IFDC LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE III ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: KLEIN, NATALIA SOLEDAD Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Escuela Primaria N°14. Dirección: Calle 16 s/n. Buena Parada. Rio Colorado. Río Negro. Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 7mo grado Cantidad de alumnos: 19 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Básico Tipo de Planificación: Diaria Unidad Temática: “Clothes and Seasons” Clase N°: 1 Fecha: 7 de Agosto, 2014 Hora: 14.00 hs a 15.20 hs Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 29 de Julio 2014 Teaching points: shirt, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, shoes, gloves, hat, coat and scarf. Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter. Aims: Ss will be able to talk about the clothes and describe them using the colors.

Lesson plan 1 Klein Natalia

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Page 1: Lesson plan 1  Klein Natalia




Período de Práctica: Segundo período

Institución Educativa: Escuela Primaria N°14.

Dirección: Calle 16 s/n. Buena Parada. Rio Colorado. Río Negro.

Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 7mo grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 19

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Básico

Tipo de Planificación: Diaria

Unidad Temática: “Clothes and Seasons”

Clase N°: 1

Fecha: 7 de Agosto, 2014

Hora: 14.00 hs a 15.20 hs

Duración de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de primera entrega: 29 de Julio 2014

• Teaching points: shirt, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, shoes, gloves, hat, coat and scarf.

Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter.

• Aims:

• Ss will be able to talk about the clothes and describe them using the colors.

• The students will be able to recognize the different seasons and classify the clothes we wear according to the season.

• The students will be able to speak about the clothes they are wearing in the class.

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REV Talking about colors and classroom objects.

Colors: red, green, black, blue, brown, yellow, white.

Classroom objects: blackboard, pencil, pen, book, desk and chair.

Is it black?Yes, it is/No, it isn´t.

Are they green?No, they aren´t/Yes, they are.

What color is …?Yellow!

Practice the pronunciation of the given vocabulary through communicative activities.

NEW Talking about clothes and seasons.

Clothes: shirt, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, shoes, gloves, hat, coat and scarf.

Seasons: Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter.

The shirt is/isn´t yellow and black.

The shoes are/aren´t red and white.

Practice the new vocabulary and structures through

imitation and repetition and communicative activities.

Teaching Approach: PPP

Materials and resource: pictures and flashcards and small colorful posters with sentences written.

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking, reading and writing skills will be integrated through the presentation, practice and production’ stages of the lesson. Student will have to read the instructions and the sentences they will have to complete. Then, they will listen to a recording and do the writing activity according to what they have heard. And, once all of them have finished, we will check the answers orally.

Seating arrangement: Students will sit in a semi-circle.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: A possible problem could be that students could not understand the meaning of the phrases presented. In those cases, I will help them by giving them giving clear examples.

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Potential problems students may have with the language: the pronunciation of the new vocabulary can be difficult for students. The practice will improve these types of problems. Assessment: I will asses my students’ learning and progress during the entire lesson by asking them questions. The evaluation will be orally and written.


I will say:

Hello students!

My name is Natalia Klein and I am your new teacher for a few days. I´m 31 years old! I hope we enjoy this time together!

Now let´s play a game to get to know each other!

I will throw a ball and I will ask your names, and you will do the same as me with the ball.

I: let´s check understanding….. I will throw a ….

Ss: Ball!

I: I will ask ….

Ss: names!

I: Right! Let´s play the game!!!

I will take a ball from my bag and I will throw it to a student and I will ask:

What´s your name?

The S answers: Matias!

Matías will do the same to another S and he will ask:

What´s your name?

The S answers: Rubén!

We continue doing the same procedure making different questions such as: where are you from? How old are you?

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I: What elements do you need to work in class? Come on, tell me…

The SS answer: pencils, pens, colouring pencils, books, rulers, erasers…

I: Yes, all the elements you have named are right and very useful for our classes!

I: Who can lend me a pen?A S stands up and gives me one pen. I will ask:

Is it blue? (showing it) The Ss answer: No, it isn´t.

I: What color is it?The SS answer: it is red!

I: Have you got any books here?

The SS answer: yes, we have!

I will stand near one of them and I will take the books.I: Are they black? (showing the books)

The SS answer: No, they aren´t.

I: What color are they?

The SS answer: they are green, red and brown.

I: Perfect! Good Work!


Now, look at the following pictures photographs!.


I will stick two different photos on the board!

Photograph 1

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Photograph 2

I: (pointing to the first photo) They are my friends. They are at a party! Let´s see what they are wearing!

I: Matías is wearing a coat and Victor is wearing a sweater. Paul is wearing a t-shirt. (pointing to the people in the photo)

I: Is it black?The SS answer. Yes, it is.

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Then, my friend Carola is wearing trousers and Juan and Pedro are wearing shirts!

I: (pointing to the photo) Are Pedro and Juan wearing pink shirts?

The SS answer: No, they aren´t. I will say:

So, they are wearing….. (I will encourage them to complete my sentence)

The SS answer: green shirts!

I: let´s say the complete sentence:

The SS say: Pedro and Juan are wearing green shirts!

I: Let´s go to the second photo.

Here, my friends are taking photos of themselves. They are wearing beautiful clothes. They are wearing scarfs of different colors and the girls are wearing shoes. The shoes are very high (miming high) Malena is wearing a skirt and a pair of boots.

I: What color is the skirt?The SS answer: the skirt is brown.

I: Are the boats black?The SS answer: yes, they are.

I: Excellent work!

The blackboard has two sides. I will stick on the right side of the board ten flashcards of different types of clothes with different colors. Each of the pictures will have the name of the clothes.

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
How can SS complete your sentence if they don’t know the vocabulary?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Elicitation during the teaching stage is a mistake we have already highlighted. You have to expose them to the target language first. You can present the clothes as you point to the people on the photo, you may ask SS about the colours, you can invite SS to repeat after you, but you can’t elicit the target language at this stage.
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Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
You may also use these flashcards, but instead of writing the isolated words, write sentences. E.g. IT’S A SHIRT, IT’S A T-SHIRT, etc.
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CAP DRESSOnce I stick the flashcards I will ask:

Is the dress blue?

The students answer: NO, it isn´t.

I will ask: What color is it?

The students answer: Yellow.

So, I will explain that the sentence should be more complete and it must have a subject and a verb. I will say:

I will give you an example. For example: “The dress is yellow”

I: Is it clear?

The students answer: Yes!

I: So, what color is the skirt?

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Is this explanation necessary at this level? Why / why not? To what extent does this explanation contribute to SS’s learning?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Natalia, these items must be presented in context. Avoid isolated words. Present all this in a situation. E.g. You may show SS a photograph of people at a birthday party. You may say: These are my friends. They are at a party. My friend John is wearing…. You may need to teach the structure ‘X is wearing a….’. Words in isolation are meaningless. We do not encounter situations like this in everyday life. The more connections SS can make, the easier it will be for them to learn the foreign language.
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The students answer: the skirt is pink.

I: Very Good!!!!!!!

I will point to the trousers and I will ask:

What color are the trousers?

The students answer: the trousers is red.

I will repeat the question remarking the auxiliary “are” and I will ask again:

What color are the trousers?

The students answer: the trousers are red.

I: Perfect!!!!!!!!

I will continue making these types of questions revising if the students understood the new structure.



I will say:

Let´s see when we wear the types of clothes which have been presented in the previous activity.

In winter, the weather is very cold and people wear sweaters, scarfs, coats and boats. (pointing to the clothes in the photo)

In summer, the weather is very hot. It is opposite to the winter. People wear skirts, shoes and t-shirts. (pointing to the clothes in the photo)

In autumn, it is cloudy and windy. People wear coats, trousers and boats. (pointing to the clothes in the photo)

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
the activity in which SS had to classify the clothes according to the weather can be done at this stage.
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Do not underestimate the group and the level. Think of a more meaningful way of practicing the target language.
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In spring the weather is sunny and warm. People wear shoes and t-shirts! (pointing to the clothes in the photo)

I will say:

Taking into account the clothes presented previously, let´s classify the ones which are missing in the sentences above according to the seasons! If you think that the clothes can be worn two seasons together, you may repeat them.

I will stick on the left side of the board the following flashcards of pictures of seasons. Each of the pictures will have the name above them. I will stick them one next to the other.



Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Nice images!!! Present this in context. Avoid isolated words. You may write, for instance, ‘In winter, the weather is very cold’ and you mime being cold.
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I will ask the students to read the names of the different season with me. They will repeat after me.


Now, we are going to work with the flashcards!


I will say:

Now, let´s do an interesting activity. Looking at the photographs from the presentation activity, you are going to write sentences for each of the seasons.

For example:

Matías wears a coat in winter!

Malena wears a skirt in summer!

You have to use the sentences and invent ones from the presentation activity using the seasons. You will classify the clothes according to the seasons.

Now, let´s do an interesting activity. I will choose ten students and each of them will have to choose the clothes he or she prefers from the flashcards which are on the right side of the board. Each student will choose clothes.

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
The first activity you had devised is more effective as SS have to stand up, move flashcards, and so on. They will see the arrangement of the images.
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Why have you decided to include a writing activity at this stage? What is the purpose of writing isolated sentences?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Contextualise this. Avoid practice of isolated words.
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
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Once the student has stuck the flashcard below the season, he or she will have to name another student who will have to say the complete sentence that matches the pictures the other student has chosen.

For example:

I: Juan!

Juan will have to come to the front and choose the hat from the right side of the board and then he will stick it below “Winter” (pointing the corresponding flashcards) which is on the left side of the board. After Juan has stuck the flashcard, he will call Malena, for example. Malena will have to say: “The hat is grey”.

I will say: is it clear? Do you understand the activity?

The students answer: Yes!

Only ten students come to the front but they are 20, so everybody will speak. Ten of the students will pass to the front and ten of them will say the sentences.


Good work students! you understand the activity perfectly! I am happy!


I will give them a worksheet with a brief description of a man and the images of three different men. The copies will be in colors. The descriptions are about what the men are wearing.

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Very good activity! Now, try to make it more challenging. You may make it longer as well. Perhaps, two or three texts, and two or three tasks. Will SS see the colours in their copies?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
This is not clear. What will the SS at the front say?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Will you model the activity while you explain it?
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
When will they practice the seasons?Make connections between the topics.
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Description 1:

Pedro is 30 years old. He is from Río Colorado. He is tall and thin. He is

wearing a blue t-shirt, blue trousers , and a yellow scarf. The t-shirt and the trousers are blue. The scarf is yellow. The shirt is blue as the t-shirt. The isn

´t wearing a cap is black.

Description 2

Juan is 20 years old. He is from Bahía Blanca. He is wearing a blue and white shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He isn´t wearing

traditional shoes. Also, he isn´t wearing any type of scarf.

Description 3

Néstor is 35 years old. He is from Bariloche. He is wearing a blue, red and white shirt! He is very cool. He

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isn´t wearing sunglasses but he is wearing brown shoes.

I: Now, you are going to read the descriptions and you will try to choose the correct photograph that the texts are describing. You have to join the text with the corresponding photo.

Once they have finished the activity, I will say:

Please, let´s read a bit!

I will read the first text and you will listen to me and pay special attention. Later, you are going to read the following texts.

Once I have read the first text.

I: Who wants to read the following text?

One of the students offers himself to read! One of the students hand his hand up!

I will say: thanks! Very Good!!!! Please, start reading.

Then, I: Who wants to read the last text?

One of the students offers himself again.

I: Thanks, please, start reading !


Now, you are going to complete some sentences using the information and photographs given previously.


I: Let´s fill in gaps in the following activity using the photographs presented in the presentation stage! I will give you a copy!

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Thanks, X
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
Are these SS proficient enough to read out loud? Perhaps, they may need your assistance, you may read the first text and invite them to read the others you will add. Exposure and modeling may be necessary before SS are expected to read in a loud voice.
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Complete the following sentences using the photo from the presentation activity.

a. Carola is wearing …………………………trousers. b. The girls are wearing high ………………………………..c. Pedro isn´t wearing blue ………………………………….d. Malena is wearing a …………………….. of …………………………… and a white

………………………………………..e. In the second photograph they are all wearing blue ………………………………………….f. Victor is wearing a ……………………………….sweater.


Now, I will give you your homework in the following activity!


I: I will give you homework for the next class!

I will write the task on the board, please, copy it!

I will write on the board:

Homework:You are going to choose a famous people, a friend or a relative and you will have to write a description of the person you have chosen.

Then, I will say:

Please, use the texts in activity 3 as a model.

I will be anxious for your descriptions the following class!

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 10/13/15,
The instructions are incomplete. Will they have to complete using colours, clothes vocabulary?How will the SS remember who is who?
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I hope you have enjoyed the class!

See you next class!


This lesson plan is the basis for a really good class. Please, answer my comments, include the adjustments in a different colour and resubmit your work.

Try to associate the activities with more meaningful practice, set them in meaningful contexts.

If you have questions, let me know.


Dear Natalia

This second submission contains basic language mistakes which have failed it. You also included elicitation of the new target language during the presentation stage.

Please, check the model lesson plan I have created based on this one, take it as a model to follow and work hard on language accuracy (language mistakes).

I think that teaching both clothes and the seasons may be too much for one lesson. See how I have adapted your plan.