Page 1: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출



제3차 학물 량조사


2007. 11


Page 2: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

제 출 문

경 하

본 보고서를 “제3차 화학물질 유통량 조사사업”의 최종보고서로 제출


2007년 11월

□ 수 행 기 : 한국화학물질 리 회

□ 연구책임자 : 조 삼 래

□ 연구참여인력 :

기인호(한국화학물질 리 회 장)

변 식(한국화학물질 리 회 리)

윤명진(한국화학물질 리 회)

최병길(한국화학물질 리 회)

이두일(한국화학물질 리 회)

박 수((주)티오이십일 표이사)

신승원((주)티오이십일 장)

안선찬((주)티오이십일 장)

방승석((주)티오이십일 과장)

홍석일((주)티오이십일 리)

이태훈((주)티오이십일 리)



Page 3: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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목 차Ⅰ. 서론 ········································································································································7

1. 화학물질과 유통량조사 ········································································································8

2. 화학물질과 련 산업 ········································································································12

3. 화학산업과 국가경제 ··········································································································13

Ⅱ. 화학물질 유통량 조사체계 ······························································································14

1. 단계별 주요 추진사항 ········································································································15

1.1 조사 비단계 ···················································································································15

1.2 조사실시단계 ···················································································································24

1.3 검증분석단계 ···················································································································26

2. 2006년 화학물질 유통량 조사결과 ···················································································32

2.1 조사업체 황 ·················································································································32

2.2 화학물질 황 ·················································································································32

2.3 구성성분 보고율 황 ····································································································33

2.4 면제 사업장 황 ············································································································34

2.5 미보고 사업장 황 ········································································································35

Ⅲ. 2006년 화학물질 유통 황 ·······························································································36

1. 2006년 화학물질 유통 황 종합 ·······················································································37

1.1 2006년 화학물질 유통 황 ·····························································································37

1.2 산업생산 련 국가통계지표 추이 비교 ········································································38

1.3 석유계 화학물질의 유통량 검증 ···················································································39

1.4 2006년 화학물질 유통량조사 결과 분석 ······································································41

2. 2006년 화학물질 유통량 통계 ···························································································42

2.1 화학물질 유통량 ··············································································································42

2.2 화학물질 제조량 ··············································································································44

2.3 화학물질 수입량 ··············································································································46

2.4 화학물질 수출량 ··············································································································47

2.5 화학물질 사용량 ··············································································································48

Page 4: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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3. EU 수출 황 ·······················································································································49

4. 량생산화학물질 ···············································································································51

4.1 1,000톤 이상 유통되는 화학물질 ··················································································51

4.2 량생산화학물질(HPV)의 유통량 ················································································53

4.3 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질 ·················································································55

5. 산업별 유통구조 ···············································································································58

5.1 제조업 규모 비 생산량 ······························································································58

5.2 업종별 업체 화학물질 유통 황 ·············································································59

5.3 용도별 화학물질 유통 황 ·····························································································66

6. 물질별 유통구조 ·················································································································74

6.1 사고 비물질 황 ··········································································································74

6.2 주요 발암물질 내분비계장애 추정물질 ··································································76

7. 지역별 유통구조 ···············································································································78

7.1 산업단지별 업체 화학물질 유통 황 ······································································78

7.2 유역(지방)환경청별 유통 황 ························································································83

7.3 행정구역별 유통 황 ······································································································88

7.4 권역별 유통 황 ··············································································································92

8. 비 오염원 제품 분류 ········································································································94

Ⅳ. 결론 제도개선 건의사항 ····························································································95

1. 결론 ······································································································································96

2. 유통량조사 제도개선 건의사항 ·······················································································100

Ⅴ. 부록 ··································································································································107

1. 유통량통계정리 ·················································································································108

1.1 1,000톤 이상 화학물질 제조·수입·수출·사용 ···························································109

1.2 2006년도 HPV물질 목록 ····························································································165

1.3 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질 ·············································································182

1.4 산업단지별 유통 황 ··································································································191

1.5 용도별 화학물질 유통 황 ·························································································197

2. 유역(지방)환경청별 취 황 ························································································201

Page 5: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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2.1 1,000톤 이상 할별 유통량 ······················································································202

2.2 유역(지방)환경청별 취 량 상 10 물질 ····························································261

2.3 유역(지방)환경청별 제품수 상 10 물질 ····························································269

2.4 유역(지방)환경청별 사고 비물질 취 황 ··························································277

2.5 유역(지방)환경청별 상 10 업종 업체수 ····························································283

3. 2006 화학물질의 유통량조사계획에 한규정 ······························································286

4. 염료 목록 ···························································································································291

5. 수화물 목록 ·······················································································································294

6. 석유계 화학물질 목록 정의 ·······················································································298

Page 6: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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<표 차 례>

<표1> 연도별 조사 상업종 ··································································································17

<표2> 연도별 조사 상 화학물질의 범 ·············································································18

<표3> 일반사항 조사항목의 ’02년도와 비교표 ·····································································21

<표4> 제품유통 황 조사항목의 ’02년도와 비교표 ·····························································21

<표5> 산시스템 이용자별 사용범 ···················································································23

<표6> 검증항목별 우선순 와 검증목표 ···············································································27

<표7> 석유계 유도체의 그룹화 통계처리 물질목록 ··························································28

<표8> 화학물질 유통량조사표 제출 황 ···············································································32

<표9> 2006년 국내유통 화학물질수 ·······················································································33

<표10> 2006년 유통량조사 성분 보고율 황 ······································································33

<표11> 유통량조사 면제업체 황 ·························································································34

<표12> 유통량조사 미보고 사업장 황 ···············································································35

<표13> 2006년 화학물질 유통 황 ·························································································37

<표14> 주요 물질별 통계자료 비교 결과 ·············································································39

<표15> 2006년도 화학물질 유통 황 ·····················································································42

<표16> 석유계 화학물질의 유통량 ·························································································43

<표17> 화학물질의 톤수별 유통 황 ·····················································································44

<표18> EU 수출업체 황 ······································································································49

<표19> 1,000톤 이상 화학물질 유통 황 ··············································································51

<표20> 량생산화학물질(HPV) 제조량 상 10 물질 ····················································53

<표21> 량생산화학물질(HPV) 수입량 상 10 물질 ····················································54

<표22> 체 취 량 비 상 50 물질 비 ··································································57

<표23> 제조업체 규모별 화학물질 생산량 ···········································································58

<표24> 조사 상의 범 와 업종 ·····························································································59

<표25> 화학물질 취 업체수 상 업종 황 ······································································60

<표26> 업종별 화학물질 제조량 상 10 ··········································································61

<표27> 업종별 화학물질 수입량 상 10 ··········································································62

<표28> 업종별 화학물질 수출량 상 10 ··········································································63

<표29> 업종별 화학물질 사용량 상 10 ··········································································64

<표30> 업종별 화학물질 유통 황 ·························································································65

<표31> 용도별 제조물질수 상 10 ···················································································66

<표32> 용도별 제조량 상 10 ···························································································67

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<표33> 용도별 제조 제품수 상 10 ·················································································67

<표34> 용도별 수입물질수 상 10 ···················································································68

<표35> 용도별 수입량 상 10 ···························································································69

<표36> 용도별 수입 제품수 상 10 ·················································································69

<표37> 용도별 사용물질수(단일물질) 상 10 ·································································70

<표38> 용도별 사용량 상 10 ···························································································71

<표39> 용도별 사용 제품수(단일제품) 상 10 ·······························································71

<표40> 용도별 수출 화학물질수(단일물질) 상 10 ························································72

<표41> 용도별 수출량 상 10 ···························································································73

<표42> 용도별 수출 제품수(단일물질) 상 10 ·······························································73

<표43> 사고 비물질의 지정수량 이상 제조/사용 황 ····················································75

<표44> 내분비계장애 추정물질의 취 황 ··········································································76

<표45> 주요 발암물질의 취 황 ·························································································77

<표46> 산단별 제조량 상 10 ···························································································78

<표47> 산단별 수입량 상 10 ···························································································79

<표48> 산단별 사용량 상 10 ···························································································80

<표49> 산단별 수출량 상 10 ···························································································81

<표50> 산단별 업체수 상 10 ···························································································82

<표51> 5 정유사 할환경청 ······························································································83

<표52> 유역(지방)환경청별 제조량 ························································································84

<표53> 유역(지방)환경청별 수입량 ························································································85

<표54> 유역(지방)환경청별 사용량 ························································································86

<표55> 유역(지방)환경청별 수출량 ························································································86

<표56> 행정구역별 제조량 ······································································································88

<표57> 행정구역별 수입량 ······································································································89

<표58> 행정구역별 사용량 ······································································································90

<표59> 행정구역별 수출량 ······································································································91

<표60> 국내 주요 권역별 화학물질 제조·사용 황 ·······················································92

<표61> 배출량조사 상 제품의 제조/수입 업체정보 ··························································94

<표62> 비 오염원 제품 황 ··································································································94

<표63> 연도별 조사 상업체와 조사표 제출 황 ····························································100

<표64> 유통량 조사 상 범 조정방안 ·············································································101

Page 8: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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<그 림 차 례>

<그림1> 화학물질의 종류와 련 산업 ·················································································12

<그림2> 세계 화학제품 출하액 추이 ·····················································································13

<그림3> 주요국별 화학제품 출하 규모 ·················································································13

<그림4> 조사 상 사업장 선정 차 ·····················································································19

<그림5> 연도별 화학물질 유통량 추이 ·················································································37

<그림6> 유통량조사 상업체 추이 ·························································································38

<그림7> 유독물제조량 추이 ····································································································38

<그림8> 화학제품 생산량 추이 ······························································································38

<그림9> 화학제품 수출량 추이 ······························································································38

<그림10> 화학산업 력 사용량 추이 ···················································································39

<그림11> 제조업 공장 가동율 추이 ·······················································································39

<그림12> 석유계 화학물질의 유통량 ·····················································································43

<그림13> 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질 ··········································································55

<그림14> 체물질/상 50 물질/50 이외의 물질 증감율 ·········································57

Page 9: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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제1절 론

Page 10: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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1. 학물 과 량조사

화학물질은 우리의 생활필수품뿐만 아니라 반도체, 기 자, 자동차, 항공우주산업을

비롯하여 최근에는 IT, BT, NT 등 각종 첨단산업에서도 반드시 필요한 원료 는 기

소재로 사용되고 있다.

CAS(A division of the American Chemical Society)에 따르면 2007.9월 재 세계

으로 약 246,000종의 화학물질이 상업 으로 유통되어 왔고, 우리나라에서도 2007.11월

재 40,731의 화학물질이 유통되어 왔으며 매년 약 400종의 신규화학물질이 국내시장에

새로이 진입하고 있는 것으로 악되고 있다.

그러나 화학물질이 과학기술의 부신 발달과 더불어 인류사회에 획기 인 편의를

제공하는 반면에 그 유해성으로 인하여 인체건강과 환경을 해치는 주원인으로 지목되고

있다. 한 국민의 지식수 이 높아지고 삶의 질이 향상됨에 따라 화학물질의 해성에

한 심이 증 하고 있으며, 화학물질로부터의 인체노출사고가 사회 으로 주요 이슈가

되고 있다.

이로 인해 유해화학물질 함유제품에 한 규제 요구가 높아짐에 따라 UN은 지속

가능한 화학물질 리를 달성하기 한 “국제 화학물질 리에 한 략 근

(SAICM)을 채택하여 유해물질의 체물질 개발, 특정 유해물질의 사용제한ㆍ 지 등을

개별 국가가 이행하도록 하고 있으며, EU는 신화학물질 리제도(REACH)를 도입하여

신규물질은 물론이고 기존화학물질과 완제품(Article)에 해서도 제조ㆍ수입자가 해성

을 평가하여 등록하도록 의무화 하는 등 화학물질 리에 한 국제 규제가 강화되고

있는 추세이다.

우리나라도 화학물질의 해성으로부터 국민 건강과 생태계 보호를 정책 목표로 삼고

수용체 심의 화학물질 리, 해성(Risk)에 근거한 화학물질 생애(Life-cycle) 통합

리를 해 다양한 정책을 추진해 나가고 있다.

화학물질 통량조사는 국내에서 유통되고 있는 화학물질의 종류와 물질별 제조ㆍ수입

ㆍ사용ㆍ수출량, 사용용도 등을 악하여 화학물질 리 상의 우선순 물질선정, 해성

평가 배출량 조사의 기 자료로 활용하고 화학물질 사고시 출원인 추 , 방제약품,

방제장비의 신속한 악 등 화학물질 리정책의 요한 자료로 사용되고 있으며, 1996년

Page 11: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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화학물질 유통량 조사 시범사업을 거쳐 1998년과 2002년 두 차례의 수조사를 실시

하 다.

이번에 실시한 제3차 유통량조사에서는 지난 2차례의 조사결과와 통계자료의 경향성

비교할 수 있도록 조사 상 조사범 는 2002년과 동일하게 하 으며, 이 의 유통량

조사결과 제기되었던 비효율 인 사항들을 아래와 같이 개선하여 국가통계자료로서의

신뢰성을 높이는데 을 두고 실시하 다.

(1) 조사 상범 선정, 조사표 조사지침 개발, 유통량조사 산시스템 개발 등

조사기법 개발을 하여 국립환경과학원의 기술지원을 받아 1998년, 2002년의 유통량조사

결과분석를 분석하고 2차례에 걸쳐 14개 업종의 21개 업체를 상으로 사 실태조사를

실시하 으며 이를 바탕으로 실무자회의 문가회의를 개최하여 조사기법을 정립

하 다.

(2) 조사 상업체 선정을 국립환경과학원의 화학물질취 업체 통합DB를 활용하여 화학

물질 취 가능성이 있는 모든 업체(91,000개소)를 기 로 업종, 화학물질 취 실 등을

확인하여 조사 상업체 43,995개를 선정함으로써 조사범 에 해당되는 업체가 락되지

않도록 하 고, 종 각 시⋅도가 보유한 자료를 취합하여 조사 상업체를 선정하는데

소요되었던 약 5개월을 1개월 이내로 단축하 으며 그 결과 약된 기간은 조사표제출

독려, 조사결과 검증에 활용하여 통계자료의 신뢰성을 높이는데 활용하 다.

(3) 조사자가 이해하기 쉽도록 “조사단계별 작성방법”, “사례 심의 용어해설 성분,

함량 표시방법, 모노머(monomer)와 고분자물질의 구분방법” 등 조사지침서를 이용자

입장에서 작성하 고, 조사표작성이 용이하도록 하기 하여 기업의 입출고 리 장과

동일한 형식의 조사표를 구성하 고 종 단일물질, 혼합물질로 구분되어 혼란을 래

하 던 조사표 서식을 하나의 서식으로 단순화하 으며, 유통량통계와 련이 고

작성이 어려웠던 항목(매출액, TM좌표 등)은 조사항목에서 제외시켰다.

(4) 비 오염원에 해당하는 화학물질의 배출량조사는 번 유통량조사에서 제외하 으며,

비 오염원 상제품 취 여부 등 기본정보만 확보하고 향후 별도로 배출량조사를 실시

하도록 하 다. 이는 2002년 유통량조사와 배출량조사의 동시 실시로 인한 업체의 애로

혼란을 방지하고, 유통량조사의 신뢰성을 향상시키기 함이었다.

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(5) 제조량 산정에 있어서 제조의 개념을 “합성, 분리, 정제, 추출”과 “혼합, 가공, 기타”로

명확히 구분하여 “합성, 분리, 정제, 추출”은 제조량으로, “혼합, 가공, 기타”는 사용량으로

분류되도록 하여 유통량통계가 정확히 산정되도록 하 다.

(6) 유통량 비 이 높은 석유계 유도체는 동질성이 인정되는 물질임에도 다른 물질명,

CAS번호로 사용되는 물질은 석유화학업종의 주요 업체를 상으로 사 실태조사, 조사

과정에서 개별 , 검증단계에서 간담회를 통하여 단일화를 유도하 고, 미흡한 부분은

통계분석과정에서 용역기 이 문자료를 활용, 물질별 성상을 확인하고 category별로

묶어 통계에 반 하 다.

(7) 웹방식의 조사시스템을 개발하여 종 디스켓제출로 인한 업체의 불편과 데이터의

손, 오류, 데이터의 업로드로 인한 인력과 시간 낭비를 최소화하 으며, 조사자가 자신이

보고한 내용을 수정하고자할 경우 즉시 수정이 가능하도록 하 고, 보고 상 물질이

많은 경우 업체가 리하고 있는 엑셀 일로 일 보고가 가능하게 하 으며 동일업체

의 여러 작업자가 동시에 로그인하여 보고할 수 있도록 하 다.

(8) 유통량조사자료의 검증시스템을 개발하여 각 유역(지방)환경청 담당자가 할지역

내의 보고 황, 미보고업체 명단을 실시간으로 확인하여 조사표제출을 유도할 수 있도록

하 으며, 2002년 유통량자료, 2004년 배출량보고자료와 2006년 유독물 업실 보고자료

와 업체별, 물질별, 취 량별 차이를 비교하여 물질 락, 취 량의 차이 등 오류검증을

실시간 가능하게 하여 조사자료의 신뢰도를 높 으며 담당공무원의 업무부담이 최소화

되도록 하 다.

(9) 유통량조사의 정확성을 기하고, 조사 상업체의 유통량조사 교육참석의 애로를

해소하기 하여 지역별 순회교육 횟수를 종 17회에서 46회로 늘렸으며, 한 유통량

조사방법, 산시스템 사용방법에 한 인터넷 동 상 교육을 실시하여 교육참석이 불가능한

업체와 교육의 반복 효과를 도모하 다.

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화학물질 통량 조사결과는 환경정책수립 화학물질 정 리 방안 마련 등에

있어서 다음과 같은 다양한 형태의 기 자료로 활용될 것으로 기 된다.

(1) 화학물질의 생산, 수입, 수출, 사용 등 취 황을 악함으로써 화학산업의 체

산업상 치, 국가경제에 미치는 기여도 등 국가 ㆍ사회 ㆍ경제 통계지표의 기

자료로 활용된다.

(2) 국내 유통되는 화학물질의 종류, 수량을 악함으로써 량생산화학물질(HPV)1)의

안 성평가사업과 기 해성평가(SIDS)2)사업, 유해화학물질의 리우선순 결정을

한 정책자료가 된다.

(3) 화학물질별 사용량, 주요용도를 악함으로써 해우려물질 해성평가, 화학물질

배출업체 리를 한 기 자료로 활용되며, 일반국민에게 있어서는 지역별 유통되는

유해화학물질에 한 알권리를 충족시킬 수 있다.

(4) OECD는 회원국이 기존화학물질의 체계 조사를 통하여 화학물질의 정 리를

요구하고 있어 국제 약을 이행하고 궁극 으로 국민건강과 환경을 보호하기 한

수단이 된다.

(5) EU 수출 황 등 기업의 REACH 시스템 응을 통한 화학물질 리의 새로운 라다

임(Paradigm)에 한 조명

1) High Products Volume : 개별 가에 연간 1,000 상 또는 수 는 화학물질

2) Screening Information Data Sheets : OECD에 한 량생산화학물질 해 평가사업

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2. 학물 과 련 산업

화학물질이라 함은 “원소ㆍ화합물 그에 인 인 반응을 일으켜 얻어진 물질과

자연상태에서 존재하는 물질을 추출 는 정제한 것”으로 규범 으로 정의되고 있다.

따라서 화학물질을 생산하는 공정은 여러 형태의 화학반응, 혼합ㆍ가공, 분리ㆍ추출ㆍ

정제 등 매우 다양하다. 그러나 크게 보아 그 시발 은 석유, 석탄, 천연가스, 물, 공기

등 자연상태에 존재하는 물질을 가공ㆍ정제하여 에틸 , 로필 , 벤젠, 톨루엔 등 1차

인 기 유분을 생산한다. 1차 생산된 기 유분을 가공함으로써 2차로 에틸 옥사이드,

로필 옥사이드, 도데실벤젠 등이 생산되고 이들은 다시 여러 단계를 거쳐 최종제품으로

생산되며, 이러한 단계를 거쳐 생산되는 화학물질은 사용형태에 따라 기 화합물, 정

화학제품, 생명과학제품, 소비자용 화학제품 4가지로 구분할 수 있으며, 모든 산업분야

의 기 소재로 사용되고 있다.

학공정/정제(Chemical Processing/Refining)

Bulk inorganics & organics(무 물과 물)(암 니아/가스/산/염/ 학물 / 젠/에틸렌/프로필렌/ 렌/ 루엔/ 타 엔/ 탄/ 틸렌 등)

학공정(Chemical Processing)

비료/산업 학물 /플라스틱/프로필렌 사 드/레 /탄 합체/ /염료

정 학제품고무ㆍ플라스틱/ 트/접착제/ 능 학물

비 학제품비누/ 제/표 제/ 품 / 향제/ 품/ 약 등

생 과학제품약품/농업 학물

/생 공학제품

다 산업/ / 동차(브레

크 )/제 / 등

출처 : EEA, 1995 & Swift, 1999, modified by the OECD

<그림 1> 화학물질의 종류와 련 산업

Raw Materials( / 탄/가스/공 /물/ 물 등)


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3. 학산업과 가경제

화학산업은 에서 기술한 바와 같이 거의 모든 산업분야에 직ㆍ간 으로 련되어

있을 뿐만 아니라 산업규모면에서도 매우 큰 비 을 차지하고 있으며, 세계 화학산업의

제품출하액은 2000년 이후 연평균 9% 이상 높은 성장을 기록하고 있다.<그림 2 참조>

한 우리나라 화학산업의 생산액은 2006년 기 약 89조원으로 제조업 총생산의

9.8%, 수출액은 294억불로서 국내 총 수출의 11%를 유하고 있어 국내 경제에서 매우

요한 치를 차지하고 있다.

국제사회에서도 ICCA(국제화학단체 의회)의 통계자료에 의하면 우리나라 화학산업의

규모는 2006년도 화학제품 출하액 기 으로 약 103조원(USD 1,047억)으로 세계 6 이며

세계시장의 3.7%를 차지하고 있다.<그림 3 참조>

<그림 2> 세계 화학제품 출하액 추이 <그림 3> 주요국별 화학제품 출하 규모

그러나 우리나라 화학산업은 핵심분야 원천기술 부족, 업종간 불균형, 공해산업 인식

등 문제 을 안고 있다.

기 물질을 생산하는 석유화학산업은 세계 수요둔화에도 불구하고 아시아와 산유국

을 심으로 생산능력이 지속 으로 증가하고 있어 세계시장에서의 경쟁이 더욱 심화될

것으로 상되고 있다.

생명과학제품을 포함하여 정 화학산업은 인류의 삶의 질 향상에 따른 제품의 다양화,

고 화가 요구됨에 따라 고기능성 환경친화 제품 등 고부가가치제품에 한 수요

가 갈수록 증가하고 있으나 핵심기술인 원료 간체 산업의 기술부족에 따라 제품간

의 후방 연계가 결여되어 제품개발 생산구조가 취약한 실정이다.

단 /US십억$

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제2절 학물 량 조사체계

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1. 단계 주 추 사항

1.1 조사 비단계 : 2006.7.10∼2006.12.31

(1) 사 실태조사 - 석유화학업체 등 21개 업체 상 2회 실시

2006년 유통량조사 기법개발을 하여 먼 2002년 유통량조사의 문제 을 분석하고

개선하여 정확하고 신뢰도가 높은 조사기법 개발을 한 조사 상업종의 선정, 조사표의

구성항목과 용어의 이해, 유통량의 복산정 락, 오류 등을 방지할 수 있는 방안

강구, 성분자료 확보 제출여부, 기타 조사와 련 업체의 애로 건의사항을 악하기

하여 사 실태조사를 실시하 다.

사 실태조사는 2차례에 걸쳐 총 21개 업체를 상으로 실시하 으며, 1차 실시결과를

반 한 조사기법에 한 실무자회의(‘06.9.21) 논의 결과 추가 실태조사의 필요성이 제기

됨에 따라 2차 실태조사를 실시하 다.

사 실태조사에서는 유통량 비 이 높아 오류발생시 유통량에 미치는 향이 큰 석유

화학ㆍ시멘트ㆍ 규모 화학업체와 소량다품목인 페인트ㆍ 자업체, 성분자료를 보유하고

있는 표 인 수입 리업체, 화학물질 사용량은 으나 업체수가 많은 인쇄출 업체,

비 오염원 배출량조사 상 업체( 지, 조명, 페인트ㆍ잉크)를 주로 실시하 으며 조사

결과는 조사기법 개발시 반 하 다.

특히 석유업종에 해서는 동질성이 인정되는 물질임에도 서로 다른 물질명, CAS번호로

사용되는 석유계 유도체 물질에 하여 업체간 상호 의를 통하여 자율 으로 단일화

방안을 마련하고 유통량을 보고하도록 유도하 다.

(가) 상업체 : 21개 사업장

- 유통량의 유율이 높은 업종(석유화학, 시멘트, 규모 화학회사)

- 소량다품목의 화학물질 사용업종(염/안료, 자 등)

- 소규모이면서 조사 상 사업장이 많은 인쇄출 업체

- 조사 상업종에 포함되나 화학물질 사용여부 불분명한 보 장업체

- 성분자료 구비여부 악을 한 수입업체

- 수입 리인(성분내역서 보유업체)

- 비 오염원 배출량조사 상 업체( 지, 조명, 페인트/잉크)

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(나) 조사시 확인사항

- 화학물질 사용 황과 조사업종 해당여부 확인

- 조사표작성에 한 이해도 개선 악

- 웹 로그램 보고에 따른 문제 개선 악

- 성분내역서 보유 실태 건의사항 악

- 업체의 입출고 장 작성 황 웹 로그램과 호환성 여부 확인

- 수입 리인의 성분자료 제출 여부 제출방법, 유통량조사 조요청

- 인쇄출 업종의 경우 조사 상업종 해당사업장은 약 2,100개 사업장이나 유통량

에서 차지하는 비 은 0.0018%로서 유통량에 비해 사업장수가 과다하여 규모

에 따라 조사 상범 를 조정할 수 있는지 여부 악

- 비 오염원 배출량조사 상제품 취 업체의 경우 소량다품목으로서 조사표

작성 등 유통량조사의 애로사항 악

(다) 실태조사 결과 과업수행 반 사항

❍ 정유/석유화학업종

- 물질명 통일화(Gasoline류 등), 물질 확인이 어려운 잔사류(부생연료류)는 업체간

의를 통해 방안제시

- 조사물질 락 방지를 해 공정별 취 물질 악하여 동일공정 보유업체간


❍ 일부업종 별도교육 실시

- 유통량에 향이 큰 정유/석유화학업종, 소량다품종인 페인트업종 등

- 업종 특성에 맞는 내용의 별도 교육 추진

❍ 성분정보 별도제출 방안강구

- 조사결과 혼합물질 수입의 경우 약 10%가 수입 리인이 성분보유

- 성분자료를 보유하고 있는 수입 리인은 부분 제시된 조사기법으로 자료

제출을 꺼려하고 있어 별도의 자료제출 방안 강구

- 조사표의 제품명과 성분내역을 연결하여 성분자료 제출은 곤란하며, 상호 연결

되지 않는 방법의 자료제출은 가능

- 따라서 웹 로그램으로 자료제출이 아닌 지방환경 서나 용역기 이 방문하여

조사하는 방법 는 개별 으로 자료 제출하도록 유도

Page 19: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 17 -

❍ 조사 상업종 선정 련

- 인쇄출 업종은 규모에 따른 기 을 정할 수 있는 방안이 없는 것으로 확인되어

조사 상업종 해당사업장 부를 상으로 조사실시

- 보 ・ 장업종은 화학물질 사용량이 극히 고( 규모 사업장도 연간 1톤 미만

사용), 일정규모의 사업장이 10개미만으로 악되어 해당업종은 조사 상에서

제외하기로 함(‘06. 9. 21, 실무자회의)

❍ 유통량보고 산시스템 기능 추가

- 다수 작업자 동시 입력, 보고서 출력 가능한 시스템 개발

- 수량단 는 다양한 단 로 입력 가능하도록 구 (kg, 톤, ㎥, ℓ)

(2) 조사 상범 선정

◯ 조사 상업종 - 한 표 산업 37개 업종 정

조사 상업종은 통계청의 표 산업분류표를 기 로 화학물질을 취 하는 것으로 추정

되고 있는 업종을 검토한 결과 2002년도 조사 상 31개 업종과 그 이후 배출량조사 상

업종으로 분류되어 있는 6개 업종을 포함하여 <부록3>과 같이 총 37개 업종을 상으로

선정하 다.

과업 기 38개 업종을 조사 상으로 하는 방안을 마련하 으나, 그 1개 업종(보

・ 장업)은 사 실태조사 결과 국내 최 규모의 사업장에서 화학물질 연간 사용량

이 1톤 미만이고, 동 규모의 사업장이 10개미만으로 악되어 조사 상에서 제외하 다.

조사업종과 련하여 2002년도 비 오염원 배출량조사 상에 해서는 6개 품목(가정

용품, 지제품, 조명기구, 세탁용품, 산업도장, 인쇄)을 조사 상에 포함시키되 해당 품

목의 취 여부만 조사하고, 구체 인 유통 황은 유통량조사에 의한 취 업체정보를 바

탕으로 별도의 사업으로 비 오염원 배출량조사를 실시하는 방안을 제시하 다.

<표 1> 연도별 조사 상업종

구 분 1998년 2002년 2006년

조사 상 업종수 18업종 31업종 37업종

Page 20: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 18 -

◯ 조사 상 학물 - 단 물 100kg 초과, 합물 1ton 상

조사 상 화학물질은 유해화학물질 리법 제2조제1호의 규정에 의한 화학물질 그

범 를 합리 으로 축소 조정하되 리 상이 되는 유해물질이 조사에서 제외되지 않도록

하기 하여 ‘98년, ’02년 유통량조사결과를 분석하고 계 문가 의견을 수렴한 결과,

1) 통계자료의 경향성, 추이분석과 비교를 해서는 최소한 3개연도의 조사범 가

동일하여야 하고

2) 조사 상 범 를 축소할 경우 소량 유통되는 CMR 등 유해물질이 조사 상에서

제외될 가능성이 높으므로

3) ‘02년도 유통량조사 상 화학물질범 와 동일하게 그 범 를 선정하 다.

<표 2> 연도별 조사 상 화학물질의 범

1998년 2002년 2006년

제품별 취 량이 연간 100kg

이상인 단일, 혼합물질

- 제품별 취 량이 연간 100kg 과하는 단일물질

- 제품별 취 량이 연간 1ton 이상인 혼합물질

- 유독물ㆍ 찰물질, 배출량조사 상물질이 함유된 혼합물질은

제품별 취 량이 연간 100kg 과하는 경우 조사 상에 포함

◯ 조사제 학물 - 해 학물 적 제 상 학물

유해화학물질 리법 용 상에서 제외되는 화학물질 등 유통량조사의 목 에 비추어

조사 상에서 제외할 필요가 있는 화학물질을 검토하 으며, 그 결과 개정된 유해화학

물질 리법, 2002년도 유통량조사 제외 화학물질을 고려하여 아래와 같이 선정하 다.

① 시험, 연구 는 검사용으로 제한된 장소에서 조사・연구자에 한하여 사용되는 화학물질

② 축 지와 같이 구입하여 사용하는 기계, 장치 내에 내장되어 있는 화학물질

③ 시설의 도색을 한 페인트, 건축자재와 같이 사업장의 시설자체의 일부분인 화학물질

④ 사업장에서 운행 는 가동하는 기기․장비의 가동과 유지에 사용되는 화학물질

⑤ 사무기기, 약, 화장품 등 종업원이 개인용도로 사용하는 화학물질

⑥ 사업장에서 연간 100kg미만 취 하는 화학물질

⑦ 사업장의 연료로 사용하는 화학물질

⑧ 다음 각 목의 1에 해당하는 화학물질을 함유하지 않은 화학물질로서 취 량이 연간 1톤

미만인 혼합물질

Page 21: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 19 -

(가) 유독물․ 찰물질

(나) 화학물질의 배출량조사 산정계수에 한 규정 “별표2”의 조사 상 화학물질

⑨ 고유의 형상(모양과 상태)을 가지면서 사용 형상이 변화되지 않는 완제품

⑩ 사업장 조경시설 등의 유지에 사용되는 살충제, 비료 등의 화학물질

◯ 조사 상 사업 - 학물 취 가능 43,995개 사업 정

조사 상사업장은 국립환경과학원이 보유하고 있는 화학물질취 업체 통합DB의 약

91,000개 업체를 기 로 유통량조사 상 화학물질을 취 할 가능성이 있는 업체를 단계

으로 추출하 으며, 추출된 사업장은 각 지방환경 서에 명단을 통보하 고, 해당 서별

검토를 거쳐 최종 으로 43,995개 사업장을 조사 상업체로 선정하 다.

- 출량보고 7,000업체, 물 업등록 5,500업체

- ‘02년 량보고 14,000업체, ‘06년 수 10,000업체

- 신규물 해 심사 1,000업체

- ㆍ수 출시 신고 약 53,500업체

경과학원 업체 합DB

(약 91,000개 업체 등록)

- 조사 상업종에 해당하는 68,674개 업체 추출

- 학물 취 실적 없는 20,824개 업체는 제

- 본정보 가능한 3,328개 업체 제

전산알고 1차 추출

(44,526개 업체 정)

- 조사제 업종, 학물 미취 1,123개 업체 제

- 비점 염원 사 업종( 등) 3,705개 업체 제

- 1차 추출에 누락 1,633개 업체 추가

- 경 체 총 2,664개 업체 추가

업체 정보 2차 추출

(43,995개 업체 최종 정)

<그림 4> 조사 상 사업장 선정 차

(3) 조사표 서식 개발

◯ 본 향

2002년도 유통량조사 분석결과 드러났던 불필요한 항목의 존재, 복잡한 조사표 구성,

유통량의 복산정과 락 등의 문제 을 개선하기 하여 아래와 같이 기본방향을

정하고 이에 따라 조사표를 개발하 다.

Page 22: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 20 -

① 제품 화학물질 유통 황을 정확하게 악할 수 있도록 구성한다.

② 조사자가 이해하기 쉽고 작성이 용이하도록 개발한다.

③ 유통량의 락, 복산정 는 오류를 피할 수 있도록 개발한다.

④ 유통량통계와 련성이 고, 업체가 공개를 꺼리는 항목은 제외한다.

⑤ 신뢰성이 있는 타 황 는 통계자료로 악이 가능한 항목은 제외한다.

⑥ 조사에 어려움이 있고 활용도가 낮은 항목은 제외한다.

◯ 조사표 개 과정

상기 기본방향을 토 로 조사표(안)을 작성하 으며, 착수보고회(‘06. 8. 8)에서 자문

원의 의견을 반 하여 최종(안)을 만들었다.

사 실태조사(’06.9.4 ∼ 9.14)를 통하여 조사 상업체의 담당자가 쉽게 이해하고 작성이

용이한지 여부를 확인하 으며 제시된 의견을 반 하여 조사표를 수정 보완하고,

최종 으로 유통량 련 문가로 구성된 실무자회의(‘06. 9.21)를 거쳐 조사표를 확정하 다.

◯ 조사표

조사표는 “서식 1. 일반사항”과 “서식 2. 제품유통 황”으로 구분하 다.

“서식 1. 일반사항”에는 조사 상 사업장의 기본정보(상호, 표자, 소재지, 사업자

등록번호)와 사업장의 환경정보(유입수계, 상수원보호구역, 산업단지, 기・수질특별 책

지역 등), 비 오염원 배출량조사 상제품 취 여부, 자체방제계획과 방제장비 등에 한

사항을 기재하도록 하 다.

“서식 2. 제품유통 황”은 취 제품별 입고량(제조, 수입, 구매 등)과 출고량(사용, 수출,

매 등), 제품의 용도와 비 오염원 세부분류, 단일물질 는 혼합물질여부를 기재하도록

하고. 제품유통의 부가정보로서 수출에 한 정보, 구성성분정보, 성분보유자정보를 기재

하도록 하 다. 특히 유통량의 복산정을 방지하기 하여 “합성제조”, “혼합・가공”여부를

명확히 하도록 하 다.

Page 23: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 21 -

<표 3> 일반사항 조사항목의 ‘02년도와 비교표

조사표 항 ‘02년 ‘06년 조 정 사

업 / 표 / /사업 ○ ○ DB 택 력, 신규업체 접 력

표업종/산업단 /농공단 /종업원수/ 적/연간조업 수조업시간/ 제 비/ 제약품 등

○ ○ 업체 력

할 경청 ○ ○ 경청 력

수계/상수원보 역수 / 보전특 책 역/수 출시 종

○ ○련DB 본값 력

업체 /수정

본 /연간매출액 ○ ☓량 계 련 적고,

업체가 공개 는 항

물 업등록종전 조사 상여 업

○ ☓ 련 타 료로 악 가능

TM좌표/개 보 ○ ☓ 력 어렵거나 낮

<표 4> 제품유통 황 조사항목의 ‘02년도와 비교표

조사표 항 ‘02년 ‘06년 조 정 사

식 단 물 , 합물(총 록, ,

출량 비점정보)

제품( , 수출정보,

보 정보)

- 취 제품 출고 악

- 료제출 누락

제품 , 물 ,, 물 태,

출고량,보 정보

○ ○ 전과 동

물/ 출량조사 상 여

○ ☓학물 록DB동

보 저 태,저 량, ,경고표시여

○ ☓량 계과 련

적고 낮

비점 염원 출량조사 상물

제품 과 량조사

제품취 여 조사(제조, 수 , 사 )

량조사 출량조사 ,

물 제조 태 ☓ ○ 량 복산정

수출 정보 ☓ ○ 업계 REACH 원

Page 24: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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(4) 유통량 산시스템 구축

◯ 량보고시스

2002년도 유통량조사가 PC 로그램에 의한 디스켓 제출 방식으로 수행된 결과 제출

과정에서의 분실, 손되는 사례가 다수 발생하 고, 데이터통합을 해 1개의 컴퓨터에

13,000여개의 디스켓 업로드에 약 1개월의 기간이 소요되었다.

한 지방환경 서는 할지역내 조사 상 사업장의 자료제출 상황을 실시간으로

악할 수 없어 조사자료 수 취합에 어려움을 겪었으며, 이는 사업수행 반에

차질을 래한 것으로 분석되었다.

따라서 번 유통량조사에서는 웹기반에 의한 유통량 보고시스템을 개발하여 이러한

문제 을 개선하도록 하 다.

◯ 량검 시스

2002년 유통량조사에서의 하나의 문제 은 사업장이 제출한 자료에 하여 한

검증이 이루어지지 못한 것으로 분석되었다. 당시의 검증방법은 1998년 유통량조사자료

와 2002년 유통량조사자료를 수작업에 의거 수행한 것으로 보이며, 이 유통량조사자료

가 없는 경우에는 검증이 실 으로 불가능한 상황이었다. 그 결과 유통량 통계에 한

신뢰성 문제가 계속해서 제기되어 왔다.

따라서 이러한 문제 을 해소하기 해 검증방법을 시스템화하는 것이 필수불가결한

사항이 되었다.

번 유통량조사에서는 이 유통량조사자료, 배출량조사자료, 유독물실 보고자료를

바탕으로 산시스템에 의거 1차 검증을 실시하고, 1차 검증에서 미제출 는 오류가능성

이 있는 것으로 추출된 사업장을 상으로 지방환경 서 용역기 에 의한 2차 검증

을 수행하도록 추진하고 있다.

이에 따라 검증시스템은 2002년 유통량조사자료, 2004년 배출량조사자료, 2006년 유독

물 업실 보고자료를 DB화하여 시스템에서 실시간으로 보고되는 업체별 는 물질별,

취 량별 보고 락여부, 취 량의 오류 등을 검증할 수 있도록 하여 체계 이고 통계

인 방법에 의한 검증으로 유통량조사자료의 신뢰성향상, 산시스템에 의한 검증으로

검증에 소요되는 시간의 단축을 기하 다.

◯ 량검색시스

그간 2차례 실시한 유통량조사결과는 DB방식으로만 데이터통합이 되어 있어 산에

한 문지식이 부족한 경우에는 통계자료의 검색이 어렵게 되어 있다.

Page 25: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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따라서 번 사업에서는 웹기반에 의한 검색시스템을 구축하여 계공무원이 쉽게

통계자료를 검색하고 활용할 수 있도록 하 다.

공개자료 범 는 업체 기 사항 ‘98년, ’02년 유통량 조사 통계결과 발표자료 등을

고려하여 환경부와 의를 거쳐 결정하 으며, 연도별ㆍ물질별ㆍ지역별ㆍ업종별ㆍ산단별ㆍ

용도별 유통 황을 공개범 로 정하 다.

◯ 합DB개

통합 DB는 시스템에 입력한 업체보고 자료에 한 DB와 이를 이용하여 검증 완료된

최종 자료에 한 DB 등으로 구분하여 리할 수 있도록 구축하여 자료의 효율 리

각 시스템의 효율 운 이 가능하도록 개발하 다.

◯ 타 전산시스 개 시 고려사항

① 유통량 정보의 공개범 에 한 리 기업체의 업비 사항에 한 보안

기능을 아래와 같이 개발하 다.

▪ 자료 입력 열람을 제한하기 해 리자에게 비 번호 부여

▪ 업체의 자료의 입력 열람을 해 시스템 로그인 기능 개발

▪ 시스템의 사용자를 구분하여 사용 제한

<표 5> 산시스템 이용자별 사용범

시스 사 상 사

량보고시스 업체 량 보고 료



연 , 역 , 물 등 공개 에 량

조사 료 검색

량검 시스 계 공무원경 - 할 역 업체 료 검

앙 - 든 량 보고 료 검

② 연도별 유통량 조사결과 조사 상 변경에 따른 업데이트가 가능하도록 하 다.

▪ 연도별 유통량 조사결과와의 비교․분석 기능 개발

▪ 연도별 조사 상업종, 조사기 등 변경에 따른 시스템 업데이트 기능 개발

③ 화학물질의 유해성, 해성 련 정보를 통합 리․제공하기 해 기존 개발・운

인 화학물질정보시스템과의 연계방안을 마련하 다.

▪ 재 운 인 화학물질정보시스템의 물질별 통합정보를 제공할 수 있도록 유통량

Page 26: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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보고시스템 유통량 정보검색시스템 등에 배 등을 통한 화학물질정보시스템 연계

▪ 향후, 유통량 조사 결과와 함께 화학물질의 유해성, 해성 등의 련 정보를 함께

확인할 수 있도록 유통량 조사 DB와 화학물질 정보시스템의 DB를 상호 연계하여

유통량 정보검색시스템에서 화학물질의 유통량 자료뿐만 아니라, 련된 다양한

정보를 확인할 수 있도록 DB 구축

(5) 조사계획ㆍ지침개발

조사계획에는 유통량조사의 취지와 목 , 조사결과의 활용방안을 명시하여 업체의

오해 해소 극 인 참여를 유도하 다.

조사 상 화학물질의 확인방법, 조사표 작성방법, 작성에 필요한 자료 확보방법 등

시 심으로 이해하기 쉬운 조사지침을 개발하 으며, 오류 발생 가능성이 높은 항목

에 해서는 사례 심으로 세부사항을 설명하 다.

“조사표 작성 빠른 매뉴얼”을 추가하여 각 단락에 한 요약설명으로 이해도를 높 으며,

웹방식의 조사이므로 “ 산시스템” 이용방법을 으로 소개하 다.

(6) 조사담당 공무원 교육

조사안내, 조사표 배포 취합, 1차 검증을 담당한 각 지방환경 서 공무원 24인을

상으로 조사 차, 조사표작성방법, 조사안내 상담시 고려사항, 조사표 작성과 취합,

검증시 필요사항 등을 교육하 다.

1.2 조사실시단계 : 2007.1.1∼2007.5.15

(1) 조사계획 조사지침, 조사표 배포

조사계획 조사지침, 조사표는 각 지방환경 서별로 지교육을 통하여 조사 상업체

에 배포하 다. 웹방식의 조사표 작성임을 고려하여 지교육에 참석하지 못한 경우에도

조사지침을 숙지할 수 있도록 유통량조사홈페이지를 통하여 다양한 형태( 일, 동 상

등)의 일로 제공하 다.

(2) 조사표 작성방법 교육

Page 27: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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유통량조사의 신뢰도를 높이기 해서는 충분한 교육이 제되어야 함을 감안하여,

지교육은 지방환경 서별로 계획을 수립하여 실시하되 최 한 교육횟수를 확보하도록

요청하 으며 국 으로 46회를 실시하 다. 이는 ‘02년도에 비해 2배 이상의 교육횟수

에 해당하며 약 8,000명이 교육 참석하 다.

한 교육참석이 어렵거나 반복교육을 원하는 사업장을 하여 인터넷 동 상 교육을

실시하 으며, 약 9,000명이 교육을 받은 것으로 추정된다.

◯ 간 : 2007.3.5∼3.20

◯ 내

교육과목 교육시간 강사

유통량조사제도 개요 취지 30분 환경부(지방환경청)

유통량조사지침 조사방법 1시간 국립환경과학원

유통량보고시스템 사용방법 30분 용역기

질의응답 1시간 용역기

◯ 결과

할환경청 교육기간 교육회수 교육인원

계 46회 7,558명

한강유역환경청 3.5 ∼ 3.15 16회 2,717명

낙동강유역환경청 3.13 ∼ 3.16 8회 1,667명

강유역환경청 3.12 2회 690명

산강유역환경청 3.5 ∼ 3.6, 3.20 5회 537명

원주지방환경청 3.9 ∼ 3.19 2회 411명

구지방환경청 3.5 ∼ 3.8 5회 1,091명

주지방환경청 3.6 ∼ 3.14 8회 445명

(3) 조사표 작성 지원

사업장의 조사표 작성과 지방환경 서의 상담, 안내 등 기술지원을 하여 화학 련

학과를 공한 총 21명의 안내요원을 교육시켜 지방환경 서별로 견하 으며, 그

부분의 인력은 조사 상업체수를 고려하여 한강유역환경 리청에 집 지원하 다.

Page 28: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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◯ 상담 력 원

할환경청 지원기간 지원인력 지원내용

계 21명 7,558명








조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

조사표 미제출자 제출독

조사표 취합 1차 검증





조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

조사표 취합 1차 검증

강유역환경청 3월∼5월(3개월) 1인 조사안내, 상담, 기술지원





조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

조사표 취합 1차 검증

원주지방환경청 3월∼5월(3개월) 1인 조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

구지방환경청 3월∼5월(3개월) 1인 조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

주지방환경청 3월∼5월(3개월) 1인 조사안내, 상담, 기술지원

(4) 조사표 취합

웹방식의 조사표 취합으로서 데이터통합DB에 의거 조사자가 유통량보고시스템에서

조사표 작성을 완료하면 자동으로 그 결과가 취합되는 방식으로 실시하 다.

지방환경 서는 조사표취합 결과를 유통량검증시스템을 통하여 제출업체, 미제출업체

황과 업체명단, 보고된 제품과 물질수, 취 량 등을 실시간으로 확인하 다.

1.3 검증분석단계 : 2007.5.15∼2007.11.9

(1) 미제출ㆍ부실작성 업체 리

미제출자와 부실작성(제품 는 물질 락, 구성성분 등 일부 락)은 물론 이 의

보고실 과 비교 등을 실시간으로 확인하고 미제출자 는 오류가능성이 높은 업체에

해서는 보완 요청이 용이하도록 하 다.

유통량조사 상이 아닌 것으로 면제신고(조사비 상업종, 화학물질 미취 , 기 수량

Page 29: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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이하 취 등)한 업체에 해서는 1차 각 지방환경 서별로 검증을 실시하 으며, 최종

으로 검증시스템에 의거 이 의 각종 취 실 여부를 확인하 다.

미제출자는 지방환경 서별로 E-mail, 안내공문 발송을 통하여 2∼3차례 조사표 제출

을 요청하 으며 이에 불구하고 미제출업체에 해서는 안내요원을 추가(한강청 5인)로

투입하여 화로 안내하 다.

최종 미제출업체 약 5,900개 업체는 우선순 를 정하여 배출량보고업체, 유독물 업

실 보고업체, 배출시설 1, 2종 설치 신고업체, ‘02년 유통량보고업체 100톤 이상

취 량 보고업체를 추출(135개 업체)하여 반드시 조사표를 제출하도록 하 다.

(2) 조사표 검증 보완

조사표 검증은 통계자료의 신뢰성을 확보하는데 을 두었으며 검증을 실시하기에

앞서 검증항목 도출, 검증 우선순 결정, 검증범 설정 등 검증기 과 검증목표를

선정하여 체계 인 검증을 실시하 으며, 검증시스템을 최 한 활용함으로써 검증의

효율성을 극 화하 다. 검증결과 오류발견시는 유선으로 요청하여 즉시 보완하 고,

오류임에도 불구하고 보완요청에 응하지 않은 업체는 해당 지방환경 서에 명단과 그

내용을 통보하여 보완을 의뢰하 다.

<표 6> 검증항목별 우선순 와 검증목표

Page 30: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 28 -

통계 물질명 CAS No. 보고 물질명 CAS No.

Fuels, diesel 68334-30-5Fuels, diesel 68334-30-5

Distillates (petroleum), heavy straight-run 68915-96-8

Fuel oil,


Fuel oil, residual 68476-33-5

Fuel oil, no. 2 68476-30-2

Fuel oil, no. 6 68553-00-4

Residual oils (petroleum) solvent dewaxed 64742-62-7

Gasoline 86290-81-5

(4) 석유계 유도체 물질 단일화 등

유통량에서 차지하는 비율이 매우 높은 석유계 유도체 들은 동일 는 같은 category

에 해당하면서도 업체별로 물질명을 다르게 사용하여 정확한 통계처리에 어려움이 있는

것으로 확인되어 사 실태조사 과정에서 국립환경과학원의 기술지원을 받아 해당

업체 간담회를 개최하여 단일화를 유도하 고 조사과정에서도 2∼3차례 요청하 다.

그러나 조사결과 극히 일부를 제외하고는 종 과 같이 단일화하지 않은 상태로 유통량

이 보고되어 검증과정에서 재차 요청하 으나 의견 수렴이 되지 않아 해당업종에 해

서는 별도의 지방문 간담회를 개최하여 최 한 단일화를 유도하 고, 최종 으로

이를 기 로 해당 물질의 물리화학 특성을 고려하여 category별로 그룹화하여 통계

처리하 다.

한 오류가능성이 높은 모노머(monomer)와 고분자물질(페놀과 페놀수지 등)과 물리

화학 성상이 다른 무수물과 수화물, 정확한 물질명 확인이 어려운 염료와 안료 등은

각 종류별로 상세한 검증을 실시하 다.

<표 7> 석유계 유도체의 그룹화 통계처리 물질 목록

Page 31: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 29 -

(5) 지 확인조사

오류 는 미제출자로서 ‘02년 유통량을 1,000톤 이상 보고한 업체 보완 요청

에도 불구하고 자료를 제출하지 않은 234개 업체는 지확인조사 상업체로 분류하여

각 지방환경 서별로 지확인조사를 의뢰하 으며, 최종 으로 보완 자료를 제출하지

않은 10개 업체는 용역기 에서 별도로 지 확인조사를 실시하여 오류를 수정하 다.

◯ 조사내




- 신뢰할 만한 료 사 , 량 보고하 는가?

- 근거 보존 가 적절한가?

- 전 실적 료( 물 실적 료 등)가 는 경 , 량

보고 료 상 한 내 없는가?

- 료 보 하고 않는가?

- 취 량 력 근거 료

(제조․ 매 내역 등)

- 내역 , MSDS

- 학제품 수 련

(수 신고필 등)



- 미보고 사 근거 료가 는가?

- 물 등 상물 취 하고 는 않 가?

- 보고 미만 량취 시 근거 료는 는가?

- 원 료 출고

- 수출

- 제품출고 등


- 제사 가 량 조사 규정에 합하는가?

(업종, 미취 , 취 량 미달 등)

- 사업 등록

- 제품, 원 료 출고 록


- 학제품 정보 보 하고 는 업체로, “ 량

보고시스 /[보 ] 정보” 력 료하 는가?

※ 량 보고업체 경 , 보고업체 동 사항 추가

- 학제품 근거

료(MSDS 등) 등

◯ 조사결과 조 사항

업체 업종 조사결과 보 조 사항

Y사 료 제조

○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 수 학제품(isobornyl arcylate) 보고누락에 추가 력

○ 보고제품 력

S사 플라스틱 제조

○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 제조하는 제품

- 학 하여 수정 력

- 미보고 원료 추가 력

H사 합 제조

○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 보 정보에 해 업체 등록한 학제품 ,

- 수 제품 내역 결과, 함량 미공개에 조

- 매량 력한 제품 경 수 여 수정

○ '06년 물 실적보고 상 한 내

Page 32: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 30 -

업체 업종 조사결과 보 조 사항

D사타 학제품


○ 제품 력시 한 료 가 적절

○ 보 정보에 해 업체 등록한 학제품

료 보 여 하여 수정 력

○ '06년 물 실적보고 상 한 내 검 , 수정

○ 함량총합 100%미만 제조제품 함량

, 수정 력( 업 필히 력)

○ 보고물 CAS No.가 없는 물 제조제품 하고

는 원료 력한 것 로, 원료 하는

학 로 수정

D사타 고무제품


○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 보 정보에 해 업체 등록한 학제품 ,

- 학물 내역 제출하 않 제품 ‘06년 수

실적 없 에 라 취 량(수 량→ 월량) 수정

- 그 제품 보 등록 적절

○ 제조하는 제품 학 , 필 시 수정

P사타 식료품


○ '06년 학제품( 집제 등) 사 내역 없 에 라 량

조사시 제출한 제사 가 적절

D사 물 매

○ 량 조사시 제출한 제사 가 적절

- 출시 미

- ‘06년 물 실적보고 : 학물 내단순 매

K사 료


○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 학제품 정보 보 업체로 ‘[보 ] 정보’

미 력 , 한 내에 력 조

○ 함량총합 100%미만 로 력한 제조제품 경 ,

함량 하여 수정 력)

S사타 학제품


○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 학제품 정보 보 업체로 ‘[보 ] 정보’ 력

○ 제조제품 보고누락에 추가 력

S사타 학제품


○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 학제품 정보 보 업체로 ‘[보 ] 정보’ 력

B사타 초

무 합물 제조

○ 근거 료 보존․ 적절

○ 학제품 정보 보 업체로 ‘[보 ] 정보’ 력

Page 33: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 31 -

(6) 조사결과 통계ㆍ분석

조사결과 통계처리는 데이터통합DB의 검색인자 는 알고리즘기법을 이용하 으며

통계결과의 분석은 크게 2가지 방향으로 비교ㆍ분석을 실시하 다.

첫째는 3차례의 유통량통계와 련 는 유사분야 국가통계자료와의 추이를 비교하여

통계의 경향성이 일치하는지를 확인하 다.

▪ 3차례의 유통량조사 상업체수의 변동과 유통량 통계자료의 변화추이를 비교하여

경향성을 확인하 다.

▪ 화학산업에 한 산업자원부의 통계자료인 화학제품 생산량자료, 화학제품 수출량

자료와 비교하여 유통량 통계자료와 오차가 없음을 확인하 다.

▪ 통계청의 산업통계자료인 화학산업 력사용량, 제조업 공장가동률에 한 통계

지표와 유통량 통계 결과를 비교하여 통계의 경향성이 일치함을 확인하 다.

둘째는 ’02년 유통량조사결과와 각 항목별 비교ㆍ분석을 통하여 편차가 큰 경우에는

그 사유를 확인하는 등의 방법으로 통계ㆍ분석을 실시하 다.

▪ 물질별 제조, 수입, 수출, 사용량을 2002년 유통량조사결과와 체 취 량을 비교하여

편차가 큰 물질의 경우 각 항목별 취 업체에 그 사유를 확인하 다.

▪ 취 형태별 상 20 물질에 해서는 우선 으로 2002년 유통량조사결과와

비교하여 그 원인을 분석하 다.

▪ 업종별, 용도별, 지역별, 산단별 등 세부 항목별로 2002년 유통량조사결과와 비교

분석하여 변동성이 큰 항목에 해서는 취 업체, 취 물질을 확인하여 통계에

반 하 다.

Page 34: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 32 -

2. 2006년 학물 량 조사결과

2.1 조사업체 황

2006년 유통량조사결과 화학물질을 취 하는 것으로 유통량을 보고한 업체는 16,404개

업체로 2002년 비 2,631개 업체(19.1%)가 증가하 다. 유통량보고업체의 증가로 인하여

2006년 화학물질 유통량 통계는 2002년 비 반 으로 증가 경향에 상당한 부분을

차지하고 있는 것으로 분석된다.

2006년 유통량보고업체 증가의 가장 큰 요인은 국립환경과학원의 화학물질 취 업

체 통합DB 구축으로 인하여 국내에서 화학물질을 취 할 가능성이 있는 모든 업체가

데이터베이스화되어 있기 때문이며, 동 DB의 활용으로 유통량조사 비단계에서 2002년

의 경우 조사 상업체 악에 5개월 이상 소요된 기간이 번 유통량조사에서는 1개월

이내로 단축되는 효과와 더불어 국내 화학물질 유통량 통계자료의 질 , 양 신뢰도

를 향상시키는데 있어서 큰 기여를 하 다.

<표 8> 화학물질 유통량조사표 제출 황

조사연 조사 상업체 량보고업체 보고 제업체 미보고업체

2006년 43,995 16,404 22,212 5,379

2002년 32,928 13,773 10,372 8,783

1998년 20,182 13,052 917 6,216

2.2 화학물질 황

2006년 국내 유통된 화학물질 종류는 25,449종으로 2002년 비 3,936종(18.3%)이 증가

한 것으로 조사되었다. 특히, 물질명의 정확도를 알 수 있는 물질명과 CAS번호가 모두

확인된 물질이 57.4%로서 2002년의 44%에 비해 크게 늘어난 것으로 조사되었다.

유통화학물질 종류의 증가는 조사 상업체의 증가와 같은 요인으로 분석되며, 물질명

과 CAS번호 모두 확인된 물질의 증가는 “화학물질확인제도”와 “사후 리”강화에

따라 각 사업장이 취 하는 화학물질 정보의 정확도가 매우 향상되고 있고 이로 인해

화학물질 안 리 성과가 나타나고 있다고 분석된다.

Page 35: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 33 -

<표 9> 2006년 국내유통 화학물질수

조사연 계 물 과 CAS 물 만

2006년 25,449 14,632 10,817

2002년 21,513 9,358 12,155

1998년 34,387 8,030 26,357

2.3 구성성분 보고율 황

2006년도 화학물질 유통량조사 결과 2002년 비 제조량이 32.4% 증가한 286.3백만톤,

수입량이 55.1% 증가한 189.3백만톤, 수출량이 13.7% 증가한 57.7백만톤, 사용량이 46.4%

증가한 363.9백만톤이며, 유통량이 45.4% 증가한 417.9백만톤으로 조사되었다.

이는 아래의 <표 9>에서 나타나듯이 제품의 구성성분정보에 한 보고율이 2002년도

비 최 20% 가까이 증가한 것에 기인하 다고 할 수 있다.

<표 10> 2006년 유통량조사 성분 보고율 황

(단 : 천 )

제조 수 수출 사


제품보고량 352,268 198,852 59,356 381,328

보고량 286,303 189,319 57,695 363,894

비(%) 81.3 95.2 97.2 95.4


제품보고량 313,852 153,288 63,787 327,279

보고량 216,163 122,033 50,749 248,478

비(%) 68.9 79.6 79.6 75.9

구성성분정보에 한 보고율이 증가하게 된 요인을 살펴보면 크게 두 가지로 볼 수 있다.

첫째는 화학물질 확인 등 제도운 의 성과라 할 수 있다. 즉, ’00년~’05년의 「화학물질

확인증명제도」, ‘06년부터 시행된 「화학물질 확인내역서 제도」와 유역(지방)환경청의

Page 36: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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“화학물질 리과” 신설에 따른 화학물질에 한 사후 리의 강화 등의 향이라 할 수 있다.

이는 기업들로 하여 취 화학물질에 한 구성성분정보 확보를 유도하게 되었다.

둘째는 유통량조사체계의 개선에 따른 효과라 할 수 있다. 즉, 각 유역(지방)환경청이

보고진행에 있어 일정 역할을 분담하 다는 것이다. 다시 말해 보고율의 증 와 유통량에

한 검증기능을 일정부분 수행하 다는 것이다.

한 유통량조사사업의 과정 시스템화(업체선정, 조사표 취합, 검증 등)로 양 ·질 으로

향상되었다는 것이다.

이러한 각 기 의 유기 인 역할분담과 보고·검증체계의 시스템화는 보고율 증가와

통계자료의 신뢰도 향상에 크게 기여하 다고 보여 진다.

2.4 면제 사업장 황

2006년도 화학물질 유통량조사의 체 조사 상 사업장은 43,995개 사업장이다. 그

16,404개 사업장이 유통량조사의 자료제출을 하 으며, 22,212개 사업장이 보고면제 사업장

으로 조사되었고, 5,379개 사업장이 미보고 사업장으로 확인되었다.

<표 11> 유통량조사 면제업체 황

구 분 업체수




조사 상업종에 해당하지 않음 2

취 량 기 미만 3,699

화학물질을 취 하지 않음 3,438

기타(폐업, 휴업, 부도 등) 673

소 계 7,812

리자 직권면제 업체(폐업, 휴업, 부도, 복 등) 14,400

총 계 22,212

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2.5 미보고 사업장 황

이번 2006년도 화학물질 유통량조사에 미보고 사업장으로 확인된 사업장은 5,379개로

나타났다. 이 배출시설 설치 사업장이 체의 62.4%인 3,354개 사업장으로 가장 많았

으며, 2002년도 유통량조사보고업체가 9.9%인 532개 사업장으로 확인되었다.

<표 12> 유통량조사 미보고 사업장 황

구 분 업체수 비율(%)

2006년도 유독물실 보고업체 1 0.02

2002년도 유통량조사보고업체 532 9.89

배출시설 설치업체 3,354 62.35

신규물질 유해성심사 업체 6 0.11

기타 1,504 27.96

체 5,379 100

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제3절 2006년 학물

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1. 2006년 학물 종합

1.1 2006년 화학물질 유통 황

화학물질의 국내 유통량은 “국내 제조량 + 국외 수입량 - 수출량”에 의거 산정된다.

2006년 제조량은 286.3백만톤, 수입량은 189.3백만톤, 수출량은 57.7백만톤으로서, 2006년

국내 화학물질 유통량은 417.9백만톤으로 조사되었다.

