



Indonesia Coal and Power

Instituteadalah organisasi independen yang didirikan untuk turut mengambil peran pen�ng dalam mendorong keberhasilan pembangunan ketenagalistrikan nasional terutama dengan..

Mendorong pemanfaatan batubara secara efisien,

berkelanjutan, dan ramah lingkungan.

Membangun komunikasi antara pemilik sumber daya, investor

dan pelaku bisnis kelistrikan, serta para pakar & profesional.

Mengawal keberhasilan investasi terutama di bidang PLTU


Mempersiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkompetensi dan memiliki profesionalisme dalam melaksanakan seluruh rangkaian

kegiatan pengembangan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan industri


Encouraging the u�liza�on of coal efficiently, con�nuously and

environmentally friendly.

Establishing be�er communica�on between owner of

resources, investors, electricity players, and experts &


Escor�ng the success of investment in electricity business especially for Coal-Fired Steam

Power Plant.

Preparing human resources with competence and professionalism to carry out the en�re range of eletricity business ac�vity from

planning, development, and opera�on.

is an independent organiza�on established to take important part in encouraging the success of na�onal electricity development by..

latar belakang pendirianwhy we are established?

Terbentuknya ICP-Ins�tute berawal dari kepriha�nan yang besar terhadap fakta-fakta bahwa pembangunan pembangkit listrik yang dicanangkan Pemerintah tahun 2006 sebagai Fast Track Program Tahap I, ternyata mengalami banyak kendala dalam implementasinya. Hingga akhir Fast Track Program Tahap II pada tahun 2014, hanya sekitar 73% dari 10.000MW pembangkit yang beroperasi. Situasi ini mengakibatkan penundaaan yang signifikan dalam program pembangunan kelistrikan. Karena itulah, tahun 2015, Pemerintahan yang baru mencanangkan program kelistrikan 35.000MW.

Kami di ICP-Ins�tute meyakini bahwa kompetensi dan profesionalisme SDM yang belum memadai serta kurangnya kesadaran akan pen�ngnya sikap keha�-ha�an dalam merencanakan pembangunan DAN mengoperasikan PLTU sangat menentukan kualitas dan keberhasilan pelaksanaan bisnis pembangkit. Keberhasilan bisnis suatu PLTU merupakan proses panjang dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, kajian kelayakan, seleksi kontraktor, design review, pengawasan dalam proses pembangunan, commissioning sebelum COD, perencanaan dan penyiapan SDM untuk O&M, dan semua proses itu harus dicerma� dengan baik pelaksanaannya serta menuntut komitmen yang kuat serta profesionalisme �nggi.

Kenapa demikian? Dengan pembiayaan sekitar 1 juta USD per-MW s/d 1,6 juta USD per-MW, dibutuhkan investasi hingga 50 juta s/d 80 juta USD untuk pembangunan PLTU yang hanya 2×25 MW saja.

Terlepas dari fakta bahwa cap�ve market bisnis ketenagalistrikan selalu tersedia, kegagalan pengoperasian atau penundaan suplai listrik ke PLN dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian yang sangat, sangat besar.

Establishment of ICP-Ins�tute starts from the concern toward the facts that development plan of 10.000 MW Power Plant which the Government proclaimed at 2006 as Fast Track Program Stage I faced many challenges in its implementa�on. By the �me the Fast Track Program Stage II ended in 2014, only 73% of the targeted 10.000MW are operated. This situa�on has caused significant delay in electricity development program. Following this situa�on, in 2015, the new Government proclaimed the 35.000MW electricity program.

We in ICP-Ins�tute have certainty that good competence and professionalism of those involved in power plant business, and regards on prudence in planning and opera�ng power plant determines quality and success in power plant business. The success of a power plant business is a long process from planning, feasibility study, EPC screening, design review, supervising, commissioning before COD, planning and prepara�on of human resources for O&M, and all of that process must be closely watched to ensure best results in all aspect.

Why all the work? With around 1 Million USD to 2 Million USD per-MW, investment as much as 50 Million to 100 Million USD for construc�ng 2x25 MW Power Plant is needed.

This means that, despite the fact that cap�ve market for electricity business is always available, opera�onal failure and delay in supplying power to PLN can cause very big loss.




