Atit Patumvan Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Total Quality Management Chapter 2: Leadership 1

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Atit Patumvan Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Total Quality ManagementChapter 2: Leadership


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University


• Definitions

• Characteristics of Quality Leader

• Leadership Concepts

• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

• Ethics

• The Deming Philosophy

• Role of TQM Leaders


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Agenda (cont.)

• Implementation

• Quality Council

• Core Values, Concepts and Framework

• Quality Statements

• Strategic Planning

• Communication

• Decision Making


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Characteristic of Quality Leaders

1.Priority attention to external/external customers

2.Empower, rater than control subordinates

3.Emphasize improvement, rather than maintenance

4.Emphasize prevention

5.Encourage collaboration rather than competition

6.Train and coach, rater than direct and supervise


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Characteristic of Quality Leaders (cont.)

7.Learn from problems

8.Continually try to improve communications

9.Continually demonstrate their commitment to quality

10.Choose supplier on basis of quality, not price

11.Establish organizational systems to support quality effort

12.Encourage and Recognize team effort


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Leadership Concepts

• Understand human natures-basic needs, wants and abilities of people

• Gives security and independence, rewards and punishments, word of praise, trust and distrust


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

7 habits of highly effective people

1. Be Proactive - don’t let fate control you, you control it

2. Begin with the End in Mind - have a vision and plan

3. Put First Things First - learn to prioritize

4. Think Win-Win - seek mutual benefits

5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

6. Synergy - teams are better than individuals

7. Sharpen the Saw - renew one’s physical, spiritual, mental and emotional dimension


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Deming Philosophy

1.Create and Publish Aims/Purpose of Firm

2.Learn the New Philosophy

3.Understand Purpose of Inspection

4.Stop Awarding Business on Price Alone

5.Improve Constantly and Forever the System

6.Institute Training

7.Teach and Institute Leadership


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Deming Philosophy (cont.)

8. Drive Out Fear, Create Trust, and Create Climate for Innovation

9. Optimize the Efforts of Team, Groups and Staff Areas

10.Eliminate Exhortations for the Work Force

11.Eliminate Numerical Quotas for the Work Force and Management by Objective

12.Remove Barriers That Rob People of Pride of Workmanship

13.Encourage Education and Self-Improvement for Everyone

14.Take Action to Accomplish The Transformation


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Role of TQM Leaders

• All are responsible for quality improvement especially the senior management & CEO’s

• Senior management must practice MBWA

• Ensure that the team’s decision is in harmony with the quality statements of the organization

• Senior TQM leaders must read TQM literature and attend conferences to be aware of TQM tools and methods


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Role of TQM Leaders (cont.)

• Senior managers must take part in award and recognition ceremonies for celebrating the quality successes of the organization

• Coaching others and teaching in TQM seminars

• Senior managers must liaise with internal ,external and suppliers through visits,focus groups,surveys

• They must live and communicate TQM.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

TQM Implementation

• Begins with Sr. Managers and CEO’s

• Timing of the implementation process

• Formation of Quality council

• Union leaders must be involved with TQM plans implementation

• Everyone in the organization needs to be trained in quality awareness and problem solving

• Quality council decides QIP projects.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Quality Council

The quality council includes CEO and Senior managers of the functional areas -research,manufacturing,finance,sales ,marketing etc. and one co-ordinator and a union representative.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Duties of the Quality Council

1.To develop the Quality statements eg. Vision, Mission, Quality policy statements, Core values etc.

2.To develop strategic long-term plans and annual quality improvement program.

3.Make a quality training program

4.Monitor the costs of poor quality.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Duties of the Quality Council (cont.)

5.Determine the performance measures for the organization

6.Always find projects that improve the processes and produce customer satisfaction.

7.Establish work-group teams and measure their progress.

8.Establish and review the recognition and reward system for the TQM system


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Core Values, Concepts, and Framework

• Visionary Leadership

• Customer-Driven Excellence

• Organization and Personal Learning

• Valuing Employees and Partners

• Agility

• Focus on the Future


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Core Values, Concepts, and Framework (cont.)

• Management for Innovation

• Management by Fact

• Public Responsibility and Citizenship

• Focus on Results and Creating Value

• Systems Perspective


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Baldrige Criteria Framework


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Quality Statements

• Vision statement – a short declaration of what the organization hopes to be tomorrow.

• Mission statement – a statement of purpose –who we are,who are our customers,what we do , and how we do it.

• Quality policy – is a guide for everyone in the organization ,how they should provide products and services to the customers.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Strategic Planning

• Strategic business planning is similar to strategic quality planning.

• 7 steps to strategic planning

1. Customer needs

2. Customer positioning

3. Predict the future

4. Gap analysis

5. Closing the gap

6. Alignment

7. Implementation.


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University


• Interactive

• Formal


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Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University

Strategic Quality Goals and Objectives

• Goals must be focused

• Goals must be concrete

• Goals must be based on statistical evidence

• Goals must have plan or method with resources

• Goals must have a time-frame

• Goals must be challenging yet achievable