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  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description



    Kapal kapal yang memenuhi kanal di Amsterdam

    Koningsdag merupakan salah satu festival yang cukup terkenal di Belanda. Pertama kali diadakan pada

    tahun 1885, festival ini ditujukan untuk memperingati hari ulang tahun ratu Belanda, Princess

    Wilhelmina. Kemudian, setiap tahun acara terus digelar.

    Biasanya, pada hari terseut penduduk Belanda akan mengenakan pakaian sera oranye. !ereka juga

    mengadakan parade di jalanan. Kanal " kanal di #msterdam akan dipenuhi dengan kapal " kapal yang

    memeriahkan festival ini.


  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    There are 18 million bicycles in The

    Netherlands. Thats an average of 1.3 bicycle per person. 84% of the Dutch on a bicycle. 1!"!# $m 1"&"' miles( of bicycle paths and 1'"'$m 118& miles( of bicycle lanes in The

    Netherlands. )verage speed 1#*18 $m '*11 miles( per hour.

    +stimated is that about '"".""" bicycles get stolen each year.

    )verage distance covered per person daily is ,-# $m1.& miles per day and '"" $m #&" miles


    Makanan. Kuliner Belanda lumayan enak tapi tidak spektakuler, menurut saya ya.

    Kebiasaan mereka, sehari hanya satu kali makan yang panas. Makan siang berupa

    sandwich, salad, dan kadang sup. Keluarga Londo asli yang masih tradisional dan

    belum kena globalisasi, tiap hari makan malamnya adalah kentang rebus/pure

    kentang, satu potong daging/ikan/ayam, seporsi sayur rebus dan saus.

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    Stamppot adalah hidangan tradisional Belanda yang terbuat dari kombinasi

    mashed potatoes dengan satu atau beberapa sayuran lainnya, kadang-kadangjuga dengan daging.

    Kadang saya sering ngeyel sama teman kantor yang maunya hanya masak

    maksimal 30 menit untuk makan malam. Dan dia maunya makanan yang sehat pula,

    bukan yang dihangatkan di microwae. Dia sering tak!ub kalau denger saya masak

    tiap hari dan habis waktu lebih dari "# menit. $ah, setelah makan malam, Londo

    ngemilnya paling kacang %Londo suka makan semua !enis kacang goreng, kacang

    pedes seperti di &ndonesia itu, ha'elnuts, walnuts, almond, kacang mete(, keripik,

    biskuit atau ke!u sambil ngopi atau minum wine.

    Beberapa makanan dan minuman faorite orang Belanda

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    )da nih cerita lucu tentang ini. &strinya adik ipar saya yang paling kecil Londo

    banget..* +adahal bapaknya dia orang &talia, tapi &bunya membesarkan istri ipar saya

    ini dengan cara Londo. Kalau ipar saya berulangtahun, ibu mertua saya bikin aneka

    !a!anan &ndonesia lemper, risoles, pastel goreng, dsb. $ah, waktu itu kita udah

    makan malam %erwtensoep a!a pakai baguette/roti +erancis(, ibu mertua saya mulaimemanaskan semua !a!anan. -hhibunya istri ipar saya bilang Kalian belum

    kenyang1. 2ops. ampai sekarang pun kadang saya pergi ke pesta ulang tahun

    orang &ndo yang pastinya menya!ikan makanan. Biasanya ada beberapa tamu

    Belanda yang pamitan pulang sebelum makanan dihidangkan atau ada !uga yang

    datang !am 4 malam setelah acara makan selesai.

    2h ya, orang Belanda yang punya anak kecil rata5rata makan malamnya !am # sore*

    +aling malam yaa sekitar !am 6 atau 6.30 malam. )nak saya memperhatikan selagi

    liburan di -ropa, ada keluarga yang pesan makan lengkap !am # sore di restoran,

    menurut dia keluarga ini pasti berasal dari Belanda /*( Masih tentang makanan, sekedar in7ormasi, keluarga Belanda yang pergi liburan

    dengan mobil ke &talia, +erancis, panyol dan +ortugal biasanya membawa sendiri

    bahan makanan sebagai berikut pindakaas %selai kacang(, ke!u, kopi bahkan

    sampai kentang mentah pun ada yang bawa pula* Kira5kira bisa disandingkan

    dengan orang &ndonesia yang tidak bisa lepas dari sambal dan nasi.

    8idup sebagai imigran cinta di Belanda se!ak tahun 9::# gw pingin berbagi kebiasaan orang asli sini. iapa tahu

    berguna buat kalian yang punya pacar orang Belanda dan rencana mau pindah kesini atau untuk yang cari pacar

    bule Belanda. ;ada pan!ang !uga sih tapi gw ngga sreg motong cerita ini !adi dua. emoga betah ya bacanya

    sampe abis.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Going Dutch

    &ni kebiasaan orang Belanda yang terkenal seantero dunia sampe ada ungkapan diatas dalam bahasa &nggris.

    =oing Dutch artinya tiap orang di grup bayar sendiri5sendiri. =oing

    Dutch ini bukan artinya pergi makan/minum berempat terus biayanya dibagi " plek ya seperti biasa di &ndonesia.

    =oing Dutch ini ya bayar sesuai yang loe makan/minum. Di resto/ca7e di Belanda kalo ada grup mau bayar,

    biasanya pelayan akan dateng ke me!a bawa rekening, kartu menu ? tas pingggang %isinya uang(. @iap orang

    akan liat apa yang dia makan/minum, terus bilang kepelayan, bayar deh. Diulang terus sampe habis total biayanya

    direkening. )tau bisa !uga si grup minta kartu menu, terus semua itung sendiri apa yang dia makan/minum, setor

    ke yang kumpulin uang, baru panggil si pelayan. $ga7e bareng tapi loe harus pulang duluan dari yang lain Bisa

    !uga ke kasir, bilang kita duduk dime!a yang mana, minum/makan apa. Kasir akan mengurangi konsumsi kita

    dida7tar me!a kita duduk. @erus bayar deh, kontan atau pake kartu. Beres kan Mungkin risih ya kalo baru pertama

    kali begini, cuma kalo udah biasa ya ok a!a. Malah lebih nyaman, daripada ngedumel di belakang.

