Page 1: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한

NGO 길라잡이네팔

Page 2: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한

1부 NGO등록

I. 배경 7

Ⅱ. LNGO등록 8

1. 준비서류

2. 신청절차

3. 허가증 샘플

Ⅲ. INGO등록 11

1. 등록 준비단계

2. 등록 신청단계


I. NGO 등록서류 양식 78

1. General Agreement(GA) Fomat

2. Project Agreement(PA) Fomat

3. 프로젝트 신청양식(SWC 보고양식)

4. Pan증서 샘플

II. 사회복지법(1992)(영문번역본) 98

III. 근로기준법(영문번역본) 106

IV. 네팔 내 유관기관 기본운영지침 129

(BOG_Basic Operating Guidelines) 원문

3부 네팔이해하기

I. 네팔의 주요개황 46

Ⅱ. 네팔의 역사 49

Ⅲ. 네팔의 주요 특성 53

1. 경제현황 및 전망

2. 정치현황

3. 빈곤현황 및 전망

4. 거버넌스 현황

5. 주요 사회기반시설 현황

6. 네팔의 측량단위

Ⅳ. 네팔의 주요기관 63

1. 정부기관

2. 재네팔한국NGO협의회(KONAN_Korea

NGO Association in Nepal)

3. AIN(Association of International

NGOs in Nepal)

4. 한국 NGO활동 현황

5. 기타기관 연락처

6. 네팔에서 활동하는 국제기구

2부 NGO운영및활동

I. 사업보고 16



3. 세금감면

Ⅱ. 비자 29

1. 비자의 종류

Ⅲ. 근로기준법 34

1. 근로기준법의 최소기준 범위

2. 네팔 내 민간단체 급여조사 및 수당 지급현황

Ⅳ. 네팔의 공휴일 41

Ⅴ. 네팔의 주요 세금제도 42

1. 법인세

2. 간접세

3. 부가가치세

4. 개인소득세

5. 감가상각

6. 지출공제


Page 3: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한

1부.NGO 등록

Page 4: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




부. 운

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. 네팔




6 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 7

1부.NGO등록 I. 배경

네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한 요구를 충족시키고 풀뿌리 민주주의 수준에 도달하기 위해 조직의

관료화를 경계하고 방지하고자 노력하였으나 충분히 진척되지 못했다. 이에 네팔 정부는 더

효과적으로 풀뿌리 민주주의 수준에 도달하기 위해 풀뿌리 조직의 활동을 지원하기로 하였고, 그

결과 전 세계의 다양한 NGO/INGO가 네팔에 진입하게 되었다.

최근 몇년간 네팔 내 시민사회조직의 수는 빠르게 증가하였으며, 이에 따라 전체 NGO관련

업무를 총괄하는 별도의 정부부처가 필요하게 되었다. 이러한 필요에 따라 기존 정부조직 중

사회복지부(SWC_Social Welfare Council)가 2049년1)(1992년) 부터 별도의 ‘사회복지법(The

Social Welfare Act)’을 통해 NGO의 관리와 함께 네팔에서 활동하는 모든 NGO/INGO 및

시민사회조직 활동의 촉진, 조정, 모니터링 및 평가에 대한 책임을 지게 되었다.

따라서 네팔 개발협력분야에서 활동하려면 사회복지부(SWC)의 규정을 준수해야 한다.

사회복지부(SWC)는 NGO(Non Government Organization)를 시민사회조직을 포괄하는

의미로 사용하며, 아래와 같이 구분한다.

- INGO(International NGO) : 국제 NGO

- LNGO(Local NGO) : 현지 NGO

- CSO(Civil Society Organization) : 기타시민사회조직

- The Social Welfare Act, 2049 (1992)


자료 출처

- social-welfare-act.pdf,

- Proposal Guideline (1992)

1) 네팔력

Page 5: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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. 네팔




8 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 9

• 운영자금출처 입증서류(예: 한국본부와 맺은 MOU 등)

• 은행잔고증명

2. 신청 절차

개인 또는 단체는 관련 규정을 준수하여 각 절차를 진행해야 하며, 모든 기록문서는 모호함

없이 명확해야 한다. 절차가 완료되면 PAN증서와 NGO등록증을 받을 수 있다. 단, 지방에서

사업을 진행할 경우 지방정부와 협의하여 수행하라는 취지로 지역행정사무소 방문 단계에서

지역사업허가증을 발부받아야 한다.

3. 허가증 샘플

Ⅱ. LNGO 등록

네팔 국적을 가진 7인 이상의 집단 또는 개인은 누구나 네팔에서 LNGO 등록을 할 수 있다.

LNGO는 해당 지역을 관할하는 기관에 등록되는데, 일반적으로 LNGO 및 INGO를 조직하고

관리하는 일은 정부의 주요기관인 사회복지부(SWC)와 지역개발위원회사무소(DDC_District

Development Comittee Office)가 담당한다. LNGO등록은 매년 갱신해야 하며, 등록된 모든

LNGO는 정부가 부여하는 세금을 세무서 및 소속 구청(Ward Office)에 납부해야 한다.2)

1. 준비서류

• SWC등록양식(Project Proposal Format)3)

• 단체정관(반드시 아래의 구성으로 정관 작성)

- 1장 : 서문

- 2장 : 정의

- 3장 : 목표

- 4장 : 회원의 자격, 회원의 종류, 회원의 탈퇴 및 자격박탈

- 5장 : 일반 위원회 및 기타 위원회

- 6장 : 기능, 의무 및 대표의 권한

- 7장 : 재무 관리 (펀드, 재원, 은행 계정, 감사)

- 8장 : 기타

• 이사회 구성원 조직 : 이름/주소/직업/서명 필요

• 이사회는 여성 2인이 포함된, 최소 7인 이상의 홀수로 구성

• 이사회 구성원에 대한 신원조회증명(각 출신지역 경찰서에서 받아야 함)

2) NGO/INGO 모두 동일하게 매년 1회 세무서에 납부해야 함1. 미혼자: 연수입 25만루피 이하 1% + 25만~40만루피 15% + 40만루피 이상 25%2. 기혼자: 연수입 30만루피 이하 1% + 30만~40만루피 15% + 40만루피 이상 25%3. 사무실 건물 임대세금: 연 임대료의 10%(소속 구청에 납부)

3) 부록 I -3. 프로젝트 신청양식 참조

4) PAN(PERMANANT ACCOUNT NUMBER) - 허가증과 별개로 자금과 관련한 보고 등에 활용되는 번호. 감사보고서에 포함되는 양식.

부록 I -4. Pan증서 샘플 참조

a. 사회복지부(SWC) 방문 b. 구청(Ward Office) 방문c. 지역개발위원회사무소(DDC_District

Development Comittee Office) 방문

d. 지역행정사무소(DAO_District Administration Office) 방문

e. 사회복지부(SWC) 방문 f. 자격취득


DDCㆍ등록정보 수령

ㆍSWC등록양식ㆍ정관 및 회의록ㆍ이사회구성원신분증ㆍ자금출처증명서류ㆍ은행잔고증명ㆍ이사회대표자 방문

ㆍ기존서류ㆍWARD OFFICE 서명 서류ㆍ이사회구성원 일부방문

DAO SWC 자격 취득ㆍ기존서류ㆍWARD OFFICE/DDC 서명 서류

ㆍ기존 전체ㆍWARD OFFICE/DDC/DAO 서명 서류

ㆍ등록번호 취득ㆍPAN번호 취득4)

Page 6: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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. 네팔




10 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 11

1. 등록 준비단계

1) General Agreement(GA) 준비

GA란 INGO등록시에만 해당 되는 서류로 공여국의 증명서 및 사업계약 승인서 등을 첨부해야

한다. GA는 매년 갱신해야 하며, 갱신이 되지 않으면 새로운 PA(Project Agreement)를 진행할

수 없다.

• GA 규정에 따른 제출서류6)

- 단체 등록증명서(해당 본국 발행)

- 조례(승인된 정관)

- 조례가 명확하게 객관적이고 확실한 문서로 설명할 수 없는 경우, 정관에 추가로 목표 기술 필요

- 은행잔고증명서(재무상태는 매년 최소 100,000USD 이어야 함)

- 프로젝트 신청양식7)

- 계약서초안(단체의 규정 양식)

- 사업계약 이행에 따른 승인서(단체의 규정 양식)

- 이력서(단체의 규정 양식)

- 표지양식(생략해도 무관, 일반적으로 단체표지를 첨부)

- 운영자금출처 입증서류(한국과 맺은 MOU서류에 기재된 사업자금내용)

• 대표자 자격 제한

- 네팔인의 경우 학사, 외국인의 경우 석사 소지자

- 5년이상 유경험자

- 네팔의 개발협력분야 경험자(네팔의 사회문화를 충분히 이해한 자)

• 비자지원

Ⅲ. INGO 등록

LNGO허가증(써빙프렌즈 제공)

지역사업허가증(써빙프렌즈 제공)

5) 부록 I -1. GA Fomat 참조6) 모든 서류는 현지어로 작성하여 제출한다. (단, 프로젝트 진행시 한국과 맺은 MOU서류는 영문으로 가능)7) 부록 I -3. 프로젝트 신청양식 참조


Page 7: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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12 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 13

1) 사회복지부(SWC)에 신청

- 등록 준비단계를 마치고 사회복지부(SWC)에 INGO등록 신청을 하면, 사회복지부(SWC)로부터

승인번호를 부여받는다. LNGO와 달리 별도의 증서를 제공하지는 않지만, 승인번호로

프로젝트를 진행할 수 있다.

2) 사회복지부(SWC) 등록 처리 과정

※ ‘관련부서’ 예) 교육관련 사업 → 교육부, 농업관련사업 → 농업개발부

- INGO 등록후 대표자 1명에게 비관광비자(Non Tourist visa)를 지원한다

2) Project Agreement(PA) 준비

PA란 프로젝트계획서(사업실행계획서)이다. PA서류 양식에 따라 아래의 항목들을 기술하되

프로젝트 은행계좌 증명은 별도로 준비한다.

- 프로젝트명

- 단체명 및 주소

- 프로젝트 기간

- 프로젝트 세부사항

- 예산서

- 후원자 역할 및 책임규명

- 프로젝트 은행계좌 증명

3) 지역 및 VDC(Village Development Committee) 선정

- 국가 및 부문별 정책, 클러스터 접근 방식, 자문 및 참여 방법에 의한 우선 순위에 따라 VDC/

지방자치단체를 선택한다.

4) 지역 감사선정 및 지역 신문에 재정상태 게시

- 지역 수준에서 연간 감사회의를 조직하고, VDC/지방자치단체 사무소의 게시판 및 임의의

두 개의 지역 신문에 Project Agreement(PA)를 포함한 재무 보고서와 진행 상황의 개요를


2. 등록 신청단계

8) 부록 I -2. PA Format 참조


일반적으로 NGO등록 절차를 마무리하고 승인번호를 받기까지 약 6개월 정도가

소요된다고 합니다. 하지만 실제로는 1년이 지나도 진행이 제자리걸음인 경우가

많습니다. 정부의 정책이 자주 변경되고 기존의 절차가 취소되는 경우도 많기 때문에

예상 소요기간을 넉넉하게 잡고 등록을 진행하는 것이 좋습니다. 원활한 진행을

위하여 변호사를 고용하는 경우도 있지만, 사회복지부(SWC) 공무원이 변호사 선임을

통한 진행을 달가워하지 않는 분위기여서 현지 상황을 잘 이해하고 있는 직원 대표가

사회복지부(SWC) 공무원과 직접 논의하면서 진행하는 것이 보다 수월할 수 있습니다.

본 과정중에 사회복지부(SWC)의 소개로 코디네이터를 소개받기도 하는데, 이를

수락하여 진행하는 것이 등록을 원활하게 하는 방법입니다. 단, 코디네이터 비용이

별도로 지불되어야 한다는 점을 명심해야 합니다.

SWC 관련부서 관련부서15일 이내에 해당부서로


21일 이내에 서류검토

1개월 이내에 확정


Page 8: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한

14 NGO 길라잡이-네팔

INGO로 등록이 되면 프로젝트와 관련한 통장거래를 자유롭게 할 수 있고, 해당인력에

대한 비자도 지원받을 수 있습니다. 하지만 INGO로 등록을 해도 네팔 규정상 LNGO를

통해서만 활동이 가능하므로 같은 네팔어 이름의 LNGO를 만들어 활동을 하거나,

적절한 LNGO를 찾아 파트너십을 맺는 것이 중요합니다. 이때 파트너십을 맺을

LNGO가 실제로 사업을 진행하는 사무실 없이 이름만 보고하는 경우가 있으니 반드시

사회복지부(SWC)에서 등록 단체의 존재 유무를 확인해야 합니다.

LNGO 내 외국인은 아무런 법적 권한을 갖지 못하며, 이사회 구성원으로도 포함될 수

없습니다. 따라서 지부를 대표하는 한국인의 신분은 지부장/단체장 등으로 호칭할 수는

있지만, 법적으로는 관광비자, 사업비자 등 개별로 비자를 취득하고 스폰서, 어드바이저

등의 역할로 활동해야 합니다. 간혹 현지 직원이나 지역주민과의 마찰에 따른 고발로

추방되는 경우가 발생할 수 있으니 비자에 따른 신분9)에 각별히 주의해서 활동해야


9) 예) 사업비자-사업가, 학생비자-학생신분임

2부.NGO 운영 및 활동

Page 9: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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16 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 17

Ⅰ. 사업보고

사회복지부(SWC)에 등록된 모든 NGO는 아래의 내용을 포함한 보고서를 작성하여 단계별로

보고해야 한다.(별도의 양식은 제공되지 않는다.) 단, 외부펀드 프로젝트 진행시에는 프로젝트와

관련한 보고를 정기적으로 해야 한다. 외부펀드 없이 LNGO에서 자체적으로 진행하는 사업의

경우, 지역행정사무소까지만 보고하고 사회복지부(SWC)에는 확인만 받으면 된다. 하지만

INGO의 경우, 반드시 프로젝트를 수행하고 있기 때문에 6개월에 한 번씩 보고를 해야 한다.


1) 횟수 : 매년 1회 보고한다.

2) 보고 내용

• NGO 기관 개요(아래의 항목을 포함)

- 단체 이름, 주소

- 담당자 연락처(일반적으로 대표자)

- 단체의 주요 목표

- NGO 등록번호/등록날짜(등록시 해당 행정부처에서 발급)

- 최종 갱신일자

자료 출처

- 사회복지부(SWC_Social Welfare Council)

2부.NGO운영및활동- 최종 감사일자

- 사회복지부(SWC) 제휴 번호(NGO 등록번호)

- 단체의 자산내역

• 프로젝트 세부사항

• 회계보고 세부사항

• 직원현황

• 계좌 사용내역서

3) 보고절차

* 각 단계의 사무소에서 통과했다는 레터를 받은 후, 다음 단계에 추가 서류로 제출해야 한다.


1) 횟수 : 6개월에 한 번씩 보고하고, 프로젝트 기간 중에는 중간 시점에 중간보고를 한다.

2) 보고내용

• 평가 보고서

• GA 초안

• 회계 보고서

• 연간 재정계획서

* 추가적으로 INGO는 정기적인 CPAC10)/DPAC11)회의에 참석해야 하며, CPAC/DPAC는 규정에

따라 일년에 두 번 프로젝트의 진행 상황을 검토한다.

10) 중앙프로젝트 자문위원회 (CPAC_Central Project Advisory Committee) - INGO 촉진위원회 위원, 사회복지부(SWC) 담당자, INGO대표, NGO대표 및 공동의장인 사회복지부(SWC) 장관과 INGO 해당국가 대표를 포함한다.

11) 지역프로젝트 자문위원회 (DPAC_District Project Advisory Committee) - 최근 형성된 위원회로 LNGO가 주관하며, DPAC에서 거론된 안건은 CPAC에서 협의한다. 프로젝트 지역의 VDC 대표, 관련기관 대표, INGO대표, NGO대표를 포함한다.

구청(Ward Office)



사회복지부(SWC)� ��

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18 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 19

3) 규제

• 사회복지부(SWC)의 정기적인 보고절차를 무시하고 6개월 이상 사업을 진행할 경우,

1,000USD의 벌금이 부과되며, 블랙리스트 명단에 단체명이 등록될 수 있다.

• 절차에 따라 사회복지부(SWC)에 보고 하였으나, 보고 내용과 다르게 사업을 진행하거나

새로운 프로젝트를 시작할 경우 2,000USD의 벌금이 부과된다. 벌금 납부 후, 사업을 재개할

수 있다.

3. 세금감면

• NGO 등록 후 세무서에 등록서류를 제출하고 비과세증명서(Tax Free Certificate)를 수령한다.

• 계좌송금 및 NGO운영을 위한 소득에는 부가세 등의 면세가 적용된다.

• INGO의 경우 과거 자동차세 등 감면이 이루어졌으나, 현재 특별한 감면 혜택은 없다.

선배NGO가전해주는Tips2014년 7월 기준 통계에 따르면 네팔에는 LNGO 39,759개, INGO 189개가 있습니다.

수치상으로 약 4만여개의 NGO가 사업을 수행중이고, 이 중 INGO의 사업도 많다보니

이들을 바라보는 네팔 정부의 시선이 항상 좋지만은 않습니다. 현재 INGO로 등록된

단체의 외국직원 비자 갱신에도 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 따라서 네팔에서 사업을

계획하고 있는 단체와 개인이 있다면 다음과같이 당부의 말씀을 드립니다.

첫째, 사업에 대한 명확한 비전을 가지고 네팔에 오십시오.

INGO등록은 어려울 뿐만 아니라 소요되는 시간도 상당합니다. 쉽게 생각하고

추진하다보면 과정중의 어려움과 이해하지 못할 사건으로 인해 사업을 포기하고 싶어질

수도 있습니다. 네팔에 진입하기 전 최대한 숙고하시기를 권합니다.

둘째, 현지 네트워크의 도움을 받으십시오.

네팔에는 코난(KONAN_Korea NGO Association in Nepal)이라는‘재네팔한국NGO

협의회’가 있습니다. 현장책임자(PM급이나 사무장 또는 지부장급)로 파견을 받았다면,

코난(KONAN)에 가입하여 현지 사업 경험을 가진 선배 단체장에게 꼭 필요한 도움을 받을

수 있을 것입니다.

셋째, 현지 LNGO를 통한 사업 수행이 필요합니다.

네팔에서 신규사업을 추진하고 싶지만 단체의 역량이 INGO로 등록하기 어려운 상황이라면,

현지 LNGO와의 파트너십을 추천합니다. 네팔에는 많은 LNGO가 있고, 네팔 정부도 신규

INGO의 등록 보다는 이들과의 파트너십을 통해 사업을 진행하는 것이 효율적이고 수월할

것이라고 생각합니다. 단체 차원에서도 파트너십을 통해 사업 수행을 함으로써, 쏟아야 하는

에너지를 조금 더 줄일 수 있을 것입니다. 만약 좋은 현지 사업 파트너를 찾고자 한다면 이

역시 코난(KONAN)과 논의하면 도움이 될 것입니다.

넷째, 네팔 현지 “NGO WORKER”나 정부기관 직원에 대해 바르게 이해해야 합니다.

네팔의 경제적 수준이 우리나라보다 낮다고 하여 국제개발분야에서 일하는 현지 인력이

한국인보다 이 분야에 대해 잘 모를 것이라는 생각은 큰 오산입니다. 네팔에서는 최고의

교육과정을 통과한 인력이 NGO분야에서 많이 일하고 있습니다. 직업군이 다양하지

않은 네팔에서 NGO는 가장 높은 수준의 급여를 받을 수 있는 곳이기 때문입니다. 이들은

높은 수준의 영어 구사 능력을 가지고 있으며, 개발사업에 대한 전반적인 교육을 받았을

뿐만 아니라, 개발사업에 대한 경험도 풍부합니다. 그리고 사회복지부(SWC)와 같은

정부에서 일하는 공무원은 행정적인 부분에서 예상보다 훨씬 뛰어납니다. 그들은 다양한

단체나 외국 원조 기관으로부터 연수와 교육을 많이 받고 있습니다. 일부 영역은 외국인

활동가보다 훨씬 더 전문적입니다. 따라서 새로운 사업을 진행하고자 할 때, 현지 담당자의

조언을 간과하면 안됩니다. 현지 담당 공무원을 만났을 때 "잘 모르니 좀 도와달라"고

말하면 오히려 일이 쉽게 풀릴 수도 있습니다.

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20 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 21

네팔 개발협력정책(DCP_Development Cooperation Policy) 201312)

1. 네팔 개발협력정책(2013) 발표 배경 및 주요 내용

가. 발표 배경

• 네팔 국가발전정책 방향과 최근 원조동향을 반영한 개정된 정책 필요성

- 지난 2002년 발표한 네팔 대외원조정책(NFAP, Nepal Foreign Aid Policy 2002) 이후, 네팔

정부차원에서 국가발전정책 방향에 부합한 대외원조 활용 및 효과적인 원조성과 달성을

위한 정책 개정 필요

- 파리선언(2005)과 부산글로벌파트너십(2011)에서 지속적으로 논의된 새로운 국제

원조동향을 포괄하며, 원조효과성 제고에 기여 가능한 새로운 정책문서 수립 필요

• 네팔 대외원조 이행 현황

- (주인정신 Ownership) 네팔 정부의 국가개발전략 수립, 재무부 중심의 대외원조 기획조정

등 정부 주도적인 참여를 이행하고 있으며, 공여기관 또한 성과중심의 원조사업을 수행

중에 있음

- (국가발전우선순위 부합 Alignment) 동 개발협력정책(DCP)에 근거하여 정책적 기준은

수립하였으나, 네팔 내 공공제도(PFM, PPM) 활용은 취약한 상황임

- (공여기관 간 조화 Harmonization) 최근 몇 년 동안 보건 및 교육분야의 SWAps 지원이

이루어지면서, 공여국의 PBA 활용도는 증가함. 네팔 정부 역량문제로 PBA 규모 확대가

미진한 것으로 파악되어, 네팔 정부 차원의 역량을 강화할 계획임

- (성과기반 운영 Managing for Development Results) 네팔 정부와 공여기관의 노력으로

다양한 분야의 많은 사업단위에서 성과기반 사업 관리가 이루어지고 있음. 성과기반

모니터링 제도의 질적 제고를 위하여 지속적인 개선 중임

- (상호책임 Mutual Accountability) 네팔 정부와 공여기관 간 SWAps 수행, NPPR 및 LDM과

같은 상호책임 기반을 구축하여 활용 중에 있음

- (원조 예산 Current Status of Foreign Aid)

1) 현재 40여개 공여기관이 네팔에서 활동 중

2) 2002/03 회계연도의 411억 1,300만 루피에서 2012/13년도 회계연도에는 1,151억

5천만 루피로 원조 예산규모가 대폭 상승함

3) 현재 500여개의 프로그램/프로젝트가 진행 중이며, 이 중 단독수행사업(Stand-alone

project)가 전체의 55%, SWAps을 통한 지출비중은 22%임

4) 프로그램/프로젝트 총지출 예산의 23%가 유실비용(running off budget)으로 지출됨에

따라 효과적인 원조자원 관리 필요성 증대

나. 개발협력정책(2013) 주요 내용

• 국가 발전에 기여하기 위한 대외원조 자원의 효과적 활용

- 국가발전목표 달성과 2022년까지 최빈국 탈피를 위한 대외원조 자원의 효과적 활용을

목적으로, 자생적 경제 형성 및 경제사회 변화 이행을 위한 정책적 기반 형성

• 국가발전정책 및 제도에 부합한 개발원조 활용

- 국가발전정책(개발협력정책, DCP) 및 네팔공공제도(PFM, PPM) 등을 활용한 정책적,

제도적 방향과 일치한 개발원조 활용

- 차관, 무상원조, 기술협력, 봉사단, 시민단체 및 INGO, 민간기업 등 다양한 원조자원 활용을

위한 세부 전략 제시

• 개발원조자원에 대한 국가관리 및 조정기능 강화

- DCPIC, NPMCC, PMO, NDF LDM, NPPR(세부내용 6쪽)과 같은 조정 기구를 활용하여,

개발원조자원에 대한 정부차원의 관리 및 조정기능 확대

12) 번역처: KOICA 네팔사무소(2013.10.04), 영문본:

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22 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 23

2. 네팔 개발협력정책(DCP_Development Cooperation Policy) 2013

가. 정책비전과 기본전략

• 비전과 미션

- (비전) 외부자원의 효율적인 활용을 통한 네팔의 경제사회 발전 달성 및 자립 경제 형성에


- (미션) 개발목표 달성과 네팔 경제기반 구축에 시너지 창출을 위한 효과적이고 효율적인

외부자원 활용 촉진

• 목적

- 국가발전계획 상 개발목표 달성 실현

- 2022년까지 최빈국(LDC_Least Development Country) 탈피

- 외부자원 활용가치의 극대화(value for money)

• 기본전략

- 국가발전정책 및 전략에 부합한 개발원조 자원 활용

- 민간투자 및 무역증진 환경 조성을 위한 개발원조의 효과적 활용

- 파리선언, 아크라행동계획, 부산글로벌파트너십과 같은 글로벌개발협력 이행방안에 연계

- 국가제도의 투명한 활용이 가능하도록 국가역량강화에 기여하는 개발협력 환경 조성

- 원조 분절화 및 거래비용 최소화

- 수요에 기반한 개발협력 자원 활용의 우선순위 설정

- 자립 경제(self-sustained economy) 형성

- MDGs 및 Post-2015 목표 달성을 위한 지속가능성 확보

- 정보 공유 확대

나. 개발협력정책 세부 내용(Policy Framework)

• 네팔 정부의 국가개발정책 및 제도와 일치한 개발협력 수행 (alignment)

- 네팔 정부의 다년간개발계획 상 주요정책 및 전략에 기반한 대외원조 우선순위 결정

- 프로그램기반접근법(PBA) 및 포괄적접근법(SWAps) 권장

- 포괄적 성장에 기여하는 소외분야(disadvantaged areas) 프로그램 우대

- 인프라, 고용창출, 생산 및 생산성 증대, 민간투자환경조성, 사회통합, 소외계층 삶의 질

개선, 분쟁해결 등의 주제는 프로그램에 필수 반영

• 다양한 원조수행방법의 혼합 활용 (aid-modalities)

- 비귀속성(un-earmarked) 예산 지원방법 선호. 그러나 분야별 예산 지원도 가능

- 단독사업(stand-alone project)은 국가개발계획에 부합할 경우에만 승인.

