
Yasujiro Ozu

Yasujiro OzuBy Prof.Wu

One of greatest Japanese directors

Also a screen writer

Biography 1. Family Life Experience:Born 1903, Fukagawa , TokyoLater moved to Matzuzaka , Mie Remained bachelor, simple family life with mother Paradox : Family subjects major topic in his films. Examples : conflicts between generations, growing teens complex, and marriage dilemma for females being the sole child in familyServed in military, including in Shanghai and Singapore

2. Education:Meiji nursery school Primary schoolEntered now Ujiyamada High School (Mie Prefecture) in 1916 (age 13) and became fascinated by films, especially Western movies in this period Important Turning point of his life

3.Influences :Experiencing Western films (Mostly American, some Swedish) Modern filmmaking techniques, however style not much influencedMinimalism: influenced by Japanese plain daily life, shomingeki() Detailed depictions, large portion of dialogues included, vague story lines, ambiguity (=slightness) as in Japanese aesthetics, Japanese flavor, creative style of plotting, positioning (tatami shot), static styleRelatively unique. Stories mostly originated from his own life experiences, wartime storiesAppreciated and has a great impact on modern Western directors

Collaborators :Kogo Noda ( ): Japanese screenwriter. Collaborated with Ozu in many films including Sword of Penitence , Late Spring and An Autumn Afternoon 2. Setzuko Hara ( ): Famous Japanese actress, known for elegance and well developed acting skills. Highly complimented by Ozu3. Chisyu Ryu ( ) : Famous Japanese actor, participated in as many as 32 of Ozus films including Late Spring, Early Summer, Tokyo Story, and An Autumn Afternoon


4. Accomplishments:Directed 53 films in total

Year Events1923 (20)Entered Shochiku Film Company ()1927 (24)Directed 1st film, Sword of Penitence () 1933 (30)Directed Silent Film Passing Fancy () 1941 (38)Directed Brothers and Sisters of the Todas () 1942 (39)Directed There Was a Father (1947 (44)His 1st film directed after WWll : The Record of a Tenement Gentleman ()

YearAccomplishments1949 (46)Directed Late Spring (), his 1st film collaborating famous actress Setsuko Hara ( )1951 (48)Directed Early Summer ()1952 (49)Directed The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice (), recreated from originally banned 1939 script1953 (50)Directed Tokyo Story (), cooperating with screenwriter Kogo Noda ( )1958 (55)Directed Equinox Flower ()1962 (59)Directed An Autumn Afternoon (, "The Taste of Mackerel Pike"), his final and culminating work.Starring Keiji Sada and Chishu Ryu , famous actors.

5. Reputation:Not well-known until release of his last film An Autumn Afternoon Several film censored previously including The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice According to Michael Atkinson, Home With Ozu, described as least sensational filmmaker of all time, but still evoking new scholarship, igniting theatrical retrospectives, most Japanese of that nations great directorsOne of very few cinema giants Jean Renoir, French film director, author Sound Effects4649.8057
