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Miyun Reservoir


Last update: 1 April 2015

As well as being a superb birding site, Miyun Reservoir is a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of China’s capital


Miyun Reservoir is one of the best general birding sites in Beijing. Because it is one of Beijing's main sources of drinking water, no development or industry is allowed around the margins. This means that the water quality is excellent, making it one of the few wetlands in the Beijing providing clean habitat for a variety of water birds. It is a brilliant site at any time of year but is world-class in spring and autumn. Located in Miyun County, it is 80 kilometres northeast of central Beijing, accessed via the Jingcheng (BeiJing – ChengDe) Expressway. It has a storage capacity of 4.375 billion cubic metres of water. Presently, Beijing municipality consumes about 4 billion cubic metres of annually.

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Miyun Reservoir is manmade and the original purpose of this large-scale feat of hydraulic engineering was flood prevention, electricity generation, agricultural irrigation and aquaculture. However, with Beijing's expansion and rapid economic development since the 1980s, there has been a steady lowering of the city's underground aquifer so that more surface water has been needed for drinking water and, since 1985, Miyun Reservoir has contributed to the capital’s supply. By 1999, the reservoir was supplying 490 million cubic metres of water. Today it supplies almost 10 times that amount.

At the southern end of the reservoir is a dam and it is here that the water is deepest. The northern shore, where the water is most shallow, is generally the best area for birds. There are plans to raise the level of the reservoir by around 10 metres (Jia Yifei, pers comm, 2014) as it receives water from the enormous engineering project to divert water from China’s water-rich south to the water-poor north. As at April 2015 the water level at the reservoir is lower than it has been for many years and, since autumn 2014, the habitat around the northern edge of the reservoir has been excellent for bustards, geese, cranes, ducks and shorebirds. How long this lasts remains to be seen. Although some areas that are excellent for birding now may well become inaccessible or less attractive due to predicted rising water levels in 2015, it is likely that, in time, new habitats will be created and new viewing areas discovered, hopefully replacing the current birding ‘hotspots’. There are human effects of rising water levels, too, and many villages are situated close to, and their inhabitants depend on, the reservoir. An interesting historical and personal account of the evolution of the reservoir can be found here:

The bird list for Miyun Reservoir is impressive and, in 2013 and 2014 alone, highlights have included Beijing’s first Slender-billed Gull and Meadow Pipit, and the second records of Red-throated Loon, Pectoral Sandpiper, Great White Pelican and Arctic Redpoll. It has also hosted all the species of crane on the Beijing list (Common, Demoiselle, Hooded, Red-crowned, Sandhill, Siberian and White-naped) and sought after species such as Great Bustard, Saker, Short-toed Snake Eagle, Eastern Marsh Harrier, Japanese and Pallas’s Reed Bunting are all regular at the appropriate time of year (see the end of this note for a full list of species recorded at Miyun Reservoir).

Miyun Reservoir is at its best during Spring and Autumn and it often witnesses impressive migration. In autumn 2014 more than 50,000 Little Buntings were counted in just a few hours on 26 September and more than 8,000 Horned Larks on 15 October. With these credentials, it’s possible to make a strong case for Miyun Reservoir being the best general birding location in Beijing.

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Note that, in winter, the reservoir usually freezes over from around mid-November through to early March. However, in most winters, some small areas remain ice-free throughout and can host impressive flocks of waterfowl, especially Mallard, Goldeneye, Smew, Common Merganser (Goosander) and Ruddy Shelduck. Large flocks of (mostly Tundra) Bean Geese, occasionally including other species of goose, and Common Cranes are also a feature of winter at Miyun.

A first-winter SAKER, Miyun Reservoir, November 2014

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As well as the open fresh water, habitat includes freshwater marsh, scrub and maize fields.


Miyun Reservoir is located in Miyun County, about 80 kilometres northeast of Beijing city centre and 20 kilometres northeast of the town of Miyun. It can be accessed via the Jingcheng Expressway (a toll road) or via the older and slower, but toll-free, G101 (see directions below).

As at April 2015 the best birding spots are around the northern and northeastern shore of the reservoir. Two locations, in particular, are frequently visited by birders: the villages of Houbajiazhuang (后八家庄) and Bulaotun (不老屯). Both are covered in this guide. To the north of the reservoir, the road to the Jixiang Temple, just north of Bulaotun, can be a nice add-on to a trip to Miyun Reservoir, hosting several local specialities with restricted distributions such as Chinese Nuthatch, thrushes, Chinese Hill Babbler, Plain Laughtingthrush, Eurasian Jay, Yellow-bellied, Japanese, Marsh and Willow Tit and Chinese Beautiful Rosefinch. This site is also covered in this guide.

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Map showing the location of Miyun Reservoir in relation to

Beijing city centre

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Miyun Reservoir birding sites at a glance

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By Public Transport:

Take bus 980 Express from Dongzhimen to Miyun town ( 密云汽车站 ). At the time of writing (April 2015), the bus Fare is RMB 15 (GBP 1.50) each way and buses run from 0600 to approximately 1800.

