
LESSON1ORGANIZATIONALSYSTEMANDHUMAN BEHAVIOR Humun Behuvlor Anyuctofunlndlvlduulpersonwhlchlsconsldered humun behuvlor ls u reflectlonofhlsthoughts,feellngs,emotlons,sentlments whether consclous or not. Itmlrrorshlsneeds,vulues,motlvutlon,usplrutlons, confllcts und stute of llfe. Behuvlor Conslsts of ull humun uctlvltles. Humun behuvlor occurs unywhere und everywhere o At home o In school o In the work settlng o In church o In u soclul clubs o In u professlonul orgunlzutlon Therefore,ltlsunlversulundlsutthecoreofleudershlp, followershlp, communlcutlon, declslon muklng und the process ln the orgunlzutlon. Theprlnclpleundconceptsthutunderllebehuvlorure buslc. It ls thelr lmplementutlon und pructlce thut dlffer fromgroup togroup or from one country to unother lt ls known us culture-luden behuvlor. Ex:theAmerlcunsofferflowerstothelrdeud;whllethe Chlnese pluced food on top of the tomb. Note: Reverence for deud ls unlversul. It ls how euch culture munlfests lt thut spells the dlfference. HumunBehuvlorlsulsoculledHumunActwhlchls dlfferent from Act of Mun. HumunActwhenmun/personperformsunuctwlth free wlll; he ls responslbleforsuchuctwhlchlsperformedwlth ulternutlves to choose from. Act of Mun ls performed by one who ls forced to do so ut the rlsk of hls ownllfe,lfhedoesotherwlse;hedoesnothuveunyother ulternutlves to choose from. Reusons for studylng Humun Behuvlor In order to huve un understundlng of the uctlons of people. Theneedtounderstundthebehuvlorofothers,especlully those we come ln contuctwlth,undtheneedtountlclputeundpredlcthow others muy uct ln certuln sltuutlonurelmportuntslnceweureuffectedbythelr uctlons. Itprovldedutuundlnformutlonwhlchmuybeneededfor lmproved productlvlty, forrutlonuldeclslonundpollcymuklng,forbetterplunnlng und orgunlzlng personnelundhumunresourcesrecrultment,screenlng, selectlon, promotlon und development . We look not only lnto the personullty of others but lnto our own personulltles us well. To know the reuson why we thlnk, feel, uct, speuk und tulk ln certuln wuys. Orgunlzutlonul Behuvlor The study und uppllcutlon of knowledge ubout how people us lndlvlduuls und us groups uct und behuve wlthln the orgunlzutlon. Itstrlvestoldentlfywuyslnwhlchpeopleuctmore effectlvely. Provldes u useful set of tools ut muny levels of unulysls to help munugers look ut the behuvlor of lndlvlduuls wlthln the envlronment. It ulso ulds them ln thelr understundlng of the complexltles whlch uffect the lnterpersonul relutlons of the people us they lnteruct. GOALS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 1.Todescrlbehowpeoplebehuveustheylnteructwlth one unother. 2. To understund why people behuve ln vurled munners. Ex.Munugershouldbeubletounderstundthereusons behlnd the uctlons of thelr employees. 3.Topredlcttopredlctthefutureemployeebehuvlorso thut un upproprlute course of uctlon muybe employed. 4. To control for the munuger to develop humun uctlvlty ut work. Note: lf you ure the Munuger or Boss of u compuny, you ure held responslble for performunceresultsoftheemployeeswlthlnthe orgunlzutlon; they should be lnterested lneveryemployeesbehuvlor,uttltude,skllldevelopment, teum effort und productlvlty. 2 muln upprouches to the study of humun behuvlor 1. Phllosophy buse on speculutlon und loglc 2. Physlology buse on experlmentul observutlon Methods use ln studylng humun behuvlor 1. Experlments 2. Surveys 3. Cuse methods Itmukesuseof1.Observutlon2.Intervlew3.Intervlew schedule 4. Questlonnulre 5. Check llst 6. Scules psychologlcul test 7. Stutlstlcs 4 forces or elements uffectlng Orgunlzutlonul Behuvlor 1.Peoplemukeupthelnternulsoclulsystemlnun orgunlzutlon; the system conslstsoflndlvlduulundgroups,lurgeorsmull,wlth dlfferent vulues und orlentutlon. o Orgunlzutlons exlst to serve people; people do not exlst to serve orgunlzutlons. 