Annual Report 2010



World Archery’s annual financial, operational and event delivery report.

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  • Annual ReportFITA

    Rapport Annuel2010

  • Chers amis du tir larc,

    Jai le plaisir de vous prsenter le Rapport Annuel 2010 de la FITA. Cest un document trs important, puisquil montre les efforts de la FITA pour soutenir la croissance et le dveloppement du tir larc dans le monde. La FITA, et sa marque World Archery, a souvent t directement implique dans ces activits et parfois elle a apport un soutien important des vnements qui nont pas t organiss sous son autorit.

    Jaimerais mentionner tout dabord les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 2010 Singapour, vnement inaugural de cette comptition sportive mondiale. Cet vnement a rencontr un norme succs et a montr au monde entier le haut niveau de comptition que peuvent atteindre nos jeunes archers. Lpreuve mixte par quipe/pays du tournoi a t une premire pour World Archery, et les participants, jusqu la toute dernire personne, ont apprci cette exprience. Il me faut aussi mentionner le bel exploit du jeune archer gyptien Ibrahim SABRY qui a remport la toute premire mdaille dor ce niveau de comptition pour un archer africain. Flicitations!

    Comme cela a t le cas les annes prcdentes, le circuit de Coupe du Monde sest poursuivi en 2010 avec les preuves de Porec, Antalya, Ogden et Shanghai. Nous avons t trs heureux daccueillir de nombreux Membres du CIO Antalya. La Finale a t organise dans le magnifique centre ville dEdimbourg, dans les jardins du Chteau. En Ecosse, on a pu assister de grandes performances, en particulier par le double vainqueur Sergio PAGNI. Cette preuve a galement permis de dterminer les vainqueurs du Prix Longines de la Prcision, rcompense dcerne aux archers ayant russi le plus grand nombre de 10 durant la saison de Coupe du Monde: la Polonaise Justyna MOSPINEK et lAmricain Brady ELLISON. Nous avons eu le grand plaisir dy accueillir sir Craig REEDIE, Membre du Comit excutif du CIO, et son pouse, ainsi que le Chef Financier de Turkish Airlines et le Directeur du Marketing de Longines.

    En 2010 a eu lieu une autre preuve mondiale importante, les Championnats du Monde de Tir lArc en Campagne Visegard en Hongrie. Cet vnement a t prpar de belle manire par les organisateurs hongrois et cette prparation a t rcompense par les trs belles performances des archers. Je remercie les organisateurs pour tous leurs efforts afin de mener bien cet vnement.

    Les Jeux du Commonwealth de Delhi se sont galement drouls en 2010. Bien que lAngleterre et le pays hte, lInde, ont dmontr leur domination du sport au niveau du Commonwealth tant dans la catgorie arc classique quen poulies, ctait la premire fois que les cinq continents remportaient des mdailles dans des jeux multisports. La FITA travaille trs dur pour maintenir sa prsence aux Jeux du Commonwealth et le niveau de comptition des archers en Inde devrait aider la FITA dans le futur.

    Finalement, dans le domaine de la comptition et des vnements, je dois mentionner les Championnats du Monde Universitaires de Tir lArc de Shenzhen en Chine. Comme nous nous y attendions, le niveau de prparation a t extrmement bon et la comptition elle-mme a montr toutes les belles choses que le tir larc peut offrir nos jeunes athltes.

    Pour terminer, jaimerais faire mention des efforts permanents de la FITA, et de notre marque World Archery, pour atteindre les objectifs du plan de cinq ans, notre Plan Mondial du Tir lArc. Nous travaillons sur les lments cls atteindre chaque anne et les buts particuliers qui forment ces lments cls. Cest un effort qui concerne le monde du tir larc tout entier. Ce travail ne se limite au Bureau ou aux Officiels de la FITA, et nous essayons dassocier des Associations Membres, athltes expriments, entraneurs, administrateurs et autorits sportives extrieures cet effort afin de recevoir les meilleurs conseils possibles. Nous continuons valuer et rvaluer les objectifs et les informations obtenues afin datteindre les buts fixs. Ainsi, nombreux sont ceux dans le monde entier qui participent ces efforts et nombreux sont ceux qui continuent travailler sur des projets en rapport avec le Plan Mondial. Et beaucoup dautres encore le seront lavenir. Votre contribution ces efforts est cruciale au moment o le tir larc continue sa progression et son dveloppement. Je vous remercie tous pour votre temps, votre talent et vos efforts.

    Je me rjouis de lavenir que tous ensemble nous pouvons offrir au tir larc. Merci!

    Avec mes sentiments respectueux,

    Message du Prsident de la FITA

    Prof Dr Uur ERDENERPrsident de la FITAfit

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  • Dear Friends of Archery,

    I t is my pleasure to present to you the 2010 Annual Report for the International Archery Federation (FITA). This document is very important since it shows the efforts FITA has been making in support of the growth and development of archery around the world. FITA, and our brand World Archery, were directly involved in many of these activities, while some other events were outside the direction of FITA, but we directly participated in the support, guidance, and direction of these events.

    I would like to mention first of all the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games, the inaugural happening of this worldwide athletic competition. This was a very successful event and demonstrated to the world the high level of competition that can be staged by our youth archers. The mixed team/country segment of the tournament was a first for World Archery and the participants, to the very last person, very much enjoyed the experience. I should also mention the great achievement of a young male archer from Egypt, Ibrahim SABRY, who won the first ever gold medal in this level of competition for an archer from Africa. Congratulations!

    As has been the case in previous years, the Archery World Cup continued in 2010 with events in Porec, Antalya, Ogden, and Shanghai. We were very pleased to welcome many IOC Members in Antalya. The Final was staged in the magnificent city of Edinburgh at the foot of the Castle among the beautiful gardens. And there were great performances across the board especially by two-time winner Sergio PAGNI. In connection with this event was also the presentation of the Longines Prize for Precision given to the archers with the most 10s during the World Cup series: Justyna MOSPINEK from Poland and Brady ELLISON from the United States of America. We were very pleased to welcome Sir Craig REEDIE, IOC Executive Board Member and his wife as well as the Chief Financial Officer of Turkish Airlines and the Marketing Director of Longines.

    There was an important world championship event in 2010, the World Archery Field Championships in Visegrad, Hungary. This was a very well prepared event by the Hungarian organisers and this preparation could be seen in the great shooting done by the archers. I must thank the organisers for their great efforts for this event.

    The 2010 Commonwealth Games were also held in Delhi and although England and host country India demonstrated their dominance of the sport at the Commonwealth level in both the recurve and compound categories, these were the first multisport games where all five continents won medals in archery. FITA works very hard for a continuing presence in the Commonwealth Games and the level of competition displayed by the archers in India should help FITAs future opportunities.

    Finally in the competition and events area I must mention the World Archery University Championships in Shenzhen, China. As we have come to expect, the level of preparation was extremely good and the competition itself displayed all the positives things that archery has to offer our young athletes.

    In closing I would like to mention FITAs continuing efforts toward the goals of our five-year plan, our World Archery Plan. We continue to pursue the annual milestones that we have set for each year and the individual components that make up these milestones. This is an effort involving all of archery. This is not limited to the FITA Office or the Officers of FITA, but we have attempted to involve Member Associations, experienced athletes, coaches, administrators, and outside sports authorities in this effort so that we may get the best advice possible. We continue to assess and re-assess the goals and the information we obtain in order to meet the objectives that we have set. So many of you from around the world have participated in these efforts and many of you continue to work on projects associated with the World Plan. And many more of you will be in the future. Your contributions to these efforts are crucial and instrumental as we seek to push forward with the growth and development of archery. I thank you all for your time, talent, and effort.

    I look forward to the future that together we can make for archery. Thanks you!

    Sincerely yours,

    Message from the President of FITA

    Prof Dr Uur ERDENER FITA President fit

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  • Avant-propos du Secrtaire Gnral

    Vous tes cordialement invits lire ce rapport annuel qui offre une vue densemble des activits les plus importantes en 2010. En passant en revue 2010, nous pouvons voir que ce fut une excellente anne bien quextrmement charge. La Coupe du Monde a poursuivi son volution et

    nous avons encore consolid la qualit de lvnement tout en maintenant les cots sous contrle.

    Lapplication du Plan Mondial du Tir lArc se poursuit galement.

    I. Evnements cls en 2010

    Coupe du Monde Etape 1 Porec (CRO) en mai

    Coupe du Monde Etape 2 Antalya (TUR) en juin, avec diffusion en direct sur TRT et la prsence

    de plusieurs membres du CIO

    Runion du Comit Excutif Antalya (TUR) en juin

    Sminaire des Organisateurs Antalya (TUR) en juin

    Championnats du Monde de Tir lArc en Campagne Visegrad (HUN) en juillet

    Coupe du Monde Etape 3 Ogden (USA) en aot

    Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse Singapour (SIN) avec le succs de lpreuve de double mixte

    Coupe du Monde Etape 4 Shanghai (CHN) en septembre

    Finale de la Coupe du Monde Edimbourg (GBR) en septembre avec 5,000 spectateurs

    Runion du Conseil de la FITA Istanbul (TUR) en novembre

    Jeux du Commonwealth New Delhi (IND) en octobre

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    FITA Council Meeting in Istanbul in November 2010

    Haque MILON (BAN) at the Youth Olympic Games

  • I welcome you to read this annual report which gives an overview of the most important activities of 2010. Upon reviewing last year, we can see that archery had an excellent and extremely busy year. The World Cup has continued to evolve and we have further consolidated the quality of the event while

    keeping costs under control. The World Archery Plan has continued to be implemented.

