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社會科學學會 Social Sciences Society, HKUSU


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Words from DeanWelcome to the big family of the Faculty of Social Sciences! I hope you will find the coming years both intellectually stimulating and academically rewarding.

The Faculty of Social Sciences was established in 1967 and has since undergone rapid expansion and significant transformation. Today, the Faculty comprises the Departments of Geography, Politics and Public Administration, Psychology, Social Work and Social Administration, and Sociology. It also has nine multidisciplinary research units that provide a platform for research interaction and collaboration among colleagues on campus and in the wider world.

The Faculty, as a leading provider of social sciences learning in Asia, strives to maintain and advance its position as an international centre for the creation, integration, transmission and application of social sciences knowledge. Through our focus on Social Innovation (SI) and Global Citizenship (GC), we also seek to contribute to the advancement of society and the development of leaders through a local, regional, and global presence.

To prepare for the new 4-year curriculum, the University has constructed the new Centennial Campus to provide additional space to support the University’s core functions. The Faculty was pleased to have moved from the old office at the Meng Wah Complex to a big new one at The Jockey Club Tower in the Centennial Campus in late April. The relocation of all Faculty departments was completed in mid July and we are now all under one roof. To cope with the extensive student headcounts, the Faculty has also recruited extra administrative and support staff to meet the heavy workload. Students will be fully supported by the Faculty ranging from registration, course enrolment, exchange, internship and examination matters.

This year the Faculty celebrates its 45th Anniversary. In the year ahead, we intend to expand our existing student exchange and internship programmes, and to look into creative ways of developing summer institutes for intensive study.

Professor John P BurnsDean

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在未來的日子裡,三蛇或多或少是你大學生活的一部分,除了參與O Camp









2012三蛇主席 殷嘉駿

Dear freshman,Welcome to the big family of Social Sciences Society (SSS), HKUSU!

Are you ready for your freshman life? In the coming months, you would be

meeting new friends, learning new things, and wandering in the campus-

do you feel excited, or are you feeling nervous? Don’t worry, it’s normal and

you will get used to your new life soon!

In the coming days, SSS might become a part of your university life. Besides

meeting new friends in orientation camps, SSS also helps you know more

about information from the faculty and other social issues. Of course, you

could also learn a lot from other student societies and hall.

U life has a great pace and you must learn and work at the same time.

Lots of people focused a lot on the five “must-do” of U life, while some will

remind you not to follow them blindly, so it’s important to find your own

way! I hope you will all enjoy your U life with no regret!

See you all in Orientation camps!

Henry Yan 2012 SSS Chairman

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院長的話Words from Dean 給新鮮人To Freshmen 目錄 及 編者的話 Content Page & Editor’s Note 關於我們About Us ExCo介紹 Introduction of Exco會員福利 Member’s welfare 活動介紹Past Events讀書啦喂! Study/Tappy港大俚語 HKU Slang校園簡介 HKU Campus 食在港大 HKU Eating Guide 大學五件事 5 “must-do” in U 大學To Do List To-Do List

編者的話 Editor’s Note新鮮人你們好!歡迎你們加入港大這個大家庭!你們手上的書叫Snakers,是三蛇特意為社科新生準備的出版,希望你們會喜歡!大學匆匆幾年,你會遇到很多新鮮事情,希望這本刊物能為你的新生日子做一個小小的指引。祝你們在大學的日子能過得無悔!Hi freshmen! Welcome to the family of SSS! The booklet you are reading now is called snakers and it’s a publication by SSS tailor made for you guys! I hope you would enjoy reading it and wish you a fruitful Uni life!

Editorial Chief Editor: Hilda NgVice Editors: Henry Yan Siu Tsun Kit Proofread: Katherine ChanSociety Affairs: Ronnie Chee Rita ChanAcademic Info: Moon Ho Phyllis Tang Henry YanCampus Info: Katherine ChanHKU culture info: Ron Lam Emily Wong

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學會介紹About us香港大學學生會社會科學學會,又名三蛇,是香港大學裏十個院會之一。本會於1968年成立,除了為會員提供福利及協助會員與院校之間的溝通外,我們更致力提升同學對時事及社會事務的關注,希望能集合同學的力量,對社會作出改變。現時本會約有一千名會員,社會科學學院的所有學士 (BSocSc, BSocSc (GL), BJ, BSW, BEd&BSocSc)均為本會會員。


過去一年,三蛇從梁銶琚樓(KK Leung Building)LG111搬到百週年校園,經歷學生會風波,再籌辦兩次二百人的迎生營,對我們來說,實在來得不簡單。各位三蛇的新鮮人,記得在新學年繼續支


Social Sciences Society, HKUSU is one of the ten faculty societies in The University of Hong Kong. Established in 1968, the Society has been striving to provide welfare to our members and to foster mu-tual understanding between students and the Faculty. We are also keen on raising awareness on current affairs and social issues to the students around as we believe it is our mission to bring a difference to the society. All undergraduates in the Faculty of Social Sciences (i.e. students under the curriculum of BSocSc, BSocSc (GL), BJ, BSW or BEd&BSocSc) will be a member of us, and currently we have around 1000 members. Apart from that, we also have 5 academic societies affiliated to us:

Geographical, Geological & Archaeological Society, SSS, HKUSUPolitics and Public Administration Association, SSS, HKUSUPsychology Society, SSS, HKUSUSocial Work and Social Administration Society, SSS, HKUSUSociology Society, SSS, HKUSU

2012 has been a big year for us. Moving from LG111, KK Leung Building to the Centennial campus, dealing with issues of the Student Union and organizing two Orientation camps were no easy tasks for us, yet we are determined in doing the best. Dear freshmen, don’t forget to support us in the coming years!

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講左咁耐,到底三蛇裏有甚麼人呢?現在就讓他們向你自我介紹一下吧!So what’s going on in SSS? We’ve got 11 enthusiastic ex-cos who can’t wait to meet you all!


of ExCo

主席 殷嘉駿 Chairman Henry Yan BSocSc (II)咁多位Freshmen你地好!我係三蛇主席殷嘉駿,莊友通常會直接叫我「主席」,或者叫我英文名Henry。我個人好貪心,咩都試,咩都想做,覺得自己人一世物一世咩都要試。就係因為咁,大學第一年就少左好多時間行街、聽歌、搵朋友,陪屋企......究竟時間應該點分配?得閒搵我傾下啦 :)

Hi dear freshmen! I am the Chairman of the Society, other executive committee usually call me “Chair-man” directly, or call me Henry. I am a “greedy” person who wants to try everything! In my Year 1, I had less time for hanging around, listening to songs and gathering with family... How should we manage our time? Find me and have a chat! :)

Rita眼中的Henry: 我們的殷主席一向以外貌俊俏、體格魁梧見稱,不僅如此,主席能同時兼顧大學五件事,不能少覷。當然他作出了取捨,新鮮人若對大學生活有疑問都可找我們的主席,他和藹可親,定當樂意跟大家分享。

Rita’s impression on Henry: Our Chairman Henry Yan is famous for his handsomeness and perfect body shape. Fur-thermore, our chairman managed to finish the five “must-do” in university. For sure, he put priority over these issues. For Henry is so nice, friendly and gentle, freshmen are highly welcomed to talk to him and ask him anything.

