Page 1: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor

Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by

Moesziomyces spp.: assessing alternative culture

strategies and nanofiltration downstream purification

Miguel Figueiredo Nascimento

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in



Prof. Dr. Frederico Castelo Alves Ferreira;

Dr. Nuno Ricardo Torres Faria

Examination Committee:

Chairperson: Prof. Drª Helena Maria Rodrigues Vasconcelos Pinheiro

Supervisor: Dr. Nuno Ricardo Torres Faria

Member of the committee: Drª Susana Santos Moita de Oliveira Marques

November 2017

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Page 3: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor


Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos

meus supervisores, Professor Drº Frederico Ferreira, por me introduzir um tema tão interessante

e desafiante como o “MEL”e me dar a oportunidade de trabalhar nos laboratórios do IBB, bem

como pelas ideias incriveis criadas ao longo deste ano e pelo continuo apoio; ao Drº. Nuno Faria,

por me guiar em cada experiência no laboratório, pela motivação, pelas perguntas criadas a cada

ideia minha e por nunca me deixar ir abaixo, mostrando-me sempre o caminho correcto, e,

obviamente aos grandes jogos de futebol disputado durantes as várias semanas deste ano. Um

grande obrigado aos dois por tudo.

Em segundo lugar, gostava de agradecer ao Flávio Ferreira, pelo seu conhecimento, por me

ensinar todas os mecanismos associados a nanofiltração e acima de tudo pelas várias horas que

dispensou para me ajudar. De seguida, gostava tambem de agradecer a Marisa Santos e

Margarida Silva por me ensinarem todas as técnicas relacionadas com a produção de “MEL”, a

paciência e o entusiamo sempre disponivel. Ao António Maduro, Dona Rosa, Ricardo Pereira,

Drª Carla Carvalho e Drº Pedro Fernandes por toda a assistência.

Gostava de agradecer ao financiamente pela Fundação para a ciência e tecnologia (FCT)

através do projeto Cruise: Pseudozyma spp based refinery: Membrane bioreactor for production

of aviation fuel and biosurfactants, PTDC/AAG-TEC/0696/2014; IBB- Instituto de bioengenharia

e ciências (Referência FCT: UID/BIO/04565/2013 UID/BIO/04565/2013 e POL2020, referência

007317, incluindo iBB ITACYEAST) e á bolsa de estudos SFRH/BPD/108560/2015, permitindo-

me obter todos os recursos necessários para desenvolver esta tese de mestrado.

De seguida gostava de agradecer aqueles que nunca falhar, especialmente aos “Abadia”, aos

meus três melhores amigos – Nuno Marques, Carlos Fernandes e Miguel Chapado -, pelas

grandes conversas, caminhadas, e especialmente, por estarem presente na minha vida.

Obviamente que não podia deixar de agradecer aos “gunas”, sem vocês estes dois anos não

teriam sido tão divertidos e entusiasmantes! Um grande obrigado por terem estado sempre


À Mariana São Pedro, madrinha de praxe, por me ajudar desde o primeiro ano de faculdade.

Sei que no início era só eu e tu, mas a familia “aumentou” e agora somos seis elementos, um

grupo de pessoas loucas e felizes. Não podia estar mais orgulhoso por ter a oportunidade de vos

conhecer a todos, um grande obrigado “Muchachily”.

Ao Tiago Magalhães, pelo apoio e pelas conversas longas sobre biotecnologia e psicanálise

e, acima de tudo, por estar sempre presente para ouvir todos os meus problemas.

Um obrigado gigante à minha equipa de futebol, “CAO-Clube Académico de Odivelas”, aos

meus companheiros de equipa por me ajudarem a esquecer todos os problemas durantes os

treinos e jogos.

À Moradia, a aldeia mais espetacular, aos meus avós por serem o meu orgulho e me darem

a força necessaria para continuar a percorrer este caminho. Aos meus primos, com especial

referência ao Rui Nascimento pelos verões passados juntos.

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Finalmente, às pessoas mais importantes na minha vida:

À Inês Cachola: obrigado por seres única, por tornares a minha vida melhor, mais colorida,

mais alegre, por seres a minha companheira de todos os momentos, por todas as nossas viagens

pela Europa, por me “aturares”, suportares, e, sobretudo, amares.

Aos meus pais, Ernesto Nascimento e Cristina Nascimento por tudo: por serem das pessoas

mais inteligentes que já conheci, por me ensinarem tudo e me terem ajudado a chegar onde

cheguei. E à minha irmã, Leonor Nascimento, por conseguires animar-me sempre e,

principalmente, por seres quem és. Sei que nem sempre tenho o melhor humor, sei que nem

sempre sou a melhor pessoa, mas representam tudo para mim e não há palavras que descrevam

o quanto me deixam feliz. Obrigado.

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The aim of this work consisted in studying alternative approaches for production of

mannosylerythritol lipids (MEL), using Moesziomyces antarcticus and Moesziomyces aphidis. To

achieve this aim, different carbon sources to increase MEL production and decrease the final

concentration of fatty acids (FA) were used. Also, nano-membranes were used to separate both


This thesis has demonstrated, from the conditions tested, that the highest yields are reached

when the fermentation process begins with 40 g/l of glucose and, after four days of bioconversion,

40 g/l of soybean oil is added, where it was obtained a MEL titre of 24.7±2.5 g/l for M. antarcticus

and 17.6±1.6 g/l for M. aphidis, with a yield of 0.31±0.03 and 0.22±0.02 gMEL/gsubstrate, respectively,

after 14 days in a shake flask.

Production of MEL, using waste frying oils (WFO), resulted on MEL titre of 10.0±0.1 g/l for M.

aphidis and 12.1±0.5 g/l for M. antarcticus, with a yield of 0.17±0.00 and 0.20±0.01 gMEL/gsubstrate,

after 14 days in a shake flask.

The production of MEL by M. aphidis was 12.58 g/l after 12 days of bioconversion in a

bioreactor, with a yield of 0.20 gMEL/gsubstrate. With M.antarcticus, at day 5, a titre of 10.54 g/l of

MEL was obtained, corresponding to a maximum productivity of 0.09 g/l/h. After this day, the

substrate was consumed, and MEL production decreased.

Considering downstream, a nanofiltration membrane (540-580 Da) was assessed to MEL/FA

separation, obtaining a rejection coefficient of 98% for MEL and 60% for monoglycerides.

KEYWORDS: Biosurfactants; Mannosylerythritol Lipids; Bioreactors; Nanofiltration


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O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em estudar abordagens alternativas para a produção de

manosileritritolípidos (MEL), usando Moesziomyces antarticus e Moesziomyces aphidis. Tendo

em conta o objetivo, usou-se diferentes fontes de carbono para aumentar a produção de MEL,

diminuindo a concentração final de ácidos gordos no meio de cultura. Usou-se nano-membrans

para separar MEL dos ácidos gordos.

Demonstrou-se que de todas as condições testadas, a melhor foi aquela em que se inicia a

fermentação com 40 g/l de glucose e, ao final do quarto dia, o meio é suplementado com 40 g/l

de óleo de soja, obtendo-se uma concentração de 24.7±2.5 g/l de MEL para a M. antarcticus e

uma concentração de MEL de 17.6±1.6 g/l para a M. aphidis, com um rendimento de 0.31±0.03

e 0.22±0.02 gMEL/gsubstrato, respetivamente, depois de catorze dias em frascos agitados.

Recorrendo-se ao uso de óleos de fritura usados, obtêm-se uma concentração de MEL de

10.0±0.1 g/l para M. aphidis e 12.1±0.5 g/l para a M. antarcticus, com um rendimento de

0.17±0.00 e 0.20±0.01 gMEL/gsubstrato, respetivamente, depois de catorze dias em frascos agitados.

Em bioreactores, recorrendo a M. aphidis, obtêm-se uma concentração de 12.58 g/l de MEL.

Com M. antarticus, ao dia cinco, obteve-se uma concentração de 10.54 g/l de MEL,

correspondendo ao máximo de produtividade (0.09 g/l/h).

No processo de recuperação, usou-se membrana de nanofiltração (540-580 Da) para permitir

a separação de MEL/FA. Obteve-se um coeficiente de rejeição de 98% para o MEL e 60% para

os monoglicerídeos.

PALAVRAS CHAVE: biosurfactantes; manosileritritolípidos; Biorreatores; Tecnologia de


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Table of contents

Agradecimentos ........................................................................................................ i

Abstract .................................................................................................................... iii

Resumo .................................................................................................................... v

List of tables ............................................................................................................ ix

List of figures ........................................................................................................... xi

List of abbreviations ............................................................................................... xv

Chapter 1 - Introduction ............................................................................................ 1

1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives and challenges .............................................................................. 1

1.3 Research questions and research strategies: ................................................. 2

Chapter 2 - Literature review and State-of-the-art .................................................... 4

2.1 Surfactants and their applications in the global market ....................................... 4

2.1.1 Surfactants................................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 Market assessment ...................................................................................... 4

2.2 Biosurfactants and their applications in the market ............................................. 6

2.2.1 Biosurfactants .............................................................................................. 6

2.2.2 Market assessment of microbial biosurfactants ............................................ 9

2.2.3 Renewable substrates and their use to produce biosurfactants.................. 11

2.3 Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MEL) ....................................................................... 12

2.3.1 Why MEL? ................................................................................................. 12

2.3.2 Metabolic pathways for producing MEL ...................................................... 13

2.3.3 Applications of MEL ................................................................................... 14

2.4 Fermentation processes to produce MEL ......................................................... 15

2.4.1 Influence of carbon source in the production of MEL .................................. 15

2.4.2 Influence of nitrogen source in the production of MEL ................................ 16

2.4.3 Scale-up the production of MEL in bioreactors ........................................... 16

2.5 Downstream processing of biosurfactants ..................................................... 17

2.5.1 Downstream processing of MEL ............................................................. 18

Chapter 3 - Material and Methods .......................................................................... 20

3.1 Materials ....................................................................................................... 20

3.2 Microorganisms and maintenance ................................................................ 20

3.3 Media and Cultivation conditions................................................................... 20

3.4 Shake flask cultivation .................................................................................. 20

3.5 Bioreactor cultivation ..................................................................................... 21

3.6 Lipolytic assay .............................................................................................. 22

3.6.1 Enzymatic reaction using Lipase B (CAL-B) ........................................... 22

3.7 Cell growth .................................................................................................... 22

3.8 Sugar profile ................................................................................................. 23

3.9 Quantification of MEL .................................................................................... 23

3.9.1 Methanolysis and GC analysis ............................................................... 23

3.9.2 MEL extraction ....................................................................................... 23

3.9.3 TLC analysis .......................................................................................... 23

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3.10 Nanofiltration ............................................................................................... 24

3.10.1 Glycerides quantification ...................................................................... 24

Chapter 4 - Results and discussion ........................................................................ 25

4.1 Studying the effect of using two carbon sources in the production of MEL .... 25

4.1.1 MEL production using SBO .................................................................... 25

4.1.2 Pulses of two carbon sources (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) to increase

MEL titres. ........................................................................................................... 28

4.1.3 Development of a fed-batch strategy for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus

cultivation using hydrophilic and hydrophobic carbon source ............................... 32

4.1.4 Producing MEL using compounds enrichment with nitrogen ................... 35

4.1.5 Lipolytic activity ...................................................................................... 39

4.2 Production of MEL by mixed carbon source strategy utilization in bioreactors

................................................................................................................................ 41

4.2.1 Lipolytic activity in bioreactors ................................................................ 46

4.3 Producing MEL using waste frying oil (WFO) ................................................ 47

4.4 Downstream processing by nanofiltration technology .................................... 49

4.4.1 Testing the membrane with 22% of PBI solution..................................... 49

4.4.2 Enzymatic reaction to breakdown triglycerides ....................................... 52

4.4.3 Testing the membrane with 17% of PBI .................................................. 54

Chapter 5 - Conclusions ......................................................................................... 57

Chapter 6 - Future perspectives ............................................................................. 59

Chapter 7 - Bibliography ......................................................................................... 61

Chapter 8 - Appendix ............................................................................................. 70

8.1 Appendix 1 .................................................................................................... 70

8.2 Appendix 2 .................................................................................................... 71

8.3 Appendix 3 .................................................................................................... 72

8.4 Appendix 4 .................................................................................................... 73

8.5 Appendix 5 .................................................................................................... 74

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List of tables

Table 1: Methods for screening of biosurfactants-producing microorganisms (adapted from22):

....................................................................................................................................................... 7

Table 2: Resume of the 5 classes of biosurfactants, including some examples of each class,

and the respectively microorganism producer. Table adapted from5 ............................................ 8

Table 3: Some of the largest microbial biosurfactant producing companies around the world.

Adapted from44 .............................................................................................................................. 9

Table 4: Summary of the several renewable substrates from industry with the potential to be

used as a carbon source. Adapted from6 .................................................................................... 11

Table 5: Summary of maximum MEL obtained, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, purity

factor and productivity for each condition with M. aphidis and M. antarcticus. ........................... 27

Table 6: MEL and FA titres, yields, purity factor and productivities in 14 days fed-batch

cultivation of M. antarcticus and M. aphidis. The condition marked at bold, represents the

extraction of MEL and FA from the all broth. ............................................................................... 32

Table 7: Summary of maximum MEL obtained, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, purity

factor and productivity for each condition in M. aphidis and M. antarcticus. ............................... 35

Table 8: Summary of MEL obtained at day 14th of fermentation, yield (product/substrate), yield

in mol, purity factor and productivity for peptone, CSL yeast extract and the control ([0:40sbo] with

the normal components) for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus. ....................................................... 38

Table 9: Summary of MEL obtained at day 14th of fermentation, yield (product/substrate), yield

in mol, purity factor and productivity for conditions 1 feed of 20g/l of SBO in bioreactor and in

shake flask, and for the condition with feeds of 2g/l.................................................................... 43

Table 10: Resuming of the MEL obtained at day 10th of fermentation for shake flask, and day

5th of fermentation for the bioreactor. Also, the yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, and

productivity. ................................................................................................................................. 45

Table 11: MEL and FA production, yields, purity factor and productivity after 14 days of M.

aphidis and M. antarcticus cultured on 40 g/l of glucose and pulse of WFO at day 4. ............... 48

Table 12: Theoretical calculation of concentration in retentate (cR) for FA and MEL, % of FA

in the feed and MEL purity (%), assuming a rejection coefficient for MEL and FA of 98% and 60%,

respectively and a concentration of MEL (14.85 g/l) and FA (3.85 g/l) ....................................... 54

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List of figures

Figure 1: World consumption of surfactants in 2015, retrieved from 19. ................................... 5

Figure 2: Major consumption of surfactants by major application area. Retrieved from1 ........ 5

Figure 3: Compilation of the largest biosurfactant producer companies around the world, in

each country. Adapted from41 ...................................................................................................... 10

Figure 4: Biosurfactants market volume share, by application in 201324. .............................. 10

Figure 5: Chemical structure of MEL and their types. MEL-A : di-acylated; MEL-B: mono-

acylated in C6; MEL-C: mono-acylated in C456 ........................................................................... 12

Figure 6: Resume of possible metabolic pathways to produce MEL. Retrieved from66 ......... 14

Figure 7: Images of culture medium for the condition 60 g/l of SBO in M. antarcticus at

14th day of fermentation 26

Figure 8: Result obtained by TLC: a) Comparison of MEL extracted from M. antarticus and M.

aphidis; b) Comparison between MEL extracted from M. aphidis and aggregate from fermentation

broth. ........................................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 9: Maximum production of MEL (White bars), fatty acids (black bars) and cell dry weight

(grey bars) in each condition (80, 60, 40 and 20g/l of SBO) for M. aphidis. ............................... 27

Figure 10: Maximum production of MEL (White bars), fatty acids (black bars) and biomass

(grey bars) in each condition (80, 60, 40 and 20g/l of SBO) for M. antarcticus .......................... 27

Figure 11: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) by M.

aphidis; Production of MEL (d), consumption of FA (e), formation of biomass (f) by M. antarcticus

for the conditions: [40glu,0:40glu4] (Dashed line with ); [40glu,0:40glu and 5sbo,4] (Line

with▲); [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4] (Dashed line with ●) and [40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4] (Line

with ■). Red markers means the presence of red aggregates in culture medium. ..................... 29

Figure 12: Evolution of the red aggregates in M. aphidis cultivation for the condition

[40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4] at: a) day 7; b) day 10; c) day 14 of fermentation .......................... 30

Figure 13: Typical behaviour for glucose consumption for M. aphidis (grey line) and

M.antarcticus (black line) ............................................................................................................. 31

Figure 14: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) and glucose

consumption (d), by M. aphidis; Production of MEL (e), consumption of FA (f), formation of

biomass (g) and glucose consumption (h), by M. antarcticus for the conditions: [40sbo,0:40glu,4]

(Dashed line with ▲); [40glu,0:20sbo,4] (Line with ●) and [40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ■). Red

markers represent the presence of red aggregates in cultivation. .............................................. 33

Figure 15: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) and glucose

consumption (d) by M. aphidis; Production of MEL (e), consumption of FA (f), formation of

biomass (g) and glucose consumption (h) by M. antarcticus for the conditions: peptone (Dashed

line▲); yeast extract (Dashed line with ●) and corn steep liquor (Line with ■). .......................... 37

Figure 16: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. aphidis cultured for the

conditions: a) [80g/l SBO] (Dashed line with ▲) and [40glu,0:40glu,4] (Line with ●); b)

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ) and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] (Line with ▲). ........................................ 39

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Figure 17: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. antarcticus cultured in the

conditions: a) [80g/l SBO] (Dashed line with ▲) and [40glu,0:40glu,4] (Line with ●); b)

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ) and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] (Line with ▲). ........................................ 40

Figure 18: Production of MEL in bioreactors with M. aphidis, starting with 40g/l of glucose and

1 feed of 20g/l of SBO after the first day. a) MEL production (Line with ●) and FA consumption

(Dashed line with ▲); b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with ▲) and biomass (Grey Line

■). Red figures represent the days that appeared aggregates. .................................................. 41

Figure 19: Evolution of the red aggregates in M. aphidis cultivation in bioreactor using 40 g/l

of glucose and after 1 day, 20 g/l of soybean oil were fed: a) day 4; b) day 5; c) day 6 and d) day

9 of fermentation.......................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 20: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. aphidis, adding 2g/l of SBO for 10 days: a)

MEL production (Blue line ●) and FA consumption (Black line ▲); b) Glucose consumptions

(Dashed line with ▲) and biomass (Grey line ■). ....................................................................... 42

Figure 21: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. antarcticus, adding one feed of 20g/l of

SBO: a) MEL production (Blue line ■) and FA consumption (Black line▲); b) Glucose

consumptions (Dashed line with ●) and biomass (Grey line ■). ................................................. 44

Figure 22: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. antarcticus, adding one feed of 20g/l of

SBO: a) MEL production (Blue line ■) and FA consumption (Black line▲); b) Glucose

consumptions (Dashed line with ●) and biomass (Grey Line■). ................................................. 44

Figure 23: Image of the biofilm formed in bioreactor with M. antarcticus .............................. 45

Figure 24: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. aphidis cultured on 40 g/l of

glucose and: 1 pulse feed of 20 g/l of SBO (Black line ■) and several pulse feeds of 2 g/l (Dashed

line with ●). .................................................................................................................................. 46

Figure 25: Extracelular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. antarcticus cultured on 40 g/l

of glucose and 1 pulse feed of 20 g/l of. ..................................................................................... 47

Figure 26: Production of MEL (Dashed line with ▲), consumption of FA (Line with ▲),

formation of biomass (■) and glucose consumption (Dashed line with ●) by M. aphidis for

conditions [40glu,0:20wfo,4]. ....................................................................................................... 47

Figure 27: Production of MEL (Dashed line with ▲), consumption of FA (Dashed line with ▲),

formation of biomass (Line with ■) and glucose consumption (Dashed line with ●) by M.

antarcticus for conditions [40glu,0:20wfo,4]. ............................................................................... 48

Figure 28: Flux for each condition: 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue

bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar) ............. 50

Figure 29: Rejection coefficient of MEL for each condition: 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20

bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol

(green bar) ................................................................................................................................... 50

Figure 30: Rejection coefficient for monoglycerides (a) and triglycerides (b) for each condition:

10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar);

MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar) ........................................................................ 51

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Figure 31: Percentage of masses and losses for MEL (a) and FA (b), for the conditions 10 bar

ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE

(orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar). Orange bars represent the losses of the compounds.

