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Lista principalelor verbe neregulate in engleza

Sunt verbe care nu formeaza trecutul simplu prin adaugarea lui "ed" la sfarsitul formei de infinitiv.Infinitiv-forma 1-TraducereverbTrecut-forma 2-Participiu trecut-forma 3-

to abidea astepta, a sta, a locuiabodeabode

to arisea se ridicaarosearisen

to awakea se treziawokeawakedawokenawaked

to bea fiwas, werebeen

to beara se nasteboreborn

to beata batebeatbeaten

to becomea devenibecamebecome

to begina incepebeganbegun

to beholda zari, a vedeabeheldbeheld

to benda indoi, a curbabentbent

to beseecha implorabesoughtBesought

to beta pariabetBet

to bida oferi, a licitabadeBidden

to binda legaboundBound

to bitea muscabitbitten

to bleeda singerabledbled

to blessa binecuvintablestblest

to blowa sulfablewblown

to breaka spargebrokebroken

to breeda crestebredbred

to bringa aducebroughtbrought

to broadcasta transmite prin radiobroadcastbroadcast

to burna ardeburnt (burned)burnt (burned)

to bursta izbucniburstburst

to buya cumparaboughtbought

to cana puteacouldbeen able to

to casta aruncacastcast

to catcha prindecaughtcaught

to choosea alegechosechosen

to cleavea despicacleftcleft

to clinga se lipiclungclung

to comea venicamecome

to costa costacostcost

to creepa se taracreptcrept

to cuta taiacutcut

to deala se ocupa, a trata afaceridealtdealt

to diga sapadugDug

to doa facediddone

to drawa desenadrewdrawn

to dreama visadreamt (dreamed)dreamt (dreamed)

to drinka beadrankdrunk

to drivea conduce masinadrovedriven

to dwella locui, a ramane, a insistadweltdwelt

to eata mancaateeaten

to falla cadeafellfallen

to feeda hranifedfed

to feela simtifeltfelt

to fighta luptafoughtfought

to finda gasifoundfound

to flya zburaflewflown

to forbida interziceforbadeforbidden

to forecasta prevedeaforecastforecast

to foreseea prevedeaforesawforeseen

to foretella preziceforetoldforetold

to forgeta uitaforgotforgotten

to forgivea iertaforgaveforgiven

to forgoa renunta la,a da uitariiforwentforgone

forsakea parasiforsookforsaken

to freezea ighetafrozefrozen

to geta primigotgot

to givea dagavegiven

to goa mergewentgone

to grinda macinagroundground

to growa crestegrewgrown

to hanga spanzurahung (hanged)hung (hanged)

to havea aveahadhad

to heara auziheardheard

to hidea ascundehidhidden

to hita lovihithit

to holda tineheldheld

to hurta ranihurthurt

to keepa pastrakeptkept

to kneela igenunchiakneltknelt

to knita tricotaknitknit

to knowa sti, a cunoasteknewknown

to laya asezalaidlaid

to leada conduceledled

to leana se sprijini deleantleant

to learna ivatalearnt (learned)learnt (learned)

to leavea parasileftleft

to lenda mprumuta (cuiva)lentlent

to leta permiteletlet

to liea fi culcatlaylain

to lighta aprindelitlit

to losea pierdelostlost

to makea facemademade

to meana isemnameantmeant

to meeta intalnimetmet

to misgivea inspira neicrederemisgavemisgiven

to misleada induce in eroaremisledmisled

to mistakea intelege gresitmistookmistaken

to outdoa intreceoutdidoutdone

to overcomea invingeovercameovercome

to overdoa face excesoverdidoverdone

to paya platipaidpaid

to puta puneputput

to reada citireadread

to renda sfasia, a ruperentrent

to ridea calariroderidden

to ringa sunarangrung

to risea se ridicaroserisen

to runa alergaranrun

to saya spunesaidsaid

to seea vedeasawseen

to seeka cautasoughtsought

to sella vindesoldsold

to senda trimitesentsent

to seta regla, a fixasetset

to sewa coasesewedsewn (sewed)

to shakea scutura, a clatinashookshaken

to shavea se barbierishavedshaven

to sheda varsa (lacrimi)shedshed

to shinea stralucishoneshone

to shoea icalta, a potcovishodshod

to shoota mpuscashotshot

to showa aratashowedshown

to shrinka se strangeshrankshrunk

to shuta inchideshutshut

to singa cantasangsung

to sinka se scufundasanksunk

to sita sta (pe ceva)satsat

to slaya ucideslewslain

to sleepa dormisleptslept

to slidea alunecaslidslid

to slinga azvarlislungslung

to slita despicaslitslit

to smella mirosismelt (smelled)smelt (smelled)

to smitea lovismotesmitten

to sowa semanasowedsown

to speaka vorbispokespoken

to speeda acceleraspedsped

to spella pronunta litera cu literaspelt (spelled)spelt (spelled)

to spenda cheltuispentspent

to spilla varsaspiltspilt

to spina toarce,a se rotispunspun

to spita scuipaspatspat

to splita despicasplitsplit

to spoila stricaspoiltspoilt

to spreada intindespreadspread

to springa sari, a tasnisprangsprung

to standa sta in picioarestoodstood

to steala furastolestolen

to sticka infige, a se lipistuckstuck

to stinga itepastungstung

to stinka mirosi uratstankstunk

to strikea lovistruckstruck

to stringa insira, a incordastrungstrung

to strivea se straduistrovestriven

to sweara jurasworesworn

to sweepa maturasweptswept

to swima inotaswamswum

to swinga se leganaswungswung

to takea luatooktaken

to teacha invata, a predataughttaught

to teara rupe, a sfasiatoretorn

to tella spunetoldtold

to thinka gandi, a credethoughtthought

to throwa aruncathrewthrown

to thrusta mbrancithrustthrust

to treada calcatrodtrodden

to underliea sustineunderlayunderlain

to understanda intelgeunderstoodunderstood

to upseta suparaupsetupset

to wakea se treziwokewoken

to weara purtaworeworn

to weavea tesewovewoven

to weta udawetwet

to wina castigawonwon

to winda se rasuciwoundwound

to wringa frange,a smulgewrungwrung

to writea scriewrotewritten

Concordanta timpurilor in limba englezaEste acordul obligatoriu altimpuluiverbului din subordonata cutimpulverbului din regenta sa. In limba engleza timpul verbului din subordonata trebuie sa se subordoneze timpului verbului din regenta. Cu alte cuvinte timpurile verbelor din regente dicteaza folosirea anumitor timpuri in subordonatele lor.Exista in acest sens trei reguli de cunoscut si aplicat.

Regula I:Daca in regenta verbul este la Present Tense sau Present Perfect Tense in subordonata se poate folosi orice timp.

REGENTA SUBORDONATAVerbul este la prezent Verbul poate fi la orice timp (cerut de sens)(Present Tense Simple, Present TenseContinuous, Present Perfect Simple,Present Perfect Continuous )We all know that= Noi toti stim ca ...he had gone= el mersese ...he went= el a mers ...he will go= el va merge

Regula II:Daca in regenta verbul este la trecut in subordonata el trebuie sa fie la unul din cele trei timpuri trecute ale limbii engleze: The Past Perfect, The Past Tense, The Future in the Past. REGENTA SUBORDONATAVerbul este la trecut Orice alt timp past"(Past Tense Simple, Past Tense Continuous, Past Perfect Simple,Past Perfect Continuous)a) Past Tense actiune simultana Past TenseHe said =El a spus...he was ill= ca este bolnavb) Past Tense actiune anterioara Past PerfectHe said =El a spus... he had returned home a week before = ca se intorsese acasa cu o saptamna inainte Atentie:Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundara cu actiuneaanterioaracelei din principala, se poate folosiPast Perfectin mod repetat.Ex. She said she had forgotten where she had put her glasses. (Ea a spus ca uitase unde si-a pus ochelarii.)c) Past Tenseactiunea posterioar Future-in-the-PastHe said =El a spus...he would leave the next day= ca va pleca a doua zi .Atentie:Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundare cu actiuneposterioaracelei din principala, dintre care una este temporala sau conditionala.Future-in-the-Pastse poate folosi numai o singura data, dupa care (in temporala sau conditionala) se intrebuinteazaPast Tense(pentru simultaneitate) sau Past Perfect (pentru anterioritate).He said =El a spus...he would buy a car if he had money= ca va cumparao masina daca va avea bani

Regula III:Daca verbul din regenta este la viitor in subordonatele conditionale si temporale, el trebuie sa fie la Present Tense sau Present Perfect Tense, iar daca subordonata este completiva directa verbul va fi la viitor.

REGENTA SUBORDONATAVerbul este la viitorTeoretic se poate folosi orice timp cerut de sens,cu exceptia propozitiitemporale sauconditionale, care nu pot includeun verb la viitor.a) Future actiune simultana PresentI will read this book= Voi citi aceasta cartewhen I have time=cnd voi avea timp

b)Future actiune anterioara Present PerfectI will go to England= Voi merge in Angliaafter I have received a visa= dupa ce voi obtine viza

c) verbul va fi la orice timp in subordonata completiva directaI shall see what= Eu voi vedea ceI shall do. =voi face.Nota:In limba engleza contemporana, se poate observa uneori o oarecare tendinta de a nu se respecta concordanta timpurilor atunci cnd verbul din propozitia principala este la trecut. Se poate intlni, de exemplu, o formulare de tipul: He said he loves me". Este posibil ca ceea ce apare acum ca tendinta, cu timpul, sa ajunga regula. Pentru moment insa, sfatuim pe vorbitorii romni de limba engleza sa respecte regulile de concordanta a timpurilor asa cum sunt prezentate mai sus.EXCEPTII (deci cazuri cand nu se aplica regulile de concordanta a timpurilor)

1.Cand in subordonata se exprima un adevar stiintific /general.Everybody knew that gold is a metal. = Toata lumea stia ca aurul este metal.I told you that silver is gray. = Ti-am spus ca argintul este gri.2.Cand subordonata este:a) cauzalaHe will not go to school because he didn't learn his lessons. = El nu va merge la scoala pentru ca nu si-a invatat lectiile.We shall go on the trip because they gave us the money. = Vom merge in excursie pentru ca ei ne-au dat banii.b) atributivaYou will see the man who wrote that book. = Il vei vedea pe omul care a scris cartea aceea.I saw the girl who will play the piano. = Am vazut fata care va canta la pian.c) comparativ modalaTomorrow I shall work more than I worked yesterday. = Maine voi munci mai mult decat am muncit ieri.