內務副主席 蕭浚傑 Internal Vice-chairman Siuson Siu BSocSc (II)莊內的思考機器,就愛想想想不愛做做做,一般被指最有用的撻皮者。特有技能是開會時擺出一副沉思樣子便可被認為在參與其中。One who’s so addicted to thinking that causes him rarely work on anything, and therefore often accused for being “tappy”.

Henry眼中的Siuson: 人如其名:英俊瀟灑,在大學初期已抱得美人歸,羨剎旁人;角立傑出,身為內務副主席,能帶領莊友在deadline前完成所有工作,實在為主席的好幫手

Henry’s impression on Siuson:Everything is so excellent for Simpson. He found his love at the very beginning of the academic year, and is now a great boyfriend! (HAHA!) On the other hand, as the internal vice-chairman, he is very helpful and can always finish his tasks at the last minute before the deadline!

外務副主席 池嘉怡 External Vice-chairman Ronnie Chee BSocSc (II)你好 新鮮社科人! 我是池同學 (很容易認,特徵: 塊面很圓)!! 當大學生,心情很興奮吧! 期待大學五件事? 入到大學,乜都要試? 這都是正常的心態! 大學是個極自由的地方,你喜歡做什麼也沒有別人管,但三年很有限,最重要是想清楚自己最希望在大學完成的事,不然很容易走失啊!!!

Hello Fresh Social Scientists! This is Ronnie greeting you all! Feel excited about your Uni life? Can’t wait to nose around and make new friends? Come to me, my dear member! I am hyper all the time so come to me whenever you want to laugh endlessly. I am talkative too so come to me whenever you have questions or news to share, especially if you have questions about HKU or Social Sciences cur-riculum, don’t hesitate and ask! I just can’t wait to meet you and hear from you! Enjoy your HKU life!



Moon’s impression on Ronnie:Tough and Strong, cute and crazy, passionate and concentrated… This is our External Vice-chairman, Ronnie, an attractive girl.

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常務秘書 陳淑媛 General Secretary Katherine ChanBSocSc (II)哈囉,各位Freshmen們!我是Gen Sec Katherine。:) 我是一個很普通的人,有着很普通的嗜好。平日愛看電影、愛拍照、聽韓文歌、在嫂房玩Mario......哈哈~總之過得開心就足夠了,歡迎大家加入三蛇這個大家庭,希望能與大家打成一片,有緣的話,OCAMP做我仔仔女女吧!(P.S. 一定一定要介紹我個至愛Rilakkuma!)

Nice to meet you, freshmen! I am General Secretary, Katherine. I am an ordinal person. I like watching movies, taking photos, listening to Korean pop songs and playing Mario in society room, etc. Welcome to our SSS big family! I wish to know all of you. If there is a chance, you may become one of my sons or daughters in ocamp! (P. S. I must introduce my love Rilakkuma!)

Jessie 眼中的Katherine: Gen Sec姐姐,嫂房主人。看似冇乜野做但其實好忙,所有活動要預約場地物資都要經佢。莊的幕後功臣。好喜歡鬆弛熊。會chok聲。:P成日俾莊友激親因為我地唔執野搞到嫂房好混亂。

Jessie’s impression on Katherine:General Secretary, owner of the Society Room. In charge of all bookings of events. Loves Rilakkuma. Other Exco members always make her mad because we are sooo untidy :o

財務秘書 何月嫻 Financial Secretary Moon HoBSocSc (II)Hi,我係月亮。每日都有小小變化既財務秘書。有D慢熱,有D撻皮,有D嚴肅,有D宅。但月有陰晴圓缺,其實我時不時都會熱情下,搏盡下同埋溫柔下架~至於宅呢點就已經根深蒂固,改唔到了~

Hi, I am Moon, Financial Secretary who changes a little every day.

Ron眼中的Moon: Moon, 月亮姐姐, 三蛇財政司, 把守三蛇資產, 有時傻更更, 但做野有交帶

Ron’s impression on Moon:Moon, Miss Moon, financial secretary of SSS, HKUSU, sometimes she’s a bit silly, yet she’s also a responsible girl.

院務秘書 鄧藹婧 Faculty Affairs Secretary Phyllis TangBSocSc (II)自古以來很少有人第一次就能把我的名字讀/寫/串得正確,中英文名也是。大學裏很多朋友都叫我Phy phy。自覺給人的第一印象都是假象,至少不是完全真正的我,做了好朋友後就會知道了~

給新鮮人的話:大學幾年可做的事多得很,但要時時提醒自己別迷失!還有,忙之餘記著要學懂放鬆,不要chur死自己 :)Hi, I don’t know how to describe myself here but my friends always say that the first impression I gave is not the real me.Words to dear freshmen – there’s a lot you can try in university. Yet it’s important that you don’t lose yourself and remember to relax at times! Also, feel free to chat with me or ask me anything about social sciences curricula. I’m always there to help you ;)

Katherine眼中的Phyllis: 她看似很Cool、很斯文,但認識了她之後就會發現她的另一面。她十分關心別人,很有義氣,搏盡莊務,是一個好好的莊友和朋友。所以,千萬不要被她的外貌騙倒啊!Katherine’s impression on Phyllis:Phyllis seems so cool and gentle at first glance. After knowing her, you would discover different sides of her. As a friend and a “jong yau”, she is caring, hard-working and nice. Don’t be cheated by her appearance!

外務秘書 林朗晉 External Affairs Secretary Ron LamBSocSc (II)香港大學學生會社會科學學會2012 外務秘書 林朗晉,外務鐵三角之一,Motto: 搏盡(莊務)無悔 Ron, external affairs secretary of Social Sciences Society, HKUSU 2012, one of the external triangle, Motto: Bok Chun (jong affairs)

Emily眼中的Ron: 好多計仔 好多屎橋lol 好多口水 好有趣 好人一個黎嫁!^^ 得閒搵佢吹下水啦!:D 佢一定樂意奉陪嫁!Emily’s impression on Ron:Ron = Noisy. With Ron in our society room, there will be noise, noise and noise (Haha!)!A guy with lots of funny ideas and VERY talkative!!!He’s very interesting and nice! My good jongyau! Feel free to find him and make friends with him, you will definitely enjoy chatting with him!

