1. describe how pipes are used for IPC define the two kinds of pipes network programming with socket...


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describe how pipes are used for IPC

define the two kinds of pipes

network programming with socket


IPC using regular files unrelated processes can share fixed size life-time lack of synchronization

IPC using pipes for transmitting data between related processes can transmit an unlimited amount of data automatic synchronization on open()


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In a UNIX shell, the pipe symbol | (the vertical bar)

In a shell, UNIX pipes look like: $ ls -alg | more $ command 1 | command 2 the standard output of command 1 becomes the

standard input of command2

We can have longer pipes: $ pic paper.ms | tbl | eqn | ditroff -ms

Data transmitting data is written into pipes using the write( ) system call data is read from a pipe using the read( ) system call automatic blocking when full or empty

Types of pipes (unnamed) pipes named pipes

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% who | sort


pipewho sort

write pointer ofanother process

read pointer of one process

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two file descriptors fd[0] : read file descriptor for the pipe fd[1] : write file descriptor for the pipe

Anything that is written on fd[1] may be read by fd[0] This is of no use in a single process. A method of communication between processes. A way to communicate with parent-child processes.

#include <unistd.h>

int pipe(int fd[2]) Returns: 0 if OK, -1 on error

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fd[0] fd[1]


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파이프 커널

fd[0] fd[1]

부모 프로세스

fd[0] fd[1]

자식 프로세스

1) a process creates a pipe2) fork child process3) the writer closes its read pipe descriptor, and the reader closes its write pipe descriptor4) transmitting data via pipe using write() and read()5) each process closes its active pipe descriptor


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파이프 커널

fd[0] fd[1]

부모 프로세스

fd[0] fd[1]

자식 프로세스

parent child: parent closes fd[0] child closes fd[1]

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파이프 커널

fd[0] fd[1]

부모 프로세스

fd[0] fd[1]

자식 프로세스

parent child: parent closes fd[1] child closes fd[0]

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Read from a pipe with write end closed returns 0 to indicate EOF

Write to a pipe with read end closed SIGPIPE generated, write() returns error (errno == EPIPE)

Atomic write A write of PIPE_BUF (kernel’s pipe buffer size) bytes

or less will not be interleaved with the writes from other processes

#include <unistd.h> /* pipe1.c */#define MAXLINE 100

int main(void) { int n, fd[2]; int pid; char line[MAXLINE];

if (pipe(fd) < 0) perror("pipe error");

if ( (pid = fork()) < 0) perror("fork error");

else if (pid > 0) { /* parent */ close(fd[0]); write(fd[1], "hello world\n", 12); } else { /* child */ close(fd[1]); n = read(fd[0], line, MAXLINE); write(STDOUT_FILENO, line, n); } exit(0);}

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Pipes can be used only between related processes

FIFOs are "named pipes" can be used between unrelated processes

A type of file stat.st_mode == FIFO Test with S_ISFIFO macro

Why named pipes ? they have a name that exists in the file system they may be used by unrelated processes they exist until explicitly deleted

How to create named pipes ? by using the UNIX mknod commond with the p option

$mknod myPipe p$chmod ug+rw myPipe$ls -lg myPipe


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Creating FIFOs is similar to creating a file pathname : filename mode: permissons, same as for open() function

Using a FIFO is similar to using a file we can open, close, read, write, unlink, etc., to the FIFO

#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>

int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);

Returns: 0 if OK, -1 on error

Writer process should open a named pipe for write-only write data using write() system call

Reader process should open a named pipe for read-only read data using read() system call


#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <fcntl.h>

main( ) {int fd;char str[100];unlink(“myPipe”);mkfifo(“myPipe”, 0660);fd = open(“myPipe”, O_RDONLY);

while (readLine(fd, str))printf(“%s\n”, str);



readLine(int fd, char *str;{ int n;do {

n = read(fd, str, 1);} while (n>0 && *str++ != NULL);return (n>0);



#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h>#include <fcnlt.h>main( ) {int fd, messageLen, i;char message[100];

sprintf(message, “Hello from PID %d”, getpid());messageLen= strlen(message)+1;do { fd = open(“myPipe”, O_WRONLY); if (fd == -1) sleep(1);} while(fd == -1);for (i =1; i<= 3; i++) {

write(fd, message, messageLen);sleep(3);




Socket bidirectional connection process communication based on client-server model

AF_UNIX socket an interprocess communication mechanism between processes

on the same UNIX machine

AF_INET socket an interprocess communication mechanism between processes

across network








1. Sever creates a named socket

2. Client creates an unnamedsocket and request a connection

3. Server accepts a connection.Server retains original named socket

Server – Server creates a named

socket using socket()

– Server makes a peding queue using listen()

– Server accept() from a client connection()

– When a socket isconnected

the server usually fork() a child process to converse with the client


Client– Client creates an unnamed

socket using socket()

– Client requests a connection using connect()

– Client makes a connection when server accept( ) it.

