ai rv- truly,, KATHAHINK P U-'iNABI/

Ilc.t,... Bed Cross-Huu

Prom Submarine Base. .V* w Ism-; cultjvut iim of this splendid spirit of

d -Ç 's 'N f.r- ‘C,;

, v

don I ’onti -, 1 i . i cerierosity on the part of tlie youth”1 wish to expo s, my Itigli ajipr«s ¡«t . Hit"land. If they are tutored in

ciatiotl of the gifts of IÌÌle*J stock-] getterosity so helpful in their youth, inga for tin patient» in the An ú y¡ wliiit sjilelidid men and women will and Navy Hospital» undet my juris-;cpni|ifise Hie generation to come. . diction , 1 ! 1 -wish to express to you out1

. lie h t ( out llubman. Medichi | i„ .„r f ie lt thank» In making Clirlst- Oftirer in charge at tlie Base lien - , mu-,Diiy tine long to he remetnlier.• t» delighted with ttn-»e/gifts, a- Í..,) at- (.'amp flit. mill, through you, thev complet*- tlie tlinstmas plans j | would like to convey'a message in a limit acceptable way. I haw ;,,} gratitude to your little, co-drorjç»

• ligd charge sì. tin devolution» at i( ) *. the Junior 'Bed Cross” '. I * k ■ J. • I , o a. I l i s i . t l t i » h t 1 4 4 . ... . . . . . . . . . 4. 1 . . * . s . . * i * . I i o m I i r o r l l__ . , - , I rUHN. „

liti« -liosjiitàl arid out ( hrlstnias | letters were also, received from tree is to be lighted w ith colored , tIn'- following Carlisle Bur-4. l 4./ .a » l4« Itaalatwi M fiit |)|*| A 'lffM 1111 f I L' l i< i • Ls. 1 >i.n »1 hi V 1 VMM Ifl • { 'R i m i A l f r f l l______ _ _ lung taik», l’ennsylyuhia;famp Alfredupon t tie tree in mi far a», it w ill Vail, N. .1.: Edgewood Arsenal,electric light» and tlie gifts liung

supjiort tliem/ from Plat ('»burr Barracks. N. V.:

— ~4r sitali - distribute: Hiese stockings to our jiatients. on Christ ina» da.y.

Edgewood, Maryland: Governor'sl»hitiil. N. V.. atul from J. T. Niellili son, Director Junior Bed Cross,-of thè. Atlantic Division

t'uity of Obedienc.«»—Acts ‘J: 1.4. I'nity of Praise—Acts 4: 21. -

Unity of Hérvice-Acts 5: ; 12-1S.Sunday evening tin- evangelist

spoke m i. 'Tlie State of the Soul After Death.“ ' He very clearly and ably presented this subject. Botli sides were pictured. First the state of tin- unrighteous soup and then that of the righteous. For-those soul were destroyed or annihilated uhoFbi’th'vrTi- ttiat the body and uf tec Hetifii, tlie future was mad*i rieur-m-^How cati a imman being reiimln in dire forever and not’ be ih'sHoyed'.'1' asked-, one. The case of the Three Hebrew-.i’liildri-n wa» cited as an example, Tlii'y were presened liuf twit tormented' as will be the rejectors of Tlie Savior. ‘ Tliebeast and t|ie false .prophet xvln were cast into till' 'Lake of Fire” j Ifev. IS: an .before the thousand y<«rs' were tin-re at tlie end of that period, for according to Heve- Jatiori ’Jd: Hi, Satan, ufter the Hum and years, is cast into Hie “ iAku of l ire" and brimstone, where tli beast arid tlie false jiyopliet AUK. They, lire in éxistence u .thousand years " 'tormented ■ day and night. "Then* will not lie Enough fire to burn all -the- wicked,'' said another. M'uter. is hydrogen und oxygen. Tiiees two united will ipiencli lire. Separated, they aré combustible. Botli wilt burn. They ciut he easily separated us they were created. There Is enough water in the world to cover it nine feet—deep_.Bepu- rated, uiid a matcli o'r spurk wmild

