Page 1: World Paper Money Culture/Tiansheng Sun

定价 : HK$75 / US$ 9.9

Page 2: World Paper Money Culture/Tiansheng Sun

World Paper Money Culture

孙天晟 Tiansheng Sun

Art, Music, and Human Life on World Paper MoneyArt, Music, and Human Life on World Paper Money

纸币上的音乐与舞蹈Music and Danceon Paper Money

纸币上的人文与生活Human Life onPaper Money

纸币上的艺术与建筑Art and Architecture

on Paper Money

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《世界纸币文化》/ 孙天晟 著 . —— 四季出版有限公司 , 四季出版社 2015.11

ISBN 978-988-8386-06-2

Ⅰ . 世… Ⅱ . 孙… Ⅲ . ①文化

出品人:孙天晟 责任编辑:王 刚

设 计:李 敏 执行编辑:刘 鑫

校 对:沈 海 发 行:四季出版有限公司



地 址:香港九龙南昌街宝昌大楼

印 刷:四季出版有限公司

开 本:16 开本

字 数:68 千字

册 数:1-1000 册

版 次:2015 年 11 月第一版

印 次:2015 年 11 月第一次

定 价:HK$75 / US$9.9


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前言 Preface







To most collectors, the main appeal of collecting paper money lies in its lucrativeness. To me, however, currency collection is a way to secure scientific and artistic enjoyment, catch a glimpse of the humanistic and historical knowledge of different nations of the world, as well as broaden my horizons and elevate my spirit. As yet, I have collected and studied paper money from many countries and categorized and compiled them into my three favorite themes "Music", "Art" and "Human Life" to share with you.

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目录 Catalog

前言 Preface ………………………………………………………………… 03

1、钱币上的人文与生活 / Human Life on Paper Money ……………… 05

专题:马拉维和马拉维湖 / Malawi and Malawi Lake ………………………… 28

2、钱币上的音乐与舞蹈 / Music and Dance on Paper Money ………… 29

专题:音乐与纸钞 — 爱尔兰、德国和奥地利(补充)

Music and Paper Notes - Ireland, Germany and Austria (supplemental) ……… 47

3、钱币上的艺术与建筑 / Art and Architecture on Paper Money …… 51

专题:马其顿的艺术瑰宝 / The artistic treasure in Macedonia ……………… 74

白俄罗斯专题:—— 一国建筑浓缩于一国货币

Belarusian Ruble: The embodiment of Belarus Architecture …………………… 77

艺术家与他们的艺术作品(补充) / Artists and their works (supplemental) …… 80

专题:欧元 —— 一部西方艺术史(补充)

Euro, An Western Art History (supplemental) ………………………………… 84

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纸币上的人文与生活Human Life on Paper Money





Currencies of dif ferent nations a l l embody r ich

connotations, displaying colorful scenes and the

human activities in each nation. They constitute a

miniature encyclopedia of the world whose perusal and

appreciation give us a paper-routed world tour and a

deep understanding of the life of people of different


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2010 年版 50 港元(正面)----1 2010 年版 50 港元(背面)----22010-version 50 Hong Kong dollars (front) 2010-version 50 Hong Kong dollars (back)

2010 年版 20 港元(正面)----3 2010 年版 20 港元(背面)----4 2010-version 20 Hong Kong dollars (front) 2010-version 20 Hong Kong dollars (back)

1991 版 50 索马里先令(正面)----5 1991 版 50 索马里先令(背面)----6 1991-version 50 Somalia shillings (front) 1991-version 50 Somalia shillings (back)

2008 年版 20 尼日利亚奈拉(正面)----7 2008 年版 20 尼日利亚奈拉(背面)----8 2008-version 20 Nigeria naira (front) 2008-version 20 Nigeria naira (back)

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Human Life on Paper Money

1996 年版 5 苏里南盾 ( 正面 )----9 1996 年版 5 苏里南盾(背面)----101996-version 5 Surinam gulden (front) 1996-version 5 Surinam gulden (back)

2 萨摩亚塔拉纪念钞(正面)----11 2 萨摩亚塔拉纪念钞(背面)----12 Samoan 2 Tala (commemorative note) (front) Samoan 2 Tala (commemorative note)(back)

2004 年 10 海地古德(正面)----13 2004 年 10 海地古德(反面)----142004-version 10 Haitian gourdes (front) 2004-version 10 Haitian gourdes (back)

2006 年 5 马尔代夫拉菲亚(正面)----15 2006 年 5 马尔代夫拉菲亚(背面)----16 2006-version 5 Maldivian rufiyaa (front) 2006-version 5 Maldivian rufiyaa (back)

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2009 年 50 尼日利亚奈拉(正面)----17 2009 年 50 尼日利亚奈拉(背面)----182009-version 50 Nigeria naira (front) 2009-version 50 Nigeria naira (back)

2 所罗门群岛元(正面)----19 2 所罗门群岛(背面)----202 Solomon Islands dollars (front) 2 Solomon Islands dollars (back)

2005 年版 1000 科摩罗法郎 ----21 2005 年 1000 科摩罗法郎 ----22 2005-version 1000 Comoros francs (front) 2005-version 1000 Comoros francs (back)

2009 年版 1 津巴布韦元(正面)----23 2009 年版 1 津巴布韦元(背面)----242009-version 1 Zimbabwean dollar (front) 2009-version 1 Zimbabwean dollar (back)

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Human Life on Paper Money

1990 年版 50 几内亚比绍比索(正面)----25 1990 年版 50 几内亚比绍比索(背面)----261990-version 50 Guinea-Bissau pesos (front) 1990-version 50 Guinea-Bissau pesos (back)

2002 年 500 中非法郎(正面)----27 2002 年 500 中非法郎(反面)----28 2002-version 500 Central African francs (front) 2002-version 500 Central African francs (back)

1997 年版 2 新加坡元(正面)----29 1997 年版 2 新加坡元(背面)----301997-version 2 Singapore dollars (front) 1997-version 2 Singapore dollars (back)

1990 年版 1000 索马里先令(正面)----31 1990 年版 1000 索马里先令(背面)----321990-version 1000 Somalia shillings (front) 1990-version 1000 Somalia shillings (back)

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2010 年版斯威士兰 10 埃马兰吉尼(正面)----35 2010 年斯威士兰 10 埃马兰吉尼(背面)----362010-version 10 Swaziland emalangeni (front) 2010-version 10 Swaziland emalangeni (back)

5 元危地马拉格查尔(正面)----37 5 元危地马拉格查尔(背面)----385 Guatemalan quetzal (front) 5 Guatemalan quetzal (back)

2005 年版 2 新加坡元(正面)----39 2005 年版 2 新加坡元(背面)----402005-version 2 Singapore dollars (front) 2005-version 2 Singapore dollars (back)

斯威士兰 1 里兰吉尼(正面)---33 斯威士兰 1 里兰吉尼(背面)----341 Swaziland lilangeni (front) 1 Swaziland lilangeni (back)

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Human Life on Paper Money

500 索马里先令(正面)----41 500 索马里先令(背面)----42500 Somalia shillings (front) 500 Somalia shillings (back)

1997 年版 5 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----43 1997 年版 5 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----441997-version 5 Malawian kwacha (front) 1997-version 5 Malawian kwacha (back)

2007 版 20 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----47 2007 版 20 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----48 2007-version 20 Malawian kwacha (front) 2007-version 20 Malawian kwacha (back)

2004 年版 10 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----45 2004 版 10 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----462004-version 10 Malawian kwacha (front) 2004-version 10 Malawian kwacha (back)

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2004 年版 50 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----49 2004 版 50 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----502004-version 50 Malawian kwacha (front) 2004-version 50 Malawian kwacha (back)

2004 年版 100 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----51 2004 版 100 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----522004-version 100 Malawian kwacha (front) 2004-version 100 Malawian kwacha (back)

2004 年版 200 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----53 2004 版 200 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----542004-version 200 Malawian kwacha (front) 2004-version 200 Malawian kwacha (back)

2004 年版 500 马拉维克瓦查(正面)----55 2004 版 500 马拉维克瓦查(背面)----562004-version 500 Malawian kwacha (front) 2004-version 500 Malawian kwacha (back)

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Human Life on Paper Money

◆ 马拉维湖 Malawi Lake (Page / 28)

◆ 马拉维湖 Malawi Lake

(Page / 28)

◆ 斯威士兰国王姆斯瓦蒂三世Mswati III, king of Swaziland

◆斯威士兰 芦苇节 Weed festival, Swaziland

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纸币上的生活与文化 Human Life on Paper Money







Paper currency is noted not simply for its economic funct ion . I t prov ides an important perspective of human life, the different customs and cultures of different places and the status quo and features of the life of different countries' people. The cultures of each nation and region and people's life have provided essential materials for the design of paper currency.

① 学校学习与读书场景School learning and reading scenes


School and education are indispensible to a nation. Children of every generation must absorb knowledge on a daily basis to be valuable to their motherland in the future, so it is unsurprising that school learning and reading scenes often recur in some national currencies.

新加坡 2 元 2 Singapore dollars● 新加坡是亚洲东南亚的一个小的城市岛国。国土面积仅为



新加坡 2 元 2 Singapore dollars

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Human Life on Paper Money


Singapore is a small island country in southeastern Asia, with a mere surface area of 718.3 km2 and a population of 5.47 million. It is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Its official language is English, Chinese, Tamil and Malay. Its majority of citizens are of Chinese descent and it is the only country, other than China, that has included Chinese into its official languages.

● 新加坡的钱币中上方有用四种语言书写的新加坡国名,体现


The currency of Singapore is printed with the name of Singapore in four languages on its upper middle, displaying its four-official-language feature.

● 新加坡元 2 元纸币的背后为学校生活场景。2005 年版为塑


素,除此学校场景外,还有 10 元背后的运动场景,50 元背后的音


The Singaporean 2 dollars note is printed with the school scene on its back. The 2005-version is a plastic note. Moreover, the present Singaporean dollars are mostly printed with life and cultural elements on the back, such as the athletic scene on the 10 dollar and musical scene on the 50 dollar.

中非法郎 500 法郎 500 Central African francs

● 中非法郎是中非几个国家使用的货币,这几个国家是:赤

道几内亚 喀麦隆 中非共和国 乍得 刚果共和国 加蓬。中非法郎与

欧元为固定汇率,1 欧元 =655.957 中非法郎。各个国家通过字母

区别不同。在 500 元 2002 年版中非法郎的正面,是几个学生在学

习的场景。其中含有字母 M 表示这张纸币为中非共和国的中非法


Central African franc is a shared currency of several Central African nations including Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon. CAF is exchanged for euro at a fixed rate of 1: 655.957. CAF of different nations differentiates by letters shown on the paper money (for this one, letter'M' indicates the country of Central African Republican.) The front of the 2002-version 500 francs note is printed with a scene of several students learning together.

● 格查尔是危地马拉货币的名称。格查尔是一种鸟类的名字。


拉是中美洲国家,为古代玛雅文化的中心之一。面积约 11 万平方

中非法郎 500 法郎 500 Central African francs

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公里,人口约为 1580 万人。首都:危地马拉城。官方语言为西班

牙语。在 5 元危地马拉的背面为学生上课场景。在其前方为一个





Quetzal is the name of the national bird of Guatemala, a Central American nation and one of the centers of ancient Mayan culture, with an area of 110,000 km2 and a population of 15.8 million. Its capital is Guatemalan City and Spanish is its official language. The back of a 5 Guatemalan quetzal note is a scene of students having a class. At the foreground, a teacher is advising three students and at the background, a teacher is writing on the blackboard. The bright colors and densely-arrayed scenes display the happiness of learning. The middle left of the front of a 5 Guatemalan quetzal is an image of quetzal, showing the importance of this bird in the country.

马拉维 10 克瓦查 10 Malawian kwacha ● 马拉维为非洲南部内陆国家,国土面积 11.8 万平方公里,

被赞比亚、莫桑比克与坦桑尼亚三个国家包围其中。人口 1511.8万,


查,1 马拉维克瓦查 =100 坦巴拉。首都:利隆圭。官方语言为英

语和齐切瓦语。在 2004 年 10 马拉维克瓦查背面为三个学生在乡


Malawi is a Southern African inland country, surrounded by Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania. With an area of 118,000 km2 and a population of 15.118 million, it is one of the least developed countries in the world. Its currency is kwacha, with 1 kwacha equal to 100 tambala. Its official languages are English and Chichewa and its captial is Lilongwe. On the back of the 2004-version 10 kwacha is the scene of three students reading in the countryside.

② 节日与节庆 Festivals


Every country has its own festival and ceremony which give us a glimpse of the nation's culture and customs as well as the beliefs of its inhabitants. Many countries' currencies are printed with images of festivals.

马拉维 10 克瓦查10 Malawian kwacha

危地马拉 5 格查尔 5 Guatemalan quetzal

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Human Life on Paper Money

新加坡 2 元 新加坡春节场景2 Singaporean dollars, Spring Festival scene

● 新加坡 1997 年版 2 元背后为 Chingay Procession 的图案。上

面有很多传统中国元素,是一个很热闹的节日场景。Chingay 即妆艺。

Chingay Procession是新加坡纪念新加坡新年的一种方式,十分热闹。

The 1997-version 2 Singaporean dollars note is printed with the Chingay Procession which features many traditional Chinese elements. Chingay means make-up and dress. The procession is the Singaporean way to celebrate Singapore newyear in Singapore.

斯威士兰 10 埃马兰吉尼 10 Swaziland emalangeni

● 斯威士兰王国是非洲南部的小内陆国家,国土面积仅 17363平方公里,人口约 125 万,是黑非洲国家中经济较好的国家。首



Swaziland is a small southern African inland country, with an area of 17,363 km2 and a population of 1.25 million. It is one of the better developed countries in Africa. Its official languages are English, Swazi and Zulu and Mbabane is its capital. Its currency unit is lilangeni whose plural form is emalangeni and whose value is equal to that of South African rand.

● 在 2010 年版的 10 埃马兰吉尼及 1974 年版的 1 里兰吉尼背

面为 Ncwala 国王节日的图案。Ncwala 是斯威士兰最重要的国家节


王选妃的节日)。Ncwala 一般在 12 月或一月举办,每年的具体日


王都十分看重表达国王和臣民之间关系的歌舞仪式。Ncwala 祭奠



On the backs of the 2010-version 10 emalangeni and the 1974-version 1 lilangeni is printed the scene of the Ncwala festival, one of its most important national festivals of Swaziland(the other being Reed Festival, a coming-of-age ceremony of maidens and a day of the king selecting concubines). Ncwala is usually held in December or January, on different dates every year. In Swaziland, king is the center of power and the singing and dancing ceremony that celebrates the tie between the king and his subjects is highly valued by every king. Ncwala is a national holiday to pay a national homage to the king. This ritual is related to its folklore and during the course of the festival

新加坡 2 元 新加坡春节场景2 Singaporean dollars, Spring Festival scene

斯威士兰 10 埃马兰吉尼 10 Swaziland emalangeni

斯威士兰 1 埃马兰吉尼1 Swaziland emalangeni

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every subject must pay tribute to the most paramount man in the nation, which is, the king of Swailand.

港币 20 元 中秋节 20 HKD Mid-Autumn Festival 港币 50 元 元宵节 50 HKD Lantern Festival

● 香港是中国的特别行政区,亚洲四小龙之一。人口 726 万,

面积 1104 平方公里。世界第三大金融中心。香港印有自己的货币,

称为港元。港元和美元固定汇率,1 港元 =7.75 美元。在香港上海

汇丰银行 2010 年 20 港元背后为中秋节场景。中秋节是中国的传


猜谜语,并赏月。中秋节月亮圆满,与月饼一样象征团圆。在 20港元上,为几个小孩在过中秋节,其上有摆弄玉兔的男孩。

Hong Kong is the special administrative region of China and one of the Four Asian Tigers, with a population of 7.26 million and an area of 1,104 km2. It is the third largest financial center of the world and issues its own currency – HKD which is exchanged for USD at a fixed rate of 1:7.75. The 2010-version 20 HKD issued by HSBC is printed with the Mid-Autumn Festival scene on the back. It is a traditional Chinese holiday held at August 15th every year according to Chinese lunar calendar. On this day, people relish moon cakes, guess riddles and appreciate the moon which is always round on the day, and is also as round as mooncakes which symbolize a get-together scenario. On the 20 HKD, several children are celebrating the holiday, one of whom is playing with the Jade Hare.

● 在香港上海汇丰银行 2010 年 50 港元背后为中国的元宵节


们猜灯谜,吃汤圆等。在 50 港元上,为一男一女在猜灯谜的场景。

The 2010-version 50 HKD issued by HSBC is printed with the Lantern Festival scene on the back. The holiday takes place at the last day of the Spring Festival, January 15th in the lunar calendar. On this day, people guess lantern riddles and eat sweet dumplings. On the 50 HKD, a man and a woman are guessing lantern riddles.

③ 海洋与渔夫 Sea and Fishermen






港币 20 元 中秋节20 HKD Mid-Autumn Festival

港币 50 元 元宵节50 HKD Lantern Festival

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Human Life on Paper Money



We live on land but most of the planet earth is made up of

sea and ocean. Many countries boast beautiful coastlines and

innumerable islands are scattered around the sea. Even landlocked

countries have lakes that provide constant comfort. Water is the

paramount beauty of the world, decorating the land, nourishing all

living creatures, offering us energy and connecting mankind with

the external world. Many countries' currencies feature sea, marine

labor or fishermen, demonstrating their importance in a nation.