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza- Modul indicativ

Trecut/ Past

Forma afirmativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPast SimplePast ContinuousPast Perfect SimplePast Perfect Continuous

I singularI cameI was comingI had comeI had been coming

II singularYou cameYou were comingYou had comeYou had been coming

III singularHe/She/It cameHe/She/It was comingHe/She/It had comeHe/She/It has been coming

I pluralWe cameWe were comingWe had comeWe had been coming

IIpluralYou cameYou were comingYou had comeYou had been coming

IIIpluralThey cameThey were comingThey had comeThey had been coming

Forma negativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPast SimplePast ContinuousPast Perfect SimplePast Perfect Continuous

I singularI did not comeI was not comingI had not comeI had not been coming

II singularYou did not comeYou were not comingYou had not comeYou had not been coming

III singularHe/She/It did not comeHe/She/It was not comingHe/She/It had not comeHe/She/It has not been coming

IpluralWe did not comeWe were not comingWe had not comeWe had not been coming

IIpluralYou did not comeYou were not comingYou had not comeYou had not been coming

IIIpluralThey did not comeThey were not comingThey had not comeThey had not been coming

Forma interogativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPast SimplePast ContinuousPast Perfect SimplePast Perfect Continuous

I singularDid I come?Was I coming?Had I come?Had I been coming?

II singularDid you come?Were you coming?Had you come?Had you been coming?

III singularDid he/she/it come?Was he/she/it coming?Had he/she/it come?Has he/she/it been coming?

IpluralDid we come?Were we coming?Had we come?Had we been coming?

IIpluralDid you come?Were you coming?Had you come?Had you been coming?

IIIpluralDid they come?Were they coming?Had they come?Had they been coming?

Prezent/ PresentForma afirmativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPresent SimplePresent ContinuousPresent Perfect SimplePresent Perfect Continuous

I singularI comeI am comingI have comeI have been coming

II singularYou comeYou are comingYou have comeYou have been coming

III singularHe/She/It comesHe/She/It is comingHe/She/It has comeHe/She/It has been coming

IpluralWe comeWe are comingWe have comeWe have been coming

IIpluralYou comeYou are comingYou have comeYou have been coming

IIIpluralThey comeThey are comingThey have comeThey have been coming

Forma negativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPresent SimplePresent ContinuousPresent Perfect SimplePresent Perfect Continuous

I singularI don't comeI am not comingI have not comeI have not been coming

II singularYou don't comeYou are not comingYou have not comeYou have not been coming

III singularHe/She/It doesn't comeHe/She/It is not comingHe/She/It has not comeHe/She/It has not been coming

IpluralWe don't comeWe are not comingWe have not comeWe have not been coming

IIpluralYou don't comeYou are not comingYou have not comeYou have not been coming

IIIpluralThey don't comeThey are not comingThey have not comeThey have not been coming

Forma interogativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaPresent SimplePresent ContinuousPresent Perfect SimplePresent Perfect Continuous

I singularDo I come?Am I coming?Have I come?Have I been coming?

II singularDo you come?Are you coming?Have you come?Have you been coming?

III singularDoes he/she/it come?Is he/she/it coming?Has he/she/it come?Has he/she/it been coming?

IpluralDo we come?Are we coming?Have we come?Have we been coming?

IIpluralDo you come?Are you coming?Have you come?Have you been coming?

IIIpluralDo they come?Are they coming?Have they come?Have they been coming?

Viitor/ Future

Forma afirmativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaBe Going To FutureSimple FutureFuture Continuous

I singularI am going to comeI will comeI will be coming

II singularYou are going to comeYou will comeYou will be coming

III singularHe/She/It is going to comeHe/She/It will comeHe/She/It will be coming

IpluralWe are going to comeWe will comeWe will be coming

IIpluralYou are going to comeYou will comeYou will be coming

IIIpluralThey are going to comeThey will comeThey will be coming

PersoanaFuture PerfectFuture Perfect Continuous"Be about to" Future

I singularI will have comeI will have been comingI am about to come

II singularYou will have comeYou will have been comingYou are about to come

III singularHe/She/It will have comeHe/She/It will have been comingHe/She/It is about to come

IpluralWe will have comeWe will have been comingWe are about to come

IIpluralYou will have comeYou will have been comingYou are about to come

IIIpluralThey will have comeThey will have been comingThey are about to come

Forma negativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaBe Going To FutureSimple FutureFuture Continuous

I singularI am not going to comeI will not comeI will not be coming

II singularYou are not going to comeYou will not comeYou will not be coming

III singularHe/She/It is not going to comeHe/She/It will not comeHe/She/It will not be coming

IpluralWe are not going to comeWe will not comeWe will not be coming

IIpluralYou are not going to comeYou will not comeYou will not be coming

IIIpluralThey are not going to comeThey will not comeThey will not be coming

PersoanaFuture PerfectFuture Perfect Continuous"Be about to" Future

I singularI will not have comeI will not have been comingI am not about to come

II singularYou will not have comeYou will not have been comingYou are not about to come

III singularHe/She/It will not have comeHe/She/It will not have been comingHe/She/It is not about to come

IpluralWe will not have comeWe will not have been comingWe are not about to come

IIpluralYou will not have comeYou will not have been comingYou are not about to come

IIIpluralThey will not have comeThey will not have been comingThey are not about to come

Forma interogativaa verbelor in limba engleza (ex. verbul "to come")

PersoanaBe Going To FutureSimple FutureFuture Continuous

I singularAm I going to come?Will I come?Will I be coming?

II singularAre you going to come?Will you come?Will you be coming?

III singularIs he/she/it going to come?Will he/she/it come?Will he/she/it be coming?

IpluralAre we going to come?Will we come?Will we be coming?

IIpluralAre you going to come?Will you come?Will you be coming?

IIIpluralAre you going to come?Will they come?Will they be coming?

PersoanaFuture PerfectFuture Perfect Continuous"Be about to" Future

I singularWill I have come?Will I have been coming?Am I about to come?

II singularWill you have come?Will you have been coming?Are you about to come?

III singularWill he/she/it have come?Will he/she/it have been coming?Is he/she/it about to come?

IpluralWill we have come?Will we have been coming?Are we about to come?

IIpluralWill you have come?Will you have been coming?Are you about to come?

IIIpluralWill they have come?Will they have been coming?Are they about to come?

Verbulin engleza gramatica

Timpurile verbelor in orice limba sunt folosite pentru a exprima diferite situatii legate de succesiunea evenimentelor, a actiunilor pe scara timpului. Vei observa catimpurile verbelor in limba engleza nu corespunde in mod direct unui timp din limba romana.Asta nu e o problema. Invatand si exersind intelegerea timpurilor se poate face relativ usor. Academia de Engleza va ofera o serie de articole pentru intelegerea timpurilor limbii engleze.

Verbul in engleza:Diatezele Diateza activa: Subiectul gramatical face actiunea exprimatadeverb. Actiunea se rasfrange asupra altui lucru. Ex: I have seen a tree. Subiectul (cel care face actiunea) = eu ("I") Actiunea "se rasfrange" asupra copacului ("tree"). Yesterday, he broke his bicycle. Subiectul (cel care face actiunea) = el ("he") Actiunea "se rasfrange" asupra bicicletei sale ("his bicycle").

Diateza pasiva: Actiune este realizata de subiectul logic( complementuldeagent ). Ex: I have seen a tree. (diateza activa). The tree has been seen by me.(diateza pasiva). Yesterday, he broke his bicycle. (diateza activa). Yesterday, his bicycle was broken by him.(diateza pasiva). I will buy a car. (diateza activa). The car will be bought by me.(diateza pasiva).

Diateza reflexiva: Ladiateza reflexivaciunea este realizat i suportat de subiect.Diateza reflexiva se foloseste cu verbe reflexive. Ex: Mary washes herself. Maria s-a spalat. Jen and Greg kiss each other. Jen si Greg se saruta. He shaved himself. El s-a barbierit.

Atentie:Timpurile verbelor in limba romana nu sunt 100% identice cu cele din limba engleza. O traducere a timpurilor verbelor din limba romana in limba engleza se face in functie de anumite nuante/ particularitati ale actiunii. Intelegerea verbului in limba engleza (mai exact a timpurilor limbii engleze) se face studiind articolele de mai jos:

Verbul in engleza:Timpurile verbelor (la modul indicativ)in limba engleza gramatica








Verbul in engleza:Modul conditionalin limba engleza gramatica




Verbul in engleza:Modul subjonctivin limba engleza gramatica

Subjonctivul se foloseste cand avem : o actiuneposibila in viitor o actiunenerealizata (ireala) in trecut sau prezent o recomandare, un sfat

Ex: It is necessarythat the workbedone.(recomandare, sfat, deci AVEM subjonctiv)He speaksas ifhewere notfrom Bucharest.(situatieirealain prezent, deci AVEM subjonctiv)El vorbeste ca si cum nu ar fi din Bucuresti, dar e din Bucuresti.He speaksas ifheis notfrom Bucharest.(situatierealain prezent, deci NU AVEM subjonctiv)El vorbeste ca si cum nu ar fi din Bucuresti, dar nici nu e din Bucuresti.It's timeyouwentto bed.(recomandare, sfat, deci AVEM subjonctiv)


Subjonctivul in engleza se formeaza cu :a) Infinitivul scurtal verbului 1)dupa constructii ca:It is necessary, It is advisable, It is recommendable, It is possible, It is unsure, It is probable( ca si formularile de genul"He recommends", "He advices", "He requests"); 2) in propozitii de scop (so that ...); ex.:Come earlierso thatyoufindhim at home.(forma americana)Come earlierso thatyoucan findhim at home.(forma britanica) 3) in propozitii concesive (however ...); ex.:I go therehoweverdifficult itbe. 4) in exclamatii afective: ex.: Bless you ! 5)In formulas (short infinitive): Longlivethe queen. (Triasc regina!) Sobeit. (Aa s fie.)Comewhat may. (Fie ce o fi.) Suffice it to say. (Este suficient de zis.) Be that as it may. (Fie ce o fi.) Say what you will. (Spune ce vrei.)

b) Forma de "Past Tense"a verbului, pentru a exprima: 1) un regret prezentI wish I knew her address.( ... nu-i stiu adresa si regret); If only he was faithful to me!(Dac mi-ar fi fidel!) If only I had known about her mischance!(Dac a fi tiut de ghinionul ei!) 2) ceva ce e ireal in prezent (cu constructiile "as if", "as though"); 3) preferinta (cind se folosesc constructiile "would rather/ sooner", "it is time","had better", "I'd prefer"). You had better go home.(Mai bine ai merge acas.) Id prefer if you didnt go. (A prefera s nu mergi.)

c) Forma de "Past Perfecte Tense"a verbului, pentru a exprima un regret vis-a-vis de o actiune anterioara timpului din propozitia principala: ex.:I wish(ed) youhad writtento him. (As dori/ As fi dorit ca tu sa-i fi scris lui.)d) Alte forme de imperativ: Somebody bring me a glass of water!(Cineva s mi aduc un pahar cu ap!)Come on everybody, leave the room!(Haidei, toat lumea s prseasc ncperea!)e)After verbs expressing a desire that someone should do something:ask, advise, desire, intend, order, recommend, request, require, suggest, urge, want;after verbs expressing plans:arrange, leave word, pland; after adjectives expressing feelings:anxious, willing, eager, pleased, glad.They demanded that the meetingbe heldin our new conference room.(Au cerut ca ntlnirea s se in n sala nou de conferine.)We planned that theyshould seethe room beforehand.(Am plnuit s vedem camera nainte.)She was anxious that theyshould seeher dancing.(Era emoionat c o vor vedea dansnd.)f) cu "may/might"May you livelong!(S trieti mult!)However tired might he be, he must come down.(Orict de obosit ar fi, trebuie s vin jos.)

