Dr Vojislav Ilić (1958)1 Filološko umetnički fakultet...


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Dr Vojislav Ilić (1958)1

Filološko-umetnički fakultet Kragujevac, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu,

Gavrila Principa 20/b-1

Kragujevac – Republika Srbija

Dr Sanja Filipović (1973)2

Fakultet likovnih umetnosti, Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu

Dr Ivana Ribara 46/2, 11070 Novi Beograd

Beograd – Republika Srbija

Implementation of digital textbooks and multimedia content in the teaching of Art - educational



Commencing from the nature of Art as a school subject, which in the teaching process in the first

place means providing a rich multimedia environment as a basis for learning, research and creative

expression, there emerged the need to examine to what extent e-textbooks as a didactic tool support

the specific requirements of this subject. By analysing the existing e-textbooks for Art used in primary

schools in Serbia, various media formats are compared: electronic versions of paper editions,

textbooks enriched with multimedia data and modern versions of e-textbooks enriched with

application programs and interactive content. The analysis showed that the e-textbook as a medium

and teaching tool is inherent in the needs of Art as a school subject, especially in the context of

studying contemporary art, visual communications and the media, as well as a wider multidisciplinary

field of educational content. In particular, the concept of “non-linear” reading in hyperlink, as one of

the key features of e-textbooks, provides a dynamic process of researching content and context. The e-

textbook provides a more customised environment and an individualised approach to receiving and

processing information than the printed textbook. In conclusion, it is pointed out that the expansion of

software achievements in the field of ICT offers a diversity of the possibilities of using e-textbooks in

the educational process, which imply changes in the understanding of the function of textbook and the

way it is used, as well as the need for a wider framework for researching the implementation of e-

textbooks as a modern teaching tool.

Keywords: e-book, e-textbook, teaching Art.

1 vilicdva@gmail.com 2 sanja.filipovic73@gmail.com; argus4@open.telekom.rs



Commencing from the nature of Art as a school subject, which in the teaching process in the

first place means providing a rich multimedia environment as a basis for learning, research and

creative expression, there emerged the need to examine to what extent e-textbooks as a didactic tool

support the specific requirements of this subject. However, it has to be stated that there are many

factors influencing the concept of a textbook. Đurđanović emphasizes that today “bearing in mind the

fact that authors of textbooks are responsible for content design, publishers for quality, content of

relevant knowledge is precisely determined by the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of

Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the authors of the

textbooks have minimal possibilities for introducing one’s own ideas and innovations. In essence, it is

expected that in addition to possessing competence for a certain field, competence for didactic-

methodical processing of teaching content also the capacity to know the pedagogical-psychological

principles of textbook design, in order to satisfy the requirements of the textbook standard, as well as

the needs of the teaching process” (Đurđanović and Cvetanović, 2017: 545-546). Consequently, the

media format determines the form, but the context is still dependent on the methodical concept

promoted by the author, which affects the didactic structure and interactivity of content with readers,

in this case the students.

E-learning is a term that incorporates ICT teaching methods and techniques and includes

teaching and learning through electronic media. It is a process of transferring knowledge and skills

electronically using appropriate computer applications, specially designed programs and environment

in the learning process. The simplest definition of e-learning was provided by the Department for

Education and Skills of Great Britain (DfES): “If someone is learning in a way that uses ICT, they are

doing e-learning”. In the basis of e-learning, there are organised digital data with the dynamic nature

of content that can be manipulated - creating, changing and sharing with less or more communication

and interactivity, stored on various close or distant digital media, and assisted by digital systems

independent of time and location.

E-learning is not limited to the classroom and it can take place anywhere (m-learning) at any

time and therefore is available to the user regardless of curricula. E-learning allows access to a variety

of resources such as multimedia content, video and animated content, gives control to students when

and where they will learn, allows students to learn in their own rhythm, provides the learner with the

opportunity to customize the environment and meet individual needs and timely provide feedback

(NSEAD, 2009). E-learning is most commonly used and very suitable for achieving interaction

between students and computers in order to improve existing learning technology, making teaching

more obvious, more dynamic and more interesting with the engagement of more student senses in

acquiring new knowledge. Computer-based learning includes multimedia educational software,

computer simulations, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and so on. E-learning is used relatively


long in education, but in the last decades computer technology has improved significantly so the

educational software has been perfected from simple applications to a three-dimensional virtual

reality (Murray & Pérez, 2011).