......... .....- ■ ■ , . • } . . ■ '

S to u te n b u r g h ’ sSeventy-Third

A n n i v e r s a r y S a leThe success o f our house is built on our Merchandise and our M e» ' thods. Through changing eras we have achieved the reward o f ' adherence to a policy o f High Quality and H igh Principles, enjoying a measure o f patronage which-grows in-proportion as men learn to resist false cheapness and find it safe and profitable to place their trust in a house o f standing! . Thanks to handling the worthiest classes .of merchandise exclusively, .ihanksTo pricing, them ntoder- - ately, tltanks to assuming responsibility for satisfactory wear, thank« to our salesmen interpreting the spirit d f the house, which is never to misrepresent— each succeeding year sees a strengthening o f the . ties existing between" Stoutenburgh’s and its customers. . .. . and

...each year we. make suitable-acknowledgment o f public appreciation with price reductions in every-dept. T'

A l l O u r M e n ’s C l o t h i n gfitoutenburgli Suit» uud Overcoats—Reductions from inaker-to-xvearer prices

j HickeyTrecmau Silits and Overcoats—Reductions on Barhiehta genuinaly Hand, . . . . . . r .Tailored

1.50 ' . 5 0 [.50Broken Line» Reg.jto$40 Reg. to »55 Reg. to »jü

Suits and Overcoats „De Luxe,. ffW 5Q ’- -lReg. ^§0 to $125

Seductions oa Habordash^iy (Including Manhattan and -Mftrfe~Shirts) ' ' RoducUoni on Johnston & Murphy Shoos and Knox Hats and Caps 1

.. Boductions on Boys' Clothing (Including Sampock-Siiltàrxknd-<y*at¿óat»X

STOUTEN BURG H & CO.Makars of Good aothes fo r '73 Years.

Broad Street, Newark-..—


These services will be held Thtifi day, Friday and Sunday morning and evening. Sunday night:'- Prot ■Sweet will sing and lead the song serviee.


in ‘ The Devil's Garden’’ . , , Tooneryille Trolley Comedy. :

Aesop's Fable ~ Pathe NewsFRIDAY •”

ALICE BRAD YDawn of the East

WALNUT AVE. M. E. CHURCH..v...A,. L-. Frets, Pastor ■ ■

/Topics of the Day Vanity


ROBERT H AR R O NOoíñcIíJeñCeSunday sendees—9:45 a. m.. Sun*: m •. -

day School; 10 a. im, Roosevelt ; .Sunshine Ootnedy—“ Amt Love Grand.Men's BibJe Class: 11 a. yn, service ot-morning wiirsiiip; 7:10 p. im.-Ep- i worth League devotional service;

p. in., service of evening worship.! AVe-ek-day Cliurcli School, j

tiesday at 3:30 p. i n - . • . jPrayer and Praise Service, .Wed* j

tiesday. nil fyiCm. . ' . . . , ;Mr. Willimn B. 6 liver will speak.;

at both services of worship on Sun-j day. , " v ■ ■ . ]

Miss Georgia' Lees will give tlie 5 seeond of a series of talks on tlie 1 iiouk of .John Wesley Junior, at tlie I Epwortii League Devotional Sendee Sunday evening at 7:id-

On Timrsday. January 12, at 2:15 p. ni„ tin- jixiritlily business meot-

ary Society will fie held at tlie home of Mrs. George K/iajip, 13 Kastman street. - ' . '

Paramount Magazine



HA BOLD LLOYD in “ All Aboard '- , Pathe News



W IL L ROGERSin “ An Unwilling Hero"

WtABa^“ t ALIFERRoin “Tlie. Rich Slave"


‘•01ow far do you travel in crossing tlie ocean ' from Liverpool to New York'/”- asked the teacher. '

“Four thousand miles," replied the bright youth. -‘■-¿Ft-' •

"Oh, no. Think uguln," suid tlie -teui-lier,— : ------ —:— ..--------------

“im right." persisted the youth. “It says three thousand inlles in tlie book, und that's what It Is in a straight line. But I'm counting the. ups and downs. I've been acroaa." ■ -.

