Dhammaratana Journal Vol.1 No.2 April-June 2012 ปีที่ ๑ ฉบับที่ ๒ เดือนเม.ย.-มิ.ย. ๒๕๕๕ วารสารธรรมรัตน์ เม.ย. ๒๕๕๕ ขอเชิญร่วมงาน... ประเพณีสงกรานต์ ณ วัดป่าธรรมรัตน์ พิทส์เบิร์ก - ตักบาตร - ฟังเทศน์ - บังสุกุล - สรงน้ำาพระสงฆ์ ผู้ใหญ่ ขอเชิญร่วม... Songkran Festival (Asian New Year) Sunday, April 8, 2012 All Members are Welcome

Dhammaratana journal 2 - วารสารธรรมรัตน์ ฉบับที่ 2

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  • 1. Dhammaratana JournalVol.1 No.2 April-June 2012 ..-.. ..... - - - - . . .Songkran Festival(Asian New Year)Sunday, April 8, 2012All Membersare Welcome

2. Dhammaratana DhammaratanaC O N T E N T S OBJECTIVES- To serve as a Buddhismpromotion center in the U.S.- To serve as a meditationcenter in Pittsburgh- To promote virtues, Bud-dhistculture and traditions- To be a center of all Bud-dhists,regardless of nationalities- - - - - - The Buddha's Words 1The Lady Mind Reader 2The Significance of Visakha Puja Day 5 7 14 18Thai Buddhism 22 24..-..2555 28..-..2555 35 37 38 39 - Activities 40-43 44The Daily Schedule of BMCP 45 2555 - Religious Ceremony 2012 46Activities of BMCP 47 The mind is very hard to checkand swift, it falls on what it wants.The training of the mind is good,a mind so tamed brings happiness. : :() : -Dhammaratana Journalis published byWat PadhammaratanaThe Buddhist Meditation Center of Pittsburgh5411 Glenwood Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15207Tel(412)521-5095E-mail : [email protected]@yahoo.comHomepage : www.bmcpitts.orgwww.facebook.com/bmcpitts-Dhammaratana .. - .. Vol.1 No.2 April-June 2012 3. Dhammaratana 1 DhammaratanaThe Buddha's Words ...()Though through all his lifeA fool associates with a wise man,He yet understands not the Dhamma,As the spoon the flavour of soup. ( ) - - .. .. .. ,.. , .. .-.. .. 4. 2 Dhammaratana 3 DhammaratanaThe mind is difficult to control; swiftly and lightly, itmoves and lands wherever it pleases. It is good to tame themind, for a well-tamed mind brings happiness.The lady mind reader ( Matika Mata )Once, sixty bhikkhus, after each obtain a subject ofmeditation from the Buddha, went to a village at the foot ofa mountain. There, Matika Mata, mother of the village head-man,offered them alms food; she also built a shelter for them,so that they could stay in the village during the rainy season.One day, she requested the bhikkhus to teach her meditation.They taught her how to meditate on the thirty-two constitu-entsof the body leading to the awareness of the decay and dis-solutionof the body. Matika Mata practiced with diligence andattained the third stage of Sainthood together with extraordi-naryknowledge and mental powers, even before the bhikkhusdid.With the Divine Power of Sight ( Dibbacakkhu ) she sawthat the bhikkhus had not attained Insight. She also learnedthat these bhikkhus had enough potential for the attainementof Arahanthood but that they needed proper food because aweak body will not allow the mind to function at its best. So,she prepared nutritious food for them . With nutritious foodand right effort, the bhikkhus developed right concentrationand eventually attained Arahanthood.At the end of the rainy season, the bhikkhus returnedto the Jetavana monastery, where the Buddha was in resi-dence.They reported to the Buddha that all of them were ingood health and in comfortable circumstances and that theydid not have to worry about food. They also mentioned MatikaMata who had been aware of their thoughts and had offeredthem the very good food that was necessary to keep them ingood health which is important for proper concentration.A certain bhikkhu hearing about Matika Mata, decidedthat he too will go to the village. So, taking a subject of medi-tationfrom the Buddha he arrived at the village monastery.There, he foundthat everything hewished for was sentto him by MatikaMata. When hewishes for somefood she personallycame to the monas-tery,bringing alongTHE LADY MIND READERK.SRI DHAMMANANDA 5. 