Benefits of Deploying NG112 Mark J. Fletcher, ENP Chief Architect – Avaya Public Safety Solutions

NG112 Update to EENA 2015 Conference

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Benefits of Deploying NG112 Mark J. Fletcher, ENP Chief Architect – Avaya Public Safety Solutions

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Benefits of deploying NG112 !  Collaborative Interoperable Unification

– Network –  Applications

!  Multi-Modal Touch Points with the Public –  Voice –  Text –  Pictures –  Video

!  Access to BIG Data –  Situational Awareness – Response Recommendations

Primary Audio Channel

Add-on data channel

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Successful NG112 – Not Just Technology

! Legislative Regulatory Support – Mandate the deployment with committed funding

! Establish Training and Certification – Ensure the staff is available to run the network – Manage natural attrition of staff

! Prepare for Technology Creep – New technology will evolve – Manage citizen demand and expectation

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! Geo-Political Boundaries – The primary challenge for any emergency in any location is

the fact that emergent situations do not honor boundaries. Nor do networks, or radio traffic

! Inter-Agency Policy MoU – Agencies must establish Memorandums of Understanding

between adjacent agencies –  Priority focus intra-country –  Secondary focus inter-country

! Disparate Technologies – Network Security – Privacy Concerns – Frequency Coordination

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Recommendations to migrate to NG112

! Legacy with NG112 Adaptors

! NG112 with Legacy Adaptors

! Building tomorrows network TODAY means that internally you are finished now.

! With Standards in place this becomes possible.

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Planned NG911 deployments – In Blue

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Actual NG911 deployments – In RED

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! Form a ‘Blue-Sky’ Committee – No Rules – Open ideas – Anything is possible

! Apply todays functionality towards those goals – Understand where you want to go – Establish a framework to get you there

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Recommendations – cont’d

! Involve Subject Matter Experts from ALL levels – Administrative – Call Taker / Dispatcher – First Responders – Public/Disability Community

! Develop ‘Use Cases’ – How will the technology be used – Who will use the technology – Does it solve a problem?

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Mark J. Fletcher, ENP Chief Architect – Avaya Public Safety Solutions