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Nru./No. 20,429Prezz/Price


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ MaltaThe Malta Government Gazette

It-Tlieta, 30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020Tuesday, 30th June, 2020

Pubblikata b’AwtoritàPublished by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 5441 - 5454Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 5441 - 5454

Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 5445Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 5455

Avviżi lill-Baħħara ........................................................................................................... 5455 - 5456Notices to Mariners .......................................................................................................... 5455 - 5456

Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg ................................................................................................ 5456 - 5457Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 5456 - 5457

Avviżi tal-Gvern ............................................................................................................... 5457 - 5458Notices .............................................................................................................................. 5457 - 5458

Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 5459 - 5469Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 5459 - 5469

Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 5469 - 5484Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 5469 - 5484

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5441


Nru. 686



NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Avviżi Legali li ġejjin ġew ippubblikati fis-Suppliment mal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern Nru. 20,426 tat-23 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 u Nru. 20,428 tas-26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, rispettivament.

A.L.252 tal-2020: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2020 li jemenda l-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina (Emenda Nru 2).

A.L.253 tal-2020: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2020 dwar li jemenda l-Ordni dwar Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina (Kuntatt ma’ persuni oħra).

A.L.254 tal-2020: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2020 li jirrevoka l-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina (Estensjoni ta’ Pajjiżi).

A.L.255 tal-2020: Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika (Kap. 465); Ordni tal-2020 li jemenda l-Ordni dwar l-Estensjoni tal-Projbizzjoni fuq l-Ivjaġġar lejn il-Pajjiżi Kollha (Emenda Nru 2).

A.L.256 tal-2020: Att dwar Test tal-Proporzjonalità Qabel l-Adozzjoni ta’ Regolamentazzjoni Ġdida tal-Professjonijiet (Kap. 612); Avviż ta’ bidu fis-seħħ.

A.L.257 tal-2020: Att biex Jirregola Komunikazzjonijiet Elettroniċi (Kap. 399); Regolamenti tal-2020 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti dwar Networks u Servizzi ta’ Komunikazzjonijiet Elettroniċi (Ġenerali) (Emenda Nru. 4).

A.L.258 tal-2020: Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income (Kap. 123), Att dwar l-Amministrazzjoni tat-Taxxa (Kap. 372); Regoli tal-2020 dwar Rebate ta’ Taxxa fuq Kirjiet Residenzjali Privati.

A.L.259 tal-2020: Att dwar Poteri li Jsiru Regolamenti fl-Interess Nazzjonali (Kap 365); Regolamenti tal-2020 dwar Miżuri li jappoġġaw azzjonijiet li jindirizzaw attivitajiet ta’ kuntrabandu fil-Mediterran Ċentrali.

A.L.260 tal-2020: Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Minuri (Ħarsien Alternattiv) (Kap. 602); Avviż ta’ bidu fis-seħħ.

A.L.261 tal-2020: Att dwar il-Liċenzi tal-Kummerċ (Kap. 441); Regolamenti tal-2020 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti dwar Liċenzi tal-Kummerċ.

No. 686


IT is notified for general information that the following Legal Notices were published in the Supplement to the Government Gazette No. 20,426 of the 23rd June, 2020 and No. 20,428 of the 26th June, 2020, respectively.

L.N.252 of 2020: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Period of Quarantine (Amendment No. 2) Order, 2020.

L.N.253 of 2020: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Period of Quarantine (Contact with Other Persons) (Amendment) Order, 2020.

L.N.254 of 2020: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Period of Quarantine (Extension of Countries) (Revocation) Order, 2020.

L.N.255 of 2020: Public Health Act (Cap. 465); Travel Ban (Extension to all Countries) (Amendment No 2) Order, 2020.

L.N.256 of 2020: Proportionality Test Before Adoption of New Regulation of Professions Act (Cap. 612); Commencement Notice.

L.N.257 of 2020: Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (Cap. 399); Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) (Amendment No.4) Regulations, 2020.

L.N.258 of 2020: Income Tax Act (Cap. 123), Income Tax Management Act (Cap. 372); Private Residential Leases (Tax Rebate) Rules, 2020.

L.N.259 of 2020: National Interest (Enabling Powers) Act (Cap. 365); Measures in support of actions addressing smuggling activities in the Central Mediterranean Regulations, 2020.

L.N.260 of 2020: Minor Protection (Alternative Care) Act (Cap. 602); Commencement Notice.

L.N.261 of 2020: Trading Licences Act (Cap. 441); Trading Licences (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.

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5442 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

A.L.262 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali (Kap. 452); Regolamenti tal-2020 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti dwar Impjegati Stazzjonati f’Malta.

A.L.263 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali (Kap. 452); Ordni tal-2020 li jemenda l-Ordni ta’ Standard Nazzjonali dwar il-Leave ta’ Prokreazzjoni Medikament Assistita.

A.L.264 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); Ir-Regolamenti tal-2020 tal-Kors għall-Grad ta’ Master of Science in Gerodontology - M.Sc.

A.L.265 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendew l-Ordinamenti tal-2012 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2008 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad għall-Grad ta’ Master of Science in Medical Physics – M.Sc. – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tax-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa.

A.L.266 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2016 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2008 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad għall-Grad ta’ Master in Teaching and Learning – MTL – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni.

A.L.267 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2010 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji sal-Ewwel Grad, 2019 għall-Grad ta’ Bachelor of Science (Honours) – B.Sc. (Hons) – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tax-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa.

A.L.268 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendew l-Ordinamenti tal-2018 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2008 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Gradgħall-Grad ta’ Master of Science - M.Sc. – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Ekonomija, il-Management u l-Accountancy.

A.L.269 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendew l-Ordinamenti tal-2014 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2008 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad għall-Grad ta’ Master of Arts – M.A. – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Ekonomija, il-Management u l-Accountancy.

A.L.270 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2016 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji sal-Ewwel Grad, 2019 għall-Grad ta’ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport and Physical Activity – B.Sc. (Hons) SPA – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Istitut għall-Edukazzjoni Fiżika u Sport.

L.N.262 of 2020: Employment and Industrial Relations Act (Cap. 452); Posting of Workers in Malta (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.

L.N.263 of 2020: Employment and Industrial Relations Act (Cap. 452); Leave for Medically Assisted Procreation National Standard (Amendment) Order, 2020.

L.N.264 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Master of Science in Gerodontology - M.Sc. - Degree Course Regulations, 2020.

L.N.265 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2012 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Degree of Master of Science in Medical Physics – M.Sc. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

L.N.266 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2016 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Degree of Master in Teaching and Learning – MTL – under the auspices of the Faculty of Education.

L.N.267 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2010 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) – B.Sc. (Hons) – under the auspices of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

L.N.268 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2018 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Degree of Master of Science – M.Sc. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy.

L.N.269 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2014 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Degree of Master of Arts – M.A. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy.

L.N.270 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2016 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport and Physical Activity - B.Sc. (Hons) SPA – under the auspices of the Institute for Physical Education and Sport.

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L.N.271 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2016 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Technical Design and Technology – B.Sc. (Hons) TDT – under the auspices of the Faculty of Education.

L.N.272 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2019 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science for Education and Communication – B.Sc. (Hons) – under the auspices of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Science.

L.N.273 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Admissions (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.

L.N.274 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2016 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Degree of Master of Science – M.Sc. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.

L.N.275 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Bye-Laws of 2020 to amend the Bye-Laws of 2018 in terms of the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2008 for the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Maltese as a Foreign Language – P.G. Cert. – under the auspices of the Faculty of Education.

L.N.276 of 2020: Education Act (Cap. 327); Certificate in Foundation Studies Course (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.

L.N.277 of 2020: Commissioners for Justice Act (Cap. 291); Local Tribunals (Suspension of Delivery of Summons) (Repeal) Order, 2020.

30th June, 2020

A.L.271 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2016 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji sal-Ewwel Grad, 2019 għall-Grad ta’ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Technical Design and Technology – B.Sc. (Hons) TDT – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni.

A.L.272 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2019 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji sal-Ewwel Grad, 2019 għall-Grad ta’ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science for Education and Communication – B.Sc. (Hons) – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni u tal-Fakultà tax-Xjenza.

A.L.273 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); Ir-Regolamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw ir-Regolamenti għad-Dħul.

A.L.274 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2016 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali tal-2008 għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad għall-Grad ta’ Master of Science – M.Sc. – taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tat-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni.

A.L.275 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2018 skont ir-Regolamenti Ġenerali għar-Rikonoxximenti Universitarji ta’ wara l-Ewwel Grad, 2008 għall-Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Maltese as a Foreign Language – P.G. Cert. - taħt il-patroċinju tal-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni.

A.L.276 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); Ir-Regolamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw ir-Regolamenti tal-Kors għas-Certificate in Foundation Studies.

A.L.277 tal-2020: Att dwar il-Kummissarji tal-Ġustizzja (Kap. 291); Ordni tal-2020 li jħassar ir-Regolamenti tal-2020 dwar is-Sospensjoni tan-Notifika ta’ Taħrikiet tat-Tribunali Lokali.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

No. 687


Adoption Board

IT is hereby notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Adoption Administration Act of 2008 (Cap. 495), and for the purpose

Nru. 687


Bord għall-Adozzjoni

NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikolu 3 tal-Att tal-2008 dwar l-Amministrazzjoni tal-Adozzjoni (Kap. 495), u għall-finijiet

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5444 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

ta’ dak l-Att, il-Ministru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali ħatar lil Dr Ian Ellul, Ph.D. (Paed.) (Melit) bħala membru fuq il-Bord għall-Adozzjoni minflok is-Sa Ingrid Vassallo, B.A. (Hons.) Social Work, M.Psych (Gest).

Din il-ħatra tibqa’ valida sas-16 ta’ Lulju, 2021.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

of that Act, the Minister for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity has appointed Dr Ian Ellul, Ph.D. (Paed.) (Melit) as member of the Adoption Board instead of Ms Ingrid Vassallo, B.A. (Hons.) Social Work, M.Psych (Gest).

This appointment remains valid until the 16th July, 2021.

30th June, 2020

Nru. 688



IL-KUMMISSARJU tal-Pulizija, skont l-artikoli 7 u 8 tal-Att tal-1996 dwar Gwardjani Privati u Uffiċjali tal-Komunità, b’din jgħarraf li rċieva dawn l-applikazzjonijiet kif imsemmija hawn taħt:

No. 688


(CAP. 389)

THE Commissioner of Police, in terms of articles 7 and 8 of the Private Guards and Community Officers Act 1996, hereby notifies that the following applications as mentioned hereunder have been received:

Applikazzjoni għal-liċenza bħala Gwardjan PrivatApplication for licence of a Private Guard

Isem u kunjom Nru. tal-Karta Indirizz tal-Identità

Name and Surname Identity Card No. Address

Jesmond Azzopardi 569464M Blk 5, Bieb A, Flat 3, Misraħ Lewża, San ĠwannEmanuel Pisani 715461M Caledonia, Triq il-Qortin, Il-MellieħaBranislav Gavrilovic 162774A 45, Flat 3, Triq il-Kbira, Il-MostaChristopher Brimmer 89976M 197, Turtle Doves, Triq Tal-Qattus, BirkirkaraKareem Ouled El Hadj 329295M 78, Carmen, Triq Sant’Enriku, Tas-SliemaAlison (Alison-Jane) Busuttil 528576M 25, Redentur, Flat 1, Triq il-Kunċizzjoni, MarsaxlokkJosette (Josette Lina) Micallef 149976M 48, Baglu, Triq Pietru Pawl Bezzina, San ĠwannRomina Chetcuti Previ 477775M 19, Redentur, Triq il-Kampanella, Il-FguraGrazio Cassar 407275M 20, Notre Espoir, Triq Tax-Xemx u l-Qamar, Il-FguraMandy Azzopardi 538787M 62, My Nest, Triq Isouard, Il-MarsaCarmel Tabone 137860M 230, Flat 6. Triq San Albert, Il-GżiraEvan Buttigieg 4082M Blk J, Flat 6, Daħlet il-Qadi Nru. 2, Iż-ŻejtunClive Camilleri 469778M 195, Jumeirah, Triq Toni Zahra, Iż-ŻejtunGodwin West 531061M 4, Flat 1, Triq il-Kan. Giovanni Dedomenico, Iż-ŻejtunWalter Sheldon 510772M 14, Sunflower, Triq l-Assemblea Nazzjonali, San ĠwannChristopher Frendo 336199M Sea Haven, Flat 5, Triq is-Simar, San Pawl il-BaħarJoseph Mizzi 571554M 25, Almond Crt, P/H 6, Triq il-Ġdida, Ħal QormiKathriell Camilleri 600899M Blk E, Flat 4, Triq Wied Babu, Iż-ŻurrieqShaun Grech 269799M Ġnejna Mans, Blk C, Mais, 1, Triq Sant’Antnin, Ħaż-ŻabbarCharmaine Abela 279988M Blk 1, Door 4, Triq San Patrizju, Il-Belt VallettaCarmelo Bonanno 474480M 153, Da Vinci Crt, Flat 3, Triq il-Garni, Il-MellieħaVladimir Kuzmanovic 231969A Rio Nero, Triq it-Tiġrija, Il-Marsa.

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5445

Anabel Refalo 552577M 116, Mon Reve, Triq il-Merħba, Il-FguraKurt Spiteri 454588M Trilogy Crt, Flat 9, Triq Dun Salv Sciberras, Ħaż-ŻabbarAnna Sciberras 523256M San Giorgio, Flat 3, Triq il-Papa Ġwanni XXIII, BirkirkaraNathan Pirotta 467400L 68, Triq San Fidiel, Il-ĦamrunFrank (Francis) Buhagiar 187664M Aquarius, Triq il-Kappara, MarsaskalaDomenic Zammit 423485M 117, Triq Ninu Cremona, PaolaRudolph Ferò 466572M 86 Maius, Triq K. Galea, BirkirkaraLuke Gafà 487494M 23, Paradise, Triq il-Mastrudaxxi, Santa VeneraKevin Mallia 2973M 15, Flat 4, Triq San Tumas, Il-FurjanaNoel Buhagiar 541071M Blk 1, Flat 1, Triq il-Mithna, Ħaż-ŻebbuġWayne Borg 12496M 75, St George, Triq Frans Sammut, Ħaż-ŻebbuġClaude Mangion 6272M Tequila, Triq Salvu Buhagiar, MarsaskalaMarley Cassar 24599M Bieb B, Flat 8, Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, PaolaRita Grioli 97265M 18, My Rest, Flat 4A, Triq is-Sajjied, San Pawl il-BaħarIvan Spagnol 265675M 13, Turtle Dove, Triq il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra, Iż-ŻejtunKeith Greengrass 119075M 96, Brittania Crt, Flat 4, Triq is-Sultana, PaolaJoey Zammit 29299G Family Zammit, Triq il-Ponta, Iż-Żebbuġ, GħawdexJesmond Buttigieg 396269M 37, Triq Abela, Santa VeneraAntoine Galea 72466M Ave Maria, Triq Villabate, Ħaż-ŻabbarMaria Teresa Calleja 81665M 56, Calvel, Triq Ġlormu Cassar, Il-MostaClive Zammit 466080M 67, Klarmaton, Triq Mons. Pietru Pawl Pullicino, Iż-ŻurrieqJoseph Anthony Scerri 232687M 2, Blk A1, Flat 7, Triq il-Porzjunkula, San Pawl il-BaħarJohn Paul Buhagiar 29084M 15, Jimmy’s, Flat 4, Triq Desguanez, San Pawl il-BaħarDaniela Pisani 111383M Baywater Flat 1, Triq il-Port Ruman, San Pawl il-BaħarIrene Mallia 129572M 7, Triq it-Torri, Il-MostaFranco Buttigieg 2594G Dolmen Crt, Flat 1, Triq l-Indipendenza, Il-Qala,

GħawdexEmanuel Buttigieg 36696G Sweet Lord, Triq l-Indipendenza, Il-Qala, GħawdexSharon Schembri 338778M 82, Mabrouk, Flat 10, Triq Mile End, Il-Ħamrun

Any person may, within one month from the publication of this notice, object in writing to the Commissioner about the issue of the above licences on any of the grounds listed in section 10 of the Private Guards and Local Wardens Act, which are:

(a) where the applicant or any officer of the applicant or any person who has an effective control of the services to be provided by the applicant.

(i) has been convicted in Malta or elsewhere of any crime against the safety of the state, or of any crime of voluntary harm or injury to any person or any crime against property or public trust or any other serious crime; or

(ii) has been declared bankrupt or his financial position is precarious or otherwise renders the applicant unsuitable; or

Kull persuna tista’, fi żmien xahar mill-pubblikazzjoni ta’ dan l-avviż, toġġezzjona bil-miktub lill-Kummissarju dwar il-ħruġ ta’ dawn il-liċenzi għal xi waħda mir-raġunijiet imsemmija fl-artikolu 10 tal-Att dwar Gwardjani Privati u Lokali, li huma:

(a) meta l-applikant jew xi uffiċjali tal-applikant jew persuna oħra li jkollha kontroll effettiv tas-servizzi li jkunu se jiġu pprovduti mill-applikant.

