Dream Dwelling



Projet initié à la dOCUMENTA 13 de Kassel durant l'été 2012, consistant en l'éléboration d'un archétype de l'habitat idéal.

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Léo Sexer

Dream Dwelling


© Léo Sexer, Geneva


Dream Dwelling



I Description des problèmes posés et des hypothèses émises

II Description du protocole expérimental

III Exposé des résultats de l’expérience

IV Analyse des résultats et proposition d’interprétation

V Annexe: Données brutes de l’expérience

VI Bibliographie

page 11

Dream Dwelling



I Description des problématiques et des hypothèses émises

Dream Dwelling


Lecture à propos de Dream Dwelling, Sanatorium Kassel, 2012


Description des problématiques et des hypothèses émisesAvant propos

Dream Dwelling est né lors de la DOCUMENTA 13 à Kassel, alors que je travaillais dans l’équipe du « Sanatorium », une pièce de Pedro Reyes composée de huit « thérapies ». Avec l’accord de Pedro Reyes, j’ai proposé puis mis en place une neuvième « thérapie » au sein de la pièce, dans laquelle les visiteurs étaient invités à concevoir leur habitat idéal, sous forme orale et par dessin. Les « patients » étaient ensuite entendus en entretiens pendant une demi-heure à une heure. Les textes reproduits en annexe et sur lesquels sont basés cette expérience, proviennent de notes prisent durant ces entretiens.

Bien que lié au Sanatorium, le projet est susceptible de prendre son autonomie, comme de réapparaître au sein d’une prochaine édition de cette pièce, selon le souhait de l’artiste.

Origine du projet.

Lors du développement du projet, je m’intéressais aux questions de constructions sociales, aux rapport entre l’architecture et une idée de la communauté. Les liens qu’entretiennent l’architecture et les comportements sociaux sont particulièrement étroits, et la croyance en le fait que le premier puisse avoir un effet sur le second persiste encore de nos jours. Prenons pour exemple le cas des clubs ouvriers de l’URSS, dont l’organisation

devait favoriser une cohésion. A l’inverse, les échecs de l’urbanisation moderniste des banlieues des grandes agglomérations sont pointés du doigt comme une cause directe de délinquance. 1

Architecture et démocratie.

Il s’agissait alors pour moi d’expérimenter un processus démocratique, horizontal, qui ne soit pas orienté par des connaissances techniques (n’étant pas architecte) ou matérielles. La pièce de Pedro Reyes, était un cadre rêvé pour mettre en place une telle expérience. L’œuvre permet des rencontres brèves entre un « thérapeute » qui n’en est pas réellement un, et un spectateur endossant alors le rôle de patient. Le Sanatorium est basé sur cette notion de non-professionnalité, où le “médecin” suit un protocole inspiré de thérapies réelles, et le patient-spectateur devient acteur, sollicité pour une participation active, source même de sa guérison. Je voulais alors ouvrir un espace où chacun pourrait exprimer son utopie, afin d’avoir par la suite un échantillon représentatif des désirs populaires concernant l’architecture. (A noter tout de même que l’échantillon concerné représente une part bien particulière de la population qui est celle des visiteurs de la documenta, donc des amateurs d’art, artistes, designers…). L’interrogation globale préalable à l’expérience était celle qui consistait à savoir si les échecs possibles de l’urbanisation provenaient d’une coupure entre l’architecte, détenant le savoir de la construction, et la population.

Hypothèses sur un art expérimental.

Un art expérimental ne peut être tel s’il ne codifie pas clairement les conditions de son expérience. S’il ne le fait pas, il n’aura d’expérimental que la forme. L’art expérimental se démarque d’une dynamique de marché, il est une dynamique de

Dream Dwelling


recherche. Or un processus de recherche est codifié, il est lié au domaine de la science. Bien que la recherche artistique se distingue de la recherche scientifique, et utilise pour cela un traitement propre. L’ artiste se revendiquant comme expérimental se doit de baser ses recherches sur un protocole transparent.


1. Je fais ici notamment références aux émeutes ayant eu lieu dans les banlieues françaises en 2005 ayant eu pour effet de remettre ce débat sur le devant de la scène. Voir : http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/la-faute-aux-urbanistes_483796.html


II Description du protocole expérimental

Dream Dwelling


Description du protocole expérimental

Je souhaitais me positionner comme un simple récepteur de ces utopies, et je tachait d’intervenir le moins possible dans le récit des personnes interrogées, sinon en leur posant certaines questions qui n’étaient pas orientées par une volonté de démonstration de ma part. Je voulais, au contraire, abonder dans leur sens, les invitant, le plus possible, à développer leurs désirs.

Entretiens réalisés seul ou en groupe.

Les entretiens étaient réalisés avec un ou plusieurs visiteurs « patients ». Les deux méthodes diffèrent sensiblement, et à plusieurs il s’agit déjà d’un exercice de création collective. Je leur demandais de réaliser ce bâtiment (terme neutre ne présageant pas du type de logement que je leur demandais de décrire) comme s’ils allaient le partager. Certains se plièrent à l’exercice, certain refusèrent simplement d’envisager l’idée de vivre avec la personne les accompagnants, et ont donc décidé de réaliser des habitations séparées. (Pour des raisons de commodité, ces différents logements, issus d’une même thérapie, sont intégrés comme un seul et même élément dans les statistiques.)

Sur la relation avec l’œuvre de Pedro Reyes et la notion de thérapie.

Il est important de souligner que ce travail, réalisé au moment de la Documenta, se présentait comme une thérapie, notion qui n’entre que peu dans le champ conceptuel de cette analyse. Dans le Sanatorium, nous étions pris dans le cadre d’une fiction où

nous endossions le rôle de médecin, nous conférant une certaine posture d’autorité. Ainsi, en blouse blanche, les thérapeutes disposent d’une certaine posture d’autorité a priori donnée par le poids de la fiction et renforcée par la présence du dispositif calqué sur celui de l’hôpital. Le fait de ressembler à un médecin suffit souvent à instaurer une confiance entre les deux interlocuteurs, ce qui influe certainement sur les résultats. De l’univers médical et scientifique, le projet au final ne garde que le statut d’expérience, de recherche.

Concernant le titre du projet.

L’intitulé « Dream dwelling » était présent sous forme d’une affiche invitant les visiteurs à participer au projet. Le terme « dwelling » n’étant pas d’un usage particulièrement courant, il est probable qu’un nombre important des personnes que je recevais étaient sensibilisés à cette question de l’habitat. Il convient certainement ici d’expliquer brièvement la signification de ce titre. Dwelling, littéralement “habitat”, est un concept utilisé chez Heidegger dans un texte intitulé “Building dwelling thinking”, issu de l’ouvrage “Poetry language thought”. L’habitat est une expérience, il n’est pas déconnecté de l’humain. Le mot dwelling inclut le bâtiment (building) et le chez-soi (home). Le concept de dwelling est donc celui de “home” (maison, chez-soi) associé à celui du “building” le bâtiment. Home est une idée qui ne trouve pas de traduction exacte en français. On dit bien “to feel at home”, ou “have a homy feeling”. En anglais, la maison et le chez soi son deux mots équivalents, et pourtant chargés d’un sens bien diffèrent. Le concept de Dwelling comme celui de Home intègre à la fois le bâtiment, et les émotions qui sont liées à lui.


Sur l’évolution du processus expérimental.

Initialement, les résultats se présentaient sous la forme d’une prise de notes manuscrite accompagnée d’un dessin. L’importance du texte au fil du temps à grandit par rapport à celui du dessin, pour finalement être, au fil des rencontres, l’unique élément issu de l’entretien. Les dix derniers résultats sont issus de la dernière période du Sanatorium, qui ayant subi une grève, a vu son système entièrement restructuré. Au lieu de sessions d’une demi-heure, il s’agissait alors de sessions d’une heure et demie, comprenant une demi-heure de thérapie collective (relaxation) et de diagnostic (quelques questions simples permettant d’orienter les patients vers la bonne thérapie). Suivaient alors des entretiens d’une heure.

Traitement des données brutes.

Une fois tous les entretiens menés à bien, les caractéristiques majeures des habitats ont été répertoriées dans un tableur Excel à deux entrées, afin de mettre en évidence les éléments les plus récurrents. Le but de cette démarche était de parvenir à l’élaboration d’un archétype, une utopie mathématiquement correcte puisque convenant statistiquement au plus grand nombre. Selon un principe démocratique, l’habitat ainsi développé devrait impérativement comporter les éléments présents à la majorité absolue.

Dream Dwelling



III Exposé des résultats de l’expérience

Dream Dwelling


Les données ainsi répertoriées permettent de mettre en évidence une prédominance certaine de quatre éléments:

- la présence de large fenêtres afin de permettre un apport important de lumière- la présence de végétation- la présence d’eau- le bâtiment envisagé comme une maison individuelle, et non un appartement


Dream Dwelling



IV Analyse des résultats et proposition d’interprétation

Dream Dwelling


Analyse des résultats et proposition d’interprétation

La récurrence des éléments spécifiques cités dans la partie III apparai de manière particulièrement nette, et il est étonnant de constater que bien que n’ayant aucune contrainte matérielle et financière dans l’élaboration théorique de cette utopie, une quantité impressionnante de propositions converge vers un seul et même idéal.

Presque toutes les personnes interrogées sont des citadins, pourtant, rares sont ceux qui figurent leur habitation idéale dans la ville. Bien au contraire, la nature sous toutes ses formes occupe une place prépondérante, les arbres étant presque systématiquement cités. A de trés nombreuses reprises, l’habitât se trouve autour ou sur un arbre. Pourquoi une opposition ville/nature si nette ? Dans « L’histoire de l’habitat idéal » Augustin Berque montre la construction de cet idéal d’habitat au plus près de la nature. Si la ville est pointée du doigt comme siège de tous les maux humains, théâtre de grandeur et de décadence, on projette dans la campagne un imaginaire de l’origine, un âge d’or où l’homme vivait en harmonie avec son environnement. La présence de l’eau semble faire échos à notre existence in utero, lacs et fleuves devenant le liquide amniotique de l’habitât.