<표 13> 2006년 화학물질 유통 황 (단 : 만 /%)

연 제조 수 수출 사 량

2006년수량 286.3 189.3 57.7 363.9 417.9

가 32.4 55.1 13.7 46.4 45.4

2002년수량 216.2 122.0 50.8 248.5 287.4

가 19.3 189.1 5.8 6.2 63.9

1998년 수량 181.2 42.2 48.0 234.1 175.4

조사결과 2006년 국내 유통량은 2002년 비 130.5백만톤(45.4%)이 증가하 으며, 이는

제조량이 70.1백만톤(32.4%), 수입량이 67.3백만톤(55.1%), 수출량이 6.9백만톤(13.7%) 증가

한 것에 기인한다.

한 산업활동과 련하여 국내에서 사용된 화학물질은 363.9백만톤으로서 2002년

비 115.4백만톤(46.4%)이 증가한 것으로 조사되었다.

3개년의 화학물질 유통 황 비교결과 국내 유통량, 제조량, 수입량, 사용량 모든 항목

에서 계단식 증가 경향이 나타난 반면 수출량은 연도별 완만한 증가를 보이고 있다.

<그림 5> 연도별 화학물질 유통량 추이

Page 40: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 38 -

1.2 산업생산 련 국가통계지표 추이 비교

이와 같이 조사된 유통 황은 화학물질 유통량과 직 � 간 으로 련된 각종 산업생

산 련 국가 통계지표의 추이와 유통량통계 결과의 추이를 비교 � 확인하 다.

w 먼 유통량 통계와 직 련이 있는 조사 상업체 추이와 유독물 제조량 추이를

비교하 으며 그 결과 동일한 증가 경향이 나타나고 있음을 확인하 다.







1998 2002 2006




<그림 6> 유통량조사 상업체 추이 <그림 7> 유독물제조량 추이

w 산업통계자료의 화학제품 생산량과 수출량 추이(일부제품 단 환산, kl는 톤으로)와

유통량 통계의 추이를 비교하 으며 그 결과 유통량조사의 제조량과 수출량 모두

동일한 추이를 보여 주고 있음을 확인하 다.(출처, 통계청 공업 통계조사 보고서)

<그림 8> 화학제품 생산량 추이 <그림 9> 화학제품 수출량 추이

w 제품생산과 간 으로 련된 국가 통계지표인 화학산업 력사용량과 국내 체

제조업 공장가동율 추이와 유통량 통계의 추이를 비교하 으며 그 결과 한 거의

동일한 경향을 나타 내었다. (출처, 통계청 공업 통계조사 보고서)

단 / 만 단 / 만

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<그림 10> 화학산업 력사용량 추이 <그림 11> 제조업 공장가동율 추이

1.3 석유계 화학물질의 유통량 검증

원유를 포함한 석유계 화학물질은 체 화학물질 유통량의 약 55.3%를 차지하므로 별

도의 정 검증을 실시하 다. 검증방법은 원유수입에부터 연료유, 납사, 주요 기 화학물

질까지의 석유계 물질 계통도 다른 국가통계자료(산업자원부)와 비교하 다.

<표 14> 주요 물질별 통계자료(제조량) 비교 결과 (단 /천톤)

물질명 '06 유통량(a) '06 련통계*(b) 차이(a)-(b)

원유(수입량) 121,913 120,270 1,643

Naphtha 19,887 19,793 94

휘발유 8,860 8,994 134

경유 30,116 29,715 401

등유 5,371 5,241 130

유 등 44,023 42,109 1,914

Benzene 5,395 3,719 1,676

Ethylene 6,298 6,055 243

Xylene 6,221 6,535 - 314

Toluene 2,589 1,765 824

Propylene 4,139 4,171 - 32

(* 2007 석유화학편람, 통계청 산업통계 자료)

단 /mwh

Page 42: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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◯ 원유(Crude oil, CAS No. 8002-05-9)

유통량 통계의 비 이 큰 항목 는 물질에 하여 이와 직 련이 있는 국가 산업

통계자료와 비교하여 그 수량의 차이를 직 비교하 다. (일부항목 ㎘를 ton으로 환산)

유통량조사에서 원유수입량은 121,913천톤(879,534천bbl)으로서 석유공사 통계자료에

의한 원유수입량 120,270천톤(879,512천bbl)과 비교시 1,643천톤(22bbl) 약 1.3%의 차이가

발생하 다.

유통량조사는 도입시기별 원산지별 비 을 고려하여 배럴(bbl)을 톤으로 환산한 결과

이며, 석유공사 통계자료의 경우는 체를 배럴단 로 악한 후 일률 으로 평균 비

(7.39)을 용함으로써 발생된 오차임을 확인하 다.

◯ 나 타(Naphtha, CAS No. 8030-30-6)

유통량조사결과 나 타 제조량은 19,887천톤으로 조사되었다. 그러나 통계청 자료의

국내 생산량은 25,055천㎘로서 이를 톤으로 단 환산(평균환산율 0.79)한 결과 19,793톤

으로 계산되었으며, 유통량과 비교시 94톤의 차이가 발생하 으나, 이는 단 환산의 오

차를 감안할 때 통계자료간의 차이는 없다고 분석된다.

◯ 연료유

휘발유, 경유, 등유의 경우 단 환산 과정의 오차범 내에서 통계자료간의 차이는 없

는 것으로 분석되었으나, 벙커C유(Fuel oil, residual, 68476-33-5, Fuel oil, no. 6,

68553-00-4)와 유(Fuel oil, no. 2, 68476-30-2), 항공유Kerosine, 8008-20-6)의 경우에는

물리화학 특성 는 비 분류만으로 이들을 명확히 분류하기는 어렵고 실제 사용되는

용도에 따라 분류하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 이들 물질은 하나의 그룹으로 통합하 으

며 “Fuel oil, residual[CAS No., 68476-33-5]”를 표물질로 통계 처리하 다.

◯ 기 화학물질

에틸 , 로필 의 경우는 BTX(벤젠, 톨루엔, 자일 )의 경우 통계청자료와 수치간

차이가 있다. BTX에 있어서 유통량자료는 다양한 형태로 제조(합성, 분리, 정제 등)되는

모든 경우를 통계 처리하고 있는 것과 달리 통계청 자료의 경우 단일제품만 통계 처리

한 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 각 물질의 통계 처리 기 의 차이로 상호 직 인 통계

결과의 비교는 의미가 없는 것으로 분석된다.

Page 43: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 41 -

1.4 2006년 화학물질 유통량조사 결과 분석

(1) 유통량조사 결과

t 화학물질 유통량은 417.9백만톤으로 2002년 비 45.4% 증가

t 국내 유통 화학물질수는 25,449종으로 2002년 비 18.2% 증가

t 유통량보고업체는 16,404개소로 2002년 비 19.1% 증가

(2) 국가통계자료와 비교 결과

t 산업생산 련 국가통계지표와 추이 비교결과 유통량 통계의 경향성과 유의성 확인

t 동일 항목 는 물질별의 2006년 유사 유통 황 자료와 취 량 비교결과 2006년

화학물질 유통량 조사결과는 충분한 근거가 있음을 확인

(3) 2006년 화학물질 유통량 증가 요인

t 국립환경과학원의 업체통합DB구축으로 화학물질 취 가능성이 있는 조사 상업체

악이 용이하 고 그 결과 유통량 보고업체 증가

t 유통량조사, 검증, 검색 등 과정을 시스템화함으로써 업무효율 향상 시간단축

으로 신뢰성 향상에 역량 집 이 가능

t 화학물질확인제도, 사후 리 강화 등의 향으로 화학물질 취 업체의 인식변화

정확한 물질정보 확보

t 련기 간 합리 인 역할분담 결과 국립환경과학원의 기술지원으로 과업 과정에

서 정확한 방향 정립, 지방환경 서의 역량 확 로 조사 기단계에서 기업에

한 극 행정서비스 가능

t 웹방식에 의한 유통량조사, 인터넷 동 상교육으로 용역기 과 조사 상업체간의

실시간 의사소통으로 조사표 작성에 한 이해도 향상

Page 44: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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2. 2006년 학물 량 계

2.1 화학물질 유통량

화학물질 유통량의 정의는 2002년도 유통량조사에서 정의한 것과 같이 “제조량+수입

량-수출량”으로 정의하 다.

지 까지 화학물질 유통량조사는 1차·2차·3차에 걸쳐서 진행되어왔다. ’98년과 2002년

유통량조사에서의 변화는 조사 상 화학물질, 조사 상 사업장 조사 상 업종을

추가 확 하 고, 2006년 유통량조사에서도 조사 상 업종이 6개 추가되어 37개 업

종이 되었다.

한 석유계 화학물질에 한 단일화 작업을 진행하여 과거 유통량조사에서 개별 화

학물질로 각각 다루어졌던 석유계 화학물질들을 그 동질성을 확인하여 일부 통일화하

여 통계처리 하 다.

1998년도 화학물질유통량과 2002년도 화학물질유통량은 각각 175.4백만톤과 287.4백만

톤으로 조사되었고, 이번 2006년도 화학물질유통량은 417.9백만톤으로 조사되었다.

제조량은 286.3백만톤, 수입량은 189.3백만톤, 수출량은 57.7백만톤, 사용량은 363.9

백만톤으로 조사되었다. 이를 표로 만들면 다음과 같다.

<표 15> 2006년도 화학물질 유통 황

(단 :백만톤)

연 도 유통량 제조량 수입량 수출량 비고(사용량)

2006 417.9 286.3 189.3 57.7 363.9

증가율(%) 45.4 32.4 55.1 13.7 46.4

2002 287.4 216.2 122.0 50.8 248.5

증가율(%) 63.9 19.3 189.1 5.8 6.2

1998 175.4 181.2 42.2 48.0 234.1

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2006년도 유통량조사결과 2002년도 유통량조사와 비교하여 유통량은 45.4%, 제조량은

32.4%, 수입량은 55.2%, 수출량은 13.6%, 사용량은 46.9% 각각 증가한 것으로 나타났다.

한 석유계 화학물질들은 체 제조량의 40.1%, 수입량의 76.2%, 수출량의 48.3%,

사용량의 45.3%를 차지하며, 체 유통량의 55.3%를 차지하는 것으로 조사되었다.

‘<표 16> <그림 12>’ 참조

<표 16> 석유계 화학물질의 유통량(단 :백만톤)

구분 유통량 제조량 수입량 수출량 사용량

수량 231 115 144 28 165


55.3 40.1 76.2 48.3 45.3

<그림 12> 석유계 화학물질의 유통량

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톤수별 화학물질의 사용 황을 살펴보면 업체수는 19.1%가 늘어난 16,404업체로 조사

되었으며, 물질수는 18.2%가 늘어난 25,449개로 조사되었다. 한 사용량도 46.4% 늘어

난 3,639십만톤으로 조사되었다.

<표 17> 화학물질의 톤수별 유통 황

(수량단 : 십만톤)

연도 톤수범 취 업체수(%) 취 물질수(%) 사용량(%)


체 16,404(100) 25,449(100) 3,639(100)

1,000톤 이상 1,939(11.8) 943(3.7) 3,582(98.4)

100톤 이상 4,439(27.1) 2,541(10.0) 3,625(99.6)

10톤 이상 7,554(46.0) 6,091(23.9) 3,636(99.9)

1톤 이상 10,749(65.5) 11,618(45.7) 3,639(100)


체 13,773(100) 21,519(100) 2,485(100)

1,000톤 이상 2,436(17.69) 2,698(12.54) 2,438(98.1)

100톤 이상 5,530(40.15) 5,870(27.28) 2,474(99.6)

10톤 이상 9,115(66.18) 10,994(51.09) 2,483(99.9)

1톤 이상 12,592(91.43) 17,343(80.59) 2,485(100)


체 13,051(100) 29,283(100) 3,203(100)

1,000톤 이상 2,556(19.6) 4,424(15.1) 3,200(99.9)

100톤 이상 5,424(41.6) 8,444(28.8) 3,202(100)

10톤 이상 8,858(67.9) 14,852(50.7) 3,203(100)

1톤 이상 11,822(90.5) 23,158(79.1) 3,203(100)

2.2 화학물질 제조량

2006년도 화학물질 제조량은 2002년도에 비하여 32.4% 증가하 다.

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화학물질 제조량 (단 :백만톤)

연도별 1998 2002 2006

제조량 181.2 216.2 286.3

증감 - 35.0 70.1

증감율 - 19.3% 32.4%

먼 , 번 조사에서는 석유계 화학물질에 한 단일화 작업을 진행하여 과거 유통량조

사에서 개별 화학물질로 각각 다루어졌던 석유계 화학물질들을 그 동질성을 확인하여

일부 통일화하여 통계처리 하 다.

이를 바탕으로 2006년도 화학물질 제조량을 살펴보면 석유화학제품인 Fuels,

diesel(68334-30-5)이 2002년도 제조량에 비해 4.2% 증가하여 28,930,023톤으로 보고되며,

체 제조량 1 를 차지하 다.

제조량 2 를 차지한 Portland cement, chemicals(65997-15-1)는 2002년도 제조량에 비해

13.2% 감소한 27,718,626톤으로 보고되었으며, 이는 국내 건설경기의 불황으로 그 수요

가 감소하여 제조량 한 감소한 것으로 확인되었다.

한 콘크리트 혼화제로 사용되는 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt(1321-69-3)를 제

조하는 S사가 2002년 10월부터 공장 가동을 시작하여 12,893,415톤을 제조하여 제조량

6 에 올랐다.

제조량 9, 10 로 보고된 화학물질로서 Nitrogen(7727-37-9)과 Oxygen(7782-44-7)의 제조

량 증가율이 각각 205%와 139%인 것이 하나의 특징이라 할 수 있다.

“Nitrogen”의 경우 2006년도는 D사를 포함한 14개 사업장이 새로이 유통량조사에 보

고물질로 보고한 것으로 조사되었다. 이 2002년도 보고업체 A사업장은 흡수 합병

되어 사업장마다 제조량을 새로이 보고하므로 인해서 체 증가량의 53.4%인 2백5십만톤

을 새로이 보고하여 체 증가율에 크게 기여하 다.

“Oxygen”의 경우 체 Oxygen 제조량의 79%를 차지하는 P사의 2개 사업장이 각각

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84%와 63% 증가한 것으로 보고되었다. 이는 2002년도 락된 부분이 반 된 것으로 확


석유계 화학물질이 차지하는 비율은 체 제조량의 40.10%인 114,639,601톤이다.

2.3 화학물질 수입량

2006년도 화학물질 수입량은 2002년도에 비하여 55.1% 정도 증가하 다.

화학물질 수입량 (단 :백만톤)









1998 2002 2006

연도별 1998 2002 2006

수입량 42.3 122.0 189.3

증감 - 79.8 67.3

증감율 - 189.1% 55.1%

고 휘발유인 Petroleum(8002-05-9)가 2002년에 이어 2006년도에도 37% 증가한

121,913,302톤을 수입하며 수입량 1 를 기록하 다.

그밖에 제품의 제조공법 변경 는 체물질의 사용과 공장의 신·증설을 통하여 수입

량 상 10 의 물질들에 있어서 2002년도 조사와 비교하여 커다란 변화가 있었다.

몇 가지 특징 인 보고 물질로는 Butane(106-97-8)이 6,876% 증가한 1,372,232톤, Sodium

hypochlorite(7681-52-9)은 13,274,789% 증가한 1,202,705톤, Propane(74-98-6)은 19,843% 증가한

1,091,075톤, Calcium oxide(1305-78-8)는 27,575% 증가한 951,618톤을 수입한 것으로 보고되었


먼 , 국내 모정유사에서 Gasoline 제조 시에 사용되었던 MTBE의 체물질로 Distillates

(petroleum), alkylate(64741-73-7)와 Distillates(petroleum), hydrotreated heavy

paraffinic(64742-54-7)을 4,192,780톤 수입하여 체 증가량의 68%를 차지하 다.

Butane(106-97-8)은 LPG 가스 매회사인 E 기업이 2004년도 설립되어 LPG의 원료물질

인 Butane을 수입 후 매하기 시작하여 수입량 상 를 기록하 다.

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Sodium hypochlorite(7681-52-9)은 2002년도 당시에는 거의 사용을 하지 않다가 제

법기술의 향상을 해 국내 한 제지회사에서 우유곽 등을 제조하는데 사용하는 새로운

체물질로 Sodium hypochlorite(7681-52-9) 수입량의 99% 이상을 수입하여 사용한 것으

로 확인되었다.

Propane(74-98-6)은 Butane(106-97-8)과 마찬가지로 가정용 연료 LPG의 원료물질

로 Butane을 수입하는 동일한 회사가 수입하기 시작하 다.

Calcium oxide(1305-78-8)은 시멘트 제조업체인 D회사가 2004년도 신설되어 수입하

고, S회사는 2002년 말부터 시멘트 원료물질로 수입하기 시작하 다.

석유계 화학물질이 차지하는 비율은 체 수입량의 76.24%인 144,185,362톤이다.

2.4 화학물질 수출량

2006년도 화학물질 수출량은 2002년도에 비교하여 13.7% 정도가 증가하 다.

화학물질 수출량 (단 :백만톤)

연도별 1998 2002 2006

수출량 48.0 50.8 57.7

증감 - 2.8 6.9

증감율 - 5.83% 13.7

석유계 화학물질인 Fuel oil, residual(68476-33-5)이 2002년도 조사와 비교하여 20.7%

정도 었으나 이번 유통량조사에서도 7,902,190톤을 수출하며 여 히 수출량 1 를 기

록하고 있다.

수출량이 100.4% 증가한 물질로서 2,968,786톤을 수출하며 5 를 차지한

1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid(100-21-0)은 주요 수출업체들이 국의 새로운 수요처를 확보

하며 공 하기 시작했다.

한 국내 모기업은 2003년도 p-xylene(106-42-3) 등을 제조하는 규모 트를 신축하

여 국 등으로 수출하기 시작했고, 2002년도 조사와 비교하여 75.9% 증가한 1,847,855

톤을 수출하 다.

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그 밖의 화학제품에 한 국 수요가 늘어나면서 국으로의 수출이 늘어난 것이

특징이라 할 수 있다.

석유계 화학물질이 체 수출량에서 차지하는 비율은 48.35%인 27,899,596톤 이다.

2.5 화학물질 사용량

2006년도 화학물질 사용량은 2002년도에 비하여 46.4% 정도 증가하 다.

화학물질 사용량 (단 :백만톤)

234.1 248.5







1998 2002 2006

연도별 1998 2002 2006

사용량 234.1 248.5 363.9

증감 - 14.4 116.4

증감율 - 6.2% 46.4

사용량 상 에 기록된 몇 가지 특징 인 보고 물질로는 Benzene(71-43-2)이 131.1% 증

가한 9.5백만톤을 사용하 고, Nitrogen(7727-37-9)은 112.5% 증가한 8.8백만톤, Calcium

oxide(1305-78-8)는 127.4% 증가한 6.7백만톤, 1-Propene(115-07-1)은 61.3% 증가한 4.8백

만톤을 사용하 다.

먼 Benzene(71-43-2)은 Y기업의 1공장에서만 사용하 으나 2006년부터Toluene/Xylene

을 제조하기 해 2,3공장에서도 사용하여 사용량 상 를 기록하 다.

그리고 Nitrogen(7727-37-9)등 부분의 기체상 물질은 2002년도 조사 상에서 락시켰

던 부분을 2006년도에 보고하여 크게 증가한 것으로 확인되었다.

국내 모정유사에서 Gasoline 제조 시에 사용되었던 MTBE의 체물질로 Distillates (petroleum),

alkylate(64741-73-7)와 Distillates(petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7)을 593.4%

증가한 6.98백만톤을 사용하여 사용량 상 를 기록하 다.

Calcium oxide(1305-78-8)는 미콘 제조 시 혼화제로 사용하는 물질로 2002년 이후에

체물질로 사용하기 시작했다.

석유계 화학물질이 사용량에서 차지하는 비율은 45.35%인 165,223,963톤으로 나타났다.

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3. EU 수출 황

EU의 REACH3) 제도는 2001년 처음 등장하 고, 2003년 10월 EU 집행 원회(안)이

발표된 후 3년여 간의 토론을 거쳐 2006년 12월18일 최종 채택 되었으며, 2007년 6월1일부

터 시행되고 있는 유럽연합의 신(新) 화학물질통합 리제도이다.

REACH 법령이 시행됨에 따라 EU 국가로 화학물질과 화학제품을 수출하는 업체는

반드시 사 등록기간(2008년6월1일~11월30일) 내에 REACH 규정에 의한 「사 등록

등록 등」의 응을 하여야 하며, 사 등록을 하지 않았을 때에는 당장에 수출이 어렵게


2006년도 화학물질 유통량조사 결과 EU수출량 598천톤으로서 체 수출량 57.7백만톤

의 약 1.04%를 차지하고 있다. EU로 수출하는 업체는 227개 업체, 화학물질은 667종으

로 조사되었다. 직 으로 REACH 등록 상이 될 1톤 이상 EU수출 업체수는 203개 업

체, 화학물질은 431종으로 확인되었다.

<표 18> EU 수출업체 황(수량단 : 톤)


계 단일물질 혼합물질










1,000톤~ 47 55 86 521,677 34 41 318,970 15 19 24 202,707

100~1,000톤 81 107 162 60,932 61 73 40,254 26 45 51 20,678

10~100톤 111 194 268 12,747 69 92 5,658 54 120 120 7,089

1~10톤 103 239 376 1,931 39 73 386 71 177 277 1,546

소계 203 431 783 597,287 134 217 365,268 93 268 363 232,019

~1톤 88 384 420 270 29 39 15 70 357 379 254

합계 227 667 1,049 597,557 148 249 365,283 111 504 588 232,273

3) REACH(Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals)는 산업체가 스스 해당 화학물질 리

에 필 한 료 생산·등 하고, 과학 근거에 하여 리하 , 보 상·하 사 에게 달

하는 도 다.

Page 52: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 50 -

2010.5.31까지 본 등록을 실시해야 하는 1,000톤 이상의 경우 47개 업체, 55종의 화학

물질이 해당하는 것으로 조사되어 이들 기업은 신속한 REACH 등록 비가 필요하므로

집 인 리가 필요하다.

그러나 유통량조사 상 화학물질은 유해화학물질 리법 제3조의 용범 에 해당하는

화학물질로서 REACH 등록 상이 되는 물질과는 일부 차이가 있어 EU수출에 한 유

통량 통계는 실제 REACH 등록 상 업체수, 화학물질수와도 차이가 발생할 수 있다.

를 들면 유통량조사에는 고분자화합물이 모두 포함되어 있으나 REACH에서는 고분

자 자체는 등록 상에서 제외되고 해당 고분자의 단량체를 등록하도록 하고 있어 차이

가 발생하게 된다.

Page 53: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 51 -

4. 량생산화학물질

4.1 1,000톤 이상 유통되는 화학물질

국내에서 1,000톤 이상 취 되어 유통되는 화학물질 제조되는 화학물질은 Fuels,

diesel(68334-30-5)4) 등 714종으로 284.9백만톤이 제조되고, 수입되는 화학물질은

Petroleum(8002-05-9)5) 등 604종으로 187.2백만톤이 수입되며, 사용되는 화학물질은

Petroleum(8002-05-9) 등 1,194종으로 354.3백만톤이 사용되며, 수출되는 화학물질은 Fuel

oil, residual(68476-33-5)6) 등 356종으로 57.2백만톤이 수출되고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

<표 19> 1,000톤 이상 화학물질 유통 황

(단 : 백만톤)

연도 수량 제조 수입 사용 수출


체량 286.3 189.3 363.9 57.7

1,000톤 이상 284.9 187.2 354.3 57.2

유율(%) 99.5 98.9 97.4 99.1


체량 216.2 122.0 248.5 50.8

1,000톤 이상 216.0 121.7 247.7 50.6

유율(%) 99.9 99.8 99.7 99.6


체량 181.2 42.2 234.1 48.0

1,000톤 이상 180.1 41.9 233.2 47.8

유율(%) 99.4 99.3 99.6 99.6

* 2006년 자료는 1,000톤 이상 데이터추출 시 물(water)은 제외함

4) 원 에 어 얻어진 탄화수 결합 화합물 탄 수가 C9~C20 가진 탄화수

5) 탄화수 결합 화합물 지 , 지환(指環) , 향 탄화수 어 량 질 , 산 ,

황화합물도 포함 어 다. 또한, 역청사(癧靑, 아스 트 등)에 한 뿐만 아니라 등 ,경 , 중 등

고리도 포함하는 물질

6) 다양한 공 에 얻어진 액체 . 물 그 물질 원 에 라 복 하고 다양하다.

Page 54: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 52 -

1,000톤 이상 제조/수입/수출/사용되는 화학물질은 취 되는 체량에 하여 99%

이상의 유율을 보이고 있다. ’98년 유통량조사, 2002년 유통량조사와 큰 차이가 없음

을 확인 할 수 있다.

이는 유통량조사 상 업체 화학물질을 1,000톤 이상 취 하는 업체가 체 조사 상

에서 차지하는 비 이 크기 때문이다. 즉 모든 산업구조가 그러하듯이 화학산업의 구조

한 자동화 등의 량생산 체제로 이루어져 생산성 향상을 꽤하는 기업의 특성에서

기인한다고 할 수 있겠다.

이는 다음에 살펴볼 내용인 제조업 규모 비 생산량에서와 같이 종업원 수 300인

이상의 제조업이 업체당 3,107천톤(/업체·년)을 제조하며 체 제조량의 71.7%를 차지하

는 것에서도 그 이유를 엿볼 수 있다.

이와 같이 1,000톤 이상 화학물질이 총생산량에서 차지하는 비 이 99% 이상을 차지하는

것은 유럽이나 일본에서도 같다.

Page 55: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 53 -

4.2 량생산화학물질(HPV)의 유통량

OECD에서 추진하는 량생산화학물질(HPV ; High Production Volume)7) 사업에

하여 우리나라는 ’98년도 유통량조사 결과를 활용하여 Benzene(71-43-2) 등 462종의

화학물질을 2000년에 OECD에 제출한 바 있다.

이후 ’98년 조사된 HPV 물질 462종 2002년도 유통량조사에서는 7종이 빠진 455종이

1,000톤 이상 제조되거나 수입된 물질로 조사되었다.

이번 2006년도 유통량조사에서는 HPV 물질이 755개로 조사되었으며, 이 에서

OECD HPV 목록에 포함되는 물질은 603개로 나타났다.(부록1.2)

<표 20> 량생산화학물질(HPV) 제조량 상 10 물질(단 : 천톤)

순 화학물질명 CAS번호제조량

‘06년 ‘02년

1(3) Fuel oil, residual 68476-33-5 30,796 20,342

2(2) Fuels, diesel 68334-30-5 30,116 27,762

3(4) Naphtha 8030-30-6 19,887 17,227

4(6) Kerosine 8008-20-6 13,226 9,511

5 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 1321-69-3 12,893 -

6(5) Light gasoline 8006-61-9 8,860 9,606

7(7) Ethylene 74-85-1 6,297 5,621

8(12) Benzene 71-43-2 5,395 3,835

9(9) Kerosine(petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 64742-81-0 5,372 4,876

10(10) 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 100-21-0 5,157 4,841

※ ( ) 안은 2002년도 순

7) HPV(High Production Volume) 화학물질 1개 에 연간 1,000 상 생산하는 물질 , OECD는 들

물질에 하여 각 담하여 해 평가하는 SIDS 사업 진하고 다. OECD는 2004

4,843 HPV 간하 고, 2008 지 새 운 HPV 간 하고 다. 우리나라

HPV 물질 ’98 에 462 사 었고 2002 에는 7 빠진 455 사 었다. 는 체

1,000 상 ·수 물질 중 물질 동질 악 가능한 것, 천연화학물질 나 Polymer 식 ·식

첨가물과 같 해 낮 화학물질 한 것 미한다.

Page 56: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 54 -

<표 21> 량생산화학물질(HPV) 수입량 상 10 물질(단 : 천톤)

순 화학물질명 CAS 번호수입량

‘06년 ‘02년

1(1) Petroleum 8002-05-9 121,913 89,018

2(78) Diiron trioxide 1309-37-1 16,051 21

3(2) Naphtha 8030-30-6 13,234 15,095

4 Distillates(petroleum), alkylate 64741-73-7 6,052 -

5 Naphtha(petroleum), full-rang… 64741-42-0 2,068 -

6(83) Butane 106-97-8 1,371 20

7(26) Methanol 67-56-1 1,348 221

8(2923) Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 1,203 -

9(168) Propane 74-98-6 1,091 5

10(3) Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 1,013 1,413

※ ( ) 안은 2002년도 순

수입량 2 를 나타낸 Diiron trioxide(1309-37-1)은 양의 P사가 2002년도에 보고하지 않았

던 물질을 보고하 고, 4 를 차지한 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate(64741-73-7)은

Gasoline 제조 시 사용하는 새로운 체물질로 수입하게 되었다.

Butane(106-97-8) Propane(74-98-6)은 2004년 신설된 한 업체가 자동차 가정용 연료

로 매하기 하여 량 수입하게 되면서 증하게 되었다.

Sodium hypochlorite(7681-52-9)는 2002년도 당시에는 사용하지 않다가 제법기술의 향

상을 목 으로 국내 한 제지회사에서 우유곽 등을 제조하기 한 체물질로 수입량의

99% 이상을 수입하게 되었다.

2002년도에 제외되었던 7개 물질 Alcohols, (C=12-16)(68855-56-1)은 M사의 신제

품 생산을 해 2004년부터 수입하여 추가되었고, Naphtha (petroleum), full-range

straight-run(64741-42-0)은 G사에서 100% 수입한 양으로, 보고당시의 공정기법에 따라

수입하게 된 것이 확인되어 2006년 HPV 물질에 추가하게 되었다.

Page 57: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 55 -

4.3 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질8)

화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질은 ’98년도/2002년도와 동일한 조건으로 고분자

(Polymer)를 제외하여 산정하 다.

2006년도 와 2002년도 상 50 물질을 비교하여 제조/수입/수출/사용량을 「(부록 1.3) 화

학물질 취 량 상 50 물질」에 나타내었다.

아래의 그림은 98년도/2002년도 2006년도의 취 량 상 50 를 구성하는 화학물질들

로 산정된 유통량이다.










제조량 수 량 수출량 사 량 량



116 130













<그림 13> 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질

화학물질 제조량 상 50 물질에 해서 2002년에는 193백만톤 이었으나, 2006년에는

30.0% 증가한 251백만톤으로 조사되었다. 석유화학물질인 Fuels, diesel이 1 로 조사되

었으나 2002년에는 portland cement, chemicals(65997-15-1)가 1 를 나타내었다.

2006년도 체 제조량 증가 32.4%와 비교하여 상 50 물질에 한 증가율(30%)이 다

소 게 나왔다. 이는 제조량 상 50 이외의 물질에 한 제조량 증가가 크다는 것을

가늠 하는 수치다. <그림 13 참조>

수입량 상 50 물질에 해서 2002년에는 119백만톤 이었으나, 2006년에는 52.4% 증

가한 182백만톤으로 조사되었다. Petroleum(8002-05-9)의 수입이 2002년과 비교하여 37%

증가하며 체 수입량의 64%를 차지하며 1 를 나타내었다.

8) 상 50 물질 「’98 도/2002 도화학물질 통량 사」 동 하게 고 물질(Polymer)

Page 58: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 56 -

2006년도 체 수입량 증가 55%와 수입량 상 50 의 수입량 증가(52%)는 유사한 증

가율을 보인다. <그림 14 참조>

수출량 상 50 물질에 해서 2002년에는 45백만톤 이었으나, 2006년에는 9.5% 증가

한 49백만톤으로 조사되었다. 석유화학물질인 Fuel oil, residual이 2002년도와 동일하

게 1 를 나타내었다.

2006년도 체 수출량 증가 13.7%와 비교하여 은(9.5%) 증가율을 나타내었다.

사용량 상 50 물질에 해서 2002년 사용량은 210백만톤 이었으나, 2006년에는

42.4% 증가한 295백만톤으로 조사되었다. 석유화학물질인 Petroleum(8002-05-9)와 Naphtha

; Petroleum benzin, Benzin(8030-30-6)가 상 50 사용량의 각각 39.6%와 10.3%를 사용

하며 1 와 2 를 나타내었다.

2006년도 체 사용량 증가 46.4%와 비교하여 은 수치를 나타내었다.

Page 59: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 57 -

취 량 상 50 물질에 한 체 인 증가율은 체 취 량 증가율보다 다소 게

나타났으나, 취 량 상 50 물질을 제외한 나머지 물질들에 한 증가율은 각각

제조량 52.2%, 수입량 143.3%, 수출량 50.0%, 사용량 79.0%, 유통량 66.2%의 증가율을 보

이며 체 유통량의 증가율을 크게 웃돌았다.

제조량 수 량 수출량 사 량 량




46.4% 45.4%30.0%



42.4% 43.8%52.2%




전체물 상 50 물 50 물

<그림 14> 체물질 / 상 50 물질 / 50 이외의 물질 증감율

<표 22> 체취 량 비 상 50 물질 비

(단 : 만 )

구분 유통량 제조량 수입량 수출량 사용량

체 417.9(100) 286.3(100) 189.3(100) 57.7(100) 363.9(100)

상 50 376.0(90.0) 248.1(86.7) 181.1(95.7) 53.2(92.2) 292.6(80.4)

50 미만 41.9(10.0) 38.2(13.3) 8.2(4.3) 4.5(7.8) 71.3(19.6)

* ( )는 구성비

Page 60: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 58 -

5. 산업별 유통구조

5.1 제조업 규모 비 생산량

유통량 조사업체 16,404개 업체에 종사하는 총 종업원 수는 1,354천명이다.

이 화학물질이나 제품을 제조하는 업체는 1,348개로 제조업에 종사하는 종업원 수

는 167,901명으로 나타났다.

제조업의 경우 소기업기본법에 의해 상시근로자수가 300인 미만이면 소기업에

해당한다. 이를 기 으로 보면 소기업 종업원에 해당하는 수는 체 제조업의 30.3%에

해당하는 50,853명이다. 한 체 제조업체 95.1%에 해당하는 1,282개 업체가 300인

미만의 소기업에 포함된다.

2006년도 화학물질유통량조사의 체 제조량 286.3백만톤 에서 종업원 수 300인 미

만의 소기업이 제조하는 제조량과 300인 이상의 기업이 제조하는 제조량을 비교·분

석해보면, 300인 미만의 소기업은 체 제조량의 28.3%인 81.3백만톤을 제조하 고, 300

인 이상의 기업은 체 제조량의 71.7%인 205.0백만톤 제조하 다.

제조업체당 제조량을 산정해보면 300인 이상의 기업은 3,107(천톤/업체·년)을 제조

하 고, 300인 미만의 소기업은 그의 2.04%에 해당하는 63(천톤/업체·년)을 제조하여

기업과 비교하여 큰 차이를 보 다.

<표 23> 제조업체 규모별 화학물질 생산량

종사자 규모 제조업체수 종업원수제조량



50인 미만983





6350인 ~ 100인 미만





100인 ~ 300인 미만143




300인 ~ 1,000인 미만54




3,1071,000인 이상








212,389 212

제조업 에서 화합물 화학제품 제조업(24류)과 코크스·석유정제업(23류)의 업체수는

각 908개와 38개로 조사 으며, 체 제조업체의 67.4%와 2.8%를 나타내고 있다.

Page 61: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 59 -

5.2 업종별9) 업체 화학물질 유통 황

“한국표 산업분류(통계청)”에 의한 ’98년도 유통량조사는 28개 업종분류를 채택하

고, 2002년 유통량조사는 비 오염원정보를 확인하기 하여 45류(종합건설업), 46류(

문직별 공사업), 92류(자동차 이륜자동차수리업)의 3개 업종을 추가하여 31개 업종으

로 구분하 다.

2006년도 유통량조사는 배출량조사 상업종인 10류(석탄·원유 우라늄 업), 11류(

속 업), 51류(도매 상품 개업), 60류(육상운송 이 라인 운송업), 61류(수상운송

업), 62류(항공운송업)의 6개 업종을 추가하여 37개 업종으로 구분하 다.

<표 24> 조사 상의 범 와 업종

구 분 2006년도 2002년도 1998년도

업 종37업종

(배출량조사 6개업종 추가)

31업종(건설/ 문공사/차량수리)


조사 상


단일물질 100Kg 과

(유독물/TRI 상물질 함유제품 포함)

혼합물질 1Ton 이상



조사 상


- 기수질배출시설 화학물질취 업소

- 화학물질 수입업소

- 기배출업소

- 종업원(10인 이상)

조사 상 업체가 가장 많은 업종은 28류(조립 속제품제조업)로 2,303개 업체이며,

다음으로 24류(화합물 화학제품 제조업)가 2,106개 업체, 25류(고무 라스틱제품 제

조업)는 1,160개 업체로 조사되었다.

업체수가 많은 표업종에 하여 ’98년/2002년 유통량조사 자료와 비교하면 다음의

<표 24>와 같다.

유통량조사를 실시한 3회 모두 28류(조립 속제품제조업), 24류(화합물 화학제품

제조업) 업종이 동일 순 내에 존재하 다.

9) 2006 도 화학물질 통량 사는 2002 도 같 8차 통계청 고시 2000-1호(2000.1.7) 한 준산업

코드상 업 사 하 다.

Page 62: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 60 -

<표 25> 화학물질 취 업체수 상 업종 황

연도 순 분류번호 상업종 업체수


1 28 조립 속제품제조업 2,303

2 24 화합물 화학제품제조업 2,106

3(5) 25 고무 라스틱제품제조업 1,160


1 28 조립 속제품제조업 1,964

2 24 화합물 화학제품제조업 1,696

3(4) 17 섬유제품제조업( 제의복제외) 933


1 28 조립 속제품제조업 1,729

2 24 화합물 화학제품제조업 1,450

3 74 기타사업 련서비스업 1,546

※ ( )는 직 조사연도의 순

취 량 상 10 업종의 제조량/수입량/수출량/사용량에 한 취 황을 <표 25>

부터 <표 28>에 나타내었다.

업종별 화학물질 제조량을 살펴보면 23류(코크스, 석유정제업)가 총 제조량의 44.5%인

127.4백만톤을 제조하여 1 를 나타냈으며, 다음으로 24류(화합물 화학제품 제조업)가

36.2%인 103.6백만톤을 제조하고, 26류(비 속 물제품 제조업)가 10.6%인 30.3백만톤을

제조한 것으로 조사되었다.

이들 3개 업종이 체 제조량의 91.4%인 261.4백만톤을 제조하며, 2002년도 화학물질

유통량조사에 이어서 2006년도 유통량조사에서도 화학물질 제조업의 주요 업종으로


Page 63: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 61 -

업종에 해서 업체 수 비 제조량으로 환산을 해보면, 제조량 1 인 23류(코크스,석

유정제품)는 업체당 3,354.9천톤을 제조하여 소수의 업체로 량의 화학물질을 제조하고

있는 것으로 악되었다.

이는 앞의 <표 23>에서 살펴본 바와 같이 종업원 수 300인 이상의 기업이 업체당

제조하는 3,107(천톤/년) 보다 큰 수치로 300인 이상의 기업에 의존하고 있다는 것을

알 수 있다.

24류(화합물 화학제품 제조업)는 다수의 제조업체가 업체당 114.1천톤(/업체·년)을

제조한 것으로 조사되었으며, 이는 앞의 <표 23>에서 살펴본 바와 같이 종업원 수 300인

미만의 소기업에 의존하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다.

<표 26> 업종별 화학물질 제조량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 업종 업체수 제조량총제조량비(%)


1코크스, 석유정제품

핵연료 제조업38 127,485 44.5 3,354.9

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 907 103,605 36.2 114.2

3 비 속 물제품 제조업 68 30,338 10.6 446.1

4 제1차 속산업 28 17,491 6.1 624.7

5 기, 가스 증기업 18 4,3631.5


6 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 86 9320.3


7 수도사업 4 9250.3


8하수처리, 폐기물처리

청소 련 서비스업24 219


9 재생용 가공원료 생산업 21 2180.1


10 음·식료품 제조업 22 2020.1


Page 64: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 62 -

업종별 수입량이 가장 많은 업종은 23류(코크스,석유정제업)로 나타났으며, 체 수입

량의 71.96%인 136,232천톤을 수입하 다.

다음으로 27류(제1차 속산업)가 10.91%인 20,654천톤, 24류(화합물 화학제품 제

조업)가 10.62%인 20,111천톤을 수입하 으며, 이들 3개 업종이 체 수입량의 93.49%인

176,997천톤을 수입한 것으로 조사되었다.

<표 27> 업종별 화학물질 수입량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 업종 업체수 수입량총수입량


1 코크스,석유정제품 핵연료제조업 32 136,232 71.96

2 제1차 속산업 91 20,654 10.91

3 화합물 화학제품제조업 1,044 20,111 10.62

4 비 속 물제품제조업 166 2,673 1.41

5 기, 가스 증기업 16 2,587 1.37

6 도매 상품 개업 853 2,437 1.29

7 펄 ,종이 종이제품제조업 33 1,297 0.68

8 해당사항없음 582 929 0.49

9 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 222 857 0.45

10 수도사업 9 494 0.26

Page 65: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 63 -

(단 : 천톤)

순 업종 업체수 수출량총수출량



핵연료제조업19 32,478 56.3

2 화합물 화학제품제조업 536 16,014 27.8

3 비 속 물제품제조업 35 5,689 9.9

4 제 1차 속산업 20 2,459 4.3

5 도매 상품 개업 68 631 1.1

6 고무 라스틱제품제조업 74 147 0.3

7기타 기기계

기변환장치제조업14 131 0.2

8 해당사항 없음 49 73 0.1

9조립 속제품제조업;기계

가구 제외18 23 0.04

10 섬유제품제조업; 제의복제외 18 14 0.02

업종별 수출량이 가장 많은 업종은 23류(코크스,석유정제업)로 조사되었으며, 체 수출량

의 56.27%인 32,478천톤을 수출한 것으로 조사되었다.

다음으로 24류(화합물 화학제품 제조업)가 체 수출량의 27.78%인 16,014천톤을

수출하며 2 를 기록하 다.

<표 28> 업종별 화학물질 수출량 상 10

Page 66: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 64 -

업종별 사용량이 가장 많은 것은 23류(코크스,석유정제업)로 총 사용량의 41.19%인

149,891천톤을 사용하며 가장 많은 화학물질을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다.

다음으로는 24류(화합물 화학제품 제조업)가 총 사용량의 29.28%인 106,554천톤을

사용한 것으로 조사되었다.

<표 29> 업종별 화학물질 사용량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 업종 업체수 사용량총사용량


1 코크스,석유정제품 핵연료제조업 57 149,891 41.2

2 화합물 화학제품제조업 1,645 106,554 29.3

3 제 1차 속산업 647 40,650 11.2

4 비 속 물제품제조업 934 32,814 9.0

5 고무 라스틱제품제조업 994 7,541 2.1

6 자부품, 상,음향, 통신장비제조업 649 4,422 1.2

7 펄 ,종이 종이제품제조업 253 4,366 1.2

8 수도사업 188 4,005 1.1

9 섬유제품제조업; 제의복제외 731 2,661 0.7

10 음·식료품제조업 540 1,527 0.4

업종별 취 량인 제조량/수입량/수출량/사용량에 해서 코크스,석유정제업(23류), 화

합물 화학제품 제조업(24류), 제1차 속산업(27류) 비 속 물제품 제조업(26류)이

체 취 량의 90% 이상을 나타내며 체 유통량의 95% 이상을 차지하고 있는 것으로


2006년도 유통량조사 상업종인 37종 가운데 코크스,석유정제업(23류)은 체 제조량

과 수입량의 50% 이상을 차지하며 국내 유통량에 커다란 향을 끼치고 있는 것으로

다시 한 번 확인되었다.

Page 67: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 65 -

<표 30> 업종별 화학물질 유통 황(단 : 톤)

분류 업종 제조량 수입량 수출량 사용량

합계 286,302,714.3 189,318,810.5 57,695,214.6 363,874,172.4

10 석탄, 원유, 우라늄 업 - 2.6 - 738.2

11 속 업 - 86,988.1 - 288,121.0

15 음·식료품 제조업 201,658.8 62,249.1 3,462.2 1,527,164.3

16 담배제조업 - 491.1 - 536,719.5

17 섬유제품제조업 17,857.2 12,564.5 14,392.9 2,660,694.6

18 제의복 모피제품 - 724.2 684.4 7,366.8

19 가죽, 가방 신발 567.9 20,127.2 752.2 80,430.1

20 목재 나무제품 190,339.4 290.0 - 505,647.3

21 펄 , 종이 종이제품 13,326.8 1,296,529.8 15.5 4,365,643.7

22 출 , 인쇄 기록매체 175.9 4,436.1 352.9 99,354.6

23 코크스, 석유정제품 127,485,133.7 136,231,653.7 32,478,299.5 149,891,299.2

24 화합물 화학제품 103,605,144.1 20,110,879.5 16,013,548.8 106,554,351.1

25 고무 라스틱제품 931,955.9 856,807.6 147,155.4 7,540,798.2

26 비 속 물제품 제조업 30,337,845.2 2,673,314.2 5,689,426.2 32,813,845.8

27 제1차 속산업 17,491,189.8 20,654,110.1 2,458,879.5 40,649,717.6

28 조립 속제품제조업 8,890.5 39,128.2 23,457.5 1,470,666.2

29 기타 기계 장비제조업 1.1 3,649.7 144.6 894,912.2

30 컴퓨터, 사무용기기 제조업 1.4 2,039.0 392.7 9,204.9

31 기타 기기계, 기변환장치 38,725.9 275,163.1 130,910.2 1,172,883.1

32 자부품, 상,음향,통신장비 26,384.2 131,999.5 6,633.9 4,422,492.3

33 의료,정 , 학기기,시계제조 2,419.9 1,817.3 43.0 22,794.1

34 자동차 트 일러 제조업 21,426.4 60,401.0 6,990.2 1,236,733.6

35 기타 운송장비 제조업 6,499.0 706.5 1.3 262,818.2

36 가구 기타 제품 제조업 127,599.3 283,162.5 1,839.3 329,293.2

37 재생용 가공원료 생산업 218,320.4 1,108.8 12,373.1 222,051.9

40 기, 가스 증기업 4,362,935.8 2,587,365.3 578.1 1,114,744.3

41 수도사업 925,063.5 494,138.6 - 4,005,382.5

45 종합건설업 - 7,176.2 - 13,351.7

46 문직별 공사업 890.0 1,324.9 - 56,678.8

51 도매 상품 개업 707.0 2,436,942.1 631,277.3 10,167.7

60 육상 이 라인 운송업 - 808.0 - 15,725.3

61 수상운송업 - 3,781.2 - -

62 항공운송업 - 482.0 - 1,782.9

74 문 과학, 기술서비스업 - 313.2 0.2 673.3

90 하수,폐기물 처리, 청소 련 219,361.4 897.3 - 732,498.0

92 수리업 0.0 83.9 - 9,855.3

93 기타 서비스업 120.5 46,568.7 129.1 31,847.0

- 해당사항 없음 68,173.5 928,585.8 73,474.7 315,723.9

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5.3 용도별 화학물질 유통 황

화학물질을 용도별로 분류하면, 제조하는 화학물질의 종수는 계면활성제(241종), 염료안

료(187종), 안료/도료/잉크/첨가제(180종) 순으로 나타났고<표 31 참조>, 조량은 연료

(109.6백만톤), 합성출발물질 간체(37.4백만톤), 합성수지(15.1백만톤) 순으로 나타났

으며<표 32 참조>, 제조 품수는 계면활성제(979개), 합성수지(920개), 염료안료(417개)

순으로 나타났다.<표 33 참조>

용도별 제조량의 38.3%인 109.6백만톤을 제조하며 제조량 1 를 기록한 연료(Fuel)는

화학물질의 종수나 제품수로는 하 에 기록된 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 계면활성제는 제

조량으로는 하 를 기록하 으나, 제조하는 화학물질 종수나 제품수로는 1 를 기록한

것으로 조사되었다.

이와 같이 화학물질의 리가 제조량 우선이 아닌, 화학물질의 종수나 제품수로, 다량

이 아닌 다수의 개념으로 근하여 리 상 우선순 를 결정할 필요도 있다.

용도별로 구체 인 취 화학물질의 실태를 악하는 것도 화학물질 리정책을 수립하

기 한 기 자료라 할 수 있겠다.

<표 31> 용도별 제조물질수 상 10

순 용 도 명 물질수총제조물질


1 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 241 7.7

2 염료안료(Colouring agents) 187 6.0

3 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, I...) 180 5.7

4 합성수지(synthetic resin) 175 5.6

5 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 170 5.4

6 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 103 3.3

7 세제/살균, 소독제(Cleaning/washing agents and ...) 91 2.9

8 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 83 2.7

9 기도 제(Electroplating agents) 75 2.4

10 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 69 2.2

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<표 32> 용도별 제조량 상 10(단 : 천톤)

순 용 도 명 업체수 제조량총제조량


1 연료(Fuel) 39 109,668 38.3

2 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 76 37,412 13.1

3 합성수지(synthetic resin) 195 15,140 5.3

4 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 104 7,611 2.7

5 pH 조 제 (pH-regulating agents) 77 4,575 1.6

6 고분자원료(단량체) 22 4,400 1.5

7건조 분리제(drying & separating

agent)9 3,294 1.2

8 환원제(Reducing agents) 13 2,594 0.9

9 합성섬유(synthetic fiber) 24 2,575 0.9

10 비료(Fertilisers) 12 2,541 0.9

<표 33> 용도별 제조제품수(단일물질) 상 10

순 용 도 명 제품수체제조품목


1 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 979 12.3

2 합성수지(synthetic resin) 920 11.6

3 염료안료(Colouring agents) 417 5.3

4 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, ink... 383 4.8

5 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 349 4.4

6 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 246 3.1

7 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 211 2.7

8 고분자원료(단량체) 203 2.6

9 기도 제(Electroplating agents) 188 2.4

10 pH 조 제 (pH-regulating agents) 188 2.4

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- 68 -

화학물질을 용도별로 분류하면, 수입하는 화학물질의 종수는 안료·도료, 잉크/첨가제

(947종), 염료안료(939종), 합성출발물질 간체(840종) 순으로 나타났고<표 34 참조>, 수

입량으로는 연료(60.0백만톤), 합성출발물질 간체(11.6백만톤), 비료(1.3백만톤) 순으

로 나타났으며<표 35 참조>, 품수로는 안료,도료,잉크/첨가제(2,458개), 염료안료(2,362

개), 합성수지(1,636개) 순으로 나타났다.<표 36 참조>

안료, 도료,잉크/첨가제와 염료안료는 동일 용도의 제조/수입제품수 85% 이상을

수입에 의존하는 것으로 조사되었다. 따라서 국내에서 제조되는 화학제품 비, 수입되는

화학제품이 많은 분야에 하여 신규화학물질 함유 여부 등의 집 인 사후 리가

필요하다 하겠다.

<표 34> 용도별 수입물질수 상 10

순 용도명 물질수수입물질수

체 비(%)

1 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, I...) 947 15.6

2 염료안료(Colouring agents) 939 15.5

3 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 840 13.8

4 합성수지(synthetic resin) 587 9.7

5 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 366 6.0

6 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 345 5.7

7 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 339 5.6

8 매등 공정조 제(Process regulators) 297 4.9

9 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 277 4.6

10 산화제.안정제.노화방지제(Oxidising agents) 256 4.2

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<표 35> 용도별 수입량 상 10(단 : 천톤)

순 용도 업체수 수입량총수입량


1 연료(Fuel) 23 60,076 31.7

2 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 237 11,614 6.1

3 비료(Fertilisers) 39 1,347 0.7

4 표백제(Bleaching agents) 47 1,293 0.7

5 고분자원료(단량체) 113 1,150 0.6

6 합성수지(synthetic resin) 444 968 0.5

7 용매제(Solvents) 171 537 0.3

8 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, pai...) 540 439 0.2

9 염료안료(Colouring agents) 390 320 0.2

10 연료첨가제(Fuel additives) 30 309 0.2

<표 36> 용도별 수입제품수 상 10

순 용도명 제품수체 수입

제품 비(%)

1 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, pai...) 2,458 10.4

2 염료안료(Colouring agents) 2,362 10.0

3 합성수지(synthetic resin) 1,636 6.9

4 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 1,247 5.3

5 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 680 2.9

6 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 631 2.7

7 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 605 2.6

8 산화제.안정제.노화방지제(Oxidising agents) 482 2.0

9 화장품(Cosmetics) 461 1.9

10 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 448 1.9

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- 70 -

화학물질을 용도별로 분류하면, 사용하는 화학물질의 종수는 안료,도료,잉크/첨가제

(1,665종), 합성출발물질 간체(1,544종), 염료안료(1,333종) 순으로 나타났고<표

37 참조>, 사용량으로는 연료(79.8백만톤), 합성출발물질 간체(42.0백만톤), 고분자

원료(10.0백만톤) 순으로 나타났으며, 이 연료가 체 사용량의 20.7%를 차지하 다

<표 38 참조>.

한 품수로는 안료·도료·잉크/첨가제(8,590개), pH 조 제(5,366개), 합성수지(5,237개)

순으로 나타났다.<표 39 참조>

용도별로 사용되는 화학물질의 종수는 안료·도료·잉크/첨가제가 1,665종으로 가장 많았으

나, 제조/수입되는 종수는 1,127종으로 538종이 었다. 여기에 수출하는 317종을 빼더라

도 제조/수입하는 화학물질의 종수가 221종 었다.

이것은 아직까지 유해화학물질 리법의 제도권 밖에 화학제품이 제조/수입되고 있다

는 것을 조심스럽게 가늠해 볼 수 있다.

여기서 우리는 앞에서 언 한 안료, 도료,잉크/첨가제와 염료안료에 한 사후 리의

필요성을 다시 한 번 확인할 수 있다.

<표 37> 용도별 사용물질수(단일물질) 상 10

순 용도명 물질수체 사용

물질 비(%)

1 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, I...) 1,665 7.3

2 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 1,544 6.8

3 염료안료(Colouring agents) 1,333 5.8

4 합성수지(synthetic resin) 1,126 4.9

5 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 1,015 4.5

6 화장품(Cosmetics) 866 3.8

7 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 842 3.7

8 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 808 3.5

9 매등 공정조 제(Process regulators) 803 3.5

10 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 617 2.7

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- 71 -

<표 38> 용도별 사용량 상 10(단 : 천톤)

순 용도 업체수 사용량총사용량


1 연료(Fuel) 204 79,857 21.9

2 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 336 42,006 11.5

3 고분자원료(단량체) 281 10,199 2.8

4 합성수지(synthetic resin) 1,000 8,488 2.3

5 분진결합제(Dustbinding agents) 61 3,526 1.0

6 환원제(Reducing agents) 513 3,450 0.9

7건조 분리제(drying & separating

agent)262 3,380 0.9

8 pH 조 제 (pH-regulating agents) 2,808 3,262 0.9

9 용매제(Solvents) 837 2,272 0.6

10 비료(Fertilisers) 1,043 2,674 0.7

<표 39> 용도별 사용제품수(단일제품) 상 10

순 용도명 제품수체 사용

제품 비(%)

1 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, ink...) 8,590 9.0

2 pH 조 제 (pH-regulating agents) 5,366 5.6

3 합성수지(synthetic resin) 5,237 5.5

4 기도 제(Electroplating agents) 5,140 5.4

5 염료안료(Colouring agents) 4,235 4.5

6 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 4,091 4.3

7 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 3,827 4.0

8 화장품(Cosmetics) 2,850 3.0

9 용매제(Solvents) 2,847 3.0

10 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 2,452 2.6

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- 72 -

화학물질을 용도별로 분류하면, 수출하는 화학물질의 종수는 안료·도료·잉크/첨가제(317

종), 화장품(258종), 염료안료(154종) 순으로 나타났고<표 40 참조>, 수출량으로는 연료

(25.6백만톤), 합성출발물질 간체(5.5백만톤), 합성수지(6.8백만톤) 순으로 나타났으

며, 이 연료는 체 수출량의 44.4%를 차지하 다.<표 41 참조>

한 제품수로는 합성수지(548개), 안료·도료·잉크/첨가제(497개), 화장품(427개) 순으

로 조사되었다.<표 42 참조>

<표 40> 용도별 수출화학물질수(단일물질) 상 10

순 용도명 물질수체 수출

물질 비(%)

1 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, I...) 317 14.8

2 화장품(Cosmetics) 258 12.1

3 염료안료(Colouring agents) 154 7.2

4 합성수지(synthetic resin) 143 6.7

5 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 117 5.5

6 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 79 3.7

7 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 58 2.7

8 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 53 2.5

9 고분자 원료(단량체) 53 2.5

10 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 49 2.3

용도분류표에 해당하지 않은 그 밖의 물질들은 ‘기타’로 분류하 고, 체 취 량의

20% 정도를 차지하며 상 에 기록되었으나, 순 에는 반 하지 않았다.

지 까지 화학물질에 한 용도별 황을 살펴보았다. 화학물질은 제조자·수입자의 의

도와는 달리 여러 용도로 사용될 수 있다. 따라서 제조/수입된 화학물질의 용도로만 사

용되지 않을 수가 있기 때문에, 제조/수입의 용도와 사용의 용도를 분류하기가 다소 모

호한 부분이 있을 수 있다는 을 감안하여야 할 것이다.

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<표 41> 용도별 수출량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 용도 업체수 수출량총수출량


1 연료(Fuel) 11 25,606 44.4

2 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 57 6,803 11.8

3 합성수지(synthetic resin) 160 5,762 10.0

4 합성섬유(synthetic fiber) 21 1,337 2.3

5 pH 조 제(pH-regulating agents) 14 1,139 2.0

6 고분자원료(단량체) 21 580 1.0

7 도체(Conductive agents) 12 403 0.7

8 가소제(plasticizer) 19 386 0.7

9 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 46 359 0.6

10 용매제(Solvents) 26 245 0.4

<표 42> 용도별 수출제품수(단일물질) 상 10

순 용도명 제품수체 수출

제품 비(%)

1 합성수지(synthetic resin) 548 14.8

2 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, ink...) 497 13.4

3 화장품(Cosmetics) 427 11.5

4 염료안료(Colouring agents) 218 5.9

5 합성출발물질 간체(Intermediates) 183 4.9

6 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 123 3.3

7 고분자원료(단량체) 90 2.4

8 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 88 2.4

9 산화제.안정제.노화방지제(Oxidising agents) 80 2.2

10 착제(Adhesive, binding agents) 76 2.0

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6. 물질별 유통구조

6.1 사고 비물질 황

사고발생 우려가 높거나 사고가 발생한 때에 피해가 클 것으로 우려되는 사고 비물

질은 체 56종이며, 이를 지정수량10) 이상 제조하거나 사용11)하는 사업장은 “자체방제계

획”을 수립하여 환경부장 에게 제출하여야 한다.

이번 화학물질 유통량조사에서는 체 56종의 사고 비물질 41종의 사고 비물질

이 지정수량 이상 제조하거나 사용한 것으로 조사되었으며, 224개 사업장에서 사고 비

물질을 함유하는 제품을 체 20.9백만톤인 273개의 제품을 제조 하 고, 625개 사업장에

서 사고 비물질을 함유하는 제품을 체 24.2백만톤인 674개의 제품을 사용한 것으로

조사되었다.<표 43 참조>

7개 유역(지방)환경청 낙동강유역환경청이 사고 비물질을 제조하거나 사용하는 업

체가 가장 많은 116개 사업장으로 나타났고, 그 Sulfuric acid(7664-93-9)의 제조량과

Benzene(71-43-2)의 사용량이 가장 많은 것으로 조사되었다.

반면에 원주지방환경청의 경우는 사고 비물질을 제조하거나 사용하는 업체가 17개

사업장으로 가장 은 것으로 조사되었다.

유역(지방)환경청에 한 사고 비물질의 지정수량 이상 제조하거나 사용하는 황을

「(부록 2.4) 사고 비물질 취 황」에 나타내었다.

10) 해화학물질 리 시행 23 에 한 “ 통 하는 수량” 말한다.

11) 사고 비물질 량과 사 량 함량 고 하지 않고 취 양만 고 한 수량 다.

즉, 스 량과 사 량 산 한 수 다.

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- 75 -

<표 43> 사고 비물질의 지정수량 이상 제조/사용 황

(수량 : 톤)

번호 화학물질명 CAS번호제조 사용

제조량 제품수 업체수 사용량 제품수 업체수

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 546,731 14 13 1,381,856 39 37

2 Formic acid 64-18-6 19,394 1 1 - - -

3 Methanol 67-56-1 48,330 6 6 1,266,841 48 47

4 Benzene 71-43-2 3,872,682 18 16 7,977,255 18 17

5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 60,527 1 1 60,502 1 1

6 Methylamine 74-89-5 489 1 1 488 1 1

7 Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 43,367 2 2 43,367 2 2

8 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1,342,766 5 5 1,102,033 3 3

9 Carbonsulfide 75-15-0 - - - 2,399 1 1

10 Oxirane 75-21-8 231,915 3 3 112,918 13 13

11 Phosgene 75-44-5 593,572 5 5 593,569 6 6

12 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 75-50-3 9,519 1 1 9,488 1 1

13 Methyloxirane 75-56-9 194,113 2 2 291,621 8 8

14 Methylethylketone 78-93-3 11,928 4 4 200,633 8 8

15 2-Propenoicacid 79-10-7 110,553 6 5 38,124 4 4

16 2-Propenoicacidmethylester 96-33-3 23,300 1 1 13,953 5 5

17 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 251,949 2 2 251,671 2 2

18 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 99-99-0 2,842 1 1 2,220 1 1

19 (Chloromethyl)benzene 100-44-7 - - - 542 1 1

20 3-Chloro-1-propene 107-05-1 73,477 2 2 73,738 2 2

21 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 519,249 5 5 406,044 11 11

22 1,2-Ethanediamine 107-15-3 - - - 2,431 4 4

23 Toluene 108-88-3 1,622,741 19 19 920,914 27 26

24 Phenol 108-95-2 495,347 5 3 408,392 17 14

25 N,N-Diethylethanamine 121-44-8 2,033 1 1 357 1 1

26 Aceticacidethylester 141-78-6 56,839 3 3 27,800 5 4

27 Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 82,189 5 4 17,449 5 5

28 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 291,012 4 4 73,807 8 8

29 Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 442,171 7 7 442,089 9 9

30 Sodium 7440-23-5 21,069 2 1 3,307 20 19

31 Hydrogenchloride 7647-01-0 1,868,124 38 29 1,753,181 132 124

32 Hydrogenfluoride 7664-39-3 22,016 18 11 48,177 41 29

33 Ammonia 7664-41-7 116,301 2 1 947,840 23 23

34 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 5,166,936 55 41 2,915,548 142 127

35 Nitricacid 7697-37-2 1,516,272 18 8 1,194,544 20 16

36 Phosphorus trichloride 7719-12-2 - - - 3,578 3 3

37 Chlorine 7782-50-5 1,235,195 12 12 1,671,978 34 34

38 Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 1,731 1 1 1,731 1 1

39 Chlorosulfuric acid 7790-94-5 25,320 1 1 24,521 3 3

40 Phosphine 7803-51-2 - - - 125 3 3

41 Chlorine dioxide 10049-04-4 565 2 2 794 1 1

계 273 224 674 625

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- 76 -

6.2 주요 발암물질 내분비계장애 추정물질

내분비계장애 추정물질과 주요발암물질의 취 황을 <표.44>와 <표.45>에 나타내었다.

