  1. 1. Consult Design Deliver
  2. 2. Consult Design Deliver 88 percent of women feel their hair has an effect on their confidence. -Clairol
  3. 3. At-home hair color remains one of the most anxiety-inducing beauty processes. It has stress points that begin when picking a shade and continue into the application. -Wall Street Journal Consult Design Deliver
  4. 4. Deliverables: UberHeadz takes anxiety out of this equation Reduces cost to consumer Increases confidence in outcomes Consult Design Deliver
  5. 5. Emily, a stay-at-home mom in Reston, Va., delved into home hair color and botched the job. She turned her medium- brown hair jet black. "It looks like you just can't mess it up," Emily, 34, says. "But, yeah, you can totally mess it up. -Wall Street Journal Consult Design Deliver
  6. 6. UberHeadz does the easy part by: Providing a customized formula Formulated by our licensed professionals Detailed written instruction Educational videos on application process Consult Design Deliver
  7. 7. 79% of women claim professional products keep hair coloring from fading - Survey by Statistic Brain Consult Design Deliver
  8. 8. At-home hair color is hot. During the 2011, many women traded pricey salon services for home color. Now, more women are sticking with home hair color, either exclusively or for touch-ups to lengthen the time between salon visits. 6 in 10 people who used home hair color in the past year have switched from the salon to save money & time. -Mintel Survey, Wall Street Jounral Consult Design Deliver
  9. 9. Wall Street Journal More women try this at home (May 17, 2012) After years of struggling for growth, sales of home hair color reached an estimated $1.9 billion last year, up 3.1% from the previous year, according to Mintel. The research firm estimates sales will rise almost 16% more over the next five years, reaching $2.2 billion in 2016.
  10. 10. Home color's timesaving aspect is another part of its appeal, especially for higher-income shoppers. Rather than spend three hours at a salonwith the additional cost of a baby sitter for somewomen need just an hour, on their own schedule, to color at home. One in five people with income of $100,000-plus reported using at-home hair color in the past 12 months. Wall Street Journal More women try this at home (May 17, 2012)
  11. 11. Over the years this industry has changed and evolved as most business concepts. The economy shift in the last 10 years has certainly affected this industry. Consumers are having to pick and choose carefully what they can afford which has come down to a hair cut or color. Many cannot cut their own hair so many have been forced to retail shelves for color products. This is their only obvious choice beyond growing out their natural hair color and we want to change that choice. Consult Design Deliver
  12. 12. Distributors of professional hair color have locked down the ability to sell consumers our professional line of products with many good reasons. First, it is important to understand the chemistry of these products and how to use them accurately which is why the license is required. Consult Design Deliver
  13. 13. Second, the preservation of these products to be used creatively, unlike the retail box brands each of our colors has to be mixed for customization and not a one size fits all approach. Last, there are safety measures and liability. This is where UberHeadz comes in and I have come up with a way to get these products to the consumer with all this in mind. Consult Design Deliver
  14. 14. We offer a video consultation for the consumer in order to determine their need. Once we have determined their need, we then can customize the color to the consumer. Finally, we package the product in unmarked vacuum sealed packages and send directions on application. We go one step further to provide visual instructions through our website to lend extra support to he consumer. Consult Design Deliver
  15. 15. At just a 5% market share, that equates to $110 Million in sales At 80% margins, that equates to $88 Million Gross Profit Thank you! Consult Design Deliver