  • Ташкентский государственньш Банковско-фннансовая академия Международнмй Вестминстерский экономический университет Ресиублики Узбекистан университет в городе Ташкенте




    «Стратегия действий Ресиублики

    гстаоильность, инвестиционнаяактивность иинновационн




    Лп ЛссгаИюс! 1пч1|Ц|(10п оГ (Ьс 1/т\сг>!!у оГ\\гс$1т 1П$(сг (ИК)

    Ғ Е Ч А К С Е А С А Б Е М У

    О Ғ Т Н Е К Е Р Ц В И С О Ғ 117В Е К Т 8 Т А ^

    28-29 мая 2018 года

  • Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт уииверситети

    Ўзбекистон Республикаси Банк молия академияси

    Тошкент шаҳридаги халқаро Вестминистер университети

    , |Д '0Т1500/У,


    I Ап АссгаИюс! 1п;>й(и(юп оГсЬс С1п1\-сг5>*!у г\\'с$!гтп$1сг (Ц К )





    2018 йил 28-29 май










  • 3

    Мундарижа Содержание Content

    Sobirov Abdurasul Abdugafforovich. Measures to enhance the attraction of

    foreign investment for the implementation of the objectives of the Strategy for

    the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 ............. 7

    Inoyatova Sitora Amonovna, Obidjon Khamidov Khafizovich. Current State of

    Hotels‟ Websites in Uzbekistan ............................................................................ 12

    Цветков Валерий Анатольевич, Valeriy A. Tsvetkov, Зиядуллаев Наби

    Саидкаримович, Nabi S. Ziyadullaev, Зоидов Кобилжон Ходжиевич, Kobilzhon

    Kh. Zoidov. Modeling the crisis cyclical socio-economic system of the

    countries of central asia in conditions of instability ........................................... 18

    Isakоv Musохоn Yusupdjanоvich, Sultanоv Baхtiyar Tursinbaеvich. Iqtisоdiyotda

    tub tarkibiy o`zgarishlarni davоm ettirish mamlakat raqоbatbardоshligini

    ta`minlashning garоvi ........................................................................................... 50

    Kasimova Mafirat Sobirovna, Kodirov Nizomjon. Mechanisms of production

    management within the framework of the strategy of Uzbekistan .................. 58

    Muminova Gulmira Bakhodirovna. Recent trends in the strategic development

    of the national economy: opportunities for the development of innovative

    marketing applications………………………………….……………………….63

    Yadgarov Akram Akbarovich, Qiyomova Qunduz Asrorovna. The role of

    agricultural insurance in protecting from diverse risks………………....………..69

    Абдураманов Х.Х., Рахматуллаева Шахноза Хамидовна. Ишсизларни касбга

    ўқитиш тизимини такомиллаштириш ........................................................... 73

    Абдусаломова Нодира Баходировна. 2017-2021 йилларда саноатни

    ривожлантириш ва модернизация қилиш Ўзбекистонни

    ривожлантириш ҳаракатлар стратегиясининг асосий вазифаларидан

    бири сифатида ...................................................................................................... 77

    Атаниязова Максуда Балтабаевна. Хорижий мамлакатларнинг меҳнат

    бозорини тартибга солиш борасидаги тажрибаларидан фойдаланиш

    имкониятлари ...................................................................................................... 82

    Бакиева Ирода Акбаровна, Раджабова Назира Искандаровна. Аҳолининг

    иш билан бандлигини таъминлашнинг ҳудудий хусусиятлари ................ 88

    Бердиев Самариддин Рахматович. Ҳаракатлар стратегиясини амалга

    оширишда Ўзбекистонда органик мева-сабзавотлар бозорини ташкил

    этишнинг аҳамияти ............................................................................................ 93

  • 4

    Бобаназарова Жамила Холмуродовна, Ахмедов Зохид Собирович.

    Ўзбекистонда аѐлларнинг иш билан бандлигини ошириш

    имкониятлари ...................................................................................................... 98

    Бутабаев Меҳриддин Шахобиддинович. О необходимости принятия

    долгосрочных концепций регионального развития .................................. 102

    Ганиева Муборак Адиловна, Рузиев Шохрузбек Равшан ўғли. Тарихий-

    маданий туризм ва уни ривожлантириш истиқболлари .......................... 106

    Зиядуллаев Улугбек Саидкаримович. Стратегические приоритеты

    республики Узбекистан в развитии международного экономического


    Зиѐдуллаева Лола Саидкаримовна. Макроэкономическая стабильность

    как важный фактор развития предпринимательства и инновационного

    развития Узбекистана ...................................................................................... 115

    Дадабаева Рано Акрамовна. Предпосылки формирования и развития

    базовых платформ знание-ориентированной цифровой экономики...... 119

    Исмаилов Аллаѐр Рашидович. Ўзбекистонда акциядорлик

    жамиятларининг инвестицион фаолиятини ривожлантириш йўллари 123

    Касымов С.М., Касымов С.С. Применение маркетинговой инновационной

    стратегии в системе управления ценообразованием товара на рынке .. 127

    Мухаммедов Мурод Мухаммедович. Стратегия действий и перспективы

    усиления интеграции Узбекистана в глобальную экономическую

    систему ................................................................................................................. 132

    Нормуродов Хусан Эшмахматович. Ўзбекистон иқтисодиѐтини

    инвестицион ривожлантиришнинг стратегик йўналишлари .................. 137

    Расулов Тўлқин Саттарович. Ривожланаѐтган мамлакатларда иқтисодий

    хавфсизлик ва рақобатбардошликка эришиш йўналишлари ................. 142

    Саидов Муҳаммадали Хакимович, Ашурметова Нигора. Значимость и

    эффективность развития человеческого капитала в Узбекистане ......... 148

    Салимов Бахтиѐр Таджиевич. Худудлар ялпи махсулотининг ўзгариш

    тенденсиялари таҳлили ва устивор йўналишлари .................................... 152

    Талипова Н.Т. Социально-экономическая политика Узбекистана на

    современном этапе ............................................................................................ 157

    Темирханова Муътабар Жураевна. Мамлакатимизда туризм соҳасини

    ривожлантиришнинг устувор йўналишлари ва ўзига хос хусусиятлари .. 161

  • 5

    Тоймухамедов Иброхим Рихсибоевич. Проблемы и пути повышения

    эффективности деятельности фермерских хозяйств в области

    выращивания плодоовощных культур ........................................................ 164

    Тошпўлатов Азизбек Шермухаммадович. Ҳаракатлар стретегияси:

    ҳудудларнинг иқтисодий ривожланишининг муҳим йўналиши сифатида168

    Тўланова Зулфия Аҳмаджоновна. Ўзбекистонда замонавий халқаро савдо

    ва дипломатик муносабатларни шакллантиришнинг тарихий


    Хайдаров Ғайратбек Мирзапўлатович. Ўзбекистондаги ижтимоий ва

    иқтисодий ўзгаришларда Европа Иттифоқи мамлакатларининг ўрни.180

    Хасанов Алишер Наджимиддинович. Международные филиалы

    университетов: Форма транснационального образования для перехода

    от импорта к экспорту образовательных услуг .......................................... 184

    Холмуратов С.Э. Повышение уровня занятости населения республики

    Узбекистан .......................................................................................................... 187

    Хомитов Комилжон Зоитович. Меҳнат бозорида ижтимоий шериклик

    тизимини ривожлантиришда давлатнинг роли .......................................... 193

