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file formats

James Beckett

Page 2: File formats resub

what is a file format?A file format is an extension at the the end of a saved document which tells your computer what program the document or image will work with. it is used by pieces of software to unpack the image and reassemble it in the way it was intended, diffrent files have different intentions.

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Rawraw files are images at there highest possible quality so they are in the native form, photoshop will then use the image but keep the original one for the future they have more practical uses of the photography industry as they are the file type that most DSLR’s are accustomed to using.


a positive point of Raw is that it allows you to be more severe with the image and still end up with a better finished product as the images are so high quality and clean you don't get the blur that you would with a jpeg.


negative is that most consumers won't have the the means to work on the image because their larger size due to their uncompressed format makes them harder to work on. with each image being almost 30 megs there can be issues with slowdowns as they are more demanding on the technical limitations of your work station.

a good use for raw files is for photography as they give better finished products but they are not as appropriate for graphic design.

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JpegJpegs are the normal for programs use online as the majority of images online are jpegs due to their compression which makes them load quicker as they are smaller images. this is achieved with minimal loss of quality so that they are a good idea for websites with heavy traffic as they would not pose an issue for people with a slower internet connection.


good is they are small because they have been compressed which makes them good to put on the internet and use because they will load faster. they are better for consumer use because the process of compression after saving only reduces the quality a minimal amount.


repetitive saves will deteriorate the quality of the image making it a bad idea of uses for photo editing as over time the base image would get worse and worse.

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Tifftiff files are what are in between jpeg and RAW files they have less compression than jpegs but they take up more space, though less than a RAW file. it is good when you can't decide how many images you will need to fit on one sd card although not all cameras offer a tiff setting.


Tiffs is that they can preserve the alpha channels so that they can be saved in different colour modes like RGB and CMYK

Bad… won't pressive layer data the layers of the project will be lost so you wouldn't be able to reopen them into a editing software and make adjustments once you have exported it.also you couldn't send one over email as they are very big as they are uncompressed.

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PSDpsd are images which are able to have layers added and taken away so they are good for editing images to change their appearance.


is that it gives you the ability to add layers to the image also it is kept at full quality so there will be no issues with saving it then reopening it to discover it now in a terrible resolution.


is that the image is that it is in its raw size and isn't compressed of things like emails,this means that you have to use things like dropbox to share the image. they only wiro primarily with photoshop

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PNG“Portable Network Graphics is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. (PNG) was created as an improved, non-patented replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and is the most used lossless image compression format on the Internet.”

Good… One of the positives for pngs is that you can compress them without losing all of the quality due to the lossless nature of the format. they also take advantage of the fact that they can be saved with transparent backgrounds. so that they can be overlaid with other images,and look more professional on things like presentations.

Bad… It is wise to avoid using PNG with big photos and images with details because of the big generated file size In different situations it has bigger file sizes than JPG

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GIFthe animated gifs (graphics interchange format) could be described as the flipbook web based animation. the advantage of animated GIF over other formats is that any browser can display them without the need for a plug-in, which is why they are used for the majority of banner ads that seem to appear on almost every web page you visit.

Good… they work well for ads on websites because they don't slow down your browsing experience because unlike full video they are only few images that play in order. also they are good because they don't require plugins so they will run on every browser so that you can see them no matter what.

Bad… a negative is that you need an internet connection in order view them, also they don't give audio so they might have to use words instead this limits the advertising potential of gifs.

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raster Images raster images are images that when saved are completely made up of pixels the downside of this is that if you resize the image after it will stretch the individual pixels to be bigger than they were intended meaning that they will look blurry and strange. the raster image is only really meant to be used at one specific size as if you enlarge them what should be one pixel is stretched across maybe 18 loosing the quality and clarity of the image.

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vector Imagesvector images are easily created as digital images that unlike rasters will remain the same and will not look blurry but the confusing part is that once you save them they become raster images. with additional changes in shape and size beyond that point resulting in a similar effect common in raster images. these images are great for web browsing as when they re rescaled the resolution used scales appropriately so that you could still have the same level of clarity.

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Raw Vs. JpegOne good thing about jpegs is that they are the normal for programs use online as the majority of images online are jpegs due to their compression which makes them load quicker as they are smaller images. where as Raw files are too complex so that most consumers won't have the the means to work on the image because their larger size due to their uncompressed format makes them harder to work on, this also means that they will load slower if at all online.One positive for Raw is that they don't deteriorate over time and that they are of a higher quality than a jpeg that will deteriorate with each new version of the image.

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meta files.meta files are intended to be usne across different pieces of software and work in different formats for example you could use a metafile to store multiple types of data for programs such as premiere so that it could save audio and video into the same file.