..................................................................................................................................................... 51

Figure 32: HPLC spectre of the aggregates of MEL and FA from the bioreactor with M.aphidis

and used to perform filtrations. Blue rectangle correspond to MAG and red rectangle corresponds

to TAG. ........................................................................................................................................ 52

Figure 33: HPLC spectre, after the enzymatic reaction have occurred. Blue rectangle

corresponds to MAG, and red rectangle corresponds to the zone, where TAG should appear. 53

Figure 34: Flux for each condition: organic phase (black bar) and aqueous phase (blue bar)

..................................................................................................................................................... 54

Figure 35: Rejection of MEL for both phases. Organic phase (black bar) and aqueous phase

(blue bar) ..................................................................................................................................... 55

Figure 36: Rejection coefficient for organic phase and aqueous phase: a) monoglycerides and

b) triglycerides ............................................................................................................................. 55

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List of abbreviations

Acetyl-CoA – Acetyl Coenzyme A

Ca2+– Calcium ion

CAC – Critical aggregates concentration

CAGR – Compound annual growth rate

CDW – Cell dry-weight

CF – Concentration in feed

CMC – Critical micelle concentration

cR – Concentration in retentate

CSL – Corn steep liquor

D – Diavolumes

DAG - Diglycerides

FA – Fatty acids

GC – Gas Chromatography

GDP-mannose – Guanosine diphosphate mannose

Li+– Lithium ion

MAG – Monoglycerides

MEL – Mannosylerythritol lipid

MTBE – tert-butyl methyl ether

MWCO – Molecular weight cut-off

Rc – Rejection coefficient

SBO – Soybean oil

TAG – Triglycerides

TLC – Thin layer chromatography

TNF-α – Tumour necrosis factor

USD – United State dollars

WFO – Waste frying oil

WWTP – Wastewater treatment plant

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 Overview

Since the industrial revolution, many industries have raised and increased through the years,

especially the chemical industry, extracting petroleum and producing several compounds to be

used in numerous applications.

Surfactants are one of the most produced and consumed chemicals all over the world. They

are compounds with unique characteristics and are used in a wide range of products, like

detergents, household products and motor oils. This is a market in expansion, where it is projected

to reach 39.86 USD billion in 20211,2. However, over the last decades, the increase on the

awareness of the importance of the need for a sustainable production and environment concerns

on the chemical impact have led the consumers behaviour and companies taking into account

decisions regarding the environment.

Considering the recent advances, biotechnology can provide solutions to those problems by

using wild microorganisms able to produce the same compound or engineering strains to produce

a given compound. In fact, there are many groups and companies, as well as public funds in

European Union investing in green technologies3.

Microbial biosurfactants are the most promising compounds to replace chemical surfactants

due to their lower environmental impact and high biodegradability4,5.

These advantages, coupled to the use of renewable substrates, rather than production from

petroleum, contribute to increase their sustainable production. Cost reductions can be envisaged

with a scale up of their industrial production and with the use of waste materials as substrates

(renewable substrates)6.

Nowadays, microbial biosurfactants being produced from renewable substrates include

sophorolipids, rhamnolipids and mannosylerythritol lipids (MEL). In fact, the first two microbial

biosurfactants are well established in the market, which combined market is projected to reach

USD 17.5 million by 2020, with an annual growth of 4%7.

Among the microbial biosurfactants produced and studied, MEL (the biological product

targeted in this project) is a promising product to reach the market due to the numerous of

applications in a variety of fields. However, there are some challenges associated with the

industrial production of MEL, such the downstream processing. So, it is necessary to develop a

new integrated bioprocess, improving the fermentation process and/or the downstream

processes, to decrease manufacturing costs.

1.2 Objectives and challenges

MEL has been usually produced using vegetable oils as carbon source, such as soybean oil

(SBO), which leads to higher product titres, but also to high amount of fatty acids in the end of

fermentation, which leads to major difficulties in the downstream processing8, 9.

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To adress this problem, production of MEL using sugars (like glucose) and renewable

lignocellulosic residues offers a medium without fatty acids. However the titre of MEL reached in

the end of fermentation is considerably lower10,11.

The global aim of this thesis was to study and improve the fermentation process using two

yeast species, Moesziomyces aphidis and Moesziomyces antarcticus, observing the differences

of using two different carbon source addition in shake flask and bioreactors. In addition, it was

performed a separation method of MEL and fatty acids.

Basically, the present work (here reported), includes the study of:

• Fermentation process, improving and studying the fermentation process combining two

types of carbon source, hydrophilic (glucose) and hydrophobic (SBO or WFO). Aiming to

obtain high titres of MEL and reaching a lower concentration of fatty acids in the end of

the fermentation. Also, the effect of others sources was studied, such as corn steep liquor,

peptone and yeast extract. This investigation involves the study of MEL production in

shake flask and bioreactors.

• Downstream process: After the fermentation, MEL and FA were extracted with ethyl

acetate and the solvents are evaporated and these aggregates were solublized in

differents organic solvents. Considering that in the end of fermentation the fatty acids

existing in the medium are composed by monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides

with differents sizes, a nanofiltration step was assessed to separate MEL from FA.

1.3 Research questions and research strategies:

This thesis addresses the following questions:

1. Can a pulse of two carbon sources (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) improve MEL titres?

2. Does the order of carbon source (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) affect MEL titre?

3. Increasing rich medium suppliers (such as corn steep liquor and peptone) can

stimulate the consumption of fatty acids and increase MEL titres?

4. Can nanofiltration (NF) be used to separate fatty acids from MEL?

5. Which specie should be used to produce MEL in bioreactor?

To answer the five research questions, the following experiments were performed:

• MEL is usually produced, using vegetable oils, namely SBO. Therefore, in a 1st set of

experiments different concentrations of SBO were tested (80, 60, 40 and 20 g/l) to

assess the effect of this carbon source in productivity of MEL and the level of

contamination of fatty acids in the end of fermentation.

• Faria et al11 and Morita et al12 have described the production of MEL using hydrophilic

compounds (glucose and xylose) instead of the usual vegetable oils. With this

approach, the fermentation ends with almost no fatty acids, even though, the yields of

MEL are lower (0,075 g/g). To understand if the combination of two carbon sources

(hydrophilic and hydrophobic) can increase MEL titres and finish the fermentation with

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lower FA, a 2nd set of fermentation experiment started with 40 g/l of glucose and at the

4th day of fermentation, pulses of SBO (5, 10, and 20 g/l) and glucose (40 g/l) were

added to the medium.

• To assess if the order of addition of hydrophobic/hydrophilic compounds to the

fermentation affects MEL titre, a 3rd set of fermentation experiment were performed,

studying three conditions: Start with 40 g/l of glucose and supply with 40 g/l of SBO

at 4th day; start with 40 g/l of SBO and supply with 40 g/l of glucose at 4th day; and,

finally, start with 40 g/l of glucose and supply with 20g/l of SBO at 4th day.

• The importance of the ratio Carbon/Nitrogen to the production of MEL is well

described, as described by Faria et al 13 and Rau et al14. To assess if the addition of

rich compounds to the medium could stimulate MEL production and FA consumption,

peptone, yeast extract and corn steep liquor were added to the medium, with a

concentration of 10 g/l. For this assay, the fermentation started with 40 g/l of glucose

and 40 g/l of SBO were supplied at 4th day.

• Producing a given compound in a bioreactor is not necessarily equal to the production

observed in shake flasks. So, from the conditions tested in shake-flask, the one

capable of producing higher titres of MEL and maintaining a low concentration of FA

in the end of fermentation was tested in a bioreactor. It was also evaluated the

performance of both species in a bioreactor.

• Most of the studies have used vegetable oils to produce MEL, obtaining relatively high

titres of MEL8,9. Although, to separate MEL from FA it is not easy, and multiple solvent

extraction are necessary, as described by Rau et al9 (see sector 2.5.1), obtaining only

8% of pure MEL. So, in this way nanofiltration technology was tested to understand if

it is possible to separate MEL from FA.

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Chapter 2 - Literature review and State-of-the-art 2.1 Surfactants and their applications in the global market

2.1.1 Surfactants

Nowadays our society lives in an industrialized world with a variety of industries, where

chemical industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries and surfactants are among the

chemicals produced15.

Surfactants (surface active agents) are molecules with a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic

head, known as amphipathic structure. These compounds adsorb in the interface or surface,

forming tightly packed structures 16. Mainly, when the solvent is water, the tendency of surfactants

is to minimize the contact between water and then hydrophobic group, starting a process called

“micellization”. This process involves the aggregation of surfactants (micelles), with their

hydrophilic group toward the aqueous solution, starting at very low concentration, which is known

as critical micelle concentration (CMC)1.

The term interfaces indicate a boundary between two immiscible phases, existing 5 types of

interface: solid-vapor surface, solid-liquid, solid-solid, liquid-vapor surface and liquid-liquid 17.

Therefore, these surfactants can reduce the surface and interface tension, increasing the

solubility of hydrophobic compounds in an aqueous media or the solubility of water in a

hydrophobic solution (hydrocarbons). According to the hydrophilic group of surfactants, these

compounds can be classified as anionic, cationic, zwitterionic and non-ionic1,17.

Due to these properties, surfactants have the ability of detergency, foaming, emulsification/de-

emulsification, dispersion/aggregation of solids, adsorption and micellization5. Consequently,

surfactants have a wide range of applications, being used in a variety of products such as

detergents, household products and motor oils. Considering the efficiency of surfactants in

removing dirtiness, the more representative chapter for application of this group of chemicals is

the formulation of detergents (see figure 2).

Regarding all the surfactants produced, there are a type of surfactants, “gemini” surfactants,

which have been gaining importance in the industry, since the 1980. This surfactant is a dimeric

surfactant, constituted by two hydrophilic groups and two tails18 and, due to this constitution, these

surfactants have a lower CMC than the rest of the surfactants produced. In others words, all the

properties mentioned earlier are better when compared with others surfactants16.

2.1.2 Market assessment

In the last few decades, the demand for surfactants increased about 300% and the surfactant

market in 2016 was evaluated in USD 30,84 billion and it is projected to reach 39,86 USD billion

in 2021 2.

Surfactants are consumed all over the world, with special relevance in North America, Europe

and Asia, as described in figure 1. Although, regarding the pressures and restricted rules in

Europe and United States of America, this market is changing, in Pacific Asia, where it is expected

to grow with a CAGR of 6,1% until 2020.

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Figure 1: World consumption of surfactants in 2015, retrieved from19.

The formulation of detergent and household products is the application that consumes more

surfactants. Namely, 54% of the surfactants produced in the world are being used in household

products, as described in figure 2. Of the remaining surfactants produced, 41% are used in

industry, being mostly used as biocides and tank cleaners; 8% are used in personal care like

shampoos, cosmetic creams or perfumes.

Figure 2: Major consumption of surfactants by major application area. Retrieved from1

These surfactants derive from petroleum, and some of them have the ability to bind to

components of the cell, such as liposomes. Bragadin et al20 have shown that the surfactant linear

alkylbenzene sulfonate have the ability to accumulate in liposomes from rat liver. Although, the

effect of surfactants in the environment vary accordingly to the type of surfactants21. For example,

Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE) belongs to the non-ionic class of surfactants and are one of the

most used, and after the primary treatment in wastewater tretatment plant (WWTP), leads to the

formation of alkylphenols (e.g. polyphenol, octylphenol)22. These metabolites have tendency to

bioaccumulate in the lipids of organism and there are reports of the accumulation in aquatic

species 22,23. Although, more studies are required to evaluate the toxicity of surfactant and the

best treatment to apply in WWTP and avoid the accumulation in air, soil or aquatic compartments.

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Currently, there is a great concert regarding the sustainability and global warning. Therefore,

microbial biosurfactants, have gain attention due to their excellent properties, especially

biodegradability, and could replace common surfactants.

2.2 Biosurfactants and their applications in the market

2.2.1 Biosurfactants

Most of the biosurfactants are surfactants obtained by chemically reaction from vegetable

products24 and among these, there are a sub class of biosurfactants, microbial biosurfactants,

which are surface active compounds synthesized by microorganisms. The microbial production

of these compounds, plays, in some cases, an important role in the defence and protection of the

cell, by disrupting the cell membrane of others microorganism25, increasing the surface area of

the microorganism by facilitating nutrient uptake and biofilm formation or promoting motility of the

microorganisms (e.g surfactin)26,27.

Microbial biosurfactants, like fossil driven surfactants, have hydrophobic and hydrophilic

regions allowing them to reduce surface and interfacial tension by the same mechanism of

surfactants already used industrially. Depending on the composition of these compounds, they

can be used as an effective emulsifier, for detergency, like described earlier for surfactants4,5.

The demand for green products have increased and the final consumers are getting conscious

about the problems of using fossil driven chemicals to the environment and human health.

Therefore, biosurfactants are alternatives to replace these chemical surfactants, mainly due to

their biodegradability (ability to be synthetized using renewable substrates), presenting less

damage to the environment, but also due to other important properties such as a better tolerance

to high temperatures, pH and salinity; as well the ability of foaming, which allows to expand the

application scope4,5.

With the recent advances in the fields of genomics and metagenomics, the number of methods

for screening biosurfactant-producing microorganisms have increased, as described in table 1.

Consequently, the number of biosurfactants have increased through the years and it was

necessary to categorize these compounds, accordingly to their chemical and physical properties.

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Table 1: Methods for screening of biosurfactants-producing microorganisms (adapted from22):

Reference Analytical method Description of the method

Cooper and Gold-

enberg28 Emulsification test

Estimation of the emulsification value

(E-24), only valid for emulsifying


Matsuyama et al29 Droplet on slides Method that uses TLC (thin-layer


Shulga et al30 Colorimetric methods

Colorimetric method based on the

ability of anionic surfactants to react

with the cationic indicator, forming a


Lindhal et al31 Salt aggregation test

Precipitation of cells with salts. The

order in which cells are precipitated is

a measure of their surface


Rotenberg et al32 Bacterial adhesion to

hydrocarbon compounds

This method is based on the degree

of adherence of cells to various liquid


Vaux and

Cottingham33 Microplate method

A light beam is passed through the

sample in the microplate. Surface

tension is measured by quantifying

the intensity of light reflected

Jain et al34 Drop collapsing test

Sensitive and rapid method to screen

for bacterial colonies producing

surfactant. Solutions containing

potent surfactants will be unable to

form stable drops on an oily surface

Van der Vegt et al35 Axisymmetric drop shape analysis by profile

Technique that determines the

contact angle and liquid surface from

a droplet resting on a solid surface

There are five major classes of biosurfactants, which are lipopeptides, glycolipids, fatty acids

(including phospholipids), polymeric and particulate biosurfactants36. Among these five classes

(see table 2), glycolipids and lipopeptides are the most popular classes, comprising most of the

biosurfactants that are being produced industrially and that are being used in a wide range of

applications. It was demonstrated that rhamnolipids, which belongs to the class of glycolipids,

have an excellent behaviour in removing petroleum derivatives and heavy metals37, enhancing

marine oil spill bioremediation38 and even to be used as a fungicide39. Others biosurfactants, like

sophorolipid and mannosylerythritol lipids are involved in plant protection due to their capacity of

inhibiting phytopathogenic fungi growth40. In general, these compounds have excellent properties

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which allows their use in a variety of applications, even in food industry, preventing the formation

of biofilms in many household products, due to their antifungal and antibacterial activities41. In

fact, Rodrigues et al42 have shown that rhamnolipids from P. aeruginosa DS10-129 reduces the

adhesion of several bacteria and yeasts strain isolated from protheses explanted voice

prostheses to silicone rubber.

