Page 1: One Word Subsitution With Hindi Meaning

S Sentence One Word

1 One who is unmarried Celibate

2 One who believes in fate Fatalist

3 Sleep enjoyed in the afternoon Siesta

4 A speech delivered without any previous preparation Extempore

5 Language which is confused and unintelligible Jargon

6 One who is fond of sensuous pleasures Epicure

7 The action of looking back on past time Introspection

8 One who has no money Pauper

9 One who can do anything for money Mercenary

10 A man whose wife is dead Widower

11 A place where dead bodies are kept Mortuary

12 One whose business is to find out criminals Detective

Page 2: One Word Subsitution With Hindi Meaning

S Sentence One Word

13 One who is quite like a woman  Effeminate

14 A government run by a dictator Autocracy

15 A place for sick people who need long period of treatment or rest Sanatorium

16 One who possesses several talents or gifts Versatile

17 One who prepares plans for buildings  Architect

18 A great lover of books Bibliophile

19 A person who talks too much Garrulous

20 A raised place on which offerings are made to a god Altar

21 A place where fishes are kept Aquarium

22 One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles Optician

23 One who deals in wines Vintner

24 A person in charge of a museum Curator

Page 3: One Word Subsitution With Hindi Meaning

S Sentence One Word

25 One who journeys to a holy place Pilgrim

26 A building where animals are killed for meat Abattoir

27 The science of animal life Zoology

28 An instrument for recording earthquakes Seismograph

29 One who kills animals and sells their flesh Butcher

30 One who makes or sells eye – glasses Optician

31 One who breaks into a house to commit theft Burglar

32 Rule by one person Monocracy

33 One who treats heart diseases Cardiologist

34 One who studies the formation of the earth Geologist

35 The crime of killing a king Regicide

36 A number of people following a funeral Cortege

Page 4: One Word Subsitution With Hindi Meaning

S Sentence One Word

37 That which cannot be seen through Opaque

38 A doctor who treats skin diseases Dermatologist

39 A disease which spreads by contact Contagious disease

40 One who goes on foot Pedestrian

41 The murder of one’s own mother Matricide

42 The killing of human beings Homicide

43 A man who thinks only for himself Egoist

44 That can be easily broken Brittle

45 A general pardon of political offenders Amnesty

46 An animal living both on land in water Amphibian

47 A large cupboard in which one hangs up clothes Wardrobe

48 A large group of insects moving in a mass Swarm

Page 5: One Word Subsitution With Hindi Meaning

S Sentence One Word

49 A building for keeping and feeding horses in Stable

50 A string of beads used for counting prayers Rosary