    I. Key Events in 2010

    Archery World Cup Stage 1 in Porec (CRO) in May

    Archery World Cup Stage 2 in Antalya (TUR) in June, with live television on TRT and in the

    presence of several IOC members

    Executive Committee Meeting in Antalya (TUR) in June

    Organisers Seminar in Antalya (TUR) in June

    World Archery Field Championships in Visegrad (HUN) in July

    Archery World Cup Stage 4 in Ogden (USA) in August

    Youth Olympic Games in Singapore (SIN) with a very successful Mixed Team event

    Archery World Cup Stage 4 In Shanghai (CHN) in September

    Archery World Cup Final in Edinburgh (GBR) in September with 5,000 spectators

    FITA Council Meeting in Istanbul (TUR) in November

    Commonwealth Games in New Delhi (IND) in October

    Foreword by the Secretary General

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    Secretary General Tom DIELEN at a Press Conference during the Commonwealth Games

    Danielle BROWN (GBR) the para-archer won the team compound womens gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi 2010. Twenty eight years after Neroli FAIRHALL (NZL), another para-archer won gold at the Commonwealth Games!

  • II. Evnement FITA

    Les principales leons retenir de ces vnements sont:

    Pour 2010, nous avons vu que lorsque les spectateurs reoivent une plus grande attention, de

    meilleurs rsultats peuvent tre atteints, comme lont montr Ogden et Edimbourg. Nous sommes

    heureux du progrs de la frquentation des spectateurs Edimbourg en comparaison avec

    Douvres. Cela a montr que lorsque tout est bien organis, la vente dun grand nombre de billets

    peut tre atteinte et de nombreux spectateurs assistent lvnement.

    Les distributeurs de tlvision se sont montrs trs positifs concernant nos vnements de

    Coupe du Monde et Championnats du Monde ainsi que les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse et

    les Jeux du Commonwealth; mais nous devons aller encore plus loin en termes dexplication des

    vnements. Nous avons mis un terme notre relation avec MP & Silva car cette coopration na

    pas offert la FITA ce quelle attendait en matire de distribution.

    Les programmes de dveloppement de la FITA montrent leurs effets. Des pays qui navaient

    jamais russi aucun grand rsultat par le pass prouvent quils peuvent maintenant battre

    les pays traditionnels. Les point forts ont t la premire mdaille dor de lAfrique aux Jeux

    Olympiques de la Jeunesse et le fait que cinq continents ont remport des mdailles lors des

    Jeux du Commonwealth.


    Archery World Cup Final Edinburgh 2010

    Secretary General Tom DIELEN

  • II. FITA Events

    The main lessons to be drawn from these events are:

    For 2010, we saw that when more attention is given to spectators, results can be

    achievedas shown in Ogden and Edinburgh. We were pleased with the progress of

    spectator attendance in Edinburgh in comparison with Dover. Therefore, it was shown that,

    when well planned, high numbers of tickets can be sold and many spectators will attend.

    Broadcasters were very positive about the images from our World Cup and World

    Championships events as well as the Youth Olympic Games and the Commonwealth

    Games; but we have to do more in terms of explaining the events. We have ended our

    relationship with MP & Silva since this cooperation did not provide what FITA was looking

    for in terms of distribution.

    The development programmes of FITA are showing their impact. Countries that had no

    results in the past have shown that they can beat the experienced countries. The highlight

    was the first-ever gold medal for Africa in the Youth Olympic Games and all five continents

    winning medals in the Commonwealth Games.

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    FITA had the pleasure to greet 5 IOC members at the Antalya World Cup Stage (from left to rigth):

    Prof CHANG Ung (PRK), IOC Member, Prof Dr Ugur ERDENER (TUR), President of FITA, President of the Turkish Olympic Committee and IOC Member, Sergey BUBKA (UKR), Senior Vice President of IAAF, President of the Ukrainian Olympic Committee and IOC Member, Dr Thomas BACH (GER), Vice President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and President of the German Olympic Committee and Mr Dr WU Ching-Kuo (TPE), President of AIBA and IOC Member.

    IOC President Jacques ROGGE at the archery competition during the Youth Olympic Games

  • III. Bureau de la FITA

    Le Bureau de la FITA a vcu quelques changements provisoires principalement en raison du cong

    maternit de Deqa HUSSEIN. Thomas AUBERT a remplac Deqa durant son cong maternit, et

    Vanah ANTILLE a continu travailler sur certains de nos vnements.

    La structure du Bureau est scinde en quatre dpartements:

    Activits internes et constitutionnelles


    Marketing et Communication

    Dveloppement et Formation

    La structure du Congrs, du Conseil et du Bureau de la FITA se trouve la fin de ce rapport.


    IOC President Jacques ROGGE entering the archery venue in Singapore with FITA President and IOC Member Ugur ERDENER South Africa won the bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games

    FITA President Prof Dr ERDENER with IOC Vice President Dr Thomas BACH

    Youth judges in action!

  • III. FITA Office

    The FITA Office had some temporary changes due to the maternity leave of Deqa HUSSEIN. Thomas

    AUBERT, replaced Deqa during her maternity leave, and Vanah ANTILLE continued to work at some of

    our events.

    The structure of the Office is split into four departments:

    Corporate Services


    Marketing & Communication

    Development & Education

    The structure of the FITA Congress, Council and Office can be found at the end of this report.


    Ibrahim SABRY won the first gold medal for Egypt, and Africa, in archery for Olympic Games. Rick VAN DEN OEVER (NED) won silver and Bolot TSYBZHITOV (RUS) bronze.

    Zoi PARASKEVOPOULOU (GRE) and Gregor RAJH (SLO) at the Youth Olympic Games mixed team event

    Namibia shooting high scoresanother proof of the development of archery!

    FITA President Prof Dr ERDENER congratulating Aladdin GABR, President of Egyptian Archery Federation and of the Federation Archery Africa

  • I. Relations CIO/FITA en tant que partie du Mouvement Olympique

    Les relations de la FITA avec le CIO et la Famille Olympique sont excellentes. Notre Prsident continue

    servir au sein du Comit Mdical du CIO avec le Dr Emin ERGEN. Il est galement membre de la

    Commission Femme et Sport du CIO. Malgr ce dfi, le Prsident de la FITA est trs prcieux dans les

    ngociations avec nos partenaires commerciaux.

    II. La FITA et son avenir

    Lapplication du Plan Mondial du Tir lArc continue sa progression. Nous devons continuer travailler

    sur le dveloppement de notre sport, et ce titre le concept des entraneurs est trs important. Un

    projet dans ce sens sera dailleurs mis en uvre.

    Jaimerais terminer en remerciant le Prsident, le Comit Excutif et les Membres du Conseil de la

    FITA pour leur excellente collaboration avec le Bureau de la FITA. Le dvouement du Prsident et son

    formidable engagement pour le dveloppement de notre sport sont trs apprcis et ncessaires. Un

    grand merci galement toute notre quipe des vnements et du dveloppement. Je termine en

    remerciant Chantal, Caroline, Vanah, Ludivine, Deqa, Sandrine, Juan Carlos, Didier, Pascal, Thomas

    et Sverine pour leurs efforts et leur contribution au succs du Bureau de la FITA.

    Message du Prsident de la FITA 2Avant-propos du Secrtaire Gnral 4Evnements 12Marketing 34Tlvision 42Communication 48Dveloppement & Formation 56Sport sans dopage 76Activits Internes & Constitutionnelles 86Finances 90Structure de la FITA 94

    Table des Matires


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  • Table of Contents

    Message from the President of FITA 3Foreword by the Secretary General 5Events 13Marketing 35Television 43Communication 49Development & Education 57Clean Sport 77Corporate & Constitutional Activities 87Finance 91FITA Structure 94

    IV. IOC Relations and FITA as Part of the Olympic Movement

    FITAs relations with the IOC and the Olympic Family are excellent. Our President continues to serve

    on the IOC Medical Committee along with Dr Emin ERGEN. He is also on the IOC Women and Sport

    Commission. Even with his many commitments, the FITA President is also very valuable in the

    negotiations with our commercial partners.

    V. FITA and the Future

    Work on the World Archery Plan is progressing. We need to continue to work on the development of

    our sport, and the trainers concept is a very important part of this plan. A project will be implemented

    in the near future.

    I would like to finish this introduction by thanking the FITA President, the FITA Executive Committee

    and Council Members for their excellent cooperation with the FITA Office. The Presidents dedication

    and tremendous commitment to the development of our sport is very much appreciated and necessary.

    My thanks also go to our entire Event and Development Team. I would like to conclude by thanking

    Chantal, Caroline, Vanah Ludivine, Deqa, Sandrine, Juan Carlos, Didier, Pascal, Thomas and Sverine

    for their great effort and contribution to the work and success of the FITA Office.


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  • Evnements

    I. Introduction

    Une autre saison bien remplie sest termine avec un succs apprciable pour nos vnements et pour

    la communaut du tir larc. Les points positifs suivants concernant nos principaux vnements en

    2010 sont indiqus ci-dessous:

    Le niveau dorganisation des vnements a t amlior en comparaison aux saisons


    Le but tabli en 2009, visant attirer plus de spectateurs, a t atteint pour la plupart de nos

    vnements. Notre comprhension de cet aspect est nettement meilleure et nous aidera en 2011

    continuer de nous amliorer dans ce domaine.

    La couverture mdias durant nos vnements a t leve.

    La participation a t bonne, surtout concernant le nombre de pays.

    Les Associations Membres (AM) et autres organisations continuent dutiliser notre concept pour

    les vnements et notre format de comptition pour les finales. World Archery montre lexemple!

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    Huge media coverage was done to our sport during the Asian Games in Guangzhou. Excellent! We love it!

    Without the volunteers we could not organize our events. THANKS to all of them that helped us this and previous seasons.

    The Yamuna stadium in Delhi 2010. A stadium ready for Archery in the Commonwealth Games and that was offered as a legacy for your sport.

  • Events

    I. Introduction

    Another busy season ended and we ought to be pleased with the seasons outcome. It was successful for our events and for the archery community. The following positives of our main events in 2010 are pointed out here-below:

    The level of organisation of the events has been improved compared to previous seasons.