At Miyun town it is possible to hire a taxi to the key sites. Show the driver the Chinese place names below:

Houbajiazhuang (后八家庄)

Bulaotun (不老屯)

Journey times to these sites from Miyun town are around 40 minutes for Houbajiazhuang and 75 minutes for Bulaotun.

Once dropped by your taxi, it is possible to walk from both Houbajiazhuang and Bulaotun to the reservoir (Houbajiazhuang is only a few hundred metres from the edge of the reservoir; Bulaotun is c1.5-2km from the reservoir). When using public transport to visit the reservoir, my recommendation is to visit Houbajiazhuang given its proximity to the reservoir and shorter distance from Beijing.

By Private Taxi:

Most Beijing public taxis will not take customers to Miyun Reservoir, so if you don’t want to take the public bus or want to arrive early in the morning, the only option is to pre-arrange a private car and driver. Most up-market hotels can arrange. Alternatively, contact Terry on [email protected].

By Private Car:

For Houbajizhuang (后八家庄):

Take the Jingcheng (BeiJing to ChengDe) Expressway from Beijing towards the northeast (signposted Huairou, Miyun and Chengde). Stay on this expressway until the km75 marker, at which point take the exit sign-posted “Shuxin Highway”. After the tollbooth, continue straight for 400-500 metres. The road runs under a bridge. Take the right turn immediately before the bridge, along a narrow road that rises up to the right to join the G101 (JingMi Road). Follow this road for approximately 17km until the 92km marker. Here there is a petrol station on the right. Take the narrow right exit immediately after the petrol station (before the bridge) and, after c100 metres along the

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exit road, the road bends to the left and you arrive at a T-junction. Turn left, which takes you under the G101, from which you have just exited. Follow this road for around 700 metres. You will come to another T-junction. Turn left onto the slightly wider road and, after just 200 metres, you will see a turn on the right at a bus shelter sign-posted “后八家庄”. Turn right here. Immediately you will see a series of brick archways on the left. Follow this narrow road for around 400 metres, at which point it forks into two. Take the left fork and follow this narrow road for about 1km through the village. Keep to the “main” road until you have passed through the village and towards a more open area of agricultural and grassy/weedy fields with views over the reservoir. From here, take any of the tracks towards the reservoir and park sensibly, taking care not to block any access. The small hills are ideal viewing platforms from where to scan the reservoir and the various tracks and paths can be productive for passerines.

For Bulaotun (不老屯):

Take the Jingcheng Expressway from Beijing. Around the km110 marker, take the exit marked “Taishitun”. After the tollbooth you will come to a T-junction. At this junction turn left and then, almost immediately, turn right. Follow this road for around 1-2km until you reach a bridge. This bridge can be good for Long-billed Plover and Ibisbill, so it’s worth a short stop.

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Continue from the bridge for another 1-2km until you reach a T-junction with a police building opposite. Turn left here and follow the road for c10km to reach Bulaotun (不老屯). Drive through the town until the road turns sharp left and then sharp right in quick succession. Shortly after this, you will see a blue rubbish container on the left opposite a shop with a mobile phone company sign. Turn left here and follow the track until you reach a concrete road that runs parallel to the main road. Turn right onto the concrete road and then take one of the tracks to the left towards the reservoir. At the time of writing, one of the best tracks runs alongside a row of trees from the concrete road towards the reservoir.

Note that there are many tracks in this area and the best ones will depend on the location of the birds. Factors such as water level, disturbance by fishermen and farmers and bird photographers all play a role in determining where the birds are located at any given time. So trying several different tracks may be required. Usually it is possible to determine the location when one reaches the reservoir edge.

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For Jixiang Temple:

Take the Jingcheng Expressway from Beijing. Around the km110 marker, take the exit marked “Taishitun”. After the tollbooth (45 yuan at April 2015) you will arrive at a T-junction. At this junction turn left and then, almost immediately, turn right. Follow this road for around 1-2km until you reach a bridge. This bridge can be good for Long-billed Plover and Ibisbill, as well as other species such as kingfishers, Black Stork etc, so it’s worth a short stop.

After the bridge, continue for 1-2km until you reach another T-junction with a police building opposite. Turn left here and follow the road for c10km to reach Bulaotun (不老屯). Just a few hundred metres after reaching the beginning of Bulaotun town there is a turning on the right signposted “Jixiang Temple”. Turn right here and follow signs for Jixiang Temple (about 15-20km). The birding is best along the last 2km of the road before the temple. A good tactic is to park about 2km from the temple in one of the small lay-bys and walk.

