Page 1: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

2011 年 會 務 報 告目錄

前言 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 周年會務報告

(一) 評議會 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(二) 幹事會 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(三) 教友總會政策推行支援小組 . . . . 5(四) 培育組 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5(五) 財務 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5(六) 宣揚福音 . . . . . . . . . . . 5(七) 教友培育 . . . . . . . . . . . 11(八) 關社活動 . . . . . . . . . . . 17(九) 聯絡工作 . . . . . . . . . . . 18(十) 教區活動和工作 . . . . . . . . . 19(十一) 關心中國教會 . . . . . . . . . 19(十二) 聖十字架中心活動室 . . . . . . . 19(十三) 秘書處工作 . . . . . . . . . 20

鳴謝 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

附錄(一) 二零一一年度幹事名單. . . . . . . 44(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46(三) 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48(四) 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表. 49(五) 二零一一年度評議會出席表 . . . . 53(六) 二零一二年度工作計劃 . . . . . . 58(七) 二零一二年度財政預算 . . . . . . 62


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Foreword. . . . . . . . . . 22

Annual Report

I Central Committee . . . . . . 23

II Executive Committee. . . . . . 23

III Supporting Group on the Execution of

Central Council’s Policies . . . . . 24

IV Formation Committee . . . . . 24

V Financial Report . . . . . . 24

VI Evangelization . . . . . . . 25

VII Laity Formation. . . . . . . 31

VIII Social Concern Activities . . . . . 39

IX Liaison Work . . . . . . . 39

X Participation in Diocesan Events. . . . 40

XI Concern for the Church in China. . . . 41

XII Activity Room at Holy Cross Centre . . . 41

XIII Duties of the Secretariat . . . . . 42

Word of Thanks . . . . . . . . 43


1 Membership List of the Executive Committee 2011 . 45

2 Auditor’s Report to the Members of

H.K. Central Council of Catholic Laity . . . 47

3 Income & Expenditure Account for the Year

Ended 31 December, 2011 . . . . . . 48

4 Balance Sheet as at 31 December, 2011 . . . . 49

5 Attendance Record of the Central Committee Meeting 2011. 53

6 2012 Operating Plans . . . . . . . 58

7 Proposed Budget for 2012 . . . . . 62


Page 3: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

前 言 劉德光神父


己作為教友的身份和角色,即以先知、司祭、君王三重職務實踐使命,這是教友在回應基督召叫時 (即領洗時) 向主、基督作出的承諾。這不單是個別教友的承諾,而是教友聯同整個教會團體的承諾,所以信仰團體與及堂區,應與教友一起,攜手實踐承諾。總會作為教友團體的領袖,尤其以身作則,首先邀請教友





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周年會務報告 (一) 評議會

總會第五十二屆周年大會於 2011年 3月 2日在聖十字架中心五樓教友總會活動室舉行。會議由湯漢主教親臨主禮。當日出席者包括陳志明副主教、教區秘書長李亮神父、多位神長、修女、嘉賓、總會幹事及歷屆幹事、評議員等共 120多人。年內共召開了五次評議會。會議中除報告會務外,還有

專題分享及討論,邀請嘉賓主講及評議員回應。年內分享主題包括:四月: 總鐸區分享傳教節活動內容及籌備過程六月: 堂區如何組織新教友加入信仰小團體八月: 教友年 - 全民愛德行動十月: 報告及評議「教友總會 2012年工作計劃」芻議十二月:介紹天主教禮儀小百科及 2012教友年重點

二零一一年度評議會的平均出席率為 58.22% (去年67.5%),其中堂區議會的出席率為 59.48% (去年 66.3%);教區性善會的出席率為 55.77% (去年 69.9%);出席情況請參閱附錄五。

(二) 幹事會幹事團共十三人,與指導司鐸及執行秘書每月舉行一


幹事會於 8月 27日假宗座外方傳教會會院舉行一天退省,以「成聖自己」作為主題,幹事們在成聖的領域上作出自我反省,並環繞「成聖之道」分享如何學習自己的主保聖


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人的聖德。參加者獲益良多。幹事會亦於 12月 26及 27日往上川島朝聖,亦順道往中山市遊覽。工作之餘,亦可舒緩工作壓力,加強幹事們的互相了解,從而發揮共融精神。

全體幹事及秘書處職員於 9月 17及 18日於天主教靜修院舉行周年工作檢討及策劃營。

總會幹事於 2011年全力支援教區教友年的工作。教友年將延續至 2012年底,總會幹事將繼續全力支援。

(三) 教友總會政策推行支援小組支援小組為總會與堂區及教區性善會提供了一個合作

的好機會。小組成員除了總會幹事外、也包括來自各總鐸區及教區性善會的教友。會議中來自堂區及教區性善會的代表就總會各項工作的推行提供意見,共同策劃。藉此更了解堂區及善會在推行活動時的需要及困難。年內共舉行了 4次會議。

(四) 培育組培育組現有十二位成員,包括總會指導司鐸、五位幹事、

培育主任、執行秘書、及五位教友。培育組每月舉行一次例會,策劃各項培育工作,另就個別活動舉行籌備會議。 8月 17

日培育組成員舉行了一次聯誼分享聚會,除工作外,組員分享工作及信仰的感受。另有特別小組專責新教友培育課程及製作教友培育資料。各項培育活動詳情見於第 11頁。

(五) 財務總會全年的收入為 HK$ 2,503,538,而支出則為 HK$

3,053,884。年終赤字HK$ 550,346。截至二零一一年十二月三十一日,總會的累積資金為 HK$ 10,015,330。(財政帳目詳情請參閱附錄三及四)在感激各堂區、修會、團體及教友過去一年的慷慨捐獻


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之餘,總會希望來年的工作,仍能得到各方面的熱心支持。(六) 宣揚福音

1. 福傳專責小組小組由總會會長帶領,成員包括各福傳工作小組負責人、



2. 101 慕道聚會101慕道聚會是教友帶同尚未接受信仰的朋友,在一個


行,由教友總會組成的籌備小組負責,至於九龍區及新界區的聚會則暫停舉辦。年內共舉辦了六次聚會,主題分別為:「現代方舟」、「愛是無聲的言語」、「智能.潛能」、「十項全能的獎章」、「和姐」及「追縱救世主」。聚會每逢雙月第四個星期三晚上在香港西灣河聖十字架中心五樓,教友總會活動室舉行。內容包括:電影欣賞、神父短講、小組分享、大組信箱問題解答、晚飯、歌詠及祈禱等。每次聚會參加人數約為30-40人,半數為非教友。聚會後表示願意參加慕道班的有11人,參加教義函授課程的有 5人,參加再慕道函授課程的有 2人,加入 101籌委成員有 2人。


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年內總會應下列堂區及團體邀請協辦 101慕道聚會:聖母堂 – 參加人數 130人、聖母院堂 – 參加人數 60人、教區學校聯會幼稚園組 – 參加人數 57人。

101籌委小組每月舉行會議,商討聚會內容及培訓工作人員;核心小組亦每兩月一次,檢討及策劃整體聚會的運作籌委小組現有成員 17人,其中 7人為核心成員。總會把 101慕道聚會資料輯成一份目錄,供堂區及學

校參考,該目錄可在總會網頁中下載,以作參考之用。3. 街頭福傳


年內參與此項工作的教友達 348人次,共接觸了 8,457

人,其中 6,102人為非教友,佔總人次約 72 %。年內共收到 26份希望探討天主教信仰的回條,其中 16位表示有興趣報讀慕道班及函授課程。


4. 年宵福傳攤位本年年宵福傳工作於 2011年 1月 28日 (年廿五) 至 2月

3 日 (年初一凌 晨 ) 在維多利 亞 公 園舉行。總會以 HK$32,000.00 投得維園年宵「7 號」攤位,作為年宵街頭福傳工作的基地。攤位以「天主是愛」為主題,頂端以全新


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LED 燈飾「天主是愛」字樣作主體佈置,以吸引遊人,並帶出福音訊息。百多位義工參與此項工作,包括:預先製作 25,000個

福傳吊飾,在攤位內送贈給入場人士、搭建攤位架及燈飾、在攤位派發福傳對聯揮春、利是封及各類福傳物品,另有聖母軍及教友參與街頭福傳工作,共接觸了 3,653人,未有信仰的佔 74%,部份被接觸者是外籍或國內人仕,查詢外語或普通話的慕道班。本年年宵期間因天氣很好,攤位參觀遊人眾多,氣氛

熱鬧。本年年宵期間共收到捐獻 $66,931.70。5. 香港書展

總會參與了於 7月 20至 26日在香港會議展覽中心舉行的「香港書展」。攤位設置於「天主教展區」內,並以「祂原已在此」為主題。本年攤位的位置設於宗教坊內,對面及隔鄰均是天主



內進行街頭福傳工作,效果良好。被接觸的人士有 4,055人,其中非教友佔 68%。有 15位教外人士即時遞交回條,表示願意認識天主教信仰,總會已轉介有關堂區跟進。

6. 福傳媒介製作8

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i. 印製新春對聯、福傳利是封及百福咭:本年總會印製了十五萬套新年對聯揮春印有「天恩


ii. 福傳賀年吊飾:總會邀請了數十位義工,製成了二萬五千多件「福


iii. 設計及印製新款福傳物品:- 福傳貼紙禮物盒:為配合書展的福傳工作及承接去年書展的主題,印製了一萬個福傳貼紙禮物盒,盒頂印有「祂原已在此」,盒內放有 18 套印有「愛」、「和平」、「分享」、「分擔」的貼紙。這個禮物盒吸引了不少教內、外人仕駐足。

- 「天主是愛」便條貼:年內印製了十萬本便條貼,於書展內派發,更提供給堂區、學校及團體,特別配合傳教節及聖誕節的福傳活動,作福傳媒介物。

iv. 本年度總會重新印製了下列幾項福傳物品,包括:- 「你還缺少了甚麼」信仰接觸咭;- 《認識天主教信仰》小冊子;- 燙金福傳吊牌;


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- 福傳筆。v. 尚有下列各項福傳物品供索取:「天主是愛」小擺設、「我傳福音便有福了」書冊、福傳心意咭共 8 款、喪禮謝咭及封套、《香港傳教歷史之旅》中、英文版、復活咭及封套、「耶穌 VCD」連書刊等。各項福傳物品均免費為堂區、學校及團體提供,好能在

舉辦福傳活動時派發。7. 福傳視訊製作

i. 福傳網頁 (

總會繼續定期更新福傳網頁上的資料及福傳活動概況。各項福傳物品亦上載於網頁上,供瀏覽及下載。,內容包括:各類福傳資料、福傳物品圖片、福傳歌曲、香港傳教歷史之旅 (第一至五冊)、福傳活動概況等。

ii. 總會網頁 (

透過此網頁,宣傳及推廣總會的活動和工作,發放最新消息。網頁內容包括:總會簡介及使命、總會成員及幹事團、福傳、培育、關社活動新消息、聖經金句、教友年消息、天主教教義函授課程、再慕道函授課程、總會製作的培育及福傳物品、福傳Visa 卡及福傳經費審批結果、光鹽幼兒故事系列、101慕道聚會主題一覽表、金禧活動簡報及花絮照片、及全港天主教培育、福傳活動一覽表、教友年最新消息、教友年培育資料、互聯網連結等。在下載文件區內加插有關福傳的教廷文件,方便教友查閱。