    The goal established in 2009, aiming at getting more spectators, has been achieved in most

    of our events. Our understanding of this matter is much better and will help us in 2011 to keep

    improving in this area.

    Media coverage during our events was high.

    Participation was good, especially in number of countries.

    Member Associations (MAs) and other organisations keep using our concept for events and our

    competition format-Finals. World Archery is setting examples!

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    TFORS working on results during our finals during the Field World Championships in Visegrad (HUN).

    George Tekmitchov in action. Commenting what is happening is one of the key parts to have spectators enjoying the competition.

  • Le travail, la collaboration et la relation avec les Comits dorganisations locaux (COL) a t

    excellente. World Archery et le COL ont le mme concept pour lvnement, avec des buts

    similaires pour lissue de la comptition. Ceci cr une excellente synergie!

    Nous avons une quipe des vnements World Archery trs bien forme et exprimente et de

    nettes amliorations au sein des COL ont eues lieu.

    Le niveau et limportance de la comptition de tir larc dans les vnements multisports en

    2010 (Delhi 2010 et JOJ) ont t amliors. Le tir larc est un sport important et a remport

    beaucoup de succs lors de ces Jeux.

    II. Coupe du Monde 2010

    A. Introduction

    Afin de raliser un rapport plus objectif, nous utiliserons les commentaires donns par les participants

    chacun de nos vnements afin de les valuer (le commentaire est comme dhabitude fourni en ligne

    par le biais de notre site internet). Nous devons relever que les archers et entraneurs ont t moins

    motivs fournir leurs commentaires en 2010. Il se pourrait que ceci soit d une organisation de

    nos vnements au niveau attendu par les participants, le commentaire en ligne tant donc vu comme

    ntant plus ncessaire. Une autre raison pourrait tre que les participants ntaient pas motivs

    nous donner leurs commentaires en ligne car ils pouvaient le faire sur place.

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    One of the main goals this season was to get spectators to our finals. Our events are getting them more and more.

  • The work, collaboration and relationship with Local Organising Committees (LOCs) have been very

    good. Both World Archery and LOCs have the same concept for the event, with similar goals for

    the competition outcome. This creates an excellent synergy!

    We have a well-trained and experienced World Archery events team and there have been clear

    improvements in LOC teams.

    The level and importance of the archery competition in multisport events in 2010 (Delhi 2010

    and Youth Olympic Games) have improved. Archery is an important sport and has enjoyed much

    success in those Games.

    II. World Cup 2010

    A. Introduction

    To make the report more objective, we will use the feedback given by participants in each of our events

    for evaluating them (the feedback is, as usual, provided online through a form on our website). We

    must say that archers and coaches were less motivated to provide their feedback in 2010. This could

    be because the events have been organised up to the level expected by the participants and therefore

    online feedback is thought not to be needed anymore. Another reason could be that participants are

    not as motivated to provide online feedback anymore as they are able to give us comments on site.

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    Part of the World Archery event team during a hard working moment in Shanghai. We can never thank enough our event team members for the great work they are offering us. THANKS to all!

    Spectators coming to see our sport should have fun. Here one kid enjoying archery in the World Cup in Ogden.

    JC Holgado, Event Director in Singapore with the mascots. The YOG were a great discovery for our youth archers.

  • B. Etape 1 Porec (CRO) Score

    Installations sur les Sites de Comptition 3.92

    Nourriture 3.25

    Organisation Gnrale 3.81

    Htels 3.11

    Niveau des Juges 3.91

    Crmonies des Mdailles 3.49

    Systme de Rsultats 2.95

    Transport 3.57


    Bon vnement malgr les changements de personnes cls au sein du COL au tout dernier


    Bonne collaboration avec le COL

    Bonne participation en termes de nombre de participants et de spectateurs dans les finales


    If spectators are close to the action, the atmosphere is much better. This was the case in Porec this season.

  • B. Stage 1 Porec (CRO) Score

    Facilities at Competition Venues 3.92

    Food 3.25

    General Organisation 3.81

    Hotels 3.11

    Level of Judging 3.91

    Medal Ceremonies 3.49

    Result System 2.95

    Transportation 3.57


    Good event despite the change of key person in the LOC at the very last moment

    Good collaboration with the LOC

    Good number of participants and spectators in the finals


    Venue for the finals in the World Cup in Porec (CRO). Great scenario!

  • C. Etape 2 Antalya (TUR) Score

    Installations sur les Sites de Comptition 3.40

    Nourriture 3.14

    Organisation Gnrale 3.62

    Htels 3.82

    Niveau des Juges 3.66

    Crmonies des Mdailles 3.90

    Systme de Rsultats 2.80

    Transport 3.63

    C. Etape 2 Antalya (TUR) Score

    Installations sur les Sites de Comptition 3.40

    Nourriture 3.14

    Organisation Gnrale 3.62

    Htels 3.82

    Niveau des Juges 3.66

    Crmonies des Mdailles 3.90

    Systme de Rsultats 2.80

    Transport 3.63


    Bon vnement avec un nouveau concept pour le terrain des finales (dans le mme htel)

    Bonne collaboration avec le COL

    Lhtel tait en dessous des standards attendus et sera amlior pour 2011.

    Transport et qualit de nourriture excellents comme toujours Antalya

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    FOP for finals in Antalya World Cup stage 3. Showing where our events are is one of our main goals. Antalya is sun and beach. Lets use it for our archery venues!

  • C. Stage 2 Antalya (TUR) Score

    Facilities at Competition Venues 3.40

    Food 3.14

    General Organisation 3.62

    Hotels 3.82

    Level of Judging 3.66

    Medal Ceremonies 3.90

    Result System 2.80

    Transportation 3.63

    C. Stage 2 Antalya (TUR) Score

    Facilities at Competition Venues 3.40

    Food 3.14

    General Organisation 3.62

    Hotels 3.82

    Level of Judging 3.66

    Medal Ceremonies 3.90

    Result System 2.80

    Transportation 3.63


    Good event with a new concept for the field for finals (in the same hotel)

    Good collaboration with the LOC

    Hotel was below expectation and will be improved in 2011

    Excellent transport and quality of food as always in Antalya

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    World Archery Event Organisers Seminar 2010Antalya, Turkey

    Participants in the 1st World Archery Event Organisers Seminar in Antalya.

  • D. Etape 3 Ogden (USA) Score

    Installations sur les Sites de Comptition 4.06

    Nourriture 2.66

    Organisation Gnrale 4.38

    Htels 3.85

    Niveau des Juges 4.42

    Crmonies des Mdailles 4.00

    Transport 4.22


    Un trs bon vnement avec un bel emplacement pour les finales (stade de baseball)

    Excellentes comprhension et collaboration avec le COL

    Trs bon nombre de spectateurs dans les finales. Le COL a fait un grand effort dans la promotion

    de lvnement et lapport de spectateurs dans les finales.

    Trs bons services de transport, tant en quantit quen qualit


    Ogden finals are Baseball-Archery. A good taste of the USA and local spectators loved it!

  • D. Stage 3 Ogden (USA) Score

    Facilities at Competition Venues 4.06

    Food 2.66

    General Organisation 4.38

    Hotels 3.85

    Level of Judging 4.42

    Medal Ceremonies 4.00

    Transportation 4.22


    A very good event with a nice venue for finals (Baseball stadium)

    Excellent understanding and collaboration with the LOC

    Very good number of spectators in the finals. LOC did a great effort in promoting the event and

    bringing spectators to the finals.

    Very good transport services, in both quantity and quality

    E. Stage 4 Shanghai (CHN)

    There was no online feedback done on this event.


    A very good event despite the need to again

    change the venues location for finals due to the

    World Expo security constraints

    Excellent understanding and collaboration with

    the LOC

    Good number of spectators in the finals afternoon

    session. In any case this needs to be improved in

    2011 as we expect more spectators in China.

    LOC has a much better understanding of what a

    World Cup event needs to be and is about.

    fita 201

    0 Ra

    pport A



    The World University Archery Championships finals in Shenzhen. A good test for the Universiade that will be organized there in 2011.


  • E. Etape 4 Shanghai (CHN)

    Il ny a pas eu de commentaires en ligne pour cet vnement.


    Un trs bon vnement malgr le besoin de changer nouveau de site des finales cause de

    contraintes de scurit de lExposition Universelle

    Excellentes comprhension et collaboration avec le COL

    Bon nombre de spectateurs dans la session des finales de laprs-midi. En tous les cas, ceci doit

    tre amlior en 2011, car nous attendons plus de spectateurs en Chine.

    Le COL a une comprhension nettement meilleure de ce quun vnement de Coupe du Monde

    reprsente et de la faon dont il doit se drouler.


    Archery competition hosted in a stadium. This was the case in the last 2 years in Shanghai.

  • 23

    Thank you to the whole FITA team and all the people involved who have made our events successful.

  • F. Finale Edimbourg (GBR)

    Pas de rsultats de questionnaire pour linstant (envoy directement aux participants concerns)


    Evnement remarquable dun point de vue organisationnel. Excellentes ambiance et collaboration avec

    tous les groupes impliqus dans lorganisation (Htel de Ville, compagnie vnementielle et Archery GB).

    Trs beau terrain. Excellent pour limage de notre sport face aux mdias, VIPs (CIO), spectateurs et la

    Ville dEdimbourg.

    Evnement RP remarquable pour World Archery et notre sport

    Excellente promotion locale

    Excellente couverture mdiatique (au niveau local, national et international)

    Bon vnement pour les sponsors World Archery (Longines, Turkish, DHL)

    La ville dEdimbourg souhaite accueillir dautres vnements de tir larc!

    Cette Finale de Coupe du Monde a prouv que le concept initi pour cet vnement fonctionne trs bien

    pour les villes, pour les archers et pour les buts que nous nous sommes fixs en tant que World Archery.


    World Cup Final venue in Edinburgh (GBR), Great event in the middle of the city!