    Шарипов Қувондиқ Бахтиѐрович. Миллий иқтисодиѐт рақобатбардошлиги

    даражасини аниқлаш кўрсаткичлари ва уни ошириш йўналишлари .. 198

    Шаропова Нафосат Раджабовна. Мактабгача таълим тизимини

    ривожлантиришнинг хорижий тажрибалари ва уни Ўзбекистонда

    қўллаш имкониятлари ..................................................................................... 203

    Шохаъзамий Шохмансур Шохназир ўғли. Совершенствование финансовой

    политики, финансово-кредитной системы и финансового рынка в

    контексте стратегии действий ........................................................................ 210

    Эргашев Уролбек Беркинович. Ўзбекистонда туризм тараққиѐти: муаммо

    ва ечимлар .......................................................................................................... 215

    Эргашходжаева Шахноза Джасуровна, Солиев Ахмаджон, Фаттахов

    Адхамжон Азизович, Юсупов Мухаммадамин. Проблемы использования

    теоретико-методологических основ маркетинга в процессе реализации

    стратегий действий ........................................................................................... 219

    Эргашходжаева Шахноза Джасуровна, Хакимов Зиѐдулла Ахмадович.

    Тошкент вилояти саноатини кластерлаш стратегиясини ишлаб чиқиш.. 223

    Юлдашев Нуритдин Курбанович, Турсунов Бобир Ортикрмизаевич.

    Стратегическое направление развития текстильной промышленности

    Узбекистана ........................................................................................................ 230

  • 6

    Юсупов Асомиддин Соатович. СЭЗ в Узбекистане: главные целы, роли в

    развитии национальной экономики и повышении экспортного

    потенциала страны ........................................................................................... 235

    Maksudova D.K., Alimbaeva Sh.A. Effects of globalization on formation of the

    economic thinking and culture of students in the educational process .......... 244

    Muratova M.N., Mukhamedova M.S. A new approach in teaching English

    language in an era of globalization .................................................................... 248

    Nazarova B.M. English is a tool of international cooperation in times of

    economic globalization………………………………………………………...252

    Sultanova D.T. Predominant role of foreign languages in enhancing

    competitiveness of the national economy of Uzbekistan.................................. 254

    Vakhobova M.A. Structural reforms in Uzbekistan: supporting future-oriented

    learning and teaching .......................................................................................... 259

    Фарманова Барно Абдукаюмовна. Стратегический рывок Узбекистана:

    новый этап динамичного развития ............................................................... 263

    Тешабаев Тулкин Зокирович. Олий таълим муассасаларида таҳсил олувчи

    ѐшларда етакчилик хусусиятларини тарбиялаш.......................................267

    Набиев Элшод Ғаниевич. Қишлоқ хўжалигини модернизациялаш ва

    ундаги таркибий ўзгаришлар таҳлили........................................................272

    Burkhanov Aktam Usmanovich. Ensuring financial security of the country – the

    main factor of economic growth.........................................................................277

    Бабаджанова Лола Шопулатовна. Активизация механизмов увеличения

    доходов бюджетов территорий–важный аспект стратегии развития

    Республики Узбекистан....................................................................................280

    Пулатов Д.Х. Государственные закупки в системе здравоохранения

    Республики Узбекистан....................................................................................286

    Думонов Б.М. Некоторые аспекты развитие химических знаний, умений и

    навыков в общеобразовательных школах...................................................292

    Пулатов Д.Х. Совершенствование системы внутреннего контроля и

    аудита в контексте реформы управления государственными


    Ҳакимов Ҳакимжон Абдулло ўғли. Мамлакатда фискал ва монетар

    сиѐсатни мувофиқлаштиришнинг моҳияти ва сабаблари........................300

  • 7

    Sobirov Abdurasul Abdugafforovich,

    Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,





    Uzbekistan needs to attract foreign investment, especially foreign direct investment, as, in the

    volumes that they now enter the economy of the country, they are not enough to fully solve all the

    tasks for further socio-economic development. In the Strategy of Action for the five priority

    development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, approved by the Decree of the

    President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, laid the foundation for a large-scale

    development of the country in the medium term [1]. This program document of the country defines

    a number of tasks, the effective solution of which depends, among other things, on the scale of

    attracting foreign investment in the economy and regions of the republic.

    The measures taken to reform the economy of the republic and its sectors in general,

    structural reforms and the implementation of large-scale investment projects have made it possible

    to ensure the growth of the socio-economic development indicators of the republic, to establish the

    production of highly liquid products needed to meet the needs of the population, industry,

    agriculture, and transport. In the most general form, economic growth means a quantitative and

    qualitative change in the results of production and its factors (their productivity). The economic

    growth finds its expression in the increase in the country's GDP, and in the scale of its regions -

    GRP, in the growth of their economic power. Two interrelated indicators can measure this increase:

    the growth over a certain period of real GDP of the republic or GDP growth per capita. Therefore, it

    is generally accepted that the indicator reflecting economic growth is the annual rate of GDP

    growth in percent in relation to the previous period. This and other macroeconomic indicators that

    characterize the development of Uzbekistan's economy in 2005-2017 are shown in Fig.1.

    The data shown in Fig. 1 and the calculation made on them perform that the growth rate of the

    republic's GDP for this period increased by an average of 7.9% per year. Accordingly, other

    indicators characterizing macroeconomic development also increased. Thus, the growth rate of

    industrial production in the country increased by 8.6%, agricultural production by 6%, consumer

    goods - 13.4%, retail turnover - 14.5%, paid services - 13.9% and fixed investment - 12.7%. In

    continuation of this, we note that one of the main factors determining the growth of the economy in

    the long term is, of course, the effective use of investment resources. In modern economic realities,

    high and stable growth rates are typical for countries with a high saving rate and a significant share

    of investment in GDP. Thus, investments are the most dynamic component of GDP. As the world

    practice has shown, during periods of economic downturn or immediately before it, the share of

    investments in GDP and the rate of their growth usually decline. On the contrary, the indicator of

    normalization of the economic situation is a high growth rate of investment, primarily investment in

    fixed assets [2, 36].

  • 8

    2004 - 100%; data for 2017 – preliminary

    Source: compiled according to State Committee of Statistics for the relevant period

    Fig. 1. Growth rates of macroeconomic indicators in Uzbekistan

    for 2005-2017 years. Nowadays, in order to ensure a favorable investment climate, Uzbekistan has created and

    successfully operates a management investment infrastructure that includes a normative legal field

    in attracting foreign investment, taking into account all forms of state support, development

    institutions, both in the whole country and at the regional level , a built-up system of interaction

    with institutions, mechanisms for removing administrative barriers, investment policy of creating

    and operating a free economy (FEZ) and small industrial zones (SIZ), the technology of investment

    support and etc.

    In recent years, the trend of increasing investment in the fixed capital of the Republic has

    been steady. For the period from 2010-2016 years the volume of all investments of the republic

    increased in actual prices from 15338,7 billion soums to 49770,6 billion soums or by 3,2 times

    (Table 1). It is important to note here that according to the results of 2017 year (according to

    preliminary data) there is a significant increase to 60719,2 billion sums. For example, if within 6

    years the volume of investments in the fixed capital of the republic increased by an average of

    35,243 billion soums per year, only in the last year compared to 2016 year they increased by almost

    11 billion sums. Such a positive trend in the growth of all the republic's investments was

    accompanied by an improvement in their structure and sources of financing. At the same time, a

    noticeable shift has been made towards a reduction in the share of centralized investments and

    simultaneously, an increase in the share of non-centralized investments, including enterprises and

    the population, foreign direct investment and credits, commercial banks and other borrowed funds.