8. 福傳 Visa 卡 此卡乃總會與永隆銀行於 1999年 3月合作推出的Visa 卡,包括:普通卡、金卡及白金卡。凡憑卡簽賬,永隆銀行將簽


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賬額的 0.45%撥作福傳經費,以資助天主教團體的福傳活動。教友在使用福傳 Visa 卡時,可向尚未接受信仰的親友傳福音,使福傳的領域更廣、更多元化。截至 2011年 12月底,持卡人數為 7,668人。年內總會

與永隆銀行信用卡中心主管舉行會議,檢討及商討福傳Visa 卡的發展。總會要求永隆銀行加強培訓前線員工對福傳Visa 卡的認知度,並希望提供更多元化的優惠以吸取新成員永隆銀行承諾於 2012年推出現金回報介紹人計劃 (Member

gets member program),鼓勵卡主介紹朋友申請此卡。 教友亦可以透過 Visa 卡戶口,每月把捐款直接轉到指定的堂區、教區機構及團體。此計劃由永隆銀行提供服務,每次向收款機構收取 2%手續費。

9. 福傳經費 福傳經費來自福傳 Visa 卡簽帳額的 0.45%,教友簽帳

越多,福傳經費進帳越多。本年度福傳經費的收入為 $417,961 (去年 $431,520);年內共有 37個團體獲得資助,其中包括:1個總鐸區、18個堂區、8間學校及 10個團體,資助總額為 $546,669 (去年 $474,452)。福傳經費每年分四季審批:第一季:1-3月、第二季:

4-6月、第三季:7-9月、第四季:10-12月;截止遞交申請表依次為 10月底、1月底、4月底及 7月底。福傳經費專責小組成員共 17人,除了總會幹事會四位

代表:指導司鐸、會長、司庫及執行秘書,以及兩位顧問外,還包括 11位來自堂區及教區性善會的代表。第七屆專責小組成員於本年 4月份的評議會中選出。專責小組負責監管,並審批各項撥款申請。


Page 12: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

10. 天主教教義函授/網上課程 這課程是為教外人士提供探討信仰的機會,以函授方式進行,本年 12月開展了網上課程,學員可以透過網上遞交習作及與導師聯繫。16位義工導師負責批改習作和聯絡學員,並由秘書處統籌及協調。工作人員於本年內舉行了兩次檢討會議,商議在批改習作時所遇到的困難。年內新參加函授課程的有 60人、網上課程有 13人。現有學員 100人 (其中部份為囚友),修畢課程者有 6人。個別堂區慕道班亦以這課程單張,派發給學員作參考資料用。此課程亦已上載於總會網頁上,供有意探討天主教信仰的人士瀏覽。

(七) 教友培育1. 教友年培育項目

總會全力支援教友年各項培育活動,包括下列各項:i. 教友年禱文及祈禱咭


ii. 公開講座(一):「來跟隨我! - 召叫、共融、使命」於 1月 2日在教區中心九樓演講廳舉行。由美國芝加哥天主教聯合神學院教授 Fr. Stephen Bevans S.V.D.主講。內容闡釋教友年主題的意義及內涵。參加人數 130。

iii. 公開講座(二):「做耶穌基督的門徒」於 1月 16日在堅道明愛中心公眾會堂舉行。由楊鳴章副主教主講。內容從聖經出發,認識耶穌對門徒的召叫


Page 13: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

的深層意義,門徒如何跟隨及回應。參加人數 250。iv. 公開講座(三):「邁向一個整合的基督徒生活 – 祈禱、

禮儀與服務」於 3月 20日在堅道明愛中心公眾會堂舉行。由蔡惠民神父主講,楊玉蓮博士回應。講者透過祈禱、禮儀和服務三個幅度,指出教友應如何度整合的基督徒生活。參加人數 250。

v. 公開講座 – 信仰小團體推介會於 7月 10日在香港西灣河聖十字架中心教友總會活動室舉行,由基基團聯會幹事及教友總會培育組合辦。內容認識信仰小團體特質、如何開展信仰小團體及團體聚會模式。參加人數 39。

vi. 教友職務交流會於 9月 13日上午十時至下午五時,在銅鑼灣聖保祿學校 (小學部禮堂) 舉行,主題為「成聖自己、聖化他人、轉化世界 – 從職務到見證」。交流會目的為深化參加者對教友職務的認識,反思教友職務與教會及使命的關係;透過交流,分享如何在職務中作見證,並加強不同職務團體的連繫。交流會內容包括:上午為公開講座,由蔡惠民神父及楊玉蓮博士主講;下午則為職務團體交流。共有八個職務團體代表出席,彼此分享及交流經驗。回應嘉賓包括閻德龍神父及胡秀英修女。當日參加人數有 160多位,其中半數出席全日活動。

vii. 對談分享會於 12月 4日下午在教區中心九樓演講廳舉行,主題為「共同協作 – 在堂區學習成為天主的合作者」。內容探討教友與教友之間,善會與善會之間及教友與神職人員之間的合作,共同建設一個活潑的堂區。在聚會中聖若瑟堂 (九龍灣) 及 聖安德肋堂堂區議會團


Page 14: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

隊 (包括主任司鐸及議會幹事),分享他們在發展堂區的過程中、面對堂區的轉變時,如何發揮共同協作的力量,建設堂區大家庭,更分享當遇到不同意見時如何取得協調等。當日教友年專責小組主席陳志明副主教親臨聚會給予訓勉及總結。參加者在分享及答問時間積極回應、提問及分享。出席人數約 50多位,來自十八個堂區。

viii. 每月培育資料配套總會培育組義工在教友年內編寫及印製教友年培育資料配套,每月出版一次,配套包括:1. 資料光碟,內有:短講錄音 (mp3)、資料簡報 (ppt 及

wmv),文字內容 (pdf),供堂區在彌撒中播出,使所有參與彌撒的教友都能接受培育。在團體聚會中也可選用,以作培育教友之用。

2. 培育咭 – 為使教友對每月的培育主題有更深入的了解及反省,總會印製了培育咭,把該月的培育內容印在咭上,供教友帶回家中細閱。培育咭內容更加入聖經反省及默想,經堂區及學校派發給教友。

3. 年內各月份的培育咭主題如下:一月:跟隨耶穌 – 做耶穌基督的門徒二月:「教友」的靈修生活



五月:基督徒團體的特質 – 共融六月:重新發現 「我」的堂區七月:教會的共融:神職人員與平信徒的夥伴關係八月:活出教友的身份和使命九月:教友在世界中的角色


Page 15: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

十月:基督徒生活的桃戰十一月:交談 – 基督徒生活的態度十二月:宣講與見證培育資料配套內容亦可在教友總會網頁下載。

2. 歡迎新教友聚會本年歡迎新教友聚會由教友年專責小組主辦,教友總會協辦。聚會於 5月 10日假香港灣仔伊利沙伯體育館舉行。當日參加者有二千多位,包括新教友及慕道團導師。教區家長湯漢主教、楊鳴章副主教、陳志明副主教、林銘副主教及李亮神父(教區秘書長) 出席聚會,代表教區歡迎新教友並與新教友真情對話。當日聚會主題為「教會是我家、齊來建設她」。除了教會歷史展覽、教區機構及善會團體展覽外,還有迎新聚會,內容包括戲劇、舞蹈,歌詠,新教友及慕道團導師分享等。整個聚會內容由思定劇社設計及編排。此外,天主教玫瑰福傳舞蹈團及基石樂隊亦參與演出。籌委小組特別把當日的節目輯錄成DVD供新教友及導師留念,並供堂區在培育聚會中使用。

3. 新教友培育課程新教友培育課程「每天愛祢多一些」在釋奧期後為新教

友提供持續的信仰培育,由總會及教理中心合辦。課程分六個單元,包括:核心課程 - 基督徒的靈修、基督徒的價值觀、社會倫理、禮儀生活、認識本地及普世教會及傳揚福音。逢星期三晚上假香港西灣河聖十字架中心教友總會活動室上課。學員除了出席課堂外,還須出席兩次學習營及一次退省營。導師團由培育組及資深的慕道班導師組成,並邀請嘉賓(神父、修女及教友) 作主講。

第一屆課程已於本年 7月初圓滿結束。這是個先導計劃,共有學員 15人,參加人數遠比預期少,但學員非常投入,


Page 16: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表


第二屆課程於本年 9月開課至 2012年 5月下旬結束。參加本屆課程的學員有 25人。

4. 堂區/教區性善會/學校 培育項目i. 教總培育組應以下不同總鐸區 / 堂區/教區性善會/學校

的邀請,主持下列培育活動:團體名稱 培育活動內容 日期 人數

1聖德肋撒堂 教友年主題講座 3月 13日 22

2在俗方濟會 教友年主題講座 3月 27日 60

3新界西南總鐸區 教友年主題講座 5月 2日 70

4 聖家堂 教友年主題講座 5月 22日 40

5進教之佑堂 新教友培育聚會 6月 12日 30


教友年主題講座 6月 29日 6

7 聖猶達堂 堂區培育講座 - 建設堂區 (三)

7月 9日 45


街頭福傳技巧訓練工作坊 9月 23日 110

9傷健同心牧民小組 教友年主題講座 10月 2日 55

10 贖世主堂 街頭福傳技巧訓練工作坊 10月 16日 50


Page 17: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

團體名稱 培育活動內容 日期 人數11聖母玫瑰堂

街頭福傳技巧訓練工作坊 10月 18日 18

12聖若翰堂(觀塘) 福傳在職場工作坊 10月 23日 28

ii. 新界西南總鐸區教友培育課程總會應邀請為該總鐸區內六個堂區舉辦教友培育課程,主題「我聽?我信?我回應?」。課程由 5月至 10月,逢星期五上課。內容共分四個單元進行,分別為:基督徒靈修生活、禮儀、使命與職務及基督徒價值觀。平均每個單元參加人數約為 60人。

5. 堂區議會/牧民議會幹事培育年內總會應下列三個堂區邀請為堂區議會/牧民議會進

行培育:堂區 日期 人數

1 聖方濟各堂 1月 9日 60

2 東涌聖母訪親小堂 2月 13日 25

3 聖母無原罪主教座堂 9月 11日 18

6. 教友職務培育課程總會應澳洲墨爾本天主教華人信友團體的邀請,於 12

月 13-20日期間到當地為該團體舉辦了共七次,以信仰小團體和教友職務為主題的講座及工作坊。每次講座出席人數約50-60人,他們大部份是資深的教友領袖和團體核心成員,當中有部分是青年領袖。參加者非常投入,踴躍發問及交流。是次課程由總會培育主任設計及主持。

此外,於 12月 24日順道到悉尼,為當地天主教華人團體主持了一次分享聚會,主題為「帶領聖經分享聚會的技巧」


Page 18: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

7. 回應教友年公開講座總會與思維靜院合辦兩次教友年靈修培育講座。第一次

的主題為「走向合作性的職務 - 願景及運作」,由 Mrs.