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時事秘書 鄧蔚茵 Current Affairs Secretary Jessie Tang BSocSc (II)我係by-election上莊的CA sec Jessie :) 慢熱。有時發癲有時好靜。爛口。不擅溝通的話題終結者。唔聽普通話歌外國歌日本歌韓文歌,只聽廣東話歌。喜愛張繼聰謝安琪農夫麥浚龍劉浩龍,是的,口味比較獨特。會選修社科裏最冷門的地理。

This is Current Affairs Secretary, Jessie :) Sometimes talkative but sometimes very shy. Loves to listen to Canton Pop (only). Is going to take Geography as major, so just feel free to find me if you have any question about Geog :)

Simpson眼中的Jessie: 典型把理想當飯吃的青年,滿腔熱血做着別人不敢做的事,常人早碰壁痛得要命,但可恨的是她現今還吃得很好死不了。莊內的話題終結者,是主席威嚴以外最能控制紀律的武器。

Simpson’s impression on Jessie:Ambitious, energetic and with passion, Jessie always fights for her believes. She is also the “terminator” in here who usually ends discussion in an odd way.

出版秘書 吳昫澄 Publications Secretary Hilda Ng BSocSc (II)新鮮人你們好!我是做海報的出版秘書和做刊物的宣傳秘書。在港大這裏,我遇到各式各樣的人,找到屬於自己的地方。每個人都有自己的故事,不知道你們各自背負着甚麼來到這裏?實在很有興趣聽聽。我希望你們在這裏能學懂堅持,學懂搏盡,做到真正無悔。Hi freshers! This is Hilda, a publications secretary who spent too much time on publicity. I spent my first year here with lots of laughter and tears, and I wish you would have your own memorable journey here in HKU too. The more you give, the more you get, so be brave and dare to explore!

Phyllis眼中的Hilda: 外表堅強硬朗,內裡溫柔體貼(尤見對某位莊友)一個思考型女仔,可由事件的表面第一層說起,剖析至第十層再返回第一層,可你一點也不會覺得沉悶,因她說得生動之餘,思考中的她樣子還格外可愛(至少對那某莊友而言;))很好的聆聽者,熱衷寫作,相信文字的力量...... 總括來說,一位令你印象深刻的好友:)Phyllis’ impression on Hilda:Tough and independent on the outside, gentle and caring underneath. Loves to think and can think from different angles and perspectives, and is also eager to share her ideas. A good listener and writer who believes in the power of words. A good friend whom you’ll definitely treasure :)

福利秘書 黃芷晴 Welfare Secretary Emily Wong BSocSc (II)Halooo freshmen!我係welfare sec Emily! 訂零食同出soc product係我最喜歡的莊務! 我有時好多野講,有時又會唔講野,不過我還是很喜歡認識新朋友的! Freshmen係咪好期待ocamp 好期待Year 1呢? 我都好期待有一班組仔女!!!期待認識你們!;)Hello freshmen! I am welfare secretary, Emily. Ordering refreshment and society product are my favourite jong duties! When others give compliments to my design of society products, the sense of satisfaction can make me feel so happy!!!!Sometimes I talk a lot and sometimes I’m quite, but I do enjoy making new friends!! Are you guys looking forward to o-camps and your Year 1? I also look forward to meeting my jo-jainuis!!!Can’t wait to meet all of you!

Hilda眼中的Emily: 和藹可親的MM令我一直都覺得她本身的存在就是我們莊裏最好的welfare!很sweet的女孩,學野快(Photoshop進步神速),做野有交帶,零食soc物搞掂曬!Hilda’s impression on Emily:MM (that’s how we call her) is the sweetest girl you could find here! Gentle and cheer-ful, I always think she is the best welfare you could find in SSS (no kidding). I’m sure you’d all love to stick around with such a nice and cheerful girl like all of us do!

康樂秘書 陳惠茹 Social Secretary Rita Chan BSocSc (II)Hi Freshmen!! 我係三蛇social sec Rita. 上莊原因及目標為提高會員對三蛇的歸屬感及凝聚會員。希望有機會一一認識各位新加入三蛇的會員,請freshmen知道你有任何問題都可approach我們,三蛇為你們服務!Hi, I am Social Secretary Rita. My aim is to raise the sense of belonging of the members to the society.

Ronnie眼中的Rita: 在我眼中, Rita好像一隻公仔, 是熊啤啤的近親xdd 佢經常處於一個很冷靜的狀態, 表情也不多, 但當你觸發她的不知明神經 (例如陪她飲啤酒 lol), 便會看到她大笑的表情! 外冷內熱的可人兒, 跟她交朋友吧!Ronnie’s impression to Rita:To me, Rita is a doll-like little girl (a close relative of teddy bear) *v*so cute! She is usually calm, stable and mono-face…however she is very sensitive to something unknown (try drinking beer with her!) that will bring her endless and crazy laughter!!!!! Be friends with both the inner & outer cute Rita! ^^

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會員福利Member’s welfare

1. 使用會房設備會房設有電視、梳化、遊戲機WII、會議長桌,會員可於會房傾PROJECT、等人、食飯、傾計、玩耍、撻皮…… 亦有refreshment corner,供會員購買零食飲品,貨品及價錢定時更新,有鱈魚絲,蝦條,點心麵,薯片,還有各式飲品和$2一枝水。同時設有影印及列印服務,黑白印刷也只




新地址:香港大學百周年校園 賽馬會教學樓 9樓930室


1. Society room servicesThere are television, sofas, tables in society room. Members can enjoy eating, chatting, sleeping or rushing project here, and you are welcomed to come and buy snacks from our refreshment corner! We also provide photo-copying and printing service at society room.our Society Room has moved from KK Leung Building to the Centennial Campus in July. It still remains its functions as a workplace of Executive Committee and a place providing welfare and entertainment for members. Come and find us anytime you want! =)

Address: C930, The Jockey Club Tower (Building C, Faculty of Social Sciences), Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong KongOpening hour: 10:30a.m.-06:30p.m.

2. 購買本會產品TEE: $35電腦袋: $45 (13吋) $55 (15吋)衛衣: $120外套:$1202. Society Products on saleSociety t-shirts: $35Society notebook case: $45 ( 13” ) $55 ( 15”)Society hoodies: $120Society jacket: $120

成為三蛇的會員後有甚麼着數呢?我們致力為你提供貼心的福利!After being a member of SSS, you could enjoy the following welfare provided by the society:

3. JOINT SOCIETY JETSO聯社福利計劃聯社福利計劃為參與學會之會員提供多種折扣及福利,商鋪折扣涵蓋不同類型商鋪,包括食肆,書店,消閒娛樂等。3. Joint Society Jetso programe Jointsoc jetso is a scheme which provides diversified discounts and welfare to members. Shop discounts are diversified and include: restaurants, bookshops, entertainment, etc.