(i) tkun instabet ħatja f’Malta jew xi mkien ieħor ta’ xi delitt kontra s-sigurtà tal-Istat, jew ta’ xi offiża volontarja fuq il-persuna jew ta’ xi delitt kontra proprjetà jew kontra l-fiduċja pubblika jew ta’ xi delitt gravi ieħor; jew

(ii) tkun iddikjarata falluta jew meta l-qagħda finanzjarja tagħha tkun prekarja jew xort’oħra tagħmel lill-applikant mhux adatt; jew

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(iii) tkun tkeċċiet mill-Pulizija jew mill-Forzi Armati jew mis-servizz tal-ħabs minħabba xi reat jew xi nuqqas ieħor fl-imġiba; jew

(iv) tkun uffiċjal pubbliku jew membru tal-Pulizija jew Forzi Armati jew tas-servizz tal-ħabs; jew

(b) dwar xi tagħrif li jkun ta’ interess pubbliku; jew

(c) meta l-applikant ma jkollux il-kwalifiki meħtieġa kif jista’ jkun preskritt bl-Att jew taħtu.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

(iii) has been discharged from the Police or Armed Forces or the prison services because of any offence or other misbehaviour; or

(iv) is a public officer or a member of the police or armed forces or the prison services; or

(b) when information is available which is in the public interest; or

(c) where the applicant does not possess the necessary qualifications as may be prescribed by or under the Act.

30th June, 2020

Nru. 689


BIS-SAĦĦA tal-poteri mogħtija bil-Leġiżlazzjoni Sussidjarja 363.10, il-Prim Ministru ordna t-tismija tat-toroq kif speċifikat u indikat hawn taħt.

No. 689


IN exercise of the powers conferred by Subsidiary Legislation 363.10, the Prime Minister has directed the naming of the streets as specified and indicated hereunder.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 30th June, 2020

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5447

Repubblika ta’ MaltaMinisteru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji

Dipartiment tat-Teżor

Ħruġ ta’ Stocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta


0.50% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2023 (IV)



0.80% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2027 (III)



1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II) Fungibility Issue (F.I.)


Ħruġ b’irkant ta’ Euro 150,000,000 soġġett għal Dritt li jiżdied b’ammont ta’ Euro 100,000,000 fil-każ li d-domanda tkun aktar

mill-ammont offrut

Data taċ-Ċirkolari tal-Offerta: 30 ta’ Ġunju 2020


Nru. 690

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5448 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

1. Irkant ta’ Stocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta

L-Accountant General jilqa’ offerti għall-Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta għas-somma nominali flimkien ta’ Euro 150,000,000 li qiegħed jiġi offrut f’xi wieħed jew aktar mit-tliet Stocks imsemmija hawn taħt:

(1) 0.50% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2023 (IV);

(2) 0.80% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2027 (III); u

(3) 1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II) Fungibility Issue (F.I.).

2. Ġenerali

Din iċ-Ċirkulari tal-Offerta qiegħda tinħareġ skont l-artikolu 25(1) tal-Att dwar Self tal-Gvern u l-Amministrazzjoni tad-Dejn Pubbliku (Kap. 575 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), ir-regola 6(3) tar-Regolamenti tal-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta u skont l-arranġamenti kif deskritti fil-Prospett Ġenerali tal-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta relatati mal-ħruġ ta’ Stocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta ppublikat fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern tat-30 ta’ Novembru 2018. It-termini tal-Prospett Ġenerali japplikaw għall-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta msemmija aktar ’l fuq u għall-irkant ħlief meta speċifikament jiġi provdut mod ieħor.

3. Ħlas ta’ Mgħax

L-imgħax fuq kull Stock jitħallas kull sitt xhur b’lura u jinħadem skont sub-artikoli 4.1 (a) sa 4.1 (d) tal-Prospett Ġenerali.

(a) Imgħax bir-rata ta’ 0.25% taż-0.50% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2023 (IV) jitħallas kull sitt xhur b’lura fil-5 ta’ Mejju u fil-5 ta’ Novembru ta’ kull sena waqt il-kors tal-iStock ħlief għall-ewwel ħlas ta’ mgħax li jsir fil-5 ta’ Novembru 2020 bir-rata ta’ 0.160326%. L-ewwel ħlas ikopri mgħax imħallas b’lura għall-perjodu mid-data ta’ meta jsir il-ħlas tal-irkant, l-10 ta’ Lulju 2020 (id-data tal-ħruġ) sal-4 ta’ Novembru 2020 (iż-żewġ dati nklużi);

(b) Imgħax bir-rata ta’ 0.40% taż-0.80% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2027 (III) jitħallas kull sitt xhur b’lura fid- 29 ta’ April u fid-29 ta’ Ottubru ta’ kull sena waqt il-kors tal-iStock ħlief għall-ewwel ħlas ta’ mgħax li jsir fl-29 ta’ Ottubru 2020 bir-rata ta’ 0.242623%. L-ewwel ħlas ikopri mgħax imħallas b’lura għall-perjodu mid-data ta’ meta jsir il-ħlas tal-irkant l-10 ta’ Lulju 2020 (id-data tal-ħruġ) sat-28 ta’ Ottubru 2020 (iż-żewġ dati nklużi);

(c) Imgħax bir-rata ta’ 0.50% tal-1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II) F.I. jitħallas kull sitt xhur b’lura fit-23 ta’ April u fit-23 ta’ Ottubru ta’ kull sena waqt il-kors tal-iStock ħlief għall-ewwel ħlas ta’ mgħax li jsir fit-23 ta’ Ottubru 2020 bir-rata ta’ 0.286885%. L-ewwel ħlas ikopri mgħax imħallas b’lura għall-perjodu mid-data ta’ meta jsir il-ħlas tal-irkant l-10 ta’ Lulju 2020 (id-data tal-ħruġ) sat-22 ta’ Ottubru 2020 (iż-żewġ dati nklużi).

4. Maturità

(a) Iż-0.50% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2023 (IV) għandu jinfeda b’parità fil-5 ta’ Mejju 2023.

(b) Iż-0.80% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2027 (III) għandu jinfeda b’parità fid-29 ta’ April 2027.

(c) Il-1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II) għandu jinfeda b’parità fit-23 ta’ April 2031.

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5449

5. Ħruġ u Metodu ta’ Kif Issir l-Applikazzjoni

Il-ħruġ tal-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta għandu jsir permezz ta’ rkant. L-offerti għandhom isiru b’mod kompetittiv skont Artikolu 8 tal-Prospett Ġenerali. Kull formola tal-applikazzjoni għandha tinkludi offerta kompetittiva waħda u kull offerta għandha tkun għal minimu ta’ Euro 500,000 u f’multipli ta’ Euro 100,000 kull waħda.

(a) Offerti li jsiru fuq il-formoli preskritti għandhom jintbagħatu permezz ta’ e-mail fl-indirizzi indikati fuq il-formola tal-applikazzjoni jew permezz ta’ fax fuq 2596 7210 jew jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tat-Teżor, il-Floriana u għandhom jaslu sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar tal-Erbgħa, 8 ta’ Lulju 2020.

(b) Formoli tal-applikazzjoni jistgħu jinkisbu mingħand il-membri kollha tal-Borża ta’ Malta u Provdituri ta’ Servizzi ta’ Investiment oħra awtorizzati, jew jistgħu jitniżżlu wkoll minn fuq is-sit elettroniku tat-Teżor (www.

(c) Applikazzjonijiet li jsiru f’isem ‘Nominee a/c’ u/jew ‘Clients a/c’ jistgħu jkunu magħmulin minn klijent sottostanti wieħed jew aktar u għandu jintefgħa prezz tal-offerta wieħed għal kull applikazzjoni. Applikazzjonijiet li jsiru f’isem ‘Nominee a/c’ u/jew ‘Clients a/c’ jiġu aċċettati biss jekk dawn ikollhom magħhom lista bin-numru tal-karta tal-identità, jew fil-każ ta’ korp ġuridiku, in-numru tal-identità relevanti tal-klijenti rispettivi tagħhom.

(d) L-Accountant General jirriżerva d-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta kompetittiva jew kull parti ta’ offerta kompetittiva.

6. Ftuħ u l-Aħħar Ħin għas-Sottomissjonijiet tal-Offerti

L-applikazzjonijiet jiftħu l-Erbgħa, 8 ta’ Lulju 2020 fit-8.30 a.m. u jagħlqu f’nofsinhar tal-istess ġurnata. Ebda applikazzjoni ma tista’ tiġi rtirata wara l-ħin tal-għeluq.

7. Linji Gwida ta’ Ipprezzar

L-Accountant General ser iħabbar linji gwida indikattivi ta’ ipprezzar li jikkonsistu minn spread indikattiva fuq ir-rati tal-euro mid-swap relevanti li jirriflettu b’mod wiesa’ l-kondizzjonijiet fis-suq sekondarju taż-0.50% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2023 (IV), taż-0.80% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2027 (III) u tal-1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II). Il-linji gwida ta’ ipprezzar jiġu ppubblikati mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni tal-Gvern ta’ Malta permezz ta’ Stqarrija għall-Istampa nhar it-Tlieta, 7 ta’ Lulju 2020 jiġifieri fl-għeluq tas-suq sekondarju tal-Borża ta’ Malta fil-ġurnata ta’ negozju li tiġi qabel id-data tal-irkant. Il-linji gwida tal-ipprezzar jiġu ppubblikati wkoll fuq is-sit elettroniku tat-Teżor.

8. Allokazzjoni

L-Allokazzjoni ssir skont is-sub-artikoli 10.2 (a) sa 10.2 (e) tal-Prospett Ġenerali tal-iStock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta.

9. Għażla ta’ Over-allotment

Is-somma ta’ flus li għandha tinġabar f’xi wieħed jew aktar mit-tliet Stocks flimkien tkun ta’ Euro 150,000,000. L-Accountant General jirriserva d-dritt li jżid is-somma li għandha tinġabar b’ammont addizzjonali sa massimu ta’ Euro 100,000,000 f’każ li d-domanda tkun aktar mill-ammont offrut.

10. Fungibility

L-Accountant General iżomm id-dritt li joħroġ, fil-futur, ammonti addizzjonali minn kull Stock imsemmi fi tranches oħra. Fil-każ ta’ aktar ħruġ minn dawn l-iStocks, huma jkollhom l-istess drittijiet bħall-iStocks eżistenti, u jkunu soġġetti għall-

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5450 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

istess termini u kondizzjonijiet li japplikaw għal dawn l-iStocks. Fil-każ li dawn l-iStocks jerġgħu jinħarġu fil-futur dawn għandhom jiġu integrati mal-iStock eżistenti u jitqiesu bħala Stock wieħed.

11. Negozju fil-Borża ta’ Malta

(a) Skont l-Att dwar is-Swieq Finanzjarji (Kap. 345 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), saret applikazzjoni għand il-Listing Authority biex kull Stock jiġi elenkat fil-Lista Uffiċċjali u jkun jista’ jiġi negozjat fis-suq regolat tal-Borża ta’ Malta.

(b) Fit-23 ta’ Ottubru, 2020, wara l-pagament tal-ewwel imgħax, kif muri f’paragrafu 3 (c), kull ammont allokat fil-1.00% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2031 (II) F.I. jiġi integrat mal-ħruġ eżistenti ta’ dan l-iStock u wara jitqies bħala Stock wieħed taħt ISIN MT0000013020.

12. Ħlas tal-Offerti Milqugħa

L-offerenti li l-offerti tagħhom jiġu milqugħa fl-irkant għandhom iħallsu l-ammont dovut skont is-sub-artikoli 13.1 (b) sa 13.1 (e) tal-Prospett Ġenerali. Għal dan il-għan, il-ħlas tal-offerti milqugħa għandu jsir sa mhux aktar tard mill-10:00 ta’ filgħodu CET tal-Ġimgħa 10 ta’ Lulju 2020 skont il-konvenzjoni tas-suq T+2.

13. Liġi Applikabbli u Ġurisdizzjoni

Il-leġislazzjoni rilevanti li taħtha qiegħdin jinħarġu l-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta hi (a) l-Att dwar Self tal-Gvern u l-Amministrazzjoni tad-Dejn Pubbliku (Kap. 575 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), (b) l-Att li Jimplimenta Miżuri tal-Estimi (Kap. 608 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), (c) ir-Regolamenti dwar l-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta u (d) l-Prospett Ġenerali tal-iStock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta.

Kull proċeduri legali li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ dawn il-prospetti li jirregolaw il-ħruġ tal-iStocks tal-Gvern ta’ Malta għandhom ikunu regolati u nterpretati skont il-liġijiet ta’ Malta. Il-Qrati Maltin għandhom ġurisdizzjoni esklussiva biex jisimgħu u jiddeċiedu f’kull tilwima li tista’ tinqala’ taħt dawn il-prospetti.

14. Klawsoli ta’ Azzjonijiet Kollettivi

Dawn l-iStocks huma soġġetti għall-Klawsoli ta’ Azzjonijiet Kollettivi li sommarju tagħhom jinsabu fil-Prospett Ġenerali tal-iStock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta. Il-Klawsoli ta’ Azzjoni Kollettiva sħaħ u fid-dettal kollu tagħhom jinsabu fuq is-sit elettroniku tat-Teżor fis-sezzjoni riservata għad-Direttorat tal-Amministrazzjoni tad-Dejn Pubbliku. Skont id-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill Ewropew tal-24 u l-25 ta’ Marzu 2011, u skont paragrafu 3 tal-Artikolu 12 tat-Trattat li jistabillixxi l-Mekkaniżmu ta’ Stabbilità Ewropea (ESM), il-mudell KAK sar mandatorju għat-titoli ġodda tal-gvern li jimmaturaw ’l fuq minn sena maħruġa mill-pajjiżi taż-żona euro, mill-1 ta’ Jannar 2013 ’il quddiem.

It-TeżorDirettorat tal-Amministrazzjoni tad-Dejn PubblikuFloriana - Malta

It-30 ta’ Ġunju 2020

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5451

Republic of MaltaMinistry for Finance and Financial Services

Treasury Department

Issue of Malta Government Stocks

by Auction

0.50% Malta Government Stock 2023 (IV)



0.80% Malta Government Stock 2027 (III)



1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II) Fungibility Issue (F.I.)ISIN:MT0000013111

Auction of Euro 150,000,000 subject to an over-allotment option of Euro 100,000,000 in the event of oversubscription

Date of issue of the Offering Circular: 30th June 2020


No. 690

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5452 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

1. Auction of the Malta Government Stocks

The Accountant General invites bids for an aggregate nominal amount of Euro 150,000,000 of Malta Government Stocks which are being offered and made available in any one or any combination of the following three Stocks:

(1) 0.50% Malta Government Stock 2023 (IV);

(2) 0.80% Malta Government Stock 2027 (III); and

(3) 1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II) Fungibility Issue (F.I.).

2. General

This Offering Circular is issued in terms of article 25(1) of the Government Borrowing and Management of Public Debt Act (Cap. 575 of the Laws of Malta), Regulation 6(3) of the Malta Government Stocks Regulations and in terms of the arrangements described in the General Prospectus of the Malta Government Stocks related to the issuance of Malta Government Stocks published in the Government Gazette of the 30th November 2018. The terms of the General Prospectus apply to the above Malta Government Stocks and to the auction described in this Offering Circular except where expressly varied.

3. Payment of Interest

Interest on each Stock is payable half yearly in arrears and is calculated in accordance with sub-articles 4.1(a) to 4.1(d) of the General Prospectus.

(a) Interest at the rate of 0.25% in respect of the 0.50% Malta Government Stock 2023 (IV) shall be payable semi-annually in arrears on the 5th May and 5th November in every year for the duration of the Stock save for the first interest payment which will be on 5th November 2020 at the rate of 0.160326%. The first interest payment will include accrued interest from the settlement date of the auction, 10th July 2020 (the issue date) up to and including the 4th November 2020 (both dates inclusive);

(b) Interest at the rate of 0.40% in respect of the 0.80% Malta Government Stock 2027 (III) shall be payable semi-annually in arrears on the 29th April and 29th October in every year for the duration of the Stock save for the first interest payment which will be on 29th October 2020 at the rate of 0.242623%. The first interest payment will include accrued interest from the settlement date of the auction, 10th July 2020 (the issue date) up to and including the 28th October 2020 (both dates inclusive);

(c) Interest at the rate of 0.50% in respect of the 1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II) F.I. shall be payable semi-annually in arrears on the 23rd April and 23rd October in every year for the duration of the Stock save for the first interest payment which will be on the 23rd October 2020 at the rate of 0.286885%. The first interest payment will include accrued interest from the settlement date of the auction, 10th July 2020 up to and including the 22nd October 2020 (both dates inclusive).

