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  • 8/14/2019 XGR Hadley SFI


    '1 ",iJ F.",~- .--'"-~ -N...........A--S-KA---t )-..----------~-~P~OS~T~MA~R~K-r--9t!iI-'!"7!~~--..,ACCOUNTABILITY AND DATE

    DISCLOSURE COMMISSION STATEMENT MICROFILM 7 9 4 0 1 6 8fu NUMBER11 Floor, State Capitol 0 FP.O. Box 95086Lincoln, NE 68509 FINANCIAL


    BEFORE COMPLETINGREAD FILING REQUIREMENTS 2 0 0 9 M A R 2 5 P M I : 3 2N E . A C C O U f m ~ ,B l l lT Y &D IS C L O S U R E C O M t1 iS S IO NNADC FORM C-1 Candidates for designated offices and holders of designated offices and positions must file this statement. See Sections 1A and1B of the instructions. Candidates (including incumbents) subject to this fil ing requirement must fi le with the Commission and with the appropriateelection official (See Instructions). Designated officeholders and holders of designated positions must file this statementwith the Commissionannually. Dollarvalues need not be reportfor any item, except Item 11 . Personswhofails to file as required is subject to a civil penaltyof upto $2,000.ITEM 1 IYOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER

    L A J ? a.&-Lj . ( J f ~ IVAddress ~\\ ~ l O u " , - ~ \ ' " ell. LNSTREETADDRESSORRURALROUU:

    b{)l~ Telephone No. 6'es h 1 ) 7-:5 7q '-fMI p L ~ .t\ < .p q r ~.-t t.. ~E 6~ 'S



    ITEM 2 IOCCASION FOR FILING (Check Appropriate Box)o A candidate for elective office"fAnnual officeholder's or state employee's report o Left office or positiono Newly office or position

    ITEM 3 I OFFICE HELD & TERM OF OFFICE (Incumbent elected/appointed officials and state employees.IB of instructions) SeeList the office or position you currently holdwhich requires this filirig. If you have left office, list the office you held.Office or Position: S-\~. . . e . Se \J b-:y 0(( Term: 200 r ; : z0L 3 '~ ~BE=G~IN~JS~--~~E~N~D-S~--~it- 31Name of City, County, District, or State Agency:ITEM 4 IOFFICE SOUGHT (Candidates only. See 1A of instructions)List the office sought which requires this filing.Office:Name of City, County, Distr ict, or State Office:ITEM 5 IPERIOD COVERED BY THIS STATEMENTThis statement must cover all financial interests for the entire "preceding calendar year" and notjust asof year-end. Ifyou haveleft office, this statement must cover all financial interests from the end of the calendar year for which you previouslyfiled up to andincluding the date you left office.

    ~. This statement covers the preceding calendar year January1 through December 31,o Left office, this statement covers the period January 1, to


    RevisedAugust2007 I .

  • 8/14/2019 XGR Hadley SFI


    C ) ITEM 6 I SOURCES OF INCOME OF OVER $1,000Income includes monev or any other form of recompense constitutinq income under the Infernal Revenue Code. (See definitions)Name and address of any sOl,lrce*(including an individual, business, List the nature of the source's business and the nature of the services youbody of government, political subdivision or body corporate) from rendered or the circumstances under which iricome was received. NOTE: Dowhom income of over $1,000 was received. list the amount of the income.1.) \SO~ r- d. C>~ \i...p~o~~- \j".Vt.C..l'~G 1a.) VD A - , - Y ' i > 'v\iU \- IlJC..6Vk ~" " 3 f?3 ') lA rA o l ( '~ , 1. '"

    LI'\u('c,l . ~~' h~5"6~I~~ ~'{-e ~ ,,\-.) 1 3 Q ~ S : ~ " c .fLR({; t5: s ~ v ~ ,,!(af A . 2a.) ~rUcv~ n~e > ,('iA e . . \ A II-e ~:2.0 0Q~""-~s--. =;'U ::: ) '1':>'0 i3.) . l k - O f > ' \ ~ . . ~ \:V L < 6 c q , J c . 3a.) .,~.J.f I-~~~\P\t~a,o '3~OL= v ~ ~ ~ /~ASL b -%5 5 9

    4.) < S " '~ C - ~ c- \ 5 ' e c v.ft, \I A Ad . ilIA; 4a.) ~ * ' ." t - e ~ \ - ~ !'e. e" J V " ' -1~L\ol V'fo 1 > . t, ti'...U . A '~,,\ ~~V\.c>~-e... ~ ') \-z-3,~

    'NOTE: IF INCOME RESULTED FROM EMPLOYMENT BY, OPERATION OF OR PARTICIPATION IN A PROPRIETORSHIP, PARTNERSCORPORATION OR OTHER PERSON,LlST THE SAME AS THE SOURCE OF INCOME, BUT NOT THE PATRONS, CUSTOMERS, PATIENTS,CLIENTS THEREOF.ITEM 7 I BUSINESSES WITH WHICH YOU ARE ASSOCIATED (See definitions)Name and address of all businesses, organizations; or associat ions (profi t and non-profit ) with which you held a posit ion of of ficer, director, limited liacompany member, partner, or stockholder and any entity in which you held a position of trustee. Such reporting is required based on the posit ion heldon whether income was received. You need not report business associations which are otherwise listed under Item 6.