Bernadette Miles主講。第二次講座主題為「撥雲見日 – 在混亂世界中找出正道」,由Ms. Margaret Silf 主講。兩位講者皆為資深的依納爵靈修指導者。兩次講座分別於六月份舉行,參加人數有 60人;十二月份的講座則有 130人參加。

8. 朝聖學習之旅總會於 11月 27日舉辦了本地朝聖學習之旅,往訪嘉諾

撒仁愛女修會,認識該修會在香港傳教及服務的歷史。修女帶領參加者參觀位於香港堅道修院內的博物館、聖堂,並介紹她們在過去 151年多在香港的工作;之後更到座落於摩星嶺的靜修院,該靜修院為本港教友提供一個非常寧靜的靈修退省場地。是次朝聖參加者非常踴躍,110位名額於宣傳後一星期內已告額滿。

9. 再慕道函授課程 這課程為教友提供一個信仰更新的機會。整個課程有十七個單元供學員選擇。以函授方式進行,本年 12月開展了網上課程,學員可以透過網上遞交習作及與導師聯繫。16位義工導師負責批改功課、解答學員提問及回應學員分享等。年內共有 79位新學員參加函授課程,網上課程則有 31位。現有學員 179位。

10. 光鹽幼兒故事系列 光鹽幼兒故事系列為幼稚園老師提供了一套活潑、生動的聖經科輔助教材,這系列由總會與教區教理委員會(幼稚園教材編寫小組) 聯合出版。出版以來深受幼稚園校長及老師歡迎。全書共 42 冊,分高、低班各 15 冊,幼兒班 12 冊。本


Page 19: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

故事系列廣泛地被天主教幼稚園老師採用。本年訂閱數量為 46,009本,售出教師用書共 167本,年內共送贈 253本教師用書予學校。精裝版幼兒故事系列及新故事叢書希望能在來年出版。

11. 培育資料製作i. 免費派發的資料包括:「教友總會培育課程概覽」小冊、「生活聖言」咭、「教友本色」咭、「教友職務」咭、 「我是教友」書簽及案頭小擺設、「奧蹟之路」玫瑰經單張、《玫瑰經 – 最鍾悅的祈禱》書冊、《我傳福音便有福了》書冊等。

ii. 各類靈修培育書刊及小冊: - 由高夏芳修女撰寫的「妙之系列」靈修書刊,包括


- 其他靈修書刊繼有《抓緊時機》、《勇闖人生》、《新答客問》等。

iii. 「教友本色」T-恤:童裝及成人圓領 T-恤;男、女裝Polo-恤等尚有存貨。此 T-恤的主題亦配合教友年的主題,堂區、團體可選購。

(八) 關社活動1. 堂區關社支援小組

年內總會繼續參與「堂區關社支援小組」例會,並協助於3月 6日舉辦之「關社交流日 2011 – 社會訓導培育日」。

2. 明愛賣物會 總會聯同臨恩教友服務中心於 11月 6日參與了港島區的明愛賣物會。大會主題為「給他們一個希望」。總會以「祂原已在此」為主題,設計了兩個攤位遊戲,並設有義賣攤檔,


Page 20: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表


在場內進行街頭福傳工作,以心意咭、「認識天主教信仰」小冊子、信仰接觸咭、「耶穌 VCD」及「天主是愛」便條貼等作接觸媒介,向入場人士傳揚福音。

(九) 聯絡工作1. 屬會聯絡


幹事報告總會的工作和教友年最新消息,加強了總會與總鐸區及堂區的溝通及了解,並且合作舉辦福傳及培育活動。本年 3月總會幹事到贖世主堂作巡回展覽,向該堂區



2. 其他聯絡工作 為加強總會與其他團體的聯繫,總會幹事曾參與下列活動:- 2月 15日出席香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室舉辦的新春酒會;

- 2月 15日出席香港六大宗教領袖座談會舉辦的新春團拜;


Page 21: 前言 - 開拓更廣的福傳領域 - · Web view(二) 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告 . 46 二零一一年度之收支報告 . . . . . 48 二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表

- 5月 1日出席天主教勞工事務委員會周年大會- 9月 22日出席六宗教領袖祝賀祖國六十二周年國慶酒會;

- 10月 16日出席天主教素食會成立典禮;- 10月 23日出席新界東北總鐸區傳教節活動;- 11月 24日至 26日出席宗座平信徒委員會會議;- 出席「生命恩泉」福傳團體分享會議,交流福傳經驗。

(十) 教區活動和工作1. 「教友年」專責小組

總會指導司鐸、培育主任、執行秘書、司庫及兩位培育組成員繼續被教區委任為「教友年」專責小組成員,任期由2011年 1月至 12月,專責策劃及推行 2011年 - 教友年的一切工作及活動。年內專責小組共召開了五次會議,商議全年主題、活動、禮儀及培育項目等。年內曾協辦的培育活動詳列於第(七)項,1、2點。

2. 其他總會指導司鐸及會長繼續參與教區司鐸議會及牧民議會


(十一) 關心中國教會年內由秘書處接待從國內到訪的神父、修士、修女及教




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(十二) 聖十字架中心活動室聖十字架中心活動室位於香港筲箕灣耀興道 72 號聖十

字架中心五樓,由教區提供予總會使用。活動室可容納 150

人,團體、善會、機構及堂區等可借用作講座、會議、課程等用途。團體借用須繳付費用,每小時$200 (最少兩小時) 以支付場地的營運費用。場地提供音響、投射器、冷氣、飲用水等設備,同時也提供聖經、頌恩歌集及小量文具。


(十三) 秘書處工作秘書處除了由香港教區主教委任的指導司鐸外,還有

一位培育主任 (半職)、四位受薪職員(全職)及一位清潔員工(半職)。他們的職責如下:- 培育主任:聯同總會培育組,統籌及策劃一切教友培育的工作。參與教區培育機構聯席會議。

- 執行秘書:參與幹事會及評議會各項會議、執行幹事會所通過的議案並跟進各項活動、參與教區培育機構聯席會議統籌及協調秘書處工作、跟進及參與總會培育活動。

- 執行助理:負責光鹽幼兒故事系列的編輯及推廣工作、統籌各項福傳活動包括:年宵及書展福傳攤位、101慕道聚會,並統籌再慕道及教義函授課程及處理日常文書工作等

- 兩位文員:i. 負責管理總會資源中心的書籍、協助籌辦福傳活動、分發福傳物品及處理日常文書工作等;


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ii. 負責會計帳目、郵件、協助分發福傳物品、聖十字架中心活動室的管理及租用、教區靜修院的管理及租用及處理日常文書工作等。

- 清潔員工:負責總會秘書處及活動室一切清潔的工作。為應付總會繁重的工作,除了上述受薪職員外,還要




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鳴 謝 不經不覺又過了一年,本人在此謹祝各位新春愉快,身體健康,







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二零一二年三月一日 FOREWORD

Rev. Francis Lau

2011 was a busy and fruitful year for the Central Council. The Executive

Committee and Formation Committee had used their best endeavor to take part and

support in the activities of the Year of the Laity, in particular the formation of the

laity. All these are set out in this Annual Report.

In 2011, the Central Council’s objective was to cope with the theme of the

Year of the Laity, helped the lay faithfuls to clearly recognize their identity and role

through the three-fold ministry, i.e. the prophetic, priestly, and kingly office of

Christ. This is the commitment that they made when they responded to Jesus’

calling (upon baptism). Such commitment is not made individually, but in

communion with the whole church community. In other words, the faithful

communities and parishes should walk hand in hand with the laity to live up to

their commitment.

As a leader of the faithful communities, the Central Council is a role model

itself. Firstly it invite the laity to join its evangelization tasks, and secondly to

invite the lay leaders to assist in the planning and execution of all activities. This

shows a strong feeling and importance of collaboration and complement among the

laity. I hope that this spirit of communion could also be fully demonstrated among

parishes and deaneries, so as to reveal the spirit of “The Church is one family”.

In order to improve the relationship among deaneries and parishes, the

Executive Committee Members have persistently liaised with their leaders and

attended their meetings, this had strengthened mutual understanding between each


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other in order to attain the goal in evangelization and formation. The relationship

and the collaboration between the Central Council and parishes have been greatly

enhanced, this is reflected at the increasing number of invitations by the parishes to

conduct formation and evangelization activities. I hope so much that this

relationship will have further progress, that is the parishes and member

organizations would proactively request for participation in the Central Council’s

various activities and tasks.

“Come, follow me!” is not merely the theme for the Year of the Laity, but

also a lifetime vocation from Jesus Christ. In the coming year, I wish the Central

Council will establish a much closer relationship with parishes and lay

associations, and march hand in hand with them on the way of following Jesus



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I. Central CommitteeThe 52nd Annual General Meeting was held on 2 March, 2011 at

the Activity Room of the Central Council, at 5th Floor, Holy Cross

Centre. Most Rev. Bishop John Tong officiated at the ceremony.

Attendees included Rev. Dominic Chan, Vicar General; Rev.

Lawrence Lee, Chancellor; priests, guests, council members and

officials totalling 120 persons.

During the year, there were five meetings of the Central

Committee. At these meetings, apart from reports from the Central

Council, there were special theme discussions and sharings from guest

speakers and Central Council members, these included the following


April : The deaneries to share the contents of Mission Sunday

activities and preparation

June : How do parishes encourage the newly baptised to join the

Christian Community

August : Year of the Laity – the actions of love by all people

October : Report and review on the draft of the Central Council’s

2012 Operating Plan

December: Introduction of the “Catholic Liturgy pedia” and the key

points of the Year of the Laity in 2012

The overall average attendance rate in 2011 was 58.22%

(previous 67.5%), rate for parish councils was 59.48% (previous

66.3%), and diocesan lay associations was 55.77% (previous

69.95%), please refer to Appendix 5 for details.

II. Executive Committee


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The Executive Committee consists of 13 members, who attend a

meeting with the Spiritual Director and Executive Secretary on a

monthly basis. A core team comprising the Spiritual Director, the

President, the Vice Presidents, the Co-ordinator of the Formation

Committee, the Ex-official Councillor, and the Executive Secretary

also meet every month to discuss and monitor the development of

various projects.

The Executive Committee held its annual retreat at the P.I.M.E.

House on 27 August. The theme was “Sanctify oneself”. Participants

had much reflection and sharings, especially on how to emulate one’s

patron saint’s faith. On 26 and 27 December, a pilgrimage to “Sheung

Tsuen Island” was arranged including enjoying the food and sights of

Zhongshan city. The trip not only helped to relief work pressure but

also strengthened understanding among all the Executive Committee


The Executive Committee held its annual review and planning

camp on 17 and 18 September at the Diocesan Retreat House, all staff

from the Secretariat also attended the camp.

The Executive Committee Members gave their full support to

the Year of the Laity in 2011. They will continue their work in the

coming year as the Year of the Laity will be extended to December


III. Supporting Group on the Execution of Central Council’s Policies

The Supporting Group provides a good opportunity for the

collaboration among the Central Council, parishes and the lay

associations. Apart from the Central Council’s Executive Committee

Members, the Supporting Group also consists of representatives from


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the deaneries and lay associations. In 2011, 4 meetings were held in

which the representatives offered their advice on the execution of

various tasks to facilitate the joint planning with an aim of attaining

better understanding of the difficulties encountered by the parishes

and the lay associations when carrying out the activities.