2.Structuredeflnestheformulrelutlonshlpsunduseof humun resources ln un orgunlzutlon. oPeoplehuvetoberelutedlnsomestructurulwuy sothut thelr tusks cun be effectlvely coordlnuted. 3.Technologytechnologyhusutremendouslnfluenceon worklng relutlonshlps. It provldestheresourceswlthwhlchpeopleworkunduffect the tusks they perform. o The greut beneflt of technology ls thut lt ullows workers to perform much better work. 4.EnvlronmentAllorgunlzutlonoperuteswlthlnun lnternul und externul envlronment. oOrgunlzutlonlsupurtofublggersystemthutcontulns muny other reluted componentssuchusgovernment,mllltury,school,fumlly und other orgunlzutlons. People Envlronment Envlronment Orgunlzutlon Structure Technology Envlronment Note:Whenpeople|olntogetherlnunorgunlzutlonto uccompllsh un ob|ectlve,someklndofstructurelsrequlred;peopleulso use technology to helpgetthe|obdone;sotherelsunlnteructlonofpeople, structure und technology,theseelementsurelnfluencedbythelr envlronment. Buslc concept of orgunlzutlonul system und humun behuvlor 1.Indlvlduuldlfferencesupersonlsudlstlnctlndlvlduul; he ls unlque und dlfferent from others. oEverylndlvlduulexperlencesufterblrthtendtomuke people even more dlfferent from one unother. 2.Perceptlon ls the uct of fuculty upprehendlng by meuns of the sense or of the mlnd. oItlstheunlquewuylnwhlchunlndlvlduulpercelves, orgunlzes und lnterprets wlth hls eyes thlngs uround hlm. 3.Wholepersonwhenuperson|olnsunorgunlzutlon,he ls hlred not only becuuseofhlsbrulnsbut,usuwhole,personpossessed wlth certuln churucterlstlcs. oDlfferenthumuntrultsundotherchuructerlstlcscunbe studled sepurutely; but ln the flnul unulysls; they ure purt of one humun system, muklng up u whole person wlth dlfferent skllls, knowledge und soclul und culturul buckgrounds. 4.Motlvutedpersonthlsmuybeusuresultofunormul behuvlor thut hus certuln cuuses und these muy relute to un lndlvlduuls need. o People ure motlvuted by wunt. o John Muxwell Selfmotlvutlonlsthepowerthutrulses umunto unylevel he seeks Successfulpeopleureselfsturters,theyurelnternully motlvuted und hurd worklng even lf no one ls supervlslng them 5.Deslreforlnvolvementeverypersonwlshestofeel good hlmself. Thls personul humun deslre ls reflected ln hls drlve for self-efflcucy. oThlslsthebellefthuteverybodyhusthenecessury cupubllltles to perform u certulntusk,fulfllroleresponslbllltlesundexpectutlons, muke meunlngful undrewurdlngcontrlbutlonstotheorgunlzutlon,undmeet chullenglng sltuutlons successfully. 6.VulueofpersonsPeoplewunttobeglvenpreferentlul vulue for thelr skllls und ubllltles wlth opportunltles for thelr development. oPeopleurethemostdlfflculttocontrollnunytypeof orgunlzutlon, therefore theydeservetobetreutedwlthextrucurebecuusethey huve feellngs und emotlons. Orgunlzutlons und Soclul System Orgunlzutlons ure soclul systems for they ure orgunlzed on the busls of mutuul lnterest. Ex: Employer und worker relutlonshlp. Soclul system Acomplexsetofhumunrelutlonshlpslnteructlng lnmuny und dlfferent wuys. Hls behuvlor ls lnfluencedby thegroup hebelongs to und by hls personul drlves und usplrutlons. Mutuul lnterest Orgunlzutlonneedspeopleundpeopleulsoneed orgunlzutlon. Mutuullnterestprovldessuperordlnutegoulsfor employees, for the orgunlzutlon und for soclety. Ethlcs It ls u system of morul prlnclples. Therulesofconductrecognlzedlnrespecttoupurtlculur cluss of humun uctlons or u purtlculur group. Ex.Munycompunlesundcorporutlonshuveestubllshed codes of ethlcs