    Name and Address of Business or Organization , . . . . . . Nature of Association1.) C 'O I \ ' L . . . , J \ . " \~,,"~1\., lC{te ~~WJIL~t 1a.) ~Da-t & . . . " , . e .. . rD-.~cA-a-.t.,..~Z.~\ : S . .( ? ). p " ', \ -s t-v " - A .- v ~ tL.,~/f)Oc\ c > . .. . . . , \- -u II, M . o ~3\Oj2.) 2a.)

    3.) 3a.)

    4.) 4a.)

    5.) 5a.)

    6.) 6a.)

    7.) 7a).

  • 8/14/2019 XGR Hadley SFI


    ,. rr~M a - I REALPROPERTYa'''~E FILERINNEBRASKA(Realprope;(Jlued at less than $1,000 and your.. personal residence need not be reported.)., ;;.. ... ..List all. real property in your name o r jnWhichVou have a dltectownership interest, The description required must be sufficient to idethe location of the property. Exceptions: You need not report real estate owned by a business listed in Item 6 or 7, your persoresidence of real property valued at less than $1,000. Personal residence refers to your principal dwelling-house and adjacent land ufor house-hold purposes, such as lawns and gardens.

    Location of Property Nature of Property(Description orAddress (SUChas: agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential-rental) .

    ITEM 9 I OTHER FINANCIAL INTERESTS AND PROPERTY HELD DURING THEPERIOD OF THIS STATEMENTWHICH EXCEEDED A FAIR MARKETVALUE OF $1,000 AT ANYTIME DURING THE REPORTING PERIO(a) List the names and addresses of the institutions in which you had checking and savings accounts and certificates of deposit.

    Financial Institution Address, . ~~t~)J~l ~a-~(( ~O ~O'P ~4-0, 6 > C \ - . R . . tV'" j. tJ t ( :-b< 6 ' ~ \ f0

    (b) List the names of the issuers of all stocks, bonds, and government securi ties, not otherwise listed under Items 6 or 7.

    (c) Describe other property owned or held for the production of income not otherwise disclosed in Items 6,7,8 or 9(a)(b). Includeleaseholds and other interests in real estate, promissory notes and other obligations owed to you, beneficial interests in trusts andestates, cash value life insurance, IRAs, deferred income and retirement plans. Exception: Do not include. accounts receivable,inventory, fixtures and equipment owned or used by a business listed in Items 6 & 7 or household goods, personal automobiles another tanqible personal property unless such property was held primarily for sale or exchanqe.

  • 8/14/2019 XGR Hadley SFI


    ITEM 10 I CREDITORS TO WHOM $1,000 OR MORE WAS OWED OR GUARANTEED BY YOU OR A MEMBER OFYOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY.Exception: Loans from a relative and land contracts which have been recorded with the County Clerk or Register of Deeds need not bereported. Accounts payable, debts arising out of retail installment transactions or loans made by a financial institution in the ordinarycourse of business need not be reported.

    Name Address

    ITEM 11 I SOURCES OF GIFTS OF A VALUE OF MORE THAN $100 RECEIVED EXCEPT GIFTS FROM RELATIVES.(See definitions)Name and address of Donor Occupation or nature of business of Value of Gift Description of Gift andDonor (See Key Below) Circumstances or Occasion foGift

    I. I -l' ~) ~ Cr S. \'u~t"., \~"~flJ c : ~ V\ ChOOS({alue: ~ V~L\I"IA ~S \Choose Value:Choose Value:Choose Value:Choose Value:Choose Value:

    Choose Value:Choose Value:

    The monetary value of each gift shall be categorized based on the good faith estimate of the filer. For each reported gif t insert in theValue column the letter which corresponds to the value category of the gift. The value categories are:A) $100.01 to $200; B) $200.D1 to $500; C) $500.01 to $1,000; D) $1,000.01 or more.ITEM 12 I SIGNATURE OF FILER AND DATE.I hereby state that I have used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of this Statement and that to the best of my knowledge it is truand complete.AJ 1 t J L , 3-2(:-09(Signature of Filer) / (Date)

    C ) () J.