E-book and E-textbook

An Electronic book (e-book) is a publication in a digital, electronic form consisting of text

and/or images/sound/videos, often derived from a printed edition. It is applied via personal computers,

tablets with the help of an “e-reader”.

The concept of E-textbooks has evolved from the time when the e-textbook was an electronic

version of paper textbooks to today’s complex learning platforms with plenty of multimedia data that

can be customized to a single user thus allowing communication with other users and databases. The

development of e-textbooks is conditioned by the development of Information and Communication

Technology, digital tools and devices and the development of the Web. We distinguish three basic

components of e-textbooks: hardware (reader), software and E-textbook.

Readers are portable electronic devices designed mainly as a means of reading e-books or any

digital publications. In terms of capacity, readers can store a number of valuable content books that

can be accessed virtually from any location (Wilson, 2001). Better readers can perform tasks such as

printing, audio-visual, interactive touch, and wireless communication.

Software solutions that display e-book data on a computer, tablet, and similar devices. Software

that allows access to personal computers and similar devices are: Microsoft reader or edge, Adobe

acrobat reader, Adobe Acrobat e-book reader which are just three possible types of software,

although today there are quite a lot of them. The advantage of the software-based readers is that, in

addition to the functions of specially designed readers, they offer additional keyboard and projection

capabilities. This allows better access to information, as users can manipulate the display by changing

the settings using the keyboard.

An E-textbook offers students, teachers and schools additional opportunities that can support or

improve the learning process. The use of E-books as a textbook in the classroom is a new paradigm,

especially in the developing countries. As with all books, there are various types of E-textbooks that

correspond to students’ knowledge, characteristics, abilities and interests (Embong et al., 2012). An

important step in developing E-textbooks is the appearance of “open” e-textbooks. Many teachers or

otherwise interested individuals create their versions with content to support students using the

Internet as an affordable way to share documents. If the content is conceived and distributed as

“open”, in most cases it has the ability to be adapted and modified, so it is dynamic, flexible and

interactive. Open textbooks are currently in use in many schools around the world. Some of the major

are available at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Harvard (Harvard-Harvard

University) (William, 2011).


Types of E-textbooks

An E-textbook can be described as a digital resource for learning, as a tool that, in part or

completely can improve paper variants, whereas its use requires certain technical means and support.

E-textbook presents electronic materials that can remind, more or less, of paper editions of the same

textbook. It can contain multimedia accessories in the form of photo gallery, video and audio

recordings, 3D animations and the like. In addition to lessons and multimedia additions, the E-

textbook contains tools by which a student can mark the text of the lesson by himself, circle certain

sections and add content to lessons in the form of images, texts, audio and video materials and

Internet links.

An “Off line” E-textbook can be available on various media (hard disc, floppy disc, optical

discs and flash memory) so that they can be accessed without connecting to the Internet or any

computer network. This E- textbook does not provide user-linking and data sharing. It is understood

that there is a device (computer, tablet or similar device) to which the e-textbook and the software for

reading e-textbooks are being saved.

An online E- textbook implies that there is communication medium, communication device and

communication software. The network can be LAN -Local Area Network - local area networks, to

connect computers at smaller distances (in a room, building, block of buildings), WAN -Wide Area

Network- global networks, to connect computers over large distances (in a city, area, country,

continent) and Internet - network of all networks (all networks of the world connected in one).