IV. Formation CommitteeThe Formation Committee has 12 members including the

Spiritual Director, 5 Executive Committee Members, the Formation

Officer, the Executive Secretary, and 5 lay persons. The Formation

Committee meets monthly for planning all its activities, and holds ad

hoc meetings for organizing individual activities. The Committee met

on 17 August for a sharing of “Living our Faith”. A special committee

was formed organizing formation programs for newly baptized

Catholics and to produce formation materials for the laity. Please refer

to page 31 for details of the formation activities.

V. Financial Report The total income received by the Central Council for the whole

year amounted to HK$2,503,538, and the total expenditure was

HK$3,053,884. A year-end deficit of HK$550,346 was recorded. As

at 31 December 2011, the reserve was HK$10,015,330. (Please refer

to Appendices 3 and 4 for the details of the Financial Statement.)

The Central Council would like to thank all parishes, religious

orders, lay associations and laity for their generous donations, and

hope to receive their continuous support in the coming year.

VI. Evangelization


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1. Evangelization Committee This committee is led by the President, its membership includes

the leaders of all evangelization groups and the Executive Secretary.

Two meetings were held during the year to monitor the progress

of all evangelization projects and plans, design the production of

evangelization media and explore new development in

evangelization horizons, etc.

The committee attended to the evangelization needs from

parishes, lay associations and schools, maintained close liaison with

them so as to strengthen mutual co-operation. The committee

especially encouraged parishes to organize their own 101 Gathering

and Street Missionary because they are meaningful and effective

evangelization activities. The committee is ready to share its

experience and give full support.

2. 101 Gathering101 Gathering is a gathering for a Catholic to bring along non-

Catholic friend, introduces to them the Catholic faith in a very light-

hearted environment. The laity could make use of this opportunity to

carry out their evangelization mission. This type of evangelization

has been going on for 30 years.

The Central Council arranged such gatherings at the fourth

Wednesday bi-monthly in Hong Kong Island. Gatherings for both

Kowloon and the New Territories were suspended temporarily.

There were 6 gatherings organised in the year under the themes

“Latest edition of Noah Ark”, “Love is a Silent Language”, “

Wisdom, Intelligence”, “10 Best Medals”, “Ms. Wor” and “Follow

the trail of the Saviour”. The venue was the Central Council’s

Activity Room, 5th Floor, Holy Cross Centre, Sai Wan Ho, Hong


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Kong. The program included dinner, movie, short talk from Spiritual

Director, small group sharing, Q & A, singing and prayer. At each

gathering, there were about 30-40 participants, half of which were

non believers.

In the year, a total of 11 participants enrolled in the catechism

class, 5 enrolled in the religious correspondence course, 2 enrolled in

the catechetical correspondence course and 2 joined the organizing


The Central Council, in collaboration with the following

parishes/community, organized 101 Gathering in their parishes/

community, they were: St. Mary’s Parish – 130 participants, Notre

Dame Parish – 60 participants, Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan

Schools Council, Pre-school Education Section – 57 participants.

The organizing committee of 101 Gathering held monthly

meetings discussing work plan and training members. The Core

Committee meets once every two months to monitor the progress.

There were 17 members in the organizing committee, of which 7

were core members.

The Central Council compiled a manual for running a 101

Gathering and put it in the Central Council’s website to serve as a

guideline for reference.

3. Street MissionaryThe Central Council continued to organize street missionary

activities every two months. During the course of the year, Street

Missionary work was carried out at the Chinese New Year Fair in

Victoria Park, Hong Kong Book Fair, Caritas Bazaar on the Hong

Kong Island, Tsim Sha Tsui East and the Golden Bauhinia Square.

For big events, a special briefing session was held to elaborate on


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the missionary techniques so as to provide participants with a better

understanding of being a Street Missionary. The Spiritual Director

laid hands on all participants at the sending ceremony. It helped to

boost their morale.

In 2011, 348 participants contacted 8,457 persons, of which

6,102 were non-Catholics (72%). 26 reply slips were received, of

which 16 expressed interest in attending the catechism class and the

Religious Correspondence Course.

The Central Council provided all evangelization pamphlets and

flyers for this purpose.

4. Chinese New Year Evangelization StallThis year’s event was held from 28 January to 3 February at the

Chinese New Year Fair in Victoria Park. The Central Council bid at

HK$32,200 for stall number “ 7 ” which served as the base for street

missionary. The top of the stall was decorated with the words “God

is Love” - the stall’s main theme which were in the latest LED lights,

attracting attention and also as a tool in proclaiming the Catholic


Over a hundred volunteers involved in this activity. The work

included: producing 25,000 hand-made display items in advance,

setting up the stall and the lighting, giving out Fai-Chuns, red-

packets, and evangelization material; legionaries took part in the

street missionary and contacted 3,653 persons, of which 74% had no

religions, some were foreigners and mainlanders who asked about

catechism class in English and Pu Tong Hua.

This year, due to the good weather, there were more people than

last year in visiting the stall, creating a very joyful atmosphere.

Donation received amounted to HK$66,931.70.


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5. Hong Kong Book FairThe Central Council joined the Hong Kong Book Fiar held

during 21 July to 26 July, at the Hong Kong Convention and

Exhibition Centre. The booth of the Central Council was located

within the Catholic Zone, and adopted “He has already been here” as

the theme.

As the booth was at the next door of other Catholic Associations,

there was much chance to contact the Catholics, introducing the

work done by the Central Council. There also no less chance to talk

to the non-believers, though the number contacted was a bit less than

that of last year.

Special evangelization gift given out at the booth included: gift-

box with evangelization stickers, memo-pad with “God is Love”

printed on the cover, contact card and other evangelization media.

“The History of Evnagelization in Hong Kong” series and other

publications related to evangelization were given out to the fair-

goers. Besides, religious books published by the Central Council

and “Sign” Editorial Committee and T-shirts were sold in the booth.

Legionaries and lay people from parishes participated in the

street missionary with good results. There were 4,055 contacts

made, of which 68% were non-Catholics. 15 reply slips were

received immediately after the contacts, expressing their willingness

to know more about the Catholic religion.

6. Evangelization Media Productioni.Chinese New Year’s Fai-Chun, Red-Packet and Blessing Card

The Central Council had printed 150,000 sets of Fai-Chun

on which “Praising Lord’s grace by the universe, and sharing

God’s love by all mankind” is displayed. Together with 170,000


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pieces of leaflets with the word “Blessing”, and 6 million red-

packets and Blessing Cards, these were given out to the lay-

faithful and non-Catholics through parishes and schools as

media of evangelization to be used during Chinese New Year.

The red-packets adopted the environmental-friendly design

which could be re-used, the phrases “God’s grace and blessings

to every house, Lord’s love and happiness to all families” and

“Having found God is the blessing of all the blessings” were

printed on the packets. Part of the printing cost for the red-

packets was sponsored by the Evangelization Fund.

ii. Chinese New Year Display Items

The Central Council invited tens of volunteers to make

about 25,000 pieces of “Evangelization Fish” and other display

items bearing the biblical phrases, which were given out

together with the Fai-Chuns and red-packets to the fair-goers at

the Chinese New Year Fair as means of evangelization.

iii. Design and Production of New Evangelization Materials

- Gift-box with stickers: 10,000 boxes were produced for

distribution during Book Fair; “He has already been here”,

which was the theme of the Central Council’s booth, was

printed at the box surface. Inside the box, there were 18 sets

of stickers with messages of “love”, “peace”, “sharing”, etc.

- Memo pad: 100,000 memo pads were printed with message

“God is Love” on each memo paper. It was designed for use

in evangelization activities organized by parishes, schools,

communities etc., especially for evangelization activities on

Mission Sunday and during Christmas.

iv. Re-print of Evangelization Materials


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- 100,000 copies of “To know the Catholic Faith” booklet;

- 40,000 gold-foiled tags;

- 50,000 evangelization pen.

v. Evangelization items available for collection on request

- “God is Love” desk top display items;

- 6 different designs of evangelization card;

- thank-you cards with covers used at funeral ceremony;

- both Chinese and English versions of “The History of

Evangelization in Hong Kong” Volumes 2 to 4, only English

version for Volume 1;

- evangelization card for use during Easter;

- “Jesus” VCD and booklet.

All these materials were provided to parishes, schools and

lay associations free of charge for giving out during their

evangelization activities.

7. Production of Evangelization Visual Mediai. Evangelization Website (

The Central Council has been updating this website

regularly for browsing and downloading. Its contents show

various evangelization information, photos of the evangelization

materials, Gospel songs and “The History of Evangelization in

Hong Kong” (Vol. 1-5) and news of evangelization activities,


ii. The Central Council’s Website (

The Central Council uploaded news of its latest activities

and programs for browsing. The contents of the website also

included: a brief introduction of the Central Council and its

mission, members of the Central Council and its Executive


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Committee, news of evangelization and formation programs,

social concern activities, biblical phrases, news about the Year of

the Laity, the results of the application for Evangelization Fund,

list of the themes of 101 Gathering, a summary of all laity

formation and evangelization activities in Hong Kong and

certain web links. Some Vatican’s documents on the theme of

evangelization were also available in the document download

zone for public reference.

8. Evangelization Visa Card (“EVC”)The EVC was jointly launched by the Central Council and

Wing Lung Bank (the “Bank”) in March 1999. It includes classic

cards, gold cards, and platinum cards. For each purchase made

through EVC, the Bank contributes to the Evangelization Fund a

rebate equivalent to 0.45% of the purchase amount in support of

evangelization activities. The EVC is deemed an effective medium

with broader spectrum and diversity for the laity to introduce

Catholic faith to their non-Catholic friends and relatives.

As at 31 December, there were 7,668 EVC cardholders. The

Executive Committee Members and the Head of the Bank’s credit

card centre had met to review the present situation and discussed

plans for future development. The Central Council suggested the

Bank to improve its frontline staff’s product knowledge of the EVC,

so that they can promote the card more efficiently and effectively.

The Central Council also requests the Bank to provide more

attractive privileges to EVC holders in order to get more

cardholders. In the coming year of 2012, the Bank will introduce the

“Member gets Member Program”, i.e. when a cardholder invites a

friend to apply for EVC, such cardholder will receive a reward of


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HK$100 upon approval. Hopefully this will attract more

applications to the EVC.

9. Evangelization FundFunding comes from the rebate (0.45%) of each purchase

through the EVC. More spending through EVC brings more

contributions to the fund. During the year, total income received

amounted to HK$417,961 (HK$431,520 in 2010). 37 entities

including 1 deanery, 18 parishes, 8 schools, and 10 communities

received total grant of HK$546,669 (HK$474,452 in 2010).

The Evangelization Fund Committee is responsible for the

governance and approval of all applications for grants. The

applications are assessed and approved quarterly, i.e. 1st quarter:

January to March; 2nd quarter: April to June; 3rd quarter: July to

September; and 4th quarter: October to December. The deadlines for

submission of application are end-October, end-January, end-April

and end-July, respectively.