<표 44> 내분비계장애추정물질 취 황(수량 : 톤)


화학물질명 CAS번호 제조량 수입량 수출량 사용량

1 Benzo[def]chrysene 50-32-8 - 0.01 - 51

2 O,O-Diethyl O-(p-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate 56-38-2 - - - 11

3 1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine 61-82-5 - 48 - 51.50

4 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 80-05-7 284,706 23,892 116,356 264,461

5 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicaciddicyclohexylester 84-61-7 - 4.6 - 0.30

6 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicaciddiethylester 84-66-2 - 20 - 29

7 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicaciddibutylester 84-74-2 7,728 71 6,444 1,925

8 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicaciddihexylester 84-75-3 - 0.21 - -

9 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacidbutylphenylmethylester 85-68-7 0.01 1,438 12 1,413

10 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 99-99-0 2,842 - 600 2,220

11 Hexanedioicacidbis(2-ethylhexyl)ester 103-23-1 4,738 218 2,085 1,494

12 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacidbis(2-ethylhexyl)ester 117-81-7 439,307 5,575 270,895 105,801

13 Benzophenone 119-61-9 - 185 62 135

14 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 - 0.01 - 0.28

15 Dipropyl phthalate 131-16-8 - 216 - 245

16 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicaciddipentylester 131-18-0 - - - 0.40

17 Bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')zinc 137-30-4 - 41 - 56

18 Atrazine 1912-24-9 - 150 44 167

19 Ethylenebis(dithiocarbamicacid)manganesezinccomplex 8018-01-7 - 76 - 71

20 zinc ammoniate ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate)-poly (ethylenethiuram disulfide)

9006-42-2 - 60 - 69

21 [[1,2-Ethanediylbis[carbamodithioate]](2-)]zinc 12122-67-7 - 255 30 147

22 Decabromodiphenyl 13654-09-6 - 57 - 25

23 2-Chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-methoxymethylacetanilide 15972-60-8 - 6 - 12

24 S-MethylN-[(methylcarbamoyl)oxy]thioacetoimidate 16752-77-5 - 5 - 5


17804-35-2 77 40 - 41

26α-Cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate

52315-07-8 28 13 25 11

273-(2,2-Dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl ester 52645-53-1 163 27 144 12

계   739,589 32,397 396,697 378,453

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- 77 -

<표 45> 주요 발암물질의 취 황

번호 화학물질명 CAS번호 제조량 수입량 수출량 사용량

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 498,902 1,250 41 1,351,936

2 cyclophosphamide 50-18-0 - - - 339

3 Benzo[def]chrysene 50-32-8 - 0.01 - 51

4 Ethanol 64-17-5 152,821 102,946 5,541 208,491

5 Benzene 71-43-2 5,394,785 386,304 1,168,872 9,517,566

6 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1,339,775 220 143,920 1,104,016

7 Oxirane 75-21-8 231,499 4.2 - 113,672

8 2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 - - - 100

9 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 1,610,893 274,570 110,000 1,816,384

10 Chloromethyl methyl ether 107-30-2 - 20 - 20

11 Gallium arsenide 1303-00-0 0.3 1.1 0.01 1

12 Asbestos 1332-21-4 - 443 - 879

13 Arsenic 7440-38-2 7,722 434 7 500

14 Beryllium 7440-41-7 - 0.2 - 0.4

15 Cadimium 7440-43-9 3,342 0.5 3,297 57

16 Coal tar 8007-45-2 420,896 0.1 11 979

17 Quartz (SiO2) 14808-60-7 144,445 323,863 225,513 2,853,240

18 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 65996-93-2 201,616 22,287 337,288 117,926

계   10,006,697 1,112,344 1,994,491 17,086,157

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- 78 -

7. 지역별 유통구조

7.1 산업단지별 업체 화학물질 유통 황

2006년도 제3차 유통량조사 상에 포함된 산업단지 수는 서울디지탈산단(1101)을 포함

하여 254개 산단으로 구성되었으며, 이 화학물질을 취 하는 것으로 조사된 산업단지

는 211개 산업단지로 조사되었다.

2006년 유통량조사 보고업체 제조업체는 1,352개로 조사되었으며, 그 제조업체

수가 가장 많은 산업단지는 “분류 외 산단(94개)” 으로 조사되었다. 다음으로 시화국가

산단(92개), 울산미포국가산단(79개)순으로 나타났으며<표 50 참조>, 제조량이 가장 많

은 곳은 여수국가산단(82.2백만톤), 울산미포국가산단(56.8백만톤), 온산국가산단(30.8백만

톤)순으로 조사되었다.

북평지방산단과 포항제철국가산단은 2002년도 유통량조사와 같은 1개의 업체에서 제조량

을 보고한 것으로 조사되었다.

<표 46> 산단별 제조량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 산업단지 업체수 제조량총제조량


1 여수국가산단 53 82,212 28.7

2 울산미포국가산단 79 56,814 19.8

3 온산국가산단 40 30,764 10.7

4 양제철국가산단 3 7,227 2.5

5 북평지방산단 1 6,506 2.3

6 포항제철국가산단 1 5,079 1.8

7 구미국가산단 27 2,170 0.8

8 군산지방산단 4 1,255 0.4

9 칠서지방산단 10 1,001 0.3

10 화성지방산단 9 771 0.3

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- 79 -

수입업체 수가 가장 많은 산업단지는 반월국가산단(153개), 시화국가산단(124개), 남동

국가산단(74개) 순으로 조사되었다.

산업단지별 수입량이 가장 많은 곳은 울산미포국가산단(44.9백만톤), 여수국가산단(40.7

백만톤), 온산국가산단(35.6백만톤) 순으로 나타났으며, 이들 3개 산단이 체 수입량의

64%인 121.2백만톤을 수입한 것으로 조사되었다.

앞에서 언 하 듯이 석유계 화학물질이 체 수입량에서 차지하는 비율이 76.24%인

을 감안 한다면, 이들 3개 산업단지가 수입하는 주요 수입물품이 석유계 화학물질임을

가늠해 볼 수 있다.

<표 47> 산단별 수입량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 산업단지 업체수 수입량총수입량


1 울산미포국가산단 72 44,864 24.5

2 여수국가산단 51 40,702 22.2

3 온산국가산단 47 35,618 19.4

4 양제철국가산단 5 18,037 9.8

5 주2지방산단 6 1,214 0.7

6 군산지방산단 7 1,127 0.6

7 포항철강지방산단 26 563 0.3

8 불국가산단 6 512 0.3

9 반월국가산단 153 503 0.3

10 구미국가산단 56 457 0.2

Page 82: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 80 -

사용업체 수가 가장 많은 산업단지는 반월국가산단(673개), 남동국가산단(526개), 시화

국가산단(399개), 성서지방산단(300개), 창원국가산단(250개) 순으로 조사되었다.

사용량이 가장 많은 산업단지는 여수국가산단(92.0백만톤), 울산미포국가산단(62.8백만

톤), 온산국가산단(42.2백만톤), 양제철국가산단(27.7백만톤) 순으로 나타났으며, 이들 4

개의 산업단지가 체 사용량의 61.5%인 224.6백만톤을 사용한 것으로 조사되었다.

<표 48> 산단별 사용량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 산업단지 업체수 사용량총사용량


1 여수국가산단 88 91,975 25.3

2 울산미포국가산단 175 62,753 17.2

3 온산국가산단 97 42,159 11.5

4 양제철국가산단 12 27,676 7.6

5 북평지방산단 3 6,322 1.7

6 구미국가산단 217 5,134 1.4

7 포항제철국가산단 17 5,096 1.4

8 양연 국가산단 12 3,425 0.9

9 포항철강지방산단 96 2,692 0.7

10 하남지방산단 133 2,655 0.7

Page 83: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 81 -

수출업체 수가 가장 많은 산업단지는 울산미포국가산단(60개), 시화국가산단(50개), 반

월국가산단(45개) 순으로 조사되었다.

그러나 산업단지별 수출량은 온산국가산단(18.1백만톤), 여수국가산단(13.7백만톤), 울

산미포국가산단(7.2백만톤) 순으로 조사되었으며, 이들 3개 산업단지가 체 수입량의

64%를 수입하고, 체 수출량의 67.8%를 수출 하는 것으로 조사되었다.

<표 49> 산단별 수출량 상 10

(단 : 천톤)

순 산업단지 업체수 수출량총수출량


1 온산국가산단 26 18,183 31.5

2 여수국가산단 36 13,717 23.8

3 울산미포국가산단 60 7,247 12.6

4 북평지방산단 1 3,319 5.8

5 구미국가산단 14 301 0.5

6 포항철강지방산단 7 213 0.4

7 시화국가산단 50 124 0.2

8 양제철국가산단 1 98 0.2

9 군산지방산단 3 86 0.1

10 나주지방산단 1 67 0.1

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- 82 -

<표 50> 산단별 업체수 상 10

제 조 수 입

순 산업단지명 업체수 순 산업단지명 업체수

1 시화국가산단 92 1 반월국가산단 153

2 울산미포국가산단 79 2 시화국가산단 124

3 반월국가산단 70 3 남동국가산단 74

4 남동국가산단 59 4 서울디지털국가산단 73

5 여수국가산단 53 5 울산미포국가산단 72

6 온산국가산단 40 6 성서지방산단 57

7 구미국가산단 27 7 구미국가산단 56

8 양산지방산단 22 8 여수국가산단 51

9 성서지방산단 21 9 창원국가산단 51

10 명지녹산국가산단 14 10 온산국가산단 47

수 출 사 용

순 산업단지명 업체수 순 산업단지명 업체수

1 울산미포국가산단 60 1 반월국가산단 673

2 시화국가산단 50 2 남동국가산단 526

3 반월국가산단 45 3 시화국가산단 399

4 여수국가산단 36 4 성서지방산단 300

5 온산국가산단 26 5 창원국가산단 250

6 남동국가산단 25 6 구미국가산단 217

7 구미국가산단 14 7 울산미포국가산단 175

8 양산지방산단 12 8 신평장림지방산단 161

9 익산2지방산단 10 9 하남지방산단 133

10 성서지방산단 9 10 인천서부지방산단 128

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- 83 -

산업단지 업체수제조량


할청 제조량

비(%)할 환경청

울산산업단지 2 56.4 62.7 낙동강유역환경청

여수국가산단 1 44.3 54.0 산강유역환경청

산국가단지 1 20.3 47.1 강유역환경청

기타 1 6.1 51.7 한강유역환경청

7.2 유역(지방)환경청별 유통 황

환경청별 제조업체 수는 한강유역환경청(502개), 낙동강유역환경청(344개), 구지방

환경청(156개) 순으로 많은 것으로 조사되었다.

제조량이 가장 많은 순서는 산강유역환경청(90.6백만톤), 낙동강유역환경청(89.8백만톤),

강유역환경청(52.3백만톤)으로 조사되었다.

이들 세 개 환경청의 제조업체 수는 체 제조업체의 41.8%인 563개이며, 체 제조

량의 81.0%인 230.5백만톤을 제조한 것으로 나타났다.

<표 51> 5 정유사 할환경청

산강유역환경청에는 석유계화학물질을 제조하는 정유사가 여수국가산단에 치해

있으며, 낙동강유역환경청에는 울산산단과 온산산단이 치해 있기 때문에 다른 할

환경청보다 제조량이 많았다.

원주지방환경청의 제조량은 “Portland cement, chemicals(65997-15-1)”을 제조한다고 보

고한 9개 회사 7개 회사가 원주지방환경청의 할로 원주지방환경청 체 제조량의

94.2%를 차지하고 있기 때문에 높은 제조량을 보이게 되었다.

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- 84 -

<표 52> 유역(지방)환경청별 제조량

(단 : 천톤)

순 환경청별 업체수 제조량총제조량


1 산강유역환경청 91 90,590 31.6

2 낙동강유역환경청 344 89,858 31.4

3 강유역환경청 128 52,305 18.3

4 원주지방환경청 63 28,458 9.9

5 한강유역환경청 502 11,848 4.1

6 구지방환경청 156 10,549 3.7

7 주지방환경청 64 2,696 0.9

총 계 1,348 286,303

환경청별로 수입량이 가장 많은 곳은 낙동강유역환경청(81.9백만톤), 산강유역환경청

(59.3백만톤), 강유역환경청(25.3백만톤), 한강유역환경청(17.5백만톤) 순으로 조사되었다.

이들 4개의 유역환경청에서 총 수입량의 97.17%인 184백만톤을 수입하 다.

앞에서 언 하 듯이 체 수입량에서 석유계 화학물질이 차지하는 비율이 76.24%임을

감안한다면, 정유사들을 할하는 낙동강/ 산강/ 강/한강유역환경청의 수입량이 많은

이유를 알 수 있을 것이다.

반면에 석유계 화학물질을 수입 하지 않는 구/원주/ 주지방환경청의 경우는 상 으

로 화학물질의 수입량이 극히 미미 할 수밖에 없다.

Page 87: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 85 -

<표 53> 유역(지방)환경청별 수입량

(단 : 천톤)

순 환경청별 업체수 수입량총수입량


1 낙동강유역환경청 763 81,861 43.2

2 산강유역환경청 149 59,339 31.3

3 강유역환경청 271 25,262 13.3

4 한강유역환경청 2,352 17,508 9.2

5 주지방환경청 90 2,477 1.3

6 구지방환경청 380 1,928 1.0

7 원주지방환경청 127 944 0.5

총 계 4,132 189,319

환경청별로 사용량이 가장 많은 곳은 산강유역환경청(129.5백만톤), 낙동강

유역환경청(114.1백만톤), 강유역환경청(47.2백만톤), 한강유역환경청(27.8백만톤)

순으로 조사되었다.

이들 4 유역환경청이 사용하는 화학물질의 양은 체의 87.8%인 318.6백만톤

으로 나타났다.

Page 88: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 86 -

(단 : 천톤)

순 환경청별 업체수 수출량총수출량


1 낙동강유역환경청 222 25,744 44.6

2 산강유역환경청 51 13,931 24.1

3 강유역환경청 93 7,550 13.1

4 원주지방환경청 38 5,744 10.0

5 한강유역환경청 439 3,520 6.1

6 구지방환경청 80 967 1.7

7 주지방환경청 38 240 0.4

총 계 961 57,695

<표 54> 유역(지방)환경청별 사용량

(단 : 천톤)

순 환경청별 업체수 사용량총사용량


1 산강유역환경청 738 129,491 35.56

2 낙동강유역환경청 2,931 114,131 31.4

3 강유역환경청 862 47,174 13.0

4 한강유역환경청 4,965 27,774 7.6

5 구지방환경청 1,865 27,422 7.5

6 원주지방환경청 594 10,926 3.0

7 주지방환경청 507 6,966 1.9

총 계 12,462 363,874

환경청별 수출량은 낙동강유역환경청(25.7백만톤), 산강유역환경청(13.9백만톤), 강유

역환경청(7.6백만톤), 원주지방환경청(5.7백만톤) 순으로 조사되었다.

<표 55> 유역(지방)환경청별 수출량

Page 89: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 87 -

석유계화학물질12)이 체 유통량의 55.3%를 차지하고 있다는 것을 감안한다면, 석유계

화학물질을 취 하고 있는 업체를 할하는 환경청의 제조량/수입량/수출량/사용량이

많은 것과 서로 일맥상통한다.

다음은 유역(지방)환경청의 업종별/취 량 등의 황을 「부록 2.2, 2.3 2.5」에 나

타내었으며, 이는 화학물질의 취 실태와 용도 등을 악하여 리 상 우선순 를 결

정하는 등 환경정책을 입안하는데 참고자료가 될 것으로 기 된다.

12) 52개 계 물질 그룹화한 물질 별 참

Page 90: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 88 -

7.3 행정구역별 유통 황

행정구역별로 경기도가 제조/수입/수출/사용하는 업체수가 가장 많은 지역으로 조사되었

다.〈표 56~표 59〉

제조량은 남(90.5백만톤), 울산(87.9백만톤), 충남(51.6백만톤) 순으로 나타났으며, 울산

의 울산미포산단/온산산단, 남의 여수국가산단 충남의 산지방산단이 치한 지

역의 제조량이 체 제조량의 80.3%인 230.0백만톤을 제조하며 1 ·2 ·3 를 차지하


이는 량의 석유계화학물질을 제조하는 석유화학단지가 치하고 있기 때문이다.

<표 56> 행정구역별 제조량

(단 : 천톤)

순 행정구역별 업체수 제조량총제조량


1 남 80 90,547 31.6

2 울산 144 87,877 30.7

3 충남 67 51,585 18.0

4 강원 19 24,460 8.5

5 경북 117 10,469 3.7

6 인천 114 7,832 2.7

7 충북 84 4,427 1.5

8 경기 367 3,539 1.2

9 북 63 2,696 0.9

10 경남 142 1,505 0.5

11 서울 24 484 0.2

12 부산 60 483 0.2

13 15 282 0.1

14 구 39 80 0.03

15 주 9 37 0.01

16 제주 1 0.03 0.0001

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- 89 -

(단 : 천톤)

순 행정구역별 업체수 수입량총수입량


1 울산 161 80,557 42.6

2 남 100 59,281 31.3

3 충남 134 25,031 13.2

4 인천 214 10,663 5.6

5 서울 1,042 4,662 2.5

6 북 90 2,477 1.3

7 경기 1,114 2,191 1.2

8 경북 205 1,846 1.0

9 강원 29 810 0.4

10 부산 289 663 0.4

11 경남 315 642 0.3

12 충북 171 262 0.1

13 47 95 0.05

14 구 174 82 0.04

15 주 39 56 0.03

16 제주 8 1 0.001

행정구역별 수입량은 울산(80.6백만톤), 남(59.3백만톤), 충남(25.0백만톤) 순으로 나타났

으며, 울산의 울산미포산단/온산산단, 남의 여수국가산단 충남의 산지방산단이

치한 지역의 수입량이 체 수입량의 87.1%인 164.9백만톤을 수입하며 1 ·2 ·3 를

차지하 다. 이는 원유를 수입하는 정유회사가 치하고 있기 때문이다.

수도권 지역에 수입업체 수가 많음에도 불구하고 수입량이 은 것으로 보아, 서울과 경

기지역의 경우 수입 업무만을 진행하는 ·소 수입업체가 많은 것으로 단된다.

<표 57> 행정구역별 수입량

Page 92: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 90 -

행정구역별 사용량은 남(125.4백만톤), 울산(106.0백만톤), 충남(43.6백만톤) 순으로

나타났으며, 남의 여수국가산단, 울산의 울산미포산단/온산산단 충남의 산

지방산단이 치한 지역의 사용량이 체 사용량의 75.6%인 275.0백만톤을 사용하며 1

·2 ·3 를 차지하 다.

이는 량의 석유계화학물질을 사용하는 석유화학단지가 치하고 있기 때문이다.

<표 58> 행정구역별 사용량

(단 : 천톤)

순 행정구역별 업체수 사용량총사용량


1 남 423 125,358 34.5

2 울산 403 106,023 29.1

3 충남 437 43,609 12.0

4 경북 1,011 25,067 6.8

5 인천 1,271 13,687 3.8

6 경기 3,117 11,679 3.2

7 강원 250 8,815 2.4

8 북 507 6,966 1.9

9 경남 1,723 6,729 1.8

10 주 248 3,844 1.1

11 충북 549 3,632 1.0

12 서울 660 2,680 0.7

13 구 847 2,345 0.6

14 144 1,781 0.5

15 부산 816 1,623 0.4

16 제주 56 35 0.01

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- 91 -

행정구역별 수출량은 울산(25.5백만톤), 남(13.9백만톤), 충남(7.5백만톤) 순으로 나타

났으며, 울산의 울산미포산단/온산산단, 남의 여수국가산단 충남의 산지방산

단이 치한 지역의 수출량이 체 수출량의 81.2%인 46.8백만톤을 수출하며 1 ·2

·3 를 차지하 다.

이는 량의 석유계화학물질을 수출하는 석유화학단지가 치하고 있기 때문이다.

<표 59> 행정구역별 수출량

(단 : 천톤)

순 행정구역별 업체수 수출량총수출량


1 울산 93 25,470 44.1

2 남 46 13,923 24.1

3 충남 50 7,452 12.9

4 강원 10 5,730 9.9

5 인천 50 2,071 3.6

6 서울 113 1,001 1.7

7 경북 58 958 1.7

8 경기 283 449 0.8

9 북 38 240 0.4

10 부산 43 212 0.4

11 충북 52 83 0.1

12 경남 87 65 0.1

13 12 28 0.05

14 구 22 9 0.02

15 주 3 4.5 0.01

16 제주 1 0.4 0.001

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- 92 -

7.4 권역별 유통 황

제조/사용에 한 권역별 취 황을 아래의 <표 60>과 같이 10개의 주요 권역으로

볼 때 한강 서해, 낙동강 순으로 가장 많은 제조/사용 업체 수가 치해 있는 것으로


취 량에 있어 제조의 경우, 한강 서해, 강 서해, 낙동강 순으로 나타났고, 사용의 경

우는, 낙동강, 강 서해, 산강 순으로 나타났다.

참고로, 조사표를 제출한 업체 수질환경보 법에 의하여 배출시설의 설치허가

신고를 한 업체는 11,635개 사업장으로 조사되었다.

이 1종 사업장은 380개, 2종 사업장은 497개, 3종 사업장은 896개, 4종 사업장은

1,278개, 5종 사업장은 8,584개로 확인되었다.

<표 60> 주요 권역별 화학물질 제조 ․ 사용 황

(단 : 천톤)



제 조 사 용

업체수 제조량체 비(%)

업체수 사용량체 비(%)

한강 서해 189 7,997 2.8 1,536 3,251 0.9

한강 동해 2 207 0.1 43 1,101 0.3

낙동강 108 2,629 0.9 1,269 7,630 2.1

낙동강 동해 - - - 5 111 0.03

낙동강 남해 5 586 0.2 83 46 0.01

강 49 350 0.1 331 2,657 0.7

강 서해 6 4,492 1.6 17 5,177 1.4

산강 7 634 0.2 200 4,134 1.1

산강 남해 - - - 6 4,868 1.3

산강 서해 - - - 7 2,016 0.6

Page 95: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 93 -

2006년도 유통량조사는 유입수계명을 서식에서 수동으로 입력하도록 하 다.

따라서 체 보고자의 65% 이상이 “해당없음”으로 체크를 하여, 체 유통량조사

상업체에 한 황을 부 반 하기에는 부족하 다.

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- 94 -

8. 비 오염원 제품분류

체 유통량조사 상업체 43,995개 자료제출을 한 업체는 16,404개 업체로 확인

되었다. 이 유통량조사표의 서식1 일반사항에 배출량조사 상제품을 「제조 는 수

입」한다고 보고한 업체는 체의 11.46%인 1,880개 업체로 확인되었다.

<표 61> 배출량조사 상 제품의 제조/수입 업체정보

구분 가정 지 조명기구 세탁용제 소계 해당없음 체

업체수 1,512 56 55 257 1,880 14,524 16,404

비율(%) 9.2 0.3 0.3 1.6 11.5 88.5 100

한 16,404개 업체가 보고한 제품은 체 259,613개이며 이 29.1%인 75,439

개의 제품이 비 오염원 제품으로 보고되었다.

<표 62> 비 오염원 제품 황

구분 건설도장 탈지·세정 인쇄 산업도장 염색·표백 소계 기타 체

제품수 8,498 8,185 9,647 33,707 15,402 75,439 184,174 259,613

비율(%) 3.3 3.2 3.7 13.0 5.9 29.1 70.9 100

업체수 662 2,276 1,050 2,751 1,118 7,857 13,106 16,404

※ 업체수는 복 포함

Page 97: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 95 -

제4절 결론 제 개 건 사항

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- 96 -

1. 결 론

□ 목 배경

○ 화학물질 리정책을 수립하기 한 기 자료 마련

- 우리나라에서 제조/수입/수출/사용되고 있는 화학물질의 유통 황 악

- 화학물질 리 상 우선순 물질선정

- 해성 평가 배출량 조사의 기 자료

○ OECD 환경규정 등 국제 약 이행

□ 조사 상 사업장

○ 기환경보 법 제10조제1항 수질환경보 법 제33조제1항의 규정에 의한 「배출

시설의 설치허가 신고」를 한 사업장 조사 상 업종<부록 3>에 해당하는


○ 화학물질을 수입하는 사업장

□ 조사 상 화학물질

○ 원소·화합물 그에 인 인 반응을 일으켜 얻어진 물질과 자연상태에서 존재하는

물질을 추출 는 정제한 화학물질을 일정량 이상 취 하는 화학물질

- 제품별 취 량이 연간 100kg을 과하는 단일물질

- 제품별 취 량이 연간 1ton 이상인 혼합물질

- 유독물· 찰물질, 배출량조사 상물질이 함유되어 있는 혼합물질은 제품별 연간 취 량

100kg을 과 하는 경우 포함

Page 99: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 97 -

□ 조사내용

○ 연간 화학물질의 제조, 수입, 수출 사용 등 제품유통 황

○ 조사 상 사업장의 업종, 종업원수, 산업단지명, 할환경청, 배출시설의 종류, 배출량

조사 상 제품의 제조·수입 황, 방제장비 약품 황 등의 일반사항

○ 취 제품의 비 오염원 배출량 조사 상 여부의 황

○ 취 제품의 수출에 한 정보, 구성성분에 한 정보, 성분보유자에 한 정보

□ 화학물질 유통량조사 결과

1. 조사업체 황

2006년도 화학물질 유통량조사의 상업체는 체 43,995개로 과년 비 34%늘어난 수

치이다. 이 16,404개 사업장이 유통량조사 자료를 제출했으며, 22,212개 사업장이폐

업·휴업, 부도, 조업 단, 업종변경, 복, 연락불가 등의 사유로 면제처리 되었고, 5,379

개 사업장이 미보고 업체로 조사되었다.

2. 화학물질 유통 황

조사 상업체인 43,995개 16,404개 사업장이 유통량조사의 자료를 제출했으며, 단

일제품은 121,028개의 제품이 보고되었고 혼합제품은 138,588개의 제품이 보고되며 체

259,616개의 제품이 보고되었다.

제조량은 과년도 비 32.4% 증가한 286.3백만톤이 보고되었고, 수입량은 55.1% 증가한

189.3백만톤, 수출량은 13.7% 증가한 57.7백만톤, 사용량은 46.4% 증가한 363.9백만톤이

증가하며 체 유통량이 45.4% 증가한 417.9백만톤으로 조사되었다.

3. 석유계 화학물질의 유통량

석유계 화학물질들은 체 제조량의 40.2%, 수입량의 76.1%, 수출량의 48.5%, 사용량의

45.2%를 차지하며 체 유통량의 55.3%를 차지하는 것으로 조사되었다.

Page 100: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

- 98 -

4. EU 수출 황

EU 국가로 수출하는 기업은 체 227개 사업장으로 총 597,557톤을 수출하는 것으로 확

인되었으며, 이 1톤 이상 수출하는 사업장은 203개 사업장에서 체 597,287톤을 수

출하는 것으로 조사되었다.

5. 량생산화학물질

1,000톤 이상 화학물질의 유통 황을 보면 제조량은 284.9백만톤, 수입량은 187.2백만톤, 수

출량은 57.2백만톤, 사용량은 354.3백만톤 이었으며, 체 유율은 99.5% 이상이었다.

우리나라 2006년 HPV( 량생산화학물질) 물질은 846개로 조사되었으며, 2002년 HPV 물

질과 비교하여 477개가 추가되었으며, 85종이 제외된 것으로 조사되었다.

6. 취 량 상 50 물질과 50 이외의 물질

취 량 상 50 물질에 한 증가율은 제조량이 30.0%, 수입량이 52.4%, 수출량이

9.5%, 사용량이 42.4% 증가하며 체 취 량의 증가율보다 다소 게 나타났으나, 취

량 상 50 이외의 물질은 제조량이 52.29%, 수입량이 143.3%, 수출량이 50.0%, 사

용량이 79.0% 증가하며 체 유통량의 증가율을 크게 웃돌았다.

7. 산업별 유통구조

유통량 조사업체 16,404개 업체에 종사하는 총 종업원 수는 1,354천명으로 조사되었다.

화학물질이나 제품을 제조하는 업체는 1,348개 업체이며 종업원 수는 167,901명으로 조

사되었다. 이 300인 미만에 해당하는 소기업 종업원의 수는 체 제조업의 30.3%인

50,853명으로 나타났으며, 체 제조업체 95.1%에 해당하는 1,282개 업체가 300인 미만

의 소기업으로 조사되었다.

제조업체당 제조량은 300인 이상의 기업은 3,107(천톤/업체·년)이며, 300인 미만의

소기업은 63(천톤/업체·년)으로 기업과 큰 차이를 보 다.

8. 물질별 유통구조

체 56종의 사고 비물질 41종의 사고 비물질이 지정수량 이상 제조하거나 사용한

것으로 조사되었다.

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9. 지역별 유통구조

제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 상에 포함된 산업단지는 서울디지탈산단을 포함하여 254개

산단으로 구성되었으며, 화학물질을 취 하는 것으로 조사된 산업단지는 211개 산업단

지로 조사되었다.

국내 정유사는 울산산업단지에 2개사가 치해 있고, 여수국가산단에 1개사, 산국가단

지에 1개사, 기타 인천지역에 1개사를 포함하여 총 5개의 정유사가 있다.

이들 정유사가 치한 지역의 유통량이 상 으로 높았다.

□ 리 상 우선순

○ 용도별 우선순

용도별 화학물질의 취 량/제품수/종수를 살펴보면 취 량으로는 단연 석유계물질인

연료가 1 를 나타내었고, 제품수 화학물질의 종수로는 「염료안료」, 「안료·도료,

잉크/첨가제」, 「계면활성제」등이 상 를 기록하 다.

○ 업종별 우선순

조사 상 업체가 가장 많은 업종은 28류(조립 속제품 제조업)와 24류(화합물 화학제

품 제조업)가 가장 많았고 이들 업종은 유통량조사를 실시한 3회 모두 1 와 2 를 기

록하 다.

○ 지역별 우선순

조사 상 업체가 가장 많은 산업단지는 제조의 경우 시화국가산단, 수입의 경우 반월국가

산단, 수출의 경우 울산미포국가산단, 사용의 경우 반월국가산단으로 조사되었다.

○ 물질별 우선순

체 56종의 사고 비물질 41종의 사고 비물질이 지정수량 이상 제조하거나 사용한

것으로 조사되었으며, 224개 사업장에서 사고 비물질을 함유하는 제품을 체 20.9백만

톤인 273개의 제품을 제조 하 고, 625개 사업장에서 사고 비물질을 함유하는 제품을

체 24.2백만톤인 674개의 제품을 사용한 것으로 조사되었다.

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2. 량조사 제 개 건 사항

화학물질 유통량조사는 국내 유통되는 화학물질의 취 황에 한 수조사로서

조사결과물은 화학물질 리정책 수립을 한 기 자료 등 그 활용도가 매우 높은 요

한 통계자료이다.

반면에 그간 3차 걸쳐 실시한 유통량조사는 3만∼4만개 이상의 업체, 2만종 이상의

화학물질을 상으로 조사가 실시됨으로서 양 , 질 인 면에서 수많은 인력과 시간의

투입은 물론이고 화학물질에 한 문지식을 필요로 하는 사업이다.

이번 제3차 유통량조사에서는 이 의 사업추진과정에서 제기되었던 문제 을 최 한

보완하 으나 여 히 개선해야 할 은 남아 있다.

특히, 담인력 는 기술력이 부족하고 화학물질을 부재료로 사용하는 소규모 업체

의 경우 유통량조사에 큰 어려움을 겪어 왔다. 한 우리나라는 원료물질 수입의존도가

높고 수입하여 사용하는 화학물질의 구성성분정보 확보가 어려운 실정이다.

따라서 향후 유통량조사제도가 발 인 방향으로 개선되기를 기 하면서 이번 유통량

조사사업을 추진해 오는 과정에서 개선 는 보완 필요성이 제기된 사항을 정리하고자


2.1 조사 상범 의 합리 조정

(1) 조사 상범 에 한 문제

유통량조사 상은 43,995개 업체이었으나 유통량을 보고한 업체는 16,404개로서 체

조사 상의 37%에 해당된다. 나머지 63%는 유통량조사 제외 상이거나 미제출자로서

휴업, 사업장 폐쇄, 소재 악이 불가능한 업체 등으로 분류된다.

<표 63> 연도별 조사 상업체와 조사표 제출 황

조사연 조사 상업체량보고 조사 상제 등

업체수 비 (%) 업체수 비 (%)

2006년 43,995 16,404 37.3 27,591 62.7

2002년 32,928 13,773 41.8 19,155 58.2

1998년 20,182 13,052 64.7 7,130 35.3

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이와 같이 화학물질을 실제 취 하지 않는 많은 업체가 조사 상에 포함됨으로써 해당

업체의 불편은 물론이고 지방환경 서, 과업수행기 의 과업 반에 걸쳐 과도한 업무

부담을 래하 고 과업의 신뢰성 향상을 한 검증작업에도 큰 차질을 래하 다.

이번 3차 유통량조사에서 국내 화학물질 취 가능성이 있는 모든 업체를 조사 상으로

하 고, 체계 이고 시스템 으로 조사표 취합과 검증, 통계ㆍ분석을 거친 만큼 그 조사

결과를 바탕으로 향후 조사에서는 조사 상범 를 합리 으로 축소 조정하고 이를 통해

확보되는 여력은 통계자료의 완성도를 더욱 높이기 한 검증 통계ㆍ분석작업에

활용하는 것이 발 인 방향이라고 생각되어 아래와 같이 조사 상범 조정방안을

제시하고자 한다.

(2) 조사 상범 조정 방안

조사 상범 를 조정함에 있어서는 우선 일정량이상 화학물질 취 업소가 락되지

않아야 하고, 소량으로 유통되더라도 우선 리가 필요한 CMR물질 등이 조사 상에

포함되어야 할 것이다. 한 화학물질 리의 목 에 비추어 별도 리의 필요성이 없다

고 단되는 물질(원유, 시멘트, 철 석 등의 자연추출물)은 제외되어야 할 것이다.

<표 64> 유통량 조사 상 범 조정방안

조사 상

행 조정 안

조사 상 업종 한 표 산업 37개 업종 동

조사 상 학물

단 물 100kg 초과

합물 1ton 상

물 등 100kg 초과

조사제 학물 시험연 시약 등 10종연추출물 제 상에 추가

(원 , 시 트, 철 등)

조사 상 사업

1. ㆍ수 출시 업체

학물 취 업

2. 학물 수 업

1. 출량보고업

2. 물 등 업실적보고업

3. 량보고업

4. ㆍ수 출시 1,2종 업

5. 학물 수 업

상업체수 44,000 18,000

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이상과 같은 방안으로 조사 상범 를 조정하더라도 실제 화학물질을 취 하는 업소,

소량 유통되는 리 상 유해물질이 유통량조사에서 락될 염려는 없을 것이며, 다량

유통되더라도 리목 에 부합하지 않는 물질은 제외되고 조사 상업체수의 폭 감소

로 유통량조사의 신뢰도는 더욱 향상될 것으로 측된다.

2.2 화학물질 취 업체 통합DB의 유지ㆍ 리

국립환경과학원이 보유하고 있는 화학물질 취 업체 통합DB는 이번 제3차 화학물질

유통량조사의 신뢰도를 높이고 조사 상업체의 효율 선정에 결정 기여를 하 다.

한 향후에도 화학물질 취 업체와 련하여 다양한 용도로 활용할 수 있는 요한 역할

이 기 된다. 다만 유통량조사과정에서 업체 기본정보가 변경되지 않은 상태로 있어 이

를 업종분류 오류로 조사 상에 포함되거나 우편물 반송, 화연락 불가 등의 어려움을


따라서 DB가 수록하고 있는 업체정보가 최신 정보로 갱신되고 유지ㆍ 리할 수 있는

방안이 필요하다. 국립환경과학원과 지방환경 서, 시ㆍ군ㆍ구, 련 회가 역할분담과

력을 통하여 최신의 정보를 유지한다면 유용성과 활용성은 매우 높아지게 될 것이다.

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Ⅴ. 부 록

1. 유통량 통계정리

1.1 1,000톤 이상 화학물질 제조·수입·수출·사용

1.2 2006년도 HPV물질 목록과 OECD HPV 물질목록

1.3 화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질

1.4 산업단지별 유통 황

1.5 용도별 화학물질 유통 황

2. 유역(지방)환경청별 취 황

2.1 1,000톤 이상 할별 유통량

2.2 취 량 상 10 물질

2.3 제품수 상 10 물질

2.4 사고 비물질 취 황

2.5 해당업종 업체수 상 10

3. 2006 화학물질의 유통량조사계획에 한규정

4. 염료 수화물 목록

5. 석유계 화학물질 목록 정의

6. 유통량조사 보고시스템 메뉴얼(별책)

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유통량 통계정리

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1,000톤 이상 화학물질 제조·수입·수출·사용

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1,000톤 이상

화학물질 제조량 순

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순 화학물질명 CAS번호 제조량(톤)

1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 30,796,449

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 30,116,460

3 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 27,717,736

4 Naphtha 008030-30-6 19,887,181

5 Kerosine 008008-20-6 13,226,185

6 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 12,893,415

7 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 8,859,930

8 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 8,619,600

9 Oxygen 007782-44-7 7,039,262

10 Ethylene 000074-85-1 6,297,104

11 Benzene 000071-43-2 5,394,585

12 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 5,371,131

13 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 5,156,750

14 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 4,989,515

15 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 4,409,719

16 1-Propene 000115-07-1 4,139,294

17 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 3,364,549

18 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 3,362,630

19 Butane 000106-97-8 3,169,826

20 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 2,903,472

21 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 2,647,645

22 Toluene 000108-88-3 2,574,739

23 Methane 000074-82-8 2,220,782

24 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 1,827,936

25 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,780,057

26 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 1,744,724

27 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,610,085

28 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 1,602,286

29 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 1,504,757

30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 1,496,851

31 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1), hemihydrate 010034-76-1 1,479,786

32 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,421,643

33 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,379,678

34 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,339,766

35 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,325,751

36 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 1,325,056

37 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,255,079

38 Chlorine 007782-50-5 1,223,201

39 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 1,017,868

40 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 995,008

41 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 980,511

42 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 967,559

43 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 948,421

44 Ozone 010028-15-6 925,056

45 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 881,760

46 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 864,593

47 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 806,146

48 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 780,270

1,000톤 이상 화학물질 제조량 순

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49 Limestone 001317-65-3 759,128

50 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 736,462

51 Zinc 007440-66-6 718,319

52 1-Butene 000106-98-9 700,752

53 Butanal 000123-72-8 650,817

54 Copper 007440-50-8 640,778

55 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 613,498

56 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 603,177

57 Phosgene 000075-44-5 593,572

58 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 586,985

59 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 531,750

60 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 513,167

61 (1-Methylethyl)benzene 000098-82-8 512,054

62 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 497,608

63 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 483,515

64 Phenol 000108-95-2 479,995

65 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 465,597

66 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 464,259

67 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 458,632

68 Propane 000074-98-6 455,486

69 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 442,172

70 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 438,090

71 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 424,936

72 Coal tar 008007-45-2 420,896

73 Urea 000057-13-6 416,942

74 Carbon black 001333-86-4 387,252

75 Coke (petroleum) 064741-79-3 385,206

76 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 381,739

77 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 377,891

78 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 362,235

79 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 359,010

80 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 323,705

81 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 305,449

82 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 305,107

83 Acetone 000067-64-1 295,020

84 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 293,954

85 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 292,057

86 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 284,193

87 Fuming sulphuric acid 008014-95-7 278,161

88 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 271,804

89 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 262,981

90 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 256,339

91 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-3 251,949

92 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 241,590

93 Argon 007440-37-1 237,730

94 Oxirane 000075-21-8 231,499

95 Distillates (petroleum), crude oil 068410-00-4 230,810

96 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 227,853

97 Paraffins (petroleum), normal (C=5-20) 064771-72-8 226,018

98 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 224,234

99 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 223,698

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100 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 220,650

101 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 219,935

102 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 215,967

103 4,4'-Methylenedianiline 000101-77-9 212,037

104 Glass, oxide, calcium magnesium potassium sodium phosphosilicate 094551-67-4 207,395

105 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 204,205

106 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 201,577

107 Carbonic acid ammonium salt 010361-29-2 201,177

108 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 195,829

109 Lead 007439-92-1 195,657

110 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 194,114

111 Methyldinitrobenzene 025321-14-6 193,784

112 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 191,231

113 Aniline 000062-53-3 190,078

114 Hydroxylamine 007803-49-8 181,073

115 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 174,902

116 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 169,291

117 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 168,284

1181,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic

acid and 1,2-ethanediol024938-04-3 163,854

119 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 160,336

120 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 159,173

121 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 157,789

122 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 000121-14-2 151,920

123 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 151,639

124 Petroleum 008002-05-9 151,282

125 Ethanol 000064-17-5 150,974

126 Decane 000124-18-5 149,843

127 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 147,480

1281,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with

1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol025038-91-9 147,370

129 Butanoic acid, 4-(methylthio)-, ethyl ester 022014-48-8 146,344

130 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 144,378

131 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 143,121

132 Creosote 008001-58-9 139,673

133 Trimethyl benzene 025551-13-7 138,427

134 Ammoniojarosite((NH4)[Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2]) 012194-95-5 138,238

135 Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate 013478-10-9 133,622

136 4-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000095-80-7 132,489

137 Methyl cyclopentane 000096-37-7 132,280

138 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 131,286

139 Carbonic acid disodium salt 005968-11-6 130,871

140 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 129,707

141 Heavy naphtha solvent extracts (petroleum) 064741-98-6 119,924

142 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 119,485

143 Ammonia 007664-41-7 116,301

144 Propylene, Ethylene copolymer 069191-21-5 115,889

145 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, methylated 068071-45-4 113,327

146 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 110,586

147 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 107,536

148 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 009082-00-2 107,472

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149 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-18-3 102,441

150 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 101,977

151 Zeolites 001318-02-1 99,571

152 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 93,683

153 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light 064742-73-0 93,118

154 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 92,524

155 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 92,378

156 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 92,041

157 2-Butene 000107-01-7 90,821

158 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 90,686

159 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 90,036

160 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 88,436

161 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 88,104

162 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 88,024

163 Isoprene 000078-79-5 87,575

164 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 86,064

165 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 85,420

166 Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils 084650-04-4 84,444

167 1,3,5-Trioxane polymer with oxirane 024969-25-3 82,386

168 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-11) 070693-06-0 82,344

169 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 81,311

170 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 80,477

171 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 79,081

172 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 77,459

173 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 77,096

174Carboxylated Emulsion of Modified Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer in

Water Solution070857-13-5 76,895

175 Disamarium tricarbonate 005895-47-6 76,416

176Fatty acids, coco polymers with benzoic acid, pentaerythritol and

phthalic anhydride068604-67-1 74,858

177Carbonic dichloride polymer with

4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester103598-77-2 73,969

178 3-Chloro-1-propene 000107-05-1 72,036

179 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 71,548

180 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 71,243

181 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 69,468

182 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 66,402

183 m-xylene 000108-38-3 66,244

184 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 65,289

185 Polyurethane substituted polypropylene glycol ethers polybutylene glycol 2000-3-1614 64,242

186 Aromatic hydrocarbons, (C=6-10), (C=8)-rich 090989-41-6 63,867

187 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 63,281

188 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 62,717

189 Potassium sulfate 007778-80-5 61,877

190 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 61,678

1912-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene and methyloxirane

polymer with oxirane ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1)057913-80-1 60,793

192 Chloromethane 000074-87-3 60,527

193 Dimethyl terephthalate-ethylene glycol-polyethylene glycol copolymer 009037-98-3 59,098

194Disodium 7,7'-(carbonyldiimino)bis[4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)

naphthalene-2-sulfonate]003626-36-6 59,000

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195 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 58,256

196 Toluene-3,4-diamine 000496-72-0 58,198

197 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 57,030

198 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 56,600

199 Methanol 000067-56-1 56,273

2004,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with

2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]025036-25-3 55,570

201 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 54,842

202 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-49-0 54,813

203 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 52,433

204 2-Methylpropane 000075-28-5 51,657

205 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine 002687-25-4 51,529

206 Tetrahydrofuran 000109-99-9 50,366

207 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 49,343

208 1,3-Diisocyanato-2-methylbenzene 000091-08-7 48,461

209 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 48,263

210 Polybutylene 009003-29-6 48,195

211 Isobutanal 000078-84-2 48,057

212 Dimethylamine 000124-40-3 47,815

213 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 47,807

214 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 47,560

215 Aluminium 007429-90-5 47,477

216 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 46,901

217 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 46,785

218 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 46,296

219 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 45,241

2202-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with 1,3-butadiene

and ethenylbenzene025053-09-2 44,032

221 Charcoal 016291-96-6 44,000

222 Tetradecane 000629-59-4 43,467

223 Hydrogen cyanide 000074-90-8 43,368

224 Chemical-000702-79-4 000702-79-4 42,418

225 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 42,222

226 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 42,197

227 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 41,898

228 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 41,688

229 Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy 064741-92-0 41,507

230 Aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate 039290-78-3 41,204

231 Magnesium hydroxide 001309-42-8 39,733

232 Ammonium nitrite 013446-48-5 39,279

233 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 39,112

234 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 38,818

235 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 38,550

236 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt 036290-04-7 37,214

237 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 35,968

238 Sorbitol 000050-70-4 35,816

239 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 35,803

240 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 35,741

241 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 34,968

242 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 34,927

243 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 007697-01-0 34,872

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244 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 34,270

245 Tar, coal, low-temp. 065996-90-9 33,866

246 2-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000823-40-5 33,122

247 Hydrogenated hydrocarbons (C=6-20) polymers 069430-35-9 32,957

248 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 32,932

249 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 32,215

250 Chemical-013397-24-5 013397-24-5 32,016

251 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 32,002

2521,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with

1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol025640-14-6 31,908

253 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 31,832

254 3-Methylbutanal 000590-86-3 31,599

255 Glycerol 000056-81-5 31,563

256 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 31,326

257 Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated 064742-57-0 30,897

258 3-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-45-1 30,262

259 Paraffin oils(C=8-12) 101200-47-9 29,839

260 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 29,651

261 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 29,166

262Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol and

2,2'-oxybis[ethanol]025214-18-0 28,999

2632-Butenedioic acid (E)-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene,

ethenylbenzene, 2-propenenitrile and 2-propenoic acid208448-02-6 28,770

264Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol],

4-(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenyl ester111211-39-3 28,345

265 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 27,664

266 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 26,404

2671,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with

1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol]029154-49-2 26,120

268 Hydroxylamine sulfate (salt) 013973-61-0 25,718

269 Formic acid methyl ester 000107-31-3 25,365

270 Chlorosulfuric acid 007790-94-5 25,320

271 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 25,308

272α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with

β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside009049-71-2 25,201

2732-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with

1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile009010-94-0 24,587

274 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 24,554

275 LUBRICATING OIL,REREFINED 068476-77-7 24,317

276 1,3,5-Trioxane, polymer with 1,3-dioxolane 024969-26-4 24,134

277 Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025971-63-5 23,956

278 Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-16) hydroxy and alkene(C=14-16) sodium salts 068439-57-6 23,731

279 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 23,568

280 Iron trichloride 007705-08-0 23,526

281 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 23,496

282 2-Propenoic acid methyl ester 000096-33-3 23,300

283 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 23,220

284 Ligroine 008032-32-4 22,785

285 Iron 007439-89-6 22,752

286 α-Sulfo-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)alkyl(C=10-16) ethers, sodium salts 068585-34-2 22,477

287 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 22,251

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288 Tricalcium bis(orthophosphate) 007758-87-4 21,600

289 Ethane 000074-84-0 21,543

290 Magnesium oxide (MgO), solid soln. with tungsten oxide (WO3) 075535-38-5 21,244

291 Sodium 007440-23-5 21,069

292 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 20,759

293 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine-formaldehyde polymer 009003-08-1 20,499

294 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 20,355

295 Benzenesulfonic acid alkyl(C=10-16) derivs. 068584-22-5 20,269

296 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 20,099

297 Cellulose, hydrogen 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ether 009050-31-1 20,089

298 Formic acid 000064-18-6 19,394

299 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1) 031570-04-4 18,704

300 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 18,661

301 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 18,485

302 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 18,104

303 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 18,085

304 Sodium hydride 007646-69-7 17,456

305 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 16,882

306 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run 064741-41-9 16,811

307Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with azelaic acid,

ethylenediamine, hexamethylenediamine and stearic acid068154-52-9 16,596

308Methyl 2-methlyl-2-propenoate polymer with ethenylbenzene and

2-propenenitrile025213-88-1 16,578

309 Stoddard solvent 008052-41-3 16,517

310 2-Propenoic acid homopolymer sodium salt 009003-04-7 16,446

311 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms 068515-32-2 16,431

312 2-methylnaphthalene 000091-57-6 16,304

313 3-Chloro-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride 003327-22-8 15,681


3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid


thyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 15,632

315 Trimethylamine hydrochloride 000593-81-7 15,402

316 Indene 000095-13-6 15,344

317 Epoxidized soybean oil 008013-07-8 15,322

318 Lead dioxide 001309-60-0 15,087

319 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 15,000

320 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 14,938

321 3-Methylpentane 000096-14-0 14,781

322Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with ethylenediamine,

sebacic acid and stearic acid068911-24-0 14,771

323 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 14,547

324 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 14,315

325 Tridecane 000629-50-5 14,261

326Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized, polymers,

hydrogenated068132-00-3 13,966

327 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester 006386-38-5 13,580

328 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 13,578

329 Dimethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate 000094-60-0 13,251

330 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 12,885

331 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 12,809

332 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 12,798

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333 Carbon 007440-44-0 12,490

334 trans-Pent-2-ene 000646-04-8 12,454

335Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products

with triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized091995-81-2 12,410

336 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 12,211

337 1,3-Isobenzofurandione polymer with 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 032472-85-8 12,210

338 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 11,937


340 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 11,879

341 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 11,564

342 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 11,563

343 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 11,557

344 Tetramethylammonium chloride 000075-57-0 11,509

345 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 11,408

346 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester 003319-31-1 11,303

347 Hydrogen sulfide 007783-06-4 11,257

348 Sulfuric acid magnesium salt (1:1), heptahydrate 010034-99-8 11,185

349 (1-Hydroxyethylidene)bisphosphonic acid 002809-21-4 11,109

350 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 11,053

351 Cyclopentene 000142-29-0 11,042

352 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 10,998

353 Sulfur dioxide 007446-09-5 10,898

354 Nonane 000111-84-2 10,544

355 Heavy alkylate naphtha(petroleum) 064741-65-7 10,422

356 Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle 064742-80-9 10,242

357 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 10,075

358 Poly-4, 4'-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate 024936-68-3 10,073

359 Morpholine, benzoate 026021-56-7 9,977

360Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloride

polymer with 2-propenamide069418-26-4 9,950

361 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil 061788-66-7 9,868

362 Aluminium chloride dihydroxide 010284-64-7 9,786

363 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 9,763

364 2-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-46-2 9,637

365 tert-Dodecanethiol 025103-58-6 9,605

366 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 000075-50-3 9,519

367 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 9,510

368 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol 000105-08-8 9,507

369 Polyol-dibasic acids unsaturated polyester KE-28957 9,414

3704,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methyl

ethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bis[oxirane]068928-70-1 9,366

371 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 9,161

372 Isobutanol 000078-83-1 9,095

373 Melamine 000108-78-1 9,090

374 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 8,987

375 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 8,984

376 Aluminum chloride, hydrate 010124-27-3 8,889

377 ar-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine polymer with methyloxirane and oxirane 067800-94-6 8,816

378Phthalic anhydride polyester with ethylene glycol, maleic

anhydride, pentaerythritol and 1,2-propanediol031176-92-8 8,777

379 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and 2-furanmethanol 025154-81-8 8,770

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380 (1-Methylethenyl)benzene 000098-83-9 8,638

381 Octadecanoic acid zinc salt 000557-05-1 8,416

382 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 8,406

383 Acetonitrile 000075-05-8 8,386

384 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 8,355

385 Aluminium sodium dioxide 001302-42-7 8,262

386 1-Pentene 000109-67-1 8,168


1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with dimethyl

1,4-benzenedicarboxylate, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,2-ethanediol

and 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol

068864-91-5 8,144

388 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 8,118

389 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 8,107


391 Hydrazine hydrate 007803-57-8 7,994

3924,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol]polymer with

(chloromethyl)oxirane and 2,4,6-tribromophenol158725-44-1 7,835

393 Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate 064741-66-8 7,823

394 Sodium hydrogensulphide 016721-80-5 7,793

395 Arsenic 007440-38-2 7,721

396 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 001717-00-6 7,690

397 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester 000084-74-2 7,636

398 Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 025085-50-1 7,509

399 Sodium sulfite 007757-83-7 7,469

4002-Propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene and

2-propenenitrile026299-47-8 7,400

401 Poly(acrylic acid) 009003-01-4 7,292

402 Soaps, stocks, (C=16-18) and (C=18)-unsatd. alkyl 068918-38-7 7,288

403 (Z)-Penta-1,3-diene 001574-41-0 7,264

404 Bentonite, lime-activated 068333-91-5 7,200

405 Disodium metasilicate 006834-92-0 7,115

406 Sodium D-gluconate 000527-07-1 7,094

407 Lignosulfonic acid magnesium salt 008061-54-9 7,087

408 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 009003-68-3 7,020

409 Acrylic acid-butyl acrylate-ethyl acrylate-styrene polymer 030323-62-7 7,020

410 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 7,000

411 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 6,924

412 Sodium hydrogensulfite (aqueous solution) 007631-90-5 6,840

413 Choline chloride 000067-48-1 6,813

414 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 6,800

4151,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-5-

isobenzofurancarboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol and hexanedioic acid038702-18-0 6,730

416 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester 026761-40-0 6,715

417 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and tall-oil rosin 068648-55-5 6,704

418 2-Methylbut-2-ene 000513-35-9 6,700

419 Octane 000111-65-9 6,687

420 Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 6,630

421 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 6,581

422 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 6,520

423 Dodecane 000112-40-3 6,476

424 Monochlorodifluoromethane 000075-45-6 6,449

425 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol 000140-66-9 6,361

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1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[3-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]


naphthalenyl]azo]-, pentasodium salt

077365-64-1 6,327

427 Cyclohexanethiol 001569-69-3 6,314

428 trans-Penta-1,3-diene 002004-70-8 6,258

429 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 6,229

430Acrylamide-acrylic acid-N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]methacrylamide

copolymer084647-37-0 6,141

431 Methyl acetate 000079-20-9 6,140

432 Sodium chlorite 007758-19-2 5,931

433 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol 000111-77-3 5,882

434 Residues (petroleum), thermal cracked 064741-80-6 5,854

435 Fatty acids, soya 068308-53-2 5,834

436 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 5,783

437 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 5,719

438 Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester ammonium salt 002235-54-3 5,630

439 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 5,506

440 o-Toluenesulfonamide 000088-19-7 5,445

441 Aromatic hydrocarbons (C=8) 090989-38-1 5,418

442 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 007791-18-6 5,400

443 cis-2-Pentene 000627-20-3 5,348

444 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 5,330

445 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester 002082-79-3 5,329

446 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 5,324

447 Poly(oxyethylene) lauryl ether ammonium sulfate 032612-48-9 5,324

448 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 5,258

449 2-Methoxyethanol 000109-86-4 5,210

450 Ethylcyclopentane 001640-89-7 5,186

451 Aluminium hydroxide sulfate 053810-32-5 5,157

452 1,1'-Methylenebis[isocyanatobenzene] 026447-40-5 5,120

453 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 010025-77-1 5,040

454 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hexanediyl] 032131-17-2 5,022

455 Acrylamide, methacrylic acid, acrylic ester copolymer 030445-28-4 4,994

456 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 4,972

457Methylenebutanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenyl

benzene and 2-propenoic acid026102-56-7 4,936

458 (Vinyloxy)cyclohexane 002182-55-0 4,872

459 Carbonochloridic acid methyl ester 000079-22-1 4,863

460 2,3-Dimethylbutane 000079-29-8 4,813

461 Ethylene-1-hexene copolymer 025213-02-9 4,775

462 Light paraffinic distillate (petroleum) 064741-50-0 4,772

463 Ethenylmethylbenzene 025013-15-4 4,762

464 Oxybismethane 000115-10-6 4,737

465 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene 000088-72-2 4,716

466 (Z)-13-Docosenamide 000112-84-5 4,671

467Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed triesters with benzoic acid and

trimethylolpropane610787-76-3 4,626

4682-Propenoic acid polymer with butyl 2-propenoate, ethenyl acetate

and 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoate035239-19-1 4,566

469 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 4,555

470 Cobalt lithium dioxide 012190-79-3 4,483

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471 Copper cyanide 000544-92-3 4,458

472 NON-AROMATIC 020582-85-8 4,399

473 Cyclopentanone 000120-92-3 4,384

474 Acrylamide-acrylic acid copolymer 009003-06-9 4,346

475 Neodecanoyl chloride 040292-82-8 4,331

476 4-Aminotoluene-3-sulfonic acid 000088-44-8 4,283

477 2,2-Dimethylbutane 000075-83-2 4,258

478 C.I. fluorescent brightener 134 003426-43-5 4,200

4793-Amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminium N-coco

acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salt061789-40-0 4,168

480 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 4,153



]bisoxirane polymer with 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-

isopropylidenediphenol and 2,4,6-tribromophenol

135229-48-0 4,096

482Hexanedioic acid polymer with N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine

reaction products with dimethylamine and epichlorohydrin068583-79-9 4,063

483 Lead oxide phosphonate (Pb3O2(HPO3)) 012141-20-7 4,038

484 C.I. fluorescent brightener 220 016470-24-9 4,006

485 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-1,3-isobenzofurandione 000085-43-8 4,001

486 Fuel oil, no. 5 070892-11-4 3,978

487 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 3,971

488 Benzene, mono-C12-13-branched alkyl derivs., fractionation bottoms 151911-58-9 3,967

489 Ethyl hydrogen adipate 000626-86-8 3,899


Aliphatic dicarboxylic acid polymer with alkanedioles,

polycarbonate polyester polyol, polyalkyleneoxide sulfonate, aliphatic

diisocyanate and alkylene diamine

2000-3-1611 3,875

491 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 3,832

492 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime 022984-54-9 3,827

493 Zinc chloride 007646-85-7 3,790


A mixture of 2-[2-[2-(2-ethylhexanoyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl 2-ethyl

hexanoate, 2-[2-[2-(phenylcarbonyloxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl 2-ethylhexanoate

and 2-[2-(2-phenylcarbonyloxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl benzoate

852227-26-0 3,589

495 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt 000064-02-8 3,536

496 1,2-Butadiene 000590-19-2 3,509


1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid,

2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol

and hexanedioic acid

052247-59-3 3,507

498 trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid 000110-17-8 3,499

499 Orange lead 001314-41-6 3,487

500 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 3,483

501 Manganese 007439-96-5 3,437

502 Dibutyltin dichloride 000683-18-1 3,429

503 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 3,427

504 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl group-terminated 068083-19-2 3,418

505 Hexanedioic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000103-23-1 3,403

506Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, oxidized, calcium sodium

salts068649-47-8 3,376

507 Strontium ferrate (Fe12O192-) (1:1) 012023-91-5 3,347

5082-Methyl-2-Propenoic acid, polymer with α-(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propenyl)-

ω-methoxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), sodium salt097105-14-1 3,332

509 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers reaction products with 068410-23-1 3,310

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510Polyurethane made by a cyclohexanediisocyanate-derivative,

diglycols and amines99-3-1274 3,307

511 Isoparaffins 064365-06-6 3,195

512 Copper monochloride 007758-89-6 3,194

5134,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with

(chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]026265-08-7 3,170

514 Silicic acid aluminium sodium salt 001344-00-9 3,148

5154,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with

(chloromethyl) oxirane040039-93-8 3,098

516 3,5,5-Trimethyl hexanoyl chloride 036727-29-4 3,093


COPOLYMER087435-36-7 3,089

518 C.I. fluorescent brightener 357 083512-97-4 3,074

519 Magnesium sulfate 018939-43-0 3,068

520 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 3,015

521 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 3,015


hanediyl)]009046-10-0 2,996

523 Methylcyclohexane 000108-87-2 2,979

524 3,3'-Dichloro(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine dihydrochloride 000612-83-9 2,961

525 2-Propenamide homopolymer 009003-05-8 2,925

526 1,2-Dihydroacenaphthylene 000083-32-9 2,916

527 Proprietary carboxylated styrene polymer 118948-85-9 2,916

528 Ethyl cyclohexane 001678-91-7 2,905

529 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 2,898

530 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-6-methylphenol 002219-82-1 2,889

531 C.I. pigment yellow 042 051274-00-1 2,859

532 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 000099-99-0 2,842

533 Distillates (coal), solvent-refining(SRC), wash 068410-09-3 2,842

534α-Hydro-ω-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) ether

with 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (3:1)028961-43-5 2,841

535Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed diesters with benzoic acid and

neopentyl glycol610787-77-4 2,826

536 Copper sulfate 007758-98-7 2,815

537 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 2,809

538 2-[2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000143-22-6 2,808

539 Diakyl Dicstcr Hydroxcthyl Methyl Ammonium Methosulfate 161294-46-8 2,764

540 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 2,747

541 Dipotassium hydrogenorthophosphate 007758-11-4 2,711

542 Styrenated phenol 061788-44-1 2,701

543 Cadimium 007440-43-9 2,681

544 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 2,673

545 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde, glycidyl ether 028064-14-4 2,651

546 Mercury 007439-97-6 2,623

547Sulfurous acid monosodium salt polymer with formaldehyde and

1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine064787-97-9 2,547

548 Dimethyl laury amine Oxide 068955-55-5 2,539

549 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 2,520

550 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 2,497

551 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 2,449

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552 Dibutyltin oxide 000818-08-6 2,442

