Download pdf - Liberate Your IT Team


Grab a coffee, sit back and take5 minutes to discover 5 waysthat our Managed Service willreduce 25% of your IT costs,make your IT infrastructure fitterand faster than ever, and free yourtime to focus on IT projects thatwill drive your business performance.

the way, we promise to spare you thegeneric features that everyone offers and just focus on the Trilogy edge/

So let’s begin…

How many essentialrecurring IT tasks could we strike off your list?

No other Managed Service automates as many essential tasks, saving our clients a minimum of 25% of their working day.

How much extra time would you have with no more ambushes by unforeseen IT problems?

Think of our Managed Service like a search party, constantly exploring your infrastructure for potential problems and resolving them before you even know about them.

No other Managed Service incorporates unique scripts written exclusively for your business.

How would it improve your productivity to have, at one touch,far greater control over your technology platform?

you have far greatercontrol over more of your technology platform…withfull system visibility

With Trilogy, you haveone industry leadingsolutions partner andone technology platformoffering you full visibilityof your IT one touch.

If you were free to focuson the applications thatreally drive businessperformance, whatdifference could itmake?

so that while ourtechnology managesyour technology…

you can focus your ITresources on the business applications that will leave your competitors behind.

With Trilogy, we focuson keeping your entiretechnology platform ahead of the curve, freeing you to focus on the applications that give you a competitive edge.

Imagine a real-timewindow into your ITinfrastructure…

Total visibility in real-time of:

✔ Performance & disk space trending ✔ Asset discovery & management ✔ Proactive automated tasks ✔ Automatic self-heal processes ✔ Patching updates ✔ Anti-virus ✔ And much more…