Table 2: Resume of the 5 classes of biosurfactants, including some examples of each class, and the

respectively microorganism producer. Table adapted from5

Class of biosurfactant Biosurfactant Microorganism producer


Rhamnolipids P. aeruginosa

Pseudomonas sp.


R. erythropolis N.


Mycobacterium sp.

Sophorolipids T. bombicola T. apicola

T. petrophilum

Cellobiolipids U. zeae, U. maydis

Mannosylerythritol lipids M. rugulosa, M. aphidis and


Lipopetides and


Peptide-lipid B.licheniformis

Serrawetin S. marcescens

Viscosin P. fluorescens

Surfactin B. subtilis

Subtilisin subtilis B. subtilis

Gramicidinis B. brevis

Polymyxins B. polymyxa

Fatty acids and


Fatty acids C. lepus

Phospholipids T. thiooxidans

Polymeric Surfactants

Emulsan A.calcoaceticus

Biodispersan A. calcoaceticus

Mannan-lipid-protein A. calcoaceticus

Liposan C. lipolytica

Carbohydrate-protein-lipid D.polymorphis, P.


Protein PA P. aeruginosa

Particulate biosurfactants Vesicles and fimbriae A. calcoaceticus

Whole cells Variety of bacteria

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2.2.2 Market assessment of microbial biosurfactants

Microbial biosurfactants have gained attention all over the world and nowadays there are

several companies selling microbial biosurfactants in the markets due their versatility in a wide

range of applications. In 2014, the market was evaluated in USD 13.5 million and the forecast to

2020 is to reach USD 17.5 million, with a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 4 % from 2014

until 202043. Regarding the amount of microbial biosurfactants produced, in 2014, approximately

150 tons were produced43.

Therefore, it is evident that biosurfactants have a huge potential to replace chemical

surfactants. Although, the industry of chemical surfactants and plant-derived biosurfactants

remains to be the world supplier of these compounds, due to several problems, including the

recover and purification of the product, high cost of raw materials and low yields in the production

41. So, if these problems were overcome, microbial biosurfactant production, probably, would

replace chemical surfactants in the markets41.

Nowadays, there are some companies supplying of biosurfactants, as described in table 3.

Table 3: Some of the largest microbial biosurfactant producing companies around the world. Adapted


Company Location Product(s) Application(s)


Biotech UK

Rhamnolipids and


Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,

and anti-cancer ingredients





Rhamnolipids (R95, an

HPLC/MS grade



cosmeceutical, cosmetics,

personal care, bioremediation

(in situ & ex situ), Enhanced

oil recovery (EOR)


Soliance France Sophorolipids Cosmetics

Henkel Germany



Mannoslyerthritol lipids

Glass cleaning products,

laundry, beauty products

Evonik Germany Rhamnolipids

Sophorolipids Household products

Many of these companies are placed in Asia, Europe, and America. Figure 3 shows the

number of companies that produce microbial biosurfactant, in each country. In 2012, Europe was

on the top of microbial biosurfactants market, possessing 54.7 % of all market; consequently, it

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was the region with more consumption of microbial biosurfactants. Then, the second region with

more importance in this market is United States of America, where it is expected to grow with a

CAGR of 5.6 % from 2014 to 202043. Pacific Asia is also growing in this market, although other

regions presented in surfactants market (such as Latin America) are not presented, due to the

high costs associated with the production of these microbial biosurfactants. Those facts explain

why the largest microbial biosurfactants producing companies are present in Europe and North


Regarding the microbial surfactants used in the market, sophorolipids and rhamnolipids.

Sophorolipids, in 2012 had 54% of the microbial biosurfactants market. The market for MEL is

also growing, although there is only one industrial application, which is the production of a

cosmetic cream, containing MEL45

Figure 3: Compilation of the largest biosurfactant producer companies around the world, in each country.

Adapted from41

As described before, biosurfactants have a great potential in the world of surfactants. In figure

4, it is possible to observe the wide range of applications in many fields. Household products are

the major application of these compounds, due to their efficacy in detergency and the increasing

concerns regarding the toxicity of using chemical surfactants, so household products constituted

44,6% of biosurfactants sold in 2013.

Figure 4: Biosurfactants market volume share, by application in 201324.










China Japan SouthKorea

USA Germany Uk Belgium France

Asia America Europe



er o

f co




Companies by country and continent

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2.2.3 Renewable substrates and their use to produce biosurfactants

One of the main issues of biosurfactants is the price of the raw materials (e.g yeast extract

and glucose), as described in section 1.4.

Therefore, is essential to reduce the cost of the raw material, making a profitable process. For

that, most of the studies have been using renewable substrates to produce biosurfactants6. These

renewable substrates can be wastes of an industrial process, such as animal fat, residues of

vegetable oils. Those wastes are summarized in table 4.

Table 4: Summary of the several renewable substrates from industry with the potential to be used as a

carbon source. Adapted from6

Source industry Waste/residues as renewable substrates

Agro-industrial waste,

crops residues, animal fat

Bran, beet molasses, Bagasse of sugarcane straw of wheat,

cassava, cassava flour wastewater, rice, animal fat

Cofee processing

residues Coffee pulp, coffee husks, spent of free groundnut

Crops Cassava, potato, sweet potato, soybean, sweet sugar beet,


Dairy industry Curd whey, milk whey, waste whey

Food processing industry Frying edible oils and fats, olive oil, potato peels rape seed

oil, sunflower, vegetable oils

Fruit processing industry Banana waste Pomace of apple and grape, carrot industrial

waste, pine apple

Oil processing mills

Coconut cake, canola meal, olive oil mill waste water, palm

oil mill, peanut cake, effluent, soybean cake, soapstock,

waste from lubricating oil

Among those renewable substrates, vegetable oils are the carbon sources most used to

produce biosurfactants. These oils are saturated compounds or unsaturated fatty acids with a

length of 16-18 carbon atoms, so it is a powerful component to be used as a carbon source,

leading to high productions of biosurfactant46,47.

Furthermore, there are others renewable sources that have been used as carbon sources to

produce biosurfactants, like dairy industry products, due to their high content in lactose and amino

acids and molasses (by product from sugarcane industry) containing a high content in sugar

compounds6,48. There are many reports showing the production of the same biosurfactant, but

with different renewable substrates. For example, it is demonstrated that biosurfactant

sophorolipid is produced using cheese whey49 Cryptococcus curvatus ATCC 20509 and Candida

bombicola ATCC 22214 ) and animal fat50 (Candida bombicola), as carbon source.

Lignocellulosic materials, one of the most promising renewable substrates due to his high

abundance on Earth47, can be used to produce bioethanol, fine chemicals, enzymes, pulp paper

and composites51,52. They are constituted by 10% to 25% of lignin, 20% to 30% of hemicellulose

and 40% to 50% of cellulose52. The hemicellulose component contains 15% to 35% of several

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pentoses, hexoses and uronic acids53. Therefore, after the hydrolysis process of the

lignocellulosic material, the amount of sugar available as carbon source for a given microorganism

is substantial. Faria et al13 demonstrated for the first time the conversion of cellulosic materials

into mannosylerythritol lipids (glycolipid biosurfactant), showing that MEL can be produced using

lignocellulosic materials as a carbon source.

An important challenge for reduction of biosurfactants production costs are the selection of

new culture media, preferable using renewable substrates, and the design of new bioprocesses,

including downstream operations able to increase biosurfactants yield and reduce operation

costs. Complementary strategies could rely in strain engineering to improve microorganism


2.3 Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MEL)

2.3.1 Why MEL?

Mannosylerythritol lipids (MEL) is a biosurfactant belonging to the class of glycolipids (see

table 2) and possessing excellent properties to be used in a wide range of applications, especially

in cosmetic applications45. This biosurfactant is produced by a variety of microorganisms, being

mainly produced by fungi Ustilago maydis54 and Pseudozyma genus (see table 2), especially P.

antartica, P. rugulosa and P. aphidis. It is important to mention that these genus were renamed

to Moesziomyces, due to their close evolutionary taxonomy to Moesziomyces bulltus55.

MEL as represented in figure 5, contain 4-O-β-D-mannopyranosyl-meso-erythritol as the

hydrophilic group and fatty acids short-chains, as the hydrophobic group11. Accordingly to the

number and position of the acetyl group, MEL can have four forms: MEL-A, di-acylated

compound; MEL-B, mono-acylated compound in C6; MEL-C, mono-acylated compound in C4

and MEL-D, compound that deacylated36. There are other factors that influence the structure of

MEL, like the number of acylation in mannose and fatty acids length and their saturation.


Figure 5: Chemical structure of MEL and their types. MEL-A : di-acylated; MEL-B: mono-acylated in C6; MEL-C: mono-acylated in C456

There are several strains able to produce MEL and, accordingly to the type of strain, the

structure of MEL can be different. The strains that produce large quantities of MEL are M. aphidis,

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M. rugulosa and M. antartica. These strains mainly produce MEL-A (about 70%), together with

MEL-B and MEL-C, although, the low water solubility of MEL-A limits the application of these


Pseudozyma tsukubaensis is able to efficiently produce one type of MEL, MEL-B 57. Fukuouka

et al58 achieved the production of MEL-D, through an enzymatic reaction, removing the acetyl

groups. However, this year, Konishi et al59 developed a mutant of Pseudozyma hubeiensis SY16

to selectively produce MEL-D. Knowing that this specie (Pseudozyma hubeiensis SY16) mostly

produce MEL-C, the authors constructed a mat-1 knockout mutant, avoiding the formation of

acetylated forms of MEL (in this case, MEL-C), leading to the production of MEL-D (91.6 g/l).

It is important to know the composition of the MEL mixture produced, to better design the

downstream processing and applications.

2.3.2 Metabolic pathways for producing MEL

This section discusses the metabolic pathways for the conversion of MEL using vegetable oils

or sugars as carbon source.

By analysing the structure of MEL (figure 2), there are 3 main moieties present in the structure:

Mannose, erythritol and short-chain fatty acids. The assembly of these moieties to form MEL, is

regulated by a cluster of 4 genes, as described by Hewald et al 60. These genes are emt1, which

encodes for a mannosyltransferase, being responsible for the mannosylation of erythritol 61, mac

1 and mac 2, that encodes for an acetyltransferase, transferring short/medium fatty acids to C4/C6

hydroxyl groups present in mannose, and a last gene, mat-1, which encodes an acyltransferase,

leading to the acylation of MEL, forming MEL-A, MEL-B or MEL-C. (figure 6) 60,61.

Microorganisms usually degrade fatty acids by complete β-oxidation of fatty acids, forming

acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-coA). Acetyl-coA can be redirected to TCA cycle to produce ATP or

used to produce long-chain fatty acids that can be incorporated into cellular membrane.

Additionally, acetyl-coA can be used to elongate the fatty acids chain, forming long-chain fatty

acids. In case of fatty acids has a long chains, occurs an intact incorporation in cell membrane 62.

When the carbon source is glucose, three pathways are involved in the production of MEL,

such as pentose phosphate for producing erythritol, mannose and fatty acids. To produce

mannose, fructose-6-phosphate, from glycolytic pathway is converted into mannose-6-phosphate

by enzyme mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC, then mannose-6-phospahte is

converted into mannose-1-phosphate, reaction catalysed by GDP-D-mannose

pyrophosphorylase (EC Erythritol is produced through the non-oxidative phase or

through oxidative phase of pentose phosphate pathway 63. Then, occurs the mannosylation of

erythritol, by mannosyltransferase (2.4.1). In the end of glycolysis, pyruvate is converted into

Acetyl-CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (EC, entering in TCA cycle. However,

to produce fatty acids, acetyl-coA reacts with oxaloacetate to form citrate, and only after high

concentration of this compound, citrate is translocated to cytoplasm where is cleaved, forming

oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA, which enters in pathway of fatty acids biosynthesis 64. This system

is present only in oleaginous yeast.

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When MEL is produced using vegetable oils as carbon source, the metabolism totally differs.

Initially, vegetable oils are cleaved by lipases forming glycerol and fatty acids (see figure 6). Then

partial β-oxidation of fatty acids will occurs, known as chain shortening pathway, as demonstrated

by Kitamoto et al65. Then the incorporation into mannosylerythritol occurs, leading to the

production of MEL63. Glycerol formed by the action of lipases, enter in glycolytic pathway, via

gluconeogenesis or allowing the formation of mannose and erythritol by the reactions described


The following figure (figure 6), resumes the metabolic pathway to produce MEL from glucose

and soybean oil, described earlier.

Figure 6: Resume of possible metabolic pathways to produce MEL. Retrieved from66

2.3.3 Applications of MEL

MEL is one of the most promising biosurfactants, especially due to its properties in cosmetic.

Recent studies demonstrated that MEL-A can be used to treat skin injuries, showing moisturizing

activity67. In fact, a company from Japan (Toyobo Co., Ltd) has developed a cosmetic,

SurfMellow®, using MEL-A in its formulation45. Morita et al68 also tested if MEL can be used to

repair damaged hair, providing a smooth and flexible hair.

This biosurfactant also presents excellent properties in the field of medicine, by inducing cell

differentiation and apoptosis36. Some reports show that MEL induces the differentiation of human

promyelocytic leukaemia cell line HL60 69 and can down regulate tyrosine kinase in K562 cells,

inhibiting the cell proliferation and inducing differentiation 70. MEL also have anti-inflammatory

action, where it is demonstrated that can inhibit secretion of TNF-α, which is a tumour necrosis

factor, a cytokine involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and in a variety of

diseases 71. So, it is possible to say that there is a future in using MEL to treat diseases, although

more studies are required.

There are several reports showing the high affinity of MELs (MEL-A, MEL-B and MEL-C) in

binding to human immunoglobulin G (IgG) 72,73.

Nowadays, gene transfection is an emerging technology, where foreign nucleic acids are

transferred into another cell to produce a genetically modified cell. There are 3 different groups

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of methods for gene transfection: biological, chemical and physical. The most used method is the

virus mediated-transfection, which belongs to the biological group, although there are lots of risks

associated with this method 74. Through the years, biosurfactans have gained importance in this

filed, due to their capacity in self-assembling (formation of micelles). Kitamoto et al 75 found that,

when MEL is dispersed in the water, has the ability to form giant vesicles. Moreover, MEL can

help in gene transfection, due to their high capacity in forming stable vesicles36. Inoh et al76

showed that MEL-A enhanced the efficacy of gene transfection by cationic liposomes and induce

the membrane fusion between cells and cationic-liposomes.

2.4 Fermentation processes to produce MEL

The typical medium described in the literature to produce MEL includes MgSO4, KH2PO4 and

yeast extract 11,54. However, considering the nitrogen source and carbon sources, several studies

have been performed to elucidate the most efficient compound capable of promoting high

concentration of MEL77.

2.4.1 Influence of carbon source in the production of MEL

As discussed in section 1.3, vegetable oils have been used as a carbon source to produce

biosurfactants. In the case of MEL, several vegetables oils were used, like castor oil 78 and

soybean oil79. Kitamoto et al8, tested six different vegetable oils at an initially concentration of 80

mL/L, where they demonstrated that the best vegetable oil to be used as a carbon source is

soybean oil, producing 34 g/l of MEL, using M. antarcticus T-34. Arévalo80 used M. antarcticus

PYCC 5048T and oil-based carbon sources: poultry oil (12.9 gMEL/l), waste frying oil (8.3 gMEL/l),

crude soybean oil (13.7 gMEL/l) and crude rapeseed oil (11.5 gMEL/l). In this study it was also tested

the production of MEL using lignocellulosic hydrolysate (Wheat straw) and glucose, obtaining 1.5

gMEL/l and 3.8 gMEL/l, respectively.

Considering the metabolic pathway to produce MEL, when soybean oil is used as a carbon

source, it is necessary to cleave the triglycerides, forming monoglycerides and being incorporated

into MEL (chain shortening pathway), therefore, in that way, Kitamoto et al 81, have produced MEL

using n-alkanes ranging from C12 to C18, and the highest yield (0.87 gMEL/l) was obtained using

6% (v/v) of n-octadecane. The microorganism used was M. antarcticus T-34.

Furthermore, there are studies showing the use of sugar compounds as carbon source

(xylose, glucose). Morita et al.12, showed that M. antarcticus T-34 is able to produce MEL in the

presence of glucose, where the maximum concentration of MEL obtained, using 40 g/l of glucose,

was 3.5 g/l. Consequently, when the authors used a fed-batch mode, supplying to the medium

120 g/l of glucose, each day, the final concentration obtained was 12 g/l.

Concerning the use of sugar compounds as a carbon source, there is a patent describing the

treatment of lignocellulosic residues by an enzymatic process, allowing the uptake of carbon

sources by microorganisms (M. aphidis; M. antarcticus), for the production of MEL10. The same

authors, reported the production of MEL, using pentoses (xylose and arabinose) as carbon source

for the first time11.

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Beyond the use of lignocellulosic residues, other rich compounds were tested. Bhangale et

al82 have produced MEL using honey as a carbon source, and in this study, it was used the

microorganism M. antarcticus ATCC 32675 and the highest titre of MEL was 5.61 gMEL/L.

Dziegielewska and Adamczak83 have tested the production of biosurfactants (including MEL)

using renewable substrates. The best result was the use of soapstock and whey permeate or

molasses, where 90 g/l was obtained for M. aphidis and 40 g/l for M. antarcticus.

2.4.2 Influence of nitrogen source in the production of MEL

The complexity of each nitrogen source has the ability to interfere with metabolism of the cell,

by inducing several mechanism, such as biomass production84.

There are reports showing that the production of MEL occurred after nitrogen starvation9. Faria

et al11, performed a study where they compared the effects of the nitrogen source (using NaNO3),

at different days, in the production of MEL and biomass using three strains: M. aphidis, M.

antarcticus and M. rugulosa. In this studied, they used glucose and pentoses (xylose and

arabinose) as carbon sources. Therefore, they could conclude that a high ratio carbon/nitrogen

promoted the production of MEL, where the best result was the addition of carbon source (40 g/l)

and nitrogen source (3 g/l) at the beginning to the fermentation broth, leading to total consumption

of glucose and production of MEL (8 g/l).