소규모 단독사업은 예산지원 방식 권장

- PBA, SWAps의 경우, 해당 분야 PBA, SWAps의 기획, 예산집행, 모니터링 계획 과정에

포괄적으로 참여

- 정부는 인도주의 또는 재난구호 목적의 물자, 식량, 의약품 지원 가능

- 모든 원조수행방법에 있어 비구속성 원조(untying aid) 선호

국제 컨설팅은 네팔 내 적격 전문가가 없을 경우에만 가능하며, 해당예산 규모는 전체 사업비의

10% 미만으로 허용

• 양허성 차관 (Concessional Loans)

- 정부정책에 부합하며 정부선호의 원조수행방법에 준하고 외채 관리계획에 준하는 범위

내에서 양허 비중이 높은 차관 수용

- 인프라, 에너지 개발, 농업, 고용창출, 고수익생산분야, 외화획득 잠재분야 등에 우선 활용

- 사업당 US 1천만불 이하의 양허성 차관은 SWAps, NCDF, 공동출자와 같은 방법을

제외하고 비수용

- 외환 위기관리 차원에서 네팔 루피화로 정기적으로 수용

- 기술협력 제외 및 구속성 원조 지양

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24 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 25

• 경성 차관 (Non-Concessional Loans/ Hard term Loans)

- 수력발전 및 송전시설, 고속도로, 도로망 및 교량 건설, 철도, 공항, 건식항구, 대규모

관개시설 사업에 활용

- 사업당 US 2천만불 이하의 각 국 수출입은행 차관을 포함한 비양허성 또는 경성 차관


- 최우선 인프라 사업 외의 차관사업을 위한 공공/민간기관 대상의 정부측의 보장 없음

• 무상원조 (Grants)

- 예산지원과 같은 정부선호의 원조수행 방법으로 정부 정책에 부합한 사업 추진

- 사업당 US 5백만불 이하의 사업은, SWAps, 환경 및 기후변화 관련 지원, 지역개발을 위한

소규모 지원, 공동출자, 인도적 지원, 기술협력을 제외하고 비수용

• 기술협력 (Technical Assistance)

- 개인(기술, 지식, 혁신과 기업가정신)과 조직(제도, 절차, 기술)의 두 범주를 대상으로

국가역량 개발을 위한 기술협력 추진

- 기술협력 사업은 정부의 원조관리협의체(Aid Management Platform)를 통하여 투명하게


- 기술협력 수행에 있어 분절화 및 중복 방지를 위한 공여국 간 사전 공동조율(pooling

arrangement) 권장

• 해외 봉사단 (External Voulnteers Mobilization)

- 기술협력의 한 방안으로, 지역사회 단위의 인식변화 교육을 포함한 다양한 분야에서 봉사단


1) 네팔 정부의 봉사단 파견 우선분야 및 지역 수요를 반영한 단원 파견을 원칙으로 재무부가

해외 봉사단 업무 총괄

2) 개별 부처, 재무부에 봉사단 수요 증명 요청

3) 봉사단 파견기관(VSAs_Volunteer Sending Agencies), 네팔봉사단활성화 지원

4) 관련 공공기관, 봉사단원 활동의 모니터링을 담당하고 해당 결과를 관계 부처, 재무부 및

파견기관에 송부

• 시민사회 및 국제비정부기구 (Civil Society and INGOs)

- 원거리 지역의 사회발전, 인도적지원 분야에서 시민단체 및 INGO/NGO가 가진 비교우위를

활용한 활동을 장려하되, 기관 활동의 투명성 향상을 위한 정보공유 제도 구축

1) 네팔 내 활동하는 모든 INGO는 사회복지부(SWC_ Social Welfare Council)에 필수 가입

2) SWC는 INGO 사업계획 승인 및 양자간 협약체결 담당

3) 모든 INGO는 SWC를 포함한 관련 지역기관 및 정부기관에 활동 결과 적기 보고(SWC는

재무부에 연간활동결과 보고)

4) INGO의 모든 사업은 회계감사 필수 이행

5) INGO에 고용된 추방자(기 네팔국적자)는 무료비자(gratis visa) 대상에서 제외. 네팔

내에서 활동하는 INGO는 세금, 수수료, 부과비용에 대한 면제대상에서 제외

6) 네팔 은행을 통한 자금 예치 및 지출 권장

7) INGO를 포함한 공여기관의 지원을 원하는 네팔 NGO는 SWC의 사전 승인 필히 취득

• 직접수행 및 수직펀드 (Direct Implementation and Vertical Funds)

- 직접수행의 경우 재무부 동의 하에, 수력발전과 같은 최우선분야 및 대규모 사업의 턴키

방식인 경우 가능

* 최근 빌앤멀린다게이츠재단(BMGF)의 결핵과 말라리아를 위한 글로벌펀드(GFTAM_

Global Fund for Tuberculosis and Malaria)와 같은 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR_Corporate

Social Responsibility) 활동이 증가하고 있음에 따라, 국가발전전략에 부합한 범위내에서

직접수행 사업 승인

• 인도주의적 지원 (Humanitarian Financing)

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26 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 27

- 자연재해, 식량안보, 유행성전염병, 난민 등 사안 관련, 정부와의 협의 및 조정 하에

국제수준의 효과적인 인도주의적 활동 권장

• 정부간 경제협력 (Inter-Government Economic Cooperation)

- 네팔 해외투자 및 기술이전 정책, 산업정책, 무역정책에 부합한 범위 내에서 양자 공여기관과

상호이익을 위한 잠재분야에서의 경제협력 추진

• 남남협력 (South-South Cooperation)

- 남남협력의 효과성 제고를 위한 SAARC, BMISTEC과 같은 지역 협의체 활용을 통한 지역내

협력 강화

• 민간분야 지원 (Support to Private Sector Development)

- 대외원조는 민간투자 유인을 위한 공공재 공급에 활용될 수 있어야하며, 민간분야는

공동투자 및 민관협력(PPP_Public Private Partnership)에 참여

• 무역을 위한 원조 (Aid for Trade)

- 우호적인 투자환경조성, 인프라 구축, 비관세장벽 제거 등 중장기적인 무역기반구축을

위하여 정부차원에서 관계 부처 및 관련 민간기관과 협력

다. 원조집행 및 조정기구 활용 방안

• 개발협력정책집행위원회 (DCPIC_Development Cooperation Policy Implementation


- 재무부 산하 위원회로써, 대외경제협력조정국(IECCD)을 중심으로 네팔 내 모든 원조자원

총괄 조정

- 재무부장관을 의장으로 한 국가계획위원회(NPC), 외무부, 민간분야 대표, 시민단체 대표

등으로 구성

• 국가프로그램관리조정위원회 (NPMCC_National Program Management Coordination


- 개발협력 정책 이행을 위한 네팔 정부차원의 조정기구 조성

- IECCD 국장을 의장으로, 관련부처 국장급으로 구성

• 프로그램/프로젝트 관리사무소 (PMO_Program/Project Management Office)

- IECCD내 조성되어 NPMCC 활동 지원

- 네팔 내 프로그램/프로젝트 관련 분석자료 작성 및 제공

• 정부차원의 공여기관 공동조정기구(Development Partners Joint National Level


- (네팔개발포럼, NDF_The Nepal Development Forum) 네팔정부와 공여기관이 개발전략과

우선순위를 논의하는 협의체. 재무부 장관을 의장으로 네팔개발정책 프레임워크, 원조자원

활용방안 등 논의

- (네팔원조공여국회의, LDM_Local Donor Meetings) 재무부의 IECCD가 3개월에 한번

개최하여, 네팔정부와 공여기관 간 정책이행정도, 원조효과성 모니터링 등 정기적 회담 진행

- (네팔포트폴리오활동점검, NPPR_Nepal Portfolio Performance Review) 재무부 장관이

주최하는 연례회의로, 모든 공여기관이 참여 가능하며, 각 공여기관이 진행 중인 사업과

네팔 개발정책 이행현황 및 원조효과성 이행도 점검

• 공여기관의 역할과 책임 (Development Partner's Roles and Responsibilities)

- 네팔의 특수한 국가적 환경 및 배경을 고려한 개발원조 수행

- 네팔 국가개발전략과 우선순위에 부합한 개발원조 수행

- 네팔 국가조정기구 참여 및 합의사항 이행

- 비구속성 원조를 통한, 원조사업의 기획, 이행, 모니터링 각 단계에서 투명한 원조 수행

- 재무부에 정기적으로 활동 정보 제공

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28 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 29

- 국가역량강화를 위한 기술협력 수행 및 기술협력 공동기금 조성 지원

- 원조분절화 감소를 위한 SWAps과 같은 공여국 간 프로그램형 접근 시도

- 공여국 간 공동조사 또는 공동연구 추진

• 공여기관 업무분장 (Development Partner's Division of Labor)

- 최근 국제금융기구, 양자공여기관, UN, 남남협력 파트너, INGO 또는 재단과 같은 개발협력

파트너가 증가하면서, 네팔 내 원조 분절화 (fragmentation) 및 확산(proliferation)현상이

증가하고 있음(OECD/DAC 보고서)

- 이에 네팔 정부는 공여기관 간, 과거 협력 경험을 바탕으로 정부정책에 부합한 범위 내에서

비교우위 분야, 역량을 고려한 활동범위 분담을 논의하는 구체적 절차 수립을 요청

• 원조효과성과 제도개선을 위한 네팔정부의 책임

(Government's Commitment To The Aid Effectiveness Agenda and Reforms)

- 네팔 국내 여건에 적합한 개발원조 모니터링을 통한 글로벌협력파트너십에 기여

- 수탁자리스크(fiduciary risk) 및 부패감소, 공공재정관리(회계, 감사, 조달 시스템) 신뢰도

향상을 위한 정부 감독 강화

- 2007년에 수행한 공공지출재정신뢰도(PEFA_Public Expenditure Financial

Accountability) 평가 내용을 바탕으로 전국 75개 지역에서 공공재정관리 시스템 개선 중

Ⅱ. 비자


- 네팔이민법 2051(1994년) 제 6조, 7조, 8조1항, 8조1항(C),(H)


- 네팔이민국

- Knowing about Nepal(K.C.Moon)

네팔에서 NGO활동을 하기 위해서는 반드시 비자를 취득해야 한다. 취득할 수 있는 비자의 종류는

아래와 같으며 수수료는 체류사유 및 기간에 따라 다르다. INGO의 경우에는 비관광비자(Non

Tourist visa)를 발급 받을 수 있다.

• 비자 신청시 공통 준비사항

- 유효기간이 6개월 이상 남은 여권

- 최근 사진 1매

- 비자신청서13)

1. 비자의 종류

1) 외교비자(Diplomatic visa)

• 대상 : 외교사절 등의 외교임무로 입국할 경우, 네팔 정부로부터 승인받은 외교여권 소지자와

그의 가족(배우자와 자녀)에게 발급 한다.

13) 비자의 종류에 따라 요구되는 신청서 양식이 다르며, 모든 신청서 양식은 네팔 이민국 홈페이지 (에서 다운로드 받을 수 있다. - 외교비자, 관용비자, 관광비자 : Appendix-1 - 학생비자, 비관광비자, 사업비자 : Appendix-2 - 통과비자 : Appendix-3 - 거주비자 : Appendix-4(a)

Page 16: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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30 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 31

• 기간 : 네팔에서 임기가 끝날때까지 한 번 또는 여러 번 발급되고 연장할 수 있다.

• 신청 절차 : 신청서, 관련 정부 또는 외교사절(Diplomatic Mission)의 추천서를 네팔 외

교부에 제출해야 한다.

• 비용 : 무료

2) 관용비자(Official visa)

• 대상 : 네팔에 공식적으로 방문(Official visit)하는 외국인과 그의 가족(배우자와 자녀)에게


- 관리 경영상의 기술 및 비외교적인 공무로 온 외교사절에게는 거주 여부에 관계없이 발급한다.

- 네팔에 있는 UN지부의 직원과 그의 가족에게 발급한다.

- 국제기관의 직원, 네팔의 지역 공공기관에서 일하는 사람에게 발급한다.

• 기간 : 네팔에 공식적으로 방문하고 있는 기간 동안 한 번 또는 여러 번 발급되고 연장할 수


• 신청 절차 : 신청서와 함께 관련정부, 네팔정부(GON_Government of Nepal) 또는 외교사절의

추천서를 네팔 외교부 또는 통관항(Port of Entry)에 있는 출입국 담당자에게 제출해야 한다.

• 비용 : 무료

3) 관광비자(Tourist visa) 14)

• 대상 : 네팔을 방문하는 관광객은 통관항에 도착시 관광비자를 받을 수 있다. (나이지리아,

가나, 짐바브웨, 스와질란드, 카메룬, 소말리아, 라이베리아, 에티오피아, 이라크,

아프가니스탄, 팔레스타인 여권 소지자 제외)

• 기간 : 1년 동안(1월부터 12월까지) 150일을 초과하지 않는 범위에서 한 번 또는 여러 번

발급되고 연장할 수 있다.

• 신청 절차 : 비자신청서를 통관항, 외교사절 또는 네팔 영사관에 있는 출입국 담당자에게

제출해야 한다. 비자연장신청서는 카트만두 이민국 또는 포카라 이민국에 제출해야 한다.

* 카트만두 공항으로 입국시 무인 비자신청기기를 통해 신청할 수 있다. 사진 촬영과 신청서 작성

단계까지만 가능하므로 작성 후 출력하여 비자 비용과 함께 출입국 담당자에게 제출해야 한다.

• 비용 : 단수비자(single visa) - 15일(25USD), 30일(40USD), 90일(100USD)

복수비자(multiple visa) - 단수비자 발급시 60USD를 추가하면 받을 수 있다.

4) 학생비자(Study visa)

• 대상 : 네팔에서의 유학 또는 네팔 교육기관에서 가르치거나 연구를 위해 오는 외국인과 그의

가족(배우자 및 자녀)에게 발급한다.

• 기간 : 과정 또는 임기 기간까지 발급되며, 한 번 또는 여러 번 연장할 수 있다. 단, 한 번에 1년을

초과할 수 없다.

• 신청 절차 : 비자신청서, 네팔 교육부의 추천서를 이민국에 제출해야 한다.

* 현재 외국인에게 비자를 허가하는 학교는 트리뷰반대학의 비쇼바사캠퍼스와 카트만두대학의

예술학교가 있다. 일반적으로 3개월, 6개월, 9개월, 1년 단위의 학생비자를 해당학교 규정에

따라 취득할 수 있다.

• 비용

- None Degree : 1인당 50USD/월

- Degree Program : 1인당 20USD/월

- Researcher & Teacher : 40USD/월

5) 비관광비자(Non Tourist visa)

• 대상 : 관련부처의 추천을 받은 INGO종사자, 정보통신부로부터 추천을 받은 외국 신문사와

방송사의 외국인 대표자, 네팔인과 결혼한 결혼증명서를 갖춘 외국인, 재외공관에서 근무하는

외국인, 국제항공사 또는 항공회사에서 일하는 외국인 등 네팔 정부에서 적합하다고 판단하는

외국인과 그의 가족(배우자와 자녀)에게 발급한다.

• 기간 : 한 번에 1년을 초과할 수 없고, 그 기간은 필요에 따라 연장 될 수 있다.14) 주한 네팔 대사관에서 발급 받을 경우, 복수비자로 15일-35,000원, 30일-55,000원, 90일-140,000원의

비용이 든다. 에서 신청서를 다운로드 받을 수 있다.

Page 17: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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32 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 33

• 신청 절차 : 비자신청서, 관련부처 또는 네팔정부(GON)의 추천서를 이민국에 제출해야한다.

• 비용 : 첫 해에는 매월 60USD이고, 다음 해에는 1년에 60USD을 지불해야 한다.

6) 사업비자(Business visa)

• 대상 : 관련 기관의 추천으로 네팔 내에서 사업을 하고 있거나 하려는 외국인과 그의 가족

(배우자와 자녀)에게 발급한다.

• 기간 : 네팔정부(GON) 에서 권장하는 기간동안 발급되며, 한 번에 5년을 초과할 수 없다.

• 신청 절차 : 네팔에서 사업 또는 투자를 위한 관계기관 (산업부(Department of Industry) 또는

상무부(Department of Commerce))의 추천서나 해당 면허증을 준비한다.

외국인투자국(Department of Foreign Investment)에서 서류작성→국립은행→세무서등록→

계좌등록 등의 절차를 마친 후 비자신청을 한다. 준비과정에 따라 6개월의 시간이 소요되기도 한다.

• 비용

- 투자액 1,000만루피 미만 : 매월 30USD, 연간 300USD, 5년동안 1,000USD

- 투자액 1,000만루피 이상 : 매월 10USD, 연간 100USD, 1인당 5년동안 300USD

- 투자액 1억루피 이상 : 무료

7) 통과비자(Transit visa)

• 대상 : 네팔 공항을 이용하여 다른 나라를 방문하고자 하는 외국인에게 발급한다.

• 기간 : 하루 또는 24시간으로 발급된다.

• 신청 절차 : 출입국 관리사무소에 출국 예정 비행기표를 제시하면 이민담당관이 발급한다.

8) 거주비자(Residential visa)

• 대상 : 국제적 명성을 가진 외국인, 네팔의 경제·사회·문화적 발전에 기여할 수 있는 외국인,

네팔 기업에 최소 10만 달러 이상을 한 번에 투자할 수 있는 외국인과 그의 가족에게 발급한다.

• 신청 절차 : 비자신청서와 관련서류를 이민국에 제출한다.

* 외국 투자와 관련한 산업부의 추천을 받아 내무부에서 비자관련 서류를 발급하며, 비자발급


2016년 현재 네팔정부는 발급된 비자 목적 이외의 활동을 전면 금지하고 있고, 철저한

조사를 실시할 것이라 이야기하고 있습니다. 실제로 비자관리 업무가 엄격해진 것을

느낄 수 있습니다. 법적으로 관광비자, 학생비자를 소지한 사람은 노동 업무에 종사할

수 없었으나, 그간 학생비자를 받고 NGO 활동을 하는 경우가 많았습니다. 학생비자를

취득하고 NGO 활동을 하려면, 학교가 요구하는 최소 출석율을 반드시 지켜야 합니다.

비자 목적 이외의 활동을 하는 것으로 파악될 경우 강제 추방이 가능하기 때문입니다.

및 갱신은 이민국에서 한다. 최초 비자발급 및 비자 갱신 시 모두 내무부의 승인 레터가

있어야 한다.

• 비용

a. 네팔에서 별도의 사업을 하지 않고 거주하고자 하는 외국인

- 연간 700USD(와 동등한 네팔 화폐), 갱신 수수료 1,200USD

*1998년 이민법 개정 이전부터 네팔에 거주하고 있는 외국인은 100USD

b. 네팔에 최소 10만 달러 이상 투자한 외국인과 그의 가족

- 연간 200USD(와 동등한 네팔 화폐), 갱신 수수료 100USD

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34 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 35

Ⅲ. 근로기준법


- Human Resources Society Nepal,

- Associations Registration Act, 2034 (1977)

- Basic Operation Guidelines agreed to by Undersigned Agencies in Nepal

1. 근로기준법의 최소기준 범위

1) 금지사항

• 노동조합에 대항하기 위한 고용은 금지한다.

• 아동노동은 금지한다.

• 성, 종교, 인종차별(임산부 제외)은 금지한다.

2) 고용계약

• 작업의 성격에 관계없이 고용 계약의 고용 상태를 확인하는 방법

- 구분 : 생산과정이나 서비스에 따라 특정할 수 있다.

- 시간 : 하루 8시간, 주 40시간을 초과하지 않으며, 최소 주 1일의 휴일을 지원한다. (단, 고용

시간에 따라 특정할 수 있다.) 초과근무는 하루 4시간, 주 20시간을 넘을 수 없고, 초과시간은

임금의 최소 1.5배를 지급한다.

- 의무 : 한 달에 7일 이상의 작업을 해야한다. (고용 계약해지 의무조항)

• 관리자는 노동자 또는 직원을 채용하기 위해 채용광고를 실시해야 한다.

• 전국 단위 신문 및 잡지의 공고 이후에도 자격요건을 갖춘 네팔인을 찾을 수 없는 경우,

관리자는 노동부에 관련 증빙서류를 지참하여 비네팔인의 고용을 신청할 수 있다.

3) 인턴쉽

• 대학 및 대학의 교육 과정을 통해서만 계약이 가능하다.

• 인턴에게 승인된 교과 과정 이외의 작업을 부여할 경우 일반 근로자로 간주한다.

• 사고발생의 경우 다른 직원과 동일한 치료/보상을 지원한다.

4) 연수생

• 최대 1년간 가능하다. (다른 법률의 규정이 있을 경우 예외)

• 최저 임금, 병가, 연금(PF_Provident Fund) 및 퇴직금, 보험금을 지불한다.

• 고용을 보장하지 않는다.

• 연수생이 직원으로 채용될 경우 수습기간 없이 고용할 수 있다.

5) 파트타임 취업

• 주당 35시간 미만에 해당한다.

• 일반 직원의 급여에 따라 시간당 요금을 적용한다.

• 연금, 퇴직금 및 기타 사회 보장 혜택에 따른 비용은 고용주가 지불한다.

6) 보상 및 혜택

• 근로자와 협의한 비용보다 적으면 안된다.

• 기본 급여의 연간 반일치에 해당하는 정도의 인상이 가능하다.

• 연금(10%)은 전 직원에게 근속 1일부터 적용되며, 현재 연금 자격이 없는 사람에게도 적용할

수 있다.

• 연금의 잔액은 사회안전기금(SSF_Social Security Fund)에 인계한다.

• 퇴직금은 기본 급여의 8.33%(월)를 넘지 않는다. 근속 1일부터 적용되며, 전 직원을 포함해

퇴직금 자격이 없는 사람에게도 해당된다.

• 퇴직금 펀드 잔액은 사회안전기금에 인계한다.

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36 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 37

• 의료 보험은 최소 10만루피로 정하며, 보험료의 50%씩 직원과 나누어 분담한다.

• 상해 보험은 50만루피로 정하며, 보험료의 25%씩 직원과 나누어 분담한다.

* 최저임금보장 : 네팔정부는15) 물가상승에 대한 임금보전수당과 복리후생 수준을 결정한다.

이는 최저임금 선정위원회의 권고안에 바탕을 두며, 선정된 요율은 네팔 관보(官報)에

공지한다.(근로기준법 4장 21조)

7) 외국인 고용

• 사전 승인은 노동부에서 담당한다.

• 외국인 투자 또는 외국의 원조에 의해 운영되는 조직에만 허용된다.

• 임금은 변환 통화로 지불할 수 있다.

• 보상 및 기타 규정은 노동법의 최소한의 가이드 라인을 적용할 할 수 있다.

• 임기는 계약기간 또는 3년으로 규정한다.

8) 인원감축 및 해고

• 인원감축

- 특별한 경우에 한하여 사업장의 생산량을 감축할 필요가 있을 경우, 사업장의 일부 또는

전체를 3개월 이상 폐쇄할 필요가 있을 경우, 고용주는 노동부를 통해 노동자 및 직원의

일부감축 또는 전체삭감에 대한 네팔정부의 승인을 신청할 수 있다.

- 인원 감축시, 1개월 이전에 감축대상이 되었다는 것을 설명 및 통보하거나, 대상자가 정규직일

경우 1개월의 급여를 지급해야 한다.

- 감축 대상자에게는 퇴직금으로 [현재급여] x [근속연수]에 해당하는 금액을 지급해야 한다.

• 해고

- 사업장에 불이익을 가져왔거나, 부정을 일으킨 노동자에 대해 고용주는 해고를 명할 수 있다.

- 해고시 각 사업장의 정관에 따라 해고 절차를 진행해야 하며, 부당하다고 여길 경우 노동자는

노동부에 제소할 수 있다.

15) 2016년 월기준 최저임금 : 8,000루피

9) 휴가규정 : 공휴일, 병가, 연가, 출산휴가, 장례휴가, 특별휴가, 유급휴가 및 무급휴가 등에

관한 사항은 별도로 지정한다.(근로기준법 6장 40조)

• 유급휴가

- 유급휴가는 13일에 준한다. 여성 근로자의 경우 14일간 지원한다.(예외: 소속 기관에 의해

조정 가능)

• 출산휴가

- 최대 14주(98일, 산전 및 산후)를 지원하며, 의사가 권장하는 경우 1개월을 추가로 지원 받을

수 있다.

- 의무기간으로 출산 전 2주 및 출산 후 6주 동안 휴가를 지원한다.

- 60일간은 유급 처리하고, 나머지 기간(최대 38일)은 무급/유급으로 조정한다.

- 임신 7개월 후 유산은 출산과 동일하게 규정한다.