4. Maturity

(a) The 0.50% Malta Government Stock 2023 (IV) will be repaid at par on the 5th May 2023.

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5453

(b) The 0.80% Malta Government Stock 2027 (III) will be repaid at par on the 29th April 2027.

(c) The 1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II) will be repaid at par on the 23rd April 2031.

5. Issuance and Method of Application

The issuance of the Malta Government Stocks shall be done by way of tender. Bids shall be made on a competitive basis in accordance with Article 8 of the General Prospectus. Each application form must comprise one competitive bid and each bid must be for a minimum of Euro 500,000 and multiples of Euro 100,000 each.

(a) Bids on the prescribed application forms are to be transmitted by e-mail at the e-mail addresses indicated on the application form or by fax on 2596 7210 or lodged by hand at the Treasury Tender Box at the Treasury’s premises in Floriana and to be received by not later than noon of Wednesday 8th July 2020.

(b) Application forms may be obtained from all members of the Malta Stock Exchange, other authorised Investment Service Providers or downloaded from Treasury’s website at (

(c) Applications in the name of ‘Nominee a/c’ and/or ‘Clients a/c’ may be made up of one or more underlying clients and there shall be one bid price for each application. Applications in the name of ‘Nominee a/c’ and/or ‘Clients a/c’ will only be accepted if accompanied by a list showing the identity card number or in case of a body corporate, the relevant identification number of their respective clients.

(d) The Accountant General reserves the right to reject any competitive bid or part of any competitive bid.

6. Opening and Latest Time for Submission of Bids

The applications open at 8.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 8th July 2020 and close on the same day at noon. All applications will be irrevocable after closing time.

7. Pricing Guidelines

The Accountant General will announce indicative pricing guidelines consisting of an indicative spread over the corresponding euro mid-swap rate, broadly reflecting the secondary market conditions with respect to the 0.50% Malta Government Stock 2023 (IV), 0.80% Malta Government Stock 2027 (III) and the 1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II). The pricing guidelines will be published by a Press Release to be issued by the Department of Information of the Government of Malta on Tuesday, 7th July 2020, that is, at close of business of the secondary market of the Malta Stock Exchange on the business day preceding the auction date. The pricing guidelines will be published also on Treasury’s website.

8. Allotment

Allotment will be made in accordance with sub-articles 10.2(a) to 10.2(e) of the Malta Government Stock General Prospectus.

9. Over-allotment Option

The sum of money to be raised in any one or any combination of the three Stocks shall in the aggregate be Euro 150,000,000. The Accountant General reserves the right to increase the sum of money to be raised by an additional amount of up to a maximum of Euro 100,000,000 in the event of oversubscription.

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5454 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

10. Fungibility

The Accountant General reserves the right to issue, in future, additional amounts of each of the mentioned Stocks in further tranches. In the event of such further issues of these Stocks, they will carry the same rights as the existing Stocks and will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to these Stocks. Further issues of these Stocks will be integrated with the respective existing Stock and will be deemed to be one Stock.

11. Trading on the Malta Stock Exchange

a) Pursuant to the Financial Markets Act (Cap. 345 of the Laws of Malta), an application has been made to the Listing Authority for the Stocks to be admitted to the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) and to be admitted for trading on the MSE’s regulated market.

b) On the 23rd October, 2020 after the payment of the first interest as indicated in paragraph 3 (c), any amount allotted under the 1.00% Malta Government Stock 2031 (II) Fungibility Issue shall be integrated with the existing issue of this Stock and thereafter shall be deemed to be one stock under ISIN MT0000013020.

12. Settlement of Successful Bids

Successful bidders at the auction shall settle the amount due in accordance with sub-articles 13.1(b) to 13.1(e) of the General Prospectus. For this purpose, the latest time and date for settlement of successful bids shall take place on Friday, 10th July 2020 at 10:00 am CET on a T+2 basis.

13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The relevant legislation under which Malta Government Stocks are being issued are (a) The Government Borrowing and Management of Public Debt Act (Cap. 575 of the Laws of Malta), (b) The Budget Measures Implementation Act (Cap. 608 of the Laws of Malta), (c) the Malta Government Stocks Regulations and (d) the Malta Government Stock General Prospectus.

Any legal proceedings arising under these prospectuses governing the issuance of Malta Government Stocks will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malta. The Courts of Malta will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute that may arise out or in connection with Malta Government Stocks issued under these prospectuses.

14. Collective Action Clauses

These Stocks are subject to the Collective Action Clauses, a summarised version of which can be found in the Malta Government Stock General Prospectus. The full terms of the CACs can be found on Treasury’s website under the section reserved for the Debt Management Directorate. Pursuant to the decision of the European Council of 24th-25th March 2011, and in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Treaty, the model Collective Action Clauses (CACs) became mandatory in all new euro area government securities with maturity above one year issued on or after 1st January 2013.

The Treasury Debt Management Directorate Floriana – Malta

30th June 2020

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5455


Nru. 59

Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52(1) tal-Ordinanza dwar ir-Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-vetturi ma jkunux jistgħu jgħaddu mit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijiet indikati.


Nhar l-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Lulju, 2020, u l-Ħamis, 2 ta’ Lulju, 2020, minn nofsinhar ’il quddiem ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq Dom Mintoff, Triq il-Pelligrinaġġ, Triq il-Gendus u Triq ir-Regatta.

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta’ dan l-avviż ikunu suġġetti li jiġu rmunkati.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


No. 59

In virtue of Article 52(1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the transit of vehicles from the streets mentioned hereunder will be suspended on the dates and times indicated.


On Wednesday, 1st July, 2020, and Thursday, 2nd July, 2020 from noon onwards no parking at Triq Dom Mintoff, Triq il-Pelligrinaġġ, Triq il-Gendus and Triq ir-Regatta.

Any vehicles found parked in contravention to the order of this notice are liable to be towed away.

30th June, 2020


Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 33 tal-2020

Ikkanċella Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 28 tal-2020 – Sondaġġi tal-AUV f ’Ġunju 2020

Id-Direttorat tal-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport Malta, jgħarraf li xogħlijiet ta’ sondaġġi tal-AUV f’Ġunju 2020 issa tlestew.

Għalhekk Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 28 tal-2020 ġie KKANĊELLAT.

Charts affettwati: BA 2537, 2538, 194, 2123, 2124

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


Notice to Mariners No. 33 of 2020

Cancel Notice to Mariners No. 28 of 2020 – AUV Surveys in June 2020

The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta notifies mariners that the AUV Surveys in June 2020 have been completed.

Therefore, Notice to Mariners No. 28 of 2020 is hereby CANCELLED.

Charts affected: BA 2537, 2538, 194, 2123, 2124

30th June, 2020


Avviż Lokali lill-Baħħara Nru. 59 tal-2020

Kayaking madwar Malta u Għawdex – 2020

Id-Direttorat tal-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport Malta, jgħarraf lill-baħħara li se jsir avveniment tal-kayaking madwar Malta u Għawdex li se jibda nhar is-Sibt, 4 ta’ Lulju, 2020, u jintemm il-Ħadd, 5 ta’ Lulju, 2020. Ir-rotta li se tintuża se ssir f’direzzjoni dawran xellugi u hija kif murija fuq iċ-chart li tinsab fis-sit elettroniku ta’ Transport Malta (

It-tmien kayaks ser jitilqu mir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa (Golden Bay), punt A kif muri fuq iċ-chart li tinsab fis-sit elettroniku ta’ Transport Malta (, u jipproċedu


Local Notice to Mariners No. 59 of 2020

Kayaking round Malta and Gozo – 2020

The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta, notifies mariners that a kayaking event round Malta and Gozo will start on Saturday, 4th July, 2020, and finish on Sunday, 5th July, 2020, taking the route indicated on chart found on Transport Malta website ( in an anticlockwise direction.

The eight kayakers will depart from Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa (Golden Bay), point A on chart found on Transport Malta website (, on Saturday, 4th

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5456 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

lejn in-nofsinhar tal-gżira qrib Filfla nhar is-Sibt, 4 ta’ Lulju, 2020, fit-3.00 p.m.

Minn Filfla ser jipproċedu lejn il-bokka tal-Port ta’ Marsaxlokk, punt B kif muri fuq iċ-chart li tinsab fis-sit elettroniku ta’ Transport Malta ( u mistennija li jaslu għall-ħabta tal-11.00 p.m

Min quddiem il-Port ta’ Marsaxlokk ser jipproċedu lejn il-Port il-Kbir (Il-Belt Valletta) punt C kif muri fuq iċ-chart li tinsab fis-sit elettroniku ta’ Transport Malta (, fejn mistennija li jaslu l-Ħadd, 5 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għall-ħabta tas-1.30 a.m.

Minn hemm se jipproċedu lejn il-Majjistral lejn Għawdex, ikomplu jduru man-naħa ta’ fuq ta’ Għawdex u mbaghad ibaħħru lejn ix-Xlokk għar-Ramla tal-Mixquqa, punt C kif muri fuq iċ-ċhart li tinsab fis-sit elettroniku ta’ Transport Malta (, fejn mistennija li jaslu l-Ħadd, 5 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għall-ħabta tal-4.00 p.m

RHIB flimkien ma’ persunal tas-salvataġġ se jkunu qed jakkumpanjaw dawn il-kayaks waqt dan l-avveniment.

F’każ li din l-attività ma tkunx tista’ sseħħ minħabba maltemp, se jsir tentattiv ieħor is-Sibt, 11 ta’ Lulju, 2020, u l-Ħadd, 12 ta’ Lulju, 2020, jew is-Sibt, 18 ta’ Lulju, 2020, u l-Ħadd, 19 ta’ Lulju, 2020, fl-istess ħinijiet.

Sidien u operaturi ta’ bastimenti huma avżati biex joqogħdu attenti, ibaħħru b’kawtela, iżommu d-distanza necessarja u b’veloċità baxxa meta jbaħħru fiż-żona indikata u fil-ħinijiet stipulati hawn fuq. Huma għandhom jobdu struzzjonijiet mogħtija mil-Valletta Port Control (Valletta VTS) fuq VHF Channel 12, u mill-Marsaxlokk Port Control (Marsaxlokk VTS) fuq VHF Channel 14.

Charts affettwati: BA 194, 2537 u 2538

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

July, 2020, at 3.00 p.m., and proceed South (anticlockwise) towards Filfla.

From Filfla they will continue towards in front of Il-Port ta’ Marsaxlokk, point B on chart found on Transport Malta website ( arriving there at approximately 11.00 p.m.

From in front of Il-Port ta’ Marsaxlokk they will proceed towards Il-Port il-Kbir (Valletta) point C as shown on chart found on Transport Malta website ( arriving there at approximately 1.30 a.m. on Sunday, 5th July, 2020.

From there they will proceed North-West towards Gozo, continue round the top part of Gozo and then South-East back to Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa, point A on chart found on Transport Malta website (, arriving at approximately 4.00 p.m. on Sunday, 5th July, 2020.

A RIBH with rescue personnel will be accompaying the kayakers during the event.

If the event cannot be held on the mentioned dates due to weather conditions, they will try again on Saturday, 11th July, 2020, and Sunday, 12th July, 2020, or Saturday, 18th July, 2020, and Sunday, 19th July, 2020, at the same times.

Mariners are advised to keep a sharp lookout, navigate at slow speed and keep well clear of the area during the stipulated times, giving the kayakers a wide berth. They are to obey any instructions issued by Valletta Port Control (Valletta VTS) on VHF Channel 12 and Marsaxlokk Port Control (Marsaxlokk VTS) on VHF Channel 14.

Charts affected: BA 194, 2537 and 2538

30th June, 2020


Post of Executive Secretary

The Gżira Local Council notifies that the post of Executive Secretary is vacant.

Eligible persons (Executive Secretaries serving within Local Councils and Regional Committees and persons who have qualified as Prospective Executive Secretaries) may apply on the relevant application form which can be downloaded from the site of the Department of Local Government ( and addressed to:


Post ta’ Segretarju Eżekuttiv

Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Gżira jinforma li l-post ta’ Segretarju Eżekuttiv huwa vakanti.

Il-persuni eliġibbli biex jimlew il-kariga ta’ Segretarju Eżekuttiv (Segretarji Eżekuttivi tal-Kunsilli Lokali u Kumitati Reġjonali u persuni li jkunu kkwalifikaw bħala Segretarji Eżekuttivi Prospettivi) jistgħu japplikaw permezz tal-applikazzjoni li titniżżel mis-sit elettroniku tad-Dipartiment tal-Gvern Lokali ( u indirizzata lil:

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5457

Is-Sindku(Vakanza Segretarju Eżekuttiv)Kunsill Lokali l-Gżira283/1 Triq D’ArgensIl-Gżira

L-applikazzjoni tista’ tintbagħat bil-posta jew titwassal fil-Kunsill f’envelop issiġillat sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 17 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jkunux ikkunsidrati.

Formola tal-applikazzjoni – verżjoni Maltija: ( )

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

The Mayor (Vacancy Executive Secretary) Gżira Local Council 283/1 Triq D’Argens Gżira

Applications may be sent by post or delivered at the above address in a sealed envelope by noon of Friday, 17th July, 2020.

Late applications will not be considered.

Application Form – English version: (

30th June, 2020


Fidwa tat- 3.35% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2020 IV

Skont u għall-finijiet ta’ paragrafu 6(2) tal-Avviż Legali numru 420 tas-26 ta’ Novembru 2013, it-Teżor javża li t-3.35% Stock tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 2020 (IV) kollu li għandu valur nominali ta’ €64,040,000 ser jinfeda b’parita` fil-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

L-aħħar ħlas tal-imgħax dovut għall-perjodu bejn il-31 ta’ Jannar 2020 u t-30 ta’ Lulju 2020 (iż-żewġ dati nklużi) ser isir fid-data tal-fidwa tal-iStock nhar il-31 ta’ Lulju 2020 bir-rata ta’ 1.675% lill-persuni kollha li fid-9 ta’ Lulju 2020 ikunu reġistrati bħala detenturi tal-iStock fir-Reġistru tal-Borża ta’ Malta.

Il-kapital ser jitħallas lura fil-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 lill-persuni kollha li fid-9 ta’ Lulju, 2020 ikunu reġistrati bħala detenturi tal-iStock fir-Reġistru tal-Borża ta’ Malta.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


Redemption of the 3.35% Malta Government Stock 2020 IV

Pursuant to and for the purpose of paragraph 6(2) of Legal Notice No. 420 of the 26th November 2013, the Treasury here-by gives notice that all of the 3.35% Malta Government Stock 2020 (IV) that is, €64,040,000 nominal will be redeemed at par on 31st July, 2020.

The final interest payment covering the period from the 31st day of January 2020 to the 30th day of July 2020 (both days inclusive) will be payable on 31st July 2020 at the rate of 1.675% to the persons registered as holders in the Register of the Malta Stock Exchange on 9th July 2020.

The principal will be repaid on 31st July, 2020 to the per-sons registered as holders in the Register of the Malta Stock Exchange on 9th July, 2020.

30th June, 2020


Lista ta’ kwotazzjonijiet, offerti u direct orders mogħtija mill-Awtorità tal-Istatistika ta’ Malta matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2020, u t-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, ippubblika-ta skont l-Artikolu 111(2) tar-Regolamenti tal-2016 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi u skont struzzjonijiet maħruġa b’Ċirku-lari tal-MFEI 11/2011 tal-11 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


List of quotations, tenders and direct orders awarded by the Malta Statistics Authority during the period between 1st January, 2020, and 30th June, 2020, published in terms of Regulation 111(2) of the Public Procurement Regulations of 2016 and in accordance with MFEI Circular 11/2011 dated 11th October, 2011.

