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    Erythema MultiformeMICHELE R. LAMOREUX, M.D., MARNA R. STERNBACH, M.D.,

    and W. TERESA HSU, M.D., PH.D., DrexelUniversity College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Erythema multiforme is an acute,self-limited, and sometimes recur-ring skin condition consideredto be a hypersensitivity reaction

    associated with certain infections and med-ications (Table 11,2).2,3 Previously, the con-dition was thought to be part of a clinicalspectrum of disease that included erythemaminor, erythema major (often equated withStevens-Johnson syndrome [SJS]), and toxicepidermal necrolysis (TEN), with erythema

    minor being the most mild and TEN themost severe.4 An often-cited study from1993 proposed a useful clinical classificationof erythema multiforme, SJS, and TEN basedon the pattern of individual skin lesions andthe estimation of body surface area withdetachment of the epidermis (i.e., blisters,denuded areas, or erosions) at the worststage of the disease (Table 21,2,5,6).5 AlthoughSJS and TEN may represent the same pro-cess with differing severity,6 erythema multi-forme, with its minimal mucous membraneinvolvement and less than 10 percent epider-mal detachment, now is accepted as a distinctcondition. The remainder of this article willfocus on erythema multiforme.

    Etiology and Pathophysiology

    Erythema multiforme usually occurs in adults20 to 40 years of age,6 although it can occur

    in patients of all ages.1

    Herpes simplex virus(HSV) is the most commonly identified etiol-ogy of this hypersensitivity reaction, account-ing for more than 50 percent of cases.1,3,7-10

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae is another com-monly reported etiology, especially in children,as is fungal infection.1,11,12 The medicationsmost often associated with erythema multi-forme are barbiturates, hydantoins, nonste-roidal anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillins,phenothiazines, and sulfonamides.2

    In addition, there have been reports of ery-

    thema multiforme associated with vaccines

    Erythema multiforme is a skin condition considered to be a hypersensitivity reaction toinfections or drugs. It consists of a polymorphous eruption of macules, papules, andcharacteristic target lesions that are symmetrically distributed with a propensity for thedistal extremities. There is minimal mucosal involvement. Management involves treatingthe existing infectious agent or discontinuing the causal drug. Mild cases resolve with-out sequelae and do not require treatment. Recurrent cases have been prevented withcontinuous acyclovir. Patients who have no response to acyclovir may have a response to

    valacyclovir or famciclovir, which have greater oral bioavailability and more convenientdosing. Patients with recurrent erythema multiforme despite suppressive antiviral therapyshould be referred to a dermatologist for further treatment. (Am Fam Physician 2006;74:1883-8. Copyright 2006 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

    table 1

    Causes of Erythema Multiforme


    Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae

    Fungal infections



    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs




    *In order of frequency.

    Adapted with permission from Ayangco L, Rogers RS

    III. Oral manifestations of erythema multiforme. Der-

    matol Clin 2003;21:196, with additional information

    from reference 2.

    Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at Copyright 2006 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial

    use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact for copyright questions and/or permission requests.

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    1884 American Family Physician Volume 74, Number 11 December 1, 2006

    (diphtheria-tetanus,13 hepatitis B,14 small-

    pox15), other viruses (varicella zoster virus,16hepatitis C,17 cytomagalovirus,18,19 and humanimmunodeficiency virus20), and some newermedications (candesartan cilexetil [Ata-cand],21 rofecoxib [Vioxx; withdrawn fromthe U.S. market],22 metformin [Glucophage],23adalimumab [Humira],24 bupropion [Well-butrin],25 and ciprofloxacin [Cipro]26).

    Recurrent erythema multiforme oftenis secondary to HSV-1 and -2 reactiva-tion, although the HSV may be clinicallysilent.10 In a study involving 63 patientswith erythema multiforme, HSV DNA wasdetected (by polymerase chain reaction in

    skin biopsy specimens) in 60 percent of

    patients with clinically diagnosed recur-rent herpes-associated erythema multi-forme and in 50 percent of patients withrecurrent idiopathic erythema multiforme(defined as erythema multiforme with noclinical history of HSV infection or drugingestion).19 In another study, research-ers determined the genotype of HSV incutaneous lesions of patients with herpes-associated erythema multiforme; 66.7 per-cent of cases were attributed to HSV-1,27.8 percent to HSV-2, and 5.6 percent toHSV-1 and -2 coinfection.27 These resultsreflect the seroprevalence of HSV-1 and -2 in


    Clinical recommendation


    rating References

    Oral acyclovir (Zovirax) should be given early in herpes-associated

    outbreaks of erythema multiforme to lessen the number and

    duration of lesions.

    B 29

    Continuous acyclovir is recommended to prevent recurrent herpes-

    associated erythema multiforme.

    A 29, 34, 35

    A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evi-

    dence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information

    about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1821 or

    table 2

    Differential Features of Erythema Multiforme, SJS, and TEN

    Condition Pattern of skin lesions

    Body surface area

    with epidermal

    detachment (%)



    Typical targets, raised atypical targets, minimal

    mucous membrane involvement

    Less than 10

    SJS No typical targets, flat atypical targets, confluent

    purpuric macules on the face and trunk, severe

    mucosal erosions at one or more mucosal sites

    Less than 10


    SJS and TEN

    No typical targets, flat atypical targets 10 to 30

    TEN No typical targets, flat atypical targets; begins

    with severe mucosal erosions and progresses to

    diffuse, generalized detachment of the epidermis

    Greater than 30

    SJS = Stevens-Johnson syndrome; TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis.

    Adapted with permission from Ayangco L, Rogers RS III. Oral manifestations of erythema multiforme. Dermatol Clin

    2003;21:198, with additional information from references 2, 5, and 6.

