Family history part 1

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Page 1: Family history part 1

Family History Part 1


Page 2: Family history part 1

Wave of immigration Both parents

belong to the fourth wave of immigration.

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Crossing the

border Crossed the

border in search for better lives

Both parents walked across the border

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Crossing the

border They were escorted

by men whose job is to cross people unnoticed.

Nickname of people who escort across is “Coyote”

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My Dad Born and raised

in Jalisco, Mexico in 1964

Crossed the border at the age of 17

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My Dad Settled in Pomona

with my uncle who already previously settled there.

Got a job along with my uncle.

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My Dad The job my dad

got along with my uncle was in the field of advertisements. This has been

my dads life occupation

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My Mom Born And Raised

in Culiacan, Mexico in 1964

Age crossed over unknown.

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My Mom Crossed over to

Ontario and settled with brother.

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My Mom My mom got a

job at a Sheraton Hotel and was a housekeeper for a few years in her life

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Parents Meet

Between the ages of 20-23 they meet at a dance club in Ontario that has since been torn down

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They Marry

After a couple years together, they get married and get a house in Ontario

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Children Soon after they

marry they have their first born baby girl Alicia.

3 years later they move houses to another one in Ontario

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My Mom After having her

first child, my mom left her job and dedicated herself to raising a family

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My Family She then has my

other sister Cristina, has me, and has her last son Alejandro.

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My Mom Even though she

leaves her job, she does find ways to make some money for herself. She starts to

sell Shaklee when she can

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My Mom Once my sister

started elementary school, my mom then starts to give rides to her friends children and starts earning money from that.

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Moving After moving

once, they no longer move again

We have been living in the same place for over 23 years

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My Thoughts

It’s not hard to see why my parents crossed over to the U.S.

They crossed over looking to better their lives like most other immigrants

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My Thoughts

After knowing what kind of lives people had back in Mexico, I think my parents made a indisputable choice to move here.

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My Thoughts

Overall, I am grateful for the choices made, and the life my parents have been able to provide for me.