Menjadi organisasi terhandal dalam membangun kompetensi dan

profesionalisme �nggi bagi mereka yang ingin masuk ke dalam bisnis pembangkit ataupun yang sudah memiliki pembangkit tetapi ingin

meningkatkan kinerja atau efisiensi pembangkit hingga mencapai World

Class Performance.

To become most reliable organiza�on in building high competence and

professionalism of either those who want to enter power plant business or

those who have already had power plant but hope to improve its

performance & efficiency to reach World Class Performance Power Plant.

1Mendorong peningkatan kompetensi dan

profesionalisme SDM di sektor ketenagalistrikan khususnya bisnis

pembangkit melalui berbagai program pela�han, internal workshop/in-house

training, coaching/bimbingan/konsultasi, ditujukan bagi investor/pelaku bisnis bidang

terkait termasuk melakukan publikasi/sosialisasi informasi kegiatan bisnis dan program baik yang diadakan oleh swasta

maupun Pemerintah di sektor kelistrikan kepada masyarakat umum.

2Mensinergikan bisnis tambang/batubara dengan bisnis PLTU sebagai bagian dari

komponen pen�ng lainnya untuk menjamin availability dan reliability dari suatu PLTU

yang secara keseluruhannya sangat menentukan keberhasilan bisnis PLTU, dan

meningkatkan par�sipasi pengusaha tambang/batubara dalam bisnis


1Encouraging increase of competence and

professionalism of human resource in electricity sector especially power plant business through program such as public

training, in-house training, coaching/consul�ng for investors/business players including publishing and socializing informa�on of related business ac�vity and

programs conducted by private/public company or Government to the general


2Taking the role in efforts to synergize coal

mining business with power plant business as a vital component to guarantee availability

and reliability of Steam Power Plant that overall determine the success of power plant

business, and also encouraging increase in par�cipa�on of coal business players in

electricity business.

Legal Standing

Hak Cipta dan Logo ICP-Ins�tute dimiliki oleh PT Andamar Internasional dan telah dida�arkan ke KEMENKUMHAM pada 2 Februari 2015.

ICP-Ins�tute’s idea and logo has been registered under PT. Andamar Internasional to KEMENKUMHAM on 2 Februari 2015 for copyright.

ICP-Ins�tute resmi menjadi Badan Hukum Perkumpulan Kepakaran berdasarkan Akte Notaris dan pengesahan KEMENKUMHAM Mei 2015.

ICP-Ins�tute officially became a legal en�ty based on Notary Deed and KEMENKUMHAM authoriza�on on May 2015

Saat ini, kantor ICP-Ins�tute, dimana kegiatan administra�onal dilakukan, berada di WISMA BNI 46.

Currently, the office of ICP-Ins�tute, where most of administra�onal ac�vity is carried out, is located at WISMA BNI 46.

Organization Structure & Membership

Advisory Board

Execu�ve Board Media Partner

Technical Partner

Associate Companies

Associate Professors

Technical Experts

Membership: Mining Companies, Power Plant Companies, Surveyor, EPC

Companies, Consultants for Commissioning/O&M, Man Power

(Training /Educa�on), Man Power SupplyProgram Development Div.

Business Development Div.

Administration Div.

Administra�onal ac�vity of ICP-Ins�tute is carried out by PT. Andamar Internasional as per the agreement made between the two legal en��es.

PLN Bhumi Rantau KPC PKN Gunung Sewu

Wijaya Karya Hutama KaryaKrakatau Daya

Listrik (Krakatau Steel)

Hasnur Jaya Utama (Hasnur


Bhumi Rantau Energi (Hasnur


Tristan Resources (Samtan)

Central Java Power

Dalle EnergySepu�h Daya

Prima (PP)PT. Bukit Asam

TJB Power Services

PT. ANTAM Energi


Sucofindo Advisory Utama

Registered members of icp-institute include executives, managers & professionals from following companies