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Likely Species at Jixiang Temple: Plain Laughingthrush, Chinese Hill Babber, Japanese, Marsh, Silver-throated, Yellow-bellied and Willow Tits, Chinese Nuthatch, Red-billed Blue Magpie, Eurasian Jay, Daurian Redstart, Godlewski’s and Meadow Buntings. In winter, thrushes (Naumann’s, Dusky, Red-throated and Black-throated) are regular, as well as Siberian Accentor and Chinese Beautiful Rosefinch. Opening Times:

There is no official entrance or opening times for Miyun Reservoir. The sites around the reservoir can usually be accessed at any time. However, during times of high security, for example the National Peoples Congress Annual Meetings in March, other major

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meetings of the Communist Party or large international events, access to the reservoir is sometimes forbidden or restricted, with security officials manning access roads. Information about access restrictions is hard to find, so it is best to avoid these times if at all possible.

Entrance Fee:

There is no entrance fee to access the birding sites around Miyun Reservoir.

Hints and Tips Temperature: Miyun Reservoir is a little higher in altitude than Beijing and, due to the urban heat effect, the temperature can be up to 10 degrees Celsius lower than downtown Beijing. Please bear this in mind when deciding which clothes to take. The viewing areas are also open and exposed so, if there is wind, particularly from the north, it will feel colder. Taking layers of clothing that can be added or taken off as required, is the best tactic. Best time to visit: Undoubtedly the best times to visit are during spring and autumn, at which time it is possible to record over 100 species. However, a visit at any time of the year will be rewarded.

Food and drink: There are no café or restaurant facilities at Miyun Reservoir. However, there are small shops and restaurants in the local villages dotted around the reservoir. It is advised to take a packed lunch and/or snacks plus water to last the day.

Optics: Most of the birds on the reservoir itself will be relatively distant, so a telescope is strongly recommended.

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 Species  that  may  be  encountered  at  Miyun  Reservoir  

Status:  R=Resident;  P=Passage  Migrant;  S=Summer  Visitor;  W=Winter  Visitor;  V=Vagrant  

English and Scientific Names Chinese Name Status

DAURIAN  PARTRIDGE      Perdix  dauurica   斑翅山鹑   R  (scarce)  JAPANESE  QUAIL      Coturnix  japonica   鵪鶉   P/W  COMMON  PHEASANT      Phasianus  colchicus   雉雞   R  SWAN  GOOSE      Anser  cygnoides      VU   鴻雁   P    TAIGA  BEAN  GOOSE      Anser  fabalis   豆雁   P/W  TUNDRA  BEAN  GOOSE      Anser  serrirostris   短嘴豆雁   P/W  GREYLAG  GOOSE      Anser  anser   灰雁   P    GREATER  WHITE-­‐FRONTED  GOOSE      Anser  albifrons   白额雁   P    LESSER  WHITE-­‐FRONTED    GOOSE      Anser  erythropus      VU   小白额雁   P  (Scarce)  

BAR-­‐HEADED  GOOSE      Anser  indicus   斑头雁   V  MUTE  SWAN      Cygnus  olor   疣鼻天鹅   P  (Scarce)  TUNDRA  SWAN      Cygnus  columbianus   小天鹅   P/W  WHOOPER  SWAN      Cygnus  cygnus   大天鵝   P/W  COMMON  SHELDUCK      Tadorna  tadorna   翘鼻麻鸭   P    RUDDY  SHELDUCK      Tadorna  ferruginea   赤麻鴨   P/W  MANDARIN  DUCK      Aix  galericulata   鴛鴦   P/S  GADWALL      Anas  strepera   赤膀鴨   P    FALCATED  DUCK      Anas  falcata   罗纹鸭   P    EURASIAN  WIGEON      Anas  penelope   赤頸鴨   P  MALLARD      Anas  platyrhynchos   綠頭鴨   P/R/W  CHINESE  SPOT-­‐BILLED  DUCK      Anas  zonorhyncha   斑嘴鴨   P/W/S  NORTHERN  SHOVELER      Anas  clypeata   琵嘴鸭   P    NORTHERN  PINTAIL      Anas  acuta   针尾鸭   P  GARGANEY      Anas  querquedula   白眉鸭   P  BAIKAL  TEAL      Anas  formosa   花脸鸭   P/W  EURASIAN  TEAL      Anas  crecca   绿翅鸭   P/W  RED-­‐CRESTED  POCHARD      Netta  rufina   赤嘴潜鸭   P  COMMON  POCHARD      Aythya  ferina   红头潜鸭   P  BAER'S  POCHARD      Aythya  baeri      CR   青头潜鸭   P  (Scarce)  

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FERRUGINOUS  POCHARD      Aythya  nyroca      NT   白眼潜鸭   P/S  TUFTED  DUCK      Aythya  fuligula   凤头潜鸭   P  GREATER  SCAUP      Aythya  marila   斑背潜鸭   V  WHITE-­‐WINGED  SCOTER      Melanitta  deglandi  stejnegeri   斑脸海番鸭   P  (Scarce)  LONG-­‐TAILED  DUCK      Clangula  hyemalis   长尾鸭   V  

