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  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek





    MEI 2008

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    All mediaare in the

    plenarysenselinguistic-Marshall McLuhan

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Stele van Lemnos

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Issam S. MousaYarmouk University

    The Arabs in the First CommunicationRevolution: The Development of the Arabic Script

    Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol 26 (2001) 4

    (ABSTRACT)Les spcialistes sont tous daccord que le dveloppement de lalphabet

    a t une pierre angulaire de la civilisation et que la Grce a jou un rleprimordial

    dans la diffusion de lalphabet travers lOccident. Les textes latins et arabessont tous les deux originaires du phnicien, reprsentant un hritage culturel

    partag entre le Moyen Orient et lOccident. Cependant, la question dudveloppement

    de lalphabet arabe, le deuxime plus rpandu au monde, est entoure

    dincertitude pour les spcialistes. Ceux-ci sont en dsaccord sur les origines dece mode de transmission important, que les Arabes, les Perses et dautresnations

    utilisent depuis quinze sicles. Cet article examine comment la thorie critiqueen communication peut aider rsoudre ce mystre persistant et dcouvre desindices importants suggrant que lcriure arabe a volu du nabaten plutt

    quedu syriaque.

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Dickhoff Boeddhistisch ufoloog

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Globalizationin the Information Age:Western, Chineseand Arabic Writing


    China, for example, is developing computer platforms and operatingsystems based entirely on the logic of ideograms, without programs thatinterface or mediate with English. Actually, China is developing an Asianoperating system that combines features of Chinese, Japanese and Koreanwriting systems. Chinese, of course, represents the trunk writing system ofEast Asia and is based on approximately 6,000 ideograms - originallypictograms that, over millennia, morphed to convey higher levels ofabstraction, sometimes incorporating phonetic qualities. Ideogramsremain less dependent on spoken language to convey meaning than arealphabets or syllabaries; therefore, ideograms are well suited for virtualreality with their more immediate relationship between image andmeaning. Chinese ideograms, furthermore, tend to stimulate the visualand creative right-hemisphere of the brain, crucial for a more interactiveand synergistic relationship between humans and computers. Alphabetsand syllabaries, by contrast, fire the neurons of the analytical left-hemisphere, as has been suggested by Robert Logan (1986) in The Alphabet Effect. It is too early to predict the implications of thisobservation, though a simplified Chinese writing system would appear tohave global appeal in the virtual world. Harnessed to the worlds fastesteconomy, Chinese-based computer technology has revolutionary potential.

    Dr. Andrew Bosworth, Department of Government, University of Texas at Brownsville

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Holle aarde globe van Gardner. De globe was binnenin verlicht door een elektrisch lampje.Gepatenteerd op 12 mei 1914

    Het voorblad is nog op te halen bij het Europees patentbureau (, het helepatent is in te zien bij het US patentbureau (

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Voorloper van de Ninja Turtles

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Mariko Mori UFO in Groninger Museum,2007

    Hersengolven besturen kunstwerk

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek


    Luwisch zegel, met Ionische pilaar.Ca. 1380 v.Chr?

  • 8/6/2019 Mediamozaiek