Organization executive


Vice Chairwoman

General Secretary

Nusyirwan. He graduated with Master degree on Power U�liza�on from LEEDS, UK, 1995. Currently Vice President of PT K-Coal lnt'I Indonesia (clean coal technology) and also a freelance consultant to several major companies in the field of power genera�on business. He served as President Director of PT Art ha Daya Coalindo (ADC) subsidiary of PT Indonesia Power (2009-2012) to ensure sufficient supply to power plants. He was also General Manager of the Suralaya coal power plant at Suralaya 3400MW and CCPP unit at Tanjung Priok 1400MW, and become Vice President of PT Indonesia Power in power plant business development. He is an expert in business plan of power genera�on, management efficiency, design reliability, and op�miza�on power plant with massive experience of more than 20 years and dedicated to build many state-owned power plant facili�es in a professional collabora�on with domes�c and interna�onal stakeholders.

Har�nia� is the BPPT Program Director and Senior Consultant for PTBA. The expert in coal technologies for energy synthe�c fuels and fuel for power plant was developed since she joined BPPT in 1978. She graduated from Chemical Engineering at ITS (1978) and achieved her master degree at Queensland University (1990-1993) in the field of business & management technology. Involved in designing the biggest Coal Combus�on and Gasifica�on Tes�ng facili�es at BPPT Puspiptek, Serpong, in coopera�on with the Columbus Ba�elle USA (1982-1986). She is being team leader at the Center of South Sumatra Coal-Based Energy Industry and Power Plant Feasibility Study Musi Rawas 2x600 MW in coopera�on with the Governor of South Sumatra (2002-2005). She has been involved in coal u�liza�on programs, in coopera�on with technology owners and funding ins�tu�ons from USA, Japan, Australia, and Korea, as the development of competence primarily in the field of low grade coal u�liza�on technology (1982-present).

Beny Su�yanto. He is a Director of Global Power Services since 2009. Technical Director for power plant industrial construc�on at Gaka Karya Engineering (2008-2009). Opera�on Manager for 635MW power plant capacity at Riau Andalan Pulp&Paper {1994-2008). U�lity Manager for power plant lOMW at Pabrik Kertas Bekasi Teguh (1983-1994). A�er gradua�ng from Industrial Engineering in 1983 he then directly involved in appren�ce program & ac�vi�es of O&M coal firing boiler/recovery boiler, co-genera�on power plant, commissioning /acceptance test, power plant opera�on automa�on, and pollu�on control at Osaka/Yokohama (Jepang), Bonn/Dusseldorf/Stu�garts/Dressden (Jerman}, Helsinki (Finlandia), Bangkok (Thailand), Sao Pulo (Brazil), dan Singapore. More than 30 years involved in power genera�on projects as Technical Advisor and Manager at the plant inside and outside Indonesia including power plant projects of Ende, TarJun, Bintan, Cirebon, Balai Karimun, Gorontalo, Sibalang, dan Tarahan Lampung, Labuan, Bangka, Pomalaa (with 7- 600 MW capacity}, power plant 350MW in Rizhao pulp& paper mill (China), power plant 250MW Bahia Pulp (Brazil).


Technical expert

Eiichiro Makino. He is President of K-Coal Co., Ltd. and PT K-Coal Interna�onal Indonesia. Since gradua�ng from the faculty of engineering, Hokkaido University, he has been assigned to implement the development of Clean Coal Technology & Project in Sojitz Corpora�on (ex-Nissho lwai) that is a leading Japanese General Trading Company un�l the end of 2011. He has been incharge with the low rank coal u�liza�on project such as Brown Coal Liquefac�on (BCL) pilot plant project in Victoria, Australia, Upgraded Brown Coal (U BC) pilot plant project, 2x600MW lignite mine mouth I PP project and Lignite Gasifica�on project in Indonesia. He also has been developing Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) project for mi�ga�ng C02 emission from coal power genera�on. Now he is developing lignite u�liza�on in power genera�on in Indonesia by u�lizing Steam Tube Dryer {STD) which is proven technology, reliable and cost effec�ve coal dyer.