    Aoba bayangin, loe pergi nga7e bareng bertiga misalnya. Loe cuma minum cappuccino, temen loe berdua pesen

    espresso plus cronuts yang ngehits ? mahal. ;ekening dateng, dibagi rata bertiga, dan loenya ya rada mikir cuma

    minum 9 a!a kok bayarnya lebih. )h, kedengerannya pelit ya gw , tapi kalo gw disini !alan sama orang

    &ndonesia ya ngga going Dutch lah, bagi rata semua. =w tahu dari temen5temen di &ndonesia yang sering dongkol

    !uga kalo makan rame5rame. oalnya ada yang kadang a!i mumpung pesen ini itu. )tau ada yang bilang udah

    setor uang dari apa yang dia makan tapi kok kurang !umlahnya. Kasian yang kebagian kumpulin uang untuk bayar.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Tepat waktu

    Londo bangga banget tepat waktu. Dan memang mayoritas orang sini biasanya # menit sebelum !an!i udah

    dateng. )was Dateng 90 menit sebelumnya akan dinilai lebay. =w pernah dateng 90 menit sebelum waktunya ke

    !an!i sama partner ker!a gw, takut dibilang lebay gw duduk bentar deh dibangku taman depan gedungnya dia.

    @erlambat Masih bisa ditolerir sampe maksimal 90 menit. Disekolah anak gw kalo murid telat # menit masih boleh

    masuk kelas tapi diberkasnya dia dicontreng dia itu telat. @elat 90 menit boleh masuk gedung sekolah, tunggu

    diruang tunggu sambil ambil surat telat untuk dibawa buat mentor kelas ? orang tua. Boleh masuk kelasnya waktu

    mata pela!aran kedua. ang telat lebih dari 90 menit ngga bisa masuk gedung sekolah karena gerbang sekolah

    digembok* Makanya si = berangkat !am C."# tiap hari padahal sekolah mulai !am 4.30 dan dia hanya 9# menit naik

    sepeda dari rumah kesekolahnya.

    Cium pipi 3x

    &ni seru !uga. Kebiasaan orang Belanda kalo ketemu cium pipi 3* Aium pipi ini bukan hanya untuk orang yang

    lama ngga ketemu ya, !uga untuk mengucapkan selamat %ulang tahun, nikah, promosi kantor, natal, tahun baru( ?

    menegur orang yang baru kenal %yang ini gw semakin males(.

    e!ak E006 gw selalu ambil cuti antara natal dan tahun baru untuk menghindari resepsi tahun baru dikantor

    %biasanya tanggal 3 F " Ganuari(. )bis gw males bo cium pipi 3 sama orang5orang sekantor yang ngga ker!a

    bareng sama gw, atau yang ker!anya satu gedung. Diresepsi mereka akan giat cium pipi 3 kali tapi besoknya

    papasan kaya ngga kenal. ensi kali gw ya. Auma gw memang sekarang cium pipi hanya ke kolega deket %sekitar

    305an deh(, keluarga gw, temen ? kenalan deket. 2rang baru kenal cuma salaman a!a dan bilang Ik zoen niet1

    %gw ngga cium(. Kalo ada yang cunihin mau nyosor a!a kaya angsa gw akan kakuin tangan gw dan bilang Pas

    op: ik ben verkouden1 %awas, gw lagi pilek(. Aatatan sebangganya londo bilang kebiasaan cium pipi 3 ini unik

    didunia, ternyata ada !uga budaya cium pipi " di +erancis elatan ? beberapa negara @imur @engah %hanya

    cowok ke cowok(.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description



    &ni asli kebiasaan yang sampe sekarang gw ngga ngerti. Gadi gini kalo loe ultah dan bikin pesta, semua orang

    yang dateng akan nyelametin loe dan suami, istri, pacar, orang tua, adik, kakak, temen deket loe dan -M

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    +esta kawinan !uga gitu. )da tiga macem undangan pesta perkawinan. +ertama hanya diundang di catatan

    sipil/gere!a. Kedua Diundang ke makan malam dan resepsi. Ketiga diundang seharian dari catatan sipil sampe ke

    resepsi. ang makannya ok sih biasanya yang ikut makan malam. @amu dicatatan sipil/gere!a ngga di!amu, paling

    hanya kopi, teh ? cake. Makanan di resepsi pernikahan biasanya bu77et makanan kecil. 2 ya, orang Belanda !uga

    selekti7 undang orang. elain biaya karena mahal ngundang orang banyak, mereka !uga hanya ingin berbagi

    momen perayaan ini untuk yang mereka kenal deket. =w sih ngga heran lagi sekarang. Dulu awal tinggal sini

    sempet !leb !uga rasanya karena masih &ndonesia banget pola pikir gw. =w pikir ngga diundang berarti tu orang

    ngga suka sama gw, ternyata ngga kok.


    2rang Belanda gaya berpakaiannya secara umum santai.

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    elanda 2outh egion( / hari libur umum-

    penutupan perban$an- se$olah liburan

    elanda 2outh egion( / adal leng$ap hari libur umum- penutupan an$ dan

    ursa saham- liburan se$olah- pameran dagang- budaya dan acara olahraga-5estival- 6arnaval- pemilihan selama ' bulan beri$utnya

    7enutupan 7asar ursa +uropean ban$s T)+T(/Tahun aru- 9ari :umat 2uci- hari 2enin

    7as$ah- tanggal 1 mei- Natal.