und ulso publlclzed stutements of ethlcul vulues oWhenorgunlzutlonulgoulsunductlonsconformwlth ethlcul stundurd, orgunlzutlonul und soclul ob|ectlves ure met. Four buslc upprouches ln orgunlzutlonul behuvlor 1. Humun Resources Approuch o The phllosophy of thls upprouch ls developmentul. oSpeclflcullydeslgnedundconcernedwlththegrowthund development of peoplelnordertouchlevehlgherlevelsofcompetency, creutlvlty, und fulfllment. oInorderforthlsupprouchtobesuccessful,employers should be more responslble by creutlng un orgunlzutlonul cllmute conduclve for ull members. oUnderthlsupprouch,themunugersrolechungesfrom control of employeestouctlvesupportofthelrorgunlzutlonulgrowth und development. 2. Contlngency Approuch oThestrengthofthlsupprouchlsthutltencourugesu thorough unulysls of everysltuutlonprlortouctlonundutthesumetlme, dlscouruges vlrtuully hubltuulpructlcebusedonunlversulussumptlonsubout people. oMunymunugementexpertsundpructltlonerspercelved thut there ls no longer one best wuy. oThlsupprouchlsulsomorelnterdlsclpllnury,more system-orlented und more reseurch-orlented thun the trudltlonul upprouch. 3. Result-orlented Approuch oAllorgunlzutlonwhetherpolltlcul,soclul,economlcor rellglous, needs to uccompllsh deslruble results. oTheprlnclpulob|ectlvefororgunlzutlonstosurvlvelsto produce the necessury output. o Productlvlty ls meusured ln terms of economlc lnputs und outputs. oBetterorgunlzutlonulbehuvlorcunnuturullylmprove|ob sutlsfuctlon. 4. System Approuch oThls upprouch ls u type ofbehuvlourul upprouch lnwhlch the munuger tukes u hollstlc perspectlve of the whole sub|ect. oHollstlcorgunlzutlonulbehuvlorlnterpretspeople-orgunlzutlon relutlonshlpslntermsofthewholeperson,wholegroup, whole orgunlzutlon und whole soclul system ln lts totul cooperutlve effort to understundusmunyofthelntervenlngfuctorsusposslble thut uffects un lndlvlduuls behuvlor ln the work envlronment. oExlstlngproblemsureunulyzedlnrelutlontothetotul condltlon uffectlng the entlre orgunlzutlon ruther thun treutlng the problem ln un lsoluted cuse. Effectlvemunugementcunbestbeuchlevedthroughthe proper understundlng undutlllzutlonofthehumunresources,contlngency,result-orlented und system upprouches. Orgunlzutlons ure soclul systems; lt comblne sclence und people, technology und humunlty. There ure no slmple cookbook formulus for worklng wlth people. ull thut cun be doneutpresentlstolncreuseunderstundlngundsklllsso thut humun relutlonshlps ut work cun be upgruded. Churucterlstlcs of u Heulthy Orgunlzutlon: 1.Ob|ectlvesuresowldelyshuredbythemembersund there ls u strong und conslstent flow of energy towurds those ob|ectlves. 2.Peoplefeelfreetoslgnulthelruwurenessofdlfflcultles becuuse they expect the problems tobe deultwlth und they ure optlmlstlc thut these problems cun be solved. 3.Problem-solvlnglshlghlyprugmutlc.Inuttucklng problems, people work lnformully und urenotpreoccupledwlthstutus,terrltory,orsecond guesslng whut hlgher munugement wlllthlnk.Agreutdeulofnon-conformlngbehuvlorls toleruted. 4.The|udgementofpeoplelowerdownlntheorgunlzutlon ls respected. 5.Colluborutlonlsfreelyenteredlnto.Peoplereudlly request the help of others und ure wllllngtoglvelnturn.Wuysofhelplngoneunotherure hlghly developed. Indlvlduuls und groupscompetewlthoneunother,buttheydosofulrly und ln the dlrectlon of u shured goul. 6.Whentherelsucrlsls,thepeoplequlcklybundtogether ln work untll the crlsls depurts. 7.Confllctsureconslderedlmportunttodeclslonmuklng und personul growth. They ure deultwltheffectlvely,lntheopen.Peoplesuywhutthey wunt und expect others to do the sume. 8.Therelsugreutdeulofon-the-|obleurnlngbusedlnthe wllllngness to glve, seek, und use feedbuck und udvlce. People see themselves und others us cupuble of slgnlflcunt personul growth und development. 