    If in the early 2000s year their ratio of centralized and non-centralized investments of the country

    was 29, 2% and 70, 8%, by the end of 2016 it became 21, 1% and 78, 9%.

    The largest share in the structure of capital investments last year was made up of investments

    from own funds of economic entities (29,5%), whose volume increased by 18,5% compared to the

    same period in 2016, which indicates active involvement of enterprises in various programs adopted

  • 9

    in the republic. However, in the year of 2017 there is a decrease in the share of the population's

    funds in all capital investments of the country compared to 2016. It shows that there is not a very

    favorable situation of insufficient use of savings by individuals in order to transform them into

    investment resources necessary for the development of the republic. In essence, the growth of the

    population's savings, their social and economic structure and the efficiency of using these resources

    in the modern market economy - all this is of fundamental importance for the formation of the most

    important proportions of expanded reproduction. It also significantly determines the direction of the

    investment process, the scale and structure of supply and demand, affects the cyclical nature of

    economic development, including the occurrence of crises. Thus, the insufficient level of domestic

    savings strengthens the role of foreign investments in the national economy, including direct

    investments, which, along with bank loans, can become almost the main source of investment and

    an important tool to improve the competitiveness of the economy of the republic.

    Foreign investment is a fairly promising source of financing for investment activities.

    Analyzing the situation with attracting foreign investments and FDI to Uzbekistan, according to the

    data given in Table. 1, for 2017 (although this is preliminary figures), you can notice that, on the

    whole, these are not bad results and even can be said - significant changes. So, in 2017, the total

    volume of foreign investments entered the economy of the republic together with loans for 16308,9

    billion sums, which accounted for 26,9% of all investments in the fixed capital of the country

    (Table 1). We will say that this is the most significant indicator received for the period starting from

    2011. In general, over the eight-year period (2010-2017), the volume of foreign investments and

    credits in the republic increased by 3,8 times.

    The largest volume of foreign investment in the country in 2016 came from countries such as

    Russia (3575.6 billion soums), the Republic of Korea (2145.4 billion soums), Great Britain (318.3

    billion soums), Switzerland (256,4 billion soums) and Singapore (170.2 billion soums). The share

    of these five countries in all foreign investments of the republic was about 61%.

    Table 1.

    Investment Dynamics of Uzbekistan in 2010-2016

    Year Investments

    in fixed

    assets, total,

    billion UZS

    From them,

    foreign investments and


    including foreign direct investment




    share in


    in fixed




    share of FDI



    in fixed


    share of FDI

    in foreign


    and credits,%

    2010 y. 15338,7 4340,8 28,3 3058,7 19,9 70,5

    2011 y. 17953,4 3853,8 21,5 3108,6 17,3 80,7

    2012 y. 22797,3 4653,3 20,4 3792,3 16,6 81,5

    2013 y. 28694,6 5532,7 19,3 4379,1 15,3 79,1

    2014 y. 35233,3 6980,1 19,8 5339,1 15,2 76,5

    2015 y. 41670,5 8309,5 19,9 6273,1 15,1 75,5

    2016 y. 49770,6 10611,4 21,3 7353,7 14,8 69,3

    2017 y.* 60719,2 16308,9 26,9 12395,2 20,4 76,0

    For 2017 - preliminary data.

    Source: compiled according to State Committee on Statistics data for the relevant years.

    Long-term investments or FDI attracted to Uzbekistan's economy last year also show

    significant results. Practice shows that such investments provide access to the world financial

    resources, innovative services and goods that affect the qualitative growth of products demanded by

    the market, contribute to the competitiveness of the national economy at the international level,

    increase its stable growth, which practically improve the living standards of the inhabitants of the

    country. The share of FDI received in 2017 in all investments of the republic was 20,4%, and this is

  • 10

    the most significant indicator for the entire period from 2010 (Table 1). The volume of FDI in 2017

    (according to preliminary data), in actual prices increased to 12395,2 billion soums against 7353,7

    billion soums in 2016 or by 1,7 times. In our opinion, such a leap in attracting foreign investment,

    including FDI, was facilitated by the state policy implemented in the republic to support long-term

    investments and create favorable economic conditions for the development of investment activities.

    After all, a well-known fact is that the attractiveness of the investment environment is determined,

    first of all, by the conditions of the tax, amortization, financial and credit policy of the state and

    other aspects. At the same time, for potential foreign investors, carrying out both short-term and

    long-term investments, not only the conditions in force at a given moment, but also the expected

    prospects for their development, the degree of stability of the political and economic situation in the

    country and other factors are important. To all this in Uzbekistan, special and close attention is paid

    by the state and government.

    The inflow of FDI into the economy of the country contributes to an increase in the number of

    economic entities that are organized in the form of enterprises with foreign investments, including

    joint ventures. In total in the republic, as of the beginning of 2018, operating enterprises with

    foreign capital participation are 5517 units against 5008 units for 2016. The share of operating

    enterprises with foreign investments in the total number of all enterprises of the republic in 2010-

    2016 amounted to no more than 1,7-1,8%. The bulk of such enterprises operate in industry and

    trade, and the smallest share is observed in health care, provision of social services, information and

    communication. The share of employed in enterprises with foreign investment on a republican scale

    is insignificant and averaged 1.3-1.4%.

    The introduction of such new forms of attracting foreign capital into the country as the FEZ

    and the SIZ are among the priority directions of state policy and important strategic tasks of

    economic development. In 1996, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Free Economic Zones"

    was adopted, which was a very progressive normative document presupposing a practical

    liberalization of investors' activity in the territory of the zones. The epoch of creation of FEZ began

    in the republic much later, with the organization in 2008 of FIEZ ―Navoi‖, ―Angren‖ (2012) and

    Djizakh (2013), whose activities have shown their effectiveness in implementing projects for the

    organization production of various types of products. These include the production of mobile

    phones, car wires, heating boilers, base oils, technical silicon, LED lamps, ceramic granite tiles,

    solar collectors, electrical household appliances, carpet products, etc. The previously created SEZ

    operated quite successfully, but they were still very local segments of the Uzbek economy, which is

    evident at least by the volume of attracted investments.

    The Strategy of Action on the five priority development directions of the Republic of

    Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 outlines a number of tasks to strengthen macroeconomic stability, actively

    attracting in the economy and investment regions, especially foreign ones, the creation of favorable

    conditions for the development of private entrepreneurship on the basis of privatized state facilities,

    social and economic development of districts and cities. Important in this direction is the ongoing

    work to improve the efficiency of free economic zones, technology parks and small industrial

    zones, the organization of new similar structures. This contributed to the creation in the country in

    2017 and early 2018, another 13 free economic zones. Thus, to date, there are 16 FEZs on the

    territory of the republic. President of the country Sh. Mirziyoyev at the meeting devoted to the

    analysis of the effectiveness of the FEZ, noted as shortcomings in the work of the SEZ, which

    negatively affect the development of the economy, the process of attracting investments, and the

    positive results of the operation of the FEZ. For example, last year in the free economic zone

    "Navoi", "Angren", "Djizakh", "Urgut", "Gijduvan", "Kokand" and "Khazarasp" 62 projects

    totaling $ 486 million were realized, more than 4,6 thousand worker places were created [4].