  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Hari Jumaat 25 Desember, 2015

    6ota*$ota di elanda sangat =de$at- $arena $ita bisa melintasi ratusan $ilometer hanya dengan hitungan

    tida$ lebih dari # am dengan $ereta api. :alur $ereta di elanda sangat memana$an $ita untu$ bisa

    bepergian $e beberapa $ota di elanda dalam a$tu 1 hari saa. 2ampai se$arang ini- alur $ereta antar$ota

    terlama di elanda adalah dari $ota roningen di utara elanda hingga $ota ;aastricht di 2elatan elanda-

    hanya dengan 4.# am saa- luar biasa bu$an>

    ;ung$in $ita sudah sering mendengar satu festival paling fenomenal yang diraya$an setiap tahunnya di

    seantero elanda- yaitu Koningsdag (Kings Day). Koningsdagbiasanya diraya$an di setiap hari ulang tahun

    dari aa atau atu disebut Koninginnedag( yang sedang ber$uasa di elanda- dan mulai tahun

    ,"14- Koningsdagdiraya$an setiap tanggal ,! )pril 9ari ulang tahun aa ?illem )le@ander( $ecuali i$a

    tanggal tersebut adalah hari minggu. 7ada hari itu- semua orang di elanda mengguna$an atribut berarnaorane dan meraya$annya di alanan- $anal*$anal serta disuguhi oleh $onser musi$ di penuru $ota.

    2elain itu- pada hari inilah $ita bisa berbelana di vrijarktpasar bebas( di mana setiap orang diperboleh$an

    menual apapun yang mere$a mili$i tanpa perlu iin dan tida$ di$ena$an paa$ sama se$ali oleh

    pemerintah. Koningsdagadalah hari yang a$an sangat disayang$an i$a $ita habisi dengan berdiam diri dan

    belaar di $amar $ita- ini adalah saatnya $ita mengena$an pa$aian berarna orane dan berbaur dengan

    semua orang di elanda.

    2uasana 6oningsdag di 6anal )msterdam

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Namun selain Koningsdag- masih ada beberapa festival uni$ di elanda yang sayang untu$ dileat$an- mau

    tahu apa aa- silah$an membaca dan meni$matinya/

    1.Appelpop & Fruitcorso. 6ita perlu mengunungi $ota Tiel- salah satu $ota tua di elanda yang sudah

    dibangun dari abad $e*4 terleta$ di propinsi elderland. Tiel di$enal sebagai $ota penghasil buah*buahan

    terbai$ dan terbanya$ di elanda. 2a$ing identi$nya Tiel dengan buah*buahan ma$a setiap hari sabtu $edua

    di ulan 2eptember mere$a mengada$an parade bertema buah*buahan yang disebut!ruitcorso. a$yat Tiel

    menyiap$an sebuah parade dengan tema yang uni$ dan mengguna$an bahan dari buah*buahan $emudian

    ber$eliling $ota- meraya$an hasil panen buah*buahan untu$ satu daerah etue.

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    Tiel )ppelpop

    2.Boekenfestijn. agi para pemburu dan pecinta bu$u- mari ni$mati hamparan utaan bu$u

    pada #oekenfestijn. 5estival bu$u tahunan ini hanya diselenggara$an di $ota*$ota tertentu di elanda dan

    elgia. Di elanda- #oekenfestijnhanya ada di ;aastricht- 2sstt- festival ini uga menadi aang part tieE dari para

    pelaar Fndonesia yang sedang studi di elanda. 9itung*hitung lumayan untu$ menambah uang sa$u
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    3. Pinkpop Festival. 5estival musi$ tahunan dari elanda ini merupa$an festival musi$ tahunan tertua di

    dunia- sudah dimulai dari tahun 1'!". erlo$asi di Bandgraaf- sebuah $ota $ecil di poo$ elanda yang hanya

    berara$ empat $ilometer dari perbatasan :erman siapa tahu se$alian mau alan*alan mampir $e :erman(-

    festival ini biasanya diada$an pada a$hir pe$an 7enta$osta Pinksteren$ sehingga dinama$an 7in$pop( atau

    di minggu*minggu aal bulan :uni. 5estival yang berlangsung selama 3 hari ini biasanya mengundang lebih

    dari 4" band atau penyanyi. Nama*nama besar seperti

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    elanda dan 7olandia- sampai Gina dan 2panyol. 9mm- meleat$an malam dengan menonton pertunu$an

    $embang api di tepi pantai bersama orang tercinta- pasti menadi momen tida$ terlupa$an di elanda

    Den 9aag 5ireor$s 5estival

    5. Sinterklaas Parae. 2atu lagi parade yang tida$ $alah menari$ dari negeri $incir angin ini. Ca- interklaas

    Parade- sebuah parade yang diraya$an pada saat musim natal tiba- biasanya diada$an setiap hari minggu

    $etiga di ulan November. 2inter$laas- beserta sahabat setianya yaitu%arte Piet7it 9itam(- a$an

    mela$u$an parade $e $ota elanda dengan mengguna$an perahu uap dan melanut$an peralanan daratnya

    dengan mengguna$an $uda putih.%arte Pietdi elanda memili$i citra yang berbeda dengan yang ada di

    negara $ita- i$a sering$ali $ita terbayang Harte piet adalah soso$ yang gala$ namun pada parade di

    elanda ini-z%arte piettampil dengan penuh $egembiraan- mere$a mela$u$an a$si a$robati$ dan membagi*

    bagi$an cemilan seperti co$lat- permen dan 6ruidnoten cemilan $has elanda( Dalam parade ini uga-

    semua orang sangat bersemangat- terlebih para ana$*ana$ yang tentu saa berharap untu$ mendapat$an

    hadiah dari sang 2inter$laas atau bah$an berabat tangan dengan sinter$laas saa sudah sesuatu yang

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    2inter$laas dan Iartepiet

    Iarte 7iet era$robati$ dengan 2epeda

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    ?arga )msterdam ;enyambut 2inter$laas J Iartepiet

    !. "arnaval Parae. Di negeri elanda $ita dapat meni$mati acara $arnaval hampir sepanang tahun. 2alah

    satu $arnaval terbesar di elanda adalah #aastric$t "arnival- yang tentu saa bisa $ita temu$an di $ota

    ;aastricht. *aastric&t +arnivaldiselenggara$an menelang 7as$ah setiap bulan )pril- dimulai sea$ hari

    :umat hingga 2elasa malam bera$hir sebelum abu )bu(. :aman se$arang ini ;aastricht Garnival sudah

    tida$ ada sang$ut pautnya dengan ritual $eagamaan- namun sudah menelma menadi pesta ra$yat yang

    bisa dini$mati oleh $ita semua. Krang*orang a$an bersu$a cita dan i$ut berpartisipasi dengan mema$ai

