About Potassium


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  • 7/30/2019 About Potassium


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    Potassium is an electrolyte. An electrolyte is a mineral that dissolves in water and carries an

    electrical charge. In your body, potassium, sodium and chloride are the electrolyte minerals.

    Since the body is made mostly of water, these electrolytes can be found everywhere in yourbody.

    Electrolytes keep you body in balance. They keep the amount of water in your body in balance,carry impulses along your nerves, help make your muscles contract and relax, and keep your

    body from becoming too acidic or alkaline. You need electrolytes to carry glucose (blood sugar)

    and other nutrients into your cells and to carry waste products and extra water out again.Electrolytes also regulate your blood pressure and your heart beat.

    The levels of these three electrolytes have to be kept in balance. Too much sodium and notenough potassium and your blood pressure could shoot up to unhealthy levels

    A potassium deficiency will produce great fatigue and muscle weakness.

    R eq u i r e m e n t s :

    Every single living cell on earth - plant or animal - needs potassium, sodium and chloride, whichmeans that there's plenty of them in your food. One of the reasons processed foods are a

    problem - very high in sodium.(salt). Too much sodium, not too little is a much bigger health


    When a person is sick with vomiting or diarrhea, you might quickly lose so

    many electrolytes (especially potassium) that you run short. Unless you

    replace the fluids and electrolytes quickly this can be serious, especially in smallchildren.

    I f you are low on potassium, you might get muscle cramps in your legs (this

    sometimes happens to athletes who sweat a lot in really hot weather). I f you're low onpotassium, you might feel nauseous and very weak and listless.

    Sodium and chloride deficiencies are uncommon since you get both elements from salt. Even

    when you sweat buckets, you still have plenty of salt in your body. I t's much more important toreplace the lost water.

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  • 7/30/2019 About Potassium


    There is a balance of potassium & salt which is 2: 1. Balanced food is when you get this - twice

    as much potassium as salt. Processed foods show the potassium and salt on the labels and it is

    good to check. I f you're eating too much salt, you need to balance it with food high inpotassium

    Wh e r e d o I g e t p o t a s si u m ?

    Potassium is high in the following:

    Avocado - 1/2 medium - 550 mgBanana - 1 medium - 451

    Beef, ground - 3 ounces - 205

    Black beans - 1 cup - 801Broccoli, cooked - 1/2 cup - 228

    Cantaloupe - 1 cup - 494

    Carrot, raw - 1 medium - 233Cauliflower, cooked - 1/2 cup - 200Chicken - 3 ounces - 195

    Chickpeas - 1 cup - 477

    Corn - 1/2 cup - 204Flounder - 3 ounces - 292

    Kidney beans - 1 cup - 713Kiwi - 1 medium - 252

    Lentils - 1 cup - 731

    Milk - 8 ounces - 381Okra - 1/2 cup - 257

    Orange - 1 medium - 250Orange juice - 8 ounces - 474

    Potatoes, baked with skin - 1 medium - 844Prune Juice - 8 ounces - 706

    Spinach, cooked - 1/2 cup - 419

    Strawberries - 1 cup - 247Sweet potatoes - 1 medium - 397

    Tomato - 1 medium - 397

    Tomato juice - 6 ounces - 658Watermelon - 1 cup - 186

    Wheat Germ - 1/4 cup - 259

    So a hamburger with tomato and french fried potatoes - yes, but how much salt is on those

    french fries or put into the beef, or in the buns - just things to think about. You need a lot more

    potassium to balance that sale intake.

    W ha t d o e s p o t a s s i u m d o ? F u n Fa c t s a b o u t Po t a s s i u m .. ..

    How does potassium regulate blood pressure. I t is believed it has something to do with

    potassium's ability to pump sodium out of the body's cells and reduce body fluid. I t also effects

    the blood vessels tone, or resistance. I t may modify the way blood vessels react to circulating

    hormones that affect blood pressure.

    Potassium is also necessary for good muscle contraction, healthy electrical activity in the heartand rapid transmission of nerve impulse throughout the body. This is why heartbeat

    irregularities are considered a classic sign of potassium deficiency. Other symptoms of deficiency

    can include muscle weakness, numbness and tingling in the lower extremities, nausea, vomiting,confusion and irritability.

    Most people get around 2650 milligrams of potassium every day. That's not enough. Youshould add at least three more servings of potassium right fruits and vegetables to your diet

    every day. (a serving is about the size of your fist).

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  • 7/30/2019 About Potassium


    Why not simply take a supplement? Dietary sources of potassium are better tolerated then

    pharmacologic preparations, experts agree. They may be necessary to those who take diuretic

    medications because these drugs help the body lose excess water but also deplete the potassiumsupply. You should be getting about 3500 milligrams.

    Too much potassium ( more than 5000 milligrams) can upset the balance of minerals in yourbody and cause heart and kidney problems. Other potential side effects include muscle

    weakness, tingling in the hands, feet or tongue and a slow or irregular pulse.

    People with diabetes or kidney disease should consult their doctor before taking potassium

    supplements, as should people on certain medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE

    inhibitors and heart medicines such as heparin.

    For more information, see SALT


    Potassium foods or potassium supplements from your local health food store.

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