Schou 1er Cement Construct ion Co.154-15^ Frelinghuysen Avenue, . N E W A R K , N . J. ;•

General Contractors Ji Specialists in Stucco W o rk .-

Es ta u lis h e d 1887 ' i fQ U A L IT Y COUNTà"

Telephone 284ROGER C. ALDRICH,



■ J O H N .7, U N IO N A V E North

HEATING & PLUMBINGJobbing or Contract Work. The lies work hj' experienced men. Qnr refer ences are pleased customers. Estimates furnished. __


Not So Wild.“Mercy I’V exclaimed the nervous

traveler. “V/hat terrible looking sav­ages 1 Could we do sometblug to oyer- awe tliem and make tliem think'we are supernatural beings?” l. '

“That will hardly be necessary. Tlie leader Of the band seems about to take our picture With bis kodak.” ^

' . Misunderstood. .Choily Ltsplnwell'fat tlie,telephone)

—I want f-free tickets for tonightBox Office Clerk (gruffly)—Free

list is suspended. . . . .CKolty Lisplnwell—I don’t want

thew free. I. waut to puy for free— free—free. Cau't you see? I’m holding up free Angers I”

High Blood Pressure.It-may lie "said that' High Blood Pressure results from

"tiireeyhiUabnprmnlTonditiohs^they-areT"An“increase in the iiorinul amount of.:blood: a-vasomotor disturbance in the smuil arteries, and cu|ii)lari,es and 'burdening of tlie arteries.-- Many seeking life insurance, liave failed to jmss tlie Blood Pressure'Test, lienee protection for .themselves and fumilies cannot tie obtained. ' i ....... ' ; - ■ :. Consult u cliiroiiruetor and- liave him1explain how it - Is possible to bring about a normal Blood .Pressure. .

D R . H A R O L D T . P H Y L IK Y

CHIROPRACTOR. ” (Palmer Graduate) .

...... Offices at Hayashi's Residence, 1 '

Miln Street and North Avenue

OFFICE HOURS -Mondays, Wednesdays afid Fridays ■

.10 to 12 2 to 5 Plume 437...Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ........... ..

2 to 5 6 to 8




° s iä U PRICESB E E F C O M P A N Y 1 ®. j l b w UDltS. - e O s i l tC T IC U T -*. NEW j r . R ä E u / - .• ,W **SSa C H U S F .T T S I— P E M O S U L g A N I A • . '

: / ' ' ■ .. ........ -

®i) ^ . ........ . .- .

cuJ¡¿ Suggestions fo r a Delicious ^Dinner


Prime Rib Roast (B est Cuts), pfer l b . , * . . . . . . ,29cSirloin Steak, per lb .. 7 7 -, , . . . . . , t . 35cPorterhouse Roast, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1 ' 35cSirloin Roast per lb .-.................... 35c

T op and Bottom Round Roast, per lb .. . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 cRolled Eoneless Pot Roast, per lb'. . [ . . . . . . . , . . . . ,15cPrime Chuck Kbast, per lb. . . . . . .......... . . 17cFresh Beef Kidneys, per l b . . ....................

Loins o f Fresh Pork¡

23c lb.


Fresh Cali Hams

16c lb.

I Fresh-Killed Fricasseetng

I Chickens •

29c lb.

Fresh-Killed -Young Fow l (3 to 3VZ lbs.* each)

35c lb.