30th June, 2020

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5458 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Direct Orders/Direct Orders

Legal Services for the Malta Statistics Authority

10/12/2019 Mifsud Bonnici Advocates €9,600

Purchase of office furniture 17/03/2020 JCR Furniture €7,262.71

The provison of Handyman Services at the Malta Statistics Authority

19/03/2020 MCSI Ltd €5,005.16

The supply of hundred mobile lines and phones for interviewers

20/03/2020 Melita plc €15/month each

Purchase of twelve High End HP laptops 24/03/2020 M.I.T.A. €7,537.32

Suġġett tad-Direct Order Data tal-Approvazzjoni Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VAT

Subject of the Direct Order Approval Date Contractor’s name Contract Value Excluding VAT


Isem tal-Offerta Data tal-Għotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VATTender Name Award Date Contractor’s name Contract Value Excluding VAT

Tender for the Provision of Security Services at the Malta Statistics Authority

30/03/2020 Signal 8 Security Services Ltd



Isem tal-Kwotazzjoni Data tal-Għotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt eskluża l-VATQuotation Name Award Date Contractor’s name Contract Value Excluding VAT

Call for Quotations for the Provision of Statistical Services relevant to the Construction Survey 2020 on behalf of the MSA

23/06/2020 Perit Sandro Cini €4,900


Sospensjoni tat-Traffiku u Parkeġġ

Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Għarb jgħarraf illi nhar is-Sibt, 4 ta’ Lulju, 2020, Triq il-Knisja mill-kantuniera ta’ Triq il-Viżitazzjoni, Pjazza taż-Żjara tal-Madonna u Pjazzetta Isqof N. G. Cauchi se jkunu magħluqa u ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja mill-4.00 p.m. sas-1.00 a.m. Nhar il-Ħadd, 5 ta’ Lulju, 2020, fi Pjazza taż-Żjara tal-Madonna, Pjazzetta Isqof N. G. Cauchi, Triq Frenċ tal-Għarb, Triq l-Isqof M. Molina u Triq Trux ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja mill-5.00 p.m. sal-10.00 p.m. u se jkunu magħluqa mis-7.00 p.m. sad-9.00 p.m.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


Suspension of Traffic and Parking

The Għarb Local Council notifies that on Saturday, 4th July, 2020, Triq il-Knisja from corner with Triq il-Viżitazzjoni, Pjazza taż-Żjara tal-Madonna and Pjazzetta Isqof N. G. Cauchi will be closed to traffic and no parking will be allowed from 4.00 p.m. till 1.00 a.m. On Sunday, 5th July, 2020, in Pjazza taż-Żjara tal-Madonna, Pjazzetta Isqof N. G. Cauchi, Triq Frenċ tal-Għarb, Triq l-Isqof M. Molina and Triq Trux no parking will be allowed from 5.00 p.m. till 10.00 p.m. and these streets will be closed from 7.00 p.m. till 9.00 p.m.

30th June, 2020

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5459


Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma jgħarraf illi:

Jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet fil-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. Il-kwotazzjonijiet/offerti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS fuq (

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/50/2020. Provvista, konsenja, installazzjoni u kkummissjonar ta’ goods lift għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 6 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/41/2020. Provvista u konsenja, inkluż disinn, manifattura, programmar, ittestjar u kkummissjonar ta’ telemetry operated Motor Control Centres (MCCs) għall-wastewater pumping stations f’Ta’ Kandja u Sa Maison.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/53/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ cloud-managed access points inkluż ftehim ta’ appoġġ għal 3 snin u liċenzjar għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 9 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Kwot. Nru. WSC/Q/11/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ warning tape blu għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 10 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/46/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ ductile iron fittings għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/47/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ stainless-steel check valves għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/49/2020. Provvista u installazzjoni ta’ fibre-optic network mill-RO ta’ Pembroke għall-mina ta’ Ta’ Qali u water analysers għall-monitoraġġ tal-LSI għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/51/2020. Provvista, konsenja, installazzjoni u kkummissjonar ta’ sistema ta’ wireless datalogger għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/54/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ couplings u flange adaptors għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.


The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation notifies that:

Tenders/quotations will be received on the date and time indicated below. Quotations/tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on (

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 3rd July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/50/2020. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of a goods lift to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 6th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/41/2020. Supply and delivery, including design, manufacture, programming, testing and commissioning, of telemetry operated Motor Control Centres (MCCs) for Ta’ Kandja and Sa Maison wastewater pumping stations.

Advt No. WSC/T/53/2020. Supply and delivery of cloud-managed access points including a 3-year support agreement and licencing to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 9th July, 2020, for:

Quot. No. WSC/Q/11/2020. Supply and delivery of warning tape blue for the Water Services Corporation

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 10th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/46/2020. Supply and delivery of ductile iron fittings for the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/47/2020. Supply and delivery of stainless-steel check valves to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/49/2020. Supply and installation of a fibre-optic network through Pembroke RO to Ta’ Qali tunnel and water analysers for LSI monitoring to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/51/2020. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of a wireless datalogger system for the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/54/2020. Supply and delivery of couplings and flange adaptors for the Water Services Corporation.

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5460 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 13 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Av v i ż N r u . W S C / T / 5 2 / 2 0 2 0 . P r o v v i s t a u konsenja ta’ s t rainers għal l-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma biex jintużaw f’peripheral connections tal-mina minn Pembroke għal Ta’ Qali.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 16 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Kwot. Nru. WSC/Q/12/2020. Provvista, konsenja u installazzjoni ta’ motorised sliding gate għar-reservoir tan-Naxxar għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 17 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/43/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ electro submersible centrifugal pumps għall-ġibjun Ta’ Ċenċ 1 lill-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Av v i ż N r u . W S C / T / 5 6 / 2 0 2 0 . P r o v v i s t a u konsenja ta’ flow meters għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma għall-użu tal-peripheral connections tal-mina minn Pembroke għal Ta’ Qali.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/60/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ couplings 450mm, 500mm u 600mm għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/44/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ tagħmir għar-rinovar ta’ tmien boreholes b’sistema ta’ SCADA għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 27 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/62/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ stainless steel multi band repair clamps għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/45/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ stainless-steel product line header għall-impjant tar-reverse osmosis ta’ Pembroke – Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/67/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall-kiri ta’ planer (scarifier) u HRA paver għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 31 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/61/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ diesel generator għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/59/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall-provvista u konsenja ta’ legionella supplements għal legionella analysis għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 13th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/52/2020. Supply and delivery of strainers for the Water Services Corporation to use at peripheral connections of the Pembroke to Ta’ Qali tunnel.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 16th July, 2020, for:

Quot. No. WSC/Q/12/2020. Supply, delivery and installation of motorised sliding gate for Naxxar reservoir for the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 17th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/43/2020. Supply and delivery of electro submersible centrifugal pumps for Ta’ Ċenċ 1 reservoir to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 20th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/56/2020. Supply and delivery of flow meters for the Water Services Corporation to use at the peripheral connections of the Pembroke to Ta’ Qali tunnel.

Advt No. WSC/T/60/2020. Supply and delivery of couplings 450mm, 500mm and 600mm to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/44/2020. Supply and delivery of equipment to upgrade eight boreholes with SCADA system for the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 27th July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/62/2020. Supply and delivery of stainless steel multi band repair clamps for the Water Services Corporation

Advt No. WSC/T/45/2020. Supply and delivery of stainless-steel product line header for Pembroke reverse osmosis plant – Water Services Corporation

Advt No. WSC/T/67/2020. Framework agreement for the hire of a planer (scarifier) and HRA paver for the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 31st July, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/61/2020. Supply and delivery of diesel generator to the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/59/2020. Framework agreement for the supply and delivery of legionella supplements for legionella analysis for the Water Services Corporation.

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5461

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/57/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ ABS waste-water pumps spare parts għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 3 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/48/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ silt density index analysers ġodda għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/66/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ U-PVC pipes u fittings għall-impjanti tar-reverse osmosis għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/70/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ VHF concentrators u LAN SDR modems għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/72/2020. Provvista ta’ access network switches inkluż manutenzjoni relatata u servizzi ta’ appoġġ għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 7 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/63/2020. Fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) pipes, fittings, grating, supports, pneumatically u handwheel operated PVC/PP butterfly valves and stainless steel wafer type swing check valves għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

*Avviż Nru. WSC/T/73/2020. Provvista ta’ access network switches inkluż manutenzjoni u servizzi ta’ appoġġ għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Id-dokumenti huma mingħajr ħlas.

*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Electronic Procurement System ( Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom l-Organisation eID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Operaturi ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa jieħdu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomiċi jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom onlajn. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u r-reġistrazzjoni tal-offerti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

Advt No. WSC/T/57/2020. Supply and delivery of ABS waste-water pumps spare parts to the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 3rd August, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/48/2020. Supply and delivery of new silt density index analysers for the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/66/2020. Supply and delivery of U-PVC pipes and fittings for the Water Services Corporation reverse osmosis plants.

Advt No. WSC/T/70/2020. Supply and delivery of VHF concentrators and LAN SDR modems for the Water Services Corporation.

Advt No. WSC/T/72/2020. Supply of access network switches including related maintenance and support services for the Water Services Corporation.

Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 7th August, 2020, for:

Advt No. WSC/T/63/2020. Fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) pipes, fittings, grating, supports, pneumatically and handwheel operated PVC/PP butterfly valves and stainless steel wafer type swing check valves for Water Services Corporation.

*Advt No. WSC/T/73/2020. Supply of access network switches including related maintenance and support services for the Water Services Corporation.

No participation fee is required.

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Tender/quotation documents are obtainable from the Electronic Procurement System ( Registration is required in order to make use of this website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their Organisation eID in order to access this website. More information is available from the FAQ section of the same website.

Economic operators interested in participating in these calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops being organised by the Department of Contracts. During these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and submitting their tender online. More information is available in the tender document.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the time and date specified above.

30th June, 2020

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5462 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429


L-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv, Awtorità tal-Artijiet, jgħarraf li:

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa taL-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 2 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 66. Kiri tale quale minn sena għal sena għal skopijiet agrikoli ta’ sit fil-Mistra, fil-limiti tal-Mellieħa, Il-Mellieħa kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2020_0356. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,152 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tliet mija erbgħa u tmenin ewro (€384) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 67. Kiri tale quale għal skopijiet kummerċjali tal-fond fi Store “B” f’Xatt Lascaris taħt Telgħet il-Kurċifiss, Il-Furjana kif muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat bħala Store B fuq il-pjanta P.D.2008_544. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €49,860 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ sittax-il elf, sitt mija u għoxrin ewro (€16,620) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 68. Bejgħ tale quale ta’ sit fuq wara ta’ Plot Nru. 142, Triq il-Ward, Ħaż-Żabbar kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta L.D.37/81/47. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,360 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tlettax-il elf u sitt mitt ewro (€13,600) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa taL-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 9 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 69 Għotja b’ċens perpetwu rivedibbli tale quale u fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi xi difetti li jista’ jkun hemm moħbija ta’ garaxx fuq wara tal-Fond f’Nru. 6, Triq il-Għasir, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2019_0414 kif ukoll is-sehem indiviż ta’ wieħed minn kull ħamsa (1/5) tal-passaġġ muri bil-kulur aħmar fuq l-istess pjanta P.D.2019_0414. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €17,745 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamest elef disa’ mija u ħmistax-il ewro (€5,915) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 70 Għotja b’ċens perpetwu rivedibbli tale quale tal-garaxx li jġib l-isem ta’ ‘Saint Philip Garage’,


The Chief Executive Officer, Lands Authority, notifies that:

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd July, 2020.

Advt No. 66. Lease tale quale on a year to year basis for agricultural purposes of a site at Il-Mistra, in the limits of Mellieħa, Mellieħa as shown edged in red on plan P.D.2020_0356. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for the amount of €1,152 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of three hundred eighty-four euro (€384) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 67. Lease tale quale for commercial purposes of the premises at Store “B” at Xatt Lascaris underlying Telgħet il-Kurċifiss, Floriana as shown edged in red and marked as Store B on plan P.D.2008_544. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for the amount of €49,860 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty euro (€16,620) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 68. Sale tale quale of a site at the back of Plot No. 142, Triq il-Ward, Ħaż-Żabbar shown edged in red on plan L.D.37/81/47. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for the amount of €1,360 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of thirteen thousand and six hundred euro (€13,600) will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 9th July, 2020.

Advt No. 69. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusis tale quale in its present state including any latent defects of a garage at the back of the Premises at No. 6, Triq l-Għasir, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.2019_0414 and the one fifth (1/5) undivided share on the passage shown shaded in red on the same plan P.D.2019_0414. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €17,745 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of five thousand nine hundred and fifteen euro (€5,915) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 70. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusis tale quale of a garage named ‘Saint Philip Garage’ Triq il-

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Triq il-Qolla, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.JO_10_2009_A. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,745 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ disa’ mija u ħmistax-il ewro (€915) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nu. 71 Kiri tale quale tal-garaxx mingħajr l-arja tiegħu f’Nru. 21 Triq il-Ħawħa, San Ġwann, kif muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Nru. 21 fuq il-pjanta L.D.135/81/26. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €4,500 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf u ħames mitt ewro (€1,500) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 72 Bejgħ tale quale ta’ garaxx mingħajr l-arja tiegħu f’Nru. 2, Triq il-Werżieq, Ix-Xgħajra, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2_82_1_A_2. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,500 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamsa u għoxrin elf ewo (€25,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa taL-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 16 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 73. Għotja b’ċens temporanju għal perjodu ta’ ħamsa u għoxrin (25) sena tale quale tal-fond kummerċjali f’Nru. 339E, Triq San Pawl, Il-Belt Valletta kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2020_0121. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €35,100 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħdax-il elf u seba’ mitt ewro (€11,700) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 74. Għotja b’ċens temporanju għal perjodu ta’ ħamsa u għoxrin (25) sena tale quale tal-fond kummerċjali f’Nru. 339B, Triq San Pawl, Il-Belt Valletta kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2020_0411. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €50,000 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ sbatax-il elf mitejn u ħamsin ewro (€17,250) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 75. Avviż Nru. 75. Kiri tale quale, għal perjodu li fadal tal-kirja preżenti li jintemm fl-4 ta’ Novembru, 2023, ta’ ħanut vojt Nru. 13 f’Nru. 5, taħt Blokk Appartamenti Indipendenza, Triq Dun G. Mifsud, Santa Luċija muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Ħanut Nru. 13 fuq pjanta L.D. 11/82/34. Il-kerrej preżenti ma jridx jibqa’ fil-kirja u terz interessat

Qolla, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, as shown edged in red on plan P.D.JO_10_2009_A. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €2,745 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of nine hundred and fifteen euro (€915) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 71. Lease tale quale of a garage without its own airspace at No. 21 Triq il-Ħawħa, San Ġwann, as shown edged in red and marked No. 21 on the plan L.D. 135/81/26. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €4,500 as stipulated on the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of one thousand and five hundred euro (€1,500) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 72. Sale tale quale of Garage without its own airspace at No. 2, Triq il-Werżieq, Xgħajra, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D. 2_82_1_A_2. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount €2,500 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of twenty-five thousand euro (€25,000) will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 16th July, 2020.

Advt No. 73. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis for a period of twenty-five (25) years tale quale of the commercial premises at No. 339E Triq San Pawl, Valletta as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.2020_0121. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €35,100 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of eleven thousand seven hundred euro (€11,700) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 74. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis for a period of twenty-five (25) years tale quale of the commercial premises at No. 339B, Triq San Pawl, Valletta, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.2020_0411. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for the amount of €50,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of seventeen thousand two hundred and fifty euro (€17,250) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 75. Lease tale quale, for the remaining period of the present lease which ends on the 4th November, 2023, of a bare shop No. 13 at No.5, under Block Appartamenti Indipendenza, Triq Dun G. Mifsud, Santa Luċija, shown edged in red and marked Shop No. 13 on plan L.D. 11/82/34. The present tenant does not want to remain in the lease and an interested third party

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is ready to assume the remaining term of this lease. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €3,461.34 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of one thousand one hundred and fifty-three Euro and seventy-eight cents (€1,153.78) per annum will not be considered. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 76. Lease tale quale for agricultural purposes on a year to year basis of a site at Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad in the limits of Saint Paul’s Bay as shown edged in red and marked letter ‘A’ on the plan P.D.2012_643_C. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for the amount of €7,728 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two thousand five hundred and seventy-six euro (€2,576) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 77. Lease tale quale for agricultural purposes on a year to year basis of a site at Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad in the limits of Saint Paul’s Bay as shown edged in red and marked letter ‘B’ on the plan P.D.2012_643_C. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two hundred and eighty euro (€280) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 78. Lease tale quale for agricultural purposes on a year to year basis of a site at Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad in the limits of Saint Paul’s Bay as shown edged in red and marked letter ‘C’ on the plan P.D.2012_643_C. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two hundred and eighty euro (€280) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 23rd July, 2020.

Advt No. 79. Lease tale quale in its present state including any latent defects not for residential purposes of the premises without number in Triq il-Madonna ta’ Monserrat, Birgu, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.2020_0395. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €3,600 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of one thousand two hundred euro (€1,200) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon signing of the contract.