Devices are connected by cables or wireless devices that allow them to communicate with each other

for the common use of hardware (discs, printers, and other devices, sharing data in files, sharing data

among users, communicating among users, and working together on some jobs). It is possible to

connect users with the same access rights or limited to individual users. The teacher and students can

have different approaches to e-textbooks, the teacher has access to certain data that students do not

have (Wilson, 2001). To become a user of e-textbooks, a student’s needs to register with the School

Portal and using a special code to download a copy of the e-textbook from the portal. With the

labelling and underlining tool, a teacher can help students separate essential from the irrelevant, and

using the attached multimedia content, the teacher can further explain the lesson. Multimedia content

can also compensate for the lack of some teaching resources (e.g. lack of geographical maps or

equipment for carrying out laboratory exercises).

A linear electronic textbook is a digital equivalent of a printed textbook. It is intended that the

printed textbook is transferred into a digital format that can be read on a reader or with the help of

some software on personal computers and similar devices. This textbook does not have multimedia

add-ons and a student can leaf through it like through a paper edition but with the use of an electronic

device. This is still the most common form of digital textbook today. These products strictly maintain

the layout of the paper version of the book and are most often made in PDF format (PDF - Portable

Document Format). The file is directly exported from textbook design software.


Multimedia Enhanced E-Textbooks are enriched with various audio and video materials that can

be directly linked to the text from the textbook or not. They can include multimedia accessories in the

form of photo gallery, video and audio recordings, 3D animations, and more. The use of such a

textbook is very similar to the use of traditional textbooks only because it is enriched with various

multimedia data.

Non-linear E-textbooks are “real” e-textbooks and they represent a complex learning resource

whose use is not limited to the classroom, and can take place anywhere and anytime and therefore is

available to the user irrespective of the 24/7 curriculum. The e-textbook allows access to a variety of

resources such as multimedia content, video and animated content, it allows control when and where

the learner will learn, allows students to learn in their own rhythm, provides the ability to adapt the

environment to meet individual needs and provides individual feedback.

The subject matter which the student learns is represented in a much more picturesque and

interesting way, avoiding dullness and uniformity, and with learners more sensible senses are being

triggered, and this way a better learning is provided. Learning is highly personalised and different

sources of information for additional learning are available via e-textbooks. One of the key features of

E-textbooks is that it provides in the learning process a dynamic process of exploring content and

context. The e-textbook provides a more customized environment and a more individualised approach

to receiving and processing information than the printed textbook.

From linear to hypermedia3 in learning

Figure 1.

The traditional approach to learning is linear; such a way is derived from books as learning tools,

which are usually read from the beginning to the end. Video materials for teaching (TV shows,

educational films and various video and audio recordings for teaching) are also monitored from the

beginning to the end of the presentation.

3hypermedia = hypertext + multimedia


Children today grow up with computers, tablets, mobile phones and other digital devices and they

are also more resourceful in their use than most adults. This interest in modern technologies can

significantly influence the motivation for the use of E-textbooks that should follow student’s interest

in modern technology, as students today require access to information that is more interactive and

non-sequential and which contain hypertext and multimedia (Figure 1) as the basis of hypermedia


Many contemporary E-textbooks include features such as interactive activities, collaborative

learning, and group discussion forums. Some textbook publishers have even developed software for

linking, managing, and supporting their other editions. Some automatically assign and add tasks from

the database, whereas others have additional “lecture-recording” software that allows teachers to enter

text, comments, audio or videos. These features allow for new learning techniques that are not

possible with traditional paper textbooks (Embong et al., 2012).

In recent years, E-textbooks with more interactivity and more embedded media have appeared on

the world market. Traditionally, the industry’s leading platforms are to build videos and links to

external systems directly with their publishers (for example, Apple tries to develop and implement

new levels of interactivity in books), and new companies use emerging platforms such as tablets

based on Android operating systems. Today, there is still no standard for E-textbooks and publishers

and some organizations around the world are developing their own platforms for using them (Open

eBook, Adobe Digital Editions / VitalSource, HTML5, Google Books, Microsoft LIT ...). IDPF

(International Digital Publishing Forum), which promotes ePub, is one of the latest initiatives to

establish e-book standards in general. The work of ePub promotes the development of electronic

publishing of applications and products that will be used by content creators, readers and consumers.