    For all investors and economic operators of the FEZ, an extensive system of privileges and

    pLiterature:s is applied and special tax, customs and currency regimes are operate. Privileges are

    granted for a period from 3 to 10 years, depending on the volume of investments made, including

    the equivalent: from 300 thousand US dollars to 3 million US dollars - for a period for 3 years; from

    $ 3 million to $ 5 million - for a period for 5 years; from $ 5 million to $ 10 million - for a period

  • 11

    for 7 years; from 10 million US dollars and above - for a period for 10 years, with application of the

    income tax rate and single tax payment for the next 5 years at a rate of 50% below the current rates.

    Thus, the measures introduced in Uzbekistan, both to increase the attraction of foreign investment,

    and to support the investors working in the country, most fully and effectively reflect the efforts that

    the state is making to increase the flow of attracted funds.

    It should be noted that the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3356

    of 25.10.2017 "On Additional Measures to Improve the Efficiency of Free Economic Zones and

    Small Industrial Zones" defines measures for SEZs that radically changed the current management

    system and organization of activities. In fact, introduced a completely new system. It provides for

    the transformation of the existing territorial commissions into administrative councils, which will

    resolve all the necessary issues related to the organization of the work of the FEZ. Administrative

    councils are given the right to dispose of land plots throughout the territory on which FEZ and SIZ

    are established, including vacant, idle state-owned facilities and free land plots. Production facilities

    located in such zones are located, first of all, on the basis of idle, empty buildings, structures and

    uncompleted construction of facilities and territories that have a failed engineering infrastructure.

    The Republican Council for the Coordination of the Activities of Administrative Boards of

    Free Economic Zones and Small Industrial Zones is now responsible for the overall decision-

    making strategy and the development of the policy vector of the FEZ. This is due to the fact that

    such decisions of the SIZ from individual components of the national economy are turning into its

    important, and almost one of its main parts. In fact, functioning SIZs in different regions should

    form a powerful and promising production complex aimed at further attracting foreign investments

    and developing the economy of the republic.

    World practice has shown that small business is effective only when it relies on real support

    from the state. The coverage of benefits and incentives for residents of the SIZ is pervasive. In the

    republic, they began to be created as early as in 2014 with the adoption of the Resolution of the

    President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Additional Measures for the Realization of Objects of

    State Ownership to Small Business and Private Entrepreneurs". Since then, another mechanism has

    been implemented and the opportunity to tap unused areas and empty buildings that are in state

    ownership through their transfer to entrepreneurs on a long-term lease.

    In the republic, the organization of SIZ on the basis of empty enterprises and unoccupied

    territories has shown its success. The following figures show this. At the end of 2017, the number

    of SIZs in the country reached 96. 1021 projects with a total cost of 535 billion soums were realized

    in the territories of the SIZ, new enterprises with more than 9,6 thousand work places were created.

    Within the framework of projects, products of light, chemical, food industry, electrical engineering,

    modern building materials, furniture and other products are in demand not only on the domestic

    market but also on the foreign market.

    As for the FEZ, a system of benefits is applied to the SIZ participants. The mechanism for

    granting leases and benefits to entrepreneurs SIZ is designed in such a way that they can organize

    their business without excessive financial and other costs. So after acquaintance with the premises

    provided for rent between the entrepreneur, the Lease Center and the administration of the small

    industrial zone, a tripartite lease agreement is concluded. Provided that the entrepreneur has a ready

    business plan that meets the criteria for investment and export obligations, he can become a resident

    within 2-3 weeks. In the case of assistance in ensuring production of all necessary communications.

    In addition, for enterprises located in small industrial zones the following favorable financial

    conditions have been created: a) the rent is set at a minimum level without the use of additional

    coefficients. The cost of renting one square meter is 3,5-3,8 thousand soums per year; b) the

    tenancy period is ten years, and can be extended again for this period when all agreements are

    implemented and taxes and other payments are paid promptly; c) simplified customs and tax

    regimes for residents. They are exempt from tax payments for two years with an investment of at

    least three thousand times the minimum wage. These benefits are extended for an additional two

    years when selling at least 30 percent of the products abroad. Entrepreneurs can also get preferential

    loans, and the collateral part can provide a guarantee fund of small industrial zones with a level of

  • 12

    localization of products of enterprises of at least 60 percent and exports of not less than 10 percent

    of the total volume of products produced during the year.

    In conclusion, we note that, as international experience shows, relatively little attention is paid

    to the investment policy of foreign countries in simplifying investment procedures. For example,

    among 173 investment promotion and simplification measures introduced in 2010-2015 around the

    world, investment simplification measures were only a small part. [3] Simplification of investment

    procedures is a relief for investors to place or expand their investments. They can include both

    increasing the transparency of information available to investors, and working to improve the

    efficiency and effectiveness of administrative procedures for investors, etc. Thus, on the one hand,

    having a large system of incentives for foreign investments and investors (tax incentives and

    incentives), and on the other - taking into account the current trend in the world for simplifying

    investments, Uzbekistan should focus on observing a certain balance between these two processes.


    1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 07.02.2017 DP-4947 "On the

    strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

    2. Investments: a textbook for universities / edited by L.I. Yuzvovich, S.A. Degtyareva, E.G.

    Knyazevoy. - Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2016. - 543 p.

    3. UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2016.UN.Geneva, 2016.-63 p.

    4. Materials of the meeting devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of free economic zones in


    Inoyatova Sitora Amonovna,

    PhD Researcher,


    Dr. Obidjon Khamidov Khafizovich,

    PhD Vice-Rector,



    Uzbekistan is paying great attention towards the development of the tourism industry.

    Evidence of this is Uzbekistan‘s Development Strategy for 2017-2021. This research is going to

    follow section 3.2 of the strategy which reads: ―Improving the competitiveness of the economy

    through deepening of structural reforms, modernization and diversification of its leading

    industries‖ with the sub-category of ―achieving accelerated development of the tourism industry,

    enhancing its role and contribution to the economy, diversification and improving the quality of

    tourist services, upgrading of tourism infrastructure”.1

    There has been a number of actions towards upgrading the tourism infrastructure and

    development of the tourism industry in Uzbekistan. It is important to note, that with the aim of

    service improvement, Goskomtourism has developed two governmental standards for the

    hotels and guesthouses.2

    It has been planned to arrange annual forum for investors in the tourism industry in

    Uzbekistan. Road maps have been developed with the aim of increasing investment in tourism

    industry; there will be government stimulation for building of hotels, theme parks, and other similar

    tourist destinations.3Uzbekistan also started working on development of shopping tourism, which

    will be aimed mostly on shopping areas rather than historical heritage.4It is also planned to launch

    1The Tashkent Times, 2017

    2Spot, 2018, 2018

    4НовостиУзбекистана, 2017

  • 13

    the first universal travel support (phone number which soon will be transferred into 4 digits

    number) for tourists in the Republic of Uzbekistan through which tourists can get travelers‘

    support and information about their trip.5

    Since one of the main elements of the tourism industry are tourists, one of the ways for them

    to obtain information about our country would be the hotels‘ websites through which they obtain

    preliminary information about pricing, reservations options, and so on. Quality of website can

    positively impact the hotels‘ sales, since it affects the decision-making process of the tourists to

    reserve the hotel. So far, there is limited information about similar research especially in

    Uzbekistan. Therefore, current condition of the websites of the hotels of Uzbekistan shall be

    analyzed and recommendations shall be provided for future improvement and considerations by the