Verbul in engleza:Modul imperativin limba engleza gramatica

Verbele din infinitiv se gasesc in propozitii exclamative ce reprezinta ordine, sfaturi ce trebuiesc executate. Ex: Let him go ! =( Lasa-l sa se duca ! ) Take it easy ! = Usor ! Lock the door ! = ( Incuie usa ! ) Go there ! = ( Du-te acolo ! ) Let me know ! = (Da-mi voie sa stiu !) Don't worry be happy! = Nu te ingrijora, fii fericit! Leave me alone ! = Lasa-ma in pace!

Verbul in engleza:Verbele modalein limba engleza - gramatica

Caracteristicile generale ale verbelor modale:- Au numai infinitiv scurt (nu au particula "to");- Nu au forma cu "-ing" si nici participiu;- Au aceeasi forma pentru toate persoanele (nu au "-s", "-es" la persoana a 3-a singular);- In forma negativa nu folosesc verbul "do", ci numai NOT (I cannot dance tonight.);- Fac interogativul numai prin inversare (May I have this dance?);- Formarea lui "nu-i asa" in propozitiile care folosesc verbe modale, se face folosind verbul modal (I can play the game, can't I? ->Pot sa joc jocul, nu-i asa?)- Verbele modale nu pot forma anumite timpuri, de aceea, se inlocuiesc cu alte verbe.can se inlocuieste cuto be able tomayse inlocuieste cuto be allowed tomustse inlocuieste cuto have to- CAN si MAY au forme de trecut:can ->couldmay->might

CAN- Verbele modale in engleza1. exprima capacitatea fizica sau intelectuala Icanspeak English. Icanswim very well.2. pentru a exprima imposibilitatea sau neincrederea CanTom make such a mistake ?3. pentru a exprima permisiunea in limbajul neoficial CanI borrow your book ?4. pentru a exprima continuitatea verbelor de perceptive Icansee somebody near my car.

MAY- Verbele modale in engleza1. cand se cere permisiunea in mod oficial, politicos MayI go home now ? Nota:Permisiunea se poate cere si cu"Can" insa in mod neoficial, protocolar.

2. exprima posibilitatea It may rainin the afternoon. (Se poatesa ploua in dupa-amiaza )Nota:Daca se foloseste"might" probabilitatea e mai mica decat "may", insa diferenta nu e foarte mare: Itmightrain in the afternoon.(S-ar puteasa ploua in dupa-amiaza )

3. exprima o dorinta Mayall your wishes come true.( Fie ca ... )

MUST- Verbele modale in engleza1. cand se exprima o obligatie interna (subiectiva, personala) Imustgo.(Trebuie sa plec -> pentru ca asta e decizia mea)Nota: Daca obligatia e externa in loc de must se va folosi "to have to": Ihave togo.(Trebuie sa plec -> pentru ca cineva ma asteapta, pentru ca trebuie sa ajung undeva; nu e o decizie subiectiva, ci una obiectiva)

2. pentru a exprima o deductie logica, o concluzie John always at this hour is at home. Nowmustbe at home as well.(logic John ar trebui sa fie acasa, dar poate nu e).

OUGTH TO- Verbele modale in engleza1. "Ought to" se foloseste cu precadere pentru a exprima o recomandare Margaretought toexercise more.Margaret trebuie sa exerseze mai mult; este o recomandare si nu are semnificatie imperativa.- Shall I go to this funeral ?- Well, youought to.Este o recomandare si nu are semnificatie imperativa; insa e ceva ce trebuie facut caci asa e bine din punct de vedere moral.Nota: Daca s-ar raspunde "Well you have to." semnificatia ar fi: "Trebuie sa te duci, nu ai de ales." (obligatia e exterioara in acest caz)

SHALL- Verbele modale in engleza1. pentru a exprima solicitarea unui sfat, o ofert sau o sugestie (Folosit cu persoana I, interogativ) What shall I do?(Ce sa fac?) Shall I listen to you?(S te ascult ?)

2. pentru a exprima o promisiune, o obligaie sau o ameninare care provin de la cel care vorbete ( Folosit cu persoanele II i III) You shall have a great surprise if you keep your promise to me. (Vei avea o mare surpriza daca iti tii promisiunea fata de mine.) He shall not see his children again if he treats them like that. (Nu isi va mai vedea copiii daca ii trateaza asa.) You shall hear from me again! (Vei mai auzi tu de mine!)

3. pentru a exprima o hotarare The gates shall not open .(Usile nu se vor deschide.)

4. pentru a exprima o interdictie in acte oficiale The candidates shall not have more than 5 paper sheets to write on, during the examination. Candidatii/Participantii nu vor avea mai mult de 5 foi in timpul examinarii.

WILL- Verbele modale in engleza1. pentru a exprima vointa, hotarare I will climb this mountain even if its the last thing I do. Voi urca acest munte, chiar daca va fi ultimul lucru pe care il fac.2. pentru a exprima o promisiune I will not let you down.= Nu te voi dezamagi .3. pentru a exprima o posibilitate, presupunere This boy looks very much like Tom. He will be his brother. Acest baiat seamana foarte bine cu Tom. O fi fratele lui.4. pentru a exprima ceva inevitabil Polar bears will perish.= Ursii polari vor disparea.5. pentru a inlocui prezentul simplu pentru o actiune obisnuita, repetata I always drink coffee in the morning.(= I will drink coffee in the morning) (Intotdeauna beau cafea dimineata. Voi bea cafea dimineata.)6. pentru a exprima o invitatie, cerere politicoasa Will you sit down? (Vrei sa iei loc?)

NEED, USED TO, DARE- Verbele modale in englezaNEED / NOT NEED - este folosit pentru a exprima necesitatea sau lipsa acesteiaUSED TO - este folosit doar la Past Tense, pentru a exprima: 1) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care nu mai este precticat in prezent 2) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care mai este practicat si in prezent DARE - se foloseste cu sensul de "a indrazni", in special in propozitii interogative si negative

NEED / NOT NEED-este folosit pentru a exprima necesitatea sau lipsa acesteia Youneedn'tcome early to the meeting. (Nu trebuie sa vii devreme la sedinta.)

Shedoesn't needto come. (Nu este necesar sa vina si ea.) Youdon't needto go there tomorrow. (Nu e necesar sa mergi maine acolo.)

USED TO- este folosit doar la Past Tense, pentru a exprima: 1) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care nu mai este precticat in prezentIused toswim in the Olt river when I was a child, but I don't do this any longer. (Obisnuiam sa inot in Olt cand eram copil, dar acum nu mai inot.)2) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care mai este practicat si in prezentTheyused tospend their holidays in the mountains. (Obisnuiau sa isi petreaca vacantele la munte; poate ca inca si le mai petrec.)

DARE- se foloseste cu sensul de "a indrazni", in special in propozitii interogative si negativeThe boydarednot tell his father what he had done.Baiatul nu a indraznit sa ii spuna tatalui sau ce a facut.Theydarednot speak to him ugly.Ei nu au indraznit sa vorbeasca urat cu el.Howdareyou contradict me ?Cum indraznesti sa ma contrazici?

Verbul in engleza:Conjugarea verbelor in limba engleza (pag )

Verbul in engleza:Concordanta timpurilor in limba englezaPrimele 3 cele mai folosite verbe in limba engleza sunt "to be" (a fi), "to have" (a avea) and "to do" (a face); de aceea noi va oferim aici formele celor 3 verbe la timpul prezent (afirmativ, negativ, interogativ):

Verbul "TO BE" - a fi

Forma afirmativa: Forma interogativa: Forma negativa:I am (I'm) - Eu sunt Am I ? - Sunt eu? I am not (I'm not) - Eu nu suntYou are (You're) - Tu esti Are you ? - Esti tu? You are not (You aren't) - Tu nu estiHe is (He's) - El este Is he ? - Este el? He is not (He isn't) - El nu esteShe is (She's) - Ea este Is she ? - Este ea? She is not (She isn't) - Ea nu esteIt is (It's) - El/ Ea este Is it ? - Este el/ ea? It is not (It isn't) - El/ Ea nu esteWe are (We're) - Noi suntem Are we ? - Suntem noi? We are not (We aren't) - Noi nu suntemYou are (You're) - Voi sunteti Are you ? - Sunteti voi? You are not (You aren't) - Voi nu suntetiThey are (They're) - Ei/Ele sunt Are they ? - Sunt ei/ele They are not (They aren't) - Ei/Ele nu sunt

Verbul "TO HAVE" - a aveaForma afirmativa: Forma interogativa: Forma negativa: I have (I've) - Eu am Have I ? - Am eu ? I have not (I haven't) - Eu nu amYou have (You've) - Tu ai Have you ? - Ai tu ? You have not (You haven't) - Tu nu aiHe has (He's) - El are Has he ? - Are el ? He has not (He hasn't) - El nu areShe has (She's) - Ea are Has she ? - Are ea ? She has not (She hasn't) - Ea nu areIt has (It's) - El/ Ea are Has it ? - Are el/ ea ? It has not (It hasn't) - El/ Ea nu areWe have (We've) - Noi avem Have we ? - Avem noi ? We have not (We haven't) - Noi nu avemYou have (You've) - Voi aveti Have you ? - Aveti voi ? You have not (You haven't) - Voi nu avetiThey have (They've) - Ei/Ele au Have they ? - Au ei/ele ? They have not (They haven't) - Ei/Ele nu au

Verbul "TO DO" - a faceForma afirmativa: Forma interogativa: Forma negativa:I do - Eu fac Do I ? - Fac eu ? I do not (I don't) - Eu nu facYou do - Tu faci Do you ? - Faci tu ? You do not (You don't) - Tu nu faciHe does - El face Does he ? - Face el ? He does not (He doesn't) - El nu faceShe does - Ea face Does she ? - Face ea ? She does not (She doesn't) - Ea nu faceIt does - El/Ea face Does it ? - Face el/ ea ? It does not (It doesn't) - El/Ea nu faceWe do - Noi facem Do we ? - Facem noi ? We do not (We don't) - Noi nu facemYou do - Voi faceti Do you ? - Faceti voi ? You do not (You don't) - Voi nu facetiThey do - Ei/Ele fac Do they ? - Fac ei/ele ? They do not (They don't) - Ei/ Ele nu fac

Adjectivulin englezaFelurile adjectivelor:Adjectivul calitativ in limba engleza:Adjectivele din aceasta categorie sunt adjective care descriu proprietati ale obiectelor ce pot avea grade, nivele, intensitati ale acelei proprietati.