IDPF develops and maintains a standard that allows the creation and transmission of customizable

digital books and other types of content as well as digital publications that are compatible between

different readers and applications. Taking into account that there is not yet a single platform for E-

books and E-textbooks, in the near future, the development of existing ones, or the creation of new

ones, is expected to lead to consolidation that will result in a unique platform.

Traditional and E-textbook - Possibilities and Limitations

The basic requirement for introducing E-textbooks in teaching is certainly technology.

Schools must be equipped to use software and hardware. The Digitalisation Project was conducted in

2010 in collaboration with Clearwater High School and Amazon Kindle, replacing traditional

textbooks with E-textbooks. In this project, readers are fully equipped with teaching content and have

become the main textbooks. Amazon Kindle has equipped 2100 pupils and 100 teachers in school with

e-book readers and electronic textbooks (Daniel & Woody, 2013). Some countries have different

initiatives to introduce e-textbooks. In Indonesia, the project of electronic textbooks is funded by the

Ministry of Education, which includes the use of e-textbooks in 35 schools over a period of five

months. A similar project launched by the Government of Malaysia, which has allocated significant


funds for the purchase of 50,000 e-book readers in 2012.

Table 1. The reach and restrictions in the use of traditional and e-textbooks

Traditional textbook

advantages disadvantages

Widely available Bulky, can also be heavy

Available both as new and used It can be financially unavailable to a large

number of users

We can underline in it, write… Difficult to search and find information

If used with care it can last for many years If it is used for many years, the data can lose the


It can be available in the library It may be unavailable in the market

No electronic equipment is required for its use


advantages disadvantages

It is never sold out and it is easily obtainable Requires electronic equipment (computer, tablet,

Internet access ...)

Many more textbooks can be archived on one

computer / tablet / library

Copying is mostly limited

Integrated dictionary / glossary The online data can be deleted / outdated

Easy search and finding information

It can be marked, underlined, tagged, and these

tags can be shared

They can contain web or multimedia content

They can also contain electronic text readers

Data can be easily updated

They are environmentally friendly

They can be downloaded via the web

Text can be read non-linearly by using links ...

A comparative analysis has identified some of the advantages of an electronic book over the

classic printed book. It has been noted that the time from the beginning of the work to his release is

significantly reduced, and one of the most critical phases in the making of the book is avoided - the

printing. The creation of an electronic book is financially more accessible than a printed book, does

not require supplies, paper, colour and other materials, no distribution and intermediaries, an e-

textbook is downloaded over the Internet. Also, there are no “heavy textbooks” that students carry in

bags, annual material can be stored on one or two optical discs, it does not occupy much memory

space on the computer and a portable device, the user can store more e-textbooks and create libraries.

The availability of E-books to potential users is incomparably larger than printed, because it is

virtually accessible to every member of the Internet community, wherever he is. There are

incomparably larger possibilities of graphic design, they are ecological, environmental friendly, raw

materials (paper, adhesives, paint ...) are not used.


Regarding the application of E-textbooks in teaching and contribution to the learning process,

the following can be identified:

- Teaching is individualised by creating the ability for the student to progress at a pace that

matches his psychological and perceptual abilities, as well as pre-knowledge from a particular field.

The e-textbook provides learning that is not limited to the classroom (Mobile Learning), it can take

place anywhere and at any time;

- In combination with other electronic sources of information (electronic encyclopaedias,

magazines, libraries and the Internet), research on the most current content in accordance with their

own interests is provided. Providing access to a variety of resources that may not be available, e.g.

multi-media, video and animation;

- Permanent or occasional interaction with information sources increases student activity and

develops critical thinking, as well as the ability to analyse and conclude;

- Interaction is established not only with teachers, but also with students from other schools,

which enables exchange of knowledge and experience, and equates the level of knowledge in different


- For educational institutions that do not have enough teachers in all subjects it is ensured that

information travels instead of people, which significantly reduces costs;

- Educational software that follows education is designed to provide an occasional evaluation

of knowledge at the learning stage, so in addition to evaluating knowledge in interaction with a

teacher or with other students, self-evaluation is done using educational software.