    According to Holiday Habits Report (2017)6, eighty-three (83%) percent of the residents of

    the United Kingdom have booked their holiday using online services. Seventy (70%) percent of

    overseas tourists visiting Ireland reserved their hotel online.7

    There has been a number of research studies conducted to investigate the relationship between

    website and its effectiveness on sales and promotion.8It has been found that customers‘ decision to

    book a hotel is dependent on the appearance of the website especially, which include the photos,

    and then theme, color scheme, ease of use.9In another study, it has been revealed that there is a

    positive correlation between the quality of economy hotel corporate websites in China and online

    booking intention by the consumers.10

    Which provides some arguments for the positive effects of

    maintaining the corporate website. It is interesting to note that in China, economy hotel industry is

    thriving to increase online direct sales rather than through the third-party companies which are

    charging high commissions.11

    Even though there are hotels which use the full potential of Internet and upgrade and improve

    their websites for being more user-friendly, modern, contain more quality information, there are still

    hotels which neglect the importance of websites as being main tool for communicating with

    customers; they have big gaps in handling online booking inquiries through their websites namely

    by email, online booking forms, etc.12

    In a study of 111 hotels in Germаny, Switzerlаnd and Austria, it has been revealed that hotels

    are not fully using all tools to market themselves through corporate websites (e.g. lack of various

    cоntact information, poor quality responses, lack of virtual tours and 360‘ degrees view of rooms,

    nоn-availability of hotel information online, which is a demonstration of poor online inquiries


    Around 30% of hotels and 20% of tоurism offices left emails from potential customers

    without a response.14

    It has also been found that difficult to use hotel websites negatively affеct

    оnline booking and ‗revisit intentions‘.15

    Uzbekistan‘s hotels website evaluation analysis shall be conducted, including personal

    evaluation of the researchers, and open to public online statistics resources using qualitative

    method. The study of hotels‘ websites shall take place during January 2018 to March 2018 time

    frame. The data shall be collected from the websites of Gоlden Pages (2018), Yellоw Pages

    Uzbekistan (2018), the State Cоmmittee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (2018) as well

    as hotels‘ websites shall be investigated separately. The оbjective of the study is to investigate the

    current state of Uzbekistan‘s hotels websites.

    5UzbekistanToday, 2018

    6Holiday Habits Report, 2017

    7Failte Ireland National Tourism Development Authority, 2013

    8Chan and Law, 2006, cited in Inversini and Masiero, 2014

    9Phelan et al., 2011

    10Li et al., 2017

    11Li et al., 2017

    12Gardini, 2015

    13Gardini, 2015

    14SеrviceQualita t Niеdersachsen, 2006, cited in Gardini, 2015

    15Essawy, 2006, cited in Dickinger and Mazanec, 2008

  • 14

    According to the State Cоmmittee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (2017)16

    , there

    are around 750 hotels and similar accommodations in Uzbekistan as of 2016. Based on Yellow

    Pages Uzbekistan (2018)17

    , there are 271 hotels and similar accommodations and 276 based on

    Golden Pages (2018)18

    . After cоllection and combination of data from Gоlden Pages and Yellоw

    Pages Uzbekistan, the sample size has narrowed down to 283 hotels. Criteria for evaluation

    included: presence of hоtels‘ website; presence of English language selection option; user-friendly

    (modern) website design; and distribution of hotels across the cities of the country. The analysis are

    presented as follows:

    1.1 presence& working website Analysis revealed that out of 283 hоtels, only 151 (53%) do have the website and 132 (47%)

    do not have their own website (SeeFig.1.).

    Fig.1. Presence of Website Fig.2. Working Website

    Out of 151 hotels with their own corporate websites, 110 (72.8%) hotels' websites are

    working, and 41 (27.2%) are not working (under reconstruction or wrong domain)(SeeFig.2.). Out

    of total 283 sampled hotels, only 39% have been working websites.

    1.2 user-friendly (modern) website design layout Out of 110 working websites slightly more than half i.e. 60 (55%) hotels have user-friendly

    (‗modern‘) type of website design, with (50) 45% remained to be less user-friendly design layout.

    Out of total sampled 283 hotels, 21% of hotels‘ corporate websites have user-friendly layout (See


    Fig.3. Percentage of User-friendly (modern) Website Design Layout

    1.3 websites’ English language version

    Websites have also been evaluated on a presence of English language options and versions.

    Thus, the findings reveal, that out of 110 working corporate websites, 11 websites (10%) do not


    State Cоmmittee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, 2017 17

    YellowPagesUzbekistan, 2018 18

    GoldenPages, 2018

    Yes 53%

    No 47%

    Presence of Website

    Yes No

    Yes 73%

    No 27%

    Working Website









    Percentage of User-Friendly Website Design Layout

  • 15

    have English language selection option, while 99 (90%) websites do have an English language

    option and version of their website. However, out of total sampled 283 hotels, only 99 hotels (35%)

    have English language version of the website (See Fig.4.).

    Fig.4. Presence of English Language Option in Website

    1.4 distribution of hotels across cities of the country When analyzing the number of hotels in different cities of the country, there has been

    nineteen (19) cities identified. Top three (3) of the cities demonstrate majority of hotels‘ distribution

    accounting for 222 (78%) hotels; namely (1) Tashkent with 109 hotels, (2) Bukhara with 61 hotels

    and (3) Samarkand with 52 hotels (See Fig.5.).Hotels in top three cities of the country with

    composition of both good website and working online booking service has been identified as


    - In Tashkent out of 109 hotels there are 35 (32.1%) hotels; - In Bukhara out of 61 hotels there are 12 (19.6%) hotels; - In Samarkand out of 52 hotels there are 19 (36.5%) hotels. Which tells us, those in top three cities of the country with the majority of hotel distribution,

    on average, about 29% of hotels do have both good interactive corporate website with working

    online booking service.

    Fig.5.Number/Distribution of Hоtels Across Cities of Uzbekistan






    Presence of English Language Option in Website






















    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

    NO. OF HOTELS 109 61 52 16 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Cumulative % 38,52%60,07%78,45%84,10%86,57%88,69%90,46%92,23%93,99%95,41%96,47%97,17%97,88%98,23%98,59%98,94%99,29%99,65% 100,00

    Marker 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
















    . o

    f H



    Number of Hоtels In Each City

  • 16

    Our findings reveal that оut of 750 hotels and similar accommodations, information about

    only 283 hotels have been found through online resources. Out of 283 sampled hotels, only 39%

    have the working corporate website and 27% of websites offer a working online booking function

    for the travelers; 21% have user-friendly website design; 35% have English language version of the

    website. It has alsо been fоund that top three cities with the majority of hotels distributiоn

    accоunting for 78%, fall intо Tashkent (109 hotels), Bukhara (61) and Samarkand (52 hotels).

    Here are the major recommendations for the hotels of Uzbekistan:

    (1) All of the hotels have to invest into good quality interactive corporate website with high quality photographs;

    (2) Website need to have basic ‗must have‘ features such as good quality information about hotels‘ services along with the updated contact information;

    (3) Virtual website tours and 360‘ degrees view of rooms and hotel is to be present along with the updated brochure information about hotel services which is updated and improved on a

    continuous basis;

    (4) English language version of the website needs to be present in the hotels‘ corporate website;

    (5) ‗Book Now‘ option is to be present on the home page of the hotel with the reservation dates available for traveler, and most importantly it needs to be working well;

    (6) Different types of inquiries options have to be available to travelers such as phone, email, online booking form, fax, online assistant and so on, which need to be working appropriately and

    what is more importantly handled or answered accordingly.