Lambok Hilarius Silalahi. Currently he is BPPT Chief Engineer and Technical Consultant to PTBA. Expert in coal u�liza�on technology to improve coal quality and low rank coal conversion. Graduated from Ehime Univ. Japan in 1993 and working fro the consorsium of 5 big companies in Japan under sponsorship from NEDO (1993-1996). Joint research and tes�ng of technologies Upgrading Brown Coal (U BC) with EMR & JCOAL, and built a pilot plant in Palimanan 3TPD U BC (2002-2006). Conduc�ng a study on the applica�on of technology to steam coal drying of coal power plant in coopera�on with PLN (2011-2013). He has been involved in developing coal upgrading and conversion technology especially for low rank coal (1993-present).

Prof. AmiraI Aziz. He is BPPT expert on power plant field. He joined BPPT since graduated as mechanical engineer in 1984 and obtained his master degree in 1991 in the field of Thermal Power and Fluid from Engineering's, di Victoria Univ., Manchester. From 2002 to 2012 ac�ng as Senior Project Manager in feasibility studies and design reviews especially for turbine power plant/boiler & BOP, QA/QC, and being an engineering supervisor for various power plant projects in the country. Among other power plant projects are at Banjarsari 2xlOOMW/Lahat, Tanjung Ja� B power plant 2x660MW/Jepara, CCPP 2x50MW P Damar/Kep Seribu, CSFPP 2x50MW Parit Baru/Central Kalimantan, Pacitan power plant, Labuan & Lontar power plant, Asam-asam power plant 2x65MW I South Kalimantan, and power plant at Kendari /Southeast Sulawesi (2012-up to now).

Ubis Syihabuddin. Expert on Performance of Coal Power Plant. Currently, Chief of Performance Sec�on at PT Cirebon Power Services (660MW Cirebon Supercri�cal Coal Fired Steam Power Plant O&M Company). PT TigadayaMinergy Power Plant (as Technical & IPP Specialist), the sponsor of 2X150MW Sungai Lilin Mine Mouth Coal Fired Power Plant Project and other IPP projects (2008 –2010). PT TanjungJa� B Power Services (TanjungJa� B Unit 1&2 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant O&M Company) as Plant Performance & Training Specialist (2010 – 2011). PT YTL JawaTimur (PT PowerGenJawaTimur) the operator of Paiton Phase 2: 2X610 MW Coal Power Plant, with 320 employees (1998-2008). PT PLN PJB1 Head Office as Corporate Planning Division staff, Commerce Department. PT PLN PJB1 is subsidiary of PT PLN who handled some power plant (oil fired, gas fired, coal fired, hydro power plants) (1997 – 1998). PT PLN SektorMuarakarang in many posi�on and the last posi�on is as staff of Plant Performance Sec�on. To operate Muarakarang Power Plant (3 X 100MW Oil Fired Steam Power Plant, 2 X 200MW Gas Fired Steam Power Plant and 1 block Gas Combined Cycle Genera�ng Plant 520MW) (1977 - 1997)





Pra-Feasibility StudyPreliminary project data

compilation, include: potential of several coal minings to

supply the coal for long term period, technology to be used,

identification of potential alternative & limit of the project,

preliminary estimation of the project cost, identify lacking information for FS, identify

potential financial resources for the project, preperation of TOR

for FS contract.

Feasibility StudyStudying boiler technology suitable for available coal

specification, detail study on the power plant location,

economic of investment, and best power plant operation

performance possible in long period, funds needed, and

potential return.

EPC Contractor ScreeningAvoiding problems such as delay in construction,

deviation of equipment specification, performance that does not reach promised capability, and other problems that might have happened because of EPC Contractor's






Design Review/Supervisory Consultant

Review for all design process that is conducted and will be conducted by

EPC Contractor, as well as supervising the whole design process.

Comissioning/O&M Consultant

Employee recruitment, training & on-job-training, determining ideal human resources

for commissioning and planned O&M ac�vity, and conduc�ng performance test to

fulfill requirement as stated in Laws/Regula�ons.

O&M OutsourcingReviewing O&M service capabili�es,

designing strategies for taking over the O&M ac�vity.

Performance Audit ( Energy, and Reliability ) Consultant

Audi�ng exis�ng power plant and designing guidelines that will be used

by the company, comparing with other power plants that has been given best

prac�ce predicate.

Power Plant Management(Only for opera�onal power plant or COD) Preparing a good power plant

management scheme so the currently constructed power plant can be best performed power plant and can be

prepared as benchmark for world class performance power plant.