Also, there are studies reporting that the nitrogen source can influence the type of MEL

produced. Rau et al14, using M. aphidis DSM 70725, tested different types of nitrogen source,

such as NaNO3, NH4Cl, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 with a concentration of 23.5 mM, and the best

result was the use of NaNO3, followed by NH4NO3, which did not result in a good result, since the

pH was not controlled and decreased until two. The authors also evaluated the production of MEL,

varying the ration of glucose/NaNO3 concentration, where they observe that the best result were

0/2 and 20/2, showing that high concentration of glucose and nitrate sodium led to lower yield of

MEL and high concentrations of SBO not consumed.

Kim et al79 used NH4NO3 to produce MEL and they observed that controlling the pH at 4, after

consumption of this nitrogen source, the production of MEL was improved.

Fan et al85, tested several types of medium, varying the nitrogen source (peptone or yeast

extract) and the presence of mineral salts (MgSO4.7H2O, KH2PO4 MnSO4, CuSO4). They have

showed that when the species M. aphidis ZJUDM3 is cultivated in a culture medium containing

peptone, manganese and copper salts, there are improvements in production of MEL-A, since

the manganese has the function to keep enzymes and proteins active.

2.4.3 Scale-up the production of MEL in bioreactors

Most of known biosurfactants are being produced in bioreactors (see table 3), which is the

case of surfactin and rhamnolipids. In fact, for produce rhamnolipids in bioreactors, the conditions

are well studied, and there is an industry well established around this biosurfactant.

Some attempts were performed using bioreactors to produce MEL using fed-batch of soybean

oil as carbon source. Rau et al9, using the microorganism M. aphidis DSM 14930, achieved 90

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g/l of MEL with an yield of 0.86 gMEL/gsubstrate starting with 67 g/l of soybean oil and an addition of

37 g/l during three days. In the same study was obtained the highest yield reported in the literature

for MEL, 0.92 gMEL/gsubstrate, with a final titre of 165 g/l. This study started the fermentation with 17

g/l of soybean oil and 30 g/l of glucose, and, after 1.75 days, a concentrated solution was added

(glucose 285 g/l, sodium nitrate 16 g/l, yeast extract 14 g/l) was fed at 125 ml/h, and to control

the foam, 6.1 L were added to the medium during the first three days. However, this study

presents some limitations, since there is no information about how much SBO is used by the cell

and to control the foam.

Kim et al79, tested two types of fermentation: batch mode and fed-batch mode. In batch mode

they observed that MEL titre is improved from 37 g/l to 48 g/l, when the pH is controlled at 4 (since

they use NH4NO3 and after consumed the pH is reduced until 4). In fed-batch mode, it was

produced 95 g/l of MEL, but two pulses of soybean oil were added, 70 g/l and 100 g/l, at 50 and

100 hours respectively. In the end of the fermentation the concentration of residual oil was 20 g/l,

which will difficult downstream process to purify MEL.

2.5 Downstream processing of biosurfactants

Downstream processing comprise all the methods used to obtain and concentrate the final

product, constituting around 70% of the total costs in biological product86, therefore, it is important

to choose the best methods. Normally for downstream processing of biological products there are

3 stages: extraction, intermediary purification and ultra-purification. Although, depending on the

type of application, not all the stages are required.

When the biological product is intracellular, it is necessary to release the product off the cells

for further extraction of the product. So, before the extraction of the product, some methods are

required like centrifugation, to concentrate the cells, followed by cell disruption, allowing the

release of the product. In this category, sonication, homogenization, bead milling and osmotic

shock are the possible techniques to be used87.

The following step is to perform the extraction of biosurfactant, and, for these extraction, there

are several techniques that can be employed, such as acid precipitation; organic solvent

extraction; foam fractionation and crystallization88.

Acid precipitation is a technique that uses acid to precipitate biosurfactants, due to their

insolubility at low pH (which is not the case of MEL), as described in many studies. Although there

is another type of precipitation where the objective is to precipitate fatty acids presented in the

fermentation broth, a technique developed by Fleurackers89. This author described the separation

of sophorolipids from oleic acid using ions Ca2+ or Li+, which will bound to oleic acid, creating

soap. The best result was the use of the ion Ca2+, where 80% of oleic acid was removed as

insoluble calcium soap.

Organic solvent extraction uses the higher ability and partition of biosurfactants into organic

solvens (which is the case of MEL). These techniques (acid precipitation and organic solvent

extraction) allow, in one step, a high concentration of the biosurfactants. While acid precipitation

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is a cheap method, organic solvent extraction is a method that can re-use the same solvent,

through a rotary evaporator40.

Due to the detergency capacity of biosurfactants, during the fermentation these compounds

are presented in the foam, so it was developed a technique, foam fractionation, allowing the

uptake of foam produced during the fermentation. This method involves the use of a device (foam

fractionation column) that can be integrated into the bioreactor, allowing the recovery of foam in

a continuous mode, leading to highly concentrations of bisourfactant, since only them are

presented in the foam90. In this technique, it is possible to extract 90-95% of the biosurfactant

produced in the fermentation.

After the extraction and concentration of the product it is necessary to retrieve the bio-products

produced during the fermentation. So, the choice of these techniques depends on the size, the

ionic charge (which is not the case of MEL, since it is a neutral molecule). Regarding the size and

the ionic charge, it can be used an ionic chromatography, due to the charge of biosurfactants,

allowing the adsorption of these compounds to the charged column. It can also be used size

exclusion chromatography, allowing the separation of biosurfactant from other products, based

on different size.

There are other methods like the adsorption using resins. This technique involves the use of

a hydrophobic resin, like XAD (hydrophobic copolymer of styrene-divinylbenzene resin), which

can interact with hydrophobic group of biosurfactants, allowing the separation of these

compounds from others. Normally, the organic solvent used to elute the biosurfactants in these

resins is ethyl acetate, a solvent also used in the organic solvents extraction. There is other type

of adsorption (adsorption on wood activated carbon). These methods of adsorption have the

advantage to re-use the same resin in recovery cycles, but is a method that involve high costs 91.

The final step of purification, used to achieve biological products with a high percentage of

purity, involves the use of normal or reverse phase, or even the use of ultrafiltration, microfiltration

and nanofiltration membrane. Membrane technology have been using increasingly, since it

presents several advantages, such as: high recovery yield, minimization of the denaturation and

degradation of the biological products desired to concentrate 92,93.

Considering these aspects, the challenge is to have a membrane able to discriminate between

products and impurities. Therefore, using membrane technology, some attempts were performed

to concentrate and purify biosurfactants, using their properties, such as the ability to form micelles,

known as CMC93,94. In this manner, Chen et al93 and Isa et al94 have developed a strategy to purify

surfactin, where they used a two-stage ultrafiltration. In first filtration, surfactin is retained since it

is in the form of micelles, and impurities are removed trough the permeate. Then, in the second

filtration, the micelles are disrupted and surfactin is removed to the permeate and impurities are

retained, obtaining a high purity (85%).

2.5.1 Downstream processing of MEL

There are few studies reporting separation and purification of MEL. Rau et al9 used several

techniques to separate MEL from fatty acids. They used multiple solvent extraction (three times

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for each organic solvent), starting with MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), obtaining 75% of MEL,

15% of SBO and 10% of fatty acids. Then, this mixture was resolubilized in methanol and

extracted with cyclohexane, obtaining 91 % of MEL, 5 % of SBO and 4% of FA. At last,

cyclohexane was evaporated, and the mixture was extracted with a solution of n-hexane-

methanol-water (1:6:3). The organic solvents were evaporated, and the water was retrieved by

liophilization obtaining 100% of MEL. Although the authors have lost a lot of product, and, in the

end, only 8% of MEL remained. This low value is justified by the high difficulty in separating MEL

from fatty acids.

The same authors also tried to separate MEL using resins (XAD), which was unsuccessful

due to the absorption of fatty acids and soybean oil. They could achieve the best type of XAD

with high capacity for absorbing MEL with few fatty acids and resins.

Kitamoto et al95, developed a method to purify MEL using a silica gel column chromatography.

With this method, they achieved the separation of the four types of MEL (MEL-A, MEL-B, MEL-C

and MEL-D). After this, several papers reported this experience to purify MEL 96, 85.

Considering the ability of biosurfactants to form micelles, Andrade et al 97 have shown the

purification of MEL using ultrafiltration technology. In this study, they used cassava wastewater

(renewable substrate) to produce MEL, although using this substrate, a high amount of proteins

was also produced. Therefore, since MEL is capable of forming micelles, they have used a 100

kDa MWCO membrane, allowing the separation of proteins from MEL in one-step, obtaining a

purity of 80%.

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Chapter 3 - Material and Methods

3.1 Materials

Reagents: Yeast extract (Oxoid), Malt extract (Oxoid), Peptone (Merck®), D-glucose

(Fischer), Agar (José M Vaz Pereira, S.A.), NaNO3 (LabKem), MgSO4 (Sigma-Aldrich®), KH2PO4

(Chem-lab), corn steep liquor, soybean oil (Olisoja), waste frying oil (McDonald´s), Lipase B


Organic Solvents: Ethyl Acetate, Acetone, Hexane, Methanol, MTBE (tert-butyl methyl

ether), isopropanol, all from Fischer®; Acetyl Chloride from Fluka.

Equipment: Incubator (Memmert), Orbital shaker (Abalab, Agitorb 200), Bioreactor of 2.5L

(Infors: MT-minifors), Filtration dead-end cell (Sterlitech), rotary vapour (Buchi), centrifuge

(Sartorius 1-15P, Sigma, rotor 12000 rpm)

3.2 Microorganisms and maintenance

Moesziomyces yeast strains were provided by the Portuguese Yeast Culture Collection

(PYCC), CREM, FCT/UNL, Caparica, Portugal: M. antarcticus PYCC 5048T (CBS 5955), M.

aphidis PYCC 5535T (CBS 6821). These strains were plated in YM agar (yeast extract 3 g/l, malt

extract 3 g/l, peptone 5 g/l, D-glucose g/l and agar 20 g/l) and incubated for 3 days at 37°C.

From the plates, it was also prepared stock cultures of each specie (M. antarcticus and M.

aphidis). For that, each specie was grown up in liquid medium, and stored in 20%v/v glycerol

aliquots at -80ºC.

3.3 Media and Cultivation conditions

An inoculum was prepared by transferring the yeast colonies of M. antarcticus and M. aphidis

into an Erlenmeyer flask with 1/5 working volume of medium containing 3 g/l NaNO3, 0.3 g/l

MgSO4, 0.3 g/l KH2PO4, 1 g/l yeast extract, 40 g/l D-glucose, and incubated in the orbital at 27°C

with 250 rpm, for 48 h.

Batch cultivation: After 48h, 10% (v/v) of inoculum was added into an Erlenmeyer flask with

1/5 working volume of mineral medium (0.3 g/l MgSO4, 0.3 g/l KH2PO4, 1 g/l yeast extract,3 g/l

NaNO3 at initial pH 6.0) and 40 g/l of D-glucose as carbon source.

3.4 Shake flask cultivation

Aiming at increasing MEL titres and gain insights for optimization of MEL production in

bioreactors using optimized set of substrates, several fermentations were performed with M.

aphidis and M. antarcticus. Samples of 3 mL were taken at days 4, 7, 10 and 14 of fermentation,

to further analysis of MEL and FA in GC. For all the conditions tested, the fermentation started

with 10% (v/v) of inoculum added into an Erlenmeyer flask with 1/5 working volume of mineral

medium (0.3 g/l MgSO4, 0.3 g/l KH2PO4, 1 g/l yeast extract and 3 g/l NaNO3) for a total volume of

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50 mL. Only glucose and soybean oil differed the concentration and feeding mode and the day it

was supplied to the medium.

Therefore, initially the production of MEL was tested using only soybean oil with several

concentrations of SBO (80, 60, 40 and 20 g/l) with the rest of the mineral medium described


Then the production of MEL was tested using pulses of two carbon sources (hydrophilic and

hydrophobic). In this experience, all the conditions started with 40 g/l of glucose, and at the 4th

day of fermentation 40 g/l of glucose and concentrations of SBO ranging from 5 to 20 g/l were

added to the culture medium.

• [40glu,0:40glu,4]- Addition, at 4th day of 40 g/l of glucose (control)

• [40glu,0:40glu and 5sbo,4]- Addition, at the 4th day of glucose and 5 g/l of SBO

• [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4]- Addition, at the 4th day of glucose and 10 g/l of SBO

• [40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4]- Addition, at the 4th day of glucose and 20g/l of SBO

To understand which carbon source should the fermentation start with, three conditions were

tested in biological duplicates:

• [40glu,0:40sbo, 4]- Starting the fermentation with 40 g/l of glucose and at the 4th day

a pulse of SBO 40 g/l were added to the medium

• [40sbo,0:40glu, 4]- Starting with 40 g/l of SBO and at the 4th day a pulse of 40 g/l of

glucose was added

• [40glu,0:20sbo,4]- Starting with 40 g/l of glucose and at the 4th day a pulse of 20 g/l

of SBO

A 3rd set of experiments was performed in duplicate: three compounds were tested (Corn steep

liquor, peptone, and yeast extract) in duplicate. At the beginning of the fermentation the medium

was composed by 40 g/l of glucose, 10 g/l of each compound tested (one at a time) and the others

mineral compounds described earlier. Then a pulse of 40 g/l of SBO was added to the medium

at 4th day. Since these compounds were able to produce high concentrations of biomass, it was

supplied to the medium 40 g/l of SBO at the day 14th of fermentation with the rest of the mineral

compounds, and the fermentation was extended until day 21 of fermentation.

A new fermentation assay was performed using waste frying oil (WFO). In this fermentation,

40 g/l of glucose was added to start the fermentation and at the 4th day 20 g/l of WFO was added

to the medium. This experiment was performed in duplicate.

3.5 Bioreactor cultivation

The experiments were performed in a 2.5 -L bioreactor, and filled with 1L of culture medium,

constituted by: 3 g/l NaNO3, 0.3 g/l MgSO4, 0.3 g/l KH2PO4, 1 g/l yeast extract, 40 g/l D-glucose

and 10% of inoculum, as described earlier. The agitation speed was set in a cascade mode

(between 150 rpm and 400 rpm), varying according to the dissolved oxygen, air flow was set to 1

vvm, temperature was controlled at 27ºC and the pH was not controlled.

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During this experiment, two bioreactors were simultaneous used, testing two different

conditions in M. aphidis. For M. antarcticus it was only tested the condition of the 1st bioreactor.

The fermentation took 12 days and samples were taken every day for further analysis of MEL, FA

and dried-weight. For each strain, the fermentations were performed in biological duplicate.

• 1st bioreactor: The fermentation started with 40 g/l of glucose, and after the

appearance of foam (approximately 1 day) a pulse of 20g/l of soybean oil was added

aseptically to the medium to control the foam.

• 2nd bioreactor: The fermentation started with 40 g/l of glucose, and a pulse of 2g/l of

SBO was added aseptically to the medium for 10 days, in total of 20g/l.

Since in 1st bioreactor was added 20g/l of SBO at the 1st day, different of the condition

[40glu,1:20sbo,4] studied in shake flask, other set of fermentations in shake flask were created

starting with 40 g/l of glucose and the rest of the components and at the 1st day 20 g/l of SBO was

added to the medium.

3.6 Lipolytic assay

The enzymatic assays were performed as described by Gomes et al98. The substrate used for

the enzymatic assays was p-nitrophenyl butyrate. All enzymatic activities were carried out in a 96

well plate, and the reaction mixture was composed by: 2.63 mM of p-nitrophenol butyrate was

dissolved in 50 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.2) and 4% of triton-X-100.

To initiate the enzymatic assay, 90µL of p-nitrophenol butyrate 2.63 mM solution and 10 µL of

the supernatants was added. Then the reaction mixture was incubated at 37ºC for 15 minutes,

and after that, the reaction was stopped by adding 200 µL of acetone. The absorbance was

measured at 405 nm in a microplate spectrophotometer (MultiskanTM GO, ThermoFisher

Scientific), and the enzymatic activity was determined. One unit (U) of lipase activity is defined as

the amount of enzyme releasing 1 μmol p-nitrophenol per minute.

3.6.1 Enzymatic reaction using Lipase B (CAL-B)

An enzymatic reaction was performed to cleave triglycerides (TAG) from the aggregates

containing MEL and FA, extracted from the bioreactor using the microorganism M. aphidis, as

described in section 3.10.2. The reaction was performed by adding 0.1 g of the enzyme (CAL-B)

to 2 g/l of the aggregates extracted from the bioreactor, dissolved in 5 mL of phosphate buffer at

pH 7.0, during seven days at 37ºC.

3.7 Cell growth

Biomass was followed by measuring cell dried weight (CDW) at day 0, 1, 4, 7, 10 and 14 of

fermentation time. Cell dry weight was determined from 1 ml of culture broth by centrifugation at

13000 × g for 5 min, followed by cell pellet washing with 500 µL of deionized water (twice) and

drying at 60ºC for 48 h.

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3.8 Sugar profile

Collected supernatants were diluted with sulphuric acid 0.05 M solution (1/2) and centrifuged

(Sartorius 1-15P, Sigma) at 13000 rpm for 1 min. Supernatants were collected and diluted with

sulphuric acid 0.05 M solution (1/10), resulting in a dilution of 1/20. The quantification was

performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), using a system Merck Hitachi,

Darmstadt, Germany) equipped with a refractive index detector (L-7490, Merck Hitachi,

Darmstadt, Germany) and an Aminex HPX-87H column (300 mm× 7.8 mm, Bio-Rad), at 50°C.

Sulfuric acid (0.005 M) was used as mobile phase at 0.4 ml/min.

3.9 Quantification of MEL

3.9.1 Methanolysis and GC analysis

During the fermentations, 1 or 3 mL of culture broth were periodically taken and freeze-dried.

The fatty acid content of the biological samples was determined by methanolysis and GC analysis

of methyl esters as described by Welz et al99.