马尔代夫 5 拉菲亚 5 Maldivian rufiyaa● 马尔代夫是南亚的群岛国家,是亚洲陆地面积最小的国家,

是世界上最大的珊瑚岛国。马尔代夫的陆地面积是 298 平方公里。

其中有人定居的岛屿为 188 座左右,其余的大多是无人岛。马尔代



A Southern Asian archipelago country, Maldives is the smallest country in Asia in terms of its land area and world's biggest country made up of coral reef. Its land area is 298 km2 and apart from the 188 settled islands, the rest are mostly unoccupied. Its capital is Male and second largest city is Addu. The Maldivians are Islam followers and its official language is Dhivehi. It is a nation of single ethnic group with a population of 350,000.

● 拉菲亚是马尔代夫的官方货币,辅币为拉雷,1 拉菲亚

=100 拉雷。纸币面值为 2,5,10,20,50,100,500 拉菲亚。马尔代夫是




夫的象征。背面多为生活场景。在 2006 年 5 拉菲亚货币的背面为



Rufiyaa is its official currency whose fractional currency is laari and I rufiyaa is equal to 100 laari. The denominations of rufiyaa include 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500. Maldives is an archipelago country and life in it is closely related to sea, as is evidenced by the images in rufiyaa. The frontal images of rufiyaa are leaves in the center, felucca on the right, two symbols of Maldives, and is the same one every paper note. The back is mostly life scene. The back of the 2006-version 5 rufiyaa is the scene of sea and sailing, a typical day in Maldives.

马尔代夫 5 拉菲亚5 Maldivian rufiyaa

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所罗门群岛 2 元 2 Solomon Islands dollars

● 所罗门群岛是南太平洋的一个群岛国家,英联邦成员之一。

陆地总面积为 28450 平方公里,有超过 900 个岛。人口约 52 万。


Solomon Islands is a South Pacific archipelago country, and a member of the British Commonwealth countries. Its land area is 28,450 km2 and there are more than 900 islands. Its capital is Honiara and its official language is English. It is one of the least developed countries in the world.

● 所罗门群岛的货币为所罗门群岛元,1 元 =100 分。纸币类

别为 2,5,10,20,50,100 所罗门群岛元。所罗门群岛元的正面版面基



疑似海螺的图案。在 2 所罗门群岛元的背面为渔民捕鱼场景。2 所


Its currency is Solomon dollar and one dollar is equal to 100 cents. The denominations of Solomon dollar include 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. The frontal images of the Solomon dollar are largely the same, with fish at the bottom middle, national emblem and probably conch on the right and national flag on the left. The back of the 2 Solomon dollars note is the scene of fishing and all images on the paper note are generally green.

尼日利亚 50 奈拉 50 Nigerian Naira

● 尼日利亚联邦共和国是西非的一个大国。国土面积为 92 万

平方公里,人口数量约为 1.73 亿,是非洲人口最多的国家。首都



Nigeria is a major country of West Africa, with an area of 920,000 km2 and a population of 173 million. It's the most populous country in Africa. Its capital is Abuja and Lagos is the largest city in West Africa. Its main religions are Islam and Christianity and its official language is English.

● 尼日利亚的货币为尼日利亚奈拉,辅币为考包,1 奈拉

=100 考包。2009 年的尼日利亚 50 奈拉为塑料钞,正面为 4 男子,


Its currency is Naira whose fractional currency is kobo. 1 naira is equal to 100 kobo. In the front of the 2009-version plastic note 50 naira is an image of four men and the back of the paper note depicts the scene of fishermen and fishing.

尼日利亚 50 奈拉 50 Nigerian Naira

所罗门群岛 2 元2 Solomon Islands dollars

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Human Life on Paper Money

科摩罗 1000 法郎 1000 Comoros francs

科摩罗 1000 法郎 1000 Comoros francs

● 科摩罗伊斯兰联邦共和国是一个非洲岛国,面积 2235 平方

公里(包括马约特岛),人口 80 多万。首都为科莫尼。官方语言



Comoros is an African island country, with an area of 2,235 km2 (including Mayotte Island) and a population of 800,000. It's one of the least developed countries in the world. Its capital is Komorni. Its main religion is Islam and its official languages are French and Arabic.

● 科摩罗法郎是科摩罗的货币。辅币为分,1 法郎 =100 分。

汇率换算是 1 美元 = 380.645 科摩罗法郎。2005-06 版新版科摩罗

法郎的纸币面额为 500,1000,2000,5000,10000 法郎五种。科摩罗法


2000 法郎主要为绿色,5000 法郎主要为紫色,而 10000 法郎主要

为棕黄色。五张钱币的正反面图案均不相同。在 1000 科摩罗法郎



Comoros franc is its currency whose fractional currency is cent. A franc is equal to 100 cents and its exchange rate against USD is 380.645:1. The denominations of the 2005-06 version franc include 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10000. Comoros francs are noted for their bright colors: the pink 500 francs, blue 1000 francs, green 2000 francs, purple 5000 francs and brown yellow 10000 francs. The images of the five notes' fronts are all different from those on their back. Beared on the 1000 francs note are the images of a fish and a paddling man make up its pattern, displaying its nature as an island country.

索马里 500 索马里先令 500 Somalia shillings

● 索马里联邦共和国位于非洲大陆最东段的索马里半岛。总

面积 637660 平方公里,人口 1050 万。官方语言为索马里语和阿





Somalia is situated in the Somalia Peninsula on the easternmost part of African continent, with an area of 637,660 km2 and a population of 10.5 million. Its official languages are Somali and Arabic. It is one of the few African countries with one main ethnic group, Somali. Its main religion is Islam and its capital is Mogadishu. Somalia is one of the least developed countries in the world and one of the top countries in terms of its camel number per person.

索马里 500 索马里先令500 Somalia shillings

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● 索马里兰是索马里北部自称独立的国家,主要包括了曾经

由英国统治的现在索马里十八个省份当中的 5 个,面积 137600 平



Somaliland is a self-professed independent nation in the north of Somalia, including five of the 18 current Somalia provinces once governed by Britain and with an area of 137,600 km2. But its sovereignty is not recognized by the world. Though Somaliland still belongs to Somalia, according to the international protocol, it issues its own currency.

● 索马里先令是索马里的货币。不过 1991 年后索马里基本上


但是拥有自己的货币。索马里兰先令是索马里兰的货币。从 1994年起,索马里兰印刷了自己的索马里兰先令。辅币为分,1 先令

=100 分。发行纸币面值为 5,10,20,50,100,500 先令。

Somalia's currency is shilling.Somalia hardly issued any new currency from 1991 onward.Though Somaliland's sovereignty is not recognized by the world, it issues its own currency, Somaliland shilling from 1994 on. Its fractional currency is cent and 1 shilling is equal to 100 cents. Its paper currency denominations include 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500.

● 海洋对于索马里而言十分重要。索马里拥有 3200 公里海岸

线,北邻亚丁湾,东濒印度洋,地理位置十分重要。索马里 500先令的正面图案为一个渔民正在修理一个网的图案,而在中间有


Sea is essential to Somalia which boasts 3200 kilometers of coastal lines. Adjoining the Gulf of Aden in the north and the Indian Ocean in the east, Somalia holds a strategic geographic location. The front of the 500 shillings is a scene of a fisherman mending his net and a man who is paddling.

④ 纸币上的日常工作与农村生活Everyday Labor and Rural Life on the Paper Money


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Human Life on Paper Money

马拉维 20 马拉维克瓦查 茶农 20 Malawian kwacha, tea farmers

马拉维 5 马拉维克瓦查 当地场景 5 Malawian kwacha, local scenes

萨摩亚 2 塔拉 家庭生活场景 2 Samoan tala, family life scene

又能看到许许多多不一样的地方。People make a living in all trades in the world. Be it in

the village, city or a Pacific island country, different lifestyles prevail and adjoining places tend to share similar cultures and living customs. However ordinary we are, we are all making the world a better place with our hands. Of the world's paper notes, many depict the scene of people's life, especially those of African countries. Through comparing different living scenes of different nations, we are constantly awed by each one's uniqueness and the similarities between countries.

马拉维 5 马拉维克瓦查 当地场景5 Malawian Kwacha, local scenes

马拉维 20 马拉维克瓦查 茶农 20 Malawian Kwacha, tea farmers● 马拉维 5 元及 20 克瓦查的背后为当地场景。5 马拉维克瓦

查的背后为当地农村人在碾碎食品的场景。20 克瓦查是茶农工作


The 5 and 20 Malawian kwacha are printed with local scenes on the back, with the former depicting the scene of village people grinding grain and the latter portraying tea farmers. Both images depict the living and working conditions of Malawian people.

萨摩亚 2 塔拉 家庭生活场景 2 Samoan tala, family life scene● 萨摩亚独立国是南太平洋的一个岛国,位于波利尼西亚的

中心。陆地面积 2934 平方公里,人口约 20 万。首都阿皮亚。官



Samoa is an island country in Southern Pacific, situated in the center of Polynesia, with a land area of 2934 km2 and a population of 200,000. Its official language is Samoan and the citizens' main religion is Christianity. It is one of the least developed countries in the world.

● 萨摩亚塔拉是萨摩亚的货币。2008 版新版的萨摩亚塔拉纸

币面值为 5 元,10 元,20 元,50 元,及 100 元。

Tala is its currency. The denominations of the 2008-version tala note include 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.

● 我这张 2 元萨摩亚塔拉是一张塑料钞,纪念币。在其背面



2 tala is a plastic commemorative note whose back is printed

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with the scene of a local family who wear traditional Samoan clothes uniformly. Its top right is printed with its national emblem.

索马里 1000 先令 妇女编织衣物场景 1000 Somali shilling, women making clothes

索马里 50 先令 男人工作场景 50 Somali shilling, men laboring● 索马里 50 先令(1990 年)的正面为男人工作的场景。1000

(1990 年)先令的正面为两个女人编制物品的场景。钱币颜色比


The front of the 1990-version 50 shillings note is printed with the scene of laboring men while the 100 shillings front is patterned with the scene of two women making objects. The currency's colors are monotonous.

津巴布韦 1 元(2009) 2 妇女碾碎食品场景 1 Zimbabwean dollar, two women grinding food● 津巴布韦为非洲南部的内陆国家。国土面积为 39 万平方公

里,人口约为 1330 万。首都哈拉雷,官方语言为英语。主要宗教


Zimbabwe is a southern African inland country with an area of 390,000 km2 and a population of 13.3 million. Its official language is English and its capital is Harare. Its main religions are Islam, Christianity and primitive religion. It used to be called Rhodesia before its liberation.

● 津巴布韦现在使用南非兰特。从 2009 年起,津巴布韦开始


法定货币。津巴布韦元辅币名称为分,1 元 =100 分。

Zimbabwe began to use South African rand from 2009 on. Before that time, its legal currency is Zimbabwean dollar whose fractional currency is cent. 1 Zimbabwean dollar is equal to 100 cents.

● 津巴布韦元的历史是一部奇迹,从 1980 年发行开始到 2009年停止使用,津巴布韦在一直不停的通货膨胀当中,不同时间存

在有 1 分和 100 万亿津巴布韦元的纸币。津巴布韦经历了四代。

第一代津巴布韦发行于独立时 1980 年,一开始的时候 1 津巴布韦



单一。2006 年 8 月发行了最初的第二代津巴布韦元。然而随着津

巴布韦元的逐渐贬值,货币面值上的零逐渐的增多,至 2008 年,

津巴布韦的通货膨胀已经十分严重。2008 年 1 月发行了 100 万,

500 万和 1000 万津巴布韦元的纸币,紧接着,于 2008 年 4 月印刷

了 2500 万与 5000 万的津巴布韦元纸币,2008 年 5 月发行了 1 亿,

第四套津巴布韦元 The fourth generation of Zimbabwe dollar 津巴布韦 1 元(2009) 2 妇女碾碎食品场景 1 Zimbabwean dollar, two women grinding food

索马里 1000 先令 妇女编织衣物场景 1000 Somali shilling, women making clothes

索马里 50 先令 50 Somali shilling

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Human Life on Paper Money

第二代津巴布韦元The second generation of Zimbabwe dollar

第三代津巴布韦元The third generation of Zimbabwe dollar

第一代津巴布韦元The first generation of Zimbabwe dollar

2.5 亿,5 亿,的纸币。第三套津巴布韦币于 2008 年发行。新货币

1 元等于旧货币 100 亿。然而在短短的时间内,货币从 1 元涨到了

最终的 100 万亿。这一版的津巴布韦币设计较第二版美观一些,

津巴布韦的大石头标志变大印刷在纸币上。最终于 2009 年 2 月,

津巴布韦决定印刷第四套津巴布韦币,将巨钞减去 12 个零。第四

代津巴布韦元的纸币面值为 1元,5元,10元,20元,50元,100元,

500 元。然而通货膨胀却一直居高不下。最终,在 2009 年津巴布




代的 1 津巴布韦元的后面是津巴布韦乡间生活场景的图案。两个



The history of Zimbabwean dollar is full of ups and downs. From its first issue in 1980 to its expiration in 2009, it has been in the throes of a continual inflation and denominations ranging from 1 dollar to 100 trillion dollar existed at different times. The Zimbabwean dollar went through four generations. The first generation was issued in 1980 upon Zimbabwe's liberation when its denominational value was even higher than USD. From then on, the rampant inflation began. Later, Zimbabwe decided to print the second generation in the August of 2006 whose design was simple and monotonous. With its continual depreciation, more and more zeros were added to its denomination. In January, 2008, the Zimbabwean dollars with the denominations of 1 million, 5 million and 10 million were given out. Then in April, 2008, Zimbabwean dollars with the denominations of 100 million, 250 million and 500 million were issued. Then the third-generation Zimbabwean dollar was officially issued in the same year, with its 1 dollar equal to the former 10 billion dollar. However, before long, the 1 dollar began to depreciate again, this time to the 100 trillion dollar. This generation of currency is more appealing externally and the huge rock, symbol of Zimbabwe, is printed on it. Then, in February, 2009, the government decided to issue the fourth generation, subtracting 12 zeros from its denominations. Thus, the denominations of the fourth-generation currency include 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500. But inflation did not relent. Eventually, Zimbabwe decided to give up its dollar and adopted another country's currency. Nowadays, South African rand is mainly used, with many other nations' currencies also tradable here. All in all, Zimbabwe has innumerable currencies and the images on their backs often overlap. The 1 Zimbabwean dollar of the fourth generation is printed with the scene of its village life on the back. Concretely, two women are grinding food, which is a typical scene of African village life which recurs on many other paper currencies.

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苏里南 5 盾 伐木工 5 Surinam gulden, logger● 苏里南共和国,南美洲北部国家,是南美洲最小的国家。

国土面积为 16.8 万平方公里,人口数量为 56 万,是世界上人口密





Situated in the north of South America, Surinam is its smallest country, with an area of 168,000 km2 and a population of 560,000. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Its official language is Dutch, and it is the only country outside the Kingdom of Netherlands in the West Hemisphere that speaks this language. Its main religions are Christianity, Catholic and Hinduism and its capital is Paramaribo. There are large numbers of Indians and Creoles in the country.

● 苏里南元是现今苏里南使用的货币。现在流通的面值有

1,2.5,5,10,20,50,100 七种。苏里南元于 2004 年开始于苏里南流通。

2004 年以前,苏里南的货币为苏里南盾。1 苏里南元 =1000 盾。

Its present currency is Suriname dollar whose denominations include 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 and which began to be used in 2004. Before that, Surinam gulden was its currency and one Surinam dollar is equal to 1000 gulden.

● 1996 版 5 苏里南盾的背面为伐木工人的图案。苏里南有大



The back of the 1996-version 5 Suriname gulden is printed with laboring loggers. Of Surinam's vast expanses of land, roughly 95% is occupied by forests. So loggers are an important demographic group of Suriname.

尼日利亚 20 奈拉 妇女陶艺工20 Nigerian Naira, women potters● 尼日利亚20奈拉(2008年)的纸币背后为妇女陶艺工的图案。

The back of the 2008-version 20 Nigerian Naira is made up of the image of women potters.

海地 10 古德 缝纫国旗 10 Haitian gourde, sewing the national flag● 海地共和国,加勒比海北部的岛国。海地与多米尼加共和


面积 27750 平方公里。首都是太子港。人口约 980 万。官方语言

尼日利亚 20 奈拉 妇女陶艺工20 Nigerian Naira, women potters

苏里南 5 盾 伐木工5 Surinam gulden, logger

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Human Life on Paper Money

海地 10 古德 10 Haitian gourdes

几内亚比绍 50 比索 当地场景 50 Guinea-Bissau pesos, local scenes



于 1804 年成立,是世界上第一个独立的黑人国家。海地有 95%的


Haiti is an island country north of the Caribbean Seas. It shares Hispaniola, the only island in the Caribbean sea where two countries coexist, with Dominican Republic and has area of 27,750 km2 and a population of 9.8 million. Its official languages are French and Creole and its main religions are Christianity and Voodooism. Haiti is the poorest country both in the West Hemisphere and outside Africa. Founded in 1804, it is the first independent Black Country. 95% of its population is African descent.