This committee consists of 17 members. In addition to the two

advisors and 4 representatives from the Central Council, namely the

Spiritual Director, the President, the Treasurer, and the Executive

Secretary, the other 11 members are from different parishes and

diocesan lay associations. The 7th term of the committee has been

elected at the Central Committee Meeting in April.

10. Religious Correspondence CourseThis course is designed for non-Catholics who are searching

for faith. It is conducted in distance-learning mode, through

correspondence or internet. Under the coordination of the

Secretariat, 16 voluntary tutors helped marking the assignments and

contacting the students. 2 meetings were held during the year to


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review problems encountered.

In 2011, 60 enrolled in the correspondence course, while 13

enrolled through Internet. The number of existing students reached

100 (some are prison inmates), and 6 of them had completed the

course. Some parishes also gave out these course materials to

catechumens in their catechism classes for reference. The course

contents are available at the Central Council’s website for browsing.

VII. Laity Formation

1. The Formation Programs for the Year of the LaityThe Central Council had fully supported various formation

activities relating to the Year of the Laity, which included the


i. The Prayer for the Year of the Laity and the Prayer Cards

The Central Council had been invited to write the prayer

for the Year of the Laity in order to strengthen the spiritual life

of the laity, encourage them to pray together at the same time,

with the same intention everyday. The content of the prayer

also meant to remind the laity of their ministry and mission.

The prayer was printed in a prayer booklet distributed to the


ii. Public Talk (1): “Come, follow me! – vocation, communion,


Fr. Stephen Bevans S.V.D., a professor from the Catholic

Theological Union in Chicago, USA, delivered the Talk on 2

January at the auditorium, 9/F, the Diocesan Centre. He

elaborated the theme and the insight of the Year of the Laity.

There were 130 attendees at the Talk.


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iii. Public Talk (2): “Become the Disciples of Jesus Christ”

Rev. Michael Yeung, the Vicar General gave the Talk on

16 January at the auditorium of the Caritas Centre in Caine

Road. He led the attendees to learn from the Bible the indepth

meaning of Jesus’ calling on his disciples, and the way how

disciples should respond. There were about 250 attendees.

iv. Public Talk (3): “Towards an Integrated Christian Life - Prayer,

Liturgy, and Service”

Rev. Peter Choy was the keynote speaker in this Talk and

Dr. Victoria Yeung was the respondent. The Talk was held on

20 March at the auditorium of the Caritas Centre in Caine

Road. They pointed out how the laity should count on prayer,

liturgy, and service to live out an integrated Christian life.

About 250 people attended the Talk.

v. A Talk on the Promotion of Small Faith Communities

The Hong Kong Catholic Federation of Basic Christian

Communities and the Central Council jointly organised this

talk on 10 July at the Central Council’s Activity Room, to

elaborate the characteristics of the Small Faith Community, its

gathering model and how to start it in the parish. About 39

people participated.

vi. Forum on Exchanging Views on Lay Ministry

There were two sessions in the Forum. Rev. Peter Choy

and Dr. Victoria Yeung led the morning session, then followed

by the exchange experience on ministry.

The forum was held on 13 September at the assembly hall

of St. Paul’s Convent School (Primary Section). The theme

was “Sanctify ourselves, sanctify others and transform the


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world - from Ministry to Witness”. The event objectives were:

to enhance the attendees’ concept of lay ministry; to review the

relationship between lay ministry and the church as well as

mission; through exchanging views, to share how to witness

faith in ministries; and also to strengthen the bonds among

various ministry organisations. There were representatives

from eight ministry organizations shared their experience; Rev.

Joseph Yim and Sister Bernadette Woo responded. About 160

people attended, and half of them stayed for the whole event.

vii. Dialogue and Sharing Session on Collaboration in Parish

This sharing was held on 4 December at the 9/F, Diocesan

Centre with the theme “Collaboration – learn to become a co-

worker with God in parish”. Through sharing and learning

from one another, participants seek for better collaboration

among lay faithful, lay associations; and also collaboration

between lay and clergy, so as building up a vibrant parish.

The Parish Council team of St. Andrew’s Parish and St.

Joseph’s Parish together with their parish priests shared their

experience in collaboration. Participants also shared their

experience and asked questions on how to overcome the

difficulties encountered in their parishes.

Rev. Dominic Chan, Vicar General and Chairman of the

Ad hoc Committee of the Year of the Laity expressed his

support and encouragement after all.

There were about 50 participants from 18 parishes


viii. Package for Monthly Formation Materials

The Formation Committee and the volunteers of Central


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Council had compiled and produced packages for formation

materials on a monthly basis. The packet contains:

1) A compact disc storing the material content in mp3, ppt,

wmv and pdf format, for use by parishes as a kind of laity

formation during Sunday Mass. Such materials can also be

used in community gatherings for formation purposes.

2) Formation card – this is the print-outs of the formation

material to be given out to the laity through parishes and

schools. The content of the card also includes Bible

extracts and reflections with action. Laity can keep the

cards for further reading and meditation.

3) The themes of the formation card were:

January : Follow Jesus – be a disciple of Christ

February : Christian spiritual life

March : Christian life and symbol

April : Jesus calls upon us to be his faithful


May : The characteristic of Christian Community -


June : Re-discover “my” parish

July : Church in Communion - partnership of clergy

and lay

August : Living out the laity’s identity and missions

September: The role of laity in the world

October : The challenges to Christian life

November : Dialogue – the attitude of Christian life

December : Proclamation and witness

The formation materials can be downloaded from the

Central Council’s website.


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2. Orientation Day for the Newly Baptised This gathering was organized by the Ad hoc Committee on

the Year of the Laity, with the assistance of the Central Council,

and was held on 10 May at Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Wan Chai,

Hong Kong. More than 2,000 newly baptized and catechists,

attended the event. Bishop John Tong, three Vicar Generals: Rev.

Michael Yeung, Rev. Dominic Chan and Rev. Pierre Lam, and Rev.

Lawrence Lee, the Chancellor, represented the Diocese to host the

gathering and welcome the newly baptized. They also had a

sincere heart-to-heart dialogue with the audience.

The theme of the gathering was “The Church is my family, let

us build it together.” In addition to the exhibition of the church

history of Hong Kong, diocesan organisations and lay associations

also took part introducing themselves. The gathering was

highlighted with drama, dancing, singing, and sharings by the

newly baptized and catechists. Augustine Drama Group, Corner

Stone and Catholic Rosary Evangelical Dance Group had

facilitated well the gathering. The whole program had been

recorded into DVDs which were given out as memento to all the

newly baptised and catechists. The DVD may also be used in the

parish for formation.

3. The Formation Course for Newly BaptisedThe course “Love God More Day by Day” provides

formation to the newly baptised after the mystagogical period. It is

co-organized by the Central Council and Diocesan Catechetical

Centre. The course consists of 6 units with topics on Christian’s

characteristics and spirituality, Christian values, social ethics,

liturgy, the local church and universal church as well as


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The class meets every Wednesday evening at the Activity

Room of the Central Council. In addition to the weekly class,

participants are required to attend two camps and a retreat. Tutors

were mainly from the Formation Committee of the Central Council

and staff of the Diocesan Catechetical Centre, and also guest

speakers who were priests, sisters and lay persons.

The 1st year which was a pilot scheme ended at July with total

15 participants. Although the number of participants was less than

expected, they were very active and open when shared their

experience in faith. Their relationship with the tutors and among

themselves is good.

The 2nd year was started at September and will be ended in

May 2012. The total number of participants of this year is 25.

4. Formation programs for Parishes / Associations of the Faithful/ Schools

i. In response to the invitation by the following parishes/

associations of the faithful / schools, the Formation Committee

organized activities listed below :

Organization Contents DateNo. of


1 St. Teresa’s ParishTalk on the theme of the Year

of the Laity13 March 25

2Secular Franciscan


Talk on the theme of the Year

of the Laity27 March 60

3South-West New

Territories Deanery

Talk on the theme of the Year

of the Laity2 May 70

4 Holy Family Parish Talk on the theme of the Year 22 May 40


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Organization Contents DateNo. of


of the Laity

5Mary Help of

Christians Parish

Formation gathering for the

newly baptised 12 June 30


St. Joseph’s Anglo-

Chinese Primary


Talk on the theme of the Year

of the Laity29 June 6

7 St. Jude’s PairshParish formation – building up

the parish (3)9 July 45

8Volunteers of


Talk on the theme of the Year

of the Laity2 October 45

9North-east New

Territories Deanery

Workshop on the techniques for

street missionary 23 September 120

10Holy Redeemer


Workshop on the techniques of

street missionary16 October 50

11Our Lady of the

Rosary Parish

Workshop on the techniques of

street missionary18 October 18

12St. John the

Baptist Parish

Workshop on the techniques of

missionary in workplace23 October 28

ii. Formation program for South-West New Territories Deanery

As invited by the said deanery, the Central Council

organized a formation program for its 6 parishes with the

theme of “I listen? I believe? I respond? ” The program

consists of 4 units, namely Christian spiritual life, liturgy,

mission and ministry, and Christian values. It was conducted

on Fridays from May to October. On average, 60 people

attended each unit.


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5. Formation workshop for Executive Committee members of Parish Councils/Parish Pastoral Councils

The Central Council was invited by the following Parishes

to conduct the workshops :


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Parish Date

No. of


1 St. Francis of Assisi Parish 9 January 60

2 Tung Chung Visitation Chapel 13 February 25

3 Cathedral Parish 11 September 18

6. Formation Program on Lay Ministry Formation Officer of the Central Council had accepted the

invitation from the Catholic Chinese Community of Melbourne,

Australia to organize a formation program during 13 to 20

December. The program consisted of seven talks and workshops on

“Small Faith Community” and “Lay Ministry”. There were about

50-60 attendees at each talk and workshop who were well

experienced leaders and community core members, and some youth

leaders as well. The participants were very devoted and active in

discussions and sharings.

The Formation Officer also visited the Catholic Chinese

community of Sydney on 24 December, and conducted a gathering

for the facilitators of the Bible Study Group, sharing experience

and techniques of leading a Bible sharing.

7. Talks responding to the Year of the LaityThe Central Council and Xavier House had jointly organized

two talks on spiritual formation. The first one was “The Vision and

Operation of Collaborative Ministry” by Mrs. Bernadette Miles,

while the second one was “Finding a True Course In a Bewildering

World” by Ms. Margaret Silf. Both speakers were well-trained in

Ignatian spiritual direction. The talks were held in June with 60


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attendees, and in December with 130 attendees, respectively.

8. Study PilgrimageThe Central Council organized a study pilgrimage on 27

November visiting the Daughters of Charity of The Canossian

Institute, studying the history of its missionaries and services

rendered in Hong Kong. The pilgrims visited the museum and the

Sacred Heart Chapel located in the convent at Caine Road. The

Sisters introduced the work that they had accomplished in Hong

Kong in the past 151 years. The pilgrims also visited the retreat

house at Mount Davis which has been providing the local laity a

quiet place for retreat. The response to the pilgrimage was

overwhelming as all 110 seats were fully booked within a week.

