시니어It 고령화로인한 소비시장의 변화 2015


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CiDOW | Introduction Business Domain

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�������Internet Marketing & e-Business ConsultingCross Factor Agency CiDOW.

㈜시도우(www.cidow.com) 서울시 강남구 역삼동 829-21 IM빌딩 3층 T.02)325-1009 F.02)6280-2234 Ⓒ2013 CiDOW Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved.NOTICE : Proprietary and ConfidentialThis material is proprietary to CiDOW. It contains trade secrets and confidential information which is solely the property of CiDOW. This material is solely for the Client’s internal use. This material shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted,in whole or in part, without the express consent of CiDOW © 2013, All Rights Reserved.

CiDOW | Introduction Business Domain 2

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CiDOW | Introduction Business Domain 12

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CiDOW | Introduction Business Domain 13



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CiDOW | Introduction Business Domain

Thank youThe Total nScreen Strategy Company - CiDOW