- 출산비용이 사회보장기금에 적용되는 경우에는 유급으로 조정할 수 있다.

• 장례휴가

- 직계가족의 사망시에는 2주간의 휴가가 주어진다. 단, 네팔의 지역특성상 원거리에서 장례

절차를 치를 경우 상황을 고려하여 휴가기간을 연장할 수 있다 .

- 매년 제사일에 고향을 다녀와야 하는 직원에게도 제사 절차를 수행할 수 있는 기간에 해당하는

휴가를 제공한다.

• 병가

- 병가는 12일에 준한다.

- 병원치료와 재가치료 모두 해당된다.

• 연가

- 연가는 18일에 준한다.

- 노동법상으로 지원가능한 연가 일수에서 네팔의 법정공휴일은 제외된다.

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38 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 39

2. 네팔 내 민간단체 급여조사 및 수당지급현황

아래의 내용은 굿네이버스의 도움으로 네팔 내에 협력하고 있는 LNGO/INGO 63개 단체16)를

대상으로 조사된 급여 및 각종 수당지급 현황자료이다. (2014년 기준)

1) 급여조사

- 레벨을 8단계로 나누어 각 단계별 Min-Max 값을 조사한 후, 평균치(Average)와 중간값(Median)을

도출한 결과, 평균치에 해당하는 급여는 최저 9,587루피에서 최대 160,000루피로 간극이 크다.

- 일반적으로 코난(KONAN) 회원 단체의 단체별 인원구성을 기준으로 할 경우, 최저 15,000루피에서

최대 146,000루피를 지급하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다.

2) 기타 수당지급 현황

• 더사인(Dashain) 보너스


현지직원 채용 시 현지의 카스트제도를 간과해서는 안됩니다. 법적으로 카스트는 존재하지

않지만 네팔 사람에게는 뿌리 깊게 남아 있기 때문입니다. 그러다보니 어떤 일을 진행하더라도

카스트제도와 얽힌 문제가 드러나게 됩니다.

예를 들어 관공서 출입이 잦은 업무를 담당할 직원이 필요하다면, 관공서 출입이 자유로운

최고 카스트인 브라만(바훈), 크샤트리아(체뜨리) 계급에서 채용하는 것이 좋습니다. 다른

계급보다 관공서 업무를 진행하는데 훨씬 수월할 것입니다. 이는 대부분의 공무원이나

관계자들이 동일한 계급의 사람으로 구성되어 있어, 자신보다 낮은 계급의 사람은 상대하지

않으려는 경향이 있기 때문입니다. 그러나 관공서 이외의 업무를 담당한다면 오히려 위의

두 계급은 피하는 것이 좋습니다. 성실한 업무태도 면에서는 다소 부족할 수 있기 때문에

고용주가 어려움을 겪는 경우가 많이 발생합니다. 성실한 근무 태도로 높게 평가되는 종족은


- 87%의 단체가 지급

- 보통 1개월치의 급여를 지급하며 근무연수가 1년이 되지 않을 경우, 일수계산(Pro-rata

basis)으로 비율 지급하고 있다.

• Provident Fund (연금)

- 86%의 단체가 지급

- 보통 급여의 10% 지급(근로자 10%, 사업장 10% 매칭지급)

- 네팔 정부의 법적 제도에 근거하여 지급

• Retirement Fund (퇴직금)

- 68%의 단체가 지급

- 1개월 지급이 보통임

- 경우에 따라 2~3년 이상의 근속연수 근로자에게만 지급하기도 하며, 0.5개월을 지급하는 단체도 있다.

• Redundancy (정리해고시 지급되는 위로금)

- 17개 단체 (27%)에 정리해고 제도가 있다.

- 대부분 3개월 전 공지를 하며, 근속연수에 따라 2주~4개월치의 급여를 지급한다.(보통

2~3개월치 급여지급)

• Children Education (자녀교육수당)

- 16개 단체(25%)가 지급

- 3세~18세, 월 750루피, 최대 3인까지 월 500루피 지급

- 최대 1인의 Bachelor Degree 까지 1인당 월 1,000루피 지급

- 3세~16세, 1인 아동에게 연 6,720루피 지급

- 4세~16세, 연 15,000루피 지급

- 17세~22세, 최대 3인까지 월 2,200루피 지급

- 11~12 학년의 여아에게만 월 500루피 지급16) 직원수 10명 이하: 26개, 11명~50명: 22개, 51명 이상: 15개

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40 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 41

- 인원에 상관없이 연 25,000루피로 고정

• Remote Allowance (벽지수당)

- 17개 단체 (25%)가 지급

- 월 1,500루피 ~ 3,500루피 / 월 급여의 50~100%

- 지역에 따라 다름(카날리지역 월 7,000루피 / 자르콧, 아참지역 등 월 4,000루피)

• Travel Allowance (교통비)

- 30개 단체 (48%)가 지급

- 주유 15리터 캐쉬바우처 지급, 거주지 거리에 따라 2,200~3,400루피 지급

- 연 16,672루피 / 카트만두 직원은 월 4,000루피, 밸리 밖은 월 2,000루피 지급

• Mobile/Phone (통신비)

- 47개 단체 (75%)가 지급

- 직급에 따라 다르게 지급, 월 100~5,000루피

• 이 외에 유니폼 / 개인전용차량 / 집 / 산재보험 지급단체도 있다.


근로기준법을 적용하여 지불하는 민간단체는 극히 드물지만, 대형단체를 중심으로 규정을

준수하려는 움직임이 있습니다. 일반적으로 규정에 미치지 못하는 급여가 지급되고 있기에

대부분의 한국단체에서는 단체의 역량에 따라 대체비 형태로 지원하고 있습니다.

예를 들어, 급여 부족분 대신 퇴직연금 50% 지원 또는 출산비 지원을 하고 있습니다.

Ⅳ. 네팔의 공휴일17)




• 4월 13일 : 네팔 새해

• 4월 24일 : Loktantra Diwas_록떤뜨라따 디워스(민주주의 날)

• 5월 1일 : 노동절

• 5월 21일 : 부처님 탄생일

• 5월 28일 : Ganatantra Diwas_거너떤뜨라 디워스(독립기념일)

• 8월 18일 : Janai Purnima/Rakshabandhan_저너이 뿌르니마(형제의 날)

• 8월 25일 : Shree Krishna Janmastami(크리스나 탄생일)

• 9월 4일 : Teej Festival_띠즈(여성만 해당)

• 9월 15일 : Kumari Indra Jatra(인드라기념일) - 카트만두 지역만 해당

• 9월 19일 : Sambidhan Diwas(제헌절) - New Constitution 2015

• 10월 1일 : Ghatasthapana, Jyetha Nagrik Diwas(더사인 휴일 시작일)

• 10월 8~15일 : 더사인 공식휴일

• 10월 30일 : Laxmi Puja_럭시미 뿌자(돈의 날)

• 10월 31일 : Mha Puja/Govardhan Puja_고버르던 뿌자(소의 날)

• 11월 1일 : Bhai tika_바이 띠까(남자형제의 날)

• 11월 6일 : Chhath Puja Parwa_첫뿌자 - 떠라이지역 휴일

• 12월 13일 : Yomari Punhi(요머리 축제) - 네왈족 휴일

17) 네팔력 2073년(서양력 2016~2017년) 기준이며 서양력 날짜로 표기하였다. 공휴일은 네팔력으로는 매년 같은 일자이지만, 서양력으로는 조금씩 달라진다.

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42 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 43

• 12월 25일 : Christmas Day(크리스마스)

• 12일 30일 : Tamu Lhosar(따망족 새해)


• 1월 14일 : Maghe Sankranti_마게 성끄란띠(마, 엿등을 먹는날) - 타루, 머걸족 축제

• 1월 29일 : Sahid Diwas_서힛디와스(현충일 Martyrs Day)

• 2월 24일 : Maha Shiva Ratri(시바의날)

• 2월 27일 : Gyalpo Lhosar - 셀파족축제

• 3월 5일 : 홀리(색의날)

• 3월 6일 : 홀리 - 떠라이지역만 해당

• 3월 8일 : Nari Diwas_나리디와스(여성의 날 Women’s Day)

• 3월 27일 : Ghoda Jatra_고라자뜨라(말의 날) - 카트만두 지역만 해당

• 4월 5일 : Ram Nawami/Ram Jayanti_람 너워미(람 탄생일)

Ⅴ. 네팔의 주요 세금제도



1. 법인세

- 증권 거래소에 등록되었거나, 정부 관련 회사: 40% 면제

- 공공 산업 부문 회사: 5% 면제

- 회사 이익 배당금: 소득세 면제

※ 비거주자 기준 : 연간 183일 이하 체류자, 네팔 외곽에 거주하며 네팔 소재의 회사 및

외국회사에 근무하는 사람

2. 간접세

- 제조 및 수입품목에 따라 적용한다.

- 적용 항목은 관세, 판매세, 물품세(Excise duty) 등이 있으며 세율은 상품에 따라 차등


3. 부가가치세

- 세수증대와 조세제도의 투명성 제고를 위해 1997년 11월 16일부터 도입하여 일부 시행을

보류하다가 1998년 7월부터 전면실시하고 일부 세제 개정 및 과세대상을 확대했다.

- 부가가치세 등록대상은 300만루피 이상 거래업자이다.

* 개정안에 있는 새로운 조세수단(물품수입시 소득세, 영화상영에 대한 35%의 영화진흥세,

관광업소 특별부가세 2%, 수출품에 대한 특별세 부과등)은 경제인과의 마찰을 초래하여

가격 상승의 원인이 되기도 하고, 인도로부터 밀수를 부추기며, 정규 수입 을 감소시켜 오히려

세수를 감소시키기도 한다.

4. 개인소득세

- 급여, 판매이익, 임대료, 이자, 배당금 등에 과세되며, 가족부양자 및 배우자는 35,000루피를

기초 공제 받는다.

구분 적용 범위

거주자 국내외 소득에 대한 과세(1974년 소득세 규정)

비거주자 국내 소득에 대한 과세(1974년 소득세 규정)

네팔의 법인세 적용 범위

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44 NGO 길라잡이-네팔

- 개인의 기초 공제는 25,000루피 이다.

- 급여자의 소득세율은 40%를 초과할 수 없다.

- 비거주자의 경우 거주자 기준에 12%를 추가 적용한다.

5. 감가상각

- 고정자산의 평가 기준에 따라 차등 적용되는데, 기계장비, 부품 등의 감가 기준은 연간

15~25%, 공장 및 상업 시설의 기준은 연간 5~7%, 운송장비, 선박, 항공의 기준은 연간

15~25%, 가구는 10~15%가 적용된다.

6. 지출 공제

- 1974년 소득세법 기준, 기업 및 개인 소득에 대한 지출 경비를 공제 받을 수 있다.

- 소득을 창출하는 전반적인 부분의 지출은 과세수입에서 공제되며, 총 수입의 5%까지

광고비·유흥비·기타 지출을 위한 공제가 허용된다.

※ 이중과세 방지법은 인도, 노르웨이, 태국과 협약되어 있으므로 이들 국가를 활용하면

이중과세 방지법의 혜택을 받을 수 있다.

적용 세율 과세 구간

10% 0 ~ 10,000루피

20% 10,000 ~ 30,000루피

30% 30,000 ~ 50,000루피

40% 50,000 ~70,000루피

50% 70,000루피 이상

소득세 세율

3부.네팔 이해하기

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Ⅰ. 네팔의 주요개황


- 외교통상부 국가개황 2011

- 주 네팔 대한민국대사관,

네팔 국기 네팔 국가문장

국명 네팔연방민주공화국 (The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)

위치 인도 북부 및 중국 서남부 지역 사이에 위치한 내륙국

수도 카트만두 Kathmandu (인구: 약 99만 명)

주요 도시 비라트나가르, 랄리푸르, 포카라, 비르건즈 등

기후 아열대 계절풍 고산기후

종족 아리안계(80%) 티벳·몽골계(17%) 기타 소수민족(3%)

(전체 백여개 종족 존재)

GDP 194억 USD (2012)

1인당 GDP


689.81 USD (2015)

사회 문화 카스트제도 영향 존재

1인당GNI(Atlas,$) 700 USD (2012) 최빈국(LDC)으로 분류

면적 약 147,200㎢ (한반도의 약 2/3)

통화단위 네팔루피(NPR) 1USD = 약 105.5루피(2016)

인구 약 3,098만명 (2016) (인구증가율 1.4%(2010-2012))

언어 네팔어 (그 외 약 125개 소수민족 언어)

행정구역 Development Region 5개, Zone 14개, District 75개 및 3,913개

Village Development Committee(VDC)로 구성*

종교 힌두교(87%), 불교(8%), 이슬람교(4%) 등

주요 정당 급진네팔공산당(CPN-Maoist), 네팔의회당(NC),

온건네팔공산당(CPN-UML), 마데시인권포럼 등

정치 체제 공화제

대외정책 비동맹 중립 (인도, 중국과 긴밀 관계 유지)

주요 외교사안 망명 티베트인의 반중국 시위 등

주요 자원 수력자원 (잠재력 세계 2위) 그 외 목재, 갈탄, 구리 등



농업 36%, 2차산업 15%, 서비스업 48% (2012)

주요 수출품목 의류, 캐시미어, 카페트, 농산품(콩), 수공예품 등

주요 수입품목 석유, 차량 및 부품, 전자제품, 식료품, 의약품, 시멘트, 화학비료 등

한국과의 수교일 1974. 5. 15

Page 25: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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48 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 49

네팔 교역규모


수출 : 17백만불 (농약, 의약품, 자동차, 종이류 등)

수입 : 2백만불(섬유 및 의류, 기호식품 등)

*한-네팔 고용허가제 (2007.7~)

*현재 행정구역이 개편중으로 향후 아래와 같이 변경가능함

- 기존 행정구역 구분(Development Region 5개)

- 변경예정 행정구역 구분(Development Region 7개)

※ 출처 : KOICA 안전교육자료

Ⅱ. 네팔의 역사


- 외교통상부 국가개황 2011

- 주 네팔 대한민국 대사관

1. 릿처비(Lichhavis) 왕조

• 네팔의 초기 역사는 불교와 힌두교 색채가 강한 네와리족(Newari) 전설을 중심으로 전해지고


• 4세기경 카트만두에서 발흥한 릿처비(Lichhavis) 왕조는 카트만두 지역을 지배하고

7세기이후 타국과 외교적, 문화적 교류를 시작하면서 티베트와 중앙아시아에 불교문화 전파


2. 말라(Malla) 왕조

• 8세기경 중세로 접어들면서 카트만두 북쪽에 있는 누와코트(Nuwakot)의 타구리(Thakuri)

왕조가 지배세력이 되면서 네팔은 불안정과 침략의 암흑기로 접어듦.

• 11세기경 타쿠리의 아리데바(Arideva) 왕이 말라 왕조(Malla Dynasty)를 세워 네팔 문화의

새로운 르네상스의 기초 마련

• 15세기에는 카트만두 분지 안에 말라왕조의 3개 왕국이 세워져 네와르족을 통치하였는데,

각각의 수도였던 카트만두(Kathmandu), 벅터푸르(Bhaktapur), 파턴(Patan)에서는 네와르

문화가 꽃을 피웠음.

3. 고르카(Gorkha) 왕조

• 1769년, 서부 Gorkha 지방에서 발흥한 나라얀(Prithivi Narayan Shah) 왕이 카트만두

지역의 말라왕조를 멸망시키고 고르카 왕조(Gorkha Dynasty)를 세움.

- 국수주의자인 나라얀은 왕국을 보호하고 교역에 유리한 위치를 확보하기 위해 힘을

Page 26: NGO 길라잡이 · 1부. ngo 등록 2부. 운영 및 활동 3부. 네팔 이해하기 부록 6 ngo 길라잡이-네팔 7 1부. ngo 등록 i. 배경 네팔정부는 시민들의 다양한




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50 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 51

기울이면서 외국인이나 선교사들이 네팔에 들어올 수 없는 폐쇄정책을 채택

• 네팔을 통일한 고르카 왕조는 계속 세력을 확장하여 티베트계의 민족이 세운 시킴, 부탄 및

타라이를 공격·점령하고, 티베트 진출을 꾀하였으나 청나라 군대에 패하면서 청나라의

종속국으로 전락, 5년마다 조공을 바침

• 19세기초, 네팔은 무역협약을 체결한 동인도회사와 갈등 수위가 높아지다가 1814년

부투왈(Butawal) 지역에서 영국 경찰과 무력충돌로 인해 발생한 앵글로-네팔 전쟁에서

전략적으로 우세하였음에도 불구하고 패배

- 네팔은 영국과 체결한 사가울리 조약(Treaty of Sagauli)으로 시킴(Sikkim) 지역과

타라이(Tarai) 지역 상실(타라이 지역은 1857년 인도 저항 진압의 협력대가로 회복)

4. 라나 통치

• 1846년, 장군 장바하두르(Jang Bahadur Rana)는 쿠데타로 정권을 장악하고 스스로

라나(Rana)라는 종신 재상에 취임하여 통치 시작(추후 라나 지위 세습화)

• 1846년 이래 네팔을 지배하고 있던 라나 가문은 독립을 유지하기 위해 영국과 타협하는

방법을 찾게 되었고, 1860년 국내외 적으로부터 라나 체제 보호 및 국내문제에 대한 실질적

자치를 영국으로부터 보장받는 협정을 체결

• 이러한 영국와의 협력체제는 제1차 세계대전 후인 1923년 영국과의 새로운 조약(Treaty of

Friendship)이 체결되어 완전 독립을 인정받을 때까지 지속

• 영국의 지원을 받고 있던 라나 일족은 1948년 영국군이 인도에서 철수하게 되자, 네팔을

외교적으로 고립시키면서 계속 정권을 유지하려 했지만 결국 인도와 함께 네팔의 주권과

독립을 인정하는 조약 체결

5. 왕정복귀

• 1951년, 네팔 의회당(Nepali Congress Party)이 이끄는 혁명군은 인도의 강력한 외교적

지원을 등에 업고 라나 체제를 무너뜨리고, 왕정으로 복귀

- 1951년 2월, 라나일족과 네팔의회당이 각각 절반을 차지하는 정부가 조직되고, 트리부반

(Tribuvan)을 민주주의 이행을 약속하는 조건으로 국왕으로 추대

• 1955년, 트리부반을 이어 국왕에 오른 마헨드라(Mahendra)는 59년 서구식 의회민주주의

제도를 도입하는 헌법을 제정하고, 총선거를 통해 NCP 내각을 출범시킴으로써 국왕과

민선정부가 권력을 공유하는 입헌군주제로 전환

- 1960년 12월, 민주주의를 네팔에 어울리지 않는 외래사상으로 간주하고 직접 통치를 선언,

헌법을 정지시키고 의회와 내각 해산

- NCP와 공산당 등 모든 정당 불법화 및 독재에 대한 불평과 비판을 범죄행위로 간주하는 등

언론출판의 자유도 완전 억압

- 마헨드라 국왕은 자신이 수상과 내각을 구성하고 의회의 기능을 대신하는‘무정당

판차야트(Panchaayat) 체제’를 도입

- 판차야트 의원들은 직접선거로 선출된 112명과 국왕이 임명하는 28명으로 구성되었으며,

판차야트 소집·폐회 권한이 국왕에 있고 국왕이 주재하는 국가회의 감독하에 있기 때문에

의회(판차야트)는 단지 명목상의 기구로 전락

• 1972년, 비렌드라(Birendra)가 왕위를 이어 받으면서 강력한 경제개발정책을 실시하고

판차야트를 유지하였으나, 모두 실패하면서 70년대 후반에는 체제위기에 직면

• 1980년 5월, 체제위기를 모면하기 위하여 Birendra 왕은 의원직선제를 도입하고 NCP를

비롯한 정당의 활동을 어느 정도 허용하는 정치제도 자유화라는 유화책 제시

• 1990년대에 들어서면서, NPC를 중심으로 정치민주화운동이 본격적으로 전개된 결과,

1990년 11월, 결국 입헌군주제와, 양원제 그리고 복수정당제를 기반으로 하는 신헌법이


- 그러나 1990년대는 네팔의 정치적 혼돈기로서 1994년 11월, 조기 총선에서 UCPN(United

Communist Party of Nepal 네팔공산당)이 NCP를 이겼으나, 과반수 확보를 하지 못해 소수

내각이라는 한계점 봉착을 타개하기 위해 “과반수 의석확보”에 대한 경쟁이 과열되면서

정치혼돈의 시발점이 됨

- 1996년에 들어서면서 증가된 Maoist들의 활동,“인민전쟁”, 역시 국내정치의 불안함을


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52 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 53

• 2001년, Birendra 왕이 총격으로 사망하고 Gyanendra 왕이 즉위

- Gyanendra가 즉위하면서부터 2005년까지 점점 과격해지는 Maoist 활동과 국왕이 수상/

장관 등을 수시로 바꾸는 의원내각제에 의해서 극심한 혼돈이 지속됨.

• 2006년 4월, 유혈사태가 발생할 정도의 대규모 민주화 시위 및 미국, 인도 등 국가의 압력에

의해 국왕이 야당측 민주절차 회복 요구를 수용하고, Koirala 전 수상이 SPA(Seven Party

Alliance)의 만장일치로 수상에 취임하여 과도정부를 구성

- 2006년 11월 21일, 네팔 과도정부와 Maoist는 10여년간 12,800명의 사망과 10만명

이상의 실종자를 냈던 인민전쟁에 종지부를 찍는 평화협정(CPA)을 체결함으로써, Maoist측이

반군의 이미지를 탈피하고 공식적으로 정치에 참여하는 기회를 제공함으로 인해 국왕의

권력을 무력화하는 결과를 가져옴(※네팔정부는 Maoist에 대한 테러리스트 지침을 철회)

6. 네팔연방민주공화국

• 2007년 1월 15일, 과도정부는 임시헌법을 공표하고 임시국회를 출범하였으며, S.

Nembang 전 하원의장을 임시국회 의장으로 선출하고 Koirala를 수상으로 선출함으로써

신정부 구성의 토대를 마련함

• 2008년 4월 10일, 새로운 헌법제정을 위한 총선을 통해 선출된 제헌의회는 5.12 국왕제를

폐지하고 민주공화국을 선포하기로 한 결의안을 채택함으로써 “네팔연방민주공화국”이


- 2008년 6월 2일, Gyanendra 국왕은 제헌의회에서 “국왕제 폐지 및 공화국 선포”를 수락함

- 2008년 7월 19일, R.B. Yadav(NC소속)를 대통령에, P. Jha를 부통령에 선출하고 Nembang

전 임시국회의장을 제헌의회 의장으로 선출

- 2008년 8월 15일, 제헌의회는 P.K. Dahal(Prachanda) Maoist 의장을 네팔연방민주공화국

초대 수상으로 선출

Ⅲ. 네팔의 주요 특성


- Economic Intelligence Unit 2012

- 한국수출입은행 네팔 국가신용평가리포트 2011

- 외교통상부 국가개황 2011

- CIA World Factbook 2012

- Aid at a Glance by World Bank 2012

1. 경제현황 및 전망

1) 2006년 공식적인 내전 종식 이후에도 정치적 불안 현상 및 전력·연료 부족 문제가 지속됨에

따라 제조업 및 서비스업의 성장이 둔화되어 지난 5년간 평균 약 4.0%의 경제성장률을


※ 출처: Factsheet Nepal 2013

구분 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

1인당 GNI (Atlas, $) 400 440 490 540 700

GDP 성장률 (연간 %) 5.8 3.8 4.0 3.5 4.6

소비자물가상승률 (CPI, %) 7.7 12.6 9.6 9.6 8.3

재정수지 (GDP대비 %) -2.1 -3.3 -1.9 -2.4 -2.2

수출 성장률 (%) 9.3 -4.7 -6.3 11.7 5.7

수입 성장률 (%) 24.1 8.3 37.0 7.7 4.7

경상수지 (GDP중 %) 2.9 4.2 -2.7 -0.9 4.9

대외채무 (GNI중 %) 27.6 27.0 23.7 22.0 -

네팔 주요 경제 지표

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2) 네팔은 취약한 경제구조로 인해 아시아지역 개발도상국 평균에 비해 매우 저조한 경제성장

추세를 보이고 있으며, 유엔분류 기준‘최빈개도국’으로서 대외 원조 의존도가 높은 편이다.

네팔 정부의 개발목적 예산 중 70%, 총 국가재정의 20%를 대외 원조에 의존하고 있다.18)

네팔, 아시아지역 개도국 1인당 평균 GDP 비교 (1990-2013)

※ 출처: The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015, 세계경제포럼(WEF)

3) 정치적 불안에 따른 시위 빈발과 만성적인 전력 및 연료 부족, 도로·상하수도 등

사회간접자본 미비, 미약한 거버넌스, 숙련노동력 부족, 물류 관련 제약, 농업부문 작황 저조

등이 경제 부진의 원인이다.

- 낮은 세금 징수율과 세수 기반의 취약성 등으로 인한 세수 부족 현상 및 석유제품에 대한

정부의 과도한 보조금 지급으로 만성적인 재정수지 적자 지속

4) 네팔은 전통적인 농업국으로 농업부문이 전체 GDP의 약 36%를 차지(2012) 하고 있으며,

서비스업이 약 53%를 차지하여 농업과 서비스업 위주의 경제구조를 가지고 있다.

- 열악한 사회간접자본, 정치 불안, 협소한 국내소비시장 및 내륙 국가의 지리적 제약 등으로

인하여 제조업 비중이 낮다.

