Cluster governance in North West of the Netherlands Remco Kranendonk Wageningen UR Alterra The Netherlands Parallel Session 3.3: Articulating Collaboration among Cluster Actors

TCI 2015 Cluster governance in North West of the Netherlands

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Cluster governance in North West of the Netherlands

Remco KranendonkWageningen UR AlterraThe Netherlands

Parallel Session 3.3: Articulating Collaboration among Cluster Actors

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Context of cluster governance in NL

No national cluster policies – sectoral approach Decentralization of policies from national to provinces “Regions aan zet” – regions are self responsible

Problem: What is the effect from organizationally perspective?


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Regions aan zet = “explosion of initiatives”


1983 1984 1985 1987 1988 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20150







Board/clusterorganisatie overigcampus/bedrijventerrein netwerkorganisatieontwikkelingsmaatschappij regionaal afstemmingsplatformsamenwerkingsverband voor EFRO financiering WGR/WGR+publiek-private samenwerking overig, kennisontwikkeling/kennisvalorisatieTotal


al o



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Organizational diversity: typologie


Type 1: ‘Triple helix’ Economic Board and cluster organizations (41)Local and regional network organizations (18)

Type 2: Campuses and industrial sites (36)

Type 3: Inter governmental collaborationsRegional platforms (13)EFRD (4)Inter local communities collaborations (12)

Type 4: RDA – Regional development agencies (13)

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EDB in North West NL


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New forms (EDB) are raising, the old remain

All regions and local communities want to have an EDB

Internal orientation of organizations

Lack of coordination

Lack of collaboration (international, knowledge, finance)

National government only supports RDA’s financially – most EDB’s


Search for new collaborations,

Search for the ‘’right’’ scale of operations

Search for common challenges


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Region North West Netherlands - Boardsnetwork

Alterra supports the network:- by using cluster concepts- Explore communality- Prepare meetings and discussions- Mapping international practices


WHAT? Initiative of Regional Ambassador – Ministry of Economic Affairs Support structure – informal Exchange strategies, experiences approaches Explore new developments Explore potential collaborations

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• International orientation: boards depend on Amsterdam Economic Board• Improve connection of smaller boards with Amsterdam knowledge institutes• Utrecht Boards and Amsterdam Boards do not have much in common• Amersfoort Board appears to be an entrepreneurial network – joins Utrecht• Common problem becomes clear – continuity, professionalization• New challenges become clear – connection with:

• Circular economy• Societal problems – Grand Challenges• Urban Agenda

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Common topic: circular economy

• Creating new values from urban waste

• Triple helix partners

• Give meaning to circulair economy

• Present ideas and experiences to each other

• Create common vision and ambitions

• Mapping waste • Smart specialization of

waste streams between boards

• first steps in common approach

• New clusters?

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Promises of collaboration between boards

Upscaling the recycling capacities – bigger area, bigger waste streams - more resources

Division of waste streams among members. Enlargement of networks of enterprises, more

applications and products Exchange of knowledge, info, tips and tricks –more input

for innovations and ‘on the ground change’ Market development – more launching customers Develop innovations (technology, knowledge and

services) for global problems


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Example: Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions

AMS will develop a deep understanding of the city – sense the city - design solutions for its challenges (food, energy, sustainability...) and integrate these into the city.

research projects and test beds - AMS living lab to de-velop and test these metropolitan solutions

City of Amsterdam, TU Delft, TNO, Wageningen UR, MIT – building the ecosystem

involving the Amsterdam citizens as testers, users and co-creators


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Example EDB AlmereThree clusters: Public health – decrease medical expenses Circular economy – adding value to urban waste (textile,

mobile devices), decrease of public expenses - Big Data Value Center

How:- open innovation centers - Strong role of local government:

- challenging firms to solve societal problems- Researchers permanent active in clusters


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Example: Economic Board Amsterdam Triple helix organisatie of Metropole Region, clustermanagers From focus on

● 7 clusters with an international orientation: services/finance, ICT, food and flowers, tourism creative industry, logistics, manufacturing

To focus on: ● clusters serving the urban challenges: innovations and business

case development on circular economy, health, mobility


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New synergetic opportunities Increased collaboration between boards on level of North West NL – closing the gaps -

borrowed size and qualities

Sustainable clusters, circular economy, beyond gdp objectives

Nederland is suitable as pilot for Urban Agenda: densily populated = facing problems of waste, heat, water climate change, small scale pilote

growing attention for clusters, cluster policies and cluster management in NL!

Feel welcome in Eindhoven next year! Cities, sustainable clusters on the agenda


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7 Gapmodel toegepast op regio NoordwestGaps Belemmeringen Voorbeelden van systeemversterkende

activiteitenGap tussen bedrijven Beperkte verbinding grote en kleine bedrijven Matchmaking, netwerkbijeenkomsten (AEB,

ONHN, REO)Organisatiegraad bedrijven Bedrijvennetwerk rondom evenementen

opzetten (UDB)Gemeenschappelijk probleem formuleren tussen bedrijven (EDBA, REO)

Onderzoeksgap Beperkte verbinding kennisinstellingen en bedrijven

Triple helix structuur instellen, kennisagenda opstellen (AEB, EBU, EBDA)

Kennisvalorisatie Valorisatieplan, dialoogsessies tussen professoren en bedrijfsleven (AEB, UDB), kenniswerkers inschakelen op werkvloer (EDBA)

Onderwijsgap Aansluiting regionaal onderwijs op behoeften bedrijfsleven

Regionaal op maat maken lesprogramma (ONHN)

Compliance arbeidsmarkt op regionale behoeften

Human Capital agenda (AEB),Arbeidsmarktmonitor (AEB, EBG&V)

Kapitaalgap Beschikbaarheid kapitaal Netwerk met financiers bouwen, fondsen initiëren

Organisatiegraad kapitaal Bundeling fondsen en subsidies (UDB, AEB)Overheidsgap Beperkte verbinding overheid en bedrijfsleven Triple helix structuur instellen (AEB, EDBA, EBU)

Ondernemersloket (EBG&V, ONHN, REO)

Gap tussen clusters Onbekendheid verschillende sectoren en clusters

Samenwerking stimuleren aan de hand van maatschappelijke uitdagingen en concrete projecten (EDBA)Matchmaking, netwerkbijeenkomsten intersectoraal (AEB)

Globale markt Gap Gebrek aan capaciteit internationale oriëntatie Meer samenwerken op het gebied van internationale acquisitie (AEB)

Geringe bekendheid subregio’s Promotiecampagne waarin relatie met Amsterdam wordt benadruktHandelsmissies (EBU, AEB, ONH)