  • F. Final Edinburgh (GBR)


    No questionnaire results yet (sent directly to the participants involved)

    Outstanding event from the organisational point of view. Excellent working atmosphere and

    collaboration with all parties involved in the Organisation (City hall, Event Company and Archery GB).

    Very good looking Field of Play (FoP). Excellent for the image of our sport towards Media, VIPs (IOC),

    spectators and the City of Edinburgh.

    Outstanding PR event for World Archery and our sport

    Excellent local promotion

    Very good media coverage (locally, nationally and internationally)

    Good event for World Archery sponsors (Longines, Turkish, DHL)

    The city of Edinburgh wants to host more archery events!

    This World Cup Final has proven that the concept initiated with this event is working very well for Cities,

    for archers and for our World Archery goals.


    The World Cup finals were a great success in many areas. We all fall in love with the city and the Princess Street garden park.

  • III. Championnats du Monde 2010

    A. Championnats du Monde de Tir en Campagne - Visegrad (HUN)

    La Fdration Hongroise de Tir lArc a fourni un excellent vnement. La crise conomique a affect

    leurs revenus gouvernementaux. Il est remarquable de voir que le COL a nanmoins fait de son mieux

    pour garantir un vnement correspondant aux plus hauts standards et a travaill trs dur pour

    optimiser son budget et garder lvnement au top niveau.


    Bon vnement organis par la Fdration Hongroise de Tir lArc en tant que COL

    Trs bonne participation en termes de nombre de pays et archers

    Bonnes finales (Chteau de Visegrad), mais peu de spectateurs locaux

    IV. Evnements Multisports incluant le tir larc

    En 2010, nous avons eu trois vnements multisports avec du tir larc au programme. Ces

    vnements organiss taient:

    A. Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse Singapore (SIN)

    Cet vnement a remport un grand succs, surtout pour les images TV et la qualit des matches.

    Avec cet vnement et sa prparation, le tir larc a renforc sa position au sein du Mouvement

    Olympique, dmontrant une bonne image au CIO.

    Excellente distribution des mdailles par continents. Trs positif pour notre sport pour la

    consolidation de notre position dans les futurs Jeux (Olympiques et de la Jeunesse).

    LOBS (Olympic Broadcast Services) a fait un superbe travail, produisant dexcellentes images.

    Trs bonne collaboration avec World Archery, comme lors des prcdents vnements


    Bon legs des aspects organisationnels pour

    notre AM Singapour.

    Excellente comptition en double mixte. Le

    format et la perception par tous les groupes

    impliqus a t excellents. Positif pour nos

    plans qui visent inclure cette comptition

    aux Jeux Olympiques 2016.

    Bonne attention des mdias envers notre

    sport, avec un archer local performant au-

    del des attentes initiales.

    Excellente motivation pour notre communaut

    de la jeunesse. Bonne prparation pour leurs

    futurs Jeux Olympiques.

    fita 201

    0 An

    nual Rep



  • III. World Championships 2010

    A. World Archery Field Championships Visegrad (HUN)

    The Hungarian Archery Federation delivered a good event. The economic crisis affected their

    Government income. It is remarkable to see that the LOC has nevertheless done its best to keep the

    event in the highest standards and worked very hard to optimise its budget and keep the event at a top

    level Championships.


    Good event delivered by the Hungarian Archery Federation as the LOC

    Very good participation in terms of number of countries and archers

    Good finals (Castel of Visegrad), but low number of local spectators

    IV. Multisport Events with Archery

    In 2010 we had three multisport events with archery as part of their programme. The events organised


    A. Youth Olympic Games Singapore (SIN)

    It was a very successful event, especially for TV images and quality of the matches. With this event

    and its preparation, archery strengthened its position in the Olympic Movement, displaying a good

    image to the IOC.

    Excellent medal distribution per continents. Very positive for our sport in terms of strengthening

    our position in future Games (Olympic and Youth).

    OBS (Olympic Broadcast Services) did a great job, producing excellent images. Very good

    collaboration with World Archery, as in previous Olympic events.

    Good legacy in Organisational matters for our

    MA in Singapore

    Excellent Mixed Team competition. Format and

    perception by all parties involved was excellent.

    Good for our plans to include this competition in

    the Olympic Games in 2016.

    Good media attention to our sport, with a local

    archer performing over the initial expectations

    Excellent motivation for our youth community.

    Good preparation for their future Olympic Games.

    FOP for the finals in Singapore. High standard event for our top kids in archery. They could really experience the tension of the future Olympic Games.


  • B. Jeux du Commonwealth Delhi (IND)

    Cet vnement a t un grand dfi pour World Archery. Les retards constants dans la prparation

    de tous les domaines impliqus dans cette comptition ont caus beaucoup de stress, un manque

    de prparatifs de qualit et un processus difficile pour la mise sur pied de lvnement. Le niveau

    de communication avec le COL et notre AM en Inde ntait pas au mieux et a provoqu de nombreux

    malentendus. Heureusement, nous avions une Directrice de Comptition trs comptente, persistante

    et capable, MmeZHANG Xiuzhi qui nous a tenus au courant de tous les aspects lis la prparation

    de cet vnement de tir larc.

    Nous avons tout dabord pens que la perte de la Porte de lInde comme site de nos finales Delhi

    2010 tait une mauvaise nouvelle. En fait, ceci sest avr positif, lorsque nous avons ralis sur place

    tous les problmes et dfis rencontrs par le CO Delhi 2010. Les finales ont t organiss au stade

    Yamuna, le mme site que pour les phases de qualification et dlimination.

    A son arrive Delhi, lAssociation de Tir lArc dInde (AAI) nous a assists pour tous les aspects

    ncessaires notre travail et pour fournir et finaliser le terrain des finales. Il est clair que sans Mme

    ZHANG et lAAI, nous naurions jamais eu de comptition dbutant temps et au niveau attendu.

    Au final, cet vnement sest rvl tre un succs malgr le processus de prparation difficile.

    Bon pour nos archers, surtout pour le soutien reu de leurs Gouvernements afin de prparer cette


    Excellentes images TV. Le niveau de production TV devrait tre considr comme tant excellent,

    avec le nombre et la qualit de camras similaires aux Jeux Olympiques de Beijing. Production HD

    16:9, camras dplacement super lent et une quipe TV professionnelle australienne.

    Excellente couverture et attention mdiatique. La victoire locale dans la comptition de tir larc

    a galement aid la publication de notre sport dans la plupart des principaux journaux et des

    nouvelles TV.

    C. Jeux Asiatiques Guangzhou (CHN)

    Les Jeux Asiatiques sont les jeux multisports comportant le plus grand nombre de disciplines. Le tir

    larc est lun de ses sports principaux. World Archery a dcid dtre plus impliqu dans ces Jeux afin

    dassurer que lhoraire de comptition, la production tlvise et la diffusion taient en accord avec

    nos buts et limage que nous souhaitons offrir.

    La comptition de tir larc a t diffuse en direct depuis les demi-finales jusquaux matches de

    mdailles. LOBS, en collaboration avec les stations TV chinoises ont produit les images. Le nombre de

    camras et le concept de production TV taient similaires aux Jeux Olympiques.

    Le site employ tait un terrain de tir larc existant Guangzhou. Il a t rnov et prpar pour

    correspondre aux standards que World Archery et la Fdration Asiatique de Tir lArc (AAF) ont

    tablis pour cette comptition. Un stade a t prpar pour accueillir les matches des finales et des


    Lvnement a t un succs tous points de vue. Le CO, lAAF et la Fdration Chinoise de Tir

    ont fait un superbe travail.

    Bon pour nos archers asiatiques, surtout pour le support reu de leurs gouvernements pour

    prparer cette comptition.

    Excellentes images TV. Le niveau de production TV pourrait tre considr comme excellent,

    nombre et qualit des camras similaires aux Jeux Olympiques Beijing. Production HD 16:9,

    camras dplacement super lent et une quipe TV trs professionnelle de Chine.

    Excellentes couverture et attention des mdias.fita 20

    10 Ann

    ual R



  • B. Commonwealth Games Delhi (IND)

    This was a very challenging event for World Archery. The constant delays in the preparation of all

    areas involved in this competition caused a lot of stress, a lack of quality preparation and difficult

    process to deliver the event. The level of communication with the LOC and our MA in India was not

    at its best and produced many misunderstandings. Luckily we had a very competent, persistent and

    capable Competition Manager, Mrs ZHANG Xiuzhi who kept us up to date in all matters related to the

    preparation of the archery event.

    Previously thought as a bad news, losing Indian Gate as the venue for our finals in Delhi 2010 turned

    to be positive, when we realised while being there all the problems and challenges we were facing with

    Delhi 2010 OC. Finals were organised in the Yamuna stadium, the same venue as the qualification and

    elimination phases.

    Upon its arrival in Delhi, the Archery Association of India (AAI) assisted us in all that was required to

    help our work and to deliver and finalise the FoP for finals. It is clear that without Mrs ZHANG and the

    AAI, we would never have had a competition starting on time and up to the level expected.

    At the end it was a successful event despite the hard preparation process.

    Good for our archers, especially for the support received by their Governments to prepare for this


    Very good TV images. The level of TV production could be considered as excellent, with number

    and quality of cameras similar to the Olympic Games in Beijing. HD production 16:9, super slow

    motion cameras and a very professional TV team from Australia.

    Excellent Media coverage and attention. Local archery winning also helped to put our sport in

    most of the main newspaper and TV news.

    Yamuna Stadium as a legacy for archery

    C. Asian Games Guangzhou (CHN)

    The Asian Games are the biggest multisport Games in number of disciplines. Archery is one of its

    main sports. World Archery decided to be more involved in these Games in order to ensure that the

    competition schedule, television production and broadcasting were in line with our goals and the image

    we want to offer.

    The Archery competition was broadcast live from the semifinals to the medal matches. OBS, in

    collaboration with Chinese TV stations produced the images. The number of cameras and TV

    production concept were similar to the Olympic Games.