Ex: big(mare) dry(uscat) clever(destept) good(bun) profound(profund) activ(activ) small(mic) blue(albastru)

Adjectivul posesiv:Adjectivele posesive sunt cele care arata o posesie; arata al cui e un obiect (al meu, al tau, etc ...);

Ex: my book (cartea mea) your book(cartea ta, cartea voastra) his book(cartea lui) her book(cartea ei) its book(cartea lui, ei -> pentru lucruri, animale, abstractiuni) our book(cartea noastra) our books(cartile noastre) your books(cartile voastre) their book(cartea lor) their books(cartile lor)

Adjectivul deomonstrativ:Adjectivele deomonstrative sunt cele care arat deprtarea sau apropierea unui obiect. Adjectivul demonstrativarat deprtarea sau apropierea unui obiect.Adjectivul demonstrativare numai 4 forme:singularplural

closerthis(acesta/ aceasta)these(acestia/ acestea)

fartherthat(acela/ aceea)those(aceia/ acelea)

thishouse (aceasta casa)thathouse (acea casa)thesehouses (aceste case)thosehouses (acele casa)

Adjectivul nehotarat:Adjectivul nehotarat este adjectivul care nsoeste substantivul fr s individualizeze obiectul denumit de acesta.

There aresomeCanadians here.We need some water. Howmuchdo we need ?There area fewdoctors in town.We need some paper.Howmuchdo we need ?Howmanycigarettes do you smoke a day ?I haveenoughknowledge to do it.

Comparatia adjectivelor:

Raportul de inferioritate al adjectivelor calitative. Raportul de inferioritare in limba engleza se formeaza folosind constructiile: NOT SO/AS+ adj. +AS+ subst./ pronume LESS+ adj. +THAN+ subst./ pronume ( mai putin (de) ... decat .... ) THE LEAST + adj.-> se traduce prin cea/ cel mai putin

Ex: It islesscoldthanit might look.E mai putin rece decat pare.She said it was colder there butlesswindythanKansas.Ea a spus ca vremea a fost mai rece acolo, dar a batut mai putin vantul decat in Kansas.Chinese istheleasteasy language.Chineza e cea mai putin usoara limba.Residents say this street isthe leastnoisyin the town.Locuitorii acestei strazi spun ca strada e cea mai putin zgomotoasa in oras.My homework isnot aseasyasyours.Tema mea nu e la fel de usoara ca a ta.This lesson islessinterestingthanthe previous one.Acest curs e mai putin interesant decat cursul anterior.

Raportul de egalitate/ inegalitate al adjectivelor calitativeRaportul deegalitatein limba engleza se formeaza folosind constructia:... as/so ... as ...(... asa de/ la fel de ... ca/cum ...)Raportul deinegalitatein limba engleza se formeaza folosind constructia:... not as/so ... as ...(... nu asa de/ nu la fel de ... ca/cum ...)

Nota: Aceste moduri de comparatie se numesc si "regulate" deoarece o regula se foloseste in formarea comparatiei.

Ex: It isnot socoldasit might look.Nu e chiar asa de rece cum ar parea.She said it was colder there butnot sowindyasKansas.Ea a spus ca vremea a fost mai rece acolo, dar nu asa de vantoasa ca in Kansas.Learning Chinese isasdifficultasyou think.Invatatul Chinezei e chiar asa de dificil cum crezi.Residents say this street isasnoisyasit was in the war time.Locuitorii acestei strazi spun ca strada este asa de galagioasa cum a fost in timpul razboiului.

Raportul de superioritate al adjectivelor calitative. Pentru adjective monosilabice comparatia se face prin adaugarea de sufixe:big -> bigger->thebiggest(Nota: consoana "g" se dubleaza deoarece are o vocala in fata)(mare -> mai mare -> cel mai mare)tall -> taller->thetallest(inalt -> mai inalt -> cel mai inalt) Pentru adjective ce au 3 sau mai multe silabecomparatia se face cu "more" si "the most":important ->moreimportant ->the mostimportant(important -> mai important -> cel mai important)Pentru adjective ce au 2 silabe terminate inED, ING, RE, FUL, OUScomparatia se face cu "more" si "the most":famous ->morefamous ->the mostfamous(faimos -> mai faimos -> cel mai faimos) Pentru adjective ce au 2 silabe terminate inER, Y, LE, OWcomparatia se face prin adaugarea de sufixe:simple -> simpler->thesimplest(simplu -> mai simplu -> cel mai simplu)

Adjective cacheerful, common, cruel, pleasant, quietformeaza comparativul de superioritate cu ajutorul lui"more" si "the most"

Adjective cu comparatia neregulata. Trebuie cunoscuta forma de comparativ si superlativ a adjectivelor. Iata mai jos lista celor mai cunoscute adjectivelor cu comparatia neregulata:

AdjectivComparativ(mai )Superlativ(cel mai )

good(=bun)well(=sanatos)betterthe best

bad(=rau)ill(=bolnav)worsethe worst

far(=departe; pt. distanta metaforica, nefizica)furtherthe furthest

far(=departe; pt. distanta fizica)fartherthe farthest

old(=in virsta; in familie)elderthe eldest

old(=vechi, batran; la modul general )olderthe oldest

many(=multi, numeric)much(mult, cantitativ)morethe most

little(=putin, cantitativ)lessthe least

ExempleThis isthe bestway to fix that problem.(Aceasta estecea mai bunamodalitate de a rezolva acea problema)This isa betterway to fix this problem.(Aceasta esteo mai bunamodalitate de a rezolva acea problema)This isthe worstthing that could happen.(Acesta estecel mai raulucru care se poate intampla)

Adjectivul in engleza -Forma adjectivuluiAdjectivele sunt invariabile. Ele nu si schimba forma n functie de numar sau gen.Ex.: agoodbook, somegoodbooks.Pentru acentuarea sensului unui adjectiv se folosesc cuvinteleverysaureally:Ex.: areallygood book, averygood bookAdjectivul in engleza -Pozitia adjectivului in limba engleza- De regula, adjectivul sta in fata substantivului pe care il determina:Exemplu: Agood book.

- Dupa substantiv in expresii fixe:Exemplu: thecourt martial, thePresident elect

- Dupa verbe auxiliare:Exemplu: The book isgood.

- Unele adjective in engleza isi schimba sensul in functie de pozitia pe care o ocupa. Adjectiveleinvolved, present, concernedau sens diferit daca sunt plasate in fata substantivului sau dupa acesta.

- Unele adjective in engleza pot sta numai dupa un verb auxiliar:asleep, upset, awake, afraid, alike, alive, alone, annoyed, ill, well, sorry

Adjectivul in engleza -Forme neregulateale adjectivelor in limba englezaUnele adjective in limba engleza au forme de comparativ si superlativ care nu respecta regula generala. Printre acestea avem adjectivele:good, bad, little, far, much, manysiold.

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

good better the best bad worse the worst little lessthe least farfurther / farther the furthest / farthest much / many more the most old older / elder the oldest / eldest

Adverbul in limba engleza

Adverbul se poate defini astfel:Este partea de vorbire care:Arata o caracteristica a unei actiuni, a unei stari sau a unei calitati;Poate avea categoria gramaticala a comparatiei. Ca si in limba romana, si in limba engleza exista o clasificare a adverbelor: - adverbe de mod (Adverbs of manner); - adverbe de loc (Adverbs of place); - adverbe de timp (Adverbs of time); - mai putem considerasi adverbele de durata,adverbele de frecventa,adverbele de comparatiesiadverbele de probabilitate.

Adverbul de mod in engleza indica modalitatea propriu-zisa. Cele mai multe adverbe de mod in engleza se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului ly la forma adjectivului: Ex: She touched himsweetlyon the hand.(L-a atins usor pe mana.) He danced sobeautifully!(A dansat atat de frumos.) They behavedfoolishly.(S-au comportat proseste.) After the party he leftsadly.(Dupa petrecere, a plecat suparat.) You should do thatcarefully!(Ar trebui sa faci acel lucru cu grija !)

Adverbele de mod pot fi:- de intarire:actually(de fapt),certainly(in mod sigur),obviously(evident),really(intr-adevar) ; - de amplificare:absolutely(absol), completely(com.),barely(cu greu),hardly(cu greu),scarcely(cu dificultate);- de afirmatie sau negatie:yes(da),no(nu),of course(desigur),not at all(deloc);- de probabilitate:maybe(poate),perhaps(posibil),probably(probabil).

Adverbul de loc in engleza indica locul propriu-zis (there, here), altele indica directia (aside, forward, behind), insa majoritatea adverbelor de loc pot fi folosite pentru a indica atat locul cat si directia.Iata cateva adverbe de loc in limba engleza:backwards (inapoi), forwards (inainte), westwards (spre vest), homewards (spre casa), onwards (incepand cu), downwards (in jos), northwards (spre nord), southwards (spre sud), eastwards (spre est), upwards (in sus), inwards (spre interior), outwards (spre exterior). Ex: I bought a housesomewhere.(Am cumparat o casa undeva.) I will wait for youhere.(Am sa te astept aici.)Moveaside!(Da-te la oparte!)Clothes models like this one areanywhere.(Modele de haine ca acesta gasesti oriunde.)Diana was found cryingthere.(Diana a fost gasita plangand acolo.)Readforward, you will find the information.(Citeste mai departe, vei gasi informatia.)Please wait for herout!(Te rog asteapt-o afara!)She lived a long periodabroad.(A trait o perioada lunga in strainatate.)They found the terrorists hiddenunderground.(Au gasit teroristii ascunsi sub pamant.)Can you godownstairsand smokethere?(Poti sa mergi jos si sa fumezi acolo?)Please comehomefor that special party.(Te rog vino acasa pentru acea petrecere speciala.)You won't find that carnowhere.(Nu vei gasi acea masina nicaieri.)Sheila wentfarin the woods to pick up mushrooms.(Sheila s-a dus departe in padure sa culeaga ciuperci.)