- 일자리 부족과 경직된 노동법제로 인해 청년 실업률 증가 추세

18) 네팔 국가신용도 평가리포트 2011, 한국수출입은행 해외경제연구소

※ 출처: Nepal at a Glance 2012, 세계은행

5) 히말라야 산맥을 대표로 하는 풍부한 관광자원 및 수자원, 인도·중국 등 거대시장과의

인접성 및 연결성 등은 네팔 경제의 성장 잠재력으로 꼽힌다.

- 관광산업이 GDP대비 약 10%를 차지하고 있으며, 세계적인 관광 자원에 기반한 관광산업이

서비스 분야의 성장 주도

- 2006년 남아시아 자유무역지대협정(Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area, SAFTA)

발효 이후, 네팔을 대상으로 한 장기적 구조 개선 효과 및 역내 교역 증대 현상 발생

- 네팔 정부는 국제시장에서의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 특별경제구역 (Special Economic Zone)

3개년 계획 및 산업 친화적인 투자환경 조성을 위한 ‘산업정책 201019)(Industrial Policy

2010)’을 시행 중이다.

2. 정치 현황

1) 2006년 공산 반군과 정부 간 평화협정 체결로 11년간 지속되던 내전이 종결되고 2008년

왕정 폐지 후 총선 및 대선이 실시됐다.

- 군 통합, 내전 복구, 정당 간 권력 분배, 신헌법 제정 작업 등 평화 정착을 위한 주요 현안들이

남아있어 정국 안정을 기대하기에는 이른 상황

- 신헌법 제정을 위해 구성되었던 제헌의회가 합의 도출에 실패한 상태에서 2012년 5월

임기종료에 따라 해산된 이후 정치적 공백이 장기간 지속

2) 빈번한 정권 교체, 평화 정착 과도기의 장기화와 더불어 정치, 사회, 경제 관련 다양한

사회계층 및 소수민족의 요구사항 미수용으로 인한 사회적 불만이 고조되고 있어 갈등 및

총 GDP 대비(%) 1991 2001 2011 2012

농업 47.2 37.2 38.1 36.4

2차산업 17.4 17.8 15.3 15.1

제조업 6.7 9.3 6.5 6.4

서비스업 35.4 45.0 46.6 48.6

네팔의 경제 구조 변화 추이

19) 외국인직접투자 및 기술 이전 간소화 정책, 역내 국가들과 투자증진보호협정 추진 등

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분쟁의 소지가 존재한다.

- 2008년 5월, 왕정 폐지 후 마오이스트당 중심의 3당 연정에 의해 신정부가 구성된 이후 정당

간 세력 구도가 불안정하다.

- 2012년 6월, 급진네팔공산당(CPN-Maoist)이 신당창당을 위해 분당을 공식 선언하고

자나자티(Janajati)계를 중심으로 사회민주다수 국가당이 창당되는 등 정국 불안이 악화20)되는


- 2013년 11월, 총선실시 후 네팔의회당(NC/Nepali Congress)의 승리로 집권당을

교체하였으나 정국 안정이 지속됨

- 2015년 최초헌법제정 이후, 수상 및 대통령을 온건공산당(CPN-UML)으로 교체하였으나

지속적인 불신임으로 2016년 8월, UCPN-마오이스트당 대표로 수상이 교체되었다.

- 정국 불안은 개발협력을 포함한 경제 및 사회 개발 활동에 큰 걸림돌이 되고 있어 국제사회 및

여러 공여기관이 우려를 표명하고 있다.

2) 대외관계에 있어서 인도-중국과의 등거리 외교를 표방하고 있으나, 지정학적 여건상 친인도

성향이 강하고, 중국과의 우호 관계 유지를 위해 하나의 중국 (One China) 정책을 지지하여

접경 지역 티베트인의 반중국 시위에 엄격히 대응하고 있다.

※ 출처: World Databank 2012 (, 세계은행

주요 지표 1996 2003 2010 2015 목표

하루 1.25불 미만 생계 인구(PPP기준, %)

68.0 53.1 24.8 -

국가빈곤선 이하 인구(%) 41.8 30.9 25.2 21.0

빈곤갭 비율(%) 11.8 7.5 5.6 -

소득 최하위 20% 인구의 소득 비중(%)

7.87 6.53 8.27 -

지니지수 35.2 43.8 32.8 -

네팔 빈곤 관련 주요 지표 현황

20) 2013년 2월, 주요 정당들이 대법원장을 수반으로 하는 과도정부 구성 및 6월 총선개최에 합의하였으나 이에 반발한 급진네팔공산당이 총 파업을 강행, 주요 도시기능이 마비되기도 하였다.

4) 네팔 최초 헌법 제정

- 2015년 9월, 네팔 최초의 제헌의회 헌법이 제정되었다. 제정 이후 온건네팔공산당 (CPN-

UML)소속의 대통령, 수상으로 교체되었고, 인도의 보복조치로 국경봉쇄 등의 압박이

가해졌다. 이로 인해 6개월여 동안 생필품 및 가스, 유류 등의 공급이 중단되어 네팔의

기초적인 생활을 위협하는 상황이 지속되었다. 현재 다수당인 민주당이 이러한 책임을 물어

수상을 전격 교체하였다.

- 2016년 8월 5일자로 급진네팔공산당(CPN-Maoist)의 당수인 Pushpa Kamal Dahal

(Prachanda)를 수상으로 교체함으로써 인도와의 우호적인 외교국면을 기대하고 있다. 그러나

인도와의 관계가 우호적으로 변하면 상대적으로 인도와 관계가 좋지 않은 중국의 지속적인

투자가 끊어질 것에 대해 우려하는 분위기가 조성되고 있다.

5) 네팔 국내 정세동향21)

지난 7.24(일) Oli CPN-UML대표의 총리직 사임에 이어 8.3(수) Pushpa Kamal Dahal CPN-

마오이스트센터 대표가 제39대 총리로 선출되었고, 현지 주요 언론 보도를 종합한 관련 동향은

아래와 같다.

• CPN-마오이스트센터(MC)의 Oli 정부(CPN-UML)에 대한 지지 철회

- 7.12(화) CPN-UML당과 함께 연립여당을 구성한 CPN-마오이스트센터(UCPN-Maoist당과

마오이스트 계열 정당 합당)는 Oli 정부(CPN-UML당 대표)에 대한 지지를 철회했다. CPN-

마오이스트센터측은 Oli 총리가 지난 5.5 합의한 9개항을 이행할 준비가 되어 있지 않다고


• CPN-마오이스트센터와 네팔의회당의 Oli 총리에 대한 불신임투표 요구

- 7.12(화) CPN-마오이스트센터는 의회 내 제1당인 네팔의회당(NC)과 아래 7개항에


① 마드헤시 주민 이해가 반영될 수 있도록 신헌법 개정

② 신헌법 이행 및 선거(지방선거, 주선거, 연방선거) 실시

③ 피해자 보상, 내전 당시 토지 및 주택의 사적거래 해결 등 진실과화해위원회(TRC) 및

강제실종조사위원회(CIEDP)의 효과적인 실시 운영을 위한 환경 조성

④ 지진피해 관련 재건복구 작업 가속화

⑤ 암시장 및 인플레이션 관리 등 평화·안정 및 Good Governance 확보

21) 출처: 주 네팔 대한민국 대사관22) 주요 언론들은 CPN-마오이스트센터와 네팔의회당이 각료직 분배, 총리직 순차 수임(각 9개월), 지방선거(CPN) 및

주선거/연방선거(NC) 순차 실시 등 비공개 신사협정에 합의하였다고 보도했다.

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⑥ 경제번영 및 발전을 위한 캠페인 실시

⑦ CPN-마오이스트센터의 Oli 정부 지지 철회(소속 장관 소환), CPN-마오이스트센터와

네팔의회당과 연립정부 구성 및 신임 총리 선출 추진

- 7.13(수) CPN-마오이스트센터와 네팔의회당은 Oli 총리에 대한 불신임투표 제안(No-

Confidence Motion)을 의회에 등록했다..

- 7.14(목) Oli 총리는 CPN-마오이스트센터의 지지 철회 결정을 비판하면서 불신임투표를 통해

재신임을 받겠다는 강한 입장을 표명했다.

• Oli 총리 사의 표명

- 7.25(월) 불신임 투표가 실시될 예정되었으나, 7.24(일) Oli 총리는 Bhandari 대통령에게

총리직에 대한 사의를 표명하고, 동일 밤 의회 연설을 통해 총리직을 사임하겠다고 공식

선언했다. Oli 총리는 Dahal 대표는 연정 기간 내내 비협조적이었다고 비판하면서, Oli 정부는

지진 피해, 마드헤시 시위 및 국경봉쇄 등 국가적 위기 상황에도 불구하고 인도 및 중국 방문의

성공적 실시, 네팔 지진피해 재건복구사업 착수 등의 업적을 이루었다고 강변했다.23)

- 7.25(월) Bhandari 대통령은 헌법 규정에 따라 주요 정당들에 대해 7.31(일)까지 컨센서스에

의한 신정부 구성을 촉구했다. 네팔의회당(NC)과 CPN-마오이스트센터측은 CPN-

UML당에게 신정부에 참여할 것을 설득하였으나 실패했다.

• Dahal CPN-마오이스트센터 대표의 신임 총리 선출

- 8.3(수) 오후 Dahal 대표가 총리직에 단독 입후보하여 투표가 실시된바, 총 363명이 찬성하여

의회 내 2/3(298표) 이상 득표함으로써 신임 총리로 선출됐다.

※ 8.2(화) 마드헤시측(UDMF 주도 마드헤시 그룹)은 네팔의회당(NC) 및 CPN-

마오이스트센터측과 아래 3개항에 합의하고 Dahal 대표에 대한 지지를 표명했다.

① 시위 참여 마드헤시 사상자에 대한 적절한 보상 및 치료 제공

② 정당간 합의에 기초한 헌법 개정을 통한 연방 주간 경계 문제 해결

③ 총리 선출 투표시 Dahal CPN-마오이스트센터 대표 지지

- Dahal 대표는 투표 직전 의회 연설에서 신헌법 이행, Oli 정부 하에서 시작된 기존 개발사업의

지속 등을 약속하면서, 비록 컨센서스 정부 구성에는 실패했으나, 국가적 과제 해결을 위해

모든 정당이 함께 노력해야 한다고 강조하고 있다.

• 향후 전망

- 현지 언론에 따르면 향후 Dahal 신임 총리는 내전 당시 범죄에 대한 사법처리(TRC, CIEDP

문제), 인도와의 관계 개선, 2017년초 지방선거 실시, 지진 피해 재건복구 등을 중점 추진해

23) 현지 언론들은 7.23(토) MJF-D, RPP 등 기존 연정 참여 소수정당까지 총리 불신임에 찬성하는 등 투표 강행시 과반 확보 실패가 확실시되자 Oli 총리가 마지못해 사의를 표명하였다고 보도했다.

나갈 것으로 예상된다.

3. 빈곤현황 및 전망

네팔은 지난 20여년간 극빈층 비율을 약 40% 이상 낮추어 2015년 까지 빈곤 관련 MDGs 목표

달성이 불가능하였고, 1인당 국민소득(GNI) 기준 여전히 세계 최빈국 및 저소득국24)국가로

분류되고 있다.

- 전체 인구의 약 80%가 지방에 거주하고 있으며, 2010년 기준 국가 빈곤선 이하 인구 비율이

약 25.2%, 1일 1.25USD(PPP기준) 미만 생계 인구비율이 약 24.8%로, 여전히 많은 인구가

경제·사회적으로 취약하다.

4. 거버넌스 현황

1) 네팔의 거버넌스지수는 전반적으로 세계 평균보다 낮으며, 특히 정치 안정, 정부 효율성,

법치주의 면에서의 거버넌스 수준이 매우 열악하여 사회경제 발전의 큰 걸림돌로 작용하고


* 점수가 낮을수록 하위 순위

※ 출처: Worldwide Governance indicators 2010, Governance Matters 2010, 세계은행

24) 2013년 OECD/DAC 기준 최빈개도국 (Least Developed Country), 세계은행 기준 저소득국가 (Low Income Country)


2000 2005 2011

%순위*거버넌스점수 (-2.5 ~ +2.5)

%순위거버넌스점수 (-2.5 ~ +2.5)

%순위거버넌스점수 (-2.5 ~ +2.5)

언론 자유 41.8 -0.30 13.9 -1.19 31.5 -0.53

정치 안정 13.9 -1.24 1.9 -2.11 6.1 -1.55

정부효율성 37.1 -0.50 22.0 -0.84 22.7 -0.79

규제의 질 28.4 -0.56 33.8 -0.50 25.6 -0.72

법치 제도 42.1 -0.33 24.4 -0.84 17.4 -0.99

부패 관리 33.2 -0.54 32.7 -0.63 23.2 -0.77

네팔 주요 경제 지표

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- 세계은행의 세계거버넌스지수(WGI)의 여러 지표에서 10여 년 전보다 낮은 점수를 보이고

있을 뿐 아니라, 세계경제포럼의 기업환경 조사에서도 정부 불안정 및 부정부패25)가 기업 활동

저해 요인으로 나타났다.

5. 주요 사회기반시설 현황

1) 교통 부문: 도로밀도(road density)가 남아시아 국가 중 가장 낮고, 산간지방에 사는 지방

인구의 1/3 정도가 주요 도로에서 평균 4시간 정도 떨어진 거리에 거주하는 등, 도로 연결망

구축 현황이 상당히 열악하다.

- 정부 투자 및 국제기구 지원으로 농촌지역 및 빈곤지역의 도로망 구축 사업이 진행 중이며,

특히 아시아개발은행은 2004~2009년 기간 동안 700km 규모의 도로 구축 및 보수를


2) 전력 부문: 불안정한 전력 공급 및 제한된 접근성은 경제 성장의 장애요인으로 작용하고 있다.

정부의 수력발전분야 투자유치 노력에도 불구하고 건기 중 1일 정전시간을 16시간 이하로

감소시키기 어려운 상황이다.

- 수력발전 잠재력(약 83,000MW)면에서 세계 2위를 기록하고 있으나, 대규모 자본 부재 및

정국 불안, 주변 강대국들간의 이권 경쟁 등으로 발전이 더디어 국내 수요를 충족시키기에도

부족한 상황이다.

3) 물·위생 부문: 도시와 지방 간 안전한 식수공급 및 위생시설에 대한 접근격차가 존재하며,

특히 지방의 위생시설 접근성과 관련하여 지속적인 노력이 필요하다.

25) 국제투명성기구(Transparency International)의 부패인식지수(Corruption Perceptions Index: CPI 2012)에서 176개국 중 139위(10점 중 2.7점) 기록, 2005년도(2.5점)에 비해 점수가 하락했다.

(단위: %)

※ 출처: Nepal Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 2010, UNDP

- 식수자원은 수도관을 통한 공급이 대부분이나, 수도관 시설이 미비한 지역에서는 수동펌프방식

이용 비율이 높으며, 화장실 설치비율도 도시(73%)에 비해 지방(22%)이 현저히 낮다.26)

6. 네팔의 측량단위


- 위키피디아, 섭더서거르(네팔사전)--

1) 토지 측량 단위

• 비가( ) : 72,900평방피트 or 6,772.63평방미터 or 20꺼타( ) -


• 꺼타( ) : 3,645평방피트 or 338.63평방미터 or 20두르( )

• 두르( ) : 182.25평방피트 or 16.93평방미터

• 로뻐니( ): 5,476평방피트 or 508.72평방미터 or 16아나( ) 64뻐이사( )

256담( ) - 산악지역 측량단위

• 아나( ) : 342.25평방피트 or 31.80평방미터 or 4뻐이사( ) 16담( )

구분 1990 2000 2005 2010 2015목표

안전한 식수공급

도시 90 86 93 94 95

지방 43 71 79 78 72


도시 34 80 81 78 67

지방 3 25 30 37 52

네팔의 안전한 식수공급 및 위생시설 현황

26) Nepal Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 2010, UNDP

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• 뻐이사( ) : 85.56평방피트 or 7.95평방미터 or 4담( )

• 하트( ) : 1.5피트

2) 부피 단위

• 무티( ) : 한 줌(손)

• 마나( ) : 0.568246리터 or 10 무티( )

• 꾸루와( ) : 2마나( )

• 빠티( ) : 4.54596리터 or 8 마나( ) or 4 꾸루와( )

• 무리( ) : 20 빠티( )

3) 무게 단위

• 랄( ) : 0.1166그램

• 마사( ) : 1.166그램 or 10 랄( )

• 톨라( ) : 금 11.66그램 or 10 마사( ) 은 1.11936그램 or 96랄( )

그 외는 80랄( ) or 8마사( )

• 쩌떡( ) : 58.31그램 or 4.5 톨라( )

• 빠우( ) : 199그램

• 다르니( ) : 2.39키로 or 12 빠우( )

Ⅳ. 네팔의 주요기관

1. 정부기관

1) 의회수상(Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211000, 4211025, 4211040, 4211035

•Fax : +977-1-4211065, 4211086, 4211038, 4211021

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

2) 재무부(Ministry of Finance)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211338

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

3) 산업부(Ministry of Industry)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211579

•Fax : +977-1-4211619

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

4) 자원부(Ministry of Energy)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211516

•Fax : +977-1-4211510

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

5) 법무부(Ministry of Law, Justic and Parliamentary Affairs)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

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•Phone : +977-1-4211987, 4211786, 4211702, 4200225, 4211872, 4211633

•Fax : +977-1-4211684

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

6) 농업개발부(Ministry of Agricultural Development)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211905, 4211950, 4211697

•Fax : +977-1-4211935

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

7) 내무부(Ministry of Home Affairs)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211261, 4211212, 4211274, 4211249, 4211224

•Fax : +977-1-4211264

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

8) 외교부(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200182, 4200183, 4200184, 4200185, 4200186

•Fax : +977-1-4200160

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

9) 국토부(Ministry of Land Reform and Management)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211666

•Fax : +977-1-4211708

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

10) 기반시설교통부(Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211782, 4211931, 4211732, 4211655

•Fax : +977-1-4211720

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

11) 여성아동 및 사회복지부(Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200082, 4200164, 4200275

•Fax : +977-1-4200116

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

12) 청소년, 운동부(Ministry of Youth and Sports)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200542, 4200540, 4200539, 4200543

•Fax : +977-1-4200552

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

13) 국방부(Ministry of Defence)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211289

•Fax : +977-1-4211294

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

14) 산림토양보존부(Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211567

•Fax : +977-1-4211868

•Email : [email protected]

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15) 상업부(Ministry of Commerce)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211546

•Fax : +977-1-4211167

•Website :

16) 군수부(Ministry of Supplies)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211631

•Fax : +977-1-4211167

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

17) 과학기술부(Ministry of Science and Technology)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211661, 4211641, 4211586, 4211737, 4211869, 4211641, 4211996

•Fax : +977-1-4211954

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

18) 평화재건부(Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211550, 4211089, 4211189

•Fax : +977-1-4200020, 4211173

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

19) 교육부(Ministry of Education)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200340, 4200390

•Fax : +977-1-4200375

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

20) 노동고용부(Ministry of Labour and Employment)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211889,4211991

•Fax : +977-1-4211877

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

21) 문화관광민간항공부(Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211992, 4211669, 4211846, 4211847, 4211711, 4211685,

4211825, 4231196, 4211909

•Fax : +977-1-4211758

•Email : [email protected], [email protected]

•Website :

22) 연방지역발전부(Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200000, 4200309

•Fax : +977-1-4200318

•Email : [email protected], [email protected]

•Website :

23) 빈곤경감협력부(Ministry of Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200055, 4211860, 4200058, 4211781

•Fax : +977-1-4211754

•Website :

24) 도시개발부(Ministry of Urban Development)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

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•Phone : +977-1-4211673

•Fax : +977-1-4211873

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

25) 행정부(Ministry of General Administration)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200367, 4200368, 4200369

•Fax : +977-1-4200238

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

26) 수자원관개부(Ministry of Irrigation)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211426

•Fax : +977-1-4200026

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

27) 정보통신부(Ministry of Information and Communications)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211556

•Fax : +977-1-4211729

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

28) 보건부(Ministry of Health)

•Ramshah Path, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4262802, 4262543

•Fax : +977-1-4262896, 4262468, 4262935

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

29) 인구환경부(Ministry of Population and Environment)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211641, 4211586, 4211737, 4211869, 4211996, 4211661

•Fax : +977-1-4211954

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

30) 수도위생부(Ministry of Water Supply & Sanitation)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4200556

•Fax : +977-1-4200556

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

31) 축산개발부(Ministry of Livestock Development)

•Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

•Phone : +977-1-4211832, 4211474, 4211481

•Fax : +977-1-4211480

•Email : [email protected]

•Website :

2. 재네팔한국NGO협의회(KONAN_Korea NGO Association in Nepal)

1) 목적

재네팔한국NGO협의회는 2012년 12월에 네팔 내의 한국 개발NGO 간의 협력 및 역량강화를

목적으로 발족되어 2016년 11월 현재 23개의 단체가 가입하여 활동 하고 있으며, KOICA

네팔사무소 및 KCOC와 협력하여 국제개발활동에 필요한 교육지원 및 단체간 네트워크 구축을

위해 노력하고 있다.

2) 연혁

- 2012년 제네팔한국NGO협의회(KONAN) 발족

- 2013년 고성훈 회장 부임

- 2014년 서경석 회장 부임

- 2016년 김일환 회장 부임

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3) 임원진

- 회장 : 김일환 써빙프렌즈 지부장

- 부회장 : 서은식 국제사랑의봉사단 지부장

- 총무 : 윤녕락 사회적활성화기업(SEA센터) 프로젝트매니저

- 회계 : 백창희 아시아위민브릿지두런두런 프로젝트매니저

- 감사 : 박재면 국제기아대책기구 지부장

- 감사 : 임근화 코바(KOVA) 지부장

4) 회원단체 : 총 23개(가나다순)

국제사랑의봉사단 굿네이버스 글로벌호프

다일공동체 더멋진세상 돕는사람들

삼동인터내셔널 새빛 생명누리

서비스포피스 써빙프렌즈 아름다운동행

아름다운커피 아시아위민브릿지두런두런 엄홍길휴먼재단

지구촌공생회 코피온 품청소년문화공동체

한국국제기아대책기구 한국척수장애협회 KOVA(한국해외봉사단원연합회)

Nepal St. Paul Society S.E.A Center

5) 주요활동

- 정기회의 및 총회 : 분기별 지부장 정기모임 외 회원단체 전체 월별모임을 가지며, 연 1회

총회를 열며, 당해년도 사업보고와 차년도 사업계획 및 임원 선출이 이루어진다.

- 상·하반기 간담회 : 1년에 두 차례 협의체 자체 간담회 및 KOICA/KCOC 협력 간담회를

개최함으로써 협의체의 발족 목적인 역량강화 기회를 회원단체에게 제공한다.

- 워크숍 : 회원단체 활동가 및 현지직원의 역량강화를 위해 정기 간담회를 제외한 주제별

워크숍을 진행한다.

- 기타사업 : 공동사업으로 2016년 공립학교 지원사업을 진행 중에 있다.

- 발간사업 : 2016년 새로운 로고제작과 협의회 소개를 위한 브로셔를 제작하였으며, 2014년

최초 발간본을 토대로 수정발간 예정이다.

6) 회원가입

- 가입방법 : 재네팔한국NGO협의회 회원으로 가입을 원하는 단체는 정해진 가입신청서와

서류를 제출해야 하고, 서류 제출이 완료되면 임원진의 심의 및 기관방문을 통해 가입이 승인

되고, 협의회 정기회의에 보고 된다.

- 가입대상

a. 네팔 정부에 INGO로 등록되어 있는 한국 단체

b. 네팔 정부에 LNGO로 등록되어 있으며 한국인이 활동하고 있는 단체

c. 네팔에 등록되어 있지 않더라도 한국에서 활동하고 있는 NGO 단체

d. 사회적기업이나 공정무역을 기반으로 운영하고 있는 한국인 단체

e. 위 조건에는 해당되지 않으나 임원회 및 고문의 심의를 거쳐 정기회의 참석 회원의 2/3

이상이 찬성하는 단체

- 문의처 : [email protected]


KONAN 정기 워크숍

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72 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 73

3. AIN (Association of International NGOs in Nepal)

1) 설립 취지

국제 NGO협회인 AIN은 1996년 9월 네팔에서 활동하고 있는 INGO에 의해 형성된 조직으로,

네팔의 중요한 개발 분야에서 회원 네트워크를 형성하고, 히말라야지역에서 떠라이지역에 걸쳐

네팔 전지역의 다양한 사람들을 중심으로 개발 프로그램을 구현하기 위해 조직되었다. AIN은

상호이해, 정보교환, 경험공유 및 더 효과적인 협업을 위해 네팔에 있는 개발활동가의 학습

증진을 지원하고 있다. 현재 AIN에 소속된 단체는 139개의 INGO단체로 네팔의 개발 협력에

기여하고 있으며, 광범위한 분야의 문제를 다루고 있다.

AIN은 어려운 노동 환경에 종사하는 모든 네팔인의 어려움을 이해하고, 그로 인한 불이익을 받지

않도록 지원하며 특별히 지속적인 투쟁을 지원한다. 수년에 걸쳐 INGO는 네팔의 개발에 중요한

역할을 했으며, 주요 이해 관계자 및 파트너인 정부, 후원자, 시민사회, NGO 및 다양한 분야와의

교류를 통해 가난하고 소외된 사람의 지원을 위해 활동하고 있다.