    The venue used was the existing archery venue in Guangzhou. It was renovated and prepared to fit the

    standards that World Archery and the AAF established for this competition. A stadium was prepared

    to host the finals and medal matches.

    It was a very successful event in all points of view. The OC, the AAF and the Chinese Shooting

    Federation did a great job.

    Good for our Asian archers, especially for the support received by their Governments to prepare

    for this competition

    Very good TV images. The level of TV production could be considered as excellent, with number

    and quality of cameras similar to the Olympic Games in Beijing. HD production 16:9, super slow

    motion cameras and a very professional TV team from China.

    Excellent Media coverage and attention

    fita 201

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  • V. Sminaire World Archery des Organisateurs dEvnements

    World Archery a amlior le niveau de ses vnements. De plus en plus daspects sont prendre en compte

    dans un vnement de haut niveau et ceci cr une diffrence parmi nos diffrents vnements de par le


    Si World Archery souhaite faire la diffrence dans notre sport, il est important que nos vnements

    principaux dans le monde suivent nos traces et samliorent tout comme nous.

    En 2007, nous avons lanc le Sminaire des Organisateurs pour les organisateurs des championnats du

    monde et des tapes de Coupe du Monde. Le but principal tait damliorer les vnements dans les

    domaines et le concept du centre dintrt de la FITA. Aprs trois ditions de ce sminaire, il ntait plus

    ncessaire car la plupart de nos vnements ont lieu aux mmes endroits que lors des saisons prcdentes.

    En mme temps, nous avons vu des preuves de Classement Mondial qui ntaient pas organiss au niveau

    du standard minimum attendu. Les Dlgus Techniques (DT) assigns ayant pour tche dassurer le

    succs et le niveau dorganisation ont rencontr de plus en plus de problmes dans la conduite de leurs

    tches car lorganisation de lvnement est devenue de plus en plus dpendante de la technologie.

    Il est clair que nous avons d faire un pas en avant et commencer assister nos organisateurs qui nous

    contactaient en cherchant des informations et de laide et des DT (potentiels) qui avaient besoin de

    formation afin de pouvoir travailler plus efficacement.

    Cest dans ce but que nous avons organis en 2010 Antalya, en collaboration avec SPORTWORKS, le 1er

    Sminaire World Archery des Organisateurs dEvnements. Cette activit tait ouverte toute personne

    intresse apprendre ce qui concerne lorganisation dun vnement de tir larc. La premire dition a

    rencontr un franc succs avec 37 participants en provenance de 21 pays.

    Aprs le Sminaire, un examen dapprciation (test et tude de cas) a t faite et environ 70% des

    participants ont russi. Un Certificat officiel World Archery a t remis ces participants afin de pouvoir

    avoir recours eux autant que possible lors dvnements futurs.

    Deux autres Sminaires dOrganisateurs seront proposs en 2011. Lun aura lieu en conjonction avec ltape

    de Coupe du Monde dOgden (USA). Le second sera organis la Coupe du Monde de Shanghai (CHN). Ce

    sera loccasion pour les organisateurs des continents amricain et asiatique dinscrire des personnes aux

    Sminaires pour acqurir les connaissances et la certification.

    En 2012, nous prvoyons de demander tous les organisateurs dpreuves de Classement Mondial dinclure

    lun de ces experts dvnements de tir larc dans leurs Comits dorganisation et nos Associations

    Continentales de choisir un DT sur la liste des personnes qui ont particip avec succs au sminaire.

    World Archery doit encore dcider et dfinir cela dans un futur proche. Tout dabord, crons un groupe

    dexperts qui sont requis pour amliorer nos vnements dans le monde au niveau que nous souhaitons

    atteindre pour le Tir lArc Mondial

    VI. Challenge World Archery en Salle Future Coupe du Monde en Salle

    En 2009, World Archery avait prvu dinitier une Coupe du Monde en Salle o nous pourrions promouvoir

    nos vedettes auprs des mdias et de la TV. Il est important pour nos buts de continuer augmenter

    la visibilit du tir larc la TV, et surtout de continuer construire notre image et la visibilit de nos

    meilleurs archers et vedettes. De la situation actuelle o nous avons cinq six vnements pour ce faire,


  • V. World Archery Event Organisers Seminar

    World Archery has increased the level of its events. More and more areas are involved in a top level

    event and this is making a difference within our various events throughout the world.

    If World Archery wants to make a difference in our sport, it is important that our main events

    worldwide follow our steps and improve as we do. In order to achieve this, we need to share our

    knowledge and assist the different archery events organisers as much as we can.

    In 2007 we initiated the Organisers Seminar for the organisers of world championships and World

    Cup events. The main goal then was to improve events in the areas and concept of FITAs focus. After

    three editions of this seminar, it was not needed anymore as most of the events were held in the same

    locations as previous seasons.

    At the same time, we have seen some World Ranking events failing to be organised with the minimum

    expected level. Technical Delegates (TDs) assigned to ensure the success and level of organisation

    started facing more and more problems to perform their duties as the organisation of the event had

    become more and more dependent on technology.

    It was clear that we had to move forward and start assisting our organisers who were contacting us

    seeking information or assistance and (potential) TDs who needed to be trained as well to be able to

    work more efficiently.

    With this goal in mind, we organised in Antalya, with the collaboration of SPORTWORKS, the 1st

    World Archery Event Organisers Seminar. This activity was open to any person who had an interest in

    learning about an archery events organisation. This first edition was a success with 37 attendees from

    21 countries.

    After the seminar was over, an assessment exam (test plus case study) was done and approximately

    70% of the participants succeeded. An official World Archery Certificate was awarded to those

    participants in order to use them as much as possible in future events.

    Another two Organisers Seminars will be offered in 2011. One will be done in conjunction with the

    World Cup in Ogden (USA). The second will be organised at the World Cup in Shanghai (CHN). The

    idea is to give opportunities to American and Asian organisers to send people to the seminars to glean

    knowledge and get the certificate.

    In 2012 we will ask each of the World Ranking event organisers to include one of these archery events

    experts in their Organising Committees and our Continental Associations to choose a TD from the list

    of people who participated successfully in the seminar.

    This is something that World Archery needs to decide and define in the near future. First lets create

    this pool of experts who are needed to improve our events worldwide to the level we wish to reach for

    World Archery.

    VI. World Archery Indoor Challenge Future Indoor World Cup

    In 2009 World Archery planned to start an Indoor World Cup where we could promote our stars

    in media and TV. It is important for our goals to keep increasing the visibility of archery in TV, and

    especially to keep building the image and visibility of our top archers and stars. From the current

    situation where we have five to six events to do so, we could go to eight or nine events per season with

    the inclusion of an Indoor World Cup. Interesting and motivating to spend effort on this!


    Didier Mieville, JC Holgado and Olivier Grillat. Why are they so happy?

    Answer: The event is over and it was a success!

  • nous pourrions passer huit ou neuf vnements par saison avec une Coupe du Monde en Salle. Il est

    intressant et motivant de faire des efforts dans ce but!

    La meilleure faon pour accomplir cela tait de coordonner et de discuter du sujet avec les deux

    vnements en salle connus dans le monde entier: Nmes (FRA) et Las Vegas (USA). Lorsque les

    deux organisateurs ont t contacts pour ce projet, la rponse a t trs positive. Messieurs Olivier

    GRILLAT (Nmes) et Bruce CULL (Vegas) ont pris linitiative et ont tabli un Challenge en Salle World

    Archery comme premier pas vers une future Coupe du Monde en Salle. La communaut de tir larc a

    accueilli cette ide et a commenc prvoir les prochaines tapes.

    Pour 2011, les vnements de Vegas et de Nmes continuent de collaborer et ont organis le Challenge

    de Coupe du Monde en Salle comme prochaine tape culminant en 2012 avec la Coupe du Monde en

    Salle. Pour 2012, World Archery a contact quelques AM afin de planifier une tape asiatique de cette

    Coupe du Monde en Salle. Singapour est le lieu choisi. Nous aurons donc uneCoupe du Monde en

    Salle2011-2012 avec trois tapes: Singapour en dcembre 2011, Nmes en janvier 2012 et Vegas en

    fvrier 2012, o la finale de cette Coupe du Monde en Salle sera galement organise.

    VII. Remerciements

    Nous souhaitons remercier tous les COL, leur personnel et volontaires avec qui nous avons travaill

    pour leur soutien constant envers nos projets, vnements et nouvelles ides. Sans eux, nous

    naurions pas pu grandir et atteindre nos buts.

    Des remerciements spciaux sont destins lquipe World Archery. Tous sont remarquables. Notre

    succs dans la livraison des vnements leur revient. Nous avons de la chance de travailler avec des

    personnes si motives et professionnelles.

    Nous souhaitons galement remercier les trois Dlgus Techniques que nous avons eu cette saison,

    Monsieur Dion BUHAGIAR (MLT) pour les Jeux du Commonwealth Delhi, Monsieur Thierry ZINTZ

    (BEL) aux JOJ de Singapour et Monsieur Sung-Ho UM aux Jeux Asiatiques. Ce fut un plaisir de

    travailler avec eux.

    Noublions pas les juges, qui font de plus en plus partie de lquipe des vnements World Archery et

    reprsentent une partie importante du succs dun vnement. Merci eux galement!

    fita 201

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    nual Rep



    We didnt get Indian Gate for the finals, but the field for the medal matches in the Yamuna stadium gave a good scenario to our archers and for TV.

  • The best way to achieve this with the current situation was to coordinate and discuss this matter

    with the two most successful indoor events in the world: Nimes (FRA) and Las Vegas (USA). When

    both organisers were approached for this project, the response was very positive. Mr Olivier GRILLAT

    (Nimes) and Mr Bruce CULL (Vegas) took the initiative and established the World Archery Indoor

    Challenge in 2010 as a first step to go to a future Indoor World Cup. Our archery community welcomed

    this idea and started to look forward to further steps.