9. Catechetical Correspondence CourseThis course provides lay persons an opportunity to renewal

in faith. The course is conducted in distance-learning mode

through correspondence or internet. There are 17 units in the

Course. 16 voluntary tutors were responsible for marking the

assignments, answering queries and responding to student’s

sharing. There were 79 new students enrolled in the year through

correspondence learning, and 31 enrolled in the internet learning.

The existing number of students reached 179.

10. Light and Salt Kindergarten Story SeriesThe series is a joint publication of the Central Council and

the Diocesan Catechetical Commission (Editorial Group for

Kindergarten Material), which provides a set of lively and dynamic

supplementary teaching materials for kindergarten teachers to use

in Religious Studies lessons. The series has been well received by


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the kindergarten teachers and principals. The series consists of 42

volumes, 15 each for senior and junior classes, and 12 for nursery.

In 2011 46,009 copies were subscribed, 167 copies of Teachers

Books were sold and 253 complimentary copies of Teachers Books

were provided to schools. The abridged version of the series is

expected to be published in the coming year.

11. Formation Materialsi. Materials given out, free of charge :

The following are materials given to the laity for formation

purposes: catalogue of Formation Programs, formation cards with

different themes, they include: “Living Faith”, “Nature of

Catholics”, “Lay Ministry”; bookmark and display item with “I am

a Catholic” printed on it; rosary pamphlet - “The Road of

Mysteries”; booklet include: “Rosary – the Most Favorite Prayer”

and “I would be Blessed when I Evangelize”, etc.

ii. Various Spiritual and Formation Books and Pamphlets :

The Amazing Series written by Sister Ko Ha Fong consists of

“Amazing God”, “Amazing Mankind”, “Amazing Life”, “Amazing

World”, and “Amazing Word”.

Other spiritual books are: “Seize the Day”, “Dare to Journey”,

“Questions & Answers on Catholic Faith”, etc.

iii. T-shirts

T-shirts for adults and children, Polo-shirts for men and

women, all with prints of “Nature of Catholics” which matches

with the theme of the Year of the Laity.


1. Supporting Team for Parish Social Concern Groups


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The Central Council participated in meetings of the Supporting

Team for Parish Social Concern Group and took part in the Social

Concern Activity held on 6 March.

2. The Caritas BazaarTogether with Advent Catholic Service Centre, the Central

Council participated in the Caritas Bazaar held on Hong Kong Island

on 6 November. To align with the theme of the event: “Give them a

Ray of Hope”, the Central Council had designed two games with the

theme “He has already been here”, and set up stalls for selling

donated goods for fund-raising. Gifts for sale and prizes for the

games are donated by lay people.

The Advent Catholic Service Centre sold the evangelization

items. Legionaries participated in street missionary by distributing

evangelization pamphlets, bookmarks, contact cards, and “Jesus”

VCDs to fair-goers.


1. Liaison with Member OrganizationsTo keep in close contact with member organizations, the

Executive Committee Members have, prior to each Central

Committee Meeting, contacted the representatives of Parish

Councils/Parish Pastoral Councils and Diocesan Lay Associations by

phone and/or email, reminding them to attend the Council Meeting,

and kept them updated of the news regarding formation and


The Executive Committee Members also attended the Deanery

Leaders’ meetings, participated in their activities, and at times

jointly organized formation and evangelization activities. This


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served as channels of communication between the Central Council

and deaneries/parishes.

The Central Council held an exhibition in Holy Redeemer

Parish, introducing their work to the parishioners and exchanged

with the parish council members.

The Executive Committee Members attended the annual

meetings, gatherings, feasts and activities of Holy Cross Parish, St.

Peter’s Parish, St. Teresa’s Parish, St. Francis Parish, Hong Kong

Catholic Nurses’ Guild and Altar Servers’ Association.

2. Other Liaison WorkTo enhance the communication between the Central Council

and other communities, the Executive Committee Members

participated in the following activities:

- the Chinese New Year gathering organized by the Liaison

Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR on 25


- the Chinese New Year gathering hosted by the leaders of the six

religions in Hong Kong on 25 February;

- Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Catholic Commission

for Labour Affairs on 1 May;

- the cocktail reception organized by the leaders of the 6 religions

in Hong Kong on 22 September for celebrating the anniversary

of the People’s Republic of China;

- opening ceremony of Hong Kong Catholic Vegetarian

Association on 16 October;

- the evangelization activity organised by the North-east New

Territories Deanery on 23 October;


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- the meeting of the Pontifical Council for the Laity during 24 to

26 November in Rome;

- the gathering of “Fountain of Love and Life” for sharing and

exchanging evangelization experience;

X. PARTICIPATION IN DIOCESAN EVENTS1. The Ad hoc Committee on the Year of the Laity

Spiritual Director, Formation Officer, Executive Secretary,

Treasurer, and two members of the Formation Committee have been

appointed by the Diocese as the members of the Ad hoc Committee on

the Year of the Laity with one-year tenure from January to December.

Such committee is responsible for the planning and the execution of

all tasks and activities relating to the Year of the Laity in 2011. 5

meetings were held in the year with discussion on the theme for 2011,

the activities to be carried out, liturgy arrangements, and formation

projects etc. With the assistance of the Central Council, the formation

activities accomplished in 2011 are listed under the first two items of

paragraph 7.

2. Others

Spiritual Director and the President, continued participating in

the General Meetings of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. The

Formation Officer and Executive Secretary attended the Joint

Meetings of Diocesan Organizations responsible for Laity Formation.

On behalf of the Central Council, the Spiritual Director attended the

meetings of Selection Committee on the Catholic Diocese of Hong

Kong Laity Formation Fund.



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The Secretariat had received priests, Brothers, Sisters and lay

persons from the Mainland, introduced to them the evangelization

and formation work undertaken by the Central Council.

The Central Council also produced some contact cards and

pamphlets containing information on churches in Mainland in

simplified Chinese which were given out to visitors from Mainland in

the course of street missionary.

XII. ACTIVITY ROOM AT HOLY CROSS CENTREThe Diocese provides the Central Council with an activity

room situated at the 5th floor, Holy Cross Centre, Yiu Hing Road,

Shaukiwan, Hong Kong. Such activity room can accommodate about

150 persons. Communities, lay associations, organisations, and

parishes can use it in holding talks, meetings, and courses. A fee of

$200 per hour (minimum 2 hours) is levied for recouping the site

operating cost. The venue is equipped with sound system, projector,

air-conditioning, drinking water, Bibles, hymn books, and some basic



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XIII. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARIATApart from the Spiritual Director who is appointed by the

Bishop of Hong Kong Diocese, the Secretariat comprises a

Formation Officer (part-time), 4 staff members (full-time) and a

cleaner (part-time). Their job descriptions are appended below:

- Formation Officer: jointly working with the Formation

Committee to coordinate and plan for all formation programs

for the lay faithful. Taking part in the Joint Meetings of the

Diocesan Organizations Responsible for Laity Formation.

- Executive Secretary: attending all Executive Committee

Meetings and Central Committee Meetings, implementing all

proposals endorsed by the Central Council and following up

various programs, taking part in the Joint Meetings of the

Diocesan Organizations Responsible for Laity Formation,

coordinating works for the Secretariat, participating in

formation programs organized by the Central Council.

- Executive Assistant: editing and promoting the “Light and Salt

Kindergarten Story Series”; coordinating various evangelical

activities including Chinese New Year Stall, Hong Kong Book

Fair Stall, 101 Gathering, etc.; the catechetical correspondences

course, the religious correspondence course, and daily office


- Two clerks: (i) organizing the set-up and the promotion of the

resources centre, helping in evangelical activities, distributing

various evangelization materials, and assisting in handling all

routine paper work; (ii) discharging all clerical and accounting

duties, managing the Activity Room and the Diocesan Retreat

House and their rental.

- Cleaner: cleaning of the office and the Activity Room.


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To cope with the heavy workload, in addition to the above paid

staff members, the Secretariat has to rely on the help of the

Executive Committee Members, tens of volunteers and over 100

Legionaries, to maintain robust operation of the Secretariat.

The Central Council continues managing the Diocesan Retreat

House at Chung Hom Kok on behalf of the Diocese, and submitting

relevant financial reports to the Diocesan Procuration Office



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Word of Thanks

The time passed so quickly and here comes a new year. I hereby wish all of

you a happy New Year with God’s blessing and good health.

For the Central Council, the Year of the Laity is a tense, busy, and colourful

year. We follow the direction steered by the Ad hoc Committee on the Year of the

Laity, assist them in organizing talks and activities in relation to the Year of the

Laity. This is meant to remind the laity of their mission – sanctify ourselves,

sancity others and transform the world.

My term for the President of the Central Council will end today. I may say

this is a release, but in accordance with the constitution of the Central Council, I

still need to assume the role of Ex-officio Councillor, and work with the new

Executive Members for another two years. Let us pray to God to grant us strength!

The President and the Executive Committee Members of the next term have

already been elected, and they will be inaugurated by Cardinal John Tong shortly.

In addition to my congratulations to them, I also pray to God for granting them

energy to follow God’s calling as to work wholeheartedly for the Central Council.

Today, on behalf of the Executive Committee, I welcome all of you present

at the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Central Council. I specially thank His

Eminence Cardinal John Tong for his kindness to spare his precious time to preside

at the meeting. Thanks also to Rev. Michael Yeung, Rev. Dominic Chan and Rev.

Pierre Lam, the Vicar Generals, all Priests and Sisters for their kind support and

guidance. I also thank the representatives from parish councils/parish pastoral

councils and lay associations, and all guests for their presence. Your kind support

has affirmatively acknowledged our work. I hope all of you would continue to

maintain a collaborative working relationship with the Central Council, and jointly

making contributions to the Year of the Laity, evangelization, and formation as


In addition, I would like to thank our honorary auditors, Mr. Walter Ma, for


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his free-of-charge service for auditing the Central Council’s accounts over the


Last but not least, I would like to thank our Secretariat colleagues, and those

volunteers who have unselfishly contributed their precious time to assist the

Central Council throughout the year. My heartfelt gratitude to them again.