    (7) Consider offering mobile version of their corporate website by simplifying the online booking process and converting it into sales;

    (8) Consider investing in developing hotels‘ search engine marketing strategy, so that website can easily be found in search engines such as Google, for example;

    (9) Consider updating hotels‘ contact information not only on the corporate website but in the OTAs that hotel is registered with and in the Golden Pages, and Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.

    Among the limitations of the study are: the sample of analyzed websites focused only on the

    country of Uzbekistan, therefore generalizability of findings can be limited; also information about

    the analyzed sample of hotels has been obtained only from websites listed in the Golden Pages and

    Yellow Pages Uzbekistan online, this could lead to subjective judgement.

    The findings of this study, not only provide an information about the current state of hotels‘

    website in Uzbekistan, but also can help hoteliers to improve and develop their websites which will

    bring them to a next level of being easily found online and reached by the tourists all over the

    world, which in turn can help them boost their sales, which in long run, can increase the number of

    tourists travelling to Uzbekistan.


    1) The Tashkent Times (2017) Uzbekistan's Development Strategy for 2017-2021 has been adopted following public consultation [Online]. Available at:

    uzbekistan-s-development-strategy-for-2017-2021-has-been-adopted-following- [Accessed: 20

    March 2018].

    2) Spot (2018) В Узбекистане пересмотрят классификацию гостиниц {Online}[Accessed: 20 March 2018].

    3) (2018) В Узбекистане планируют ежегодно проводить Форум инвесторов в туриндустрию [Online]

    ezhegodno-provodit-forum-investorov-v-turindustriyu[Accessed: 20 March 2018].

    4) Новости Узбекистана (2018) Узбекистан начнѐт развивать шопинг-туризм [Online] 21 November 2017

    turizm.html[Accessed: 20 March 2018].

    5) Uzbekistan Today (2018) Goskomturizm created a service for direct information support for travelers in Uzbekistan [Online] 5 January 2018

  • 17

    created-a-service-for-direct-information-support-for-travelers-in-uzbekistan/[Accessed: 20

    March 2018].

    6) ABTA Holiday Habits Report (2017) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on 10

    February 2018].

    7) Failte Ireland National Tourism Development Authority (2013) Tourism Facts 2012. [Online]. Available at:


    [Accessed on 10 February 2018].

    8) Chan, S. and Law, R. (2006), ‗Automatic website evaluations: the case of hotels in Hong Kong‘, Information Technology & Tourism, Vol. 8 Nos 3-4, pp. 255-269. Cited in Alessandro

    Inversini, Lorenzo Masiero, (2014) ‗Selling rooms online: the use of social media and online travel

    agents‘, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 26 Issue: 2, pp.272-

    292, Available at: [Accessed on: 15 March, 2018].

    9) Kelly Virginia Phelan, NatasaChristodoulidou, Cary C. Countryman, Leonard J. Kistner, (2011) "To book or not to book: the role of hotel web site heuristics". Journal of Services

    Marketing, Vol. 25 Issue: 2, pp.134-148, Available at:

    Accessed on: 15 March, 2018].

    10) Li Li, Maojuan Peng, Nan Jiang, Rob Law (2017) ‗An empirical study on the influence of economy hotel website quality on online booking intentions‘ International Journal Of Hospitality

    Management [Online. 27 January 2017. Available

    at : [Accessed on 15 March,


    11) Marco A. Gardini (2015) ‗A Study on the Online Sales Efficiency of Upscale and Luxury Hotels in Germany, Switzerland and Austria‘ In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. [Online]: 12

    Mar 2015; 173-192.Available at: [Accessed on 10

    March 2018].

    12) ServiceQualitat Niedersachsen (2006). Eine Best and saufnahme der Service Qualitat Touristischer Leistungstrager in Niedersachsen. Hannover: Tourismus Marketing Niedersachsen

    GmbH. Cited in Marco A. Gardini (2015), ‗A Study on the Online Sales Efficiency of Upscale and

    Luxury Hotels in Germany, Switzerland and Austria‘ In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure.

    [Online]: 12 Mar 2015; 173-192. Available at:

    [Accessed: 15 January, 2018].

    13) Essawy, M. (2006) Testing the Usability of Hotel Websites: The Springboard for Customer Relationship Building. Information Technology & Tourism 8(1): 47–70. Cited in

    Dickinger A., Mazanec J. (2008) Consumers‘ Preferred Criteria for Hotel Online Booking. In:

    O‘Connor P., Höpken W., Gretzel U. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in

    Tourism 2008. Springer, Vienna [Online]. Available at:

    77280-5_22 [Accessed: 15 February, 2018].

    14) The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (2017) Main Indicators of Recreation and Tourism Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Available at:

    development-in-the-republic-of-uzbekistan [Accessed: 15 January 2018].

    15) Yellow Pages Uzbekistan (2018) Hotels in Uzbekistan: List of hotels of Uzbekistan, their

    addresses, phone numbers, contacts. Available at:

    [Accessed: 10 January 2018].

    16) Golden Pages (2018) Hotels in Uzbekistan. Available at: 10 January 2018.

  • 18

    Цветков Валерий Анатольевич

    Директор Института проблем рынка Российской академии наук

    (Москва), член-корреспондент РАН, доктор экономических наук, профессор

    117418, Москва, Нахимовский пр., д. 47

    Valeriy A. Tsvetkov

    Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Nakhimovsky Ave 47, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117418

    Зиядуллаев Наби Саидкаримович

    Главный научный сотрудник Института проблем рынка Российской

    академии наук (Москва), доктор экономических наук, профессор

    117418, Москва, Нахимовский пр., д. 47

    Nabi S. Ziyadullaev

    Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Nakhimovsky Ave 47, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117418

    Зоидов Кобилжон Ходжиевич

    заведующий лабораторией Института проблем рынка Российской

    академии наук (Москва), кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент

    117418, Москва, Нахимовский пр., д. 47

    Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov

    Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Nakhimovsky Ave 47, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117418






    The work is devoted to the macroeconomic description of the main development trends and

    modeling the cyclicity of the evolution of transformational crises economic systems of Central Asian

    countries in conditions of integration and global instability. In the process of research methods of

    evolutionary-institutional theory, econometric modeling and analytical evaluation were used. The

    retrospective analysis of the cyclical fluctuations in the socioeconomic dynamics of the Central

    Asian countries was carried out in the period of 1991-2016. The study shows that, while

    maintaining the existing structure of the economy, the way out of the transformational crisis cycle

    can be associated only with the growth of the world economy, which evidently, will be followed by

    the growth of consumer demand for the main exports of the national economy. There is no strong

    banking and financial system, which is resistant to the manifestations of the world financial cyclical

    crisis. The unjustified level of liberalization of banking institutions, integration into various

    international institutions, and the attraction of doubtful foreign investments at any cost, led to the

    bankruptcy of the financial system. The consequence of blind transplantation of market institutions

    of management was the loss of state acyclic regulation of the economy, especially with regard to

    solving social problems and the medium-long-term strategy of socio-economic cyclical development

    of their countries. The scientifically grounded proposals on the improvement of methods for

    regulating cyclical fluctuations of macroeconomic dynamics, given the conditions of instability, the

    establishment of order, the innovative way of development and modernization of the economy have

    been formed. The results of the study can be used by the authorities of Russia and the countries of


    The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 16-18-

    10149). The research was carried out in the Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 20

    Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект №16-18-10149). Исследование

    выполнено в Институте проблем рынка Российской академии наук.