4 Dhammaratana 5 Dhammaratanachoice food with her. After taking the food, he asked her if shereally could read the thoughts of others, but she evaded hisquestion and replied, People who can read thoughts of othersbehave in such and such a way. Then the bhikkhu thought,If I, like an ordinary worldling, should entertain any impurethoughts, and if she can really read thoughts, she is sure tothink ill of me. He, therefore became afraid of the lay devoteeand decided to return to the Jetavana monastery. He told theBuddha that he could not stay in Matikas village because hewas afraid that the lay devotee might detect impure thoughtsin him.The Buddha then advised him to observe just one thing,that is, to control his mind. He also advised him to return tothe village and not to think of anything else but the object ofhis meditation. The bhikkhu returned and Matika Mata of-feredhim nutritious food as she had done to the others before,so that he might be able to practise meditation without worry.Within a short time, he too purified his mind and attainedArahanthood.Visakha Puja Day honors the birth, Enlightenment, andpassing away of the Buddha. The United Nations General As-sembly,fulfilling the hopes of the International Buddhist Con-ferencein Sri Lanka in November of 1998, urged the interna-tionalrecognition of this day, especially at the United NationsHeadquarters and offices. The Council of Thai Bhikkhus inthe U.S.A., following the hopes of the International BuddhishConference and the urgings of the United Nations, also com-memoratesthis special holy day.Visakha Puja Day commemorates the three main eventsin the Buddhas life. First, the birth of the Buddha is for thebenefit of all people in the world because of the message theBlessed One brings regarding the alleviation of suffering.Secondly, the Enlightenment of the Buddha is a light to expelthe darkness of the world, the darkness of the defilements ofgreed, anger, and delusion, insofar as the Buddha shows howwe, too, can approach this blissful, luminous state. Thirdly,The Significance of Visakha Puja DayVen. Dr. Thanat Inthisan,Secretary General of The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the USA. 6. 6 Dhammaratana 7 Dhammaratana ( ) the death of the Buddha reveals the ultimate truths of exis-tence:the impermanence of all things, the unsatisfactorinessof everything in the world (the worlds suffering character),and the lack of self that characterizes all phenomena.As we celebrate Visakha Puja, each of us should bear inmind the words spoken by the Buddha at the beginning ofhis lifes work and those spoken at the end. Shortly after hisEnlightenment, when Brahm Sahampati had convinced theBuddha to teach the Dhamma for the benefit of mankind, theBuddha said, Open for [all human beings] are the doors tothe Deathless, / Let those with ears now show their faith. Weshould respond to the words of the Buddha by developing ourfaith into true wisdom so we, too, can approach the deathlessstate of Enlightenment. Shortly before his death, the Bud-dhauttered these last words: All conditioned things are ofa nature to decaystrive on untiringly. We should engageuntiringly in our work, this Vesakha Day and everyday, of de-velopingthe truth of the Buddhas teaching in our own livesand of bringing it into the lives of others.Mar. 19, 2012 7. 8 Dhammaratana 9 Dhammaratana ? ? ? () ? ? ? :-. 8. 1 0 Dhammaratana 1 1 Dhammaratana. . : . ! ! :- . 