● 海地古德是海地的官方货币。1 美元 =39.11 海地古德。现

在流通的海地古德有 7 个面值。10,25,50,100,250,500 与 1000 古德。

2004 版 10 古德的设计比较简单,颜色单调,基本都是几何图案。

在其正面为 Catherine Flon Arcahaie 在缝纫海地的第一个旗帜。此


Gourde is its official currency. 1 USD is equal to 39.11 gourdes. The denominations of the gourde in circulation include 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000. The 2004-version 10 gourdes note features monotonous colors and simple designs, mainly geometric ones. On its front is the historical scene ofr Catherine Flon Arcahaie sewing the first flag of Haiti.

几内亚比绍 50 比索 当地场景 50 Guinea-Bissau pesos, local scenes● 几内亚比绍是西非国家,国土面积 36125 平方公里,人口

170 万。首都比绍。官方语言是葡萄牙语,通用克里奥尔语。几内


Guinea-Bissau is a Western African country with an area of 36,125 km2 and a population of 1.7 million. Its official language is Portuguese and Creole is also widely used. It is one of the poorest countries in the world and its main religion is Islam.

● 几内亚比绍如今使用的货币为西非法郎。使用国家为贝宁,



在 1990 年 50 比索的纸币背后为当地生活场景。有一系列有关于


The present currency of Guinea-Bissau is West African franc,which is also used by Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ivory Coast, Niger, Mali and Senegal. Before using that West African franc, Guinea Bissau used peso. The back of the 1990-version 50 pesos paper note is the scene of local life.

马拉维全套Whole Series of Malawi

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马拉维全套Whole Series of Malawi 专题:马拉维和马拉维湖

Malawi and Malawi Lake

● 马拉维的国名来自马拉维湖,一个位于这个国家东部的湖泊。马拉维湖是非洲著名的湖泊,孕育了马拉维这个国家。马拉维湖又称尼亚萨湖,是非洲第三大湖。在世界上很多国家以海洋文化和美丽的沙滩而闻名全球,吸引着来自世界的旅游客的时候,马拉维,这个默默无闻的非洲小国,人民以这一湖泊而自豪骄傲,也吸引了许多人来到这个贫穷的国家,去了解湖泊背后所孕育的这片土地和人民。这个美丽的湖泊的周围围绕着很多的山脉,而且有多条河流流入这一湖泊。湖水中有很多工作的农夫,湖水给了他们美丽的环境也给他们了一个稳定的工作。作为一个象征性的湖,马拉维的货币上自然少不了对它的刻画和赞美。在马拉维最近一版的 5-200克瓦查的正面中心有马拉维湖,船和几个人的小型图案,附近还有鱼的图案。这有一点像是一个象征性的剪影图案,而不是一个真实的湖泊场景。在 500马拉维克瓦查上有一个更加大且细致的图案,可以看到一个大人和一个小孩,远处还有类似渔网的图案。

Malawi derives its name from Malawi Lake, which situated in its east. The lake is renowned in Africa for nurturing the nation of Malawi. Otherwise called Nyasa Lake, it is the third largest lake in Africa. While many nations in the world boast their oceanic culture and delicate beaches, drawing tourists from all over, Malawi Lake, in which Malawi people takes great pride, also attracts attention from the globe to explore the penurious and obscure country nurtured by it. The lake is surrounded by numerous mountains on all sides and infused by multiple rivers. In the lake are many industrious fishermen, grateful for the abundant resources hidden inside. As a national symbol, the lake is no stranger to Malawi's currency. In the latest-version 5- 200 kwacha, Malawi Lake lies in their middle, sharing space with other images of boat, fishermen and fish. It is more like a symbolic silhouette than like a realistic depiction. In the 500 kwacha is a larger and more detailed image of the lake, with an adult, a child and a fishnet image in the distance.

● 马拉维湖在马拉维有重要的意义,是马拉维人生活的重要依赖,也是马拉维人民的象征,是马拉维人精神的体现。在马拉维克瓦查上,象征着马拉维湖的图案总是在货币正面的正中心,象征了这一个湖对于这一个国家的重要性。

Malawi Lake holds great significance for Malawi people who rely on it for living. It is also an embodiment of the national spirit of Malawi, just like its currency, in which the lake is always in the middle, demonstrating its central position in the nation.

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纸币上的音乐与舞蹈Music and Dance on Paper Money





Music is the language shared by everyone on the

planet and its importance to mankind is self-evident.

A various of world paper notes contain such images

as musicians’ portraits and former residences, staff,

notes and instruments, etc. The sight of these collections

is often evocative of the melodious world-famous tunes,

bringing them near your ears.

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1988 年 500 巴西克鲁塞罗(正面)----1 1988 年 500 巴西克鲁塞罗(背面)----21998-version 500 cruzeiros (front) 1998-version 500 cruzeiros (back)

1970 年 100 西班牙比塞塔(正面)----3 1970 年 100 巴西比塞塔(背面)----41970-version 100 Spanish pesetas (front) 1970-version 100 Spanish pesetas (back)

1992 年版 1 朝鲜圆(正面)----5 1992 年版 1 朝鲜圆(背面)----61992-version 1 North Korean won (front) 1992-version 1 North Korea won (back)

2009 年版 5 尼日利亚奈拉(正面)----7 2009 年版 5 尼日利亚奈拉(背面)----82009-version 5 Nigeria naira (front) 2009-version 5 Nigeria naira (back)

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Music and Dance on Paper Money

2010 年版 20 斯里兰卡卢比(正面)----9 2010 年版 20 斯里兰卡卢比(背面)----102010-version 20 Sri Lankan rupees (front) 2010-version 20 Sri Lankan rupees (back)

1992 年版 3 库克群岛元(正面)----11 1992 年版 32 库克群岛元(背面)----121992-version 3 Cook Islands dollars (front) 1992-version 3 Cook Islands dollars (back)

2004 年版 100 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚(正面)----13 2004 年版 100 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚(背面)----142004-version 100 Mauritania ouguiya (front) 2004-version 100 Mauritania ouguiya (back)

1998 年版 50 亚美尼亚德拉姆 ( 正面 )----15 1998 年版 50 亚美尼亚德拉姆(背面)----161998-version 50 Armenian dram (front) 1998-version 50 Armenian dram (back)

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1985 年版 5000 意大利里拉(正面)----17 1985 年版 5000 意大利里拉(背面)----181985-version 5000 Italian lira (front) 1985-version 5000 Italian lira (back)

1997 年版 20 法国法郎(正面)----19 1997 年版 20 法国法郎(背面)----201997-version 20 French francs (front) 1997-version 20 French francs (back)

1976 年版 10 法国法郎(正面)----21 1976 年版 10 法国法郎(背面)----221976-version 10 French francs (front) 1976-version 10 French francs (back)

1982 年版 50 爱尔兰镑(正面)----23 1982 年版 50 爱尔兰镑(背面)----241982-version 50 Irish pounds (front) 1982-version 50 Irish pounds (back)

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Music and Dance on Paper Money

1996 年版 100 德国马克(正面)----25 1996 年版 100 德国马克(背面)----261996-version 100 Deutsche mark (front) 1996-version 100 Deutsche mark (back)

1988 年版 5000 奥地利先令(正面)----27 1988 年版 5000 奥地利先令(背面)----281988-version 5000 Austrian shilling (front) 1988-version 5000 Austrian shilling (back)

2004 年版 50 瑞典克朗(正面)----29 2004 年版 50 瑞典克朗(背面)----302004-version 50 Swedish krona (front) 2004-version 50 Swedish krona (back)

2000 年版 100 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----31 2000 年版 100 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----322000-version 100 Belarus rublei (front) 2000-version 100 Belarus rublei (back)

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2005 年版 100 元 中国人民币(正面)----35 2005 年版 100 元 中国人民币(背面)----362005-version 100 yuan (front) 2005-version 100 yuan (back)

1997 年版 2 新加坡元(正面)----33 1997 年版 2 新加坡元(背面)----341997-version 2 Singapore dollar (front) 1997-version 2 Singapore dollar (back)

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Music and Dance on Paper Money

◆ 人民大会堂 / Great Hall of the people(Page / 45)

◆ 舒曼 / Robert Schumann ◆ 伯辽兹 / Hector Belioz

(Page / 37)

◆ 德彪西 / Claude Debussy

(Page / 37)

◆ 尼古赫帕 / Nyckelharpa

(Page / 39)

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斯卡拉歌剧院La Scala


Music and Dance on Paper Money

意大利 5000 里拉 贝里尼 歌剧作曲家 背面为歌剧 Italian 5000 lira, Bellini, opera composer, and opera scene

● 意大利共和国位于欧洲南部,国土面积为 30万平方公里,人口 6100万左右。官方语言为意大利语,首都及最大城市为罗马。主要宗教为天主教。

Italy is situated in southern Europe, with an area of 300,000 km2 and a population of 61 million. Its capital and largest city is Rome. Its main religion is Catholic and its official language is Italian.

● 意大利 2002年后使用欧元。在意大利使用欧元以前,意大利的官方货币为意大利里拉。纸币的面额有 1000,2000,5000,10000,50000,100000,以及 500000元。1985年版的意大利里拉正面为贝里尼。贝里尼(Vincenzo Bellini)(1801.11.03-1835.9.23)是著名的意大利音乐家,歌剧作曲家。出生于西西里岛的一个音乐世家 ,后毕业于那不勒斯音乐学院。 他的主要作品为“诺尔玛”,“海盗”,“梦游女”等。在 5000里拉的背面为贝里尼歌剧“诺尔玛”的剧照。图中为诺尔玛唱“圣洁女神,印光四射”这首咏叹调时的姿态。在 5000里拉正面的中间是米兰的斯卡拉歌剧院的内景(如图)的图案。斯卡拉歌剧院是一座位于米兰中心的豪华歌剧院,是世界上最著名的歌剧院之一。歌剧院始于 1778年启用,后在第二次世界大战的时候被炸毁。如今的建筑是在原址基础上重建的。贝里尼的歌剧“诺尔玛”首映便是在斯卡拉歌剧院。

Italy began to use euro in 2002 before which lira was its official currency whose denominations included 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, and 500000. The 1985-version lira had Bellini (1801.11.03-1835.9.23) on the front who is a famous Italian musician and opera composer. Born into a music family on Sicilian Island, Bellini graduated from Naples Conservatory. His major works include "Norma", "Pirate" and "La Sonnambula". The back of the 5000 lira is a stage photo of "Norma" who is singing the aria piece "Holy Goddess, You Shine Forever". The front middle of the same note is the interior of La Scala Opera House of Milan which, located in downtown Milan, is one the most famous opera houses in the world. It was inaugurated in 1778 but was destroyed in WWII. The present building is a restored version. The premiere of "Norma" was held here.

意大利 5000 里拉 贝里尼 歌剧作曲家 背面为歌剧

Italian 5000 Lira, Bellini, Opera Composer, and opera scene

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● 一张 5000里拉的货币,集齐三大元素:作曲家、歌剧作品和歌剧院,且三者完美结合,堪称十分具有音乐感的货币。

A 5000 lira note combines all three elements perfectly: composer, opera works and opera house, making it an extremely musical paper note.

法国 10 法郎 柏辽兹 作曲家 10 French francs, Berlioz, composer

法国 20 法郎 德彪西 作曲家 20 French francs, Debussy, composer

● 法兰西共和国,是西欧最大的国家。国土面积为 67.2834万平方公里(包括法国的海外领地如法属圭亚那)(法国本土的面积为 55.3965万平方公里),人口约为 6660万人,是西欧人口密度较低的国家。首都和最大城市是巴黎。官方语言为法语,宗教信仰主要为天主教。

France is the largest country in Western Europe, with an area of 672,834 km2 (including its overseas territory, such as French Guiana, and its main land measuring 553,965 km2) and a population of 66.6 million. It is one of the relatively sparsely populated countries in West Europe. Its capital and largest city is Paris. Its main religion is Catholic and its official language is French.

● 法国现在使用欧元。在法国使用欧元之前法国使用法国法郎。法国法郎于 2012年 2月 17日正式退出历史舞台。法国法郎除了曾经在法国使用外,安道尔和摩纳哥也曾经使用。1976版 10法国法郎的上面有柏辽兹的图案。这张钱币正反都是柏辽兹的头像,不过略有不同。其中一面上柏辽兹握着指挥棒,背景为音乐会。在另一面的柏辽兹的右边为音乐乐器,背景为楼。埃克托 •柏辽兹(Hector Louis Berlioz)(1803年 12月 11日 -1869年 3月 8日)为法国著名的浪漫主义时期的作曲家。柏辽兹毕业于巴黎音乐学院。最著名的交响曲为“幻想交响曲”。幻想交响曲为一部有标题的极具幻想和浪漫的交响曲,是首创五个乐章的标题内容交响乐,极具颠覆性的交响乐作品。这个交响曲的五个乐章为“梦幻 -激情”,“舞会”,“田野景色”,“赴刑进行曲”,“妖魔夜宴之舞”。柏辽兹的其他著名作品为清唱剧“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,中提琴协奏曲“哈罗德在意大利”等。

France now uses euro before which its official currency is franc. Franc expired on February 17th, 2012. Besides France, Andorra and Monaco also used to adopt franc. The 1976-version 10 francs paper note has Berlioz on it on both sides. But the two pictures vary slightly: one has Berlioz conducting a concert while the other has him standing on the left of a musical instrument with a building at the background.

法国 10 法郎 柏辽兹 作曲家 10 French francs, Berlioz, composer

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Hector Louis Berlioz (December 11th, 1803 – March 8th, 1869) is a prestigious romantic composer, graduating from Paris Conservatory. His most famous symphony is "Fantastic Symphony" characterized by dreamlike romance. It is the first five-movement titled symphony and the five movements are "Dream Passion", "Ball", "Field Scenery", "March to the Scaffold" and "Monsters' Banquet Dance". His other major works include the oratorio "Romeo and Juliet" and the viola concerto "Harold in Italy".

● 在 1997年的 20法国法郎上是德彪西的头像。这一张纸币的图案和法国法郎的类似,正反面都为一人的头像,且颜色色彩也极其相似。纸币的背景为印象派效果的绘画。一面是动态的大海,另一面是平静的风光湖面。克劳德 •德彪西(Chille-Claude Debussy)(1862年 8月 22日 -1918年 3月 25日),是法国著名的作曲家,在音乐上进行了革新,首创了音乐上的“印象派”。印象派原是一个艺术上的派别,后德彪西的音乐被称为“印象派音乐”。德彪西将很多法国印象派的手法和创新用到了音乐创作上。德彪西的曲目没有古典音乐里面的完美的结构、整体的轮廓和逻辑性,也没有浪漫主义音乐里的丰沛的情感,取而代之的是对事物细致入微的刻画,带有神秘和朦胧色彩的音乐。德彪西喜欢使用七和弦、九和弦。德彪西不经常使用音乐里常见的大调音阶和小调音节,反而经常去使用一些中古调式和全音阶。这一些全音阶里面不存在有半音,使得德彪西的音乐有一种独特的朦胧和梦幻感。德彪西的音乐独一无二,其独特感就像一副印象派的绘画一样,不追求古老传统的技法,不刻意透露自己过多的情感,但是同样给人以温暖,深入人心。德彪西的著名作品有管弦乐“大海”,钢琴曲“贝加莫舞曲”、“意象集”,交响乐“牧神午后前奏曲”,歌剧“佩利亚斯和梅丽桑德”。

The 1997-version 20 francs paper note has Debussy on it on both sides and of similar colors. Their backgrounds are impressionistic paintings, with the dynamic sea on one side and peaceful lake scenes on the other. Debussy (August 22nd, 1862 – March 25th, 1918) is a well-revered French composer and pioneer of the musical "impressionism". Debussy applied many impressionistic elements to musical creation. Without the flawless structure, holistic outline and logic found in classical music or the effusive emotions of romantic music, Debussy's works feature subtle expressions, mysterious auras and hazy music and include seventh chords and ninth chords. Shunning the major and minor scales common in music, he turned to medieval and diatonic scales which exclude semitones and lend an unparalleled haziness and dreaminess to Debussy's works. His music is unique, like an impressionistic painting which warms people's hearts without the aid of

法国 20 法郎 德彪西 作曲家 20 French francs, Debussy, composer

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traditional techniques and lavish sentiments. His famous works include the orchestral music "The Sea", piano pieces"Dance of the Clowns", "Collection of Imageries", the symphony "Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun" and the opera "Pelleas et Melisande".

西班牙 100 比塞塔 德 • 法雅 作曲家100 Spanish peseta, De Falla, composer● 西班牙王国是一个位于欧洲西南部的国家。国土面积为

505925平方公里,人口约为 4650万。官方语言为西班牙语。主要宗教为天主教。首都马德里。

Spain is located in southwestern Europe, with an area of 505,925 km2 and a population of 46.5 million. Its capital is Madrid. Its main religion is Catholic and its official language is Spanish.

● 西班牙现在使用欧元。在使用欧元之前,西班牙使用比塞塔。1992年版的纸币面额为 1000,2000,5000和 10000比塞塔。

Spain now uses euro before which its official currency is peseta whose denominations include 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10000 in its 1992 version.

● 1970年版比塞塔的正面为西班牙作曲家法雅(1876-1946)。他的作品有民族主义色彩。主要作品有舞剧《爱情魔法师》、《三角帽》。钢琴与乐队曲《西班牙庭园之夜》,以及歌曲集《西班牙民歌七首》等。

The 1970-version 100 pesetas paper note's front is the Spanish composer Falla (1876-1946) whose works are full of strong national characteristics. His major works include the dance dramas "Magician of Love" and "Tricorne", the piano and orchestral music "Noches en los jardines de Espa" and the song collection "Seven Spanish Folk Songs".