Initially, pure methanol was cooled down to 0ºC under nitrogen atmosphere and acetyl chloride

was added under stirring over 10 minutes in the proportion of 20/1 (v/v), respectively. This

combination generated a water-free HCl/methanol solution. Culture broth samples, after freeze-

drying, were weighted and mixed with 2 ml HCl/methanol solution and 100 µL of internal standard,

4% (v/v) heptanoic acid an 96% (v/v) of n-Hexane. Then the samples were incubated for 1 h at

80°C for reaction into methyl esters.

The resulting product was extracted with 1 mL of n-hexane and 1 mL of water, then the organic

phase was retrieved and 1µL was injected in a GC system (Hewlett-Packard, HP5890), equipped

with a FID detector and a HP-Ultra 2 column. The oven was programmed from 140°C and

temperature raised to 170°C at 15°C/min, to 210°C at 40°C/min and to 310°C at 50°C/min. Final

time of 3 minutes. Nitrogen gas was used at a flow rate of 50 mL/h. MEL production is quantified

through the amount of C8, C10 and C12 fatty acids.

3.9.2 MEL extraction

To extract MEL from the fermentation in shake flask, 25 mL of ethyl acetate was added, an

equal volume of the fermentation broth retrieving the organic phase. This procedure was realized

three times. Then the organic phase was evaporated in a rotary evaporator, recovering ethyl

acetate and obtaining MEL.

MEL produced in bioreactor was extracted with approximately 500 ml of ethyl acetate

retrieving the organic phase and posterior evaporation in a rotary evaporator.

3.9.3 TLC analysis

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was performed to evaluate the presence of MEL in a given

product, and the differences of MEL produced by two species: M. aphidis and M. antarcticus.

Aluminium plates (TLC-sheets Alugram Xtra SIL G/UV254) were cut with the dimensions of 8×4

cm with mobile phase consisting of: chloroform (CHCl3), methanol (MeOH) and water (H2O)

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(65:15:2). Then the eluted compounds were revealed by heating the plate after spraying with a

solution of naphthol (1.5 g), sulfuric acid (6.5 mL), ethanol (51 mL) and water (4 mL).

3.10 Nanofiltration

MEL and FA obtained from the bioreactor (1st bioreactor) using the microorganism M. aphidis

were extracted as described in section 3.10.2.

In this section two types of membranes were used. The first membrane used 22% of

polybenzimidazoles (PBI) in a solution of dimethylacetamide with a MWCO distribution of 580 Da

to 540 Da. The second membrane used 17% of PBI in a solution of dimethylacetamide and it was

placed in a dead-end filtration cell.

The nanofiltration was performed using the aggregates (MEL and FA) solubilized in an organic

solvent with a total volume of 50 ml, with a concentration of 2 g/l. Initially it was tested, using the

membrane with 22% of PBI, ethyl acetate as an organic solvent at different pressures: 10, 20 and

30 bars. MTBE and isopropanol were also tested with 30 bar of pressure.

After this experiment, the membrane with 17% of PBI was tested, with a higher MWCO. For

this assay with the membrane, initially 50 mL of water and 50 mL of ethyl acetate were mixed,

and organic phase (with 3% of H2O) and aqueous phase were separated. For both phases,

MEL/FA were solubilized in a final concentration of 2 g/l. Then the filtration was performed at a

pressure of 8 bar.

For MEL, monoglycerides (MAG), diglycerides (DAG) and triglycerides (TAG) quantification,

the solutions were divided and evaporated for further analysis of MEL (see section 3.10.1) and

glycerides (see section 3.11.1).

3.10.1 Glycerides quantification

The concentration of monoglycerides (MAG), diglycerides (DAG) and triglycerides (TAG) in

the initial solution (feed), permeate and retentate were analysed by HPLC, as described by

Badenes et al100. The HPLC was equipped with a Chromolith Performance RP-18 endcapped

(100mm x 4.6mm x 2µm) column, an auto sampler (Hitachi LaChrom Elite L-2200), a pump

(Hitachi LaChrom Elite L-2130) and a UV detector (Hitachi LaChrom Elite L-2400) set up at 205

nm. The flow rate was set up at 1 ml/min and the injection volume was 20 µl. Three mobile phases

were employed: phase A consisted of 100% acetonitrile, phase B consisted of water 100% and

phase C comprising a mixture of n-hexane and 2-propanol (4:5, v/v). Quantification was carried

out using calibration curves of Glyceryl trioleate (~65 %, Sigma-Aldrich GmbH) for TAG, 1,3 –

Dioelin (≥99%, Sigma-Aldrich GmbH) and 1-oleoyl-rac-glycerol (≥99%, Sigma-Aldrich GmbH) for

MAG. 200 μL of each sample was retrieved and mixture with 1 μL of acetic acid 58.5 Mm and 799

μL n-hexane. Then it was centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 2 minutes, and the organic phase was

extracted and injected into the HPLC system.

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Chapter 4 - Results and discussion

4.1 Studying the effect of using two carbon sources in the production of MEL

MEL, glycolipids with unique biosurfactant properties, are produced by Moesziomyces spp.

from different substrates, preferably vegetable oils101, but recently, within the iBB group, the use

of inexpensive lignocellulosic substrates has emerged as an attractive attempt to develop a more

sustainable process using renewable hydrophilic substrates, which also facilitate the downstream

processing, which is hampered when residual oils are present, common situation when vegetable

oils are used. Nevertheless, MEL titres achieved is relatively low posing difficulties to make the

process economically viable13.

The objective of this section was to achieve a condition with high titres of MEL with the

minimum concentration of residual fatty acids in the culture medium, obtaining MEL, at least with

a purity of 85% after simple ethyl acetate extraction. Reference soybean oil concentration (80 g/l)

was used for MEL production along with decreasing concentration of SBO to evaluate how the

MEL titre, productivity and residual FA are affected with initial SBO concentration (section 4.1.1).

Then, the three next sub-chapters explore how the simultaneous or intercalated utilization of

hydrophilic and hydrophobic carbon sources can improve MEL titres keeping low residual FA

(section 4.1.2 and 4.1.3). Along with the carbon source, alternative complex nitrogen sources

were used to study alternative means of improving MEL purity by either improving MEL titres

and/or reducing residual FA (Section 4.1.4).

4.1.1 MEL production using SBO

Most of the studies have used vegetable oils to produce MEL, obtaining relatively high titres

of MEL. In the literature, Kitamoto et al8 have obtained 34 g/l of MEL (yield of 0.48 gMEL/gsubstrate)

using M. antarcticus and 80 ml/l of SBO. In this case there is no information about the free fatty

acids presented in the medium. Rau et al14 obtained approximately 55 g/l with some SBO (around

3g/l) left in the medium to be consumed, using the same initial SBO (80 mL/L). In other study9,

the same authors tried to separate MEL from fatty acids using multiple solvent extraction,

obtaining 8% of MEL, as described earlier in section 2.5.1.

To test how MEL titre, productivity and residual FA are affected by initial SBO concentration,

the following initial SBO concentrations were considered for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus:

The assays were:

• Assay 1: 80 g/l of SBO

• Assay 2: 60 g/l of SBO

• Assay 3: 40 g/l of SBO

• Assay 4: 20 g/l of SBO

The characterization of the soybean oil used in these experiments is presented in annex 1.

In this set of fermentations, in the higher concentrations of SBO (80 and 60 g/l), some red

aggregates started to appear in the culture medium, in both strains with more relevance in M.

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aphidis, a phenomenon also described by Rau et al9. Figure 7 represent one example of the

appearance of red aggregates.

To confirm that these aggregates were clusters of MEL, a TLC test was performed comparing

MEL directly extracted from fermentation broth and the red aggregates which are easy to collect

from M. aphidis cultures (figure 8) in which it is possible to observe the presence of both MEL and

residual fatty acids in the red aggregates. These bands were classified by comparison with a TLC

result obtained by Morita et al66.

From the result of TLC (figure 8), it is possible to observe the bands corresponding to fatty

acids, MEL-A. Considering MEL-B and MEL-C, it was not possible to identify by this analysis

which bands correspond to each type of MEL.

When red aggregates were present in culture, the concentration homogeneity in samples was

compromised. In that cases MEL was extracted from all broth and the results in figure 9 and 10

represent the concentration of MEL, FA and total biomass at the end of the fermentation (day 14).

In annex 2 the results of MEL, FA and biomass are represented, for the days 1,4,10 and 14 of

fermentation (data from non-homogeneous samples).

Figure 7: Images of culture medium for the condition 60 g/l of SBO in M. antarcticus at 14th

day of fermentation

Figure 8: Result obtained by TLC: a) Comparison of MEL extracted from M. antarticus and M. aphidis; b) Comparison between MEL extracted

from M. aphidis and aggregate from fermentation broth.

b) a)



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Table 5: Summary of maximum MEL obtained, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, purity factor and productivity for each condition with M. aphidis and M. antarcticus.

a) Final concentration of MEL and FA in the fermentation broth

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

Strain Condition MEL

a) (g/l)



Yield b)


Yield c)

(p/s) mol


d) Factor


e) (g/l.h)




[80g/l SBO] 21.79 26.62 0.272 0.063 0.45 0.0649

[60g/l SBO] 18.71 8.13 0.312 0.072 0.70 0.0557

[40g/l SB0] 13.24 2.38 0.331 0.077 0.85 0.0394

[20g/l SB0] 10.07 1.84 0.503 0.117 0.85 0.0300





s [80 SBO g/l] 19.00 32.23 0.238 0.054 0.37 0.0565

[60 SBO g/l] 18.06 11.11 0.301 0.078 0.62 0.0537

[40 g/l SB0] 14.00 0.86 0.350 0.091 0.94 0.0417

[20 g/l SB0] 10.00 0.49 0.500 0.129 0.95 0.0298









[80g/L SBO ] [60g/L SBO ] [40g/L SBO] [20g/L SBO]




Figure 9: Maximum production of MEL (White bars), fatty acids (black bars) and cell dry weight (grey bars) in each condition (80, 60, 40 and 20g/l of SBO) for M.










[80g/L SBO] [60g/L SBO ] [40g/L SBO] [20g/L SBO]




Figure 10: Maximum production of MEL (White bars), fatty acids (black bars) and biomass (grey bars) in each condition (80, 60, 40 and 20g/l of SBO) for M.


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In both M. aphidis and M. antarcticus, it is possible to observe that higher SBO concentrations

(80 and 60 g/l) gave rise to higher MEL titres of MEL (>18 g/l), although the amount of fatty acids

is also high, with a ratio of MEL:FA lower than 3/1, which means a MEL purity lower than 85%.

Nevertheless, at the lower concentrations of SBO (40 and 20 g/l), the amount of fatty acids were

lower, below 2.5 g/l and a final MEL purity higher than 85%. Cell dry weigh was similar between

the high concentrations of SBO (80 and 60 g/l) and then decreased as the concentration of SBO


In table 5 it is possible to compare MEL and FA titres, yields and purity factor mentioned earlier

𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 =𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝐸𝐿 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑀𝐸𝐿 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑+𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 (equation 1)

The yield obtained for condition 20g/l SBO is higher (0.5 gMEL/gsubstrate) than the value obtained

by Kitamoto et al8 (0.48 gMEL/gsubstrate). However, the final concentration of MEL is not so high.

4.1.2 Pulses of two carbon sources (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) to increase MEL


The use of lignocellulosic-based sugars for MEL production has been reported as an

interesting alternative to vegetable oils due to: renewability and low price of materials; facilitated

downstream conferred by the hydrophilic properties of sugars and low level of residual fatty acid.

However, the utilization of glucose and/or xylose to produce MEL is reported to lead to low yields

(approximately 0.1 gMEL/gsubtrate)11,12.

Thus, the present section aims to evaluate the utilization of a hydrophobic carbon source, in

addition to the hydrophilic carbon source, evaluating if it is possible to increase MEL yield and

maintaining a low accumulation of fatty acids in the culture medium. Since MEL is formed by a

hydrophilic and hydrophobic group, the idea is to observe if feeding the medium with glucose

(hydrophilic source) and soybean oil (hydrophobic source) could increase MEL titres. In this

experience, fed-batch fermentations were performed. Based culture condition included the

utilization of 40 g/l of glucose and a feed pulse at day 4 of 40 g/l of glucose ([40glu,0:40glu,4]).

Alternative feeding strategy included, in addition to 40 g/l of glucose: 5 g/l of soybean oil ([40glu,0:

40glu and 5sbo,4]); 10 g/l of soybean oil ([40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4]); and 20 g/l of soybean oil

([40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4]).

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Observing figure 11 a), it is possible to observe that a pulse of 40 g/l of glucose and 5 g/l of

SBO has no positive influence in the production of MEL when compared with the condition with a

pulse of 40 g/l of glucose at the end of the fermentation, since MEL increased between day 4 and

7 to 2.7 g/l, higher than the 0.9 g/l observed in the control. However, this difference decreased

after day 7 with a decrease in MEL concentration in the [40glu,0: 40glu and 5sbo,4] conditions.

When the SBO feed concentration increased to 10 g/l and 20 g/l, an increase of MEL production







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14






Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fatty a


s c





Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14





Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L t




Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fatty a


s c





Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14






Time (days)


Figure 11: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) by M. aphidis; Production of MEL (d), consumption of FA (e), formation of biomass (f) by M. antarcticus for the conditions:

[40glu,0:40glu4] (Dashed line with ); [40glu,0:40glu and 5sbo,4] (Line with▲); [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4] (Dashed line with ●) and [40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4] (Line with ■). Red markers means the

presence of red aggregates in culture medium.

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was observed, which could indicate a preference of M. aphidis for this carbon source. Even

though, the production of MEL in both conditions, [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4] and [40glu1:40glu

and 20sbo,4] is quite similar. Such results can be explained by the appearance of red aggregates

in condition [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,40], represented in figure 12, after the day seven of

fermentation. Figure 12 represents red aggregates at days 7, 10 and 14 in the condition of 40 g/l

of glucose and 20 g/l of soybean oil, justifying the lower MEL concentration observed after day 7

of fermentation (due to non-homogeneous sampling), and why this condition ended the

fermentation with the same amount of MEL and FA than the condition [40glu,0:40glu and

10sbo,4]. To retrieve the final value of MEL and FA of the condition [40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,40]

the culture medium was completely extracted, and a total of 10.6 g/l of MEL and 3.4 g/l of FA

were obtained, which is higher than the amount of MEL (6.5 g/l) obtained for the condition

[40glu,0:40glu and 10sbo,4].

As described for M. aphidis, the strategie [40glu,0:40glu,4] and [40glu,0:40 glu and 5sbo,4]

have a similarly behaviour in producing MEL by M. antarcticus for 14 days of fermentation, in

which no differences were observed when 5 g/l of SBO were used (figure 11c). The conditions

[40glu,0:40 glu and 10sbo,4] and [40glu,0:40 glu and 20sbo,4] led to an improvement on MEL

production from around 5 g/l to 9.6 g/l and 16.0 g/l respectively, higher values than those observed

in M. aphidis in the same culture conditions.

Regarding the fatty acids profile (figure 11b) it is possible to observe that all the conditions

tested ended the fermentation with the same amount of fatty acids in the culture medium,

approximately 2 g/l for M. aphidis and below 2 g/l for M. antarcticus.

Analysing the results for biomass production (figure 11 c and e), the behaviour of the two

species is almost identically, with the difference that M. antarticus is more able to produce more


c) a) b)

Figure 12: Evolution of the red aggregates in M. aphidis cultivation for the condition [40glu,0:40glu and 20sbo,4] at: a) day 7; b) day 10; c) day 14 of fermentation

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Figure 13: Typical behaviour for glucose consumption for M.aphidis (grey line) and M.antarcticus (black line)

Figure 13 portrays a typical glucose consumption profile for glucose and respective feed

strategy, at 40 g/l concentration.

Analysing the yields for each condition in each strain (table 6), it is possible to observe that

increasing the concentration of oil added at day 4 of fermentation, increases, not only MEL titres,

but also MEL yields, pointing out that the oil added improve the culture efficiency to transform the

carbon from the substrate into the product, MEL. Nevertheless, this effect is observed only when

oil at a concentration of 10 g/l or more is added to the cultivation.

In M. aphidis, the higher yield of [40glu1:40glu and 20sbo,4] condition is observed only after

an extraction of all culture broth due to non-homogeneous sampling derived from the large red

aggregates formed.

Comparing the two strains, it is possible to observe that M. antarcticus, regardless the

strategie, produced higher MEL titres and yields, as well as higher purity ratio.

Morita et al12 obtained 12 g/l of MEL (with an yield of 0.033 gMEL/gsubstrate) using M. antarcticus

T-34. The fermentation started with 120 g/l of glucose and every 7 days, a feed of 120 g/l was

supplied to the medium during 21 days. Comparing to the results here obtained, it corroborates

that the combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic carbon sources increases MEL yields if

compared with large glucose addition to the cultivation.











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


cose c


ption (


Time (days)

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Table 6: MEL and FA titres, yields, purity factor and productivities in 14 days fed-batch cultivation of M. antarcticus and M. aphidis. The condition marked at bold, represents the extraction of MEL and FA from

the all broth.

a) MEL and FA produced at day 14th of fermentation

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

4.1.3 Development of a fed-batch strategy for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus cultivation

using hydrophilic and hydrophobic carbon source

In the previous chapter, it was shown that a pulse of two carbon sources (hydrophilic and

hydrophobic) can improve MEL production without almost no accumulation of FA in the culture

medium. However, it seems that the yields and productivity for both species are very low, even in

the condition where 20g/l of oil was added to the medium at 4th day of fermentation, and it is not

clearly which carbon source should the fermentation start.

Since, in the literature, MEL has been mostly produced using vegetable oils77,79,9 in the

beginning of the fermentation, this chapter tries to understand if the order or carbon source affect

MEL production, and how these two carbon sources can be combined to improve MEL titres,

maintaining a low accumulation of fatty acids.

So, three conditions were tested: start cultivation on 40 g/l of glucose and pulse feeding of 20

g/l of SBO at day 4 ([40glu,0:20sbo,4]) or 40 g/l of SBO ([40glu,0:40sbo,4]); and start cultivation

on 40 g/l of SBO and a pulse feeding at day 4 of 40g/l of glucose ([40sbo,0:40glu,4]). The results

are represented in figure 14.