Wong Ken Lum

President of Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic Laity

1 March, 2012


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附錄一二零一一年度幹事會名單指導司鐸: 劉德光神父會  長: 黃建霖先生副會長 : 黎育輝女士

陳昇兆先生中文秘書:  謝錦全先生英文秘書: 韋潘蝶儀女士司  庫:  蕭綺婷女士幹  事:  朱雲階先生


當然幹事: 姚秀卿女士執行秘書: 關愛華女士


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Appendix 1


Spiritual Director: Rev. Francis Lau

President: Mr. Wong Ken Lum

Vice-Presidents: Ms Rosa Lai Yuk Fai

Mr. Matthew Chan Sing Siu

Secretary (Chinese): Mr. Luke Tse Kam Chuen

Secretary (English): Ms Jennifer Wei

Treasurer: Ms Betty Siu Yi Ting

Councillors: Mr. Anthony Chu Wan Kai

Mr. Vitus Tai King Kong

Ms Isabel Tam Wai Kun

Mr. Peter Zee Wai Tung

Mr. Justin Yan Siu Kit

Ms Teresa Yeung Kam To

Ex-Officio Councillor: Ms Teresa Yiu Shau Hing

Executive Secretary: Ms Amelia Kwan Oi Wah


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附錄二 核數師致香港天主教教友總會會員報告書

 本核數師 (以下稱「我們」) 已審計列載於第 48頁至第 52頁香港天主教教友總會的財務報表,此財務報表包括於二零一一年十二月三十一日的資產負債表與截至該日止年度的收益表,以及主要會計政策概要及其他附註解釋資料。議會就財務報表須承擔的責任 議會須負責根據香港天主教教友總會的憲法及章程編製財務報表,以令財務報表作出真實而公平的反映,及落實其認為編製財務報表所必要的內部控制,以使財務報表不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述。核數師的責任 我們的責任是根據我們的審計而對該等財務報表作出意見,並按照審計應聘的條款向整體會員報告,除此以外本報告別無其他目的。我們不會就本報告的內容向任何其他人士負責或承擔任何責任。我們已根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港審計準則進行審核。該等準則要求我們遵守道德規範,並規劃及執行審計,以合理確定財務報表是否不存在任何重大錯誤陳述。 審計涉及執行程序以獲取有關財務報表所載金額及披露資料的審計憑證。所選定的程序取決於核數師的判斷,包括評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表存在重大錯誤陳述的風險。在評估該等風險時,核數師考慮與該公司編製財務報表以作出真實而公平的反映相關的內部控制,以設計適當的審計程序,但目的並非對議會的內部控制的有效性發表意見。審計亦包括評價議會所採用的會計政策的合適性及所作出的會計估計的合理性,以及評價財務報表的整體列報方式。我們相信,我們所獲得的審計憑證能充足和適當地為我們的審計意見提供基礎。意見 我們認為,該等財務報表已根據香港天主教教友總會的憲法及章程真實而


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香港 二零一二年二月二十日


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We have audited the financial statements of Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic

Laity (the “Council”) set out on pages 48 to 52 which comprise the balance sheet as at 31

December 2011, and the income and expenditure account for the year then ended, and a

summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Governing council’s responsibility for the financial statements

The governing Council are responsible for the preparation of financial statements that

give a true and fair view in accordance with the Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic

Laity’s constitution and by-laws, and for such internal control as the governing Council

determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from

material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditors’ responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our

audit and to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with the agreed terms

of engagement, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or

accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.

We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued

by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that

we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable

assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts

and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s

judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial

statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor

consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements that give


Appendix 2

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a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the

circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the

entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting

policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the governing

Council, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to

provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the

governing Council’s affairs as at 31 December, 2011 and of its deficit for the year then

ended in accordance with the Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic Laity’s constitution

and by-laws.

(Sgd.) Walter Ma & Company

Certified Public Accountants (Practising)

Honorary Auditors

HONG KONG , 20 February, 2012


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收入 INCOME Note 2011(HK$) 2010(HK$)

捐款 Donation Received 1,161,475 1,248,403

堂區捐獻 Parish Collection 851,828 839,681

福傳經費 Evangelization Fund 428,500 460,949

銀行利息 Bank Interest Received 19,495 13,854

聖十字架中心活動室 Activity Room at Holy Cross Centre 42,240 19,360

教友培育活動 Laity Formation Programs (2) ---- 273,918

總收入 Total Income 2,503,538 2,856,165


薪酬 Salaries & Wages 1,335,333 1,278,921

職員公積金 Staff Provident Fund 57,070 54,547

職員醫療津貼 Staff Medical Fee 2,235 3,725

職員勞工保險 Labour Premium 2,973 ----

指導司鐸舟車費 Travelling Allowance for Spiritual Director 87,600 87,600

電費及水費 Electricity & Water 33,073 37,450

差餉及地稅 Rent & Rates 19,751 20,268

電話費 Telephone 11,513 14,971

器材及損耗物品 Tools and Consumables 76,904 208,320

維修及保養 Repairs & Maintenance 14,590 16,190

印刷及文具 Printing & Stationery 20,426 28,999

郵費 Postage 9,211 8,097

清潔費/清潔用品 Cleaning Expenses 4,727 27,669

交通費 Travelling Expenses 95 242

慶典及接待 Celebration & Entertainment 25,883 20,435


附錄三 Appendix 3 二零一一年度之收支報告IMCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT


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宣揚福音活動 Evangelization Programs (3) 645,174 732,701

教友培育活動 Laity Formation Programs (2) 21,828 ----

關社活動 Social Concern Activities 163 ----

銀行費用 Bank Charges 16,148 16,035


Management Fee for the Activity Room at

Holy Cross Centre 67,852 11,666

金禧慶典跟進 Celebration of Golden Jubilee ---- 265,286

關心中國教會 Concern for the Church in China ---- 215

雜項 Sundry Expenses 7,228 14,609

福傳經費 Evangelization Fund 594,107 474,054

總支出 Total Operating Expenditure 3,053,884 3,322,000

本年度虧損 Operating Deficit for the year (550,346) (465,835)

轉存至福傳經費 Transferred from Reserve for Evangelization Fund 165,606 13,106

虧損轉至累積金 Deficit transferred to Accumulated Fund (4)(384,740)




第49-52頁之附註為本帳目之一部份The notes on page 49 - 52 form part of these financial statements.


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二零一一年十二月三十一日之資產負債表BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER, 2011





流動資產 Current Assets

存貨 Stock 363,888 396,521

代教區支付帳項 Accounts Receivable – Catholic Diocese 300,131 48,495

應收帳項 Accounts Receivable 2,181 4,834

和諧協進機構 Concord Grange Pty. Ltd. ---- 4

銀行定期存款 Bank Fixed Deposits 8,433,690 8,413,907

銀行存款 Cash at Bank 1,838,945 2,638,591

現金 Cash in Hand 2,500 2,500





流動負債Current Liabi l i t ies

兒童聖經 Children Bible 200,428 212,795

代收教區款項 Catholic Diocese 106,864 110,962

代收教研中心款項 Catholic Institute for Religion and Society 3,127 1,435


Concord Grange Pty. Ltd.358 ----

代收福傳經費 Charge recoverable – Evangelisation Fund

Expenses1,244 ----

福傳經費 Reserve for Evangelization Fund 576,200 741,806

以任何 Visa 咭捐獻計劃

Visa International Acceptance Program37,784 37,784

926,005 1,104,782


附錄四 Appendix 4

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資產淨值 Net Assets10,015,330

======== 10,400,070


積金 Represented by:-






會長黃建霖簽署Signed by Mr. Wong Ken Lum


司庫蕭綺婷簽署Signed by Ms Betty Siu Yi Ting


第 50-52 頁之附註為本帳目之一部份。 The notes on page 50-52 form part of these financial statements.


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1. 主要會計政策  SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a. 編製基準 Basis of preparation


These financial statements comply with the Hong Kong Central Council of

Catholic Laity’s constitution and by-laws and have been prepared under the

accrual basis of accounting and on the basis that the Council is a going concern.

財務報告乃根據歷史成本基準編製,及以港元呈示。The measurement base adopted is the historical cost convention. The

financial statements are presented in Hong Kong dollars.

b. 外幣 Foreign currencies


Foreign currency transactions are converted at the exchange rate applicable

at the transaction date. Foreign currency monetary items are translated into

Hong Kong dollars using exchange rates applicable at the balance sheet date.

Gains and losses on foreign exchange are recognized in the income and

expenditure account.






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領袖訓練及培育課程 Leadership Training & Laity Formation (5,208) 50,269

培育資料提供 Provision for Formation Materials 1,362 32,196

再慕道函授課程 Catechetical Correspondence Course 2,303 (3,355)

銷售光鹽幼兒故事系列 Sales of “Light & Salt” Children Story Book (292,477) (358,546)

銷售親愛的天主祈禱書 Sales of Children Prayer Book (585) (163)

銷售「妙」系列書冊 Sales of “Amazing” Series (5,122) (8,120)

銷售「教友本色」T 恤 Sales of Catholic T Shirt (726) (1,851)

歡迎新教友聚會 Orientation of Newly Baptized 4,078 14,075

教友年 Year of the Laity 318,203 1,577

21,828 (273,918)

(Income) / Expenses






101慕道聚會 101 Gathering 24,079 23,308

教義函授課程 Religious Correspondence Course 1,707 7,567

街頭福傳 Street Missionary 148 1,058

資源中心書籍 Books for Information Centre 2,549 ----

香港書展福傳攤位 HK Book Exhibition Evangelization Stall 24,032 19,899

福傳媒介製作 Evangelization Media 604,378 694,780

年宵福傳攤位 Chinese New Year Evangelization Stall (11,719) (16,006)

教區福傳網頁 Diocesan Evangelization Web-site ---- 2,095


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(Income) / Expenses

4. 累積金 ACCUMULATED FUND    2011




二零一零年十二月三十一日結餘Balance as at 31/12/2010

10,400,070 10,852,799

本年度虧損(Deficit) transferred from Income and

Expenditure Account

(384,740) (452,729)

二零一一年十二月三十一日結餘Balance as at 31/12/2011






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5. 財務風險管理 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT a. 財務工具風險 Financial instruments risk


Financial instruments consist of accounts receivables, payables and cash at

bank and in hand. Being a central council of catholic laity, the Council carries as

little risk from financial instruments as practicable.

b. 外幣風險 Foreign exchange risk

總會進行之所有交易乃以港元為主,所以總會並無主要外幣風險。The Council has no significant exposure to foreign currency risk as

substantially all of the Council’s transactions are denominated in Hong Kong


c. 現金流利率風險 Cash flow interest rate risk


The Council has no significant interest-bearing assets and liabilities. Bank

fixed deposits and cash at bank earn interest at bank deposits rates. The Council

does not use any derivative instruments to reduce its economic exposure to

changes in interest rates.


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附錄五Appendix 5

二零一一年度教友總會評議會出席紀錄表Attendance Record of the Central Committee Meeting 2011

堂區議會/堂區牧民議會 評議會月份 Central Committee Meetings

Parish Councils/

Parish Pastoral Councils 2 4 6 8 10 12   聖亞納堂 (St. Anne’s Church)

海星堂 (Star of the Sea Church)

聖十字架堂 (Holy Cross Church)

聖猶達堂 (St. Jude’s Church)

聖瑪加利大堂 (St. Margaret’s Church)

聖母聖衣堂 (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Ch.)

聖母無原罪主教座堂 (The Cathedral)

聖若瑟堂 (St. Joseph’s Church)

聖安多尼堂 (St. Anthony’s Church)

聖母玫瑰堂 (Our Lady of the Rosary Ch.)

露德聖母堂 (Our Lady of Lourdes Ch.)

聖伯多祿堂 (St. Peter’s Church)

花地瑪聖母堂 (Our Lady of Fatima Ch.)  

聖老楞佐堂 (St. Lawrence’s Church)

聖方濟各堂 (St. Francis of Assisi Ch.)

中華聖母堂 (Our Lady of China Church)

聖德肋撒堂 (St. Teresa’s Church)


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聖保祿堂 (St. Paul’s Church)

進教之佑堂(Mary Help of Christians Ch.)