瑞典 50 克朗 珍妮 • 琳德 歌唱家 50 Swedish krona, Jenny Lind, singer ● 瑞典王国是一个北欧国家。国土面积为 449964平方公里,

人口约 970万。主要宗教为基督教路德宗。官方语言为瑞典语。首都为斯德哥尔摩。

Sweden is located in northern Europe, with an area of 449,964 km2 and a population of 9.7 million. Its capital is Stockholm. Its main religion is Christian Lutheran and its official language is Swedish.

● 瑞典的法定货币为瑞典克朗。最新的纸币面额为20,50,100,500,1000克朗。在 2004年版的瑞典克朗的正面为瑞典女高音歌唱家珍妮 •琳德(1820-1887)的肖像。珍妮 •琳德是瑞典最负盛名的抒情花腔女高音歌唱家,被称为“瑞典夜莺”。在珍妮 •琳德的左面为她所演唱过的乐谱,右面展示的是她登台演出的场景。

西班牙 100 比塞塔 德 • 法雅 作曲家100 Spanish peseta, De Falla, composer

瑞典 50 克朗 珍妮 • 琳德 歌唱家 50 Swedish krona, Jenny Lind, singer


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Its present currency is krona whose latest denominations include 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000. The front of 2004-version krona has the portrait of the Swedish treble singer Jenny Lind (1820-1887) who is hailed as the"Swedish nightingale". On her left are the music scores she has performed and on the right is the scene of her performing on the stage. The back is printed with the Swedish national-treasure instrument Nyckelharpa, a keyed fiddle and on the bottom is its corresponding range. The instrument is exclusively found in Sweden.

亚美尼亚 50 德拉姆 阿恰图良 作曲家 音乐建筑 50 Armenian dram, Khatchaturian, composer, music architecture● 亚美尼亚共和国是位于亚欧交接的外高加索地区的一个小

国家。国土面积 2.98万平方公里,人口约 300万。首都埃里温。居民主要宗教为东正教,是世界上第一个信奉单一宗教的国家。官方语言为亚美尼亚语。亚美尼亚是前苏联解体后独立的众多国家之一。

Armenia is a small nation situated in the Transcaucasian region between Europe and Asia with an area of 29,800 km2 and a population of 3 million. Its capital is Yerevan. Its main religion is Orthodox Eastern Church and it is the first nation to follow a single religion in the world. Its official language is Armenian and it is one of the independent countries emerging after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

● 亚美尼亚德拉姆 (Դրամ),是亚美尼亚的法定货币。辅币为卢马,1德拉姆 =100卢马。德拉姆的纸币面值有 50,100,500,1000,5000,10000,20000,50000,100000九种。1998年 50德拉姆正面为阿拉姆·伊里奇·哈恰图良。阿拉姆·伊里奇·哈恰图良(Aram Ilitch Khatchaturian,1903年 6月 6日- 1978年 5月 1日),苏联作曲家,指挥家。哈恰图良是亚美尼亚族人,是亚美尼亚最著名的音乐作曲家之一。他的音乐热情,乐观,富于色彩性,同时也受到亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、土耳其等民族音乐的影响。1922~ 1929年就学于俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院。主要作品有芭蕾舞曲“加雅涅”,“第二交响曲”等。纸币正面右侧为歌剧院图案,背面的中部为“加雅涅”芭蕾舞曲的片段、右下为乐谱,右上侧为阿勒山的图案。阿勒山现位于土耳其东部,是亚美尼亚的象征,被亚美尼亚人称为圣山,最高海拔 5165米。

Dram is its legal currency whose fractional currency is lumma. One dram is equal to 100 lumma. The denominations of dram note include 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000 and 100000.

亚美尼亚 50 德拉姆 阿恰图良 作曲家 音乐建筑 50 Armenian dram, Khatchaturian, composer, music architecture

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The 1998-version 50 dram's front is Aram Ilitch Khatchaturian (June 6th, 1903 – May 1st, 1978), the composer and conductor of Soviet Union, whose music is fervent, optimistic and colorful under the partial influence of the folk music of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Receiving education in Russian Gnessin School of Music from 1922 to 1929, Aram's major works include the ballet music "Gayane" and "Symphony No. 2". On the right of the currency is the image of an opera house and in the middle of its back is an excerpt from his work "Gayane". On the top right of the back of the note is the music score and on the top left of the back of it is Mount Ararat which, located in the east of Turkey, is a symbol of the nation and hailed as the holy mountain by Armenians. Its highest altitude is 5,165 m.

巴西 500 克鲁塞罗 维拉 • 罗伯斯 作曲家 500 Brazilian cruzeiros, Villa-Lobos, composer● 巴西联邦共和国是南美洲最大的国家。位于南美洲东部。

面积为 8514877平方公里。人口约 2.01亿。官方语言为葡萄牙语。主要宗教为天主教。首都为巴西利亚。最大城市为圣保罗。

Brazil is the largest country in South America with an area of 8,514,877 km2 and a population of 201 million. Its capital is Brasilia. Its main religion is Catholic and its official language is Portuguese. Its largest city is St. Paul.

● 雷亚尔是现在巴西的官方货币。雷亚尔于 1994年开始使用。2010年的第二套巴西雷亚尔的纸币面值为 2,5,10,20,50,100雷亚尔六种面值。使用雷亚尔之前巴西使用克鲁塞罗,现在已经完全停止流通。1雷亚尔 =2750克鲁塞罗。克鲁塞罗纸币有 50,100,200,500,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000,500000的克鲁塞罗。

Real is Brazil's present official currency which began to be used in 1994. The denominations of the 2010-version real notes include 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. Before real, cruzeiro was used. 1 real is equal to 2750 cruzeiro whose denominations include 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000 and 500000.

● 在 1988年 500克鲁塞罗的上面为巴西作曲家维拉 •罗伯斯(1887-1959)。在纸币的背面,罗伯斯正在指挥。受到过黑非洲音乐的渲染。他的曲子极其富有民族特色,擅长把巴西民族特色和古典巴洛克音乐相结合形成其独特的音乐。代表作有十四部肖罗 (chro),;九部《巴西的巴赫风格》组曲。重要作品有舞剧《乌依拉布鲁》,第七交响曲《巴西山岭》,交响诗《亚马孙人》、《芒杜·萨拉拉》,钢琴与乐队曲《粗陋的诗篇》等。

The 1998 version 500 cruzeiros paper note has the Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos (1887 – 1959) on it. On its back is the scene of

巴西 500 克鲁塞罗 维拉 • 罗伯斯 作曲家 500 Brazilian cruzeiros, Villa-Lobos, composer

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Lobos conducting. Influenced by Black African music, Lobos' tunes are rife with strong national characteristics and a unique product from the blending of Brazilian music with classical Baroque music. His representative works include 14 chro, nine Bachianas Brasileiras group tunes, the dance drama "Uyilabrou", the symphony No. 7 "Brazilian Mountains", the symphonic poem "The Amazons", "Manduh Salalah", and the piano and orchestral piece "Coarse Poems", etc.

朝鲜 1 圆 歌剧图案 1 North Korea won, opera

● 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国,位于亚洲东北部,面积为120256平方公里,是一个社会主义国家。朝鲜是单一种族国家,主要种族为朝鲜族,官方语言为朝鲜语。

North Korea is located in northeastern Asia with an area of 120,256 km2. It is a socialist country of a single ethnic group, Koreans and its official language is Korean.

● 朝鲜圆是朝鲜的官方法定货币。朝鲜圆共有 5种版别,分别是 1947年版、1959年版、1978年版、1992年版、2009年版。其中 1978年版票面面额为 1圆、5圆、10圆、50圆、100圆五种。1992年版票面面额为 1圆、5圆、10圆、50圆、100圆、200圆、500圆、1000圆、5000圆 9种面额。在 1992版 1朝鲜圆的正面是朝鲜歌剧“卖花姑娘”主角花妮手握鲜花的场景。背后有一个吹着笛子的仙女。“卖花姑娘”是著名的朝鲜歌剧,是朝鲜的伟大同志金日成于 1930年在中国东北自己创作的歌剧作品。这部作品有着十足的朝鲜特色,展现了日本帝国主义压制下人民的悲惨生活和只有靠革命才有出路的革命思想。

Won is North Korea's official currency of which five versions have been issued, the 1947, 1959, 1978, 1992 and 2009 versions, respectively. Denominations of the 1978 version include 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 and denominations of the 1992 version include 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000. The 1992-version 1 won is printed with the scene of Hua Ni from the North Korean opera "The Flower Girl" holding flowers on the front. On the black of the note is a fluting fairy. "The Flower Girl" is a famous North Korean opera, created by Kim II Sung in 1930 in northeastern China. This opera is typical of what North Korea stands for, conveying its belief in the ultimate solution of revolution for liberation from Japanese imperialism and a better life for every North Korea.

尼日利亚 5 奈拉 乐器和民族歌舞 5 Nigerian naira, music instruments and national song and dance

朝鲜 1 元 歌剧图案1 North Korea won, opera

尼日利亚 5 奈拉 乐器和民族歌舞 5 Nigerian naira, music instruments and national song and dance

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● 在尼日利亚 5奈拉的纸币背面为敲击乐器团。其中的男人在敲传统的鼓。鼓是非洲许多国家十分重要的乐器。中间为长鼓,两旁的人在敲击一种尼日利亚跨鼓,放在两膝之间敲打使用。

The 5 Nigerian naira note is printed with a percussion orchestra on the back in which men are sounding a traditional drum, an essential instrument in many African countries. In the middle is the long drum and on either side are images of people hitting a Nigerian portable drum, sounded between their knees.

斯里兰卡 20 卢比 民族歌舞 20 Sri Lankan rupees, national song and dance● 斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国是南亚岛国,旧称锡兰,是

英联邦国家之一。斯里兰卡旧称锡兰。国土面积 65610平方公里,人口约 2070万。首都科伦坡。主要宗教为佛教、印度教、伊斯兰教、天主教。官方语言为僧伽罗语和泰米尔语(主要北部)。

Sri Lanka is a South Asian island country, called Ceylon in the old days and a member of the British Commonwealth countries, with an area of 65,610 km2 and a population of 20.7 million. Its capital is Colombo and its main religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Catholic. Its official languages are Sinhala and Tamil (spoken mainly in the north).

● 斯里兰卡卢比是斯里兰卡的流通货币。斯里兰卡市面流通的钞票有 8种面额,分别为 2、5、10、20、50、100、500、1000、2000、5000卢比。不过 2,5卢比已经基本不用。在 2010年最新版的 20卢比背面为民族歌舞图案。左侧为当地居民演奏鼓。

Rupee is Sri Lanka's currency whose denominations include 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000. The 2 and 5 rupees are seldom used and the 2010-version 20 rupees note has the image of the national song and dance on its back. On its left is the scene of local residents playing the drum.

库克群岛 3 元 民族歌舞与乐器 3 Cook Islands dollars, national song and dance and musical instruments● 库克群岛位于南太平洋。国土面积 240平方公里,人口约

18900人,首都为阿瓦鲁阿。官方语言为英语。居民均持新西兰护照。Cook Islands are situated in South Pacific, with an area of 240

km2 and a population of 18,900. Its capital is Avarua and its official language is English. All its citizens hold the passports issued by New Zealand.

● 库克群岛的流通货币为库克群岛元、新西兰元。库克群岛

斯里兰卡 20 卢比 民族歌舞 20 Sri Lankan rupees, national song and dance

库克群岛 3 元 民族歌舞与乐器 3 Cook Islands dollars, national song and dance and musical instruments

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元的辅币为分,1元 =100分。纸币面额有 3,10,20,50元。在 1992版库克群岛 3元纸币上的正面印有民族歌舞团。中间有一群当地的居民穿着民族服饰在跳民族舞蹈。左侧为三个男性在演奏当地乐器。最左边的两个男性在敲击一种用支架支起来的,用双棒敲击的当地乐器。右边的一个为敲双面鼓的男子。

The currency of Cook Islands is New Zealand dollar and Cook Islands dollar whose fractional currency is cent and 1 dollar is equal to 100 cents. Its denominations include 3, 10, 20 and 50. The 1992-version 3 Cook Islands dollars' front is the scene of the national song and dance troupe. In its middle, a group of local residents are dancing in national costumes. On the left, three males are performing local instruments and the two leftmost men are playing the local instrument supported by holders. The man on the right is sounding a double-sided drum.

新加坡 2 元 各种乐器 2 Singaporean dollars, various instruments● 在新加坡两元纸币的背后的 Chingay Procession庆典图上有


The Chingay Procession ceremonial scene on the back of the 2 Singaporean dollars has numerous instruments in it, including suona horn, bugle, trombone and brass orchestra. Suona horn is a traditional Chinese instrument.

毛里塔尼亚 100 乌吉亚 西非可拉琴 100 Mauritanian ouguiya, West African calla lyre● 毛里塔尼亚位于非州西北部,同时是一个阿拉伯国家 ,国

境内大部分是沙漠。国土面积 1030700平方公里,人口约 340万,是世界上人口密度最低的国家之一。主要宗教为伊斯兰教,官方语言为阿拉伯语。 首都努瓦克肖特。

An Arab nation, Mauritania is situated in northwestern Africa and dominated by deserts, with an area of 1,030,700 km2 and a population of 3.4 million. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Its capital is Nouakchott and its official language is Arabic. Its main religion is Islam.

● 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚是毛里塔尼亚的官方货币。流通的纸币面值有 100,200,500,1000,2000乌吉亚。在 2004版的毛里塔尼亚100乌吉亚上的背面的左边为乐器。下面的一个乐器叫可拉琴,是一个广泛被运用的西非乐器。可拉琴有 21根琴弦,平行双排,最下面为葫芦状的共鸣体。可拉琴又被称为非洲竖琴。上面为毛里塔尼亚的一种弓弦乐器。

毛里塔尼亚 100 乌吉亚 西非可拉琴 100 Mauritanian ouguiya, West African calla lyre

新加坡 2 元 各种乐器 2 Singaporean dollars, various instruments

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Music and Dance on Paper Money

Ouguiya is its official currency whose denominations include 100, 200, 500,1000 and 2000. The 2004-version 100 ouguiya has instruments on its back to the left side. The bottom instrument is called kora, a widely used West African instrument. Kora has 21 chords, paralleled in double rows, on the bottom of which is a calabash-shaped resonant body. Kora is also called African harp. On the top is a bow-stringed instrument of Mauritania.

人民币 100 圆 音乐建筑 100 RMB, musical architecture

● 中华人民共和国,位于亚洲东部。陆地面积约 960万平方公里,总国土面积为 1430万平方公里。是一个以工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政国家。人口约 13.678亿,居世界第一位。首都北京。官方语言汉语。主要宗教:佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。首都北京。

The People's Republic of China is situated in eastern Asia with a land area of 9.6 million km2 (with a total territory area of 14.3 million km2) and a population of 1.3678 billion. It is a people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and founded on the alliance between workers and peasants. Its capital is Beijing and its official language is Chinese. Its main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholic and Christianity.

● 中国的官方货币为人民币。现在最新的是第五套人民币,不过第四套人民币也是可以流通使用的。第五套人民币的纸币有1,5,10,20,50,100元同时第四套人民币的 1,5角纸币也同时流通使用。

China's official currency is RMB. Now in circulation is the fifth set of RMB, though the fourth set could also be used. The fifth-set notes include 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan and the 1 and 5 jiao paper notes of the fourth-set notes can also be used.

● 第五版人民币的背面是中国的人民大会堂的远外景图。人民大会堂是中国重要的政治场所,是中国全国人民代表大会开会的地方等。同时也是众多的音乐演出的重要场所。

On the back of the fifth-set RMB is a distant view of China's Great Hall of the People, an essential political venue of China where its National People's Congress is held. It is also where numerous musical performances take place.

● 人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长 336米,东西宽 206米,高46.5米,占地面积 15万平方米,建筑面积 17.18万平方米。比故宫的全部建筑面积还要大。

Facing east, the Great Hall of the People is 336 m long from south

人民币 100 圆 音乐建筑 100 RMB, musical architecture

人民大会堂Great Hall of the People

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to north, 206 m from east to west, and 46.5 m tall with a floor area of 150,000 km2 and a building area of 171,800 km2,larger even than the Forbidden City.

白俄罗斯 100 卢布 歌剧 音乐建筑Belarusian rublei

● 白俄罗斯共和国是位于东欧平原的内陆国家。国土面积为207600平方公里,人口约947.81万。官方语言为白俄罗斯语与俄语。首都明斯克。白俄罗斯没有官方国教,不过大部分人信奉东正教,部分人信奉罗马天主教。

Belarus is an inland country situated on the East Europe plain, with a land area of 207,600 km2 and a population of 9.4781 million. Its capital is Minsk and its official languages are Belarusian and Russian. There is no official religion in Belarus but the majority of people there follow the Orthodox Eastern Church and a minority are Roman Catholic devotees.