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活動簡介Past Events



Internal affairsInternal activities of SSS aim at promoting cohesion and comradeship among members, as well as providing welfare to members. Faculty affairs is also an important issue we concern. SSS serves as a bridge between members and the faculty. Members can communicate with the dean in Dean’s forum, and get useful information from the Faculty and departments in our Major and Minor Talk.Superpass Festival is held at the end of an academic year to motivate members to better prepare for the examination. Although superpass activities are common among different student societies, superpass festival of SSS is the only society that has the tradition of lion dancing in happy park. In the coming semester, we would organize Dean’s forum, second hand book sale and more social functions. Also, do not miss our Welfare Week, which members can get themselves a welfare pack!

在你們未進大學之前,三蛇到底做過甚麼呢?現在就向各位介紹一下吧! 三蛇的活動主要可以分為兩大範疇 — 內務和外務,同時亦會出版刊物。So what have we done in this year before you guys get in? Let’s see!

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External affairs What is external functions?Um.. activities with parties outside SSS or even HKU? Partly correct, Let me tell you what SSS-styled external functions are! ^^SSS’s external functions are featured by current affairs. We aim to raise students’ awareness towards local and global issues. More, we hope to motivate them to participate in social affairs. Hence, SSS has been organizing functions like forums inviting politicians discussing or even debating on some pressing social issues. In our session, we particularly concern the conflicting relationship between Hongkongers and Mainlanders which had been the topic of the Social Sciences Festival. We also held forums about CY Leung elected as Hong Kong’s new CE!Besides forum, SSS issues one-page publications, NOISE which is the commentary wrote by Ex-co. We hope our stance and views would bring insights and lead to further discussion among students.In the rest of our session, SSS will keep voice out for various social issues! We are looking forward to your support!





Publications Our society also produce publications for our members. Beside of this snakers, which is an orientation booklet for freshman, we had also produced a publication for external affairs for the Social Sciences Festival, as well as VOICE, which is a traditional publication of SSS for members’ leisure reading. You could get a copy of all of these at our society room and also read them online!

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在悠長暑假和迎新活動之後,準備搏盡讀書了!但是……“我想Major XXX呀,到底要讀甚麼?”“甚麼是common core?”“聽說可以報讀其他faculty的electives呢,真的嗎?”遇到這些問題,是不是感到很迷惘呢?讓三蛇向大家簡介一下吧!

簡單來說,每個同學在第一年需要修讀的課程可分為三類:主科/必修科,Common Core 和 Language Course,而在完成必須修讀的科目外,有些同學也會從其他學院選修自己感興趣的科目為electives。每個學士學位都有自己的必修科目和注意事項,所以新鮮人們一定要記得向學院或有關部門問清楚,有甚麼不明白也可以找current或三蛇的幹事詢問啊!


Basically, you will have to take three kinds of courses in Year 1: Faculty-required courses, Common Core courses and Language courses. Besides, students may also enroll electives offered by other faculties. Different curriculum and dif-ferent majors and minors have different requirement, therefore you should pay attention to them and you may consult Faculty or the respective departments for more details. Of course, you may also seek help from the seniors or ex-cos!


BSocSc 的一年級生需要從五個系科裏選擇最少三個不同部門的入門課程(Introductory Course)。同學亦要在Year 2選擇主修,有些主修的進階課程(Advanced Course)要求你修讀過某些入門課程才可選修,所以新生需要留意自己心儀的主修的課程要求。

Government & Laws 的一年級生需完成 POLI1002 和 POLI1003,一個非政政學系的Introductory course,還有一些指定的法律科目(多為LLAW和PHIL的course)。

Social Work 的一年級生需完成 SOWK1002, SOWK1004, SOWK1007, SOWK1008, PSYC1001 及SOCI1001 或 SOCI1003。

Journalism 的一年級生需完成 JMSC0101, JMSC0103, JMSC0104, JMSC0107, 另外亦要從學院裏選修second major,所以也要留意其它introductory course。

BEd & BSocSc 為四年制新增課程,目前還沒有詳細課程內容,不過同學的課程要求將會有從教育學院及社科學院提供的各項課目,記得要多留意學院資訊!

A. Faculty-required courses(The below information are based on the regulation of 2011-2012 academic year. Changes may be made for students admitted in 2012-2013)

Different curricula have different requirement for first year undergraduates.For BSocSc students, you have to take introductory courses from at least 3 different departments under the Faculty.For BSocSc(GL) students, you have to take POLI1002, POLI1003, an introductory course outside the department of PPA and some law courses (Mostly LLAW or PHIL courses).For BSW students, you have to finish SOWK1002, SOWK1004, SOWK1007, SOWK1008, PSYC1001 and SOCI1001 or SOCI1003.BJ students have to take JMSC0101, JMSC0103, JMSC0104, JMSC0107 in first year study. As BJ students are also required to choose a second major under the Faculty, you are encouraged to pay attention to the introductory courses.For BEd & BSocSc students, the details of the curriculum requirement are yet to be confirmed, but you could expect you are going to take courses offered by the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Social Sciences, so stay tuned in!


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GEOG1016 Nature conservation for sustainable societies此課程主要圍繞人類與環境的關係及可持續發展。你會認識到人類過度的開採及使用資源對水資源、泥土、林木、漁類及生態等作出的種種深遠影響,以及可持續發展的重要性和方法。This course reviews the major issues related to human-nature interactions, their current status as well as the projection of the future. The use and misuse of major natural re-sources by human societies such as water, soil, forest, fishery and biodiversity, and the possibility for a sustainable future are discussed.

GEOG1017 Human Geography in a Globalizing World很多人認為地理只是一門研究地球的學問,但此課程能令你發現地理還包含很多其他範疇。你會學到在全球一體化下人口發展的形成過程及分佈形態,還有上述議題與自然環境的相互影響。In this course, you will learn that Geography is more than just a study of the earth. Issues of geography taught in this course include the processes and the spatial pattern of human development in this globalizing world. Also, the interaction between the above issues and the natural environment will be discussed.


SOCI1001 Introduction to Sociology這是主修社會學的必修課程,社會學着重研究社會結構及探討個人與社會之間的關係,課程會向同學介紹簡單社會學概念,如社會化、社會分層、社會階層及流動等(筆者最記得的是Mc-Donaldization),讓同學嘗試以社會學的眼光看世界。This is a pre-requisite for doing Sociology major. Sociology investigates the inter-action between individuals within society and structure of different societies, and concepts such as re-socialization, social stratification, social mobility and culture will be discussed.

SOCI1003 Introduction to Anthropology“甚麼是人類學?”對此問題感興趣的你可以考慮修讀這課程。人類學以宏觀角度探討人類社會的演變及形成,從原始社會的文化習俗到對神靈的各種崇拜儀式等都是當中課題。透過多元的文化比較,同學可對社會的多樣化及社會學觀點有更深入的概念。This course will explore, through cross-cultural comparison, key social and cultural issues, such as marriage and kinship, status and social class, ethnicity and identity, language and culture, gender and religion, etc. If you are curious about an-thropology, this is a course you would hate to miss.


