Your Professional Development File Image by : bnielsen Used under a Creative Commons licenc e

CIP course materials

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Your Professional Development File

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• A 'Discourse Analysis' of the five practitioner lectures (1500 words).

• A 'Career Plan' (1500 words).

• Participation which includes your general attendance which will be monitored, your individual presentation power-point slides, your CV, questions for the practitioners and your group practitioner seminar materials.

To do


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General Warning!

• If you miss a session from which you need to produce a piece of work, you will need to find another students to help you catch up.

• Staff can only help to catch up on missed work on receipt of evidence that backs up the legitimacy of your absence.

• Both the discourse analysis and the career plan need their own bibliography. Image by : zeimusu

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• This should be a comparison of the practitioner talks: Image by :

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Discourse Analysis

• ‘Discourse Analysis involves a perspective on language, which sees this not as reflecting reality in a transparent or straightforward way but as constructing and organising that social reality for us’ (Tonkiss 1998 p246)

• ‘Readings’ of the same event/situation/discourse may be interpreted or decoded in a number of different ways.

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Analysing the talk

• We need to look at the meanings that the practitioner is mobilising and using, and try and understand their interpretation.

• Can you see particular terms, phrases or ideas coming out in the talk?

• We sometimes refer to particular key words or phrases as ‘tags’

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Important issues to look for:

• Professionalism and Power

• Organisational cultures

• Dominant values and norms

• Managerialism and multi-agency partnerships

• Criminological theories

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Professionalism and Power

• ‘According to Foucault discourse is the key to power…its not the overt domination of one group by another, but the acceptance…that there exists a …coherent text underlying all the paradoxes of life.’ (Worrall 2001 p95)

• Professions often have knowledge that others do not have.

• This gives them a certain amount of power over others who do not possess the same knowledge or expertise.

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Jargon rules!

• Talk to offender managers (OM’s) or Regional Offender Managers (ROM’s) from the national probation service (NPS), you will find that their everyday language is shot through with acronyms.



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YOT’s (Youth offending Teams)• YOT’s are made up of

representatives from the police, Probation Service, social services, health, education, drugs and alcohol misuse and housing officers.

• YOT’s identify suitable programmes to address the needs of young people with the intention of preventing further offending.

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CARAT’s ????

• 'Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice and Throughcare'.

• Everyone coming into prison who is identified as having a drug problem is assessed, given advice about their misusing, and referred to other services such as drug treatment programmes, housing, employment and external Drugs Intervention Teams to prepare for release.

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OASys ??!!??

• Offender Assessment System

• A risk assessment and sentence planning tool for identifying offender related needs such as the lack of accommodation; poor education and employment skills; substance misuse; relationship problems; Thinking and attitude skills and the risk that they pose to the public.

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• Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements:

• The name given to arrangements for the "responsible authorities" tasked with the management of registered sex offenders, violent and other types of sexual offenders, and offenders who pose a serious risk of harm to the public.

• These authorities might include Probation, Prison and Police.

Now you are just being

silly!!!Image by Roke used under a

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CALM (Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage it)

• CALM is a nationally accredited programme for adult male offenders 18 and over.

• It is designed for those offenders with anger control difficulties which are linked to offending. Its goal is to reduce aggression by targeting anger.

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…and there’s more!

• DAT’s (Drug Action Teams)

• YJB (Youth Justice Board)

• PPO’s (Prolific, Priority Offenders)

• DTTO’s (Drug Treatment and Testing Order)

• NTA (National Treatment agency)Image by

the people from the Tango project

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Organisational culture

• Within organisations, values and norms shared by people or groups that affect the way in which those individuals interact with others may signify an organisational culture.

• Look for the values and norms that the practitioner promotes.

• Can you detect an organisational culture or a number of competing cultures?

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Some pertinent values and norms:

• How do they deal with ‘crime’/ or what they see as ‘their problem’.

• How they refer to their ‘service users’?

• What appears to be their underlying ethos…welfare/justice/crime control?

• How do they talk about their colleagues?

• How do they talk about other organisations?

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• Since the 1980’s ‘Corporatism’, with its emphasis on management, performance and cost effectiveness has been particularly important.

• Corporatism means the process of putting together different organisations with the aim of identifying and dealing with a common goal.

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• Does the practitioner talk about things related to performance, efficiency, value for money/cost effectiveness or performance indicators?

• Do they have the goals in common with other related organisations or are there possible contradictions?

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Multi-agency partnerships• Partnerships as a mode of governance

began to gain ground throughout the 80’s and 90’s building on a historical tradition of attempts to create ‘joined up’ government.

• This was due to the increased fragmentation and complexity of the public sector.

• Neo-liberalism encourages rolling back state control and bringing in market forces to underpin public services.

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Managerialism and multi-agency partnerships

• What fundamental aims do the practitioners have?

• Are these the same as the ones that their organisation apparently adopts?

• How do they measure and evaluate their aims and successes?

• What other agencies do they work with?• Do those agencies have compatible aims or are

there contradictions?

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Equality/equal opportunities

• Equal opportunities is an important concept within all organisations, both in terms of service users and employees.

• Does the practitioner talk about equal opportunities or equality?

• How is equality of opportunity ensured?

• Might race, class, gender, disability or age be significant in their work? Image by : warszawianka

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Models of partnership.

• What models of partnership might they talk about?

• Public/private partnerships.

• Central and local public service delivery.

• Local community based partnerships.

• Public/private/voluntary sector.

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Can you spot the underlying theories?

• Risk Management• Rehabilitation

• New/Old Penology• Right or left realism

• Authoritarian populism• Labelling

• Classicism• Positivism

• Radical Criminology/Criminalisation.Image by : Ken2754@Yokohama Used

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Career plan• Needs to be informed by academic and

professional sources. Look at:

• Where am I now?

• Where do I want to be?

• How do I get there?

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Where am I now?

• Reflect on your current skills base including: degree, part time work, volunteering, skills/interests.

• Sources may include module and degree descriptors, internet sites for organisations, UoL careers site, sports and recreation sites, Prospects etc.

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Where do I want to be?

• Could look at jobs, post graduate education, volunteering, travelling, business start up, prospects and job search sites.

• Theoretically underpin by DOTS analysis, organisational cultures, managerialism, performance indicators, conservativism, neo-liberalism, government policy

• Talk to careers staff.

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How do I get there?• Identify the skills that

you will need by looking at organisational websites.

• Match these to the skills that you already have.

• Reflect on where you can get the skills that you don’t have.

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What we are looking for in the assessment:

• Informed reflection on yourself, your skills and your degree.

• Smart presentation.• A good level of English with no spelling

mistakes.• Theoretically informed discourse analysis that

shows an analytical understanding of the practitioners experience and interpretation of their organisation.

• The use of suitable bibliographical references that relate to the work in the file.

• An appropriate level of knowledge on graduate employability.