聖母堂 (St. Mary’s Church)

玫瑰堂 (Rosary Church)


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堂區議會/堂區牧民議會 評議會月份 Central Committee Meetings

Parish Councils/

Parish Pastoral Councils 2 4 6 8 10 12  

聖母院堂 (Notre Dame Church)

善導之母堂 (M. of Good Counsel Ch.)

聖博德堂 (St. Patrick’s Church)

聖文德堂 (St. Bonaventure Church)

聖家堂 (Holy Family Church)

聖若瑟堂 (St. Joseph’s Church)

基督勞工堂 (Christ the Worker’s Ch.)

聖若翰堂 (St. John the Baptist Ch.)

天神之后堂 (O Lady Queen of Angels Ch.)

耶穌復活堂 (Resurrection Church)

聖愛德華堂 (St. Edward’s Church)

聖雅各伯堂 (St. James Church)

聖安德肋堂 (St. Andrew’s Church)

聖歐爾發堂 (St. Alfred’s Church)

聖本篤堂 (St. Benedict’s Church)

聖方濟堂 (St. Francis Church)

聖心堂 (Sacred Heart Church)

聖母無玷之心堂(Imm. Heart of Mary Ch.)

聖若瑟堂 (St. Joseph’s Ch.)

基督之母堂 (Mother of Christ Ch.)


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堂區議會/堂區牧民議會 評議會月份 Central Committee Meetings

Parish Councils/

Parish Pastoral Councils 2 4 6 8 10 12  

聖伯多祿聖保祿堂 (Ss. Peter & Paul Ch.)

聖葉理諾堂 (St. Jerome’s Church)

贖世主堂 (Holy Redeemer Church)

聖瑪竇堂 (St. Matthew’s Church)

主顯堂 (Epiphany Church)

聖多默宗徒堂 (St. Thomas the Apostle Ch.)

聖斯德望堂 (St. Stephen’s Ch.)

聖若望宗徒堂 (St. John the Apostle Ch.)

葛達二聖堂 (Ss. Cosmas & Damian Ch.)

聖母領報堂 (Annunciation Church)


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教區性善會 評議會月份 Central Committee Meetings

Religious Associations 2 4 6 8 10 12  


(HK Catholic Nurses’ Guild)


(Apostleship of Prayer)


(Altar Server’s Association)               香港天主教醫生協會(Guild of St. Luke, Ss. Cosmos & Damian, HK)


(Children of Mary)     在俗道明會-中

(Dominican Laity – Ch.)   


(Dominican Laity – Eng)


(Guard of Honour of the Immaculate Hear of Mary)


(HK Catholic Biblical Ass.)


(Legion of Mary)


(Secular Franciscan Order)


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(Soc. Of St. Vincent de Paul)


(Serra Club of HK)


(The Catholic Scout Guild)


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教區性善會 評議會月份 Central Committee Meetings

Religious Associations 2 4 6 8 10 12  


(Salesian Cooperators)


(Volunteers of Suffering)

天主教聾人牧民小組(HK Cath. Pastoral Ass.)


(Focolore Movement)


(HK Catholic Fed. Of BCCs)

聖母進教者之佑善會(Soc. Of Mary Help of Christians)


(Lay Prison Evangelical Organization)


(Catholic Rosary Evangelical Dance Group)


(Life Ascending Association, H.K.)


(H.K. Federation of Catholic Students)


(Apostolate of Divine Mercy)


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(The World Community for Christian

Meditation – Hong Kong)


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二零一二年度工作計劃宗旨:1. 依照福音精神,鼓勵教友在現今世界實踐基督徒之生活,並在自

己環境內,負起宣揚福音的使命。2. 推進、統籌並協調教區性以教友為基礎之宣揚福音工作。3. 促進各屬會間之經驗交流,使能分享彼此之工作方針、方法及經

驗。4. 溝通聖職人員與教友間,及教友彼此間之意見與聯繫。2012年工作重點:福傳培育齊實踐,攜手共度教友年。工作: (一)  宣揚福音

1. 福傳專責小組

- 統籌各項福傳工作- 舉辦福傳事工交流會以聯繫各堂區福傳組,交流福傳經驗,發掘福傳新領域

- 推動及支援各堂區及團體的福傳活動,設計福傳媒介物品。

2. 101慕道聚會 - 鼓勵堂區舉辦同類型聚會,教總可給予支援。3. 街頭福傳 - 與堂區及合作進行街頭福傳工作。4. 教義函授/網上課程5. 福傳Visa 卡及福傳經費 - 加強在堂區的推廣。6. 香港書展福傳攤位7. 年宵福傳攤位8. 福傳視訊媒介製作



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9. 福傳媒介製作:揮春、利是封、福傳物品10.福傳意識及技巧訓練

(二) 培育教友1. 培育組 – 統籌各項培育工作,為堂區及教區性善會團體提供支援

2. 協助推動「教友年」培育工作3. 2012年教友退省4. 新教友培育課程5. 教友深化信仰課程6. 堂區議會幹事培育7. 歡迎新教友聚會8. 本地朝聖學習之旅9. 再慕道函授/網上課程10. 光鹽幼兒故事系列11. 培育資料製作 - 「教友年」培育咭及DVD

(三) 屬會聯絡:探訪堂區、參與總鐸區教友領袖聚會

(四) 教區活動1. 參與教區教友年專責小組2. 全力協助推動「教友年」的各項工作3. 參與教區培育機構聯席會議4. 參與教區委員會:教區司鐸議會、教區牧民議會、教友培育基金遴選委員會

(五) 關社活動81

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1. 明愛賣物會2. 堂區關社支援小組

(六) 關心中國教會1. 舉辦認識中國教會講座

(七) 其他活動


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Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic Laity2012 Operating Plan


1. In the spirit of the Gospel, to encourage the laity to live their Christian life in

the present world and to commit themselves to the apostolic mission in their

proper environment.

2. To promote, centralize and coordinate the work of evangelization of the laity.

3. To promote the sharing of orientations and methods of work and experiences

among member organizations.

4. To act as a medium of dialogue between the hierarchy and the laity, and

among the laity themselves.

Objectives: To encourage the laity to live their daily Christian lives in the spirit of

the Gospel and to commit themselves to the apostolic mission in their

respective environment.

Program Contents:


1. Evangelization Committee

- Co-ordinate all evangelization programs within the Central Council,

- organize gathering to share and exchange evangelization experience

among parishes and lay associations, to explore new realm of


- to motivate and support various evangelization tasks among parishes

and lay associations, design and produce new evangelization media.

2. 101 Gathering – to encourage parishes to organize gatherings in similar

nature, and the Central Council will give its full support.


Appendix 6

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3. Street missionaries – to collaborate with parishes in organizing street


4. Religious distance-learning course through correspondence and internet

5. Evangelization Visa Card and evangelization funds – arrange promotion

in parishes

6. Hong Kong Book Fair evangelization stall

7. Chinese New Year evangelization stall

8. Production of evangelization visual-media

9. Production of evangelization media such as Fai-chun, red-packet and

evangelization accessories

10. Formation on evangelization skills


1. Formation Committee – to coordinate all formation tasks and provide

support to parishes

2. To assist in promoting formation programs in response to the Year of the


3. To organize retreat for the laity in 2012

4. Formation for the newly baptised

5. Intermediate course in religious formation

6. Formation for Executive Committee members of Parish Councils/Parish

Pastoral Councils

7. Orientation for the newly baptised

8. Local pilgrimage study tour

9. Catechetical distance-learning course through correspondence and internet

10. “Light and Salt” pre-school children story series

11. Production of formation materials – especially formation kits for the Year

of the Laity



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1. To participate in the Diocesan Ad Hoc Committee on the Year of the Laity

2. To assist in the promotion programs for the Year of the Laity

3. To participate in the joint meeting of representatives from the formation

organizations in the Diocese

4. To participate in Diocesan committees such as Council of Priests,

Diocesan Pastoral Councils, Committee on Laity Formation Funds


1. Caritas Bazaar

2. Supporting team for Parish Social Concern Groups


1. To organize talks on “The Church in China”



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Proposed Budget for 2012收入 INCOME Note HK$教友培育活動 Laity Formation (1) 430,000宣揚福音活動 Evangelization Programs (2) 400,000銀行利息 Bank Interest Received 10,000聖十字架中心活動室 Activity Room at Holy Cross Centre 40,000總收入 TOTAL INCOME 880,000

減:支出 LESS: EXPENDITURE行政費用   Administrative Expenses

  薪酬 Salaries & Wages 1,400,000  職員公積金 Staff Provident Fund 60,000 職員醫藥費 Staff Medical Expenses 3,000 職員勞工保險 Labour Premium 3,000  指導司鐸舟車費 Travelling Allowance for Spiritual Director 90,000  電費 Electricity 35,000  水費 Water 5,000  電話費 Telephone 15,000   郵費 Postage 10,000  印刷及文具 Printing & Stationery 30,000  差餉及地稅 Rates & Rent 20,000  維修及保養 Repairs & Maintenance 20,000  清潔物料 Cleaning Material 6,000  舟車費 Travelling Expenses 2,000  器材及損耗物品 Tools and Consumables 80,000  雜項 Sundry Expenses 15,000 銀行費用 Bank Charges 20,000 公關活動 Public Relation & Entertainment 12,000 聖十字架中心行政費 Management Fee for Holy Cross Centre 111,000

活動費用 Program Expenses  教友培育活動 Laity Formation (1) 439,000  宣揚福音活動 Evangelization Programs (2) 1,367,000  周年大會 AGM and Dinner 16,000 關社活動 Social Concern Activities 1,000 關心中國教會 Concern for the Church of China 5,000


附錄七 Appendix 7

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教區活動 Diocesan Activities 2,000總支出 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE 3,767,000

赤字 DEFICIT (2,887,000)


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備註 NOTE:





教友培育課程 Laity Formation Programs 20,000 50,000

資源中心書籍 Books for Resource Centre ---- 10,000


Provision of formation Materials – Internet and other materials ---- 15,000

再慕道函授課程 Catechetical Correspondence Course ---- 10,000

「光鹽幼兒故事」系列 Light & Salt Kindergarten Story Series 350,000 85,000

「妙」之系列 “Amazing” Series 3,000 1,000

T-恤 T-shirt 3,000 3,000

歡迎新教友活動 Orientation Day for Newly Baptized ---- 15,000

教友年培育項目 Formation Programs for the Year of the Laity 54,000 250,000

總計 Total:- 430 , 000 439 , 000




年宵福傳攤位 Chinese New Year Evangelization Stall ---- 60,000

香港書展福傳攤位 Hong Kong Book Fair Evangelization Stall ---- 30,000


Production of Evangelization Media: Fai-Chun, blessing cards, red-packets Other evangelization items

400,000 1,200,000

101慕道聚會 101 Gatherings ---- 28,000

街頭福傳 Street Missionary ---- 1,000

天主教教義函授課程 Religious Correspondence Course ---- 45,000

福傳網頁 (Evanlife)Diocesan Evangelization Website “Evanlife”

---- 3,000

總計 Total:- 400,000 1,367 ,00 0