Adverbul de timp in engleza indica: - momentul actiunii:now(acum),nowadays(in zilele nosatre),never(niciodata); - plasarea in timp a actiunii:afterwards(dupa aceea),before(inainte),soon(curand). I expect my friendssoon.(Ii astept pe prietenii mei curand.)Inevergo to that museum.(Nu merg niciodata la acel muzeu.They arealwaysasking for money.(Intotdeauna cer bani.)I called youbefore.(Te-am sunat inainte.)She saw himagain.(L-a vazut din nou.)Comparatia regulata a adverbelor in engleza: Gradul comparativ in engleza:Comparativuldesuperioritatese formeaza cu ajutorul: - sufixuluier in cazul adverbelor monosilabice (si a adverbului early): fast -> faster (repede -> mai repede) early -> earlier (devreme -> mai devreme) - cuvantuluimorein cazul adverbelor bi- si plurisilabice: quickly -> more quickly (rapid -> mai rapid) carefully->more carefully (cu atentie -> cu mai mare atentie)Comparativuldeegalitatese formeaza cu ajutorul luias as: She plays pianoasbeautifullyasher mother. (Canta la pian la fel de frumos ca si mama sa)ComparativuldeInferioritatese formeaza cu ajutorul luinot so/as..assauless than: She doesn't learnasfastasher classmates. (Nu invata la fel de repede ca si colegii ei de clasa.) He driveslesscarefullythanhis wife. (Nu conduce la fel de grijuliu ca si nevasta sa.)

Gradul superlativ in engleza:Superlativulabsolutse formeaza cu ajutorul unor adverbe cavery(foarte),quite(destul de),most(cel mai) Aceste adverbe preced adverbul respectiv:She singsverybeautifully. She singsmostbeautifully. She singsquitebeautifully.

Superlativulrelativdesuperioritateeste exprimat prin: -(the) (adverb)+estin cazul adverbelor monosilabice si a adverbului early:He runs (the) fastest (of all). (El fuge cel mai repede (dintre toti)). -(the) most + adverbin cazul adverbelor bi- si plurisilabice:He answers (the) most intelligently (of all). (El raspunde cel mai intelligent (dintre toti)).Superlativulrelativ deInferioritateeste exprimat prin(the) least + adverb:She spells words (the) least correctly (of all) (Ea scrie cuvintele cel mai putin corect (dintre toti)).Ex: I arrived to my unclemorequicklythanmy cousin.(Am ajuns la unchiul meu mai repede decat verisorul meu.)They drivemoreslowlythanher.(Ei conduc mai incet decat ea.)She speaks Englishasfluentlyasher brother.(Vorbeste engleza la fel de fluent ca si fratele ei.)He dancesquitebeautifully.(El danseaza destul de frumos.) We do everything we domorecarefully.(Noi tot ceea ce facem, facem cu o mai mare atentie.)

Comparatia neregulata a adverbelor in engleza. In limba engleza exista adverbe care formeaza gradele de comparative in mod neregulat, adica isi schimba radacina in momentul in care intra in structura unor grade de comparatie. Mai jos este prezentat un tabel cu cele mai utilizate astfel de adverbe: Gradul pozitivGradul comparativGradul superlativ

well(bine)better(mai bine)the best(cel mai bine)

badly(rau)worse(mai rau)the worst(cel mai rau)

much(mult)more(mai mult)the most(cel mai mult)

little(putin)less(mai putin)the least(cel mai putin)

far(departe)farther(mai departe)the farthest(cel mai departe)

Ex: Darius singsbetterthan Florina.(Darius canta mai bine decat Florina.) Marina corrected the exercisethe worstof all.(Marina a corectat exercitiul cel mai rau dintre toti.) He ranfartherthan the mentioned place.(A fugit mai departe de locul mentionat.) Sofia workedmorethan yesterday.(Sofia a lucrat mai mult decat ieri.) He isthe best.(El este cel mai bun.)

Adverbe mai putem considera:- Adverbe de durata-> arata perioada de timp a unei actiuni (exemple: shortly, permanently, forever)

- Adverbe de comparatie->arata intensitatea unei actiuni (exemple: partially, extremely, greatly, strongly, totally, almost, very, entirely, perfectly)

-Adverbe de frecventa-> arata intervalul de timp la care o actiune se repeta (exemple: rarely, always, never, constantly, seldom, often, rarely, regularly, sometimes)

- Adverbe de probabilitate-> arata in ce masura o actiune se poate realiza sau nu (parere obiectiva sau subiectiva) (exemple: certainly, maybe, perhaps, possibly)

Substantivulin englezaPluralul substantivelor in limba engleza La forma de singular este adaugat:1. "s" : regula generala;2. "es" : daca singularul substantivelor au terminatia inch, sh, s, ss, z, x;3. "ies" : daca singularul are terminatiaysi inaintea lui e o consoana;4. "es" : daca singularul are terminatiaoiar substantivul e intrat de mult in folosire;5. "ves" : majoritatea substantivelor terminate infsaufe(exceptii: roof/ roofs dwarf/ dwarfs);6. la substantivele de origine greaca, substantivele terminate insis, la plural sis e inlocuit deses.Exemple:1 inainte de "s" avem o consoana surda (p, t, k, f, th): cats, roofs, boats, books,cups("-s" se pronunta "s")

1 inainte de "s" avem altceva decat in cazul anterior: ideas, boys, balls, days("-s" se pronunta "z")

2 boxes, buses, dashes, prizes ("-es" se pronunta "iz")

3babies, ladies, factories, spies (from baby, lady, factory, spy)("-ies" se pronunta "iz")

4tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, volcanoes (from tomato, potato, hero, volcano)("-es" se pronunta "z")

5wives, elves, loaves, lives, thieves, knives(from wife, elf, loaf, life, thief, knife) ("-ves" se pronunta "vz")

6analyses, hypotheses, bases (plural from analysis, hypothesis, basis)(la singular "-sis" se pronunta "sis", iar la plural "-ses" se pronunta "siz")

1.O serie de substantive aupluralul neregulat:child(copil)- children, man(barbat)-men, woman(femeie)- women, die(zar)- dice, foot(picior)- feet, goose(gasca)- geese, mouse(soarece)- mice, ox(bou)- oxen, tooth(dinte)- teeth

2.Unele substantive au aceeasi forma si pentru singular si pentru plural:sheep,fish(se adauga forma de plural es cand este vorba de mai multe specii de peste),fruit(se adauga forma de plural -s cand este vorba de mai multe soiuri de fructe),species,deer,series.Ex:His favourite was a big white sheep. The sheep were grazing in the field.

3.Unele substantive au deja forma de plural (sunt urmate de un verb la plural); denumind lucruri formate din doua parti: n trousers,pants,shorts,(sun)glasses,pyjamas,slacks,scissors,tongs,compasses,scales.

4.Unele substantive nu primesc niciodata forma de plural (money,information,news,progress,luggage,furniture,homework,advice,knowledge); ideea de plural se va realiza prin folosirea sintagmelor:a piece of/ two pieces of,an item of, two items of(pentru substantive ce denumesc lucruri abstracte),a bit of. In acest caz, verbul folosit in fraza va fi totdeauna la singular. Ex:The money is on the table. I need a piece of valuable information.

5.Unele substantive se termina deja in -s, dand astfel impresia de plural. La plural ele nu isi schimba forma:mathematics, physics, politics, billiards, darts, gymnastics, diabetes, measles, mumps.Articolul substantivelor in limba engleza

Articolul este partea de vorbire care constituie un mijloc de individualizare a fiintelor, obiectelor si fenomenelor intr-un anumit context.In limba engleza sunt 2 tipuri de articole:1)articolul hotarat:the2)articolul nehotarat: an(in fata substantivelor care incep cu o vocala)a(in fata substantivelor care incep cu o consoana)Exceptii: An inainte de un "h" mut: - an hour (o ora), an honor (o onoare). A inainte de "u" sau "eu" atunci cnd se pronunta ca "you": - a European, a university, a unit,a one-way street. Exemple:-- Articole nehotarate in limba englezaa book = o cartea boy= un baiatanelephant= un elefantan apple= un mar

-- Articole hotarate in limba englezathe book= carteathe boy= baiatulthe elephant= elefantulthe apple= marul

Nominativul substantivelor in limba engleza. Intr-o propozitie substantivul in nominativ este subiectul actiunii.Exemple:

Markread a book.The treehas a lot of flowers.Waterfreezes at 32F (0C).

Acuzativul substantivelor in limba engleza: Indica obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea intr-un mod direct. Acuzativul este un caz ce exprim complementele direct, indirect i circumstaniale.Intrebarile cu care se identifica:ce? pe cine? unde? de unde? pana unde? de cand? pe cine? pe ce? cu ce? cu cine? de ce? de cine? de la cine? cand? pana cand?Exemple:Max fixedthe car.The girl sellsthebigbox.The girl hugsthe boy.I eatthe pizzayou gave me.The boy givesthe book.

Dativul substantivelor in limba engleza: Dativul indica obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea intr-un mod indirect. Identificarea se face cu intrebarea "Cui ?".

Exemple:1. I have bakedMarya cake.(Am gatit o prajitura pentru Mary.Cuii-am gatit prajitura ?)2. The king gave hissonhis kingdom.(Regele i-a dat regatul fiului sau.Cuii-a dat regele regatul sau?)3. Give the ball toMary.(Da-i mingia lui Mary.Cuisa-i dau mingea ?)4. GiveMarythe ball.(Da-i mingia lui Mary.Cuisa-i dau mingea ?)

Genitivul substantivelor in limba engleza:Exprima o posesie (ceva/cineva apartine cuiva).Exemple:1.Mark'sshop (magazinul lui James)2.John'scar (masina lui John)3.the sailors'boat (barca pescarilor) 4.the chemist'sguide (ghidul chimistului) 5. the windowofthe house (fereastra casei) 6.the firmsnew project (noul proiect al firmei) 7.the gift of the girl who...(darul fetei care ...)

Genul substantivelor in limba englezaGenul masculin: fiintele de gen masculin fenomene cu caracter puernic, de regula negativGenul feminin: substantive reprezentand genul femininGenul neutru: obiecte fara sufletGenul comun: substantive care pot fi atat masculine cat si feminine

Pronumele in limba engleza

Pronumele personal:Pronumele personal in engleza face referire la o persoanacare face actiunea(cazul A) sauasupra careia se rasfrange actiunea(cazul B).Exemple:I will go to the sea.(cazul A)Tom will tell me something.(cazul B)This idea belongs to him.(cazul B)We will go shopping.(cazul A)I know them.( "I" = cazul A, "them" = cazul B )

Pronumele impersonal:Este un pronume care nu face referire la cineva anume. Afirmatiile/ negatiile/ intrebarile sunt facute la modul general.Exemple:Onecan't always do what one wants.Youcan't always do what you want.Peoplecan't always do what they want.Wecan't always do what we want. Pronumele interogativ:Pronumele interogativ in engleza este un pronume folosit in constructiile interogative(Atentie: pronumele este partea de vorbire flexibila care tine locul unui substantiv). Principalele pronume interogative din limba engleza sunt:CazulReferire se facela o persoanaReferire se face laun lucru, actiune

Nwho ?= care, cine ?which ?= care ?

Acwhom ?= pe care ?which ?= care, pe care ?

Dto whom= caruia, careia ?to which ?= caruia, careia ?

Gwhose? = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...) ?whose ?= al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...) ?

Exemple:Whatdid you say?Whichcar are we talking about ?Whois this girl ?