553 Dichlorodifluoromethane 000075-71-8 2,401


-stilbenedisulfonic acid disodium salt004193-55-9 2,400

555 C.I. pigment yellow 034 001344-37-2 2,396

556 Styrene-α-methylsytrene-acrylic acid copolymer 052831-04-6 2,394

557 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025153-46-2 2,382

558 2,2′-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide 000120-78-5 2,367

559 Acetic acid ethylene ester homopolymer 009003-20-7 2,364

560 Butene 025167-67-3 2,353

561 1-Chlorobutane 000109-69-3 2,342

562 1-Phenylethanone 000098-86-2 2,339

5632-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and

(1-methylethenyl)benzene025120-20-1 2,281

564 Saccharin sodium dihydrate 006155-57-3 2,280

565 Alkyl(C=14-18) ketene dimer 160402-36-8 2,253

566 Diisononyl adipate 033703-08-1 2,241

567 Frits, chemicals 065997-18-4 2,204

568 Trichlorofluoromethane 000075-69-4 2,200

569N,N-Dimethyl-N-2-propenyl-2-propen-1-aminium chloride polymer

with 2-propenamide026590-05-6 2,197

570 1-methylnaphthalene 000090-12-0 2,187

571 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 000556-67-2 2,183

572 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone 000119-53-9 2,159

573 4-(α,α-Dimethylbenzyl)phenol 000599-64-4 2,156

574 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 2,151

5753-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-methylbenzenepropanoic acid

1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl) ester036443-68-2 2,145

5762-Propenoic acid 2-ethyl-2-[[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]methyl]-

1,3-propanediyl ester015625-89-5 2,115


hanediyl)]032492-61-8 2,110

578 Biphenyl-4,4'-diol 000092-88-6 2,084

579 Lead oxide (Pb2O3) 001314-27-8 2,073

580 1-Chlorooctane 000111-85-3 2,062

581(E)-2-Butenedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene

and 2-propenoic acid026007-18-1 2,056

582 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 2,044

583 N,N-Diethylethanamine 000121-44-8 2,033

584 (Z)-9-Octadecenamide 000301-02-0 2,005

585 Chemical-000873-66-5 000873-66-5 1,987

586 Tetrahydrophthalic acid ester anhydride KE-33499 1,977

587 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph. 064742-89-8 1,971

588 2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate 024468-13-1 1,946

589Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,4-butanediol, 1,2-ethanediol and

1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene]027083-55-2 1,936

590 2-Ethylhexanoyl chloride 000760-67-8 1,935

591 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,931

592 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 025155-30-0 1,920

593 Formaldehyde polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 2-methylphenol 029690-82-2 1,908

594 Barium dodecairon nonadecaoxide 012047-11-9 1,869

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595 2-Perfluoroalkyl(C=8) ethyl acrylate-alkyl(C=16-18) acrylate copolymers 160336-09-4 1,869

596 Coumarone indene resins 063393-89-5 1,856

597 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 1,851

598 Methyl 3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl) propionate 006386-39-6 1,836

599 Disodium peroxodisulfate 007775-27-1 1,821

600 Urea-melamine polymer with formaldehyde, isobutylated 110053-48-0 1,764

601 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester polymer with 2-ethylhexyl-2-propenoate 026376-86-3 1,760

602 Calcium dinitrate tetrahydrate 013477-34-4 1,757

603 Anthracene 000120-12-7 1,753

604 Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 034590-94-8 1,739

605 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid tributyl ester 000077-90-7 1,739

606 Ethoxylated alcohols (C=12-14) 068439-50-9 1,733

607 2,4,4-Trimethylpentene 025167-70-8 1,723

608 Penta-1,4-diene 000591-93-5 1,715

609 4-Methylbenzenamine 000106-49-0 1,699

610 Methylated 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, formaldehyde polymer 068002-20-0 1,694

611 2,6-Dimethylphenol homopolymer 025134-01-4 1,678

612 N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-33-0 1,675

613 Tetraoctyl stannane 003590-84-9 1,654

614 polyurethane 009009-54-5 1,649

615 Tetrabutyl tin 001461-25-2 1,645

616 2-[2-(Methoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000112-35-6 1,616

617 Sodium nitrate 007631-99-4 1,613


Adipic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-

1,3-propanediol, 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatocyclohexane] and


057504-03-7 1,611

619 Styrenated α-phenyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 104376-75-2 1,594

620 Chloroformic acid ethyl ester 000541-41-3 1,572

621 2,2-Dimethylpropanoyl chloride 003282-30-2 1,561

622 Benzoyl peroxide 000094-36-0 1,539

623 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 1,515

624 Pentapotassium triphosphate 013845-36-8 1,513

625 Strontium nitrate 010042-76-9 1,512

626 Methylphenol 001319-77-3 1,496

627 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-butanediol 030965-26-5 1,495

628 Kerosine (petroleum), catalytic reformed, alkyl(C=8-15)benzene fraction 101316-68-1 1,493

629 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 1,469

6302-Methyl-2-propenoic acid polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and

4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]036425-15-7 1,444

631 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 053894-23-8 1,425

632 3-Methylpenta-1,4-diene 001115-08-8 1,417

633 Brass, dross 069011-68-3 1,394

634 Fluorite (CaF2) 014542-23-5 1,389

635 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 1,380

636 Bisphenol A bis(dicresyl phosphate) 093981-32-9 1,372

637 Silicic acid potassium salt 001312-76-1 1,371

638 Antimony 007440-36-0 1,341

639 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 1,341

6402-Propenoic acid polymer with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol

and 5-isocyanato-1-(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohexane109669-87-6 1,322

641 Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with bisphenol A 067989-52-0 1,298

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and epichlorohydrin

642 Pentaerythritol 000115-77-5 1,297

643 Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate 007722-76-1 1,279

644 2-Butene-1,4-diol 000110-64-5 1,266

645 Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate 007757-93-9 1,264

646 Lard oils 008016-28-2 1,263

647 Vinylcyclohexane 000695-12-5 1,257

648 Trizinc bis(orthophosphate 007779-90-0 1,250

649 Ethene homopolymer, oxidized 068441-17-8 1,226

650 Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate 000128-04-1 1,217

651 Dioctyltin dichloride 003542-36-7 1,213

652 Triphosphoric acid pentasodium salt 007758-29-4 1,210

653 Disodium silicate pentahydrate 010213-79-3 1,210

654 Acetic acid, nitrilotri-, trisodium salt, monohydrate 018662-53-8 1,210

655 Chemical-000496-11-7 000496-11-7 1,208


m chloride polymer with 2-propenamide074153-51-8 1,206

657 2-Methyl-2-propanol 000075-65-0 1,206

658 Silicon 007440-21-3 1,200

659 Calcium 007440-70-2 1,200

660 Polyvinyl alcohol, degraded 068071-30-7 1,200

661 Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic 064741-96-4 1,195

662 Dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 001300-72-7 1,182

663 Light aromatic (petroleum) 068477-30-5 1,179

664 Barium hydroxide 017194-00-2 1,165

665 Silicic acid 001343-98-2 1,157

666 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene, hydrogenated 066070-58-4 1,143

667 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000121-91-5 1,131

668 2,4,6-Tris[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenol 000090-72-2 1,129

669 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester 000120-61-6 1,114

670 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,113

6712-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with

ethenylbenzene, ethyl 2-propenoate and 2-propenoic acid025585-75-5 1,103

672 Benzene, dialkyl(C=12-14) derivs. 068515-26-4 1,083

673 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester homopolymer 009003-49-0 1,081

674 Polyoxyethylene alkyl(C=12-22) ether 160305-84-0 1,079

675 [(1-Methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis[oxy(methyl-2,1-ethanediyl)]diacrylate 042978-66-5 1,073

676 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000097-64-3 1,064

677 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 1,060

678 Polyester (ethylene glycol:isophthalic acid:terephthalic acid) 025135-73-3 1,057

679 Refractory ceramic fibers 142844-00-6 1,056

680 (Z)-α-(1-Oxo-9-octadecenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009004-96-0 1,054

681 Sorbitan fatty acid ester KE-31675 1,046

682 Isoheptane 031394-54-4 1,045

683 Diammonium hexanitratocerate 016774-21-3 1,030

684 Styrene polymer with 1,3 - Butadiene 091829-76-4 1,029

685 Maleated rosin 008050-28-0 1,017

686 Undecane 001120-21-4 1,011

687 Zinc bis(dihydrogen phosphate) 013598-37-3 1,000

계 284,915,170

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1,000톤 이상

화학물질 수입량 순

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순 화학물질명 CAS번호 수입량(톤)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 121,913,264

2 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,050,951

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 13,234,047

4 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956

5 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run 064741-42-0 2,068,053

6 Butane 000106-97-8 1,371,195

7 Methanol 000067-56-1 1,348,417

8 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,202,700

9 Propane 000074-98-6 1,091,020

10 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 1,012,821

11 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 948,893

12 Xylene 001330-20-7 926,026

13 Copper 007440-50-8 716,796

14 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 650,773

15 Ammonia 007664-41-7 624,980

16 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 586,586

17 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 579,548

18 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 562,496

19 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 550,149

20 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 545,570

21 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 494,059

22 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 492,537

23 Iron 007439-89-6 479,444

24 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 468,336

25 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 425,643

26 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 403,012

27 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 400,280

28 Benzene 000071-43-2 384,670

29 Silicon 007440-21-3 367,868

30 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 344,716

31 Toluene 000108-88-3 341,750

32 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 329,146

33 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 315,279

34 Helium 007440-59-7 310,540

35 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 292,500

36 1-Propene 000115-07-1 292,297

37 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 289,439

38 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 285,918

39 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 274,427

40 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 253,080

41 Manganese 007439-96-5 218,213

42 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 201,950

43 Urea 000057-13-6 201,217

44 Limestone 001317-65-3 199,249

45 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 192,822

46 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 174,305

47 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 167,531

48 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 154,167

< 1,000톤 이상 화학물질 수입량 순 >

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49 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 147,655

50 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 136,108

51 Mica-group minerals 012001-26-2 130,010

52 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 121,340

53 C.I. disperse yellow 114 061968-66-9 117,799

54 1-Butene 000106-98-9 114,305

55 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 113,023

56 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 112,682

57 Lead 007439-92-1 111,561

58 Alcohols, (C=12-14)-secondary, ethoxylated 084133-50-6 105,347

59 Ethanol 000064-17-5 99,933

60 (1-Methylethyl)benzene 000098-82-8 99,727

61 Pentane 000109-66-0 98,436

62 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 90,844

63 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 83,396

64 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 80,968

65 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 74,871

66 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 74,197

67 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed 064741-68-0 73,168

68 Distillates (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked 064741-61-3 70,474

69 Ethylene 000074-85-1 69,803

70 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 64,635

71 Manganous silicate 011129-61-6 63,750

72 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 61,762

73 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 59,853

74 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 58,946

75 Silicagel 063231-67-4 56,931

76 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 56,487

77 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 54,252

78 Cyclohexanol 000108-93-0 54,116

79 Aluminium 007429-90-5 53,472

80 Nickel sulfate 007786-81-4 53,160

81 Iron disulfide 012068-85-8 52,128

82 Kaolin, calcined 092704-41-1 51,401

83 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 50,170

84 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 49,794

85 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 48,090

86 Dibutylcarbamodithioic acid sodium salt 000136-30-1 47,300

87 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 47,275

88 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 45,195

89 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 43,421

90 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 42,662

91 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 42,161

92Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol],

4-(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenyl ester111211-39-3 41,161

93 Tallow 061789-97-7 40,380

94 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 38,733

95 Starch 009005-25-8 38,404

96 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane 000431-89-0 36,937

97 1-Cyanoguanidine 000461-58-5 35,849

98 Barium carbonate 000513-77-9 35,836

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99 Oxybis(1-methylethylene)tetraphenyl diphosphite 080584-85-6 35,380

100 Glycerol 000056-81-5 34,855

101 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 34,584

102 Nickel monoxide 001313-99-1 34,578

103 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 34,418

104 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 33,944

105 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 32,411

106 Alcohols, (C=8-10)-iso-, (C=9)-rich 068526-84-1 32,076

107 Gilsonite 012002-43-6 32,000

108 5-Ethylidene 2-norbornene 016219-75-3 31,629

109 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 30,920

110 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 30,797

111 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 30,325

112 Gas oils (petroleum), steam-cracked 068527-18-4 29,788

113 Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 29,657

114 Zinc 007440-66-6 29,651

115 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 29,267

116 Strontium carbonate 001633-05-2 29,142

117 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 28,065

118 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 28,024

119 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 27,829

120 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 27,345

121 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 27,070

122 Bis(diethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')zinc 014324-55-1 26,600

123 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 26,568

124 Carbon 007440-44-0 25,658

125 Zinc dross 069011-50-3 25,537

126 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 25,164

127 Ethylene trichloride 000079-01-6 23,646

128 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 23,637

129 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 23,096

130 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 22,881

131 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 22,791

132 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] 000079-94-7 22,247

133 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 21,791

134 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 21,690

135 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 21,282

136 Kaolin 001332-58-7 20,748

137 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 20,593

138 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 20,501

139 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hexanediyl] 032131-17-2 20,363

140 Zinc sulfate 007733-02-0 20,000

141 Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate 007757-93-9 20,000

142 Butanoic acid, 4-(methylthio)-, ethyl ester 022014-48-8 19,522

143 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 19,330

144 Cellulose, acetate 009004-35-7 19,327

145 Creosote 008001-58-9 19,095

146Carbonic dichloride polymer with

4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]025971-63-5 18,487

147 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 18,406

148 Cellulose 009004-34-6 18,345

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- 130 -

149 Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-benzenedimethanamine 025718-70-1 18,320

150 1-Naphthalenesulfonic acid sodium salt 000130-14-3 18,000

151 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 17,506

152 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 16,928

153 Diammonium phosphate sulfate 012593-60-1 16,692

154 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 16,029

155 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 15,557

156 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 15,411

157 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 15,099

158 Dammar 009000-16-2 15,000

159 Cobalt sulfate 010124-43-3 15,000

160 Hexadecanoic acid 000057-10-3 14,908

161 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 14,729

162 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 14,289

163 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 13,969

164 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 13,943

165 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic 064742-52-5 13,884


hom opolymer025085-99-8 13,815

167 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 13,451

168 Carbon black 001333-86-4 12,852

169 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 000149-57-5 12,800

170 Kerosine 008008-20-6 12,422

171 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 12,249

172 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 12,021

173 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 12,002

174 Pyrophyllite 012269-78-2 12,000

1751,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic

acid, 1,6-hexanediamine and hexanedioic acid027135-32-6 12,000

176 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 11,746

177 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 10,975

1784,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with

1,1'-sulfonylbis[4-chlorobenzene]025154-01-2 10,890

179 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 10,880

180 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 10,720

181 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 10,565

182 N-Phenylbenzenamine 000122-39-4 10,451

183 Lead sulfide 001314-87-0 10,426

184 Nonanol 028473-21-4 10,269

185 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 10,214

186 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 10,183

187 Diammonium peroxodisulfate 007727-54-0 10,000

188 C.I. pigment blue 029 057455-37-5 10,000

189 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester 026761-40-0 9,868

190 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 9,816

191 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl 2-propenoate 009011-87-4 9,684

192 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 9,334

193 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 9,128

194 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 9,006

195 Melamine 000108-78-1 9,005

196 Zinc peroxide (ZnO2) 001314-22-3 8,981

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197 Calcium Chloride 010035-04-8 8,948

198 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 8,929

199 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 8,901

200 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 8,717

201 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 8,480

202 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 8,478

203 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 8,454

204 1,1-Difluoroethene homopolymer 024937-79-9 8,400

205 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 8,222

206 Dimethyl isophthalate 001459-93-4 8,000

207 Lithium fluoride (LiF) 007789-24-4 8,000

208 Sulfur homopolymer 009035-99-8 7,804

209 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene 009010-85-9 7,755

210 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 7,686

211 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 7,636

212 1-Octene 000111-66-0 7,544

213 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 7,511

214 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester 004500-01-0 7,471

215 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 7,421

216 Alkenes, (C>10) α- 064743-02-8 7,399

217 Polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl pyrrolidone 063148-65-2 7,389

218 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 7,381

219 m-xylene 000108-38-3 7,327

220 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 7,231

221 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 7,220

222 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 7,210

223 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 7,150

224 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 6,980

225 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 6,975

226 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 6,789

227 2(3H)-Benzothiazolethione zinc salt 000155-04-4 6,600

228 2-Propenoic acid polymer with ammonium 2-propenoate 009079-94-1 6,579

229 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 6,513

230 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 6,375

231 2,2'-Methylene bis[6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol] 000119-47-1 6,300

232 1-Dodecanol 000112-53-8 6,240

233 Andalusite (Al2O(SiO4)) 012183-80-1 6,229

234 Methylbenzotriazole 029385-43-1 6,013

235 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 6,000

236 Naphthalenesulfonic acid polymer with formaldehyde ammonium salt 009069-80-1 6,000

237 Coke (coal) 065996-77-2 6,000

238 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 5,959

239 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene, brominated 068441-14-5 5,941

240 Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1) 068937-41-7 5,865

241 1-Hexene 000592-41-6 5,856

242 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 5,831

243 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 5,787

244 Ammonium fluoride 012125-01-8 5,756

245 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 5,733

246 Acetic anhydride 000108-24-7 5,658

247 Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom. 067891-79-6 5,627

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248 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025034-86-0 5,616

249 [2-(Acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride 044992-01-0 5,570

250 Antimony 007440-36-0 5,568

251 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 5,518

252 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 5,499

253 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 5,488

254 Sodium chlorate 007775-09-9 5,440

255 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 5,404

256 Sodium lignosulfonate 008061-51-6 5,315

257 Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous 001330-43-4 5,262

258 Isodecanol 025339-17-7 5,209

259 Chloroethane 000075-00-3 5,161

260 Lignin 009005-53-2 5,088

261 Rutile(TiO2) 001317-80-2 5,081

262 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 5,020

263 N-(2-Methylphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide 000093-68-5 5,000

264 Triphenylethylphosphonium bromide 001530-32-1 5,000

265 Sodium hydrogensulphide 016721-80-5 4,992

266 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 4,983

267 Tetrachloroethene 000127-18-4 4,940

268 Chlorinated ethene homopolymer 064754-90-1 4,931

269 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene 000088-73-3 4,886

270 5-Ethylidene bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene polymer with ethene and 1-propene 025038-36-2 4,817

271 Magnesium oxide (MgO), solid soln. with tungsten oxide (WO3) 075535-38-5 4,803

2724,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methyl

ethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]025036-25-3 4,599

273 C.I. pigment green 007 001328-53-6 4,590

274 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 4,566

275 Stearic acid, ester with decanol 085204-42-8 4,562

276 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 4,516

277 (Z)-13-Docosenoic acid 000112-86-7 4,496

278 Phenol 000108-95-2 4,423

279 Formaldehyde, polymer with benzenamine, maleated, cyclized 067784-74-1 4,322

280 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 4,220

281 Soaps, stocks, (C=16-18) and (C=18)-unsatd. alkyl 068918-38-7 4,215

282 White phosphorus 012185-10-3 4,180

283 Cashew, nutshell liq. polymer with ethylenediamine and formaldehyde 068413-28-5 4,164

284 Formic acid 000064-18-6 4,068

285 Benzoyl chloride 000098-88-4 4,015

286 Paraffin waxes (petroleum), low-melting 092045-74-4 3,932

287 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl group-terminated 068083-19-2 3,907

288 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 3,893

289 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 000118-79-6 3,861

290 Asphalt 008052-42-4 3,861

291 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 3,814

292 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 3,802

293 3-Ethoxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000763-69-9 3,792

294 Monochlorodifluoromethane 000075-45-6 3,776

295 Manganese alloy 012743-28-1 3,775

296 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride 001910-42-5 3,708

297 2,4,4-Trimethylpentene 025167-70-8 3,700

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298 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 3,696

299 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 3,695

300 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene, chlorinated 068081-82-3 3,679

301 Starch, oxidized 065996-62-5 3,678

302 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 3,666

303 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 3,649

304 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 3,569

305 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic 064742-53-6 3,530

306 Tricobalt tetraoxide 001308-06-1 3,512

307 Phosphoric acid magnesium salt 010043-83-1 3,500

308 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025213-39-2 3,481

309 Oxalic acid dihydrate 006153-56-6 3,474

310 Dolomite 016389-88-1 3,446

311 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 3,406

312 Graphite 007782-42-5 3,396

313 Lignosulfonic acid magnesium salt 008061-54-9 3,270

314 Nickel 007440-02-0 3,254

315 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester 000097-88-1 3,221

316 2,6-Dimethylphenol homopolymer 025134-01-4 3,151

317 Dichromium trioxide 001308-38-9 3,126

318 1-Decene, homopolymer, hydrogenated 068037-01-4 3,121

319 Alumina cement, chemicals 065997-16-2 3,099

320 Dicopper oxide 001317-39-1 3,075

321 (1-Methylethenyl)benzene 000098-83-9 3,031

322 Benzoic acid 000065-85-0 3,012

323 N-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarboxamide 000092-78-4 3,000

324 C.I. disperse green 009 071872-50-9 3,000

325 Slack wax(petroleum) 064742-61-6 2,998

326Carbonic acid diphenyl ester polymer with

4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]025929-04-8 2,954

327 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 2,948

328 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 2,917

329 Light naphthenic distillate (petroleum) 064741-52-2 2,871

330 Chlorinated paraffin 063449-39-8 2,853

331 Sodium sulfide 001313-82-2 2,839

332 1-Octadecanol 000112-92-5 2,804

333 Magnesium 007439-95-4 2,788

334 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl)ester 000094-28-0 2,769

335 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Nonafluoro-1-butanesulfonic acid potassium salt 029420-49-3 2,758

336 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000111-90-0 2,757

337 Chloroacetyl chloride 000079-04-9 2,680

338 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me vinyl, vinyl group-terminated 068083-18-1 2,676

339 Kieselguhr, soda ash flux-calcined 068855-54-9 2,672

340 Neodecanoic acid 026896-20-8 2,657

341 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 2,639

342 Phosphorus trichloride 007719-12-2 2,625

343 1-Aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 000056-86-0 2,592

344 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester polymer with 1,3-propanediol 036619-23-5 2,572

345 Sodium nitrate 007631-99-4 2,533

346 2-[(4-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethanol] hydrogensulfate (ester) 002494-89-5 2,525

347 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 2,516

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348 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 2,506

349 Phosphorus 007723-14-0 2,471

350 Methylated 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, formaldehyde polymer 068002-20-0 2,453

351 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 2,442

352 Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic 064741-96-4 2,433

353 Benzaldehyde 000100-52-7 2,420

354 Molybdenum 007439-98-7 2,416

355 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic 064741-88-4 2,402

356 Pulp, cellulose 065996-61-4 2,385

357 1,3-Benzenediol 000108-46-3 2,328

358 Calcium carbonate tall-oil fatty acid complexes 068512-12-9 2,323

359 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 2,246

360 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 2,243

361 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025153-46-2 2,220

362 Acetone 000067-64-1 2,219

363 Carbon sulfide 000075-15-0 2,209

364 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-butanediol 030965-26-5 2,177

365 4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid monosodium salt 000130-13-2 2,150

366 Tetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide 000126-33-0 2,071

367 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 2,035

368 Fatty acids, (C=16-18) 067701-03-5 2,025

369 Alkenes, (C=14-18) α- 068855-59-4 2,021

370 5-Nitro-2-thiazolamine 000121-66-4 2,000

371 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-butandiol 026062-94-2 1,973

372 Sodium borosilicate 050815-87-7 1,911

373 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 1,895

374 1,1'-Oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene] 001163-19-5 1,890

375 1-Octanol 000111-87-5 1,884

376 calcium borate 001318-33-8 1,880

377 Aniline 000062-53-3 1,871

378 Starch, acetate 009045-28-7 1,870

379 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 1,830

380 Dialuminium calcium tetraoxide 012042-68-1 1,813

381 Copper monoxide 001317-38-0 1,808

382 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 1,767

383α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] polymer with

1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene]009048-57-1 1,764

384 Sodium thiosulfate 007772-98-7 1,756

385 Diboron trioxide 001303-86-2 1,753

386 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 1,722

387 Calcium acetylide 000075-20-7 1,710

388 Borax 001303-96-4 1,699

389 Neon 007440-01-9 1,697

390 2-Methoxypropyl acetate 070657-70-4 1,673

391 Lithium carbonate 000554-13-2 1,670

392 Acetonitrile 000075-05-8 1,639

393 N,N'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 000112-24-3 1,637

394 Isononanoic acid 026896-18-4 1,632

395 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 1,632

396 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 1,631

397 Alcohols, (C=12-16) 068855-56-1 1,622

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398 Hexamethylene diisocyanate 000822-06-0 1,606

399 Styrenated α-phenyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 104376-75-2 1,600

400 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 1,562

401 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 1,559

402α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with

β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside009049-71-2 1,542

403 Neodymium oxide 001313-97-9 1,541

404 1,1-Hydrazoformamide 000110-21-4 1,528

405 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 1,504

406 Tung oil 008001-20-5 1,503

407 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 1,502


)-3-oxo-butanamide]005468-75-7 1,500

409 Monoisopropanolamine 000078-96-6 1,495

410 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 1,485

411 Bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) 005945-33-5 1,480

412 N-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-31-8 1,480

413 Branched 4-nonylphenol 084852-15-3 1,459

414 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 000811-97-2 1,443

415 C.I. pigment violet 027 012237-62-6 1,441

416 Poly(1-butene) 009003-28-5 1,427

417 Boronatrocalcite 001319-33-1 1,418

4182-Butenedioic acid (E)-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene,

ethenylbenzene, 2-propenenitrile and 2-propenoic acid208448-02-6 1,376

419 Kyanite 001302-76-7 1,370

420 Aluminosilicate (Mullite) 001302-93-8 1,369

421 Calcium disilicide 012013-56-8 1,349

422 Manganese sulfate 010124-55-7 1,346

423 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 1,320

424 Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy naphthenic 064742-34-3 1,315

425 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 1,300

426 DISPERSE RED 012223-37-9 1,300

427 Castor oil 008001-79-4 1,298


429 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 1,283

430 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 1,263

431 Sodium dichromate 010588-01-9 1,251

432 Zirconium oxide 053801-45-9 1,227

433Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol],

4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester103598-77-2 1,225

434 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 053894-23-8 1,220

435 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid monosodium salt 005460-09-3 1,206

436 Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), chromium-doped 099328-47-9 1,200

437 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil 061788-66-7 1,197

438 Fatty acids, palm-oil, sodium salts 061790-79-2 1,196

439 Sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1), monohydrate 007446-19-7 1,176

440 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 007791-18-6 1,166

4412-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenyl acetate

and 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoate026794-25-2 1,162

442 1,1-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene) 084852-53-9 1,160

443 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000097-64-3 1,140

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444 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,134

445 Polyphosphoric acids ammonium salts 068333-79-9 1,121

446 Zeolites 001318-02-1 1,120

447 di-calcium hexaborate pentahydrate(콜 마나이트) 012291-65-5 1,120

448 Diphenylisooctyl phosphite 026401-27-4 1,120

449 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 1,111

450 C.I. reactive yellow 145 093050-80-7 1,111

451 Magnesium sulfate (1:1) 007487-88-9 1,110

452 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 000071-55-6 1,108

453 2-Propenoic acid polymer with butyl 2-propenoate and ethenylbenzene 025586-20-3 1,108

454 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 1,106

455Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=24-50), solvent-extd., dewaxed,

hydrogenated101316-72-7 1,103

456 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 1,094

457 Iron trinitrate 010421-48-4 1,083

458 Octadecanoic acid monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol 031566-31-1 1,080

459 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 1,070

460 Barium nitrate 010022-31-8 1,066

461 Tall oil, fatty acids 061790-12-3 1,065

462 Dipropylene glycol 025265-71-8 1,063

463 Trisilicon tetranitride 012033-89-5 1,062

464 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 1,060


466 Nickel oxide 011099-02-8 1,052

467 Sodium hyposulfite 007775-14-6 1,040

468 Alcohols, (C=10-16) 067762-41-8 1,040

469 N-Phenylmaleimide·styrene·maleic anhydride copolymer 095877-36-4 1,036

470 Triphenyl phosphate 000115-86-6 1,035

471 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 1,028

472 Magnesium titanate 012032-30-3 1,023

473 1,2-Ethanediamine 000107-15-3 1,022

474 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime 022984-54-9 1,016

475 4,4'-Methylenebisbenzenamine compd. with sodium chloride (NaCl) (3:1) 021646-20-8 1,008

계 187,186,890

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1,000톤 이상

화학물질 수출량 순

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순 화학물질명 CAS번호 수출량(톤)

1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 8,511,566

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 7,652,163

3 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 4,630,634

4 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 3,662,044

5 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,967,970

6 Naphtha 008030-30-6 2,748,981

7 Kerosine 008008-20-6 2,549,587

8 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 2,183,899

9 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 1,847,688

10 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1,520,053

11 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 1,292,887

12 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,167,947

13 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 996,367

14 Xylene 001330-20-7 826,360

15 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 790,688

16 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 721,990

17 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 717,832

18 Toluene 000108-88-3 709,424

19 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 671,215

20 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 552,330

21 Copper 007440-50-8 431,031

22 1-Propene 000115-07-1 394,364

23 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 366,089

24 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 363,685

25 Zinc 007440-66-6 359,556

26 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 337,234

27 Ethylene 000074-85-1 331,075

28 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 270,750

29 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 256,376

30 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 231,302

31 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 224,843

32 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 222,621

33 Asphalt 008052-42-4 216,815

34 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 202,583

35 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 201,859

36 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 200,698

37 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 172,427

38 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 171,645

39 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 167,918

40 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 154,835

41 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 143,920

42 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 141,024

43 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 139,650

44 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 133,812

45 Phenol 000108-95-2 130,195

46 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 123,818

47 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 115,825

48 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 109,578

1000톤 이상 화학물질 수출량 순

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49 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 106,259

50 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 103,676

511,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanoland 1,2-ethanediol

025038-91-9 102,905

52 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 100,012

53 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 99,743

54 Acetone 000067-64-1 94,702

55 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 89,511

56 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 86,948

57 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 81,939

58 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 79,663

59 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 78,734

60 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 73,313

61 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 66,598

62 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 64,832

63 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 59,080

64 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 58,881

65 1,3,5-Trioxane polymer with oxirane 024969-25-3 57,030

66 Lead 007439-92-1 56,619

67 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 55,494

68 Coke (petroleum) 064741-79-3 55,365

69 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 52,518

70 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 51,241

71 Carbon black 001333-86-4 49,496

72 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 49,343

73 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 47,827

74 Manganese 007439-96-5 47,277

75 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 46,238

76 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 44,196

77 Butane 000106-97-8 42,075

78 1,3-Diisocyanato-2-methylbenzene 000091-08-7 41,949

79 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 41,685

80 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 41,492

81 Polybutylene 009003-29-6 39,378

82 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 39,344

83 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 38,207

84 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 38,156

85 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-18-3 38,029

86 Propylene, Ethylene copolymer 069191-21-5 37,060

87 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 36,391

88 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 34,231

89 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 33,658

90 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 33,307

91 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 33,080

92 Tetradecane 000629-59-4 32,607

93 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 32,459

94 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 31,872

95 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 31,698

96 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 31,675

97 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 31,188

98 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 009082-00-2 30,837

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99 Zeolites 001318-02-1 30,049

1001,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol

025640-14-6 29,600

101 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 26,421

102 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 25,770

103 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 25,386

104 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic 064742-52-5 24,719

1052-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene and methyloxiranepolymer with oxirane ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1)

057913-80-1 24,582

1064,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]

025036-25-3 24,342

107 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 23,209

108 Decane 000124-18-5 22,367

109 1,3,5-Trioxane, polymer with 1,3-dioxolane 024969-26-4 22,232

110 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 21,950

111 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt 036290-04-7 21,323

112 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 20,125

113 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 19,999

114 1-Butene 000106-98-9 19,896

115 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 19,829

116 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hexanediyl] 032131-17-2 19,805

117 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 19,455

118 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 18,549

119 Benzenesulfonic acid alkyl(C=10-16) derivs. 068584-22-5 18,337

120 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 17,735

121 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 17,602

122 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 17,264

123 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 16,012

124 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 15,736

125 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 15,636

126 Cellulose, hydrogen 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ether 009050-31-1 15,622

127 Dimethyl terephthalate-ethylene glycol-polyethylene glycol copolymer 009037-98-3 15,118

128 3-Chloro-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride 003327-22-8 14,996

129α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether withβ-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside

009049-71-2 14,975

130 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 14,957

131 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 14,885

1322-propenofc acid. polymer with sodium 2-propenoate, Acrylic acid,polymer with sodium acrylate

009033-79-8 14,732

133 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 14,701

134 Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 14,382

135 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 14,192

136 Methanol 000067-56-1 14,166

137 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 13,652

138 Formic acid 000064-18-6 13,620

139 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 13,613

1402-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with 1,3-butadiene,ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile

009010-94-0 13,477

141 Potassium sulfate 007778-80-5 12,938

142 Iron 007439-89-6 12,091

143 2-Propenoic acid methyl ester 000096-33-3 11,421

144 Dipotassium oxide 012136-45-7 11,410

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145 Hydrogenated hydrocarbons (C=6-20) polymers 069430-35-9 11,222

146Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized, polymers,hydrogenated

068132-00-3 10,802

147 Aluminium 007429-90-5 10,768

148 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 10,712

1492-Butenedioic acid (E)-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene,2-propenenitrile and 2-propenoic acid

208448-02-6 10,152

150 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 9,779

151 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 9,345

152 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 9,332

153Methyl 2-methlyl-2-propenoate polymer with ethenylbenzene and2-propenenitrile

025213-88-1 9,087

154 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester 003319-31-1 8,909

155Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol and4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol

030940-67-1 8,362

156 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 8,136

157 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 8,129

158 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 7,960

159 Pentane 000109-66-0 7,959

160 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 6,940

161 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 6,720

162 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 6,645

163 m-xylene 000108-38-3 6,551

164 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 6,500

165 Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 025214-18-0 6,206

166 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1) 031570-04-4 6,139

167 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester 000084-74-2 6,060

168 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 5,951

169 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 5,839

170 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 5,802

171 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 5,801

172 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 5,570

173 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 5,480

174 Mica-group minerals 012001-26-2 5,443

1753,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 2,2-bis[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediylester

006683-19-8 5,434

176 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 5,427

177 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 5,333

178 Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 025085-50-1 5,327

179 Tetrahydrofuran 000109-99-9 5,323

180 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 5,317

181 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 5,236

182 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 5,186

183 1,3-Isobenzofurandione polymer with 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 032472-85-8 5,140

184 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 5,131

185 Ethanol 000064-17-5 5,106

186 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 4,955

187 Morpholine, benzoate 026021-56-7 4,910

188 Tetramethylammonium chloride 000075-57-0 4,831

1892-Propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene and2-propenenitrile

026299-47-8 4,823

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190 Cobalt lithium dioxide 012190-79-3 4,462

191Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed triesters with benzoic acid andtrimethylolpropane

610787-76-3 4,153

192 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 4,145

193 Isoprene 000078-79-5 4,142

194 Starch 009005-25-8 4,140

195 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 4,098

196 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 4,088

197 Refractory ceramic fibers 142844-00-6 3,989

198 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 3,949

199 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 3,882

200Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with ethylenediamine,sebacic acid and stearic acid

068911-24-0 3,868

201 Poly-4, 4'-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate 024936-68-3 3,856

202 Dimethylamine 000124-40-3 3,763

203 Copper cyanide 000544-92-3 3,713

204 Isobutanol 000078-83-1 3,627

205 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 3,624

206 (Z)-13-Docosenamide 000112-84-5 3,617

207 Melamine 000108-78-1 3,506

208Methylenebutanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenoic acid

026102-56-7 3,463

209 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 3,452

210 3-Ethoxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000763-69-9 3,451

211 Polyol-dibasic acids unsaturated polyester KE-28957 3,416

212 Strontium ferrate (Fe12O192-) (1:1) 012023-91-5 3,337

213 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 3,327

214 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl 2-propenoate 009011-87-4 3,306

215 Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025971-63-5 3,302

216 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 3,275


218 4-Aminotoluene-3-sulfonic acid 000088-44-8 3,200

219 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 3,168

220 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 3,153

221 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 3,130

222 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 3,121

223 Ethylene trichloride 000079-01-6 3,092

224 Sodium chlorite 007758-19-2 3,050

225 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 3,005

226 α-(2-Aminomethylethyl)-ω-(2-aminomethylethoxy)poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 009046-10-0 2,978

227 3,3'-Dichloro(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine dihydrochloride 000612-83-9 2,961

228 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 2,836

229 o-Toluenesulfonamide 000088-19-7 2,834

230 2-Oxepanone polymer with 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene] 026761-25-1 2,764

231Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed diesters with benzoic acid andneopentyl glycol

610787-77-4 2,672

232 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms 068515-32-2 2,671

233 2-Propenoic acid homopolymer sodium salt 009003-04-7 2,643

234 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 2,635

235 Cadimium 007440-43-9 2,601

236 NON-AROMATIC 020582-85-8 2,585

237 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene 000088-72-2 2,583

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238Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol],4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 2,515

239 2,3-Dimethylbutane 000079-29-8 2,456


241 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 000556-67-2 2,387

242 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 2,340

243 Copper monochloride 007758-89-6 2,333

244 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 2,306

245 N,N-Diethylethanamine 000121-44-8 2,301

246 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 2,172

247Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products withtriethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 2,105

248 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 2,100

2491,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with dimethyl1,4-benzenedicarboxylate, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,2-ethanediol and2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol

068864-91-5 2,100

250 Ethyl hydrogen adipate 000626-86-8 2,097

251 Hexanedioic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000103-23-1 2,071

252N,N-Dimethyl-N-2-propenyl-2-propen-1-aminium chloride polymer with2-propenamide

026590-05-6 2,036

253Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers reaction products withpolyethylenepolyamines

068410-23-1 2,035

254 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone 000119-53-9 2,027

255 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025153-46-2 2,014

256 Carbonochloridic acid methyl ester 000079-22-1 1,996

257 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-1,3-isobenzofurandione 000085-43-8 1,991

258(E)-2-Butenedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and2-propenoic acid

026007-18-1 1,980

259α-Hydro-ω-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) ether with2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (3:1)

028961-43-5 1,964

260 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic 064742-53-6 1,964

261 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester 026761-40-0 1,941

262 Tridecane 000629-50-5 1,938

263 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 1,933

264 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 001717-00-6 1,932

265 Choline chloride 000067-48-1 1,915

266 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 1,894

267 Biphenyl-4,4'-diol 000092-88-6 1,852

268 Oxalic acid dihydrate 006153-56-6 1,847

269 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 1,816

270 Silicon 007440-21-3 1,807

271 Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle 064742-80-9 1,795

272 Neodecanoyl chloride 040292-82-8 1,783

273 Dibutyltin oxide 000818-08-6 1,774

274 Saccharin sodium dihydrate 006155-57-3 1,768

275 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 1,728

276 Tetrahydrophthalic acid ester anhydride KE-33499 1,681

277 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, glycerol, octylphenol and polymd. rosin 070955-45-2 1,665

278 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 1,655

2792-Methyl-2-Propenoic acid, polymer with α-(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propenyl)-ω-methoxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), sodium salt

097105-14-1 1,628

280 N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-33-0 1,607

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281 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 1,603

282 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 1,602

283 Silicic acid aluminium sodium salt 001344-00-9 1,584

284 Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=20-50) hydrotreated neutral oil-based 072623-87-1 1,568

285 3,5,5-Trimethyl hexanoyl chloride 036727-29-4 1,551

286 C.I. pigment yellow 034 001344-37-2 1,533

287 Acrylamide-acrylic acid copolymer 009003-06-9 1,512

288 (Z)-9-Octadecenamide 000301-02-0 1,490

289 trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid 000110-17-8 1,478

290 Difluoromethane(HFC-32) 000075-10-5 1,424

291 2,2′-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide 000120-78-5 1,413

292 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 1,400

293 Proprietary carboxylated styrene polymer 118948-85-9 1,381

2941,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid,2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanedioland hexanedioic acid

052247-59-3 1,348

295 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 1,323

296 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 1,302

297 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt 000064-02-8 1,279

298 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 1,258

299 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 1,229

300 Formic acid methyl ester 000107-31-3 1,218

301 Methyl acetate 000079-20-9 1,200

302 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 1,200

303 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol 000105-08-8 1,192

304 Coumarone indene resins 063393-89-5 1,184

305 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol 000140-66-9 1,181

306 Propane 000074-98-6 1,181

307 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 1,139

308 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester 002082-79-3 1,139

309 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,127

310 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and tall-oil rosin 068648-55-5 1,112

311 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 1,110

312 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-butanediol 030965-26-5 1,095

313 C.I. fluorescent brightener 220 016470-24-9 1,084

314 Hydrazine hydrate 007803-57-8 1,061

315 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 1,058

316 Ethene homopolymer, oxidized 068441-17-8 1,055

317 Sodium oxide 001313-59-3 1,037

318 Benzoyl peroxide 000094-36-0 1,034

319 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethyl-2-[[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester 015625-89-5 1,021

320 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 1,018

321 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 1,018

322 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 1,010

323 Benzene, mono-C12-13-branched alkyl derivs., fractionation bottoms 151911-58-9 1,010

324 C.I. reactive yellow 145 093050-80-7 1,004

325 Tetrachloroethene 000127-18-4 1,000

계 57,242,960

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1,000톤 이상

화학물질 사용량 순

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순 화학물질명 CAS번호 사용량(톤)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 116,863,439

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 30,360,664

3 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,419,613

4 Benzene 000071-43-2 9,515,207

5 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 8,773,034

6 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 6,683,354

7 Oxygen 007782-44-7 6,422,637

8 Ethylene 000074-85-1 6,368,560

9 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956

10 1-Propene 000115-07-1 4,774,915

11 Limestone 001317-65-3 4,271,538

12 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 3,952,783

13 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 3,697,798

14 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 3,341,455

15 Methane 000074-82-8 3,250,566

16 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 3,106,112

17 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 2,943,735

18 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 2,827,655

19 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 2,604,124

20 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,519,326

21 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 2,505,413

22 Natural gas 008006-14-2 2,337,459

23 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run 064741-42-0 2,068,053

24 Toluene 000108-88-3 2,025,101

25 Butane 000106-97-8 2,011,788

26 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,922,345

27 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,894,188

28 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 1,865,386

29 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 1,861,347

30 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 1,817,579

31 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 1,814,003

32 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,813,317

33 Chlorine 007782-50-5 1,665,514

34 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 1,646,612

35 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,596,177

36 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 1,588,019

37 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,578,323

38 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,489,620

39 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,397,354

40 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 1,334,726

41 Methanol 000067-56-1 1,303,290

42 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 1,275,401

43 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 1,245,577

44 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,175,435

45 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,150,536

46 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 1,149,998

47 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 1,145,474

48 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,102,033

1,000톤 이상 화학물질 사용량 순

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49 Argon 007440-37-1 1,057,291

50 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 1,040,431

51 Kerosine 008008-20-6 1,039,446

52 Copper 007440-50-8 1,007,036

53 Propane 000074-98-6 1,004,697

54 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 1,000,731

55 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 986,663

56 Ammonia 007664-41-7 950,425

57 1-Butene 000106-98-9 946,225

58 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt 036290-04-7 937,328

59 Ozone 010028-15-6 925,056

60 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 875,357

61 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 872,150

62 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 870,392

63 Sodium lignosulfonate 008061-51-6 843,873

64 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 841,026

65 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 814,197

66 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 795,154

67 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed 064741-68-0 771,542

68 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 771,265

69 Sodium D-gluconate 000527-07-1 766,132

70 Alcohols, (C=12-20) ethoxylated propoxylated 068526-95-4 754,812

71 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 723,363

72 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 706,396

73 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 705,836

74 Calcium oxide (CaO), reaction products with silica and vermiculite 072479-90-4 702,073

75 Butanal 000123-72-8 656,835

76 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 643,016

77 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 639,373

78 (1-Methylethyl)benzene 000098-82-8 633,230

79 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 627,021

80 Phosgene 000075-44-5 593,067

81 Iron 007439-89-6 555,962

82 Calcium oxide (CaO), solid soln. with hafnium oxide (HfO2) 071243-76-0 549,294

83 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 529,079

84 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 524,128

85 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 513,649

86 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 495,014

87 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 492,943

88 Aluminium 007429-90-5 490,430

89 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 485,187

90 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 456,540

91 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 449,486

92 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 441,730

93 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 423,605

94 Carbon black 001333-86-4 409,506

95 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 406,967

96 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 404,715

97 Phenol 000108-95-2 393,561

98 Silicon 007440-21-3 393,462

99 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 390,418

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100 Melamine 000108-78-1 389,861

101 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 375,691

102 4-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid 000121-57-3 369,513

103 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 365,521

104 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 355,251

105 Urea 000057-13-6 315,014

106 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 307,920

107 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 305,424

108 Zinc 007440-66-6 304,438

109 Dolomite 016389-88-1 303,197

110 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 300,974

111 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 298,695

112 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 291,621

113 Glass, oxide, calcium magnesium potassium sodium phosphosilicate 094551-67-4 291,424

114 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 288,504

115 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 280,469

116 Carbon 007440-44-0 279,554

117 Lead 007439-92-1 274,862

118 Fuming sulphuric acid 008014-95-7 273,082

119 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 271,979

120 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 266,738

121 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 264,703

122 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 263,650

123 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 260,218

124 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 258,480

125 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 256,316

1261,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylicacid and 1,2-ethanediol

024938-04-3 254,716

127 Pulp, cellulose 065996-61-4 254,264

128 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-3 251,672

129 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 249,475

130 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 248,094

131 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 247,121

132 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 246,722

133 Distillates (coal tar), upper 065996-91-0 242,639

134 Magnesium hydroxide 001309-42-8 240,299

135 Acetone 000067-64-1 225,799

136 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 224,212

137 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 221,480

138 4,4'-Methylenedianiline 000101-77-9 212,045

139 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 209,977

140 Aniline 000062-53-3 204,766

141 Creosote 008001-58-9 201,302

142 Carbonic acid ammonium salt 010361-29-2 201,175

143 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 195,755

144 Methyldinitrobenzene 025321-14-6 193,834

145 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 189,304

146 Ethanol 000064-17-5 187,972

147 Glycerol 000056-81-5 187,015

148 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 185,658

149 Paraffins (petroleum), normal (C=5-20) 064771-72-8 183,673

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150 Hydroxylamine 007803-49-8 181,073

151 Butanoic acid, 4-(methylthio)-, ethyl ester 022014-48-8 173,397

152 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 173,077

153 Corundum (Al2O3) 001302-74-5 155,949

154 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 154,815

155 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 154,410

156 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000121-91-5 153,495

157 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-49-0 153,038

158 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 150,347

159 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 140,282

160 Kaolin 001332-58-7 138,697

161 2-Butene 000107-01-7 137,646

162 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 137,546

163 4-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000095-80-7 135,055

164 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 000121-14-2 132,369

165 Silver 007440-22-4 131,571

166 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 126,162

167 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 125,597

168 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 120,570

169 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 119,644

170 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 118,919

171 C.I. disperse yellow 114 061968-66-9 117,064

172 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 116,605

173 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 114,777

174 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 114,265

175 Oxirane 000075-21-8 112,918

176 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 111,590

177 Pyrophyllite 012269-78-2 111,224

178 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 111,205

179 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000097-64-3 110,208

180 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene homopolymer 009003-31-0 104,481

181 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 104,217

182 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 103,863

183 Ethane 000074-84-0 102,406

184 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 101,225

185 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 100,501

186 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-11) 070693-06-0 98,584

187 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 97,661

188 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 97,496

189 Coke (petroleum), calcined 064743-05-1 96,856

190 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 93,874

191 Magnesium oxide (MgO), solid soln. with tungsten oxide (WO3) 075535-38-5 92,893

192 Trimethyl benzene 025551-13-7 90,588

193 Starch 009005-25-8 89,171

194 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 89,171

195 Distillates (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked 064741-61-3 88,849

196 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 86,278

197 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 85,619

198 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 85,091

199 Diethylene glycol dinitrate 000693-21-0 84,641

200 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 82,560

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201 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 81,594

202 Manganese 007439-96-5 79,678

203 Lead sulfite (PbSO3) 007446-10-8 78,641

204 Iron trichloride 007705-08-0 78,230

2054,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with(chloromethyl)oxirane

025068-38-6 77,884

206 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 77,561

207 Aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate 039290-78-3 77,463

208 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 77,033

209 Disamarium tricarbonate 005895-47-6 76,615

210 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 73,465

211 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 73,449

212 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 73,092

213 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 72,844

214 3-Chloro-1-propene 000107-05-1 72,282

215 Isoprene 000078-79-5 72,059

216 Dipotassium oxide 012136-45-7 71,939

217 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 70,289

218 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 68,813

219 Zeolites 001318-02-1 66,391

220 m-xylene 000108-38-3 65,654

221 Tetrahydrofuran 000109-99-9 65,183

222 Manganous silicate 011129-61-6 63,750

223 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 62,820

224 Aromatic hydrocarbons, (C=6-10), (C=8)-rich 090989-41-6 62,258

225 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 61,621

226 Toluene-3,4-diamine 000496-72-0 60,986

227 Chloromethane 000074-87-3 60,502

228 Coke (coal) 065996-77-2 58,054

229Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenyl ester

111211-39-3 56,452

230 Dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid 025321-41-9 56,439

231 Nickel sulfate 007786-81-4 56,160

232 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light 064742-73-0 54,004

233 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, methylated 068071-45-4 53,618

234 2-Methylpropane 000075-28-5 53,338

235 2-Propenoic acid homopolymer sodium salt 009003-04-7 53,020

236 Cyclohexanol 000108-93-0 52,985

237 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 52,333

238 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 52,243

239 Iron carbonate 010290-71-8 52,027

240 Ethyleneglycol monoethyl ether acetate 000111-15-9 50,722

241Calcium oxide (CaO), solid soln. with silica, strontium oxide andzinc oxide, cerium and manganese-doped

101357-05-5 49,619

242 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 48,516

243 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 48,486

244 Zinc dross 069011-50-3 48,212

245 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 48,037

246 Distillates (petroleum), crude oil 068410-00-4 47,943

247 Methyl cyclopentane 000096-37-7 47,813

248 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine 002687-25-4 47,706

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249 Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 47,451

250 Iron disulfide 012068-85-8 47,250

251 2-Chloro-p-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid 000088-51-7 45,840

252 Oils, licorice 097676-23-8 45,806

253 Graphite 007782-42-5 45,741

254 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 45,559

255 Barium carbonate 000513-77-9 45,426

256 Charcoal 016291-96-6 45,121

257 Isobutanal 000078-84-2 45,065

258 Sodium oxide 001313-59-3 45,057

259 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 45,031

260 Dimethylamine 000124-40-3 44,443

261 Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom. 067891-79-6 43,774

262 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 43,663

263 Hydrogen cyanide 000074-90-8 43,368

264 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 43,244

265 Soybean oil 008001-22-7 42,172

266 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 41,951

267 methanol 000087-58-1 41,940

268 Calcium Carbonate 013997-26-7 41,865

269 Strontium carbonate 001633-05-2 41,456

270 Ashes (residues) 068131-74-8 41,076

271 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 009082-00-2 40,483

272 Ammonium nitrite 013446-48-5 39,279

273 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 39,138

274 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester 000120-61-6 38,965

275 Helium 007440-59-7 38,794

276 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 38,106

277 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 38,049

278 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 37,863

279 1,1'-Methylenebis[isocyanatobenzene] 026447-40-5 37,851

280 Tar, coal, low-temp. 065996-90-9 37,356

281 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 37,072

282 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 36,919

2835-Ethylidene bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene polymer with ethene and1-propene

025038-36-2 36,847

284 Magnesium chloride 007786-30-3 36,407

285Styrene, isobutyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate,acrylic acid copolymer

168763-44-8 36,000

286 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 35,929

287 Chemical-000702-79-4 000702-79-4 35,903

288 Silica amorphous, fumed, cryst.-free 112945-52-5 35,821

289 Chemical-013397-24-5 013397-24-5 35,552

290 Gasoline, pyrolysis, debutanizer bottoms 068606-10-0 35,331

291 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 35,043

292 3-Methylpentane 000096-14-0 34,735

293 Tallow 061789-97-7 34,682

294 Nickel monoxide 001313-99-1 34,578

295 Sorbitol 000050-70-4 33,505

2961,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol]

029154-49-2 33,439

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297Carboxylated Emulsion of Modified Styrene-Butadiene Copolymerin Water Solution

070857-13-5 33,366

298 2-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000823-40-5 33,225

299 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 33,202

300 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 33,052

301 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene 009010-85-9 31,985

302 Alcohols, (C=8-10)-iso-, (C=9)-rich 068526-84-1 31,863

303 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hexanediyl] 032131-17-2 31,796

304 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 31,692

305 Citric acid 000077-92-9 31,155

306 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 30,882

307 Feldspar-group minerals 068476-25-5 30,451

308 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 30,300

309 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 29,942

310 3-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-45-1 29,794

311 Starch, oxidized 065996-62-5 29,744

312Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol],4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 29,576

313 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 29,072

314 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 29,047

315 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 28,935

316 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 28,460

317 Asphalt, oxidized 064742-93-4 28,457

318 Benzene, alkyl(C=4-16) derivs. 068648-86-2 28,118

319 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-18-3 27,799

320 5-Ethylidene 2-norbornene 016219-75-3 27,615

321 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 27,416

322 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] 000079-94-7 27,215

323 Coke (petroleum) 064741-79-3 27,054

324 Potassium sulfate 007778-80-5 27,020

325 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 26,724

326 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 26,691

327 Polyurethane substituted polypropylene glycol ethers polybutylene glycol 2000-3-1614 26,630

328 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 26,215

3292-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile

009010-94-0 25,944

330 Chromium 007440-47-3 25,897

331 Hydroxylamine sulfate (salt) 013973-61-0 25,708

332 Acetic anhydride 000108-24-7 25,695

333 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 25,050

334 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 24,511

335 Formic acid methyl ester 000107-31-3 24,180

336 Magnesium sulfate (1:1) 007487-88-9 24,151

337 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 23,894

338 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 23,863

339 Cellulose 009004-34-6 23,699

340 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 23,694

341 Chlorosulfuric acid 007790-94-5 23,589

342 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 22,906

343 Aluminosilicate 001327-36-2 22,745

344 Natural gas, sweetened, liquefied 095046-41-6 22,734

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345Carbonic dichloride polymer with4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]

025971-63-5 22,525

346 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 22,366

347 Polyterpenes KE-29052 22,095

348 Bentonite 001302-78-9 22,072

349 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 21,615

350 Magnesium 007439-95-4 21,519

351 (1-Methylethenyl)benzene 000098-83-9 21,412

352 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dioctyl ester 000117-84-0 21,400

353 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 21,051

354 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 20,003

355 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 19,848

356 Dichromic acid 013530-68-2 19,611

3574,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]

025036-25-3 19,604

358 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 19,563

359 Cellulose, acetate 009004-35-7 19,207

360Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), reaction products with iron oxide(Fe2O3), magnesium hydroxide and silica

068411-12-1 19,071

361 2-Methyl-1,3-dinitrobenzene 000606-20-2 18,868

362 Hexamethylenetetramine 000100-97-0 18,344

363 Zinc oxide (ZnO), calcined 093686-58-9 17,658

364 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 17,486

365 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid tripotassium salt 000866-84-2 17,397

366Methyl 2-methlyl-2-propenoate polymer with ethenylbenzene and2-propenenitrile

025213-88-1 17,374

367 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 17,275

368 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 17,156

369 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 17,040

3704,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with(chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]

026265-08-7 16,887

371Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine

025212-25-3 16,826

372 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 16,791

373 1-Dodecanol 000112-53-8 16,652

374 Diammonium phosphate sulfate 012593-60-1 16,580

375 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine-formaldehyde polymer 009003-08-1 16,274

3762,2'-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bisoxiranehom opolymer

025085-99-8 16,233

377 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 16,009

378Diethenylbenzene polymer with ethenylbenzene andethenylethylbenzene, sulfonated, sodium salts

069011-22-9 15,950

379 Zinc peroxide (ZnO2) 001314-22-3 15,319

380 Trimethylamine hydrochloride 000593-81-7 15,318

381 Indene 000095-13-6 15,118

382 Lead dioxide 001309-60-0 15,032

383 2-Propenoic acid methyl ester 000096-33-3 14,994

384 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride 001910-42-5 14,920

385 Hydrogenated hydrocarbons (C=6-20) polymers 069430-35-9 14,888

386 LUBRICATING OIL,REREFINED 068476-77-7 14,693

387 Stoddard solvent 008052-41-3 14,570

388 trans-Penta-1,3-diene 002004-70-8 14,487

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389 Carbonic acid disodium salt 005968-11-6 14,411

3902-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene and methyloxiranepolymer with oxirane ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1)

057913-80-1 14,356

391 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 14,016

392 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 000149-57-5 13,871

393 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 13,861

394 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 13,848

395 Acetic acid methoxypropyl ester 084540-57-8 13,818

396 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 13,618

397 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester 006386-38-5 13,617

398 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 13,585

399 Distillates (coal), coke oven light oil 068920-61-6 13,520

400 Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated 064742-57-0 13,474

401 Iron Sulfate 007782-63-0 13,376

402 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 13,352

403 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 000095-63-6 13,343

404 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms 068515-32-2 13,270

405 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 13,195

406 Dimethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate 000094-60-0 13,193

407 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 12,954

408 Boric acid 011113-50-1 12,951

409 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 12,877

410 N,N,N-Triethylethanaminium hydroxide 000077-98-5 12,798

411 Cobalt sulfate 010124-43-3 12,778

412 Aluminium sodium dioxide 001302-42-7 12,535

413 Mill scale, ferrous metal 065996-74-9 12,532

414 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 12,472

415 2-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-46-2 12,255

416 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 12,239

417 1,3-Diisocyanato-2-methylbenzene 000091-08-7 12,201

418 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 12,198

419 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 12,185

420 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000111-90-0 12,048

421 EXTENSION OIL 061789-96-6 12,000

422 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 11,919

423 Hexadecanoic acid 000057-10-3 11,914

424 Sodium chlorate 007775-09-9 11,559

425 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 11,363

426 Resin acids and Rosin acids, strontium salts 068152-78-3 11,285

427 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 11,201

428 1,1'-(1,3-Phenylenedicarbonyl)bis(methylaziridine) 007652-64-4 11,143

429 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 11,108

430 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 11,075

431 Sodium hydrogensulphide 016721-80-5 11,030

432 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester 028553-12-0 11,000

433 Polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene glyceryl ether oleate 078041-14-2 10,920

434 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 007697-01-0 10,853

435 1-Hexene 000592-41-6 10,846

436 Tetradecane 000629-59-4 10,796

437 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 10,718

438 N-Phenylbenzenamine 000122-39-4 10,637

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439 Aluminum oxide (Al2O3), solid soln. with lithium oxide, iron-doped 102110-20-3 10,634

440 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic 064742-52-5 10,606

441 Tridecane 000629-50-5 10,589

442 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 10,535

443 Cyclohexane, oxidized, dehydrogenated, distn. lights 097925-94-5 10,485

444 Ethylene-1-hexene copolymer 025213-02-9 10,435

445 Plaster of Paris 026499-65-0 10,293

446 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 10,266

447 Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 10,212

448 Lignosulfonic acid magnesium salt 008061-54-9 10,209

449 Aluminum chloride, hydrate 010124-27-3 10,139

450 Nonanol 028473-21-4 10,032

451 Calcium 007440-70-2 9,947

4522-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl2-propenoate

009011-87-4 9,922

453 Strontium chromate 007789-06-2 9,844

454 Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils 084650-04-4 9,786

455 Sulfur dioxide 007446-09-5 9,742

456 C.I. pigment green 007 001328-53-6 9,738

457 2-Methylcyclohexanone 000583-60-8 9,721

458 Nonane 000111-84-2 9,682

459 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanoic acid methyl ester 002110-78-3 9,580

460 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 9,515

461 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 000075-50-3 9,489

462 Lead sulfide 001314-87-0 9,450

463 (Z)-Penta-1,3-diene 001574-41-0 9,440

464 Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate 007783-28-0 9,304

465 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 9,293

466 trans-Pent-2-ene 000646-04-8 9,146

467 Starch, 2-hydroxy-3-(trimethylammonio)propyl ether, chloride 056780-58-6 9,075

468 3,3'-Thiobispropanoic acid dioctadecyl ester 000693-36-7 9,059

469 Ligroine 008032-32-4 9,013

470Polyurethane made by a cyclohexanediisocyanate-derivative,diglycols and amines

99-3-1274 8,988

471 2-methylnaphthalene 000091-57-6 8,961

472 Bentonite, lime-activated 068333-91-5 8,800

473 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene, chlorinated 068081-82-3 8,773

474 1-Decene, homopolymer, hydrogenated 068037-01-4 8,765

475 Dihydro-2(3H)-furanone 000096-48-0 8,760

476 4-Amino-α,α,4-trimethylcyclohexanemethanamine 000080-52-4 8,647

477 ar-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine polymer with methyloxirane and oxirane 067800-94-6 8,436

478 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester 004500-01-0 8,313

479 Sulfur homopolymer 009035-99-8 8,122

480ar-Ethenyl-N,N,N-trimethylbenzenemethanaminium chloridepolymer with diethenylbenzene

060177-39-1 8,070

481 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 8,053

482 Alumina cement, chemicals 065997-16-2 8,027

4832-Propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene and2-propenenitrile

026299-47-8 8,019

484 Lithium fluoride (LiF) 007789-24-4 8,000

485 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 7,911

486 Neon 007440-01-9 7,743

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487 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 7,662

488 Kaolinite (Al2(Si2O7).2H2O) 001318-74-7 7,603

489 1-Octene 000111-66-0 7,539

490 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and tall-oil rosin 068648-55-5 7,525

491 Polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl pyrrolidone 063148-65-2 7,465

492 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol 000105-08-8 7,411

493 Manganese alloy 012743-28-1 7,378

494 2-Methylbut-2-ene 000513-35-9 7,345

495 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1) 031570-04-4 7,307

496 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 7,283

497 Fatty acids, tall oil, hydrogenated 068605-39-0 7,263

498 1-Pentene 000109-67-1 7,166

499 Corn, steep liquor 066071-94-1 7,150

500 Fluorite (CaF2) 014542-23-5 7,087

501 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-butandiol 026062-94-2 7,038