9. 1 2 Dhammaratana 1 3 Dhammaratana :- . :-. . . . . - Visiting Dhamma Brother at VietnameseMonastery 10. 1 4 Dhammaratana 1 5 Dhammaratana "" (2012) " . ( ). ( ). ( ) " "() ,.. " "" " 11. 1 6 Dhammaratana 1 7 Dhammaratana " " . (Mindfulness every moment) . (Wisdom every time) . (En-joyevery action) " " . (). (). (). (). (). (). (). () " .... / / -- 12. 1 8 Dhammaratana 1 9 Dhammaratana - - 13. 2 0 Dhammaratana 2 1 Dhammaratana - ( = ) The more yougive, the more you get. 14. 2 2 Dhammaratana 2 3 DhammaratanaRegarding to our history, we see clearly the close relationship be-tweenBuddhism and the Thai nation. The history of the Thai nation is alsothe history of Buddhism. The Thai nation originated over 2,000 years ago.Also in that same period Buddhism came and has played an important partin Thai history ever since. The Thai nation settled firmly in present-day Thai-land700 years ago. Also seven centuries ago it adopted the present form ofBuddhism. The charm that has earned Thailand the reputation as the Landof Smiles undoubtedly comes from the influence of Buddhism over her peo-ple.Theravada Buddhism has been the predominant religion in Thailand.Under the constitution, The King, as a symbol of the nation, although protec-torof all religions, must be a Buddhist, Buddhism in Thailand has flourishedunder patronage of the monarch, with many numbers of the royalty enteringthe order for time.According to the latest census, the total population of Thailand is over60 million. Out of this number, approximately 94% are Buddhists there areabout 35,000 temples and 365442 monks and 75,093 novices (Source: Na-tionalBuddhist Center: December 2005) Early Thai Sangha, thereappear to have been two main groups involved in different activites inher-itedfrom earlier Buddhist and Singhalese traditions, the gamavasi, or city-dwellingmonks, and the araavsi, or forest-dwelling monks. The twogroups have become known for being involved in two different tendencies inBuddhist practice, namely gantha dhura, the study of books, and vipassandhura, the practice of meditation.There are now two main Orders of Buddhism in Thailand. ie. Mahani-kayaand Thammayut Nikaya Orders. Thamayutta is a new order establishedby Prince Mongkut in the 1830 s. (then the King Rama IV), of Thailand. Afterestablished of the new order, the old order has been called MahanikyaThe peoples of Thailand have encouraged and supported Buddhism bybuilding and maintaining monasteries, by providing the monks with materialnecessities and facilities for performing religious duties, by patronizing theireducational activities such as the Buddhist Councils for revising the Tripi-takaand having the scriptures translated into Thai.We may note that although the Thai Sangha may be presented as or ap-pearto be a monolithic institution, there is a history of Buddhist movementsand reformers who continue to test the boundaries of practices and beliefs inorder to keep Buddhism relevant for the current times.------------Bibliography1. Buddhist Promotion Center. The Buddhas Teaching. Bangkok: BuddhistPromotion Center, 1992.2. Mahamakutta Buddhist University. Plan of Life. Bangkok: MahamakuttaEducational Council, 1992.3. Phra Rajavaramuni. Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World. Bangkok:Mahachulalongkorn University Press, 1990.4. Ven.Dr. W.Rahula. What the Buddha Taught. Bangkok:Haw Trai Foun-dation,19995. Vinai Ussivakul. An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation for Results.Bangkok: Tippayawisut, 2003.'Thai Buddhism''Phra Srisitthimuni 15. 2 4 Dhammaratana 2 5 Dhammaratana Mellitus 1 2 () 1 1 1 Glycemic Index (GI) 100 1 * 16. 