L’importance de la lumière renvoie aussi à ce fantasme originel, tendant vers une image céleste, un paradis inondé de lumière. La plupart de ces habitations ne sont pas précisément situées; elles se suffisent à elles-mêmes, évoluent dans un espace blanc, le

potentiel infini de la matrice dans le film des frères Wachowski, le vide absolu évacuant tous les problèmes du monde autour de la maison des héros de Nothing de Vincenzo Natali. La blancheur immaculée d’un espace est celle d’un lieu pionnier, désertique, sans artifice, où l’homme à encore tout à faire. C’est aussi l’espace du « white cube », celui de l’espace traditionnel d’exposition.

En outre, une majorité écrasante des propositions concernent une maison individuelle. Si cette maison est proche de la nature, elle est aussi généralement à proximité de la ville, et l’ensemble tend à un idéal intermédiaire entre la ville et la campagne, qui est celui de la banlieue pavillonnaire, de la « rurbanisation ». N’est-ce pas là une marque d’une psychose de l’homme moderne, attiré par le monde présumé utérin, idéal de la campagne, mais ne pouvant se résoudre à quitter la réalité de la ville ? C’est cet idéal standardisé, que mettait en lumière Dan Graham dans Homes for America, rationalisation de l’habitat de banlieue valable bien au delà du pays aux cinquante états.

Le rapprochement avec la psychologie et les concepts d’archétype et d’inconscient collectif est inévitable. C’est à un archétype architectural que les résultats de l’expérience renvoient, une image qui serait présente dans un inconscient collectif et révélée par le procédé mis en place.Selon Jung, l’archétype peut, dans certain cas s’avérer être néfaste pour l’individu, au point de provoquer des troubles mentaux : « (il) peut prendre complètement possession d’un individu et provoquer une psychose. » 1

Il s’agit alors de redonner une réelle valeur à ces symboles archétypaux. Il affirme : « La Réforme protestante ayant rejeté pratiquement toutes les structures symboliques mises en place avec soin, l’homme s’est senti de plus en plus solitaire et coupé de ses dieux ; bien en peine de


donner corps à nouveau à ses symboles, il doit se tourner vers leur source dans l’inconscient. » 2 C’est cette conscientisation de l’archétype qui permet le rétablissement de l’individu malade.

Au delà d’une approche d’ordre thérapeutique, que peut-on faire de cette représentation stéréotypée ? Car si l’archétype peut créer la psychose chez l’individu, peut-on l’employer afin d’offrir cette utopie au plus grand nombre ? Ne peut-il pas être utilisé par celui ou ceux qui détiennent la connaissance de cette représentation collective, pour se retourner contre ses émetteurs mêmes? En restant le plus fidèle possible à l’expérience, je souhaitais, en partant de l’utopie initiale, produire une image dystopique.

S’agissant pour moi de comprendre le phénomène d’un point de vue global et non individuel, j’essaie alors de mettre en place un système de représentation symbolique réunissant a minima chaque proposition issue des entretiens. Il s’agit pour comprendre l’essence de cette représentation, de ne retenir que ce qui est globalement partagé, de garder uniquement le plus petit dénominateur commun.

J’ai ainsi mis au point une architecture de type moderniste, composée sur la base d’un carré à trois quarts construit, et où un quart est alloué à une parcelle de végétation. Le choix d’une habitation de type “cubique” permet de la manière la plus simple et directe possible de réunir les éléments nécessaires évoqués dans le chapitre précédent. Il s’agit du mode de construction mettant en jeu théoriquement le moins de subjectivité et d’expression. L’ornement, le singulier présent dans chacun des entretiens y est gommé pour arriver à un idéal susceptible de s’adapter à tous. Le resultât devra imperativement comporter les quatre éléments issus de l’analyse: l’eau,

la nature (une forme de végétation), la maison individuelle.

L’unité de base est celui d’une habitation destinée à une personne célibataire ou à un couple. Sur ce premier module cependant peut se greffer un autre élément, extérieurement quasi similaire, mais intégrant deux nouvelles chambres pour d’éventuels enfants. Ainsi la famille peut s’agrandir sans avoir à quitter ce lieu objectivement idéal, comme démontré plus haut.

Enfin, cette image du paradis renvoie à une représentation embryonnaire de l’arbre de vie kabbalistique, schéma de la conscience (voir fig 3, le jardin d’Eden).Il s’agit d’un état primitif de conscience, avant la chute (fig 4). En accédant à la connaissance, l’Homme se voit chassé du paradis et d’un point de vue Kabbalistique, 3 accède à un niveau supérieur de conscience qui est la conscience de lui même. L’ensemble urbain qui suivrait un développement conforme à celui de l’arbre cabalistique, serait le moyen, par le biais du symbole, d’éloigner cet archétype et de prévenir la psychose.


1. in Jung, Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol.9, 1ère partie, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1968, 451 p. (p. 3-41), (§1-86), & Jung, LES RACINES DE LA CONSCIENCE, Buchet Chastel, Paris 1971, (p.11-59

2. De retour à Genève, ou je réalise cette analyse, l’ascétisme protestant où toute représentation symbolique est (inconsciemment ?) bannie se ressent fortement. En art, le minimalisme a toujours le vent en poupe, et le fameux « what you see is what you see » de Frank Stella fait toujours école, la symbolique étant alors reléguée au second plan. Pourtant, elle ne sera pas évacuée totalement, la pièce « Die » de Tony

Dream Dwelling


Smith en est un exemple flagrant : mesurant 1,83m, elle fait référence, par son absence, à l’humain. Elle ne garde de lui qu’une mesure moyenne, le réduisant à un chiffre et à une présence en creux. A ce sujet, voir l’ouvrage de George Didi Huberman, Ce que nous voyons, ce qui nous regarde.

3. In Colin Low, A Depth of Beginning, Notes on Kabbalah, © Colin Low 2001


Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling


A. Module d’habitation


B. Extension du module d’habitation

Dream Dwelling


A’. Plan du module d’habitation


B’. Plan de l’extension du module d’habitation

Dream Dwelling


Fig 1: Premier principe de conscience

First principle


Fig 1’ : Probosition d’urbanisme, premier stade

Dream Dwelling


Fig 2: La dualité primordiale

First principle of consciousness

Capacity to take form Raw energy


Fig 2 ‘ : Probosition d’urbanisme, deuxième stade

Dream Dwelling


Fig 3: Le jardin d’Eden

First principle of consciousness

Capacity to take form Raw energy

MatterThe world


Fig 3 ‘ : Probosition d’urbanisme, troisème stade

Dream Dwelling


Fig 4: La chute

First principle of consciousness

Capacity to take form Raw energy

MatterThe world

Consciousness of


Consciousnessof form

Consciousness of energy

Consciousness of the world


Fig 4 ‘ : Probosition d’urbanisme, quatrième stade

Dream Dwelling


First principle of consciousness

Capacity to take form Raw energy

MatterThe world

Consciousness of


Consciousnessof form

Consciousness of energy

Consciousness of the world

Fig 5: L’arbre

Destruction of form

Creation of form


Fig 5‘ : Probosition d’urbanisme, cinquième stade

Dream Dwelling



IV Appendix: Interviews

Dream Dwelling



Let’s do it step by stepMay be we can start with the foundations:This is a building were the door is up.There are some dots to make it more lively.I live upstairs and B downstairs.It’s a big tree !Let’s put a bike and a dog.We shall put a restaurant near this so we can go to eat.There is also a place to do sport, on the roof.We shall make a butterfly.We have made a butterfly together witch was actually a flying penis. It had some words inside the wings. He was ejaculating, but I don’t remember why.

Mathieu and Roméo

Dream Dwelling


(decided to do their house separately)Denise : This house is based on a house I use to live in but slightly different. A new part is added.I live now in front of the ocean but it is little and this house has a big bow win-dow with a great view on the ocean. This house would be on Mackinac island (turtle in native American).And I have an airplane that can land on the backyard so I can go to Chicago.

Deborah : I would like a small home, a “center home “ which has a locations in other parts of the world. When I am tired of working in one location, I go some-where else. Right now, I am feeling no-madic.I would sell my house now and find this base house.

Denise and Deborah


Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



My house should be in the nature. Open terrace surrounded by trees. A house between two trees. There is a roof terrace. There should be an open backyard with a shower. Quite open inside.One room, a big room. Some flexible pos-sibilities to open and close walls.A big modular space. Everything can move.I am living in an old house (I live in Berlin). I have this need to travel. Not to settle down, but despite this, that is what I am going to do ! So I am a bit afraid that my new house would make travelling more difficult. This is why my dream house is completely modular.

Modular Space

Dream Dwelling


Next to the kitchen, oppened on one side, there is a place to eat with a fine place and some niches for seating and low sofas.You enter this area indirectly o you don’t have a view on the sea until you enter the living room from were you just see a part of the sea.And then there is verandas with columns were you can see the panorama.The roof of veranda is very low.The veranda goes over the whole length of the house.On the opposite side of the kitchen there is a small shower rand toilets. There are the only sanitory.On the right side of the living room there are two small sleeping areas with big windows on the sea. They are facing north. The bedroom has large windows facing a courtyard open to the sky.When you lie on your bed you have your house on the horizon.

Wilfried Wang

Summer house on the beach with some dunes.Beach that is facing west so you see the sunset.Some house in a 200 meter distance and you need to walk to it.You don’t see the house at first and you ap-proach the home from slightly below.You come in a small vestibule. There is a door. The vestibule has some place to leave some clothes. There is a view on the small kitchen.