2) 활동분야

• 건강/보건(Health)

• 교육(Education)

• 재난관리(Disaster Management)

• 소통(Communication)

• 안전 및 보안(Safety & Security)

• 장애그룹(Disability Working Group)

• 아동보호그룹(Child Protection Group)

• 생계(수단)(Livelihood)

3) 연락처

• Telephone : +977-1-4468128~9

• Fax : +977-1-4468132

• Email : [email protected], [email protected]

• Website :

4. 한국 NGO활동 현황

No. 단체명 주요업무 활동지역

1 국제사랑의봉사단 학교건축, 농민지원 다딩, 누와콧

2 굿네이버스 지역개발 카트만두, 네팔서부지역

3 글로벌케어 간호학교, 교육지원 탄센

4 글로벌호프 아동, 청소년 교육 카트만두

5 다일공동체 도시빈민 자립지원 카트만두서부, 포카라

6 더 멋진세상 HIV가족지원, 학교건축 고르카, 네팔서부지역

7 로즈클럽병원인력 및 장비지원, 학교지원


8 밀알복지재단 장애인센터, 학교건축 카트만두, 돌라카

9 새빛장애인 안마센터, 시각장애 가정지원


10 서비스포피스 여성, 아동센터, 학교건축 설라히, 다딩

11 세이브더칠드런 아동교육, 학교지원 네팔전역

12 써빙프렌즈 양로원, 학원, HIV가족지원 카트만두, 누와콧

13 아름다운동행농업기술학교 건축, 기술지원


14 아름다운커피 협동조합지원, 기술지원 신두팔촉

15 아시아위민브릿지두런두런 여성자립지원 카트만두

16 엄홍길휴먼재단 학교건축 네팔전역

17 지구촌공생회 센터운영, 학교건축카트만두, 룸비니, 신두발촉

18 코피온아동, 여성교육 및 공립학교지원


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74 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 75

19 품청소년문화공동체 마을공동체 박타풀

20 한국국제기아대책기구 네팔 빈곤지역 지원 네팔전역

21 한국척수장애인협회 척수장애인센터지원 툴리켈

22 한국해비타트 주거 건축지원 네팔전역

23 ADRF 아동, 청소년 교육 카트만두

24 Beyond-Nepal 여성, 농민대상 지원 박타풀, 띠까풀

25 Neko Happy Dream사회적기업, 환경운동, 대안기술지원

카트만두 동부(짜버힐)

26 Nepal St. Paul Society복지학과 대학교육, 아동센터

카트만두, 포카라

27 S.E.A. Center 디자인센터, 카페운영 카트만두

5. 기타 기관 연락처

1) 주네팔 대한민국대사관

- 주소 : P.O.Box 1058 Ravi bhawan Tahachal, Kathmandu, Nepal

- 위치 : Kathmandu 서부 Lincoln School 옆

- 웹사이트 :

- 전화 : +977-1-4270172, 4270417, 4277391

- 팩스 : +977-1-4272041, 4275485

- 근무시간 : 월요일~금요일, 09:00~12:00, 14:00~17:00

- 긴급연락처 : 근무시간외 977-98510-33178

- 공휴일 : 토·일요일, 주재국 공휴일, 한국 4대 국경일(3.1절, 제헌절, 광복절, 개천절)

2) KOICA 네팔 사무소

- 전화 : +977-1-5261858, 5861860, 5260718

- 주소 : KOICA Nepal Office GPO Box5562, Jwagal 5th Cross, Lalitpur, Nepal

- 이메일 : [email protected]

- 웹사이트 :,

- 근무시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일, 09:00 ~ 17:00

6. 네팔에서 활동하는 국제기구

• UNICEF(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 국제아동기금)

• UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


• WHO(World Health Organization 세계보건기구)

• UNFPA(United Nations Population Fund 유엔인구기금)

• WFP(World Food Program 유엔세계식량계획)

• UNOCD(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 유엔마약범죄사무소)

• FAO(United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


• UN-HABITAT(United Nations Human Settlements Programme 유엔인간주거계획)

• UNV(United Nations Volunteers 유엔봉사단)

• UN WOMEN(United Nations Women 유엔여성기구)

• ILO(International Labour Organization 국제노동기구)

• UNDP(United Nations Development Programme 유엔개발계획)

• UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund 유엔자본개발기금)

• IOM(International Organization for Migration 국제이주기구)

• UNAIDS(United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 유엔에이즈계획)

• USAID(United States Agency for International Development 미국국제개발처)

• OHCHR(Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


• UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen 유엔무역개발회의)

• UNCITRAL(United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 국제상거래법위원회)

• UNEP(United Nations Environment Program 유엔환경계획)

• ITC(International Trade Commission 국제무역위원회)

• IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency 국제원자력기구)

• UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization 유엔산업개발기구)

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78 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 79






The Social Welfare Council, established in accordance with Section 5, of the Social Welfare Act, 1992, of the

Government of Nepal (hereinafter called the Council), based in Kathmandu, Nepal;

and ………………………………………………………… (here in after called ……..) a non-political, non-sectarian,

non-governmental, non-profit making, humanitarian organization based in …………………, established in (Year),

being desirous of furthering development activities in Nepal in the (Area of Interest) sector have agreed as follows: This

agreement is as an approval for the INGO to work in Nepal as per section 12 of the Social Welfare Act,1992.

1. ………………. hereby agrees to: a. Abide by the law of Nepal in its entirety.

b. Carry out the project/programs in the district(s) as per the directives stipulated in National Plan and Policies of

Government of Nepal in partnership with locally registered Non-governmental Organization/government agencies

with prior approval of the Council.

Follow the following conditions while designing the project (s)

ㆍMaintain balance between hardware, software, economic empowerment/livelihood and service delivery


ㆍWork for socially and economically excluded and marginalised community. Select districts whose Human

Development Index is very low.

ㆍInclude Projects (s) in institutional memory or annual plan of district development committees (DDC) where the

project(s) are implemented.

ㆍFollow cluster approach while selecting districts/VDCS/Municipalities/Wards.

ㆍAdopt social auditing practice in centre/district/community level.

ㆍAllocate less than twenty percent of the budget in administrative cost out of total project (s) budget. The budget

for INGO it self and the budget for centre activities will be included in administrative cost.

ㆍGive implementing responsibility to locally registered non governmental organizations (NGOs) or district level

government agencies. To provide financial resources to the implementing partner's bank account.

ㆍDesign the project (s) according to government's plans, policies and priorities. Consult Districts Development

Committee and make feasibility study/need assessment accordingly.


1. General Agreement(GA) Fomat27)

27) 사회복지부(SWC) 홈페이지에서 내려받을 수 있다.

c. Provide funds in the amount of minimum US$ …………………….... per annum excluding commodity assistance

which is approximately …………% of the total grant. The exact amount of support will be reflected in the project(s).

d. Submit the project proposal(s) to the Council within 3 months from the date of signing of General Agreement and

start implementation of the project within … days after the Project agreement is signed.

e. Design the project in close coordination with the concerned District Development Committee, and work in close

coordination with the concerned District Development Committee, Village Development Committee/municipalities

and District Administration Office in the project area. A pre consensus letter from concerned DDC will be taken

before submitting project agreement proposal to SWC.

f. Report its activities; once in every six months and submit an annual report citing administrative and program costs,

in the form prescribed by the Council.

g. Take approval from the council, if bank account has to be opened in any commercial banks of Nepal.

h. Have the accounts audited annually by an auditor, registered with the Institution of Chartered Accountants of Nepal

(ICAN); at the cost of the project/program and submit the audit report to the Council within three months of each

forthcoming Nepalese fiscal year.

i. Exclude the remunerations and other allowances of the expatriate(s) or foreign country representative from the total

project/program cost. However, if such cost is provided to the foreign country representative (s) or expatriates out

of project/programme of INGO headquarters such cost should be reflected in the project agreements.

j. Disposal of any items imported on duty free basis shall take place only upon prior approval of the Council; which

will make necessary arrangement in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and other relevant agencies.

k. Refrain from access to Official Development Assistance (ODA) and any other sources of fund (Loan, Grant,

Technical Assistance or Commodity Assistance) that have been provided or committed or earmarked to

Government of Nepal from Multilateral or Bilateral donors by an agreement or minutes/records or any other form

of committed documents to implement project activities in Nepal.

l. Declare the sources of fund and the name of the donor agencies intended implementing the project in Nepal.

m. Commit fully not to get involved in disrupting harmonious relations existing between and among the people of

various religions, castes, tribes or community.

n. Refrain from any overt or covert activities likely to have adverse effects on the sovereignty and integrity of Nepal

and the core values, principles and objectives pursued by the Government of Nepal. Also, refrain from activities

that are detrimental to bilateral relationship of Nepal with the neighbouring countries or any other country with

which Nepal has relationships. Also, refrain from any action that tends to undermine Nepal's relationship with

international organizations or principled objective s of foreign policy.

o. Comply with legal action to be taken by Government of Nepal/SWC in case of violation of the provisions mentioned

in this agreement.

p. Accept if the council publishes the details of INGOs which fail to comply the clauses 1 and 3 © of this agreement.

q. Spend financial resources only in Nepal and will not take any financial resources to home or other countries.

r. Assure that no financial resources will be provided to other INGO's in Nepal.

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80 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 81

s. Receive the fund directly from donor in INGO's account, if the bidding is done in consortium by more than one


t. Follow Social Welfare Act, 1992, Social Welfare Regulation 1992, General Agreement and Project Agreement.

u. Generate only grant fund for Nepal and shall not accept any loan for the agreed projects.

v. Commit that it will not stay in Nepal without projects/ programme not more than a period of nine months during

general agreement period.

2. The Council hereby agrees to: a. Provide guidance and assistance to the ………… in its dealing with government and other agencies in Nepal.

b. If necessary recommend for multi entry exit non-tourist visa (s) for one foreign country representative and to his/her

immediate family members (dependent spouse and children) under this agreement in conformity with the prevalent

immigration rules and regulation of the Government of Nepal. The number of other expatriate personnel needed for

the specific projects will be as per the project agreement. Approval for such expatriates will be provided if such

human resources are not available in Nepal or there is short supply or lack of human resources in remote areas of


c. Provide list and other necessary information of viable locally registered NGOs as demanded by the ……………

for the selection of their viable partners in implementing of the projects.

3. The Council and the ………… mutually agree to: a. Arrangement for the regular monitoring and evaluation of the ………………….... and its specific projects will be

made by the Council in consultation with the concerned government agencies including other concerned parties.

Mid-term evaluation and the final evaluation of the project will be carried out by the Council after six months prior

to the completion of the project period. The cost incurred for this purposes will be borne from the project/program


b. In conformity with the prevailing Laws and Regulations of Nepal, Ministry of Finance will make decision on the

recommendation of the Council for the exemption of the Value Added Tax (VAT), excise duty and custom duties.

A prior approval will be needed by the ……………….... From the Council to import vehicles, equipments and

other supplies as per project agreement.

c. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving a six months advance notice to the other. In case of the

……………… failure to submit the Project proposal within three months from the date of signing General

Agreement, another three months may be considered by council upon request of the …………… submitting

satisfactory explanations. Failure to submit and sign the Project proposal even after the considered period of three

months by Council will automatically cause the invalidation of this agreement. In such a case council may write to

the concerned government authority to cancel the work permit and visa of the INGO's representatives or expatriates.

The INGO should go for Mid Term/Final/Terminal or wrap up evaluation of projects run by them in case the

termination of this agreement is intended by INGOs. INGOs should get the clearance letter from the council before

their departure from Nepal. Similarly, the INGO should furnish the audit report as well as assets status report as per

section 3 (f) of this agreement.

d. Should a dispute arise, the Council may make necessary arrangement including withholding of the banking

transaction of the ……………… until the disputes are settled mutually.

e. Notwithstanding the provisions mentioned above, both Council and the ………… agree that provisions pertaining

to tax and duties standardized hereinafter by Government of Nepal in relation to INGOs/NGOs in general shall be

applicable to this agreement as well. The Council shall not be obliged to recommend for tax waivers beyond such

standardized provisions.

f. At the termination, withdrawal of support, failure in service delivery, cease of support, completion of or closure of

the project all assets of …………(Including imported and purchased under the duty free allowance or privileges)

shall become the property of Council or any organization as per the decision made by Government of Nepal.

g. This agreement will come into effect from the date of the signing and remains valid for a period of (no.. off years)

years, which may be extended as agreed upon by the Council and the ………. Three months prior notice shall be

requires for this purpose.

We the undersigned both parties read understood and commit to carryout above said terms and conditions accordingly.

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82 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 83

Date: Date:

Name: --------------------------- Name: ----------------------------

Designation: Member Secretary Designation: ............................

Social Welfare Council Mailing Address in Nepal :

Mailing Address: P.O.Box:

Social Service Building, Lainchour Phone :

P.O.Box. 2948, Mobile :

Kathmandu, Nepal E-mail:

Phone: 4418846/ 4418111 Zone :…District :………..Street/Ward :

Fax: 977-01-4410279 House No…

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Headquarter Address:

Phone: Mobile



Street/Ward… House No…

Note: The general agreement signed between SWC and................. is a new one. This is the renewal of general agreement between

SWC and ...................for.......... years. The first general agreement was signed on ........... for the period of ….. Years.

2. Project Agreement(PA) Format28)

28) 사회복지부(SWC) 홈페이지에서 내려받을 수 있다.

Project Agreement Format





(Please insert the name of INGO and home based


1. Name of the Project: (Please name the suitable project)

2. Name & Home Address of the Organization:

(i) Donor : (Please name the INGO with complete mailing address, contact person, designation and phone number)

(ii) Counterpart/Executing agency: (Please name the NGO(s)/GO(s) with complete mailing address, contact person,

designation and phone number)

3. Project duration: (Please mention total years of the project)

4. District & VDCs (Please select the district(s) and VDC/municipality based on priority made by national and sectoral

policy, cluster approach, and consultative and participative approach)

District VDCs

5. Project Details:

5.1 Introduction (Please give a brief introduction of INGO and Implementing partner with rationality and criteria of

NGO selection. Please meet the NGO selection criteria: a) Select the implementing partner NGO in consultation with DDC in connection with based on the prescribed criteria.

b) Prioritize partner NGO registered in the concerned district.

c) NGO with working experience of two years. Provided that if eligible partner NGO is not available in the concerned project

district, zonal based NGO, regional based and central based NGO will be prioritized respectively. In such case, local NGO

should be selected as sub partner. Such NGO should be capacitated within one year of timeline of project startup date.

d) NGO registered under prevailing Acts as non-profit making, non- political, and social organization;

e) NGO renewed yearly;

f) PAN of NGO obtained from the concerned office.

g) Financial activities of NGO audited regularly

h) NGO fulfilled other legal and policy compliance; and

i) NGO affiliated with the Social Welfare Council and annual report submitted regularly to the SWC.

5.2 Background (Please include at least the following points preparing project background information:

Brief introduction of project location containing geographical, economical, demographic, educational, health service,

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84 NGO 길라잡이-네팔 85

environment, and public infrastructure related information.

Need analysis containing problem tree related to proposed project and need identification process (participatory

base line survey, consultation and consultation with the proposed beneficiaries, concerned stakeholders and line

agencies at local level, district level and central level)

Linkage of project with national and sectoral policies of the Government of Nepal(What the policy says in the

problem, who the stakeholders are engaging in the development issues, and what the gaps you found for policy

implementation and what your project strategies are to address the gaps)

Compliance the project activities with the national priority (Justify that the project is designed for prioritized project

districts, beneficiaries and sectors with lower Human Development Index)

Proportional balance between hardware and software. If the project is focused to Software activities, submit

recommendation from concerned authority of the GoN)

Brief statements of achieved progress and major findings of evaluation of the outgoing project and actions to address

the recommendations, if it is continued project)

5.3 Objectives and Activities with physical targets (Please mention Impact, outcomes, outputs, activities with physical

targets showing link between the objective trees)

5.4 Implementation Process/ Methodology (Please mention):

How the project activities will be implemented as identified, policy and process of local staff hiring, policy and

procedure of procurement of goods and service/consultancy , budget release mechanism from INGO to NGO,

Envision of Central project Advisory Committee and District Project Advisory Committee to review progress of the

project twice a year as per the standard: CPAC including all member of INGO Facilitation Committee, SWC

representative, INGO representative, NGO representative, and meeting co-chaired by SWC Member Secretary and

INGO Country Representative and DPAC including DDC representative, INGO representative, Partner NGO

representative, concerned line agencies in the project districts

Envision of Social Audit at project location that includes publishing synopsis of the project, in the format as

prescribed in Annex … , prior to implementation on the Notice Board of the VDC/Municipality office; organizing

annual sharing meeting at local level; and publishing synopsis of the progress with financial statements in any two

local news papers.

5.5. Calendar of Operation (Please place the identified activities in a yearly basis calendar)

5.6. Reporting Schedules (Please envision of submitting inception report of the six months to SWC, annual progress

report and audit report to SWC, concerned ministry, National Planning Commission, DDC, VDC/Municipality, and

concerned line agencies in the project district. You can also mention donor reporting schedule.)

5.7. Linkage with district line agencies and coordination with DDC/ VDCs(Please clearly mention that how you

coordinated while project formulation with the Local Bodies and line agencies at central and district level, how you

will coordinate with the stakeholders concerned in implementation phase and phase out phase)

5.8. Monitoring Evaluation (Please show the monitoring plan at NGO level, INGO level, DDC level and SWC level.

Envision Midterm and Final Evaluation of more than three years' project as per section no. 3a of the General


5.8. Budget Estimate (Please show budget based on following points:

Mention the foreign currency as well as NPR,

Exclude the remuneration and benefits of the expatriate staff,

Administrative Cost must not be above 20 % ,

Show the project district wise and implementing partner wise budget, if the project has multi districts and multi


Mention cost for midterm evaluation, final evaluation and CPAC/DPAC meetings clearly,

Show the budget in line with defined activities,

Show the budget separately for hardware/cost for direct health, education income generation and environment and

software cost in balanced way

5.8.1 Summary of the Budget

Budget Headings Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Cost with %

Program Cost with %

Total with %

5.8.2 Breakdown of the Administration Cost and Program Cost 5.8.3. Breakdown of Administration Cost (Please give the budget in unit cost in line with the mentioned activities) Budget Headings Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total 5.8.4. Breakdown of Program Cost (Please give the budget in unit cost in line with the mentioned activities) Budget Headings Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

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5.9. Phase out process (Please predict duration of exit plan with sustainability indicators) 5.10. Source of Funding (Please name the donors and the amount of donation and clarify whether the mentioned

budget includes or excludes the Official Development Assistant (ODA) that is given to the GoN through a bilateral/multilateral agreement)

A. B. C.

5.11. Nature of Funding: Tech-grant Commodity grant Financial grant Total

5.12 Personnel's required: 5.12.1. Expatriate (Please justify the expatriate service in accordance with the spirit of section 2b of the general

agreement, if you propose for the service. If justified, mention the number and attach a ToR of the expatriate in an annex)

5.12. 2. Local (Please mention position and number of local staffs) 6. Role and Responsibility of the Donor Agency: (Please specify the role and responsibilities of INGO) 7. Role and Responsibility of the Implementing Agency: (Please specify the role and responsibilities of each partner) 8. Role and Responsibility of the SWC: (Please specify the role and responsibilities of SWC in line with General

Agreement) 9. Status of the Project: New:

Old: 10. Banking arrangements (Please name the bank account of INGO and NGO (s). I/NGO must mention two bank

accounts-central and project account. INGO and NGO must obtain recommendation from SWC to open Bank account.

10.1 Name and Address of Central Bank account of INGO: 10.1.1 Account Number: 10.1.2 Name and Address of Project Bank account: 10.1.3 Account Number: 10.2 Name and Address of Central Bank account of NGO: 10.2.1 Account Number: 10.2.2 Name and Address of Project Bank account: 10.2.3 Account Number: 11. Requirement of the Project for its Smooth Operation (Please mention the major points in bullets needed for

smooth operation) 12. Others:

In case of termination, withdrawal of support, failure in service delivery, cease of support, completion or closure of the project all assets of ……….. including those imported and purchased under the duty free allowance or privileges, shall become the property of SWC or any organization as per the decision made by Government of Nepal. In conformity with the prevailing law & regulation Government of Nepal the SWC will arrange to provide recommendation for the favour of VAT, excise duties and custom duties. A prior approval will be needed by

……………………………………… from the Social Welfare Council to import vehicles, equipments and other supplies. Annex: List office material/equipments/vehicles etc.

13. Amendment: This Project agreement may be amended, if required. 14. This agreement will come into effect from the date of signing of the project agreement and shall remain valid

for a period of ………… years. (Proposed expiring date of the project agreement should be coincided with the General Agreement. Provided that INGO

having multi project agreements may propose exceeding date with terms and condition: If the existing General Agreement is not renewed for further period of time the project agreement exceeding the expiring date of the general agreement would be invalid from that date onward.)

Date: Date: Date:

(SWC) (NGO) (INGO) Name: Name: Name: Designation: Designation: Designation: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Social Welfare Council Kathmandu, Nepal P.O.Box No.: 2948 P.O.Box No.: P.O.Box Phone: 4418846, 4418111 Phone: Phone: Fax: 977-1-4410279 Fax: Fax: Email: [email protected]


1. Please delete the instructive information in and out of the brackets once preparing project agreement texts.

2. Required documents to be submitted along with the Draft Project Agreement: Request letter for Project Agreement in the letter head of the INGO, Letter of Authority to deal the Project Agreement, Copy of the signed General Agreement, Project Summary Sheet as mentioned in Annex 1, Copy of Pre-consensus paper signed with each project DDC in the format as mentioned in Annex 2, Logical Frame Work of the project in the format as mention in Annex 3, Copies of valid/updated registration certificate, affiliation certificate, PAN certificate, current year's audit

report and progress report of each NGO partner, Copies of Tax Clearance Certificate, PAN Certificate, and last audit report of INGO, Approved map of building with approval letter from the concerned authority, copies of Land Ownership

Certificate, Blue Print of Land, if the project activities included building construction, Copies of approval letter from the concerned authority if the project is designed to carry out hospital/health

clinic and school, Evidence of data entered into AMP at the Ministry of Finance and DV 2 at SWC, And others documents as requested by SWC as per nature of project.

3. Project Agreement submitted to SWC for an approval will not be registered unless the project agreement is

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prepared in line with the instruction and format and the required document submitted, 4. I/NGO should select most prioritized and prioritized districts for the projects as mentioned in Annex,

Annex -1

Project Summary (Fact Sheet) SN Subject Sub

No Details

1 Name of the project 1.1. 2 Name & Nepal office Address/ Contact

Person/ph. Number 2.1. 2.2.

3. NGO Partners & address( 1 2 3 4 5

3 Project duration 3.1 4 Project Location

District VDC/Municipality

4.1. 4.2.

5. Objectives 5.1. 6. Project Activities 6.1. 7 Budget details (in NPR) Year

- 1 Programme : Administration : Total Cost

Year - 2

Programme : Administration : Total Cost

Year - 3

Programme : Administration : Total Cost

Year - 4

Programme : Administration : Total Cost

Year - 5

Programme : Administration : Total Cost Percentage Program Admin

8. Number of Expatriate 8.1. 9. Source of Funding 9.1. 10. Working Sector 10.1. 11. Status of the project Budget Threshold Met: Yes/No Year mark amount included: Yes/No, if yes any evidence? District wise Budget Breakdown : Yes/No Partner wise Budget Breakdown : Yes/No Activity and Year wise Budget Breakdown : Yes/No PAN Number : Yes/No Tax Clearance : Yes/No

Report Submission : Yes/No Data Entry -Aid Mgmt. Platform : Yes/No Pre-consent with DDC : Yes/No Provision of CPAC & DPAC : Yes/No Evaluation of Previous project : Done/No

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Annex- 1 (Prescribed Format of Pre-Consensus Paper) (This is used only for attaching with the Draft Project Agreement as principal Consensus)

Pre-Consensus Between

Office of the District Development Committee……… And

……………………(Please name the INGO and country) We both organization, the Office of District Development Committee ………………………………………… (Name of INGO), have agreed to carry out development activities as follows:

1. Name and Address of INGO: Headquarter: Country Office in Nepal: Project District Office (if any)

2. Name and Address of Implementing Counterpart(s): 3. Name of the Project: 4. Contact Person for the Project: 5. Duration of the Project:

Starting Date: Completion Date: 6. Project Location: Municipality/VDC 7. Main Objectives of the Project: 8. Main Activities to be carried out: 9. Tentative no. of Beneficiaries: 10. Number of Employees among the Beneficiaries: 11. Number of Nepalese Employees in the Project: 12. Number of Expatriates: 13. Approximate Budget to be Spent in the District: 14. Key Line Agencies in the District Relating to the Project:

…………….(Please name the INGOs) hereby agrees to: Provide a copy of the Project Agreement to the Office of District Development Committee after signing with the Social Welfare Council.

The Office of DDC herby agrees to : Incorporate the project activities in Annual Plan of the District.

The DDC and ………….(INGO) have mutually agreed to: Carry out the project activities in close coordination with the Office of DDC Conduct regular monitoring of the project in coordination with the DDC.