COMMON  GOLDENEYE      Bucephala  clangula   鹊鸭   P/W    SMEW      Mergellus  albellus   白秋沙鸭   P/W  COMMON  MERGANSER      Mergus  merganser   普通秋沙鸭   P/W  RED-­‐BREASTED  MERGANSER      Mergus  serrator   红胸秋沙鸭   P  (Scarce)  

RED-­‐THROATED  LOON      Gavia  stellata   红喉潜鸟   V  BLACK-­‐THROATED  LOON      Gavia  arctica   黑喉潜鸟   V  LITTLE  GREBE      Tachybaptus  ruficollis   小鸊鷉   P/S  GREAT  CRESTED  GREBE      Podiceps  cristatus   凤头鸊鷉   P/S  

HORNED  GREBE      Podiceps  auritus   角鸊鷉   P  (Scarce)  BLACK-­‐NECKED  GREBE      Podiceps  nigricollis   黑颈鸊鷉   P  BLACK  STORK      Ciconia  nigra   黑鹳   P/S/W  ORIENTAL  STORK      Ciconia  boyciana      EN   东方白鹳   P  (Scarce)  EURASIAN  SPOONBILL      Platalea  leucorodia   白琵鹭   P  GREAT  BITTERN      Botaurus  stellaris   大麻鳽   P/S  YELLOW  BITTERN      Ixobrychus  sinensis   黄苇鳽   P/S  VON  SCHRENCK'S  BITTERN      Ixobrychus  eurhythmus   紫背苇鳽  

P/S  (Scarce)  

BLACK-­‐CROWNED  NIGHT  HERON      Nycticorax  nycticorax   夜鹭   P/S  STRIATED  HERON      Butorides  striata   绿鹭   P  (Scarce)  CHINESE  POND  HERON      Ardeola  bacchus   池鹭   P/S  EASTERN  CATTLE  EGRET      Bubulcus  coromandus   牛背鹭   P  GREY  HERON      Ardea  cinerea   苍鹭   R/P/S  PURPLE  HERON      Ardea  purpurea   草鹭   P/S  EASTERN  GREAT  EGRET      Ardea  modesta   大白鹭   P/S  LITTLE  EGRET      Egretta  garzetta   白鹭   P/S  LESSER  FRIGATEBIRD      Fregata  ariel   白斑军舰鸟   V  GREAT  WHITE  PELICAN      Pelecanus  onocrotalus   白鹈鹕   V  DALMATIAN  PELICAN      Pelecanus  crispus       卷羽鹈鹕   P  (Scarce)  

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CR  GREAT  CORMORANT      Phalacrocorax  carbo   普通鸬鹚   P  OSPREY      Pandion  haliaetus   鹗   P  CRESTED  HONEY  BUZZARD      Pernis  ptilorhynchus   凤头蜂鹰   P  BLACK  KITE      Milvus  migrans  lineatus   黑鸢   P  

BLACK-­‐WINGED  KITE      Elanus  caeruleus   黑翅鸢   V  WHITE-­‐TAILED  EAGLE      Haliaeetus  albicilla      NT   白尾海雕   P/W  CINEREOUS  VULTURE      Aegypius  monachus      NT   秃鹫   P  SHORT-­‐TOED  SNAKE  EAGLE      Circaetus  gallicus   短趾雕   P  EASTERN  MARSH  HARRIER      Circus  spilonotus   白腹鹞   P/S  HEN  HARRIER      Circus  cyaneus   白尾鹞   P/W  PIED  HARRIER      Circus  melanoleucos   鹊鹞   P  CHINESE  SPARROWHAWK    Accipiter  soloensis   赤腹鹰   P  (Scarce)  JAPANESE  SPARROWHAWK      Accipiter  gularis   日本松雀鹰   P  EURASIAN  SPARROWHAWK      Accipiter  nisus   雀鹰   P/R  NORTHERN  GOSHAWK      Accipiter  gentilis   苍鹰   P/W  GREY-­‐FACED  BUZZARD      Butastur  indicus     灰脸鵟鹰   P/S  EASTERN  BUZZARD      Buteo  japonicus   普通鵟   P/W  UPLAND  BUZZARD      Buteo  hemilasius   大鵟   P/W  

ROUGH-­‐LEGGED  BUZZARD      Buteo  lagopus   毛脚鵟  P/W  (Scarce)  

GREATER  SPOTTED  EAGLE      Aquila  clanga      VU   乌雕   P  GOLDEN  EAGLE      Aquila  chrysaetos   金雕   R  BOOTED  EAGLE      Hieraaetus  pennatus   靴隼雕   V  LESSER  KESTREL      Falco  naumanni      VU   黄爪隼   P  COMMON  KESTREL      Falco  tinnunculus   红隼   P/R  AMUR  FALCON      Falco  amurensis   阿穆尔隼   P/S  MERLIN      Falco  columbarius   灰背隼   P/W  EURASIAN  HOBBY      Falco  subbuteo   燕隼   P/S  SAKER  FALCON      Falco  cherrug      EN   猎隼   P/W  PEREGRINE  FALCON      Falco  peregrinus   游隼   P  GREAT  BUSTARD      Otis  tarda      VU   大鸨   P  