    $ostum yang uni$- mencolo$ dan meriah. ;ulai dari pa$aian ala Haman dulu- baa$ laut- nene$ sihir- tuan

    putri $eraaan- sampai orang purba. :i$a anda datang $esini- $ira*$ira a$an adi siapa ya dan siapa yang a$an

    anda temu$an>

    ) colorful ;aastricht Garnival

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    7urple ranny in ;aastricht Garnival

    2elain dari $eenam parade dan festival tersebut- sebenarnya masih banya$ se$ali festival yang bisa $ita

    ni$mati di setiap $ota elanda. Kleh $arena itu penting se$ali untu$ $ita ber$one$si dalam pergaulan $ita

    saat studi di elanda untu$ mendapat$an informasi festivalLfestival se$aligus mengununginya bersama*

    sama agar lebih meriah.

    Dunia di luar adalah sebuah tempat yang besar1, u!ar warga Belanda yang menyadari betapa kecilnya negara mereka.

    Halaupun ukurannya kecil, Belanda memiliki tradisi budaya yang kaya.

    Belanda atau Netherlands?

    Kera!aan $etherlands terdiri dari negara Belanda sendiri dan enam kepulauan )ruba dan $etherlands )ntilles di Laut

    Karibia. $ama resmi negara ini adalah $ederland yang berarti Jnegara yang berada di tanah rendahJ, karena sebagian besar

    tanahnya berada atau di bawah ketinggian permukaan air.

    Dewasa ini, Belanda !uga dikenal dengan J8ollandJ, nama yang meru!uk pada dua proinsi yang terletak di pesisir barat,


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    )da banyak tempat yang bisa dilihat di Belanda, entah dengan ber!alan kaki menyusuri kota, melakukan per!alanan dengan

    perahu di kanal atau danau, bersantai di pantai atau ber!alan melalui hutan serta bukit pasir.

    Banyak bintang musik internasional besar secara rutin melakukan pertun!ukan di stadion dan tempat5tempat lebih kecil di

    Belanda. +ertun!ukan musikal dan teater !uga sangat populer dan Belanda memiliki lebih dari 9.000 museum yang dapatdi!ela!ahi.

    Dan !angan kaget !ika banyak orang memakai ba!u warna oranye dan berpesta di !alan pada ueens Day atau selama

    ke!uaraan sepakbola internasional.


    2rang Belanda tidak memiliki budaya adiboga, dan makanan panas hanya dibatasi sekali sehari, biasanya di sore hari.

    arapan pada umumnya disediakan dalam bentuk roti dengan ke!u, daging iris dingin dan/atau selai. Kebanyakan orang

    makan roti isi untuk makan siang, terkadang dengan sup atau salad. Makan malam biasanya merupakan paduan kentang

    dan sayur dengan daging atau ikan.

    $amun demikian, cita rasa Belanda telah men!adi lebih internasional dan disempurnakan. )nda akan menemukan berbagai!enis ariasi produk di supermarket dan banyak restoran menawarkan berbagai !enis masakan internasional.

    1.stamppot$ ini lah nama yang akan terseut pertama kali setiap kita tanya, apa makanan khaselanda% teruat dari kentang yang direus dan dihancurkan &mashed potatoes( dan dicampur denganbeberapa sayuran seperti wortel atau sayuran hi!au lainnya seperti boerenkool. dihidangkan panas5panas bersama dengan sosis besar yang bernama rook!orst. hmm..enak. tapi ini memangmakanan musiman dan mereka biasanya membuatnya pada saat musim dingin tiba.

    '. olliebollen$ ini juga makanan musiman lain dari elanda, iasanya hanya ada di musim gugur danmusim dingin. juga menjadi makanan yang umum dicari pada saat malam pergantian tahun. yah..namanya juga tradisi. ketika pertama kali melihatnya saya langsung erpikir makanan di ogor yaituodading. hahahaha. inilah roti goreng khas elanda yang eerapa ditamah kismis.

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    (. stroop)afel$adalah )afel yang diuat dari adonan tepung, mentega dan susu yang dipanggangdengan disisipi karamel di tengah*tengahnya. rasanya% renyah tapi legit dan maniiiis sekali. contohmakan manis lainnya ada dalam entuk appeltaart &apple pie( dan spekkoek.

    +. ikan herring &haring$ ikan mentah yang dimakan ersama dengan potongan a)ang omay.saya hanya erani memakan dua potong selama hidup saya di sini. karena rasa amis yang isa memuatsaya muntah. tapi untuk seagian esar orang elanda, mereka isa memakan satu ikan haring penuhhanya dengan satu tarikan di dalam mulutnya. hmmm, yaicks. selain itu ada eerapa jenis ikan yangsudah digoreng dan siap makan seperti ikan kieling atau jenis*jenis lainnya.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    ". fast food sna#ks$ terdiri dari eragai macam tipe, mulai darifrikandel&sosiselanda, kroket &isinya daging, bitterballen &ola*ola daging, atau ami dan nasi lok -ya.. merekapake bahasa kita-. iasanya dijual di seuah kios khusus atau malah hanya erupa kotak mesin dengansekat*sekat terpisah erisikan makanan terseut. kita hanya perlu memasukan uang logam dan memuka

    sekat*sekat itu. favorite saya% kroket dan ami lok hmm.. enak. )alaupun jujur kadang suka gak yakinjuga dengan isinya. eerapa teman elanda ilang itu adalah semua agian ternak &isa sapi atau aiyang memang tidak layak jual dan mereka melendernya menjadi snack*snack itu.