On Behalf of the INGO On Behalf of DDC Signature…………… Signature…………… Name: Name: Designation: Designation: Date: Date:

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Annex-3 (Prescribed Format for Logical Framework of the Project)

Annex-4 Lists of prioritized districts identified for the project of I/NGO in line with lower Human Development Index

Most prioritized Districts Prioritized Districts Least Prioritized Districts Bajura, Bajhang, Kalikot, Humla, Achham, Rautahat, Mahottari, Jajarkot, Rolpa, Mugu

Sindhupalchowk, Bara, Dolakha, Kailali, Rasuwa, Dhading, Parsa, Gulmi, Nuwakot, Bardiya, Okhaldhunga, Ramechhap, Kanchanpur, Udaypur, Baanke, Surkhet, Baglung, Bhojpur, Gorkha, Arghakhanchi, Dang, Sankhuwasabha, Myagdi, Nawalparasi, Khotang, Taplejung, Sunsari, Makwanpur, Rupandehi, Paanchthar

Palpa, Solukhumbu, Tanahu, Lamjung, Mustang, Parbat, Morang, Dhankuta, Jhapa, Kavrepalanchowk, Illam, Terhathum, Syangja

Dolpa, Sarlahi, Doti, Siraha, Jumla, Pyuthan, Baitadi, Dailekh, Rukum, Dhanusha, Kapilbastu, Darchula, Saptari, Sindhuli, Salyan, Dadeldhura

Chitwan, Manang, Bhaktapur, Kaski, Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Source: Districts categorized by HDI values 2011, UNDP, Human Development Report 2014

Logical Intervention Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Means of Verification Risks and Assumptions





Inputs Pre-conditions

Annex-5 Contents of the Public Notice regarding the approved project

Project Name Donor

Project duration

Implementing partner NGO/CBOs

Project Location (VDC/Municipality, ward/Tole)

Activities with Targets

Beneficiary Group

Total Budget for the VDC/Municipality

Total Number of Project Staff for the VDC/Municipality

Contact Person of the project staff with mailing Address

Note: The contents of public notice should be translated in Nepali language by I/NGO.

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3. 프로젝트 신청양식 (SWC 보고양식)29)

29) 사회복지부(SWC) 홈페이지에서 내려받을 수 있다.

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4. Pan증서 샘플30)

30) 자료출처 : Ministry of Finance, 붉은색 내용은 임의로 작성한 예시임.

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Finance

Inland Revenue Department


PAN D Date

Inland Revenue Office VAT Register. Date


Name of the Taxpayer Arun Carpet Exports

Type of Taxpayer Private Limited Company

Address 13, Ward 12, Kantipath



Business Activities Production of Carpets

Export of Carpets

Signature Taxpayer Signature Tax Officer

This certificate should placed visibly in your place of business or in your head office.

5 0 2 7 9 9 3 4 5

31 03 2058

15 04 2058

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The Social Welfare Act, 2049 (1992) Date of Authentication and publication

17 Kartik 2049 (2 Nov.1992)

An Act No 29 of the year 2049

An Act made to provide for the Social Welfare

Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to the all around development of Nepalese people and Nepalese

society, in order to relate social welfare activities and various social welfare oriented activities to tie up

with reconstruction activities, in order to provide humanistic livelihood to the weak and helpless

individual, class and community and make them enable; in order to provide status and respect to the

welfare oriented institutions and individuals and in order to develop a co-ordination between social

welfare oriented institutions and organizations.

Now, therefore, be enacted by Parliament in the twenty first year of the reign of His Majesty King

Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

1. Short title and commencement: (1) This Act may be called "Social Welfare Act, 2049, (1992)".

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions: In this Act unless the subject or context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Social welfare activity” means the welfare activity oriented towards the economic and social

upliftment and self-reliance to the weak, helpless and disable individuals.

(b) “Social service” means the social welfare activity done, personally or collectively without the

purpose of profit.

(c) "Social Organization and Institution" means an organization and institution established under the

prevailing Laws in order to carry out various social welfare activities and social welfare oriented

non-governmental organization or institution.

(d) “Council” means the council constituted under Section 5 of this Act.

(e) “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the council.

(f) “Member” means the member of the Council and this expression shall also includes the Chairperson,

Vice-chairperson, treasurer and member-secretary of the council.

(g) “Constitution” means the constitution of an organization, and institutions.

(h) “Prescribed” or “prescribed” means prescribed or as prescribed, in Rules framed under this Act.

3. Social Welfare Programme: Government of Nepal, by means of different activities relating to the

social welfare work, to support the overall development of the country may operate the social welfare

programme through the concerned Ministry and Social organizations and institutions.

4. Special Programme relating to social welfare: Government of Nepal may operate special

Programmes, relating to the social welfare activity and social service, in the following matters:

(a) To serve interest and render welfare to the children, oldage, helpless or disabled people.

(b) To foster participation in development and to promote and protect the welfare, rights and interest

of the women.

(c) To rehabilitate and help to lead a life of dignity to the victims of social mischief's and also to

juvenile delinquency, drug addicts and similar people involved in other kind of addictions.

(d) To help to lead a life with dignity to the jobless, poor and illiterate people.

(e) To manage religious places and the activities of the trust Guthi institutions.

(f) To take effective management and actions for the welfare of the backward communities and classes.

5. Establishment of the council: (1) The social welfare council has been established to make effective

co-ordination, co-operation, mobilization and promotion of the social organizations and institutions, in

order to run social activities in more organized way.

(2) The Council consists of the following members:

(a) The Ministry or the Minister of State responsible for the social welfare work - Chairperson

(b) One reputed social worker nominated Government of Nepal - Vice-chairperson

(c) One reputed social worker nominated by Government of Nepal - Treasurer

(d) President, Social Committee, at present Constitutional Assembly - Member

(e) Member, (responsible for the social service) the National Planning Commission - Member

(f) Not more than four persons at least one women nominated by Government of Nepal from among

the social worker - Member

(g) Three persons nominated by Government of Nepal from among various social organizations and

institutions - Member

(h) Representative of the relating Ministry responsible for social welfare - Member

(i) Representative, Ministry of Home Affairs - Member

(j) Representative, Ministry of Local Development - Member

(k) Representative, Ministry of Finance - Member


31) 사회복지부(SWC) 홈페이지에서 내려받을 수 있다.

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(l) Representative, Ministry of Health - Member

(m) Representative, Ministry of Education and Culture - Member

(n) The person nominated by Government of Nepal - Member-Secretary

(3) The tenure of the nominated members shall be four years and they may be re-nominated.

(4) Government of Nepal may make alterations of the council members based on the recommendation

with reasons submitted by the Council and is shall be notified in the Nepal Gazette.

6. Council to be a corporate body: (1) The Council shall be an autonomous corporate body having

perpetual succession.

(2) The Council shall have a separate seal of its own to carry out its all activities.

(3) The Council may have power to acquire, enjoy, sell or otherwise dispose of movable and immovable

property, as a person.

(4) The Council may sue on its behalf or be sued against it as a person.

(5) The Council shall have a separate flag of its own.

7. The office of the Council: (1) The central office of the Council shall be located in Kathmandu.

(2) The Council may open contact offices as necessary within the Nepal.

8. Meeting and decision of the Council: (1) The meeting of the Council shall take place in the date, time

and place specified by the chairperson at least twice a year.

(2) The quorum for the meeting of the Council shall be at least fifty percent of total number of the


(3) The chairperson shall preside the Council meeting in case of absence of the chairperson, vice-

chairperson, and if both absent, the member selected among themselves shall preside over the


(4) The opinion of the majority shall be credible in the meeting of the Council and in case of tie

chairperson shall give the casting vote.

(5) The decision of the Council shall be authenticated by the membersecretary.

(6) Other procedures relating to the meeting of the Council shall be determined by the Council.

9. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Council: The functions, Duties and Powers of the Council shall

be as follows:

(a) To run or cause to run the social welfare activit ies smoothly and effectively, to extend help to the

social organizations and institutions and to de velop co-ordinations among them and to supervise,

followup and carry out evaluations of their activities.

(b) To extend or cause to extend help and support to establish social organizations and institutions,

their development, strengthening and extensions.

(c) To work or cause to work as co-coordinator between Government of Nepal and social

organizations and institutions.

(d) To provide consultancies to Government of Nepal in order to formulate policies and programmes

directly related to social welfare activit ies and other social services.

(e) To establish and conduct or cause to establish and conduct a fund, for the social welfare activities.

(f) To work or cause to work as a center for dissemination of information and documentation to the

affiliated service oriented organizations and institutions with Council.

(g) To conduct or cause to conduct trainings, studies and research programmes in the areas with social


(h) To carry out or cause to carry out the physical supervisions of the properties of those social

institutions and organizations affiliated with the Council.

(i) To carry out or cause to carry out the necessary functions to implement the objectives of this Act.

(j) To make or cause to make contract or agreement with the local, foreign or international

organizations and foreign countries.

(k) To collect grant from the national and international agency and to manage the received grant.

10. Formation of the executive committee: (1) In order to carry out its regular activity the Council shall

form an executive committee among its members. The committee shall consist of maximum of seven

members, including chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer and member-secretary of the Council.

(2) The executive committee shall prepare its annual programme budget and other related policy matters

of the council and execute them with the approval of the Council.

(3) Apart from the function referred in Sub-section (2), other functions, duties and powers of the

Executive Committee shall be as prescribed.

11. Formation of sub-committee: (1) Council may form Sub-committee as necessary for the efficient

conduct of its business.

(2) The functions, duties, powers and procedures of the sub-committee formed under Sub-section (1)

shall be as specified by the Council.

12. Permission and agreement: (1) Any foreign non-government organization if willing to work within

the kingdom of Nepal, before starting the work shall submit an application to the Council for permission.

(2) The Council, after receiving an application pursuant to Sub-section (1) may give permission

deciding within three months.

(3) The permitted foreign non-government organization, pursuant to Subsection (2) before operating

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the work within Nepal, shall have to reach in an agreement with the Council.

13. Affiliation with the Council: (1) Social organizations and institutions interested to keep affiliation

with the Council shall have to submit an application as prescribed in the form.

(2) The organizations and institutions applying pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall submit and mention its

Constitution, name of executive committee members, their occupations and addresses and the

office where the organization or institution has been registered and the date of the registration along

with the application.

(3) After receiving the application pursuant to Sub-section (1) if it deems to be affiliated such

institutions or organization with the Council, the Council shall issue the certificate as prescribed

form taking the fees as prescribed.

(4) The organization or institutions affiliated with the Council may keep out its affiliation as prescribed.

14. Provisions related to Constitution: The constitution of the organizations and institutions intended to

affiliate with the Council, shall mention the related matters as prescribed in addition to the matters

mentioned in prevailing laws.

15. Provisions to the Social organizations and institutions, who had already received certificate: (1)

The organizations and institutions who had already been affiliated and received certificate from the

Social Service National Coordination Council before the commencement of this Act shall be assumed

automatically affiliated with the Council, pursuant to the provisions of this Act.

(2) Social organization and institutions affiliated with the Council pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall

submit its constitution amending and adjusting necessary pursuant to this Act within the period of

one year of the commencement of this Act.

16. Relating to economic assistance : (1) Social organizations and institutions willing to get material,

technical, economic or any other kind of assistance either from Government of Nepal or foreign

countries, international social organizations and institutions or missions or individuals shall submit a

project proposal and application along with other details to the Council as prescribed.

Provided that, yearly assistance up to Two Hundred Thousand Rupees for the project that to be finished

immediately may be taken only giving prior notice to the Council and after the completion of said work,

a report should be submitted to the Council, within the period of three months.

(2) After receiving an application pursuant to Sub-section (1) the Council shall provide permission

coordinating with the concerned ministry or agency within the period of forty-five days. Provided

that, no permission may be given to the work or project which is against the national interest.

(3) To cooperate and coordinate with local agency while implementing the approved project.

(4) Notwithstanding anything stated in Sub-section (1) no pre-permission shall be required to those

international institutions established under international Agreements in which Government of

Nepal is a party for assistance that relates emergency relief services. Provided that, notice shall be

given to the Council after receiving such assistance.

(5) While providing economic assistance to the approved projects by the foreign organizations,

assistance shall be channelized through the commercial banks operating within Nepal.

17. The Fund of the Council: (1) The Council shall have own separate fund and the fund shall contain the

following money:

(a) Money received from Government of Nepal.

(b) Money received from foreign Governments, international organizations or foreign organizations,

through Government of Nepal.

(c) Money received from the movable or immovable property of the Council.

(d) Money received from any individual, institutions or countries in the form of donation, assistance,

grants and presents.

(e) Money received from any other sources.

(2) All money of the Council shall be deposited by opening an account in the name of the Council in

Nepal Rastra Bank or any Commercial Bank.

(3) All expenditure of the Council shall be borne from the fund pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(4) The operation of the account of the Council shall be as prescribed.

18. Account and Auditing: (1) The account of the Council shall be maintained in accordance with the

procedures accepted by Government of Nepal.

(2) The Audit of the Council shall be carried by the Department of Auditor General.

(3) Account and auditing of the social organizations, affiliated with the council shall be as prescribed.

(4) Government of Nepal, if it so wishes, may inspect or cause to inspect the accounts document along

with cash and kind of the council at any time.

(5) The Council, if it so wishes, inspect or cause to inspect the accounts document along with cash and

kind of the social organization and institutions affiliated with the Council at any time.

19. Delegation of Authority: (1) The council shall have the power to delegate its Authority under the Act

as necessary, to chairperson, vice-chairperson, members, executive committee pursuant to Section 10,

or Sub-committee under Section 11.

(2) The chairperson shall have the power to delegate its Authority, if so necessary, to any

member of the council or officers.

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20. Suspension or dissolution: (1) Government of Nepal on the recommendations of the Council may

suspend or dissolve executive committee or those social organizations or institutions affiliated with the

council or, receiving economic assistance from the Council, if they do their business against, prevailing

laws or their own constitutions.

Provided that, a reasonable opportunity, to give their clarification shall be given to the executive

committees before their suspension or dissolution.

(2) Government of Nepal may constitute a Ad hoc committee from the general members of that

organization and institution to carry out the business of that organization and institution until the

suspension of that organization and institution lifted, when suspended and until the constitution of

new executive committee, when dissolved pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(3) The Ad hoc committee formed pursuant to Sub-section (2) in the condition of dissolution of any

social organization and institution pursuant to Sub-section (1), shall constitute new executive

committee within the period of three months of its formation, in accordance with the constitution

of those organization and institution.

21. Provision related to the employees: (1) The Council may appoint employees and necessary.

(2) The remuneration conditions of the services and associated facilities of the Council employees shall

be as specified by the Council.

22. Involvement of the social organizations or institutions: The employees of the Council shall not be

allowed to involve as authority or members of the executive committees of those social organizations

or institutions affiliated with the council.

23. Annual Report: (1) The Council shall submit an audit report to the Government of Nepal within the

period of six months after the completion of its fiscal year, along with detail descriptions of its work

and activities.s

(2) Social organizations or institutions affiliated with the Council shall submit audit report, to the

Council within the period of six months after the completion of fiscal year along with the detail

descriptions of their work and activities.

24. Power to remove difficulties: If any difficulty arise in connection with the implementation of this

Act, Government of Nepal may issue, order to remove such difficulty by notification published in the

Nepal Gazette.

25. Contact with Government of Nepal: In maintaining contact with Government of Nepal, the Council

shall act through concerned Ministry.

26. Power to frame Rules: The council may frame necessary rules for implementing the objectives of

this Act.

27. Saving and repeal: (1) The Social Service National Coordination council Act, 2034 (1977) is, hereby,

repealed and shall be the rights and liabilities of Social Service National Coordination Council

transferred to the Council constituted under this Act.

(2) The employees working under Social Service National Coordination Council shall be transferred to

the Council constituted under this Act.

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Labour Act,2048 (1992)

Date of Authentication 2 Jestha 2053 (May 15, 1996)

Amendment Acts 1. Labour (first Amendment) Act , 2054 15 Magh 2054 (Jan.28, 1989) 2.Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regulat ion) Act , 20561 7Ashadha2057( June21,2000 A.D. )

Act No. 9 of the year 2049 B.S.

An Act to provide for Labour

Preamble: Whereas it is expedient to make timely provisions relating to labour by making provisions for the rights, interests, facilities and safety of workers and employees working in enterprises of various sectors.

Now, therefore, the Parliament has made this Act on the twenty first year of the reign of His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

Chapter 1. Preliminary

1. Short title and commencement: (1) This Act may be called as the "Labour Act, 2048 (1992)". (2) It shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions. In this Act, unless the subject or context otherwise requires :-: (a) "Production process" means any of the following processes:

(i) works relating to making, altering, repairing, ornamenting, engraving, finishing, packing, oiling, washing, cleaning, breaking-up, dismantling or other kinds of activities given to any article or substance with a view of bringing it to its use, sale, distribution, transportation, or disposal.

(ii) pumping of oil, water, or sewage; (iii) generating, transforming, and transmitting energy; or (iv) printing, lithography, photography, book-binding and other similar work.

(b) "Enterprise" means any factory, company 2 , organisation, association, firm,or group there of, established under the prevailing laws for the purpose of operating any industry, profession or service, where ten or more workers or employees are engaged and this expression also includes:

(1) Tea estates, established under the law for commercial purpose; (2) Enterprise operating within the industrial districts established by Government of Nepal where

less than ten workers or employees are engaged. (c) "Employee" means persons engaged in the administrative functions of the enterprise. (d) "Worker" means a person employed on the basis of remuneration work in any building,

premises, machinery or any part thereof used for any productions process or providing service, or any act relating to such work or for any unscheduled works and this expression also includes any

1 It came into force on 2054.7.18 (Nov. 3, 2000) by a notification published in the Nepal Gazette

2 Inserted by the First Amendment. 3 deleted by the first Amendment

worker working at piece-rate, contract or agreement. (e) "Manager" means a person appointed for performing the functions in the Enterprise. (f) "Proprietor" means the person having final authority on the activities of the Enterprise and this

expression also includes any person appointed as the Chief of any branch4 or unit of the Enterprise with powers to exercise final responsibility or authority in respect thereof.

(g) "Factory Inspector" means a factory inspector appointed by Government of Nepal and this expression also includes the Senior Factory Inspector.

(h) .5.................. (i) "Minor" means a person who has attained the 6age of sixteen years but has not completed the age of

eighteen years. (j) "Adult" means a person who has completed the age of eighteen years. (k) "Energy" means electrical or mechanical energy. Provided that, this word shall not include any

energy generated from human or animal sources. (l) "Seasonal Enterprise" means an Enterprise which cannot be operated or which is not feasible to

operate in any season other than the specific season and this expression also includes a Seasonal enterprise which cannot operate more than one hundred and eighty days in one year.

(m) "Day" means period of twenty-four hours starting from any midnight and ending at another midnight.

(n) "Week" means a period of seven days starting from midnight on Saturday or from midnight of such other day as prescribed by the Department of Labour.

(o) "Welfare Officer" means the welfare officer appointed under this Act. (p) "Labour Officer:" means the Labour Office appointed under this Act and this expression also

includes the Senior Labour Officer. (q) "Labour Court" means the Labour Court under this Act. (r) "Remuneration" means the remuneration or wage to be received in cash or kind from the Enterprise

by the worker or employee for the works performed in the Enterprise and this expression also includes any amount to be received in cash or kind for the works done under piece-rate or contract. Provided that, this expression does not include any kind of allowance or facility.

(s) "Prescribed" or "as prescribed" means prescribed or as prescribed in the Rules framed under this Act.

CHAPTER - 2 Employment and Security of Service

3. Classification of Job: (1) The Proprietor shall classify the job of the workers and employees of the Enterprise according to the nature of production process, service or functions of the Enterprise and shall provide the information thereof to the concerned Labour Office. (2) If the classification done pursuant to Sub-section (1) requires any amendment, the Labour Officer

may, stating the reasons thereof, issue a directive to the Proprietor and it shall be the duty of the Proprietor to abide by such directive.

4. Appointment of Worker and Employee: 7 (1) In cases where it is required to appoint a worker or

4 Amended by First Amendment 5 Deleted by Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regulat ion) Act , 2056. 6 Amended by the Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regulat ion) Act , 2056 7 Amended by First Amendment



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employee in any post classified pursuant to Section 3, the Manager Shall have to advertise in order to select such a worker or employee and the worker or employee so selected shall have to be provided with appointment letter and be engaged at work.. (2) The worker and employee appointed under Sub-section (1), 8shall be kept on probation period

unless he/she completes the continuous service period of one year and, based on, his/her efficiency, sincerity discipline, diligence towards works, punctuality, etc in this period he/she shall be appointed permanently. An appointment letter shall be provided with the name of the post of the worker or employee and his/her remuneration and conditions of service while making such appointment. Information thereof shall also be provided to the Labour Office.

9Clarification: For the purpose of this Sub-section, the words " the continuous service period of one year" means the period of two hundred forty days engaged at work during a period of twelve months in an Enterprise, or the period served continuously in a Seasonal Enterprise during the period of such a running season, by a worker or employee and, while calculating the said two hundred forty days, public and weekly holidays shall also be counted.

(3) The worker or employee engaged on piece-rate or contract in the works of permanent nature of an Enterprise shall also be appointed permanently under Sub-section (2).

(4) The workers or employee engaged under Sub-section (3) shall be entitled to facilities provided in this Act according to the scale of his/her post.

(5) 10....... 114A. Prohibition of Engaging Non-Nepalese Citizens at Work: (1) Non-Nepalese citizens shall not

be permitted to be engaged at work in any of the posts classified pursuant to Section 3. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), if a Nepalese citizen could not be available

for any skilled technical post even after publishing an advertisement in national level public newspapers and journals, the Manager may submit an application to the Department of Labour along with the evidence of such fact for the approval to appoint a non-Nepalese citizen.

(3) If it is found, in conduction of an inquiry upon the submission of any application pursuant to Sub-section (2), that a Nepalese citizen would not be available for the skilled technical post mentioned in the application, the Department of Labour may, on the recommendation of the Labour Office, grant approval to engage a non-Nepalese citizen at work years for a maximum period of upto five years not exceeding two years at a time and, in the specialized kind of skilled technical post, for a period upto seven years.

(4) The Manager, who engages non-Nepalese citizens at work pursuant to Sub-section (3), shall have to make arrangements for making the Nepalese citizens skilled and for replacing the non-Nepalese citizens gradually by them. "

5. Engagement in Work: (1) 12........... (2) Minors and females may be engaged in the works normally from six o'clock in the morning till six

o,clock in the evening, except in the prescribed conditions. (3) By making an appropriate arrangement with mutual consent between the proprietor and the worker

or employee, the females may also be engaged in the works similar to the males.

8 Amended by First Amendment 9 Inserted by the First Amendment. 10 deleted by the first Amendment 11 Inserted by the First Amendment. 12 Deleted by Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regulat ion) Act , 2056.

13(4) The Manager may transfer a worker or employee to any branch or unit of the Enterprise without causing any difference in the nature or standard of work. .

6. Computation of period of Works: For the purpose of computing the period of works performed in the Enterprise by any worker or employee, the following period shall also be counted. (a) the period remained in reserve under Section 11; and (b) the period stayed 14with remuneration leave.

157. Appointment in Contract Service: If an Enterprise needs to increase in production or service immediately, any person may be appointed in contract, by fixing a time period and setting forth the remuneration to be received by him/her and the terms of service, for any specified work other than the works of the Enterprise which are permanent in nature.

8. Change of Ownership shall not Adversely Affect: Any change in the ownership of the Enterprise shall not be deemed to have affected on the terms and conditions of service of the workers and employees of the Enterprise.

9. Separate Registers of the Workers and Employee to be Kept: (1) In each Enterprise, the Proprietor shall maintain separate registers of the workers and employees mentioning the following particulars – (a) Name of the worker or employee, (b) Nature of job, (c) Remuneration and method of its payment, (d) Other prescribed particulars.

(2) The register maintained under Sub-section (1) shall have to be submitted when demanded by the Labour Officer, Factory Inspector or any other person designated by the Labour Office.

10. Security of Service: The service of any permanent worker or employee may not be terminated without following the procedures prescribed by this Act or the Rules or Bylaws made under this Act.

11. Keeping on Reserve: (1) In case where the curtailment of production or service in any Enterprise for some period is necessary or where operation of the Enterprise cannot be continued for some special circumstance, the Proprietor, under Subsection(2), may curtail its production or service or may close the Enterprise or a part of thereof.

(2) Permission from the Labour Office in case of a period up to fifteen days and from the Department of Labour in case of a period for more than that shall have to be taken while curtailing the production or service or closing the Enterprise or any part thereof as mentioned in Sub-section (1). The Labour Office shall, inform the Department of Labour of such permission in case it has given permission.

(3) While doing curtailment in the production or service pursuant to Subsection(1), any worker working on shifts or on wages or 16permanent worker or employee of the Enterprise except the employee shall be kept reserve on the condition of receiving half of his/her remuneration. Provided that, such worker or employee shall continue to receive the appropriate facilities which he/she is receiving.

(4) If any worker or employee kept in reserve pursuant to Sub-section (3) refuse to work on another

13 Amended by First Amendment . 14 Amended by First Amendment . 15 Amended by First Amendment . 16 Amended by First Amendment

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assignment or similar nature equal 17 on remuneration offered by the proprietor in the same Enterprise or another Enterprise under his/her control or if he/her does not come in the Enterprise once a day during office hours or on other situations as prescribed, the Proprietor may withheld the remuneration and facility of such worker and employee.

12. Retrenchment and reinstatement: (1) If, for any special circumstances, the production or service of the Enterprise had to be curtailed or the Enterprise has to be closed party or wholly for more than three months, the Proprietor may, with the approval of Government of Nepal through the Department of Labour, retrench in the number of the workers and employees, partly or wholly, of the Enterprise.

18 (1A) If the Manager makes a demand to Government of Nepal for approval in respect of the retrenchment of workers or employees pursuant to Sub-section (1), Government of Nepal shall have to make decision within two months on whether such retrenchment of employees to be made or not.

(2) While retrenching the workers or employees under Sub-section (1), engaged in similar type of works, those 19permanent workers or employees who \were appointed in the last shall be retrenched first. Provided that, if it is required to retrench some of the workers or employees appointed earlier, not following the prescribed order of retrenchment such retrenchment may be made by specifying the reasons thereof.