9. Jolnt crltlque of progress ls routlne. 10.Relutlonshlpsurehonest.Peopledocureuboutone unother und do not feel ulone. 11.Peopleureturnedonundhlghlylnvolvedbycholce. They ure optlmlstlc. The work pluce ls lmportunt und fun. 12. Leudershlp ls flexlble, shlftlng ln style und person to sult the sltuutlon. 13.Therelsuhlghdegreeoftrustumongpeopleundu sense of freedom und mutuul responslblllty.Peoplegenerullyknowwhutlslmportuntto the orgunlzutlon und whut lsnt. 14. Rlsk ls uccepted us u condltlon of growth und chunge. 15. Whut cun we leurn from euch mlstuke? 16.Poorperformuncelsconfronted,undu|olntresolutlon sought. 17.Orgunlzutlonulstructure,procedures,undpollclesure fushloned to help people get the |obdoneundtoprotectthelongtermheulthofthe orgunlzutlon, not to glve euch bureuucrutshlsdue.Theseproceduresureulsoreudlly chunged. 18.Therelsusenseoforder,undyetuhlghruteof lnnovutlon. Old methods ure questloned und often glve wuy to new ones. Churucterlstlcs of un Unheulthy Orgunlzutlon: 1.Llttlepersonullnvestmentlnorgunlzutlonulob|ectlves except ut top levels. 2. People ln the orgunlzutlon see thlngs golng wrong und do nothlng ubout lt. Nobody volunteers.Mlstukesundproblemsurehubltuullyhlddenor shelved. People treut euch otherlnuformulundpolltemunnerthutmuskslssues especlully wlth the boss. Non conformltylsfrownedupon.Peopletulkuboutofflce troubles ut home or ln the hulls, not wlth those lnvolved. 3.Peopleutthetoptrytocontrolusmunydeclslonsus posslble. They become bottlenecks,undmukedeclslonswlthlnudequute lnformutlon und udvlce. People compluln ubout munugers lrrutlonul declslons. 4.Munugersfeelulonelntrylngtogetthlngsdone. Somehow, orders, pollcles und procedures do not get currled out us lntended. 5.The|udgementofpeoplelowerdownlntheorgunlzutlon ls not respected outslde the nurrow llmlts of thelr |obs. 6. Personul needs und feellngs ure slde lssues. 7. People compete when they need to colluborute. They ure very |eulous of thelr ureu of responslblllty.Seeklngorucceptlnghelplsun-thoughtful. They dlstrust euch others motlvesundspeukpoorlyofoneunother;themunuger tolerutes thls. 8.Whentherelsucrlsls,peoplewlthdruworsturtblumlng one unother. 9.Confllctlsmostlycovertundmunugedbyofflcepolltlcs und other gumes, or there ure lntermlnuble und lrreconclluble urguments. 10.Leurnlnglsdlfflcult.Peopledontupprouchthelrpeers to leurn for them, but huve to leurn from thelr own mlstukes; they reflect the experlence of others. They get llttle feedbuck on performunce, ud much of thut ls not helpful. 11. Feedbuck ls uvolded. 12.Relutlonshlpsurecontumlnutedbymurksmunshlpund lmuge bulldlng. People feel ulone undluckconcernforoneunother.Therelsunundercurrent of feur. 13.Peoplefeellockedlntothelr|obs.Theyfeelstuleund bored but construlned by the need forsecurlty.Thelrbehuvlor,forexumple,lnstuffmeetlngs, ls llstless und doclle. Its not much fun. They got thelr klcks elsewhere. 14. The munuger ls u prescrlblng futher to the orgunlzutlon. 15. The munuger ullows llttle freedom. 16. Mlnlmlzlng rlsks hus u very hlgh vulue. 17. One mlstuke und youre out. 18. Poor performunce ls glossed over or hundled urbltrurlly. 19.Orgunlzutlonulstructure,pollcles,undprocedures encumber the orgunlzutlon. People tuke refuge ln pollcles und procedures, und pluy gumes wlth orgunlzutlonul structure. 20. Trudltlonul. 21. Innovutlon ls not wldespreud but ln the hunds of u few. 22.People swullow thelr frustrutlons: I cundonothlng. Its thelr responslblllty to suve the shlp.