2 6 Dhammaratana 2 7 Dhammaratana 6 8 - 10 10 -15 1 1 * 323 - First Monthly Meeting in February 17. 2 8 Dhammaratana 2 9 Dhammaratana 1/1/2012 $ 64.00 Fox $ 50.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 Sands $ 40.00 Metodi Haralanbier $ 40.001/4/2012Lan & Ed Ashley $ 100.00Nakorn Apakupakul MD $ 100.001/8/2012Somsong Fox $ 50.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.001/9/2012 $ 40.00 $ 100.001/12/2012Samuel S & Ratsamy U Wu $ 50.00Pratin & Gilbert Trujillo $ 100.001/13/2012 $ 20.00Richard & Narttaya Tinker $ 50.00 $ 50.00. $ 100.00 $ 100.00Pinthong Ghaffarian $ 500.00--- , $ 100.001/15/1012 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 25.00 $ 100.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 100.00Veterans of Foreign wars $ 30.00Sawtree Garner $ 59.00 $ 20.00--- $ 100.00Ponmakha Iri Benja $ 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 10.00Chavalit Isaranuwatanakul $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 100.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 18. 3 0 Dhammaratana 3 1 Dhammaratana- $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00- $ 20.00 $ 10.00 $ 35.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00Boonsom & Donal Glass $ 25.00Wilai Gould $ 50.00Richard Swank $ 60.00Jirapa Y Williams $ 100.00 () $ 1,210.00 $ 20.00 , , , , , , $ 20.00Wanpen Bruner $ 60.00Siripa Junlakorn $ 5.00Rodeta Aosavarungnirun $ 10.00Israporn Kulkumjon $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ 10.00- $ 30.00Kanokon Smathers $ 30.00Jane Chounaem(Smiling Bananaleaf) $ 168.00Piyawat Chalermkanjana $ 10.00Thai Gourmet $ 100.00Preet Singh $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00Phoc & Vilavan Vong $ 100.00Rungnapa Khanchalee $ 20.00Rattanaporn Namsai $ 20.001/21/2012T.Onsanit & B.Onsanit $ 100.001/22/2012 $ 100.001/24/2012 $ 41.001/25/2012Smiling Bananaleaf Restaurant $ 200.00Shawitree Garner( 15 ..12) $ 60.001/28/2012 $ 10.00Preet Singh () $ 50.00Vilavan Anan Vong () $ 100.00- $ 10.00 $ 100.001/29/2012Somsong Fox $ 30.00 () $ 40.00 19. 3 2 Dhammaratana 3 3 DhammaratanaJumlong & Lisa Megyesy $ 100.00 () $ 40.00 Sandy Garvin and family $ 20.00 $ 40.00Manus Sand $ 50.00Kim Eng Hong $ 20.00Sawitree Kugler $ 40.00Jintana Kessler $ 20.00Saard Sanpaarsa $ 50.00Pimjai J. Birmingham $ 50.00Jim-Pink-Rikki Carroll $ 100.00 $ 20.00 , $ 40.00Thaigourmet $ 100.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00Preet $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00Vilavan & Phoc Vong $ 100.00 Gilbert P. Trujillo $ 50.00 , Charles Lenzner $ 25.00Samuel S Wu & Ratsamy U Wu $ 30.00 (-) $ 25.00 () $ 50.00Thai Spoon $ 100.00 $ 40.00Kanat & Sasimaka & Pavin & Ratiporn & Pattarapa $ 28.00 $ 20.00 $ 7.00Somsong Fox $ 50.00 () $ 50.00 $ 30.00Jane Chounaem $ 100.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00Josh $ 10.00Jane Chounaem $ 150.00Jim & Mam Birmingham $ 20.00-- , $ 40.00Boonrak & Ratana Tantisira $ 200.00 20. 3 4 Dhammaratana 3 5 DhammaratanaTu & Gary Wade $ 40.00Bunlu Mennell $ 40.00Tae & Suwattana Miller $ 200.00Samornrat Kiefaber $ 25.00Richard & Pissamai Dohmen $ 120.00Pusadees Garden Inc. $ 200.00Som Glass, Gathy G, Bee Swank $ 35.00Oraphan Witayapreechai-Anan (Health Insurance) $ 20.00Preet Singh(Health Insurance) $ 20.00Rattanaporn Namsai(Health Insurance) $ 20.00Dennis Ondek $ 10.00Somsong Fox(Health Insurance) $ 50.00 $ 20.00Sompong Bray $ 50.00Tim & Vilavan Vong(Health Insurance) $ 100.00Somnuk Namsai(Health Insurance) $ 50.00.