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第 1頁,共 13頁

國立臺灣師範大學 106學年度中等學校師資類科


語文測驗科試題(本試題共 13 頁)


一、國語文部分(60 分,共 40 題。第 1-20 題每題 1 分,21-40 題每題 2 分)


1. 炮「烙」,引號內字音為:

(A)絡 (B)澇 (C)葛 (D)各

2. 腳「踝」,引號內字音為:

(A)羅 (B)果 (C)裸 (D)懷

3. 定「讞」,引號內字音為:

(A)線 (B)驗 (C)演 (D)劍

4. 「簸」箕,引號內字音為:

(A)跛 (B)本 (C)擘 (D)伯

5. 自怨自「艾」,引號內字音為:

(A)愛 (B)意 (C)哀 (D)以


6. 科學家們還沒有完全了解自然界的________。

(A)秘密 (B)保密 (C)奧秘 (D)神秘

7. 對那些表現突出、努力工作的老師們,學校應該________獎勵。

(A)供養 (B)供應 (C)供給 (D)給予

8. 那裡的________非常緊張,對峙的兩國軍隊正在打仗。

(A)局勢 (B)形勢 (C)情況 (D)形式


2.答案卡限用 2B鉛筆劃記,不得以修正液(帶)修改。

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第 2頁,共 13頁

9. 《雨》這篇小說________了鍾理和先生寫作生命的愛與憾恨。

(A)包涵 (B)包括 (C)保持 (D)包含

10. 戴資穎在 2017年 3月贏得生涯第一個全英羽球公開賽冠軍,為該賽史



(A)優秀 (B)優異 (C)優良 (D)優質


11. 以下成語何者完全正確?

(A)無是生非 (B)變本加利

(C)陳腔爛調 (D)班門弄斧

12. 以下成語何者有錯字?

(A)黯然神傷 (B)並行不備

(C)按部就班 (D)負隅頑抗

13. 成語「掃眉才子」通常是指?





14. 成語「法家拂士」是指?





15. 以下何者不是成語「南蠻鴃舌」所表示譏諷的意思?

(A)南方的方言難懂 (B)南方的飲食難以下嚥

(C)南方的語言難聽 (D)南方的文化落後

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第 3頁,共 13頁


16. 有關「秀」字,以下描述何者錯誤?

(A)流行語裡「秀」為外來語(英語 show)的音譯,指表演或展示,






17. 有關「老」字,以下描述何者錯誤?





18. 漢字的組字結構,一「點」也不能錯。有點和沒有點的漢字往往天差地






19. 漢字筆劃長短、筆劃多少,漢字的意義也有差別。以下何者錯誤?





20. 有關「冏」字的描述,何者正確?





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第 4頁,共 13頁


21. 「語言文字有魔力,懂得溝通很重要。」史丹佛大學設計學院創辦人博





(A)而且 (B)可惜 (C)然而 (D)然後

22. 以下何組詞彙不是用輕聲聲調的差異來區分詞意的功能?

(A)東西、告訴 (B)扶手、人家

(C)地道、買賣 (D)舒服、子孫

23. 比較閱讀有助於學生促進閱讀的成效。以下選取文言文教材用以比較閱










24. 「德」是儒家學說中其中一個很重要的觀念。早在西周金文中,已常提




(A)懿德、安德 (B)元德、孔德

(C)正德、秉德 (D)好德、明德

25. 承上題,有關「某+德」詞語,何者多用在政治方面而言?

(A)明德、正德 (B)安德、介德

(C)懿德、監德 (D)孔德、好德

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第 5頁,共 13頁

26. 網路用語的產生同時具備了活潑、創新與辛辣的形象特色,有的則兼具



(A)婉君 (B)魯蛇 (C)酸民 (D)溫拿

27. 清末民初,面對國家的困境,菁英們積極思考救國之法,其中之一就是













28. 請標點斷句《史記‧李斯列傳》:「初趙高為郎中令所殺及報私怨眾多恐















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第 6頁,共 13頁

29. 姓氏,是代表同宗共祖族群的符號,因此姓氏不可讀錯。以下破音字的


(A)區姓:應讀為「歐」 (B)解姓:應讀為「謝」

(C)宓姓:應讀為「服」 (D)覃姓:應讀為「情」

30. 海外華文作家敏銳地對時代、政治與歷史進行反思,設法認識並尊重對




因為跨文化學習是(3)。請問跨文化意象的完整句子裡(1) (2) (3)


(A)甲乙丙 (B)乙丙甲

(C)丙乙甲 (D)丙甲乙

31. 植物常常是文人作家書寫寄託文化精神的隱喻對象。琦君在美國的散文





(A)菊花 (B)桃花 (C)梅花 (D)蘭花

32. 40年代林語堂先生以中英雙語作家的重要地位確立於世界文壇,他的




(A)《京華煙雲》 (B)《唐人街》

(C)《孔子的智慧》 (D)《蘇東坡傳》

33. 閱讀不同時代、不同類型的小說,可以探討作品所蘊含的文化內涵,並




(A)忠義道德 (B)女性地位

(C)神魔宗教 (D)風土民情

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第 7頁,共 13頁

34. 同上題意,以下哪一部作品不是以「家庭倫理」的文化探討主題為主?