    For 2011, Vegas and Nimes events continued to work together and organised the Indoor World Cup

    Challenge as the last step to end in 2012 with the Indoor World Cup. For 2012 World Archery has

    contacted some MAs in Asia to have an Asian leg of this Indoor World Cup. Singapore was the place

    chosen for this leg. Therefore, we will start the Indoor World Cup 2011-2012 with three stages:

    Singapore in December 2011, Nimes in January 2012 and Vegas in February 2012, where the Indoor

    World Cup Final will also be organised.

    VII. Thanks

    We would like to thank all LOCs, their staff and volunteers that we have worked with FITA for their

    constant support to our projects, events and new ideas. Without them we could not have grown and

    achieved our goals.

    Special thanks go to the World Archery team. All of them are outstanding. Our success in delivering

    events is their merit. We are lucky to work with such motivated and professional people.

    We would also like to also thank the three Technical Delegates we had this season, MrDion BUHAGIAR

    (MLT) for the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, Mr Thierry ZINTZ (BRL) in the YOG in Singapore and Mr

    UM Sung-Ho (KOR) at the Asian Games. It was a pleasure working with them.

    We cannot forget the judges, who are more and more part of the World Archery events team and an

    important part of the success of an event. Thanks to all of them too!

    fita 201

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    Again China! Again a successful archery competition was organized there.

  • Marketing


    Brady ELLISON (USA) shooting with a pink bow to support the fight against breast cancer. ELLISON has raised money for each 10 he shot in 2010!

    KIA Motors is a proud sponsor of World Archery

    I. Sponsoring

    Pour 2010, la FITA aimerait

    remercier lensemble des

    sponsors World Archery:

    KIA Motors

    Spor Toto



    Turkish Airlines


    Easton et Hoyt


    Ces socits ont jou

    un rle primordial dans

    lorganisation des

    Championnats du Monde, de

    la Coupe du Monde de Tir

    lArc et dautres vnements

    majeurs avec leur soutien

    financier et leurs services de qualit.

    Par exemple, la prestigieuse marque Longines a rcompens les deux meilleurs archers de lanne

    avec le Prix de la Prcision Longines. Les deux archers les plus prcis de la saison de Coupe du

    Monde ont remport le trophe, une montre et 5000 francs suisses. Les athltes en arc classique

    concourent pour le Prix lors des annes paires, alors que ceux des arcs poulies sy mesurent lors

    des annes impaires. Les athltes qui ralisent le plus de 10 durant les qualifications et les matchs

    individuels lors de la Coupe du Monde remportent le Prix Longines de la Prcision. Brady ELLISON

    (USA) et Justyna MOSPINEK (POL) ont merg en vainqueurs pour 2010. Longines a aussi promu ce

    programme avec une campagne de presse et des publicits tir larc.

    Les sponsors de World Archery jouent un rle cl lors de lorganisation de nos vnements. KIA Motors

    nous a soutenus en mettant notre disposition ses voitures lors des vnements. Turkish Airlines est

    la compagnie arienne officielle de la FITA, de ses cadres et employs, de ses collaborateurs sur les

    vnements, ses juges, et des archers les plus talentueux du monde! Turkish Airlines soutient aussi

    les quipes nationales en donnant des conditions spciales pour le transport de leur quipement.

    Longines a offert des montres aux vainqueurs de chaque vnement et a aussi fourni les quipements

    pour les scores et le chronomtrage alors que TFORS nous a fourni le systme de rsultats, les

    graphiques TV, les accrditations, le site Web et les applications informatiques.

  • Marketing


    Vakifbank is a proud sponsor of World Archery

    Turkish Airlines is a proud sponsor of World Archery

    I. Sponsorship

    For 2010, FITA would like to thank its family of World

    Archery sponsors:

    KIA Motors

    Spor Toto


    Turkish Airlines



    Easton and Hoyt


    These companies and their support in cash and/or value-

    in-kind services have played a key role in the staging of

    the World Archery Championships, Archery World Cup

    and other events.

    For instance, for the first time, the prestigious Longines

    brand awarded the Longines Prize for Precision in

    archery. The two most precise archers of the World Cup

    season won the trophya watch and a 5,000 Swiss Francs prize. The recurve athletes compete for

    the Longines Prize in even years, while the compound athletes shoot for it in odd years. The athletes

    who score the most 10s during all the individual qualifications and matches of the World Cup win the

    Longines Prize for Precision. Brady ELLISON (USA) and Justyna MOSPINEK (POL) emerged as the

    winners in 2010. Longines has also supported the programme with archery-branded advertisements.

    The World Archery sponsors provide key services that are needed for the successful organisation of

    our events. KIA Motors has been offering car services. Turkish Airlines is the official airlines for the

    travels of FITA executives, staff, events collaborators, judges and the worlds most talented archers!

    Furthermore, they have agreed to a special arrangement for archery equipment for the national

    teams. Longines awarded watches to the winners of each event and also provided all the scoring and

    timing equipment. TFORS ran the IT event services for results, accreditations, TV graphics and all

    web-related applications.

    The archery companies Easton and Hoyt are respectively the Official Arrow Partner and Official

    Bow Partner of the Archery World Cup and World Archery Championships. They also give important

    awards and support to the archers participating in top events.

    From the picturesque Porec Marina to the beautiful heart of the city in Edinburgh, beaches of Antalya,

    Rocky Mountains and modern Shanghaiarchery enjoyed tremendous events in 2010. It has been

    our pleasure that more spectators than ever before saw these events. World Archery has also done

    its utmost to satisfy its partners with great visibility and services!

  • Les fabricants Easton et Hoyt sont respectivement les partenaires officiels des flches et des arcs de

    la Coupe du Monde de Tir lArc et des Championnats du Monde. Ils soutiennent aussi financirement

    et en expertise de nombreux archers participants aux vnements majeurs de tir larc.

    Du port de plaisance de Porec au centre-ville historique dEdimbourg, en passant par les plages

    dAntalya, les Montagnes Rocheuses et la mtropolitaine Shanghai, les vnements de tir larc ont

    attir plus de spectateurs que jamais. De par leur ambiance, lintensit des comptitions, et la qualit

    de lorganisation, ces vnements ont port haut les couleurs du tir larc mondial ainsi que celles de

    nos sponsors!

    II. La marque World Archery

    Lors de sa deuxime anne dexistence, la nouvelle marque World Archery a continu de runir

    toutes les activits, les vnements et les membres de la FITA sous un nom commun. Par exemple,

    deux Associations Continentales ont endoss le concept de la marque et de son logo en crant World

    Archery Americas et World Archery Africa. Plusieurs Associations Membres en ont fait de mme et

    nous utilisons aussi ce logo lors de tous les Championnats du Monde.

    World Archery est une marque tourne vers lavenir, qui reprsente le tir larc tant auprs des

    amateurs de ce sport que du march mondial dpassant la communaut du tir larc. Notre

    Fdration veut placer son sport au premier plan en faire une marque mondiale qui fasse la


    World Cup Final winner Albina LOGINOVA (RUS)

    Antalya World Cup Stage

    Longines Marketing Director Mr Juan Carlos CAPELLI and FITA President Prof Dr Ugur ERDENER Edinburgh World Cup Final

    Turkish Airlines Financial Chief Officer Kilic COSKUM giving the winners check to YUN Ok-Hee (KOR) at the Edinburgh World Cup Final

  • II. World Archery Brand

    For the second year, the World Archery brand continued to unify all activities, events, and members of

    FITA under one brand name. For instance, two of our Continental Associations adopted the brand and

    logos as World Archery Americas and World Archery Africa. Several Member Associations have taken

    the World Archery logo. It was also used during the World Archery championships per category.


    Porec World Cup Stage

    Longines Marketing Director Mr Juan Carlos CAPELLI giving the Prize for Precision to Justyna MOSPINEK (POL)

    Longines is a proud sponsor of World Archery

    Merchandising stand

    Ogden World Cup Stage Edinburgh World Cup Final

  • promotion du tir larc tous les niveaux avec enthousiasme et passion.

    Le logo World Archery montre par limage lessence du tir larc qui englobe lesprit, le corps et la

    technologie. Deux mots-cls expriment au mieux le cur de la marque World Archery: prcision et


    III. Merchandising

    Dans sa troisime anne, notre boutique en ligne a continu de se dvelopper.

    Depuis 2008, lE-shop est gr en partenariat avec PGSA, une entreprise base Lausanne. Cette

    coopration nous a apport de grands bnfices tels que:

    Look professionnel avec un vritable E-shop

    Fonctionnement plus efficace

    Diffusion dans la communaut du tir larc de nouvelles marchandises portant les logos de la

    Coupe du Monde et World Archery

    Nous esprons introduire encore plus darticles et produits World Archery lavenir!

    IV. Partenaires du Fonds de Dveloppement, Membres Associs, et Licencis

    Les activits et le soutien de nos partenaires du fonds de dveloppement, membres associs et

    bnficiaires de licences ont de nouveau augment en 2010. Leur soutien, au moyen de dons en

    espces ou en matriel, contribuent au dveloppement du tir larc de par le monde.

    A nouveau, nous aimerions sincrement remercier les partenaires du fonds de dveloppement, Easton,

    Hoyt, Win & Win, Samick, Wadi Degla, Rosa and Danage, et tous les membres associs!


    Winner of the Longines Prize for Precision 2010 Brady ELLISON (USA)

    Porec World Cup Stage Mixed Zone in Antalya World Cup

  • World Archery is a forward-focused brand representing the sport of archery to both sports enthusiasts

    and the worldwide market beyond the archery family. FITA wants the sport of archery to be in the

    forefronta global consumer brand, that promotes archery at every level with enthusiasm and passion.

    The World Archery logo communicates the essential image of the sport of archery that encompasses

    mind, body and technology. There are two key words that best express the core of the World Archery

    brand: precision and intensity.