Advt No. 80. its present state including any latent defects not for residential purposes of the premises at No. 116, Triq il-Palazz l-Antik tal-Gvernatur, Birgu, as shown edged in red

lest li jidħol għar-rimanenti perjodu ta’ din il-kirja. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €3,461.34 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf mija tlieta u ħamsin ewro u tmienja u sebgħin ċenteżmu (€1,153.78) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Din it-tender hija suġġetta għad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 76. Kiri tale quale minn sena għal sena għal skopijiet agrikoli ta’ sit fi Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad, limiti ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ittra ‘A’ fuq il-pjanta P.D.2012_643_C. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €7,728 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elfejn ħames mija sitta u sebgħin ewro (€2,576) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 77. Kiri tale quale minn sena għal sena għal skopijiet agrikoli ta’ sit fi Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad limiti ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ittra ‘B’ fuq il-pjanta P.D.2012_643_C. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitejn u tmenin ewro (€280) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 78. Kiri tale quale minn sena għal sena għal skopijiet agrikoli ta’ sit fi Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad, limiti ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ittra ‘C’ fuq il-pjanta P.D.2012_643_C. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitejn u tmenin ewro (€280) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa taL-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 23 ta’ Lulju, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 79. Kiri tale quale u fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi xi difetti li jista’ jkun hemm moħbija mhux għal skopijjiet residenzjali tal-fond mingħajr numru fi Triq il-Madonna ta’ Monserrat, Il-Birgu, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2020_0395. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €3,600 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf u mitejn ewro (€1,200) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 80. Kiri tale quale u fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi xi difetti li jista’ jkun hemm moħbija mhux għal skopijiet residenzjali tal-fond f’Nru. 116, Triq il-Palazz l-Antik

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on the plan P.D.2014_692_A. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €15,231 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of five thousand and seventy-seven euro (€5,077) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 81. Lease tale quale of a garage without its own airspace at No. 81, Triq l-Ibiskus, San Ġwann, as shown edged in red and marked No. 81 on the plan L.D.135/81/25. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €3,750 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of one thousand two hundred and fifty euro (€1,250) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 82. Lease tale quale on a year to year basis for agriculural purposes of a site at Taż-Żebbiegħa in the limits of Siġġiewi, Siġġiewi, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D. 2006_115. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €2,220 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of seven hundred and forty euro (€740) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Advt No. 83. Sale tale quale of a site at Triq Santa Katerina in the limits of Rabat, Rabat, Malta, as shown edged in red on the plan P.D.2020_0347. This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour of the adjacent property. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,440 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of fourteen thousand and four hundred euro (€14,400) will not be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged upon the signing of contract.

Tenders should be submitted only on the prescribed form which, together with the relevant conditions and other documents, can ONLY be obtained by a request made by email on ([email protected]).

Due to the current situation, tender collection fees are temporarily being waived. A fee of €50 will be collected upon signing of the contract by the selected bidder.

30th June, 2020

tal-Gvernatur, Il-Birgu, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2014_692_A. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €15,231 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamest elef seba’ u sebgħin ewro (€5,077) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 81. Kiri tale quale ta’ garaxx mingħajr l-arja tiegħu f’Nru. 81, Triq l-Ibiskus, San Ġwann, kif muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Nru. 81 fuq il-pjanta L.D.135/81/25. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €3,750 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf mitejn u ħamsin ewro (€1,250) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 82. Kiri tale quale minn sena għal sena għal skopijiet agrikoli ta’ sit Taż-Żebbiegħa fil-limiti tas-Siġġiewi, Is-Siġġiewi, kif muri b-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2006_115. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,220 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ seba’ mija u erbgħin ewro (€740) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

Avviż Nru. 83. Bejgħ tale quale ta’ sit fi Triq Santa Katerina fil-limiti tar-Rabat, Ir-Rabat, Malta, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2020_0347. Dan is-sit huwa suġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti favur il-proprjetà adjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,440 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ erbatax-il elf u erba’ mitt ewro (€14,400) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt.

L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta li, flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħra, jistgħu jinkisbu BISS b’talba b’ittra elettronika lil ([email protected]).

Minħabba s-sitwazzjoni preżenti mhuwiex ser jintalab ħlas għad-dokumenti tal-offerta. Min jirbaħ l-offerta ser ikun qiegħed iħallas l-ammont ta’ €50 mal-iffirmar tal-kuntratt relattiv.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


L-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (MFSA) tgħarraf li offerti elettroniċi rigward dan l-avviż se jintlaqgħu sal-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS (


The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will be received on the date and time indicated below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY (

Page 28: Nru./No. 20,429 2.16 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta Gazette/Docum… · A.L.267 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2010

5466 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 23 ta’ Lulju, 2020

Avviż Nru. MFSA/10/20. Xogħlijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni u rfinar ta’ kmamar tat-tojlits effiċjenti fl-enerġija għal per-suni bi bżonnijiet speċjali u ta’ ġeneru newtrali fl-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Thursday, 23rd July, 2020

Advt No. MFSA/10/20. Construction and finishing of en-ergy efficient restrooms for special needs and gender neutral persons at the Malta Financial Services Authority.

30th June, 2020


Id-Direttur Maniġerjali, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU), għall-Ministeru għas-Saħħa jgħarraf illi:

Talbiet għall-Parteċipazzjoni (RFP) rigward l-avviż li ġej jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Lulju, 2020. It-Talbiet għall-Parteċipazzjoni għandhom jiġu sottomessi BISS permezz ta’ ittra elettronika lil ([email protected]).

RFP Nru. 004-6073/20 (CPSU 1741/20). Kiri ta’ postijiet kompluti bl-għamara, għar-rilokazzjoni tal-Awtorità tal-Protezzjoni tal-Embrijuni.

Is-Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Requests for Participation j istgħu j i tniżżlu minn (https:/ /

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


The Managing Director, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU), for the Ministry for Health notifies that:

Requests for Participation (RFP) in respect of the following notice will be received up to noon on Monday, 20th July, 2020. Requests for Participation are to be submitted ONLY via email ([email protected]).

RFP No. 004-6073/20 (CPSU 1741/20). Leasing of premises complete with furniture, for the relocation of the Embryo Protection Authority.

The above Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Requests for Participation can be downloaded from (

30th June, 2020


Is-CEO (Procurement and Supplies), Ministeru għas-Saħħa, jgħarraf illi:

Jintlaqgħu offerti elettroniċi rigward l-avviż li ġej sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Erbgħa, 15 ta’ Lulju, 2020. L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu BISS online fuq ( għal:

CFT 021-0748/20. Aztreonam 75mg nebuliser

Jintlaqgħu offerti elettroniċi rigward l-avviżi li ġejjin sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Lulju, 2020. L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu BISS online fuq ( għal:

CFT 021-0743/20. Fluorouracil 500mg injections jew 1000mg injections

CFT 021-0744/20. Etoposide 100mg injectionsCFT 020-0745/20. Disposable laparascopic dissectorCFT 009-0746/20. Installazzjoni u kkummissjonar ta’ fire

and stretcher lift fl-Isptar Mater DeiCFT 020-0747/20. Ligating clips (small, medium, medi-

um-large, large)


The CEO (Procurement and Supplies), Ministry for Health, notifies that:

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will be received till 9.30 a.m. of Wednesday, 15th July, 2020. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on ( for:

CFT 021-0748/20. Aztreonam 75mg nebuliser

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notices will be received till 9.30 a.m. of Monday, 20th July, 2020. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on ( for:

CFT 021-0743/20. Fluorouracil 500mg injections or 1000mg injections

CFT 021-0744/20. Etoposide 100mg injectionsCFT 020-0745/20. Disposable laparascopic dissectorCFT 009-0746/20. Installation and commissioning of fire

and stretcher lift at Mater Dei HospitalCFT 020-0747/20. Ligating clips (small, medium, medi-

um-large, large)

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5467

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma mingħajr ħlas.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jinkisbu biss mill-Electron-ic Public Procurement System ( Ir-reġistrazzjoni hija meħtieġa sabiex ikun jista’ jintuża s-sit elettroniku. Operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin għandu jkollhom l-eID tal-organizzazzjoni tagħhom sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit elettroniku. Aktar tagħrif jinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar tal-offerti fil-ħinijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

These tender documents are free of charge.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Elec-tronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. Registration is required in order to make use of this website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their organisation eID in order to access this website. More infor-mation is available from the FAQ section of the same website.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the times and dates specified above.

30th June, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Għasri jgħarraf illi:

Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Lulju, 2020, jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet fil-Kunsill Lokali l-Għasri, għal:

Avviż Nru. [GSR-02-2020]. Kuntratt perjodiku għal xogħlijiet maġġuri tal-asfalt tat-toroq fl-Għasri.

Quot. No. [GSR-03-2020]. Provvista ta’ soft stone blocks.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba/imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


The Għasri Local Council notifies that:

Tenders/quotations will be received at the Għasri Local Council up to 11.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 21st July, 2020, for:

Advt No. [GSR-02-2020]. Period contract for major road asphalting works in Għasri.

Quot. No. [GSR-03-2020]. Supply of soft stone blocks.

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders website (

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous.

30th June, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali Santa Venera jgħarraf li:

Offerti għandhom jintlaqgħu mill-Kunsill Lokali Santa Venera permezz tal-ePPS sad-9.30 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. STVLCT/2/2020. Servizzi professjonali ta’ Maniġer tal-Kuntratti - Kunsill Lokali Santa Venera.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba/imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (


The Santa Venera Local Council notifies that: Tenders will be received at the Santa Venera Local

Council through ePPS up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 21st July, 2020, for:

Advt No. STVLCT/2/2020. Professional services of a Con-tracts Manager - Santa Venera Local Council.

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders website (

Page 30: Nru./No. 20,429 2.16 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta Gazette/Docum… · A.L.267 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2010

5468 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta,

anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous.

30th June, 2020


The Birkirkara Local Council notifies that:

Tenders will be received at the Birkirkara Local Council through ePPS, up to noon on Monday, 20th July, 2020, for:

Advt. No. BLC/006/2020. Supply of a second-hand pas-senger van

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders web-site (

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous.

30th June, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali Birkirkara jgħarraf illi:

Sejħiet għall-offerti għandhom jintlaqgħu mill-Kunsill Lokali Birkirkara, permezz tal-ePPS, sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. BLC/006/2020. Provvista ta’ vann tal- passiġġieri second-hand

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba, imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument tal-offerta jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Isla jgħarraf illi:

Sejħiet għall-kwotazzjonijiet għandhom jintlaqgħu mill-Kunsill Lokali l-Isla sad-9.30 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Servizz ta’ ġbir ta’ skart goff b’użu ta’ vettura ta’ servizz b’emissjonijiet baxxi fil-lokalità tal-Isla

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba, imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-etenders (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument tal-offerta jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


The Isla Local Council notifies that:

Tenders will be received through ePPS at the Isla Local Council up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 21st July, 2020, for:

Bulky refuse collection service using low emission vehicle for the Isla Local Council

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders website (

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous.

30th June, 2020

Page 31: Nru./No. 20,429 2.16 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta Gazette/Docum… · A.L.267 tal-2020: Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni (Kap. 327); L-Ordinamenti tal-2020 biex jemendaw l-Ordinamenti tal-2010

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5469


Il-Kunsill Lokali r-Rabat (Malta) jgħarraf illi:

Jintlaqgħu offerti mill-Kunsill Lokali r-Rabat (Malta) permezz tal-ePPS sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal:

Avviż Nru. RLC/T/0192/20. Provvista ta’ tipper van/trakk użat b’kabina doppja u b’emissjonijiet baxxi

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba/imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgħu fuq is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom mill-istess sit.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġjuża.

It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020


The Rabat (Malta) Local Council notifies that:

Tenders will be received at the Rabat (Malta) Local Council through ePPS, up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 21st July, 2020, for:

Advt. No. RLC/T/0192/20. Supply of a low emission second-hand double cab tipper van/truck

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders website (

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous.

30th June, 2020

Avviż mir-Reġistru tal-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili

Billi Shikha Alageel ippreżenta rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 449/20/JVC) fejn ġiet mitluba l-Korrezzjoni tal-Att tar-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Abdullah Allohaidan Nru. 1963/2017 fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.

Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dik it-talba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehma tiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppeżentata fir-Reġistru ta’ dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ dan l-avviż fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.

Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentaw dik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikors ġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tingħata għas-smigħ tal-kawża.

B’ordni tal-Qorti,

Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri,

Illum, 25 ta’ Ġunju ,2020

KAREN FALZONGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Notice, Registry of the Civil Court, First Hall

Whereas Shikha Alageel filed an application under oath (No 449/20/JVC) demanding the Correction of the Act of Public Registry of Abdullah Allohaidan No. 1963/2017 in the Public Registry.

Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishes to oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, by means of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts, within fifteen days from the day of the publication of this present notice in the Government Gazette.

Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filed such note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the said application under oath, of the day which will be appointed for the hearing of the case.

By order of the Court,

Registry of the Superior Court,

Today 25th of June, 2020

KAREN FALZONFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals



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5470 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Avviż mir-Reġistru tal-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili

Billi Dalal Alageel ippreżenta rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 450/20/JVC) fejn ġiet mitluba l-Korrezzjoni tal-Att tar-Reġistru Pubbliku Nru. 1965/2017 fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.

Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dik it-talba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehma tiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppeżentata fir-Reġistru ta’ dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ dan l-avviż fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.

Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentaw dik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikors ġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tingħata għas-smigħ tal-kawża.

B’ordni tal-Qorti,

Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri,

Illum, 25 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

KAREN FALZONGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Notice, Registry of the Civil Court, First Hall

Whereas Dalal Alageel filed an application under oath (No 450/20/JVC) demanding the Correction of the Act of Public Registry No. 1965/2017 in the Public Registry.

Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishes to oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, by means of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts, within fifteen days from the day of the publication of this present notice in the Government Gazette.

Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filed such note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the said application under oath, of the day which will be appointed for the hearing of the case.

By order of the Court,

Registry of the Superior Court,

Today 25th of June, 2020

KAREN FALZONFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals



B’digriet mogħti, minn din il-Qorti, fit-12 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, fuq talba ta’ Giulio Muscia, ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati biex jirrappreżentaw lill-assenti Ramona Betti, Rikors 2786/20 AL, fl-ismijiet ‘Nadia Shlash vs Kuraturi Deputati’ u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.

Permezz ta’ Rikors, ippreżentat, fil-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja) Rikors fl-ismijiet Giulio Muscia (numru tal-karta tar-residenza Maltija MT7906732) vs Kuraturi Deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lil Ramona Betti (passaport numru YA4630091) fid-19 ta’ Diċembru, 2019, ir-rikorrenti Giulio Muscia (numru tal-karta tar-residenza Maltija MT7906732) talab lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti,

1. Tiddikjara l-ħall taż-żwieġ bejn il-partijiet u tilqa’ t-talbiet l-oħra fir-rikors.

Rikorrenti: 64, Triq id-Dejqa, Ħal Lija

Intimata : Kuraturi Deputati

Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt ijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jidħol għal dan.

By means of a decree given, by this Court, on the 12th June, 2020, following a request of Giulio Muscia, it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the absent Ramona Betti, Application 2786/20 AL, in the names ‘Nadia Shlash vs Deputy Curators’ and in the other relative and the other relative and subsequent acts.

By means of an Application, filed, in the Civil Court (Family Section) Application in the names Giulio Muscia (number of residence card of Malta MT7906732) vs Deputy Curators to represent Ramona Betti (passport number YA4630091) on the 19th December, 2019, the applicant Giulio Muscia (number of residence card of Malta MT7906732) asked this Honourable Court,

1. To declare the dissolution of marriage between the parties and uphold the other demands in the application.

Applicant: 64, Triq id-Dejqa, Ħal Lija

Respondent: Deputy Curators

You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of this bann at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this Registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit a declaration that he wises so to act.

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5471

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel Kuraturi tal-Uffiċċju.

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja) hawn fuq imsemmija, bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Lawrence Mintoff LLD, Duttur tal-Liġi.

Illum 23 ta’Ġunju, 2020

Reġistru tal-Qrati Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja), illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

AV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fit-12 ta’ Jannar, 2020, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 3258/2018, fl-ismijiet J. Zammit Limited vs Ralph William Owen, il-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) tal-Kap. 12.

Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali ppreżentata fil-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) lil Ralph William Owen (KI 63825A), fit-23 ta’ Awwissu, 2018, J. Zammit Limited (C 37945), tinterpellak sabiex fi żmien jumejn tħallasha s-somma ta’ €6,892.34 rappreżentanti l-import ta’ 49 kambjala enumerati bin-numru 11 sa 59, kopja ta’ liema qegħdin jiġu hawn annessi, debitament iffirmati minnek u li llum jinsabu skaduti iżda għadhom ma ġewx minnek imħallsa lis-soċjetà mittenti.