Dream Dwelling



Je veux une très grande maison au milieu d’une grande forêt avec de grands arbres, des fruits, des légumes, des potagers.Il s’agit de plein de petites maisons en bois rustique, simples, réduites au strict néces-saire.Il y a une immense maison au milieu de toutes les maisons où tout le monde pour-rait se réunir, faire des concerts, des specta-cles. Ma maison centrale est plus moderne, sur plusieurs étages.Il y a un lac pour se baigner dans le do-maine, des abeilles.L’idée est d’être autonome, de cultiver des produits locaux.

Anna Sciarrino

Je veux une très grande maison au milieu d’une grande forêt avec de grands arbres, des fruits, des légumes, des potagers.Il s’agit de plein de petites maisons en bois rustique, simples, réduites au strict néces-saire.Il y a une immense maison au milieu de toutes les maisons où tout le monde pour-rait se réunir, faire des concerts, des specta-cles. Ma maison centrale est plus moderne, sur plusieurs étages.Il y a un lac pour se baigner dans le do-maine, des abeilles.L’idée est d’être autonome, de cultiver des produits locaux.Chacun construit sa maison comme il le veut.

Dream Dwelling



The house is on the mountains with two floors, huge stairs going up. You can go to the sky with the stairs.There is a big kitchen in the middle.No walls.There are wide platform up and you can slide down to different countries.There is a pool in the sky with a pipe lead-ing to different islands and oceans.There is a flying bed made out of banana leaves.Down there is a tree with a platform on it were you can relax.There is a big dog and a big sofa, a fire place were you can also make pizzas.There is a flying horse.The painting studio is in the sky, just before the intersection of path leading to France and Korea.

House on the mountain

Dream Dwelling


1 : near the ocean but not in an abandoned place2,3,4,5,6 : places I always like to return.2 : New York : for the atmosphere of the city, how people live there3 : Toronto : a city more related to people. It is a perfect place if you want a relaxing city.4 : Venice : related to food, friends, and atmosphereWere would people work ? It would be work were everyone take care of each other…People shouldn’t have big expectations with life. Utopists and idealists are not al-lowed to finish their ideas. They often live for them.Slavoj zizek : The perverts guide do cin-ema

Unfinished Utopia

I am coming from the sea ! I have a strong relation to the sea. I am living in Berlin but I miss the sea.I would love open library in Berlin!, opened 24h/24h, 7j/7jEmpathy school were you can learn and teach empathy.I could build a cityA city without cars.There shouldn’t be private houses. Every-one should have their own house, but ev-eryone is part of this association. It should create an open society.Building should have some aesthetics! I think Le Corbusier’s buildings are ugly. I like decoration, English houses with little windows. They are very cosy.It shouldn’t be all the same ; When I was a child I wanted someone to invent a pen that write on it’s own. You don’t like when things gets out of control. There is no rules.I am interpreting.I need some space.I would like to be sedentary and nomadic at the same time.


Dream Dwelling


One big room with cabins were you can eat (?) and sleep.I like these American films when it is snowy and the inside is so warm. Kristina : I won’t be living in the south either. I need different seasons.Helga : The image I have in my head is a house on the rocky mountains, a rich house. This is a thriller.Kristina : It is not important what is inside. It is important who is inside. My house will be on an island, not a tropical island. It has to be cold sometimes.

Kristina & Helga

Kristina : daughterHelga : MotherWe have very different dream house !Kristina : I want my house to be by the ocean with a lot of windows, not very full of things. It must have very big kitchen.Helga : I would like to have a wooden house.Kristina : I would like some wood.Helga : Like in western films, big table. Outside it is cold and snowy. It is near a forest. It has small windows. It is near a creek with salmons in.Kristina : I want to feel my house is cold but I want everything to work. I want a big fireplace with a big couch were you can rest after having walked on the beach.Helga : Good food on the table. A big veranda. It has to be cosy.Kristina : I want a big garden outside.Helga : I need a place were you can seat by the window and look at the snow and the rain.


Dream Dwelling


Terrasse. Cuisine à l’angle. Au milieu de la cuisine bloc pour travailler. La maison se compose de formes répétées, imbriquées les unes aux autres.(L’entretien se déroule calmement.)(Les deux femmes d’une soixantaine d’année parlent allemand ; Je ne com-prends donc pas ce qu’elles disent.)Deux maisons en une. Tout est en double (deux salons : un pour chacune). Mais une salle commune : la cuisine au milieu de la maison. La cuisine est le lien social ! Il y aurait une chambre d’amis, mais où ? Le plan est déjà complet. La maison doit rester sur un étage. Finalement il y aura une chambre d’amis au deuxième étage.Au 2eme étage, 2 chambres d’amis et la moitié est laissée comme une grande ter-rasse. Ou ? Au sud, où il y a du soleil.Chambre d’amisterrasse

Cette cuisine est probablement l’élément le plus intéressant.

Kitchen house


Connie : I need a lot of flowers and trees. I need some clouds !Verena : big trees with three hamacs an different floors. Singing birds, singing loud !Connie : animals but no barking dogs.Verena : a pool with a frog and waterflow-ers. There is the prince. Points (see draw-ing) symbolize the energy of transforma-tion of the kiss !Big house with a balcony upstairs.It is in Venice, near the Canale grande and there is a gondola. Big windows and table with a lot of bottles to have parties at the sunset.There is also a big roof terrace with some chairs and a barbecue with a big Frigidaire so we can eat.We need a space for our guests !Connie : Houseboats, lets mix Amsterdam and Berlin.

Connie, Verena, Anna

Dream Dwelling



The house goes down the earth with a round cave and curved ceiling.Down there is a room for some quiet ac-tivities like reading and painting.There is a big room full of light and a round room on the top were there is a sleeping room.Ground sit on the floor in the living room.“Holy room”, pantheon on the top. The round shape might be a reference to antiq-uity architecture.

Rüdiger Steiner

Dream Dwelling



Myriam : I was thinking of a landscape. I do it on a cubic way. I could rise and go down.It is an endless ongoing landscape of cubes.What is special is that it can grow in all direction infinitly.

How to connect these now ?There is endless and motion things.Tatiana : you just recreate sensations. It can also change the state of matter. You can recreate a badly sensation in a mental way.Sam puts is egg on Myriam’s software.Jaro is adding his house. We also need a café.Tatiana : people are doing some digital yoga.

Tatiana, Jaro, Sam, William

May be we all start individually and then we put the ideas together.Tatiana : I thought of an atome. You are inside and it function as it doesn’t need gravity.You would gain a complexity of sensations of different layers. You choose your sensa-tion when you are in the place.It is a inner or an outer space that you can control.It is not visible. It can be a software.Jaro : My dream dwelling is called “atomic cell café”. It was inspired by the discovery of the smallest partical of matter. There is a central partical on which cells are connect-ed. The center is the café with a half moon pool. Around trees will grow up, but also buildings. It is a kind of a loose structure, a spiral. It could have many functions. The cubes around the core are connected and they can grow. The height of the tree limits the height of the dwelling.

Sam : My dwelling is a big floating egg. I think it is the perfect form (Tatiane : it reminds me of a womb). It is on the rock.Beneath the egg is the pool. I also started visualizing an interior.

Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



There is a spiral bed. Half of it is closed but there is an open side opening to na-ture. It is like a cocoon.There is a winter kitchen and a summer kitchen were you can cook outside.There is a terrace. You can pull the winter kitchen furniture outside. It is on wheels.There is a shower outside. There is also an inside / outside shower. I want to have neighbours. I don’t want to live alone.On the roof : inside / outside working place. (Philip Rahm: Physiological architecture).It could also be on a sky scraper. It should move !You can buy it for not so much money and built it for not much. It could be an “open source design”.

Ute Ziegler

Dream Dwelling


Lots of space with a big garden. Lot of trees and a swimming pool.A lot of light and big windows. A lot of white walls were I can put some paintings. Not far away from town, in the suburb.There is also a little lake. A garden with vegetables.Place enough for every body + big main place, a lot of chairs and big table.In the garden there should be some space to remain quiet.There is also some modern furniture and Italian, and a lot of art.A lot of European artists, Sculptures, Maurizio Cattelan, Schnabel (?) Demetz-frau (?), a big Vazarely in the living room. Metzger, Video art (?), Bill Viola, Pipiloti RistA lot of stones and natural materials, stone and wooden floors. A sauna.

Gallery house


We need a spacial structure. There is a futuristic shape !I would like a house with animals in the house.Jacob is the architect, Sophie the interior designer.Sophie : I would like to have some rabbits, squirrels and a shelter. Jacob : There is a balcony.Sophie : And a water fall please ! I do not totally agree with your house. We should make it 3D (Sophie makes a model by crossing two sheets of papers and then continues to draw and cut animals into paper. Jacobs continues the paper model).Sophie : I am the one who makes the dream and he is the one who realize them.Sophie is making a 3D tree with paper and glue.The tree is becoming the main thing. The important thing is that it is 6:7 meter high above the ground with animals.We are inside the tree.Jacob is living in a farm in Holland with a lot of tree. Sophie is living in Rotterdam.

Connie, Verena, Anna

Dream Dwelling


New-York Roof Top!Holyday house there.Overlooking central park.Glass Wallsto let in a lot of light. Pool. Garden + outdoor living area.Sleepery dip to the building down, and the to central park. Also an helicopter pad.Grand piano : music room. Projection room and gallery space. Gallery on top of the helicopter pad.Elevator with just one floor going straight to the top.I want to be were art happens… Now it’s Berlin and New York. Paris is over now !