  • 19

    Central Asia to eliminate existing problems in the development of cyclical dynamics of the socio-

    economic system. The developed proposals and mechanisms for effective regulation of the main

    problems in the development of cyclical dynamics of the social and economic system are in demand

    for preserving and strengthening the competitive advantages of national economies and the CIS as

    a whole.

    Key words: The Central Asian countries, modeling, transformation processes, economic

    evolution, cyclical processes, economic crises, innovation, economic modernization.


    The transition of the countries of Central Asia (CA) to the creation of a modern market

    economy was accompanied by an unprecedented economic crisis in the history of its destructive

    power, which took on a systemic character and was named in the economic science as the crisis of

    transformation, or the transformation crisis. The crisis shook the very foundations of economic,

    political, social and cultural life, struck family relations, the moral foundations of society, and left

    an imprint on the personal relationships of people. A burst of crime, corruption, a sharp drop in

    production, the degradation of many branches of science, the threatening growth of poverty and

    social stratification, the difficult economic situation of entire regions of Central Asia are such

    manifestations of this crisis in the most diverse spheres and at various levels of functioning of the

    economic and social mechanism [6].

    The experience of the development of the world economic science shows that, to a very large

    extent, this science was a theory of crises that has progressed not because of periods of prosperity,

    phases of revival and upsurge, but namely under the influence of the need to explain what crisis

    states for and finding the ways of overcoming and preventing it.

    The evolution of economic theory itself is largely a process of theorists responding to crisis

    phenomena, their response to the challenges of the history of the economy, which questioned the

    very existence of this or that economic system and the civilization based upon it. And this is not

    accidental. After all, any economic development is, above all, overcoming the crisis processes that

    are generated by a given economic system. The crisis is not only a temporarily bad, critical, morbid

    state of the economic system, it is also a way to rid it of non-viable, obsolete, polluting formations

    and layers, and most importantly, it is the unmanifested, "shadowy", negative side of any positive


    If the economic theory of a market economy grows to a significant degree as a theory of

    cyclical and other crisis conditions, then the economic theory of the transitional economy can be

    developed as a theory of the transformation crisis. The way out of the transformation crisis is the

    main problem of the transition economy. Overcoming the transformational crisis marks the

    overcoming of regularities characteristic to the transition economy, its transformation into an

    effective market economy [5-14].

    In the period of 1991-2016 Central Asian countries have gone a long way in the area of

    institutional and structural transformation. In CA countries, the process of privatization of state

    property was carried out, the main institutions of the market model of the economy were formed,

    methods of fiscal, monetary and currency regulations and other instruments of market functioning

    were introduced and mastered [1-6].

    Owning 1% of the territory and 3% of the population on the planet, the republics of Central

    Asia have 3% of the world's reserves of petroleum products and 7% of natural gas. According to

    confirmed data on some natural resources, for example: Kazakhstan holds the 8th place in the world

    for coal reserves; Turkmenistan holds the 11th place in terms of gas reserves, and Uzbekistan - the

    14th place; On uranium reserves, Kazakhstan ranks second, and Uzbekistan - 9th in the world;

    Uzbekistan occupies the 4th place in the world in terms of gold reserves. Besides, the region is

    divided into water-rich countries (Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) and dependent on them in the supply

    of water are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. If Kyrgyzstan controls the Syr Darya river

    basin, Tajikistan regulates the Amu Darya. In terms of water supply, Tajikistan ranks third in the

    world and second in the CIS after Russia. The total annual potential hydropower resources in the

  • 20

    republic are about 600 billion kWh. In addition, Tajikistan has significant freshwater reserves in

    glaciers (over 60% of Central Asia's reserves).

    After a long period of slow growth over the past few years and up to the present, the region

    has been focusing on economic recovery. According to the CIS Statistical Committee, Central Asia

    showed the highest GDP growth of 12% in 2004, the average annual growth during 2000-2008. was

    8%. Growth was stimulated by high prices for raw materials, especially oil and natural gas,

    increased investment improved macroeconomic management and infrastructure development. The

    average regional inflation was 6.9% in 2009 [1].

    The global financial and debt cycle crisis, which began in the second half of 2008, had a

    strong impact on the Central Asian countries. Depending on the level of development of financial

    markets, the consequences of cyclical crises for the Central Asian countries were different. The

    largest country in Central Asia was hit hardest: in Kazakhstan, a cyclical crisis began on the

    securities market, then the crisis spread to the entire banking sector and to the real sector of the

    economy. Tighter conditions for external lending led to a decrease in the volume of loans granted

    and a significant increase in overdue loans in most of the Central Asian countries. At the same time,

    cyclical crisis phenomena were also manifested in the sphere of public finances, where the

    reduction of budget revenues led to the fact that budgets in most countries during this period were

    in short supply. In the real sector of the economy, the number of unprofitable enterprises has

    increased in almost all countries [13-15, 18].

    By the end of 2010, the gradual recovery of the financial sector of the economy was

    accompanied by an increase in budget revenues, an increase in the monetization of the economy, a

    revival of the credit market, a reduction in overdue loans and the gradual strengthening of the

    national currency. Improvement of the financial situation of the real sector of the economy of the

    Central Asian countries resulted in an increase in their profits and a reduction in the number of

    unprofitable enterprises. However, during the period of the cyclical crisis, the economic positions of

    Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan began to strengthen [15].

    As shown in [13-14, 18], the countries of Central Asia differ greatly in the nature and depth of

    the carried economic reforms. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have made the most progress in

    implementing market reforms. At the same time, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are implementing a

    gradual market transformation and are characterized by high centralization of power in the

    economic sphere.

    In this regard, the timely analysis and regulation of cyclical fluctuations in social and

    economic dynamics, especially in the conditions of the downtrend phase of Kondratyev's long wave

    (1998-2022), is one of the most important tasks of the state policy of the Central Asian countries.

    The long transformational cyclical crisis that swept the Central Asian economic space in 1992-

    1997, the disequilibrium of growth rates after the Russian default in 1998, the global financial and

    debt economic cyclical crisis in 2008-2009 and cyclical development in conditions of instability, a

    fall in prices for raw materials, sanctions and the establishment of order make the solution of this

    problem not only important, but also vitally necessary.

    Thus, the main goal of the present research is to systematically study the problem of

    analyzing and forecasting the socioeconomic cyclical dynamics of Central Asian countries and

    developing scientifically sound proposals for improving the ways of regulating cyclical fluctuations

    in conditions of instability, establishing order, innovative ways of development and modernizing

    the economy.

    1. Modeling of the crisis cyclical dynamics of the evolution of the social and economic system

    of Kazakhstan

    Verification of macroeconomic dependencies of Kazakhstan. The economy of Kazakhstan has

    a pronounced raw material character. According to some experts, there is a certain correlation

    between steady economic growth in Kazakhstan and its raw materials orientation. It should be noted

    that the development of the economy is cyclical, accompanied by ups and downs, crises - long or

  • 21

    short, destructive and less painful, universal, local, structural. The nature of economic cycles and

    crises has been and remains the focus of numerous and many years of research.

