Diwali ppt

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Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival.

One of the largest and brightest festivals in India.

The festival spiritually signifies • The victory of light over darkness• Knowledge over ignorance • Good over evil• Hope over despair

The festival preparations and rituals typically extend over a five day period, but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest, new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika.

Diwali night falls between mid-October and mid-November.

Before Diwali night, people clean, renovate, and decorate their homes

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• On Diwali night, Everyone dress up in new clothes, light up diyas (lamps and candles) inside and outside their home, participate in family puja (prayers) typically to Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

• After puja, fireworks follow, then a family feast including mithai (sweets), and an exchange of gifts between family members and close friends.

• Diwali is an important festival for Hindus. The name of festive days as well as the rituals of Diwali vary significantly among Hindus, based on the region of India.

• In many parts of India, the festivities start with Dhanteras (in Northern and Western part of India), Naraka Chaturdasi on second day, Deepavali on the third day, Diwali Padva dedicated to wife–husband relationship on the fourth day,

and Bhau-beej dedicated to sister–brother bond on the fifth day. Dhanteras usually falls eighteen days after Dussehra.

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STORY-1 Satyabhama


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Satyabhama Krishna’s warrior wife

• Daughter of Satrajit.

• Satyabhama is the third wife of Lord Krishna, renowned for both her strong will and bad temper.

• She is believed to be an Avatar or incarnation of Bhudevi.

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• Satrajit was the owner of the Syamantaka jewel (syamantakamani).

• Satrajit, secured the jewel from Surya and therefore never wanted to part with it even once when Krishna, asked for it he said that the jewel would be safe with him.

• After some time, Prasena, the brother of Satrajit went out hunting wearing the jewel but was killed by a lion.

• Then Jambavan (Jamvanta,) killed the lion and gave the jewel to his son to play with it.

• When Prasena did not return, Satrajit wrongly blamed Krishna for killing

Prasena for the sake of the jewel.

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• Krishna to prove himself innocent set out in search of the jewel and found it in Jambavan`s cave, with his child.

• Jambavan attacked Krishna thinking him to be a trespasser who had come to take away the jewel. Both of them fought for continuous twenty eight days.

• At last Jambavan`s whole body was horribly wounded from the thrashing of Krishna`s fists.

• Jambavan recognised Him and surrendered. Jambavan was remorseful and gave Krishna the jewel.

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• Then Krishna returned the jewel to Satrajit, who also repented for his allegation.

• He offered Krishna the jewel and also wanted Krishna to marry his daughter Satyabhama.

• Krishna accepted Satyabhama`s hand but denied from accepting the jewel.

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• There is a legendary story related to Satyabhama and Narakasura.

• Narakasura was a demon king who ruled Pragjothishyapur.

• He was blessed by Lord Brahma that he would be unbeatable and would die only in the hands of his mother.

• Narakasura used this power of immortality and gradually became a dictator.

• He became infamous for his evil ruling and for disrespecting the Devas and women.

• Narakasura defeated Lord Indra, king of gods, and snatched sixteen thousand women and imprisoned them in his palace.

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• He once stole the earrings of Aditi, the heavenly mother goddess, and seized some of her territory.

• Aditi was a relative of Satyabhama. Satyabhama was believed to be an incarnation of Bhudevi and Bhudevi was Narakasura` mother.

• When Satyabhama heard of Narakasuara`s cruelty towards women and his behaviour with Aditi, she was infuriated.

• Satyabhama discussed this problem with Lord Krishna and took permission to declare a war against Narakasura.

• Krishna agreed and presented his Garuda as her mount and both rode to the city ruled by Narakasura.

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Goddess ADITI

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• In the war Satyabhama fought with Narakasura valiantly but he was more skillful. After a few days Narakasura got a chance to hurt Krishna. Krishna fainted as per the predestined divinely plan made with Satyabhama. When Satyabhama saw Narakasura attacking Krishna then she got furious.

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• She doubled her strength and attacked the demon king Narakasura and finally. Before Narakasura`s death, he requested a boon from his mother, Satyabhama that everyone should celebrate his death with colourful lights.

• Accordingly this day is celebrated as the first day of Diwali or Naraka Chaturdashi.

• After her victory, Satyabhama freed all the prisoners of Narakasura. Satyabhama rescued the sixteen thousand women and Lord Krishna married them for the reason of their purity which they preserved regardless of being made captives.

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Once upon a time there was a king named Dashratha. He had 4 sons – Rama, Bharat, Laxmana and Shatrughan

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Rama, was married to a beautiful princess, called Sita

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• Rama’s step-mother was very jealous. She wanted the throne for her Son-Bharat. A long time before, she had saved King Dashrath's life and then he had promised her to grant two wishes. She decided that it was time to claim her wishes. She asked Dashrath to send Rama to forest for fourteen years. Dashrath was shocked, but had to fulfil it. Thus Rama, followed by his loyal brother Lakshmana & Sita left for the forest

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• Ravana, the Demon king with ten heads, heard of Sita’s beauty and goodness and planned to kidnap her. By magic, he conjured up a golden fawn. She asked Rama to capture

it. When Rama did not return for a long time, Sita told Lakshmana to go after him.

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• Ravana, who was waiting for just this opportunity, disguised as a holy man and approached Sita for alms. When Sita stepped close, Ravana grabbed her arms and took her away!

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• Ravana, the 10 headed demon took Sita to Lanka and imprisoned her in a garden named ASHOK VATIKA and gave her a time of 12 months to decide whether to marry Ravana or not.

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• Rama and Lakshmana searched for Sita and met brave monkey warrior Hanuman. Hanuman and his friends promised Rama to help in finding Sita.

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• Ravana had captured Sita and kept her across a BIG ocean. A bridge of stones was built by the strong monkey army. Rama finaly crossed the bridge to fight the 10 headed demon Ravana.

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• This was one of the greatest battles ever seen. The fighting lasted for ten whole days and finally Rama killed the demon Ravana

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• Rama and his family decided to return home But it was a moonless, dark night. The people of Ayodhya lit the roads with little lamps to show them the way home..

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• They lit the roads with little lamps to show them the way

• home. It was a huge celebration that day. This is Diwali

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• Everyone was happy and Rama and Sita ruled well. Now every year people remember this story at Diwali by lighting diva lights inside their homes and fireworks outside

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• Moral Of The Story … Diwali is also known as "Festival of Light,“..where the “light” signifies victory of good over evil within every human being…

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• In India, Diwali is the most important festival of the year. Diwali is a major Indian festival, celebrated by Hindus..

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• On this day people wear new clothes, meet their friends & relatives, eat sweets,gift each other, decorate houses with lights and rangoli patterns, and set off fireworks in the night.

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