    /. patat$ alias kentang goreng -sumpah.. banyak banget$$-. tidak jelas aslinya dari mana, namun elgiaerani mengklaim ah)a patat erasal dari sana. ditamah, patat yang tahun lalu menjadi nomor satu dielanda memang erasal dari elgia. kentang goreng ini memiliki ungkus erentuk kerucut &jugaeerapa dalam entuk o0 dan menjadi makanan jalanan seperti halnya gorengan di indonesia. janganlupa untuk menamahkan saus di atasnya, aik mayonaise, selai kacang, kari, saus tomat ataupun umutamahan lainnya. untuk menu spesial, mereka menamahkan potongan a)ang omay di atasnya.

    jadi, jangan ilang pernah ke elanda kalau tidak merasakan patat plus mayo.

    .pan#akedanpoffertjes$poffertjest adalah entuk kecil dari pancake yang diuat ulat*ulat

    kecil. iasanya dihiasi dengan tauran gula halus, selai atau cokelat.

    Cium pipi 3x. Kebiasaan orang Belanda kalau ketemu adalah cium pipi 3* Aium pipi inibukan hanya untuk orang yang lama ngga ketemu ya..* Berlaku !uga untuk mengucapkan

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    selamat %ulang tahun, nikah, promosi kantor, natal, tahun baru( ? menegur orang yang barukenal

    Netherlands Description

    At the end of the last Ice Age, the"Low Countries,"now calledBelgium, Luxembourg and the

    Netherlands were inhabited by scattered hunter-gather groups. 8,000 years later when the

    Roman Empire was first coming to power, varied NorthernEuropeantribes had settled in,

    including the Celts, Frisians and Saxons.

    With little resistance, those Romans eventually conquered the Netherlands; building military

    outposts and cities, including those at Maastricht and Ultrecht.

    Over time, three distinct cultures formed and prospered here: the Franks in the

    south, the Frisians along the coastlines and the Saxons in the east. By the mid 700's, most of

    the people were converted to Christianity, and then, the Vikings arrived.

    This mostly tranquil expanse of westernEuropewas first invaded in the early 9th century. The

    overpowering Vikings removed the accumulated wealth, destroyed some settlements of note,

    and remained in power until crushed at Ultrecht by a German king in 920. As a result, and

    beginning with King Otto the Great,Germankings held sway here during the 10th and 11th


    Around 1100, coastal swamp lands (all frequently flooded) were being drained and cultivated by

    the Frisians, farms were developed, towns quickly grew in influence and economic trade groups

    (leagues) formed.

    Repetitive and devastating flooding of the lowlands continued to occur, and over 120,000 people

    (collectively) drowned in the All Saints Flood (1170), Noordholland Flood (1212), St. Marcellus

    flood (1219), and the Zuider Zee seawall collapse in year 1287.
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Regardless, regional port cities grew powerful, and some became (local) independent empires;

    nobles and self-appointed rulers converted their own holdings into personal kingdoms, and into

    that mix (almost predictably) neighbors battled neighbors, wars were fought for land control, and

    then, a new opportunity presented itself.

    With support from local (now tired of bickering) power brokers in the

    Netherlands, the Flemish Duke of Burgandy (from France), almost by invitation, united allfactions; wars were ended and peace and prosperity followed. One of the by-products of that

    unity was Dutch shipping, as its fleet grew into a consequential force in the 15th century,

    with#mste/*amthe principal port.

    Burgundian rule over the "Low Countries" ended in the early 16th century, mostly by conquest.

    The Habsburg dynasty under Charles V gained control, but in short-order the lengthy struggle

    for independence surfaced. In 1548, Charles V granted limited autonomy to seventeen

    provinces ofBelgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

    When Charles was succeeded by his son, Philip II, the Catholic King ofSpain, the new king was

    outraged by Protestant influence in the "Low Countries," and tried to enforce the brutalCatholic

    Inquisitionpolicies. Led by Prince William of Orange the locals promptly rebelled, and the

    resultingEighty Years' Warfinally ended in 1648, with the Spanish expelled and independence

    at hand.

    Netherlands Description

    The so-called Golden Age (1580 to 1740) brought great prestige and wealth as the Dutch East

    India Company sent ships from#mste/*amacross the seven seas. A few Asian countries

    were colonized, as well as islands in the Caribbean (the Netherlands Antilles), and even New

    York City, calling it New Amsterdam.

    With the largest mercantile fleet in Europe, and a now dominant position in European trade, the
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Netherlands were on a roll. With new-found riches,#mste/*amexperienced a cultural

    renaissance of its own, and flourished into a mecca (or center) of culture.

    All good things must come to an end, and as the British Empire expanded its naval power, the

    Dutch lost their long-held dominance of the sea. The economy soon stagnated, international

    trade decreased, and at the end of the 18th century, though#mste/*am remained influential,

    the top dog was now in London.

    To make matters worse, the Netherlands publicly recognized America's struggle for

    independence. Subsequently miffed,Britaindeclared war and it proved an economic disaster for

    the provinces. Trouble often follows trouble, and in 1795 the French invaded and Napoleon

    appointed his brother (Louis) king, and turned the Netherlands into the Kingdom of Holland.

    TheFrenchoccupation of the Netherlands ended in 1813 after Napoleon was

    defeated, a defeat in which William VI of Orange played a prominent role. He was crowned the

    first King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, a combination of Belgium, Holland and

    Luxembourg. Like many alliances, this one was also short lived as Belgium declared

    independence in 1830, followed by Luxembourg in 1890.

    The Netherlands declared their neutrality during World War I, but in World War II the same

    approach failed. Germany invaded with very little resistance, Rotterdam was bombed, the royal

    family fled to theUnited Kingdom, and the persecution of the Jews began. Over 100,000 were

    murdered, and one brave, young Jewish girl namedAnne Frankwould come to personify that

    terrible time in human history.

    In February of 1953, a huge storm caused the collapse of several dikes, and almost 2,000

    drowned in the resulting tidal surges. So began the Delta Project, a project that included a huge

    series of outer sea-dikes, and inner canal and river dikes built to protect this fragile land from

    disastrous flooding brought on by the constant pressures applied to it by the North Sea.
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Today nearly 50% of the land here remains just above sea level. The massive and costly Delta

    Project and other engineering marvels have to date prevented theNorth Seafrom doing any

    significant (additional) damage. However, climate change and rising waters could prove daunting

    to the Netherlands in the future.

