Different Countries – Different Landscapes – Different Houses Автор: Палий Н.С. 2012


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Different Countries –Different Landscapes –

Different Houses

Автор: Палий Н.С.


Aims: -to get information about different types of houses;

to listen and discuss the project “Houses around the world”;

to answer the question: If you happen to choose a place for living what kind of house would it be?

Apartment – квартира Bed-sitter-однокомнатная квартира Block-of-flats-многоэтажный дом Bungalow-одноэтажная дача, дом с

верандой, бунгало

Cabin-хижина Castle-замок Chalet-шале Croft-хутор Detached house-особняк Farmhouse-фермерский дом Flat-квартира Guesthouse-гостевой домик Hacienda-гасиенда Hall-помещичий дом House-boat-плавучий дом Hostel-общежитие Hut-хижина, лачуга Igloo-иглу

Inn – гостиница, трактир Lodge - сторожка Maisonette- коттедж Manse – дом пастора Mansion – особняк Motel – мотель Parsonage – пасторат Penthouse – квартира на верхнем

этаже небоскрёба Ranch – усадьба Rectory – дом священника Semi-detached house – половина 2-

х квартирного дома Shack – лачуга Skyscraper – небоскрёб Stately home –величественный дом Tent – палатка Tepee – вигвам Terraced house (town house) –

городской дом, ряд домов вдоль улицы

Villa - вилла

1) a house which is not attached to any other house;

2) a house which is attached to another house on one side;

3) a home which is a part of a large building; 4) a small house in the country; 5) a small house on a single floor; 6) a house which is a part of a row of houses

and is attached to them. What sort of house do you live in?

1) detached house; 2) semi-detached house; 3) flat; 4) cottage; 5) bungalow; 6) terraced house (town house).

I’d like /wouldn’t like

to live in a caravan travelling with the wind being far from the ground to live in a skyscraper to live in a wigwam dancing round the totem

pole fishing in an ice pole being alone to live in a log cabin seeing people around to live in a block-of-flats

I like /don’t like

I’d like to live in a ….I like …I’d like to live in a …I like … I’d like to live in a … I like …I’d like to live in a …,But I like …!

Which of the today’s activities do you like?

Homework: creative writing