SOWK1001 Introduction to Social Administration此科專門研究社會政策及其執行,內容包括社會政策理論、社會福利制度、教育及醫療制度、公共服務私有化等等。據以往經驗,前立法會議員楊森博士將繼續擔任課程講師。The basic theories of social policies, social welfare systems, education and health sys-tems, privatization of services etc. are discussed in this course. According to past expe-rience, past Legislative Councilor Dr. Yeung Sum will be the course lecturer. Page 12

以下為五個學系提供的一些Introductory course的簡介:Below are some brief introductions of the introductory courses offered by the five departments:

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POLI1003 Making sense of Politics這是主修政治的必修科。本科主要介紹政治學基本概念,令同學對政治有更多認識。無論你對民主、政治體制、國家立憲等議題深感興趣還是一竅不通,這科都會讓你對政治有多點認識。This is a pre-requisite for majoring in PPA. It mainly introduces some basic concepts about politics such as legitimacy and different political systems. Through current af-fairs and some famous political issue, student may also have clearer knowledge in some political issues.

POLI1002 Fundamentals of Public Administration這是公共行政學的入門班。公共行政學與政治並不相同,本課程着重介紹施政理念,行政架構和政策實施等概念,課程多以美國和香港的行政體系作參考和個案分析。This course seeks to introduce students to fundamental concepts and theories in public administration. Issues that will be examined include traditions, core functions, processes and accountability of this domain.


PSYC1001 Introduction to Psychology這是主修心理學的必修科。心理學範圍廣泛,除了廣為人知的性格理論和精神病理學外,還包涵生物學,認知科學,行為理論等知識,如果同學想對此有更多理解,這課程是頗有趣的。This course is a pre-requisite for majoring in Psychology. Basic concepts in psychology and representative experiments will be discussed. Students who wish to have a more in-depth knowledge on this field will certainly find this course interesting.

PSYC1004 Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Psychology這也是主修心理學的必修科,不少主修心理學的同學都對要上數學堂感到無奈。課程介紹基本統計學概念,由於心理學主張實驗論證,所以認識數據分析和調查設計是必須的,數學底子較差的同學要有所準備啦。This course is a pre-requisite for students majoring in Psychology. It introduces the analytical aspects of research tech-niques in psychology such as research design and data analysis. Since it involves some knowledge on mathematics and statistics, students who are weak in math should pay more attention to it.

B. Common CoreCommon Core 是有點像通識的課程,內容包羅萬有,這些課程可以讓同學修讀非社科專題,開闊自己的眼界。四年制的同學需要在其中選修6個課程,而三年制的同學需要在一年級選修2個課程。雖然這些課程有許多好grade、爛grade的說法,但很多時候會因為講師或評核制度的變化而有所不同,所以同學還是可以以興趣優先的。Common Core is similar to liberal studies with various courses of different domains. Students from 4-year-curriculum should take 6 courses in 4 years while students from 3-year-curriculum need to take 2 courses in year 1. Although some courses are claimed to be easier to get good marks, these rumor might not be true since every year the grading system might have slight modification. Therefore, students couldconsider choosing courses according to your interests.

C. Language Course除了以上科目,大學亦要求同學修讀中英文科,其中 CAES1901 為所有一年級的必修英文科,此課程會介紹一些學術寫作及朗讀技巧,例如在論文中引述參考文獻,據說這些技巧將有助於同學寫論文和小組簡報。CSSC1001為一年級必修中文科,此課程希望提升同學的中文應用能力,課程有簡繁體轉換、錯別字辨別、句子運用及實用文書寫等趣味內容。

Students are also required to take language courses. For instance, CAES1901 is a compulsory course for all. The tutors will introduce students to different features of speaking and writing in an academic context. You will also learn how to cite reference in an essay. You are also required to take credit bearing Cantonese or Putonghua courses offered by the School of Chinese if you are a non-local student.


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簡單來說,Global Citizenship (簡稱GC)及 Social Innovation (簡稱SI) 是本科生於畢業前必須完成 (!) 的課程,各佔12學分,而不同學系的要求也各有不同:

Global Citizenship (GC) and Social Innovation (SI) are the two compulsory (!) overarching themes for social sciences’ undergraduate, and each makes up 12 credits. The graduation requirements for different curricula are as follows:

學系 Curriculum 畢業要求 Graduation Requirement 所佔學分 Credits

BSocSc GC AND SI 12 +12

BSocSc(GL) GC OR SI 12

BJ GC 12

BSW / /

Global Citizenship讓同學透過到海外交流或工作增廣見聞。同學可以以下其中一個形式完式GC:- 完成 FOSS0019 Global Citizenship internship (12 學分) - 完成 FOSS0020 Global Citizenship summer institute (12 學分)- 透過 OISE (Office of International Student Exchange) 於HKU Worldwide Exchange Programme或社科學院提供的海外大學 (Faculty level exchange programme) 完成12學分的進階課程,或參與經學院批准的暑期課程。HKU Worldwide Exchange Programme 及社會科學學院提供的海外交流計劃將分別於十二月及二月接受報名,同學屆時緊記留意相關消息,不要錯過報名截止日期!

Global Citizenship aims to equip students with global vision through overseas study experiences or internship. Students can fulfill the requirement through one of the following ways:- Completing FOSS0019 Global Citizenship internship (12 credits)- Completing FOSS0020 Global Citizenship summer institute (12 credits)- Taking 12 credits of senior courses from an exchange programme or other summer programme approved by the Faculty. Both HKU Worldwide Exchange Programme (through OISE, Office of International Student Exchange) and the Faculty (Faculty level exchange programme) offer exchange study programme. The application period is usually in De-cember and February respectively.

Social Innovation 透過本地工作經驗為同學提供親身認識社會的機會。同學可於學期期間或暑假時完成FOSS0018 Social Innovation internship (SI2 )。工作機構多為非政府組織,包括不同政黨、非牟利團體等。暑期SI2 的報名時段為一月尾至二月,而學期期間或的SI2於七月尾至八月接受報名。

Social Innovation aims to provide a training platform for students to nurture a good understanding of social issues through first-hand practical experience in local organizations and to apply knowledge and skills acquired at the Univer-sity to real work situations. Students are required to complete FOSS0018 Social Innovation internship (SI2 ) either during term-time (part-time) or in the summer (full-time). The internship partners are mostly non-governmental organizations such as political parties or non-profit organizations. Application period for SI2 (summer) is in January or February, and for SI2 (term-time) is in late July or August.

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Honour classification(派HON)以往派Hon是拉Curve(常模參照)的,會得到甚麼Honour就要視乎同屆同學的表現,但現在的制度改變了!計Honour方法將使用水平參照,同學的Honour會根據你個人的GPA而定,只要你達到指定的GPA,便能取得相應的Honour。這比起以往究竟會不會較容易取得First Hon呢?無人得知,新人們,搏盡!