Small old house.Take the structure of the house and build a glass cube that expend the old house.Tiny window.Into the woods.Dancing into the roof.The ceiling is not closed. Keeping the style of the window and make them bigger ? windows put light in the whole house.No room is closed.Musician room into the glass cube.Photovoltaïc plates upstairs. River through the house. There is Plexiglas on the floor so you can see the water above you.Tree inside the house making a connection between different floors. Ground level with wine cave.Terrace on a glass cube.;rMaterial : old façade, glass cube, Plexiglas for ground floor, wooden terrace on the glass cube.Office space in one white cube : windows that can become dark by pressing a button.

Modern Classical

Dream Dwelling



I am a therapist interested with behavior. I have been in Jerusalem and I became interested in positive psychology. There is not so much place and I have to choose what is necessary, because in Denmark I was in a small building in which light comes from everywhere;The light is very important. The terrace is in wood and the caravan moves to follow the light.I have neighbors which I like, but some are very loud…Special feeling of space to go on the ter-race by your home. It’s open! In Germany we like to close our doors. The terrace is maybe a social element. It’s function is open. I’d like to make more contacts with my neighbors.The terrace offers the possibility to invite. It is not a boarder.I must deal with my neighbors… I am angry with one… But I gave him straw-berries.The neighbors are going in my own space. They threw my things away but didn’t destroyed them. I want be something with my anger. I become violent and I want to hurt him. This is a big struggle.


I bought a caravan some years ago. I have every thing I need, including shower etc.It has a lot of windows and light and I am in nature when I am in it. I would like to have a place...Last year I was with my girlfriend in Den-mark in a big simple house. I enjoyed the veranda, open and at the edges small walls. You can sit where ever you want. House with a veranda witch can be round. It’s not a mobile home, it’s a caravane without motor, house and car separated.The veranda must be in a good wood (driftwood?) so the weather won’t hurt it.I have a house with a lot of space.

Dream Dwelling


Not necessary spectacular. It should be in the mountains with a lot of trees around. The landscape is important for me.It is near the river. I do not care if there is too much company coming to my dream house. It should be on the hill side. It should be minimalist with plan walls. Just the roof will not be planKitchen is important for me. It is a social element. The kitchen and the living room are all together. I would like to be able to invite friends and have dinner party together.The other rooms are dug into the moun-tains, like tunnels. There is an other part of the house connected to the tunnels and it leads to a garden.This part has a library and an entertain-ment room, a work space.There is a cultivated garden with vegeta-bles, flowers, tomatoes. A place with no winter and a lot of light.

Benjamin Rowles ( 19)


Garden overlooking the seaside => Scot-land ?Garden and kitchen togetherWood => wooden terrace.Open kitchen to the gardenBig rooms with flat windowsPut walls in and out.Japanese style of houseSleep away from the noise.


Seaside house (21)

Dream Dwelling



Floating house on air. Simple on the out-side but a lot of things going on inside.Modernist and geometric architecture.No furniture. White and off / white.Modernist main building connected to a swimming pool with fountains in it. (de-sire of isolation and calm).The house can move around. The sun comes from the window on the roof.A am studying design, but I am more interested by fine art.Tree in the center of the room which looks like a white cube.fTable without any legs;Bed in the wall folding on. (Small space : big space is not necessary).(drawing are from the patient)+ a room for films. Spherical room. Only one very comfortable seat.

Floating House

Dream Dwelling


Jesse Vissees & Etty Kastein


Some showers, moving bridges. A small cinema with a net between the trees.There is a tree were you can walk down.There is also a reading tree, with shelves cut up into the tree.Toilets are inside of one tree. It is filled with magazines.The mail box is in the toilet tree so you can check you mails in the toilets.There is a pizza hoven with a pizza eleva-tor. I am thinking of a fireplace.

We have a nest bed and white walls. This is a tree house in the jungle near the beach. There is a slide down. You can climb with stairs. Small part of the house into the tree.There is also a plan floor between the trees : a platform with vegetables on it. There is also a dance floor on one of these plat-forms.Nets which are separated but you can also climb on them.We live in the nest by they are also hamacs, bubble bath.

Dream Dwelling



Trampoline on the roof. Swimming pool in the garden so you can jump from the roof to the pool and pool on the roof + pool in the garden. Warm place.All the pets.Bathroom in the upper level.(Place for guests – two houses connected. You can jump from one house to the other).Place for food.Cook.“Do I want a real house?”Two houses in one.Floor made of glass inside so you can see the fish.“I don’t want to live with you !”.Separated house

Trampoline house

Near city but not so near. I can go into the city whenever I want to.Calm space. Quiet.A house, not an apartment.Garden. Big garden.Enough place for children.Big rooms.

Dream Dwelling


Three floors. The first to draw the ground structure of the house.He is drawing a very precise plan with all measures.“We have a big living room here”.The house is very accurate; the plan can be the beginning of a real architecture plan. “There is a room for eating with a big table witch can host 10 persons.”He is thinking about the furniture etc…“ This is like an extension of what I have. I think of my apartment and what I could improve.I have the exact vision of the sleeping room.I want to let it blurry for right now.”



I have a house I have always dreamed about. This is not your house it’s mine ! There is a round terrace and a lake I said it could be a starting point.(Finally the man likes it. ) There are rocks and a tennis court.There is a big garage and a swimming pool.It surprise me that I have other rooms. I always discover other rooms.Him : I would like to be near a lake, not the ocean. Good technical supplies, really good fridge, a good TV. I want an amazing sound system.Furniture : it is better to let it grow. You can’t do an interior design from scratch. If I would design a house, technology will be hidden. I would customize them.Her : it is also a matter of aesthetic. Part of do it yourself.

Florian & Carmen

Dream Dwelling



There is a lake with trees. There is a pier going on the lake. I am thinking of a doc-umentary on Arthur miller who lived in that kind of place. There are some moun-tains around where you can ride bicycle.It’s funny, I am thinking of someone else’s house ! The house is a bit like a roman villa in a U shape. It has only one floor. There is a lot of openings to the outside. It is not exactly like his house. I take this idea of the roman villas archetype.There is a big library.There is a study at the end.The library is shared with every body.Modern roman.The pier comes into the pool.This is an infinity pool. You don’t see the borders.You can swim into it in summer.

U shaped house

Dream Dwelling



B : The TV room is on the second floor.A need my cave ! with a pool, flippers, beer. There are secret stairs into the music studio leading to the men cave. It is a cave where only mens can go. Men cave! Men cave! A : What are we doing with all this space ? B: well, we never know how many kids we gonna get !We will also have a sauna and a gym room.B : Can you draw me a men cave ?

The Men cave

A coupleI would like a map of our dream house.A : draws.A: I’d like a big kitchenB: I’d like a shower outside. Big table for lots of people, big windows.The house is open everywhere, surrounded by windows.A big couch.B : I want a TV roomA : No !B : it is also my house, I want a TV !A : We have a conversation / quiet room.I have my (art) studio which is far from your music studio.Curtain in the living room !What if we have kids ?We need an entrance also !

Dream Dwelling


Lydia : studying to be therapistSabinaSabina : I would like to have a house by a lake.We are more thinking about the landscape.Maybe we can make something like this installation with music.

Lydia : Musical trees ! We should have an eco-house, or a echo-house ?Sabrina : Behind the house is German bakeryLydia : We can also have a barSabrina : my dream is to open a German bakery somewhere in the Scottish islands.There is a mixture of what we have been talking of the last few days and what we have seen.We haven’t seen each other for a long time and it is nice to see each other. Even yes-terday we have been thinking of a dream house.

Lydia & Sabina


Old LadyI am living in Munich, I like it, but I also like quietude.I think I need both.At the moment I live in an old house which is near the city center but it is too small for me.I am drawing my actual place. I have first floor. It is near the “S” banhof.The dream is to make it bigger.My strategy is to throw away things I don”t need anymore.I am interested in different things. I am a painter.I have lots of plants. I have to choose what I have to throw away and this is very dif-ficult for me.It is good to live with neighbors if I need someone to look after my plants, my neighbors can do it and vice and versa.All the people can go in the garden and meet each other.

Old lady’s house

Dream Dwelling



Mother and daughterDaughter : I want to do it separatelyMother : round terrace with rocking chairs (very important) !)Tent and umbrella on the table !Big monastery table.First floor with very big rooms, big win-dows. Balcony around the building.Open bathroom in the bedroom.

Daughter : mine is just a big swimming pool. Just one floor.8 windows, stairs, waterbed.You can shower, cook, eat inside the pool.

(very radical idea. Life in water, back to the origins)

Mother & Daughter

Dream Dwelling



Tobias, Simone, Gaetano

Tobias : I want a poolSimone : I want a base, a first floor with arcs.Gaetano : I’d like to have big stairs.Tobias : I want very high tower with a glass room on top.Simone : I want a platform with a lot of trees so I can sit and nobody can see me.Gaetano : I would like to have a big library under the platformSimone : you are destrying my building !Gaetano : no I try to interpretTobias : I want a big kitchen for cooking and big table, lots of friends.Simone : I would like to have a bed on top of the tree and beside a shower. And a bridge. Maybe a bridge with Tobias ?(she look s at him and change her mind). No.Gaetano : I want an atelier on the second floor near the tower.Tobias :I want two doors, one says meet, the other says separate. (see drawing)Simone : I want a roof made with blue clouds.

Gaetano : (pretending to be irritated) Am I the only person thinking about rooms ? I want a fireplace.Tobias : Tube bringing books to the living room, near the fireplace.Gaetano : and we can drop the shitty books directly into the fireplace !Simone : I want a cook making pancakes.Gaetano : I would like a dog.Tobias : at the end of your stairs there is a gate bringing you to all the place we want to be.Yes a teleport gate.Simone : I want the boys to have hair. (Gaetano shouts : That’s enough !).Simone :The boy is transformed into a cow because I don’t like boys !Gaetano : Do you want to fight ? I don’t like trees !I want a punching bag up my atelier and a pipe to go down like firemen.Tobias : we have a cinema with projection on the clouds and the seats are floating.