    In the 1960's and 1970's, social changes in drug policies,

    environmental issues, euthanasia, religion, same-sex marriages and women's rights propelled

    the country into a mecca of liberal ideology. The country was a founding member of NATO. It

    also proudly joined the European Union (EU), and adopted the Euro in 1999.

    Always waging war against rising water, there's an old Dutch saying, "God created the earth, but

    the Dutch created the Netherlands." Well, the Dutch have also created a lasting legacy of art,

    personal determination, and some of the most familiar icons of our modern world.

    Netherlands Famous NativesPeople listed are alost al%ays native to t&e country, -e do (on occasion) include

    t&ose t&at &ave eit&er lived %it&in t&e country for ost of t&eir adult life$ or &ave

    ade a signi.cant contribution to t&e country in t&eir personal endeavors,

    Netherlands Flags
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Nethe/lan*s Flag)

    The Netherlands flag was officially adopted on February 19, 1937. At one time this tricolor flag

    was orange, white and blue, as those were the livery colors of William of Orange, a Dutch

    prince. In the 17th century, red replaced the orange as a flag color, because the orange dyeused on the flag was unstable, and turned red after exposure to the sun.

    %a/ge/ Nethe/lan*s 5ag

    Nethe/lan*s Coat o6 #/ms:

    The royal coat of arms is placed on a mantle of ermine surmounted by a crown. The coat of

    arms date from 1815, when the Kingdom of the Netherlands was founded.

    It is the same as the Dutch national coat of arms. It originates from the county of Nassau inGermany, and the central lion is the same as the lion on the oldest coat of arms of Nassau,

    dating from the 13th century.

    Dutch #nthem) #nthem Title)?ilhelmus van Nassoue Compose/) )drianus Malerius
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description



  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    3%enty 4uros thnicit7)Dutch 8".!%- +< #%- Fndonesian ,.4%- Tur$ish ,.,%- 2urinamese

    ,%- ;oroccan ,%- Garibbean ".8%- other 4.8% ,""8 est.( $oli*a7s GDP total)!"'.# billion /01/ est,( GDP pe/ capita)4,-3"" /01/ est,( %an* Si:es %anguage)Dutch oOcial(- 5risian oOcial( %a/gest Cities)by population( )msterdam- otterdam- The 9ague-

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Coat o6 #/ms)The royal coat of arms is placed on a mantle of erminesurmounted by a cron. The coat of arms date from 181#- hen the 6ingdom ofthe Netherlands as founded.

    Ft is the same as the Dutch national coat of arms. Ft originates from the county ofNassau in ermany- and the central lion is the same as the lion on the oldest

    coat of arms of Nassau- dating from the 13th century. Flag o6 Nethe/lan*s Flowe/)Tulip unoOcial(

    Note)Though not oOcial symbols of the Netherlands- tulips- indmills andooden shoes are idely associated ith the country. 7erhaps no one itemsymboliHed the Netherlands more succinctly than the tulip.

    The Netherlands produce appro@imately nine billion Soer bulbs annually. Thatincredible number of bulbs ould allo for almost to Soer bulbs for everyperson on the planet. Kf those bulbs- the tulip in a variety of colors( remains themost popular and idely recogniHed bulb by gardeners orldide.

    Motto)PF$ Hal handhavenP 6I %ill aintain6 National #nthem)P?ilhelmus van NassoueP 6-illia of 5assau6(0 lyrics

    are idely considered ritten by the poet- 7hilips van ;arni@- 2eigneur of 2int)ldegonge. 2ource of music is un$non.

    Europe Weather

    9a/m win*s sweep 6/eel7across (central) Europe because the western edges of the continent are

    not shielded by significant mountain ranges. Consequently, those Atlantic Ocean winds (or westerlies) in

    conjunction with the Gulf Stream, generally keep the European continent warmer than other locations at

    similar latitudes.

    (n no/the/n u/ope summers are cooler and winters are longer and colder, with heavy snowfall.

    Eastern Europe is also cold in winter, but summers are frequently hotter than in the west.

    #c/oss cent/al u/opesummers are certainly warm and often hot, while winters, although milder

    than the north, can be quite cold with significant snowfall.

    The Me*ite//anean /egionof Europe typically experiences hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.

    During the summer, 4 to 6 months without significant rainfall is the norm, as most of the precipitation falls

    during the winter months.

    8ea/l7 /ain6all a;e/agesacross Europe run between 20 and 60 inches, depending on location. Most

    of the rain falls in winter and early spring. Areas east, west and north of the Alps generally receive more
  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    rainfall, while along the edges of the Mediterranean Sea and in northern Scandinavia, lighter rainfall is


    (n the 6oothills an* highe/ ele;ationsof Europe's central and northern mountain ranges,

    summer temperatures are cool, while winters run cold with significant snowfall. In the southern mountain

    ranges of the Alps, winters are milder with much less snow.

    For detailed weather information about a specific destination, "Select a European Country" from the drop-

    down list above.

    @he climate in the $etherlands is considered temperate, which means that there are distinct summer and winter seasons.

    ;egardless o7 the city, the warmer months are the most com7ortable.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @hey are the most secular and liberal people 7rom u/opewho strongly beliee in 7reedom.