    Erythema Multiforme

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    December 1, 2006 Volume 74, Number 11 American Family Physician 1885

    Erythema Multiforme

    the United States.28 However, most patientswith HSV infection do not develop ery-thema multiforme. In addition, patients with

    herpes-associated erythema multiformemay have clinically apparent HSV reactiva-tion without an episode of erythema mul-tiforme or erythema multiforme withoutclinically apparent HSV infection.10,29

    The pathogenesis of herpes-associatederythema multiforme has been well studiedand is consistent with a delayed-type hyper-sensitivity reaction.3,30 The disease beginswith the transport of viral DNA fragmentsto distant skin sites by peripheral bloodmononuclear cells. HSV genes within DNA

    fragments are expressed on keratinocytes,leading to the recruitment of HSV-specificCD4+ TH1 cells (helper T cells involved incell-mediated immunity). The CD4+ cellsrespond to viral antigens with productionof interferon-, initiating an inflammatorycascade.3 Drug-associated erythema multi-forme lesions test positive for tumor necrosisfactor and not interferon- as in herpes-associated erythema multiforme lesions,suggesting a varying mechanism.30

    Clinical Presentation

    Erythema multiforme is a self-limited erup-tion that usually has mild or no prodromalsymptoms.31 Patients may experience itch-ing and burning at the site of the erup-tion.6 The individual lesions begin acutelyas numerous sharply demarcated red orpink macules that then become papular(Figure 1).8,31 The papules may enlarge grad-ually into plaques several centimeters indiameter. The central portion of the papules

    or plaques gradually becomes darker red,brown, dusky, or purpuric. Crusting or blis-tering sometimes occurs in the center of thelesions. The characteristic target or irislesion (Figures 2 through 4) has a regularround shape and three concentric zones: acentral dusky or darker red area, a paler pinkor edematous zone, and a peripheral red ring.Some target lesions have only two zones, thedusky or darker red center and a pink orlighter red border.1,31 Target lesions may notbe apparent until several days after the onset,

    when lesions of various clinical morphology

    Figures 2 through 4. exmps of h chrc-risic rg or iris sions of ryhm


    Figure 1. th individu sions of ryhmmuiform gin cuy s numrous shrpydmrcd rd or pink mcus h hncom ppur.

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    1886 American Family Physician Volume 74, Number 11 December 1, 2006

    Erythema Multiforme

    usually are present, hence the name erythemamultiforme.10

    The skin lesions of erythema multiforme

    usually appear symmetrically on the distalextremities and progress proxi-mally.2 Lesions on the dorsalsurfaces of the hands and exten-sor aspects of the extremitiesare most characteristic.8 Palmsand soles also may be involved.6Mucosal lesions may occur butusually are limited to the oralcavity.1 Erythema multiforme

    resolves spontaneously in three to five weekswithout sequelae, but it may recur.3 Patients

    in whom it recurs may have multiple episodesper year. In a study involving 65 patients withrecurrent erythema multiforme, the meannumber of attacks per year was six, with arange of two to 24; the mean duration of thedisease was 9.5 years.29


    Erythema multiforme is diagnosed clinically.In patients who have target lesions with apreceding or coexisting HSV infection, thediagnosis can be made easily.31 Skin biopsyis not necessary when the clinical picture isclear because biopsy findings are not specificfor erythema multiforme. In unclear cases,such as an atypical presentation or recurrenterythema multiforme without documentedHSV infection, biopsy may help rule outother diagnoses. Laboratory tests (e.g., HSV-1and -2, immunoglobulin M and G) may con-firm a suspected history of HSV infection,but they are not required.

    Skin biopsy results vary depending on the

    clinical morphology and the duration of thelesions existence as well as the area of thelesion from which the specimen is obtained(i.e., the center portion or the outer zone).31The early stage of the red macules and papulesshows a perivascular mononuclear cell infil-trate.3 Biopsy of the edematous zone of thetarget lesion may show pronounced dermaledema histologically; necrotic keratinocytesor epidermal changes usually occur in thecentral portion of the target lesion.31,32

    The differential diagnosis (Table 330,32)

    of early erythema multiforme includes

    drug eruption, polymorphic light erup-tion, urticaria, urticarial vasculitis, viralexanthems, and other hypersensitivity


    Because erythema multiformeoften resembles urticaria at the onset ofthe eruption, it is important to distinguishthe clinical features. The individual lesionsof erythema multiforme in typical casesare present and fixed for at least one week,and some evolve into target lesions.33 Incontrast, the individual lesions of urti-caria exist at the same site for less than24 hours,8 and the centers of the lesionsappear normal or as red as the borders.6Target lesions with dusky or purpu-

    ric centers may resemble pityriasis rosea,lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, or figu-rate erythema.32 When bullous lesionsare present, erythema multiforme mustbe distinguished from the autoimmunebullous diseases.31


    Management of erythema multiforme involvesdetermining the etiology when possible. Thefirst step is to treat the suspected infectiousdisease or to discontinue the causal drug.

    Mild cases of erythema multiforme donot require treatment.6 Oral antihistamines

    Erythema multiforme

    resolves spontaneously in

    three to five weeks with-

    out sequelae, but it may


    table 3

    Differential Diagnosisof Erythema Multiforme

    Autoimmune bullous diseases

    Drug eruption

    Figurate erythema

    Lupus erythematosusPityriasis rosea

    Polymorphic light eruption

    Stevens-Johnson syndrome

    Toxic epidermal necrolysis


    Urticarial vasculitis


    Viral exanthems

    Other hypersensitivity reactions

    Information from references 30 and 32.

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    1888 American Family Physician Volume 74, Number 11 December 1, 2006

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