Pronumele nehotarat:Un pronume nehotarat face referire la ceva ce nu e definit, specific sau exact. Pronumele nehotarate cele mai utilizate in engleza sunt:any, all, anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, some, somebody, someone. Exemple:Hasanybodyseen that movie ?Do you havesome? No, I don't haveany.Somebody will take the pie.Someget it andsomejust refuse to open their eyes ! Pronume nehotaratTraducereVarianteTraducere




everyfiecareeveryoneeverybodyeverythingeverywherefiecaretoata lumeatotulpeste tot

eachfiecare (in parte)

Pronumele reflexiv si de intarire:Aceste tipuri de pronume se folosesc in propozitii in care referirea la subiect se face de 2 ori. (A doua oara se foloseste acest pronume reflexiv si/sau de intarire). Formele pronumelui reflexiv (si/sau de intarire) sunt:Pronume personalPronume reflexiv/ de intarire


you (singular)yourself

you (plural)yourselves






Exemple:I hurtmyself. (M-am ranit singur.)I'll do itmyself. (O voi face eu.)She did it byherself. (Ea a facut-o singura.)He did it byhimself. (El a facut-o singur.)

Pronumele relativ:Pronumele relativ se refera la un substantiv mentionat anterior, caruia ii adauga informatii suplimentare. Principalele pronume relative din limba engleza sunt:CazulReferire se facela o persoanaReferire se face laun lucru, actiune

Nwho= care, cinewhich= care

Acwhom= pe carewhich= care, pe care

Dto whom= caruia, careiato which= caruia, careia

Gwhose= al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...)whose= al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...)

Exemple:I'm talking about the carwhichis parked over there.I talked to the girlwhosecar is red.This is the girlwhocomes from Halifax.I wrote this book for peoplewholike history.I have written a lot about this placeto whichwe belong.

Pronumele posesiv:Aceste tipuri de pronume se folosesc in propozitii in care se doreste identificarea unui obiect prin referirea la posesor. Formele pronumelui posesiv sunt:Exemple:John has a red car.Mineis green.That is your book. This ishers.That computer ishis.This book is notmine. This book isyours.

Pronume personalPronumeposesiv

Imine(al meu)

you (singular)yours(al tau)

you (plural)yours(al vostru)

hehis(al lui)

shehers(a ei)

itits- is, however, rarely used

weours(ale noastre)

theytheirs(al lor)

Numeralul in limba englezaNumeralul cardinal in engleza:Numeralul cardinal este partea de vorbire care exprima un numar de obiecte, persoane (numeralul cardinal).Exemple:1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty

21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred350 three hundred and fifty500 five hundred

1,000 one thousand2,652 two thousand six hundred and fifty-two5,000 five thousand

1,000,000 one million2,000,000 two million

Numeralul ordinal in engleza:Numeralul ordinal in limba engleza arata locul pe care se afla un obiect, un eveniment,o actiunedintr-o multitudine de obiecte, evenimente, etc. Numeralul ordinal se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului "th" la numeralul cardinal.Exemple:NumeralCardinalNumeralOrdinal( forma I )NumeralOrdinal( forma II )

1the1stthe first

2the 2ndthe second

3the 3rdthe third

4the 4ththe fourth

5the 5ththe fifth

6the 6ththe sixth

7the 7ththe seventh

8the 8ththe eighth

9the 9ththe ninth

10the 10ththe tenth

11the 11ththe eleventh

21the 21stthe twenty-first

100the 100ththe hundredth

Numeralul multiplicativ in engleza:Numeralul multiplicativ in engleza arata de cate ori se repeta un eveniment, o actiune, etc.Exemple:

once = o datatwice = de doua orithree times = de trei orifour times= de patru orifive times = de cinci oriten times = de zece orififty times= de cincizeci de orisixty times = de saizeci de oria hundred times = de o suta de oria thousand times= de o mie de oridouble = twofold ( dublu )triple = threefold ( triplu )fourfold = impatrit

Numeralul iterativ in engleza:Aratapentru a cata oraceva s-a intamplat (se intampla, se va intampla) o actiune.Exemple:(for) the first time(for) the second time(for) the third time(for) the fourth time(for) the fifth time(for) the sixth time

Numeralul adverbial in engleza:Arata "in al catelea rand" se doreste sa se precizeze, sublinieze ceva.Exemple:first(ly) = in primul randsecond(ly)= in al 2-lea randthird(ly) = in al 3-lea randfourth(ly) = in al 4-lea randfifth(ly) = in al 5-lea randsixth(ly) = in al 6-lea rand

Numeralul distributiv in engleza:Numeralul distributiv exprima gruparea, repartizarea obiectelor (distributia).Exemple:one at a time = cate unul o dataone by one = unul cate unultwo at a time= cate doi o datatwo by two = doi cate doi

Numeralul nehotarat in engleza:Numeralul nehotarat in engleza face referire la un numar indefinit de obiecte.Exemple:how many = ci, cte (muli, multe)several days = mai multe zilenot so many = nu att(ea) (de muli, multe)too many = prea muli, multeseveral = mai muli, mai multe (necomparat, nedefinit)so many = ai, attea (de muli, multe)tens of = zeci de cri

Numeralul fractional in engleza:Numeralul fractional in engleza reprezinta numere ce se pot scrie ca fractii.Exemple:one whole(1/1) = un intreg one half (1/2) = o jumatate

Conjunctia in limba englezaConjunctia : a) exprima raporturi de coordonare sau de subordonare intre doua propozitii, raporturi de coordonare intre doua parti de propozitie sau intre o parte de propozitie si o propozitie; b) este neflexibila din punct de vedere morphologic;c) nu indeplineste nicio functie sintactica in propozitie dar marcheaza raporturile de coordonare si subordonare in cadrul propozitiei ai al frazei.

Exemple: Dorina went to mallbutshe forgot the money at home. Dorina a plecat la mall,darsi-a uitat banii acasa. Will you comeorshould I come? Vii tusausa vin eu? I didn't call you yesterdaybecauseI was busy. Nu te-am sunat ieripentru caam fost ocupata.

A. Conjunctiile coordonatoare (Coordinating Conjunctions)Conjunctiile coordonatoare leaga parti de propozitie cu aceeasi functie sintactica sau propozitii de acelasi fel.1.Dupa relatiile pe care le stabilesc, conjunctiile coordonatoare pot fi: a)copulative: and(si), as well as(precum), both and(atat cat si), not only but also(nu numai dar si)b)disjunctive: or(sau); eitheror(sausau), neithernor(nicinici)c)adversative: but(dar, ci).Either orindica doua alternative din care numai una este posibila, in propozitii pozitive sau interogative:We caneitherhave a snack now,orwe can have lunch at noon.Putem lua o gustare acum sau putem lua pranzul la amiaza.eitheror +verb negativsauneithernor + verb pozitivse folosesc pentru a exprima o negatie:I can't traveleitherby airorby sea.(Nu pot calatori prin aer sau pe mare.)I can travelneitherby airnorby sea.(Nu pot calatori nici prin aer nici pe mare.)

B. Conjunctiile subordonatoare (Subordinating Conjunctions)

Conjunctiile subordonatoare leaga propozitiile secundare din fraza de elementele lor regente.1.Dupa felul propozitiilor pe care le introduce, conjunctiile subordonatoare pot fi: a)universale: that(ca); if, whether(daca); ->Aceste prepozitii pot introduce mai multe tipuri de propozitii subordonate.

b)specializate:De loc: where(unde), wherever(oriunde);De timp: when(cand), since(de cand), till/ until(pana cand), while/as(in timp ce), before(inainte ca), after(dupa ce)De mod: exactly/just as(exact cum)De cauza: as, since, because(deoarece, fiindca)De scop: so that, in order that/ so (that)(mai formal)(pentru ca, cu scopul ca) for fear (that)(de teama sa), in case, lest (formal)(ca sa nu)Conditionale: if(daca), provided (that) /on condition (that), as long as/ so long as(cu conditia ca, atata timp cat); unless(afara daca, numai daca nu)Consecutive: so that(incat), so(familiar)(incat), so/ such (that)(asa/ astfelincat)Concesive: though, although(mai formal), while, whereas(formal), even if/ though(desi, cu toate ca, chiar daca)Comparative: as as(la fel de ... ca ...); as if/ as though(ca si cum, de parca)Whenindica: simultaneitatea a doua actiuni:WhenI am tired I go for a walk.Cand sunt obosit fac o plimbare.Whenshe rang the bell, he came to the door.Cand ea a sunat la sonerie, el a venit la usa.---> Accentual este pe momentul actiunii sau succesiunea lor imediata in timp.Aseste folosit pentru actiuni paralele:She weptasshe spoke.Plangea in timp ce vorbea.sau sinonim al lui while:AsI was crossing the street, I heard somebody call my name.In timp ce/ Pe cand traversam strada, am auzit pe cineva strigandu-mi numele.

Sincepresupune un argument admis de interlocutor:Sinceyou need this book, i'll get it for you.Deoarece ai nevoie de carte, am sa ti-o iau.Cand folosim conjunctiaunless, verbul din propozitia conditionala este la forma pozitiva:You can't see meunlessyou call me first.Nu ma poti vedea decat daca ma suni inainte.

Interjectia in limba englezaPrininterjectiese exteriorizeaza sentimente, manifestari, sau se reproduc sunete din natura. Interjectiile sunt scurte exclamatii ca si :Oh!, Um sau Ah!Ele nu au o valoare gramaticala reala, dar le folosim chiar des, de obicei mai mult in vorbire decat in scris. Exemple: surpriza:Wow! Oh!- Uau! bucurie:Ah! Ooh!- Ah! mirare:Oh dear! Indeed!- Vai draga! Intradevar! admiratie:Whew! dispret:Pshaw! What a same!- Ce pacat! aprobare:Well done!- Foarte bine! manifestari de vointa:Oh! Help! Look out! Cheer up!- Oh! Ajutor! Ai grija! Capul sus! zgomote:Bang! Click! Miaow!- Bang! Clic! Miau!