● 白俄罗斯卢布是白俄罗斯的官方货币。辅币为戈比。1卢比 =100戈比。在流通的纸币的面值为 100、500、1000、5000、10000、20000、50000、100000、200000卢布面额纸币。最新版的白俄罗斯卢布为建筑系列。其中 2000年 100卢比的建筑为白俄罗斯国家歌剧院芭蕾舞大剧院,是白俄罗斯的一个剧院 (Boishoi opera and ballet theater) ,主要上演经典的芭蕾舞剧和歌剧。同时白俄罗斯国家芭蕾大剧院拥有近百名演员表演演出各种风格的芭蕾作品。

Ruble is its official currency whose fractional currency is kopeck. 1 ruble is equal to 100 kopeck. The current ruble's denominations include 100, 500,1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000 and 200000. The image of the latest version ruble sereis is an architectural series. The 2000-version 100 rublei paper note has Boishoi Opera and Ballet Theater on it, where classic ballets and operas are put on. The theater also boasts nearly a hundred actors who perform ballet works of various styles all year round.

● 纸币背面为白俄罗斯一作曲家创作的歌剧 Vibrannitsa。The back of the note is the opera Vibrannitsa created by a

Belarusian composer.

白俄罗斯 100 卢布 歌剧 音乐建筑Belarusian rublei

国家歌剧院芭蕾舞大剧院Boishoi opera and ballet theater

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专题:音乐与纸钞 — 爱尔兰、德国和奥地利

Music and Paper Notes - Ireland, Germany and Austria

● 正是有了音乐家,我们的身边才有各式各样的音乐。爱尔兰、德国和奥地利是三个为世界音乐做出贡献 的国家。说起爱尔兰我们就能想到爱尔兰竖琴,竖琴在爱尔兰被用于政治用途,爱尔兰的国徽、总统印章、硬币上都有竖琴的影子。在爱尔兰的 50镑上是爱尔兰著名的盲人竖琴师的图案。奥地利的首都维也纳被称为“音乐之都”,维也纳的金色大厅举世闻名,而莫扎特、海顿等很多奥地利出生的音乐家也为世界音乐做出了贡献。在奥地利的5000先令上是莫扎特和维也纳国家歌剧院的图案。德国可以说是音乐家最多产的国家了。门德尔松、舒曼、贝多芬、勃拉姆斯等都是德国人。德国也拥有诸多的音乐学院,是全世界著名的学习音乐的国家。在 100德国马克上是克拉拉 •舒曼和钢琴的图案。三个国家,三张货币,三个音乐家。这三张货币由于价格的高昂以及稀缺所以很遗憾我并没有机会收藏到。其中 5000奥地利先令被称为全球面值最大的音乐货币,一张若兑换现在汇率相当于 3500多元的人民币。但是在了解纸币上的音乐的时候发现了解这三个国家和这三个国家上纸币上的音乐很有必要。

We owe our enjoyment of splendid music to great musicians. Ireland, Germany and Austria are three nations that have made special contributions to music. Speaking of Ireland, we immediately associate it with Irish harp which is used for a political purpose in Ireland and everywhere from Ireland's national emblem, the president's seal to its coins. On the 50 Irish pound is printed a famous Irish blind harpist. Vienna, Austria's capital, also called the "Capital of Music", is home to the world-famous Musikverein while numerous Austria-born musicians such as Mozart and Haydn have contributed surpassingly to the world music. On the 5000 Austrian shilling is printed images of Mozart and Vienna National Opera House. Germany is the most prolific country in musicians, such as Brahms, Mendelssohn, Schumann and Beethoven. As one of the most ideal places to study music, Germany also boasts numerous conservatories. On the 100 mark is the image of Clara Schumann and a piano. Three countries, three currencies, three musicians. Unfortunately, I was not able to collect them due to the exorbitant prices and extreme rarity of these three pieces of currency. The 5000 Austria shilling is hailed as the most expensive music currency, equivalent to 3500 yuan according to the exchange rate.

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爱尔兰 50 镑 盲人演奏家 50 Irish pounds, blind performer

Their acquaintances and acquisition, however, are indispensable for the integrity of my music-on-currency research.


爱尔兰 50 镑 盲人演奏家 50 Irish pounds, blind performer● 爱尔兰是一个西欧岛国。面积 70723平方公里,人口约 459


Ireland is a Western Europe island country, with an area of 70,723 km2 and a population of 4.59 million. Its capital is Dublin and its official languages are English and Irish. Its main religion is Catholic.

● 爱尔兰现在使用欧元。在使用欧元之前爱尔兰使用爱尔兰镑(2002年前)。辅币为新便士。1爱尔兰镑 =100新便士。爱尔兰镑的纸币面值有 5,10,20,50,100爱尔兰镑。

Ireland now uses euro, before which Irish pound was used (before 2002) whose fractional currency is new penny. 1 Irish pound is equal to 100 new pennies. The denominations of Irish pounds include 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.

● 在 1982年的 50爱尔兰镑的纸币正面为奥卡罗兰(1670-1738)。奥卡罗兰是爱尔兰作曲家和竖琴演奏家。在正面,奥卡罗兰正在认真的弹奏竖琴。背景有乐谱。奥卡罗兰的旁边有一条狗,是他的导盲犬。这张纸币的背面为各种乐器的图案。如小提琴、双簧管、竖笛、竖琴等。这些乐器堆在一起不仅体现了这张货币的音乐性,但这一种的堆放排布更点缀了这张货币,使其更有艺术性。

The 1982-version 50 Irish pounds note has O'Carolan (1670 – 1738) on its front who is an Irish composer and harp performer. On the note, he is playing the harp in earnest and in the background are music scores. Beside him is a dog, his seeing-eye dog. On the back are images of various instruments, such as violin, oboe, clarinet and harp, etc. which combine to add to the musicality and artistic aura of the note.


奥地利 5000 先令 莫扎特 5000 Austrian shilling, Mozart● 奥地利为欧洲中部的内陆国家。国土面积为 8.3854万平方

公里。人口约为 849万。民族多为德意志族,官方语言为德语。主要宗教为天主教。首都和最大城市为维也纳。

Austria is a Central Europe inland country, with an area of 83,854

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Music and Dance on Paper Money

奥地利 5000 先令 莫扎特 5000 Austrian shilling, Mozart

维也纳国家歌剧院Wiener Staatsoper

km2 and a population of 8.49 million. Its capital and largest city is Vienna and its official language is German. Its main religion is Catholic and its minority ethnic group is German.

● 奥地利现在使用欧元。在使用欧元之前使用奥地利先令。奥地利先令的辅币为徳留申。1先令 =100徳留申。纸钞面额有5000、1000、500、100、50、20 先令。在 1988 年版 5000 奥地利先令的正面为莫扎特的头像。沃尔夫冈 · 阿玛多伊斯 · 莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于今奥地利的萨尔斯堡(当时的神圣罗马帝国的萨尔斯堡)。是欧洲最著名的古典主义时期作曲家之一。莫扎特的交响曲和歌剧享誉全球。他的作品很多,主要作品是 63首交响曲,16首嬉游曲,13首小夜曲,15首进行曲,105首小步舞曲,172首舞曲,27首钢琴协奏曲,5首小提琴协奏曲,23首弦乐四重奏,4首管乐弦乐重奏曲,9首钢琴重奏曲,43首小提琴奏鸣曲,23首钢琴奏鸣曲,15部歌剧,4部清唱剧,4首康塔塔,50首宗教合唱曲,18首重唱歌曲,55首独唱和管弦乐队曲,32首歌曲。著名的歌剧有“费加罗的婚礼”、“后宫诱逃”、“唐璜”和“魔笛”等。背面为维也纳国家歌剧院,世界一流的歌剧院。

Austria now uses euro, before which Austrian shilling was used whose fractional currency is groschen. 1 shilling is equal to 100 groschen. The denominations of shilling include 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000. The 1998-version 5000 shilling has Mozart's portrait on it. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27th, 1756 – December 5th, 1791) was born in Salzburg of Austria (then Salzburg of the Holy Roman Empire) and is one of the most prestigious classical composers ever. Mozart's symphonies and operas enjoy worldwide renown. He is a prolific composer whose works include 63 symphonies, 16 divertissements, 13 serenades, 15 marches, 105 minuets, 172 dance dramas, 27 piano concertos, 5 violin concertos, 23 string quartets, 4 orchestral duos, 9 piano duos, 43 violin sonatas, 23 piano sonatas, 15 operas, 4 oratorios, 4 cantatas, 50 church choruses, 18 madrigals, 55 solos and orchestral pieces and 32 songs. His famous operas include "The Marriage of Figaro", "The Abduction from the Seraglio", "Don Juan" and "The Magic Flute". The back of the note is the world-renowned Vienna National Opera House.


德国 100 马克 克拉拉 • 舒曼 100 Deutsche Mark, Clara Schumann● 德意志联邦共和国是一个中欧国家。领土面积为 357167平

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方公里,人口约 8110万,是欧盟人口最多的国家,欧洲除俄罗斯外人口最多的国家。主要宗教为基督新教和天主教。官方语言为德语。首都柏林。

German is a Central Europe country, with an area of 357,167 km2

and a population of 81.1 million. Its capital is Berlin and its official language is German. Its main religions are Catholic and Protestant. It is the most populous country of EU and the second largest country in Europe in terms of population, with Russia being the largest.

● 德国现在使用欧元。在德国使用欧元之前德国使用德国马克。辅币为芬尼。1马克 =100芬尼。德国马克的货币面值为5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000马克。在 1996年版的德国马克的正面为克拉拉 •舒曼(1819-1896)的头像。克拉拉 •舒曼是德国著名的女钢琴家。是著名的浪漫主义音乐家罗伯特 •舒曼(robert schumann,1810~1856a.d)的妻子。背面中间为克拉拉弹奏过的钢琴。右边为震动的音叉。

Germany now uses euro, before which it used mark whose fractional currency is pfennig. 1 mark is equal to 100 pfennig. The denominations of mark include 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000. The 1996-version mark has Clara Schumann's portrait on it. Clara Schumann (1819 – 1896) is a famous German female pianist, and wife of the prestigious romantic musician Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856). On the back is the piano played by Clara and on the right is a vibrating pitchfork.

德国 100 马克 克拉拉 • 舒曼 100 Deutsche Mark, Clara Schumann

克拉拉 • 舒曼Clara Schumann

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纸币上的艺术与建筑Art and Architecture on Paper Money




Currency provides a window for us to peer into a

nation's history and culture. To fully represent a

nation's historical accumulation, cultural essence and

economic strength, every nation utilizes its state-of-

the-art printing techniques and fills its currency with

masterpieces of its most brilliant artists, or famous


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1995 年版 50 埃及皮拉斯特 ( 正面 )----1 1995 年版 50 埃及皮拉斯特(背面)----21995-version 50 Egyptian piastres (front) 1995-version 50 Egyptian piastres (back)

1992 年版 3 乌兹别克斯坦苏姆(正面)----3 1992 年版 3 乌兹别克斯坦苏姆(背面)----41992-version 3 Uzbekistan som (front) 1992-version 3 Uzbekistan som (back)

1976 年 1 泽西镑(正面)----5 1976 年 1 泽西镑(背面)----61976-version 1 Jersey pound (front) 1976-version 1 Jersey pound (back)

1990 年版 5 哥斯达黎加科朗(正面)----7 1990 年版 5 哥斯达黎加科朗(背面)----81990-version 5 Costa Rican colons (front) 1990-version 5 Costa Rican colons (back)

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1939 年版 50 希腊德拉克马(正面)----9 1939 年版 50 希腊德拉克马(背面)----101939-version 50 Greek drachmai (front) 1939-version 50 Greek drachmai (back)

1987 年版 1000 希腊德拉克马(正面)----11 1987 年版 1000 希腊德拉克马(背面)----121987-version 1000 Greek drachmaes (front) 1987-version 1000 Greek drachmaes (back)

1991 年版 20 保加利亚列弗(正面)----13 1991 年版 20 保加利亚列弗(背面)----141991-version 20 Bulgarian leva (front) 1991-version 20 Bulgarian leva (back)

2004 年版 1 洪都拉斯伦皮拉(正面)----15 2004 年版 1 洪都拉斯伦皮拉(背面)----162004-version 1 Honduras lempira (front) 2004-version 1 Honduras lempira (back)

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2003 年版 10 刚果法郎(正面)----17 2003 年版 10 刚果法郎(背面)----182003-version 10 Congo francs (front) 2003-version 10 Congo francs (back)

2007 年版 100 津巴布韦元(正面)----19 2007 年版 100 津巴布韦元(背面)----202007-version 100 Zimbabwean dollars (front) 2007-version 100 Zimbabwean dollars (back)

1988 年版 1000 秘鲁印蒂(正面)----21 1988 年版 1000 秘鲁印蒂(背面)----221988-version 1000 Peruvian intis (front) 1988-version 1000 Peruvian intis (back)

2011 年版 10 马其顿第纳尔(正面)----23 2011 年版 10 马其顿第纳尔(背面)----242011-version 10 Macedonian denar (front) 2011-version 10 Macedonian denar (back)

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2001 年版 50 马其顿第纳尔(正面)----25 2001 年版 50 马其顿第纳尔(背面)----262001-version 50 Macedonian denar (front) 2001-version 50 Macedonian denar (back)

2007 年版 100 马其顿第纳尔(正面)----27 2007 年版 100 马其顿第纳尔(背面)----282007-version 100 Macedonian denar (front) 2007-version 100 Macedonian denar (back)

2009 年版 500 马其顿第纳尔(正面)----29 2009 年版 500 马其顿第纳尔(背面)----302009-version 500 Macedonian denar (front) 2009-version 500 Macedonian denar (back)

2009 年版 1000 马其顿第纳尔 ----31 2009 年版 1000 马其顿第纳尔 ----322009-version 1000 Macedonian denar (front) 2009-version 1000 Macedonian denar (back)

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2000 年版 1 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----35 2000 年版 1 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----362000-version 1 Belarusian ruble (front) 2000-version 1 Belarusian ruble back

1996 年版 5000 马其顿第纳尔(正面)----33 1996 年版 5000 马其顿第纳尔(背面)----341996-version 5000 Macedonian denar (front) 1996-version 5000 Macedonian denar (back)

2000 年版 5 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----37 2000 年版 5 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----382000-version 5 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 5 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 10 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----39 2000 年版 10 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----402000-version 10 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 10 Belarusian rublei (back)

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2000 年版 20 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----41 2000 年版 20 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----422000-version 20 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 20 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 50 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----43 2000 年版 50 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----442000-version 50 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 50 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 100 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----45 2000 年版 100 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----462000-version 100 Belarus rublei (front) 2000-version 100 Belarus rublei (back)

2000 年版 500 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----47 2000 年版 500 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----482000-version 500 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 500 Belarusian rublei (back)

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2000 年版 1000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----49 2000 年版 1000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----502000-version 1000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 1000 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 5000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----51 2000 年版 5000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----522000-version 5000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 5000 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 20000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----55 2000 年版 20000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----562000-version 20000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 20000 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 10000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----53 2000 年版 10000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----542000-version 10000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 10000 Belarusian rublei (back)

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2000 年版 50000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----57 2000 年版 50000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----582000-version 50000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 50000 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 100000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----59 2000 年版 100000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----602000-version 100000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 100000 Belarusian rublei (back)

2000 年版 200000 白俄罗斯卢布(正面)----61 2000 年版 200000 白俄罗斯卢布(背面)----622000-version 200000 Belarusian rublei (front) 2000-version 200000 Belarusian rublei (back)

1992 年版 50000 意大利里拉(正面)----63 1992 年版 50000 意大利里拉(背面)----641992-version 50000 Italian lira (front) 1992-version 50000 Italian lira (back)

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1994 年版 100000 意大利里拉(正面)----65 1994 年版 100000 意大利里拉(背面)----661994-version 100000 Italian lira (front) 1994-version 100000 Italian lira (back)

1997 年版 500000 意大利里拉(正面)----67 1997 年版 500000 意大利里拉(背面)----681997-version 500000 Italian lira (front) 1997-version 500000 Italian lira (back)

1997 年版 100 法国法郎(正面)----69 1997 年版 100 法国法郎(背面)----701997-version 100 French francs (front) 1997-version 100 French francs (back)

1987 年版 100 法国法郎(正面)----71 1987 年版 100 法国法郎(背面)----721987-version 100 French francs (front) 1987-version 100 French francs (back)

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2013 年版 5 欧元(正面)----75 2013 年版 5 欧元(背面)----762013-version 5 euro (front) 2013-version 5 euro (back)

2014 年版 10 欧元(正面)----77 2014 年版 10 欧元(背面)----782014-version 10 euro (front) 2014-version 10 euro (back)

2002 年版 20 欧元(正面)----79 2002 年版 20 欧元(背面)----802002-version 20 euro (front) 2002-version 20 euro (back)

1976 年版 50 法国法郎 ( 正面 )----73 1976 年版 50 法国法郎(背面)----741976-version 50 French francs (front) 1976-version 50 French francs (back)

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2002 年版 100 欧元 ( 正面 )----83 2002 年版 100 欧元 ( 背面 )----842002-version 100 euro (front) 2002-version 100 euro (back)

2002 年版 200 欧元(正面)----85 2002 年版 200 欧元(背面)----862002-version 200 euro (front) 2002-version 200 euro (back)

2002 年版 500 欧元(正面)----87 2002 年版 500 欧元(背面)----88 2002-version 500 euro (front) 2002-version 500 euro (back)

2002 年版 50 欧元(正面)----81 2002 年版 50 欧元(背面)----822002-version 50 euro (front) 2002-version 50 euro (back)

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◆ 占卜者 / The fortune teller(Page / 83)

◆ 马其顿的马赛克 / Mosaic from Macedonia

(Page / 76)

◆ 圣维克多山 塞尚 / Mt. St. Victor Cezanne◆ 马里杰内星期五清真寺

The great Mosque in Djenne

◆ 奇琴伊察卡斯蒂略金字塔

El Castillo from Chichen Itza

◆ 掷铁饼者 / The Discus Thrower

(Page / 71)

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纸币上的艺术和建筑Art and Architecture on Paper Money









The currency is a paramount participant of human economic life, used on a daily basis. It is nicknamed as world's name card, for on every piece of currency is printed the emblematic people and objects unique to certain nation. Furthermore, currency is also art, due to not only the pretty patterns imprinted above, but also the fact that it is an original carrier of art itself. Many countries add much art-related information onto the currency, making it a platform where people could familiarize themselves with art.