502 Alkenes, (C>10) α- 064743-02-8 6,986

503 Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy 064741-92-0 6,972

504 Residues (petroleum), thermal cracked 064741-80-6 6,936

505 Ammonium fluoride 012125-01-8 6,905

506 Sodium sulfite 007757-83-7 6,862

507 Tetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide 000126-33-0 6,857

508 Polyester (ethylene glycol:isophthalic acid:terephthalic acid) 025135-73-3 6,848

5093,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid2,2-bis[[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 6,776

510 2-Ethenylpyridine polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 025053-48-9 6,753

511 Bauxite, [Al2O3.xH2O), calcined 092797-42-7 6,696

512 2-Propenoic acid polymer with ammonium 2-propenoate 009079-94-1 6,554

513 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 6,547

514 stylene acrylic copolymer 025083-14-1 6,538

515 Carbonic acid polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025037-45-0 6,524

516 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 6,483

517Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-16) hydroxy and alkene(C=14-16)sodium salts

068439-57-6 6,465

5182-Butenedioic acid (E)-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene,ethenylbenzene, 2-propenenitrile and 2-propenoic acid

208448-02-6 6,440

519 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 6,414

520 Heavy alkylate naphtha(petroleum) 064741-65-7 6,297

521 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 6,265

522 2-Propenamide homopolymer 009003-05-8 6,224

523 Disodium metasilicate 006834-92-0 6,169

524 Sodium nitrite 007632-00-0 6,157

525 Andalusite (Al2O(SiO4)) 012183-80-1 6,076

526 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 6,057

527 Nitrogen trifluoride 007783-54-2 6,055

528 calclum lignosulfonate 068131-32-8 6,001

529 Dimethyl polysiloxane 008050-81-5 5,999

530 Antimony 007440-36-0 5,939

531 C.I. pigment black 028 068186-91-4 5,882

532 Aluminum silicate monohydrate 013132-95-1 5,865

533 Magnesium silicate 013776-74-4 5,816

534 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025034-86-0 5,802

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535 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 5,760

536 Chlorinated ethene homopolymer 064754-90-1 5,656

537α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether withβ-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside

009049-71-2 5,634

538 1-methylnaphthalene 000090-12-0 5,633

539 Dichromium trioxide 001308-38-9 5,624

540 Decane 000124-18-5 5,508

541 Ethenylmethylbenzene 025013-15-4 5,500

542 Acetic acid ethylene ester homopolymer 009003-20-7 5,428

543Aliphatic dicarboxylic acid polymer with alkanedioles, polycarbonatepolyester polyol, polyalkyleneoxide sulfonate, aliphatic diisocyanateand alkylene diamine

2000-3-1611 5,277

544 α-alumina 068389-42-4 5,276

545 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 5,259

546 Dinitrogen oxide 010024-97-2 5,217

547 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 5,210

548 hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate 053124-00-8 5,101

549 2,6-Dimethylphenol homopolymer 025134-01-4 5,099

550 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 5,053

551 Aluminosilicic acid (H12Al12SiO26) dodecasodium salt 073987-94-7 5,013

552 Cyclopentene 000142-29-0 4,992

553 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene 000088-73-3 4,977

554 Sodium sulfite heptahydrate 010102-15-5 4,971

555 Wollastonite 013983-17-0 4,954

556 Isodecanol 025339-17-7 4,920

557 Tung oil 008001-20-5 4,902

558 Rutile(TiO2) 001317-80-2 4,873

559 (Vinyloxy)cyclohexane 002182-55-0 4,824

560 2,2-Dimethylbutane 000075-83-2 4,809

561 Nickel 007440-02-0 4,807

562 Fuel oil, no. 5 070892-11-4 4,801

563 Cobalt lithium dioxide 012190-79-3 4,754

564Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzylbis(hydrogenatedtallow alkyl)methyl, chlorides compds. with bentonite

068153-30-0 4,716

565 Stearic acid, ester with decanol 085204-42-8 4,713

566 Chromium trioxide 001333-82-0 4,681

567 085345-58-0 4,674

568 Sucrose fatty acid ester KE-32323 4,652

569 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol 000111-77-3 4,613

570 Gilsonite 012002-43-6 4,581

571 Dipropylene glycol 025265-71-8 4,525

572 (Z)-13-Docosenoic acid 000112-86-7 4,462

573 Tetramethylammonium chloride 000075-57-0 4,436

574 3-Chloro-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride 003327-22-8 4,364

575 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 4,346

576 Formaldehyde, polymer with benzenamine, maleated, cyclized 067784-74-1 4,321

577 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 4,310

5782,2'-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bisoxirane polymer with 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenoland 2,4,6-tribromophenol

135229-48-0 4,240

579 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 4,224

580 Copper sulfate 007758-98-7 4,200

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581 Styrene polymer with 1,3 - Butadiene 091829-76-4 4,173

582 Tetrasodium orthosilicate 013472-30-5 4,131

583 [2-(Acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride 044992-01-0 4,122

584 White phosphorus 012185-10-3 4,093

585 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 4,020

586 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 000118-79-6 4,019

587 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 3,995

5881,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[3-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl]azo]-, pentasodium salt

077365-64-1 3,994

589 Phosphoric acid methylphenyl diphenyl ester 026444-49-5 3,968

590 Aromatic hydrocarbons (C=8) 090989-38-1 3,929

591 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 3,928

592 Orange lead 001314-41-6 3,921

593 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliph. 064742-88-7 3,888

594 Ethoxylated alcohols (C=12-15) 068131-39-5 3,880

595 MEK 000078-43-3 3,860

596 Ethoxylated alcohols (C=12-16) 068551-12-2 3,855

597 Slack wax(petroleum) 064742-61-6 3,833

598 1,1'-Oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene] 001163-19-5 3,830

599 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 3,766

600 Paraffin waxes (petroleum), hydrotreated 064742-51-4 3,715

601 2,4,4-Trimethylpentene 025167-70-8 3,712

602 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 3,681

603 Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic 064741-96-4 3,665

604 2-Methoxyethanol 000109-86-4 3,640

605 Dodecane 000112-40-3 3,609

606 Titanium 007440-32-6 3,608

607 Solvent naphtha (coal), light 085536-17-0 3,599

608 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 3,591

609 Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate 007722-76-1 3,514

610 Trizinc bis(orthophosphate 007779-90-0 3,500

611 cis-2-Pentene 000627-20-3 3,493

612 Naphthalenesulfonic acid polymer with formaldehyde sodium salt 009084-06-4 3,485

613 Tricobalt tetraoxide 001308-06-1 3,440

614 Tallow fatty acids 061790-37-2 3,407

615 Dibutyltin dichloride 000683-18-1 3,405

616 Fatty acids, palm-oil 068440-15-3 3,402

617 Morpholine, benzoate 026021-56-7 3,390

618 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 3,382

619 Dodecylbenzene 000123-01-3 3,377

6202-propenofc acid. polymer with sodium 2-propenoate, Acrylic acid,polymer with sodium acrylate

009033-79-8 3,364

621 Styrenated phenol 061788-44-1 3,352

622 Soaps, stocks, (C=16-18) and (C=18)-unsatd. alkyl 068918-38-7 3,300

623 N-(2-Methylphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide 000093-68-5 3,300

624 Ethanedioic acid 000144-62-7 3,291

625 Phosphoric acid magnesium salt 010043-83-1 3,228

626 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 3,196

627 Trimethyl alkyl(C=6-16) ammonium methoxysulfate 161133-74-0 3,192

628 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime 022984-54-9 3,167

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629 Magnesium carbonate 000546-93-0 3,081

630 Polyvinylidene chloride 009002-85-1 3,040

631 Lubricating oils (petroleum) base oils, paraffinic 093572-43-1 3,014

632 Benzoic acid 000065-85-0 3,006

633 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic 064741-88-4 2,989

634 Molasses 068476-78-8 2,957

635 Sodium hydrogensulfite (aqueous solution) 007631-90-5 2,928

636 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-6-methylphenol 002219-82-1 2,923

637 tert-Dodecanethiol 025103-58-6 2,895

638 Calcium hydride 007789-78-8 2,871

639 Dicopper oxide 001317-39-1 2,869

640 C.I. reactive blue 019 002580-78-1 2,861

641 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 2,819

642 1-Octadecanol 000112-92-5 2,815

643 N-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarboxamide 000092-78-4 2,800

644 Diammonium hexanitratocerate 016774-21-3 2,792

645 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl)ester 000094-28-0 2,785

646 2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol 000929-06-6 2,756

647 1,2-Butadiene 000590-19-2 2,755

648 3-Ethoxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000763-69-9 2,752

649 (11β)-11,17,21-Trihydroxypregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione 000050-24-8 2,736

650 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 2,732

651 Nitric acid ammonium calcium salt 015245-12-2 2,704

652 Anthracite 008029-10-5 2,700

653 Benzene, ethylmethyl 025550-14-5 2,692

654 Iron carbonate (Fe2(CO3)3) 026273-46-1 2,646

655 Phosphorus trichloride 007719-12-2 2,628

656 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 2,626

657 Perlite 130885-09-5 2,611

658 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me vinyl, vinyl group-terminated 068083-18-1 2,594

659 Ethene homopolymer, oxidized 068441-17-8 2,588

660 Light naphthenic distillate (petroleum) 064741-52-2 2,579

661 1-Aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 000056-86-0 2,575

662 2-[(4-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethanol] hydrogensulfate (ester) 002494-89-5 2,566


087435-36-7 2,562

664 Safflower oil 008001-23-8 2,553

665 Neodecanoic acid 026896-20-8 2,548

666 Phosphorus 007723-14-0 2,543

667 o-Toluenesulfonamide 000088-19-7 2,531

6682-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene,brominated

068441-14-5 2,527

669 4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid monosodium salt 000130-13-2 2,468

670 4-Methylbenzenamine 000106-49-0 2,457

671 Ammonium sulfite 010196-04-0 2,456

672 Carbonochloridic acid methyl ester 000079-22-1 2,455

673 2-Ethyl-2-[[(1-oxooleyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl dioleate 057675-44-2 2,448

6744,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bis[oxirane]

068928-70-1 2,437

675 Lanthanum chloride 010099-58-8 2,429

676 Kieselguhr, soda ash flux-calcined 068855-54-9 2,423

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677 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025153-46-2 2,401

678 Carbon sulfide 000075-15-0 2,399

679ar-Ethenyl-N,N-dimethylbenzenemethanamine polymer withdiethenylbenzene

065405-58-5 2,398

680 1-Phenylethanone 000098-86-2 2,398

681 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 2,390

682 Octadecanoic acid monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol 031566-31-1 2,379

683Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloridepolymer with 2-propenamide

069418-26-4 2,376

684 Lead oxide phosphonate (Pb3O2(HPO3)) 012141-20-7 2,359

685 Poly-4, 4'-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate 024936-68-3 2,355

686 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl group-terminated 068083-19-2 2,341

687 1-Chlorobutane 000109-69-3 2,340

688 Benzaldehyde 000100-52-7 2,316

689 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 2,315

690 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 2,315

691 Tin 007440-31-5 2,306

692 2-Methoxyethyl-p-toluene sulfonate 017178-10-8 2,280

693 Penta-1,4-diene 000591-93-5 2,269

694 Fatty acids, tallow, hydrogenated, dimers, diketene derivs. 068390-56-7 2,265

695 2-Oxetanone, 3-alkyl(C=12-16)-4-alkylidene(C=13-17) derivs. 084989-41-3 2,250

696 1-Chlorooctane 000111-85-3 2,244

697 Aluminum sesquisulfate octadecahydrate 007784-31-8 2,237

698 C.I. pigment red 049:1 001103-38-4 2,237

699 Sandarac 009000-57-1 2,234

700 Fatty acids, (C=16-18) 067701-03-5 2,229

701 1,3-Isobenzofurandione polymer with 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 032472-85-8 2,221

702 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 000099-99-0 2,220

703 Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened 068476-86-8 2,220

704 4-(α,α-Dimethylbenzyl)phenol 000599-64-4 2,212

7054,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol]polymer with(chloromethyl)oxirane and 2,4,6-tribromophenol

158725-44-1 2,200

706 Alkenes, (C=14-18) α- 068855-59-4 2,195

707 Zinc chloride 007646-85-7 2,191

7081,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylicacid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol and hexanedioic acid

052247-59-3 2,171

709 Amylodextrin 009005-84-9 2,167

710 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 2,158

711 2-Propenenitrile polymer with (1-methylethenyl)benzene 025747-74-4 2,140

7122-Propenoic acid 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-[[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

003524-68-3 2,134

713 Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous 001330-43-4 2,125

714Hexasodium 2,2'-[vinylenebis[(3-sulfonato-4,1-phenylene)imino[6-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl]imino]bis(benzene-1,4-disulfonate)

068971-49-3 2,122

715 Magnesium sulfate 018939-43-0 2,110

716 Sodium aluminum silicate (1:1:1) 012003-51-9 2,110

717 Reclaimed rubber 139497-04-4 2,105

718 calcium borate 001318-33-8 2,099

719 Benzoyl chloride 000098-88-4 2,088

720 1,2-Ethanediamine polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 042751-79-1 2,065

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721 Siloxanes and silicones 063148-53-8 2,055

722Phthalic anhydride polyester with ethylene glycol, maleicanhydride, pentaerythritol and 1,2-propanediol

031176-92-8 2,045

723Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-18) hydroxy and alkapolyene(C=12-20)and alkene(C=14-18) and alkene(C=12-20) hydroxy, sodium salts

068937-98-4 2,020

724 Soybean oil polymer with phthalic anhydride and glycerol 066070-61-9 2,018

725 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined light naphthenic 064741-97-5 2,009

726 5-Nitro-2-thiazolamine 000121-66-4 2,006

727Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized,polymers, hydrogenated

068132-00-3 2,001


005468-75-7 2,001

729 Polymer with 1,2-propanediol mono-2-propenoate 2-propenoic acid 039373-34-7 1,995

730 Aluminum hydroxide reaction products with substituted silanes 2005-3-3449 1,985

731 Proprietary carboxylated styrene polymer 118948-85-9 1,984

732 Sulfinylbismethane 000067-68-5 1,979

733 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 1,949

734 Indium 007440-74-6 1,946

735 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph. 064742-89-8 1,944

736 Difluoromethane(HFC-32) 000075-10-5 1,922

737 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol 000140-66-9 1,916

738 N-Methyl formamide 000123-39-7 1,913

739 Benzenesulfonic acid dodecyl ester 001886-81-3 1,896

740 1-Octanol 000111-87-5 1,870

741 Starch, acetate 009045-28-7 1,870

742Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers withethylenediamine, sebacic acid and stearic acid

068911-24-0 1,866

743 Molybdenum 007439-98-7 1,863

744 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run 064741-41-9 1,855

745 calcium carbonate hexahydrate 015634-14-7 1,849

746α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) ether with2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (3:1)

050586-59-9 1,831

747Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl (hydrogenated tallowalkyl)dimethyl, chlorides compds. with hectorite

071011-26-2 1,801

748Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), reaction products with iron oxide(Fe2O3) and magnesium hydroxide

068411-13-2 1,773

749 Dialuminium calcium tetraoxide 012042-68-1 1,762

750Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction productswith triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 1,757

751 Tributyl phosphate 000126-73-8 1,750

752 Polymerized rosin 065997-05-9 1,750

753 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene 000088-72-2 1,745

754 Aluminium oxide, basic 039377-45-2 1,745

755 Methyl 3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl) propionate 006386-39-6 1,739

756 Hydrogen sulfide 007783-06-4 1,731

757 1,2-Dihydroacenaphthylene 000083-32-9 1,729

758 polyurethane 009009-54-5 1,723

759 Aluminum chloride, hexahydrate 007784-13-6 1,715

760 Butene 025167-67-3 1,701

761 palm oil & fatty acid 091051-34-2 1,696

762 trimethylamine 062862-53-7 1,691

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763 Lithium carbonate 000554-13-2 1,680

764 Octadecanoic acid zinc salt 000557-05-1 1,672

765 Diphenylisooctyl phosphite 026401-27-4 1,670

766 Perchloric acid 007601-90-3 1,664

767 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, di-Ph, Me vinyl 067762-99-6 1,653

768 Monoisopropanolamine 000078-96-6 1,650

769 Neodecanoyl chloride 040292-82-8 1,637

770 Isononanoic acid 026896-18-4 1,632

771Maleic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, propylene glycol,diethylene glycol, styrene polymer

028429-51-8 1,619

772 Glycidyl methacrylate 000106-91-2 1,615

773 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester 026761-40-0 1,608

774 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 1,601

7751,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with1,4-butanediol

030965-26-5 1,600

776 Tetrabutyl tin 001461-25-2 1,598

777 Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy naphthenic 064742-34-3 1,597

778 Branched 4-nonylphenol 084852-15-3 1,596

779 Styrenated α-phenyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 104376-75-2 1,592

780 Aluminium hydroxide sulfate 053810-32-5 1,592

781 Propylene-1-butene-ethylene copolymer 025895-47-0 1,572

782 Silane 007803-62-5 1,570

783 Arsenic acid 007778-39-4 1,565

784 Polyoxymethylenes 066455-31-0 1,564

785 Decanedioic acid bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) ester 052829-07-9 1,560

786 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 1,557

787 1,1-Hydrazoformamide 000110-21-4 1,556

788 Hexamethylene diisocyanate 000822-06-0 1,549

789 Calcium disilicide 012013-56-8 1,541

790 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester 002082-79-3 1,539

791 2-Amino-8-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid 000090-51-7 1,533

792 trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid 000110-17-8 1,523

793 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 1,511

794 Naphtha (petroleum), sweetened 064741-87-3 1,484

795 Aluminosilicate (Mullite) 001302-93-8 1,480

796 Silicagel 063231-67-4 1,473

797 Aluminium chloride 013845-12-0 1,463

798 Polyol-dibasic acids unsaturated polyester KE-28957 1,457

799 Calcium dinitrate tetrahydrate 013477-34-4 1,452

800 Brass, dross 069011-68-3 1,435

801 Sulfurized paraffin oils 068201-54-7 1,430

802 Bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) 005945-33-5 1,429

803Branched fatty acids(C=9-11) glycidyl esters polymers with castoroil, formaldehyde, 6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine and phthalicanhydride

068459-31-4 1,424

804Methylenebutanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenoic acid

026102-56-7 1,408

805 Diisononyl adipate 033703-08-1 1,408

806 Copper cyanide 000544-92-3 1,400

807 Formaldehyde polymer with 1,3-benzenediol 024969-11-7 1,396

808 Hexamethylenediamine 000124-09-4 1,395

809 Boronatrocalcite 001319-33-1 1,384

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810 6-Phenyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine 000091-76-9 1,376

811 Neodymium oxide 001313-97-9 1,374

812 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 000811-97-2 1,367

813 Maltodextrin 009050-36-6 1,362

814 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,358

815 Isoheptane 031394-54-4 1,344

816 Poly(acrylic acid) 009003-01-4 1,335

817 3,5,5-Trimethyl hexanoyl chloride 036727-29-4 1,332

818α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] polymer with1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene]

009048-57-1 1,323

819 Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt 009004-32-4 1,319

820 Kyanite 001302-76-7 1,309

821 Chemical-000873-66-5 000873-66-5 1,301

822 Tricalcium bis(orthophosphate) 007758-87-4 1,291

823 Perlite, expanded 093763-70-3 1,280

824 Tall oil, fatty acids 061790-12-3 1,280

825Carbonic acid diphenyl ester polymer with4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]

025929-04-8 1,280

826 Castor oil 008001-79-4 1,279

827 Zirconium oxide 053801-45-9 1,276

828 Pentaerythritol 000115-77-5 1,270

829 Lead methane sulfonate 017570-76-2 1,269

830 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 1,266

831 Chemical-000496-11-7 000496-11-7 1,265

832 Carbon fluoride 051311-17-2 1,259

833 Calcium fluoride 007789-75-5 1,258

834 Vinylcyclohexane 000695-12-5 1,257

835 C.I. disperse green 009 071872-50-9 1,253

836 Barium sulfite 007787-39-5 1,250

837 Silicic acid barium salt 012650-28-1 1,250

838 Palladium dichloride 007647-10-1 1,240

839 Barium thiocyanate 002092-17-3 1,237

840 Kaolin, calcined 092704-41-1 1,236

841 C.I. fluorescent brightener 357 083512-97-4 1,236

842 Disodium peroxide 001313-60-6 1,227

843 C.I. solvent orange 037 KE-08565 1,225

844 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid monosodium salt 005460-09-3 1,225

845 α-Butyl-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 009003-13-8 1,222

846 Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester ammonium salt 002235-54-3 1,220

847 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000088-99-3 1,219

848 1,1-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene) 084852-53-9 1,213

8493-[(4-Amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl]-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazolium chloride monohydrochloride

000067-03-8 1,211

850 Dodecanoic acid ester with 1,2,3-propanetriol diacetate 030899-62-8 1,211

851 M-diethylbenzene 000141-93-5 1,203

852 Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle 064742-80-9 1,197

853 Fatty acids, palm-oil, sodium salts 061790-79-2 1,196


000050-02-2 1,173

855 N-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-31-8 1,169

856 Residues (petroleum), hydrocracked 064741-75-9 1,169

857 Maleic acid, phthalic acid, styrene polyester resin 064715-98-6 1,168

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8582-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene

025053-09-2 1,164

859 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 000071-55-6 1,163

860 Poly(1-butene) 009003-28-5 1,140

861 Sodium dichromate 010588-01-9 1,134

862 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene 025038-32-8 1,131

863 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 1,130

864 Octafluoropropane 000076-19-7 1,129

865 Octane 000111-65-9 1,126

866 Guar gum 009000-30-0 1,123

867 Soybean, flour 068513-95-1 1,120

868 Ferric sulfate hydrate 015244-10-7 1,116

8691,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol

025640-14-6 1,100

870 Gases (petroleum), residue visbreaking off 092045-20-0 1,096

871 2-Propenoic acid 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl ester 002439-35-2 1,090

872 Pentanedioic acid dimethyl ester 001119-40-0 1,080

873 Strontium nitrate 010042-76-9 1,077

874Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me, 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propylgroup-terminated polymer with bisphenol A and carbonic dichloride

156064-99-2 1,076

875 Cashew, nutshell liq. polymer with ethylenediamine and formaldehyde 068413-28-5 1,075

876 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde, glycidyl ether 028064-14-4 1,071

877 Dioctyltin dichloride 003542-36-7 1,069

878 Methylated 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, formaldehyde polymer 068002-20-0 1,064

879 Trisilicon tetranitride 012033-89-5 1,062

8802-Propenoic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and2-propenenitrile

026568-80-9 1,062

881 Iron trinitrate 010421-48-4 1,054

882 Formaldehyde polymer with methylphenol 009016-83-5 1,053

883 Barium nitrate 010022-31-8 1,052

884 di-calcium hexaborate pentahydrate(콜 마나이트) 012291-65-5 1,047

885 V.G.O 064741-15-7 1,045

886 Epoxidized soybean oil 008013-07-8 1,042

887 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 1,038

888Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol and4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol

030940-67-1 1,036

889 ABS(Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Methyl Methacrylate) 107592-06-3 1,030

890 N-Phenylmaleimide·styrene·maleic anhydride copolymer 095877-36-4 1,023

891 1,2-Ethanediamine 000107-15-3 1,023

892 Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked arom., piperylene conc., polymd. 068478-07-9 1,018

893 C.I. reactive black 005 017095-24-8 1,018

894 Fatty acids, palm-oil olein 098106-66-2 1,012

895 1,3-Dihydro-1,3-dioxo-5-isobenzofurancarboxylic acid 000552-30-7 1,010

896 2-Methylphenol 000095-48-7 1,008

897 1,3-Benzenediol 000108-46-3 1,008

8981,3-Butadiene polymer with 1-butene, (E)-2-butene, (Z)-2-butene and2-methyl-1-propene

009043-62-3 1,005

899 Polybutylene 009003-29-6 1,004

900 Sodium phosphinate 007681-53-0 1,000

계 354,252,470

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2006년도 HPV물질 목록

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학물 CAS 제조량 수 량OECD HPV

1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 30,796,449 289,439 O

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 30,116,460 30,325 O

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 19,887,181 13,234,047 O

4 Kerosine 008008-20-6 13,226,185 12,422 O

5 Ethylene 000074-85-1 6,297,104 69,803 O

6 Benzene 000071-43-2 5,394,585 384,670 O

7 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 4,989,515 8,929 O

8 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 4,409,719 579,548 O

9 1-Propene 000115-07-1 4,139,294 292,297 O

10 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 3,362,630 292,500 O

11 Butane 000106-97-8 3,169,826 1,371,195 O

12 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 2,647,645 154,167 O

13 Toluene 000108-88-3 2,574,739 341,750 O

14 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,780,057 147,655 O

15Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 1,744,724 15,557 O

16 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,610,085 274,427 O

17 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 1,602,286 20,593 O

18 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,421,643 98,436 O

19 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 1,394,524 954,893 O

20 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,379,678 926,026 O

21 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,325,751 12,249 O

22 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,255,079 3,861 O

23 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 995,008 562,496 O

24 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 980,511 425,643 O

25 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 881,760 74,197 O

26 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 806,146 90,844 O

27 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 780,270 174,305 O

28 Limestone 001317-65-3 759,128 199,249 O

29 Zinc 007440-66-6 718,319 29,651 O

30 1-Butene 000106-98-9 700,752 114,305 O

31 Copper 007440-50-8 640,778 716,796 O

32 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 613,498 58,946 O

33 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 603,177 468,336 O

34 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 531,750 83,396 O

35 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 513,167 121,340 O

36 (1-Methylethyl)benzene 000098-82-8 512,054 99,727 O

37 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 483,515 48,090 O

38 Phenol 000108-95-2 479,995 4,423 O

39 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic

064742-55-8 465,597 13,943 O

40 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 458,632 192,822 O

41 Propane 000074-98-6 455,486 1,091,020 O

42 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 442,172 3,814 O

43 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester

000117-81-7 438,090 5,499 O

44 Urea 000057-13-6 416,942 201,217 O

45 Carbon black 001333-86-4 387,252 12,852 O

46 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 359,010 74,871 O

47 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 323,705 1,202,700 O

48 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 305,107 30,797 O

49 Acetone 000067-64-1 295,020 2,219 O

2006년도 HPV물질 목록과 OECD HPV 물질목록 비교

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50 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 293,954 20,501 O

51 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 284,193 21,791 O

52 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 256,339 43,421 O

53 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 224,234 42,662 O

54 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 223,698 8,454 O

55 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 220,650 56,487 O

56 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 219,935 9,334 O

57 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 215,967 49,794 O

58 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 201,577 21,282 O

59 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 195,829 1,263 O

60 Lead 007439-92-1 195,657 111,561 O

61 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 194,114 492,537 O

62 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 191,231 59,853 O

63 Aniline 000062-53-3 190,078 1,871 O

64 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 174,902 329,146 O

65 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 169,291 38,733 O

66 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 168,284 14,289 O

67 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 157,789 23,637 O

68 Petroleum 008002-05-9 151,282 121,913,264 O

69 Ethanol 000064-17-5 150,974 99,933 O

70 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 147,480 136,108 O

71Butanoic acid, 4-(methylthio)-, ethyl ester 022014-48-8 146,344 19,522

72 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 144,378 315,279 O

73 Creosote 008001-58-9 139,673 19,095 O

74 Ammonia 007664-41-7 116,301 624,980 O

75 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 110,586 12,021 O

76 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 101,977 7,636 O

77 Zeolites 001318-02-1 99,571 1,120 O

78 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 90,036 4,983 O

79 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 88,436 8,717 O

80 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 88,024 2,948 O

81 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 81,311 1,632 O

82 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 80,477 1,012,821 O

83 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 79,081 2,506 O

84 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 77,096 23,096 O

85 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 66,402 19,330 O

86 m-xylene 000108-38-3 66,244 7,327 O

87 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 63,281 1,830 O

88 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 62,717 550,149 O

89 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 61,678 1,070 O

90 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich

068515-48-0 58,256 7,231 O

91 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 56,600 47,275 O

92 Methanol 000067-56-1 56,273 1,348,417 O

93 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 54,842 7,421 O

94 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 52,433 113,023 O

95 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 48,263 6,975 O

96 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 47,807 54,252 O

97 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 47,560 3,802 O

98 Aluminium 007429-90-5 47,477 53,472 O

99Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3)

015630-89-4 46,296 3,893 O

100 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 42,222 167,531 O

101 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 41,898 8,901 O

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102 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 41,688 10,720 O

103 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 35,968 7,220 O

104 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 35,803 545,570 O

105 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 35,741 2,516 O

106 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 34,968 2,035 O

107 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 34,927 3,406 O

108 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 32,215 1,300 O

109 Glycerol 000056-81-5 31,563 34,855 O

110 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom.

064742-94-5 31,326 1,094 O

111 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 29,651 2,246 O

112 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 29,166 494,059 O

113 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 27,664 15,099 O

114 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 26,404 28,024 O

115 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 25,308 112,682 O

116 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 24,554 15,411 O

117 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 23,496 253,080 O

118 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 23,220 13,451 O

119 Iron 007439-89-6 22,752 479,444 O

120 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 22,251 1,767 O

121Magnesium oxide (MgO), solid soln. with tungsten oxide (WO3) 075535-38-5 21,244 4,803

122 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 20,759 9,006 O

123 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 20,355 1,631 O

124 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 20,099 80,968 O

125 Formic acid 000064-18-6 19,394 4,068 O

126 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 18,661 1,320 O

127 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 18,085 10,975 O

128 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 16,882 5,959 O

129 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 15,000 30,920

130 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine

000793-24-8 14,938 2,917 O

131 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 14,547 1,060 O

132 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 13,578 6,789 O

133 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 12,885 1,504 O

134 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 12,798 14,729 O

135 Carbon 007440-44-0 12,490 25,658 O

136 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 12,211 32,411 O

137 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 11,937 8,222 O

138 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 11,879 1,111 O

139 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 11,563 22,881 O

140 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 11,557 33,944 O

141 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 11,408 16,029 O

142 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 11,053 18,406 O

143 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 10,075 1,106 O

144 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil 061788-66-7 9,868 1,197 O

145 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 9,510 5,831 O

146 Melamine 000108-78-1 9,090 9,005 O

147 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 8,987 4,566 O

148 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 8,984 21,690 O

149 (1-Methylethenyl)benzene 000098-83-9 8,638 3,031 O

150 Acetonitrile 000075-05-8 8,386 1,639 O

151 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 8,118 7,511 O

152 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 8,107 5,020 O

153 Sodium hydrogensulphide 016721-80-5 7,793 4,992 O

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154Soaps, stocks, (C=16-18) and (C=18)-unsatd. alkyl 068918-38-7 7,288 4,215

155 Lignosulfonic acid magnesium salt 008061-54-9 7,087 3,270

156 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 6,800 1,895 O

1571,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester

026761-40-0 6,715 9,868 O

158 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 6,520 5,787 O

159 Monochlorodifluoromethane 000075-45-6 6,449 3,776 O

160 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 6,229 61,762 O

161 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 5,719 64,635 O

162 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 5,506 29,267 O

163 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 007791-18-6 5,400 1,166 O

164 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 5,330 27,070 O

165 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 5,258 2,442 O

166 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 4,972 6,513 O

167Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 4,555 400,280 O

168Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic

064742-65-0 4,153 25,164 O

169 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 3,971 2,243 O

170 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 3,832 3,696 O

1712-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime

022984-54-9 3,827 1,016 O

172 Manganese 007439-96-5 3,437 218,213 O

173 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 2,898 16,050,951 O

174 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 2,809 1,485 O

175 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 2,747 7,381 O

176 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 2,673 1,283 O

177 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 2,449 1,028 O

178 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 2,151 3,695 O

179 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 2,044 1,559 O

180 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,931 1,134 O

181 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 1,851 586,586 O

182 2,4,4-Trimethylpentene 025167-70-8 1,723 3,700 O

183 Sodium nitrate 007631-99-4 1,613 2,533 O

184 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 1,515 5,404

185 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 053894-23-8 1,425 1,220 O

186 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 1,380 12,002 O

187 Antimony 007440-36-0 1,341 5,568 O

188 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 1,341 13,969 O

189 Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate 007757-93-9 1,264 20,000 O

190 Silicon 007440-21-3 1,200 367,868 O

191 Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic

064741-96-4 1,195 2,433 O

192 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,113 650,773 O

193 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000097-64-3 1,064 1,140 O

194 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 1,060 4,220 O

195 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 27,717,736 O

196 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 12,893,415

197 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 8,859,930 O

198 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 8,619,600 O

199 Oxygen 007782-44-7 7,039,262 O

200 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 5,371,131 O

201 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 5,156,750 O

202 Methane 000074-82-8 2,220,782 O

203 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1), 010034-76-1 1,479,786 O

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204 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,339,766 O

205 Chlorine 007782-50-5 1,223,201 O

206 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 967,559

207 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 948,421

208 Ozone 010028-15-6 925,056

209 Butanal 000123-72-8 650,817 O

210 Phosgene 000075-44-5 593,572 O

211 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 586,985 O

212 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 497,608 O

213 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 464,259 O

214 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 424,936 O

215 Coal tar 008007-45-2 420,896 O

216 Coke (petroleum) 064741-79-3 385,206 O

217 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 381,739 O

218 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 362,235 O

219 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 305,449

220 Fuming sulphuric acid 008014-95-7 278,161 O

221 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 262,981 O

222 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-3 251,949 O

223 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 241,590 O

224 Argon 007440-37-1 237,730 O

225 Oxirane 000075-21-8 231,499 O

226 Distillates (petroleum), crude oil 068410-00-4 230,810 O

227 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 227,853 O

228 Paraffins (petroleum), normal (C=5-20) 064771-72-8 226,018 O

229 4,4'-Methylenedianiline 000101-77-9 212,037 O

230Glass, oxide, calcium magnesium potassium sodium phosphosilicate 094551-67-4 207,395

231 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 204,205 O

232 Carbonic acid ammonium salt 010361-29-2 201,177

233 Methyldinitrobenzene 025321-14-6 193,784 O

234 Hydroxylamine 007803-49-8 181,073

235 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 160,336 O

236 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 000121-14-2 151,920 O

237 Decane 000124-18-5 149,843 O

238 Trimethyl benzene 025551-13-7 138,427 O


012194-95-5 138,238

240 Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate 013478-10-9 133,622 O

241 4-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000095-80-7 132,489 O

242 Methyl cyclopentane 000096-37-7 132,280

243 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 131,286 O

244 Carbonic acid disodium salt 005968-11-6 130,871

245 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 129,707 O

246 Heavy naphtha solvent extracts (petroleum)

064741-98-6 119,924 O

247 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 93,683 O

248 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light

064742-73-0 93,118 O

249Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 92,041 O

250 2-Butene 000107-01-7 90,821 O

251 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 88,104 O

252 Isoprene 000078-79-5 87,575 O

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253 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 86,064 O

254 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 85,420 O

255 Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils 084650-04-4 84,444 O

256 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-11) 070693-06-0 82,344 O

257 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 77,459 O

258 Disamarium tricarbonate 005895-47-6 76,416

259 3-Chloro-1-propene 000107-05-1 72,036 O

260 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 71,243 O

261 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 65,289 O

262Aromatic hydrocarbons, (C=6-10), (C=8)-rich 090989-41-6 63,867

263 Potassium sulfate 007778-80-5 61,877 O

264 Chloromethane 000074-87-3 60,527 O

265Disodium 7,7'-(carbonyldiimino)bis[4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate]

003626-36-6 59,000

266 Toluene-3,4-diamine 000496-72-0 58,198 O

267 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 57,030

268 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-49-0 54,813 O

269 2-Methylpropane 000075-28-5 51,657 O

270 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine 002687-25-4 51,529 O

271 Tetrahydrofuran 000109-99-9 50,366 O

272 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 49,343 O

273 1,3-Diisocyanato-2-methylbenzene 000091-08-7 48,461 O

274 Isobutanal 000078-84-2 48,057 O

275 Dimethylamine 000124-40-3 47,815 O

276 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 46,901 O

277 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 46,785 O

278 Charcoal 016291-96-6 44,000 O

279 Tetradecane 000629-59-4 43,467 O

280 Hydrogen cyanide 000074-90-8 43,368 O

281 Chemical-000702-79-4 000702-79-4 42,418

282 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 42,197 O

283Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy 064741-92-0 41,507 O

284 Aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate 039290-78-3 41,204 O

285 Magnesium hydroxide 001309-42-8 39,733 O

286 Ammonium nitrite 013446-48-5 39,279

287 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 39,112 O

288 Sorbitol 000050-70-4 35,816 O

289 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 007697-01-0 34,872

290 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 34,270

291 Tar, coal, low-temp. 065996-90-9 33,866 O

292 2-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000823-40-5 33,122

293 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 32,932 O

294 Chemical-013397-24-5 013397-24-5 32,016

295 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 32,002 O

296 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle

064742-46-7 31,832 O

297 3-Methylbutanal 000590-86-3 31,599 O

298 Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated 064742-57-0 30,897 O

299 3-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-45-1 30,262

300 Paraffin oils(C=8-12) 101200-47-9 29,839

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301 Hydroxylamine sulfate (salt) 013973-61-0 25,718

302 Formic acid methyl ester 000107-31-3 25,365 O

303 Chlorosulfuric acid 007790-94-5 25,320 O

304 LUBRICATING OIL,REREFINED 068476-77-7 24,317

305Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-16) hydroxy and alkene(C=14-16) sodium salts 068439-57-6 23,731 O

306 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 23,568 O

307 Iron trichloride 007705-08-0 23,526 O

308 2-Propenoic acid methyl ester 000096-33-3 23,300 O

309 Ligroine 008032-32-4 22,785 O

310 Tricalcium bis(orthophosphate) 007758-87-4 21,600 O

311 Ethane 000074-84-0 21,543 O

312 Sodium 007440-23-5 21,069 O

313 Benzenesulfonic acid alkyl(C=10-16) derivs.

068584-22-5 20,269 O

3142,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1)

031570-04-4 18,704 O

315 Sodium hydride 007646-69-7 17,456

316 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run 064741-41-9 16,811 O

317 Stoddard solvent 008052-41-3 16,517 O

318 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms

068515-32-2 16,431 O

319 2-methylnaphthalene 000091-57-6 16,304 O

320 3-Chloro-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride

003327-22-8 15,681 O


3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 2,2-bis[[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 15,632 O

322 Trimethylamine hydrochloride 000593-81-7 15,402 O

323 Indene 000095-13-6 15,344 O

324 Epoxidized soybean oil 008013-07-8 15,322 O

325 Lead dioxide 001309-60-0 15,087

326 3-Methylpentane 000096-14-0 14,781

327 Tridecane 000629-50-5 14,261 O

3283,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester 006386-38-5 13,580 O

329 Dimethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate 000094-60-0 13,251 O

330 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 12,809 O

331 trans-Pent-2-ene 000646-04-8 12,454


Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products with triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 12,410 O


334 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 11,564 O

335 Tetramethylammonium chloride 000075-57-0 11,509 O

3361,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester 003319-31-1 11,303 O

337 Hydrogen sulfide 007783-06-4 11,257 O

338Sulfuric acid magnesium salt (1:1), heptahydrate

010034-99-8 11,185

339 (1-Hydroxyethylidene)bisphosphonic acid 002809-21-4 11,109 O

340 Cyclopentene 000142-29-0 11,042

341 Sulfur dioxide 007446-09-5 10,898 O

342 Nonane 000111-84-2 10,544 O

343 Heavy alkylate naphtha(petroleum) 064741-65-7 10,422 O

344Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle

064742-80-9 10,242 O

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345 Morpholine, benzoate 026021-56-7 9,977

346 Aluminium chloride dihydroxide 010284-64-7 9,786

347 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 9,763

348 2-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-46-2 9,637

349 tert-Dodecanethiol 025103-58-6 9,605 O

350 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 000075-50-3 9,519 O

351 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol 000105-08-8 9,507 O

352 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 9,161 O

353 Isobutanol 000078-83-1 9,095 O

354 Aluminum chloride, hydrate 010124-27-3 8,889

355 Octadecanoic acid zinc salt 000557-05-1 8,416 O

356 Aluminium sodium dioxide 001302-42-7 8,262 O

357 1-Pentene 000109-67-1 8,168 O

358 Hydrazine hydrate 007803-57-8 7,994 O

359 Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate 064741-66-8 7,823 O

360 Arsenic 007440-38-2 7,721

361 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 001717-00-6 7,690 O

3621,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester

000084-74-2 7,636 O

363 Sodium sulfite 007757-83-7 7,469 O

364 (Z)-Penta-1,3-diene 001574-41-0 7,264

365 Bentonite, lime-activated 068333-91-5 7,200

366 Disodium metasilicate 006834-92-0 7,115 O

367 Sodium D-gluconate 000527-07-1 7,094 O

368 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 7,000 O

369 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 6,924 O

370Sodium hydrogensulfite (aqueous solution) 007631-90-5 6,840 O

371 Choline chloride 000067-48-1 6,813 O

372 2-Methylbut-2-ene 000513-35-9 6,700 O

373 Octane 000111-65-9 6,687 O

374 Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 6,630 O

375 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 6,581 O

376 Dodecane 000112-40-3 6,476 O

377 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol 000140-66-9 6,361 O


1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[3-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl]azo]-, pentasodium salt

077365-64-1 6,327

379 Cyclohexanethiol 001569-69-3 6,314 O

380 trans-Penta-1,3-diene 002004-70-8 6,258

381 Methyl acetate 000079-20-9 6,140 O

382 Sodium chlorite 007758-19-2 5,931 O

383 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol 000111-77-3 5,882 O

384 Residues (petroleum), thermal cracked 064741-80-6 5,854 O

385 Fatty acids, soya 068308-53-2 5,834 O

386 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 5,783 O

387Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester ammonium salt 002235-54-3 5,630 O

388 o-Toluenesulfonamide 000088-19-7 5,445 O

389 Aromatic hydrocarbons (C=8) 090989-38-1 5,418

390 cis-2-Pentene 000627-20-3 5,348

391 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester

002082-79-3 5,329 O

392 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 5,324 O

393 2-Methoxyethanol 000109-86-4 5,210 O

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394 Ethylcyclopentane 001640-89-7 5,186

395 Aluminium hydroxide sulfate 053810-32-5 5,157 O

396 1,1'-Methylenebis[isocyanatobenzene] 026447-40-5 5,120 O

397 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 010025-77-1 5,040 O

398 (Vinyloxy)cyclohexane 002182-55-0 4,872

399 Carbonochloridic acid methyl ester 000079-22-1 4,863 O

400 2,3-Dimethylbutane 000079-29-8 4,813

401 Light paraffinic distillate (petroleum) 064741-50-0 4,772 O

402 Ethenylmethylbenzene 025013-15-4 4,762 O

403 Oxybismethane 000115-10-6 4,737 O

404 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene 000088-72-2 4,716 O

405 (Z)-13-Docosenamide 000112-84-5 4,671 O

406Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed triesters with benzoic acid and trimethylolpropane

610787-76-3 4,626

407 Cobalt lithium dioxide 012190-79-3 4,483

408 Copper cyanide 000544-92-3 4,458

409 NON-AROMATIC 020582-85-8 4,399

410 Cyclopentanone 000120-92-3 4,384 O

411 Neodecanoyl chloride 040292-82-8 4,331 O

412 4-Aminotoluene-3-sulfonic acid 000088-44-8 4,283 O

413 2,2-Dimethylbutane 000075-83-2 4,258

414 C.I. fluorescent brightener 134 003426-43-5 4,200

4153-Amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminium N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salt

061789-40-0 4,168 O

416 Lead oxide phosphonate (Pb3O2(HPO3)) 012141-20-7 4,038 O

417 C.I. fluorescent brightener 220 016470-24-9 4,006 O

418 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-1,3-isobenzofurandione

000085-43-8 4,001 O

419 Fuel oil, no. 5 070892-11-4 3,978

420Benzene, mono-C12-13-branched alkyl derivs., fractionation bottoms 151911-58-9 3,967 O

421 Ethyl hydrogen adipate 000626-86-8 3,899

422 Zinc chloride 007646-85-7 3,790 O


A mixture of 2-[2-[2-(2-ethylhexanoyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl 2-ethylhexanoate, 2-[2-[2-(phenylcarbonyloxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl 2-ethylhexanoate and 2-[2-(2-phenylcarbonyloxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl benzoate

852227-26-0 3,589

424Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt 000064-02-8 3,536 O

425 1,2-Butadiene 000590-19-2 3,509 O

426 trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid 000110-17-8 3,499 O

427 Orange lead 001314-41-6 3,487 O

428 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 3,483 O

429 Dibutyltin dichloride 000683-18-1 3,429 O

430Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl group-terminated

068083-19-2 3,418 O

431 Hexanedioic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000103-23-1 3,403 O

432 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, oxidized, calcium sodium salts

068649-47-8 3,376

433 Strontium ferrate (Fe12O192-) (1:1) 012023-91-5 3,347

434 Isoparaffins 064365-06-6 3,195

435 Copper monochloride 007758-89-6 3,194 O

436 Silicic acid aluminium sodium salt 001344-00-9 3,148 O

437 3,5,5-Trimethyl hexanoyl chloride 036727-29-4 3,093 O

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438 C.I. fluorescent brightener 357 083512-97-4 3,074

439 Magnesium sulfate 018939-43-0 3,068

440 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 3,015 O

441 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 3,015 O

442 Methylcyclohexane 000108-87-2 2,979

4433,3'-Dichloro(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine dihydrochloride 000612-83-9 2,961 O

444 1,2-Dihydroacenaphthylene 000083-32-9 2,916 O

445 Ethyl cyclohexane 001678-91-7 2,905

446 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-6-methylphenol 002219-82-1 2,889

447 C.I. pigment yellow 042 051274-00-1 2,859 O

448 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 000099-99-0 2,842 O

449Distillates (coal), solvent-refining(SRC), wash 068410-09-3 2,842

450Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed diesters with benzoic acid and neopentyl glycol

610787-77-4 2,826

451 Copper sulfate 007758-98-7 2,815 O

452 2-[2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000143-22-6 2,808 O

453 Diakyl Dicstcr Hydroxcthyl Methyl Ammonium Methosulfate

161294-46-8 2,764

454 Dipotassium hydrogenorthophosphate 007758-11-4 2,711 O

455 Styrenated phenol 061788-44-1 2,701 O

456 Cadimium 007440-43-9 2,681 O

457 Mercury 007439-97-6 2,623

458 Dimethyl laury amine Oxide 068955-55-5 2,539 O

459 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 2,497 O

460 Dibutyltin oxide 000818-08-6 2,442 O

461 Dichlorodifluoromethane 000075-71-8 2,401 O

4624,4'-Bis[[4-anilino-6-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-s-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid disodium salt

004193-55-9 2,400 O

463 C.I. pigment yellow 034 001344-37-2 2,396 O

464 2,2′-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide 000120-78-5 2,367 O

465 Butene 025167-67-3 2,353 O

466 1-Chlorobutane 000109-69-3 2,342 O

467 1-Phenylethanone 000098-86-2 2,339 O

468 Saccharin sodium dihydrate 006155-57-3 2,280

469 Alkyl(C=14-18) ketene dimer 160402-36-8 2,253

470 Diisononyl adipate 033703-08-1 2,241 O

471 Frits, chemicals 065997-18-4 2,204 O

472 Trichlorofluoromethane 000075-69-4 2,200 O

473 1-methylnaphthalene 000090-12-0 2,187

474 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 000556-67-2 2,183 O

475 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone 000119-53-9 2,159 O

476 4-(α,α-Dim ethylbenzyl)phenol 000599-64-4 2,156 O


3-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-methylbenzenepropanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl) ester

036443-68-2 2,145 O

4782-Propenoic acid 2-ethyl-2-[[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

015625-89-5 2,115 O

479 Biphenyl-4,4'-diol 000092-88-6 2,084 O

480 Lead oxide (Pb2O3) 001314-27-8 2,073

481 1-Chlorooctane 000111-85-3 2,062 O

482 N,N-Diethylethanamine 000121-44-8 2,033 O

483 (Z)-9-Octadecenamide 000301-02-0 2,005 O

484 Chemical-000873-66-5 000873-66-5 1,987

485 Tetrahydrophthalic acid ester anhydride KE-33499 1,977

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486 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph. 064742-89-8 1,971 O

487 2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate 024468-13-1 1,946 O

488 2-Ethylhexanoyl chloride 000760-67-8 1,935 O

489 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 025155-30-0 1,920 O

490 Barium dodecairon nonadecaoxide 012047-11-9 1,869

491 Coumarone indene resins 063393-89-5 1,856 O

492Methyl 3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl) propionate

006386-39-6 1,836

493 Disodium peroxodisulfate 007775-27-1 1,821 O

494 Calcium dinitrate tetrahydrate 013477-34-4 1,757

495 Anthracene 000120-12-7 1,753 O

496 Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 034590-94-8 1,739 O

497 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid tributyl ester

000077-90-7 1,739 O

498 Ethoxylated alcohols (C=12-14) 068439-50-9 1,733

499 Penta-1,4-diene 000591-93-5 1,715

500 4-Methylbenzenamine 000106-49-0 1,699 O


000095-33-0 1,675 O

502 Tetraoctyl stannane 003590-84-9 1,654 O

503 Tetrabutyl tin 001461-25-2 1,645 O

504 2-[2-(Methoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000112-35-6 1,616 O

505 Chloroformic acid ethyl ester 000541-41-3 1,572 O

506 2,2-Dimethylpropanoyl chloride 003282-30-2 1,561 O

507 Benzoyl peroxide 000094-36-0 1,539 O

508 Pentapotassium triphosphate 013845-36-8 1,513 O

509 Strontium nitrate 010042-76-9 1,512 O

510 Methylphenol 001319-77-3 1,496 O

511 Kerosine (petroleum), catalytic reformed, alkyl(C=8-15)benzene fraction

101316-68-1 1,493

512 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 1,469 O

513 3-Methylpenta-1,4-diene 001115-08-8 1,417

514 Brass, dross 069011-68-3 1,394

515 Fluorite (CaF2) 014542-23-5 1,389 O

516 Bisphenol A bis(dicresyl phosphate) 093981-32-9 1,372

517 Silicic acid potassium salt 001312-76-1 1,371 O

518 Pentaerythritol 000115-77-5 1,297 O

519 Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate 007722-76-1 1,279 O

520 2-Butene-1,4-diol 000110-64-5 1,266 O

521 Lard oils 008016-28-2 1,263

522 Vinylcyclohexane 000695-12-5 1,257

523 Trizinc bis(orthophosphate 007779-90-0 1,250 O

524 Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate 000128-04-1 1,217 O

525 Dioctyltin dichloride 003542-36-7 1,213 O

526 Triphosphoric acid pentasodium salt 007758-29-4 1,210 O

527 Disodium silicate pentahydrate 010213-79-3 1,210 O

528Acetic acid, nitrilotri-, trisodium salt, monohydrate

018662-53-8 1,210

529 Chemical-000496-11-7 000496-11-7 1,208

530 2-Methyl-2-propanol 000075-65-0 1,206 O

531 Calcium 007440-70-2 1,200 O

532Dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 001300-72-7 1,182 O

533 Light aromatic (petroleum) 068477-30-5 1,179 O

534 Barium hydroxide 017194-00-2 1,165 O

535 Silicic acid 001343-98-2 1,157

536 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000121-91-5 1,131 O

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537 2,4,6-Tris[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenol 000090-72-2 1,129 O

5381,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester

000120-61-6 1,114 O

539 Benzene, dialkyl(C=12-14) derivs. 068515-26-4 1,083

540 [(1-Methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis[oxy(methyl-2,1-ethanediyl)]diacrylate

042978-66-5 1,073 O

541 Refractory ceramic fibers 142844-00-6 1,056

542 Sorbitan fatty acid ester KE-31675 1,046

543 Isoheptane 031394-54-4 1,045

544 Diammonium hexanitratocerate 016774-21-3 1,030

545 Maleated rosin 008050-28-0 1,017 O

546 Undecane 001120-21-4 1,011 O

547 Zinc bis(dihydrogen phosphate) 013598-37-3 1,000 O

548 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956 O

549 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run

064741-42-0 2,068,053 O

550 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 403,012 O

551 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 344,716 O

552 Helium 007440-59-7 310,540 O

553 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 285,918 O

554 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 201,950 O

555 Mica-group minerals 012001-26-2 130,010

556 C.I. disperse yellow 114 061968-66-9 117,799

557 Alcohols, (C=12-14)-secondary, ethoxylated

084133-50-6 105,347 O

558Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed

064741-68-0 73,168 O

559 Distillates (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked

064741-61-3 70,474 O

560 Manganous silicate 011129-61-6 63,750

561 Silicagel 063231-67-4 56,931

562 Cyclohexanol 000108-93-0 54,116 O

563 Nickel sulfate 007786-81-4 53,160 O

564 Iron disulfide 012068-85-8 52,128

565 Kaolin, calcined 092704-41-1 51,401 O

566 Dibutylcarbamodithioic acid sodium salt 000136-30-1 47,300 O

567 Tallow 061789-97-7 40,380 O

568 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane 000431-89-0 36,937 O

569 1-Cyanoguanidine 000461-58-5 35,849 O

570 Barium carbonate 000513-77-9 35,836 O

571Oxybis(1-methylethylene)tetraphenyl diphosphite 080584-85-6 35,380

572 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 34,584 O

573 Nickel monoxide 001313-99-1 34,578 O

574 Alcohols, (C=8-10)-iso-, (C=9)-rich 068526-84-1 32,076 O

575 Gilsonite 012002-43-6 32,000

576 5-Ethylidene 2-norbornene 016219-75-3 31,629 O

577 Gas oils (petroleum), steam-cracked 068527-18-4 29,788 O

578Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 29,657 O

579 Strontium carbonate 001633-05-2 29,142 O

580 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 28,065 O

581 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 27,829 O

582 Bis(diethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')zinc 014324-55-1 26,600 O

583 Zinc dross 069011-50-3 25,537 O

584 Ethylene trichloride 000079-01-6 23,646 O

585 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 22,791 O

586 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromo 000079-94-7 22,247 O

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587 Kaolin 001332-58-7 20,748 O

588 Zinc sulfate 007733-02-0 20,000 O

589 Cellulose, acetate 009004-35-7 19,327

590 Cellulose 009004-34-6 18,345 O

591 1-Naphthalenesulfonic acid sodium salt 000130-14-3 18,000

592 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 16,928 O

593 Diammonium phosphate sulfate 012593-60-1 16,692 O

594 Dammar 009000-16-2 15,000

595 Cobalt sulfate 010124-43-3 15,000 O

596 Hexadecanoic acid 000057-10-3 14,908 O

597Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic 064742-52-5 13,884 O

598 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 000149-57-5 12,800 O

599 Pyrophyllite 012269-78-2 12,000

600 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 10,565 O

601 N-Phenylbenzenamine 000122-39-4 10,451 O

602 Lead sulfide 001314-87-0 10,426

603 Nonanol 028473-21-4 10,269 O

604 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 10,214

605 Diammonium peroxodisulfate 007727-54-0 10,000 O

606 C.I. pigment blue 029 057455-37-5 10,000 O

607 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 9,816

608 Zinc peroxide (ZnO2) 001314-22-3 8,981

609 Calcium Chloride 010035-04-8 8,948 O

610 Dimethyl isophthalate 001459-93-4 8,000 O

611 Lithium fluoride (LiF) 007789-24-4 8,000

612 1-Octene 000111-66-0 7,544 O

613 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester

004500-01-0 7,471

614 Alkenes, (C>10) α- 064743-02-8 7,399

615 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 7,150 O

616 2(3H)-Benzothiazolethione zinc salt 000155-04-4 6,600 O

6172,2'-Methylene bis[6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol]

000119-47-1 6,300 O

618 1-Dodecanol 000112-53-8 6,240 O

619 Andalusite (Al2O(SiO4)) 012183-80-1 6,229

620 Methylbenzotriazole 029385-43-1 6,013 O

621 Coke (coal) 065996-77-2 6,000 O

622 Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1) 068937-41-7 5,865 O

623 1-Hexene 000592-41-6 5,856 O

624 Ammonium fluoride 012125-01-8 5,756

625 Acetic anhydride 000108-24-7 5,658 O

626 Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom. 067891-79-6 5,627 O

627[2-(Acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride 044992-01-0 5,570 O

628 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 5,488 O

629 Sodium chlorate 007775-09-9 5,440 O

630 Sodium lignosulfonate 008061-51-6 5,315 O

631 Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous 001330-43-4 5,262 O

632 Isodecanol 025339-17-7 5,209 O

633 Chloroethane 000075-00-3 5,161 O

634 Lignin 009005-53-2 5,088

635 Rutile(TiO2) 001317-80-2 5,081 O

636 N-(2-Methylphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide 000093-68-5 5,000 O

637 Triphenylethylphosphonium bromide 001530-32-1 5,000

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638 Tetrachloroethene 000127-18-4 4,940 O

639 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene 000088-73-3 4,886 O

640 C.I. pigment green 007 001328-53-6 4,590 O

641 Stearic acid, ester with decanol 085204-42-8 4,562

642 (Z)-13-Docosenoic acid 000112-86-7 4,496 O

643 White phosphorus 012185-10-3 4,180

644 Benzoyl chloride 000098-88-4 4,015 O

645 Paraffin waxes (petroleum), low-melting 092045-74-4 3,932 O

646 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 000118-79-6 3,861 O

647 3-Ethoxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000763-69-9 3,792 O

648 Manganese alloy 012743-28-1 3,775

649 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride 001910-42-5 3,708 O

650 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 3,649 O

651Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic

064742-53-6 3,530 O

652 Tricobalt tetraoxide 001308-06-1 3,512 O

653 Phosphoric acid magnesium salt 010043-83-1 3,500

654 Oxalic acid dihydrate 006153-56-6 3,474 O

655 Dolomite 016389-88-1 3,446 O

656 Graphite 007782-42-5 3,396

657 Nickel 007440-02-0 3,254 O

658 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester 000097-88-1 3,221 O

659 Dichromium trioxide 001308-38-9 3,126 O

660 Alumina cement, chemicals 065997-16-2 3,099

661 Dicopper oxide 001317-39-1 3,075 O

662 Benzoic acid 000065-85-0 3,012 O

663 N-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarboxamide

000092-78-4 3,000

664 C.I. disperse green 009 071872-50-9 3,000

665 Slack wax(petroleum) 064742-61-6 2,998 O

666 Light naphthenic distillate (petroleum) 064741-52-2 2,871 O

667 Chlorinated paraffin 063449-39-8 2,853 O

668 Sodium sulfide 001313-82-2 2,839 O

669 1-Octadecanol 000112-92-5 2,804 O

670 Magnesium 007439-95-4 2,788 O

671 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl)ester

000094-28-0 2,769 O

6721,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Nonafluoro-1-butanesulfonic acid potassium salt 029420-49-3 2,758

673 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000111-90-0 2,757 O

674 Chloroacetyl chloride 000079-04-9 2,680 O

675 Kieselguhr, soda ash flux-calcined 068855-54-9 2,672 O

676 Neodecanoic acid 026896-20-8 2,657 O

677 Phosphorus trichloride 007719-12-2 2,625 O

678 1-Aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 000056-86-0 2,592 O

6792-[(4-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethanol] hydrogensulfate (ester) 002494-89-5 2,525 O

680 Phosphorus 007723-14-0 2,471 O

681 Benzaldehyde 000100-52-7 2,420 O

682 Molybdenum 007439-98-7 2,416 O

683 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic

064741-88-4 2,402 O

684 Pulp, cellulose 065996-61-4 2,385 O

685 1,3-Benzenediol 000108-46-3 2,328 O

686Calcium carbonate tall-oil fatty acid complexes 068512-12-9 2,323

687 Carbon sulfide 000075-15-0 2,209 O

688 4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid 000130-13-2 2,150

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monosodium salt

689 Tetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide 000126-33-0 2,071 O

690 Fatty acids, (C=16-18) 067701-03-5 2,025 O

691 Alkenes, (C=14-18) α- 068855-59-4 2,021 O

692 5-Nitro-2-thiazolamine 000121-66-4 2,000

693 Sodium borosilicate 050815-87-7 1,911

694 1,1'-Oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene]

001163-19-5 1,890 O

695 1-Octanol 000111-87-5 1,884 O

696 calcium borate 001318-33-8 1,880

697 Dialuminium calcium tetraoxide 012042-68-1 1,813

698 Copper monoxide 001317-38-0 1,808 O

699 Sodium thiosulfate 007772-98-7 1,756 O

700 Diboron trioxide 001303-86-2 1,753 O

701 Calcium acetylide 000075-20-7 1,710 O

702 Borax 001303-96-4 1,699 O

703 Neon 007440-01-9 1,697

704 2-Methoxypropyl acetate 070657-70-4 1,673

705 Lithium carbonate 000554-13-2 1,670 O

706N,N'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 000112-24-3 1,637 O

707 Isononanoic acid 026896-18-4 1,632 O

708 Alcohols, (C=12-16) 068855-56-1 1,622 O

709 Hexamethylene diisocyanate 000822-06-0 1,606 O

710 Neodymium oxide 001313-97-9 1,541

711 1,1-Hydrazoformamide 000110-21-4 1,528 O

712 Tung oil 008001-20-5 1,503 O

713 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 1,502 O


005468-75-7 1,500 O

715 Monoisopropanolamine 000078-96-6 1,495 O

716 Bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) 005945-33-5 1,480

717N-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-31-8 1,480 O

718 Branched 4-nonylphenol 084852-15-3 1,459 O

719 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 000811-97-2 1,443 O

720 C.I. pigment violet 027 012237-62-6 1,441

721 Boronatrocalcite 001319-33-1 1,418

722 Kyanite 001302-76-7 1,370

723 Aluminosilicate (Mullite) 001302-93-8 1,369 O

724 Calcium disilicide 012013-56-8 1,349 O

725 Manganese sulfate 010124-55-7 1,346

726Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy naphthenic 064742-34-3 1,315 O

727 DISPERSE RED 012223-37-9 1,300

728 Castor oil 008001-79-4 1,298 O

729 Sodium dichromate 010588-01-9 1,251 O

730 Zirconium oxide 053801-45-9 1,227

731 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid monosodium salt

005460-09-3 1,206 O

732Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), chromium-doped 099328-47-9 1,200

733 Fatty acids, palm-oil, sodium salts 061790-79-2 1,196 O

734 Sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1), monohydrate

007446-19-7 1,176

7351,1-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene) 084852-53-9 1,160

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736di-calcium hexaborate pentahydrate(콜레마나이트) 012291-65-5 1,120

737 Diphenylisooctyl phosphite 026401-27-4 1,120 O

738 C.I. reactive yellow 145 093050-80-7 1,111 O

739 Magnesium sulfate (1:1) 007487-88-9 1,110 O

740 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 000071-55-6 1,108 O

741Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=24-50), solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrogenated 101316-72-7 1,103 O