Verbele modale in limba englezaCaracteristicile generale ale verbelor modale:- Au numai infinitiv scurt (nu au particula "to");- Nu au forma cu "-ing" si nici participiu;- Au aceeasi forma pentru toate persoanele (nu au "-s", "-es" la persoana a 3-a singular);- In forma negativa nu folosesc verbul "do", ci numai NOT (I cannot dance tonight.);- Fac interogativul numai prin inversare (May I have this dance?);- Formarea lui "nu-i asa" in propozitiile care folosesc verbe modale, se face folosind verbul modal (I can play the game, can't I? ->Pot sa joc jocul, nu-i asa?)- Verbele modale nu pot forma anumite timpuri, de aceea, se inlocuiesc cu alte verbe.can se inlocuieste cuto be able tomayse inlocuieste cuto be allowed tomustse inlocuieste cuto have to- CAN si MAY au forme de trecut:can ->couldmay->mightCAN- Verbele modale in engleza1. exprima capacitatea fizica sau intelectuala2. pentru a exprima imposibilitatea sau neincrederea3. pentru a exprima permisiunea in limbajul neoficial4. pentru a exprima continuitatea verbelor de perceptie

MAY- Verbele modale in engleza1. cand se cere permisiunea in mod oficial, politicos2. exprima posibilitatea3. exprima o dorintaMUST- Verbele modale in engleza1. cand se exprima o obligatie interna (subiectiva, personala)2. pentru a exprima o deductie logica, o concluzieOUGTH TO- Verbele modale in engleza1. "Ought to" se foloseste cu precadere pentru a exprima o recomandareSHALL- Verbele modale in engleza1. pentru a exprima solicitarea unui sfat, o ofert sau o sugestie (Folosit cu persoana I, interogativ)2. pentru a exprima o promisiune, o obligaie sau o ameninare care provin de la cel care vorbete ( Folosit cu persoanele II i III)3. pentru a exprima o hotarare4. pentru a exprima o interdictie in acte oficialeWILL- Verbele modale in engleza1. pentru a exprima vointa, hotarare2. pentru a exprima o promisiune3. pentru a exprima o posibilitate, presupunere4. pentru a exprima ceva inevitabil5. pentru a inlocui prezentul simplu pentru o actiune obisnuita, repetata6. pentru a exprima o invitatie, cerere politicoasa

NEED, USED TO, DARE- Verbele modale in englezaNEED / NOT NEED - este folosit pentru a exprima necesitatea sau lipsa acesteiaUSED TO - este folosit doar la Past Tense, pentru a exprima: 1) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care nu mai este precticat in prezent 2) o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut, care mai este practicat si in prezentDARE - se foloseste cu sensul de "a indrazni", in special in propozitii interogative si negative

Infinitivul si gerunziul in limba englezaInfinitive and GerundSunt verbe in limba engleza care cer infinitivul iar altele care cer gerunziul. Iata mai jos modul in care verbele limbii engleze se folosesc fie cu gerunziul, fie cu infinitivul.1)Verbs which may takeeither infinitive or gerund: (Verbe care folosesc fieinfinitivul fie gerunziul)advise, agree, allow, begin, can/could bear, cease, continue, forget, hate, intend, like, love, mean, need, permit, prefer, propose, recommend, regret, remember, require, start, stop, try, used to-verbs taking infinitive or gerund without changing meaning: (verbe care folosesc infinitivul sa gerunziul fara sa-si modifice intelesul)obegin, start, continue, ceaseI began working./ I began to work.(Am nceput s lucrez.)He continued living/ to live above the shop.(A continuat s locuiasc deasupra magazinului.)ocant bearI cant bear waiting./ to wait.(Nu suport s atept.)ointendI intend selling it./ to sell it.(Intenionez s l vnd.)oadvise, allow, permit, recommendThey dont allow us parking here./ to park here.(Nu ni se permite s parcm aici.)oit needs/requires/wantsThe grass needs cutting./ to be cut.(Iarba trebuie tuns.)

2)Verbs which take onlygerund:(Verbe care folosesc numaigerunziul)oregret, remember, forget(when the action expressed by the gerund is the earlier action)I regret spending so much money.(mi pare ru c am cheltuit atia bani.)I remember reading about the earthquake in the newspapers.(mi amintesc c am citit de cutremur n ziare.)Ill never forget waiting to find out the results.(Nu o s uit niciodat ateptarea rezultatelor.)ogo on, stopHe went on to tell us about his new plans.(A continuat s ne spun despre planurile lui noi.)I cant stop him talking to the press.(Nu pot s l opresc s nu vorbeasc cu presa.)oadmit, adore, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, commence, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, detest, dislike, dread, endure, enjoy, face, fancy, finish, go, imagine, involve, keep, lie, loathe, mention, mind, miss, practice, report. resent, resist, risk, postpone, stand, sit, suggest.

!!!whenregret, remember, forgetthemselves express the earlier action, they are followed by an infinitive:I regret to say that you have failed your exam. (mi pare ru s te anun c ai picat examenul.)I often forget to sign my cheques.(Adesea uit s semnez cecurile.)

3)Verbs which take only infinitive: (Verbe care folosesc numaiinfinitivul)oagree (to), mean, propose, refuse (to)Tom agreed to wait a week.(Tom a fost de acord s atepte o sptmn.)I mean to get to the top by sunrise.(Vreau s ajung pn s rsr soarele.)I propose to start tomorrow.(Mi-am propus s ncep mine.)otry, used toThey tried to put wire netting all round the garden.(Au ncercat s pun gard de srm n jurul grdinii.)I used to swim all the year around.(Obinuiam s not tot anul.)

Pronuntia lui '-ed' la sfarsitul verbului

Pronunarea i ortografierea terminaiei -ed este n funcie de terminaia infinitivului.-ed se pronun:a)[d]cnd verbele se termin n vocal sau consoan sonor [b,g,l,m,n,v,z,dz,_dj_]: play - played [pleid]; arrived [__raivd];b)[t]cnd verbele se termin n consoan surd [f,k,p,s,sh,ch,__,t__] like - liked [laikt], cross - crossed [kr_o_st];c)[id]cnd verbele se termin n -t sau -d: want - wanted [w_o_ntid]; nod - nodded [n_o_did].Particulariti ortografice ale terminaiei -ed:Consoana final a formei de infinitiv se dubleaz cnd vocala care o precede este scurt i accentuat: stop - stopped; prefer - preferredConsoana final se dubleaz la cteva verbe, dei silaba final nu este accentuat: kidnap - kidnapped; handicap - handicapped; worship - worshipped; iar la verbe terminate n ic,=c se dubleaz n ck: picnic - picnicked.n engleza britanic, verbele terminate n -l dubleaz aceast consoan, indiferent de accent: control - controlled; travel - travelled

Prepozitiain engleza

Prepozitia de TIMPin limba engleza:Se utilizeaza pentru a specifica timpul unei actiuni.Exemple: at, on, inat- folosim "at" pentrua arata timpulexact(ora exacta)She arrived at 8.00 a.m.(when?)Ea a ajuns la ora 8 A.M.on- folosim "on"pentrudate sau zileTom left on Monday.(when?)Tom a plecat folosim in pentru operioada de timp nespecificata, necunoscuta din timpul unui an, zi, luna, anotimpIt is very warm in August.Este foarte cald in august.

Prepozitia de LOCin limba engleza:Arata locul in care se situeaza obiectele definite.Alte prepozitii de locin limba engleza: after, below , in front of , between , among, beside ,behind, between, in front of, next to, above , beside, by, over, above, under, from, ontoExemple: at, on, in

at- folosim "at" pentrua arata o anumita pozitieSomeone is at the door.un evenimentDan is at the concert.a arata un anumit loc, o adresa exactaJohn is at home, watching TV.Tom livesat121 Herring Cove Road in London.(adresa exacta !)on- folosim "on" pentru a aratapozitia pe o suprafata verticala sau orizontala(inclusiv strazi, sosele, alei, bulevarde)The plate is on the table.Tom livesonHerring Cove Road in London.(adresa nu e foarte exacta !) pentrua arata un oras langa un rauLondon lies on the Thames. pentrua arata etajulWe live on the second floor. pentrutransportul in comunThey are already on the plane. pentruTV, RADIO, telephoneI am on the phone with Jane.

in- folosim "in" pentrua arata ca un anumit obiect este imprejmuit sau inchis (inclusiv orase, judete, state, continente, regiuni)The dress is in the closet.She lives in Halifax.

Prepozitii de miscarein limba englezaSe foloseste numai cu verbe de miscare

to la, catre (presupune atingerea locului, chiar ajungi acolo):I go to my house.towards catre (nu presupune atingerea locului, nu ajungi acolo):I go towards the light.into in (se intra fizic intr-un spatiu):Tom go far into the cave.onto pe (pentru miscare pe o suprafata; daca nu e miscare se pune on):The dog is running onto the floor.along de-a lungul (miscare pe/ pe linga o suprafata):Im walking along the river.(nu trec riul)through prin (presupune inrarea/iesire, patrundere): I walk through the river.(trec riul, prin apa)across traversare (presupune inrarea/iesire, nu si patrundere):I run across the road. (trec strada, dar nu intru in asfalt)off presupune desprinderea de o suprafata:The plane takes off.from de la, de pe, dinout of presupune iesirea dintr-un volum.:Get out of my house !past langa (presupune apropierea imediata prin miscare)about prin (arata o miscare nedefinita, fara un tel precis)around in jurul (presupune o miscare circulara)

Prepozitii cu substantive, verbe in limba engleza In limba engleza sunt verbe si substantive care tot timpul sunt folosite cu prepozitii. Iata mai jos citeva exemple:believe in- cred in. Ex: Ibelive inGod (Eu cred in Dumnezeu)talk about- a discuta. Ex: What are theytalking about? (Despre ce dicuta ei ?)interest in- interesat in/de. Ex: Consumers loseinterest inthis technology. (Consumatorii si-au pierdut interesul in aceasta tehnologie.)

Vorbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta in limba englezaDirect and indirect (reported) speechSunt 2 moduri in care putem reda ceea ce o persoana a spus: modul direct (vorbirea directa) si modul indirect (vorbirea indirecta).In direct speech, we repeat the original speakers exact words:- vorbirea directaHe said, "I have lost my umbrella."(El spuse: Mi-am pierdut umbrela.)Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (" ... "). Direct speech is found in conversations in books, in plays and in quotations.In indirect speech, we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the speakers exact words:He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.(El spuse c i-a pierdut umbrella.)- vorbirea indirecta

There is no comma aftersayin indirect speech.Thatcan usually be omitted aftersayandtell+ object. But it should be kept after other verbs:complain, explain, object, point out, protestetc.Indirect speech is normally used when conversation is reported verbally, although direct speech is sometimes used for a more dramatic effect.When we turn direct speech into indirect (reported) speech, some changes are usually necessary.

TENSE CHANGES1. Indirect Speech can be introduced by a verb in a present tense:He sais that . (El a spus c.)- vorbirea indirecta= reporting a conversation that is still going on= reading a letter and reporting what it sais= reading instructions and reporting them= reporting a statement that someone makes very often:Tom sais that he ll never get married.

2.Indirect Speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense:- vorbirea indirecta

Direct speech - vorbirea directaIndirect speech - vorbirea indirecta

Simple Present -Vorbirea directa"I never eat meat" he explained.(Eu niciodat nu mnnc carneexplic el).Simple past -Vorbirea indirecta= He explained that he never ate meat.(El explic faptul c nu mnca niciodat carne.)

Present Continuous -Vorbirea directa"I m waiting for Ann" he said.(O atept pe Ana spuse el).Past Continuous -Vorbirea indirecta=He said (that) he was waiting for Ann.(Spuse c o atepta pe Ann).