    @hey are inhabited in the northwestern part o7 u/opean continent and possess

    multiple cultu/al in7luences in their society. @hey hae upli7ted the alues o7 their low lands in

    such a way that theyre now standing on the optimum o7 their history. Aomprising o7 twele small

    proinces, were talking about the people o7 the Nethe/lan*swho are known as Dutch1in the lo;el7 planet.


    dress of the Netherlands or 9olland. Fmage by Denis Bife

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he most densely populated country in -urope borders on =ermany to the east and Belgium to

    the south. @hey speak the standard Dutch language in eery walk o7 li7e. @he most beauti7ul

    aspect o7 the Dutch societ7is> apart 7rom the cultural diersities and demographical

    di77erences, they beliee in behaing like one strong nation. @hey gie space to each other and

    tolerance is the twinkling 7eature o7 their oerall behaior. @hey are known 7or their passion insport and wheneer their country is inoled in any international competition, they adorn their

    places with national 7lags, sing national anthems and dress up in o/angeeerywhere. Aare7ully

    stating, the traditional dress of the Netherlandsdoesnt keep so deep roots as its

    neighboring =ermany but certainly owes distinction. Like Belgium, the basic materials

    used t/a*itionall7in making the out

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    ;ar$en clothes. Fmage

    by 9elma de :ong

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Homen costumes 7rom the Ma/kenislands o7 8olland are considered the most 7abulous and

    stunning in terms o7 designing and characteristics. &t 7eatures a red and yellow bolero worn with

    red on the 7ront and blue or burgundy on the back. @he black skirt, trimmed with orange, along

    with 7loral accents on the 7ront and top o7 hat are integral parts o7 this dress. @he si'e o7 ski/t is

    not too big.


    clothes of 9olland. Fmage by 9obobi$er

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Nor men, traditional Dutch dress included blue and white or gray and white striped shirt with red

    patches, red button holes, and red stitching. @hey also wore a doubled breasted ;est, normally

    red in color on top. 2n the edges o7 the dress, 7inishing was made with gold buttons along with a

    reddish cloth.


    costumes. The Netherlands. Fmage by screenpun$

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    =olen*am is deemed as the most cultu/e*part o7 the $etherlands. &t has a strong

    ciili'ation in background. Marine in7luences are prominent on the clothing culture o7 the people

    o7 this small territory. @heski/ts o7 the women o7 Oolendam are traditionally etending 7rom the

    waistline to the ankle. +added hip'/ollsare also important credential 7or womens clothing.

    Homen wore petticoat along with the white colored sleeeless under bodices. Homen also7astened around their necks decorated .i.s. @hese were known as kroplapsthat were

    etended to !ust aboe the bust line. #p/onsbedecked with 7loral moti7s were also used.

    The uniue part for the

    traditional mens clothing of Molendam as ide*legged blue short trousers.

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he uniue part 7or the traditional mens clothing o7 Oolendam was wide5

    legged.lueshortt/ouse/sthat were 7astened with siler metal buttons in a 7all57ront 7ashion.

    @hose were normally worn with white shirt and est in either stripes or red. @he main occupation

    o7 the men o7 Oolendam and Marken was 7ishing or shipping so the.agg7breeches proided

    right com7ort during their working moes.

    TraditionalDutch costumes L 2taphorst L Fmage by 9otUeld

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he people 7rom St/apho/stare comparatiely conseratie in their approaches and belie7s.

    Midnight blue or black trousers and a long sleeed shirt were the traditional wears o7 the men.

    @here were seen rows o7 plain or ornamental buttons on the shirt. Most o7 the women belieed

    in hand made and sewn dresses 7or themseles. @heir dresses were embellished with 7loral

    pieces and gorgeous hand5made prints. @he dark skirt and blouse was accented by a pretty redplaidsca/6and a 7loral hat and *icke7.

    Ieeland L

    The Netherlands. Traditional dress. Fmage by :ac$ie 6ever

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he women 7rom >eelan* additionally wore brightly colored under bodice with a 7itted low5cut

    !acket. Oertically striped shirts were coered with solid and dark5colored aprons.


    costumes L Fmage by hiel$es

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Long oerdress and starched.onnetwith wings at the back made o7 checked6a./ic were

    the dominant 7actors in the traditional out7its 7or the Dutch women 7rom F/ieslan*, 8olland.

    @here were 7our hats worn with their costume, the top one a loely lace hattightly shirred in

    the neckline. Beneath the lace, hat was a gold hat which originally was a thin gold metal

    helmet. @heir dresses came in di77erent arieties and designs. @heir dresses were usually madewith costly, imported and printed6a./ics. ame was the case with the dresses 7or men o7


    Dutch cap

    or Dutch bonnet L Fmage by urvetson

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    2ne thing which is common in all types o7 the traditional dresses 7or women in the $etherlands

    is a typical Dutch capor Dutch .onnetwhich is usually made o7 white cotton or lace. @his

    is sometimes characteri'ed by triangular 7laps or wings that turn up on either side. &t can

    resemble some styles o7 nurses hat.

    +del$raal L

    Goral Nec$lace from the Netherlands

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Homen o7 8olland loed to wear an antiue 9:thcentury 7ashioned !ewelnecklacemade

    with .loo* co/als. @hese necklaces were prepared with magni7icent skills and complicated

    art with naturally dyed coral and with aco/alca.ochon center surrounded by a gold center

    medallion clasp. @he central cabachon was surrounded by around 36 tiny prongs.


    Gloth 2hop. Fmage by coconinoco

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he $ollan* clothis also simply known as 8olland2 which is actually a plain woen or dull5

    7inish linen or a cotton cloth made more or less opaue by a gla'ed or ungla'ed 7inish used as

    7urniture co;e/ing. 8olland is used 7or window shades, insulation, labels and tags, sign cloth,


    The traditional Dutch

    clogs made ith ood are iconic in the culture of the Netherlands. Fmage by


  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @he traditional Dutch clogsmade with woo*are iconic in the culture o7 the $etherlands. 2nce

    worn by the ma!ority were popular 7or their ualities to keep the 7eet dry, sa7e and com7ortable.

    @hese wooden clogs were usually worn with thick and heay stockings. @hese splendid wooden

    shoes here hae been cra7ted by artisans who hae learnt this art 7rom their 7ore7athers.

    )long ith

    glorious paints- the shoes are also usually adorned ith contemporary native printsof 9olland. Fmage by arende,""8

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    @oday, many 7actories are inoled in the preparation o7 the typical Dutch clogs in striking colors

    and brilliant designs. )long with glorious paints, the shoes are also usually adorned with

    contemporary natie prints o7 8olland. @hese clogs are specially associated with the Dutch

    7armers as it is most suited to them while working in the swampy lands o7 8olland.

    Dutch girls

    L 5ol$ costumes- the Netherlands. Fmage by Denis Bife

    Traditional dress of the Netherlands or Holland is .ewitche* with Dutchcolo/sand is showcased today in the dance 7estials held not only in the country but also on

    international leel. @he dancers represent their respectie territory or proince through their

    regional costumes.