Strain Condition MEL

a) (g/l) FA a) (g/l)

Yield b) (p/s)

Yield c) (p/s) mol

Purity d)

Factor Productivity

e) (g/l.h)


[40glu1:40glu4] 2.98 1.72 0.037 0.017 0.634 0.009

[40glu1:40 and 5sbo,4]

1.04 1.22

0.012 0.005 0.461 0.003

[40glu1:40glu and 10sbo,4]

6.03 1.78

0.067 0.028 0.772 0.018

[40glu1:40glu and 20sbo,4]

6.53 1.65

0.065 0.026 0.798 0.019

[40glu1:40glu and 20sbo,4]

10.58 3.39

0.106 0.042 0.757 0.031


[40glu1:40glu4] 4.67 0.67 0.058 0.028 0.874 0.014

[40glu1:40 and 5sbo,4]

3.16 0.97 0.037 0.017 0.765 0.009

[40glu1:40glu and 10sbo,4]

9.64 0.76 0.107 0.046 0.927 0.029

[40glu1:40glu and 20sbo,4]

16.03 1.91 0.160 0.065 0.893 0.048

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14






Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


cose c





Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L t




Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fatty a


s c





Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L t




Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fatty a


s c





Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14






Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


cose c





Time (days)


Figure 14: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) and glucose consumption (d), by M. aphidis; Production of MEL (e), consumption of FA (f), formation of biomass (g) and glucose consumption (h), by M. antarcticus for the conditions: [40sbo,0:40glu,4] (Dashed line with

▲); [40glu,0:20sbo,4] (Line with ●) and [40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ■). Red markers represent the presence of red aggregates in cultivation.

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By analysing the results obtained for M. aphidis (figure 14a), it is possible to observe higher

MEL titres in the condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4], 17.6 g/l, when compared to condition

[40sbo,0:20sbo,4], 12.4 g/l. For the condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4] it appeared red aggregates,

justifying the reduction of MEL from day 7 until day 10 of fermentation.

Both conditions [40glu,0:20sbo,4] and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] reaches the same tire of MEL (around

12g/l) and in the first condition the total amount of carbon is lower. However, when it is used only

40 g/l of SBO in the beginning, the production of MEL is 13 g/l (figure 9), a value of MEL a bit

higher than the values obtained for [40glu,0:20sbo,4] and [40sbo,0:40glu,4]. This seems to prove

that M. aphidis has a high preference for produce MEL using SBO, and glucose, almost has no

influence in MEL production.

For M. antarcticus (figure 14e), it was observed higher MEL titres in condition

[40glu,0:40sbo,4], 24.7 g/l, than the condition [40sbo,0:20sbo,4], 18.3 g/l. Comparing the two

strains, it is possible to observe that M. antarcticus, regardless the condition, produced higher

MEL titres and yields, as well as higher purity ratio. For both species, the condition

[40sbo,0:20sbo,4] ends the fermentation with lower concentration of fatty acids than the condition

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] (see table 8), and so, differences are observed in purity factor.

Considering the glucose consumption in M. antarcticus (figure 14h) and M. aphidis (figure

14d), both have a similar behaviour in the two strains, with virtually all glucose consumed within

4 days (when added at day 0), and until day 10 when glucose was added at day 4. For biomass

production (figure 14d and f), the conditions [40glu,0:40sbo,4] and [40glu,1:20sbo,4] have the

same behaviour, which means that the same amount of SBO and glucose were used to produce

biomass and other components of the cell. The condition [40sbo,0:40glu,4], in M. antarcticus, has

produced more biomass than the other conditions, but, for M. aphidis the production was higher

in the first four days of fermentation, and after day 4, biomass production was similar between the


By analysing table 8, it is possible to observe that in both strains, the condition

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] has the highest yield, and the condition [40sbo,0:40glu,4] have the lowest yield,

showing that the feed of glucose at day 4 of fermentation does not improve MEL yields. For M.

aphidis is more clear, since using 40 g/l of SBO, the value of MEL is a bit higher than the

conditions [40glu,0:40glu,4] and [40glu,0:20sbo].

For all the conditions, M. antarcticus has produced more MEL than M.aphidis, which reflects

in a purity factor higher, even for conditions where FA is equally between the species. So, it seems

that for M. antarcticus the combination of carbon sources (hydrophilic/hydrophobic) have led to

higher titres of MEL than M. aphidis.

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Table 7: Summary of maximum MEL obtained, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, purity factor and

productivity for each condition in M. aphidis and M. antarcticus.

a) MEL and FA produced at day 14th of fermentation

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

Kitamoto et al8 reported a MEL production of 34 g/l using Candida antartica T-34 with 8% of

SBO (approximately 70 g/l), obtaining an yield of 0.48 gMEL/gsubstrate, higher than the best yield

obtained for M. antarticus in this work (0.3 gMEL/gsubstrate). Although the authors have used high

concentration of SBO, and as discussed earlier (chapter 4.1.1), these conditions lead to the

accumulation of fatty acids in the culture medium.

Arévalo80 reported a MEL production of 18.3 g/l with 70 g/l of SBO and using the same strain

of the present work (M. antarticus PYCC 5048T). The yield obtained (0.26 gMEL/gsubstrate) is lower

than the yield obtained for the condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4].

Rau et al14 tested several conditions, using the microorganism M. aphidis DSM 70725, where

one of them was started with 70 g/l of SBO and added mannose (40 g/l) and erythritol (40 g/l) at

different days. The best result was obtained by adding mannose or erythritol after the cell reached

stationary phase (day two of fermentation), obtaining 70 g/l of MEL with a yield of 0.58

gMEL/gsubstrate, which is higher than the yield obtained for the condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4], 0.22


4.1.4 Producing MEL using compounds enrichment with nitrogen

In the previous chapter, the best strategie to achieve high titres of MEL was the condition

starting with 40 g/l of glucose and at day 4 a pulse of 40 g/l of SBO ([40glu,0:40sbo,4]). Although,

in both species, this condition ended with a considerable amount of fatty acids, with a purity factor

of 0.649 for M. aphidis and 0.755 for M. antarcticus. Since these values are a little far from the

threshold defined in the beginning (at least 85% of MEL purity), it was tested the media

enrichment using organic nitrogen sources, to observe if they can stimulate the consumption of

fatty acids and the increase of MEL production.

For that, it was used 3 different compounds: peptone (10 g/l), corn steep liquor (10 g/l) and

yeast extract (10g/l). All these fermentations started with 40g/l of glucose and at day 4, 40 g/l of

Strain Condition MEL a)

(g/l) FA

(g/l) a)

Yield b) (p/s)

Yield c) (p/s) mol

Purity d) Factor

Productivity e) (g/l.h)

M. aphidis

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] 17.61 9.54 0.220 0.073 0.649 0.052

[40sbo,0:40glu,4] 12.40 3.47 0.155 0.052 0.781 0.037

[40glu,0:20sbo,4] 11.59 3.00 0.193 0.073 0.794 0.035

M. antarcticus

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] 24.69 8.00 0.309 0.104 0.755 0.074

[40sbo,0:40glu,4] 18.65 1.96 0.233 0.078 0.905 0.056

[40glu,0:20sbo,4] 14.84 1.47 0.247 0.094 0.910 0.044

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SBO were supplied to the medium (condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4]) and the results are presented in

figure 15.

Since these three compounds are able to produce high concentrations of biomass at day 14

(figure 15c and 15g), another pulse of 40 g/l of SBO was added and the fermentation was

extended until day 21, in order to observe if MEL production would increase after the cells reached

the maximum concentration of biomass (approximately 50 g/l).

By analysing the values obtained for each condition in M. aphidis and comparing them with

the condition control (see figure 15a), it is possible to confirm that none of the three compounds

tested have improved MEL production, since all the three compounds have led to the production

of high concentrations of biomass (figure 15d). It seems that these compounds have redirected

carbon source to the formation of biomass, leading to higher concentrations of biomass (figure

15c and g). Even though, MEL produced in the conditions CSL and yeast extract, have reached

14.7 g/l and 10.0 g/l respectively. Although, for the condition using peptone, there was low

production of MEL, and after the addition of 40 g/l of SBO at 14, fatty acids decreased until day

17, but not consumed afterwards.

For the conditions using corn steep liquor (CSL) and yeast extract, the biomass have reduced

from day 17 to day 21 of fermentation.

Observing the results for M. antarcticus (figure 15e), there is no further MEL production after

SBO addition at day 14. For this strain, peptone and yeast extract have stopped the production

of MEL after day 10 of fermentation and\, although a low residual amount of FA in cultivation,

MEL titres observed are lower to the control (9.1 g/l, figure 14e). When CSL was used it is possible

to observe a significant increase in MEL production from day 10 to 14 (reaching 14.85 g/l).

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fatty a


s c





Fermentation (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


cose c





Fermentation (days)











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20






Fermentation (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fatty a


s c





Fermentation (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


cose c





Fermentation (days)











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20






Fermentation (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


L t




Fermentation (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


L t




Fermentation (days)


Figure 15: Production of MEL (a), consumption of FA (b), formation of biomass (c) and glucose consumption (d) by M. aphidis; Production of MEL (e), consumption of FA (f), formation of biomass (g)

and glucose consumption (h) by M. antarcticus for the conditions: peptone (Dashed line▲); yeast

extract (Dashed line with ●) and corn steep liquor (Line with ■).

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In both species, none of the compounds has increased MEL production, more than the control

([40glu,0:40sbo,4]), maybe, because all of them have the ability to redirect carbon source for the

formation of biomass. Also, the yields are lower than the control (table 8).

The productivity is also lower (0.038 g/l.h), when compared to the control (0.052 g/l.h).

Therefore, these compounds in high concentrations seems to stimulate the biomass production.

Considering the results for CSL, in M. aphidis, the amount of fatty acids at day 14 was similar

to the amount of fatty acids in the control ([40glu,0:40sbo,4]), however the production of MEL was

lower in the case of CSL. These results with enriched media may point out that some nutrient

limitation might be needed for MEL production. For instance, the C/N (carbon to nitrogen) ratio

was lower in this section when compared with previous ones11.

Table 8: Summary of MEL obtained at day 14th of fermentation, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol,

purity factor and productivity for peptone, CSL yeast extract and the control ([0:40sbo] with the normal components) for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus.

a) MEL and FA produced at day 14th of fermentation

b) Yield at 14th day (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield at 14th day (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

Konishi et al103 have found that 10 g/l is the best concentration of yeast extract to improve MEL

production in P. hubeiensis SY62, using 50 g/l of olive oil and 50 g/l of glucose. Kitamoto et al8,

have also tested the effect of CSL (2%) and yeast extract (0.05%) using M. antarcticus, however

did not improve MEL production when compared to the control. The authors also observed an

increase in MEL production from yeast extract to CSL, in line with observations of figure 15e.

Considering the results for CSL, in both species, it is possible to observe that the yields

obtained were higher compared to yeast extract and peptone. Even though, it seems that CSL is

inhibiting MEL production. Since CSL is constituted by 40% of proteins, 21% of lactic acid, 16%

of nitrogen free extract, and rich in vitamins and aminoacids104, maybe lactic acid is interfering

with MEL production, explaining why MEL production in high concentrations, only occurs after

day 10 of fermentation in M. antarcticus (figure 15e).

Sharma et al104 have shown that 10% of CSL inhibited the production of pullulan

(exopolysaccharide) and with 5% of CSL was the best result. This means that the key factor

Strain Condition MEL a) (g/l) FA a)


Yield b)


Yield c) (mP/mS)

Purity d)


Productivity e) (g/l.h)

M. aphidis

CSL 9.20 9.77 0.115 0.038 0.471 0.027

Yeast extract

8.00 1.74

0.100 0.033 0.821 0.024

Peptone 2.33 1.35 0.029 0.009 0.633 0.007

Control 17.61 9.54 0.220 0.0732 0.649 0.052

M. antarcticus

CSL 14.85 3.06 0.186 0.061 0.829 0.044

Yeast extract

4.56 5.70

0.057 0.019 0.864 0.014

Peptone 0.68 1.21 0.009 0.003 0.415 0.002

Control 24.69 8.00 0.309 0.1035 0.755 0.074

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should be the concentration of CSL, as discussed earlier, and so, more studies are required to

find the optimal concentration of CSL to be used in the fermentation process.

4.1.5 Lipolytic activity

As described earlier (see chapter 2.3.2- Metabolic for producing MEL), after oil addition, the

first step of the cell is the cleavage of triglyceride (TAG) molecule forming glycerol and fatty acids

chain, and then, glycerol, which is converted to glycerol-3-phosphateby glycerol-kinase (

enters in glycolytic pathway and fatty acids chains are partially β-oxidized.

In that way, lipase activity was measured for the conditions: [80g/l SB0], [40glu,0:40glu,4],

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] for both species.











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


oytic a




Time (days)










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



tic a




Time (days)


Figure 16: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. aphidis cultured for the conditions: a)

[80g/l SBO] (Dashed line with ▲) and [40glu,0:40glu,4] (Line with ●); b) [40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ) and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] (Line with ▲).

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By analysing the hydrolytic activity profiles observed for the condition that only used glucose

([40glu,0:40glu,4) in both species, it is possible to observe an increase of activity through the

days, with more relevance in M. antarcticus, which have reached 3.8 IU/mL (figure 17 a), 6 times

higher the lipolytic activity observed with M. aphidis (0.56 IU/mL, figure 16a). Although, using 80

g/l of SBO, the values of extracellular lipolytic activity decreased when compared to the condition

of glucose as a sole carbon source, the same behaviour was reported by Arévalo80 for M.


Although soybean oil is a substrate for lipases, yeast cells seem to optimize lipase production

to cleave soybean oil presented in the culture medium, while lipase production was favoured

when glucose is used, which led to higher extracellular lipolytic activities (figure 17 and 16a)

By analysing figure 16b (M. aphidis-based cultivation) and figure 17b (M. antarcticus-based

cultivation), when the fermentations starts with SBO, the activity is lower than when starts with

glucose, obviously, at day 4, the condition where glucose is added, ([40glu,0:40sbo,4]), lipase

activity increased trough the days, however, when soybean oil is added at day 4, the activity

decreased. One more time, it seems that the cell only produces the minimum lipases to cleave

the oils presented in the culture medium.

These results support the fermentation process that starts with glucose as sole carbon source,

which is a process that is favourable for cellular growth and, importantly, the production of

extracellular lipolytic activity, allowing a fast oil uptake when added after cellular growth. This can

explain the results of MEL production obtained for the condition [40glu,0:40sbo,4] in comparison

with MEL production in [40sbo,0:40glu,4] condition (see figure 14a and e).

Morita et al12 have also determined lipase activity for both strains: for M. antarcticus T-34 using

40 g/l and 120 g/l, lipase activity has reached a maximum of 9 and 5 IU/ml, respectively. These

values are contradictory to what was observed in these results, since the highest activity of lipases

was obtained after feeding the culture medium with glucose. For M. aphidis ATCC 32657 in the

presence of 40 g/l of SBO lipase activity reached a maximum of 6 IU/mL, although in the presence











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



tic a




Time (days)










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



tic a




Time (days)


Figure 17: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. antarcticus cultured in the conditions: a) [80g/l SBO] (Dashed line with ▲) and [40glu,0:40glu,4] (Line with ●); b)

[40glu,0:40sbo,4] (Line with ) and [40sbo,0:40glu,4] (Line with ▲).

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of glucose there was no extracellular lipolytic activity. These differences can be explained by the

differences in strain.

4.2 Production of MEL by mixed carbon source strategy utilization in bioreactors

This section tries to explore the production of MEL comparing both strains in a bioprocess

development perspective, making use of a bioreactor in: a scale-up perspective; more controlled

environment. Furthermore, MEL production in bioreactor is a subject present in few reports,

mainly using large concentrations of SBO, which are still far from a sustainable bioprocess.

Following the results observed in shake-flaks, one of the conditions able to achieve a

considerable MEL titre and low residual fatty acids is the one that starts with 40 g/l of glucose

and, at day 4 a pulse feeding of 20 g/l of SBO ([40glu,0:20sbo,4]) is performed. Therefore, this

was the condition chosen to work in bioreactors, although, due to the formation of foam, after the

1st day of fermentation in bioreactors, to control the foam, the pulse of 20 g/l of SBO was added.

Two situations of total 20 g/l of oil were studied: 1 feed of 20 g/l of SBO after the 1st day of

fermentation and several pulses of 2 g/l of SBO everyday (until day 11) totalizing 20 g/l of oil


• Moesziomyces aphidis

The results obtained for one feed of 20 g/l of SBO are represented in figure 18. Considering

MEL production (figure 18a) it is possible to observe that until day 3 of fermentation, MEL

increased while soybean oil decreased. Although, after day four of fermentation, small red

aggregates, as observed in chapter 4.1.2, appeared in the cultivation (figure 19), reflecting the

production of MEL. These aggregates increased until day seven, and after day nine of

fermentation the aggregates disappeared in the culture medium, increasing MEL concentration

determined from the cultivation samples until 12.8 g/l.







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






Time (days)












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



ht, G

lucose (



Time (days)


Figure 18: Production of MEL in bioreactors with M. aphidis, starting with 40g/l of glucose and 1 feed of

20g/l of SBO after the first day. a) MEL production (Line with ●) and FA consumption (Dashed line with ▲);

b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with ▲) and biomass (Grey Line ■). Red figures represent the days that appeared aggregates.

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Figure 19: Evolution of the red aggregates in M. aphidis cultivation in bioreactor using 40 g/l of glucose and after 1 day, 20 g/l of soybean oil were fed: a) day 4; b) day 5; c) day 6 and d) day 9 of fermentation

Feeding strategy in previous section was performed at day 4 of fermentation. Here SBO

addition was performed at the day 1, and to compare with shake-flask in the same condition an

experiment was performed in shake flask following the same feeding strategy and the results are

represented in appendix (appendix 3).