Din l-intimazzjoni qiegħda ssir għall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha tal-liġi, u partikolarment iżda mhux esklussivament sabiex tirrendi eżegwibbli l-kambjali hawn fuq imsemmija ai termini tal-Artikolu 253 tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

Is-soċjetà mittenti tavżak illi jekk tonqos milli tħallas fiż-żmien lilek prefiss, hija mhix se jkollha għażla oħra ħlief illi tipproċedi ulterjorment kontra tiegħek skont il-liġi.

Ai termini tal-proviso tal-Artikolu 253(e) tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, inti qiegħed, bil-preżenti, tiġi avżat ukoll illi f’każ li l-firma fuq il-kambjali annessi ma hix tiegħek jew tal-mandatarju tiegħek jew jekk jeżistu raġunijiet gravi u validi kontemplati mil-liġi, inti għandek dritt topponi l-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dawn il-kambjali permezz ta’ rikors ippreżentat fi żmien għoxrin (20) jum min-notifika lilek ta’

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to make this declaration within the stipulated time, this Court will proceed to the selection of Curators of Office.

And after so acting, or if you encounter any difficulty in the execution of this bann, you are to inform this Court forthwith.

Given by the Civil Court (Family Section) above mentioned with the witness of the Hon. Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff, LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Today 23rd June, 2020

Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section), today 26th June, 2020

ADV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 2nd June, 2020, in the records of the judicial letter number 3258/18, in the names J Zammit Limited vs Ralph William Owen, the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) ordered the following publication for the purpose of service of the respondent in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.

By means of a judicial letter filed in the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) against Ralph William Owen (ID 63825A) on the 23rd August, 2018, J. Zammit Limited (C 37945), solicits you so that within two days you pay the amount of €6,892.34 representing 49 bills of exchange numbered 11 to 59, copies of which are here attached, duly signed by you and today they have lapsed but are still due to the interpellant company.

This solicitation is made for all the effects and purposes of law, and particularly but not exclusively to render executable the bills of exchange above mentioned in terms of Article 253 of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta.

The interpellant company warns you that if you fail to pay within the time given, it will have no other option but to proceed further against you according to law.

In terms of proviso of Article 253(e) of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, you are being warned by means of this present that in case the signature on the bills of exchange is not yours or of your mandatary, or on the basis of grave and valid reasons according to law you have the right to oppose the execution of these bills of exchange by means of an application filed within twenty (20) days from the


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notification of this judicial letter to you. In default the same bills of exchange will be rendered executable.

With costs and interest at the rate of 8% starting from the date of each bill of exchange and reserving the right for further interest till the date of effective payment.

Interpellant company: J. Zammit Limited, Aries House, Mdina Road, Ħaż-Żebbuġ ZBG 9016, Malta

Notification: 1. 7, Tal-Franċiż, Flat 4, Triq Romeo Romano, Santa Venera SVR 0011

2. BGP Limited, 36, Archbishop Street, Valletta

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 8th May, 2020, of the Civil Court First Hall in the records of judicial letter number 2897/19, in the names Citadel Insurance plc vs Kenneth Mifsud, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of effecting service on Kenneth Mifsud in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.

In the First Hall of the Civil Court

Today 2nd August, 2019

To Kenneth Mifsud (ID 469687M) of Balmoral Downs, Block B, Flat 1, Triq il-Brunzar, Santa Venera

By the present Citadel Insurance plc (C 21550) of

26, Casa Borgo, Market Street, Floriana, whilst making reference to the insurance contract between you that covers the vehicle KEN-107 of he make Peugeot 107, and whilst making reference to the car accident in which you were involved with the same vehicle on the 27th April, 2019, in Rue D’Argens, Gżira at 4.30 a.m., it is formally informing you that besides any any other consideration regarding responsibility for the same acident, you are in violation of your obligations according to the insurance policy, including that of utmost good faith, with your lack of collaboration and in the lack of providing the relative information and material, sa that the interpellant obtains all the neccessary information to process the relative claim for the same accident.

You are therefore formally informed, that because of such violation of the contract on your part, the interpellant is not obliged to honour its obligations assumed by it in the same insurance policy, and it is not going to cover you for this accident. You are also warned that in case the interpellant, as

din l-ittra uffiċjali. Fin-nuqqas, l-istess kambjali jiġu reżi eżegwibbli.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet bir-rata ta’ 8% dekorribbli mid-data ta’ kull kambjala u b’riżerva għal imgħaxijiet ulterjuri sal-ġurnata tal-pagament effettiv.

Soċjetà mittenti: J. Zammit Limited, Aries House, Triq l-Imdina, Ħaż-Żebbuġ ZBG 9016, Malta

Notifiki: 1. 7, Tal-Franċiż, Flat 4, Triq Romeo Romano, Santa Venera SVR 0011

2. BGP Limited, 36, Triq l-Arċisqof, Il-Belt Valletta

Reġistru tal-Qrati tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fit-8 ta’ Mejju, 2020, mill-Qorti Prim’Awla, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 2897/19, fl-ismijiet Citadel Insurance plc vs Kenneth Mifsud, ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront ta’ Kenneth Mifsud a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) tal-Kap. 12.

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti

Illum 2 ta’ Awwissu, 2019

Lil Kenneth Mifsud (KI 469687M) ta’ Balmoral Downs, Block B, Flat 1, Triq il-Brunzar, Santa Venera

Permezz tal-preżenti Citadel Insurance plc (C 21550) ta’ 26, Casa Borgo, Market Street, Il-Furjana, filwaqt illi tagħmel referenza għall-kuntratt ta’ assigurazzjoni bejnietkom li tkopri l-vettura KEN-107 tal-għamla Peugeot 107, u filwaqt illi ssir referenza għall-inċident awtomobilisitiku li fiha kont involut bl-istess vettura fis-27 ta’ April, 2019, f’Rue D’Argens, Il-Gżira, fl-4.30 a.m., qiegħda tinfurmak formalment illi, al di la minn kwalunkwe konsiderazzjoni dwar it-tort tal-istess inċident, inti qiegħed bi ksur tal-obbligi tiegħek skont l-istess polza ta’ assigurazzjoni, inkluż dik tal-uberrimae fidei, bin-nuqqas ta’ koperazzjoni tiegħek u n-nuqqas ta’ proviżjoni ta’ informazzjoni rilevanti u materjali, sabiex il-mittenti tikseb it-tagħrif kollu meħtieġ għall-ipproċessar tal-claim relattiva rilevanti għall-istess inċident.

Inti għalhekk qed tiġi infurmat formalment illi, minħabba tali ksur kuntrattwali daparti tiegħek, il-mittenti ma hix tenuta tonora l-obbligi altrimenti assunti minnha fl-istess polza ta’ assigurazzjoni, u ma hix se tkoprik għal dan l-inċident. Kun avżat ukoll illi f’każ illi l-mittenti, qua


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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5473

your insurer, may have to make good to third parties for any amount that it may have to pay in terms of Cap. 104 of the Laws of Malta and in this respect it is from now reserving all its rights to eventually recover such amounts from you.

So much for your own guidance and to avoid useless costs and procedures.

Registry of the Superior Courts today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 27th August, 2019, handed down by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) in the records of the judicial letter number 692/2018 in the names Automated Revenue Management Services Ltd pro et noe vs Eric Bugeja, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of effecting service on the respondent Eric Bugeja in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

In the Court of Magistrates (Malta)

Today 14th March, 2018

To Eric Bugeja (ID 614955M) of 128A, Triq l-Ifran, Valletta

By the present, Automated Revenue Management Services Limited (C 46054) of Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, Malta, in its own name and on behalf of Enemalta plc and Water Services Corporation, notifies you with the attached sworn declaration marked as Document A for all the purposes and effects of Article 466 of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta and solicits you to pay the amount of €2,586.48, which amount is sure, liquid and due and representing the balance due for the consumption of water and electricity, rent of water and electricity meter, administrative fees, connection and disconnection fees, and/or any other payment according to the electricity supply regulations or water supply regulations together with interest due on the amount and which amount consists of the following:

I. As for bill number 101000006337 the amount of €2,372.09 regards the premises with address 128, Bakery A, Triq l-Ifran, Valletta; and

II. As for bill number 411000065164 the amount of €214.39 regards the premises Garage St George’s Triq Ananija, San Pawl il-Baħar.

assiguratur tiegħek, tisfa kostretta tagħmel tajjeb lejn terzi għal kwalunkwe ammont li tista’ tiġi mġiegħla tħallas ai termini tal-Kap. 104 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, hija sejra minn issa tirriżerva d-drittijiet kollha tagħha biex eventwalment tirkupra tali ammonti mingħandek.

Tant biex tagħraf tirregola ruħek u tevita spejjeż u proċeduri inutili.

Reġistru tal-Qrati tal-Superjuri, illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) fis-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2019, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 692/2018, fl-ismijiet Automated Revenue Management Services Ltd pro et noe vs Eric Bugeja ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat Eric Bugeja a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Fil-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta)

Illum l-14 ta’ Marzu, 2018

Lil Eric Bugeja (KI 614955M) ta’ 128A, Triq l-Ifran, Il-Belt Valletta

Permezz tal-preżenti Automated Revenue Management Services Limited (C 46054) ta’ Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, Malta, f’isimha proprju u għan-nom ta’ Enemalta plc u l-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma, qed tinnotifikak bl-annessa dikjarazzjoni ġuramentata mmarkata bħala Dokument A, għall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha tal-Artikolu 466 tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta u qed tinterpellak sabiex tħallas is-somma ta’ €2,586.48, liema ammont huwa ċert, likwidu u dovut u rappreżentanti bilanċ dovut għall-konsum ta’ ilma u elettriku, kera ta’ meter tal-ilma u elettriku, spejjeż amministrattivi, connection u disconnection fees, u/jew kull ħlas ieħor skont ir-regolamenti fuq il-provvista tal-elettriku, jew ir-regolamenti dwar il-fornitura tal-ilma, flimkien mal-imgħax dovut fuq l-ammont u liema ammont jikkonsisti fis-segwenti:

I. Inkwantu l-kont numru 101000006337 l-ammont ta’ €2,372.09 fil-fond bl-indirizz 128, Bakery A, Triq l-Ifran, Valletta; u

II. Inkwantu l-kont numru 411000065164 l-ammont ta’ €214.39 fil-fond bl-indirizz Garage St George’s Triq Ananija, San Pawl il-Baħar.


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Despite several solicitations by the applicant company for the payment of the amount due, you remained in default and did not pay till the day of the filing of this judicial letter. In addition, there is no valid reason for your failure to pay and you never contested the amount due.

This act is being sent to you for all the purposes and effects of law and in default of payment or opposition on your part within the time mentioned in Article 466 Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, the applicant company shall proceed to enforce this credit according to law.

With costs

Registry of the Court of Magistrates (Malta), today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree of the 14th February, 2020, in the First Hall of the Civil Courts in the records of the judicial letter number 3741/2019 in the names Bank of Valletta plc vs Citypro Limited, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of effecting service on the respondent company Citypro Limited in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

By means of a judicial letter filed in the First Hall of the Civil Courts against Citypro Limited (C 26902) of 65/66, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta, on the 26th September, 2019, Bank of Valletta plc of 1/5, Misraħ San Ġorg, Valletta VLT 1190, solicits you so that within two days you pay the sum of €151,619.05 balanc of debt in your Overdraft and Business Loan Accounts with Bank of Valletta plc, together with further interest from the 13th September, 2019, till the date of effective payment.

The interpellant company warns you that if you fail they shall be constrained to proceed against you according to law.

Registry of the Superior Courts today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil Court, on the 7th May, 2020, in the records of the Sworn Application, in the names Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, Application number 1097/19 TA, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the defendant company Kosecp

Nonostante diversi interpellazzjonijiet mill-mittenti għall-ħlas tal-ammont dovut, inti nqast milli tħallas sal-ġurnata tal-preżentata ta’ din l-ittra. Aktar minn hekk ma hemm l-ebda raġuni valida għal din l-inadempjenza u int qatt ma kkontestajt l-ammont dovut.

Dan l-att qiegħed jintbagħat lilek għall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha tal-liġi u fin-nuqqas ta’ pagament jew oppożizzjoni daparti tiegħek fit-termini tal-imsemmi Artikolu 466 tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, il-mittenti jgħaddu biex jesegwixxu dan il-kreditu skont il-liġi.


Reġistru tal-Qrati tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum is-26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti fl-14 ta’ Frar, 2020, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 3741/2019, fl-ismijiet Bank of Valletta plc vs Citypro Limited, ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-kumpanija Citypro Limited a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali ppreżentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti lil Citypro Limited (C 26902) ta’ 65/66, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, fis-26 ta’ Settembru, 2019, Bank of Valletta plc ta’ 1/5 Misraħ San Ġorg, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1190, tinterpellak sabiex fi żmien jumejn tħallas is-somma ta’ €151,619.05 bilanċ għad-debitu fl-Overdraft u Business Loan Accounts tiegħek mal-Bank of Valletta flimkien mal-imgħaxijiet ulterjuri mit-13 ta’ Settembru, 2019, sal-jum tal-pagament effettiv.

Is-soċjetà mittenti tavżakom illi jekk tonqsu, hija se tkun kostretta tipproċedi kontra tagħkom skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’digriet mogħti, mill-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, fis-7 ta’ Mejju, 2020, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, Rikors numru 1097/19 TA, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tas-soċjetà konvenuta Kosecp (Distribution &



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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5475

(Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap 12.

By means of a Sworn Application, filed, in the First Hall Civil Court, in the names Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, on the 14th November, 2019, the applicant Triton Logistics Limited (C 12572) asked this Honourable Court, saving the reasonable and opportune provisions and declarations:

1. to hear and decide the plaintiff’s demands without proceeding to a hearing in terms of Article 167 of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure,

2. to condemn the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of twenty four thousand and ninety-one euro and eighty-nine cents (€24,091.89).

With costs and commercial interests to run from the 11th March, 2019, till the date of effective payment against the defendant.

The Sworn Application in the names Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, Application number 1097/19 TA, has been deferred for hearing to the 14th July, 2020, at 10.00 a.m.

Notify Defendant Company, 28/20, Vincenti Buildings, Strait Street, Valletta

Dar Viskaja, Triq ix-Xiber, Swieqi

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 26th June, 2020

ADV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 20th August 2019, Application number 1414/2019 by the Anthony Azzopardi, whereby Michelina known as Michelle Azzopardi, wife of Anthony Azzopardi, daughter of the late Francesco Sultana and Maria née Gauci, born in Birkirkara, Malta, on the 3rd of September, 1944, and residing in Birkirkara, aged 75, and holding identity card number 763044M, was Incapacitated by means of a decree given on the 31st January, 2020, under the conditions therein mentioned.

Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction Section)

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

Busines Services) Ltd, a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12.

Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat, ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, fl-ismijiet Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, fl-14 ta’ Novembru, 2019, ir-rikorrenti Triton Logistics Limited (C 12572) talbet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti, prevja dawk il-provvedimenti u dikjarazzjonijiet xieraq u opportuni:

1. tisma’ u taqta’ t-talbiet tal-attriċi bid-dispensa tas-smigħ a tenur tal-Artikolu 167 tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili,

2. tikkundanna lill-konvenuta tħallas lill-attriċi s-somma ta’ erbgħa u għoxrin elf wieħed u disgħin ewro u disgħa u tmenin ċenteżmu (€24,091.89).

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax kummerċjali dekorribili mill-11 ta’ Marzu, 2019, sal-jum tal-ħlas effettiv.

Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Triton Logistics Limited vs Kosecp (Distribution & Business Services) Ltd, Rikors numru 1097/19 TA, jinsab differit għas-smigħ ghall-14 ta’ Lulju, 2020, fl-10.00 a.m.

Notifika Soċjetà Konvenuta, 28/20, Vincenti Buildings, Triq id-Dejqa, Il-Belt Valletta

Dar Viskaja, Triq ix-Xiber, Is-Swieqi

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

AV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLDGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fl-20 ta’ Awwissu, 2019, Rikors numru 1414/2019, minn Anthony Azzopardi, fejn Michelina magħrufa bħala Michelle Azzopardi, mart Anthony Azzopardi, bint il-mejtin Francesco Sultana u Maria née Gauci, imwielda Birkirkara, Malta, fit-3 ta’ Settembru, 1944, u residenti Birkirkara, ta’ 75 sena, u li għandha karta tal-identità bin-numru 763044M, ġiet Inabilitata b’digriet tal-31 ta’ Jannar, 2020, bil-kundizzjonijiet hemm imsemmija.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja)

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali


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By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 17th June, 2020, Application number 599/2020, by Agnes Catania et whereby they requested that it will be declared open in favour of Agnes Catania wife of the decujus in the quota of one half (1/2) undivided share and in favour of Malcolm Catania, Jesabelle Catana and Mikael Catania in the quota of one sixth (1/6) undivided share each one of them the Succession of Michael Vincent Catania, husband of Agnes Catania, son of Anthony Catania and Josephine née Calleja, born in Ħ’Attard, Malta, resided in Mosta, Malta, and died in Tal-Qroqq, Msida, Malta, on the 8th November, 2018, aged 49, and who held identity card number 0253969M.

Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 16th June, 2020, Application number 598/2020, by Margaret Demarco, Patricia Farrugia and Christopher Demarco whereby they requested that it will be declared open in their favour in equal shares between them the Succession of their mother Maria Violetta Demarco, widow of Anthony Emanuel Demarco, daughter of the late Alfonso Busuttil and Caterina Busuttil née Barbara, born in Ħal Tarxien, Malta, resided in Raħal Gdid, Malta, and died in Tal-Qroqq, Msida, Malta, on the 2nd October, 2019, aged 86, and who held identity card number 0639933M.

Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fis-17 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, Rikors numru 599/2020, minn Agnes Catania et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Agnes Catania, mart id-decujus fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2) indiviż u favur Malcolm Catania, Jesabelle Catania u Mikael Catania fi kwota ta’ sesta (1/6) parti indiviża kull wieħed u waħda minnhom is-Suċċessjoni ta’ Michael Vincent Catania, żewġ Agnes Catania, bin Anthony Catani u Josephine née Calleja imwieled Ħ’Attard, Malta, kien residenti l-Mosta, Malta, u miet Tal-Qroqq, l-Imsida, Malta, fit-8 ta’ Novembru, 2018, ta’ 49 sena, u li kellha karta tal-identità bin-numru 0253969M.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fis-16 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, Rikors numru 598/2020, minn Margaret Demarco, Patricia Farrugia u Christopher Demarco fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur tagħhom f’ishma indaqs bejniethom is-Suċċessjoni ta’ ommhom Maria Violetta Demarco, armla minn Anthony Emanuel Demarco, bint il-mejtin Alfonso Busuttil u Caterina Busuttil née Barbara, imwielda Ħal Tarxien, Malta, kienet residenti Raħal Gdid, Malta, u mietet Tal-Qroqq, l-Imsida, Malta, fit-2 ta’ Ottubru, 2019, ta’ 86 sena u, li kellha karta tal-identità bin-numru 0639933(M.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja



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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5477

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 29th May, 2020, Application number 527/2020, by Carmen Bonnici whereby she requested that it will declared open in her favour in its enterity the Succession of her parents and that is her father Antonio Farrugia, husband of Mabel née Mallia, son of the late Nicola Farrugia and Maria née Camilleri, born in Siġġiewi, resided in Siġġiewi and died in Tal-Pietà on the 29th July, 2005, aged 85, and who held identity card number 0195620M and the Succession of her mother Mabel Farrugia, widow of Antonio Farrugia, daughter of the late Antonio Mallia ande Maria Concetta née Fenech, born in Siġġiewi, Malta, and resided in San Pawl il-Baħar and died in Tal-Qroqq, Msida, Malta, on the 24th November, 2018, aged 90, and who held identity card number 0798327M.

Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 16th June, 2020, Application number 597/2020, by Aldo Scicluna and Anthony Scicluna whereby they requested that it will declared open in their favour in equal shares between them the Succession of their mother Susanne Scicluna, widow of Carmelo Scicluna, daughter of the late Carmelo Ellul and Rosa Ellul née Zammit, born in Naxxar, Malta, resided in Ħal Luqa, Malta, and died in Ħal Luqa, Malta, on the 2nd November, 2019, aged 94, and who held identity card number 0346625M.

Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fid-29 ta’ Mejju, 2020, Rikors numru 527/2020, minn Carmen Bonnici fejn talbet li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur tagħha fl-intier kollu tagħha s-Suċċessjoni tal-genituri tagħha u cjoè missierha Antonio Farrugia, żewġ Mabel née Mallia iben il-mejtin Nicola Farrugia u Maria née Camilleri, imwieled is-Siġġiewi u kien residienti sSiġġiewi u miet Tal-Pietà fid-29 ta’ Lulju, 2005, ta’ 85 sena u li kellu karta tal-identità bin-numru 0195620M u ta’ ommha Mabel Farrugia, armla minn Antonio Farrugia, bint il-mejtin Antonio Mallia u Maria Concetta née Fenech, imwielda s-Siġġiewi, Malta u kienet residenti San Pawl il-Baħar u mietet Tal-Qroqq, l-Imsida, Malta, fl-24 ta’ Novembru, 2018, ta’ 90 sena, u li kellha karta tal-identità bin-numru 0798327M.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fis-16 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, Rikors numru 597/2020, minn Aldo Scicluna u Anthony Scicluna fejn talbu li tigi ddikjarata miftuħa favur tagħhom f’ishma indaqs bejniethom is-Suċċessjoni ta’ ommhom Susanne Scicluna armla minn Carmelo Scicluna, bint il-mejtin Carmelo Ellul u Rosa Ellul née Zammit, imwielda n-Naxxar, Malta, kienet residenti Ħal Luqa, Malta, u mietet Ħal Luqa, Malta, fit-2 ta’ Novembru, 2019, ta’ 94, u li kellha karta tal-identità bin-numru 0346625M.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.



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5478 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

Bann for Curators

Republic of Malta

To the Marshall of the Court

By means of a decree given by this Court on the 9th October, 2018, following a request by Soutwin Properties Limited it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the unknown heirs of the late Rosina Pace Spadaro in the acts of the schedule of deposit number 1895/2018 in the names Soutwin Properties Limited vs Deputy Curators and Philip Bugeja et and in the other relative and subsequent acts.

By means of a schedule of deposit and concurrent redemption of ground rent filed in the First Hall of the Civil Court, in the names Soutwin Properties Limited (private liability company), incorporated and registered in Malta on the 6th March, 2007, with registration number C 40933 and with its registered office number 12 Spring, Triq il-Bisqallin, Żejtun, vs Deputy Curators to represent the unknown heirs of the late Rosina Pace Spadaro (wife of Giuseppe Pace Spadaro, daughter of Angelo Bonnici, born in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, and resided in Ħaż-Żabbar) and Philip Bugeja (director, born in Mqabba and residing in Ħ’Attard (ID 123055M), George Bugeja (director, born in Mqabba and residing in Tas-Sliema (ID 421156M) and Anthony Bugeja (director, born in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, and residing in Ħ’Attard (ID 438158M), (brothers, children of the late Carmelo Bugeja and Maria Theresa née Tabone) as heirs of the late Carmelo Bugeja (son of Antonio and Eleonaro née Balzan, born and residing in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta) and Maria Theresa Bugeja (wife of Carmelo Bugeja, pensioner, born in Mqabba and residing in San Ġiljan (ID 792434M), filed on the 8th October, 2018, the applicant company Soutwin Properties Limited (C 40933) respectfully submitted:

That the applicant company is the owner of the house in part overlying third parties, marked with official number 136, and with the name Marthese House, including the airspace in Vjal il-Ħelsien, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta (here under called the Property) which Property is subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent and subgroundrent of €52.72 (plan attached and marked as Doc. SP1);

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Bandu għall-Kuraturi

Repubblika ta’ Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati

B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fid-9 ta’ Ottubru, 2018, fuq talba ta’ Soutwin Properties Limited ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-eredi mhux magħrufa tal-mejta Rosina Pace Spadaro fl-atti taċ-ċedola numru 1895/2018 fl-ismijiet Soutwin Properties Limited vs Kuraturi Deputati u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.

Permezz ta’ ċedola ta’ depożitu u kontestwali fidi ta’ ċens ta’ Soutwin Properties Limited (private limited company) inkorporata u reġistrata Malta fis-6 ta’ Marzu, 2007 (C 409033) bl-uffiċċju reġistrat numru 12 Spring, Triq il-Bisqallin, Iż-Żejtun vs Kuraturi Deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-eredi mhux magħrufa tal-mejta Rosina Pace Spadaro (mart Giuseppe Pace Spadaro, bint Angelo Bonnici, imwielda Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, u li kienet tirrisjedi Ħaż-Żabbar) u Philip Bugeja (direttur, imwieled l-Imqabba u residenti Ħ’Attard (KI 123055M), George Bugeja (direttur, imwieled l-Imqabba u residenti Tas-Sliema (KI 421156M) u Anthony Bugeja (direttur imwieled Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, u residenti Ħ’Attard (KI 438158M) (aħwa ulied id-defunt Carmelo Bugeja u Maria Theresa née Tabone) fil-kwalità ta’ eredi tad-defunt Carmelo Bugeja (bin Antonio u Eleonora née Balzan, imwieled u kien residenti Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta) u Maria Theresa Bugeja (mart Carmelo Bugeja, pensjonanta, imwielda l-Imqabba u residenti San Ġiljan (KI 792434M), ippreżentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti fit-8 ta’ Ottubru, 2018, fejn Soutwin Properties Limited (C 40933) jesponu bir-rispett:

Illi s-soċjetà esponenti hija proprjetarja tad-dar in parti sovrapposta għal proprjetà ta’ terzi mmarkata bin-numru uffiċjali 136, u bl-isem Marthese House, inkluża l-arja fi Vjal il-Ħelsien, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta (hawn taħt imsejħa l-Proprjetà) liema Proprjetà hija suġġetta għaċ-ċens u subċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €52.72 (pjanta annessa u mmarkata Dok. SP);


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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5479

That the applicant company acquired the Property from Theresa Azzopardi, Jean Pierre Busuttil, Loraine sive Lorraine Camilleri, Maria Dolores sive Doreen Best, Emanuel Grech, Maria Dolores Darmanin, Louis Coppola, Moyra Coppola, Lexiney Coppola, Daniel Coppola, Emidia sive Lydia Coppola, Reverendu Joseph sive Philip Gambin, Olympia Desira, Michael Gambin, Philip Gambin, Emanuel Gambin, Emanuel Gambin, Paul Gambin, Teresa Gambin, Frances Gambin, Anthony Gambin, Francis Gambin, John Gambin, Frederick Gambin, Mario Gambin, Victoria Gambin, Joan Vella Gambin and Maria Dolores sive Doreen Byrne (here under collectively called the Vendors) and this by means of a contract dated 4th September, 2017, in the acts of Notary Reuben Debono (Doc. SP2);

That the Property devolved to the Vendors by means of the succession of Antonia Gambin who died on the 12th March, 1990, and by means of her will dated 30th January, 1987, in the acts of Notary Philip Saliba, she gave, by title of legacy, the Property to her siblings Giuseppe Gambin, John Gambin and Loreta Fenech with ther respective substiution of their children if they predecease any one of the legatees as appointed by the testatrix. The Vendors are the heirs of the said legatees as better described in the deed by which the applicant company acquired the Property (Doc. SP2);

That the property was built on a divided portion of land of superficial measurement of 107.56m² and with airspace overlying the garage of superficial measurement of 31.44m². Both portions of divided land and the garage with its own airspace originally formed part of a developable site forming part of field called ‘Ta’ Zgħaruna’ in Gate Avenue (today Vjal il-Ħelsien) Ħaż-Żebbuġ of the total measurement of 704.60m². This developable land was transferred by the direct owner Rosina Pace Spadaro to the sub-direct owner Carmelo Bugeja during his marriage with the respondent Maria Theresa Bugeja, by means of a deed dated 3rd May, 1963, in the records of Notary Philip Salib, as subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of £72-4-6 equivalent to €168.24, that is at the rate of annual and perpetual groundrent of €0.24 per square meter.

That the sub direct owner Carmelo Bugeja during his marriage with the respondent Maria Theresa Bugeja, by means of a deed dated 26th May, 1965, in the records of Notary Rosario Frendo Randon (Doc. SP3) transferred to Antonia Gambin, a divided portion of land of superficial measurement of 107.56m² and also the adjacent garage. As results from the same deed of the 26th May, 1965:

The divided portion of land of superficial measurement of 24.5square canes equivalent to 107.56m² was transferred to Antonia Gambin from Carmelo Bugeja as subject to the sub-ground rent of £13-3-4 equivalent to €30.67.

Illi s-soċjetà esponenti akkwistat il-Proprjetà mingħand Theresa Azzopardi, Jean Pierre Busuttil, Loraine sive Lorraine Camilleri, Maria Dolores sive Doreen Best, Emanuel Grech, Maria Dolores Darmanin, Louis Coppola, Moyra Coppola, Lexiney Coppola, Daniel Coppola, Emidia sive Lydia Coppola, Reverendu Joseph sive Philip Gambin, Olympia Desira, Michael Gambin, Philip Gambin, Emanuel Gambin, Emanuel Gambin, Paul Gambin, Teresa Gambin, Frances Gambin, Anthony Gambin, Francis Gambin, John Gambin, Frederick Gambin, Mario Gambin, Victoria Gambin, Joan Vella Gambin u Maria Dolores sive Doreen Byrne (hawn taħt kollettivament imsejħa l-Vendituri) u dan permezz ta’ kuntratt datat l-4 ta’ Settembru, 2017, in atti tan-Nutar Reuben Debono (Dok. SP2);

Illi l-Proprjetà ddevolviet għand il-vendituri tramite s-suċċessjoni ta’ Antonia Gambin li ġiet nieqsa fit-12 ta’ Marzu, 1990, u li bit-testment tagħha datat 30 ta’ Jannar, 1987, in atti tan-Nutar Philip Saliba, ikkonċediet b’titolu ta’ legat il-Proprjetà lil ħutha Giuseppe Gambin, John Gambin u Loreta Fenech, bis-sostituzzjoni volgari tar-rispittivi wliedhom f’każ ta’ premorjenza ta’ xi wieħed/waħda mill-legatarji għat-testatriċi. Illi l-Vendituri huma l-eredi tal-imsemmija legatarji, kif aħjar spjegat fil-kuntratt li bih is-soċjetà esponenti akkwistat il-Proprjetà (Dok. SP2);

Illi l-Proprjetà ġiet kostruwita fuq porzjon diviż ta’ art tal-kejl superfiċjali ta’ 107.56m² u fl-arja sovrastanti garaxx, tal-kejl superficjali ta’ 31.44m². Entrambi l-porzjon diviż ta’ art u l-garaxx bl-arja tiegħu kienu oriġinarjament jiffurmaw parti minn sit fabbrikabbli formanti parti mill-għalqa msejħa ‘Ta’ Zgħaruna’, f’Gate Avenue (illum Vjal il-Ħelsien) Ħaż-Żebbuġ tal-kejl komplessiv ta’ 704.60m.k. Dan is-sit fabbrikabbli kien ġie trasferit mid-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro lis-subdirettarju Carmelo Bugeja matul iż-żwieġ tiegħu mal-intimata Maria Theresa Bugeja, permezz ta’ kuntratt datat it-3 ta’ Mejju, 1963, in atti tan-Nutar Philip Saliba, bħala suġġett għaċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ £72-4-6 ekwivalenti għal €168.24, cjoè bir-rata ta’ ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €0.24 il-metru kwadru;

Illi s-subdirettarju Carmelo Bugeja, matul iż-żwieġ tiegħu mal-intimata Maria Theresa Bugeja, b’kuntratt datat is-26 ta’ Mejju, 1965, in atti tan-Nutar Rosario Frendo Randon (Dok. SP3), kien ittrasferixxa lil Antonia Gambin porzjon diviż ta’ art tal-kejl superficjali ta’ 107.56m² u kif ukoll il-garaxx adjaċenti. Kif jirriżulta mill-istess kuntratt tas-26 ta’ Mejju, 1965:

Il-porzjon diviż ta’ art tal-kejl superfiċjali ta’ 24.5 qasba kwadra ekwivalenti għal 107.56 m² ġiet trasferita lil Antonia Gambin minn Carmelo Bugeja, bħala suġġetta għas-sub-canone ta’ £13-3-4) ekwivalenti għal €30.67;

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5480 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Thus by means of this deed, the sub-direct owner imposed an increase atthe rate of €0.05 per square meter, on a divided portion of land of measurement of 107.56m². Thus the sub groundrent due to the sub-direct owners Carmelo and Maria Theresa spouses Bugeja on this divided portion of land amounts to €5.38 whilst the remaining €25.29 is the original groundrent due to Rosina Pace Spadaro.

The garage with its airspace, was transferred as subject to the sub-ground rent of £6 equivalent to €13.98 per year. On the same deed, it was declared that the sub-ground rent was being constituted on such deed.

Thus as for the divided portion of land measuring 31.44m² that was and still is occupied by the garage and on which airspace part of the Property was constructed, the sub groundrent due to the sub-direct owners Carmelo and Maria Theresa spouses Bugeja is that of €13.98 whilst the original groundrent due is that of €7.55.

That although the Property is partially overlying third parties property, that is the garage, for all the intents and purposes, the groundrent and sub-groundrent on all the land and airspace on which/or in it the Property ws built and also the assets of third parties is being redeemed.