Dream Dwelling



Let’s start all together.It is a tree going out of water. On one branch there is a sun-umbrella, seats. There is a part of the tree that you can take to make more shade.On the other branch there is a kitchen.Football Table and a fridge with beers.Some windows around the tree and a fish-ing place with also a surfing board.If you want to be alone you can climb up to a little seat.

Go down with a fire ramp

Near the football table we have a disco were we can dance, make parties.

How do the guests come ? We fish guest !

Tree house on water

Dream Dwelling



I would like to be on a spacelab  It looks like an actual spacelab. It cannot look like a castle.A don’t want my house to look like a spe-cific island.I am living near my partner in this space shuttle. She just died half a year ago.I would be interested in the possibility of understanding the world a bit more.I am not young anymore. I want to un-derstand the dynamic of art in the 21th century. I want to understand the dynamic of the moving image.I grew up in a place with the TV and then I moved to a country with no TV and I could not explain what is TV.So I would like to live 150 years to see what the world will look like then.I have been working on the question of gravity. I am a dancer and choregrapher, but now I mainly write books. If there is an evolution (… ?)The emotional side of architecture (...)Gravity – SysipheIf you are in gravity nothings fitsEvolution means nothings fits.In space no left, right, up and downWere do I get identity from ?

Gravity is the glue of our world.

Charles Keltenbacher

Dream Dwelling



We have a dog, a horse, a jellyfish, a don-key, chickenA : I’d like to have a big fire placeB : yes, it would be the central social ele-ment of the building

A And a big kitchenB : and also a place to work, dance, and a big gong.A : I would like to have a stair case.B : we would have a treehouse in the gar-den. There has to be water somewhere, like a lake or a river. A clear river.A : I would like to have a lot of flowersB : pots, fresh vegetables. We should have a farm.A : I would like the kitchen to be big and bright. Red bricks ?B : We should have a whole artist commu-nity working together.A : we should have a big (?) to seat on.B : and a tree into the houseWe also need a pianoBig bookshelf going through different floors.

Separated house

A : we could be together but separatedB : Separated bedroomA I’d like it to be very light full. In the country but near the city. Close to Rome ?I’d like to have a big bathtubB ; lot of wood, outdoor space. The house must not be symmetrical with little shelter where you can hide, read a bookA : what about the materials ?B : we see the structure of the house, the materials are raw.

Dream Dwelling



A was always astonished by the fact that-my dreams always deals with architecture.

The house is in the trees.House from my childhood, but growing.I would like to discover the structure of the house in my dreams. I think buildings are very important for me (I’d like to make free association).All my dreams are dealing with buildings. Monsters, people are coming in my house, in my school.If something scares me, I come out of the bad situation by opening doors, discover-ing new parts. The building grows.Not all my dreams are bad dreams. If you are flying in your dream you are really happy.Once you are flying in a room, in an open room.I have always rooms in my dreams.

Sabine Idstein

Once I was dreaming I was in the desert with no one. I saw my mother saying :”fol-low me, I will show you something your father did. She opens a heavy metal door.

We were climbing downstairs and I real-ized that I was in an industrial fabric, looking like a Giger painting. I was aston-ished. Then my mother opened a door and I saw this very huge metal structure, I had had a very intense feeling of pride for my father who did this. I felt he was a super-man.

Dream Dwelling



C :It has big windows so you can book out-side very far away.I’d like to live with nature and see the nature.It needs a room with light from above and all sides. A working table

One of the three lady’s friend is absent , as she is here as a spirit, they would like to translate her will: She would like a place to put a lot of things on the walls. She needs a way to meet all the rest (?).She would like to be on one floor with a garden with trees, a place for friends and family (?)People would come to see us from Vladi-vostok and Mongolia.

C : I would like a cook, international simple cook.And I need time to work with the sculp-ture.

We have to think of a basic structure, a common hall on which we can add some more rooms. Grass on the roof. It has to fit with its environment.

Three Ladies

3 ladies around 60

A :My house would be high on the moun-tains with a lot of glass – trees but not so many. Just for the shade and with mild climate. Like south part of north.Part of the house will be a good place to meditate (zendo) It is good for creativity.B :I’d like to see from this house the weather, the moonlight, the sun, blue water.It also has to be a place of creativity. Stone, wood to carve. It has to be a place to meet people => public function. It can be all season to live there. No big trees.

Dream Dwelling



Yael Amit & Efrat Gal

A : We can do a fountain outside where we can have bath and also a huge garden.B : I’ll do the gardening. Don’t worry !A : It will be on the country side.B : I want a house made of stones.A : Not too big. Just like a villa.B : the common space is the most impor-tant. The life of the house is around the fire place. And we can smoke inside. The walls can be very thick so we can seat on the shelf near the windows.

It’s a cliché ! (why not?) B : we need a dog of course.A : At least one.B : the kitchen is part of the living room.Porch in the yard like in American movies with a rocking chair.We need a big studio, big enough so we can share it.

What about the bedrooms ?Small, not too small. Big windows, big closet, big bed.The studio is also a working room It has sofa for studio visit. It has a coffee ma-chine, big library in the living room and big art library with a ladder in the studio (studio is separated).For sometime we have a pool outside made of stone.We also need a guest room. I can grow vegetables in the yard. Free chickens.Wood kitchen with big windows.Art works on the walls from our friends.Studio is an open space. It will be in Holland.May be we can close the pool in the winter and heat it.

Dream Dwelling



Roof with solar energy.I want a sauna and a pool. Several rooms, kitchen, my piano.In the ceiling there is a drama stage. My friends can come and perform.We could make cool programs etc !I have pets in my garden. Maybe a horse. Different animals. There is a lake outside.It is not far away from a big city. I have got lots of books in my house. I have friends who will visit me because they like my house. All the room are in differ-ent colors. There is a big phone cabin like in London.There is also a balcony.You can go down the yard by a waterslide.

Anne Rieckhof

My dream house is a big house. More like a round house. Not so edgy.It has at least 2 floors and a small one in the ceiling.The color is like creamy white and the windows are red. There is a tree in the house.

Dream Dwelling



Pedro Reyes

My dream house would have a house and a studio divided by a garden.In the hous, the main space is the library. I want a huge library to have all my books in the same roomI want a ball room to have parties, seated dinners of 16 people and 20 people danc-ing in the same room.And then my wife wants many bathrooms. We are always fighting with bathrooms.We need two different bedrooms for the kids who will be separated.I want a bedroom with a terrace and a bed on wheels so I can move it to the sun.On the terrace I want to see a tree and I don’t want to worry about the neighbors.I want my studio to be like a big ware-house. Big industrial space with a place which can be dirty and a place which can be clean.I need something more exotic !There is a room with a big mirror you can spy the people from other rooms with.Two guest rooms. One guest room can look on the other.I would like to have like a spiral staircase that leads to a special room which may be another sector of the library which is more intimate.It is a nice place to sleep with windows around with different views.What would be interesting is to have a very tall tower with many rooms (2/2m or 3/3).In all rooms different activities. It is like a pagode.You have 12 stories.One is the music room, another is a col-lection of mineral or a sandbox, another one will be a room with distorted mirror, another one would be a room of smells, another one would be…

There are also different activities. ⁃ music ⁃ smells ⁃ costume ⁃ distortion mirrors ⁃ drinks & teasEvery time you change floor you have this kind of ramps (see drawing).Pyramid ? Inverted pyramid, on the top isthe library.Different inverted pyramids with commu-nication between them.Well wait..Ii don’t really picture my dream house as a millionaire house.May be let’s be more simple.On one side there is a shelter for indig-enous artists then studio, garden, house. There is a shop, a workshop first floor. On top of this is my studio and on top will be a residency. Then we have a garden and then a house.I want to accommodate too many things at once ! Is it good to have the workshop and the shop of my wife together ?Maybe there has to be a third space. I am hesitating between building a house for my family, making a spacial statement, or insist on the social aspect.This is like a little Bauhaus with different activities. My problem is that I have to negotiate between this social / communist project and the house which is a bit Ameri-can like.The reason why I want to have studio and house at the same place is the library. So maybe the place in between will be the library. Atelier and house are connected to the library.I want a house with certain space which are double height.Two little houses for the kids on the roof, in the middle of a roof garden and separate bathrooms.

Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



The energy must be produced by solar panels. The house is near a little river and you can listen to the water.B: I’d like to have a house near the beach. I want to listen all the time to the sea. This can give you energy. The house is made of wood with a lot of windows. I want to see the sun going down.A: I’d like to have some chicken who live in the trees.B: I want to have a horse so I can do long walks on the beach with the horse. IA : It’s important to get the energy from the nature. It is how we are a human being. It is important to combine with all these elements.Kassel is not far from the nature, a bit provincial.

Big mamma house

A : I’d like to have a house on a big tree, a oak. It appears like a big mamma, with a lot of energy.It’s like an atelier, very lightfull with wood floor.There is a slide to go down. There is a ladder to go up and down.

Dream Dwelling



My dream house is round with many light. It turns with the sun.Room for sleeping, working, eating. Four persons can fit on one floor.When I was twelve, I build one in paper. When I was a child there was no solar en-ergy collector but now it should work with the energy of the sun.It would be in nature, not in the city. A small village.It can move everywhere by ship or plane, USA, Denmark, Germany.I like colors. I have learned decoration.A wall is an object. It can be yellow, green.

Turning house

Dream Dwelling



Two shepherds and a shepherd’s dog.I want a pool, a natural pool.The garden house to meet friends.Female Shepard.We are living in a house near Hamburg.Our dream is the exchange between city house and country house.But it would be great to combine them.It’s my dream to have more holidays!We want to live apart together, two kitch-ens, two living rooms. Living rooms are working rooms.We read together, watch television to-gether.I will be cooking and will invite you.We have the same dream !We are a very independent couple.