(A)冰心《我的母親》 (B)日本《平家物語》

(C)陳映真《歸鄉》 (D)曹雪芹《紅樓夢》

35. 從多元思維看劉禹錫《陋室銘》:「山不在高,有仙則名;水不在深,有



(A)逆向思考 (B)橫向思考

(C)縱向思考 (D)擴散思考

36. 我們常用電影「殺青」來代表影片拍攝已經完成。「殺青」一詞原來是指:





37. 以下小說作品中,何者沒有以「歌仔戲」作為小說發展或人物身世的背


(A)洪醒夫《散戲》 (B)黃春明《青番公的故事》

(C)凌煙《失聲畫眉》 (D)施叔青《行過洛津》

38. 余光中《聽聽那冷雨》一文中有一段文字:「他日思夜夢的那片土地,






(A)複現 (B)排比 (C)轉喻 (D)對偶

39. 承上題,余光中《聽聽那冷雨》一文中的「料料峭俏」、「清清爽爽新新」、




(A)複現 (B)排比 (C)對偶 (D)倒反

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第 8頁,共 13頁

40. 比較現代的「宅男」與古代的「隱士」。以下描述何者錯誤?










二、英文部分(40 分,每題 2 分,共 20 題)

Part I:Vocabulary

Directions: In this part of the test, you have to choose one of four words to fill a

gap in a sentence.

41. Just as the world’s financial markets are experiencing a serious mood

____________, from exuberance to gloominess, so too are fashion trends

and tastes, which often serves as early harbingers of economic change.

(A)schedule (B)swing (C)format (D)journey

42. Research shows that cancer is not one disease and that it is dozens of them,

each with different ____________ that make the fight diabolically difficult.

(A)inventions (B)rhythms (C)solutions (D)mechanisms

43. With passion and myriad ingenious class activities, this young teacher is

working hard to ____________ students’ interest in language learning.

(A)eliminate (B)enchant (C)rekindle (D)remove

44. Most societies regulate their population increase by modifying marriage

customs and exploiting for ____________ more or less of their

womenfolk’s span of fertility as circumstances demand.

(A)retrieving (B)settling (C)eliciting (D)breeding

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第 9頁,共 13頁

45. Out of the millions of people we live among, there are always a few who

hold our hostage ____________ for happiness, whom we could recognize

by their smell alone and whom we would rather die than be without.

(A)patience (B)capacity (C)resistance (D)measure

Part II. Grammar

Directions: In this part of the test, you are presented with a sentence which has

five underlined parts. One of the underlined parts is wrong. You have

to identify this part.

46. One needs to give oneself the treat—unusual but busy—of walking in one’s own

(A) (B)

neighborhood, walking there with a hesitant, irregular pace, decides to take a


stroll there for no reason, slowly, with eyes raised for once.

(D) (E)

47. To fully face this challenge requires the teaching of literacy in a way that

(A) (B)

organically link the students’ development of language with the honest


exploration of the contemporary world around them in all its aspects.

(D) (E)

48. Art cannot be detached from the social and historical matrix which it originates,

(A) (B)

however much museum curators might desire to do so in the interests of neat


classification and compartmentalized analysis, and however much the state might


seize upon it as an opportunity for shameless propagandizing and outright lying.


49. It is a lively, often astute piece of marital sociology wrapping up in an action frolic

(A) (B) (C)

involving an extremely average middle-class couple.

(D) (E)

50. Rumors of politicians abusing their power swirl constantly in the voluble Philippine

(A) (B)

media, but little gets done bring anyone to justice in a country whose courts are

(C) (D) (E)

infamous for their low conviction rates.

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第 10頁,共 13頁

Part III. Cloze

Directions: In this part of the test, you have to choose the best answer to

complete each statement.

In August 2016, Britain voted to withdraw from the European

Union—ending a decades-old, deeply-intertwined economic and political

association. Then, Scotland’s First Minister proposed a vote to break away

from Britain, ending the 300-year union between them. The leaders in

Northern Ireland 51 a similar idea. Meanwhile, the British Prime

Minister announced that he would resign, the head of the opposition Labour

Party might well be forced out as well.

The economic and political consequences of Brexit will become clearer in

the weeks and months ahead. It seems that there is going to be considerable

remorse and regret among those who voted for Brexit without really

understanding what it meant. But however that 52 , there is one lesson

that we can take from the Brexit referendum, regardless, that applies across the

English Channel to other European countries, and across the Atlantic to the

United States. We are not watching the emergence of a new political divide

that is likely to shape the politics of the Western world for the next 50 years.