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BROWN-­‐CHEEKED  RAIL      Rallus  indicus   普通秧鸡   P  BAILLON'S  CRAKE      Porzana  pusilla   小田鸡   P  RUDDY-­‐BREASTED  CRAKE      Porzana  fusca   红胸田鸡   P/S  

WATERCOCK      Gallicrex  cinerea   董鸡  P/S  (Scarce)  

COMMON  MOORHEN      Gallinula  chloropus   黑水鸡(红骨顶)   P/S  COMMON  COOT      Fulica  atra   骨顶鸡(白骨顶)   P/S  DEMOISELLE  CRANE      Anthropoides  virgo   蓑羽鹤   V  

SIBERIAN  CRANE      Grus  leucogeranus      CR   白鹤   V  SANDHILL  CRANE  Grus  canadensis  


WHITE-­‐NAPED  CRANE      Grus  vipio      VU   白枕鹤   P  COMMON  CRANE      Grus  grus   灰鹤   P/W  HOODED  CRANE      Grus  monacha      VU   白头鹤   P/W  RED-­‐CROWNED  CRANE      Grus  japonensis      EN   丹顶鹤   V  YELLOW-­‐LEGGED  BUTTONQUAIL      Turnix  tanki   黄脚三趾鹑  

P/S  (Scarce)  

IBISBILL      Ibidorhyncha  struthersii   鹮嘴鹬   R  BLACK-­‐WINGED  STILT      Himantopus  himantopus   黑翅长脚鹬   P/S  PIED  AVOCET      Recurvirostra  avosetta   反嘴鹬   P  NORTHERN  LAPWING      Vanellus  vanellus   凤头麦鸡   P/S  GREY-­‐HEADED  LAPWING      Vanellus  cinereus   灰头麦鸡   P  PACIFIC  GOLDEN  PLOVER      Pluvialis  fulva   金斑鴴   P  GREY  PLOVER      Pluvialis  squatarola   灰斑鴴   P  LONG-­‐BILLED  PLOVER      Charadrius  placidus   长嘴剑鴴   P/R/S  LITTLE  RINGED  PLOVER      Charadrius  dubius     金眶鴴   P  KENTISH  PLOVER      Charadrius  alexandrinus   环颈鴴   P  ORIENTAL  PLOVER      Charadrius  veredus   东方鴴   P  (Scarce)  JACK  SNIPE      Lymnocryptes  minimus   姬鹬   V  PINTAIL  or  SWINHOE'S  SNIPE      Gallinago  stenura  or  G.  megala   ?   P  COMMON  SNIPE      Gallinago  gallinago   扇尾沙锥   P/S  EASTERN'  BLACK-­‐TAILED  GODWIT      Limosa  [limosa]  melanuroides   ?   P  

BAR-­‐TAILED  GODWIT      Limosa  lapponica   斑尾塍鹬   V  LITTLE  CURLEW      Numenius  minutus   小杓鹬   P  (Scarce)  WHIMBREL      Numenius  phaeopus   中杓鹬   P  EURASIAN  CURLEW      Numenius  arquata      NT   白腰杓鹬   P  

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EASTERN  CURLEW      Numenius  madagascariensis      NT   大杓鹬   P  (Scarce)  SPOTTED  REDSHANK      Tringa  erythropus   鹤鹬   P  COMMON  REDSHANK      Tringa  totanus   红脚鹬   P/S  MARSH  SANDPIPER      Tringa  stagnatilis   泽鹬   P  COMMON  GREENSHANK      Tringa  nebularia   青脚鹬   P  GREEN  SANDPIPER      Tringa  ochropus   白腰草鹬   P/W  WOOD  SANDPIPER      Tringa  glareola   林鹬   P  COMMON  SANDPIPER      Actitis  hypoleucos   矶鹬   P  RED  KNOT      Calidris  canutus   红腹滨鹬   P  (Scarce)  RED-­‐NECKED  STINT      Calidris  ruficollis   红颈滨鹬   P  TEMMINCK'S  STINT      Calidris  temminckii   青脚滨鹬   P  LONG-­‐TOED  STINT      Calidris  subminuta   长趾滨鹬   P  

