Global Top Slides


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Blue Water Partners Global


Delivered securely online to anywhere in the world. Rich media such as streaming news simulations for all to see. All participants respond in a central and controlled environment. An unlimited amount of people can observe an exercise. It eliminates travel expense and operational interruptions. Regulators and observers can get a quick overview of exercise progress. An AAR is available upon completion of exercise. Scenarios can run over long periods of time, days or even weeks. The power of video conferencing still allows for the face to face

communication via inexpensive web cameras. It’s an education and evaluation tool that prepares organizations for

incidents of any magnitude.

A Virtual Table Top Exercise Tool


Affords an organization the ability to conduct an exercise any time, from any location, and involve any number of participants

From an EOC as a team.

From a hotel room as an individual.

From your laptop while on the road or from anywhere your connected.


Enables participation or observation by local, regional and global partners and community

One facility or location.

Multiple facilities or locations in the same city or region.

Global locations.


GlobalTop - Overview

Secure multi level web browser log in.

Simple menu structure and common web look and feel.

In the centre an information area provides everyone with exercise specifics.

The right side of the screen displays a number of boxes that provide a quick overview of the exercise.


Current Scenario, Injects and Responding

A scenario is launched and teams collaborate.

Scenario responses are placed into a response form.

Moves/Injects are introduced in video, audio or text.

Additional responses are placed in.


Responses and Results

• Team or individual responses are posted via an easy to use form.

• Responses can be seen by all or by authorized groups or users.


Recordkeeping and AAR

Images sent from phones or cameras.

Videos sent from phones or cameras such as the $150 Flip camera.

VOIP audio.

All posted text.

Acts as an audit trail. All this can be

collated at the end in a PDF format and shared as the AAR.


Situational Awareness

A situational awareness area provides everyone with current data and a common operating picture.

An exercise progress bar and exercise timers provide a quick overview.

Current scenario information.



• Video conferencing allows the face to face interaction for multiple instances of up to six different locations or individuals plus an additional six locations via phone.

• Live IM chat allows participants to text backwards and forwards. (Feature to be added shortly)

• VOIP calls to and from a

simulation cell can be recorded for injects and exercise reporting and shared through GlobalTop.

GlobalTop – Additional Features and Options

Simulated video news that can be pre-filmed or launched during an exercise.

GIS mapping and full

Google Earth functionality to each group or user.

Administrator and Editors

Scenario editors

can change the exercise website without logging into the back end of the system.

Easy to use editor for changing scenarios and injects prior to or during the exercise.

GlobalTop - Technology Overview


SaaS (Software as a Service) fully hosted in the cloud. It can expand or contract to meet demand non-disruptively. Highly modular and customizable. Multi level access control. Can run under SSL (https) up to 256 bit encryption.


Rob Burton

Director of Risk Management

212-812-4466 x714