So, it is possible to observe higher MEL titres in bioreactor (12.8 g/l) if compared to the shake

flasks (8.1 g/l). Considering the fatty acids consumptions, 4 g/l remained in the medium, and in

shake flask was 2.2 g/l. It seems that with a high feed of SBO, M. aphidis would be able to produce

more MEL and maintain a low accumulation of FA.

The next experience, instead of add 20 g/l of SBO after one day of fermentation, small pulses

of 2 g/l were added each day, for 10 days. By analysing the results (figure 20) it is possible to

observe that MEL production was 5.8 g/l, lower than results obtained for one feed of 20g/l of SBO,

and a high amount of fatty acids remained in the culture medium (9.1 g/l). So, it seems that small

feeds of SBO are rapidly consumed by the cell and it is enough to produce MEL, accumulating

fatty acids trough the days.

a) b) c) d)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12






Time (days)












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



ht, G

lucose (



Time (days)


Figure 20: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. aphidis, adding 2g/l of SBO for 10 days: a) MEL

production (Blue line ●) and FA consumption (Black line ▲); b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with

▲) and biomass (Grey line ■).

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By analysing table 9, it is possible to observe that the best yield is for condition involving one

feed of 20 g/l of SBO in bioreactor.

Rau et al101 have tested two strains in bioreactor: M. aphidis DSM 70725 and M. aphidis DSM

143930. In the first strain two studies were performed: starting only with soybean oil (67 g/l) and

starting with soybean oil (67 g/l) and more 37 g/l added in first days of fermentation, and the yields

were 0.53 and 0.67 gMEL/gsubstrate, respectively. The yield obtained in this section is lower, although,

it is a bioprocess that used lower amounts of SBO, 20 g/l, avoiding high accumulation of residual

FA in the cultivation broth.

Using the strain M. aphidis DSM 14390, the authors obtained one of the best yields observed

in the literature, 0.92 gMEL/gsubstrate. However, it is important to notice that beyond the use of

soybean oil and glucose in high concentrations, yeast extract (16 g/l) and nitrate (14 g/l) were

also supplied after one day of fermentation. There are some limitations in this study, since no

information on how much SBO is used by the yeast cell and how to control the foam is available.

Kim et al79 have tested three types of fermentation Candida sp. SY16: batch fermentation, fed-

batch fermentation and foam-stat fed-batch, where the yields were 0.48, 0.45 and 0.50

gMEL/gsubstrate, respectively. The yields are not far from the yield obtained in this experience, with

60 g/l of carbon of source.

Table 9: Summary of MEL obtained at day 14th of fermentation, yield (product/substrate), yield in mol,

purity factor and productivity for conditions 1 feed of 20g/l of SBO in bioreactor and in shake flask, and for the condition with feeds of 2g/l

Strain Condition MEL a)


FA (g/l)


Yield b) (p/s)

Yield c) (molP/molS)

Purity d)


Productivity e) (g/l.h)


Feed of 20g/l 12.83 4.54 0.214 0.080 0.739 0.038

Shake Flask 8.11 2.20 0.135 0.051 0.794 0.024

Feed of 2g/l 5.77 9.19 0.096 0.037 0.385 0.017

a) MEL and FA produced at day 14th of fermentation

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

• Moesziomyces antarcticus

Adamczak et al109 have studied two types of feeds of SBO, with two stage feeding in 80 g

portion of SBO and three stage feeding in 60 g portion of SBO, the titre achieved was 28 g/l and

10 g/l, respectively. Although, when used only soybean oil (80g/l), the titre achieved was 45 g/l,

which seems that several feeds of SBO can inhibit MEL production.

In that way, considering the results obtained by Adamczak et al109 for M. antarcticus, this was

not performed a bioreactor with small pulses of 2 g/l of SBO, as performed for M. aphidis.

Therefore, it was only used the condition starting with 40 g/l of glucose and after 1 day, one feed

of 20 g/l.

This experience was performed in duplicate, however, one of the replicates in the first 8 hours

was set with the minimum agitation by technical errors in the bioreactor, and so, the growth of the

strain was delayed comparing with the other bioreactor. Since all the parameters between the two

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bioreactors are different (glucose consumption, biomass, MEL production and FA) the results are

represented in figure 21 (bioreactor that occurred without errors) and figure 22 (bioreactor where

the agitation was set with the minimum agitation for 8 hours).

By analysing the results of figure 21, it is possible to observe, that until day five of fermentation

MEL production increases rapidly, until 10.5 g/l with a productivity of 0.087 g/l/h. Although, after

day five of fermentation, MEL starts to decrease until values of 0.41 g/l. Even the biomass

decreased through the days until 1.5 g/l, which can be explained by the lack of substrate, meaning

that, this specie is so optimized in consuming oil, that after day 7 of fermentation there was no

more oil in the medium, just small fatty acids produced by the yeast cell.

By analysing figure 22, where the bioreactor was set with a minimum agitation for 8 hours, it

is possible to observe that the tendency is similar, with the difference that the maximum of MEL

production is reached at day 4 of fermentation (8.5 g/l) and then, MEL production and biomass

have decreased through the days, as observed in figure 23. Abadias et al110 tested several

parameters (such as the agitation) to observe the effect in the growth of Candida Sake CPA-1,
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Fatty a


s (




ht, G

lucose (


Time (days)
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Fatty a


s (





, G

lucose (


Time (days)

Figure 21: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. antarcticus, adding one feed

of 20g/l of SBO: a) MEL production (Blue line ■) and FA consumption (Black

line▲); b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with ●) and biomass (Grey line ■).

Figure 22: Production of MEL in bioreactor with M. antarcticus, adding one feed

of 20g/l of SBO: a) MEL production (Blue line ■) and FA consumption (Black

line▲); b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with ●) and biomass (Grey Line■).

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where they have seen that agitation speed influences the oxygen dissolved, as well the growth of

the specie. This explains why the biomass have just reached 17 g/l instead of 23 g/l.

Since there was no MEL in the end, it was constructed a table (table 10), comparing the values

for MEL at day five of fermentation in bioreactor and day ten, in shake flaks (appendix 2).

Table 10: Resuming of the MEL obtained at day 10th of fermentation for shake flask, and day 5th of fermentation for the bioreactor. Also, the yield (product/substrate), yield in mol, and productivity.

a) MEL and FA produced at day 5th of fermentation in bioreactor and day 10th of fermentation in shake flask

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids)

By comparing the values obtained for shake flaks and bioreactor, it is interesting to observe

that at day 5 of bioreactor, MEL production is close to the production in shake flask day 10 of

fermentation. These results are promissing and show that the additions of oil should be made at

day 3 or 4 of fermentation in bioreactor and the concentration of SBO supplied can be higher.

Comparing both species in bioreactor (one feed of 20 g/l), at day 5 of fermentation, the

concentration of MEL was 10.5 g/l in M. antarcticus, and in M. aphidis the concentration was 3.4

g/l of MEL, and it reached 10.0 g/l of MEL only at day ten of fermentation. As discussed in all the

chapters, M. antarcticus is more able to produce MEL than M. aphidis, and the productivity in

bioreactor is much higher for M. antarcticus. Even though M. aphidis should not be discarded due

to the ability of M. antarcticus at forming biofilms, as represented in figure 25, which could be

bring some serious with the fermentation process.

Strain Condition MEL a)

(g/l) FA a)


Yield b) (p/s)

Yield c) (p/s) mol

Productivity e) (g/l.h)

M. antarcticus

Bioreactor 10.54 10.49 0.176 0.066 0.031

Shake flask

12.54 2.42 0.209 0.079 0.037

Figure 23: Image of the biofilm formed in bioreactor

with M. antarcticus

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4.2.1 Lipolytic activity in bioreactors

Considering the results obtained for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus, extracellular lipolytic activity

was also measured, to understand if the enzymatic activity follows the same trend as observed

in chapter 4.1.6.

By analysing figure 24, it is possible to observe that for the condition of one feed of 20 g/l of

SBO, the activity starts to increase, due to the presence of glucose, as observed in figure 20.

After day 6 of fermentation, the activity stabilized and stop increasing. For the condition where

small pulses of 2 g/l were added every day, it also increased until day 6 of fermentation, and after

that, the activity increased to values of 1.28 U/mL.

Comparing both conditions, after day 6, the lipase activity is much higher for small pulses of 2

g/l of SBO than for one single feed of 20 g/l of SBO. As discussed in chapter 4.1.6, it seems that

in the presence of oil, the cells just produce the minimum of lipases to cleave the triglycerides

presented in oil. This could justify why small pulses of 2 g/l of SBO exhibit high activity of lipases,

since it is cleaved fast due to the small concentration of oil, and then, it seems that the cell

produces more lipases to find oleaginous compounds.

By observing the results obtained for M. antarcticus (Figure 25), enzymatic activity increased

until day 3, due to the presence of glucose, as observed in figure 21a. After day six of

fermentation, the day that MEL starts to decrease (Figure 21), enzymatic activity starts to

increase, reaching values of 6.2 IU/mL. Again, it seems that when SBO is present, the activity is

lower, and after SBO is consumed, the cell produces more lipases as described to M. aphidis.

If this theory is confirmed and also observed by Arévalo80, enzymatic activity could be a way

of indirectly measuring the presence of oil in the fermentation broth.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12



tic a




Time (days)

Figure 24: Extracellular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. aphidis cultured on 40 g/l of glucose and: 1 pulse feed of 20 g/l of SBO (Black line

■) and several pulse feeds of 2 g/l (Dashed line with ●).

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4.3 Producing MEL using waste frying oil (WFO)

To industrialize the production of a given biological product, one of the objective is to use

renewable substrates, to reduce the cost of fermentation. In USA, 100 billion litter of used oils are

being produced per week by all the restaurants 106, and so due to the high volume of production

of these wastes, they could be used to produce MEL, instead of soybean oil, since the land

needed for this crop is increasing, also, the water consumption needed, as described by Schmidt

et al107.

In that way, this chapter tries to observe if the production of MEL is affected, when soybean

oil is replaced by waste frying oil. Although, at a first trial, this experience was only performed in


Hence, one of the best conditions achieved in producing MEL and low accumulation of FA was

used, replacing WFO for SBO. Therefore, all the fermentations started with 40g/l of glucose and

at the 4th day,20 g/l of WFO was supplied to the medium ([40glu,0:20wfo,4]).

By analysing the values obtained with WFO for M.aphidis (figure 26), it is possible to see that

the production of MEL reached 10 g/l of MEL, and FA are almost completely consumed.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12



tic a




Time (days)

















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ME

L (


Fatty a


s (









Time (days)

Figure 26: Production of MEL (Dashed line with ▲), consumption of FA (Line with

▲), formation of biomass (■) and glucose consumption (Dashed line with ●) by M.

aphidis for conditions [40glu,0:20wfo,4].

Figure 25: Extracelular lipolytic activity profile determined in M. antarcticus cultured on 40 g/l of glucose

and 1 pulse feed of 20 g/l of.

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Figure 27: Production of MEL (Dashed line with ▲), consumption of FA (Dashed line with ▲),

formation of biomass (Line with ■) and glucose consumption (Dashed line with ●) by M. antarcticus for

conditions [40glu,0:20wfo,4].

Considering the results for M. antarcticus (figure 27) it is possible to observe MEL titre of 12.1

g/l, not far from the results obtained when SBO is used (14.8 g/l). The consumption of FA was

very similar in both cases. Obviously, by observing table 9 it is possible to see that yields for SBO

are higher than the yields for WFO.

In table 11 it is possible to compare the yields obtained for SBO and WFO for both species,

where it is possible to see that the production of MEL almost reaches the amount obtained using

SBO, even though, neither of the parameters have improved using WFO.

Table 11: MEL and FA production, yields, purity factor and productivity after 14 days of M. aphidis and M. antarcticus cultured on 40 g/l of glucose and pulse of WFO at day 4.

a) MEL and FA produced at day 14th of fermentation

b) Yield (Titre of MEL produced/ Concentration of carbon source added)

c) Yield (mol of carbon in MEL produced/ total mol of carbon added)

d) Purity factor (MEL produced/ (MEL produced + concentration of fatty acids))

For both species, the addition of WFO did not lead to higher values than SBO, and this could

be justified by the fact WFO is more oxidized than SBO. Oxidation of polyunsaturated lipids is the

main reaction of lipids degradation, involving the generation of free radicals, and could be harmful

for the yeast culture. This autoxidation can be stimulated by light, ionizing radiation even by the

enzyme lipoxygenase (EC 1.13.11.-) 108. In this way, Arévalo 80 have characterized several oils,

including WFO and SBO, and one of the parameters analysed was acid value, which indicates

the amount of free fatty acids on oils. Therefore, the values obtained by Arévalo, for WFO was

Strain Condition MEL a)

(g/l) FAa)

(g/l) Yield b)


Yield c) (p/s) mol

Purity d)

Factor Productivity

e) (g/l.h)

M. aphidis WFO 10.01 1.51 0.167 0.042 0.869 0.030

SBO 11.59 3.00 0.193 0.073 0.794 0.034

M. antarcticus

WFO 12.09 1.43 0.202 0.048 0.893 0.036

SBO 14.84 1.47 0.247 0.0943 0.910 0.044

















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L (


), F

atty a


s (





ht, G

lucose (



Time (days)

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4.67 mgKOH/g and for SBO was 1.29 mgKOH/g. Other parameters were also determined in that

study, such as saponification value, which are presented in appendix (appendix 1).

And so, knowing that MEL production occurs by partial β-oxidation of fatty acids, known as

chain shortening pathway 62, and if WFO have an acid value higher than SBO, this means that

there are less fatty acids to incorporate into the formation of MEL, explaining why SBO have

produced more MEL.

In the literature Arévalo, using 70 g/l of WFO, obtained 8.3 g/l of MEL, a difference of 53.8 %

when compared to the production of MEL using the same amount of SBO (18 g/l). However, in

the present section, the values obtained were very close to the values obtained for SBO, with a

difference of 13.6% for both species. This means that glucose plays an important role at preparing

the cell, as discussed earlier and WFO should be considered for further studies.

4.4 Downstream processing by nanofiltration technology

This section tries to elucidate if it possible to separate MEL from fatty acids, using

nanotechnology (nano-membranes). In this work, tested two membranes were tested: 22% of PBI

(ranging from 540 to 580 Da) and with larger MWCO membrane with 17% of PBI.

For all these studies, MEL and FA extracted from the bioreactor performed with M. aphidis

supplying one feed of 20 g/l of SBO, were used.

4.4.1 Testing the membrane with 22% of PBI solution

Fatty acids are composed by: monoglycerides (MAG), diglycerides (DAG), both with a size

inferior than 580 Da and triglycerides (TAG) larger than 580 Da. In theory, using this technology,

it will be possible to separate MAG and DAG from MEL.

With this membrane, three types of solvents at different pressures were tested: Ethyl acetate

(10, 20 e 30 bar), Isopropanol (30 bar), and MTBE (30 bar). Pre-conditioning membrane and

solvent treatment have influence in rejection and fluxes. In that way, Razali et al 111 have

performed several testes with different organic solvents and the same membrane used in this

thesis (22% of PBI). The authors have found that to obtain a rejection coefficient of 100% without

compromising the flux, the best organic solvents to pre-conditioning the membrane are acetone

and Ethyl acetate. In that way, in each filtration performed, ethyl acetate was always used to pre-

conditioning the membrane.

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By analysing figure 28, for ethyl acetate, the flux increases as the pressure increases.

Although, when the pressure is equal, and the solvent is changed it will depend on the polarity of

the membrane and the organic solvent. As described by Razali et al 110, the permeability of the

membrane increases as the polarity of organic solvents increases. Therefore, since ethyl acetate

is the solvent more polar when compared with isopropanol and MTBE, the flux is much higher.

For all the conditions, the rejection coefficient (Rc) for MEL, monoglycerides and triglycerides

were calculated using equation 2.

𝑅𝑐 (%) = (1 −𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒) ∗ 100 (Equation 2)

Considering the values of rejection coefficient of MEL for all the conditions (figure 29), most of

the conditions have the same rejection, around 98%.

Then analysing the results obtained of these filtrations for MAG (monoglycerides), figure 31a,

it is possible to observe that the all the conditions present similarly rejection coefficients, however,

MTBE and isopropanol gave the best result. For condition 20 bar using ethyl acetate, the rejection

coefficient was around 60%, better than the 30 bar, using ethyl acetate.








10bar Eth_Ac 20 bar Eth_Ac 30 bar Eth_Ac MTBE Isopropanol


x (L



Figure 28: Flux for each condition: 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar)







10 bar Eth_Ac 20 bar Eth_Ac 30 bar Eth_Ac MTBE Isopropanol







t (%


Figure 29: Rejection coefficient of MEL for each condition: 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE (orange bar)

and isopropanol (green bar)

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Considering the results of rejection coefficient for triglycerides it is possible to observe (figure

30b) that for all the conditions using the solvent ethyl acetate, the rejection is 100%, which makes

sense, since the MWCO range from 540 to 580 Da and triglycerides have a molecular weight of

885. Although, the rejections for MTBE and isopropanol are 48% and 75% with an error significant

(in both graphs for MAG and TAG). This can be explained by the weak interaction with the

membrane, causing a low flux (figure 28), and so, there is more time for “leaks” and some of the

components will be able to cross around the membrane.

Considering the initial mass of MEL (55 mg) and FA (12 mg) that is presented in each solution,

the losses of both compounds after the filtration occurred, were calculated. Therefore, by

analysing the figure 31, it is possible to observe that the conditions that exhibit more losses of

MEL (figure 31a) and FA (figure 31b) were MTBE and isopropanol due to the possible “leaks”

during the filtrations, as earlier explained.













t (%

















t (%




Figure 30: Rejection coefficient for monoglycerides (a) and triglycerides (b) for each condition: 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate

(grey bar); MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar)

Figure 31: Percentage of masses and losses for MEL (a) and FA (b), for the conditions 10 bar ethyl acetate (black bar), 20 bar ethyl acetate (blue bar), 30 bar Ethyl acetate (grey bar); MTBE (orange bar) and isopropanol (green bar). Orange bars represent the losses of the compounds.













s (%
















s (%




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Considering all the results obtained with this membrane, the best result was the use of ethyl

acetate as organic solvent with 20 bar of pressure, since the rejection coefficient for MEL and FA

is 98% and 60%, respectively, and is one of the conditions that have less losses of MEL and FA.