兩種Transcript(成績單)1. 所有讀過的course將以時序(Chronological Order) 排列,列出每個課程的成績,最後寫出你的Major、cGPA和你的Honour,這是一直以來沿用的模式。2. 所有讀過的course將以Major、Minor/ Electives及Language排列,最後列出你所得的Hon-


To freshmen of the three-year-curriculum:

Perhaps you will think that the GPA and honour classification is way too far from present, yet knowing them is very important for your academic planning!

Honour classificationStandard-referenced honour classification system will be used. The previous system for the hon-our classification was norm-reference tested, meaning you will have to compete with your class-mates in order to get a first honour. Under the new system, you will receive a particular honour once you reach the required GPA.

TranscriptThere will be two kinds of transcripts: 1. Chronological order: All the courses that you had taken will be shown in the transcript according to chronological order, with your Major, cGPA and honour at the end.2. Categorized (NEW!): All the courses that you had taken will be arranged according to your major, minor/electives and Language. In addition, your honour and its percentage will be listed out, so you and your employer can know more about your academic ability.


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水平參照的Honour classification以往派Hon是拉Curve(常模參照)的,會得到甚麼Honour就要視乎同屆同學的表現,但現在的制度改變了!計Honour方法將使用水平參照,同學的Honour會根據你個人的cGPA而定,只要你達到指定的cGPA,便能取得相應的Honour。這比起以往究竟會不會較容易取得First Hon呢?無人得知,新人們,搏盡!

Transcript(成績單)- 分類列出各項成績所有讀過的course將以Major、Minor/Electives、Language及Common Core排列,最後列出你


To freshmen of the four-year-curriculum:

As the first batch of four-year-curriculum students, there are certain changes in the system that you must know! Over the years The University has been analyzing and consulting issues concerned with honour classification, and great changes had been made for the new curriculum:

Ratio of 1:1:1:1 for calculating honourUnder the current system, students can take a second major from other faculties. However, the honour calculating method varies across different faculties and had been confusing. Therefore, The University standardized the honour calculating system of all faculties to 1:1:1:1.

Standard-referenced honour classification systemThe previous system for the honour classification was norm-reference tested, so you have to com-pete with your classmates in order to get a first honour. Under the new system, you will receive the honour once you reached the required cGPA.

Transcript- Newly-categorized transcriptAll the course that you had taken will be categorized into Major, Minor/Electives, Language and Common Core (instead of listed according to the chronological order). The new system allows you and your employers know more about your academic ability.

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港大俚語HKU SLANG來到港大,急不期待要認識這裏的文化了吧?我們準備了精彩內容!現在先由俚語開始,大家一起學下“港大話”! 注:以下內容涉及大量疑似火星文,請多用意會

As a HKU student, are you curious about the culture of HKU? We’ve prepared lots of interesting facts for you! Let’s start from learning HKU slangs!


例句: 今次比賽一定要贏,我地要搏盡打!

Bok Jun: Means trying your very best! Mostly used for encouraging your friends.



Tappy (Tat Pay) : Used to describe a person who is sluggish.



Bottom line (Dai sin): Used to describe people who do things at the very last minute.



Jim Jim: Used to describe someone who is (too) proud for his achievement.

潛指人曝光率低,不太活躍,像潛了水一樣; 相反詞是“浮”,意解活躍


Dive (Tsim):Describes people who are really inactive in activities and are rarely seen by others in campus.The opposite

of it is “float” which means active.

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Harsh (“Har Shu”):Derived from the word ”harsh, it describes the feeling a person has when encountering a harsh thing, event or a person.



Champ:originated from the word” champion”, it refers to people who are talented and are admired.


例句:我知mock camp連chur三日好辛苦,但做到呀!

Zhou dou:Means “you can do it”, used for encouraging people.



Mo Wai:A word for cheering up people when they are not doing very well.



Out Pool:They have out pool! Congratulations to them! What a sweet couple!.



Super Pass/ Pass 3:In HKU, a GPA of 3 or above is considered a good result. Therefore dur-ing exam period we would usually do Super Pass functions and wish people Super Pass so as to cheer everybody up.

R非常好用的字眼,意思是用力去尋找/做某些東西,用法有R sponsor, R吹等


R:A verb used to describe finding something with effort.

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大學地標HKU CAMPUS我在哪裡上課?我在哪裡溫書?我在哪裡撻皮?讓我們一一解答你吧!Know more about our campus!

莊月明文娛中心CYM Amenities Centre

方樹泉文娛中心(太古樓側 )

FSC Amenities CentreMain Campus 共有兩個文娛中心,同學可以透過(HKU Portal)於網上預約房間作不同活動的使用,例如開會、練舞、練琴等。方樹泉文娛中心地下設有Global Lounge,是撻皮的好地方。 There are two Amenities Centres in Main Campus. Students can reserve the rooms through the online booking system of HKU Portal for different activities. There is also a Global Lounge located in FSC’s G/F which is a nice place for leisure.

中山廣場 Sun Yat-sen Place在圖書館旁的中山廣場又名為「開心公園」。這裡經常有不同的團體舉行活動,例如論壇、辯論比賽和表演等。這裡亦是等朋友的好地方。The Sun Yat-sen Place is also called “Happy Park”. Different organizations’ and university’ activities such as forums, debates,performances, etc. are held there. It is a good place for waiting friends as well.

診所Medical Clinic位於明華綜合大樓二樓,同學如有身體不適,可以上網、打電話(2549 4686)或親身去到診所預約看醫生。It is located on the second floor of Meng Wah Complex. Students can make an appointment through web booking, calling 2549 4686 or going in person for medical consultation.

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Centennial Campus (CC)


賽馬會教學樓 (社會科科學院)The Jockey Club Tower (Faculty of Social Sciences)賽馬會教學樓是百周年校園的全新建築,亦是社會科學學院的總部,同學當然要知道每個department和faculty office的位置!The Jockey Club Tower has eleven floors. It is important to know where department office and faculty office are!

11/F 學院辦公室 Faculty Office

10/F 地理學系 Dept. of Geography

9/F 政治與公共行政學系 Dept. of Politics and Public Administration

社會學系 Dept. of Sociology

6/F 心理學系 Dept. of Psychology

5/F 社會工作及社會行政學系 Dept. of Social Work and Social Administration

另外,三蛇會房設在 9/F 930 室,大家記得過來看看哦!Our society room is located at 9/F 930. Come and visit us!

圖書館大樓(Main 拉) Main Library (Main Lib)位於大學中心的圖書館是一個資料搜集、溫書和做project的好地方!圖書館第三層有專門為同學而設的 study zone、collaboration zone 和 multi-purpose zone,讓同學有一個舒適的環境學習。Located at the center of the campus, the Main Library is a good place for data research, studying and doing project! The third floor consists of study zone, collaboration zone and multi-purpose zone that provide a comfortable environment for students to study.