Thus the groundrent on the Property, which groundrent is payable to Rosina Pace Spadaro amounts to €33.36;

That the sub-groundrent on the Property, which sub-groundent is payable to the sub-direct owners Carmelo and Maria Theresa konjugi Bugeja, amounts to €19.36.

The applicant company wishes to avail itself of the option given to it in terms of Article 1501 Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta and redeem the same groundrent and sub groundrent in terms of the same laws.

That the heirs of the sub-direct owner Carmelo Bugeja are the respondents Philip, George and Anthony brothers Bugeja, childrent of the same sub-direct owner.That the wife of Carmelo Bugeja, Maria Theresa Bugeja is still alive.

That the applicant company does not have any information of who are the heirs of the direct owner Rosina Pace Spadaro.

Thus by means of this present the applicants are redeeming and depositing the annual and perpetual groundent due to the unknown heirs of the direct owner Rosina Pace Spadaro and the annual and perpetual sub groundrent due as to one half (1/2) to the respondent Maria Theresa Bugeja and the other half to the respondents Philip, George and Anthony brothers Bugeja, children of the sub-direct owner Carmelo Bugeja.

Illi għaldaqstant permezz ta’ dan l-att is-subdirettarju impona awment bir-rata ta’ €0.05 il-meru kwadru, fuq il-porzjon diviż ta’ art tal-kejl ta’ 107.56m². Illi għaldaqstant is-subċens dovut lis-subdirettarji Carmelo u Maria Theresa konjugi Bugeja fuq dan il-porzjon diviż ta’ art jammonta għal €5.38, filwaqt li r-rimanenti €25.29 huwa ċens oriġinali dovut lid-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro;

Il-garaxx bl-arja tiegħu, ġie trasferit bħala suġġett għas-sub-canone ta’ £6 ekwivalenti għal €13.98 fis-sena. Fuq l-istess att ġie dikjarat li dan is-sub-canone kien qiegħed jiġi kostitwit fuq tali att.

Illi għaldaqstant inkwantu l-porzjon diviża ta’art tal-kejl ta’ 31.44m.k. li kienet u għadha okkupata mill-garaxx u li fl-arja tiegħu ġiet kostruwita parti mill-proprjetà, is-subċens dovut lis-subdirettarji Carmelo u Maria Theresa konjugi Bugeja, huwa ta’ €13.98 filwaqt li huwa dovut ukoll iċ-ċens originali ta’ €7.55;

Illi għalkemm il-Proprjetà hija parzjalment sovrapprosta għal proprjetà ta’ terzi, ossija l-garaxx għal kull buon fini qiegħed jigi mifdi ċ-ċens u subċens gravanti l-art u l-arja kollha li fuqha/fiha ġiet kostruwita l-proprjetà u kif ukoll il-beni ta’ terzi;

Illi għaldaqstant iċ-ċens gravanti l-Proprjetà, liema ċens huwa pagabbli lid-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro, jammonta għal €33.36;

Illi għaldaqstant is-subċens gravanti l-Property, liema subċens huwa pagabbli lis-subdirettarji Carmelo u Maria Theresa konjugi Bugeja, jammonta għal €19.36;

Illi s-soċjetà esponenti llum tixtieq tipprevalixxi ruħha mill-fakultà lilha mogħtija bl-Artikolu 1501 tal-Kap. 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta u tifdi dan l-istess ċens u subċens ai termini tal-istess liġi;

Illi l-eredi tas-subdirettarju Carmelo Bugeja huma l-intimati Philip, George u Anthony aħwa Bugeja, ulied l-istess subdirettarju. Illi mart Carmelo Bugeja, Maria Theresa Bugeja għadha ħajja;

Illi s-soċjetà esponenti m’għandhiex informazzjoni dwar min huma l-eredi tad-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro;

Illi għaldaqstant permezz tal-preżenti l-esponenti se jifdu u jiddepożitaw iċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu dovut lill-eredi mhux magħrufa tad-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro u s-subċens annwu u perpetwu dovut in kwantu għal nofs (1/2) lill-intimata Maria Theresa Bugeja u n-nofs l-ieħor lill-intimati Philip, George u Anthony aħwa Bugeja, ulied is-subdirettarju Carmelo Bugeja;

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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5481

Thus the applicant company is depositing the total amount of €1,197.12 consisting of the following:

i) The sum of €700.56 due to the unknown hers of the direct owners Rosina Pace Spadaro and consisting of the following:

The sum of €667.20 representing the price of the redemption of the annual and perpetual groundent of €33.36 capitalised at the rate of 5%;

The sum of €33.36 representing the laudemium;

ii) The sum of €406.56 due as to the sum of €203.28 to the respondent Maria Theresa Bugeja, as sub- direct owner and as to the sum of €203.28 to the respondents Philip , George and Anthony brothers Bugeja, as heirs of the sub-direct owner Carmelo Bugeja and consisting of the following:

The sum of €387.20 representing the price of the redemption of the annual and perpetual sub-groundent of €19.36 capitalised at the rate of 5%;

The sum of €19.36 representing the laudemium.

Thus the applicant company is humbly calling upon this Honourable Court and under its authority is depositing the amount of €1,107.12 representing the price of redemption of this annual and perpetual groundrent and sub-groundrent, laudemium, and arrears of the same groundrent and sub-groundrent of these last five years to be freely given to the deputy curators appointed to represent the unknown heirs of the late Rosina Pace Spadaro and the respondent Maria Theresa Bugeja and the siblings Bugeja in the amounts above mentioned, after leaving the relative receipt according to law.

Applicant company; 12, Spring, Triq il-Bisqallin, Żejtun

notification: 1. Director Public Registry, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta

2. Lands Registrar, Casa Bolino, 116, Triq il-Punent, Valletta

3. Commissioner of Lands, Department of Lands, Berġa tal-Baviera, Valletta VLT 2000

4. Deputy Curators to represent the unknown heirs of the late Rosina Pace Spadaro

5. Philip Bugeja, 39, Triq l-Insolja, Ħ’Attard6. George Bugeja,51, Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier, Tas-Sliema7. Anthony Bugeja,9, Marija Regina, Qrib San Anton,


Illi għaldaqstant is-soċjetà esponenti se tiddepożita s-somma komplessiva ta’ €1,107.12 konsistenti fis-segwenti:

(i) Is-somma ta’ €700.56 dovuta lill-eredi mhux magħrufa tad-direttarja Rosina Pace Spadaro u konsistenti fis-segewenti:

Is-somma ta’ €667.20 rappreżentanti prezz ta’ fidi taċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €33.36 kapitalizzt bir-rata ta’ 5%;

Is-somma ta’ €33.36 rappreżentanti lawdemju;

(ii) Is-somma ta’ €406.56 dovuta inkwantu għas-somma ta’ €203.28 lill-intimata Maria Theresa Bugeja, qua subdirettarja u inkwantu għas-somma ta’ €203.28 lill-intimati, Philip, George u Anthony aħwa Bugeja, qua eredi tas-subdirettarju Carmelo Bugeja u konsistenti fis-segwenti:

Is-somma ta’ €387.20 rappreżentanti prezz ta’ fidi tas-subċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €19.36 kapitalizzat bir-rata ta’ 5%;

Is-somma ta’ €19.36 rappreżentanti lawdemju.

Għaldaqstant is-soċjetà esponenti qiegħda umilment tadixxi lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti u taħt l-Awtorità tal-istess tgħaddi sabiex tiddepożita s-somma komplessiva ta’ €1,107.12 rappreżentanti prezz ta’ fidi ta’ dan iċ-ċens u subċens annwu u perpetwu, il-lawdemju u l-arretrati tal-istess ċens u subċens għal dawn l-aħħar ħames (5) snin sabiex jingħataw liberament lil kuraturi deputati li se jiġu appuntati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-eredi mhux magħrufa tal-mejta Rosina Pace Spadaro u lill-intimati Maria Theresa Bugeja u l-aħwa Bugeja, fl-ammonti fuq indikati wara li tiġi rilaxxata d-debita riċevuta skont il-liġi.

Soċjetà esponenti: 12, Spring, Triq il-Bisqallin, Iż-Żejtun

Notifiki: 1. Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, Triq il-Merkanti, il-Belt Valletta

2. Registratur tal-Artijiet, Casa Bolino, 116, Triq il-Punent, il-Belt Valletta

3. Kummissarju tal-Artijiet, Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Berġa tal-Baviera, il-Belt Valletta VLT 2000

4. Kuraturi Deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw l-eredi mhux magħrufa tal-mejta Rosina Pace Spadaro

5. Philip Bugeja, 39, Triq l-Insolja, Ħ’Attard6. George Bugeja,51, Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier, Tas-Sliema7. Anthony Bugeja, 9, Marija Regina, Qrib San Anton,


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5482 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

8. Maria Theresa Bugeja, Ewropejana, Forrest Street, Saint Julian’s

You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of this bann at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit a declaration that he wishes so to act.

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court will proceed to the selection of Curators of Office.

And after so acting or if you should encounter any difficulty in the execution of this bann, you are to inform forthwith this Court.

Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned, with the witness of the Hon. Madam Justice Anna Felice, LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Today 9th October, 2018

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 26th July, 2019, Application number 1267/2019, by Pauline sive Polly George, whereby following the application Paul George, husband of Pauline sive Polly George, son of Thomas George and Carmela, born in Tarxien (Malta) on the 24th November, 1939, and residing at San Guzepp Residence, Fgura, Malta, aged 79, holding identity card number 849739M was interdicted from all the acts of the civil life by means of a decree given on the 7th November, 2019.

Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction Section)

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 5th June, 2020, Application number 552/2020, by Amanda Tonna whereby she requested that it will declared open in favour of the same Amanda Tonna wife of the decujus in the quota of

8. Maria Theresa Bugeja, Ewropejana, Forrest Street, San Ġiljan

Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt ijem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jidħol għal dan.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel Kuraturi tal-Uffiċċju.

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi xkiel fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Superjuri hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Anna Felice, LLD, Duttur tal-Liġi.

Illum 9 ta’ Ottubru, 2018

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Registratur, Qrati u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fis-26 ta’ Lulju, 2019, Rikors numru 1267/2019, minn Pauline sive Polly George, fejn insegwitu tar-rikors Paul George, żewġ Pauline sive Polly, bin Thomas George u Carmela, imwieled Ħal Tarxien (Malta) fl-24 ta’ Novembru, 1939, u residenti fir-Residenza San Guzepp, il-Fgura, Malta, ta’ 79 sena, u li għandu l-karta tal-identità bin-numru 849739M ġie interdett mill-atti kollha tal-ħajja ċivili permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fis-7 ta’ Novembru, 2019.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja)

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

B’dan l-avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fil-5 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, Rikors numru 552/2020, minn Amanda Tonna fejn talbet li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur l-istess Amanda Tonna mart id-decujus fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2) indiviż u r-rimanenti



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It-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020 5483

one half (1/2) undivided share and the remaining one half (1/2) undivided share in favour of Thomas Paul Tonna son of the decujus the Succession of Ryan Paul Tonna, son of Aloysius sive Louis Tonna and Salvina née Galea, born in Tal-Pietà, resided in San Ġwann and died in Pisa, Italy, on the 15th December, 2019, aged 36, and who held identity card number 389783M.

Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns and notices according to law.

Registry of the Civil Court, Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Today 26th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals

It is hereby notified that in virtue of the powers conferred by Section 257 of the Civil Code, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts, by a Decree dated the 24th June, 2020, and this after a written plea numbered 395/2020, Ordered:

The correction of the Act of Death of Gladys Micallef, bearing number 956 of the year 2020, so that in the column with the heading: ‘Name and surname of the other party in the marriage/civil union or widow/widower or bachelor/maiden’ the words ‘Spouse of Paul Micallef’ shall be substituted by the words ‘Spouse of Gaetano Micallef’.

Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Today, Friday, 26th June, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputy Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

It is hereby notified that in virtue of the powers conferred by Section 257 of the Civil Code, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts, by a Decree dated the 24th June, 2020, and this after a written plea numbered 394/2020, Ordered:

The correction or annotation required when registering the birth certificate of Ben Francis Calascione issued by the British Authorities in the Public Registry of Malta by registering the name of Ben Francis Calascione as ‘Ben Francis’.

nofs (1/2) indiviż favur Thomas Paul Tonna iben id-decujus is-Suċċessjoni ta’ Ryan Paul Tonna, bin Aloysius sive Louis Tonna u Salvina née Galea, imwieled Tal-Pietà u kien residenti San Ġwann u miet Pisa, l-Italja, fil-15 ta’ Diċembru, 2019, ta’ 36 sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità bin-numru 389783M.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u l-avviżi skont il-liġi.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili, Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja

Illum 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali

Ikun jaf kulħadd illi bis-setgħat mogħtija lilha bl-artikolu 257 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili, il-Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili, b’Digriet tal-24 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, u dan wara Rikors b’numru 395/2020, Ordnat:

Il-korrezzjoni fl-Att tal-mewt ta’ Gladys Micallef, li jġib in-numru 956 tas-sena 2020 billi fit-tieni kolonna intestata: ‘Isem u kunjom tal-parti l-oħra fiż-żwieġ/f’unjoni ċivili jew armel/armla jew għażeb/xebba’ il-kliem ‘Spouse of Paul Micallef’ jiġu sostitwiti bil-kliem ‘Spouse of Gaetano Micallef’.

Qorti ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

Illum, il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputat Reġistratur, Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

Ikun jaf kulħadd illi bis-setgħat mogħtija lilha bl-artikolu 257 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili, il-Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili, b’Digriet tal-24 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, u dan wara Rikors b’numru 394/2020, Ordnat:

Il-korrezzjoni jew annotazzjoni mitluba meta jiġi biex ikun reġistrat l-Att tat-Twelid ta’ Ben Francis Calascione maħruġ mill-Awtoritàjiet Brittaniċi fir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Malta u dan billi l-isem ta’ Ben Francis Calascione jitniżżel bħala ‘Ben Francis’.



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5484 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,429

Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Today, Friday, 26th June, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputy Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

It is hereby notified that in virtue of the powers conferred by Section 257 of the Civil Code, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts, by a Decree dated the 24th June, 2020, and this after a written plea numbered 383/2020, Ordered:

The correction of the Act of Death of Gerolama Micallef, bearing number 1872 of the year 1972, so that in the column with the heading: “Isem u kunjom il-ġenituri jekk ħajjin jew mejtin/Name and surname of parents whether living or dead” the words ‘Carmelo Sammut’ and ‘Frances née Gatt’ (both dead) shall be substituted by the words: ‘Francesco Gatt’ and ‘Carmela née Sammut’ (both dead).

Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Today, Friday, 26 th June, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputy Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 22nd October, 2019, the publication of the following extract was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Andrew Vassallo General Trading Limited (C 45790) of Aluminium & Steel Fabrication Works, Triq Ħal Tarxien, Gudja, filed a Claim on the 1st July, 2020, whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn David Lewis Zammit Dimech (ID 162883M) of Il-Marniżi, Triq F.M. Ferretti, Birżebbuġa, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €1,988.21 which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

With costs and interests.

The case (Claim Number 321/19KCX) is deferred on the 1st July, 2020, at 1.00 p.m.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 30th June, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Qorti ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

Illum, il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputat Reġistratur, Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

Ikun jaf kulħadd illi bis-setgħat mogħtija lilha bl-artikolu 257 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili, il-Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili, b’Digriet tal-24 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, u dan wara Rikors b’numru 383/2020, Ordnat:

Il-korrezzjoni fl-Att tal-mewt ta’ Gerolama Micallef, li jġib in-numru 1872 tas-sena 1972 billi fil-kolonna intestata: ‘Isem u kunjom il-ġenituri jekk ħajjin jew mejtin/Name and surname of parents whether living or dead’ minflok il-kliem ‘Carmelo Sammut’ u ‘Frances née Gatt (both dead) jiddaħħlu l-kliem: ‘Francesco Gatt’ u ‘Carmela née Sammut’ (both dead).

Qorti ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

Illum, il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

MARUSKA BALDACCHINODeputat Reġistratur, Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili

B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar tat-22 ta’ Ottubru, 2019, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).

Andrew Vassallo General Trading Limited (C 45790) ta’ Aluminium & Steel Fabrication Works, Triq Ħal Tarxien, Il-Gudja, ippreżentaw Talba fil-21 ta’ Ottubru, 2019, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil David Lewis Zammit Dimech (KI 162883M) ta’ Il-Marniżi, Triq F.M. Ferretti, Birżebbuġa, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €1,988.21 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.

Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet.

Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 321/19KCX) hija differita għall-1 ta’ Lulju, 2020, fis-1.00 p.m.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Maġistrati (Malta), illum 30 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTAGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunal



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Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — VallettaMitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper

