學習科學 & 建構主義 The Learning Sciences And Constictivism

The learning sciences and constrictivism

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  • 1. & The Learning Sciences And Constictivism

2. Learning sciences 3. 4. fMRIMRIPET 5. 6. Embodies Cognition EX - 7. & Cognitive and Social Constructivism 8. 9. (Linn&Eylon) (Piaget) 10. Trivial constructivism EX Protogogras Radical constructivism Piaget&Von Glasersfeld Social Constructivism Vygotsky& 11. external direction EX internal direction & EX 12. Direct teaching >>>> >>>> Guided discovery 13. Teaching model Coaching 14. Situated&General Situated General 15. 16. Community of Practice Situated learning 17. Complex learning environments& Authentic tasks Social negotiation >> >> >> 18. Applying Constructivist Perspectives 19. Inquiry-Based leaning Inquiry by discovery >> Rational inquiry Inquiry by experimentation >>>>>>>> 20. Problem-Based leaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. less-prepared 21. Cognitive apprenticeships :CollinsBrownNewman >>>> >>>> 22. Reciprocal teaching PalincsarBrown >>>>>> 23. & Collaboration Group work Cooperation learning 24. 25. >> 26. David&Roger Johnson positive interdependence face-to-face primitive interaction individual accountability social skills group processing 27. EX$0.22$0.13 28. STAD >> 29. (cooperation groups) 6 1329129 5 301 4 13X29 30. 3 1329 2 $3.77 1 0 (cooperation groups) 31. 32. 33. Reciprocal questioning Jigsaw heterogeneous grouping >>>>>> >> 34. Jigsaw II >>>> >>>> Structured controversies >>>> 35. STAD >>>> >>>> 36. 37. 38. Service Learning 39. >> 40. Learning in a Digital World 41.