Pela�han Strategi Sukses Bisnis PLTU Strategy for Successful Power Plant Business Training1

program dan layananprograms and services

Program pela�han intensif dua hari dalam bentuk diskusi interak�f dan studi kasus. Mengangkat pengetahuan prak�s yang dibutuhkan dalam memulai bisnis batubara untuk PLTU maupun bisnis PLTU.

Program dan materi pela�han dirancang oleh para pakar dan prak�si yang diakui di dalam dan luar negeri dengan pengalaman 20 tahun lebih menekuni bidang teknologi u�lisasi batubara dan pembangkit listrik. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi inspirasi serta petunjuk bagi pengusaha untuk melakukan bisnis PLTU, suplai batubara ke PLTU, dan perencanaan investasi.

Dirancang ekslusif, pela�han ini ditujukan bagi pengambil keputusan, perencana, auditor, dan supervisor dari perusahaan produsen listrik independen (IPP), jasa pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan (O&M), jasa Precomm/Commissioning, suplai bahan bakar (batubara), tambang batubara, EPC, lembaga pendanaan/perbankan, dan calon investor.

An intensive two-days training program in the form of interac�ve discussions and case studies brings prac�cal knowledge needed to start a business in coal as fuel for power plant and power plant business itself.

Training program and material are developed and provided by experts and prac��oners with domes�c and interna�onal recogni�on with up to 20 years of experience in coal u�liza�on technology and power genera�on. This ac�vity can provide more inspira�on and guidance to enterpreneurs to conduct and evalua�on in power plant business and coal supply to power genera�on, as well as investment planning.

This training is exclusively designed for decision makers, planners, auditors, and supervisors from IPP (Independent Power Producer), Opera�on & Maintenance, Precomm/Commissioning, fuel supply, coal mining, EPC, funding agencies, bank, and investors.

First Batch, 10-11 December 2014 at Mercure Hotel Serpong. Partaking in this training are directors and managers from coal mining companies PT Bukit Asam, Bhumi Rantau Energi, Gunung Sewu Group, Pesona Khatulis�wa Nusantara; IPP companies: Central Java Power, Krakatau Daya Listrik; surveyor/assessor companies Sucofindo Advisory Utama, and from PT.PLN (Persero) specifically coal division.

The Second Batch was conducted on 22-24 April 2014 at Grand Zuri Serpong Partaking as 2nd Batch par�cipants are directors from managers of companies such as Hasnur Group, coal mining + IPP Kal�m Prima Coal (KPC); IPP companies Krakatau Daya Listrik (KDL), ANTAM Energi Indonesia, Sepu�h Daya Prima (PT.PP); EPC companies Hutama Karya, Wijaya Karya, Dalle Energy; Tristan Resources (Samtan).

PERENCANAAN BISNIS Konsep Dasar Perencanaan PLTU Jaminan Suplai Batubara Studi Kelayakan Pemilihan EPC/Pengawasan Pre Comm/Comm. Acceptance Test Program O/M TATA KELOLA Hambatan Umum Target Kualitas Reliability Availability Integrated Efficiency Management Cost Control Strategy

BUSINESS PLANNING Basic Concept in Power Plant Business Fuel Supply Planning Feasibility Study EPC Screening and Supervising Pre Comm/Comm. Acceptance Test O/M Program POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT General Challenges Quality Target Reliability Availability Integrated Efficiency Management Cost Control Strategy

Pela�han InternalIn-House Training2

Kegiatan pela�han internal ini dikhususkan bagi pelaksana kegiatan Opera�on & Maintenance pembangkit termasuk manajer dan suprvisor.

Perusahaan dapat meminta ICP-Ins�tute merancang topik spesifik untuk pela�han ini yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Oleh karena peruntukannya adalah bagi pelaksana kegiatan O&M, maka topik pela�han tetap dibatasi pada Tata Kelola dan Manajemen PLTU. Pelaksanaan pela�han bisa dilakukan di tempat yang disediakan oleh pihak ICP-Ins�tute, maupun di tempat yang disediakan oleh pihak perusahaan.