    From 1991 to 1998, the economy of Kazakhstan experienced a deep cyclical decline. All

    major macroeconomic parameters of Kazakhstan sharply decreased from the level of 1991. Since

    1999, the economy of Kazakhstan has been at the stage of development, which is characterized by

    fairly high growth rates. For the years of 1999-2002 the increase in the total GNP of the republic

    was 40.1%. From 1999 to 2008, there was a steady growth in GDP: in 2008 GDP of Kazakhstan

    was 159.1% of the level of 1991 (an increase of about 99% compared to 1998) (Table 1, Fig. 1 –

    Fig. 4).

    Table 1

    The main macroeconomic indicators of Kazakhstan in indices*[1]

    Year Y K L Yp Ys Yg Yh Yt Yn PO

    1991 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100,0

    1992 94,7 53 98,2 86 121 93 83 67 59 96,4

    1995 69 16 84,9 48 69 55 53 29 15 84,9

    2000 78 36 80,4 60 60 46 75 69 143,0

    2005 127,7 112 94,1 92 78 70 105 126 272,3

    2010 172,7 161 105,2 121 83 90 140 190 397,3

    2011 185,2 166 107,6 125 106 111 177 213 555,2

    2012 193,7 173 110,3 126 87 121 196 241 557,0

    2013 204,9 185 111,1 129 97 132 212 280 541,7

    2014 213,3 192 110,3 130 98 137 226 302 493,5

    2015 215,9 199 111,8 127 102 136 232 301 261,5

    2016 218,1 203 110,8 126 107,6 136,1 236,6 303,7 219,6

    Y - indices of the physical volume of the gross domestic product, K - indices of the volume of

    investment in fixed capital, L - indices of the number of employed population, Yp - indices of the

    output of industry, Ys - indices of the output of agriculture, Yg - indices of the volume of

    transportation of goods by transport enterprises, Yh - indices of the volume of passengers

    transportation by transport enterprises, Yt - indices of the physical volume of retail turnover, Yn -

    indices of the physical volume of paid services to the population by enterprises, Po - average annual

    price of Brent (USD)

    Kazakhstan, where oil is the main commodity, increases its revenues from the currency of

    export earnings, whose share is about 72% of all foreign exchange earnings, which exceeded 47

    billion dollars in 2007. At the same time, 74.2% of imports fall on the EU and CIS, where trade is

    mainly for the more expensive euros and rubles. The difference is compensated by the acquisition

    of an expensive currency and the loss from the exchange "scissors", according to experts, reach $

    3.3 billion. However, the global economic crisis, which began in 2008, contributed to a slowdown

    in GDP growth in Kazakhstan from 8.9% in 2007 to 2.4% in 2008. The economic recession was

    avoided only thanks to a sharp drop in imports and an increase in investment demand.

    High hydrocarbon prices and structural changes, foreign investment and political stability

    have stimulated the economy and improved living standards in recent years. The challenge for the

    future is to maintain this trend and ensure equitable development. Therefore, the economy needs to

    increase its resilience to unfavorable current external factors, to find sources of growth other than

    oil and gas. Expenditure of non-oil building materials, increase of labor productivity in agriculture

    and expansion of the share of small and medium-sized enterprises are the most potential areas of


    Because the initial data Yt, Kt, Lt, etc. are represented by basic indices with respect to one

    period (1991), then for any and for all periods t, the following is true: The situation Y >max ( ,K

  • 22

    L ) means that around period t, the development of the economy is quite efficient in the sense of using production factors (i.e., γ> 1, p> 0). On the contrary, the situation Y

  • 23

    In general, for the period of 1999-2016 the return on investment in fixed assets in

    Kazakhstan's economy changed qualitatively. At this period, the economy of Kazakhstan has

    developed by considering the aggregate factor productivity (AFP).

    AFP is an indicator of the level of scientific and technological progress, a characteristic of

    efficiency in the economy. All changes are considered throughout the period from 1991 to 2013 in

    the economy of Kazakhstan.

    In Fig. 5 dynamics of AFP Аt, as well as labor productivity y = Y / L shows their significant

    decline, which occurred at the beginning of the transformational decline in 1991-1998, followed by

    intensive growth in 1998-2008, the world financial crisis occurred in 2008-2009 and since 2010

    economic growth has begun. Capital productivity has increased sharply from 1991 to 1996, falling

    from 1996 to 2008, followed by crisis in 2008-2009 and since 2010 has been growing slowly.

    The cyclic nature of the AFP Аt growth rate is shown in Fig. 6. The trends in the behavior of

    these schedules show the raw material nature of Kazakhstan's economic development (especially

    the periods of 1996-1998, 2003-2009 and 2010-2016).

    Fig. 5. AFP: At=g


    1-α, Capital Productivity:

    g=Y/K, Labor Productivity: y=Y/L.

    Fig. 6. The rate of growth of SFP δA

    (substitution from GDP, investment in fixed

    assets and the number of employees).

    In the calculations (Figure 7-Fig. 10, Table 2), attention is also drawn to the expressed

    cyclical character of the indices












    1/ 1002/1 ,












    0/ 1002/1 ,






    SSQ и







    tot /1

    / . The graphs clearly show the following periods:

    1992-1999, 2000-2009 and 2010-2020/2022 (forecast).

    Table 2

    The values of the exponents , , and

    for the macro industries structure of Kazakhstan in the period of 1991-2016.

    Year S B Q IS


    1992 46,0 46,0 73,6

    1995 30,2 123,0 0,3 196,8

    2000 33,7 95,0 -0,2 152,0

    2005 16,7 45,5 0,3 72,8

    2010 33,5 89,0 0,8 142,4

    2011 46,4 116,0 0,6 185,6

    2012 25,8 148,5 1,3 237,6

    1/ ttS 0/ ttS1/ ttQ 0/ ttIS

  • 24

    2013 23,7 178,0 1,2 284,8

    2014 10,0 198,5 2,0 317,6

    2015 5,1 199,0 0,1 318,4

    2016 4,6 205,0 1,3 315,4

    The sharp decline in the coefficient of the sequence of structural shift in the period of 2007-

    2009 characterizes the crisis state of Kazakhstan's macro-sectors in the global financial crisis.

    A feature of the nature of the structural shifts in the economy of Kazakhstan is that they

    represent not only a process, but also a certain result of economic development. The reason for the

    structural shifts is various kinds of cyclical fluctuations in the economy of Kazakhstan. There are

    several types of cyclical fluctuations of the objective economic order, differing in their causes,

    duration and socio-economic consequences. Each of these cycles significantly affects the pace and

    nature of the structural shifts. Some of them, linking economic cycles with structural crises and

    structural shifts, are changes in the system of economic interests.

    Fig. 7. Chain structural shift of macro industries

    in Kazakhstan.

    Fig. 8. Basic structural shift of macro industries

    in Kazakhstan.

    Fig. 9. Coefficient of sequence of structural shift

    of Kazakhstan's macro-sectors.

    Fig. 10. Intensive structural shift of

    Kazakhstan's macro-industries.

    Four indicators of the structural shift of the macro-sectors (chain structural shift, basic

    structural shift, the coefficient of the sequence of structural shift and intensive structural shift)

    sufficiently describe the cyclical fluctuations of the macroeconomic dynamics of Kazakhstan.

    Specification of the model of the crisis cyclical dynamics of the evolution of the socio-

    economic system of Kazakhstan. We take the logarithmic derivative of the variables K, L, Yp, Ys,

    Yg, Yh, Yn, Yt, and PO with respect to time, from the function Y = F (K, L, Yp, Ys, Yg, Yh, Yt, Yn,

    PO, t):

  • 25