742 Iron trinitrate 010421-48-4 1,083 O

743Octadecanoic acid monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol

031566-31-1 1,080 O

744 Barium nitrate 010022-31-8 1,066 O

745 Tall oil, fatty acids 061790-12-3 1,065 O

746 Dipropylene glycol 025265-71-8 1,063 O

747 Trisilicon tetranitride 012033-89-5 1,062 O


749 Nickel oxide 011099-02-8 1,052

750 Sodium hyposulfite 007775-14-6 1,040 O

751 Alcohols, (C=10-16) 067762-41-8 1,040 O

752 Triphenyl phosphate 000115-86-6 1,035 O

753 Magnesium titanate 012032-30-3 1,023

754 1,2-Ethanediamine 000107-15-3 1,022 O

755 4,4'-Methylenebisbenzenamine compd. with sodium chloride (NaCl) (3:1)

021646-20-8 1,008

계 266,884,787 186,511,448

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화학물질 취 량 상 50 물질

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화학물질 제조량 상 50 물질(2002년도)

순위 물 명 CAS번호 제조량(톤)

1 portland cement 065997-15-1 31,924,908

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 27,761,591

3 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL(잔기성 연료 기름) 068476-33-5 20,342,252

4 Naphtha; Petroleum benzin, Benzin 008030-30-6 17,226,853

5 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 9,606,063

6 Kerosine; Kerosene 008008-20-6 9,510,849

7 Ethylene; Ethene 000074-85-1 5,620,902

8 Fuel oil No. 6 068553-00-4 5,361,761

9 Kerosine, petroleum, hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 4,876,185

10 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid; p-Phthalic ac... 000100-21-0 4,841,242

11 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 007664-93-9 4,063,336

12 Benzene 000071-43-2 3,835,308

13 Nitrogen (N) 007727-37-9 3,751,474

14 Oxygen 007782-44-7 3,578,533

15 1-Propene; Propylene 000115-07-1 3,551,505

16 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 3,480,854

17 Vinylbenzene; Styrene, Ethenylbenzene 000100-42-5 3,370,632

18 p-Xylene; 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 000106-42-3 2,690,086

19 Butane 000106-97-8 2,573,514

20 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 2,054,113

21 Toluene 000108-88-3 1,913,026

22 Petroleum asphalt 008052-42-4 1,741,312

23 Xylene; Dimethylbenzene 001330-20-7 1,518,599

24 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene수 000075-01-4 1,424,449

25 PP(GM-185) 009003-07-0 1,346,517

26 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 1,277,947

27 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH); Caustic soda 001310-73-2 1,232,176

28 Solvent 008020-83-5 1,161,128

29 Limestone 001317-65-3 1,094,699

30 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,041,561

31 ethylene glycol 000107-21-1 878,633

32 Chlorine 007782-50-5 831,379

33 Calcium sulfate 007778-18-9 809,061

34 1-Propene polymer with ethene; Ethylene propylen... 009010-79-1 797,419

35 Heating oil K-00006144 694,367

36 Propane 000074-98-6 678,666

37 Calcium oxide (CaO) 001305-78-8 674,826

38 Butadiene-Acrylonitrile-Styrene copolymer 009003-56-9 670,023

39 ethylenechloride 000107-06-2 661,346

40 Nitric acid; Aqua fortis 007697-37-2 636,844

41 Hydrogen chloride; Hydrochloric acid 007647-01-0 624,192

42 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbo... 025038-59-9 622,154

43 Fayalite(2FeO·SiO2) 067711-92-6 621,618

44 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer; Polystyrene 009003-53-6 540,436

45 Copper 007440-50-8 509,874

46 1,3-Butadiene-styrene copolymer; Ethenylbenz... 009003-55-8 469,094

47 Gypsum 013397-24-5 460,746

48 Methyl tert-butyl ether; 1,1-Dimethylethyl methyl ether 001634-04-4 453,327

49 Zinc 007440-66-6 445,756

50 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenz... 009003-54-7 428,865

총 계 196,281,998

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화학물질 제조량 상 50 물질(2006년도)

순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 제조량(톤)

1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 30,796,449

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 30,116,460

3 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 27,717,736

4 Naphtha 008030-30-6 19,887,181

5 Kerosine 008008-20-6 13,226,185

6 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 12,893,415

7 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 8,859,930

8 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 8,619,600

9 Oxygen 007782-44-7 7,039,262

10 Ethylene 000074-85-1 6,297,104

11 Benzene 000071-43-2 5,394,585

12 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 5,371,131

13 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 5,156,750

14 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 4,989,515

15 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 4,409,719

16 1-Propene 000115-07-1 4,139,294

17 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 3,364,549

18 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 3,362,630

19 Butane 000106-97-8 3,169,826

20 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 2,903,472

21 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 2,647,645

22 Toluene 000108-88-3 2,574,739

23 Methane 000074-82-8 2,220,782

24 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 1,827,936

25 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,780,057

26 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 1,744,724

27 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,610,085

28 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 1,602,286

29 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 1,504,757

30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 1,496,851

31 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1), hemihydrate 010034-76-1 1,479,786

32 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,421,643

33 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,379,678

34 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,339,766

35 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,325,751

36 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 1,325,056

37 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,255,079

38 Chlorine 007782-50-5 1,223,201

39 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 1,017,868

40 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 995,008

41 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 980,511

42 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 967,559

43 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 948,421

44 Ozone 010028-15-6 925,056

45 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 881,760

46 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 864,593

47 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 806,146

48 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 780,270

49 Limestone 001317-65-3 759,128

50 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 736,462

계 248,137,397

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화학물질 수입량 상 50 물질(2002년도)

순 물 CAS 수 량( /년)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 89,018,046

2 Naphtha; Petroleum benzin, Benzin 008030-30-6 15,095,240

3 Sodium chloride (NaCl) 007647-14-5 1,413,326

4 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 828,129

5 Ammonia (NH3) 007664-41-7 771,821

6 Fuel oil No. 6 068553-00-4 757,345

7 Xylene; Dimethylbenzene 001330-20-7 714,459

8 Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 000497-19-8 684,234

9 p-Xylene; 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 000106-42-3 628,946

10 Vinylbenzene; Styrene, Ethenylbenzene 000100-42-5 597,188

11 ethylene glycol 000107-21-1 537,756

12 Copper 007440-50-8 510,693

13 ethylenechloride 000107-06-2 492,899

14 Kerosine; Kerosene 008008-20-6 478,137

15 Kerosine, petroleum, hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 472,284

16 Iron 007439-89-6 445,893

17 Zinc 007440-66-6 432,545

18 Benzene 000071-43-2 368,805

19 Solvent 008020-83-5 334,308

20 1-Propene; Propylene 000115-07-1 314,202

21 Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 001314-56-3 298,813

22 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL( 연료 ) 068476-33-5 297,247

23 Urea; Carbamide 000057-13-6 277,516

24 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 263,901

25 Potassium chloride (KCl) 007447-40-7 261,161

26 Methanol; Methyl alcohol 000067-56-1 220,944

27 Lead 007439-92-1 217,826

28 Clarified oils, petroleum, catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 199,392

29 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 190,372

30 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 183,670

31 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 158,369

32 Crystalline Silica-Quartz 014808-60-7 151,518

33 2-Propenenitrile; Acrylonitrile, Cyanoethylene 000107-13-1 144,195

34 Ethylene; Ethene 000074-85-1 143,095

35 Gasoline, straight-run, topping-plant 068606-11-1 130,566

36 Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) 021645-51-2 127,049

37 Dipotassium oxide 012136-45-7 101,597

38 Silica 007631-86-9 98,266

39 Aluminum oxide (Al2O3); Alumina 001344-28-1 93,980

40 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 89,277

41 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate 000108-65-6 82,014

42 Strontium Sulfate 007759-02-6 79,433

43 Isopropylbenzene 000098-82-8 72,123

44 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 70,169

45 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide sodium salt; 000128-44-9 67,506

46 iso-PENTANE 000078-78-4 66,986

47 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 65,016

48 IPA 000067-63-0 62,849

49 Pentane 000109-66-0 59,621

50 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one; ε-Carprolactam 000105-60-2 53,850

총 계 119,224,578

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화학물질 수입량 상 50 물질(2006년도)

순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 수입량(톤)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 121,913,264

2 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,050,951

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 13,234,047

4 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956

5 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run 064741-42-0 2,068,053

6 Butane 000106-97-8 1,371,195

7 Methanol 000067-56-1 1,348,417

8 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,202,700

9 Propane 000074-98-6 1,091,020

10 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 1,012,821

11 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 948,893

12 Xylene 001330-20-7 926,026

13 Copper 007440-50-8 716,796

14 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 650,773

15 Ammonia 007664-41-7 624,980

16 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 586,586

17 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 579,548

18 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 562,496

19 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 550,149

20 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 545,570

21 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 494,059

22 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 492,537

23 Iron 007439-89-6 479,444

24 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 468,336

25 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 425,643

26 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 403,012

27 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 400,280

28 Benzene 000071-43-2 384,670

29 Silicon 007440-21-3 367,868

30 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 344,716

31 Toluene 000108-88-3 341,750

32 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 329,146

33 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 315,279

34 Helium 007440-59-7 310,540

35 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 292,500

36 1-Propene 000115-07-1 292,297

37 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 289,439

38 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 285,918

39 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 274,427

40 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 253,080

41 Manganese 007439-96-5 218,213

42 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 201,950

43 Urea 000057-13-6 201,217

44 Limestone 001317-65-3 199,249

45 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 192,822

46 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 174,305

47 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 167,531

48 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 154,167

49 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 147,655

50 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 136,108

계 181,074,399

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화학물질 수출량 상 50 물질(2002년도)

순 물 CAS 수출량( /년)

1 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL( 연료 ) 068476-33-5 9,966,952

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 6,238,315

3 Naphtha; Petroleum benzin, Benzin 008030-30-6 5,582,254

4 Kerosine; Kerosene 008008-20-6 3,286,856

5 portland cement 065997-15-1 2,669,522

6 Fuel oil No. 6 068553-00-4 1,989,025

7 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,839,231

8 Kerosine, petroleum, hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 1,773,702

9 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 1,481,271

10 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 1,418,608

11 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 007664-93-9 1,373,916

12 p-Xylene; 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 000106-42-3 1,050,793

13 Toluene 000108-88-3 891,569

14 Xylene; Dimethylbenzene 001330-20-7 843,983

15 Butadiene-Acrylonitrile-Styrene copolymer 009003-56-9 617,396

16 Vinylbenzene; Styrene, Ethenylbenzene 000100-42-5 504,755

17 Benzene 000071-43-2 485,239

18 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 406,570

19 Solvent 008020-83-5 387,869

20 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer; Polystyrene 009003-53-6 359,938

21 Zinc 007440-66-6 316,336

22 1-Propene; Propylene 000115-07-1 306,663

23 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 302,982

24 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 298,399

25 1,3-Butadiene-styrene copolymer 009003-55-8 252,763

26 PP(GM-185) 009003-07-0 246,653

27 o-Xylene; 1,2-Dimethylbenzene 000095-47-6 245,592

28 ethylene glycol 000107-21-1 245,322

29 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenec... 025038-59-9 238,546

30 Copper 007440-50-8 229,006

31 Ethylene; Ethene 000074-85-1 209,523

32 2-Propenenitrile; Acrylonitrile, Cyanoethylene 000107-13-1 202,877

33 Polyester (ethylene glycol-isophthalic acid-terephth... 024938-04-3 192,964

34 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene수 000075-01-4 171,312

35 1,3-Isobenzofurandione; Phthalic anhydride 000085-44-9 164,299

36 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 147,990

37 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 131,543

38 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH); Caustic soda 001310-73-2 130,725

39 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 119,547

40 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 115,304

41 Methyl tert-butyl ether; 1,1-Dimethylethyl methyl ether 001634-04-4 109,006

42 Ethylene.vinyl acetate copolymer 024937-78-8 97,222

43 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 96,041

44 COAL TAR, LOW-TEMPERATURE 065996-90-9 92,400

45 Fuel oil, no. 2 068476-30-2 88,537

46 Acetic acid; Glacial acetic acid 000064-19-7 82,986

47 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer; Polybutadiene 009003-17-2 74,866

48 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene; 000584-84-9 70,927

49 Carbon Black Pigment 001333-86-4 68,893

50 Petroleum asphalt 008052-42-4 66,168

총 계 48,283,157

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화학물질 수출량 상 50 물질(2006년도)

순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 수출량(톤)

1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 8,511,566

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 7,652,163

3 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 4,630,634

4 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 3,662,044

5 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,967,970

6 Naphtha 008030-30-6 2,748,981

7 Kerosine 008008-20-6 2,549,587

8 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 2,183,899

9 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 1,847,688

10 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1,520,053

11 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 1,292,887

12 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,167,947

13 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 996,367

14 Xylene 001330-20-7 826,360

15 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 790,688

16 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 721,990

17 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 717,832

18 Toluene 000108-88-3 709,424

19 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 671,215

20 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 552,330

21 Copper 007440-50-8 431,031

22 1-Propene 000115-07-1 394,364

23 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 366,089

24 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 363,685

25 Zinc 007440-66-6 359,556

26 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 337,234

27 Ethylene 000074-85-1 331,075

28 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 270,750

29 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 256,376

30 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 231,302

31 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 224,843

32 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 222,621

33 Asphalt 008052-42-4 216,815

34 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 202,583

35 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 201,859

36 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 200,698

37 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 172,427

38 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 171,645

39 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 167,918

40 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 154,835

41 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 143,920

42 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 141,024

43 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 139,650

44 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 133,812

45 Phenol 000108-95-2 130,195

46 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 123,818

47 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 115,825

48 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 109,578

49 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 106,259

50 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 103,676

계 53,247,088

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화학물질 사용량 상 50 물질(2002년도)

순 물 CAS 사 량( /년)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 88,628,177

2 Naphtha; Petroleum benzin, Benzin 008030-30-6 27,409,244

3 Limestone 001317-65-3 7,778,740

4 Ethylene; Ethene 000074-85-1 5,365,331

5 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 4,659,881

6 Nitrogen (N) 007727-37-9 4,145,528

7 Benzene 000071-43-2 4,118,251

8 Oxygen 007782-44-7 3,865,841

9 p-Xylene; 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 000106-42-3 3,417,353

10 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 3,267,790

11 1-Propene; Propylene 000115-07-1 2,961,634

12 Calcium oxide (CaO) 001305-78-8 2,944,839

13 Natural gas 008006-14-2 2,846,886

14 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 007664-93-9 2,686,789

15 Vinylbenzene; Styrene, Ethenylbenzene 000100-42-5 2,593,007

16 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 2,392,165

17 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH); Caustic soda 001310-73-2 2,134,425

18 Sodium chloride (NaCl) 007647-14-5 2,078,333

19 Calcium sulfate 007778-18-9 2,047,278

20 Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) 001305-62-0 1,720,503

21 Silica 007631-86-9 1,637,620

22 Xylene; Dimethylbenzene 001330-20-7 1,620,248

23 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL( 연료 ) 068476-33-5 1,481,576

24 Toluene 000108-88-3 1,400,278

25 ethylene glycol 000107-21-1 1,392,291

26 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 1,335,183

27 portland cement 065997-15-1 1,258,886

28 Solvent 008020-83-5 1,242,281

29 PP(GM-185) 009003-07-0 1,232,562

30 Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 000497-19-8 1,228,561

31 Vinyl acetate; Ethenyl acetate 000108-05-4 1,213,330

32 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,130,056

33 ethylenechloride 000107-06-2 1,125,087

34 Methanol; Methyl alcohol 000067-56-1 1,065,750

35 Copper 007440-50-8 999,958

36 Nitric acid; Aqua fortis 007697-37-2 998,971

37 Iron 007439-89-6 984,296

38 Pentane 000109-66-0 959,433

39 Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 000471-34-1 944,426

40 Zinc 007440-66-6 940,741

41 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene수 000075-01-4 916,787

42 Ammonia (NH3) 007664-41-7 911,601

43 Chlorine 007782-50-5 846,017

44 Butane 000106-97-8 802,850

45 Hydrogen chloride; Hydrochloric acid 007647-01-0 778,516

46 Heating oil K-00006144 689,661

47 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone; N-Methylpyrrolidone 000872-50-4 684,475

48 Aluminum oxide (Al2O3); Alumina 001344-28-1 677,699

49 1-Butene 000106-98-9 673,226

50 Oxalic acid 000144-62-7 652,272

총 계 208,886,632

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화학물질 사용량 상 50 물질(2006년도)

순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 사 량(톤)

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 116,863,439

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 30,360,664

3 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,419,613

4 Benzene 000071-43-2 9,515,207

5 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 8,773,034

6 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 6,683,354

7 Oxygen 007782-44-7 6,422,637

8 Ethylene 000074-85-1 6,368,560

9 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956

10 1-Propene 000115-07-1 4,774,915

11 Limestone 001317-65-3 4,271,538

12 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 3,952,783

13 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 3,697,798

14 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 3,341,455

15 Methane 000074-82-8 3,250,566

16 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 3,106,112

17 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 2,943,735

18 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 2,827,655

19 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 2,604,124

20 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,519,326

21 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 2,505,413

22 Natural gas 008006-14-2 2,337,459

23 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run 064741-42-0 2,068,053

24 Toluene 000108-88-3 2,025,101

25 Butane 000106-97-8 2,011,788

26 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,922,345

27 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,894,188

28 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 1,865,386

29 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 1,861,347

30 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 1,817,579

31 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 1,814,003

32 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,813,317

33 Chlorine 007782-50-5 1,665,514

34 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 1,646,612

35 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,596,177

36 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 1,588,019

37 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,578,323

38 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,489,620

39 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,397,354

40 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 1,334,726

41 Methanol 000067-56-1 1,303,290

42 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 1,275,401

43 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 1,245,577

44 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,175,435

45 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,150,536

46 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 1,149,998

47 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 1,145,474

48 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,102,033

49 Argon 007440-37-1 1,057,291

50 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 1,040,431

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산업단지별 유통 황

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- 192 -

번호 산업단지명 제조 수입 수출 사용

0 해당사항없음 84,321,674 41,809,689 13,254,363 83,510,736

1101 서울디지털국가산단 7 195,190 36,530 6,685

1102 온수지방산단 - 2,021 - 346

2101 명지녹산국가산단 36,163 11,552 14,047 149,211

2102 신평장림지방산단 34,856 82,647 13,183 247,286

2103 신호지방산단 - - - 18,502

2104 부산과학지방산단 542 1,389 - 1,184

2105 센텀시티지방산단 - 153 - 211

2107 정 지방산단 1,992 - - 3,262

2109 장안지방산단 - - - 9

2110 지사(외)지방산단 355,739 4,559 - 2,094

2201 검단지방산단 3,805 1,731 467 6,921

2202 구염색지방산단 2,834 1,234 141 272,422

2203 달성지방산단 7,450 16,143 2,958 127,089

2204 성서지방산단 53,901 7,584 5,285 521,997

2208 달성2지방산단 - - - 5,433

2301 남동국가산단 283,667 53,312 18,865 469,019

2302 인천기계지방산단 - - - 32,941

2303 인천지방산단 27,947 6,875 3,767 311,816

2304 인천서부지방산단 116,564 29,319 1,844 347,641

2305 강화하 지방산단 - 6 - 518

2306 청라1지구지방산단 - - - 494

2307 부평국가산단 1,496 21 9,109 26,241

2308 주안국가산단 14,703 11,978 7,100 29,432

2310 송도지식정보지방산단 - 163 - 265

2401 평동(외)지방산단 - - - 1,842

2402 주첨단국가산단 - 3,330 - 421,805

2403 하남지방산단 36,218 39,322 1,185 2,654,817

2404 본 지방산단 - 6,674 3,015 6,373

2405 송암지방산단 13 0 - 68

2406 소 지방산단 - - 274 38

2407 평동지방산단 500 39 - 8,999

2501 1지방산단 40,419 56,966 9,672 93,282

2502 2지방산단 205,115 25,709 16,433 358,399

2506 덕연구개발특구국가산단 419 534 119 9,253

2601 울산미포국가산단 56,814,272 44,864,187 7,246,685 62,753,473

2602 온산국가산단 30,764,267 35,617,634 18,183,064 42,159,033

2603 매곡지방산단 - - - 1,180

2604 모듈화일반지방산단 12 148 - 5

2605 길천일반지방산단 560 - - 548

2606 신일반지방산단 1,071 209 85 3,787

4101 반월국가산단 418,638 502,838 40,964 1,793,147

4102 시화국가산단 660,667 310,923 123,573 1,302,993

4103 주출 국가산단 - 384 330 509

4104 주탄 지방산단 881 - 3 56

4105 성남지방산단 3 1,970 489 5,512

4106 평택송탄지방산단 5,184 3,421 2,789 15,864

4107 평택지방산단 284,839 27,315 13,636 87,957

산업단지별 유통 황

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- 193 -

4108 장당지방산단 - - - 383

4109 어연한산지방산단 0 3,006 2,456 23,692

4110 향남제약지방산단 79 238 136 4,244

4111 반월도 지방산단 4,414 1,292 1,424 19,449

4112 문발1지방산단 - - - 571

4113 문발2지방산단 - 11 - 11,771

4114 신평지방산단 - - - 1,252

4115 상수지방산단 29,658 - - 11,512

4116 도하지방산단 - 46 - 94

4117 동두천지방산단 - 1,787 5 33,860

4118 상 암지방산단 - 431 - 92

4119 안성1지방산단 22,408 2,664 5,237 20,389

4120 안성2지방산단 2,531 6,457 562 73,251

4121 안성3지방산단 830 5,160 642 7,482

4122 공도지방산단 - 47 - 232

4123 가율지방산단 - - - 39

4124 동항지방산단 - - - 271

4125 원곡지방산단 2,100 - 2,100 64

4126 미양2지방산단 2,473 11,856 2,211 35,724

4127 산지방산단 - - - 6,619

4128 덕산지방산단 - 89 - 1,344

4129 장원지방산단 2,486 0 - 29

4132 학운지방산단 - 670 95 3,582

4134 의정부용 지방산단 3 16 - 9

4135 오산지방산단 - 384 - 55,886

4136 상마지방산단 2,191 124 4 2,868

4137 여주장안지방산단 - 123 - 576

4138 양문지방산단 0 109 - 2,838

4139 화성지방산단 771,015 645 471 889,477

4140 추팔지방산단 5,496 12,962 4,351 21,730

4141 칠괴지방산단 7,817 7,955 291 22,658

4142 양주검 지방산단 190 444 3,335 1,299

4143 마도지방산단 546 4 124 1,057

4144 발안지방산단 944 20 - 26,290

4146 주 지방산단 81 1 - 302

4147 곡일반지방산단 3 716 - 2,139

4150 안성용월지방산단 - - - 279

4152 화남지방산단 - 0 29 15

4153 곡일반지방산단 - - - 193

4154 수원지방산단 - 1,867 66 15,972

4156 구암일반지방산단 - - - 454

4159 주LCD지방산단 - 157 - 45,884

4161 오정지방산단 162 - - 73

4162 진 지방산단 202 1,032 - 1,759

4163 양 지방산단 - 99 15 1,655

4164 문산첨단(당동지구 외)지방산단 2 228 - 95

4167 남면지방산단 3,538 246 151 3,522

4168 동두천2지방산단 - 59 - -

4169 오성지방산단 3,370 - - 3,042

4170 탄 국가산단 - 1 0 0

4201 북평국가산단 - - - 85

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- 194 -

4202 춘천지방산단 - 216 - 4,447

4203 원주우산지방산단 - - - 14,781

4204 문막지방산단 3,832 5,386 30 45,569

4205 강릉 소지방산단 - - - 78

4206 북평지방산단 6,505,520 192,822 3,319,368 6,322,107

4207 홍천북방지방산단 - - - 15,775

4210 원주동화일반지방산단 - - - 50

4211 남면일반지방산단 - - - 20

4301 보은국가산단 461 1,439 1 28,845

4303 청주지방산단 112,918 20,983 26,850 541,587

4304 충주1지방산단 35,930 71,718 9 72,377

4305 도지방산단 220 - - 3,217

4306 부용지방산단 131 129 167 66,976

4307 풍지방산단 143 5,348 957 33,866

4309 맹동지방산단 - 6 - 79

4311 괴산지방산단 - 10 - 1,201

4312 오창과학지방산단 588 1,268 1 7,857

4313 오창(외)지방산단 - 2,358 139 3,365

4314 이월지방산단 250 40 - 457

4317 왕지방산단 3,910 836 - 1,324

4318 제천지방산단 - - - 2

4321 감곡지방산단 - - - 23

4323 음성이테크지방산단 - - - 1

4324 음성하이텍지방산단 1,924 2,907 - -

4401 천안(외)지방산단 337,007 162,356 4,557 367,590

4402 아산국가산단 48,943 3,813 234 838,691

4404 천안1지방산단 - 2 6 897

4405 천안2지방산단 23,307 129 15,198 61,573

4406 천안3지방산단 - 3,808 - 186,996

4407 천안4지방산단 456 - - -

4408 천흥지방산단 121 107 - 643

4409 마정기계지방산단 - - - 0

4410 창지방산단 - 17 - -

4411 의지방산단 - - - 221

4412 소정지방산단 - 4,885 3 45,431

4413 인주1지방산단 - 3,812 0 23,845

4415 죽지방산단 - 92 - 430,813

4416 서산지방산단 - - - 3,571

4417 산지방산단 - - - 165,595

4418 월산지방산단 6,990 1,880 1,335 10,476

4421 논산지방산단 - - - 958

4422 조치원지방산단 63 546 - 25,948

4429 산지방산단 31,159 1,855 1,393 40,493

4430 둔포지방산단 - - - 38,054

4432 인주(외)지방산단 - - - 23,216

4434 탕정TC지방산단 532,687 425 - 132,201

4501 군산국가산단 733,513 18,650 4,338 228,618

4502 익산국가산단 198,432 14,191 34,266 622,575

4503 군장국가산단 5,403 4,117 752 50,777

4505 주1지방산단 3,102 928 234 703,462

4506 주2지방산단 79,137 1,214,028 - 1,631,096

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4507 완주( 주3)지방산단 292,818 56,308 50,274 545,201

4508 익산2지방산단 174,448 30,027 55,913 385,243

4509 정읍1지방산단 7,956 - - 21,565

4510 정읍2지방산단 - - - 10,917

4511 정읍3지방산단 1,063 405 16 18,952

4513 군산지방산단 1,079,307 1,126,962 85,911 2,483,151

4514 주과학지방산단 - - - 26

4516 김제순동지방산단 - 41 - 12,770

4601 불국가산단 225,509 511,570 28,010 673,641

4603 불(외)지방산단 - - - 144

4604 양제철국가산단 7,226,788 18,037,384 98,309 27,675,928

4605 여수국가산단 82,211,787 40,702,063 13,716,531 91,974,778

4606 여수오천지방산단 2,948 13 1,831 326

4607 문평지방산단 2 892 - 6,599

4608 순천지방산단 4,759 660 - 17,652

4609 삼호지방산단 - - - 18,298

4611 율 1지방산단 9,285 82 - 27,277

4613 삽진지방산단 - - - 1

4614 나주지방산단 619,008 17,264 66,985 562,448

4617 양연 국가산단 - 0 - 3,424,538

4618 율 3지방산단 - - - 410

4619 화순지방산단 0 - - -

4701 포항제철국가산단 5,078,951 28,273 139 5,095,629

4702 구미국가산단 2,169,790 457,192 301,308 5,133,734

4703 구미(외)지방산단 607 181 325 4,463

4704 포항철강지방산단 654,907 563,273 212,588 2,692,302

4705 진량지방산단 403 2,326 - 14,128

4706 왜 지방산단 42,393 24,064 168 897,869

4707 다산지방산단 2,000 2,824 - 60,677

4708 외동1지방산단 8,634 170 - 8,556

4709 주지방산단 1,530 1,715 - 6,515

4710 개진지방산단 - - 12 94

4711 자인지방산단 2,927 1,121 - 5,300

4712 건천1지방산단 - 12,129 - 10,042

4714 월항지방산단 6,375 - - 7,673

4716 화산지방산단 - - - 91

4717 냉천지방산단 - 11 - 671

4719 석계지방산단 - - - 1,385

4723 천지방산단 9,336 - - 8,126

4725 다산2지방산단 - - - 377

4727 천북일반지방산단 1,683 15 - 3

4733 진량제2일반지방산단 - - - 698

4801 옥포국가산단 - 5 - 24,576

4802 죽도국가산단 - - - 23,379

4803 진해국가산단 - 1,922 350 2,114

4804 창원국가산단 76,566 28,300 631 906,614

4805 안정국가산단 - 4 - 2,981

4806 진주상평지방산단 43 4,206 40 192,903

4807 양산지방산단 91,319 137,110 26,133 628,875

4808 진사일반지방산단 - 1,392 - 2,741

4809 칠서지방산단 1,000,597 2,195 1,261 1,054,452

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4810 마천지방산단 525 1,119 - 36,414

4811 어곡지방산단 16,984 12,500 8,194 77,798

4812 덕암지방산단 1,127 12 519 7,862

4814 진주지방산단 - 36,699 - 480,619

4817 진사(외)지방산단 - 327 41 104

4820 오비일반지방산단 - - - -

4821 사포일반지방산단 - - - 0

4822 경남지능형지방산단 - 7 - 43

4824 죽곡지방산단 - 0 - 7,197

5000 분류 외 산단 1,255,237 2,016,823 596,208 6,692,761

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용도별 화학물질 유통 황

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번호 용도 제조 수입 사용 수출

1 흡수/흡착제(Absorbents and Adsorbents) 399,177 41,121 2,063,618 11,389

2착제(Adhesive, binding

agents) 7,610,776 137,302 1,474,645 223,330

3 연무추진제(Aerosol Propellants) - 426 7,001 -

4 응축방지제(Anti-condensation agents) 6,375 254 5,832 -

5 부동액(Anti-freezing agents) 15,210 21,333 25,217 547

6 착방지제(Anti-set-off and anti-adhesive agents) 78 1,200 9,108 1,814

7정 기 발생방지제(Anti-static agents) 971 1,253 23,750 111

8 표백제(Bleaching agents) 497,753 1,292,841 1,447,748 121,271

9세제/살균, 소독제(Cleaning/washing agents and disinfectants)

1,487,577 106,940 2,150,092 158,771

10 염료안료(Colouring agents) 258,986 320,350 610,557 87,722

11 복합제(Complexing agents) 602,021 8,233 725,361 26,401

12 도체(Conductive agents) 590,742 190,603 287,576 402,899

13 부식억제제(Corrosion inhibitors) 4,832 143,218 703,265 5,974

14 화장품(Cosmetics) 33,348 9,676 49,301 3,786

15 분진결합제(Dustbinding agents) 4,583 719 3,526,062 164

16 기도 제(Electroplating agents) 67,509 32,417 123,320 47,028

17 화약, 폭발제(Explosives) 42,658 1,702 479,408 1,259

18 비료(Fertilisers) 2,541,389 1,346,821 2,674,001 119,256

19 Fillers 1,060,847 161,817 990,388 35,904

20 고정제(Fixing agents) 4,371 6,033 155,092 165

21내화/방염제/난연제(Flame retardants and fire preventing agents)

27,668 135,849 866,861 4,761

22 부유제(Flotation agents) 4,768 798 6,284 2,486

23 주물용 flux(Flux agents for casting) 187,722 74,699 317,803 14,042

24 발포제/기포제(Foaming agents) 212,374 22,383 146,835 61,260

25 식품첨가물(Food/foodstuff additives) 907,930 67,102 480,277 64,057

26 연료(Fuel) 109,668,440 60,076,421 79,856,858 25,606,468

27 연료첨가제(Fuel additives) 714,354 308,613 877,531 46,036

용도별 화학물질 유통 황

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28 열 달제(Heat transfering agents) 1 1,276 46,274 0

29 유압액(Hydraulic fluids and additives) 535 346 36,634 2,928

30 주입제(Impregnation agents) - 2,446 38,686 138

31 단열재(Insulating materials) 157,227 12,440 53,741 4,356

32 합성출발물질간체(Intermediates) 37,411,723 11,614,200 42,005,965 6,802,544

33 윤활유/첨가제(Lubricants and additives) 2,469,351 130,950 850,324 359,100

34 비농업용농약(Non-agricultural pesticides) 0 152 3 -

35 향료/향료 간체(Odour agents) 19,599 1,956 507,143 13,620

36 산화제.안정제.노화방지제(Oxidising agents) 280,161 136,062 937,454 73,602

37 pH 조 제 (pH-regulating agents) 4,575,066 185,545 3,262,041 1,139,078

38 농약/농약 간체(Pesticides) 566,457 8,168 22,835 157,686

39 의약품/의약품 간체(Pharmaceuticals) 55,521 29,646 64,935 21,414

40 UV차단제등화학물(Photochemicals) 1,416 1,622 3,502 709

41매등 공정조 제(Process

regulators) 188,393 17,409 1,323,195 3,653

42 환원제(Reducing agents) 2,593,762 4,069 3,450,473 651

43 복사용(Reprographic agents) 5,299 473 743 4,440

44 반도체(Semiconductors) 2,289,962 217,531 2,495,585 7,133

45 연화제/경화 진제(Softners) 12,070 46,249 134,107 4,323

46 용매제(Solvents) 2,145,047 537,324 2,771,750 245,749

47 안정제(Stabilisers) 78,330 55,351 193,067 13,108

48 계면활성제(Surface-active agents) 410,093 222,008 387,090 56,950

49 탄닌제(Tanning agents) 5,316 6,535 9,884 1,005

50 성조정체(Viscosity adjusters) 4,428 32,934 172,766 146,684

51 가황제/가황 진제(Vulcanising agents) 190,384 139,963 150,536 35,337

52 용 제(Welding and soldering agents) 95,908 10,802 296,076 223

53 가소제(plasticizer) 669,590 29,658 215,474 386,327

54 감 성수지(photosensitive resin) 914 2,592 26,065 612

55 감압색소(decompressive colorant) - 40 12 -

56 감열색소 100 0 64 100

57 고분자원료(단량체) 4,397,991 1,150,403 10,199,467 579,828

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58 속방청, 방부제 65,159 34,863 137,075 2,199

59 방균제, 방부제 45,974 5,484 29,552 796

60 사진 상재료 1,226 6,671 35,687 167

61 안료, 도료, 잉크/첨가제(pigment, paint, ink/additives) 469,085 438,756 2,025,355 203,900

62 액정, 액정재료(liquid crystal) 5,418 3,033 199,835 42

63 이온교환수지(ion exchange resin) 46,296 2,210 161,611 30,049

64 자공업재료(반도체) 287,976 225,140 676,616 43,606

65 합개시제(Radical polymerization initiator) 33,983 5,898 404,201 1,488

66 매(catalyser) 1,335 31,674 152,476 957

67 합성섬유(synthetic fiber) 2,575,119 10,015 496,270 1,336,561

68 합성수지(synthetic resin) 15,140,357 967,987 8,488,389 5,761,689

69 희석제(thinner) 114,564 68,312 373,583 6,367

70 건조 분리제(drying & separating agent) 3,293,694 2,104 3,380,373 1,274

71 기타 78,645,427 108,408,392 177,573,466 13,197,922

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유역(지방)환경청별 취 황

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할별 유통량 1,000톤 이상 물질

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 7,782,834

2 Fuel oil No. 6 068553-00-4 2,092,976

3 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run 064741-42-0 2,068,053

4 Distillates (petroleum), heavy straight-run 068915-96-8 1,552,764

5 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 1,213,511

6 Kerosine 008008-20-6 1,044,980

7 Butane 000106-97-8 1,003,977

8 Naphtha 008030-30-6 938,573

9 Xylene 001330-20-7 865,012

10 Methanol 000067-56-1 819,728

11 Propane 000074-98-6 795,453

12 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 461,978

13 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 435,150

14 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 378,488

15 Benzene 000071-43-2 367,921

16 Copper 007440-50-8 346,253

17 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 344,716

18 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 329,146

19 Toluene 000108-88-3 315,110

20 Zinc 007440-66-6 284,088

21 Urea 000057-13-6 269,787

22 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 227,399

23 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 218,334

24Glass, oxide, calcium magnesium potassium sodium phosphosilicate 094551-67-4 207,395

25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl)

025038-59-9 200,826

26 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 199,317

27 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 192,638

28 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 189,733

29 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 165,373

30 Helium 007440-59-7 157,512

31 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 151,025

32 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 145,885

33 Mica-group minerals 012001-26-2 139,018

34 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 138,966

35 Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate 013478-10-9 133,624

한강유역환경청 유통량 1000톤 이상 물

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36 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 131,080

37 C.I. disperse yellow 114 061968-66-9 117,956

38 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, methylated 068071-45-4 113,491

39 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 109,431

40 Oxygen 007782-44-7 109,127

41 Alcohols, (C=12-14)-secondary, ethoxylated 084133-50-6 105,762

42 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 98,130

43 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 93,174

44 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 92,506

45 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 89,435

46 Lead 007439-92-1 88,008

47 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 71,452

48 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 70,183

49 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 69,361

50 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 68,774

51 Aluminium 007429-90-5 68,420

52 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 67,675

53 Carbon black 001333-86-4 67,505

54 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 66,936

55 Iron 007439-89-6 65,210

56 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 64,593

57 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 64,111

58 Manganous silicate 011129-61-6 63,750

59 Calcium chloride 010043-52-4 59,894

60Disodium 7,7'-(carbonyldiimino)bis[4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate]

003626-36-6 59,152

61 Silicagel 063231-67-4 57,769

62 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 56,595

63 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 56,064

64 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 55,238

65 Nickel sulfate 007786-81-4 55,098

66 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 53,657

67 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 51,642

68 Chlorine 007782-50-5 51,259

69 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 49,355

704,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 46,454

71 Kaolin, calcined 092704-41-1 45,930

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72 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 44,780

73 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 43,410

74 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 41,929

75 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 41,427

76 Glycerol 000056-81-5 40,207

77 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 40,035

78 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane 000431-89-0 36,937

79 Oxybis(1-methylethylene)tetraphenyl diphosphite 080584-85-6 35,383

80 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 34,660

81 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 34,424

82 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 33,910

83 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 33,637

844,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]

025036-25-3 32,759

85 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 32,559

86 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 007697-01-0 32,396

87 Gilsonite 012002-43-6 32,141

88 Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 025214-18-0 32,006

89 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 31,952

90 Aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate 039290-78-3 31,567

91 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 30,555

92 Gas oils (petroleum), steam-cracked 068527-18-4 29,788

93 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 29,278

94 Ethylene trichloride 000079-01-6 27,764

95 Ethylene 000074-85-1 27,637

96 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 27,259

97 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 27,144

98 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 27,020

99 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 25,879

100 Zinc dross 069011-50-3 25,537

101 Silicon 007440-21-3 24,966

102 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 24,719

103 LUBRICATING OIL,REREFINED 068476-77-7 24,317

104 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 24,156

105 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 24,132

106 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 23,387

107 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 22,803

108 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hex 032131-17-2 22,514

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109 Iron trichloride 007705-08-0 22,037

110 Tricalcium bis(orthophosphate) 007758-87-4 21,646

111 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 21,438

112 Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate 007757-93-9 21,282

113 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 21,144

114 Sodium 007440-23-5 21,084

115 Tallow 061789-97-7 21,042

116 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 20,488

117 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine-formaldehyde polymer 009003-08-1 20,245

118 Sorbitol 000050-70-4 20,198

119 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] 000079-94-7 20,197

120 Zinc sulfate 007733-02-0 20,151

121 Cellulose, acetate 009004-35-7 19,485

122 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 19,013

123 2-Propenoic acid homopolymer sodium salt 009003-04-7 18,931

124 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 18,402

125 1-Naphthalenesulfonic acid sodium salt 000130-14-3 18,011

126 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 17,908

127 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 17,518

128 Sodium hydride 007646-69-7 17,456

129 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 17,309

130 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 17,203

131 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 17,173

132 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 17,065

133 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 16,779

134Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with azelaic acid, ethylenediamine, hexamethylenediamine and stearic acid

068154-52-9 16,596

135 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 16,415

136 Ammonia 007664-41-7 16,338

137 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 16,029

138 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 15,797

139 Dammar 009000-16-2 15,030

140 Fuel oil, no. 2 068476-30-2 14,867

141 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 14,845

142 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 14,161

143 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 13,989

144 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 13,964

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145 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 13,698

146 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 13,570

147 Kaolin 001332-58-7 13,274

148 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 12,674

149 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run 064741-41-9 12,312

150 Acetone 000067-64-1 12,307

151 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 12,245

152 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 12,233

153 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 12,088

154 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 11,717

155 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil 061788-66-7 11,288


157 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 11,151

158 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 11,027

159 Heavy alkylate naphtha(petroleum) 064741-65-7 10,940

160 Diammonium peroxodisulfate 007727-54-0 10,915

161 Phenol 000108-95-2 10,610

162 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 10,592

163 Calcium Chloride 010035-04-8 10,567

164 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl 2-propenoate 009011-87-4 10,551

165 C.I. pigment blue 029 057455-37-5 10,540

166 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 10,374

167 Lignosulfonic acid magnesium salt 008061-54-9 10,357

168 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 10,323

169 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 10,294

170Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products with triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 10,125

171 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 10,080

172 Aluminium chloride dihydroxide 010284-64-7 9,786

173 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 9,206

174 Copper cyanide 000544-92-3 9,024

175 Sodium chlorite 007758-19-2 9,010

176 Zinc peroxide (ZnO2) 001314-22-3 8,981

177 Carbon 007440-44-0 8,900

178 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 8,831

179 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and 2-furanmethanol 025154-81-8 8,770

180 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 8,627

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181 Octadecanoic acid zinc salt 000557-05-1 8,507

182 Dimethyl isophthalate 001459-93-4 8,330

183 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 8,321

184 Argon 007440-37-1 8,310

185 3-Ethoxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000763-69-9 8,096

186 Lithium fluoride (LiF) 007789-24-4 8,000

187 Disodium metasilicate 006834-92-0 7,967

188 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 7,848

1894,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol]polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 2,4,6-tribromophenol

158725-44-1 7,835

190 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 7,777

191 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 7,732

192 4-Aminotoluene-3-sulfonic acid 000088-44-8 7,692

193 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt 036290-04-7 7,646

194 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester 004500-01-0 7,471

195 Formic acid 000064-18-6 7,400

196 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 7,342

197 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 7,326

198 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 7,264

199 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 7,137

200 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 7,134

201 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 7,122

202 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 7,097

203 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic

064742-54-7 6,899

204 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 6,791

205 Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1) 068937-41-7 6,633

206 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 6,617

207 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 6,568

208 Sodium lignosulfonate 008061-51-6 6,510

209 Aluminium sodium dioxide 001302-42-7 6,447


4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bis[oxirane]

068928-70-1 6,419

211 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 6,413

212 Hexadecanoic acid 000057-10-3 6,200

213 Tetrachloroethene 000127-18-4 6,124

214 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl 068083-19-2 6,115

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215 Methylbenzotriazole 029385-43-1 6,108

216 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene, brominated 068441-14-5 6,003

217 Coke (coal) 065996-77-2 6,000

218 Fatty acids, soya 068308-53-2 6,000

219 Ethyl hydrogen adipate 000626-86-8 5,996

220 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 5,993

221 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 5,963

222 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers reaction products with polyethylenepolyamines 068410-23-1 5,916

223 Rutile(TiO2) 001317-80-2 5,865

224 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 5,854

225 Starch 009005-25-8 5,838

226 Acrylamide, methacrylic acid, acrylic ester copolymer 030445-28-4 5,766

227 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 5,762

228 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 5,657

229 Sulfur homopolymer 009035-99-8 5,648

230 Copper monochloride 007758-89-6 5,546

231 Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous 001330-43-4 5,464

232 2,2′-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide 000120-78-5 5,375

233 Stearic acid, ester with decanol 085204-42-8 5,372

234 Silicic acid aluminium sodium salt 001344-00-9 5,369

235 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 5,345

236 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 5,296

237 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 5,280

238 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 5,260

239 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 5,229

240 Sodium nitrite 007632-00-0 5,216

241 C.I. fluorescent brightener 220 016470-24-9 5,203

242 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 5,146

243 N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-33-0 5,105

244 Lignin 009005-53-2 5,088

245 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 010025-77-1 5,055

246 Triphenylethylphosphonium bromide 001530-32-1 5,000

247 Ethanol 000064-17-5 4,973

248 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 4,972

2492-Methyl-2-Propenoic acid, polymer with α-(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propenyl)-ω-methoxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), sodium salt

097105-14-1 4,960

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250 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 4,957

251 Zinc chloride 007646-85-7 4,953

252 C.I. pigment green 007 001328-53-6 4,946

253 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 4,939

254 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 000118-79-6 4,659

255 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 4,594

256 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 4,400

257 Lead oxide phosphonate (Pb3O2(HPO3)) 012141-20-7 4,356

258 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and tall-oil rosin 068648-55-5 4,353

259 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 4,345

260 Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy 064741-92-0 4,345

261 Formaldehyde, polymer with benzenamine, maleated, cyclized 067784-74-1 4,322

262 Sodium nitrate 007631-99-4 4,309

263 C.I. fluorescent brightener 134 003426-43-5 4,295

264 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 4,212

265 Acetic anhydride 000108-24-7 4,208

266 C.I. pigment yellow 034 001344-37-2 4,176

267 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000121-91-5 4,169

268 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, oxidized, calcium sodium salts 068649-47-8 4,162

269 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 4,143

270 Sodium chlorate 007775-09-9 4,140

271 Triphosphoric acid pentasodium salt 007758-29-4 4,139

272Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 4,127

273 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 4,118

274 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 4,078

275 Chlorinated ethene homopolymer 064754-90-1 4,052

276 Paraffin waxes (petroleum), low-melting 092045-74-4 4,002

277 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester 000097-88-1 3,936

278 Monochlorodifluoromethane 000075-45-6 3,928


Aliphatic dicarboxylic acid polymer with alkanedioles, polycarbonate polyester polyol, polyalkyleneoxide sulfonate, aliphatic diisocyanate and alkylene diamine

2000-3-1611 3,920

280Polyurethane made by a cyclohexanediisocyanate-derivative, diglycols and amines

99-3-1274 3,904

281 Chromium trioxide 001333-82-0 3,903

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282 Sodium thiosulfate 007772-98-7 3,895

283 2-[(4-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethanol] hydrogensulfate (ester) 002494-89-5 3,854

284 Orange lead 001314-41-6 3,844

285 Disodium peroxodisulfate 007775-27-1 3,831

286 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 3,823

287 C.I. reactive black 005 017095-24-8 3,778

288 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1) 031570-04-4 3,641

289 Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 3,638

290 1-Propene 000115-07-1 3,625

291 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms 068515-32-2 3,614

292 Chlorinated paraffin 063449-39-8 3,610

293 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 3,581

294 Sodium hyposulfite 007775-14-6 3,496

295 Frits, chemicals 065997-18-4 3,471

296 Borax 001303-96-4 3,417

297 Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-16) hydroxy and alkene(C=14-16) sodium salts 068439-57-6 3,403

298 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 3,305

299 N-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 000095-31-8 3,302

300 Melamine 000108-78-1 3,266

301 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 3,263

302 Diakyl Dicstcr Hydroxcthyl Methyl Ammonium Methosulfate 161294-46-8 3,240

303 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with (chloromethyl) oxirane 040039-93-8 3,136

304 C.I. fluorescent brightener 357 083512-97-4 3,136

305 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 3,126

306 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 3,093

307 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 000071-55-6 3,089

308 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 3,072

309 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 3,056

310 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 3,052

311 Slack wax(petroleum) 064742-61-6 3,042

312 Graphite 007782-42-5 2,983

313 Pentaerythritol 000115-77-5 2,962

314 Fatty acids, (C=16-18) 067701-03-5 2,949

315 Cashew, nutshell liq. polymer with ethylenediamine and formaldehyde

068413-28-5 2,935

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316 Ethyleneglycol monoethyl ether acetate 000111-15-9 2,932

317 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 2,925

318 Light naphthenic distillate (petroleum) 064741-52-2 2,873

319 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 2,872

320 Acetic acid ethylene ester homopolymer 009003-20-7 2,832

321 Pulp, cellulose 065996-61-4 2,780

322 Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate 007722-76-1 2,777

323 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 001717-00-6 2,760

324 Formaldehyde polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 2-methylphenol 029690-82-2 2,750

325 Poly(acrylic acid) 009003-01-4 2,727

326 Chloroacetyl chloride 000079-04-9 2,682

327 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 2,663

328 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 2,649


3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 2,2-bis[[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 2,647

3304,4'-Bis[[4-anilino-6-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-s-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid disodium salt

004193-55-9 2,646

331 Cadimium 007440-43-9 2,640

332Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,4-butanediol, 1,2-ethanediol and 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene]

027083-55-2 2,633

333 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 2,614

334 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000111-90-0 2,613


2,2'-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bisoxirane polymer with 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol and 2,4,6-tribromophenol

135229-48-0 2,576

3361,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester polymer with 1,3-propanediol 036619-23-5 2,572

337 Phosphorus 007723-14-0 2,558

338 N,N'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 000112-24-3 2,554

339 C.I. reactive yellow 145 093050-80-7 2,548

340 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 2,491

341 Citric acid 000077-92-9 2,475

342 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 2,468

343 Molybdenum 007439-98-7 2,440

344 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 2,434

345 1,1'-Methylenebis[isocyanatobenzene] 026447-40-5 2,431

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346 Benzoyl chloride 000098-88-4 2,369

347 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 2,351

348 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 007791-18-6 2,348

349 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 2,333

350 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 2,324

351 Carbon sulfide 000075-15-0 2,320

352 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 2,315

353 Zeolites 001318-02-1 2,314

354 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 2,314

355 Copper sulfate 007758-98-7 2,309

356 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 2,259

357 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 2,249

358 Dolomite 016389-88-1 2,214

359 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 2,200

360 Antimony 007440-36-0 2,184

361 Sodium hydrogensulfite (aqueous solution) 007631-90-5 2,170

362 4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid monosodium salt 000130-13-2 2,165

363 Castor oil 008001-79-4 2,150

364 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 2,147

365 Polyphosphoric acids ammonium salts 068333-79-9 2,145

366 Diboron trioxide 001303-86-2 2,140

367 Nonylphenol 025154-52-3 2,107

368 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 2,105

369 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 2,074

370 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 2,057

371 Tetrafluoroethene homopolymer 009002-84-0 2,043

372 1,1'-Oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene] 001163-19-5 2,042

373 Dipropylene glycol 025265-71-8 2,028

374 Aniline 000062-53-3 2,025

375 Alkenes, (C=14-18) α- 068855-59-4 2,021

3768-Amino-1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid monosodium salt 005460-09-3 2,007

377 [2-(Acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride 044992-01-0 1,999


N,N-Dimethyl-N-[2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]ethyl]benzenemethanaminium chloride polymer with 2-propenamide and N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]ethanaminium chloride

108388-79-0 1,998

379 Formaldehyde polymer with 025085-50-1 1,997

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3802-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene, ethyl 2-propenoate and 2-propenoic acid

025585-75-5 1,985

381 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene, hydrogenated 066070-58-4 1,974

382 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 1,941

383 Dicopper oxide 001317-39-1 1,933

384 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 1,930

385 Nickel 007440-02-0 1,928

386 1-Decene, homopolymer, hydrogenated 068037-01-4 1,924

387 Copper monoxide 001317-38-0 1,918

388 Methylated 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, formaldehyde polymer 068002-20-0 1,916


390 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 1,899

391 Tin 007440-31-5 1,884

392 2,2'-[(3,3'-Dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2-methyphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide] 005468-75-7 1,881

393 N,N-Diethylethanamine 000121-44-8 1,857

394 Disodium silicate pentahydrate 010213-79-3 1,848

395 Hexamethylene diisocyanate 000822-06-0 1,839

396 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 009082-00-2 1,827

397 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 000149-57-5 1,824

398α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] polymer with 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene]

009048-57-1 1,807

399 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 1,802


Adipic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol, 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatocyclohexane] and 1,2-propanediol

057504-03-7 1,784

4013,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester 006386-38-5 1,776

402 Urea-melamine polymer with formaldehyde, isobutylated 110053-48-0 1,764

403 Calcium dinitrate tetrahydrate 013477-34-4 1,757

404 1,2-Ethanediamine 000107-15-3 1,757

405 C.I. reactive red 195 093050-79-4 1,754

406 Calcium nitrate 010124-37-5 1,754

407 Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester ammonium salt 002235-54-3 1,743

408 Ligroine 008032-32-4 1,729

409 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester 000120-61-6 1,726

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410 Neon 007440-01-9 1,723

411Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloride polymer with 2-propenamide

069418-26-4 1,719

412 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester 002082-79-3 1,714

413 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 1,696

414 Methylphenol 001319-77-3 1,694

415 2,4,6-Trichloro-1,3,5-triazine 000108-77-0 1,691

416 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 1,688

417 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt 000064-02-8 1,671

418 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, glycerol, octylphenol and polymd. rosin 070955-45-2 1,665

419α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside

009049-71-2 1,658

420 Barium hydroxide 017194-00-2 1,656

421 Calcium Carbonate 013997-26-7 1,652

422 Branched 4-nonylphenol 084852-15-3 1,644

423 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 1,639

424 3,9-Bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane 026741-53-7 1,618

425 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 1,585

426 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,573

427 Nickel bis(sulfamidate) 013770-89-3 1,552

428 Fatty acids, palm-oil, sodium salts 061790-79-2 1,541

429 Dodecanoic acid 000143-07-7 1,535

430 C.I. acid black 210 099576-15-5 1,510

431 Hydroxylamine 007803-49-8 1,508

432 Tung oil 008001-20-5 1,504

433 1,3-Butanediol 000107-88-0 1,503

434 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 1,502

435 Difluoromethane(HFC-32) 000075-10-5 1,487

436 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 1,483

437 Tetrahydromethyl 1,3-isobenzofurandione 011070-44-3 1,477

438 Stoddard solvent 008052-41-3 1,475

439 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 1,465

440 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 1,465

441 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene homopolymer 009010-98-4 1,457

442 N,N-Dimethyl-N-[2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]ethyl]benzenemethanaminium chloride polymer with

074153-51-8 1,447

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443 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 1,446

444 C.I. pigment violet 027 012237-62-6 1,441

445 Nitrogen trifluoride 007783-54-2 1,435

446 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 1,431

447 Diphenylisodecyl phosphite 026544-23-0 1,420

448 Barium chloride 010361-37-2 1,412

449 Sodium dichromate 010588-01-9 1,406

450 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 1,404

451 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde, glycidyl ether 028064-14-4 1,398

452 Triphenyl phosphate 000115-86-6 1,396

453 Brass, dross 069011-68-3 1,394

454 Manganese 007439-96-5 1,378

455 Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin 067989-52-0 1,376

456 Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ester 009004-65-3 1,373

457 Benzyl alcohol 000100-51-6 1,369

458 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000110-80-5 1,366

459 2-Butene-1,4-diol 000110-64-5 1,365

460 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester 000868-77-9 1,364


Tetrasodium 7-[[2-[(aminocarbonyl)amino]-4-[[4-chloro-6-[[3-[[2-(sulphonatooxy)ethyl]sulphonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]phenyl]azo]naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulphonate

080157-00-2 1,357

462 Tetramethyl thioperoxydicarbonic acid diamide 000137-26-8 1,354

463 Trizinc bis(orthophosphate 007779-90-0 1,345

464 Ammonium thiosulfate 007783-18-8 1,340

465 Guar gum 009000-30-0 1,320

466 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 1,319

467 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 1,317

468 Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy naphthenic 064742-34-3 1,315

469 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene

025034-86-0 1,311

470 DISPERSE RED 012223-37-9 1,300

471 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 1,295

472 Sodium phosphinate 007681-53-0 1,292

473 Tall oil, fatty acids 061790-12-3 1,277

474 Zirconium oxide 053801-45-9 1,272

475 1,3,5-Trioxane, polymer with 1,3-dioxolane 024969-26-4 1,264

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476 N,N,N-Trimethyl-1-hexadecanaminium chloride 000112-02-7 1,262

477 Magnesium sulfate (1:1) 007487-88-9 1,249

478 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 1,245

479 Disodium diphosphate 007758-16-9 1,244

480 1,3-Benzenediol 000108-46-3 1,242

481 (Chloromethyl)benzene 000100-44-7 1,242

482 3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane 000101-14-4 1,235

483 Limestone 001317-65-3 1,228

484 N-(2-Aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 000111-40-0 1,227

485 Disodium hexafluorosilicate 016893-85-9 1,217

486 Acetic acid, nitrilotri-, trisodium salt, monohydrate 018662-53-8 1,210

487 Sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1), monohydrate 007446-19-7 1,207

488 Sulfamic acid 005329-14-6 1,203

489 Ceramic materials and wares, chemicals. 066402-68-4 1,186

490 Sodium sulfite 007757-83-7 1,182

491 1,3-Dihydro-1,3-dioxo-5-isobenzofurancarboxylic acid 000552-30-7 1,182

492 Silica amorphous, fumed, cryst.-free 112945-52-5 1,179

493 Octadecanoic acid cobalt salt 013586-84-0 1,177

494 2-Methylpropanoic acid monoester with 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol 025265-77-4 1,177

495 3-Hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenecarboxylic acid calcium salt (1:1) 005281-04-9 1,166

496 (Carbonato)hexadecahydroxydialuminum-hexamagnesium 011097-59-9 1,164

4972-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenyl acetate and 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoate

026794-25-2 1,162

498 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 000811-97-2 1,160

499 Iron trinitrate 010421-48-4 1,156

500 1-Chloro-2-propanol phosphate(3:1) 013674-84-5 1,148

501 2-Propenamide homopolymer 009003-05-8 1,146

502 Nickel monosulfate hexahydrate 010101-97-0 1,145

503 Ammonium hydrogendifluoride 001341-49-7 1,143

504 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 002634-33-5 1,124

505 Hexamethylenetetramine 000100-97-0 1,118

506 2-Propenoic acid polymer with butyl 2-propenoate and ethenylbenzene

025586-20-3 1,112

507 Decanedioic acid 000111-20-6 1,111

508 Phosphorus trichloride 007719-12-2 1,108

509 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,100

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510 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 1,087

511 C.I. disperse orange 061 012270-45-0 1,083

512 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 1,081

513 Lanthanum chloride 010099-58-8 1,080

514 4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)benzoic acid 000098-73-7 1,078

515 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 1,077

516 1,3,5-Tris[[4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6-xylyl]methyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione 040601-76-1 1,074

517 Nickel oxide 011099-02-8 1,073

518 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane 000075-68-3 1,069

519 Wollastonite 013983-17-0 1,066

520 (2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)phenyl methanone 000131-57-7 1,064

521 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 1,060

522 2-Ethyl-2-[[(1-oxooleyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl dioleate 057675-44-2 1,045

523 Alcohols, (C=10-16) 067762-41-8 1,040

524 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with chloroethene and ethenol 025086-48-0 1,035

525 Ethanedioic acid 000144-62-7 1,035

526 2,2'-Iminobisethanol, N-coco alkyl derivs. 061791-31-9 1,034

527 2-Chloro-p-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid 000088-51-7 1,026

528 4,4'-Methylenebisbenzenamine compd. with sodium chloride (NaCl) (3:1) 021646-20-8 1,008

529 Zinc bis(dihydrogen phosphate) 013598-37-3 1,003

530 α,α'-[(1-Methylethylidene)di-4,1-phenylene]bis[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 037353-75-6 1,000

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 64,585,821

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 17,046,386

3 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 9,320,140

4 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 9,033,561

5 Fuel oil, no. 2 068476-30-2 8,985,700

6 Naphtha 008030-30-6 7,320,051

7 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956

8 Kerosine 008008-20-6 4,787,310

9 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 4,551,516

10 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 4,432,579

11 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 3,935,226

12 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 3,732,933

13 Gasoline 086290-81-5 2,565,747

14 1-Propene 000115-07-1 2,054,684

15 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 2,013,507

16 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 1,510,664

17 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,419,111

18 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 1,410,593

19 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,401,040

20 Copper 007440-50-8 1,320,588

21 Ethylene 000074-85-1 1,316,153

22 Toluene 000108-88-3 1,213,752

23 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 1,187,178

24 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 1,098,027

25 Fayality (Fe2(SiO4)) 013918-37-1 1,088,071

26 Butane 000106-97-8 1,077,365

27 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 1,017,119

28 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 968,897

29 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 964,883

30 Oxygen 007782-44-7 961,234

31 Ozone 010028-15-6 925,056

32 Asphalt 008052-42-4 776,688

33 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 749,175

34 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl)

025038-59-9 746,496

35 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and 009003-56-9 724,548

낙동강유역환경청 유통량 1000톤 이상 물

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36 Ammonia 007664-41-7 717,711

37 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 692,341

38 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 689,486

39 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 659,167

40 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 636,625

41 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 595,930

42 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 577,225

43 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 576,594

44 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 523,054

45 Methanol 000067-56-1 516,899

46 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 505,694

47 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 468,850

48 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 460,580

49 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 458,632

50 Zinc 007440-66-6 443,865

51 Hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one 000105-60-2 425,081

52 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 371,375

53 Iron 007439-89-6 368,015

54 Urea 000057-13-6 350,607

55 Chlorine 007782-50-5 348,860

56 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 325,034

57 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 316,853

58 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 313,816

59 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 302,096

60 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 296,821

61 Fuming sulphuric acid 008014-95-7 278,161

62 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 260,627

63 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 259,307

64 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 258,554

65 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol 025038-91-9 250,275

66 Cyclohexanone 000108-94-1 246,403

67 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 239,727

68 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 224,177

69 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 223,965

70 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 207,712

71 Carbonic acid ammonium salt 010361-29-2 201,177

72 Propane 000074-98-6 188,136

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73 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 182,975

74 Hydroxylamine 007803-49-8 181,073

75 Lead 007439-92-1 176,749

76 Distillates (petroleum), crude oil 068410-00-4 176,556

77 1-Butene 000106-98-9 172,409

78 Decane 000124-18-5 172,209

79 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid and 1,2-ethanediol 024938-04-3 163,854

80 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 161,268

81 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 144,896

82 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 142,822

83 1,3,5-Trioxane polymer with oxirane 024969-25-3 139,416

84 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 137,603

85 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 009082-00-2 136,668

86 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 136,506

87 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 136,346

88 Ethanol 000064-17-5 134,379

89 Sodium cyanide 000143-33-9 134,227

90 Carbonic acid disodium salt 005968-11-6 130,871

91 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 130,177

92 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 127,575

93 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 123,844

94 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 123,746

95 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 121,164

96 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 112,349

97 Pentane 000109-66-0 111,658

98 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 108,316

99 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 105,056

100 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 103,767

101 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 101,186

102 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 98,380

103 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light 064742-73-0 93,118