    III. Merchandising

    Our E-shop continues to develop nicely. It is now in its third year. Since 2008,

    the E-shop has been managed through a partnership with PGSAa company in Lausanneand this

    has brought many working benefits, for example:

    A professional look with a true E-shop

    More efficient procedures for sales and shipments

    Distribution to the archery community of new World Cup and World Archery logo merchandise

    We are keen to introduce more World Archery merchandising items in the future!

    IV. Development Fund Partners, Associate Members and Licensees

    The activities and the support from our Development Fund Partners, Associate Members and Licensees

    have again increased in 2010. Their supportthrough money and donationsfor key projects has

    helped the development of archery worldwide.

    Again, we would like to sincerely thank all the Development Fund Partnerssuch as Easton, Hoyt, Win

    & Win, Samick, Wadi Degla, Rosa and Danageand the Associate Members and Licensees for their

    support in the development of archery!


    Winner of the Longines Prize for Precision 2010 Justyna MOSPINEK (POL)

    TFORS is a proud sponsor of World Archery Spor Toto is a proud sponsor of World Archery

  • FITA wishes to thank particularly its sponsors / La FITA aimerait remercier particulirement ses sponsors

    Kia Motors

    Spor Toto


    Turkish Airlines

    TFORS Events


    Partners / Partenaires

    DHL Global Forwarding

    Equipment Sponsors: Official Arrow and Bow Partners / Sponsors dEquipement: Partenaires Officiels des Flches et des Arcs

    Easton Technical Products Inc.USA HoytUSA

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  • Development Fund Partners / Partenaires du Fond de Dveloppement

    Danage of ScandinaviaDenmark / Danemark

    Easton Technical Products Inc.USA


    Associate Members / Membres AssocisArchery Life Co.Korea / Core

    Asahi Archery Inc.Japan / Japon

    Bjorn Bengtson Sweden AB*Sweden / SudeEaston Technical Products Inc.USA

    GeologicNouvelle Identit Visuelle

    La Palette Geologic



    Geologic*France / France

    Ishii Archery Co. Ltd.Japan / Japon

    Krueger Targets*Germany / Allemagne

    LAS DistributionFrance / France

    PetronUnited Kingdom

    FIVICS Archery*(formerly Soma Archery)Korea


    TOXOFIL Inc.Canada

    Arrow Wraps / Dcorations adhsives pour flches

    Socx Arrow WrapsNetherlands

    * These are the Licensed Manufacturers of FITA Target Faces and only these can be used at FITA Events. / Ce sont les fournisseurs officiels des blasons FITA et seuls ceux-ci peuvent tre utiliss pour les comptitions de la FITA.

    Rosa Inc.Japan / Japon

    Samick Sports Co. LtdKorea / Core

    Wadi Degla Sporting ClubEgypt / Egypte

    Win & Win Archery Co.Korea / Core

    Arrowhead*Great Britain / Grande-Bretagne

    Bagar & PilarSweden / Sude

    Danage of ScandinaviaDenmark / Danemark


    Lancaster Archery SupplyUSA

    J.V.D. Distribution*Netherlands / Pays-Bas

    Maple Leaf Press Inc.*USA / USA

    Samick Sports Co. LtdKorea / Core

    Win & Win Archery Co.Korea

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  • Tlvision

    I. Tlvision

    Lanne 2010 tait la deuxime de notre partenariat avec lagence de tlvision MP & Silva.

    La socit HTR Genve, sous la marque World Archery TV, a continu de produire les images pour

    tous les vnements de la Coupe du Monde et des Championnats du Monde: haute dfinition,

    format 16/9 et de nouveaux graphiques anims en 3D ont t offerts.

    Voici quelques amliorations qui ont t apportes en 2010 pour la tlvision:

    3 minutes garanties de news mondiales (une deux fois par vnement)

    Un magazine de 26 minutes dintroduction en pr-saison

    La Finale de Coupe du Monde Edimbourg a t joue sur deux jours pour obtenir plus

    dexposition mdiatique

    Un contrat a t tabli avec SBS Core pour que la chane reprenne lentier des matches de la

    Coupe du Monde, en plus des rsums

    Ce qui a t reconduit depuis 2009:

    Rsum de 26 minutes pour chaque vnement (quatre tapes de Coupe du Monde, la Finale de

    Coupe du Monde, le Championnat du Monde de Tir en Campagne). Cest un total de 7 rsums

    avec celui de la pr-saison.

    News et reportages faits par les chanes nationales ou inclus dans les missions internationales

    comme IEC World Sport magazine

    Deux fois deux heures de couverture en direct lors des Etapes de Coupe du Monde de Antalya et


    Environ 8-12 heures dimages par vnement pour lcran gant et notre web TV

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    Preparing the field for the Porec World Cup

  • Television

    I. Overview

    The year 2010 was the second year of our partnership with

    the TV agency MP & Silva.

    The HTR company in Geneva, under the brand name of World

    Archery TV, still produced the images of all the World Cup

    events and World Championships: 16/9 format and HD

    were offered during every event with new animated, 3D graphics.

    Here are the main improvements for 2010 on the television side:

    Guaranteed 3-minute newscasts worldwide (once or twice per event)

    One more official 26-minute highlights during pre-season

    The World Cup Final in Edinburghplayed over two daysprovided more exposure

    A contract negotiated with SBS Korea gave them the entire footage of the competitions on tape, in

    addition to the highlights

    The following 2009 items remained unchanged in 2010:

    26-minute highlights for each event (four World Cup stages, one World Cup Final, one World

    Archery Field Championships), added to the pre-season highlights, for a total of seven highlights

    News and short highlights made by domestic broadcasters or included in magazines such as IEC

    World Sport magazine

    Two times two hours of live coverage for the Antalya World Cup stage and one time two hours of

    live coverage for the Shanghai World Cup stage

    Approx. 8-12 hours of images put on the giant screen and on our web TV for each

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    Archery Fan Reporters ZHU Tian Shun and SONG Jia Yi (CHN) with World Archery TV director Cedric ROGER

    World Archery TV

  • Le tir larc a obtenu une couverture TV mondiale grce des apparitions rgulires sur les chanes

    SBS Core, CCTV Chine, Shanghai TV, Ten Sports Inde, Sport+ France, RAI Italie, TRT Turquie, BBC

    et Sky TV (Royaume Uni), Starhub (Singapore), Astro (Malaisie, Sud-Est asiatique), TV Nusantara

    (Indonsie), ONS (Moyen-Orient), IRIB (Iran), TV2 Bulgarie, TV 3 Espagne, Sport TV Portugal, PPCW

    (Hong Kong), VTV Vietnam, les chanes nationales de lArmnie, lAlgrie, la Serbie, et le magazine

    World Sport dIEC. Selon nos estimations, nous avons calcul une audience cumule de 750 millions

    de tlspectateurs sur lanne.

    Pour 2011, World Archery planifie plus de directs lors des Etapes de Coupe du Monde et des

    Championnats du Monde Turin qui seront qualificatifs pour les Jeux Olympiques 2012 Londres.

    Nous voulons aussi accentuer la visibilit sur les magasines TV et nous nous attendons une

    augmentation de laudience.

    II. Web TV

    Notre web TV, en partenariat avec Google/YouTube, a continu sur la voie du succs!

    Tous les matches et les rsums se retrouvent sur la chane disposition des fans 24h sur 24h.

    Il y a eu deux amliorations en 2010:

    Nous avons rejoint le Sports Hub (un projet de SportAccord) qui runit sur une

    plateforme commune de YouToube toutes les chanes TV des Fdrations Internationales: Nous esprons que cette plateforme runira tous les fans

    de sport afin quils dcouvrent galement le tir larc.

    Nous avons lanc le projet Archery Fan Reporter Visegrad, Ogden, Shanghai et Edimbourg.

    Des bnvoles, choisis par les Comits dOrganisation et sous les conseils professionnels de

    World Archery TV, ont fait des reportages journaliers de ces vnements. Cela a permis aux fans

    de suivre pour la premire fois les comptitions chaque jour sur YouTube.

    Depuis la fin 2007, les vidos de ont t vues 5135912 fois; la chane

    1240264 fois; elle a 5073 abonns; cest environ 1,5 million de vues par anne. La barre

    des 5 millions a t franchie et cela continue!

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    World Archery TV at the Shanghai World Cup

  • Archery has reached worldwide coverage with consistent appearances on channels such as SBS

    Korea, CCTV China, Shanghai TV, Ten Sports India, Sport+ France, RAI Italy, TRT Turkey, BBC and

    Sky TV (UK), Starhub (Singapore), Astro (Malaysia, sub Asia), TV Nusantara (Indonesia) ONS (Middle

    East Region), IRIB (Iran), TV2 Bulgaria, TV 3 Spain, Sport TV Portugal, State Television of Armenia,

    State Television of Algeria, TV Arena Serbia, Asia Television and PPCW (Hong Kong), VTV Vietnam and

    IEC World Sport magazine, etc. According to our estimates, we calculated 750 million viewers for the

    cumulative audience during the year.

    For 2011, we plan to offer live footage on several World Cup events and the World Archery

    Championships. We also plan to increase the archery coverage in the various world sports magazines.

    Finally, since the Torino 2011 World Championships will be the main Olympic qualifier for the London

    2012 Olympic Games, we expect a larger audience.

    II. Web TV

    Our web TV in partnership with Google/YouTube has continued to be a success! We

    still put all the final matches of an event and the official highlights, i.e. between 8-12 hours per event,

    on YouTube.

    We have made two improvements for 2011:

    We have joined the Sports Hub (a SportAccord project), which intends to help/unite all web TV

    of sports federations on a YouTube platform: We hope to

    benefit from this larger sports platform to drive traffic.

    We have launched the Archery Fan Reporter project in Visegrad, Ogden, Shanghai and Edinburgh.