■Fancy Fresh-Killed Ducks


-Fresh-Killed| Dry-Picked ^tina/ C.hirRoasting Chickens

39c lb. ■'T,"

Selected Eggs, (E ve ry Egg Guaranteed),‘ per d o z .____ ______ . . :43c

Verdant Valley Brand Pure Creamery Butted

• • (one-pound cartons), lb. A . A . I. ................: . . . .37cEvery Pound Guaranteed to be Made from PUfeE OREAjM Qr Money Refunded

-----------— ■ -------—7-------- -»I. J - \ ___ L .V * * /-v-

: ■ \




‘re'Tfr."»» , , .— - • ( t-vY«--1- - - . \

XI 4, I.» Hf e l l i '.7/ )JV * I/. ‘ alada " 'in'Af w i í ; i t , ’ a. I h I I ) I 1



EDUCAnONAL MEETINGI To Be Held m Cktveland School

Next Monday Afternoon.—Of Great Interest to Public,

, . Mrs. Thomas B Tetley, chairman I'ofthe School Committee of the VII- llage Improvement Association, In I charge of the Educational Meeting¿«January 23rd, announces that thekey note of thr " ---------- the meeting will be

, “Looking Forward In 1922.“ Mrs. iTetley states that this meeting will ■he lieltl under the joint auspices ot Ithe V. I.- A , the Wednesday Mom- ling Club and the Progress Glub. JTlie program will be divided into ■three sections, devoted to National ■State and local questions. ' ' .I Mrs. Ameisen. chairman of tlie ■Kilucstional Department of the i | j:,S tr ievF ^ era tloa „.o f,A V on ^ ■Clubs, will speak on the forward ■schoolmovement in this State.1 Tlie Hon -Francis M . Hugo, former i-ecretary of State o f New York, 1914 |o 1921, will speak on the “National importance of Teaching the Prac­tical Wisdom of Honesty In every Ameilc'an Public' School.” Mr. Htigo

■is vice-president of,., the National Burety Company. Through his Jknowledge acquired In connection Iwitli the surety"business he believes (that it is vitally important to this (Nation that some corrective educa­tional measures should be takenBjum^diately-tQ-counteraet the-ap-Iparent success o f . dishonest prac- lices. Mr. Hugo, during his legis­lative work lias delivered ¿»any. lec­tures on “Present* Day Business JHonesty and,. Crimes which En-ilunger It.” . ' ......| As has -been announced previously kliis Educational Meeting has the I'lulorseiheirt of the Board of - Edu­cation. .Miss Sarah Edmond, Super- pis-ttg Principal o f the Cranford ■Mtlille School System, and Mr. W il­liam A. Landis,* Principal of the I'ranford High School; Will- speak kt tlie meeting on the educational Ivofk- Itere. Mrs. Decker and Mix Van Clove, presidents o f the Parent J’eacher.s' Associations of Cranford. I 'l l 1 tell-.of the work dpne by their lospcctlve organizations. "7I Mrs.-Tetley asks that Cranford lake a jiersonal interest In this Edu- tational Meeting. The meeting is lipen to every one who Is interested 1 the Cranford Schools»

DIEDAngelina Matpera .

Angelina Molpere died last Tliurs-|l?y evening, at tlie“ Elizabeth Gcn- Tral Hospital where she had been ftaying-fpr the past seven or eightimintli.-i...M rs ...Malpere, .wito^had■n:m ill for a long time, made her ■Hitnewith her son. J. Malpere. ofp WoMhjjyn avenue., She Is liko- wise survivedTby a daughter/ Mrs Pendorf, ulso oL Cranford. The fu-;■vise .« ______ f . ____.... , . ,-------Cránford.fierai, took place lastMonday at 9 P 8t,St. Michael’s R. C. Church, fnd tlie interment was at St.Mary's l ometery, Plainfield. •

Ainsley'Fruit Salad

Guava Jelly

‘ ' “"J;'Phone 237-R C ~ ~ ^ H igh-Gra



Bo b b i n s &B P * «liyeaiie

i n , . / . T e l p p h o n ^*1 *215 E. South Ä