Kegiatan in-house training ini pernah dilakukan di PLTGU 120MW KDL Cilegon PT. Pembangunan Perumahan dengan tajuk Training Pegawai Operasi Combine Cycle PLTGU 120MW KDL tanggal 8-13 April 2015 di Anyer. Pela�han dilaksanakan dua kali dan masing-masing diiku� 18 orang.

This in-house training is especially designed for Opera�on & Maintenance staffs/employees of Power Plant including managers & supervisors.

The power plant company may request ICP-Ins�tute to create a specific training program based on needs of the company. But, because this is designed for O&M staffs/employees, the topic will be limited to Power Plant Management. The training can be held in venue prepared by ICP-Ins�tute or venue prepared by the power plant company.

This in-house training ac�vity has been held for O&M staffs/employees of PLTGU 120MW KDL Cilegon PT. Pembangunan Perumahan with topic “Training for Opera�onal Staffs of Combine Cycle PLTGU 120MW KDL” on 8-13 April 2015 at Anyer.

program dan layananprograms and services

Persiapan Operator PembangkitPower Plant Operator Prepara�on3

Mega Proyek Pembangunan Pembangkit 35,000MW harus sinergi dengan upaya pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang dapat menjamin keberlangsungan operasional pembangkit yang akan dibangun.

Kira-kira, untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan listrik nasional, selain membangun 35000 MW Pembangkit, paling �dak harus ada 10000 orang operator yang dapat diandalkan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengoperasikan pembangkit.

Sesuai dengan semangat organisasi untuk mendorong peningkatan kompetensi dan profesionalisme SDM di bidang ketenagalistrikan, ICP-Ins�tute juga sedang mengembangkan program pela�han berbentuk kursus untuk mempersiapkan operator pembangkit berkompetensi dasar.

Tujuan dari kursus ini adalah untuk membangun kompetensi dasar bagi para sarjana D3 dan S1 di bidang ilmu terkait yang tertarik untuk bekerja di pembangkit listrik terutama sebagai operator. Selain itu juga mendukung terjadinya link and match antara bidang keilmuan sarjana D3 dan S1 dengan bidang pekerjaannya.

The Government 35000MW Electricity Project should should be synergis�c with efforts of human resource development so the con�nuity of to-be-constructed power plant opera�on can be assured.

Approximately, to fulfill na�onal electricity demand, besides building 35000 MW of Power Plant, at least 10000 reliable operators who have capability in opera�ng those power plants must also be prepared.

In accordance with the organiza�on’s statement, to encourage increase of competence and professionalism of human resource in electricity sector, ICP-Ins�tute is currently developing a training program in form of courses to prepare power plant operator with basic competence in O&M.

The purpose of this courses is to build basic competence especially for fresh graduate with D3 and S1 degree (Bachelor and Undergraduate Degree) from related majors who are interested in working in an electricity business. Beside that, we also want to support link and match program between D3 and S1 graduate field of study with appropriate field of work.

Even Nasional dan InternasionalNa�onal and Interna�onl Event4

ICP-Ins�tute cooperate with technology providers, experts, event management organiza�ons, and consultants from within or out of the country to create an event. ICP-Ins�tute is also involved as strategic partner in exis�ng interna�onal events such as: 16th Indo-Coal 2015 on 1-4 December 2015 in Jakarta, coopera�ng with CDMC. This event is

designed to ini�ate and facilitate coopera�on between na�onal corpora�ons/companies with foreign companies in power plant business, coal business, clean coal technology, and coal conversion technology.

Endorsing an Indonesian expert to be Interna�onal Speaker for Fly Ash Symposium on November 2015 in Tokyo, Japan.

In 2016, ICP-Ins�tute is planning to create Program World Coal and Power Technology Conference. Hopefully, this event will be held annually in different big ci�es in Indonesia, coopera�ng with technology providers in Clean Coal Technology and Power Plant Technology.

Kami menyadari bahwa �dak semua tahu bagaimana merencanakan, memulai, atau menjalankan bisnis PLTU untuk mendapatkan bahkan sekedar sufficient return. Menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, kami menawarkan layanan pendampingan spesifik tailor-made dan intensif bagi pengusaha atau pengambil keputusan perusahaan yang tertarik untuk masuk dalam bisnis PLTU atau ingin meningkatkan kinerja bisnisnya yang sudah ada.