    Volunteers have been chosen by the Organising Committees and, with the professional guidance

    of World Archery TV, behind the scene videos have been made of our events. This has allowed

    our fans to follow daily features of our events for the first time!

    Since late 2007, has had 5,135,912 video views; 1,240,264 channel views;

    5,073 subscribers; and counting! That is about 1.5 million video views per year and more

    than 5 million total!

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  • III. DVD

    World Archery a produit le DVD officiel de la Coupe du Monde de Tir lArc. Il est disponible sur

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    World Archery TV at the Edinburgh World Cup Final Robert HANSON (USA), Archery Fan Reporter at the Ogden World Cup

    Dr WU Ching-Kuo (TPE), President of AIBA and IOC Member, at the interview with TRT Turkey

  • III. DVD

    World Archery has produced the official DVD of the Archery World Cup 2010. It is available on

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    Melis BAGATIR (TUR) Archery Fan Reporter at the Field World Championships in Visegrad

    Cover of the Official DVD 2010

    and action!

  • Communication

    I. Introduction

    Au cours dune anne remplie de nombreux tests et changements au niveau de la comptition, le Dpartement de

    la Communication de World Archery a expliqu aux mdias limportance de ces changements par le biais de son

    site Internet, de la tlvision, dun guide des mdias, ainsi quen contactant les journalistes directement.

    Le travail a t pris en charge par le Directeur de la Communication Didier MIEVILLE, son assistante Ludivine

    MAITRE WICKI, et durant le cong maternit de celle-ci, par sa remplaante Vanah ANTILLE. Lors des

    vnements, lquipe de communication a reu laide du photographe officiel Dean ALBERGA et de lexpert en

    technologie de linformation (IT ) Matteo PISANI. Cest lquipe de notre sponsor TFORS qui a t le prestataire de

    services pour notre site officiel

    TFORS nous offre la Technologie pour le sport. Nous aimerions remercier toutes les personnes impliques dans

    les activits de communication de World Archery en 2010, et tout spcialement Phyllis EASTON, Bob SMITH et le

    Dpartement de conception graphique Hacettepe.


    Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games media stand

    Media volunteers with archery stars IM Dong-Hyun (KOR) at the Edinburgh World Cup Final

    Commonwealth Games drew a lot of media attention in India

    Blinds for camera and photographer at the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games

  • Communication

    I. Introduction

    In a year filled with numerous competition changes and tests, the World Archery Communication

    Department used the website, television, the media guide, direct contacts with journalist, etc., to

    explain the importance of these changes to the media.

    The work was handled by Communication Director Didier MIEVILLE, Communication Coordinator

    Ludivine MAITRE WICKI and, during Ludivines maternity leave, Communication Coordinator Vanah

    ANTILLE. During events, the communication team was helped by our Official Photographer Dean

    ALBERGA and IT web expert Matteo PISANI. Our official website has been

    provided by the team of our sponsor TFORS, who brings Technology for Sports. We would like to

    thank all the persons who have been involved with the World Archery communication activities in 2010

    and especially Phyllis EASTON, Bob SMITH and the Hacettepe Design Department.


    Indian team in the mixed zone and being cheered by the fans at the Commonwealth Games

    For once our photographer Dean ALBERGA is not taking the picture; he is in the middle (blue bib) of the World Archery Event team.

    Photographs and cameraman in action at the Edinburgh World Cup Final

    Matteo PISANI and Didier MIEVILLE working during the finals of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (front)

  • II. Nouveaux mdias

    Notre site Internet sest stabilis et a une nouvelle fois atteint 2,2 millions de

    visiteurs. En moyenne, il approche les 6000 visiteurs par jour avec des pics entre 8000 et 15000

    visiteurs par jour durant les vnements. Nous avons publi prs de 400 articles sur notre site, une

    trentaine de plus quen 2009. Nous avons poursuivi le dveloppement de notre base de donnes de

    biographies/rsultats avec notre partenaire TFORS. Le lancement de nos nouvelles pages Facebook

    et Twitter a galement rencontr un franc succs, atteignant 4000 fans sur notre page Facebook.

    Vous trouverez ci-dessous les statistiques concernant nos vnements majeurs de 2010:

    Date Hits Vues de page Visiteurs Dure moyenne dune visite

    Coupe du Monde de Porec

    Mer 05.05.2010 4171771 444848 12875 18:09

    Jeu 06.05.2010 2238940 369113 15108 14:45

    Ven 07.05.2010 1673209 278179 12002 11:32

    Sam 08.05.2010 1670508 311052 10628 13:08


    Three Olympic stars in the Mixed Zone of the Antalya World Cup: Viktor SYDORUK (UKR) who won several Olympic gold medal as a coach, Sergey BUBKA (UKR) Olympic Champion at the pole vault in 1988 and IOC Member as well as Juan

    Carlos HOLGADO (ESP) Team Olympic Champion in archery in 1992.

    A team of experts assisting World Archery communication coordinator Vanah ANTILLE for the live web commentary: Crispin DUENAS (CAN)

    left and the 1992 Olympic Champion Sebastien FLUTE (FRA)

    World Archery media in action at the Ogden World Cup

    Official World Archery photographer Dean Alberga working on his pictures

  • II. New Media

    Our website has stabilised and again this year reached 2.2 million visitors.

    It averages about 6,000 visitors a day with peaks during the events of 8,000 15,000 visitors

    a day. We published close to 400 news segments on our website, some 30 more than in 2009. We

    have continued our development of the bios/results with our partner TFORS. We also launched our new

    Facebook and Twitter pages with success, reaching 4000 fans/followers on our Facebook page.

    Please find below the statistics for the main events in 2010:

    Date Hits Page Views Visitors Average Visit Length

    Porec World Cup

    Wed 05.05.2010 4,171,771 444,848 12,875 18:09

    Thu 06.05.2010 2,238,940 369,113 15,108 14:45

    Fri 07.05.2010 1,673,209 278,179 12,002 11:32

    Sat 08.05.2010 1,670,508 311,052 10,628 13:08


    Mixed Zone at the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games

    Gold medallist Nicky HUNT (GBR) at the press conference during the New Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games

    TFORS updating the live scoring system during the Shanghai World Cup

    South Africa posing for the media in the Mixed Zone at the Commonwealth Games

  • Date Hits Vues de page Visiteurs Dure moyenne dune visite

    Coupe du Monde dAntalya

    Mar 08.06.2010 2280561 296511 11196 15:23

    Mer 09.06.2010 2357305 356758 13498 15:20

    Jeu 10.06.2010 1306657 199807 10953 10:02

    Ven 11.06.2010 1366043 268871 10551 10:17

    Championnats du Monde de Tir lArc en Campagne de Visegrad

    Mer 14.07.2010 1441743 245930 7930 12:44

    Jeu 15.07.2010 1966158 273326 9804 13:39

    Ven 16.07.2010 1970534 388673 10561 17:22

    Sam 17.07.2010 1070476 176371 8321 12:13

    Dim 18.07.2010 1374393 267706 9065 13:26

    Coupe du Monde dOgden

    Mer 04.08.2010 1453685 196,770 11059 10:49

    Jeu 05.08.2010 1929710 324457 13124 12:33

    Ven 06.08.2010 1488334 235310 11345 10:20

    Sam 07.08.2010 767,049 99243 9328 07:33

    Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse de Singapour

    Mer 18.08.2010 1270174 146256 8063 13:37

    Jeu 19.08.2010 1007940 134780 8298 10:49

    Ven 20.08.2010 829,696 117377 7776 09:39

    Sam 21.08.2010 602,916 82668 7361 08:40

    Coupe du Monde de Shanghai

    Mer 01.09.2010 2620520 295844 11594 15:07

    Jeu 02.09.2010 2225362 333003 12452 14:50

    Ven 03.09.2010 1460765 197345 10590 10:14

    Sam 04.09.2010 1461283 217499 8766 12:57

    Finale de Coupe du Monde dEdimbourg

    Sam 18.09.2010 1092127 215615 7858 11:53

    Dim 19.09.2010 1409363 269194 8830 12:43

    Lun 20.09.2010 963,055 121426 8003 08:00


  • Date Hits Page Views Visitors Average Visit Length

    Antalya World Cup

    Tue 08.06.2010 2,280,561 296,511 11,196 15:23

    Wed 09.06.2010 2,357,305 356,758 13,498 15:20

    Thu 10.06.2010 1,306,657 199,807 10,953 10:02

    Fri 11.06.2010 1,366,043 268,871 10,551 10:17

    Visegrad World Archery Field Championships

    Wed 14.07.2010 1,441,743 245,930 7,930 12:44

    Thu 15.07.2010 1,966,158 273,326 9,804 13:39

    Fri 16.07.2010 1,970,534 388,673 10,561 17:22

    Sat 17.07.2010 1,070,476 176,371 8,321 12:13

    Sun 18.07.2010 1,374,393 267,706 9,065 13:26

    Ogden World Cup

    Wed 04.08.2010 1,453,685 196,770 11,059 10:49

    Thu 05.08.2010 1,929,710 324,457 13,124 12:33

    Fri 06.08.2010 1,488,334 235,310 11,345 10:20

    Sat 07.08.2010 767,049 99,243 9,328 07:33

    Singapore Youth Olympic Games

    Wed 18.08.2010 1,270,174 146,256 8,063 13:37

    Thu 19.08.2010 1,007,940 134,780 8,298 10:49

    Fri 20.08.2010 829,696 117,377 7,776 09:39

    Sat 21.08.2010 602,916 82,668 7,361 08:40

    Shanghai World Cup

    Wed 01.09.2010 2,620,520 295,844 11,594 15:07

    Thu 02.09.2010 2,225,362 333,003 12,452 14:50

    Fri 03.09.2010 1,460,765 197,345 10,590 10:14

    Sat 04.09.2010 1,461,283 217,499 8,766 12:57

    Edinburgh World Cup Final