Double house (43)

We want a real house with a garden and big tree.The sun has to shine but we need also clouds, summer clouds.I want a oak – Canadian oak ? There must be flowers, meadows, sheeps and dogs.

Dream Dwelling


My own bathroom that I don’t have to share.I have a collection of porcelain, lots of musical instruments, my sax, guitar, drum set. I want a music studio ! A TV.Art ? A love paintings / photography.I would like a Chardin painting. Jean Arp sculptures, photo.Not much artwork. Just a few, and flowers in the house.My garden would also have gardeners.I will have a cat.I’ll live here with my mother, my husband, my cats, my eventual children?There will be guest room that people can visit.Bright colors, white walls, turquoise win-dows frame. Turquoise blue ceiling in the porch.A want a warm house, very easy to control the climate despite all the glass walls.

Chardin’s house

I wanted to have a house by the ocean when I was a little girl. A want a house by the sea, with a lot of glass, a lot of light, sunshine.I want a house to be tidy so I want a lot of closets. I want a garden with a lot of flowers, roses, hibiscus, a fruit tree, orange tree ?A don’t care about the kitchen because I don’t cook, but a big living room, a porch to sit outside.


It is a rotating glass door. There is a cellar with good wine in it.Reminds me of Neue Gallery in Berlin by Mies Van der RoheThere are walls in precious marble. It is a dark floor made of sheepskin.There is a semi open roof.There are lot of pies and lambs. Lambs are walking aroud in the garden.But it is materialistic !A : What is excluded in the house ? Be-cause this this is a therapy, right ?There is no book ! This is old fashioned.B : and I don’t want computers, iphones, ipods.Choice of closing: closing curtains or opening the curtains in the evening.The house feels different when the curtains are closed, it is completely ours.

Johannes B. & Arianne Von Shaueren

A : It’s a glass house. There is a whole tradition of glass houses. It can be closed by a curtain.B : Dark red trees in the gardenIt is standing in a wide green meadow. There are a lot of animals.Apple horses with big round bellies.B : There is a door in the house and if you enter the door, you can enter any place in the world.A : not in my house ! (after a little quarrel, A accept it. )

Dream Dwelling



Connected House

Interviewed persons doesn’t know each otherA : I have a very precise vision of my ideal house.Do you have one so we can integrate ?B : I have some houses I would not like to live in.A : I use to be interested in architecture. I like simplicity, big rooms where you have large space, but also small rooms. Big rooms with curtains to separate, small con-nections between rooms.It do not work in Europe because it is cold in winter.It is on one floor.It is evolutive if you want one more room, you will built it.B : I like the structure, the idea of connec-tion but what I don’t like is that it needs huge space for many people. So I want a house which uses space well. So I would like some second level with some rooms.I appreciate trees and tree houses.An oak would be a suitable tree, this is the kind of tree Beuys planted in documenta isn’t-it? A : We would make this house in the trees.B : Or make this house on the ground and trees around.Some rooms have big windows which can be open.Glass is bigger than walls.

Just for the view.A : It would be like a Japanese garden or Gareth moore’s paths.It can be free connection – separate small rooms and open garden.We could go down with a rope.

I would appreciate to have one specific idea of interior design in every room. You have to feel it is the same house but yet different. So the less is in there the better it is.A : A: I am very minimalistic, so the less is in there, the better it is.I am a bit messy. I build things by for my house from stuff I find in the streets. Now I made the process of getting rid of all these stuff. Every thing I use I put a sticker on it. And every thing I do not use in 3 month, I get rid of it.It is also good for creativity, to move fur-niture, change configuration.B: I think a would have to agree to it.We cannot stretch our home as much as we want. We have to limit what we use.A : A friend of mine has a production company. He has a huge room with just a computer. There should be nothing but the thing I am working on. I am messy so it is necessary for me.Living space is different.It is good to do nothing. Makes mind clear.

Dream Dwelling



Nice market place near. Cultural activities offers.Abstract art, picture with different mean-ings.Very limited furniture.The sea is to have a large view. The sea is like an abstract painting, changing all the time.There is a fireplace were you can sit and meditate.Fire is important in its social aspect.When I’m in holiday, I like to ear noise from the market place, even more if it is in a foreign language. You don’t understand but you feel the mood. This noisy atmosphere is good for inspira-tion .I would have a bicycle in front of the house.I want to have a theater stage to make performance with friends.

Turning house

My dream house is on sea side with mountains. It has a nice terrace. A kitchen outside, a hamac on the terrace.Big windows. Big tables for a lot of people.Big library.The first floor is a private area with a view to the seaside with desk and books.It has art on the walls.

Dream Dwelling



Caroline : my dream is whatever, just what happens. I can accept every kind of home. I am searching for something mostly ima-terial. This is my way to find freedom.Juan : I want a museum. This museum has no collection. Just many people comes here. There are many children in the mu-seum. This museum is in a beautiful forest. Museum for fun.Maggie : My dream is that I want to see fantastic things every days. A want to find something special in my life.Yan Yan : my dream is to have no building, to go back to an harmony with nature.Yu Jie : I dream of a circle, an area were people would live. There are different kind of buildings. It can move every day in any direction. The city can move and the nature stay. This is the idea.

Group from China

Dream Dwelling



Dream Dwelling



Glass windows, many light.I want a Sauna. I’d like to be independant in energy. Energy is produced by the house itself. We have to be aware of ressource management.Sport area where you can produce energy. For the TV, if you want to look at it you have the bicycle to produce energy.We probably produce our own music. We have our own theater.People coming from all over the world, artists, philosophers, people with special behaviors.Children who do not behave in normal ways, like artists.B : prefers some nice kids, social interac-tive children.A: I had contact with someone with special behavior. I think connection with thinkers and people with special behavior is important. They have to be aware of diversity of lives.And people with special behaviors have to be part of the society.

Bycicle Energy

A : what I need is nature, wood and nature.B : A need also much books. Many books.A : Fresh air, birds, birds singings.Cooking space. Great space to be together and also personal rooms.Glass windows, many light.I want a Sauna. I’d like to be independant in energy. Energy is produced by the house itself. We have to be aware of ressource management. A : what I need is nature, wood and nature.B : A need also much books. Many books.A : Fresh air, birds, birds singings.Cooking space. Great space to be together and also personal rooms.

Dream Dwelling



Phalanstère (?)

J’aimerai avoir une tour avec un escalier en colimaçon et une salle très haute.J’aimerai pouvoir habiter avec beaucoup de gens, avoir plusieurs chambres.Je veux une maison très large avec pleins d’étages ; avec une salle de cinéma en haut, tout en rond; Tu ne peux rien mettre dedans. Il n’y a rien de logique !Il y a un sol molletonné, une fenêtre qui fait tout le tour.Je veux beaucoup de fenêtres. Des baies vitrées.Ou des fenêtre partout, sauf à l’espace cinéma – théâtre.De grands éviers pour laver tous les en-fants.Les chambres sont distribuées de part et d’autre de la salle commune.La lumière est importante !Cuisine américaine ouverte sur la salle commune.Une salle de bain de chaque coté. ⁃ Labo photo ⁃ piscines ⁃ Atelier ⁃ Terrasse avec ombre pour l’étéQuelle serait le nom de cette maison? Le phalanstère ? La maison de la tour ?Des grottes, passages secrets.Une grande bibliothèque et un musée.Dans la piscine il y a un yacht.Maison en vieille pierre.Piscine biologique dans le jardinOrganisation de la vie en autarcie.

Dream Dwelling


Jan Motyka & Johana Gauder

Is the color warm? I need water, lots of trees. The language spoken is important? -Not japanese!-Is it in europe? -Not too big? -It has to be fine. Big garden but a small house. -Come on small?!-Ok medium, but with a big basement. -Chickens for me so we have eggs in the morning. We have a wide open country side. We could take a booat to the city. Would you like to have a river? Big lake, a very calm lake without to many people. Just 15 minutes from the city. But you don’t see the city from the house, so the house is not destroying the countryside. -No pets? Maybe a dog? We would have two dogs. One is an afghan. She hates them. The afghan is just relaxed all the time. -How about the interior. One big room? Open toilets? -No! -One floor on the top, just the sleeping place. -Childs are on the basement.

-No they live outside in their own house. They should be very independent. We are working occasionaly, once a month in our home office. We are paid a bunch of money for it. -What about your family, are they living next to us? -No! What about you? -No also, but not to far. -One kilometer. -We have a huge cuisine, a big kitchen.-We need a lot of glass. This is a glass house. -And the weather is quite good all the time. -I need two months of very intense winter. -How is the house designed? -Wood. -Scandinavian?-Yes, but not too clean. -It need to be well done. -We can create the furniture inside that because we have plenty of time. One George Nelson couch also.-A lot of good friends are living around, and they are in the same situation as we are. -And also some people we can hate. Some anoying neighbors we can argue with. -I would like an outside shower. -And an outside toilet. Two outside toilets


with a wall between them. Then we canguess what we ate last night!-Come on!-Hey we are at a therapy, we can free our mind!- I would like to have a sailing boat on the lake. -We need to speak about the political situation. Do we live in a socialist place? Yes, it is socialism, but it is working. Everybody has the same house. Let’s call the state “looks and work”. -But the whole world should be like this? -Maybe there is a world state. -Maybe we are just selfish and we don’t care. -But we have a lot of money, it is not compatible with the socialist system. Ok, let’s delete the money. We have enough to enjoy ourself. I want a motorbike. An old school motorbike. It’s not electric. But I can ride it only ten times a year. Because gas is expensive. - It might get boring if everything is so easy. -We need a boat house if we could change location. We could put this house on a boat and move it anywere we want, because the river connects all the single river in the world. It’s like a big Amsterdam or

a big Hamburg. And we need to have a workshop were we can build our furniture. We also need a gallery which can sell the furniture, and the graphic design we make. We can go hunting, grow vegetables and nice pumpkins. - We need a tobaco plants, and some canabis. Lots of drugs. Maybe just wine and beers and canabis, otherwise the socialist system would fall down?