電腦中心 (CC)Computer Center校內有兩個電腦中心讓同學列




There are two computer cent-ers for students to print notes and assignments. One is located on the first floor of Old Library Extension and the other one is located on the first floor of Run Run Shaw Building.

本部大樓Main Building香港大學最具代表性的建築物,富有歷史價值,作為港大學生,有空多去看看吧!The Main Building is the oldest building in Main Campus and is also a remarkable historical heritage. Go and pay a visit if you have time!

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食在港大 HKU Eating Guide

Swire Canteen位置:方樹泉文娛中心(太古樓側 ) 二樓Campus下午茶first choice推介: 炸髀、公司三文治Location: 2/F, FSC Amenities CentreBest for afternoon tea within campus!Recommendation: Fried chicken leg, Club sandwiches

在港大找不到想吃的東西?不知道學校附近有甚麼好吃的?來看看吧!Don’t know where to find a nice meal and get your favourite drink? Come and have a look!

Oliver’s Super-Sandwich位置:莊月明文娛中心四樓Campus早餐first choice推介: 煙肉焗薯、蘑菇飛碟Location: 4/F, CYM Amenities CentreBest for breakfast within campus!Recommendation: Baked potato, Mushroom toastie

CYM Canteen位置: 莊月明文娛中心四樓燒味飯為最佳選擇, 值得一提CYM Can最入有一間西餐廳,人客數目較少, 但價錢較貴 推介: 四寶飯Location: 4/F, CYM Amenities Centre A variety of choices are available here including Halah food. Counter 5 provides western food and normally less crowded with more seats, but relatively more expensive.Recommendation: Siu Mei

Pacific Coffee位置:方樹泉文娛中心(太古樓側 ) 地下大學師生享有七折,有多款pastry選擇,位於Global Lounge 內,是傾project 好去處推介: 波菜三文魚批,雞肉貝殼粉沙律Location: G/F, FSC Amenities CentreThere is 30% off for HKU students. It is situated inside Global Lounge which is a good places for taking rest or doing project!Recommendation: Spinach salmon pie, Chicken salad

Ebeneezer’s Kebabs & Pizzeria位置:方樹泉文娛中心(太古樓側 ) 一樓校園裏提供清真食物的餐廳,羊肉和串燒雞肉是不錯選擇, 但炒飯較乾, 價錢較貴推介: 羊肉卡巴、夏威夷薄餅Location: 2/F, FSC Amenities CentreA restaurant which serves halal food , kebab and pizza. Recommendation: Lamb kebab, Hawaii pizza

SU Canteen位置:學生會大樓地下Campus晚餐first choice推介: 粟米斑腩飯Location: G/F, SU BuildingBest for dinner within campus!Recommendation: Grouper with corn

校園內 Within Campus

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校園外 Outside Campus

東閘東閘出門之後落樓梯到水街開始就能找到很多好東西吃!我們的為食王Ron Lam 為大家推介以下幾間餐廳:


健品屋:老闆娘親自下廚,色香味俱存。當有order, 老闆娘即時精心炮製小菜,絕對有媽媽的感覺 :)






光記食店:味道十分唔錯,火喉十足,價錢相宜,另一個大細O re-u好去處。雜果沙律配上炸排骨,感覺新鮮。

Thai Pad:價錢較貴但味道很好的泰式餐廳,環境寧靜。筆者強烈推薦這裏買的咖哩牛腩飯,令人一試難忘。

BBQ:想BBQ,但不想親手燒野食禁辛苦? 這裡有各式各樣燒物選擇味道十分唔錯,但價錢較貴。只有晚市。





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大學五件事The 5 “Must-Do” in U



What is the 5 “must-do” in U and what’s so special about it? Here in HKU, we mention it quite often and it basically means the five things that most students here are experiencing: studying, living in hall, being an exco, “out pool” (dating) and doing part time. Many would consider these as something that HKU students should definitely try, while some couldn’t care less about it. Let’s see how the freshman from last year (yep, that’s us) think about them!

讀書斯StudyingJessie 有人覺得上到大學就像入場卷到手,三年後拿張沙紙走人就算;有人入到大學依然像考公開試一樣爆GPA追hon;有人揀course為好grade為輕鬆為靚仔靚女professor。如無意外,餘下三四年會是你最後的全職學生生涯,何不認認真真讀下書?不是叫你做書蟲,只是想你每次出試場都無悔,會覺得讀完個course真心學到野。可能好多師兄師姐對你說邊個course好grade俾埋sources你抄,但若然你對個course有興趣,自然就讀得開心唔走堂起勁做功課,就算是killer course都可以拿好grade。

Some people will abandon their study because they have already guaranteed a degree. Some people still rank this as a high priority and would strike SO hard for GPA. No matter which way you choose, follow your heart and believe in yourself. Don’t follow the norm blindly. Hope you won’t regret after the 3 or 4 years study!

Hilda很坦白,我lecture走不少,功課很底綫,“Due tomorrow Do tomorrow”是格言,但我知道我比很多人都更努力讀書。香港教育教出來的“精英”多是頂尖考試機器,他們沒有學習的動力,只懂為成績盲忙,發瘋,崩潰。我雖然立志求學問,但在到處跑跑跳跳之後,我實在無法再做分數奴隸,所以我選擇以自己的方法讀我的書,看我的世界。二十嵗不到的你還有青春,何不試一次認真求學問,找回自己的興趣,讀自己真正喜歡的課,記起那個為學習快樂,而不是為A高興的你。

In here you may experience lots of re-definition: the thing you used to think you were good at or the way you coped with your study might not do you as much good now. Yet don’t worry- afterall, you are still a student and there’s nothing shameful about failures: what’s important is you could really learn from it.

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住HALLLiving in hall


有不同文化。透過舍堂內各式各樣的活動,你可以認識到不同學科的朋友,找到life long




Hall education is one of the distinctive characteristics of HKU. There are 13 halls in HKU with different cultures. While living in a hall, you could meet and make many friends from different backgrounds and establish life-long friendship. You could also participate in different activities and inter-hall competition. There are many things for you to experience in your university life, and having good time management will make you gain more from your hall life. You might want to join the touch camps of different halls and choose the one you found suitable for you.







學生宿舍(Residential College),是最新的宿舍呢!

There are 13 residential halls in HKU and each of them has its unique culture and characteristics. Freshmen should try to know more about halls before choosing them. If you only want a place without any student activities, you may try the new Lung Wah Street Residential Colleges!