In terms of technology, the e-textbook provides the following possibilities in teaching:

- different tools for research, development of ideas, skills and presentation of results;

- software for image manipulation, animation, web design, 3D modelling;

- simulations and models - enable students to explore real-world models and develop practical

skills in a safe environment

- access to various resources that are not available or are distant for additional information via

the Internet;

- collaborative learning and video conferences with students from around the world or experts;

- sharing their products and reviewing work of others through the network;

- Network testing with the help of various software solutions;

- a detailed insight into the individual progress of each student;

- computer games designed for learning (content gamification4) and learning in a fun way


4 Gamification represents the use of elements and techniques for creating video games in a context that is not

just a computer/video game. 5 Edutainment (merging the words “education” and “entertainment”), the term edutainment is obtained and

represents computer games, television programs, or other material intended to be both educational and

entertaining at the same time.


- E-textbooks provide the possibility of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) that provides

new opportunities for learners to learn in new ways more interesting and engaging.

E-textbooks in Serbia

Increasing the quality and quantity of knowledge depends on a variety of pedagogical

innovations, and one of the innovations is an electronic book (e-book) and represents an electronic

(digital) equivalent to the printed version of the book. E-book technology is rapidly developing and

improving, and these changes also affect the development of e-textbook (electronic textbook), which

started to enter our schools.

Since about ten years ago, there were attempts to digitize materials for students and to offer

them in textbooks or to be distributed as an independent teaching tool. For this type of literature,

adequate hardware and software support is required. Electronic books consist of multimedia content:

from textual, through images and sound, to multimedia. Some e-books are produced simultaneously

with the publication of printed books. Scanning already printed books or post-keyboards are the most

common ways to get electronic books out on the market. We use mostly computers, portable devices,

etc. to read e-books. “In our country and a number of countries in the region, online learning is only

moving with the first steps” (Kljakić, 2009: 697). Today’s e-textbooks in Serbia are only in the wake

of a major step towards digitization, which we will be witnessing in the coming years. This is

supported by the fact that the reforms in the education that are current in the Republic of Serbia also

imply adapting to new goals and educational strategies. “The greatest positive effect of educational

standards in Serbia can be seen in the fact that they now contain parameters for competence

measurement as well as their assessment. The main disadvantage in this document, on the other hand,

would be the lack of a stronger link between this program and the skills that students acquire in that

process through their education for the new age, especially for using modern technologies ....

It is necessary to improve the Standards that need to be harmonized with modern educational trends,

with the current model of learning and learning and education of teachers, so that their application

could provide the basis, not only for the realisation of the current program, but also for a better

process of learning and more active involvement of students in this process “(Đurđanović and

Cvetanović, 2015: 78).

E-textbooks for teaching Art

Different instructions (explanations of techniques and procedures) can be saved to the E-

textbook, various video clips from interesting locations, virtual tours of museums sculptural works

and parts of architecture in 3D, reproduction of artworks classified by styles, artists, art problems and

the like and links to different cultural institutions or web portals with children’s works. The

possibilities are different, and depend only on the idea of the textbook author. The e-textbook for the

teaching of Art can contain “Collections of reproductions of selected artworks with a video display of


the most famous museums that would contain multimedia images of the most important art

techniques, interviews with famous artists” (Ivić et al. 2009: 129).

The e-textbook in the teaching of Art has huge advantages over paper versions, from realistic

reproductions of artwork to various multimedia records, 3D and virtual spaces, as well as application

programs for practical research artwork. Participatory media tools provide links to content outside the

school, and students and teachers can access them online to learn and create artworks and works of

visual arts. This does not mean that conventional media such as, for example, pens, colours, clay,

paper, are forgotten and replaced, but the possibilities of learning and creating in teaching are

increased. Modern media technologies have a place in school, provided they can help promote the

aims of teaching Art.

Newer educational technologies deserve special attention because they allow students to

engage in an innovative form of communication, learning and expression, using modern media that

they use in everyday life. E-learning allows different spaces and places for creating and sharing visual

arts, communication and exchange of experiences with other students involved in the same or similar


ICT tools provide new ways to manipulate the existing and create new artistic practices (such

as transdisciplinary or intermedia art), which can be shared and presented on the Internet in an

interactive environment (Radclyffe-Thomas, 2008).