PECTORAL  SANDPIPER      Calidris  melanotos   斑胸滨鹬   V  SHARP-­‐TAILED  SANDPIPER      Calidris  acuminata   尖尾滨鹬   P  CURLEW  SANDPIPER      Calidris  ferruginea   弯嘴滨鹬   P  DUNLIN      Calidris  alpina   黑腹滨鹬   P  RUFF      Philomachus  pugnax   流苏鹬   P  (Scarce)  RED-­‐NECKED  PHALAROPE      Phalaropus  lobatus   红颈瓣蹼鹬   P  (Scarce)  RED  PHALAROPE      Phalaropus  fulicaria   灰瓣蹼鹬   V  ORIENTAL  PRATINCOLE      Glareola  maldivarum   普通鴴   P/S  BLACK-­‐LEGGED  KITTIWAKE      Rissa  tridactyla   三趾鸥   P  (Scarce)  BROWN-­‐HEADED  GULL      Chroicocephalus  brunnicephalus   棕头鸥   P  (Scarce)  BLACK-­‐HEADED  GULL      Chroicocephalus  ridibundus   红嘴鸥   P/S  SLENDER-­‐BILLED  GULL  Chroicocephalus  genei   细嘴鸥   V  LITTLE  GULL      Hydrocoloeus  minutus   小鸥   V  RELICT  GULL      Ichthyaetus  relictus      VU   遗鸥   P  PALLAS'S  GULL      Ichthyaetus  ichthyaetus   渔鸥   P  (Scarce)  MEW  GULL      Larus  canus     海鸥   P  MONGOLIAN  GULL      Larus  mongolicus   黄脚(银)鸥   P  SIBERIAN  GULL      Larus  heuglini  


GULL-­‐BILLED  TERN      Gelochelidon  nilotica   鸥嘴噪鸥   P  

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CASPIAN  TERN      Hydroprogne  caspia   红嘴巨鸥   P  EASTERN'  LITTLE  TERN      Sternula  [albifrons]  sinensis   白额燕鸥   P/S  COMMON  TERN      Sterna  hirundo   普通燕鸥   P/S  WHISKERED  TERN      Chlidonias  hybrida   须浮鸥   P/S  WHITE-­‐WINGED  BLACK  TERN      Chlidonias  leucopterus     白翅浮鸥   P  PALLAS'S  SANDGROUSE      Syrrhaptes  paradoxus   毛腿沙鸡  

P/W  (Scarce)  

ROCK  PIGEON      Columba  livia   原鸽   R  HILL  PIGEON      Columba  rupestris   岩鸽   R  ORIENTAL  TURTLE  DOVE      Streptopelia  orientalis   山斑鸠   R/P/S  EURASIAN  COLLARED  DOVE      Streptopelia  decaocto   灰斑鸠   R  

SPOTTED  DOVE      Spilopelia  chinensis   珠颈斑鸠   R  LESSER  COUCAL      Centropus  bengalensis   小鸦鹃   V  ASIAN  KOEL      Eudynamys  scolopacea   噪鹃   V  INDIAN  CUCKOO      Cuculus  micropterus   四声杜鹃   P/S  

COMMON  CUCKOO      Cuculus  canorus   大杜鹃   P/S  ORIENTAL  SCOPS  OWL  Otus  sunia   红角鸮   P  EURASIAN  EAGLE-­‐OWL      Bubo  bubo   雕鸮   P/W  LITTLE  OWL      Athene  noctua   纵纹腹小鸮   P/W  LONG-­‐EARED  OWL      Asio  otus   长耳鸮   P  SHORT-­‐EARED  OWL      Asio  flammeus   短耳鸮   P/W  WHITE-­‐THROATED  NEEDLETAIL      Hirundapus  caudacutus   白喉针尾雨燕   P  COMMON  SWIFT      Apus  apus   普通楼燕   P/S  

FORK-­‐TAILED  SWIFT      Apus  pacificus   白腰雨燕   P  BLACK-­‐CAPPED  KINGFISHER      Halcyon  pileata   蓝翡翠   P/S  COMMON  KINGFISHER      Alcedo  atthis   普通翠鸟   P/S  CRESTED  KINGFISHER      Megaceryle  lugubris   冠鱼狗   R  

PIED  KINGFISHER      Ceryle  rudis   斑鱼狗   V  EURASIAN  HOOPOE      Upupa  epops   戴胜   P/S  EURASIAN  WRYNECK      Jynx  torquilla   蚁鴷   P  GREY-­‐CAPPED  PYGMY  WOODPECKER      Dendrocopos  canicapillus   星头啄木鸟   R  GREAT  SPOTTED  WOODPECKER      Dendrocopos  major   大斑啄木鸟   R  

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GREY-­‐HEADED  WOODPECKER      Picus  canus   灰头绿啄木鸟   R  BROWN  SHRIKE      Lanius  cristatus   红尾伯劳   P  LONG-­‐TAILED  SHRIKE      Lanius  schach   棕背伯劳   V  CHINESE  GREY  SHRIKE      Lanius  s.  sphenocercus   楔尾伯劳   P/W  BLACK-­‐NAPED  ORIOLE      Oriolus  chinensis   黑枕黄鹂   P  BLACK  DRONGO      Dicrurus  macrocercus     黑卷尾   P  HAIR-­‐CRESTED  DRONGO      Dicrurus  hottentottus   发冠卷尾   P  AZURE-­‐WINGED  MAGPIE      Cyanopica  cyanus   灰喜鹊   R  RED-­‐BILLED  BLUE  MAGPIE      Urocissa  erythrorhyncha   红嘴蓝鹊   R  