Credit to University Hall

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上莊being an exco


有乜唔好?燃燒 GPA :( 要舉辦活動自然失去了時間讀書,浪費時間……





“Seung Jong”: Being the executive committee of a student society. In here, you would spend lots of effort and time on organizing functions.Disadvantages? Threatens GPA :( Spending time on organizing activities means less time for studying… But is that true? In fact, studying in University does not necessary requires a lot of your time. What matters most is time management and multi-tasking skills which are something you may learn through the challenging “Seung Jong”!!!Advantages? Play and joy… and more! “Seung Jong” is a great chance for you to accomplish something meaningful and show your talents! And you will receive a valuable gift- “jong yaus”, other executive committee who would work with you throughout the year. Be comrades for one year, and become friends for the rest of your life!







Being an executive committee is more than operating a society or holding functions. You may work with your “jong yaus” from day to night, know each other’s strength and weakness, and argue for the tiniest stuff. Some may find valuable work experiences and lifetime friends while some may find nothing but meaninglessness and emptiness. At the end, all of them are just a process if your fruitful life, if you would treasure what you have.

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PS 其實唔出pool都幾好架,至少唔洗請食出pool飯 :)

“唔係有心就唔好追佢 你諗下佢流嘅眼淚 傷害佢 將來佢 唔再相信愛 你仲點過意得去”


Be brave and date your crush! But take it seriously and don’t hurt anyone.


“Out pool” (or dating)










Back then when I was a freshman like you, I couldn’t understand why “out pool” would be considered as a “must-do” in university. I knew being in love is awesome but I just couldn’t see why everyone’s so crazy about that. Yet if you ask me now, I would tell you this is probably the only thing that’s worth you thousands of tears in your university life. Even if you are not getting a perfect relationship, chances are love is still somewhere around- whether it’s a secret crush, awkward dates, bitter-sweet love, or even a heart-breaking break up. Everyone has his own unique love stories to tell (and learn not to judge others), but if there is something everyone could agree on, it would be that this is a lesson we will all need to learn it with our heart.

Credit to Ronnie Chee ;D

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兼職doing part-time


且彈性高,是大學生爭住搵的兼職!不過在此小小建議:經HKU CEDARS 搵補習比坊間補


少左啦!除此之外,HKU CEDARS 亦會提供很多其他兼職資訊,同學可以多加留意!

Private tutoring brings you high returns like $100-200 per hour, and it’s a job of high flexibility. So, private tutoring has been a very popular part-time job among uni students. Just a little advice: Prefer searching students through HKU CEDARS rather than agents. CEDARS will find student for free while agents will charge and you will earn less! Moreover, CEDARS also provide lots of different part-time information, so check it out frequently!






當然,有空記得好好休息一下,休息夠才搏盡 ;)

so that’s all about the 5 “must-do” here in HKU! Of course, there are

much more for you to explore besides these. What do you think? Are

you interested in experiencing these, or do you prefer go beyond the

school boundary and learn from others? No matter which way you

choose, be determined and you will succeed! All the best!

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第六件事...the 6th “must-do”...





It’s obvious that your U life is much more that the 5 “must do”. What is your “must do” in your mind? How would you set your priorities? Do think aboout it!

分配好五件事的時間Have a good balance between the 5 “must-do”

回家Going back home

社交Expanding your social circle

去ExchangeGoing for exchange

學取捨,學放手,更學不放手。Learn to let go, and learn to not let go

玩dramaDoes drama

同好友食TEAHigh-tea with friends

找到第六件事To find out the sixth thing

去探索世界,可以去看展覽去café,當然還有去旅行。Go explore the society and things around you!

回家Going back home

落老蘭 Hang out in LKF












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開學To-Do ListTo-Do List一升上大學,要做的事十分多,怎樣好?不用怕,三蛇送你一個開學錦囊,讓你輕輕鬆鬆上大學!

There are lots of things to do when you just enter to university. Feeling nervous? Don’t worry, we’ll give you several tips for preparing the start of semester so that you won’t miss out anything important!

Check Portal Email Check HKU Portal Email(幾乎是天天都要做的事,因為學校裡面很多重要的消息都透過Portal Email通知同學。如果不想錯過任何資訊就要勤check了!

Check Portal EmailChecking Portal Email ( is a routine every day as many important messages was sent via Portal. If you do not want to miss any messages, you should check your Portal Email frequently.

報Hall/ Residential College (八月)港大現時提供hall和Residential College給同學選擇。今年hall的報名的截止日期為8/8(三年制)和29/8(四年制),如果同學想享受舍堂或住宿生活的話,就記得多留意舍堂的資訊,否則就要等到開學後才能再報!

Apply for Halls / Residential Colleges (August)HKU provides halls and residential colleges to undergraduate students. The deadline for applying hall is 8/8 (for 3yr student) and 29/8 (for 4yr student). If you wish to experience hall or residence life, you should pay attention to the deadline or you will have to wait till the start of semester!

申請locker (八月)如果不想經常帶著沉重的書本和筆記回校,可填form去faculty office申請Locker。申請成功後,要好好保管鎖匙,遺失鎖匙會被罰款的。

Apply For a locker (August)If you do not want to bring tons of books and notes to school, you may submit a form to faculty office to apply for a locker. Please keep your key safe or a charge will be imposed if you lost it.

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選科(八月至九月)及Reg tutorial入學第一件最重要的事當然就是選科了!今年選科程序在27/8開始,同學可透過HKU Portal 選科。在選科之前,同學應先看看faculty網頁上的Regulations and Syllabuses,亦可參考前面關於科目簡介的部分,選讀自己心儀的科目。如果同學選科時段結束後想更改修讀的courses,就要密切留意Add-Drop Period的時間了。此外,同學通常會在第一堂的lecture或透過email得知報導修課的時間和方法,所以要繼續打醒精神哦!

Course and tutorial enrollment (August-September)The most important here is choosing courses! This year’s course registration will start from 27/8, and you may do it via HKU Portal. Before that, you should see Regulations and Syllabuses on Faculty website as well as academic session in this book. If you want to change your choices after course selection period, you can rearrange your courses in add-drop period. The time and method for registration of tutorials will be informed by email or in the first lecture, so stay tuned!

買手提電腦 (九月)進了大學後,用手提電腦上課、做功課、present就少不了。同學可以在學校以大學生優惠價購買手提電腦,這樣就方便不少了。

Purchase Notebook (September)You can buy a notebook at discounted price for university students. It is much more convenient for you to take notes in lectures, do assignments and make presentations.

申請Grant Loan (九月)申請Grant Loan 需填妥申請表和提交相關文件,手續繁複,所以交去CEDARS前要準備好所有文件,以免因要補交文件而延長處理時間。

Apply for Grant Loan (September)You are required to submit the form and related documents to CEDARS office for applying Grant Loan. Please be reminded to prepare all required documents beforehand to avoid unnecessary delay or trouble.

最後一個溫馨小提示就是要努力讀書,因為你的GPA會直接影響你報internship和exchange的選擇。The last warm reminder is studying hard as your GPA will directly affect your application of internship and exchange. Freshmen, “Bok Jun”!

新鮮人,搏盡!“Bok Jun”, freshmen!

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