104 2,5-Furandione 000108-31-6 86,968

1052-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene and methyloxirane polymer with oxirane ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1)

057913-80-1 85,769

106 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-18-3 80,960

107 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 80,579

108 m-xylene 000108-38-3 80,177

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109 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 79,703

110 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 77,017

111 Potassium sulfate 007778-80-5 76,205

112 Tetradecane 000629-59-4 76,075

113 Dimethyl terephthalate-ethylene glycol-polyethylene glycol copolymer 009037-98-3 74,216

114 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 70,083

115 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 68,261

116 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 68,116

117 Methylene chloride 000075-09-2 67,196

118 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 66,246

119 Polyurethane substituted polypropylene glycol ethers polybutylene glycol 2000-3-1614 65,068

120 1,4-Butanediol 000110-63-4 62,444

1211,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol

025640-14-6 61,508

122 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 60,627

123 Chloromethane 000074-87-3 60,549

124 α,α',α''-1,2,3-Propanetriyltris[ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]] 025791-96-2 59,762

125 Tetrahydrofuran 000109-99-9 56,579

126 Cyclohexanol 000108-93-0 54,116

127 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 53,796

128 Natural rubber 009006-04-6 52,737

129 Dimethylamine 000124-40-3 51,578

130 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt

036290-04-7 50,752

131 3-Chloro-1-propene 000107-05-1 50,000

132 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 49,814

133 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 48,496

134 Propylene glycol 000057-55-6 48,254

135 Dibutylcarbamodithioic acid sodium salt 000136-30-1 47,300

136 Extracts (petroleum), residual oil solvent 064742-10-5 44,862

137 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 43,951

138 Hydrogen cyanide 000074-90-8 43,368

139 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 42,263

140Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent 064742-04-7 40,649

141 Magnesium hydroxide 001309-42-8 40,388

142 2-Butenedioic acid (E)-, polymer with 208448-02-6 40,298

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1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene, 2-propenenitrile and 2-propenoic acid

143α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with β-D-fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside

009049-71-2 40,176

144 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 39,296

145 Ammonium nitrite 013446-48-5 39,279

146 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic 064742-52-5 38,742

147 Benzenesulfonic acid alkyl(C=10-16) derivs. 068584-22-5 38,695

148 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 38,157

149 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 36,721

150 Cellulose, hydrogen 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ether 009050-31-1 35,711

151 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 35,383

152 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 34,931

153 Nickel monoxide 001313-99-1 34,719

154 Formic acid 000064-18-6 34,089

155 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 33,867

156 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 33,830

157 Aluminium 007429-90-5 33,758

158 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 32,518

159 Starch 009005-25-8 32,478

160 Argon 007440-37-1 31,958

161 Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated 064742-57-0 31,763

162 3-Methylbutanal 000590-86-3 31,599

163 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 30,999

1643-Chloro-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride 003327-22-8 30,677

165 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 30,499

166 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic

064742-65-0 30,458

167 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 000096-76-4 29,706

168 5-Ethylidene 2-norbornene 016219-75-3 28,916

169 2-Methylpropane 000075-28-5 26,837

170 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 26,712

171 Bis(diethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')zinc 014324-55-1 26,635

172 Formic acid methyl ester 000107-31-3 26,583

173 Magnesium oxide (MgO), solid soln. with tungsten oxide (WO3) 075535-38-5 26,111

174 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 25,984

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175 Alcohols, (C=8-10)-iso-, (C=9)-rich 068526-84-1 25,825

176 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hexanediyl] 032131-17-2 25,811

177 Hydroxylamine sulfate (salt) 013973-61-0 25,719

178 Chlorosulfuric acid 007790-94-5 25,320

179 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 25,176

180 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 24,434

181 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-49-0 24,282

182 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 23,732

183 Isoprene 000078-79-5 23,265

184 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 23,011

185 Boric acid, crude natural 010043-35-3 22,814

186 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 22,470

187 2,4-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol phosphite (3:1) 031570-04-4 22,250

188 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 21,883

189 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 21,778

190 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 21,456

191 Ligroine 008032-32-4 21,188

192 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester 003319-31-1 21,069

193 Copper, phthalocyanine 000147-14-8 20,869

194 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 20,597

195 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 20,236

196 Sodium silicate 015859-24-2 20,023

197 Carbon black 001333-86-4 19,765

198 Tallow 061789-97-7 19,338

199 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 18,873

200 Cellulose 009004-34-6 18,715

201 Fatty acids, (C=18)-unsatd., dimers polymers with ethylenediamine, sebacic acid and stearic acid 068911-24-0 18,639

202 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisodecyl ester 026761-40-0 18,536

203 Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-benzenedimethanamine 025718-70-1 18,328

204 Melamine 000108-78-1 18,192

205 Sorbitol 000050-70-4 18,147

206 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 18,131


3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 2,2-bis[[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 17,445

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208 Diammonium phosphate sulfate 012593-60-1 16,917

209 Zirconium orthosilicate 010101-52-7 16,772

210 Carbon 007440-44-0 16,613

211 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=12-14) derivs., fractionation bottoms 068515-32-2 16,431

212 Epoxidized soybean oil 008013-07-8 16,342

213 Tetramethylammonium chloride 000075-57-0 16,340

214 3-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-45-1 16,330

215 1,3-Isobenzofurandione polymer with 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 032472-85-8 16,235

216 Tridecane 000629-50-5 16,200

217 Stoddard solvent 008052-41-3 16,088

218 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 16,064

219 Cobalt sulfate 010124-43-3 15,664

220 Trimethylamine hydrochloride 000593-81-7 15,402

221 Hydrogenated hydrocarbons (C=6-20) polymers 069430-35-9 15,400

222 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 15,353

223 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 15,099

224 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 15,070

225 Morpholine, benzoate 026021-56-7 14,897

226 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 14,777

227 Zinc oxide 001314-13-2 14,369

228 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester 000084-74-2 13,784

229 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 13,620

230 Sodium hydrogensulphide 016721-80-5 13,394

231 Dimethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate 000094-60-0 13,322

232 Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle 064742-80-9 12,454

233 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 12,356

234 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 12,154

235 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 12,060

2361,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,6-hexanediamine and hexanedioic acid

027135-32-6 12,004

237 Hexadecanoic acid 000057-10-3 11,957

238 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid methyl ester 006386-38-5 11,853

239 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 11,558

240 Soaps, stocks, (C=16-18) and (C=18)-unsatd. alkyl 068918-38-7 11,503

241 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 11,428

242 Sulfuric acid magnesium salt (1:1), heptahydrate 010034-99-8 11,422

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243 1-Propene tetramer 006842-15-5 11,408

244 α-Sulfo-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)alkyl(C=10-16) ethers, sodium salts 068585-34-2 11,335

245 Sulfur dioxide 007446-09-5 10,898

246 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 1,1'-sulfonylbis[4-chlorobenzene] 025154-01-2 10,890

247 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 10,796

248 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 10,726

249 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 10,721

250 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol 000105-08-8 10,699

251 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 001717-00-6 10,423

252 Nonanol 028473-21-4 10,269

253 Acetonitrile 000075-05-8 10,121

254 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 9,875

255 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 9,812

256Phthalic anhydride polyester with ethylene glycol, maleic anhydride, pentaerythritol and 1,2-propanediol

031176-92-8 9,699

257 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 9,698

258 tert-Dodecanethiol 025103-58-6 9,605

259 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 000075-50-3 9,590

260 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 9,400

261 Aluminum chloride, hydrate 010124-27-3 9,211

262 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 9,190

263 Hydrazine hydrate 007803-57-8 9,080

264 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 8,998

265 ar-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine polymer with methyloxirane and oxirane 067800-94-6 8,896

266 1,1-Difluoroethene homopolymer 024937-79-9 8,752

267 Choline chloride 000067-48-1 8,729

268 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene 009010-85-9 8,705

269 Indene 000095-13-6 8,697

270 Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate 064741-66-8 8,450

271Methylenebutanedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenyl benzene and 2-propenoic acid

026102-56-7 8,400

272 o-Toluenesulfonamide 000088-19-7 8,278

273 Disodium disulphite 007681-57-4 8,078

274 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 7,863

275 Arsenic 007440-38-2 7,741

276 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with 026299-47-8 7,612

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ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile

277 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 7,572

278 Polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl pyrrolidone 063148-65-2 7,518

279 Sodium sulfite 007757-83-7 7,470

280 Carbon tetrachloride 000056-23-5 7,388

281 Glycerol 000056-81-5 7,257

282 Strontium ferrate (Fe12O192-) (1:1) 012023-91-5 7,190

283 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 7,088

284 Diazenedicarboxamide 000123-77-3 6,818


1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-5-isobenzofurancarboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol and hexanedioic acid

038702-18-0 6,744

286 5-Ethylidene bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene polymer with ethene and 1-propene 025038-36-2 6,705

287 Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 6,630

288 2(3H)-Benzothiazolethione zinc salt 000155-04-4 6,608

289 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 6,507

290 Monochlorodifluoromethane 000075-45-6 6,505

291 Dodecane 000112-40-3 6,476


1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[3-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl]azo]-, pentasodium salt

077365-64-1 6,330

293 2,2'-Methylene bis[6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol] 000119-47-1 6,300

294 α-(2-Aminomethylethyl)-ω-(2-aminomethylethoxy)poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 009046-10-0 6,277

295 2,3-Dimethylbutane 000079-29-8 6,107

296 Hexanedioic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000103-23-1 6,096

297 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-1,3-isobenzofurandione 000085-43-8 6,012

298 Naphthalenesulfonic acid polymer with formaldehyde ammonium salt

009069-80-1 6,000

299 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic 064742-53-6 5,996

300 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 5,955

301 3,3'-Dichloro(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine dihydrochloride 000612-83-9 5,922

302 Acrylamide-acrylic acid copolymer 009003-06-9 5,860

303 Formic acid sodium salt 000141-53-7 5,777

304 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene 000088-73-3 5,472

305 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropan 002082-79-3 5,408

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oic acid octadecyl ester

306 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 007791-18-6 5,400

307 Sodium hydrogensulfite (aqueous solution) 007631-90-5 5,377

308 Poly(oxyethylene) lauryl ether ammonium sulfate 032612-48-9 5,324

309 Isodecanol 025339-17-7 5,288

310 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 5,172

311 Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic 064741-96-4 5,168

312 Aluminium hydroxide sulfate 053810-32-5 5,157

313 N-(2-Methylphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide 000093-68-5 5,149

314 [2-(Acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride 044992-01-0 5,134

315 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 5,114

316 Methyl acetate 000079-20-9 5,064

317 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 5,056

318 Kaolin 001332-58-7 5,033

319 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 5,021

320 trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid 000110-17-8 5,000

321 Benzene, mono-C12-13-branched alkyl derivs., fractionation bottoms 151911-58-9 4,976


1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol and hexanedioic acid

052247-59-3 4,855

323 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 4,808

324 Light paraffinic distillate (petroleum) 064741-50-0 4,772

325 Ethenylmethylbenzene 025013-15-4 4,762

326 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 4,712

327 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 4,695

328 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 4,671

329 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 4,596

330 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run 064741-41-9 4,526

331 Rosin polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and tall-oil rosin 068648-55-5 4,494

332 Silicon 007440-21-3 4,447

333 N,N-Dimethyl-N-2-propenyl-2-propen-1-aminium chloride polymer with 2-propenamide 026590-05-6 4,405

334 Proprietary carboxylated styrene polymer 118948-85-9 4,296

335 Dibutyltin oxide 000818-08-6 4,289

336 Octane 000111-65-9 4,225

337 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 4,153

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338 Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester ammonium salt 002235-54-3 4,104

339 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt 000064-02-8 4,089

340 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 4,072

341 Saccharin sodium dihydrate 006155-57-3 4,047

342 (E)-2-Butenedioic acid polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenoic acid 026007-18-1 4,036

343 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene polymer with 2-methyl-1-propene, chlorinated 068081-82-3 3,963

344 Biphenyl-4,4'-diol 000092-88-6 3,936

345 Manganese alloy 012743-28-1 3,775

346 Sodium sulfide 001313-82-2 3,768

347 Sodium chlorate 007775-09-9 3,675

348 Tetrahydrophthalic acid ester anhydride KE-33499 3,659

349 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 3,626

350 Octadecanoic acid zinc salt 000557-05-1 3,617

351 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 3,592

352 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 3,558

353 Barium sulfate, natural 007727-43-7 3,549

354 N,N-Diethylethanamine 000121-44-8 3,523

355 Phosphoric acid magnesium salt 010043-83-1 3,500

356 Nickel 007440-02-0 3,494

357 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 3,482

358 Dibutyltin dichloride 000683-18-1 3,438

359 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 3,431

360 Barium dodecairon nonadecaoxide 012047-11-9 3,345

361Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 025214-18-0 3,303

362 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000121-91-5 3,283

363 Magnesium 007439-95-4 3,269

3643-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-methylbenzenepropanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl) ester

036443-68-2 3,266

365 C.I. pigment yellow 042 051274-00-1 3,254

366 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 3,251

367 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 3,178

368 Coumarone indene resins 063393-89-5 3,168

369 Dicopper oxide 001317-39-1 3,167

370 1-Pentene 000109-67-1 3,088

371 C.I. disperse green 009 071872-50-9 3,002

372 N-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarbox 000092-78-4 3,000

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373 1-Octene 000111-66-0 2,980

374 Acetic anhydride 000108-24-7 2,968

375 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 2,964

376 Diisononyl adipate 033703-08-1 2,960

377 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 2,943

378 Polybutylene 009003-29-6 2,932

379 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-6-methylphenol 002219-82-1 2,890

380 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 025155-30-0 2,877

381 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl)ester 000094-28-0 2,769

382 2-Oxepanone polymer with 1,1'-methylenebis[4-isocyanatobenzene] 026761-25-1 2,764

383 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 2,700

384 Cadimium 007440-43-9 2,681

385 Phosphorus trichloride 007719-12-2 2,625

386 Mercury 007439-97-6 2,623

387 Benzoyl peroxide 000094-36-0 2,601

388 Tetraoctyl stannane 003590-84-9 2,570

389 Acetone 000067-64-1 2,547

390 Paraffins (petroleum), normal (C=5-20) 064771-72-8 2,540

391 2,2-Dimethylbutane 000075-83-2 2,522

392 Styrene-α-methylsytrene-acrylic acid copolymer 052831-04-6 2,499

393 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 2,498

394 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic 064741-88-4 2,462

395 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 2,407

396 Dichlorodifluoromethane 000075-71-8 2,401

397 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with 1,4-butandiol

026062-94-2 2,386

398 Oxybismethane 000115-10-6 2,345

399 1-Chlorobutane 000109-69-3 2,342

400 1-Chlorooctane 000111-85-3 2,287

401 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 2,286

402 Sodium borosilicate 050815-87-7 2,260

403 Kerosine (petroleum), catalytic reformed, alkyl(C=8-15)benzene fraction 101316-68-1 2,221

404 Trichlorofluoromethane 000075-69-4 2,200

405 C.I. pigment yellow 012 006358-85-6 2,198

406 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 2,180

407 Poly(acrylic acid) 009003-01-4 2,141

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408 Cashew, nutshell liq. polymer with ethylenediamine and formaldehyde 068413-28-5 2,136

409 Rutile(TiO2) 001317-80-2 2,128

410 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde, glycidyl ether 028064-14-4 2,119

411 3-Hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenecarboxylic acid calcium salt (1:1) 005281-04-9 2,089

412 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 2,085

413 Benzoyl chloride 000098-88-4 2,076

414 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 053894-23-8 2,075

415 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 2,073

416Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloride polymer with 2-propenamide

069418-26-4 2,060

417 Sodium nitrate 007631-99-4 2,057

418 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 2,035

419 Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=24-50), solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrogenated 101316-72-7 2,030

420 polyurethane 009009-54-5 2,024

421 Graphite 007782-42-5 2,002

422 5-Nitro-2-thiazolamine 000121-66-4 2,000

423 Chemical-000873-66-5 000873-66-5 1,987

424 Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester 000077-78-1 1,963

425 Sodium dichromate 010588-01-9 1,962

426 Brominated ethenylbenzene homopolymer 088497-56-7 1,941

427 Sodium nitrite 007632-00-0 1,933

428 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 1,919

429 Iron sulfate 007720-78-7 1,896

430 Iron trichloride 007705-08-0 1,891

431Methyl 3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl) propionate 006386-39-6 1,886

432 1-Octanol 000111-87-5 1,884

433 calcium borate 001318-33-8 1,880

434 2-Methoxypropyl acetate 070657-70-4 1,821

435 4-(Acetylamino)benzenesulfonyl chloride 000121-60-8 1,802

436 C.I. pigment red 053:1 005160-02-1 1,801

437 Benzene, alkyl(C=14-30) derivs. 068855-24-3 1,787

438 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 1,768

439 2,4,6-Tris[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenol 000090-72-2 1,767

440 Silver 007440-22-4 1,767

441 Unsatd. (C=18) fatty acids dimers 061788-89-4 1,754

442 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid 000077-90-7 1,750

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tributyl ester

443 Tetrabutyl tin 001461-25-2 1,739

444 Hydrogen sulfide 007783-06-4 1,731

445 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene homopolymer 009010-98-4 1,719

446 Penta-1,4-diene 000591-93-5 1,715

447 (Z)-Penta-1,3-diene 001574-41-0 1,715

448 3-Methylpentane 000096-14-0 1,711

449 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine-formaldehyde polymer 009003-08-1 1,699

450 N-Methylmethanamine polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025988-97-0 1,699

451 Chlorinated paraffin 063449-39-8 1,694

452 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 1,693

453Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products with triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 1,689

454 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 000811-97-2 1,673

455 Benzene, dialkyl(C=12-14) derivs. 068515-26-4 1,638

456 Benzensulfonmide, 4-methyl- 000070-55-3 1,638

457 Alcohols, (C=12-16) 068855-56-1 1,622

458 Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ester 009004-65-3 1,610

459 1-Octadecanol 000112-92-5 1,603

460 1-Decene, homopolymer, hydrogenated 068037-01-4 1,582

461 Dolomite 016389-88-1 1,577

462 Di-n-octyltin oxide 000870-08-6 1,574

463 Antimony 007440-36-0 1,569

464 Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=20-50) hydrotreated neutral oil-based

072623-87-1 1,569

465 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 1,559

466 Strontium nitrate 010042-76-9 1,542

467 1,1-Hydrazoformamide 000110-21-4 1,528

468 Barium titanium trioxide 012047-27-7 1,513

469 2,2'-[(3,3'-Dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2-methyphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide] 005468-75-7 1,469

470 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 1,446

471 Dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt 001300-72-7 1,439

472 Methylamine 000074-89-5 1,433

473 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 2-hydroxyethyl ester 000868-77-9 1,418

474 Silicic acid potassium salt 001312-76-1 1,406

475 Pentaerythritol 000115-77-5 1,391

476 2-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-46-2 1,372

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477 Dioctyltin dichloride 003542-36-7 1,356

478 N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 1,351

479 Manganese sulfate 010124-55-7 1,346

480 Nonane 000111-84-2 1,334


2-Propenoic acid polymer with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol and 5-isocyanato-1-(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohexane

109669-87-6 1,322

482 Barium carbonate 000513-77-9 1,319

483 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester 000131-11-3 1,299

484 C.I. pigment red 048:2 007023-61-2 1,271

485 Paraffin oils 008012-95-1 1,269

486 Calcium 007440-70-2 1,266

487 C.I. pigment red 057 005858-81-1 1,246

488 Linseed oil 008001-26-1 1,240

489 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2-propanediol (2:1) 053637-25-5 1,235

490 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 1,230

491 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol 000128-37-0 1,213

492 Bauxite, [Al2O3.xH2O), calcined 092797-42-7 1,209

493 C.I. pigment yellow 034 001344-37-2 1,198

494 2,2'-[Oxybis(methylene)]bis[2-ethylpropane-1,3-diol] 023235-61-2 1,194

495 Diammonium peroxodisulfate 007727-54-0 1,189

496 Silicic acid 001343-98-2 1,188

497 Phenol 000108-95-2 1,177

498 Sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1), monohydrate 007446-19-7 1,176


Isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, tetrahydrophthalic anhydride, 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, ethylene glycol, bisphenol A-propylene oxide polymer

192662-41-2 1,170

500 Lubricating oils (petroleum), (C=20-50), hydrotreated neutral oil-based, high-viscosity 072623-85-9 1,164

501 4,4'-Oxybisbenzensulfonic acid dihydrazide 000080-51-3 1,161

502 Benzene, alkyl(C=4-16) derivs. 068648-86-2 1,157

503 Dodecanoic acid 000143-07-7 1,153

504 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 1,134

505 Tin 007440-31-5 1,123

506 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 1,123

507 Sulfur homopolymer 009035-99-8 1,114

508 10-Ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa3,5-dithia-4-st 057583-35-4 1,109

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annatetradecanoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester


510 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 1,103

511 Silicic acid ethyl ester 011099-06-2 1,089

512 Hexanedioic acid polymer with 1,2-propanediol 025101-03-5 1,086

513 C.I. pigment green 007 001328-53-6 1,075

514 Octadecanoic acid barium salt 006865-35-6 1,072

515 N,N'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 000112-24-3 1,071

516 Zinc chloride 007646-85-7 1,051

517 4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride 000098-59-9 1,046

518 Strontium carbonate 001633-05-2 1,042

519 Cashew, nutshell liq. polymer with epichlorohydrin 068413-24-1 1,038

5202-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene, methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate and 2-methylpropyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate

070788-46-4 1,034

521 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 1,033

522 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 1,029

523 cis-2-Pentene 000627-20-3 1,029

524 Butene 025167-67-3 1,029

525 Styrene polymer with 1,3 - Butadiene 091829-76-4 1,029

526 Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 012202-17-4 1,028

527 Styrenated phenol 061788-44-1 1,018

528Polyurethane made by a cyclohexanediisocyanate-derivative, diglycols and amines

99-3-1274 1,013

529 Undecane 001120-21-4 1,012

530 Manganese 007439-96-5 1,012

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 20,071,003

2 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 12,878,575

3 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 7,726,105

4 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 7,208,482

5 Naphtha 008030-30-6 6,593,625

6 Kerosine 008008-20-6 3,319,570

7 Ethylene 000074-85-1 2,031,619

8 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,972,383

9 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 1,828,657

10 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 1,755,084

11 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,582,415

12 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 1,419,480

13 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 1,400,439

14 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 1,144,271

15 Butane 000106-97-8 1,100,296

16 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 972,816

17 1-Propene 000115-07-1 863,347

18 Pentane 000109-66-0 802,440

19 Methane 000074-82-8 732,871

20 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 657,976

21 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 591,741

22 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 523,661

23 Coke (petroleum) 064741-79-3 440,571

24 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 419,109

25 Asphalt 008052-42-4 402,403

26 Toluene 000108-88-3 373,133

27 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 343,086

28 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 289,362

29 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 269,100

30 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 255,387

31 1-Butene polymer with ethene 025087-34-7 247,106

32 Oxygen 007782-44-7 231,497

33 1-Butene 000106-98-9 227,955

34 Xylene 001330-20-7 223,962

35 Paraffins (petroleum), normal (C=5-20) 064771-72-8 223,490

36 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 191,070

금강유역환경청 유통량 1000톤 이상 물

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37 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 182,196

38 Oxirane 000075-21-8 176,483

39 Propane 000074-98-6 169,799

40 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 168,303

41 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 155,081

42 Helium 007440-59-7 153,760

43 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 149,828

44 Heavy naphtha solvent extracts (petroleum) 064741-98-6 119,924

45 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 111,912

46 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 106,972

47 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 105,304

48 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 100,531

49 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 99,287

50 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 89,137

51 Zeolites 001318-02-1 88,495

52 Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils 084650-04-4 84,444

53 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-11) 070693-06-0 82,645

54 Disamarium tricarbonate 005895-47-6 76,416

55 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed 064741-68-0 73,168

56 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 63,142

57 Copper 007440-50-8 62,248

58 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-18-3 59,955

59 Silicic acid sodium salt 001344-09-8 54,915

60 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 46,689

61 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 46,343

62 Methyl cyclopentane 000096-37-7 46,114

63 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 40,500

64 Gasoline 086290-81-5 34,456

65 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 33,226

66 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 31,839

67 Lead 007439-92-1 30,181

68 Paraffin oils(C=8-12) 101200-47-9 29,839

69 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 29,076

70 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 25,701

71 Sulfonic acids, alkane(C=14-16) hydroxy and alkene(C=14-16) sodium salts 068439-57-6 20,543

72 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 20,134

73 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 18,014

74 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 16,806

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75 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 16,753

76 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 15,503

77 Benzene, monoalkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 129813-58-7 14,289

78 Benzene, alkyl(C=10-13) derivs. 067774-74-7 13,969

79 Aluminium 007429-90-5 13,238

80 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 13,087

81 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 13,006

82 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 12,602

83 Limestone 001317-65-3 12,522

84 2-Hydroxyethylamine 000141-43-5 11,306

85 α-Sulfo-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)alkyl(C=10-16) ethers, sodium salts 068585-34-2 11,288

86 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 10,681

87 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 10,136

88 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 10,049

89 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 9,945

90 Cobalt lithium dioxide 012190-79-3 9,917

91 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 9,666

92 Hydrogen sulfide 007783-06-4 9,526

93 Nonane 000111-84-2 9,259

94 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 8,598

95 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 7,920

96 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 7,722

97 Alkenes, (C>10) α- 064743-02-8 7,399

98 α-Sulfo-ω-(dodecyloxy)poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) sodium salt 009004-82-4 7,328

99 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 7,010

100 Iron 007439-89-6 7,004

101 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 6,582

102 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 6,500

103 Kaolin 001332-58-7 6,498

104 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 6,441

105 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 6,316

106 1-Dodecanol 000112-53-8 6,315

107Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloride polymer with 2-propenamide

069418-26-4 6,083

108 Ammonium fluoride 012125-01-8 6,010

109 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 5,719

110 Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom. 067891-79-6 5,627

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111 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 5,545

112 Aromatic hydrocarbons (C=8) 090989-38-1 5,418

113 Carbon 007440-44-0 5,264

114 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 5,142

115 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime 022984-54-9 5,113

116 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 5,027

117 Starch 009005-25-8 5,021

118 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 4,962

1193-Amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminium N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salt

061789-40-0 4,909

120 Ethane 000074-84-0 4,763

121 1-Octene 000111-66-0 4,564

122 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 4,536

123 Argon 007440-37-1 4,457

124 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 4,358

125 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 4,358

126 Starch, oxidized 065996-62-5 4,323

127 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 4,099

128 Fuel oil, no. 5 070892-11-4 3,978

129 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 3,636

130 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 3,605

131 2-[2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000143-22-6 3,579

132 Tricobalt tetraoxide 001308-06-1 3,533

133 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025213-39-2 3,484

134 Isoparaffins 064365-06-6 3,195

135Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me vinyl, vinyl group-terminated 068083-18-1 3,190

136 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 2,971

137 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 2,971

138Fatty acids, (C=10-20) and (C=16-18)-unsated., reaction products with triethanol amine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized

091995-81-2 2,838

139 Aluminium sodium dioxide 001302-42-7 2,716

140 Dipotassium hydrogenorthophosphate 007758-11-4 2,711

141Sulfurous acid monosodium salt polymer with formaldehyde and 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine 064787-97-9 2,679

142 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 007697-01-0 2,582

143 Dimethyl laury amine Oxide 068955-55-5 2,539

144 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 2,517

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145 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid ethyl ester 000097-64-3 2,488

146 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 2,470

147 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 2,428

148 1-Hexene 000592-41-6 2,334

149 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 2,200

150 Acetone 000067-64-1 2,158

151 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 000127-19-5 2,150

152 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 2,098

153 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 2,094

154 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 2,020

155 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 2,012

156 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 1,991

157 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 1,950

158 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 1,942

159 Starch, acetate 009045-28-7 1,870

160 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 1,804

161 Ethoxylated alcohols (C=12-14) 068439-50-9 1,747

162 Lithium carbonate 000554-13-2 1,670

163 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, vinyl group-terminated 068083-19-2 1,600

164 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 1,596

165 Poly(1-butene) 009003-28-5 1,548

166 Pentapotassium triphosphate 013845-36-8 1,513

167 Aromatic hydrocarbons, (C=6-10), (C=8)-rich 090989-41-6 1,505

168 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 064742-54-7 1,503

169 Silica amorphous, fumed, cryst.-free 112945-52-5 1,464

170 Propylene, Ethylene copolymer 069191-21-5 1,453

171 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 1,437

172 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 1,380

173 Octadecanoic acid monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol 031566-31-1 1,321

174 Polyol-dibasic acids unsaturated polyester KE-28957 1,304

175 Octadecanoic acid calcium salt 001592-23-0 1,298

176Hexanedioic acid polymer with N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine and (chloromethyl)oxirane

025212-19-5 1,292

177 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 1,251

178 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 1,152

179 Vinyl acetate 000108-05-4 1,137

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180 1,6-Diisocyanatohexane homopolymer 028182-81-2 1,133

181 di-calcium hexaborate pentahydrate(콜레마나이트) 012291-65-5 1,120

182 Rubber, ethylenepropylene 061789-00-2 1,114

183 Polyoxyethylene alkyl(C=12-22) ether 160305-84-0 1,079

184 N-(Carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-dodecanaminium, inner salt 000683-10-3 1,079

185 Graphite 007782-42-5 1,078

186 Glycerol 000056-81-5 1,076

187 Sodium dodecyl sulfate 000151-21-3 1,056

188 Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt 009004-32-4 1,038

189 α,α'-[(1-Methylethylidene)di-4,1-phenylene]bis[ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)] 032492-61-8 1,032

190 Diammonium hexanitratocerate 016774-21-3 1,031

191 Trimethoxy(methyl)silane 001185-55-3 1,025

192 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 1,019

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 29,624,928

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 21,018,543

3 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,033,541

4 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 11,991,665

5 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 8,857,720

6 Kerosine 008008-20-6 6,638,496

7 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 5,298,788

8 Ethylene 000074-85-1 3,323,514

9 Oxygen 007782-44-7 3,187,525

10 Benzene 000071-43-2 3,061,198

11 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,739,951

12 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,402,667

13 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 2,060,951

14 1-Propene 000115-07-1 1,905,038

15 Toluene 000108-88-3 1,718,402

16 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 1,684,572

17 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 1,645,130

18 Methane 000074-82-8 1,487,913

19 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1), hemihydrate 010034-76-1 1,479,786

20 Butane 000106-97-8 1,403,803

21 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1,344,825

22 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 1,252,820

23 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1,217,935

24 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 1,212,700

25 Vinyl chloride 000075-01-4 1,207,186

26 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 1,140,818

27 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 1,040,347

28 1,3-Butadiene 000106-99-0 1,019,535

29 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 974,832

30 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 922,563

31 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 843,620

32 Chlorine 007782-50-5 740,521

33 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 725,760

34 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 699,190

35 Butanal 000123-72-8 650,817

36 Xylene 001330-20-7 649,943

산강유역환경청 유통량 1000톤 이상 물

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37 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 647,027

38 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 623,561

39 Pentane 000109-66-0 613,987

40 (1-Methylethyl)benzene 000098-82-8 611,791

41 Phenol 000108-95-2 605,271

42 Phosgene 000075-44-5 548,710

43 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 469,863

44 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 469,481

45 1,3-Butadiene homopolymer 009003-17-2 456,331

46 1-Butene 000106-98-9 435,712

47 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 425,644

48 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 424,946

49 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 413,765

50 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 411,658

51 Propane 000074-98-6 395,294

52 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 391,165

53 Petroleum gases, liquefied 068476-85-7 378,731

54 Acetone 000067-64-1 377,792

55 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 362,734

56 Phosphoric acid 000766-43-8 345,119

57 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 000080-62-6 297,181

58 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 294,877

59 Asphalt 008052-42-4 291,284

60 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 284,297

61 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 272,130

62 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-3 251,949

63 2-Ethylhexanol 000104-76-7 247,155

64 1-Pentanol 000071-41-0 224,665

65 Carbon black 001333-86-4 222,382

66 Coal tar 008007-45-2 222,101

67 4,4'-Methylenedianiline 000101-77-9 212,037

68 Isocyanic acid polymethylenepolyphenylene ester 009016-87-9 211,918

69 2-Methyl-1-propene 000115-11-7 210,750

70 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 201,642

71 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 201,522

72 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 199,781

73 Limestone 001317-65-3 199,306

74 Methyldinitrobenzene 025321-14-6 193,784

75 Aniline 000062-53-3 190,730

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76 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester homopolymer 009011-14-7 184,730

77 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 177,409

78 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 169,875

79 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 166,598

80 Butanoic acid, 4-(methylthio)-, ethyl ester 022014-48-8 166,288

81 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 000121-14-2 151,920

82 Propylene, Ethylene copolymer 069191-21-5 151,496

83 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 144,689

84 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 141,130

85 Trimethyl benzene 025551-13-7 138,427

86 4-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000095-80-7 132,489

87 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 128,639

88 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 116,039

89 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 105,123

90 2-Propenenitrile 000107-13-1 103,441

91 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 99,224

92 2-Butene 000107-01-7 91,991

93 1,3-Diisocyanato-2-methylbenzene 000091-08-7 90,409

94 Methyl cyclopentane 000096-37-7 87,040

95 Diethylbenzene 025340-17-4 85,638

96 Polybutylene 009003-29-6 85,282

97 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 84,660

98 Argon 007440-37-1 83,657

99 Carboxylated Emulsion of Modified Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer in Water Solution 070857-13-5 76,895

100 Creosote 008001-58-9 75,616

101 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 75,195

102 Neopentyl glycol 000126-30-7 75,052

103 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 72,934

104 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 72,503

105 Distillates (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked 064741-61-3 70,474

106Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 69,528

107 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 69,468

108 Isoprene 000078-79-5 68,776

109 n-Hexane 000110-54-3 67,506

110 Aromatic hydrocarbons, (C=6-10), (C=8)-rich 090989-41-6 62,362

111 Toluene-3,4-diamine 000496-72-0 58,758

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112 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 58,511

113 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester 000103-11-7 58,330

114 2,2'-Oxybisethanol 000111-46-6 55,676

115 Methanol 000067-56-1 55,409

116 Oxirane 000075-21-8 55,016

117 Distillates (petroleum), crude oil 068410-00-4 54,254

118 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine 002687-25-4 49,858

119 Isobutanal 000078-84-2 48,057

120 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 025053-09-2 44,032

121 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 43,939

122 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 43,482

123 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 43,455

124 Chemical-000702-79-4 000702-79-4 42,418

125 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 41,560

126 (Z)-2-Butene 000590-18-1 41,395

127 Cyclopentadiene 000542-92-7 40,100

128 Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025971-63-5 39,655

129 Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy 064741-92-0 37,420

130 Lead 007439-92-1 37,158

131 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 35,903

132 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 35,637

133 Cyclopentane 000287-92-3 35,138

134 2-Propenoic acid methyl ester 000096-33-3 34,723

135 2-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine 000823-40-5 33,122

136 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-49-0 31,919

137 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 29,942

138 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 29,785

139 (E)-2-Butene 000624-64-6 29,540

140 Hydrogenated hydrocarbons (C=6-20) polymers 069430-35-9 29,285

141 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 28,474

142 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 27,551

143 Hexahydrobenzene 000110-82-7 26,987

1444,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane 025068-38-6 26,673

145 2-Methylpropane 000075-28-5 25,967

146N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-1,4-benzenediamine 000793-24-8 25,747

147 Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized, polymers, hydrogenated 068132-00-3 24,768

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148 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 24,501

149 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 24,294

150 3-Chloro-1-propene 000107-05-1 22,724

151 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 21,753

152 Glycerol 000056-81-5 21,520

153 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 21,520

154 Calcium sulfate, natural 007778-18-9 21,225

155 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 19,371

156 Dicyclopentadiene 000077-73-6 18,477

157 Ethane 000074-84-0 17,034

158 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 15,871

159 3-Methylpentane 000096-14-0 15,536

160 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 15,244

161 3-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-45-1 13,932

162 Ethanol 000064-17-5 13,692

163 2-Ethylhexanoic acid 000149-57-5 12,940

164 Isobutanol 000078-83-1 12,722

165 trans-Pent-2-ene 000646-04-8 12,454

166 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with..... 025036-25-3 11,931

167 (1-Methylethenyl)benzene 000098-83-9 11,745

168 Petroleum resins 064742-16-1 11,526

169 Cyclopentene 000142-29-0 11,042

170 2-methylnaphthalene 000091-57-6 10,836

171 N-Phenylbenzenamine 000122-39-4 10,451

172 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with..... 068864-91-5 10,244

173Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed triesters with benzoic acid and trimethylolpropane 610787-76-3 8,779

174 2-Methylbut-1-ene 000563-46-2 8,265

175 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 025322-68-3 8,094

176 o-Xylene 000095-47-6 7,951

177 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol 000140-66-9 7,543

178 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 7,413

179 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 7,374

180 1-Methyl-2-nitrobenzene 000088-72-2 7,299

181 NON-AROMATIC 020582-85-8 6,984

182 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 000079-41-4 6,980

183 Carbonochloridic acid methyl ester 000079-22-1 6,859

184 p-tert-Butylphenol 000098-54-4 6,848

185 2-Methylbut-2-ene 000513-35-9 6,700

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186 Residues (petroleum), thermal cracked 064741-80-6 6,635

187 2-Propenoic acid polymer with ammonium 2-propenoate 009079-94-1 6,579

188 Cyclohexanethiol 001569-69-3 6,314

189 trans-Penta-1,3-diene 002004-70-8 6,258

190 Andalusite (Al2O(SiO4)) 012183-80-1 6,230

191 Ethylcyclopentane 001640-89-7 6,168

192 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 6,163

193 Neodecanoyl chloride 040292-82-8 6,114

194 Carbon 007440-44-0 5,926

195 Antimony 007440-36-0 5,568

196 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 064742-47-8 5,566

197 (Z)-Penta-1,3-diene 001574-41-0 5,549

198 Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, mixed diesters with benzoic acid and neopentyl glycol 610787-77-4 5,498

199 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 5,470

200 2,4,4-Trimethylpentene 025167-70-8 5,442

201 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 5,414

202 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=9-10) 093821-31-9 5,376

203 Ammonium chloride 012125-02-9 5,247

204 1-Pentene 000109-67-1 5,080

205 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 064742-46-7 4,950

206 (Vinyloxy)cyclohexane 002182-55-0 4,872

207 Indene 000095-13-6 4,848

208 3,5,5-Trimethyl hexanoyl chloride 036727-29-4 4,644

209 1,1'-Methylenebis[isocyanatobenzene] 026447-40-5 4,636

210 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 4,567

211 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 4,493

212 Cyclopentanone 000120-92-3 4,384

213 Octane 000111-65-9 4,322

214 cis-2-Pentene 000627-20-3 4,319

215 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene

025034-86-0 4,311

216 A mixture of 2-[2-[2-(2-ethylhexanoyloxy)..... 852227-26-0 4,045

217 Zinc 007440-66-6 3,807

218 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-butanediol 030965-26-5 3,766

219 1,2-Butadiene 000590-19-2 3,699

220 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 3,696

221 1-Hexene 000592-41-6 3,655

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222 Melamine 000108-78-1 3,630

223 2,2'-[1,2-Ethanediylbis(oxy)]bisethanol 000112-27-6 3,621

224 5-Ethylidene 2-norbornene 016219-75-3 3,509

225 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 000099-99-0 3,442

226 Methylated 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, formaldehyde polymer 068002-20-0 3,328

227 2,2-Dimethylbutane 000075-83-2 3,229

228 Styrenated phenol 061788-44-1 3,149

229 Alumina cement, chemicals 065997-16-2 3,145

230 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 3,117

231 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and (1-methylethenyl)benzene 025120-20-1 3,056

232 Trichloromethane 000067-66-3 3,016

233 Benzoic acid 000065-85-0 3,012

234 Methyl acetate 000079-20-9 3,001

235 Poly(acrylic acid) 009003-01-4 2,985

236 Methylcyclohexane 000108-87-2 2,981

237 Ethyl cyclohexane 001678-91-7 2,905

238 Distillates (coal), solvent-refining(SRC), wash 068410-09-3 2,842

239 2-Ethylhexanoyl chloride 000760-67-8 2,795

240 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl 2-propenoate 009011-87-4 2,785

241 n-Heptane 000142-82-5 2,772

242 Aromatic hydrocarbons(C=12-20) 070955-17-8 2,721

243 Poly(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) 026780-96-1 2,692

244 Neodecanoic acid 026896-20-8 2,657

245 2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate 024468-13-1 2,550

246 Oxybismethane 000115-10-6 2,397

247 2,2-Dimethylpropanoyl chloride 003282-30-2 2,373

248 4-Methylbenzenamine 000106-49-0 2,362

249 1-Phenylethanone 000098-86-2 2,339

250 Sulfur homopolymer 009035-99-8 2,335

251 Graphite 007782-42-5 2,287

252 Chloroformic acid ethyl ester 000541-41-3 2,200

253 4-(α,α-Dimethylbenzyl)phenol 000599-64-4 2,156

254 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 2,052

255 Aluminium 007429-90-5 2,023

256 Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 064742-48-9 2,019

257 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph. 064742-89-8 1,976

258 1,1'-Oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene] 001163-19-5 1,895

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259 Hydrogen bromide 010035-10-6 1,878

260 Dialuminium calcium tetraoxide 012042-68-1 1,813

261 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 1,760

262 Isononanoic acid 026896-18-4 1,632

263 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol 000128-37-0 1,630

264 Chlorinated ethene homopolymer 064754-90-1 1,577

265 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 1,564

266 Sodium bicarbonate 000144-55-8 1,557

267 Butene 025167-67-3 1,477

268 Branched 4-nonylphenol 084852-15-3 1,474

269 4-Methylphenol reaction products with dicyclopentadiene and isobutylene 068610-51-5 1,420

270 3-Methylpenta-1,4-diene 001115-08-8 1,417

271 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 1,390

272 Fluorite (CaF2) 014542-23-5 1,389

273 Aluminosilicate (Mullite) 001302-93-8 1,371

274 Kyanite 001302-76-7 1,370

275 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 1,357

276 Sodium oxide 001313-59-3 1,356

277 N,N'-Ethylenedi(stearamide) 000110-30-5 1,321

278 2,3-Dimethylbutane 000079-29-8 1,299

279 Vinylcyclohexane 000695-12-5 1,257

280 Carbonic acid diphenyl ester polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025929-04-8 1,253

281 Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate 000128-04-1 1,229

282 2-Methyl-2-propanol 000075-65-0 1,220

283 1,1-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromobenzene) 084852-53-9 1,214

284 Light aromatic (petroleum) 068477-30-5 1,179

285 2,2'-Iminobisethanol 000111-42-2 1,130

286 Bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl) peroxide 000080-43-3 1,121

287 Diphenylisooctyl phosphite 026401-27-4 1,120

288 Nonylphenol 025154-52-3 1,089

289 (Z)-α-(1-Oxo-9-octadecenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009004-96-0 1,079

290 Sorbitan fatty acid ester KE-31675 1,046

291 Isoheptane 031394-54-4 1,045

292N-Phenylmaleimide·styrene·maleic anhydride copolymer 095877-36-4 1,036

293 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] 025322-69-4 1,014

294 Citric acid 000077-92-9 1,000

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 31,422,303

2 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 1,634,625

3 Silicon 007440-21-3 334,383

4 Manganese 007439-96-5 249,293

5 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 223,115

6 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 193,140

7 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 192,822

8 Limestone 001317-65-3 186,375

9 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 81,240

10 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 75,731

11Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenyl ester

111211-39-3 69,511

12 Iron 007439-89-6 53,473

13 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 53,393

14 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 42,408

15 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 36,804

16 Chemical-013397-24-5 013397-24-5 32,016

17 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 29,632

18 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 24,462

19 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 17,805

20 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 12,917

21 Dipotassium oxide 012136-45-7 11,410

22 Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025971-63-5 7,749

23 Sodium D-gluconate 000527-07-1 7,094

24 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 5,777

25 Carbon 007440-44-0 5,697

26 Oxalic acid dihydrate 006153-56-6 5,321

27 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 5,186

28 2,6-Dimethylphenol homopolymer 025134-01-4 5,179

29 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 4,933

30 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 4,075

31 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 3,608

32 Iron oxide 001332-37-2 3,396

33 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 3,324

34 Styrenated α-phenyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 104376-75-2 3,194

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35 Glycerol 000056-81-5 2,933

36 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester polymer with 1,4-butanediol 030965-26-5 2,921

37 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Nonafluoro-1-butanesulfonic acid potassium salt 029420-49-3 2,760

38 Carbonic acid diphenyl ester polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 025929-04-8 2,681

39 Charcoal, coconut shell 068647-86-9 2,499

40 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,420

41 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 2,212

42 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt 036290-04-7 2,001

43 1,3-Diisocyantomethylbenzene 026471-62-5 1,796

44 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 1,643

45 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 1,467

46 Lard oils 008016-28-2 1,292


Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me, 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propyl group-terminated polymer with bisphenol A and carbonic dichloride

156064-99-2 1,255

48 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 1,212

49 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,207

50 Toluene 000108-88-3 1,171

51 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1,160

52 Carbon black 001333-86-4 1,129

53 Chlorite-group minerals 001318-59-8 1,103

54 Barium nitrate 010022-31-8 1,066

55 Sodium oxide 001313-59-3 1,037

56 Acetic acid ethenyl ester polymer with ethene 024937-78-8 1,030

57 Copper 007440-50-8 1,024

58 (Carbonato)hexadecahydroxydialuminum-hexamagnesium

011097-59-9 1,019

59 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 1,003

60 5-Ethylidene bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene polymer with ethene and 1-propene 025038-36-2 1,002

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,594,847

2 Oxygen 007782-44-7 2,550,763

3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 025038-59-9 1,177,711

4 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 926,120

5 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 657,684

6 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 611,533

7 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 494,059

8 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 401,387

9 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 387,022

10 Zinc 007440-66-6 379,746

11 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 215,439

12 Coal tar 008007-45-2 198,796

13 Carbon black 001333-86-4 153,611

14 Ammoniojarosite((NH4)[Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2]) 012194-95-5 138,238

15 Benzene 000071-43-2 129,214

16 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked 064741-62-4 120,538

17 Argon 007440-37-1 109,740

18 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 101,689

19 Creosote 008001-58-9 83,152

20 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 78,350

21 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 77,618

22 Fatty acids, coco polymers with benzoic acid, pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride 068604-67-1 74,858

23 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 72,824

24 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 71,514

25 Copper 007440-50-8 63,027

26 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 59,126

27 Iron disulfide 012068-85-8 52,128

28 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 000117-81-7 49,193

29 1,3,5-Trioxane, polymer with 1,3-dioxolane 024969-26-4 46,366

30 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 45,745

31 Charcoal 016291-96-6 44,097

32 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 41,146

33 Zeolites 001318-02-1 40,006

34 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 38,972

35 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 38,805

36 1-Cyanoguanidine 000461-58-5 36,026

37 Barium carbonate 000513-77-9 35,836

38 Methanol 000067-56-1 34,781

39 Tar, coal, low-temp. 065996-90-9 33,871

40 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 30,986

41 Strontium carbonate 001633-05-2 29,144

42 Iron 007439-89-6 27,404

43 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester 029154-49-2 26,608

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polymer with 1,2-ethanediol and 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol]

44 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 26,445

45 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 25,431

46 Toluene 000108-88-3 24,302

47 Ethanol 000064-17-5 23,839

48 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 22,244

49 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 22,169

50 Diiron tris(sulfate) 010028-22-5 20,205

51 Manganese 007439-96-5 18,586

52 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 15,218

53 Lead 007439-92-1 15,154

542-propenofc acid. polymer with sodium 2-propenoate, Acrylic acid, polymer with sodium acrylate

009033-79-8 14,732

55 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 14,187

56 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 13,941

57 2,2'-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bisoxirane hom opolymer 025085-99-8 13,816

58 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 12,975

59 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 12,702

60 Pyrophyllite 012269-78-2 12,000

61 Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 025085-50-1 11,521

624,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]

025036-25-3 11,438

63 (1-Hydroxyethylidene)bisphosphonic acid 002809-21-4 11,114

64 Potassium nitrate 007757-79-1 10,584

65 Ammonium sulfate 007783-20-2 10,442

66 Lead sulfide 001314-87-0 10,426

67 Aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate 039290-78-3 9,637

68 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 9,452

69 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 8,864

70Formaldehyde polymer with 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol and 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol

030940-67-1 8,362

71 (Z)-13-Docosenamide 000112-84-5 8,288

72 Acrylic acid-butyl acrylate-ethyl acrylate-styrene polymer 030323-62-7 7,311

73 Bentonite, lime-activated 068333-91-5 7,200

74 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 009003-68-3 7,020

751,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di(C=8-10) branched alkyl esters, (C=9)-rich 068515-48-0 6,783

76 Limestone 001317-65-3 6,409

77 Asphalt 008052-42-4 6,337

78 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 6,314

79 Alcohols, (C=8-10)-iso-, (C=9)-rich 068526-84-1 6,251

80 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 6,042

81 2-Furanmethanol 000098-00-0 5,610

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82 2-methylnaphthalene 000091-57-6 5,468

83 Silicon carbide 000409-21-2 5,467

84 Lead silicate 022569-74-0 5,404

85 Chloroethane 000075-00-3 5,161

86 2-Propenoic acid polymer with butyl 2-propenoate, ethenyl acetate and 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoate 035239-19-1 5,158

87 Silicon 007440-21-3 5,064

88 Refractory ceramic fibers 142844-00-6 5,046

89 Ethylene-1-hexene copolymer 025213-02-9 4,802

90 Carbon 007440-44-0 4,724

91 (Z)-13-Docosenoic acid 000112-86-7 4,496

92 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 4,466

93 Xylene 001330-20-7 4,322

94Ethanaminium N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] chloride polymer with 2-propenamide

069418-26-4 4,166

95 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 3,867

96 2-Propenamide homopolymer 009003-05-8 3,760

97Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 3,740

98 (Z)-9-Octadecenamide 000301-02-0 3,495

99 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 3,472

100 Acetone 000067-64-1 3,307

101 Dichromium trioxide 001308-38-9 3,282

102 Lead oxide (PbO), lead-contg. 068411-78-9 3,197

103 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 012179-04-3 3,179

1044,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]

026265-08-7 3,170

105 Magnesium sulfate 018939-43-0 3,068

106 1,2-Dihydroacenaphthylene 000083-32-9 2,916

107 Hydrogen fluoride 007664-39-3 2,771

108 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 2,677

109 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl) 025190-06-1 2,661

110 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 2,602

111 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] 000079-94-7 2,554

112 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 2,506

113 Calcium carbonate tall-oil fatty acid complexes 068512-12-9 2,491

114 Zirconium dioxide 001314-23-4 2,393

115 Graphite 007782-42-5 2,316

116 Phenol 000108-95-2 2,292

117 1-methylnaphthalene 000090-12-0 2,187

118 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 2,160

119 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 2,117

120 2-Propenamide 000079-06-1 2,113

121 Chlorine 007782-50-5 2,096

122 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 2,081

123 Lead oxide (Pb2O3) 001314-27-8 2,073

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124 Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), chromium-doped 099328-47-9 2,000

125 2-Propenoic acid homopolymer sodium salt 009003-04-7 1,996

126 Calcium lignosulfonate 008061-52-7 1,907

127 2-Perfluoroalkyl(C=8) ethyl acrylate-alkyl(C=16-18) acrylate copolymers 160336-09-4 1,869

128 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 1,819

129 Sodium antimonate 015432-85-6 1,816

130 Indene 000095-13-6 1,812

131 Lead monoxide 001317-36-8 1,798

132 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester polymer with 2-ethylhexyl-2-propenoate 026376-86-3 1,760

133 Anthracene 000120-12-7 1,753

134 Copper sulfate 007758-98-7 1,739

135 Terephthalic acid-isophthalic acid-hexamethylenediamine copolymer 025750-23-6 1,738

136 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 1,712

137 Calcium acetylide 000075-20-7 1,710

138 Aluminium 007429-90-5 1,697

139 Methylphenol 001319-77-3 1,654

140 Aluminium hydroxide 021645-51-2 1,633

141 Kaolin 001332-58-7 1,596

142 Zinc pyrithione 013463-41-7 1,524

143 Paraformaldehyde 030525-89-4 1,507

144 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 1,434

145 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane 000106-89-8 1,433

146 Boronatrocalcite 001319-33-1 1,418

147 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic 064742-55-8 1,411

148 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 1,361

149 Calcium disilicide 012013-56-8 1,349

150 Cadimium 007440-43-9 1,319


152 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid 000124-04-9 1,251

153 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 053894-23-8 1,223

154 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, methylated 068071-45-4 1,209

155 Chemical-000496-11-7 000496-11-7 1,208

156 Polyvinyl alcohol, degraded 068071-30-7 1,200

157 1,3-Isobenzofurandione polymer with 2,2'-oxybis[ethanol] 032472-85-8 1,188

158 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic

064742-54-7 1,165

159 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 1,145

160 1,3-Benzenediol 000108-46-3 1,110

161 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with methyl 2-propenoate 009011-87-4 1,105

162 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester homopolymer 009003-49-0 1,081

163 Trisilicon tetranitride 012033-89-5 1,066

164 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino-1,6-hex 032131-17-2 1,051

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165 Maleated rosin 008050-28-0 1,032

166 Octadecanoic acid 000057-11-4 1,032

167 Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic 064742-65-0 1,002

168 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with..... 117581-13-2 1,002

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순위 화학물 명 CAS번호 유통량( )

1 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,288,971

2 Limestone 001317-65-3 554,782

3 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 543,317

4 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 454,677

5 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 331,157

6 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 169,925

7 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 130,711

8 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 126,242

9 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 125,098

10 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 93,148

11 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 84,480

12 Ethanol 000064-17-5 83,870

13 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 80,718

14 Chlorine 007782-50-5 80,570

15 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 75,696

16 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 65,354

17 Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) 015630-89-4 58,420

18 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 48,587

19 Phosgene 000075-44-5 44,862

20 Aluminium sulfate 010043-01-3 41,752

212-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer with 1,3-butadiene, ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile

009010-94-0 38,063

22 Carbon monoxide 000630-08-0 32,818

23 Aluminum Sulfate 057292-32-7 29,550

244,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis[oxirane]

025036-25-3 29,486

25 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 27,781

26 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 25,999

27 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 25,885

28 Methyl 2-methlyl-2-propenoate polymer with ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile 025213-88-1 25,665

29 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 22,791

30 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 21,387

31 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 20,494

32 2-Propenenitrile polymer with ethenylbenzene 009003-54-7 19,890

33 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with 025068-38-6 19,204

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34 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 18,670

35 Lead 007439-92-1 17,272

36 orthophosphoric acid 007664-38-2 15,365

37 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 15,229

38 Lead dioxide 001309-60-0 15,087

39 Aluminium sulfate hydrate 017927-65-0 14,471


41 Poly-4, 4'-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate 024936-68-3 14,126

42 Polyol-dibasic acids unsaturated polyester KE-28957 11,689

43 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 10,607

44 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 9,728

45 Gum rosin 008050-09-7 9,652

46 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 9,102

47 Propylene glycol methyl ether 000107-98-2 8,622

48 Ammonia 007664-41-7 8,188

49 Soybean oil, Me ester 067784-80-9 7,956

50 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene and ethenylbenzene 009003-56-9 6,944

51 Silicon 007440-21-3 6,876

52 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 6,842

53 Kaolin, calcined 092704-41-1 6,738

54 2-Propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene 025153-46-2 6,615

55 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 000112-34-5 6,167

56Acrylamide-acrylic acid-N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]methacrylamide copolymer

084647-37-0 6,141

57 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol 000111-77-3 5,882

58 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 5,599

59 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 5,595

60 2-Methoxyethanol 000109-86-4 5,348

61 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 5,265

62α-Hydro-ω-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) ether with 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (3:1)

028961-43-5 4,805

63 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 000556-67-2 4,740

64 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 000872-50-4 4,674

65 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester polymer with ethenylbenzene and 2-propenenitrile

026299-47-8 4,611

66 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 4,578

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4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] polymer with 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo-4,1-phenylene)oxymethylene]]bis[oxirane]

068928-70-1 4,402

68 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone 000119-53-9 4,186

69 White phosphorus 012185-10-3 4,180

70 Triiron tetraoxide 001317-61-9 4,158

71 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride 001910-42-5 4,097

72Hexanedioic acid polymer with N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine reaction products with dimethylamine and epichlorohydrin

068583-79-9 4,063

73 Carbon dioxide 000124-38-9 4,050

74 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 3,804

75 Aluminium 007429-90-5 3,623

76 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 027176-87-0 3,514


78Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol], 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester

103598-77-2 3,311

792-Propenoic acid 2-ethyl-2-[[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

015625-89-5 3,138

80 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 3,134

81 Zeolites, NaA 068989-22-0 2,948

82 Ethylene-1-octene copolymer 026221-73-8 2,943

83 Nitric acid 007697-37-2 2,878

84 Kieselguhr, soda ash flux-calcined 068855-54-9 2,758

85 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 2,724

86 1-Aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 000056-86-0 2,592

87 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 000128-39-2 2,457

88 Benzaldehyde 000100-52-7 2,420

89 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 2,344

90 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy-terminated 070131-67-8 2,320

91 Ethene homopolymer, oxidized 068441-17-8 2,285

92 Alkyl(C=14-18) ketene dimer 160402-36-8 2,253

93 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine 002687-25-4 2,243


3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 2,2-bis[[3-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester

006683-19-8 2,182

95 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 2,172

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- 259 -

96 [(1-Methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis[oxy(methyl-2,1-ethanediyl)]diacrylate 042978-66-5 2,127

97 Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 000541-02-6 2,107

98 Tetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide 000126-33-0 2,071

99 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 2,047

100 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 2,022

101 Acetone 000067-64-1 1,989

1022-Methyl-2-propenoic acid polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[phenol]

036425-15-7 1,907

103 Bisphenol A bis(dicresyl phosphate) 093981-32-9 1,901

104 2,2'-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis[(2,6-dibromo..... 135229-48-0 1,840

105 Methanol 000067-56-1 1,839

106 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 1,832

107 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,814

108 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009016-45-9 1,809

109 Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 034590-94-8 1,785

110 2-[2-(Methoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol 000112-35-6 1,712

111 Aluminium trichloride 007446-70-0 1,612

112 Trichloromethylsilane 000075-79-6 1,602

113 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 000111-90-0 1,585

114 2-(Cyclohexylthio)-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione 017796-82-6 1,579

115 Neodymium oxide 001313-97-9 1,541

116 Monoisopropanolamine 000078-96-6 1,495

117 Bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) 005945-33-5 1,480

118 2-Propenoic acid 1,6-hexanediyl ester 013048-33-4 1,460

119 Oxybis(methyl-2,1-ethanediyl) diacrylate 057472-68-1 1,445

120 Silica amorphous, fumed, cryst.-free 112945-52-5 1,418

121 1-Octadecanol 000112-92-5 1,415

1221,2-Ethanediamine polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and N-methylmethanamine 042751-79-1 1,404

123 Trimethylolpropane 000077-99-6 1,400

124 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid octadecyl ester 002082-79-3 1,211

125 α,α'-[(1-Methylethylidene)di-4,1-phenylene]bis[ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)]

032492-61-8 1,197

126 Iron dichloride 007758-94-3 1,182

127 Resin acids and Rosin acids, fumarated, sodium salts 068201-59-2 1,138

128 Zeolites 001318-02-1 1,120

129 Polyester (ethylene glycol:isophthalic acid:terephthalic acid) 025135-73-3 1,057

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- 260 -

130 Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 009004-74-4 1,053

131 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 1,036

132 Magnesium titanate 012032-30-3 1,023

133 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me vinyl, vinyl group-terminated 068083-18-1 1,014

134 6,7-Dihydropyrido[1,2-a:2',1'-c]pyrazinedium dibromide 000085-00-7 1,012

135 Thermoplastic polyester elastomer 155123-66-3 1,009

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취 량 상 10 물질

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- 262 -

한강유역환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량(톤) 할청체 비(%)


1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 1,483,602 12.5

2 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 1,213,510 10.2

3 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 1,186,690 10.0

4 Kerosine 008008-20-6 1,044,937 8.8

5 Naphtha 008030-30-6 794,558 6.7

6 Xylene 001330-20-7 458,651 3.9

7 Residues (petroleum), atm. tower 064741-45-3 362,235 3.1

8 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 357,730 3.0

9 Urea 000057-13-6 258,000 2.2

10 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 227,399 1.9


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 7,782,832 44.5

2 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range...... 064741-42-0 2,068,053 11.8

3 Butane 000106-97-8 837,790 4.8

4 Methanol 000067-56-1 804,328 4.6

5 Propane 000074-98-6 732,558 4.2

6 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 417,157 2.4

7 Slags, ferrous metal, blast furnace 065996-69-2 344,716 2.0

8 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run 064741-46-4 329,146 1.9

9 Potassium chloride 007447-40-7 165,347 0.9

10 Copper 007440-50-8 162,448 0.9


1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 609,379 17.3

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 401,992 11.4

3 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 366,074 10.4

4 Zinc 007440-66-6 217,760 6.2

5 Benzene 000071-43-2 178,865 5.1

6 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 145,650 4.1

7 Naphtha 008030-30-6 144,014 4.1

8 Toluene 000108-88-3 130,255 3.7

9 Copper 007440-50-8 118,519 3.4

10 Potassium hydroxide 001310-58-3 107,065 3.0


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 7,904,108 28.5

2 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range....... 064741-42-0 2,068,053 7.4

3 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 1,427,612 5.1

4 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 714,204 2.6

5 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 562,956 2.0

6 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 559,842 2.0

7 Chlorine 007782-50-5 480,274 1.7

8 Phenol polymer with formaldehyde 009003-35-4 453,261 1.6

9 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 436,592 1.6

10 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 387,732 1.4

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낙동강유역환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 16,534,082 18.4

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 13,428,123 14.9

3 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 5,371,388 6.0

4 Kerosine 008008-20-6 4,786,576 5.3

5 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 3,136,182 3.5

6 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 2,951,680 3.3

7 Naphtha 008030-30-6 2,591,678 2.9

8 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 2,573,530 2.9

9 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 2,222,695 2.5

10 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated..... 064742-54-7 1,746,106 1.9