Meanwhile, architecture is also an integral part of art. Through the currency, we can learn about unique features of the architecture and culture during a certain period and in a specific place. Mirrored in

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the architecture is the developmental trend of art whose changes in form and content tend to project themselves onto the architecture.

① 建筑和历史遗迹Architecture and Historical Relics

乌兹别克斯坦 3 索姆 埃及 50 皮拉斯特 清真寺 Uzbekistan 3 som, Eygpt 50 Piastres Mosques● 伊斯兰教是许多国家的信仰。许多国家的纸币背后都印有


Islam is the religion of numerous countries. Many nations' currencies are printed with mosques on the back. A mosque boasts conspicuous styles. Unlike Christian churches, the mosque is seldom adorned with godly figures. Instead, it is mostly decorated with calligraphy, Arabesques and geometric images. Inside every Islamic mosque is a Mihrab indicating the direction of Mecca. Larger mosques typically have minarets standing in their surroundings where residents are rallied for worship by Muezzins. Many mosques have hypostyle halls as well as great domes in the center.

● 乌兹别克斯坦共和国是一个中亚的伊斯兰教国家。面积447400平方公里。人口 3007.5万人。首都塔什干。主要民族为乌兹别克族,官方语言为乌兹别克语。

The Republic of Uzbekistan is an Islamic country in Central Asia with a surface area of 447, 400 km2 and a population of 30.075 million. Tashkent is its capital. Its majority ethic group is Uzbeks and its official language is Uzbek.

● 索姆是乌兹别克斯坦的官方货币。在 1992版的乌兹别克斯坦索姆的后面为清真寺图案。撒马尔罕风格。

The official currency of Uzbekistan is som and the 1992-version som is printed with mosque patterns in the style of Samarkand on the back.

乌兹别克斯坦 3 索姆 清真寺Uzbekistan 3 som Mosque

清真寺 Mosque

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● 阿拉伯埃及共和国是非洲东北部的阿拉伯国家,主要民族信奉伊斯兰教。国土面积为 1001449平方公里,人口 8670万。首都开罗。官方语言阿拉伯语。

The Arab Republic of Egypt is an Arab nation situated in the northeast of Africa and its ethic majority is Islamic worshippers. It has a surface area of 1, 001, 449 km2 and a population of 86.7 million. Its capital is Cairo and its official language is Arabic.

● 埃及镑是埃及的官方货币。辅币单位是皮阿斯特。1镑=100皮阿斯特。纸币有分 5、10、25、50的皮拉斯特及 1、5、10、20、50、100的埃及镑。1美元 = 6.96 埃及镑。在 50皮拉斯特的正面为埃及的爱资哈尔清真寺。爱资哈尔清真寺是埃及著名的清真寺。

Egyptian pound is the official currency of Egypt and its fractional currency is piastre. One Egyptian pound equals 100 piastres. The denominations of the Egyptian paper currency range from 5, 10, 25, 50 piastres to 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 pounds. One US dollar equals 6.96 Egyptian pounds. The front of the 50 piastre paper note is printed with the renowned Egyptian Al-Azhar Mosque.

津巴布韦 100 元 大津巴布韦古迹 Zimbabwe 100 dollars The Great Zimbabwe Ruins● 津巴布韦 100元的纸币背后有 100元大津巴布韦古迹的图


The back of the 100 dollars paper note of Zimbabwe is printed with images from The Great Zimbabwe Ruins which is also the source of the the country's name. Zimbabwe denotes "Stone City" in Shaona and it is no misnomer.

● 大津巴布韦是南部非洲的黑非洲古文明的代表。以其著名的大石头建筑群而出名。如今的大津巴布韦遗址在首都哈拉雷 350公里外的马斯温哥省。是重要的考古遗迹。1986年被列为世界文化遗产。

The Great Zimbabwe is representative of the ancient civilization of southern Africa and famous for its stone architecture group. The Great Zimbabwe Ruins is now situated in Masvingo 350 km away from the Zimbabwean capital Harare. As a significant archaeological site, it was listed among the World Cultural Heritages in 1986.

秘鲁 1000 印蒂 古代文明遗迹Peru 1000 Intis Ancient Civilization Relics● 秘鲁共和国是一个位于南美洲西部的国家。面积 1285216

埃及 50 皮阿斯特 Egypt 50 piastres, Mosque

津巴布韦 100 元 大津巴布韦古迹 Zimbabwe 100 dollars The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

爱资哈尔清真寺Al-Azhar Mosque

大津巴布韦遗址The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

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平方公里,人口约 3100万。主要宗教为天主教。官方语言为西班牙语。首都为利马。

The Republic of Peru is situated in the west of South America with a surface area of 1,285,216 km2 and a population of 31 million. Catholic is the nation's main religion. Its official language is Spanish and its capital is Lima.

● 秘鲁现在的货币名称为新索尔。最早秘鲁的货币为索尔。1986年开始使用新币印蒂。到了 1991年秘鲁决定以新索尔代替印蒂成为秘鲁的官方货币。而现在索尔和印蒂已经停止流通。1新索尔 =1000000印蒂。现今的新索尔的纸币面值为 10,20,50,100和200新索尔。昔日发行过的印蒂的纸币面值有 10,50,100,500,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000,500000,1000000与 5000000印蒂。

The present currency of Peru is New Sol and its earliest currency is Sol. Inti began to be used from 1986 but was replaced with New Sol as the official currency of Peru in 1991. Now both sol and inti have stopped circulating. One new sol is equal to 1000000 intis. The denominations of new sol range from 10, 20, 50, 100 to 200 while the denominations of past inti include 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000 and 5000000.

● 在 1000印蒂的背后为古代文明遗迹昌昌古城的遗迹。是南美洲印第安文化奇穆文明的遗迹。

The back of the 1000 intis note is printed with the relics of Chan Chan, part of the Reino Chimu civilization of South American Indian culture.

保加利亚 20 列弗 教堂 Bulgaria 20 Leva Church● 保加利亚共和国位于欧洲东部。面积 110910平方公里。人

口约 760万人。首都为索菲亚。主要信仰宗教为东正教。官方语言为保加利亚语。

The Republic of Bulgaria is situated in the east of Europe with a surface area of 110,910 km2 and a population of 7.6 million. Its capital is Sofia and its main religion is the Orthodox Eastern Church. Its official language is Bulgarian.

● 列弗是保加利亚的法定货币。辅币名称叫斯托丁基。最新版的保加利亚列弗的纸币面值为 1,2,5,10,20,50,100列弗。1991年版的 20列弗的背面为博亚纳教堂,一个位于首都索菲亚 8000米的索菲亚最著名的东正教教堂。博亚纳教堂实际上为三座教堂。位于最东端的教堂建于 10-11世纪,象征着保加利亚民族的诞生;中间的教堂—卡洛扬教堂于 13世纪建成,标志着经过长期异国统治后保加利亚艺术的复兴;而最西边的教堂建于 19世纪。三座教

秘鲁 1000 印蒂 古代文明遗迹Peru 1000 Intis Ancient Civilization Relics

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1259年绘制的“最后的晚餐”。这些壁画明显受到拜占庭艺术的影响,但是仍然带有十足的保加利亚民族风格。尽管在 1259年,人物形象的刻画仍然十分的呆板而僵硬而且基督教教规仍然十分





于 1979年被列为世界文化遗产。Leva is the legal currency of Bulgaria and its fractional currency is

Stotinki. The denominations of the latest-version Leva note include 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. The 1991-version 20 Leva note is printed with the Boyana Church on the back, the most famous Orthodox Eastern church 8,000 meters away from Sofia. The Boyana Church actually consists of three churches: the easternmost church was built around the 10th and 11th centuries, symbolizing the birth of Bulgaria; the middle church, Kaloyan Church was built in the 13th century, embodying the rejuvenation of Bulgarian art after a long separated rule; the westernmost church was built in the 19th century. The three churches were built at different periods but blended harmoniously. The Boyana Church is famous for its frescoes, especially the middle church. One of them is "The Last Supper" created in 1259. These frescoes were apparently influenced by the Byzantine art but also retained Bulgarian traits. Despite its creation in 1259, a time dominated by severe Christian code and rigid figure portrayal, the frescoes displayed extreme vividness, constituting a rare piece of artistic treasure before the Renaissance. The front of the note is printed with a church fresco – Desislava. Some even deem the Boyana Church as the beginning of the Renaissance. The church listed among the World Cultural Heritages in 1979.

洪都拉斯 1 伦皮拉 古代遗址 Honduras 1 Lempira Ancient relics

● 洪都拉斯共和国,是中美洲的一个多山国家。国土面积为112492平方公里,人口约 820万。主要宗教为天主教,官方语言为西班牙语。首都和最大城市为特古西加尔巴。

The Republic of Honduras is a mountainous country of Central America, with a surface area of 112,492 km2 and a population of 8.2 million. Catholic is its main religion and its official language is Spanish. Its capital and biggest city is Tegucigalpa.

洪都拉斯 1 伦皮拉 古代遗址 Honduras 1 Lempira Ancient relics

保加利亚 20 列弗 教堂Bulgaria 20 Leva Church

壁画“新娘杰希斯拉娃”Fresco in Boyana church

博亚纳教堂Boyana Church

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● 伦皮拉是洪都拉斯的法定货币。辅币名称为分。1伦皮拉=100分。现流通面值有 1、2、5、10、20、50、100、500伦皮拉。伦皮拉还是一个酋长的名字。2004年版 1伦皮拉的正面即为伦皮拉酋长的头像。

Lempira is the legal currency of Honduras and its fractional currency is cent. One Lempira equals 100 cents. The denominations of Lempira range from 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 to 500. Lempira is the name of a chief and the 2004-version 1 Lempira is printed with the portrait of the Lempira chief on the front.

● 在 2004年版 1伦皮拉的背面是科潘古城。科潘是著名的洪都拉斯玛雅文明遗迹。科潘距离首都特古西加尔巴北约 225公里,靠近危地马拉边境。科潘古城是公元前 7世纪 -1世纪的古玛雅遗址,是玛雅文明的首都,科学宗教中心。是现今发现的十分古老、面积大、地位重要的玛雅文明遗址。在 1576年,西班牙迭戈·加西亚在从危地马拉去洪都拉斯的途中,发现了这处淹没在草莽丛中的古城遗址。这组遗迹当中有不同种类和地位的房屋,即科潘是有等级制度的。宗教建筑是科潘古城的核心,体现了宗教对于科潘古城的重要性和其崇高的地位。在建筑群的右边为传统的玛雅木雕。

The back of the 2004-version 1 Lempira is printed with the ancient city of Copan, a famous Mayan cultural relic of Honduras. Copan is roughly 225 km north of Tegucigalpa, bordering Guatemala. Copan is an ancient Mayan relic from the seventh to first century B.C. As the capital and scientific and religious center of Maya, it is a paramount and expansive ancient relic. In 1576, on his way from Guatemala to Honduras, Diego Garcia found this relic submerged in weeds. This relic consists of houses of different varieties and statuses, signaling the hierarchical system of Copan. Religious buildings are at the core of Copan, which indicates the peerless status religion holds in this city. On the right of the architecture group are the traditional Mayan wooden sculptures.

希腊 1000 德拉克马 古代遗址Greece 1000 Drachmaes, Ancient relics● 希腊共和国是位于欧洲东南部的国家。全国面积为 131957

平方公里。人口约 1080万。官方语言希腊语。首都雅典。主要的宗教为东正教。

The Republic of Greece is located in southeastern Europe, with a surface area of 131,957 km2 and a population of 10.8 million. Orthodox Eastern Church is its main religion and its official language is Greek. Its capital is Athens.

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奥林匹亚遗址Olympic sports

● 希腊如今使用欧元。希腊始于 2001年加入欧元区。在使用欧元之前,德拉克马是希腊的官方货币。德拉克马的辅币为雷普塔。1德拉克马 =100雷普塔。1978共和国时期之后纸币面值有50,100,200,500,1000,5000,10000德拉克马。

Greece joined the Euro system in 2001. Before that, its official currency is Drachma whose fractional currency is LePta. One Drachma equals 100 LePtas. The denominations of Drachma after 1978 range from 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000 to 10000.

● 在 1000德拉克马的背面为奥林匹亚遗址中的赫拉神庙的图样。赫拉神庙是古奥林匹亚遗址中最老的建筑,始建于公元前 600年左右。奥林匹亚遗址位于希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛西部、伊利亚州境内,阿尔菲奥斯河北岸。奥林匹亚是古代奥林匹克运动的发祥地,以举办祭祀主神宙斯的体育盛事而闻名世界。奥林匹亚也是一个著名的敬拜宙斯的胜地之一。主要现存建筑为赫拉神庙、宙斯神庙和古奥林匹亚运动场等。奥林匹亚遗址于 1989年被列为世界文化遗产。

The back of the 1000 Drachmaes is printed with the Temple of Hera from the Ancient Olympia relics which, built around 600 B.C., is the oldest architecture of the relics. The Ancient Olympia relics are situated in the west of the Peloponnese Peninsula within Ilia on the northern bank of Alfios. As the birthplace of the Olympic Games, Olympia was famous for holding sports events in honor of Zeus. Olympia is also a main pilgrimage site for the worship of Zeus. Its existent architectures include the Temple of Hera, Temple of Zeus and ancient Olympic sports grounds. It is listed among the World Cultural Heritages in 1989.

② 雕塑 Sculpture

刚果 10 法郎 非洲木雕 Congo 10 Francs African Wooden Sculpture

● 刚果民主共和国,是非洲中部的国家,非洲第二大国家和世界第 11大国家。人口数量世界前二十。国土面积 2345000平方公里,人口约 7171万。官方语言为法语。首都金沙萨。是世界上最不发达的国家之一。

The Democratic Republic of Congo is located in Central Africa, with a surface area of 2,345,000 km2 and a population of 71.71 million. Ranking among the top 20 in population, it is the second largest country in Africa and eleventh largest in the world. Its official language is French and its capital is Kinshasa. It is one of the least developed

希腊 1000 德拉克马 古代遗址 Greece 1000 Drachmaes, Ancient relics

刚果 10 法郎 非洲木雕 Congo 10 Francs African Wooden Sculpture

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掷铁饼者的雕塑Discus Thrower Sculpture

countries in the world.● 刚果民主共和国使用刚果法郎。辅币为分。1法郎 =100分。

现在流通的面值有 50、100、200、500、1000、5000、10000、20000法郎八种。在 2003年的 10法郎的正面和反面都有非洲木雕。非洲木雕世界闻明,并且有其独特的风格。非洲木雕的面部表情一般比较僵硬。,并且重点强调雕刻头部,头部往往失去比例的大。

Congo uses Congolese franc whose fractional currency is cent. One franc is equal to 100 cents. The eight denominations of francs in circulation are 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 and 20000. The 2003-version 10 francs paper note is printed with African wooden sculptures both on its front and back. Worldly-famous and with a particular style, African wooden sculptures feature rigid facial expressions and place a special emphasis on the head which is usually disproportionally large.

希腊 1000 德拉克马 掷铁饼者雕塑 Greece, 1000 Drachmaes Discus Thrower Sculpture● 在 1000元的希腊德拉克马上有掷铁饼者的雕塑。掷铁饼者


The 1000 Greek Drachmaes is printed with the Discus Thrower sculpture, a famous sculpture in neoclassical period of Ancient Greece. Many Discus Thrower sculptures are replicas by sculptors from ancient Rome. Greatly admiring the Greek artworks, ancient Rome applied many Greek techniques to their own civilization and made innumerable replicas of ancient Greek sculptures. The original author of the Discus Thrower is an ancient Greek named Myron. This sculpture is extremely dynamic, displaying the sportsmanship of ancient Greece. The man in the sculpture prepares to throw a discus in an elegant gesture. The sculpture features many of the styles of neoclassical Greek sculptures: idealized human form, calm facial expression, contrapposto and enhanced muscular portrayal. The National Museum of Rome, Vatican Museum and Terme Museum have all collected one of the replicas of the sculpture.

希腊 1000 德拉克马 掷铁饼者雕塑 Greece, 1000 Drachmaes Discus Thrower Sculpture

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希腊 50 德拉克马 浮雕 Greece 50 Drachmai Relief● 1939年希腊 50德拉克马的背面是一副浮雕。在这浮雕上,


The back of the 1939-version 50 Drachmai is printed with a relief. Figures in the relief all have calm expressions and wear typical ancient Greek draperies and have typical Ancient Greek hairstyles. It is a classic ancient Greek relief.