We understand that not everyone knows how to properly plan, start or run a power plant business to get even just a sufficient return. To solve that problem, we offer a tailor-made/specific and intensive coaching/guiding service for business owners and decision makers who are interested in entering the power plant business or who want to improve their exis�ng power plant business.

Two companies that partook the business training program also u�lize business coaching services. ICP-Ins�tute guide/coach them by: Audi�ng 3x10MW Power Plant in Tanjung Enim that has been constructed but has not effec�ve

opera�onal ac�vity. ICP-Ins�tute perfected their O&M program, prepare operators, and plan efficiency op�miza�on strategy.

Mi�ga�ng feasibility study report done by a local consultant for 1x80MW Power Plant in Cilegon.

Pendampingan Bisnis PLTUPower Plant Business Coaching6

Jasa KonsultanConsultant Services5

Sebagaimana kompetensi atau kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh pakar ICP-Ins�tute, melalui jaringan di dalamnya, ICP-Ins�tute juga menyediakan jasa konsultan.

Para pakar dan lembaga yang terjaring di ICP-Ins�tute dijamin kehandalan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan hasil karyanya, karena berada di bawah pengawasan ICP-Ins�tute sebagai lembaga.

Kami menghubungkan perusahaan yang membutuhkan dengan konsultan terpercaya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan.

ICP-Ins�tute, through network within, also offer consultant service. We have broad network with experts and ins�tu�ons of related competence and capabili�es.

Experts and ins�tu�ons screened by ICP-Ins�tute are guaranteed in reliability. ICP-Ins�tute as an ins�tu�on has responsibility to supervise their works.

We connect companies with trusted consultants in accordance with the companies’ needs and consultants’ exper�se.

program dan layananprograms and services




Per September 2015, ICP-Ins�tute sedang dalam proses penyusunan Buku Pedoman Manajemen Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik.

Buku ini akan mengangkat topik “Memahami Pengelolaaan Operasional Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik, Khusus PLTU Batubara” dan selain digunakan sebagai buku standar bagi peserta pela�han, juga akan diterbitkan untuk umum.

As per September 2015, ICP-Ins�tute is in the dra�ing process of Power Plant Management Guidebook

This book will mainly discuss about “Understanding Power Plant Opera�onal Management, Specifically for Coal Fired Steam Power Plant. Besides allocated as standard book for ICP-Ins�tute training par�cipants, this book will also be published for general public.

Se�ap diadakan Pela�han Strategi Sukses Bisnis PLTU, �m penyelenggara acara selalu memproduksi paket dokumentasi berupa DVD. Paket dokumentasi terdiri dari video rekaman seluruh kegiatan pela�han.

Bagi Anda yang �dak sempat menghadiri pela�han tersebut, bisa membeli DVD Pela�han dengan memesan terlebih dahulu.

Every �me we hold Training in Successfull Strategy for Power Plant Business, the event organizer will produce event documenta�on package in the form of DVD. Event documenta�on include video recording of all training ac�vity.

For those who did not have chance to partake in the training, you can purchase Training DVD through the Secretariat. The DVD is pre-order, so please contact us beforehand for its availability.

INFORMASI sosial mediasocial media information

h�p://www.icp-ins�tute.comMateri pela�han berupa file PDF dan Power Point Presenta�on dapat diakses di sini. Akses hanya bagi member ICP-Ins�tute. Kami juga sedang mengembangkan forum komunikasi dan diskusi member yang terintegrasi di dalam situs.

h�p://www.icp-ins�tute.comTraining material in PDF and Power Point Presenta�on format can be accessed here. Accessible only for ICP-Ins�tute members. We are also developing member communica�on/discussion forum integrated in the website.

h�ps:// video cuplikan pela�han, trailer, dan tes�monial di sini.

h�ps:// clip of training, trailer video, and tes�monial video here.

Indonesia Coal and Power InstituteICP-Institute

Wisma 46 Lt. 46 - 50

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1

Jakarta 10220

Phone : +62 21 5748

Fax : +62 21 5748 888

E-mail : [email protected]

Contact Person: Syifa Amirah (Secretary)
