  • The Role of Taiwanese Organizations in Influencing China-US Relations

  • Brief IntroductionNumbers of Taiwanese Organizations existing in United States

    They flourishing in every corner of US

    Performing all kinds of lobbying activities

    Playing an important role in influencing China-US relations

  • About These Organizations These Taiwanese organizations, both including many founded before the cold war and many founded in recent one or two decades, are always trying to seek more benefits from the US mainly by lobbying the Congress.

    Long time ago, they were called China lobby; Nowadays, they should be named as Taiwan lobby for some reasons. China lobby, Taiwan lobby

  • The Components of These Organizations

    Mainly including Chinese officials and businessmen from Taiwan

    Also consisting of many paid US foreign agents, business organizations, missionaries, politicians and other categories

    They work for them partly for money, while others for the common or private interests

    But a little part working for them only due to their emotion to Taiwan

  • The lobbying mainly towards the Congressmen, because their tours of duty are short and they only think about immediate interests

    Also towards Senators and administration officials, but not frequently

    The public, scholars and medias are other objects of their propagandas Objects of Their Activities

  • Calling on some Congressmen and politicians or holding many kinds of banquets to invite them

    Sometimes even bribe some high-ranking government officials

    Propagandize to the public and medias and utilize them to influence the Congress and Government Means of Their Activities

  • By employing Public Relations Company Cassidy Associates is the most famous one

    By inviting many Congressmen and their families to visit Taiwan totally free

    Providing financial assistance to some famous scholars and universities through some culture exchange institutions Means of Their Activities (cont.)

  • Protect Taiwan during Korea War and Taiwan Strait Crisis

    The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 and US-Taiwan Defense Treaty 1979

    Lee Teng-huis US trip in 1995 1995

    The foundation of Taiwan Caucuses in US Congress Achievements of Their Activities

  • The beginning: Song Meilings US trip in WW

    When Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan, China lobbys activities in US China lobby

    The foundation of Committee of One Million

    The normalization of PRC-US diplomatic relations in 1979 1979The First Stage

  • The Taiwan Relations Acts becoming the regulation of US-Taiwan relations after 1980 1980

    Several changes in China lobby and their objectives China lobby

    The foundation of several important Taiwanese organizations, FAPA is the most influential one A New Stage

  • A New Stage (cont.)()The Taiwan official organizations (TECRO) in Washington, D.C ()

    The role of Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNAIC)

    The role of Taiwan Research (Studies) Institute

    The role of Chiang Ching-kuo foundation and other culture exchange institutes

  • The Latest ProgressThe Taiwan political circle and its influence to Taiwanese organizations in US

    The divergence among them and the conflict it caused

    Still some same objectives; the great amount of Taiwan immigrants in US

  • Some Negative EffectsCost numerous money

    The criticism from administration officials

    Also antipathy of some Congressmen

  • ConclusionThe big power of Taiwan lobbywhich inferior only to Israel lobby Taiwan lobby , Israel lobby

    Hard to solve Taiwan issue for PRC so long as Taiwan organizations still exist