- , () $ 90.00 $ 100.00Jane Chounaem $ 500.00- $ 90.00 () $ 60.00 () $ 50.00- () $ 100.00- () $ 50.00- ()$ 50.00Narintra Gold(Health Insurance) $ 30.00 25551/1/12 Lowes $ 515.401/2/12 Lowes $ 14.771/2/12 The Home Depot $ 22.411/2/12 The Home Depot $ 123.231/6/12 Water & Sewers $ 87.191/12/12 Peoples Natural Gas $ 99.291/24/12 Verizon $ 120.001/15/12 $ 700.001/25/12 Alarm Guardian $ 24.10 25552/14/2012 Erie Insurance $ 69.00Guardian $ 31.952/22/2012 Wat Pasantidhamma(Monk Insurance) $ 430.082/23/2012 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. (Monk Insurance) $ 606.222/3/2012 Peoples Natural Gas $ 383.112/3/2012 RTR Repaired Copier $ 133.752/18/2012 Verizon $ 120.002/3/2012 Euquesne Light $ 185.832/10/2012 The Pitts Water Sewer $ 116.922/28/2012 Duquesne Light $ 107.96... 21. Dhammaratana Dhammaratana 25553/05/2012 City and School District of Pittsburgh $ 797.023/17/2012 Guardian $ 31.953/17/2012 Wat Pasantidhamma(Monk Insurance) $ 215.043/17/2012 Wat Thai Washington, D.C.(Monk Insurance) $ 303.113/08/2012 PWSA water $ 132.243/09/2012 Peoples Natural Gas $ 92.183/12/2012 Verizon $ 65.663/27/2012 Allegheny County Tax $ 183.463/27/2012 Duquesne Light $ 63.863/27/2012 Carnegie Library Tax $ 8.06Smiling Banana Leaf(Jane Chounaem) $ 25.00 () $ 120.00() $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 20.00Preet Singh $ 50.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00Vilavan & Phoc Vong $ 375.00 36 37 22. Dhammaratana Dhammaratana (Thai me up) $ 50.00Cherry Rosontha $ 20.00 $ 20.00Wasana Sintuya $ 40.00Jane Chounaem $ 60.00 $ 60.00Nina & Greg Gold $ 30.00 $ 20.00Somnuk Namsai $ 100.00Somsak Namsai $ 100.00 $ 100.00Jason & Lisa & Vanessa Shwallon $ 40.00Sandy Garvin Family $ 20.00 , ( ) * . , , , 38 23. Dhammaratana Dhammaratana .. - Happy New Year Ceremony - February Activities 2012 24. Dhammaratana Dhammaratana 2555 - Magha Puja Ceremony 2012 2555 - March Activities 2012 25. 4 4 Dhammaratana 4 5 Dhammaratana . . . - . . . - . . . - . . - . . , (--), , . . (--) . - . . - . . . - . . . - . . . . The Daily Schedule of BMCPThe Buddhist Meditation Center of Pittsburgh******05.30 a.m. Meditation06.00 - 07.00 a.m. Morning Chanting07.30 - 08.00 a.m. Breakfast08.00 - 10.30 a.m. Dhamma study10.30 a.m. Lunch ceremony12.30 p.m. Conversation, Chanting, Meditation2.00 - 5.00 Dhamma study5.30 p.m. Meditation6.00 - 7.00 p.m. Evening Chanting7.00 - 9.00 p.m. Dhamma study10.00 p.m. Rest******* 26. 4 6 Dhammaratana 4 7 DhammaratanaAll are cordially invited to participatein the meditation programs and Buddhist activities atWat Padhammaratana(The Buddhist Meditation Centre of Pittsburgh)Activity Day Time1. Chanting Daily Morning andEvening05.30 - 6.30 a.m.5.30 - 6.30 p.m.2. Dhamma Talk Daily Morning 10.45 - 11.15 a.m.3.Buddhist Study(Thai) Every Sunday 01.00 - 03.00 p.m.4. Meditation(English) Every Saturday 03.00 - 05.00 p.m.All activities will be held at the upper or lower level of the temple. For furtherinformation, please contact Wat Padhammaratana, PA. Tel.412-521-5095,E-mail : [email protected], www.bmcpitts.org, www.facebook.com/bmcpitts- To serve as a Buddhism promo-tioncenter in the U.S.- To serve as a meditation centerin Pittsburgh- To promote virtues, Buddhistculture and traditions- To be a center of all Buddhists,regardless of nationalitiesOBJECTIVES - .. - .. - .. - - - Religious Ceremony 2012 Wat PadhammaratanaNew Year Celebration Sunday, January 16, 2012Makhapuja Ceremony Sunday, March 4, 2012Songkran Festival Sunday, April 8, 2012Probation(Parivasa) May 10-20, 2012Visaka Puja Ceremony Sunday, May 27, 2012Luangta Chi's Birthday Sunday, June 10, 2012Asalha Puja & Rains-retreat Ceremony August 4 - 5, 2012Novice Summer Camp August 12 - 19, 2012Meditation Retreat September 21 - 23, 2012Rains-retreat ending Ceremony Sunday, October 28, 2012Kathina Ceremony Sunday, November 11, 2012Meditation Retreat December 7 - 9, 2012