(3) While doing retrenchment as per Sub-section (2), it shall be done as follows – (a) By providing a notice with the reasons or retrenchment either one month in advance or paying the

remuneration of one month in case of worker or employee who is permanent 20............... and (b) By paying a lump sum compensation to each worker or employee of the amount of remuneration

calculated by multiplying the number of each year of service performed at the Enterprise by the amount of his/her present remuneration for 30 days.

Explanation: For the purposes of this Clause, the work performed for at least six months in any year shall be counted as one year of service.

(4) The provisions of Sub-section (3) shall not applicable to any worker or employee appointed under contract service.

(5) If anybody has to be engaged in the job of worker or employee retrenched earlier, priority shall be given to the retrenched workers or employees.

Explanation: For the purposes of Section 11 and 12 the "Special Circumstance" shall mean damage, break down or failure of machines or the Enterprise and thereby causing stoppage in the production or failure in the supply of fuel, electricity, coal or similar energy or due to any kind of force majeure or insufficient supply of raw materials or stock piling of the produced goods due to loss of sale or other similar situations.

13. Seasonal Enterprise: (1) The workers or employees of a seasonal Enterprise shall not be deemed to be on reserve during off-season period.

(2) The beginning and closure of operation of seasonal Enterprise shall be informed to the Labour Office. (3) The permanent worker of employee shall have to be paid with at least twenty five percent of his/her

remuneration as retaining allowance for the period of closure of a seasonal Enterprise during off-season..

(4) The decision of the Department of Labour shall be final in relation to any dispute as to whether any

17 Amended by First Amendment . 18 Inserted by the First Amendment. 19 Amended by First Amendment. 20 deleted by the first Amendment.

Enterprise is a seasonal or not.

Explanation: While computing the period of two hundred and forty days, the public Holidays and weekly holidays shall also be counted.

14. 21........................ 15. Compulsory Retirement: The Proprietor may compulsorily retire any worker or employee who has

crossed the age of fifty five years. Provided that he/she may extend the period of service of any worker of employee by five years, in case the worker or employee is indispensable for the operation of the functions Enterprise.


16. Working Hours: No worker or employee shall be deployed in work for more than eight hours per day or forty eight hours per week and they shall be provided one day as weekly holiday for every week.

17. Computation of Commencement of Working Hour: The time for starting of work by worker or employee shall be as prescribed by the Proprietor.

18. Intervals for Refreshment and Rest: In any Enterprise where work may be interrupt, no worker or employee shall be deployed in work for more than five hours continuously without providing an interval of half an hour for tiffin. In any Enterprise where works have to be carried out continuously without interruption, such intervals shall be provided on rotation basis. Such interval of half an hour shall be deemed to have been included within the daily working hours.

19. Extra Wages for overtime to be Provided: (1) Where any worker or employee is engaged to work for more than eight hours in a day or forty eight hours in a week, he/she shall be paid overtime wages at the rate of one and one-half time of his/her ordinary rate of wages. Provided that, no worker or employee shall be compelled to work overtime.

(2) While deploying any worker or employee to work overtime, generally the duration shall not exceed four hours per day and twenty hours per week.

20. Attendance Register to be Kept: Each Enterprise shall keep attendance register of its workers and employees.

CHAPTER – 4 Remuneration

2221. Minimum Remuneration Fixation Committee: (1) Government of Nepal may fix the minimum remuneration, dearness allowances and facilities of workers or employees or Enterprises on the recommendation of the Minimum Remuneration Fixation Committee and the notification on rates so fixed shall be published in the Nepal Gazette.

(2) Government of Nepal shall, in order to fix the minimum remuneration, dearness allowances and facilities, constitute a Minimum Remuneration Fixation Committee consisting of the equal number of representatives of workers or employees, Managers and Government of Nepal.

(3) While making recommendation in regard to dearness allowances and facilities of workers or employees, the Minimum Remuneration Fixation Committee constituted under Sub-section (2) may do so on the basis of geographical areas.

(4) The rates of minimum remuneration, dearness allowances and facilities fixed pursuant to Sub-

21 deleted by the first Amendment. 22 deleted by the first Amendment.

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section (1) shall be effective only from the date of publication of a notification to that effect in the Nepal Gazette.

(5) In cases where the Minimum Remuneration Fixation Committee could not be constituted or even if it is constituted, it could not make recommendation, nothing contained in the foregoing Sub-sections shall be deemed to have barred fixing the minimum remuneration, dearness allowances and facilities of workers and employees of Enterprises by Government of Nepal.

(6) No agreement may be entered into between the manager and workers or employees in a way to make the minimum remuneration, dearness allowances and facilities lesser than those fixed pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(7) The other functions, duties and powers of the Minimum Remuneration fixation Committee shall be as prescribed.

2321A. Annual Increment in Remuneration: (1) The worker and employee appointed permanently pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Section 4 shall receive an increment in remuneration each year.

(2) The amount of increment in remuneration to be received pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be equal to the half day's remuneration of the concerned worker or employee.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1) above, such increment in remuneration shall not be provided in cases where the remuneration is withheld pursuant to subsection (2) of Section 52.

24 22. Payment of Remuneration, Allowances and Facilities: It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Manager to provide the remuneration, allowances and facilities to be received by a worker or employee of the Enterprise.

23. Period of Remuneration: The Proprietor may fix the period of payment of remuneration to the workers or employees on weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis in way not exceeding the period of one month. Provided that, this provision shall not apply in respect of the persons who are working on daily wages, piece-rate or contract basis.

24. Prohibition on Deduction of Remuneration: (1) The remuneration of workers or employees shall not be deducted expect under the following circumstances – (a) In case it is required to realize any fine. (b) In case it is required to deduct against absence; (c) In case it is required to deduct against loss or damage of cash or kind of the Enterprise caused

intentionally or negligently; (d) In case it is required deduct in respect of providing prescribed facilities; (e) In case it is required to deduct in respect of advance or over payment of remuneration; (f) In case it is required to deduct in respect of the period of suspension; (g) In case it is required to deduct under the order of government office or court' (h) In case it is required to deduct as per the notification of Government of Nepal published in the

Nepal Gazette; or (i) In case it is required to deduct in respect of income tax or any other tax levied under prevailing

laws. (2) The limit of amount to be deducted pursuant to Sub-section (1) the method of deduction, the period

of deduction and other related matters shall be as prescribed. 2525. Petition to be Filed in cases a Deduction in Remuneration Made or Delay Caused in Payment

23 Inserted by the First Amendment. 24 Amended by First Amendment . 25 ♣ Amended by First Amendment

or other Facilities not provided or Delay Caused in providing such Facilities in an Undue Manner:

(1) Except in cases of happening of a mistake or failure to fix the remuneration amount or inability to pay the remuneration due to the occurrence of an unforeseen incident or of special circumstance or failure on part of the concerned worker or employee to come to receive his/her remuneration or his/her refusal to receive the same; if, in an undue manner, a deduction in remuneration is made or a delay is caused in payment or in case of release from suspension or annulment of expulsion by a judgment of a court, the remuneration for the period of such expulsion or suspension is not paid or a delay is caused in such payment or the allowance, gratuity or the amount of provident fund or compensation to be received by a worker or employee is not paid or delay is caused in such payment, the concerned worker or employee him/herself or through his/her attorney may file a petition in the Labour Office.

(2) The petition as referred to in Sub-section (1) shall have to be filed within six months from the date of deduction in remuneration or causing delay in payment or non payment of allowance, gratuity, amount of provident fund or compensation or causing delay in such payment.

(3) While conducting necessary inquiry and examination on the petition filed pursuant to Sub-section (1), if it is proven that the remuneration has been deducted in an undue manner or a delay has been caused in payment or the amount of allowance, gratuity, provident fund or compensation has not been paid or a delay has been caused in such payment, the Labour Office may give order requiring to make payment of such remuneration, allowance, gratuity, amount of provident fund or compensation to the concerned worker or employee and to pay the concerned worker or employee amount upto three times of such amount in default for atonement thereof.

(4) If it is proven that the petition under Sub-section (1) has been filed with a malicious motive or with an intention of causing unnecessary trouble or distress to the Manager, the Labour Office may give order requiring the petitioner to pay not exceeding one thousand rupees for compensation to the Manager.

(5) The Labour Office shall make available to the concerned party the amount to be paid or handed over in accordance with the order issued under Subsection (3) or (4) by getting recovered and realized the same by taking all or any of the following action:-

(a) By keeping withheld the movable and immovable properties of the concerned Enterprise, worker or employee in accordance with the prevailing law,

(b) By keeping withheld the deposit amount of the concerned Enterprise, worker or employee being kept in any Government Office or in any Corporate body with the ownership of Government of Nepal or the amount to be paid or handed over the concerned Enterprise, worker or employee by such Office or corporate body,

(c) By keeping withheld the import or export of the concerned Enterprise, worker or employee. (d) By keeping withheld the discount, facilities or concessions of the concerned Enterprise, worker or

employee to be obtained under the prevailing law. 26. Appeal: The party dissatisfied with the Order issued pursuant to Sub-section (3) or (4) may file an

appeal to the Labour Court within thirty five days of the receipt of information of such order and the decision of the Labour Court shall be final.

CHAPTER – 5 Health and Safety

27. Provisions Relating to Health and Safety: The Proprietor shall make the arrangements in the Enterprise as mentioned below –

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(a) To Keep each Enterprise clean and tidy by cleaning daily including with germicidal medicines, necessary arrangements of proper drainage and coloring from time to time and preventing from odor;

(b) To make arrangements for adequate supply of fresh air and light as well as proper temperature in the working rooms;

(c) To make arrangements of removal and disposal of solid waste during production process, (d) To make arrangements of prevention of accumulation of dust, fume, vapour and other impure

materials in working rooms which would adversely affect the health; (e) To make arrangements of necessary preventive personal devices for protection of health from

adverse any other source, and make provisions this would produce less noise during the work process;

(f) To avoid any congestion in the work-room or work place leading to injurious to the health of workers or employees and to avail working space to each worker or employee, according to the nature of the job, or normally fifteen cubic meters and, the height above four meters from the floor surface shall not be counted for such purposes.

(g) To make provisions for sufficient supply of pure potable water during the working hours, and to make arrangement for sufficient water in the Enterprise where chemical substances, are used or produced which may be injurious to the health, for the purpose of extinguishing fire or washing and cleansing during emergency situations;

(h) To make provisions for separate modern type toilets for male and female workers or employees at convenient place;

(i) To declare as non-smoking zone in all or some parts of the Enterprise, according to the nature of its works; and

(j) Too cause to conduct compulsory health check-ups of the workers or employees once every year in the Enterprises where the nature of works is likely to affect the health adversely.

28. Protection of Eyes: (1) Necessary protective means shall have to be arranged for the protection of eyes of the workers and employees from injuries likely to be caused by dust or pieces while working in the Enterprise using glass, mercury, magnet, pallets, iron, concrete, cement, lime, stone and explosive substances.

(2) Necessary protective devices shall have to be arranged to protect the eyes from harmful rays coming from during the process of welding or gas-cutting, or other similar works.

29. Protection from Chemical Substance: The Proprietor shall have to make provisions for necessary personal protective devices for the protection of workers or employees handling chemical substances.

30. Provision for Safety Against Fire: (1) The Proprietor shall have to make arrangements of necessary modern equipment for safety against fire in each Enterprise.

(2) Provision shall have to be made for easy exit from the Enterprise during emergency. (3) Other provisions to be made by the Enterprise in relation to safety from fire including fire-fighting

devices shall be as prescribed. 31. Hazardous Machines to be fenced: (1) Strong fences shall have to be placed around every part of

hazardous machines, instruments and equipment operated by energy. (2) In case it is required to do inspecting, lubrication or adjusting any part of hazardous machines during

its running condition only experienced and welltrained adult worker or employee shall have to be engaged to perform such works.

32. In relation to Lifting of Heavy Weight: (1) No worker or employee shall be engaged in the works of lifting, loading or transporting any load likely to cause physical injury or harm to the health.

(2) The maximum load to be lifted, loaded or transported by an adult, minor, male or female workers or employees shall be as prescribed.

2632A. Minor not to be engaged in Works without Adequate Guidelines or of Vocational Training: (1) No minor shall be engaged in works without adequate directives about the concerned working areas or vocational training.

(2) Provisions with regard to adequate directives about the concerned working areas or vocational training to be given to minors pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

(3) The entrepreneur engaging a minor in work against Sub-section (1) shall be liable to a punishment of imprisonment up to three months in maximum or a fine of ten thousand rupees in maximum or the both.

2732B. Disputes Relating to Age: (1) In case a dispute arises with regard to age of a minor engaged in an enterprise, the age mentioned in the date of birth certificate of the minor shall be deemed to be his/her actual age.

(2) In case a minor does not have birth registration certificate after having carried out medical tests the age determined by a medical practitioner prescribed by the Department of Labor shall be deemed to be his/her actual age.

33. Pressure Plants: (1) In case a machine has to be operated at a pressure more than the atmospheric pressure in course of the production process of any Enterprise, necessary effective measures shall have to be adopted in a way that such machine will not be operated at a pressure heavier than safe working pressure.

(2) Provisions in relation to testing, certifying and licensing for operation of the machines mentioned in Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

34. Orders to Provide for Safety : (1) In the situation where provision of safety has not been made which was required to be done pursuant to this Act, in any Enterprise, the Labour Office may issue a written order to the Enterprise giving a reasonable time limit in order to provide and make necessary arrangements thereon within such period.

(2) If the order issued as per Sub-section (1) has not been followed, the Labour Office may, order the closure of such unsafe portion, plant or machinery or the Enterprise and it shall be the duty of the Enterprise to abide by such order.

35. Notice to be Provided: (1) Each Enterprise shall have to inform the Labour Office within three days if any worker or employee dies or is injured making him/her disabled to work for more than forty eight hours, from an accident occurred in the Enterprise or for any other reason, and within seven days if such worker or employee has been caught by any disease resulting from the profession.

(2) The authority empowered to investigate the accident or disease mentioned in the information given pursuant sub- section (1), his/her powers, functions, duties, and the procedures relating thereto shall be as prescribed.

36. Powers to Determine the Standards: (1) Government of Nepal may prescribe the standards of safety required under this Chapter as per necessity by publishing a notice in Nepal Gazette.

(2) Except those mentioned in Sub-section (1), other provisions relating to health and safety to be adopted while using machinery, instruments or equipment in the Enterprise shall be as prescribed.


Welfare Provision 37. Welfare Fund: The Enterprise shall have to establish a Welfare Fund, as prescribed for the welfare

and benefit of the workers or employees. 26 Inserted by the Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regul at ion) Act , 2056 27 Inserted by the Chi ld Labor (Prohibi t ion and Regul at ion) Act , 2056

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38. Compensation: In case any worker or employee of the Enterprise is physically wounded or seriously hurt or dies in course of his/her work, the compensation shall be paid to him/her or to his/her family, as prescribed.

39. Gratuity, Provident Fund and Medical Expenses: The gratuity, provident fund and facilities relating to medical expenses to be provided to the workers and employees shall be as prescribed.

40. Leave: The public holidays, sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave, obsequies leave, special leave, with remuneration or without 28remuneration leave, etc. to be enjoyed by the workers and employees of each Enterprise shall be as prescribed.

41. Provision of Quarters: (1) The proprietor shall each year allocate not less than five percent of the gross profit of the Enterprise to provide healthy quarters for the workers and employees and shall gradually build such quarters.

(2) A separate fund shall have to be maintained for depositing such amount allocated pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(3) The operation of the fund as mentioned in Sub-section (2) shall be as prescribed. 42. Provisions Relating to Children: (1) Where fifty or more female workers and employees are engaged

in the work, the Proprietor of the Enterprise shall have to make provisions of a healthy room for the use of children of such female workers and employees.

(2) A trained nurse, including some necessary toys, shall also be arranged for the children as mentioned in Sub-section (1).

(3) The female workers and employees shall be provided time, as necessitated, to feed their suckling babies.

43. Relaxing Room: Where fifty or more workers and employees are engaged at work, the Proprietor of the Enterprise shall have to make provisions for relaxing room with minimum amenities.

44. Canteen: Where fifty or more workers and employees are engaged in work at one time, the Proprietor of the Enterprise shall have to make provisions for a canteen.

CHAPTER – 7 Special Provisions to be Applicable to Special Type of Enterprise.

45. Tea-Estate: (1) The Special provision mentioned as below shall be applicable in respect of the tea estates – (a) Formation of Committee: Government of Nepal may constitute, as prescribed, a Committee to

provide necessary advice on promotion, policy formulation and other related matters in respect of the tea estates.

(b) Provision of Quarter: The Proprietor shall have to make arrangements for appropriate quarters within the tea-estate for the workers who do not have their residence nearby.

(c) Provisions of Primary Health Care: The Proprietor shall have establish a primary Health Care Center under the responsibility of a trained employee in order to provide free primary treatment of minor injuries to the workers and employees engaged within the tea-estate and to the members of their family.

(d) Safety Devices: The Proprietor shall have to provide safety devices and equipment required for personal protection of the workers of the tea-estate.

(e) Provisions of Primary School: The Proprietor of a Tea-estate shall run a primary school if there are fifty or more children of the age between five and fourteen years, receiving primary education, of the workers residing in the quarters provided by the tea-estate and in case there is no school within a distance of one kilometer from the tea-state.

28 Amended by First Amendment

(f) Daily Consumer Goods: The Proprietor shall have to arrange to make the daily consumer goods easily available to the workers and employees, if there is no market near the tea-estate.

(g) Provision for Entertainment: The Proprietor shall have to make necessary arrangements for appropriate sports facilities within the tea-estate for physical and mental development of the workers of the tea-estate.

(h) To get the works done on contract: This Section shall not be deemed to prevent from entering into agreement between the Proprietor and the workers of the tea-estate in respect of doing certain specified works of the tea-estate under contract.

(2) For the purpose of this Section – (a) "Tea-estate" means tea-estate registered under prevailing laws with commercial objective and this

expression also includes the factory established therein. (b) "Worker of tea-estate" means any person engaged in the tea-estate for digging, ploughing,

levelling, picking, spraying, sowing, cutting, reaping, plucking, derooting and doing other similar works and this expression also include any person engaged for cleaning any house, land or machinery or its parts inside the tea-estate or any person doing any other works related to the tea- estate.

46. Construction Business : The following special provisions shall apply in respect of the construction business – (a) Provisions for Construction Tools: The Proprietor shall have to avail from its own side all

necessary tools and material in sufficient quantity for the workers engaged in the construction works at construction site. Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, "construction work" means the construction work of building, road, bridge, canal, tunnel, internal or interstate waterways or railways, or installing of telecommunication equipment or machine including those of electricity, telephone or telegraph or other works relating to construction.

(b) Special Arrangements at Temporary Construction Sites: At the temporary construction work sites, where fifty or more workers are engaged, the Proprietor shall have to make arrangements for quarters, food stuffs, drinking water, etc. for the workers who do not have residence nearby.

(c) Accident Insurance: The Proprietor shall have to insure all workers engaged in the construction site against accident in the way as prescribed.

(d) Safety Arrangements: (1) The Proprietor shall have to make necessary and adequate arrangements of safety at the sites

of construction works. (2) The Proprietor shall have to arrange of personal protective equipment necessary for the

workers engaged in construction works. 47. Transportation Business: (1) The following special provisions shall apply in Respect of the

Transportation Business _ (a) Working Hours:

(1) The worker and employee of the transport vehicle may be deployed in work till reaching the destination. Provided that, in a passenger transport vehicle operating 29in long route, at least two drivers

shall be engaged to drive it alternately. 30"Explanation : for the purpose of this Section, "long route" means the long route as referred to in Clause (aa) of Section 2 of the Motor Vehicle Transport Management Act, 2049 (1992)."

29 Amended by First Amendment 30 Amended by First Amendment

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(2) The driver of a vehicle transporting animals or goods and operating in the long distance route shall be allowed to take rest at several places before reaching the destination.

(b) Trip Allowance: In case worker or employee of the transportation service is engaged for more than eight hours, he/she shall be paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half times of his/her present amount of remuneration. Provided that, if the worker or employee engaged in a operating vehicle is paid with any trip allowance, fooding allowance or any such other allowance, he 31shall receive such allowance or one and half of the amount of remuneration to be received by him/her, which one is greater.

(c) Fifty percent Allowance to be received during Breakage or Waiting Period: In case any worker or employee engaged in operating vehicle has been stayed idle due to breakage of the vehicle before reaching destination or while the vehicle had been in waiting for its return, such person shall receive fifty percent of the allowance payable during the operating time of the vehicle .

(d) Accident Insurance : The proprietor shall insure all workers and employee engaged in the vehicle operating against accident in the manner as prescribed .

(e) First Aid Materials : The operator of transportation business shall keep sufficient medicines and materials of first-aid treatment in each vehicle.

(f) Prohibition of Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks: (1) No worker or employee in any vehicle used for transportation of passengers, animas or goods

shall consume alcoholic drinks before driving of the vehicle till reaching to the destination. (2) In case a vehicle is operated by any worker or employee after consuming alcoholic drink, the

Proprietor may, on charge of misconduct, dismiss him/her from the service. Provided that, the concerned worker or employee shall be provided with and opportunity to defend him/herself before dismissing him/her from service.

(3) Any person aggrieved by the order issued under Sub- clause (ii) may appeal in the Labour Court within thirty five days from the receipt of notice of dismissal from service.

(g) Commission Agent: The facilities under this Act shall not be provided to Commission Agent engaged in bookings or carriage of goods who is not registered in the Register of the transportation Enterprise.

(h) Change in Ownership: In case the transport vehicle is sold or there is change in ownership and if it is deemed necessary to terminate the services of any permanent worker or employee who has completed one year continuous service, the transportation businessperson, may terminate the service on payment of compensation and facilities payable under this Act, including such additional compensation as may be available pursuant to mutual agreement entered into or understanding reach between the Proprietor and the worker of employee.

(2) For the purposes of this Section, "Transportation business" means a transport service engaged in carriage of passengers, animals or goods from one place to another taking rents in a vehicle operated by means of mechanical device.

32(3) The Provision set forth in this Section and the provisions of Section 4,10,72,73 and Chapters 4 and 8 shall be applicable in respect of the Enterprise related with transportation business where less than ten workers or employee are engaged at work.

48. Business of Hotel, Travel, Trekking, Adeventure, Rafting, Jungle Safari etc: The following special provisions shall apply in respect of the business of hotel, travel, trekking, adventure, rafting, jungle safari, etc:-

31 Amended by First Amendment. 32 Inserted by the First Amendment.

(a) Females may be engaged in work: Females may be deployed in works in a hotel or travel agency at any time by making special arrangements of safety according to the nature of works.

(b) Safety of Workers or Employees engaged in Trekking or Rafting: (I) The Proprietor shall compulsorily have to make arrangement, as per necessity, for personal protective equipment and necessary clothing, shoes and other articles for protection of health of the workers or employees engaged in trekking rafting or other adventures sports. (II) It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Proprietor to rescue or cause to rescue operation as may be required.

(c) Accident Insurance: The Proprietor shall insure all workers and employees engaged in trekking, rafting jungle safari or other adventure sport against accident in the way as prescribed.

(d) Payment of Field allowance etc: The Proprietor shall have to provide field allowance, fooding allowance or other similar allowance while sending workers or employees engaged in trekking, rafting or other similar adventure sport to the working place and in case such allowance have been provided no additional overtime shall be paid as provided in this Act.

(e) Provisions for First Aid: The Proprietor shall have to avail adequate supply of medicines and materials of first-aid while sending the workers or employees engaged in trekking rafting or other adventures sport to the work-sites.

49. Applicability of other Provisions: The provisions of this Act and the Rules made hereunder shall also be applicable in respect of the Enterprises mentioned in Sections 45, 46, 47 and 48, in addition to the provisions specified in this chapter.


Conduct and Punishments 50. Type of Punishment: The Proprietor may punish any worker or employee performing misconduct

with any of the following punishments. (a) To reprimand, (b) To withheld annual grade increments, (c) To suspend, or (d) To dismiss from service.

51. Misconduct: For the purpose of Section 50, the following conduct of the worker or employee shall be deemed as misconduct: (a) In case of any bodily harm or injury or fetters or detains to the Proprietor, Manager or Employee

of the Enterprise with or without use of arms or injury or causes any violence or destruction or assault within the Enterprise in connection with the labour dispute or on any other matter;

(b) In case creates or causes to create any stir within the Enterprise with an intention or affecting the production process or service works of the Enterprise, or prevents the supply of food and water, or connection of telephone and electricity, or obstructs the entry into or movement within the Enterprise;

33(c) In case steals the property of enterprise; 34(C1) If commits embezzlement in the transactions of the Enterprise, 35(C2) If absents in the Enterprise more than a consecutive period of thirty days without notices. (d) In case accepts or offers brides;

33 Amended by First Amendment. 34 Inserted by the First Amendment. 35 Inserted by the First Amendment.

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(e) In case imprisoned on being convicted on a criminal offence Involving moral turpitude. (f) In case participates or compels any other person to participate in any authorized strike or in a strike

which is declared illegal; (g) In case strikes without fulfilling the legal requirements or intentionally slow down the work against

interests of the Enterprise; (h) In case intentionally destroys any property of the Enterprise, or causes damage thereon or takes

and uses it outside the Enterprise or gives its use to unauthorized person without permission of the competent person;

(i) In case intentionally violates intentionally the orders or directives issued under this Act or the Rules made hereunder frequently, 0r the Bylaws made by the Enterprise, or misbehaves with the customers of the Enterprise;

(j) In case remains absent from the work frequently without obtaining permission or comes late after the regular time;

36(k) If it is certified by a doctor that one has come to the duty after consuming or has consumed alcoholic substances during the working time.

