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  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    Newtons Laws of Motion

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    Sir Isaac Newton was one of

    the greatest scientists andmathematicians that everlived. He was born inEngland on December 25,1643. He was born the same

    year that Galileo died. Helived for 85 years. IsaacNewton was raised by hisgrandmother. He attendedFree Grammar School andthen went on to TrinityCollege Cambridge. Newton

    worked his way throughcollege. While at college hebecame interested in math,physics, and astronomy.Newton received both abachelors and mastersdegree.

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    First Law of MotionAn object at rest will remain at rest unless

    acted on by an unbalanced force. An

    object in motion continues in motion withthe same speed and in the same directionunless acted upon by an unbalancedforce. This law is often called

    "the law of inertia".

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    First Law of Motion

    This means that there is a

    natural tendency of objects tokeep on doing what they're

    doing. All objects resist changes

    in their state of motion. In the absence of an

    unbalanced force, anobject in motion will maintain

    this state of motion.

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    First Law of Motion

    Let's study the "skater" to understand this alittle better.

    What is the motion in this picture?

    What is the unbalanced force in this picture?

    What happened to the skater in this picture?

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    First Law of Motion

    This law is the same reason why you shouldalways wear your seatbelt.

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    Second Law of Motion

    Acceleration is produced when a force acts

    on a mass. The greater the mass (of theobject being accelerated) the greater theamount of force needed (to accelerate theobject).

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    Second Law of Motion

    Everyone unconsciously

    knows the Second Law.

    Everyone knows that heavier objects

    require more force to move the

    same distance as lighter objects.

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    Second Law of Motion

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    Second Law of Motion

    However, the Second Law gives us an exactrelationship between force, mass, andacceleration. It can be expressed as amathematical equation:



  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    Second Law of Motion

    This is an example of how Newton's Second Law works:

    Mike's car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas. Mike is trying topush the car to a gas station, and he makes the car go 0.05m/s/s. Using Newton's Second Law, you can compute howmuch force Mike is applying to the car.

    Answer = 50 newtons

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    Third law of motion

    For every action there is an equal andopposite re-action.

    This means that for every forcethere is a reaction force that is

    equal in size, but opposite indirection. That is to say that whenever anobject pushes another object it gets pushedback in the opposite direction equally hard.

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    Third law of motion

    The rocket's action is to push down on the ground with theforce of its powerful engines, and the reaction is that the

    ground pushes the rocket upwards with an equal force.

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    Third law of motion


  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    Balloon racers rely on Newton's Third Lawof Motion. As the air rushes backward outof the balloon it pushes the car forward in

    the opposite direction with an equal force.Your job is to make the most of this force!
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    The rules to this activity are simple:1. The car must be powered by balloons.

    2. You can build the car out of anything.

    3. It must have at least three wheels. Wheels are defined as anything that is

    round and goes around.

    4. The wheels cannot be wheels from a toy car. They must be made out ofsomething that was not originally meant to be used as wheels.

    5. The car may not leave the ground.

    6. The car must be capable of traveling at least 5 meters.

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  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    On race day we will set up a track down along hallway. You will race in pairs againstother classmates. Cars that follow all of

    the rules will be eligible for awards. Theseawards will be given in three categories:

    Best Looking Car

    Fastest Car (in first 5 meters)

    Farthest Distance Traveled

  • 7/30/2019 nicka.. 18


    There are several important things to keep in mind when designing

    and building your balloon racer. The first thing to do is choose the

    material to build the chassis or body of the car. The chassis should

    be both light and sturdy, for this reason Styrofoam makes a very

    good chassis. It is also important to design a chassis that is long

    enough. Short cars tend to spin out more often than longer ones. A

    good car should be about 30 cm long.

    The second thing to do is build and mount the wheels. Wheels canbe made out of about anything that is round, such as CDs caps

    and lids. The hard part, however, is getting them mounted straight

    with little friction. If the wheels are not mounted straight or are not

    free to spin smoothly, the car will not perform well.

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    Once the wheels are mounted on the chassis itis time to put a balloon onto the car. Havingthe balloon attached to a pen barrel so thatthe air comes out in a smooth manner helps.

    Another helpful approach is to double up aballoon so that it is twice as thick.

    If the car has a sturdy but light body, free

    moving wheels and a good power supply, youare well on your way to being a balloon racerchampion.
