結結結 WEDDING 結結結 結結 Pisey Riem

Japanese Wedding

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For Japanese 1 class. Mrs. Sanada Class. All information are found by the link in the end.

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Page 1: Japanese Wedding

結婚式WEDDING ピサイ・リスPisey Riem

Page 2: Japanese Wedding


Groom joining the bride's family

Groom visit the bride every night at her house

Only after the birth of a child or the death of his parent will the bride be accepted into the family

Selection of mates to create children

The bride joins the groom family

Link between two families rather than two individual

Political, economic, and social alliance

Used as political and diplomatic approaches to maintain peace and unity.



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お見合いOMIAI A parent or a 仲人

(matchmaker) interviews potential mates

The matchmaker arranges marriages on behalf of both families

A marriage can mean cementing alliances

Equal rank and class

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WORLD WAR II Rewritten of the

Japanese Constitution changing the law of the marriage

Women gained more rights

Equality of gender Western influences

of love marriage

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結納YUI NOU 長熨斗 (Shell) Longevity 目録 (List) list of gift

exchanged 子生婦 (Seaweed) Wish for

many happy and healthy children

寿留女 (Dried cuttlefish) Wish for long marriage

末広 ( Fan) Wish for a better future and happiness

鰹節 (Dried tuna) Wish for a lasting marriage

家内喜多留 (Wine cask) Can be substitute with money

友白髪 (Tread) signify strong ties in married life

金宝包 (Money) a ceremonial amount of money

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紋付montsukiFormal black kimono

羽織 haori Knee length loosely fitting coat

袴hakama Ankle skirt with 5 pleat in the front and 2 in the back

羽織紐haori himo Woven string that keep the羽織 together

旅 tabiDivided-toe socks

ぞ利zoriTraditional sandals

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Worn open without an obi, thick padding at the hem, new beginning


Headdress or hood, use to cover the wig or hairstyle. “ Horns of jealousy” Bride enter the new family with openness and obedience


Elaborate and colorful kimono. Long sleeves with red padding, worn open over without an obi

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Bridal kimono hood, only wore outside with the 白無垢 , hides the bride’s face


Small pocket case accessory, traditionally used to carry lucky charm


Hair ornaments


TakashimadaTraditional hair style, high top knot

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BEFORE CEREMONY 参進 (sanshin) Shinto maiden lead the

groom and bride into the shrine to the sound of flute and drums

Groom’s parent next to the groom

Bride’s parent next to the bride

All the people present bow towards the alter then the ceremony can begin

The priest waves a 祓い串 (haraigushi) to symbolize purification.

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修祓の儀 (Shubatsu-no-gi) Shinto priest purifies the couple

祝詞奏上 (Norito-soujou)Priest reads out the formula to announce the marriage, seek blessing and protection for the couple

神楽舞 (Kaguramai)A Shinto maiden dedicates a sacred dance

誓いの盃 (Chikai-no-sakazuki) The couple exchanges cups 3 times and drink 3 sips of the rice wine. Called “ 三々九度”

誓詞奏上 (Seishi-soujou)The groom reads out the vow letter.

玉串拝礼 (Tamagushi-hairei)

The bride and groom make offerings of tamagushi to vow

their marriage.

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BUDDHIST Offering of incense to the

Buddha Water ritually purified by

the priest 数珠 (Buddhist rosary) is

given to the couple 三々九度  (three times

three equaling nine sips) Drinking rice wine from

three wine cups by taking three sip per cup

Symbolizing homage to the three treasure of the Buddha

Exchange rings Pledge is confirmed by the

officiating priest

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GUEST Female: Dresses,

suits ,kimono Male: Black formal suits Expected to bring cash

ご祝儀 Goshugi (Gift Money)

Amount depend on the guest relationship to the bride or groom

Enclosed in an envelope祝儀袋  (shugibukuro)

Use new bills with no creasing

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CONCLUSION Japan has a long history and many customs changing

over time. There are many different type of wedding that couples can choose from but in the end they all have one thing in common. The union of two people for a happy and lasting marriage.

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CREDIT http://factsanddetails.com/japan/cat18/sub117/item617.html