    2utch food and drinks

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description



    3he 2utch have a uni4ue and diverse approach to food

    Holland is home to many different ethnicities. This blend of cultures has influenced the kitchen of the

    average Dutch household. When eating out, the selection of restaurants and cafs to choose from ranges

    from Indonesian, Chinese and Surinamese to Turkish, Italian, editerranean and more. !ll the same, the

    Dutch still have a uni"uely traditional cuisine #ith culinary customs.

    !ealtimes and customs

    The averae Dut!h pers"n eats three meals a #a$% M"re time is usuall$ spent "n #inner &usuall$ a h"t meal'

    than brea()ast "r lun!h% M"st Dut!h pe"ple eat lun!h bet*een n""n an# 1 pm, *hi!h ")ten !"nsists ") brea#

    an# vari"us s*eet an# sav"ur$ !"l# t"ppins% +"mpare# t" S"uthern ur"peans, the Dut!h eat #inner

    relativel$ earl$, usuall$ at ar"un# 6 "r - in the evenin% Alth"uh it is be!"min m"re p"pular t" eat "ut )"r

    lun!h, the #inner tren# is shi)tin ba!( t" a s"li# h"me.!""(e# meal, ")ten en/"$e# in the !"mpan$ ")


    te) &stamppot

    n H"llan#, ste* is a tra#iti"nal *inter meal an# !"nsists ") meat, p"tat"es an# veetables% The vari"us

    inre#ients are prepare# in "ne "r m"re pans an# then mashe# t"ether% The m"st p"pular Dut!h ste*s are

    (ale "r sauer(raut ste* *ith sm"(e# sausae an# )rie# ba!"n, h"#ep"#e *ith p"tat"es, "ni"ns !arr"ts

    an# p"r( "r bee), an# ste*e# p"tat"es *ith apples an# ba!"n "r bla!( pu##in% S"me Dut!h pe"ple li(e t"

    ma(e a h"le in the ste* t" put their rav$ *hen eatin these ste*s%

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    Pea soup &snert

    ea s"up, als" re)erre# t" as snert, is a thi!( s"up ma#e )r"m split peas% ea s"up is )"un# in "ther

    !"untries, but the Dut!h versi"n is etremel$ thi!( an# !ream$% The Dut!h usuall$ eat this s"up #urin the

    *inter, t"ether *ith r$e brea# t"ppe# *ith sm"(e# ba!"n%


    H"llan# is etremel$ *ell.(n"*n )"r its !heese% M"re than 6-4,000 t"ns ") !heese are pr"#u!e# ea!h $ear

    an# Dut!h !heese is ep"rte# t" 130 !"untries ar"un# the *"rl#% Familiarit$ *ith names li(e "u#a, #am

    an# Al(maar &*here the )am"us !heese mar(ets are hel#' stret!hes )ar be$"n# the nati"nal b"r#ers% The

    Dut!h eat !heese as a t"ppin "n )resh brea# "r in !ubes as a sna!(%

    alted herring &7ollandse ieu)e

    Salte# herrin is ")ten re)erre# t" as H"llan#se ieu*e, *hi!h is the )irst $"un herrin ") the seas"n that is

    suitable )"r !"nsumpti"n% Herrin ma$ "nl$ !arr$ the H"llan#se ieu*e #esinati"n i) it !"ntains a !ertainper!entae ") )at an# is prepare# in the tra#iti"nal Dut!h manner, i%e% !leane#, )illete# an# salte#% ver$

    $ear, this herrin is intr"#u!e# in a !erem"nial manner at the en# ") Ma$ "r in earl$ June% A tra#iti"nal

    au!ti"nin ") the )irst barrel ") the ne* seas"n herrin ta(es pla!e in S!heveninen an# the pr"!ee#s are

    #"nate# t" !harit$% The Dut!h eat herrin as a sna!(% The$ rab it b$ the tail, !"ver it in ra* "ni"ns

    &"pti"nal' an# h"l# it in the air in )r"nt ") their m"uth an# eat it bite b$ bite%


    "))ert/es is a tra#iti"nal Dut!h sna!( similar t" pan!a(es, but smaller, thi!(er an# s*eeter% The$ are usuall$

    serve# *ith butter an# i!in suar "n t"p% The$ are etremel$ p"pular *ith !hil#ren% M"st "ut#""r mar(ets

    an# )airs in H"llan# have a stan# sellin this treat%


    Alth"uh !hips are n"t a Dut!h inventi"n, the Dut!h have their "*n uniue !ust"ms )"r eatin them% "pular

    t"ppins are ma$"nnaise, ma$"nnaise *ith peanut sau!e, an# ma$"nnaise *ith (et!hup an# ra* "ni"ns,

    !"mbinati"ns that ten# t" ba))le visit"rs )r"m "ther !"untries% The pe"ple ") the "rthern pr"vin!es re)er t"

    them as patat, *hile the s"utherners !all them )riet%

    9enever &:enever

    Jenever is the straiht Dut!h in% t is sai# t" have "riinate# in tal$ in the 12th "r 13th !entur$ *hen

    al!hemists, priests, an# n"blemen s"uht !ures )"r man$ ") the illnesses plauin ur"pe% The$ #is!"vere#

    the #istillin pr"!ess an# #istille# me#i!ine la!e# *ith all s"rts ") herbs an# etra!ts% t *as th"uht that

    al!"h"l, "r 7!"urae *ater7, !"ul# !ure an$thin% 8"ls an# Heine(en are the t*" main #istillers ") Jenever in


  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


    ;ending machines

    Sna!( bars are an interal part ") Dut!h !ulture% atin sna!(s is n"t a !ust"m )"un# "nl$ in H"llan#, but

    eatin sna!(s )r"m ven#in ma!hines is t$pi!all$ Dut!h% H"t ven#in ma!hine sna!(s in!lu#e )ri(a#el

    &min!e# meat h"t #"', !r"uette an# )rie# !r"uette balls%

  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description


  • 7/24/2019 Netherlands Description