Present Perfect -Vorbirea directa"I have found a flat" she said.(Am gsit un apartament spuse ea).Past Perfect -Vorbirea indirecta=She said (that) she had found a flat.(Ea spuse c i gsise un apartament).

Present Perfect Continuous -Vorbirea directaHe said "I ve been waiting for ages".(El spuse: Am ateptat o groaz de timp.)Past Perfect Continuous -Vorbirea indirecta=He said (that)he had been waiting for ages.(El spuse c ateptase o groaz de timp).

Simple Past -Vorbirea directa"I took it home with me" she said.(L-am luat acas cu mine spuse ea.)Past Perfect -Vorbirea indirecta=She said she had taken it home with her.(Ea spuse c l luase acas cu ea.)

Future -Vorbirea directaHe said, "I shall/will be in Rome on Monday".(El spuse: Voi fi n Roma luni.)Conditional -Vorbirea indirecta=he said he would be in Rome on Monday.(El spuse c va fi n Roma luni.)

Future Continuous -Vorbirea directa"I will/shall be using the car on the 1st" she said.(Voi folosi maina pe data de 1 spuse ea)= Conditional Continuous -Vorbirea indirectaShe said shed be using the car on the 1st.(Ea spuse c va folosi maina pe data de 1).

Conditional -Vorbirea directaI said, "I would/should like to see it" .(Eu am spus: A vrea s o vd.)Conditional -Vorbirea indirectaI said I would/should like to see it.(Eu am spus c a vrea s o vd.)

Direct speech - vorbirea directaIndirect speech - vorbirea indirecta

3.Note on I/we shall/should I/ we shallnormally becomeshe/she/they wouldin indirect speech: "I shall be 21 tomorrow" said Bill= Bill said he would be 21 the following day. (Voi mplini 21 ani mine. Spuse Bill. = Bill spuse c va mplini 21 ani n ziua urmtoare.)

But if the sentence is reported by the original speaker,I/we shallcan become eitherI/we shouldorI/we would.

PAST TENSES SOMETIMES REMAIN UNCHANGED1.In spoken English, past tenses usually remain unchanged. He said, "Ann arrived on Monday". = He said Ann (had) arrived on Monday. (El spuse: Ann a ajuns luni. = El spuse c Ann ajunsese (a ajuns) luni.) He said, "When I saw them they were playing tennis" . = He said that when he saw them they were playing tennis. (El spuse: "Cnd i-am vzut eu, jucau tenis. = El spuse c atunci cnd i-a vzut, jucau tenis.)2.A past tense used to describe a state of affairs which still exists when the speech is reported remains unchanged: She said, "I decided not to buy the house because it was on a main road". = She said that she had decided not to buy the house because it was on a main road. (Ea spuse: M-am hotrt s nu cumpr casa pentru c era pe strada principal. = Ea spuse c s-a hotrt s nu cumpere casa pentru c era pe strada principal).

SUBJUNCTIVES IN INDIRECT SPEECH- vorbirea indirecta1.Unreal past tenses after wish, would rather/sooner and it is time do not change: "It s time we began planning our holidays" he said. = He said that it was time they began planning their holidays. (Este timpul s ncepem s ne planificm concediul. Spuse el. = El spuse c era timpul s nceap s i planifice concediul.)2.I/he/she/we/they had betterremains unchanged.You had bettercan remain unchanged or be reported byadvise+ object + infinitive. "Youd better not drink the water" she said = She advised us not to drink water. (Mai bine nu ai bea ap. Spuse ea. = Ne suger s nu bem ap.)3.Conditional sentences remain unchanged. "If my children were older, I would emigrate" he said. = He said that if his children were older, he would emigrate. (Dac ar fi mai mari copiii mei, a emigra. Spuse el. = el spuse c dac ar fi mai mari copiii lui, ar emigra.)

MIGHT, OUGHT TO, SHOULD, WOULD, USED TOIN INDIRECT STATEMENTS1.Mightremains unchanged except when it is used as a request form: He said, "Ann might ring today." = He said that Ann might ring that day. (El spuse: S-ar putea s sune Ann astzi. = El spuse c s-ar putea s sune Ann n acea zi.)2. Ought to/shouldforobligationorassumptionremains unchanged: "They ought to widen this road" I said. = I said that they ought to widen this road. (Ar trebui s lrgeasc strada. Spuse el. = El spuse c ar trebui s lrgeasc strada.)3. Wouldin statements does not change. "Id be very grateful if youd keep me informed" he said. = He asked me to keep him informed. (A fi foarte recunosctor dac m-ai ine la curent.Spuse el = El m rug s l in la current.)4. Used todoes not change. "I know the place well because I used to live here" he explained. = He explained that he knew the place well because he used to live there. (Cunosc bine locul pentru c am stat acolo. Explic el. = El explic faptul c tia locul pentru c a stat acolo.)

PRONOUN AND ADJECTIVE IN INDIRECT SPEECHPronouns and possessive adjectives usually change from first or second to third person, except when the speaker is reporting his own words: I said, "I like my new house" = I said that I liked my new house. (Am spus: mi place casa mea nou. = El a spus c i plcea casa lui nou.)Thisused in time expressions usually becomesthat.This, theseused as pronouns can becomeit, they/them. He said, "We will discuss them tomorrow". = He said that they will discuss it (the matter) the next day. (El a spus: Vom discuta (problema) mine. = El a spus c vor discuta (problema) yiua urmtoare.)


Direct speech - vorbirea directaIndirect speech - vorbire indirecta

TodayThat day

YesterdayThe day before

The day before yesterdayTwo days before

TomorrowThe next day/ the following day

The day after tomorrowIn two days time

Next week/ year etc.The following week/ year etc.

Last week/ year etc.The previous week/ year etc.

A year agoA year before/ the previous year

Direct speech - vorbirea directaIndirect speech - vorbire indirecta

SAYANDTELL1. Sayandtellwith direct speech Saycan introduce a statement or follow it, whiletellrequires the person addressed. Inversion ofsayand noun subject is possible, whensayfollows the statement, but inversion withtellis not possible. "Im leaving at once" Tom said. (Plec odat. A spus Tom) - vorbirea directa "Im leaving at once" Tom told me. (Plec odat. Mi-a spus Tom)- vorbirea directa2. Sayandtellwith indirect speech Indirect statements are normally introduced bysay,ortell +object. Say + to + objectis also possible, but much less usual thantell + object.

Exprimarea opiniei in limba englezaArticolul "Exprimarea opiniei in limba engleza"va prezinta succint modul in care opinia (parerea personala) se exprima in limba engleza. Exercitii cu timpurile verbelor la indicativ cu explicatii (I)

Formal waysof expressing opinion, characteristic of written English:In my view(dupa mine) ..., from my point of view(din punctul meu de vedere)...,in my opinion(dupa parerea mea)...From my view point I believe that the company achieved its target for 2010. (Din punctul meu de vedere compania si-a realizat scopul pentru 2010.)In my opinion he did what he could to save the situation. (Dupa parerea mea el a facut tot posibilul sa salveze situatia)

Less formalequivalents more characteristic of spoken English include the following:to my mind(pentru mine) ..., I reckon(eu consider) ..., I feel(eu cred)..., if you ask me(daca ma intrebi pe mine)..., to be honest (with you)(sa fiu sincer) ..., as far as I'm concerned (in ceea ce ma priveste)...If you ask me I do not approve that kind of behavior.(Dupa mine, nu sunt de acord cu acest tip de comportament.)As far as I'm concerned my job is done.(In ceea ce ma priveste eu mi-am facut treaba.)

If one is required to writean essayin which one has to express an opinion use the alternatives:I think that(eu cred ca) It seems to me that (mi se pare ca) I do not believe that(nu cred ca) I do not agree that (nu sunt de acord cu)It seems to me that a mistake has been made, the accounts are still empty. (Mi se pare ca s-a facut o greseala, conturile sunt inca goale.)I do not believe that they are supposed to raise the prices in order to survive on the market. (Nu cred ca ei ar trebui sa cresca preturile pentru a supravietui pe piata.)Making concessions:Of course, some people argue (bineinteles, unii cred ca) While (In timp ce) Admittedly (Dupa cum se stie)Of course, some people argue that is better to start the campaign right now. (Bineinteles, unii cred ca ar fi mai bine sa incepem campania acum.)Admittedly, your product is expensive but maybe if we negotiate we can reach an agreement. (Dupa cum se stie, produsul dumneavoastra e scump dar poate daca negociem ajungem la o intelegere.)

Clarifying an opinion: By this I mean (Prin asta, vreau sa spun) Here I'm referring to (Si aici ma refer la) To be more precise(Mai precis) That is to say(Adica..)

That is to say they left without saying goodbye. (Adica, au plecat fara sa isi ia la revedere.)To be more precise we are interested in the outcome of this discussion. (Mai precis, pe noi ne intereseaza rezultatul discutiei.)Agreeing with an opinion:Of course (Bineinteles) You are absolutely right (Ai dreptate.). I couldn't agree more (Sunt de acord) Exactly (Exact) Thats true (E adevarat) I agree with you entirely (Sunt de acord cu tine in totalitate). That is just what I was thinking (Exact la asta ma gandeam si eu)You are absolutely right; Sam is the one who should receive the prize. (Ai perfecta dreptate, Sam e cel care ar trebui sa primeasca premiul)I agree with you entirely, the best way to succeed is to promote the products on other markets.(Sunt complet de acord cu dumneavoastra cea mai buna cale spre success e promovarea produselor pe alte piete.)Disagreeing with an opinion:I dont agree with you (Nu sunt de accord cu tine) However (Totusi) On the contrary (Dimpotriva) Im sorry to disagree with you, but (Imi pare rau ca nu sunt de acord, dar)Yes, but dont you think (Da, dar nu crezi ca). Im afraid I have to disagree (Ma tem ca nu sunt de acord.)However, it was not supposed to end like this. (Totusi, nu trebuia sa se termine asa.)Im afraid I have to disagree with you; the students are not ready yet for a final test.(Ma tem ca nu sunt de acord cu dumneavoastra, studentii nu sunt pregatiti pentru testul final.)I am not tired; on the contrary I am eager to start working on the project.(Nu sunt obosita, dimpotriva sunt nerabdatoare sa incep munca la proiect.)

Exercitii cu timpurile verbelor la indicativ

Atunci cnd avem de stabilit ce timp i ce aspect avem de pus ntr-o propoziie, trebuie avute n vedere urmtoarele criterii:- cnd se folosete acel timp i/sau aspect- ce cuvinte cheie avem n propoziie

1.Apa fierbe...Apafierbela 100 de grade Celsius.-Waterboilsat 100 C.Explicatie: Pentru ca se refera la un adevr general valabil.Apafierbe (acum) -The water is boilingnow.Explicatie: S-a folosit Present Continuous pentru aciunea este prezent i se desfoar acum, sau n jurul momentului(acum).2. Soarele rsare ...Soarelersare la e