埃及 50 皮拉斯特 古埃及雕塑 图坦卡门面具(水印) Egypt 50 piastres Ancient Egyptian Sculpture andTutankhamun Mask (watermark)● 我们已经说过,50埃及皮拉斯特的正面为埃及清真寺的图

案。在其背面为埃及的其他的艺术。在最左边浅浅的古埃及的壁画艺术。中间为古埃及拉美西斯二世的雕塑。这个雕塑的面部表情比较僵硬,与大多数的古埃及雕像相雷同。而其纸币水印是图坦卡蒙黄金面具,这个藏于开罗的埃及国家博物馆的黄金面具,是世界上最著名的古埃及艺术品与面具之一。这个面具是埃及法老图坦卡蒙死的时候所带的面具,于 1922年由 Howard Carter发现于他的陵墓当中。图坦卡蒙是最小登基的埃及法老之一,10岁的时候登基,而于 19岁英年早逝。这个面具的大小和真正人头的大小相似,可以正好的套在法老的尸体头上。这个面具理想化了法老的身体与面部特征,象征法老永恒不死的理念。

As I told earlier, the front of 50 piastre is printed with a mosque. The back of it displays other art forms of Ancient Egypt. The leftmost corner is the Egyptian mural and in the middle is the sculpture of Ramses II in ancient Egypt. This sculpture features a rigid facial expression, like most ancient Egyptian sculptures. The watermark of this piece of paper currency is the Tutankhamun Mask, a golden mask collected in the National Museum of Egypt in Cairo and one of the most famous ancient Egyptian artworks. This mask was worn by Tutankhamun as he died and found by Howard Carter in Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922. As one of the youngest Egyptian pharaohs, Tutankhamun ascended the throne at 10 and died precociously at 19. This mask is life-size and fits the corpse head of the pharaoh perfectly. This mask idealizes the physical and facial features of the pharaoh, symbolizing the concept of immortality.

希腊 50 德拉克马 浮雕 Greece 50 Drachmai Relief

埃及 50 皮拉斯特 古埃及雕塑 图坦卡门面具(水印) Egypt 50 piastres Ancient Egyptian Sculpture and Tutankhamun Mask (watermark)

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

③ 画 painting

泽西岛 1 镑 新古典主义画 Jersey Island,1 pound, Neoclassical painting● 泽西岛是英国的皇家属地。面积 116平方公里,人口约 9万。

政府驻地为圣赫利尔。使用英语和法语。泽西岛靠近法国,位于法国科唐坦半岛以西 19公里。

Jersey Island is a British crown dependency, with a surface area of 116 km2 and a population of 90,000. The capital is at Saint Helier. English and French are spoken here. Jersey Island is near to France, 19 km west of the Contentin Peninsula,Normandy, France.

● 泽西岛镑为泽西岛货币。现今纸币的面额有 1,5,10,20,50镑。Jersey Island pound is its currency. The denominations of the paper

currency include 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50.● 1泽西岛镑的背面为美国肖像画及历史题材画家约翰·辛格


The back of one pound is printed with a pianting by American portraitist and historical painter John Singleton Copley, one of the most famous American neoclassical painters. This painting 'Death of Major Peirson' recounts a historical battle taking place in Jersey Island.

哥斯达黎加 5 科朗 Costa Rica 5 colons● 哥斯达黎加共和国是中美洲的国家。国土面积为 51100平方

公里。人口约 470万。官方语言为西班牙语。主要宗教为天主教。首都为圣何塞。

Costa Rica is located in Central America, with a surface area of 51,100 km2 and a population of 4.7 million. Its official language is Spanish and its capital is San Jose. Its main religion is Catholic.

● 哥斯达黎加科朗是哥斯达黎加的货币。现在最新版的纸币面值为 1000,2000,5000,10000,20000,50000科朗六种。

1990年版 5哥斯达黎加科朗的背面为意大利画家阿莱亚尔多·维拉 (Aleardo Villa 1865-1906)创作的油画“咖啡的寓言”。咖啡是哥斯达黎加重要的农业经济作物。这幅壁画现在位于哥斯达黎加国家大剧院的天花板上。这幅画生动形象的体现了人们收割香蕉、咖啡等待货物上船运输的场景。具有一定的哥斯达黎加特色。

Colon is Costa Rica's currency and the denominations of the latest paper currency include 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000 and 50000. The 1990-version 5 colons paper note is printed with the oil painting 'Fable

泽西岛 1 镑 新古典主义画 Jersey Island,1 pound, Neoclassical painting

哥斯达黎加 5 科朗 Costa Rica 5 colons

皮尔森少校之死'Death of Major Peirson'

“咖啡的寓言”Fable of Coffee

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of Coffee' by Italian painter Aleardo Villa (1865-1906) on the back. Coffee is an essential agricultural and economic product of Costa Rica. Spread across the ceiling of Costa Rica's National Theatre, this painting vividly depicts the scene of people harvesting bananas and the coffee awaiting shipment. It is uniquely Costa Rican.

专题 : 马其顿的艺术瑰宝 The artistic treasure in Macedonia

● 马其顿共和国,国土面积 25713平方公里,人口 206万。首都斯科普里。主要宗教为东正教。官方语言马其顿语。

The Republic of Macedonia has a surface area of 25,713 km2 and a population of 2.06 million. Orthodox Eastern Church is its main religion and its official language is Macedonian. Its capital is Skopje.

● 马其顿第纳尔是马其顿的官方货币。1996年版马其顿第纳尔的纸币面额为 10,50,100,500,1000和 5000第纳尔。1996版马其顿第纳尔的纸币版面优美,色彩斑斓,均为艺术图案。这一套钱


Its official currency is Macedonian Denar. The denominations of 1996-version Denar notes include 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 and they are famous for their pervasively artistic and colorful patterns.

● 其上有拜占庭式的马赛克,如 10元背面的在 4-5世纪的Stobi古城的孔雀马赛克、5000元背面的Heraclea Lyncestis城的“拴在无花果树上的狗”马赛克拼图;

Some have Byzantine mosaic, such as the peacock mosaic from Stobi during the 4th and 5th centuries printed on the back of a 10 Denar note and the "Dog Growing in the Fig Tree" mosaic puzzle from Heraclea Lyncestis printed on the back of a 5000 Denar note.

● 壁画与装饰画,如 50元背面 the church St.Kurbinovo的天使"加百利 "壁画,50元正面的 St. Pantelejmon教堂的装饰壁画;

Some have frescos, such as the Angel Gabriel fresco of the Church of St.Kurbinovo printed on the back of a 50 Denar note and the fresco of St. Pantelejmon Church printed on the front of a 50 Denar note.

● 版画,如 100第纳尔,为荷兰画家 Jacobus Harevin 创作于1594年的版画《斯科普里风光 Skopje》;

Some have engravings, such as the 'Skopje Landscape' engraving created by Dutch painter Jacobus Harevin in 1594 on a 100 Denar note;

10 马其顿第纳尔10 Macedonian denar


"Egyptian Goddess" sculpture

孔雀拼花图案Mosaic from stobi

50 马其顿第纳尔50 Macedonian denar

天使“加百利”壁画Fresco "Gabriel"

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

● 木质天花板玫瑰花型装饰物,如 100第纳尔上的马其顿德巴尔(Debar)城的大型巴洛克式木质天花板玫瑰花装饰物;

Some have wooden ceiling rose-shaped decorations, such as the large Baroque one from Debar on a 100 Denar note.

● 面具,如 500第纳尔正面的 6世纪马其顿古城 Trebenista的黄金死亡面具;

Some have masks, such as the golden death mask from Trebenista in the sixth century printed on the front of a 500 Denar note.

● Follis硬币,如 50第纳尔的 Anastasia古城的 follis拜占庭古硬币;圣像图(icon),如 14世纪 St. Vraci教堂的 Madonna Episkepsis and Chirst child圣像图 ;

Some have follis coins; such as the Byzantine follis coins from Anastasis on a 50 Denar note; Some have icons, such as the Madonna Episkepsis and Chirst Child icon in the St. Vraci Church in the 14th century.

● 琥珀雕塑,如 10第纳尔上面正面的三世纪;Some have amber sculptures, such as the "Egyptian Goddess"

sculpture from the 3rd century on the front of a 10 Denar note.

● 教堂柱廊结构,如 1000第纳尔背面的 Orchid市的 St. Sophia教堂的廊柱结构;

Some have church column structure, like the one of St. Sophia Church from Orchid on the back of a 1000 Denar note.

● 青铜塑像,如 5000第纳尔正面的公元六世纪的来自 Tetovo城Maenad塑像。

Some have bronze statues, like the Maenad statue from Tetovo in the sixth century on the front of a 5000 Denar note.

具体介绍 Specific contents:

天使“加百利”壁画 Fresco "Gabriel"

● 该壁画十分具有拜占庭风格。人物刻画有后面的背景整体



This fresco is in a Byzantine style. The human depiction lacks sence of space and the movements of Gabriel are rigid. Meanwhile, his feet are floating, not standing on the ground. A halo hovers above his head, showing his holiness.

100 马其顿第纳尔100 Macedonian denar

版画 Engraving

500 马其顿第纳尔 500 Macedonian denar

公元前 6 世纪的面具

Mask from the sixth century B.C.

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100 第纳尔上面的版画(Engraving)。Engraving from a 100 Denar note

● Engraving是一种比较早的版画形式。用雕刻刀在板块上面作画之后将油墨倒进刻痕里面,最后把图案印在纸上。

Engraving is an early form of print. Ink is poured into the marks carved by a sculpting knife before the pattern is copied onto a piece of paper.

公元前 6 世纪的面具 Mask from the sixth century B.C.

● 马其顿 St. Vraci 教堂内的 Madonna Episkepsis and Chirst child圣像图。这种圣像图是 13,14世纪十分著名的题材。在这一个圣像图上有那个时代的风格。图中的圣母等圣像还是十分的平,没有体现出来立体感。背景用的是拜占庭人喜欢使用的金色。圣母的表情体现的比较宁静。

The Madonna Episkepsis and Chirst Child icon in the St. Vraci Church. Madonna is a famous artistic form in the 13th and 14th centuries. This icon displays its era style strongly. The icon is still flat, lacking in depth. The background is gold as the Byzantine liked. Madonna is very calm.

Maenad 青铜雕像 Maenad bronze statue

● 马其顿 Orchid的圣索菲亚大教堂。圣索菲亚大教堂主体部分建造于 11世纪,是Orchid乃至整个马其顿最著名的大教堂之一。教堂内部有很多的中世纪的壁画艺术品等。

St. Sophia Church from Orchid. Its main body was built in the 11th century and it is one of the largest churches in Orchid, even in Macedonia. Medieval frescos abound inside.

● 马其顿这一套纸币系列体现了马其顿这个小国家的历史,文化,艺术之美。马其顿第纳尔上的是深深的文化传统积淀,展示出了马其顿身为一个小国的复杂的历史和艺术发展史的过程。而马其顿第纳尔上面的全套的艺术品的图案也体现了马其顿人民对于这些在马其顿出土的文物和现存的教堂等的重视。这一套马其顿第纳尔是纸币与艺术结合的典范。

The Macedonian paper currency series displays Macedonia's historical, cultural and artistic beauty. The deep-rooted cultural and traditional essences on its Denar demonstrate the complex development of its history and art. These images bring artifacts excavated and existing churches back to life, showing the importance Macedonians attach to them. This Denar series is a paragon for the combination of currency and art.

1000 马其顿第纳尔1000 Macedonian denar


bronze statue


Mosaic "Dog Growing in the Fig Tree"

Madonna Episkepsis and Chirst child 圣像图

圣索菲亚大教堂St. Sophia Church

5000 马其顿第纳尔5000 Macedonian denar

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

白俄罗斯专题:—— 一国建筑浓缩于一国货币

Belarusian Ruble: The embodiment of Belarus Architecture

● 白俄罗斯是一个东欧比较封闭的国家。 在白俄罗斯 2000年的卢布上为一整套的建筑系列货币。这一整套的建筑系列货币有歌剧院、艺术馆、国家银行大楼、城市与小镇风光、国家科学院、国家图书馆、国家文化宫、明斯克体育场及米尔城堡等各类建筑,向我们展示了白俄罗斯的建筑画卷。

Belarus is a relatively conservative country in Eastern Europe. In its 2000 version of ruble, the currency of the country, is a whole set of architecture, including opera house, art gallery, national bank building, cityscape and townscape, National Academy of Science, National Library, National Cultural Palace, Minsk Stadium and Mir Castle, giving us a quick qlimpse of the architectural essence of Belarus.

● 白俄罗斯 1卢布的背后是白俄罗斯国家科学院(National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB)),

On the back of the 1 ruble is the National Academy of Science of Belarus (NASB).

● 白俄罗斯 5卢布的背面是白俄罗斯首都明斯克郊区一片古老的街景图(Trayetskaye Pradmestsye)

On the back of its 5 rublei is an old cityscape (Trayetskaye Pradmestsye) in the suburb of Minsk, capital of Belarus.

● 白俄罗斯 10卢布的背面是白俄罗斯国家图书馆。On the back of its 10 rublei is the National Bank of Belarus.

● 白俄罗斯 20卢布的正面是位于首都明斯克的白俄罗斯国家银行。背面是国家银行的内景图。

On the front of its 20 rublei is the National Bank of Belarus situated in Minsk. On the back is its interior.

● 50卢布的正面是位于布勒斯特(白俄罗斯重要城市,位于白俄罗斯的西南角,靠近波兰边境)的一个要塞(Brest Fortress)(是一个二战的纪念地)。背面是星星形状的布勒斯特胜利纪念堂(War memorial)入口。星星图案的入口也具有社会主义、苏联的特色。这是布勒斯特市最为著名的景点,纪念了苏联在此抵挡德军的历史,具有重要的历史意义。

On the front of its 50 rublei is the Brest Fortress (a WWII memorial) located in Brest (a major city of Belarus, situated in its

1 白俄罗斯卢布1 Belarusian ruble

白俄罗斯国家科学院 National Academy of

Sciences of Belarus(NASB)

10 白俄罗斯卢布10 Belarusian rublei

白俄罗斯国家图书馆 National Library of Belarus

20 白俄罗斯卢布20 Belarusian rublei

白俄罗斯国家银行 National Bank of Belarus

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southwest near its border with Poland). On its back is the star-shaped entrance to the War Memorial in Brest. The star shape is characteristic of socialism and Soviet Union. It is the most famous tourist attraction of Brest, in honor of the resistance of Soviet Union against German forces here and with a historic significance.

● 100卢布的正面是白俄罗斯国家歌剧院芭蕾舞大剧院(见纸币上的音乐与舞蹈)。

On the front of its 100 rublei is the National Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus.

● 在 500卢布正面是文化宫(Palace of Culture)。背面为文化宫上的三角楣图案。

On the front of its 500 rublei is the Palace of Culture and on the back is its pediment.

● 1000卢布的正面为白俄罗斯的国家艺术馆。背面为一副在国家艺术馆里面的艺术品。画作为“花儿与水果”,是俄罗斯画家伊万·赫鲁茨基 Ivan Khrutsky 1810-1885 的油画作品《夫人与水果》的一部分。

The front of the 1000 rublei is printed with the National Art Gallery of Belarus and its back is a piece of artwork inside, "Flowers and Fruits", part of the oil painting "Madame and Fruits" by Russian painter Ivan Khrutsky (1810-1885).

● 在 5000卢布的正面为白俄罗斯的明斯克综合体育馆。背面为冬季运动训练中心的滑雪运动场。可以看到三个滑雪道。

On the front of its 5000 rublei is the Minsk Stadium and on the back is the skiing field of the Winter Sports and Training Center. You can see three skiing lanes.

● 在 10000卢布的正面是维贴布斯克(维贴布斯克是白俄罗斯东北部的城市,靠近俄罗斯边境,距离首都 300公里)的城市景色。背面为维贴布斯克市的夏季圆形露天竞技场。圆型露天竞技场是这里的地标性建筑,在斯拉夫音乐节的时候会有众多的节目。这一座城市还因为著名的艺术家夏加尔而著名。著名的艺术家夏加尔出生在这一座城市旁边的一座小城,城市里面有纪念他的纪念馆。

On the front of its 10,000 rublei is the cityscape of Vitebsk (a city in northeastern Belarus, near its border with Russia and 300 km away from the capital). On the back is the summer amphitheatre of Vitebsk, a landmark architecture that is host to numerous programs during the Slavonic Music Festival. This city is also famous for its artist Chagall who was born in a small adjacent town.

● 在 20000卢布的正面为戈梅利帕斯凯维奇将军宫(Gomel

50 白俄罗斯卢布50 Belarusian rublei

布勒斯特要塞Brest Fortress

胜利纪念堂 War memorial

1000 白俄罗斯卢布1000 Belarusian rublei

“花儿与水果” 'flowers and fruits'

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

Palace, Rumyantsev-Paskevich Residence)。戈梅利(Gomel,白俄罗斯东南部的城市,白俄罗斯第二大城市。戈梅利宫是戈梅利的一个著名的地标、历史性建筑。背面为描述该建筑的绘画作品。

On the front of the 20,000 rublei is the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Residence in Gomel. Gomel, situated in the southeast of Belarus, is its second largest city. Gomel Palace is a renowned historical landmark of the city. On the back of the 20,000 rublei is a painting portraying this building.