E-textbooks and additional materials intended for teaching Art in primary school in Serbia

This analysis examines the materials of the publisher intended for the teaching of Art based

on the offer found on publishers’ web portals. The analysis covered 56 textbooks, manuals and

practicums for teaching Art in primary school. Out of the total number of publications 28 is intended

for the first, and 28 for the second cycle of education. The materials analysed by grade are given in

Graph 1.

Graph 1. Materials by grade in publishers’ offer on web portals

first grade 7 materials


second grade 7 materials


third grade 8 materials


fourth grade 6 materials


fifth grade 9 materials


sixth grade 8 materials


seventh grade 5 materials


eight grade 6 materials



From the graph shown, it is seen that the most materials are offered for the fifth grade,

followed by the materials for the sixth and the third grade. The least material was offered for the

seventh grade, only five.

Our publishers offered the most textbooks, and the least “sets” (in the third and fourth grade)

and students’ practicums (in the fifth and sixth grade) (Graphs 2 and 3).

Graph 2. Materials by grade according to purpose, textbook, set for teaching Art, practicum for

students and worksheets and materials.

Graph 3. Materials by grade according to purpose, textbook, set for teaching Art, practicum for

students and worksheets and materials according to cycle.

From the graph shown, it is evident that the textbooks offered by the publisher are the most

represented, while the other materials are symbolically represented.

E-textbooks and electronic materials are only available for the second cycle of teaching and

education, two for the fifth and sixth grade, and three for the seventh and eighth grade (Graph 4).

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

textbook manual set practicum worksheets and materials

1st-4th grade 5th-8th grade












1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade

textbook manual set practicum worksheets and materials


Graph 4: Offer of electronic materials by grade

Traditional paper textbooks are still prevalent among accredited publishers in Serbia, while e-

textbooks are just beginning to be published. Almost all publishers have electronic materials (plans,

preparations and additional materials) for teachers both for the first cycle and for the second cycle.

These materials are distributed on optical disks or downloaded from the publisher’s web portal. By

studying the web portals of accredited publishers in Serbia, we see that out of 6 publishers who have

materials for teaching Art, the types of linear e-textbooks enriched with multimedia data are offered.


Global digitalization affects all spheres of a society, and therefore education. It is likely that

there will be a printed and electronic book in parallel for a long time. It is assumed that in the future,

the printed book will be directed towards craft and artistic production as a specific artwork, while the

E-book will be used in all other cases, when it is important that ideas and content are available to as

many users as possible. So, what is the future of e-textbooks? There are currently two paths: software-

based textbooks and hardware-based textbooks, whereas the second ones are slowly losing the battles,

as software is nowadays increasingly adapted to different operating systems. The quality of e-

textbooks will increase when designers include digital and interactive functions in a way that

effectively improves the teaching/learning process.

The e-textbook in its growth has passed the path from an ordinary electronic version of the

paper edition, through textbooks enriched with multimedia data to an interactive version between its

content and students. Today, the most sophisticated e-textbooks can be recognised in those solutions

that enable a virtual learning environment in which knowledge is acquired cooperatively. The e-

textbook can also contain different variants of gamified content, which students learn in an interesting

and appealing way. E-textbooks in the world have been developed to the extent that they today








1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade

textbook, manual, practicum, set and materials electronic materials


constitute a complex digitized learning environment in which the textbook is just one part.

Approaching the world standards of e-textbooks is a long-term process that requires more

digitization of schools in equipment, training of employees for use of ICT and organisation of

continuous technical support. In order for students to follow all these changes, they must also be

educated to use them. The future of e-textbooks will probably move towards the development of

“open-access” and “open-source” concepts, digital textbooks that are freely distributed, modified and

updated. In Serbia, a significant number of e-textbooks will be available in the years to come, with

publishers being able to offer differentiated e-textbooks tailored to the needs of contemporary

teaching and the environment, and in the first place to the child’s abilities, needs and interests.


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