This situation sounds familiar to Americans because, for the most

part, it 53 the one we have seen in the U. S. presidential election last year.

The Economist recently did a survey of Europe’s little Trumps—the series

of populists who are gaining ground across the continent. Looking at the data,

it concluded that “support for 54 populism is strongest among those who

are older, non-university-educated, working-class, white male.” Those against,

again, tended to be younger, educated, working in service and professional

jobs, and comfortable with 55 .

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第 11頁,共 13頁

51. (A)bloated (B)floated (C)gloated (D)flinched

52. (A)plays in (B)plays off (C)plays up (D)plays out

53. (A)mirrors (B)produces (C)reduces (D)inflects

54. (A)bureaucratic (B)professional (C)democratic (D)intolerant

55. (A)stability (B)possibility (C)diversity (D)curiosity

Part IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part of the test, you will see a reading passage followed by

several questions. Each question has four answers. Choose the best

answer to each question.

On April 4th

, a chemical attack struck the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, a

province in northern Syria currently controlled by an alliance of rebel groups,

including a powerful faction linked to al-Qaeda. At least 72 people, including 20

children, died, according to doctors and a Syrian monitoring group. The World

Health Organization said victims appeared to display symptoms that tally with the

use of a dead nerve agent as sarin (as opposed to, say, a less powerful one such as


One young boy was filmed slowly suffocating on the ground, his chest

heaving and his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Photographs

show dead children up in rows in the floor or piled in heaps in the back of a

vehicle, their clothes ripped from them by rescuers who used hoses to try to wash

the chemicals form their bodies. Other images show how victims foaming from

their mouths or writhing on the ground as they struggle for air. Hours after the

attack began, witnesses say regime warplanes circled back over the area and

dropped bombs on a clinic treating survivors.

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第 12頁,共 13頁

56. Where did the chemical attack take place?

(A)Northern Iraq (B)Northern Syria

(C)Southern Iraq (D)Southern Syria

57. Which government is the culprit of the chemical attack according to the


(A)Russian (B)Syrian (C)American (D)French

After six years of war, international reaction to the attack followed a predictable

pattern. The Syrian government swiftly denied dropping chemical weapons. Russia,

its ally, said a Syrian air strike hit a rebel-held weapons stockpile, releasing deadly

chemicals into the air. Leaders in the West condemned the regime, issuing hollow

statements about the need for “accountability” while avoiding any suggestion of how

that might be achieved.

The probable passivity of the West ought not to come as much of a surprise.

When the Syrian government gassed to death more than 14,000 of its own people on

the outskirts of Damascus in August 2013 it seemed inevitable that America would

respond by launching air strikes against the regime. One week after the attack—the

deadliest use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein gassed Iraqi Kurds in

1988—John Kerry delivered one of his most bellicose speeches as secretary of state,

arguing the case for American military action in Syria. “It matters if the world speaks

out . . . and then nothing happens,” Mr. Kerry said.

Yet chemical attacks by regime forces continued. Both America and Russia

promised to punish the Syrian regime should it use chemical weapons again, but

neither side has honored this promise. And Trump’s officials have said for the first

time that they are willing to live with Mr. Assad as they concentrate on defeating

Islamic State. Ironically, this approach is in fact more likely to fuel further

extremism in Syria. If the Syrian regime continues to drop gas on its own people,

there is nothing to stop it.

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第 13頁,共 13頁

58. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the symptoms

displayed by the victims of the attack?

(A)suffocating (B)foaming

(C)bleeding (D)chest heaving

59. Which of the following is NOT implied by “accountability”?

(A)innocence (B)liability

(C)answerability (D)blameworthiness

60. Which of the following statements about the attack on April 4th is true?

(A)An attack of the same type did not happen before.

(B)Victims are mostly soldiers.

(C)The solution to the war in Syria does not look hopeful for the time


(D)The Trump government concentrates on stopping chemical attacks in

Syria more than defeating the Islamic State.

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題 號 答 案 題 號 答 案

1 A 31 C

2 D 32 A

3 B 33 B

4 C 34 B

5 B 35 A

6 C 36 C

7 D 37 B

8 A 38 C

9 D 39 A

10 B 40 B 或 C

11 D 41 B

12 B 42 D

13 D 43 C

14 A 44 D

15 B 45 B

16 D 46 D

17 B 47 C

18 A 48 C

19 C 49 C

20 C 50 D

21 A 51 B

22 D 52 D

23 B 53 A

24 B 54 D

25 A 55 C

26 C 56 B

27 B 57 B

28 C 58 C

29 D 59 A

30 D 60 C
