高三英语阅读考前 复习之我见



高三英语阅读考前 复习之我见. 人大附中 高三英语组 谭松柏 2013-05-14. 聊天内容. 旁白:标题不整大点,一会该都偷偷走了。. 丑话说在前面!. 今天旨在 应对考场阅读理解与答题, 不保证 与课改 精神高度一致 ! 说得对的请假装喝彩! 说得不对的请假装没有听见!. 旁白:这个时候讲大道理谁听!. 阅读策略 & 应试?. 课标要求:提高学生综合语言运用能力! 答题技巧实为巧用阅读策略( 快速查找信息)也是课标目标之一。. 旁白 :不知道这么是否能自圆其说!. 完形答题如何提高 准度. 见题先看标题,图片及首尾段; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2013-05-143& A Faithful FatherMy husband kissed me goodbye, stroked the babys cheek and then rushed out of the door, into his busy day. With the cold of the morning fading, I fed my baby and it fell fast asleep. Usually I would place it in bed and quickly have the house somewhat in 36 I dont remember much of the rest of the call, 53 that moment of revelation() about my father, I will never forget. There are those who are known for their heroic 54 , and also those who are known for their fortunes and fame, but it is the 55 everyday fathers who are the true heroes. Im thankful that my father was one of them.

However, this morning, I stayed seatedjust 37 , with the baby in my arms. The thoughts ran into 38 of the mornings with my husband, a father rushing out of the door to meet the obligations of life. It was only a small jump to thoughts of my own 39 .My mother passed away when I was ten, and as I looked 40 , I could see how much of a family man my dad was. He went to work every morning and 41 to his family every evening. He 42 food, clothing, warmth, and protection. He was a faithful father.Setting the baby down, I dialed the 43 number. I had just realized the 44 of the ordinary---the daily life going on around us that we often took for granted, and that it needed to be 45 . Hi, Dad. I said, 46 back tears.Hey, Bud. How are you? 47 was in his voice.Fine, Im just calling to say...thank you. I got it out before my throat 48 too much for me to speak.What for?For getting up and going to work every morning of my life. Now that I have my own 49 and I see my husband doing the same, I just wanted to thank you for being 50 .There was 51 for a moment as my dad composed himself, and with a small 52 in his voice he said, Youre welcome, Bud.

Have the house in orderStay seated, thinkingThe thoughts ran into memories ofJump to thoughts of my own fatherLook backReturn to his familyProvide food, clothing, warmth and protectionDial the familiar number

Realize the significance of the ordinary It needed to be recognizedHolding/fighting back tearsConcern was in his voiceMy throat tightenedI have my own childThank you for being faithfulThere was silence for a momentWith a small tremble in his voicebutHeroic deedsThe ordinary everyday fathers

:Whats mainly discussed in the text?What would be the best title for the text?80%10%ABCDAccording to the passage, who/ what/when/where/why/how/how many/how much?skimming, scanning5sb. sw.

202009CIn 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a rooms ceiling affects how people to think. Her research indicates that the higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.In 2007, sb. reported that the height of a rooms ceiling affects how people to think. Her research indicates that the higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.In 2007, sb. reported that the height of a rooms ceiling affects how people to think. the higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely; Low ceilings may inspire a more detailed outlook.


because, assinceforsothusuntil, as a resultthereforeso---that

Since you are my superior, it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do .05

Afull of respect Btoo confident and rudeClacking in experience Dtoo shy and quiet

You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, or English Learning. A. dictionaries B. story-books C. magazines D. newspapers:it, its, their, them, this, that, they, which, these, those, 90%10%Our bias() toward girls, either from families or from schools, is so rooted in our culture that we often dont even recognize it. This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophy. We dont go where we dont think theres a great interest in change.1From the text we know that ______.2It can be inferred / concluded that ______.


cancouldmay, mightwouldseem, probablymost likely


31 1. The author writes this passage to __________.2.The author in this passage intends to __________. 3. What does the author mainly want to say? 4. Whats the authors attitude towards________.

positive Favorableapprovalsupportive negativedisapprovalcriticalworried suspiciousdoubtfulpuzzling objective neutral1.2.,3., 4..75

2-4Muzak The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? 71 It's similar to the music you listen to, but it's not exactly the same. That's because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don't even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway. Quiet background music used to be called "elevator () music" because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name "Muzak". About one-third of the people in America listen to "Muzak" everyday. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired. 72 If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters don't want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen. Why? 73 Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak doeswhat it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. 74 Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries. 75 . They say it's boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

1038 A. Some people don't like Muzak. B. The music gives them extra energy.C. Music is playing in the background.D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more.E. Muzak tends to help people understand music better.F. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.G. Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.7175CBFDA

39Muzak The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? 71C. Music is playing in the background. It's similar to the music you listen to, but it's not exactly the same. That's because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don't even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway. Quiet background music used to be called elevator () music because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name Muzak. About one-third of the people in America listen to Muzak everyday. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired. 72B. The music gives them extra energy. If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters dont want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen. Why? 73 F. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used. Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak doeswhat it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. 74D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more. Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries. 75 A. Some people don't like Muzak. . They say it's boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

1040Public Speaking and Critical ThinkingWhat is critical thinking? To a certain degree, its a matter of logic()of being able to spot weaknesses in other peoples arguments and to avoid them in your own. It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinkingthe ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. 71 The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking. 72 As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical() exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging the ideas you already have. 73 What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. 74 As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately. 75 As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

1141A. Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.B. This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.C. It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.D. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.E. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.F. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.G. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.

71. D 72. E 73. A 74. F 75.G

42Public Speaking and Critical ThinkingWhat is critical thinking? To a certain degree, its a matter of logic()of being able to spot weaknesses in other peoples arguments and to avoid them in your own. It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinkingthe ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. 71D. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas. The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking. 72E. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot. As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical() exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging the ideas you already have. 73A. Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. 74F. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways. As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately. 75G. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well. As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

1143EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. __71__ Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and youre showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. __72__There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature. __73__ Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. __74__ Academics are important. But if you dont have emotional () intelligence, you wont be as successful in work or in your love life, she says.Whats the best way to up your EQ (? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. __75__To really develop empathy, youd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a sharing circle with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.1244Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.One doesnt develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking, Freed says.Humans learn by exampleand most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone elseboth what they think and how they feel.Good social skillsincluding empathyare a k ind of emotional intelligence that will help you succeed in many areas of life.Having relationships with other people is an important part of being humanand having empathy is decisive to those relationships.

BDGFC45EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. __71B That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.__ Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and youre showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. __72_D_Humans learn by exampleand most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic. There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature. __73_GHaving relationships with other people is an important part of being humanand having empathy is decisive to those relationships._ Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. __74F_Good social skillsincluding empathyare a kind of emotional intelligence that will help you succeed in many areas of life._ Academics are important. But if you dont have emotional () intelligence, you wont be as successful in work or in your love life, she says.Whats the best way to up your EQ (? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. __75_C_One doesnt develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking, Freed says.To really develop empathy, youd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a sharing circle with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.1246