Dream Dwelling


Matisse House

-I would like to have a house by the sea, or near a lake.

-I would prefer near the sea. On a hill.

-I think it is important to have big windows-But not too big also, not to let people look into it. I would like a combination between wood and glass.-And old stones. I liked the aesthetic of the huggennoten house. We could buy an old one? -Or buy an old one and put it there.-We don’t need a swimming pool because we have the sea. An open fireplace in the house. -Do we live there together? Do we have children? (laughs) - One big wall between us? -How many rooms? Rooms have to be open, not separated. And of course a big balcony and a terasse. -A garden? -If you do the work! -You could have a gardener. -A bathtub would be good. -The style of the furniture? -A mixture of old and modern. It’s impor-tant to have a wooden floor, like a parquet. -It depends on the room, not in the kitchen, and the bathroom. -I would love to have a cabriolet house, were you can open the roof. When I was young, I dreamt of a house who was turn-ing with the sun. It’s important to have rooms for guests. -And also the service. -Yeah, that’s what why get children! They could be our servants. If the house is at the seaside, there should be a fast way to go the city. I need to go to the theater. -Do you now the poem by Kurt Tucholsky? He talks about his dream house. He is de-

cribing this beautiful house, near the sea and the trees.

-Weshould have a sauna. -And also a swimming pool! -Ok you can go to the swimming pool, I go to the sea. -Some parts should be from Gaudi. -I prefer the bauhaus style!-Really? Oh god! You are so conservative!-It has to be coloured. -Like the Matisse house in Nice? The whole house is like his paintings. In the garden we should have all kinds of fruits. And flowers. Plants! -Plants for looking good, fruits for consom-mation.


Torsk & Max

(Torsk is from Berlin, he is a social worker max is from near Kassel.)-The most important thing about future house is large space. There must must be plenty of rooms. I would prefer a house wich is not that much connected with other units. It’s nicer for everyone if people don’t disturb each other. If somebody needs a space of silence, and one needs a space for music.-I like the picture with the big room, but it also has to have a lot of light. It doesn’t need electricity, just twindows giving light. It has to be a bit higher, to have a view. -It has to be a white space, just one open room at the ground floor, just a huge floor with windows all around. It is important to have traditional way of having a house in this huge room. Different areas in this one place. -Everything is on wheels so you can change the way the space is used, to change the at-mosphere of the room. There is some walls on wheel? (Have no walls would be quite a radical statement. )-I would like to have the kitchen on a fix point, in order to have at least a bit of struc-ture. -For me the moving things are not so im-portant. -It’s good if we can communicate, thanks to the abscence of wall, but we can do dif-

ferent things at the same time in that space. What about the garden? I whant a huge gar-den.-I agree! -We should have a soccer field there. It should be shared with collectivity. It is good if people could join. In contrast to the ground floor, the first floor I would pre-fer completly different structure, a huge amount of smaller rooms, which would be all different. It should be a bit like the Hun-derwasser house, not symetrical, you could choose the room where you want to go de-pending on your emotional state. And ev-eryone living there has a private bedroom. -About the garden, it could be not more than 200m2 so i can make it myself. I want very old plants. Trees have to be very old. Some efey (lière). There must be a lot of plants and fruits. -It would be nice to have this garden togeth-er, and everybody take care of it together. -It depends of the neighbours! They have to be nice. (laughs) -This is a collectively driven garden. It is organized with specific spots, for example one with the roses, one for the fruits etc. -I can’t decide where it should be exactly, I love the mountains, but also the coast. I like these places like in spain, with mountain, sea, and city together. It should be in a place where magic happens. Now I am living in a small town. If you watch the news, you don’t feel that the things happening around really affects you. If you live in Berlin, you

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are in contact with all the political changes. In small towns, you are not really in con-tact with the trends etc. Smaller cities try to copy what’s happening in Berlin. -In Kassel I saw a postcard on which it was written: “if you are bored, go to berlin”-In Berlin, you have to be really really freaky to be a freak! It is not the same in villages. -That’s why for me it’s good to be near a big city. -But if you have all the time these stuffs around, you get use to it!-Yes but I would like just to have the pos-sibility to be part of it. It has also pratical advantages. For example the medical re-sources are clearly not the same! -I think I found a place where i could place the the house. I take Berlin, take the street where I live in, and put it on the baltic sea, somewhere you can go fast on the hills. If you still want to live in Berlin after the win-ter, you can stay in the city! You have to be in a social group. People from berlin never make any compliments. The only compli-ment they can say, is “at least you haven’t

done something wrong!”. In winter time it is very hard to stay there, people who stay there are not the same. We need a wooden oven for winter time. -I would rather like a futuristic heating sys-tem. It is important that it is a quite high standard, which, doesn’t waste that much energy. It’s important not to have such a huge impact on the environment. We could have an other open space on the rooftop, one part is closed, and the other part is like a rooftop terrasse. I’ll do not like to live alone in that house. -Yes, there has to be a big table, where a lot of people can sit and have dinner together. -There should be a good balance between private and public space.-I need a garage, maybe outside? Like a wooden workshop? If I want to do some-thing I could go there… Like a creative space outside of this room. There has to be lot of tools. If i have to fix something, it is possible to fix it in the garage. Whatever it is. And this one has also to be opened for other people. -It should be part of the community garden.


Two brothers

We are both into music, we have a lot of parallels in our approach. Sometimes it is totally different, but we could eventually do some successfull projects. - It always grows a bit, it is hard to have to think about money. -I am always thinking about women. I like woman so much.-I want more women-Maybe less women.-So give me some women! - It is about quality of women-We want more quality. (What is the quality?)-She has to support what you like. They have to understand your kind of thinking. - They should not have wrong expectations. Maybe it is better for me if they would not have any expectation. It would prevent a lot of emotional problems. -What about the music together? We should continue to do some music together. We want to continue making projects for con-ceptuals art events. We need a name, in order these events to invite us. These or-ganisational things are important too. We forget it because we have fun doing it. We want more healthy food. I am intrested by therapy, frequency of concious state. This is important for my work and my personal

developpement. I want to get a higher state of conciousness to make theses artworks. I am intrested in therapy made to enhance attention, it goes through sounds. I want to make some installation with this concept of stimulation which make your brain work. I like this therapy aspect into art. Art for me is a therapy. I am producing music, and I study sounds. -We have wishes for the family. My father have some depression, and I would like him to get happier. The whole family is into this problem. -In our situation, we are fine at all. I do not have too big expectations, I do not have this dream of becoming a big star. It is more at a smaller dimension. My dream is to go on, and not to have too much problems. - Our topic is to have some interests, mean-ing that are normal for us, but not normal for the society. I like when i feel that i am on the same frequency with someone. There is a difference between what you want to do and what you do, but my dream is to be more one with the things you are doing. It is living the present. -I wish I had power to go to see some plac-es that I haven’t seen yet. I would like to go somewhere for some time, have some per-spective from different cultures. It is alway confortable to stay, so I have to get out of this confortability.

Dream Dwelling


Comfortable tree house

I just moved from a big flat, with a shop room, and now I will live alone in a small appartement. Funny for me to think about a dream home! Me dream home is a kind of confortable tree house, to be able to see the leaves and the sky. Changing color depend-ing on the season, to ear birds. Now I found a small flat on the third floor, and i kind of look on the tree top, so i’m happy with it, this is a kind of tree house. I want it to be not dark, but protecting, no rain inside. Maybe I need some kind of magic. The every day things should be done by magic so I don’t need a lot of space. Maybe I do not want to live there all the time but get there when I need it. It is when i want to keep the world outside, and I need quiet and recreation, find ideas, inspiration, day dreaming, play guitar. Nothing functional,

no duties. I will rarely invite people, only very special people, and not often. Only for special occasions, not for everyday. The magic works with wishful thinking, in a concentrated way. If i need something to eat, the sun to shine, I just have to concen-trate on that things and it will happen. No dragging, no carrying things, no everyday decision, no telephone, no nothing. No electricity, magic will do this. No need to clean up of course. I will take cousins, pillows, blankets, ma-terials to draw and to paint, a guitar, mu-sic. I will bring flowers, they will appear by magic. I could plant it in a guitar! It could go from the hole and move on the frets. The guitar should be able to be transformed by the plant, or the weather. It would last lon-ger in a room.



It is going to be a very very big house. Maybe many houses. I would like to have a house where I could invite a lot of people, people I know, people don’t know. They could be artists or not, stay as long as they want to. But i’m still the master, when I want them to go I can tell them. They don’t come here to live permanently. A part would be public, and an other part would be private, for me and close friends and family. Some time we should be eating to-gether. It’s good if people would contribute to the place. I don’t want to be too far, in a town somewhere. It shouldn’t be a society of its own, it should be a part of society. I’d like to have flat also in New York, Bali. These are the same structures of houses, but smaller. I would like to buy a beautiful old house. I would re-build it in a dialog with differ-ent architects. But the base is an old house. It should be more than just a nice place to live, it should devellop, be like an organ-ic space. The house has no ending point. It’s my house, I am the captain, but I don’t know where it shall go. It should change every-day. I am a painter. I start something with an idea, but it rarely becomes the thing I thought about initially, it is always chang-ing.