COMMON  MAGPIE      Pica  pica   喜鹊   R  DAURIAN  JACKDAW      Coloeus  dauuricus   达乌里寒鸦   P/W  ROOK      Corvus  frugilegus   秃鼻乌鸦   P/W  CARRION  CROW      Corvus  corone   小嘴乌鸦   R  LARGE-­‐BILLED  CROW      Corvus  macrorhynchos   大嘴乌鸦   R  COLLARED  CROW      Corvus  torquatus   白颈鸦   V  BOHEMIAN  WAXWING      Bombycilla  garrulus   太平鸟   P/W  JAPANESE  WAXWING      Bombycilla  japonica      NT   小太平鸟   P/W  MARSH  TIT      Poecile  palustris   沼泽山雀   R  YELLOW-­‐BELLIED  TIT      Periparus  venustulus   黄腹山雀   P/S  JAPANESE  TIT      Parus  minor   大山雀   R  CHINESE  PENDULINE  TIT      Remiz  consobrinus   中华攀雀   P/S  BEARDED  REEDLING      Panurus  biarmicus   文须雀   P/W  MONGOLIAN  LARK      Melanocorypha  mongolica   (蒙古)  百灵   P/W  GREATER  SHORT-­‐TOED  LARK      Calandrella  brachydactyla   (大)  短趾百灵   P  ASIAN  SHORT-­‐TOED  LARK      Calandrella  cheleensis   (亚洲)  短趾百灵   P/S/W  EURASIAN  SKYLARK      Alauda  arvensis   云雀   P/S  HORNED  LARK      Eremophila  alpestris   角百灵   P/W  LIGHT-­‐VENTED  BULBUL      Pycnonotus  sinensis   白头鹎   R  SAND  MARTIN      Riparia  riparia   崖沙燕   P/S  BARN  SWALLOW      Hirundo  rustica   家燕   P/S  

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RED-­‐RUMPED  SWALLOW      Cecropis  daurica   金腰燕   P/S  SILVER-­‐THROATED  TIT      Aegithalos  glaucogularis   银喉长尾山雀   R  DUSKY  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  fuscatus   褐柳莺   P  RADDE'S  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  schwarzi   巨嘴柳莺   P  PALLAS'S  LEAF  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  proregulus   黄腰柳莺   P  YELLOW-­‐BROWED  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  inornatus   黄眉柳莺   P  ARCTIC  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  borealis   极北柳莺   P  TWO-­‐BARRED  WARBLER      Phylloscopus  plumbeitarsus   双斑绿柳莺   P  ORIENTAL  REED  WARBLER      Acrocephalus  orientalis   东方大尾莺   P/S  BLACK-­‐BROWED  REED  WARBLER      Acrocephalus  bistrigiceps   黑眉苇莺   P/S  MANCHURIAN  REED  WARBLER      Acrocephalus  tangorum      VU   远东苇莺   P  (Scarce)  

THICK-­‐BILLED  WARBLER      Iduna  aedon   厚嘴苇莺   P  BAIKAL  BUSH  WARBLER      Bradypterus  davidi   斑胸短翅莺   P  LANCEOLATED  WARBLER      Locustella  lanceolata   矛斑蝗莺   P  PALLAS'S  GRASSHOPPER  WARBLER      Locustella  certhiola   小蝗莺   P  ZITTING  CISTICOLA      Cisticola  juncidis   棕扇尾莺   P/S  PLAIN  LAUGHINGTHRUSH      Pterorhinus  davidi   山噪鹛   R  VINOUS-­‐THROATED  PARROTBILL      Sinosuthora  webbianus   棕头鸦雀   R  CHINESE  HILL  BABBLER      Rhopophilus  pekinensis   山鹛   R  CHESTNUT-­‐FLANKED  WHITE-­‐EYE      Zosterops  erythropleurus   红胁绣眼鸟   P  GOLDCREST      Regulus  regulus   戴菊   P/W  WINTER  WREN      Troglodytes  troglodytes   鹪鹩   W  CHINESE  NUTHATCH      Sitta  villosa   黑头鳾   R  CRESTED  MYNA      Acridotheres  cristatellus   八哥   R  RED-­‐BILLED  STARLING      Spodiopsar  sericeus   丝光椋鸟   P/S  WHITE-­‐CHEEKED  STARLING      Spodiopsar  cineraceus   灰椋鸟   P/S  

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PURPLE-­‐BACKED  STARLING      Agropsar  sturninus   北椋鸟   P  COMMON  STARLING      Sturnus  vulgaris   紫翅椋鸟   P/W  COMMON  [CHINESE]  BLACKBIRD      Turdus  merula  mandarinus   乌鸫   P  EYEBROWED  THRUSH      Turdus  obscurus   白眉鸫   P  BLACK-­‐THROATED  THRUSH      Turdus  atrogularis   黑颈鸫   P/W  RED-­‐THROATED  THRUSH      Turdus  ruficollis   赤颈鸫   P/W  NAUMANN'S  THRUSH      Turdus  naumanni   红尾鸫   P/W  DUSKY  THRUSH      Turdus  eunomus   斑鸫   P/W  BLUETHROAT      Luscinia  svecica   蓝喉歌鸲  (蓝点颏)   P  