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 64,585,821 78.9

2 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956 7.4

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 2,944,548 3.6

4 Xylene 001330-20-7 835,076 1.0

5 Ammonia 007664-41-7 600,963 0.7

6 Methanol 000067-56-1 502,340 0.6

7 Copper 007440-50-8 492,836 0.6

8 Methyl oxirane 000075-56-9 492,537 0.6

9 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 448,890 0.5

10 Sulfur, precipitated, sublimed or colloidal 007704-34-9 445,187 0.5


1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 4,078,346 15.8

2 Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized 064742-81-0 3,662,173 14.2

3 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 3,618,167 14.1

4 Naphtha 008030-30-6 1,783,824 6.9

5 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 1,599,836 6.2

6 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,361,696 5.3

7 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1,296,373 5.0

8 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 1,061,348 4.1

9 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 539,092 2.1

10 Toluene 000108-88-3 401,017 1.6


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 59,665,993 52.3

2 Distillates (petroleum), alkylate 064741-73-7 6,051,956 5.3

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 4,159,807 3.6

4 1-Propene 000115-07-1 2,297,321 2.0

5 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 2,252,823 2.0

6 Ethylene 000074-85-1 1,718,423 1.5

7 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,365,468 1.2

8 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 1,290,832 1.1

9 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 1,193,989 1.0

10 Xylene 001330-20-7 1,036,926 0.9

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- 264 -

강유역환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Naphthalene sulfonic acid sodium salt 001321-69-3 12,878,575 24.6

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 6,179,618 11.8

3 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 5,787,795 11.1

4 Kerosine 008008-20-6 2,376,027 4.5

5 Naphtha 008030-30-6 2,353,269 4.5

6 Ethylene 000074-85-1 1,913,845 3.7

7 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,738,872 3.3

8 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 1,575,923 3.0

9 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 1,448,604 2.8

10 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 1,141,983 2.2


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 19,919,721 78.9

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 4,159,320 16.5

3 2-Methylpentane 000107-83-5 167,531 0.7

4 1,2-Dichloroethane 000107-06-2 155,081 0.6

5 Helium 007440-59-7 153,760 0.6

6 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic... 064741-68-0 73,168 0.3

7 Pentane 000109-66-0 67,895 0.3

8 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 58,946 0.2

9 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy..... 070131-67-8 40,733 0.2

10 Methyl tert-butyl ether 001634-04-4 33,648 0.1


1 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 1,973,298 26.1

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 1,028,864 13.6

3 Kerosine 008008-20-6 942,575 12.5

4 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 684,325 9.1

5 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 515,371 6.8

6 p-Xylene 000106-42-3 443,906 5.9

7 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 299,480 4.0

8 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 263,414 3.5

9 Benzene 000071-43-2 207,775 2.8

10 1-Propene polymer with ethene 009010-79-1 187,025 2.5


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 19,800,430 42.0

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 7,183,521 15.2

3 Ethylene 000074-85-1 1,761,138 3.7

4 Benzene 000071-43-2 1,418,112 3.0

5 Pentane 000109-66-0 1,037,431 2.2

6 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic... 064741-68-0 771,544 1.6

7 Methane 000074-82-8 718,505 1.5

8 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 711,671 1.5

9 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 694,669 1.5

10 Butane 000106-97-8 683,490 1.4

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- 265 -

산강유역환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Naphtha 008030-30-6 14,147,684 15.6

2 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 9,322,282 10.3

3 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 6,991,778 7.7

4 Kerosine 008008-20-6 5,019,061 5.5

5 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 4,483,078 4.9

6 Oxygen 007782-44-7 3,187,509 3.5

7 Ethylene 000074-85-1 3,180,206 3.5

8 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,739,774 3.0

9 Benzene 000071-43-2 2,464,890 2.7

10 1-Propene 000115-07-1 1,840,673 2.0


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 29,624,928 49.9

2 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,033,541 27.0

3 Naphtha 008030-30-6 6,130,323 10.3

4 Sodium chloride 007647-14-5 917,770 1.5

5 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 647,027 1.1

6 Butane 000106-97-8 516,933 0.9

7 Ammonium hydroxide 001336-21-6 425,644 0.7

8 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 409,495 0.7

9 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 388,175 0.7

10 Propane 000074-98-6 358,505 0.6


1 Fuels, diesel 068334-30-5 2,639,059 18.9

2 Fuel oil, residual 068476-33-5 1,851,139 13.3

3 Kerosine 008008-20-6 1,607,012 11.5

4 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 827,772 5.9

5 Light gasoline 008006-61-9 815,710 5.9

6 Naphtha 008030-30-6 740,536 5.3

7 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 622,763 4.5

8 Benzene 000071-43-2 445,647 3.2

9 Poly(vinyl chloride) 009002-86-2 411,532 3.0

10 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-bu... 009003-56-9 399,859 2.9


1 Petroleum 008002-05-9 29,493,035 22.8

2 Naphtha 008030-30-6 18,960,659 14.6

3 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 16,126,847 12.5

4 Benzene 000071-43-2 6,688,819 5.2

5 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 3,404,050 2.6

6 Oxygen 007782-44-7 3,377,653 2.6

7 Ethylene 000074-85-1 2,891,994 2.2

8 Limestone 001317-65-3 2,769,609 2.1

9 Natural gas 008006-14-2 2,331,365 1.8

10 1-Propene 000115-07-1 1,972,676 1.5

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- 266 -

원주지방환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 26,791,616 94.1

2 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 963,842 3.4

3 Hydrocarbon oils 008020-83-5 193,140 0.7

4 Limestone 001317-65-3 186,313 0.7

5 Calcium hydroxide 001305-62-0 81,239 0.3

6 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 68,054 0.2

7 Chemical-013397-24-5 013397-24-5 32,016 0.1

8 Carbonic dichloride, polymer with..... 111211-39-3 28,345 0.1

9 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 17,786 0.1

10 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 13,487 0.0


1 Silicon 007440-21-3 332,577 35.2

2 Manganese 007439-96-5 198,579 21.0

3 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 192,822 20.4

4 Iron 007439-89-6 44,135 4.7

5 Carbonic dichloride, polymer with..... 111211-39-3 41,161 4.4

6 Manganese dioxide 001313-13-9 29,632 3.1

7 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 10,975 1.2

8 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 8,150 0.9

9 Carbonic dichloride polymer with..... 025971-63-5 7,748 0.8

10 Carbon 007440-44-0 4,683 0.5


1 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 4,630,634 80.6

2 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 670,777 11.7

3 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 223,017 3.9

4 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 51,521 0.9

5 Manganese 007439-96-5 47,277 0.8

6 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 41,739 0.7

7 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 34,425 0.6

8 Dipotassium oxide 012136-45-7 11,410 0.2

9 Iron 007439-89-6 9,330 0.2

10 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 6,545 0.1


1 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 4,017,942 36.8

2 Asphalt 008052-42-4 1,470,157 13.5

3 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 1,337,652 12.2

4 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 872,290 8.0

5 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 340,020 3.1

6 Silicon 007440-21-3 321,404 2.9

7 Sulfuric acid, calcium salt, dihydrate 010101-41-4 298,297 2.7

8 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 242,919 2.2

9 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 235,041 2.2

10 Limestone 001317-65-3 211,778 1.9

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- 267 -

구지방환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,594,761 24.6

2 Oxygen 007782-44-7 2,550,763 24.2

3 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 926,120 8.8

4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-..... 025038-59-9 885,998 8.4

5 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-bu.... 009003-56-9 611,245 5.8

6 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 436,813 4.1

7 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 372,081 3.5

8 Zinc 007440-66-6 239,184 2.3

9 Coal tar 008007-45-2 198,796 1.9

10 Ammoniojarosite((NH4)[Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2]) 012194-95-5 138,238 1.3


1 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 494,059 25.6

2 Zinc sulfide 001314-98-3 401,387 20.8

3 Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic..... 064741-62-4 120,538 6.3

4 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 76,343 4.0

5 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 72,824 3.8

6 Copper 007440-50-8 63,009 3.3

7 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 58,477 3.0

8 Iron disulfide 012068-85-8 52,128 2.7

9 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 42,795 2.2

10 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 41,146 2.1


1 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl..... 025038-59-9 287,431 29.7

2 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 211,691 21.9

3 Zinc 007440-66-6 139,432 14.4

4 Coal tar pitch hightemp. 065996-93-2 93,307 9.7

5 1,3-Isobenzofurandione 000085-44-9 38,852 4.0

6 Carbon black 001333-86-4 29,297 3.0

7 Benzene 000071-43-2 25,500 2.6

8 1,3,5-Trioxane, polymer with 1,3-dioxolane 024969-26-4 22,232 2.3

9 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethyl..... 000117-81-7 18,903 2.0

10 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 15,093 1.6


1 Oxygen 007782-44-7 2,683,015 9.8

2 Nitrogen 007727-37-9 2,528,722 9.2

3 Aluminium chloride, basic 001327-41-9 1,559,383 5.7

4 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 1,308,083 4.8

5 Portland cement, chemicals 065997-15-1 1,166,718 4.3

6 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 867,457 3.2

7 Argon 007440-37-1 864,346 3.2

8 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer..... 036290-04-7 815,990 3.0

9 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 770,871 2.8

10 Sodium D-gluconate 000527-07-1 763,260 2.8

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- 268 -

주지방환경청(취 량 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 취 량 할청체 비(%)


1 Limestone 001317-65-3 554,494 20.6

2 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 454,637 16.9

3 Hydrogen chloride 007647-01-0 169,924 6.3

4 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 108,877 4.0

5 Formaldehyde 000050-00-0 93,144 3.5

6 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 87,934 3.3

7 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 86,271 3.2

8 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde 009011-05-6 84,477 3.1

9 Chlorine 007782-50-5 80,570 3.0

10 Ethanol 000064-17-5 75,852 2.8


1 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,202,700 48.6

2 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 543,317 21.9

3 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 325,568 13.1

4 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 125,098 5.0

5 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 48,579 2.0

6 Sulfur trioxide 007446-11-9 27,781 1.1

7 β-D-Fructofuranosyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 000057-50-1 22,791 0.9

8 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 15,227 0.6

9 Lead 007439-92-1 9,289 0.4

10 P.B.T(LUPOX HV-1010) 024968-12-5 9,128 0.4


1 Ethenylbenzene homopolymer 009003-53-6 37,944 15.8

2 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 000584-84-9 33,645 14.0

3 Hydrogen peroxide 007722-84-1 21,780 9.1

4 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl..... 009010-94-0 13,477 5.6

5 Disodium carbonate, compound..... 015630-89-4 12,124 5.0

6 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-bu.... 009003-55-8 11,304 4.7

7 Methyl 2-methlyl-2-propenoate polymer.... 025213-88-1 9,087 3.8

8 Lead 007439-92-1 7,983 3.3

9 Poly(vinyl alcohol) 009002-89-5 7,514 3.1

10 2-Propenenitrile polymer with..... 009003-54-7 6,012 2.5


1 Sodium hypochlorite 007681-52-9 1,226,965 17.6

2 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 640,617 9.2

3 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 454,522 6.5

4 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 441,777 6.3

5 Hydrogen 001333-74-0 394,862 5.7

6 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 000100-21-0 362,336 5.2

7 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 174,333 2.5

8 1,2-Ethanediol 000107-21-1 173,436 2.5

9 Sodium carbonate 000497-19-8 143,218 2.1

10 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol 000080-05-7 120,694 1.7

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제품수 상 10 물질

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- 270 -

한강유역환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)

구분 순 물질명 CAS번호 제품수


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 367

2 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 307

3 N,N-Dimethylformamide 000068-12-2 253

4 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 225

5 Xylene 001330-20-7 216

6 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 184

7 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 170

8 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 164

9 Hexanedioic acid 1,4-butanediol polymer 025103-87-1 149

10 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with..... 025068-38-6 145


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 686

2 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 484

3 Carbon black 001333-86-4 457

4 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 440

5 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 416

6 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 411

7 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 411

8 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 379

9 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 367

10 Toluene 000108-88-3 365


1 Glycerol 000056-81-5 254

2 Sodium sulfate 007757-82-6 220

3 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 200

4 Xylene 001330-20-7 196

5 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 184

6 Carbon black 001333-86-4 169

7 Toluene 000108-88-3 168

8 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 157

9 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer with..... 025036-25-3 147

10 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 134


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 4048

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 3371

3 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 2604

4 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 1925

5 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 1917

6 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 1882

7 Sulfuric acid 007664-93-9 1856

8 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 1832

9 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 1520

10 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 1492

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- 271 -

낙동강유역환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 제품수


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 491

2 Toluene 000108-88-3 168

3 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 145

4 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 137

5 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer.... 025068-38-6 133

6 Limestone 001317-65-3 132

7 α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly[oxy(methyl-1,2... 025322-69-4 124

8 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 119

9 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy..... 064742-54-7 107

10 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 107


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 468

2 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 363

3 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 299

4 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 297

5 Polyethylenepolyamines reaction products...... 084605-20-9 292

6 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, calcium salts,..... 068783-96-0 290

7 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 177

8 Carbon black 001333-86-4 171

9 Toluene 000108-88-3 152

10 Aluminium 007429-90-5 152


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 245

2 Carbon black 001333-86-4 172

3 White mineral oil (petroleum) 008042-47-5 160

4 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 154

5 Toluene 000108-88-3 144

6 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy..... 064742-54-7 137

7 Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino..... 032131-17-2 134

8 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 130

9 Poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)] 025038-54-4 126

10 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 108


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 7284

2 Toluene 000108-88-3 3304

3 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 3001

4 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 2233

5 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 2159

6 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 1940

7 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 1832

8 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 1656

9 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 1574

10 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer..... 025068-38-6 1526

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- 272 -

강유역환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 제품수


1 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, ..... 070131-67-8 443

2 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)... 022984-54-9 280

3 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated..... 064742-46-7 261

4 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 146

5 Limestone 001317-65-3 145

6 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 143

7 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 112

8 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 112

9 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 68

10 Toluene 000108-88-3 54


1 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me,..... 070131-67-8 105

2 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 105

3 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 95

4 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 94

5 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, ..... 068083-19-2 92

6 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 79

7 Toluene 000108-88-3 64

8 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 64

9 Iron 007439-89-6 62

10 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me..... 068083-18-1 50


1 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me,..... 070131-67-8 308

2 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated..... 064742-46-7 158

3 2-Butanone O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)... 022984-54-9 137

4 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 123

5 Calcium carbonate 000471-34-1 103

6 Methylsilanetriol triacetate 004253-34-3 96

7 Ethylsilanetriol triacetate 017689-77-9 96

8 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 94

9 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 91

10 Limestone 001317-65-3 75


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 949

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 937

3 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 729

4 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 648

5 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 498

6 Carbon black 001333-86-4 495

7 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me,..... 070131-67-8 485

8 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 459

9 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 450

10 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 446

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- 273 -

산강유역환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 제품수


1 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene..... 009003-56-9 126

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 40

3 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer..... 025036-25-3 37

4 Methyloxirane polymer with oxirane 009003-11-6 27

5 Benzene 000071-43-2 25

6 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-..... 009016-45-9 22

7 α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 009002-92-0 22

8 Toluene 000108-88-3 22

9 Pentane 000109-66-0 22

10 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 17


1 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 106

2 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 94

3 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 57

4 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 55

5 Carbon black 001333-86-4 53

6 Quartz (SiO2) 014808-60-7 38

7 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 38

8 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 37

9 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 35

10 Sodium oxide 001313-59-3 28


1 2-Propenenitrile polymer with 1,3-butadiene..... 009003-56-9 62

2 Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene 009003-55-8 17

3 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 10

4 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol 000128-37-0 10

5 Xylene 001330-20-7 9

6 2-Methylbutane 000078-78-4 9

7 Polyethylene 009002-88-4 8

8 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzene..... 002082-79-3 8

9 Diphenyl methane diisocyanate 000101-68-8 7

10 Diantimony trioxide 001309-64-4 7


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 801

2 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 488

3 Toluene 000108-88-3 454

4 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 318

5 Carbon black 001333-86-4 313

6 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 268

7 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 259

8 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) 014807-96-6 251

9 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 223

10 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 219

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- 274 -

원주지방환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)



1 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-..... 009016-45-9 18

2 Phosphinic acid 006303-21-5 18

3 (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid 000112-80-1 15

4 4-Methylbenzenesulfonic acid 000104-15-4 14

5 Calcium dodecylbenzenesulfonate 026264-06-2 13

6 Xylene 001330-20-7 13

7 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 11

8 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 000075-59-2 10

9 Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methyl..... 111211-39-3 10

10 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 10


1 Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methyl.... 111211-39-3 311

2 Octadecanoic acid 2,2-bis[[(1-oxooctadecyl)..... 000115-83-3 119

3 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethyl..... 003147-75-9 103

4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-..... 025038-59-9 101

5 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester polymer.... 025053-09-2 100

6 Carbon black 001333-86-4 71

7 2,6-Dimethylphenol homopolymer 025134-01-4 70

8 Glass, oxide 065997-17-3 69

9 Carbonic dichloride polymer with 4,4'-(1-methyl..... 025971-63-5 57

10 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 49


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 20

2 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 18

3 Xylene 001330-20-7 17

4 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 13

5 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 12

6 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 11

7 Acetone 000067-64-1 10

8 Isobutanol 000078-83-1 10

9 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 9

10 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 9


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 592

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 484

3 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 330

4 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 330

5 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 319

6 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 289

7 Carbonic dichloride, polymer with 4,4'-(1-methyl..... 111211-39-3 259

8 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 238

9 Carbon black 001333-86-4 238

10 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 225

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- 275 -

구지방환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)

구분 순 화학물질명 CAS번호 제품수


1 2-Propenoic acid polymer with butyl 2-..... 035239-19-1 125

2 1-Propene homopolymer 009003-07-0 105

3 Toluene 000108-88-3 101

4 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 92

5 Methanol 000067-56-1 73

6 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-..... 009016-45-9 69

7 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-..... 025038-59-9 45

8 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester 000141-32-2 36

9 2-Propenoic acid 000079-10-7 33

10 2-Propenoic acid ethyl ester 000140-88-5 31


1 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 110

2 Aluminium oxide 001344-28-1 102

3 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with..... 036290-04-7 83

4 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 63

5 Diiron trioxide 001309-37-1 52

6 Carbon black 001333-86-4 48

7 Magnesium oxide 001309-48-4 48

8 Calcium oxide 001305-78-8 47

9 Zirconium dioxide 001314-23-4 44

10 Xylene 001330-20-7 38


1 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2..... 009016-45-9 15

2 Carbon black 001333-86-4 14

3 Toluene 000108-88-3 10

4 Xylene 001330-20-7 10

5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4..... 025038-59-9 10

6 Paraffin wax 008002-74-2 10

7 Zinc 007440-66-6 10

8 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 9

9 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 9

10 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 9


1 Toluene 000108-88-3 1936

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 1589

3 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 000108-10-1 1056

4 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 988

5 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-93-3 915

6 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 847

7 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 817

8 2-Propanol 000067-63-0 622

9 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 608

10 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 468

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주지방환경청(제품수 상 10 물질)



1 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer..... 025036-25-3 65

2 Xylene 001330-20-7 61

3 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 49

4 α-(Nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2..... 009016-45-9 35

5 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 32

6 Toluene 000108-88-3 31

7 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 27

8 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 25

9 α-Tridecyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 024938-91-8 25

10 2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 24


1 Silica, vitreous 060676-86-0 31

2 4,4'-(1-Methylethylidene)bisphenol polymer..... 025068-38-6 26

3 Xylene 001330-20-7 26

4 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 22

5 Silicon dioxide 007631-86-9 17

6 Naphthalene 000091-20-3 17

7 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. 064742-94-5 15

8 Toluene 000108-88-3 15

9 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 14

10 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 13


1 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, Me vinyl,..... 068083-18-1 20

2 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me 063148-62-9 20

3 Synthetic amorphous silica, pptd. 112926-00-8 19

4 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 14

5 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 14

6 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxy..... 070131-67-8 12

7 α-Tridecyl-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 024938-91-8 12

8 Carbon black 001333-86-4 11

9 Vinylbenzene 000100-42-5 10

10 2-Propenoic acid polymer with (chloromethyl)..... 037625-93-7 10


1 Xylene 001330-20-7 873

2 Toluene 000108-88-3 499

3 n-butyl acetate 000123-86-4 465

4 Titanium dioxide 013463-67-7 377

5 Sodium hydroxide 001310-73-2 327

6 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. 064742-95-6 279

7 Ethylbenzene 000100-41-4 269

8 1-Butanol 000071-36-3 212

9 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 000108-65-6 198

10 Acetic acid ethyl ester 000141-78-6 183

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유역( 방)환경청별

사고대비물 취급 현황

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호화학물질명 CAS번호

제조 사용

수량(톤) 제품 업체 수량(톤) 제품 업체

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 239,859 5 5 240,791 18 16

2 Methanol 67-56-1 118,178 10 10

3 Benzene 71-43-2 147,988 1 1

4 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 3,000 1 1

5 Carbon sulfide 75-15-0 2,399 1 1

6 Oxirane 75-21-8 6,904 1 1

7 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 1,520 1 1 190,246 3 3

8 2-Propenoic acid 79-10-7 4,561 1 1 4,126 1 1

9 1,2-Ethanediamine 107-15-3 1,496 2 2

10 Toluene 108-88-3 168,849 1 1 133,303 9 9

11 Phenol 108-95-2 32,896 6 5

12 Acetic acid ethyl ester 141-78-6 19,150 2 2

13 Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 879 2 2 2,605 2 2

14 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 53,746 4 4

15 Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 360 1 1

16 Sodium 7440-23-5 21,069 2 1 1,108 6 5

17 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 252,530 7 6 270,696 25 25

18 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 1,605 2 2 13,294 17 7

19 Ammonia 7664-41-7 37,533 4 4

20 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 56,492 10 7 325,511 32 27

21 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 9,493 2 2 14,559 2 2

22 Phosphorus trichloride 7719-12-2 950 2 2

23 Chlorine 7782-50-5 65,273 4 4 476,650 10 10

24 Chlorosulfuric acid 7790-94-5 933 2 2

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 33,183 2 2 170,564 7 7

2 Formic acid 64-18-6 19,394 1 1

3 Methanol 67-56-1 4,229 1 1 691,973 14 14

4 Benzene 71-43-2 851,146 3 3 1,363,663 6 6

5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 60,527 1 1 60,502 1 1

6 Methylamine 74-89-5 489 1 1 488 1 1

7 Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 43,368 2 2 43,368 2 2

8 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 258,486 1 1 259,535 1 1

9 Oxirane 75-21-8 25,781 6 6

10 N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 75-50-3 9,519 1 1 9,489 1 1

사고대비물 의 청별 정수량 이상 제조/사 현황

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11 Methyl oxirane 75-56-9 194,114 2 2 284,568 6 6

12 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 8,035 2 2 2,361 1 1

13 2-Propenoic acid..... 96-33-3 8,684 3 3

14 3-Chloro-1-propene 107-05-1 49,313 1 1 49,461 1 1

15 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 514,770 3 3 184,668 8 8

16 1,2-Ethanediamine 107-15-3 935 2 2

17 Toluene 108-88-3 750,930 6 6 38,708 7 7

18 Phenol 108-95-2 16,567 1 1

19 N,N-Diethylethanamine 121-44-8 2,033 1 1

20 Acetic acid ethyl ester 141-78-6 54,153 2 2

21 Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 81,311 3 2 6,119 2 2

22 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 2,058 1 1

23 Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 207,712 2 2 207,712 2 2

24 Sodium 7440-23-5 835 4 4

25 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 227,515 11 9 307,920 34 32

26 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 3,638 3 1 9,490 5 5

27 Ammonia 7664-41-7 116,301 2 1 693,209 8 8

28 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 3,206,540 21 14 877,303 38 33

29 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 405,455 11 3 340,471 6 4

30 Phosphorus trichloride 7719-12-2 2,628 1 1

31 Chlorine 7782-50-5 348,831 4 4 350,558 12 12

32 Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 1,731 1 1 1,731 1 1

33 Chlorosulfuric acid 7790-94-5 25,320 1 1 23,589 1 1

34 Chlorine dioxide 10049-04-4 348 1 1 795 1 1

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 3,064 1 1 1,651 1 1

2 Methanol 67-56-1 53,942 1 1

3 Benzene 71-43-2 1,212,431 4 4 889,761 3 3

4 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 18,014 1 1

5 Oxirane 75-21-8 176,899 2 2 35,631 2 2

6 Methyl oxirane 75-56-9 2,296 1 1

7 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 3,431 2 2

8 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 8,807 1 1

9 Toluene 108-88-3 62,368 2 2

10 Acetic acid ethyl ester 141-78-6 2,687 1 1 6,260 2 1

11 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 2,674 1 1

12 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 12,808 1 1 73,262 18 16

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13 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 9,586 5 3 9,523 6 6

14 Ammonia 7664-41-7 6,512 3 3

15 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 81,628 5 4 49,271 15 15

16 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 3,316 1 1 6,344 2 2

17 Phosphine 7803-51-2 101 2 2

18 Chlorine dioxide 10049-04-4 218 1 1

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 141,130 2 2 133,881 4 4

2 Methanol 67-56-1 39,896 3 3 259,179 10 9

3 Benzene 71-43-2 1,610,758 9 7 5,723,832 9 8

4 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1,063,266 2 2 842,498 2 2

5 Oxirane 75-21-8 55,016 1 1 34,193 3 3

6 Phosgene 75-44-5 548,710 4 4 548,708 5 5

7 2-Propenoic acid 79-10-7 103,690 4 3

8 2-Propenoic acid..... 96-33-3 23,300 1 1 5,269 2 2

9 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 251,949 2 2 251,672 2 2

10 1-Methyl-4-nitrobenzene 99-99-0 2,842 1 1 2,220 1 1

11 3-Chloro-1-propene 107-05-1 24,165 1 1 24,278 1 1

12 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 212,570 2 2

13 Toluene 108-88-3 628,315 9 9 736,747 7 6

14 Phenol 108-95-2 493,248 4 2 332,956 5 3

15 N,N-Diethylethanamine 121-44-8 358 1 1

16 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 242,191 2 2 15,330 2 2

17 Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 201,642 4 4 201,200 5 5

18 Sodium 7440-23-5 103 1 1

19 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 1,144,704 11 6 821,403 16 13

20 Ammonia 7664-41-7 183,432 3 3

21 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 1,336,068 8 7 1,167,148 16 15

22 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 1,066,054 1 1 775,494 3 3

23 Chlorine 7782-50-5 740,521 2 2 747,801 6 6

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 7,230 1 1

2 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 2,373 1 1 2,297 1 1

3 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 1,719 1 1

4 Toluene 108-88-3 1,509 1 1

5 Phenol 108-95-2 2,789 1 1

6 Sodium 7440-23-5 253 3 3

7 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 17,304 5 5

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8 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 471 1 1

9 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 1,582 1 1 29,727 4 4

10 Chlorine 7782-50-5 711 1 1

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 38,688 1 1 769,069 5 5

2 Methanol 67-56-1 4,206 2 2 61,480 6 6

3 Benzene 71-43-2 50,359 1 1

4 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 2,298 1 1

5 2-Propenoic acid 79-10-7 2,303 1 1 26,771 2 2

6 (Chloromethyl)benzene 100-44-7 542 1 1

7 2-Propenenitrile 107-13-1 2,760 1 1

8 Toluene 108-88-3 12,280 1 1 2,696 1 1

9 Phenol 108-95-2 2,099 1 1 17,218 3 3

10 Acetic acid ethyl ester 141-78-6 2,390 1 1

11 Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 8,725 1 1

12 Sodium 7440-23-5 365 3 3

13 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 51,976 5 4 167,843 26 25

14 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 5,627 4 3 15,061 11 9

15 Ammonia 7664-41-7 4,806 2 2

16 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 434,851 5 4 363,558 25 22

17 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 44,341 5 3

18 Chlorine 7782-50-5 14,122 3 3

19 Phosphine 7803-51-2 25 1 1

1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 90,809 3 2 58,670 3 3

2 Methanol 67-56-1 82,090 7 7

3 Oxirane 75-21-8 10,410 1 1

4 Phosgene 75-44-5 44,862 1 1 44,862 1 1

5 Methyl oxirane 75-56-9 4,757 1 1

6 2-Propenoic acid 79-10-7 7,227 1 1

7 Toluene 108-88-3 7,952 2 2

8 Phenol 108-95-2 5,967 1 1

9 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene 584-84-9 48,821 2 2

10 Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 32,818 1 1 32,818 1 1

11 Sodium 7440-23-5 643 3 3

12 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 178,592 3 3 94,752 8 8

13 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 1,560 4 2 339 1 1

14 Ammonia 7664-41-7 22,349 3 3

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15 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 49,775 5 4 103,031 12 11

16 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 31,955 3 1 13,335 2 2

17 Chlorine 7782-50-5 80,570 2 2 82,136 2 2

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상 10 업종 업체수

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할청 순 업 종 업체수할청 체

업체 비(%)

1 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 1,106 16.1

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 972 14.2

3 도매 상품 개업 691 10.1

4 해당사항없음 636 9.3

5 출 , 인쇄 기록매체 복제업 533 7.8

6 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 420 6.1

7 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업 403 5.9

8 섬유제품 제조업; 제의복 제외 254 3.7

9 제 1차 속산업 236 3.4

10 비 속 물제품 제조업 177 2.6

1 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 603 17.3

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 460 13.2

3 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 308 8.8

4 비 속 물제품 제조업 228 6.5

5 제 1차 속산업 218 6.2

6 수리업 208 6.0

7 자동차 트 일러 제조업 181 5.2

8 기타 기계 장비 제조업 153 4.4

9 해당사항없음 146 4.2

10 도매 상품 개업 134 3.8

1 화합물 화학제품 제조업 192 19.7

2 비 속 물제품 제조업 100 10.2

3 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 98 10.0

4 음·식료품 제조업 86 8.8

5 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 72 7.4

6 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업 64 6.6

7 자동차 트 일러 제조업 56 5.7

8 섬유제품 제조업; 제의복 제외 36 3.7

9 펄 , 종이 종이제품 제조업 34 3.5

10 제 1차 속산업 33 3.4

1 비 속 물제품 제조업 123 14.9

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 116 14.1

3 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 95 11.5

4 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 79 9.6

각 청별 상 10 업종 업체수

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5 음·식료품 제조업 46 5.6

6 해당사항없음 38 4.6

7 수도사업 35 4.2

8 수리업 31 3.8

9 제 1차 속산업 30 3.6

10 자동차 트 일러 제조업 29 3.5

1 비 속 물제품 제조업 149 22.3

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 90 13.5

3 음·식료품 제조업 72 10.8

4 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 65 9.7

5 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 33 4.9

6 수도사업 27 4.0

7 해당사항없음 23 3.4

8 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업 23 3.4

9 기타 기기계 기변환장치 제조업 20 3.0

10 가구 기타 제품 제조업 20 3.0

1 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 374 17.7

2 섬유제품 제조업; 제의복 제외 338 16.0

3 화합물 화학제품 제조업 208 9.8

4 비 속 물제품 제조업 177 8.4

5 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 159 7.5

6 제 1차 속산업 153 7.2

7 자동차 트 일러 제조업 127 6.0

8 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업 125 5.9

9 음·식료품 제조업 63 3.0

10 도매 상품 개업 51 2.4

1 비 속 물제품 제조업 86 15.4

2 화합물 화학제품 제조업 68 12.2

3 음·식료품 제조업 66 11.8

4 수리업 52 9.3

5 자동차 트 일러 제조업 36 6.5

6 고무 라스틱제품 제조업 31 5.6

7 섬유제품 제조업; 제의복 제외 26 4.7

8 펄 , 종이 종이제품 제조업 20 3.6

9 조립 속제품 제조업; 기계 가구 제외 20 3.6

10 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업 19 3.4

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2006 화학물질의 유통량조사계획에 한규정

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2006년 화학물질의유통량조사계획에 한규정

제정 1998.10.10 환경부고시 제1998-109호

개정 2002.12. 7 환경부고시 제2002-185호

개정 2006. 1.16 환경부고시 제2006- 10호

개정 2006.12.15 환경부고시 제2006-203호

제1조(목 ) 이 규정은 유해화학물질 리법(이하 “법”이라 한다) 제17조제1항 동법시행

규칙(이하 “규칙”이라 한다) 제12조제4항․에 따른 화학물질의 유통량조사(이하 “조사”라

한다)에 한 사항을 정함을 목 으로 한다.

제2조(조사 상업소) 조사 상업소는 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 업소로 한다.

1. 기환경보 법 제10조 제1항 는 수질환경보 법 제33조제1항에 따라 배출시설의

설치허가 는 신고를 한 사업장 별표1에 해당되는 사업장

2. 화학물질을 수입하는 사업장

제3조(조사지역) 조사는 국조사를 원칙으로 한다. 다만, 환경부장 은 해성평가 등

에 필요한 경우 조사지역을 한정하여 조사할 수 있다.

제4조(조사 상화학물질) ①조사 상화학물질은 법 제2조제1호의 규정에 의한 화학물질

화학물질을 함유한 물질로서 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 물질로 한다.

1. 사업장에서 제조하거나 수입하는 화학물질 화학제품(혼합물을 포함한다)

2. 사업장에서 사용하는 원료, 부원료 첨가제(직 는 화학 변화를 통해 제

품속에 함유되는 화학물질을 포함한다)

3. 사업장에서 사용하는 공정보조물질(제품에 함유되지 않지만, 제품 제조과정에

사용하는 화학물질)

4. 기타 사업장에서 사용되는 화학물질(폐수, 폐기물처리에 사용하는 화학물질과 사업장

시설 장치 유지․보수에 사용하는 화학물질을 포함한다)

②제1항의 규정에 의한 조사 상화학물질 다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 물질은 제외한다.

1. 시험, 연구 는 검사용으로 제한된 장소에서 조사․연구자에 한하여 사용되는 화


2. 축 지와 같이 구입하여 사용하는 기계, 장치 내에 내장되어 있는 화학물질

3. 시설의 도색을 한 페인트, 건축자재와 같이 사업장의 시설자체의 일부분인 화학물

4. 사업장에서운행 는가동하는기기․장비의가동과유지에사용되는화학물질

Page 286: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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5. 사무기기, 약, 화장품 등 종업원이 개인용도로 사용하는 화학물질

6. 사업장에서 년간 100㎏이하 취 하는 화학물질

7. 사업장의 연료로 사용하는 화학물질

8. 다음 각 목의 어느 하나에 해당하는 화학물질을 함유하지 아니한 화학물질로

서 취 량이 연간 1톤 미만인 혼합물질

가. 유독물, 찰물질

나. 화학물질의 배출량조사 산정계수에 한 규정 “별표2”의 조사 상 화


9. 고유의 형상(모양과 상태)을 가지면서 사용 형상이 변화되지 않는 완제품

10. 사업장 조경시설 등의 유지를 해 사용되는 살충제 비료 등의 화학물질

제5조(조사내용) 조사에 포함되어야 할 사항은 다음 각호와 같다.

1. 업체명, 사업장 소재지, 유입수계 등 사업자의 일반사항

2. 다음 각 목에서 정한 화학물질 화학제품의 유통정보 등

가. 제조․수입․사용․ 매․수출 등 취 하는 화학물질의 종류와 제품명

나. 화학물질의 입․출고량, 보 ․ 장량 수출․입량 등의 유통량

다. 가정용품, 지, 조명기구 등 비 오염원을 구분할 수 있는 련정보

3. 각 사업장의 방제장비 방제약품 보유량 등

제6조(조사지침의 수립 등) ①환경부장 은 시행규칙 제12조제1항에 따라 수립하는 화

학물질 유통량 조사계획(이하 “조사계획”이라 한다)과 세부사항에 한 지침(이하

“조사지침”이라 한다)을 수립하여 지방환경 서의 장에게 시달하여야 한다.

②지방환경 서의 장은 제2조의 조사 상업소에 조사계획 조사지침을 통보하고

제7조제1항의 화학물질 유통량 조사표를 배포하여야 한다.

제7조(조사표 제출방법) ①화학물질 유통량조사표(이하 “조사표”라 한다.)는 별지서식

과 같다.

②환경부장 은 조사용 PC 로그램 는 온라인 보고 로그램으로 구축하여 조사

상사업자가 PC통신망이나 인터넷을 통하여 조사표를 제출할 수 있도록 하여야


제8조(사 교육) ①환경부장 은 지방환경 서의 장이 화학물질의 유통량조사를 원만히 할

수 있도록 지방환경 서의 소속공무원에게 조사표작성방법 등에 한 교육을 실시할

수 있다.

②지방환경 서의 장은 조사 상사업자에게 조사표작성방법 등에 한 교육을 실시하

Page 287: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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여 사업자가 조사용 로그램을 쉽게 작성할 수 있도록 하여야 한다.

제9조(조사표 제출기한 등) ①조사 상사업자는 제7조에 따른 조사표를 작성하여 조

사기 년도의 다음해 4월말까지 지방환경 서의 장에게 제출하여야 한다.

②지방환경 서의 장은 조사 상사업자가 제출한 조사표가 조사지침에 따라 정

하게 작성되었는지 여부를 확인한 후 조사표와 취합결과를 조사기 년도의 다음해

6월말까지 환경부장 에게 제출하여야 한다.

③지방환경 서의 장은 조사표의 검증 등을 하여 필요한 경우 조사표를 제출

한 사업장을 지 조사할 수 있다.

제10조(조사결과의 처리 활용) ①환경부장 은 제6조의 조사지침 개발 제9조의 조

사표에 한 검증‧분석 등을 문용역기 에 의뢰할 수 있다.

②환경부장 은 문용역기 이 검증․분석하여 제출한 결과를 국립환경과학원장으로

하여 검토․분석하게 할 수 있다.

③국립환경과학원장은 제2항의 검토․분석결과 그에 따른 유해화학물질의 정 리

방안 등에 한 의견을 환경부장 에게 제출하여야 한다.

④화학물질유통량조사결과는 다음 각호의 사항에 활용할 수 있다.

1. 화학물질의 해성 평가

2. 화학물질 사고 응을 한 정보

3. 유해화학물질의 환경배출 리

4. 각종 국제 약 이행을 한 기 자료 등

제11조(자료보호) 환경부고시 「유해성 심사자료 등의 보호에 한 규정」은 제9조 제

10조 규정에 의한 자료보호 리에 이를 용한다.

부 칙

이 고시는 고시한 날부터 시행한다.

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[별표] 화학물질 유통량조사 상업종


상 업 종분류번호

상 업 종

10 석탄, 원유 우라늄 업(우라늄 업 제외) 32 자부품, 상, 음향 통신장비 제조업

11 속 업 33 의료, 정 , 학기기 시계 제조업

15 음 ․ 식료품제조업 34 자동차 트 일러 제조업

16 담배제조업 35 기타 운송장비 제조업

17 섬유제품제조업( 제의복 제외) 36 가구 기타제품 제조업

18 제의복 모피제품 제조업 37 재생용 가공원료 생산업

19 가죽, 가방 신발제조업 40 기, 가스 증기업

20 목재 나무제품 제조업(가구제조업은36으로 분류)

41 수도사업

21 펄 , 종이 종이제품 제조업 45 종합건설업

22 출 , 인쇄 기록매체 복제업 46 문직별 공사업

23 코크스, 석유정제품 핵연료 제조업 5151715172

도매 상품 개업연료 련제품 도매업화학제품 도매업

24 화합물 화학제품 제조업 60 육상운송 이 라인 운송업

25 고무 라스틱 제조업 61 수상운송업

26 비 속 물제품 제조업 62 항공운송업

27 제1차 속산업 7474913

문, 과학 기술서비스업사진처리업

28 조립 속제품(기계 가구 제외) 90


하수처리, 폐기물처리 청소 련 서비스업하수처리업폐기물처리업

29 기타 기계 장비 제조업 92921922

수리업기계장비 수리업자동차 이륜자동차 수리업

30 컴퓨터 사무용 기기 제조업 939391

기타 서비스업세탁업

31 기타 기기계 기변환장치 제조업

※ 분류번호는 “한국표 산업분류”(통계청)에 의한 것임

Page 289: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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염료 목록

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순 염료 물질 CAS No. 고 호

1 C.I. sulphur brown 014 1327-01-1 KE-08722

2 C.I. solvent yellow 114 75216-45-4 KE-08679

3 C.I. solvent red 218 82347-07-7 KE-08637

4 C.I. solvent red 179 89106-94-5 KE-08630

5 C.I. Solvent Red 164 71819-51-7 KE-08625

6 C.I. solvent red 146 70956-30-8 KE-08619

7 C.I. Solvent Red 122 12227-55-3 KE-08612

8 C.I. solvent blue 122 67905-17-3 KE-08538

9 C.I. solvent blue 104 116-75-6 KE-08537

10 C.I. solvent blue 038 1328-51-4 KE-08525

11 C.I. solvent black 043 69458-41-9 KE-08514

12 C.I. solubilised sulphur blue 010 1327-63-5 KE-08498

13 C.I. Reactive yellow 174 106359-91-5 KE-08486

14 C.I. reactive yellow 160 129898-77-7 KE-08478

15 C.I. reactive yellow 145 93050-80-7 KE-08473

16 C.I. reactive yellow 105 176023-34-0 KE-08453

17 C.I. reactive red 195 93050-79-4 KE-08378

18 C.I. Reactive Red 180 72828-03-6 KE-08370

19 C.I. reactive orange 084 91261-29-9 KE-08284

20 C.I. reactive orange 072 71902-15-3 KE-08282

21 C.I. Reactive Blue 222 93051-44-6 KE-08208

22 C.I. reactive blue 221 93051-41-3 KE-08207

23 C.I. reactive blue 220 128416-19-3 KE-08206

24 C.I. reactive blue 203 147826-71-9 KE-08193

25 C.I. reactive blue 198 124448-55-1 KE-08191

26 C.I. reactive blue 072 61968-93-2 KE-08137

27 C.I. pigment yellow 180 77804-81-0 KE-08072

28 C.I. pigment yellow 138 30125-47-4 KE-08059

29 C.I. pigment yellow 128 79953-85-8 KE-08056

30 C.I. pigment yellow 101 2387-03-3 KE-08047

31 C.I. pigment red 221 71566-54-6 KE-07988

32 C.I. pigment red 220 68259-05-2 KE-07987

33 C.I. Pigment Red 214 82643-43-4 KE-07984

34 C.I. pigment red 031 6448-96-0 KE-07926

35 C.I. pigment orange 064 72102-84-2 KE-07907

36 C.I. pigment green 013 148092-61-9 KE-07884

37 C.I. pigment green 008 16143-80-9 KE-07882

38 C.I. pigment blue 036 68187-11-1 KE-07845

39 C.I. pigment blue 027 12240-15-2 KE-07842

40 C.I. fluorescent brightener 357 83512-97-4 KE-07707

41 C.I. fluorescent brightener 264 76482-78-5 KE-07697

염료 목록13)

13) CAS No 없 C.I Index 만 화학물질 에 등재 어 는 물질 중 2006 도 화학물질 통량

사에 신규물질 CAS No 보고 염료물질들

Page 291: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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순 염료 물질 CAS No. 고 호

42 C.I. fluorescent brightener 230 68444-86-0 KE-07691

43 C.I. fluorescent brightener 220 16470-24-9 KE-07689

44 C.I. fluorescent brightener 135 12224-12-3 KE-07680

45 C.I. fluorescent brightener 091 51811-43-9 KE-07675

55 C.I. disperse red 092 12236-11-2 KE-07463

56 C.I. disperse orange 073 79300-11-1 KE-07404

57 C.I. disperse orange 061 12270-45-0 KE-07403

58 C.I. disperse green 009 71872-50-9 KE-07367

59 C.I. disperse brown 019 71872-49-6 KE-07359

60 C.I. disperse blue 337 65916-12-3 KE-07340

61 C.I. disperse blue 291 83929-84-4 KE-07333

62 C.I. disperse blue 257 84931-03-3 KE-07322

63 C.I. disperse blue 149 61968-30-7 KE-07287

64 C.I. disperse blue 073 12222-78-5 KE-07256

65 C.I. disperse blue 054 12217-77-5 KE-07249

66 C.I. disperse black 009 12222-69-4 KE-07223

67 C.I. basic yellow 051 88385-22-2 KE-07027

68 C.I. basic red 046 12221-69-1 KE-06993

69 C.I. basic red 012 6320-14-5 KE-06984

70 C.I. basic blue 162 15085-91-3 KE-06971

71 C.I. basic blue 159 105953-73-9 KE-06970

72 C.I. basic blue 057 12221-31-7 KE-06953

73 C.I. acid violet 054 11097-74-8 KE-06830

74 C.I. Acid Red 362 61814-58-2 KE-06801

75 C.I. acid red 357 61951-36-8 KE-06797

76 C.I. Acid Red 299 12220-29-0 KE-06789

77 C.I. acid red 141 5850-93-1 KE-06743

78 C.I. acid red 131 12234-99-0 KE-06740

79 C.I. Acid Orange 142 61901-39-1 KE-06678

80 C.I. acid orange 060 30112-70-0 KE-06655

81 C.I. acid green 026 61901-29-9 KE-06608

82 C.I. acid brown 434 126851-40-9 KE-06598

83 C.I. acid brown 214 37372-87-5 KE-06523

84 C.I. acid brown 188 12219-57-7 KE-06519

85 C.I. acid brown 092 8004-84-0 KE-06494

86 C.I. acid brown 015 5850-15-7 KE-06466

87 C.I. acid blue 350 138067-74-0 KE-06457

88 C.I. Acid Blue 185 12234-64-9 KE-06404

89 C.I. Acid Blue 172 12234-63-8 KE-06399

90 C.I. acid black 210 99576-15-5 KE-06322

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수화물 목록

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순 수화물 CAS NO.

1 Potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate 14459-95-1

2 Ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt, tetrahydrate 13235-36-4

3 Boron potassium oxide tetrahydrate 12045-78-2

4 Calcium sulfate hemihydrate 10034-76-1

5 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0


7 Zinc dinitrate hexahydrate 10196-18-6

8 Zinc acetate dihydrate 5970-45-6

9 Yttrium nitrate hexahydrate 13494-98-9

10 Tin chloride dihydrate 10025-69-1

11 Tetrasodium pyrophosphate decahydrate 13472-36-1

12 Ammonium cerium sulfate dihydrate 10378-47-9

13 Strontium nitrate tetrahydrate 13470-05-8

14 Strontium chloride, hexahydrate 10025-70-4

15 Disodium tungstate dihydrate 10213-10-2

16 Disodium thiosulfate pentahydrate 10102-17-7

17 Sodium sulfite heptahydrate 10102-15-5

18 Sodium sulfide hydrate 27610-45-3

19 Disodium sulfide nonahydrate 1313-84-4

20 Disodium sulfate decahydrate 7727-73-3

21 Sodium hypophosphite monohydrate 10039-56-2

22 Monosodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate 13472-35-0

23 Monosodium phosphate monohydrate 10049-21-5

24 Sodium perborate tetrahydate 10486-00-7

25 Sodium borate monohydrate 10332-33-9

26 Sodium perchlorate monohydrate 7791-07-3

27 Tosylchloramide sodium trihydrate 7080-50-4

28 Sodium bisulfate hydrate 10034-88-5

29 Sodium dichromate dihydrate 7789-12-0

30 Disodium chromate tetrahydrate 10034-82-9

31 Disodium carbonate monohydrate 5968-11-6

32 Silicon dioxide hydrate 10279-57-9

33 Procaine penicillin G hydrate 6130-64-9

34 Dipotassium oxalate monohydrate 6487-48-5

35 Dipotassium carbonate sesquihydrate 6381-79-9

36 Acetic acid, nitrilotri-, trisodium salt, monohydrate 18662-53-8

37 Nickel monosulfate hexahydrate 10101-97-0

38 Nickel dinitrate hexahydrate 13478-00-7

39 Nickel difluoride tetrahydrate 13940-83-5

40 Nickel dichloride hexahydrate 7791-20-0

41 Diacetatonickel tetrahydrate 6018-89-9

42 Manganese sulfate hydrate 15244-36-7

43 Manganous sulphate monohydrate 10034-96-5

44 Manganese chloride tetrahydrate 13446-34-9

45 Manganese acetate tetrahydrate 6156-78-1

수화물 목록14)

14) 2006 도 화학물질 통량 사에 신규물질 CAS No 보고 수화물 . 단, 무수물 화학물질

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순 수화물 CAS NO.

46 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate 10034-99-8

47 Magnesium silicon hexafluoride hexahydrate 18972-56-0

48 Magnesium dinitrate hexahydrate 13446-18-9

49 Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate 7791-18-6

50 Lead diacetate trihydrate 6080-56-4

51 Lanthanum trichloride heptahydrate 10025-84-0

52 Ferric nitrate nonahydrate 7782-61-8

53 Ferrous sulfate monohydrate 17375-41-6

54 Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate 13478-10-9

55 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 10025-77-1


57 Ammonium paramolybdate tetrahydrate 12054-85-2

58 Sodium glutamate monohydrate 6106-04-3

59 Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate 10378-23-1

60 Ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt, tetrahydrate 13235-36-4

61 Disodium edetate dihydrate 6381-92-6

62 Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate 6009-70-7

63 Oxalic acid dihydrate 6153-56-6

64 Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 12179-04-3

65 Sodium tartrate dihydrate 6106-24-7


67 Disodium molybdate dihydrate 10102-40-6

68 Disodium silicate pentahydrate 10213-79-3

69 Disodium metasilicate nonahydrate 13517-24-3

70 Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate 10039-32-4

71 Dipotassium tartrate hemihydrate 6100-19-2

72 Ferric sulfate hydrate 15244-10-7

73 Ferric oxide hydrate 12259-21-1

74 Chromium sulfate (2:3) hydrate 15244-38-9

75 Ammonium iron disulfate hexahydrate 7783-85-9

76 Cupric sulfate monohydrate 10257-54-2


78 Copper dinitrate trihydrate 10031-43-3

79 Copper dichloride dihydrate 10125-13-0

80 Copper diacetate monohydrate 6046-93-1

81 Cobalt monosulfate heptahydrate 10026-24-1

82 Cobalt dichloride hexahydrate 7791-13-1

83 Cobalt acetate tetrahydrate 6147-53-1

84 Chromic nitrate nonahydrate 7789-02-8

85 Chromic chloride hexahydrate 10060-12-5

86 Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate 6004-24-6

87 Cerium trinitrate hexahydrate 10294-41-4

88 Calcium sulfate dihydrate 10101-41-4

89 Calcium dinitrate tetrahydrate 13477-34-4

90 Calcium phosphate dihydrate 7789-77-7

91 Calcium dichloride hexahydrate 7774-34-7

92 Calcium acetate monohydrate 5743-26-0



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- 297 -

순 수화물 CAS NO.

95 Boric acid, sodium salt, pentahydrate 11130-12-4

96 Barium hydroxide, monohydrate 22326-55-2

97 Barium dihydroxide octahydrate 12230-71-6

98 Barium dichloride dihydrate 10326-27-9

99 Barium dibromide dihydrate 7791-28-8

100 Nickel diammonium disulfate hexahydrate 7785-20-8

101 Aluminum potassium disulfate dodecahydrate 7784-24-9

102 Aluminum chloride, hydrate 10124-27-3

103 Aluminum chloride, hexahydrate 7784-13-6

104 Aluminum sulfate hexadecahydrate 16828-11-8

105 Aluminum sesquisulfate octadecahydrate 7784-31-8

106 Aluminum silicate monohydrate 13132-95-1

107 Aluminum trinitrate nonahydrate 7784-27-2

108 Aluminum ammonium bis(sulfate) dodecahydrate 7784-26-1

109 Sodium acetate trihydrate 6131-90-4

110 Sodium acetate trihydrate 6131-90-4

111 Lactose, monohydrate 10039-26-6

112 4-Methylbenzenesulfonic acid monohydrate 6192-52-5

113 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate 5965-83-3

114 Sodium citrate pentahydrate 6858-44-2

115 Sodium citrate dihydrate 6132-04-3

116 Citric acid, tripotassium salt, monohydrate 6100-05-6

117 Citric acid, monohydrate 5949-29-1

118 Saccharin sodium dihydrate 6155-57-3

119 Calcium saccharin hydrate 6381-91-5

120 Monopotassium monosodium tartrate tetrahydrate 6381-59-5

121 Triprolidine hydrochloride monohydrate 6138-79-0

122 a-D-Lactose monohydrate 5989-81-1

123 Acid calcium phosphate hydrate 10031-30-8

124 Disodium succinate hexahydrate 6106-21-4

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석유계 화학물질 목록 정의

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석유계 화학물질의 정의

□ Asphalt ( Category : Asphalt , CAS No. : 008052-42-4 )

proportion of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C25

with high carbon-to-hydrogen ratios. It also contains small amounts of various

metals such as nickel, iron, or vanadium. It is obtained as the non-volatile residue

from distillation of crude oil or by separation as the raffinate from a residual oil in

a deasphalting or decarbonization process.

□ Petroleum ( Category : Crude, CAS No. : 008002-05-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons. It consists predominantly of aliphatic,

alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It may also contain small amounts of nitrogen,

oxygen and sulfuric compounds. This category encompasses light, medium, and

heavy petroleums, as well as the oils extracted from tar sands. Hydrocarbonaceous

materials requiring major chemical changes for their recovery or conversion to

petroleum refinery feedstocks such as crude shale oils, upgraded shale oils and

liquid coal fuels are not included in this definition.

□ Distillates (petroleum), crude oil ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 068410-00-4 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C11 through C50 and

boiling in the range of approximately 205℃ to greater than 495℃ (401℃ to above 923℃).

□ Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-46-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C11 through C25 and boiling in the range of approximately 205℃ to 400℃ (40

1℃ to 752℃).

□ Distillates(petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-80-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a petroleum stock by treating with

hydrogen to convert organic sulfur to hydrogen sulfide which is removed. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C11 through C25 and

boiling in the range of approximately 205℃ to 400℃ (401℃ to 752℃).

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- 300 -

□ Distillates(petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-54-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil of at least 100 SUS at 100℃

(19cSt at 40℃). It contains a relatively large proportion of saturated hydrocarbons.

□ Distillates(petroleum), hydrotreated light ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-47-8 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C9 through C16 and boiling in the range of approximately 150℃ to 290℃ (30

2℃ to 554℃).

□ Distillates(petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-50-0 )

complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by vacuum distillation of the residuum from

atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C15 through C30 and produces a finished oil with a viscosity of

less than 100 SUS at 100℃ (19cSt at 40℃). It contains a relatively large proportion of

saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons normally present in this distillation range of crude oil.

□ Light paraffinic distillate (petroleum) ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-50-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by vacuum distillation of the residuum from

atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C15 through C30 and produces a finished oil with a

viscosity of less than 100 SUS at 100℃ (19cSt at 40 ℃). It contains a relatively large

proportion of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons normally present in this istillation range of

crude oil.

□ Stoddard solvent ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 008052-41-3)

A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that

boils in the range of approximately 149℃ to 204.5℃ (300℃ to 400℃).

□ Straight-run middle distillates (petroleum) ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-44-2 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C11 through C20 and

boiling in the range of 205℃ to 345℃ (401℃ to 653℃).

□ Distillates (petroleum), alkylate ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-73-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of

isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through

C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C11 through C17 and boiling in the range of approximately 205℃

to 320℃ (401℃ to 608℃).

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□ Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-88-4 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction

process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finish oil with a viscosity of at

least 100 SUS at 100℃ (19cSt at 40℃).

□ Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined heavy naphthenic ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064741-96-4 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction

process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C20

through C50 and produces a finished oil with a viscosity of at least 100 SUS at 100℃ (19cSt

at 40℃). It contains relatively few normal paraffins.

□ Hydrotreated heavy naphthenic distillates (petroleum) ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-52-5 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil of at least 100 SUS at 100℃

(19cSt at 40℃). It contains relatively few normal paraffins.

□ Distillates(petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-65-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by removal of normal paraffins from a

petroleum fraction by solvent crystallization. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having

carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil

with a viscosity not less than 100 SUS at 100℃ (19cSt at 40℃).

□ Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 064742-91-2 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of the products from a

steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon

numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C16 and boiling in the range of

approximately 90℃ to 290℃ (194℃ to 554℃).

□ Heavy aromatic(petroleum) ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 068477-29-2 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fractionator

residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343℃ to 399℃ (650℃ to 750℃).

□ Distillates (petroleum), heavy straight-run ( Category : Distillates, CAS No. : 068915-96-8 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons products by the atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It

boils in the range of approximately 288℃ to 471℃ (550℃ to 880℃).

□ Gasoline ( Category : Gasoline, CAS No. : 086290-81-5 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons consisting primarily of paraffins, cycloparaffins,

aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C3 and

boiling in the range of 30℃ to 260℃ (86℃ to 500℃).

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□ Light gasoline ( Category : Gasoline, CAS No. : 008006-61-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated from natural gas by processes such as

refrigeration or absorption. It consists predominantly of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having

carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C8 and boiling in the range of

approximately minus 20℃ to 120℃ (-4℃ to 248℃).

□ Fuel oil, no. 2 ( Category : Kerosine, CAS No. : 068476-30-2 )

A distillate oil having a minimum viscosity of 32.6 SUS at 37.7℃ (100℃) to a maximum of

37.9 SUS at 37.7℃ (100℃).

□ Kerosine ( Category : Kerosine, CAS No. : 008008-20-6 )

Straight Run, Kerosene (petroleum). A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the

distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in

the range of C9 through C16 and boiling in the range of approximately 180℃ to 300v (356℃ to


□ Kerosine(petroleum), hydrodesulfurized ( Category : Kerosine, CAS No. : 064742-81-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a petroleum stock by treating with

hydrogen to convert organic sulfur to hydrogen sulfide which is removed. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C16 and boiling

in the range of approximately 150℃ to 290℃ (302℃ to 554℃).

□ Kerosine (petroleum), hydrotreated ( Category : Kerosine, CAS No. : 101631-19-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of petroleum and

subsequent hydrotreatment. It consists predominantly of alkanes, cycloalkanes and alkylbenzenes

having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C16 and boiling in the range

of approximately 230℃ to 270℃ (446℃ to 518℃).

□ Ligroine ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 008032-32-4 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum.

This fraction boils in the range of approximately 60℃ to 110℃ (140℃ to 230℃)

□ Naphtha ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 008030-30-6 )

Refined, partly refined, or unrefined petroleum products produced by the distillation of natural

gas. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5

through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 38℃ to 93℃ (100℃ to 200℃).

□ Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-41-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling

in the range of approximately 65℃ to 230℃ (149℃ to 446℃).

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□ Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-73-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process.

It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through

C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20℃ to 190℃ (-4℃ to 374℃).

□ Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-66-8 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of

isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through

C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C7 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 90℃ to

160℃ (194℃ to 320℃).

□ Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-46-4 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of

aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10

and boiling in the range of approximately -20℃ to 180℃ (-4℃ to 356℃).

□ Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-92-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction

process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90℃ to

230℃ (194℃ to 446℃)

□ Naphtha(petroleum), hydrotreated light ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-92-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20℃ to 190℃

(-4℃ to 374℃).

□ Solvent naphtha(petroleum), heavy arom. ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-94-5 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of aromatic streams. It

consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the

range of C9 through C16 and boiling in the range of approximately 165℃ to 290℃ (330℃ to


□ Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-68-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of products from a

catalytic reforming process. It consists of predominantly aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon

numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of

approximately 90℃ to 230℃ (194℃ to 446℃).

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□ Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-48-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65℃ to 230℃ (149℃

to 446℃).

□ Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliph ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-48-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural

gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140℃

to 220℃ (284℃ to 428℃).

□ Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph. ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-89-8 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural

gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C5 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 35℃ to

160℃ (95℃ to 320℃).

□ Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-95-6 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of aromatic streams. It

consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the

range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 135℃ to 210℃ (275℃ to


□ Solvent naphtha(petroleum) heavy aliph. ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064742-96-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural

gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers

predominantly in the range of C11 through C16 and boiling in the range of approximately 190℃

to 290℃ (374℃ to 554℃).

□ Naphtha (petroleum), arom.-contg. ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 068603-08-7 )

□ Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 092062-14-1 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of petroleum. It consists

predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C10

through C20 containing small amounts of aromatics and boiling in the range of approximately

185℃ to 210℃ (365℃ to 410℃)

□ Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run ( Category : Naphtha, CAS No. : 064741-42-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling

in the range of approximately minus 20℃ to 220℃ (-4℃ to 428℃).

Page 303: 제3차 화학물질 유통량조사 최종보고서 · 2016-02-26 · 제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본보고서를“제3차화학물질유통량조사사업”의최종보고서로제출

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□ Hydrocarbon oils ( Category : Hydrocarbon oils, CAS No. : 008020-83-5 )

□ White mineral oil (petroleum) ( Category : Hydrocarbon oils, CAS No. : 008042-47-5 )

A highly refined petroleum mineral oil consisting of a complex combination of hydrocarbons

obtained from the intensive treatment of a petroleum fraction with sulfuric acid and oleum, or

by hydrogenation, or by a combination of hydrogenation and acid treatment. Additional

washing and treating steps may be included in the processing operation. It consists of saturated

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C15 through C50.

□ Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated ( Category : Residual oils, CAS No. : 064742-57-0 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen

in the presence of a catalyst. t consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly

greater than C25 and boiling above approximately 400℃ (752℃).

□ Residual oils (petroleum) solvent dewaxed ( Category : Residual oils, CAS No. : 064742-62-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by removal of long, branched chain

hydrocarbons from a residual oil by solvent crystallization. It consists of hydrocarbons having

carbon numbers predominantly greater than C25 and boiling above approximately 400℃ (752℃).

□ Lub ricating oil (petroleum), (C=20-50), hydrotreated neutral oil-based,high-viscosity ( Category

: Residual oils, CAS No. : 072623-85-9 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating light vacuum gas oil, heavy

vacuum gas oil, and solvent deasphalted residual oil with hydrogen in the presence of a

catalyst in a two stage process with dewaxing being carried out between the two stages. It

consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of

C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil having a viscosity of approximately 112cSt at 4

0℃ (104℃). It contains a relatively large proportion of saturated hydrocarbons

□ Fuel oil, residual ( Category : Petroleum products, CAS No. : 068476-33-5 )

The liquid product from various refinery streams, usually residues. The composition is complex

and varies with the source of the crude oil.

□ Fuels, diesel ( Category : Petroleum products, CAS No. : 068334-30-5 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C20 and boiling

in the range of approximately 163℃ to 357℃ (325℃ to 675℃)

□ Fuel oil, no. 6 ( Category : Petroleum products, CAS No. : 068553-00-4 )

A distillate oil having a minimum viscosity of 900 SUS at 37.7℃ (100℃) to a maximum of

9000 SUS at 37.7℃ (100℃)

□ Petroleum gases, liquefied ( Category : Petroleum products, CAS No. : 068476-85-7 )

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of

hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling

in the range of approximately -40℃ to 80℃ (-40℃ to 176℃)