● 在 50000卢布的正面是米尔城堡。米尔城堡是白俄罗斯的一个世界文化遗产。在白俄罗斯的Mir小镇上。Mir小镇是一个在首都明斯克 85公里以外的一个小城。米尔城堡本身就是艺术的典范,建于 16世纪。是哥特风格的建筑典范,但在后来又融合了巴洛克和文艺复兴的艺术模式。背面为米尔城堡内的一些拼接画、建筑元素。

On the front of its 50,000 rublei is Mir Castle, a world culture heritage of Belarus located in Mir, a small town 85 km away from Minsk. Built in the 16th century, it is a paragon for Gothic art and combined Baroque and Renaissance elements later. On the back are some mosaics and architectural patterns from Mir Castle.

● 在 100000卢布的正面为涅斯维日的拉济维乌家族城堡建筑群 (Nyasvizh Castle),白俄罗斯的又一处世界文化遗产。是白俄罗斯最为古老的历史遗迹之一,距离首都明斯克 120公里。背面为一个白俄罗斯画家拿破仑 •奥尔达(Napoleon Orda)中的一个涅斯维日的城堡。拿破仑 •奥尔达画了很多在今日白俄罗斯、立陶宛和波兰的历史名迹的素描。

On the front of its 100,000 rublei is the Nyasvizh Castle group, another world culture heritage of Belarus. One of the most ancient historical sites of Belarus, it is located 120 km away from Minsk. On the back is one of its castle depicted by the Belarusian painter Napoleon Orda who had done numerous sketches of historical relics in Belarus, Poland and Lithuania.

● 在白俄罗斯 200000卢布的正面为白俄罗斯城市莫吉廖夫的一个美术馆。背面为一些博物馆内的装饰和建筑元素。

On the front of its 200,000 rublei is a gallery of Mogilev and on the back is some decorative and architectural elements of the museum.

● 我们很少了解到白俄罗斯这个国家的历史、文化和建筑。但是在 2000年的一整套的白俄罗斯卢布上,每一张纸币都从一个侧面体现了白俄罗斯的建筑和城市,展示了白俄罗斯城市的风采,与白俄罗斯人民生活相关的建筑,与白俄罗斯的科学、艺术、音乐等相关的建筑,以及带有历史感的白俄罗斯的文化古迹和历史

20000 白俄罗斯卢布20000 Belarusian rublei

关于戈梅利帕斯凯维奇将军宫的绘画作品Painting about Rumyantsev-Paskevich Residence

50000 白俄罗斯卢布50000 Belarusian rublei

米尔城堡 Mir Castle

100000 白俄罗斯卢布100000 Belarusian rublei

关于拉济维乌家族城堡建筑群的素描作品 Sketch work about Nyasvizh Castle

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200000 白俄罗斯卢布200000 Belarusian rublei

莫吉廖夫的美术馆 A gallery in Mogilev


We seldom know the history, culture and architecture of Belarus, but its 2000-version ruble series give us a full glimpse of Belarusian cities and architecture in the contexts of daily life, science, art and music as well as its historical relics and castles. Belarus is still a developing nation and much of its architecture has been damaged during the war period, etc. But through this set of currency, we can still discover the historical treasure and contemporary life of Belarus, which is an appealing country, after all. When most of us deem Belarus a locked country, only a few can find its hidden trove from its currency.

艺术家与他们的艺术作品(补充)Artists and their works (supplemental)




Italy and France abound with artists. Many of their

artworks used to fill the currencies of both countries

before the adoption of euro.

法国 France

● 法国历史上有很多的著名的艺术家。其中有很多位著名的法国艺术家都出现在了法国法郎上。同时还有那些艺术家的画作或者法国艺术建筑出现在法国法郎上面。

There are many renowned artists in French history, a few of whom were bore by have made it to francs. Their artworks and French architecture were also once featured on francs.

● 法国 1997年版 100法国法郎的正面是法国画家保罗塞尚。保罗·塞尚(Paul Cézanne,1839—1906)是法国著名的后印象派画家,为 20世纪现代艺术的先驱,对 20世纪的艺术产生了深远的影响。塞尚喜欢画静物画,如 1997年 100法国法郎的背面的那种水果静

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

物画。他不像印象派画家要模糊物体的轮廓线,相反地,他追求轮廓线,他重视这种带有几何形态的形象与人物。他的作品没有许多优美的线条,相反,塞尚强调各种各样带有几何形状的色块组成形态和人物。在法国法郎 1997年版的纸币上,对应图案是塞尚的油画作品“玩纸牌的人”,背面为油画“苹果与饼干”的油画。塞尚画有许多这种水果静物画。纸币正面的背景为塞尚的艺术作品“艾斯塔克海边”,左上方为无色油墨印刷的调色盘,左下方为无色油墨印刷的圣维克多山。塞尚创作过许多圣维克多山绘画,是塞尚最为著名的一些作品。在这些圣维克多山的油画中可以清晰的看出塞尚的那种以色块为单位的画法。

The 1997-version 100 francs was printed with Paul Cezanne on the front. Paul Cézanne, (1839—1906), is a prestigious post-impressionist French painter and influential forerunner of modern art in the 20th century. Cezanne is fond of genre painting, like the fruit painting on the back of the 1997-version 100 francs paper note. Unlike impressionists who shunned outline, he embraced it, placing emphasis on images and figures with geometric forms. Cezanne seeks after the combination of geometric color lumps into the dipiction of figures and forms. In the 1997 franc, the oil paintings "The Card Players" and "Fruits and Cookies" were printed on the front and back matchingly. The front of a French note is printed with Cezanne's "The Sea at Estaque", with the top left being an ink-printed pallet and the bottom left being an ink-printed 'Mont Sainte-Victoire' figure. Cezanne created innumerable paintings on Mont Sainte-Vietoire in which you can clearly detect his lump-unit painterly technique.

● 1987年版 100法郎的上面为德拉克洛瓦的头像。这一张法国法郎的正面和反面都有德拉克洛瓦的自画像。斐迪南 -维克多 -欧根.德拉克洛瓦(Eugène Delacroix,1798—1863),是法国最著名、最有代表性的浪漫主义画家。他画了许多历史题材的油画。在 100法郎的正面的背后为德拉克洛瓦著名的油画“自由引导人民”。自由引导人民现在藏在卢浮宫,是德拉克洛瓦最为著名的艺术画作之一。画家热情地表达了工人、小资产阶级和知识分子的革命运动。画作中心有一个女性,旁边有一个小孩,他们都十分的自信,表达一种对自由的向往,对革命的追求与不屈。画作有强烈对比的色彩,戏剧性的人物刻画,和一种强烈的动感。整张油画有一种热情、激昂、亢奋的气氛,以这种对女性和小孩革命的热烈场景抒发了对这些人民的赞美。德拉克洛瓦的画作都十分的细腻、激烈,并且带有作者自己强烈的感情,具有十足的浪漫主义的色彩。德拉克洛瓦也创作过乔治桑和著名音乐家肖邦的肖像画作,生动地抓住了人物的表情和精神面貌。

The 1987-version 100 francs had Delacroix's portrait on both its

100 法国法郎 100 French francs

苹果与饼干Fruits and Cookies

100 法国法郎100 French francs



油画“自由引导人民”"Liberty Leading the


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front and back. Delacroix (1798—1863) is the most renowned and representative French romantic painter who painted numerous historical works. The background of the front of the 100 francs is one of his most famous oil paintings "Liberty Leading the People", now collected in the Louvre Museum and ardently recounting the revolution led by proletariats, petit-bourgeois and intellectuals. In the center of the painting is a woman beside whom is a child. Both are confident, longing for liberty and ready to sacrifice their lives for it. The painting employs contrasting colors and its human depiction is dramatic and dynamic. The fervent enthusiasm and vigor pervade this painting, extolling the revolution-spirited people. Delacroix's works are subtly intense and perfect paragons of romanticism. Delacroix had also made portraits for artistic celevrities such as novelist George Sand and composer chopin, vividly capturing their expressions and mentality.

● 1976年版的50法国法郎的正反面有法国画家拉图尔的头像。莫里斯·康坦·德·拉图尔(法语:Maurice Quentin de La Tour,1704年 9月 5日- 1788年 2月 17日),是法国洛可可派的肖像画家。他著名的肖像画人物包括:伏尔泰、路易十五、蓬帕杜尔夫人。

The 1976-version 50 francs paper note is printed with the portrait of French painter La Tour on both its front and back. La Tour (1704 – 1788) is a Rococo portraitist who had painted for Voltaire, Louis XV and Madame de Pompadour.

意大利 Italy

● 意大利里拉上有三位著名意大利艺术家的头像,分别是50000里拉的贝尼尼,100000里拉上的卡拉瓦乔,和 500000里拉上的拉斐尔。

Three Italian artists have appeared on lira, with Bernini on the 50,000 lira, Caravaggio on the 100,000 lira and Raphael on the 500,000 lira.

● 乔凡尼·洛伦佐·贝尼尼(Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini,1598-1680)著名的巴洛克时期的雕塑家兼建筑师。贝尼尼是一位十分有影响力的巴洛克雕像家。贝尼尼的人物雕塑十分具有动感,如他所作的“大卫”像有明显的动感,而且表情严肃而激烈,与米开朗琪罗的大卫,他平静而又镇定,有十分大的差别。他其他的著名作品有如‘神志昏迷的圣德列萨’和‘阿波罗和达芙妮’。同时贝尼尼也是一名建筑家,比如他设计了圣彼得大教堂前环绕广场的柱廊等。在 50000里拉的背后为一个骑马像。

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680) is the famous and influential sculptor and architect during the Baroque period. His

50 法国法郎50 French francs

画家拉图尔La Tour

50000 意大利里拉50000 Italian lira

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money

figure sculpture is extremely dynamic; his masterpiece “David” features pensive and intense expressions which contrast sharply with Michelangelo's imperturbable counterpart. His other major works include "Ecstasy of Saint Theresa" and "Apollo and Daphne". Bernini is also an architect, designing the columns surrounding the plaza before the Church of St. Peter. The back of the 50,000 lira is his horse-riding portrait.

● 米开朗基罗·梅里西·德·卡拉瓦乔(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio,1571—1610),意大利 16世纪末至 17世纪初的一位著名的巴洛克画家。卡拉瓦乔的绘画对象多具有动感。颜色起到了十分重要的作用。卡拉瓦乔擅长使用绘画阴暗法(tenebroso)。卡拉瓦乔的画的背景大多是黑色,而他多通过一束光刺向刻画的对象。除了这种明亮与黑暗的对照,卡拉瓦乔喜欢用一些很有描述性的颜色。他影响了许多的巴洛克艺术家,如后来的伦勃朗。跟卡拉瓦乔一样,伦勃朗的许多画也有着一种暗暗的背景。卡拉瓦乔著名的画作有《以马忤斯晚餐》《圣马太蒙召》《拉撒路的复活》等。

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571—1610) is a famous Italian Baroque painter from the late 16th century to the early 17th century. He is also a painter whose subject is inclined to dynamic motion. He is good at applying colors, as is evidenced by his tenebroso technique. The background of his paintings is black and he would shoot a beam of light directly at his subject. Apart from this juxtaposition of brightness and darkness, he is also fond of descriptive colors. He has influenced many Baroque artists, such as Rembrandt. Like Caravaggio, Rembrandt also preferred black background. The most well-known works of Caravaggio include "Supper at Emmaus", "The Calling of Saint Matthew" and "The Resurrection of Lazarus", etc.

● 拉斐尔(1483 ——1520),原名拉法埃洛·圣乔奥,意大利文艺复兴著名画家,也是“文艺复兴三杰”中最年轻的一位。他的画和谐、自然、安宁以及有秩序感。拉斐尔画了很多的圣母像,其中许多的这些圣母像都是典型的文艺复兴三角构图。在 500000里拉的上面印有两幅拉斐尔著名的画作。正面中央的是嘉拉提亚的凯旋,背面为雅典学院。两幅画都体现了拉斐尔绘画的和谐感与平衡性。

Raphael (1483-1520), a prestigious Italian painter, is the youngest of "The Three Talents of High-Renaissance Age". His paintings are harmonious, natural and organized. Raphael painted numerous Madonna portraits, many of which exemplify the Renaissance triangular composition. The 500,000 lira is printed with two of Raphael's masterpieces. In the center of its front is "Triumph of Galatea" and on its back is "The School of Athens", both of which display the sense of concord and balance, characteristics of Raphael's paintings.

100000 意大利里拉100000 Italian lira

500000 意大利里拉500000 Italian lira

一篮水果 A basket of


占卜者 the fortune


雅典学院The School of Athens


Triumph of Galatea

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2014 年版 10 欧元2014-version 10 euro

2002 年版 20 欧元2002-version 20 euro

2002 年版 50 欧元2002-version 50 euro

专题:欧元 — 一部西方艺术史Euro, An Western Art History

● 欧元是当今欧洲联盟 19个国家的货币。同时有六个非欧盟的欧洲国家使用欧元。这 19个使用欧元的欧洲联盟国家是:爱尔兰、奥地利、比利时、德国、法国、芬兰、荷兰、卢森堡、葡萄牙、西班牙、希腊、意大利、斯洛文尼亚、塞浦路斯、马耳他、斯洛伐克、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、拉脱维亚 。6个使用欧元的非欧盟国家是:摩纳哥、安道尔、圣马力诺、梵蒂冈、科索沃和黑山。欧元的货币符号为€。欧元的辅币为欧分。1欧元 =100欧分。

Euro is the currency of 19 EU countries and 6 Non-EU European countries. The 19 EU countries are Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Holland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The 6 Non-EU European countries are Monaco, Andorra, San Marino, Vatican, Kosovo and Montenegro. The symbol of Euro is € whose fractional currency is cent. One euro equals 100 cents.

● 如今,欧元的纸币有 5,10,20,50,100,200,500一共 7种面值。The seven denominations of the euro note include 5, 10, 20, 50,

100, 200 and 500.

● 欧洲纸币 5,10,20,50,100,200,500欧元的纸币的正面,以纸币面值从小(5欧元)到大(500欧元)的顺序,为从 1世纪左右的古典建筑到如今的现代建筑的建筑系列图。这些建筑都不是真实存在的建筑,但是都体现出了各个时期建筑的特点。在反面为欧洲从古至今桥梁的建筑系列图。同一张纸币的前后所表达的历史时期基本相同。具体而言,5欧元纸币上体现的是古典风格(古希腊古罗马)的建筑和桥梁,10欧元体现的是 11-12世纪左右的罗马式建筑和桥梁,20欧元是 13-14哥特时期的建筑和桥梁,50欧元是 14-16世纪文艺复兴式的建筑和桥梁,100欧元是 17-18的巴洛克和洛可可风格建筑和桥梁,200欧元的是 19世纪末期的新艺术运动时期(玻璃和钢铁的开始使用)的建筑和桥梁和 500欧元的 20世纪 -现在的现代主义建筑和桥梁。欧洲拥有悠久的历史,可以说建筑是了解欧洲历史不可缺少的一部分。通过建筑的设计和构成,我们能知道人们的思想的变化,因为人们的思想活跃度会改变人们建设的房子。比如,新古典主义时期的房子会有一定借鉴古希腊古罗马的一些经典的建筑元素,体现了工业革命和由庞贝古城的发掘所引起的古罗马热对人们的影响。通过这些建筑和桥梁的设计和构成,欧元向我们展示了茫茫欧洲的历史画卷,

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Art and Architecture on Paper Money


The fronts of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euro notes are printed with architectures from the classical period to modernity in an ascending order. All these architectures are fictional, but true reflections of the features of architectures of different periods. The backs of euro notes are printed with bridge designs from the past to the present. The front and back of the same note roughly coincide in terms of the period of the architecture. Concretely speaking, the 5 euro note displays the classical (ancient Greece and Rome) architecture and bridges; the 10 euro note displays the Roman-style architecture and bridges around the 11th and 12th centuries; the 20 euro note displays the Gothic architecture and bridges around the 13rd and 14th centuries; the 50 euro note displays the Renaissance architecture and bridges from the 14th to 16th centuries; the 100 euro note displays the Baroque and Rococo architecture and bridges around the 17th and 18th centuries; the 200 euro note displays the Art Nouveau (marked by the use of glass and steel and iron) architecture and bridges; the 500 euro note displays the modernistic architecture and bridges from the 20th century till today. Europe boasts a long history whose understanding entails one's acquaintance with its architecture. The design and structure of architecture reflect the change of human thoughts as they are closely correlated. For instance, the architecture of neoclassical period would certainly draw on the classic architectural elements of ancient Greece and Rome, indicating the impact of industrial revolution and the ancient Rome fever brought on by the excavation of Pompeii on the human minds. Through the design and structure of these architectures and bridges, Europe slowly unfolds its historical landscape and its developmental trail while the uniform European map on the back of euro notes and the overseas countries and regions map on the back of partially used euro notes speak to us about the eternal unity and beauty of Europe, however advanced its development may be.

2002 年版 100 欧元2002-version 100 euro

2002 年版 200 欧元2002-version 200 euro

2002 年版 500 欧元2002-version 500 euro

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百度百科 Baidu Encyclopedia

百度图片 Baidu pictures


Guide to the World States: Lesotho Swaziland

Barron's Ap Art History

World paper money Modern Issues1961-Present 16th edition


Page 88: World Paper Money Culture/Tiansheng Sun



世界上的国家非常多,200 多个国家已经令人眼花缭乱,




The world is home to over 200 countries and each

country has numerous versions of paper notes. With the

restraints of circumstances, it is extremely difficult for

one to collect all of them. So I just want to share some

of my collections and studies of world paper money that

are related to music, art and human life with you for

your pleasure.

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定价 : HK$75 / US$ 9.9