클라이언트 서버

socket socket




서비스 요청 처리

서비스 응답


응답 처리


서비스 요청


연결 요청


다음 클라이언트로부터연결 요청을 기다림

소켓 만들기

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) domain






소켓에 이름 ( 주소 ) 주기

int bind(int fd, struct sockaddr* address,int addressLen)

bind the unnamed socket with fd to a name in address address is a pointer to struct sockaddr_un

sun_family = AF_UNIX sun_path = name of the socket

struct sockaddr_in sin_family = AF_INET sin_port = the port number of Internet socket sin_addr = 32-bit IP address

sin_zero = leave empty addressLen = length of address structure


serverUNIXAddress.sun_family = AF_UNIX;strcpy(serverUNIXAddress.sun_path, “convert”);unlink(“convert”);bind(fd, &serverUNIXAddress, serverLen);


소켓 큐 생성

int listen(int fd, int queueLength) specify the maximum number of pending connections

on a socket

examplelisten(serverFd, 5);


소켓에 연결 요청

int connect(int fd, struct sockaddr* address, int addressLen)

attempts to connect to a server socket whose address is in a structure pointed to by address

If successful, fd may be used to communicate with the server’s socket


소켓 연결 요청 수락

int accept(int fd, struct sockaddr* address, int* addressLen)

(1) listen to the named server socket referenced by fd

(2) wait until a client connection request is received(3) creates an unnamed socket with the same attributes as the original server socket, and connects it to the client’s socket.(4) When a connection is made, address is set to the address of the client socket and addressLen is set to the actual size(5) return a new file descriptor


Convert Server/Client 이 프로그램은 입력 받은 문자열을 소문자를 대문자로 변환한다 .

서버 소켓을 통해 클라이언트로부터 받은 문자열을 소문자를 대문자로 변환하여 소켓을 통해 클라이언트에 다시 보낸다 . 

클라이언트 표준입력으로부터 문자열을 입력 받아 이를 소켓을 통해 서버에 보낸 후에 소켓을 통해 대문자로 변환된 문자열을 다시 받아 표준출력에 출력한다 .

#include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h>#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h>#define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL 0#define MAXLINE 100main ( ) { int listenfd, connfd, clientlen; char inmsg[MAXLINE], outmsg[MAXLINE]; struct sockaddr_un serverUNIXaddr, clientUNIXaddr; signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); clientlen = sizeof(clientUNIXaddr);

listenfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL); serverUNIXaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(serverUNIXaddr.sun_path, "convert");


Convert Server(1/3)

unlink("convert"); bind(listenfd, &serverUNIXaddr, sizeof(serverUNIXaddr)); listen(listenfd, 5);

while (1) { connfd = accept(listenfd, &clientUNIXaddr, &clientlen); if (fork ( ) == 0) { readLine(connfd, inmsg); toUpper(inmsg, outmsg); write(connfd, outmsg, strlen(outmsg)+1); close(connfd); exit (0); } else close(connfd); }}


Convert Server(2/3)

toUpper(char* in, char* out){ int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++) if (islower(in[i])) out[i] = toupper(in[i]); else out[i] = in[i]; out[i] = NULL;}


Convert Server(3/3)

#include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <sys/un.h>#define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL 0#define MAXLINE 100main ( ) { int clientfd, serverLen, result; char inmsg[MAXLINE], outmsg[MAXLINE]; struct sockaddr_un serverUNIXaddr;

clientfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL); serverUNIXaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(serverUNIXaddr.sun_path, "convert");


Convert Client(1/2)

do { result = connect(clientfd, &serverUNIXaddr, sizeof(serverUNIXaddr)); if (result == -1) sleep(1); } while (result == -1);

fgets(inmsg, MAXLINE, stdin); write(clientfd,inmsg,strlen(inmsg)+1); readLine(clientfd,outmsg); printf("%s --> \n%s", inmsg, outmsg); close(clientfd); exit(0);}


Convert Client(2/2)