Although, in the presence of triglycerides, there is no possibility of separate MEL from TAG, and,

in that way two approaches were performed: enzymatic activity, using CAL-B (lipase) to observe

if the residual triglycerides are cleaved and using a larger membrane (17% of PBI) and try to

separate TAG and MAG from MEL with a better rejection coefficient.

Gueiros111, in her master thesis, have used nanofiltration technology to separate MEL from

long chain methyl esters, using a commercial membrane (starmem240 (400 Da)). The rejection

coefficient for MEL, MAG (monoolein – 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol) and TAG (Trioelin) was 94%,

34% and 95.2%, respectively. Comparing the values obtained to this study, considering MAG are

lower than the value obtained (60%). Although, this difference can be explained, to the fact, n-

hexane is used to prepare solutions of MEL, MAG and TAG, and the membrane used in that

study, is commercial. Furthermore, the solutions used are more “clean” just pure compounds,

instead of the solutions used in this study, which have MEL, MAG, TAG and small fatty acids.

4.4.2 Enzymatic reaction to breakdown triglycerides

To perform this reaction, a solution of 2 g/l in a total volume of 5 ml of phosphate buffer at pH

7 was prepared, and then 0.2 mg of the enzyme (CAL-B) were add to the solution and the reaction

was let in incubator for seven days at 37ºC.

Observing figure 32, it is possible to observe the spectre of the aggregates of MEL and FA,

where it is possible to observe residual triglycerides (red rectangle) and monoglycerides (yellow

rectangle). The others peak seems to be a type of diglyceride.

Then after the enzymatic reaction occurred, all the solution was extracted to observe the profile

of glycerides and, to observe if MEL structure was affected. By analysing the spectre after the

reaction occurred (figure 33), it is possible to observe that the triglycerides were consumed with

Figure 32: HPLC spectre of the aggregates of MEL and FA from the bioreactor with M. aphidis and used to perform filtrations. Blue rectangle

correspond to MAG and red rectangle corresponds to TAG.

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a conversion of 100%, and the area of MAG increased from 10 million to 40 million. If in the end

of the fermentation, the culture medium still has TAG, it means that it is possible to add CAL-B,

or even the supernatant enriched in lipases, adding to the bioreactor and let the enzymatic

reaction occurs for some days, allowing a better separation of MEL from FA (principally


Knowing that triglycerides can be cleaved by the action of CAL-B and by assuming that the

final extraction of the bioreactor was only constituted by free fatty acids, MAG and MEL, some

calculations were performed in order to determine how diavolumes are required to obtained MEL

almost pure, as described in table 14. For these calculations, it was assumed the best conditions

achieved in section 4.3.1, which was ethyl acetate at a pressure of 20 bar and rejection coefficient

for MEL and FA of 98% and 60% respectively.

Therefore, as represented in equation 3, was calculated the concentration in the retentate (cR)

for FA and MEL, knowing that the concentration in the feed (cF) was the same concentration of

MEL and FA in the aggregates used to filtrate (14.85 g/l to MEL and 3.85 g/l to FA), considering

the rejection coefficient (Rc) for each diavolume (D)

𝑐𝑅 = 𝑐𝐹 ∗ 𝑒(−𝐷∗(1−𝑅𝑐)) (equation 3)

Figure 33: HPLC spectre, after the enzymatic reaction have occurred. Blue rectangle corresponds to MAG, and red rectangle

corresponds to the zone, where TAG should appear.

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Table 12: Theoretical calculation of concentration in retentate (cR) for FA and MEL, % of FA in the feed and MEL purity (%), assuming a rejection coefficient for MEL and FA of 98% and 60%, respectively and a

concentration of MEL (14.85 g/l) and FA (3.85 g/l)


Diavolumes cR

(g/l) %FA in the

feed cR

(g/l) MEL purity %

% of MEL lost

1 2.58 67.03 14.55 85.19 2.04

2 1.73 44.93 14.26 89.56 3.98

3 1.16 30.12 13.98 92.75 5.89

4 0.78 20.19 13.70 95.02 7.75

5 0.52 13.53 13.43 96.61 9.58

6 0.35 9.07 13.16 97.70 11.37

7 0.23 6.08 12.90 98.45 13.12

8 0.16 4.08 12.65 98.95 14.84

By analysing the values of these table, it seems that using 5 diavolumes it is possible to reach

96.61% of purity. In practically, performing diavolumes the rejection coefficient tends to decrease,

since the filtration mode will operate in cross flow.

4.4.3 Testing the membrane with 17% of PBI

The next objective was to use a larger MWCO membrane, observing the behaviour of MEL,

monoglycerides and triglycerides. Since this MWCO is higher than the molecular weight of MEL,

to avoid the passage of MEL to the permeate, it was attempt the creation of micelles.

For that, 50 mL of water and 50 mL of ethyl acetate were mixed and warm up to help the

solubilization of water in ethyl acetate and vice-versa. After that, organic phase (OP) was

separated from the aqueous phase (AP), and both were used to solubilize 2 g/l of MEL and FA.

Both solutions were sonicated for 10 minutes, in order to give energy to the system, allowing the

formation of micelles.

Analysing figure 34, it is possible to observe that the flux for organic phase is much higher

than the flux obtained for the aqueous phase. This difference in flux can be explained by the low

interaction of the water with the membrane, as explained before.











Organic phase Aqueous phase


x (L



Figure 34: Flux for each condition: organic phase (black bar) and aqueous phase (blue bar)

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In figure 35 the rejection coefficient for MEL in both conditions are represented. The rejection

for organic phase is 16%, which indicates that MEL did not form the micelles, crossing the

membrane as expected. For aqueous phase, the rejection coefficient for MEL is 63%, which

suggests the formation of micelles, but not all the MEL have formed micelles and some has

passed the membrane.

Then, by analysing the rejection coefficients for MAG (figure 37a) and TAG (figure 37b), it is

possible to observe that in the organic condition, the values for MAG (6%) and TAG (18.1%) are

very low, as expected, since this membrane used have a high MWCO. For the aqueous phase,

the rejection coefficients are a bit higher than the values for organic phase, although, the values

are good, 12.9% for MAG and 44.2% for TAG, since the rejection coefficient for MEL is 63%.

Imura et al 112 have reported the self-assembling properties of MEL-A and MEL-B, where they

found that both types of MEL does not self-assemble in a micelle form, but into large unilamellar

vesicles (LUV),as with a CAC (critical aggregates concentrion) of 4.0*10−6 M for MEL-A and

6.0*10−6 M. Although the authors found that the structure of MEL-A above CACII (1.0*10-3 M)







Organic phase Aqueous phase







t (%









Organic phase Aqueous phase







t (%



Figure 36: Rejection coefficient for organic phase and aqueous phase: a) monoglycerides and b) triglycerides







Organic phase Aqueous phase







t (%


Figure 35: Rejection of MEL for both phases. Organic phase (black bar) and aqueous phase (blue bar)

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changed completely, to a typical morphology of a sponge structure. The complete difference from

the two structures created by MEL-A have provided two CAC for MEL-A.

This results obtained by Imura et al 112, explain why the rejection coefficient for MEL, in

aqueous phase have increased. However, more studies are required, mainly to obtain more

micelles, increasing rejection coefficient for MEL and allowing a better separation of MEL from

MAG and TAG.

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Chapter 5 - Conclusions

The two main objectives were: the elucidation of a medium capable of producing high titres of

MEL, ending the fermentation with the minimum fatty acids present in the medium, and improving

the separation of MEL and FA using nanofiltration technology.

This study showed that the fermentation should start with glucose (40 g/l) and, only after four

days of fermentation, SBO or other oil should be added. In that case, two types of feed were

tested (40 g/l and 20 g/l of SBO). The feed of 40 g/l have led to the best titre of MEL observed in

this work, 24 g/l for M. antarcticus and 18 g/l for M. aphidis, with a yield of 0.309 and 0.222

gMEL/gsubstrate, respectively, with the amount of FA being considerable high. The feed of 20 g/l have

led to a yield of 0.193 gMEL/gsubstrate for M. aphidis and 0.247 gMEL/gsubstrate for M. antarcticus, ending

the fermentation with almost no residual fatty acids in the medium.

It was also tested the production of MEL starting with glucose (40 g/l) and a feed of WFO in

day four of fermentation. The yields obtained were 0.167 gMEL/gsubstrate for M. aphidis and 0.202

gMEL/gsubstrate for M. antarcticus. In this case, the difference between SBO and WFO was only 13%

for both species, indicating that WFO should be used in future works.

Since the fatty acids in the end of the fermentation is a problem, it was tested the effect of rich

compounds in nitrogen, such as peptone, yeast extract and CSL. These compounds have shown

the ability to produce high concentration of biomass, where peptone have produced just 1 g/l of

MEL in both strains. In the case of yeast extract and CSL the behaviour was different, since it

produced considerable titres of MEL, but did not improve MEL production comparing to the

control, and so, more studies are required to find the optimum concentration of these compounds.

In bioreactor, starting with glucose and a fed of SBO in day 1 day of fermentation, with M.

aphidis, was obtained titre of 12.8 g/l with a yield of 0.214 gMEL/gsubstrate. For M. antarcticus it was

observed an increase production of MEL until day five (10.5 g/l), and then MEL decreased, due

to the totally consumption of SBO. These results are promising, since it shows that it is possible

to increase the concentration of SBO supplied to the medium and maintain a low accumulation of

fatty acids in the cultivation.

Nanofiltration technology was also performed to improve the separation of MEL from fatty

acids, and two membranes were tested with 17% and 22% of PBI. The best results for the

membrane at 22% was when using ethyl acetate to filtrate, with a pressure of 20 bar, where the

rejection coefficient for MEL, MAG and TAG were: 98%, 60% and 95%, respectively. Although

the presence of triglycerides avoids the separation of MEL from TAG with the membrane with

22% of PBI. In that case two approaches were performed, using an enzymatic reaction to cleave

TAG, which was successful. The other approach was to use a membrane with a larger MWCO

(17 % of PBI), where the creation of micelles was tried, by mixture ethyl acetate and water,

separating organic phase from aqueous phase. The coefficient rejection for the organic phase to

MEL, MAG and TAG were 12%, 6% and 18% respectively. These values were expected since

this is a membrane larger and all the compounds have a molecular weight inferior to the

membrane pore. For the aqueous phase, the values of rejection coefficient for MEL, MAG and

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TAG, were 63%, 12.88% and 44%, respectively. Since the rejection coefficient is higher than for

the organic phase, it seems that MEL formed large vesicles due to the presence of water.

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Chapter 6 - Future perspectives

To create a sustainable process, renewable substrates should be used. In this thesis waste

frying oil was used with glucose, but in the future, lignocellulosic residues could replace glucose,

creating a bioprocess with only renewable substrates (glucose replacing lignocellulosic residues

and waste frying oil replacing soybean oil). Cheese whey is one example of a renewable substrate

with interest, due to its constitution. In that way, experiments could be performed, using cheese

whey, instead of glucose.

The metabolism of the formation of MEL should be studied in more detail, studying the

participation of each enzyme involved.

In this thesis was evaluated the effect of CSL in both species, where it was produced

considerable amounts of MEL, however, it seems that there are some component inhibiting the

production of MEL. Considering that CSL is constituted by 40% of proteins, 21% of lactic acid,

16% of nitrogen free extract and several vitamins, maybe the high percentage of lactic acid is

interfering with the metabolism. Therefore, some experiments should be performed using several

concentrations of CSL (1, 2, 5 and 10 g/L) and understand what is the best concentration to be

used in the culture medium

After the consumption of soybean oil in the bioreactor, the pH has the tendency to increase till

values of 8, consequently, the pH should be controlled at 6 and analysing if this control of pH will

affect MEL production. Since 20 g/L of SBO are consumed efficiently in a bioreactor, a high feed

of SBO should be supplied, such as 40 g/L, evaluating MEL production as well the consumption

of fatty acids.

In the nanofiltration technology, if the fermentation ends without triglycerides, using a nano-

membrane (540-580 Da) diavolumes should be used to improve the separation of MEL form FA.

However, commercial membranes, with the same range (540-580 Da) or with a lower MWCO,

should be tested to improve separation of MAG and MEL, decreasing the rejection coefficient for


In order to use a larger MACO membrane (17% of PBI), more studies are required, especially

in the formation of micelles.

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Chapter 8 - Appendix

8.1 Appendix 1

Comparison between soybean oil (SBO) and waste frying oil (WFO). Values retrieved from

Arévalo Thesis80 .

Parameter WFO SBO

Acid Value (mg KOH/g) 4.67 1.29

Moisture and volatile matter content (%


0.10 0.07

Insoluble impurity content (% m/m) <0.01 0.01

Saponification value (mg KOH/g) 196 195

Iodine value (g I2/100g) 106 130

Unsaponifiable matter (% m/m) n.a. na

Fatty acid chain - -

C14:0 0.1 0.1

C16:0 4.9 11.5

C16:1 0.1 0.1

C18:0 0.1 3.7

C18:1 62.8 23.5

C18:2 27.9 53.5

C18:3 1.5 6.6

C20:0 0.4 0.4

C22:0 0.8 n.d

C24:0 n.d n.d

Others 1.4 0.6

Saturated 6.3 15.7

Unsaturated 92.3 83.7

There are very parameters described in table, and so:

• acid value corresponds to the amount of free fatty acids in the medium, which is an

indication of how much an oil is degraded

• Saponification value: amount of free fatty acids extracted in 1g of samples

• Iodine value: the amount of instaurations present in fatty acids

Page 89: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor


8.2 Appendix 2

In this section the values of MEL, FA and biomass of the section 4.1.1 are represented. As it is

possible to observe, for the high concentrations of SBO, 80g/l (figure A1) and 60 g/l (figure A2),

MEL production is low compared to the values obtained after the extraction, due to the

appearance of red aggregates in the culture medium.

A1: Production of MEL (dashed line), Fatty acids consumption (black line) and biomass production (grey line) in shake flask for the condition [80g/l SBO] in M. aphidis (a) and M. antarcticus (b)

A2: Production of MEL (dashed line), Fatty acids consumption (black line) and biomass production

(grey line) in shake flask for the condition [60g/l SBO] in M. aphidis (a) and M. antarcticus (b)

A3: Production of MEL (dashed line), Fatty acids consumption (black line) and biomass production

(grey line) in shake flask for the condition [40g/l SBO] in M. aphidis (a) and M. antarcticus (b)



















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)




















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)


















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)


















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14M


Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)




















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)




















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s g






Fermentation (days)


Page 90: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor


A4: Production of MEL (dashed line), Fatty acids consumption (black line) and biomass production

(grey line) in shake flask for the condition [20g/l SBO] in M. aphidis (a) and M. antarcticus (b)

8.3 Appendix 3

In this appendix the results of the condition, used in bioreactor for M. aphidis and M. antarcticus

are represented. This condition started with 40g/l of glucose and at the 1st day of fermentation

20g/l of SBO was added to the culture medium.

It is possible to observe in both species that a feed of SBO at day one of fermentation is too

soon, and after day ten of fermentation MEL production decreases, explaining why MEL

production in M. antarcticus (figure 23) decreases after day five. Surprisingly, M. antarcticus is

more efficient at producing MEL and consuming soybean oil in bioreactor than shake flask.

















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L (


), F

atty a


s (







), G

lucose (



Fermentation (days)


A5: Production of MEL in shake flasks for the conditions [0:20] using M.

aphidis: MEL production (Dashed blue line with ■), FA consumption (Black line

with▲), Glucose consumption (Dashed line with with ●) and biomass formation

(Grey line with ■).















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s (







Fermentation (days)
















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



Fatty a


s (







Fermentation (days)


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8.4 Appendix 4

A study was performed to quantify the amount of polyphenols in a hydrolysate X (from

lignocellulosic residues), after and before the filtration (where 6 diavolumes were used),

comparing with a liquid fraction of an hydrolysate created within iBB and filtrated the same way

as hydroysate X. The quantification of polyphenols was based in the method described by M.

Amzad Hossain et al113 and adapted to be used in 96 well plate.

The procedure started by adding 40 µL of the sample, then 40 µL of the folin-ciocalteu reagent,

and after 4 minutes, 200 µL of Na2CO3 was added, and incubated at 40ºC for 30 minutes

Jönsson et al114 shown that the presence of polyphenols had influence in the fermentation

process. Therefore, this study is important for future studies using this hydrolysate instead of


















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


L (


), F

atty a


s (





ht, G

lucose (



Fermentation (days)


A6: Production of MEL in shake flasks for the conditions [0:20] using M.

antarcticus: MEL production (Dashed blue line with ■), FA consumption (Black

line with ▲), glucose consumption (Dashed line with ●) and biomass formation

(Grey line with ■).

A7: Quantification of polyphenol for hydrolysate X (blue bars) and liquid fraction (orange bars), after and before the filtration.








After filtration Beforefiltration

After filtration

Hyrolysate X Liquid fraction - iBB


ation (



Polyphenol concentration

Page 92: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor


8.5 Appendix 5

Considering the nitrogen sources, a fermentation, without replicate was performed, using the

normal components of the medium and adding 2g/l of corn steep liquor, instead of 10g/l as

described in chapter 3. There are only results for M.aphidis.

These results only show one thing, that more tests are required to find the optimum

concentration of Corn steep liquor to increase MEL production, since at day 10 there are 17.09

g/l, higher than the obtained for M.aphidis, using 10g/l of corn steep liquor.

A8: Production of MEL using 2g/l of CSL. MEL production (Dashed blue line ■), FA

consumption (Black line▲); b) Glucose consumptions (Dashed line with ●) and biomass

(Grey line ■).













0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


, FA





, Dry





Fermentation (days)

Page 93: Mannosylerythritol lipids bioproduction by · Agradecimentos Foi uma longa viagem, uma aventura incrível e, em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer aos meus supervisores, Professor