(l) In case performs any activity with a motive of causing damage to secrecy relating to special technology of the Enterprise, 37Production Formula or;

(m) In case abuses any items which has been kept for the interest, Health and safety of the workers or employees or causes damage to them intentionally;

52. Punishment: (1) Any worker or employee, who commits any misconduct as mentioned in 38Clauses (i), (j) or (m) of Section 51 may be reprimanded. (2) Any one who commits any misconduct as mentioned in 39Clause (C1), (f), (g) or (n) of Section 51,

may be punished withholding the annual grade of remuneration. (3) Anyone who commits any misconduct mentioned in 40Clause (b), (d) or (k) of Section 51 may be

suspended for up to three months. (4) Anyone who commits any misconduct mentioned in 41Clauses (a), (c), (c2) (e) or (l) of Section 51

may be dismissed from service. (5) Any workers or employee, who has been punished twice for any offence of misconduct according

to Sub-section (1), (2) or (3) commits again the same offence, may be dismissed from service. 42Provided that the punishment received under Sub-section (1) shall not be counted after the expiry of three years.

43(6) Nothing contained in this Section shall be deemed to have barred the Manager from imposing a punishment lesser than those prescribed under this Section.

53. Procedures: 44(1) Before imposing punishments under Section 52 upon a permanent worker or employee, a notice of at least seven days with setting forth in a obvious manner the fact of the

36 Amended by First Amendment. 37 Inserted by the First Amendment. 38 Amended by First Amendment. 39 Amended by First Amendment. 40 Amended by First Amendment. 41 Amended by First Amendment. 42 Inserted by the First Amendment. 43 Inserted by the First Amendment. 44 Amended by First Amendment.

misconduct and the punishment as may be imposed if such fact is proven, shall have to be given to such a worker or employee to submit his/her clarification thereof. Provided that, after the expiry of two months from the date of such misbehavior, no action may be taken in this respect.

45(2) If the worker or employee does not submit his/her clarification within the time limit as referred to in Sub-section (1) or the clarification so submitted is not satisfactory, he/she may be punished under Section 52 for the misconduct . Provided that, in making decision in respect of imposing such punishment, it shall have to be made within two months from the date of seeking clarification.

(3) If the notice send to the concerned worker or employee is not accepted by him/her or, in case of his/her absence, if the notice is sent by post under registered post at his/her address and a copy of such notice is kept in the public notice board of the Enterprise, and the service document is prepared on the witness of at lease three person and if a copy of such notice is also provided to the concerned Labour Office, the concerned worker or employee shall be deemed to have been duly provided of such notice.

54. Department of Labour may dismiss from service: (1) The Department of Labour 46may impose any punishment pursuant to Section 52 to any worker or employee who causes violence illegally in any Enterprise, other than his/her Enterprises or in any government office, or if he/she directly or indirectly encourages others to do so.

(2) In case any worker or employee has 47to punish, the procedures as laid down in Section 52 shall have to be followed.

55. Misconduct of Proprietor or Manager: (1) If the Proprietor or Manager commits any of the following acts, it shall be deemed as misconduct: (a) In case contravenes or disobeys this Act or the Rules made hereunder or any order or directive

issued thereunder. (b) In case the Enterprise is closed or the workers or employees are retrenched in contravention of

this Act; (c) In case a lock-out declared illegal is continued; (d) In case any worker or employee is assaulted or manhandled; or (e) In case performs any activity to incite or provoke the workers or employees in order to create

dissension or enmity among the workers or employees. 48(2) The concerned Labour Office may fine the Manager or proprietor, who conducts any misbehavior

under Sub-section (1) above, upto ten thousand rupees, may make available proper compensation if any damage or loss is caused to any worker or employee and may give an order to reinstate the worker or employee retrenched pursuant to Clause (b) of Sub-section (1) above.

(3) 49........ 56. Punishment for Obstruction to Government Employee : In case any person obstructs to any

government employee engaged in any function under this Act, or refuses to submit any Register Book or any document required to be submitted to him/her, or fails to produce or presents to the examination of any worker or employee ordered to be produced or examined by him/her, the Labour Office may

45 Amended by First Amendment. 46 Amended by First Amendment. 47 Amended by First Amendment. 48 Amended by First Amendment. 49 deleted by the first Amendment .

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punish such person with a fine 50upto Five Thousand Rupees. 57. Other Penalties: Except those punishments as provided in other Sections of this Act, any person

contravening any other matter mentioned in this Act or the Rules made hereunder or the written order or directives issued thereunder, the Department of Labour may punish, for each offence and according to the gravity of such offence, a fine from 51upto Ten Thousand Rupees, and if such offence is committed (continued) again after it is proven, he/she may be punished with an additional One Hundred Rupees for each day, except those punishment as mentioned in other sections of this Act.

58. Quashing of Illegal Acts : Except as provided to the contrary in this Act or in the Rules made hereunder, if any activity contrary to this Act or the Rules made hereunder has been performed such activity shall be quashed by the order of the Department of Labour.

59. Instituting of case and Limitation : (1) Any case relating to the offence punishable under this Act may be instituted only on the complaint lodged by the Labour Office or a person authorized by such office 52or by the aggrieved or the concerned person or the concerned Trade Union.

(2) Any case relating to the offenses punishable under this Act shall have to be instituted within three months thereof.

53.................. (3) In case any particular authority of punishment has been specified under various Section of this Act

in respect of trail of any offence committed under this Act, the case relating to such offence shall be lodged before such authority and, excepting thereto, all other cases relating to other offence lodged before Labour Court.

60. Appeal: Any party not satisfied with any punishment awarded under this Chapter may file an appeal within thirty five days from the date of such punishment or receipt of order in the following manner - (a) At the Court of Appeal against the orders of Government of Nepal or Department of Labour; (b) At the Court of Appeal in respect of the case tried and decided in original jurisdiction by the

Labour Court; (c) At the concerned Labour Court in respect of the punishment or order given by the Proprietor or

other office or Authority. 61. Realizations of Fines: Fines, Punishments awarded under this Act shall be realized in the manner as

governmental dues under prevailing laws.

CHAPTER – 9 Committee, Officers and Other Provisions

62. Central Labour Advisory Board: (1) Government of Nepal may constitute a Central Labour Advisory Board consisting of representatives from workers or employees, Proprietors and Government of Nepal to receive necessary opinion and advice in relation to formulating policies and drafting of laws with regards to labour.

(2) The method of composition of Board pursuant to Sub-section (1) its powers, functions and duties shall be as prescribed.

(3) The Board may regulate the procedures of the meeting itself 63. Labour Relation Committee: (1) The Proprietor shall have to constitute a Labour Relation

50 Amended by First Amendment. 51 Amended by First Amendment. 52 Inserted by the First Amendment. 53 deleted by the first Amendment .

Committee in each Enterprise in order to create amicable atmosphere between the workers or employees and the management and to develop healthy labour or industrial relation on the basis of mutual participation and co-ordination.

(2) The method of composition of the Committee pursuant to Sub-section (1), its powers, functions and duties shall be ad prescribed.

(3)The committee constituted as per Sub-section (1) may regulate its own procedures. 64. Appointment of Labour Officer: Government of Nepal by publishing a notice in the Nepal Gazette

may appoint one or more Labour Officers, as per necessity or designate any other officer to perform the functions of a Labour Officer for one region/sector.

65. Powers of Labour Officer : (1) The Labour Officer shall have the following powers – (a) To enter into the premises of the Enterprise as per necessity; (b) To examine the documents and registers of the Enterprise relating to workers and employees; (c) To function or advise as per necessity for improving labour relations; (d) To attempt for solving disputes arising between workers or employees and the Proprietor; (e) To implement welfare provisions, if it does not exit and where if exist, to supervise whether or not

it is operated property; (f) To supervise the implementation of minimum remuneration prescribed by Government of Nepal; (g) To record statement, of anybody to fulfil the objectives of this Act, as per necessity; (h) To Performs tasks of the Factory Inspector in his/her absence, except technical tasks; and (i) To perform other tasks as per the directives of Government of Nepal and Department of Labour.

(2) Other powers, functions, and duties of the Labour Officer shall be as prescribed. 66. Appointment of Factory Inspector: Government of Nepal may, by a publishing a notice in Nepal

Gazette, appoint one or more Factory Inspector, as per necessity for one region or may appoint one Chief Factory Inspector for whole of Nepal.

67. Powers of the Factory Inspector: (1) The Factory Inspector shall have the following powers – (a) To enter into the premises of the factory as per necessity; (b) To examine building, land, plant, machine, health and safety features of the factory, to collect the

samples of finished or semi-finished materials used in the factory and to examine them or caused to be examined, to inspect the registers and document relating to the factory and, if necessary, to record statements of any person, as per necessity;

(c) To examine the boilers and pressure vessels and to permit the operations thereof; (d) To provide necessary advice and assistance to the Proprietor on making arrangements of training

of workers or employees; (e) To exercise the powers, functions and duties to the Labour Officer during this absence; and (f) To perform other tasks as per the directives of Government of Nepal and Department of Labour.

(2) Other powers, functions and duties of the Factory Inspector shall be as prescribed. 68. Welfare Officer: (1) One welfare Officer shall have to be appointed in Enterprise where two hundred

fifty or more workers or employees are engaged and one additional Assistant Welfare Officer shall have to be appointed where there are more than one thousand workers or employee.

(2) In the enterprise where there are less than two hundred fifty workers or employees, the Proprietor may designate or appoint any officer of the Enterprise as the Welfare Officer.

(3) Where the Welfare Officer and Assistant Welfare Officer are appointed pursuant to Sub-section (1) the Department of Labour shall be informed of such appointment.

(4) The powers, functions and duties of the Welfare Officer and Assistant Welfare Officer appointed or designated, pursuant to Sub-section (1) of (2) shall be as prescribed.

69. Notice to be provided of establishment of Enterprise: (1) If any Enterprise is to be established or constructed or expanded in any building or land, the Proprietor shall submit the particulars to that

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effect as prescribed, to the Labour Office. (2) The concerned Labour Office may after examination of the particulars received pursuant to Sub-

section (1), if deemed necessary to make certain changes on the particulars in view of health, safety and environment, direct the enterprise to do so and it shall be the duty of the concerned Proprietor to follow such directive.

70. Information to be provided by Proprietor: (1)The Proprietor shall inform in writing the concerned Labour Office including with the prescribed particulars, fifteen days in advance where any new house or land has to be possessed or used by an Enterprise.

(2) The Proprietor Manager shall inform the Labour office within seven days, from the date of assuming his/her office for the first time.

71. Notices and Posters: The Labour Officer or Factory Inspector may issue directives to the Proprietor or Manager of the Enterprise to display the notices and posters relating to health, safety and welfare provisions of the workers as provided in this Act or Rules made hereunder at places in an easily readable and understandable manner.

CHAPTER – 10 Settlement of Labour Dispute

72. Establishment of Labour Court: (1) Government of Nepal shall, establish Labour Court by publishing a notice in Nepal Gazette. The Jurisdiction and the location of such court shall be as prescribed in such notice.

(2) The Procedure of the Labour Court constituted under Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1) and (2) until the constitution of the Labour

Court, all functions to be performed by the Court of Appeal. 5472a Proceedings May Be Initiated in Contempt: The Labour Court may initiate proceedings against

its contempt and, if it holds that contempt has been committed, may punish the accused with a fine of upto Five Thousand Rupees or imprisonment of upto two months or both punishments. Provided that, if the accused submits an apology to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court may either pardon him/her or, if a sentence is already imposed, remit or commute the sentence or hold the execution of the sentence on condition fixed by the Court and may issue order not to execute the sentence if such condition is fulfilled.

73. Procedures Relating to Personal Claims or Complaints: (1) If any one or more workers or employees have any personal claim or complaint against Proprietor relating to the service, the concerned worker or employee may file it in writing with the concerned Proprietor.

(2) Upon receipt of the claim or complaint as per Sub-section (1), the Proprietor shall have to discuss on it 55with the concerned worker or employee within a fifteen days and settle the problem.

(3) If the Problem, could not be solved through the discussion held as per Sub-section (2), the worker or employee may file a petition at the concerned Labour Office specifying clearly their claims.

(4) The Labour Office shall held a discussion between the Proprietor and the worker or employees and solve the dispute, within fifteen days of the receipt of a claim pursuant to Sub-section (3).

(5) The Chief of concerned Labour Office shall have to dedide on the dispute within seven days in case the problem could not be solved as pre Sub-section (4).

(6) Any of the parties may, appeal to the Labour Court within thirty five days from the date of receipt of notice of the decision in case not being satisfied with the decision made pursuant to Sub-section

54 Inserted by the First Amendment. 55 Amended by First Amendment.

(5). 74. Procedures Relating to Submission of Claims of Collective Dispute: (1) The claim relating to

collective right, interest or privilege shall have to be presented in writing to the concerned Proprietors signed by at least fifty one percent of the concerned workers or employees and in the claims their representatives shall have to be nominated and the claim shall be presented through such representatives.

(2) Upon receipt of the claim relating to the dispute as per Sub-section (1), the Proprietor shall hold bilateral discussion with the representatives as mentioned in the same Sub-section and solve the dispute within twenty-one days and shall enter into an agreement.

(3) If the dispute could not be solved as per Sub-section (2), the dispute shall be solved within fifteen days by holding bilateral discussion in the presence of Labour Office.

(4) If the dispute could not be solved through the bilateral discussion held as per Sub-section (3), the dispute may be referred to a mediator appointed, with mutual consent of proprietor and the workers and employees, or if no such mediator could be appointed, with mutual consent of proprietor and the workers and employees, or if no such mediator could be appointed, to a tripartite committee constituted, with consent of both parties, by Government of Nepal having equal representation from the workers or employees, the Proprietor and the government.

(5) The mediator or the committee appointed as per Sub-section (4) shall decide the dispute within fifteen days.

(6) Any parties if not satisfied with the decision made pursuant to Subsection (5), may appeal to Government of Nepal within thirty five days from the date of receipt of notice of the decision.

56(7) If the mediator or the Committee does not make a decision within the time-limit as referred to in Sub-section (5) or, in case where an appeal is filed before Government of Nepal pursuant to Sub-section (6), a decision thereon is not made by Government of Nepal within sixty days from the date of filing such appeal, the workers or employees may strike by following the procedures set forth in Section 76.

75. Prohibition to Claim: Notwithstanding anything mentioned here above, the following demand or claim shall not be allowed to submit – (a) Which is contrary to the Constitution of Nepal; (b) Which would affect other's interest due to being based on untestified or baseless allegation; (c) Matter which is prejudicial to the personal conduct of any worker or employee; (d) Matters unrelated to the Enterprise; and (e) Where a period of two years has not elapsed since the date of last collective agreement.

76. Notice of Strike to be Provided: In case the demands are not solved through the process mentioned in Sub-section (3) of Section 73 the 57workers and employees wish to strike in the Enterprise, a notice in writing stating the claims and their rationale, including with a resolution passed by at least sixty percent of the total workers and employees through secret ballot, shall have to be provided to the concerned Proprietor thirty days in advance and an information thereof shall also be given to the Department of Labour, concerned Labour Office and the local administration and a strike may be started thereafter only.

77. Lock Out: (1) If a strike has been started or continued without giving prior notice as mentioned in Section 75 or if the collective dispute is not solved through the process mentioned in Sub-section (3) of Section 73, the Proprietor may declare a lock-out of the Enterprise after submitting the justifications with its rationale and obtaining the approval of Government of Nepal.

56 Inserted by the First Amendment. 57 Amended by First Amendment.

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(2) Before declaring a lock-out as per Sub-section (1), the Proprietor shall issue a notice for the information 58of workers and employees seven days in advance specifying the date of effecting the lock-out and announcing that the Enterprise shall be locked-out if the strike is not called off.

(3) If there is a situation with possibility of damage to the Enterprise through riot, violence, destruction, etc 59from the workers and employees during the strike the Proprietor may cause lock-out even without following the process of Subsection (1) and (2). If a lockout is made in the Enterprise in such situation, the Labour office and the Department of Labour shall be informed about the lock-out with reasons within three days.

(4) Government of Nepal may at any time declare the lock-out of an enterprise as void, in case it appears irrational or it is likely to cause a breach in law and order conditions of the country or it is contrary to the economic interests of country.

78. Prohibition to Strike: (1) Notwithstanding anything mentioned hereinabove in this Act, if any existing law has prohibited the strike to be done by workers or employees the workers or employees of such Enterprise shall not be entitled to go on strike.

(2) Any employee appointed or deputed on the duty of control, security and guard of any Enterprise shall also not be entitled to go in a strike.

(3) The employees prohibited to strike as per Sub-section (1) and (2) may submit their genuine demands to the Proprietor. If such demands are not fulfilled and a dispute has been created Government of Nepal shall constitute a tribunal for solving it. The decision of the Tribunal shall be final and binding upon both of the parties.

(4) No strike or lock-out may be done during the proceeding under Section 73. 79. Legal Validity of Collective Agreement: (1) Any agreement entered into between the workers or

employees and the Proprietor in respect solving the dispute shall be deemed to be of status equal to law upon the concerned parties and such agreement shall have to be registered in the Labour Office.

(2) An agreement registered as per Sub-section (1) shall come to force from the date of mentioned in the agreement, if such date is mentioned therein, and if no such date is mentioned in the Agreement, it shall come into force from the date in which it is registered in Labour Office. No demand in relation to the provisions mentioned in such agreement shall be permitted to put again for two years from the date of its commencement.

6079A. Implementation of Collective Agreement: (1) In case the collective agreement entered into pursuant to this Act is not implemented, the concerned party may lodge a complaint in the Labour Office.

(2) If any complaint is lodged under Sub-section (1) above, the Labour Office may implement the collective agreement by following, as required the procedures set-forth in Sub-section (5) of Section 25 as well.

80. Order may be issued to End the Strike: If any strike announced to be commenced or already commenced as per this Act or the Rules made hereunder has created an extraordinary situation, which is likely to cause a breach in the law and order situation of the country or would be contrary to the economic interest of the country, Government of Nepal may issue an order at any time to end such strike or any strike commenced in the essential services prescribed by the prevailing law.

81. Termination of Lock-out Period: Where any Enterprise has been locked-out, if the workers or employees are present for work or here the Proprietor has declared the ending of lock-out or where

58 Amended by First Amendment. 59 Amended by First Amendment. 60 Inserted by the First Amendment.

Government of Nepal has declared such lock-out as illegal as per Section 76 or has order to end the strike under Section 79, such lockout shall be deemed to have been ended from the date of the declaration making it illegal or from the date so ordered.

82. Remuneration for the Period of Lock-out: The remuneration for the period of lock-out declared illegal shall have to be paid to the workers or employees.

83. Special Provisions for Settlement of Dispute: (1) If Government of Nepal deems that a dispute between workers or employers and the Proprietor has arisen or there is possibility of arising, Government of Nepal may constitute a committee of one of more persons, or tripartite committee consisting of representatives of the Proprietor, the workers or employees and Government of Nepal in order to resolve the dispute. Such committee may regulate its own procedures.

(2) The decision of Government of Nepal made on the report of the committee constituted pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be final and binding to both of the parties.

(3) The committee constituted pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall have the powers of examining the evidence and witnesses, of requiring the presence of witnesses and requiring the production of documents as per prevailing laws similar to a court, in relation to the dispute.

CHAPTER – 11 Miscellaneous

84. Special Powers of Government of Nepal: 61(1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, Government of Nepal may, in consultations with the Central Labour Advisory Board and by publishing a notification to that effect in the Nepal gazette, grant exemption from application of any matter provided for in this Act in respect of any Enterprise.

(2) Government of Nepal may, by publication of a notice in the Nepal Gazette, fix the minimum remuneration and certain facilities prescribed in this Act in relation to the Enterprises where less than ten workers or employees are working.

6284A.Special provisions respect of the Workers and Employees Engaged Outside the Enterprises: (1) The person or institution, who engages the workers and employees of outside the

Enterprises at work, must pay the remuneration for the day engaged at work in accordance with the agreement if such agreement in writing has been concluded between the two parties and within seven days if there is no such agreement.

(2) If any person or institution does not make payment of remuneration to any worker or employee or a delay is caused in such payment, the worker or employee who is aggrieved by such act may file a complaint before the Labour Office, in the districts where Labour Offices are located, and before the Chief District Officer, in the districts where Labour Offices are not located, in order to get the remuneration to be received by him/her.

(3) If any complaint is filed under Sub-section (2) above, the concerned Labour Office or Chief District Officer shall have to require such person or institution who has not paid the remuneration to be present at Office within fifteen days except the time period required for journey and shall have to recover and make available the remuneration to be received by such worker or employee by following the procedures as set-forth in Sub-section (5) of Section 25

85. Powers to Remove Obstacles: In case any difficulty arises while executing this Act Government of Nepal by publishing an order in Nepal Gazette may remove such difficulties.

86. Powers to Frame Rules: (1) Government of Nepal may frame Rules to implement the objectives of this act.

61 Amended by First Amendment. 62 Inserted by the First Amendment.

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(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by Subsection (1), such rules particularly, may provide for any of the following matters –

(a) Matters relating to the safety of the workers; (b) Conducting of operation of employment service; (c) Condition relating to overtime works; (d) Conducting of operation of training in order to enhance the efficiency of workers and employees; (e) Procedures relating to Labour Court; (f) Compensation to be paid to workers and employees; (g) Compilation of statistics of workers and employees; (h) Compilation of information to labour market.

87. Bylaws to be availed: Each Enterprise shall have to send to the concerned Labour Office a copy of Bylaws framed by its in respect of conditions of service of its workers and employees.

88. Provisions Relating to Enterprise owned by Government of Nepal: With respect to the terms and conditions of service of the employees of the Enterprises owned wholly or partly by Government of Nepal, the provisions of the Rules or Bylaws relating to the terms and conditions of services of the concerned Enterprises shall apply and in respect of the workers thereof, the provisions of this Act shall apply.

89. Directive of Government of Nepal: (1) Government of Nepal may issue necessary directives to the Proprietor for implementing the objectives of this Act.

63(2) Government of Nepal may impose a fine of upto twenty thousand rupees in each time on the Manager who does not comply with the directions issued under Sub-section (1) above.

90. Delegation of Authority: Government of Nepal may delegate the powers conferred to it by this Act to any Officer by publishing a notice in the Nepal Gazette.

91. Prevalence of this Act: This Act shall apply on matters mentioned herein and in other the prevailing laws shall apply.

92. Repeal and Saving: (1)The Factory and Factory Workers Act, 2016 (1959) is, hereby, repealed. (2) All acts and proceedings performed or executed under The Factory and Factory Workers Act, 2016

shall be deemed to have been performed or executed under this Act. Note: The following word has been changed by first Amendment- ''Remuneration'' instead of ''salary''

63 Amended by First Amendment.



Basic Operating Guidelines agreed to by Undersigned Agencies in Nepal

Based on principles agreed internationally and in Nepal, we the undersigned have adopted the following Basic Operating Guidelines for all development and, if necessary, humanitarian assistance in Nepal.

1. We are in Nepal to contribute to improvement in the quality of life of the people of Nepal. Our assistance focuses on reducing poverty, meeting basic needs and enabling communities to become self-sufficient.

2. We work through the freely expressed wishes of local communities, and we respect the dignity of people, their culture, religion and customs.

3. We provide assistance to the poor and marginalized people of Nepal, regardless of where they live and who they are. Priorities for assistance are based on need alone, and not on any political, ethnic or religious agenda.

4. We ensure that our assistance is transparent and we involve poor people and their communities in the planning, management and implementation of programmes. We are accountable to those whom we seek to assist and to those providing the resources.

5. We seek to ensure that our assistance tackles discrimination and social exclusion, most notably based on gender, ethnicity, caste and religion.

6. We recruit staff on the basis of suitability and qualification for the job, and not on the basis of political or any other considerations.

7. We do not accept our staff and development partners being subjected to violence, abduction, harassment or intimidation, or being threatened in any manner.

8. We do not work where staff are forced to comprise core values or principles. 9. We do not accept our assistance being used for any military, political or sectarian purposes. 10. We do not make contributions to political parties and do not make any forced contributions in cash or

kind. 11. Our equipment, supplies and facilities are not used for purposes other than those stated in our

programme objectives. Our vehicles are not used to transport persons or goods that have no direct connection with the development programme. Our vehicles do not carry armed or uniformed personnel.

12. We do not tolerate the theft, diversion or misuse of development or humanitarian supplies. Unhindered access of such supplies is essential.

13. We urge all those concerned to allow full access by development and humanitarian personnel to all people in need of assistance, and to make available, as far as possible, all necessary facilities for their operations, and to promote the safety, security and freedom of movement of such personnel.

14. We expect and encourage all actors concerned to comply strictly with international humanitarian principles and human rights law.

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Good Neighbors International

K.C. Moon(기아대책기구)

KOICA 네팔사무소

Loving Concern

Serving Friends

Srijan Kharel(변호사)


편집 : KCOC 네팔 코디네이터 국진경, 사업지원팀 조수영, 박현정

발 행 정 보

발 행 처 KCOC (국제개발협력민간협의회)

발 행 일 2016년 12월

주 소 서울특별시 마포구 대흥로 54 TAF빌딩 4층

전 화 02-2279-1704~6

팩 스 02-2279-1719

홈 페 이 지

디자인·인쇄 리드릭

* 본 발간물은 한국국제협력단(KOICA)의 민관협력프로그램의 일환으로 제작되었습니다.