It would be nice if people who live there would have some good ideas, about what to change. It starts with art, but then we could discuss about how to change the whole so-ciety. It’s about art, true art and meeting. It would be important for me if I could cre-ate some meeting between people. A lot of people from different professions should come. It would be all right just to come and have a good time. But this meeting thing should have a structure so I would hire peo-ple to do that. We should create some new ideas about society, environnement. I am a politicaly engaged artist. It could be nice, also, to have a gallery. We have this parallel society in copenhagen called Chrisitiania. (former name for Oslo) A lot of people want to close it, but now it is a big touristic site. They come in big bus-es. Now they are allowed to stayed, they buyed the place. They are selling openly haschich there, and police don’t like that, but still it’s working. I had christmas there. There is some christmas eve for homeless people, even for not homeless. It was an old place for soldiers. But they left, and it was empty. So people went in there. There are also some restaurants there, some music, concerts.

Dream Dwelling


A girl from Japan

There is a pond. Lots of green Not so many people are my neibours. Some of them are making a queue. On the top, there is a quite tall building. They are lots of windows. One of them has a ladder toward the ground and also to the crowd. Crows. On the crowd. Under the sun there is a cloud. Many trees. Quite tall trees with kind af toughy leaves. They have long branches, on which many songbirds are assembled. There is a big ball floating in the air. Some birds are sometime sleepling in that ball. Water comes out of the ball, poured into the pond. __

Inside the building, I want lots of small rooms, each of them has a different char-acter. There is a fireplace. Some of the rooms have fireplaces. Fruits comes out of the fireplace. They are very noisy fridges which I put quite close to my room. There is a huge chandelier, bigger than all the ex-isting chandelier. It is one lighting, but it is enough to light all the house. In between these rooms, in the walls even, there are many tiny tea rooms. It’s only enough for me to squize in. Ceilings and walls are cov-ered with my favourite teacups and plates, so no one can see, it is only for me. My family could live in the house, but will not enter this particular space.


Sarah, Hannah and Hunter from California

- Woodenhouse, just one floor, a green gar-den around it. Some trees. Flowers, fence around it, in wood.Tree stairs to the floor. The inside is just one room. It’s warm, there’s a fire. I have couches.-Why do we need a fence? -It’s the three of us living there?-No I’d like to live alone. ___

-My house is made completely out of glass, there is one big open space. Big rooms, big windows in every rooms. All glass excepted the thing dividing the rooms. You can see the animals from the outside. Wild horses, dogs. Huge garden, you cannot see the end of it. It contains diverse weather situations. You can climb the mountains, you can go to the lake, you have some dry areas, with some insects. You can see animals living,

it’s like a documentary, you can see all the natural mouvement around the house. Some time, animals are curious and looks into the house.

Mine is quite similar to yours Hannah, you can access different sort of nature, but it is instantly accessible. You could also switch to a city. It is like the ability to travel and still be at home. It could be like a victorian structure, but with castle and modern el-ements. Some spaces are inspired by Kurt Schwitters, David Ian. It’s easy to have friends, lots of people could stay. There is a cave with wine, some history. You could be anywhere, future, past, present, and feel well at any time. You just have to think about medieval time for instance, and you could be there. You could see the aurora borealis. We could also have celebrations. And music! One space is a music instru-ment that plays itself.

Dream Dwelling


A couple

So we co-create this house. How do we start? We look for the place then. No limits? It can be in the sky? -No I need a garden, I need earth. -Ok it has to be grounded. Part of the house can be under the earth. We could have some cave, with a real connection to the earth. With water. We could drive under the house with some ships. Droping stones with sounds, stalactits with lights. In the water you can see the sound. We have a love boat don’t we? -Do you want a little church? - Maybe not. - How does this love boat looks like? It has to be soft. -There is a room undet the earth, with veg-etable and fruits, concerved, drinks. -We would like to have a storage room with self made things. And we have a but-ton which opens light on a huge strawberry storage. We have a volcano room which would be our sauna place. The volcano heats the sauna room with benches. Some-thing to cool also, next to the sauna, we have a little pond with crystal clear water. We have some crystal into the pond. We have a red fish in this pond. -Now we can go up.

-We need stone carved stairs! Were are we, in which country? In Ger-many? I would like to have a combination of sea, green nature, and close to a town. I would like an helicopter, and a car which is also a plane. Fourteen people for a solar car-plane. -So the garden is huge, with a lot of wild flowers. -And a football place. -A lot of different flowers, yellow, orange. -We need a big swing. -We need a big tree house, a tree city. Each family has a tree house, only tree with leaves, no needles, we want to walk there by foot. Meeting tree house. Staircase in the tree coming from the cave to the canopy. -You need your artist studio. You need a big, a very big artist studio. -I need an elevator for the material. I need workers too. -We have paid workers. Well paid workers. -My studio has to be amorph, like a cloud hanging in the tree. It is a glass cloud with a lot of light. So your music place? -I would like a hoven of earth in the gar-den, were I could cook and bake, were you can burn also ceramics. We need a fireplace in the garden, nearby the hoven. They are beds hanging in the tree. You can swing when you sleep.


us every days. They wear these rotten black suits. We need a tango orchestra. We need soft sensitive lightening for the dancing plattform. In our garden, there has to be a half grounded colosseo, a theater place. -We also need a spa-healing space. And a meditation place. In the garden. Is it a big tent? On the floor there is some carpets and sheep whool, very soften light. We want to have a wind like a breathing in this area. This is a warm wind. And music of a sithar player. And there is a very important monu-ment which .heals us.

- Something to drink also? I would like a tree in which you can put a straw in it and drink something. We should cut a part of nature, like a huge brick of nature. The navy seals comes with the helicopters, and they bring this into our house. We need a small river across our garden, it is cleaning itself. I want to leave documenta and live in this house! - In a house there is a wooden landscape floor with small hills. There is a fireplace there. There is a cooking hoven. The living room is a landscape. There is a piano on one of these little mount. We need an organ. Why don’t we have thousands of instru-ments in the ceilling? -No it’s to heavy. -Where do I want to sleep? Big question. -On the top of the house? -We are sleeping under the sky, but the roof can close when it starts to rain. No mos-quitos allowed. No ants definitely. But we will have butterflys! Millions of butterflys! When we are in the bed they are flying around us. They are not allowed to be too big. They have to be small. On a big branch of the tree, there is a bubble plattform with a pool were we could relax. We have a dancing plattform on a tree. And there is a old hungarian orchestra playing music for

Dream Dwelling


Michaela & Silvia

(Michaela and silvia doesnt now each other, but during the diagnostic, i heard that michaela had a daughter in australia, and silvia lives in new zeeland. They both talked about theur )- I would imagine much light, a free space. To feel confortable in it, something like a nest, cosy. - Everyone has an individual imagination about home. We connect with different things, we have different lives. For you it feels different if your daughter is on the other part of the world. Do you feel the distance right now? - She is coming back soon. She was away for a year, but it is not that much impor-tant for my feeling about home. It is sad that she is away, but it is good for my and her experience. (and how is home now?) It feels more harmonic, she is fighting all the time with us! But sometimes it feels a bit empty, like something is missing. But i have to deal with the idea that something will miss in the future. It is the same with my husband, to be sometime close, some-time near, it might be a good thing. - It’s good If you let her live her life, she has to be independent. -It’s hard if for a long time you don’t hear enough for her, i don’t want to feel inse-cure about her.

- My idea is to give my children a life in a way, to go their way independently. They have to make their own experience. I will be always there when they need me. I always tell people who don’t think like this they are wrong! My mother was like that. I want to give my children the op-portunity to choose themself. The more yu try to control, the more they try to break through. I am from germany, and i was living 4 years in holland to study before new zeeland. I never really try to define home. In NZ the population is really low, in the south part there is nothing. I have to plan a half a year before i want to see my friends and my familly. When i was preg-nant it was a bit problematic, i could’nt see my mom instantly. I became homesick. These are moments where i feel “saudade” as they say in bresil, it is like longing for home. It is when you are away that you can realize where are your roots. There is a process, you first have to hate your home before loving it. - If you don’t go away, you cannot come back home! -It’s about learning. It was the most impor-tant thing to go away. My children are bil-lingual. A friend ask, what is the country they identify themself? I had a moment of reflection, but it was evident: it is germa-ny, because, it is what we speak at home. Home is a painful process, when you start


to miss people and things. It doesn’t matter where you are, it is where you try to feel confortable, to feel at home. With my husband i feel at home. When i am stettled, it doesn’t matter where i will be. It is about having a base-About the work i do at home, it is impor-tant, gardenning. -For my brother home is the computer! He is 30 and still living with my parents. But i’m fine with that, if he is happy this way. (i tell the story of railway and home)- I feel home with landscape of soft moun-tains, it is the region i grew up in. Also with the kind of plants i am with. And the season! -The season thing is important, the season process is not very strong in Wellington, not as much as it is in germany. There was exeptionally snow this winter in wel-lington, this reminded me of home. My daughter had never seen snow! Christmas in New Zeeland is in summer, so we are doing barbecue on the beach. When my children came to germany for christmas, they say that didn’t feel like christmas! TO come back with music, when i first traveld to south america, we found a certain connection through these span-ish speaking countries, i could see a kind of passion and culture i could kind of feel connected to it. There is this kind of friendlyness there. And also the music, i

love latin music, i feel so connected to it. When i went back to bresil, doing all these concert and workshop, i felt even more connected, they are so opened with shar-ing! At this moment, i felt so much home in my heart! I had to cry for hours… It was so easy to learn the language! I met a famous musician there, worked with him, and he said: “You are half bresilian.” Some people ask me if i come from south america, they said that i have these people aura. They are proud! There is something about them that we lost in europe. Maybe it is about this dictatorial past, the orppres-sion, they had to express themself through music. There is so much more poetry there! They are not efraid with emotions. Me neither actually

Dream Dwelling