SIBERIAN  RUBYTHROAT      Luscinia  calliope   红喉歌鸲  (红点颏)   P  SIBERIAN  BLUE  ROBIN      Luscinia  cyane   蓝歌鸲   P  ORANGE-­‐FLANKED  BLUETAIL      Tarsiger  cyanurus   红胁蓝尾鸲   P  DAURIAN  REDSTART      Phoenicurus  auroreus   北红尾鸲   P/S  COMMON  STONECHAT      Saxicola  maurus   黑喉石唧   P  ASIAN  BROWN  FLYCATCHER      Muscicapa  dauurica   北灰鹟   P  YELLOW-­‐RUMPED  FLYCATCHER      Ficedula  zanthopygia   白眉姬鹟   P/S  TAIGA  FLYCATCHER      Ficedula  albicilla   红喉姬鹟   P  RUSSET  SPARROW      Passer  rutilans   山麻雀   P  EURASIAN  TREE  SPARROW      Passer  montanus   (树)  麻雀   R  ALPINE  ACCENTOR      Prunella  collaris   领岩鹨   P  SIBERIAN  ACCENTOR      Prunella  montanella   棕眉山岩鹨   P/W  FOREST  WAGTAIL      Dendronanthus  indicus   山鹡鸰   P  EASTERN  YELLOW  WAGTAIL      Motacilla  tschutschensis   黄鹡鸰   P/S  CITRINE  WAGTAIL      Motacilla  citreola   黄头鹡鸰   P  GREY  WAGTAIL      Motacilla  cinerea   灰鹡鸰   P/W  WHITE  WAGTAIL      Motacilla  alba  (leucopsis,  ocularis  and  baicalensis)   白鹡鸰   P/S  RICHARD'S  PIPIT      Anthus  richardi   理氏鹨   P/S  

BLYTH'S  PIPIT      Anthus  godlewskii   布莱氏鹨   P  OLIVE-­‐BACKED  PIPIT      Anthus  hodgsoni   树鹨   P  PECHORA  PIPIT      Anthus  gustavi   北鹨   P  RED-­‐THROATED  PIPIT      Anthus  cervinus   红喉鹨   P  

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BUFF-­‐BELLIED  PIPIT      Anthus  rubescens  japonicus   黄腹鹨   P  WATER  PIPIT      Anthus  spinoletta   水鹨   P/W  MEADOW  PIPIT   草地鹨   V  BRAMBLING      Fringilla  montifringilla   燕雀   P/W  GREY-­‐CAPPED  GREENFINCH      Carduelis  sinica   金翅  (雀)   R  

EURASIAN  SISKIN      Carduelis  spinus   黄雀   P/W  COMMON  REDPOLL      Carduelis  flammea   白腰朱顶雀   P/W  HOARY  REDPOLL      Carduelis  hornemanni   极北朱顶雀   V  COMMON  ROSEFINCH      Carpodacus  erythrinus   普通朱雀   P  

CHINESE  GROSBEAK      Eophona  migratoria   黑尾蜡嘴雀   R  YELLOWHAMMER      Emberiza  citrinella   黄鹀   V  PINE  BUNTING      Emberiza  leucocephalos   白头鹀   P/W  GODLEWSKI'S  BUNTING      Emberiza  godlewskii   戈氏岩鹀   R  MEADOW  BUNTING      Emberiza  cioides   三道眉草鹀   R  TRISTRAM'S  BUNTING      Emberiza  tristrami   白眉鹀     P  CHESTNUT-­‐EARED  BUNTING    Emberiza  fucata   栗耳鵐   P  LITTLE  BUNTING      Emberiza  pusilla   小鹀   P  YELLOW-­‐BROWED  BUNTING      Emberiza  chrysophrys   黄眉鹀   P  

RUSTIC  BUNTING      Emberiza  rustica   田鹀   P/W  YELLOW-­‐THROATED  BUNTING      Emberiza  elegans   黄喉鹀   P/W  YELLOW-­‐BREASTED  BUNTING      Emberiza  aureola   黄胸鹀   P  CHESTNUT  BUNTING      Emberiza  rutila   栗鹀   P  BLACK-­‐FACED  BUNTING      Emberiza  spodocephala   灰头鹀   P/S  PALLAS'S  BUNTING      Emberiza  pallasi   苇鹀   P/W  OCHRE-­‐RUMPED  BUNTING      Emberiza  yessoensis      NT   红颈苇鹀  

P/W  (Scarce)  

REED  BUNTING      Emberiza  schoeniclus   芦鹀   P  LAPLAND  LONGSPUR      Calcarius  lapponicus   铁爪鹀   P/W